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Comfy edition

Previous : >>78016912

Ignore impolite moids

>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board.https://wizchan.org/is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not>>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Another trash from a Tomokofag
Could've been worse, though
coomercreep is a great guy
Tomo chan saves the day once again! How does she DO IT?
Thank you for the thread again Tomo!
I do try
No problem :) I am going to do dishes and clean up after cooking and probably game. Sorry for the late questions, was not prepared to bake
Yeah, you can fuck off now
can't believe op1 doxxed herself like that bc he was ovulating and lonely
Comfy series, hmm.. the mainstream sitcoms maybe? It used to be Nicktoons sure but since TV became 20 different services and we stopped paying cable I no longer see them
Patiently waiting for PI to make her entrance to the thread.

>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
Tough one. Fall or spring since they're transitionary seasons and I like the various changes.
>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
Both, I'm a little lazy but I like planning things too.
>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
Studio Ghibli things or black and white films.
>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!
Old farmhouse with antique furniture but modern appliances and a wood stove.

What are Nonas hobbies? How do you pursue these hobbies?
I'm fucking off RIGHT onto your mom thanks nf
I was more of a cartoon network fan when I was a child with cable, but I hated when cartoon networked turned to dumb game show stuff for a while.
You can't fuck anyone's mom, you can fuck off though
i bet youre the bacon retard
>bacon retard
>Patiently waiting for PI to make her entrance to the thread.
She uses a different name for each thread, so it probably won't say Private Investigator for this one. Look for a name that's related to the thread topic, that will probably be her.
>What are Nonas hobbies? How do you pursue these hobbies?
Tabletop RPGs and some outdoorsy stuff. I'm not sure what you mean by the latter question. How about you? What do you like to do for fun?
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Thank you Tomo
>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
Can't really say as SAD comes in randomly
>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
I would overthink where to go first
>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
I prefer playing something
>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!
Something like picrel but with pink light
>Studio Ghibli things or black and white films.
That's a pretty good choice I didn't think about
>pink light
That's gay
no that's me
heterosexual in my case
ideal robot and fembot interaction
When did that happen? Maybe that never made it here, just the live action stuff slowly taking over like it happened to Nickelodeon.

Only gameshow I remember from both those channels is legends of the hidden temple
>legends of the hidden temple
How old are you?
*crickets crickets*
Like, what do you do in regards to your hobby? I like to work out, artistic activities, dance, and outdoorsy things too.

They're good movies :)
What is your favorite?

I'm running off of two iced girly coffees, no food, and did a cardio heavy workout. I don't feel so good nonas...
30+, that show was ran to death here for a few more years after it ended though. If there were other game shows, they never made it here.
Don't punish yourself like that, you need to eat sleep and exercise to be healthy but sleep > eat> exercise
Hiya Tomoko. So I didn't get the job. They are doing some hiring freeze right now but I was told I did well on the interview and I assume that also means I did well with my component placement test. So there may be a chance later for me to work there when the freeze ends.

The other news is the temp agency did get me a job doing some mail sorting gig for 16 dollars an hour. Almost working full time so at least I'll be making some income. I start tomorrow. I'm really scared but this will really help me before my loan deferment ends so I'm happy it came this early. I can't wait to start paying things off. My dad still doesn't have a job and is waiting still for some dumbass reason but now I won't have to rely on him anymore. No more failed promises or worrying if he will even come through. Need to get my moped up and running but I need a new battery and can't afford it yet.
Had a dream an online stalker killed me, wonderful dream, my dad did kill him after I guess that's a w
hiya pounce!
(my fav ghibli is dear to my heart: The Cat Returns)

>I'm running off of two iced girly coffees, no food, and did a cardio heavy workout. I don't feel so good nonas...
aaah, yep, that'd do it- it gets REALLY bad for me because i'm particularly sensitive to caffeine but you just reminded me that tomorrow i should see about tidying up around my apartment a bit so i can set up my StepMania stuff
Sorry to hear that, but hey the feedback being positive is great news. I hope they contact you soon and glad the temp agency got you a backup non customer service related job.
Who ya voting for, brother?
How did you die? I always get stabbed in the stomach. My dreams are firearms free for the sake of better action scenes.
>Had a dream an online stalker killed me
So you've read that shit in the other thread
that takes me back
>I do try
I do my best, too.
Wanna date?
>30+, that show was ran to death here for a few more years
I knew you were old because I'm old and there's no way these zoomers would know about that show. How are your old bones holding up?
>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
winter - i can bundle up as much as i want to or need, all the layers make me feel less vulnerable, ig (while i like warm weather too, i'm cold blooded so it's too much a lot of the time, plus, i can't put on a bunch of layers)

