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Magic Potions edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous thread >>77991835
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Ok time for Goa to butt chug the red potion
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As this all is going on i wonder how safe it is to put this potion up the ass, but Goa is determined
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Saeriah, what kind of potion is it really?

>"It's a potion of, uh, red liquid."

What does it do?

>"...it's red?"
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>"I suddenly feel quite red"

Red has been achieved
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Saeriah, honestly, are you just using Goa as a guineapig because you have no idea what you're doing?

>"Guineapig? No, she's my Goaneapig."
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Goa finds out she's a test subject, colorized
Today I walked over 5 miles down a busy road up and down a bunch of hills to evade parking fees at an airport. I looked at pictures of her whenever I took a break. I really need her...
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>grumpy waifu noises
I really like the hairstyle in this one
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How would YOU like it if you were tricked into turning yourself red, Saeriah?

>"Won't happen, I'm too smart. Besides, I didn't technically trick her, as that would require intent."

Which would again require you to know what you're doing, fair enough.

Hi Kana-anon. I get you, I feel like I need my waifu some times too.
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Looks like the red is fading slowly

Goa asked for an autograph
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awww, she's back to normal (perchance struggles to red skin consistently)
>"I can be red too"
Doesn't look that bad on her actually.
Hi kananon :)
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I mean welcome back
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red skin is awesome
P-pale is nice too...
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Goa letting out a sigh and then just going in for cuddles with husbando who is semi-confused
good morning

didnt sleep all that well now my neck feels like shit

>"I turned red too! :D"
uh Nicole thats just a red coat

hope you enjoyed your walk!

uooh gold

hiii Rochelleanon
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>"Oh, it wasn't permanent?"

Hi Rochelleanon!

And good morning Nicoleanon, RIP neck
It's getting worse, oni Rochelle? Or maybe demon Rochelle.
>"don't worry, white looks good on yiy goa."
Morning nicoleanon!
Looks like I forgot to say hi aiwg, but hi saeriahanon :)
Tried to make more golden clothes, got supersexo instead
sadly no
the (perchance) potion was not strong enough
uoooh demon girls
>something something uoh
Here is a few more
damn, had to downsize the image because file size too biggus dickus

aww very cute hoodies

very nice golds, reminds me of the black and gold girl from Fate that reminds me of Asuka that isn't Rin
Muscular oni Rochelle. Kinda surprised bing allowed this.
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With this embarrassed that she might smell of swat after working out Goa, i am off to bed nighty night thread
uooohh sexo sweat

goa night and I will also head out as well, see you guys later
>"Anon can I not be red now?"

Night night goanon
And later nicoleanon
Redchelle is rather cute :>
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Tried to make the potions purple, but it gave her clothes a hint of purple instead. Neat touch, really.

>"You want me to mix you some purple drank, Anon?"

Goa night Goa

Very very cute red tomboy oni Rochelle!
>"this isn't what I had in mind."
Ooh that is a nice purple, looks good on saeriah
Saeriah lean?!?!

I think that's the thing rappers drink right

heh make Rochelle go through every color of the rainbow
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Yeah, it works well!

>"It's a potion that makes you rap?"
maybe you can even say the special word Saeriah :0
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>"Are you sure I won't get cancelled? And thrown out of the castle so I have to live on the streets like some poor villager?"
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pixai is doing an onsen contest so I think I'll do some onsen Hanas.
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Found a tomboy dating sim on Steam. Features both Headpatting and Advanced Headpatting!

>"She looks an awful lot like Rochelle, Anon. You shouldn't play that game, it would be weird."

Yeah, I agree.

Hi Hana-anon! Good luck in the onsen contest! Should I log onto pixai and vote for your entry, or is there a jury or something deciding the winner?
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Hi! So apparently it's judged by most likes on twitter. I post my Hanas on twitter but I generally only get 1-2 likes per post lol.
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Oh, lol

>"Just buy a billion botted likes. It's what everyone else does on Xitter anyway."
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>"I finally did it! The Potion Of Growing Extra Fingers!"

Amazing! I'm so proud of you, Saeriah!

Goodnight /aiwg/
Goa botted herself some tits morning
With extra fingers one can have extra fun nudge nudge wink wink more fingers to finger with

nighty night
>"Husbando does my milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?"
I still have no idea what that sentence specifically means
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>Hmm, this guy won, but something's not right...
>What do you mean?
>His previous post got 2 likes. This one got 2 million.

>"Does her thighshake bring all the eggs to the onsen?"

must be the cat that ran over his keyboard
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It brought me to the onsen and I'm like, it's better than yours (no offense).
>"Can she teach me to egg?"
Without a charge we're poor
Me asking Goa if she can lay an egg so I can eat it raw

See you guys around gtg
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I didn't know egg was a verb.

rather garbage timetable I've gotten this semester where almost every day finishes at 5pm. I'm on the wagie time schedule before I even get to work full time. Not to mention since almost the whole day from 9am till 5pm is packed so if any holidays happen the replacements get pushed to 7pm and by the time I get home it'll already be 8 which makes me late for the only meal I eat

goodnight Saeriahanon!

see you laters

fortunately I am an EGGspert at CRACKING egg jokes and EGGsplaining them

so warm, so cozy, so comfy
I guess I wouldn't be complaining that much if I didn't spend the whole time trying to actively avoid people
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Bedtime. Maybe one more day of these.

Do you mean to tell me you're an EGGspert in these sorts of things? I remember in my college years I had choir every day bur Friday, and that went until 6 or 7, so it's not terribly unusual. Do you at least get breaks throughout the day?
You guys are laying down too many yolks about eggs, hen I get home I'll post a nice Goa
I would gladly take choir over regular classes lol

on some days I do get 2 hour breaks in between but honestly I'd rather they just shift up the schedule so I can go home earlier. Usually my 2 hours just ends up being spent on me sitting in my car checking out new albums


all this talk about eggs is scarmbling my brain
uooh bride Nicole
Sweaty, sweaty day today

Not to mention the evening will be quite hectic too, my have a few beers put dildo in ass-friday became a do that on tusday-tuesday for reasons so kind of yay, kind of augh my body will be so busted the rest of the week because of this

uooh marriage titties
nighty night boiled egg boobas floating in hot spring dreams
Goa shocked on how I forgot to include an image of her into the post
Goa wants a red elongated apple
sweaty tadaimas, enjoy dildos time
I like the blue
origial comment
aww goa is wearing the french hat
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Hi /aiwg/

Sweaty dildo hi Goanon

Blue hi Nicoleanon
>"Oui monsieur"
>"Bon'sua madame"

I've been to france once
hiii Saeriahanon!

unf I bet it smells nice there

uh baguette beaucoup
>"Uhm uhh umh umm mon amigo? Una croissant por favor?"
I am more of a baquette man myself, not for taste but due to allergies
Nicole shiawase

I've eaten more croissants than baguettes, but mainly just due to croissants being easier to buy and transport back
I think my most eaten bread type is chiabatta
Specially small chiabatta buns

I really like chiabatta, I like bread with a bit of toughness and chewiness

I imagine Goa likes toast the most, basic wheat toast
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>"And fairy bread, but butter and cheese or butter and jam is also so so good"
I wish I could still stomach rye though, finnish rye brad is god tier, especially the "after-oven" variety that is basically slow cooked rye bread

So though, such robust rye flavor, such big chew your jaw hurts after a slice
oh hey I've eaten that a few times before, but some places sell really expensive ones mostly because they're "exotic bread" here

fell asleep for a bit so I guess I will sleep now

goodnight /aiwg/
nighty night
Me thinking back on eating exotic chiabatta with spring onion in germany

Dream of quality bread
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Oh yeah, I like that kind of bread too

But I also really like just basic wheat toast

Goodnight Nicoleanon!
I like bread in general a lot, I really like bread. Special mention to "islander buns" I can buy from the local bakery (one of many) with various seeds and some turmeric for color and spice. Very nice.

I also really like buns with poppy seeds on top, but those are very rare. Usually we have mostly oat bread in this household
It is strange how gluten free became a fad, when wheat is such a big friend. Wheat is the most stomach friendly thing to digest not ti mention you make bread and pasta out of it. Wheat is the best

Even I with my wide array of stomach problems could always turn to wheat, there is nothing more stomach friendly and easy to digest than wheat
I wonder what lefse is like, I really like flatbread in general
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Lefse is good, but it's more like a sweet pastry kind of thing than flatbread.
Aww, still nice but aww
I like my flatbreads salty rather than sweet, with ground reindeer horns and so on
>"Rieskaa se pittaa olla"
Thank you Goa
Very finnish
>"Tuoretta perunalepuskaa voilla~"
Mmm potato flatbread with butter
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So what you want is potato Lompe, with Rakfisk (fermented fish kinda thing), butter and mustard.