>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
self care day, i'm waaay too socially anxious to go to a spa, i'd probably react like i do around rollercoasters- shaking with fear so much that i feel sick

>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
i guess i don't have a specific repeat thing like that.... but i suppose it would be watching a quiet non-dialogue artisan/skill/travel channel like Florian Gadsby ig.... it's just hypnotic enough for me to relax and feel sleepy, but it's engaging enough not to bore me to death. good balance right there

>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!
oh damn.... i mean... i love a lot of them.. but i guess the one that makes me feel most at ease has to be like, cottage style- just makes me feel safe desu
Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
Sping since it's not too cold but also not too hot. Especially when the flowers come out and more animals are outside
>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
I just go with the flow but that's also my live motto. That's also kinda why i just leave for month or years and the pop up again.
>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
I prefer listening to music and just chill.
>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!
Maximum. Everything full so that in everything direction you look you see something new. In my opinion it also shows really well what you like. I wish my room would look like that
Me. Too I'm glad my mom got me to go to this place. Ever since she moved back in I've been making progress fixing my life. I hate that my dad couldn't or wouldn't do his job to help me do what I needed to do. It actually really frustrates me about that
You're right but I slept until 2pm today. Super disappointed in myself there. I figured I can cardio myself to sleep early today and fix my schedule, but this also threw my circadian rhythm so far off I don't get hungry until the night. Thank you though for taking the time to be thoughtful to me!

Does it give you the jitters? Caffeine has absolutely no effect on me but I love it anyway. Good luck cleaning, do you think it's relaxing or a chore?
honestly seeing the behavior of men change. i like posting on other threads a lot bc people treat me the same as everyone else (ie, fellow man.) i love cars & motorcycles but its really hard to talk about irl bc im clearly a woman and while i have awesome amazing male friends who 110% treat me as one of the guys (minus the homoerotic stuff they do to each other) most of the time i get treated "less than."

i dont really care if ppl accuse me of being trans bc like. oh well? idk? you want me to be upset about it soooo bad but it just doesn't bug me. i used to have extremely short hair for years, buzzed with a #5 and then a small bang. people accused me of being trans all the time or having a penis/etc. i found it kind of hilarious bc again. WHO GIVES A FUCK!!! but getting treated differently on the basis of being a woman? ooooh that shit hurts so bad.
Yeah there's way, thing got necroed for a season around 2021 it seems.
Can't complain, the pain doesn't last long enough to be an issue. I need to move more though, or the old bones will really cry in a decade.
it gives me jitters, and nausia, sometimes it's so bad i have to have a warm shower to help calm me down

as for cleaning? ABSOLUTE CHORE to start off with, but once i get that ball rolling i tend to have a good time while listening to music
I feel you. To this day I get many and I mean a ton of comments if I'm not a guy deep inside because the way a I look and act. I think the worst part is that people told me that i won't get a guy like this that I start to believe it.
i am male and females are my property
>Like, what do you do in regards to your hobby?
Oh, sorry. Well for my TTRPGs, I've got a game that I attend every Friday evening. As far as the outdoorsy stuff; it's a matter of weather, what else is going on, and how I'm feeling.
What particular outdoorsy things do you enjoy?

>I like to work out
Good on you!
>artistic activities
I haven't got an artistic bone in my body, so I'm envious. What are you favorite mediums?
Ooh! What kind(s) of dance?
omg don't worry, i have heard the same thing all my life & still found a wonderful equally strange boyfriend who thinks i'm hot just the way i am. we've been together for nearly 3 years <3 beyond that, sharing "masculine" hobbies with a guy friend you like is great bonding experience xD
Damn that is bad. I wonder why, that's probably the most severe case I've heard.

And yeah same, also the feeling afterwards of plopping down and everything being in its place, clean, disinfected, and proper is soooo nice. I listen to Christian critiques and cult info videos though, they're my guilty pleasure
I had cool dream. It was about a cool, darker anime story. It had a power system, interesting lore, betreyals, big reveals and a dispairing almost horror-like atmosphere that was characteristic of older anime.
I have almost completely forgotten it by now. But it was very fun to dream of it.
I also dreamed about defeating some bad guys, and also causing a bunch of huge containers in a port to crumble and be destroyed, they were carrying a bunch of anime merch and I was able to pick out many, many products and stuff I've always wanted to have aroud in my room.