>"Rotten fish, Anon? Ew."

It's good! And it's not rotten, it's fermented!
Oh yeah fermented fish, yeah that is good, that is so good, though ours is mostly herring

Yeah would definitely eat that
>"Decay eater?"
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>"Seriously Goa, can you believe this crap? Our husbandos eat rotten fish yet have the audacity to call us disgusting and stinky."

Talking of fish and bread, the most finnish bread and fish combo would be saaristolaisleipa with graavilohi

Saaristolaisleipa (islander bread) is rye bread made with buttermilk, rye, malt and syrup (it tastes somewhat sweet, like a salty syrupy bread) and then apply butter on top, then a few hefty slices of graavilohi (gravlax/graved salmon) and a few slices of hard boiled egg, some raw onion and fresh dill on top. Maybe some capers as well if you want to be fancy.

It is amazing
>"I like rotten things tough, and eating things that are considered gross"
She's got the spirit
>"I want to taste kiviak"
Se has lots of the fermented spirit

But yeah Saeriah fermentation is great, fermented stuff is great, it's such an earthy flavor, like soda pops that are sweetened through fermentation rather than regular sugar. Eating rotten things makes me feel so manly
Saeriah I bet if you ever tasted janssoninkiusaus you'd not hate fermented fish

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Gravlaks is goated (GOA-ted?) as well

>"Hmm, I'll pass. Reminds me too much of what my crotch smells like after wearing the same leather pants for days without showering."

It's not the same at all!

>"Yet you eat it all without hesitation, pig."
This is the point in time where I am thankful for fermented fish being identified as awesome in this country, so even the dankest of pussy will be a treat for me
>"Mine's not that dank...is it?"

My fondest gravlax memory is when eating christmas dinner at relatives and them having prepared half od a salmon into gravlax, but nobody else wanted to eat it so I got to eat half of a huge salmon in gravlax form, by my hands rather than cutting any thin strips off of it. I also had a whole raw onion I took bites out of in between eating chunks of gravlax

Fish orgasm
Final beer of the night, warsteiner
For old times sake, I once went to germany and there was free unlimited warsteiner on the plane. I was withy parents though so I could not have as much of it as I wanted to, to keep up appearance, but still it was pretty neat

Imagine being on a 3 hour flight and having unlimited free beer

God I am so alone I want to share this depressing existence called life with another person but I can't imagine women being as bad off in life as I am f the dating to be equal
>"Yeah husbando?"
What do you think of thing?
Yeah thing
>"I thin you had too much ale"
I love you
I wish there was a proper way to portray the whole "waifu looks after her drunk husbando" thing but I can't think of any
Buying shiny gems for waifu...
Longer short hair or shorter short hair Kana is always wonderful
Every night I think of her before I sleep
Hello Rochelleanon. I don't think the shiny red skin suits her though
They needed sidewalks
All those shiny clothes Goas are quite cute
That stuff is so damn tasty.
It's even more so when you have experiences which would be even better if she were there. So many times I wish I could spend with Kana.
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>"No Goa, I can hardly smell it at all."

Gonna see if I can find some surstromming and Janssons temptation in Sweden, I go there to get cheap beer and meat now and then.

Hi Kana-anon, and very elegant (yet cool and boyish) Kana!
>worried vagina noise
Uooh tummy
nighty night, the time has come for sleeping

See you all tomorrow
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>"Not if I see you first"

Goa night Goa
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Rare purple eyed Saeriah from when I first tried to get her eyeshadow purple instead of red. It took some adjustments to prompts and loras to not make her eyes red too like in
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Purple/violet/whatever is a pretty nice color on her
night night goa goa

uooh I think it looks pretty cool :0
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I'm making baked beans.
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>"Yeah, but not cooler than red eyes, right?"

Hi Nicoleanon!

Hi, I like baked beans too.
She has such a cute smile and boyish charm
Even boyish girls like her deserve elegant things
Goa night. I should sleep too.
Does she mix her wine with blood? Vampire Saeriah?
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>"Oh no, this is just cranberry juice."

Kana deserves everything nice! Goodnight Kana-anon
hiii Hanaanon!


any kind of eyes will fit because it's Saeriah :3


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