>t. Moid.
>sharing "masculine" hobbies with a guy friend you like is great bonding experience xD
This is absolute fact.
Oh. I forgot to mention that, these 2 dreams were later connected, and I managed to come up with more lore about it. That was really fun.
>the feeling afterwards of plopping down and everything being in its place, clean, disinfected, and proper is soooo nice.
saaame- it's too good, especially lighting incense/candles after all of that.... unbeatable feeling

>I listen to Christian critiques and cult info videos though, they're my guilty pleasure
ooh, mine is probably video essays/truecrime/art community drama
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Stabbed in the heart I think
Barely checked in last few days so no

we eating good today
Which ones do you play? I know there's like a million of them out there now, and does it have DnD roleplay elements or no?
I really enjoy camping, hiking alot, and some wildlife photography. Albeit, not very good, but it gets me out and about. But likewise, it's a matter of weather permitting, my own ability at the moment, and opportunity lol.

>What are you favorite mediums?
Right now clay, not very good either but trying! I enjoy writing short stories too, drawing comics, and making models.

>What kind(s) of dance?
Bachata is my favorite, but swing and hustle are close behind.

I wish people would treat everyone as individuals and not ushered under umbrella terms and generalizations, like gender, race, sexuality, etc etc. Everyone can like anything, there is no boundary or border to someone. Everyone can learn any skill or try any hobby, or be interested in anything they'd like and that's what makes humans so cool and communities so colorful.

>art community drama
Oh god the amount of slop there is crazy. I forgot what her name was but that one girl who posted on lolcow pretending not to be herself and orchestrated this whole situation was craaaazy. Creepshowart I think
Oh! And now that I remember. Those dreams were connected because, the main trigger and 1st big antagonist, was a very old, frail and decrepit old, homeless woman. She was absolutely crazy and mentally ill, even though she didn't appear like that when I interacted with her for the 1st time. But when I let my guard down, and fell asleep on the street with her, she happened to mutilate me, my sibling and dog. She had a serious hatred towards anything male and she castrated my sibling and my dog. After being found, all 4 of us were brought to the same hospital, in which they treated us, but the old lady suffered no consequences for having mutilated us. It was like nothing happened, the adults there all treated her like she was the sweetest lady in the world, while there many children who had suffered some kind of physical trauma around.
The plot of the anime, was to find out what was behind the caziness of the old lady, why she desired to mutilate males and children and why the adults seemed to support her actions, all while trying to save my younger sibling, who got the worst of the abuse. Later uncovering a much darker truth of the world and why we were all being kept inside this hospital.
wait are you pregnant for real? if yes i am so jelly i want a baby so bad rn the past year my body has just been screaming BABY NOW
Olga didn't you say you'd just go back to lurking..? Short-lived lurk there.
Why did I type out all of this?
Because I think that the hatred towards males on these threads made me have a cool dream.
who wants to be my sex slave ladies hit me up
oh yeah, that and the whole HoplessPeaches scandal over the past year, or the Birdie drama that happened several years ago (and resurfaced multiple times), ah, and the illymation thing to name a few
PonderSprocket and Synnibear are a couple of my fav yt creators/commentators
>pain doesn't last long enough to be an issue. I need to move more tho
Where does the pain hurt and what kind of movement are you doing?
23w with a girl, I have pmdd so to be symptom free for 6 months now is pretty nice
Yea thats was crazy especially what she did to the other creator. Like wow that's on another lvl
OK fuck it I tried asking the /fit/izens but most of them thought I was trolling. Do any of you here run and, if yes, do any of you have a great bra suggestion for someone well-endowed that doesn't make you feel like you're suffocating? I can't seem to find a comfortable bra that supports me without making me feel like I can't catch a breath.
link to your post asking
omgg congrats!! and same... except of course instead of being pregnant im on a wombo combo of birth control / antidepressant / antipsychotic, and that still sometimes isn't enough to help. getting a cat really helped though. i felt too embarrassed to hurt myself in front of her and i couldn't leave her behind. she's my world <333
>if yes i am so jelly i want a baby so bad rn the past year my body has just been screaming BABY NOW
Stop being a tranny then.
I guess the transition wasn't very smooth
Thanks it's pretty disheartening. It's not that I don't get guys once every few years i find someone. Mostly don't know how to make guys that share my hobbys fall for me
It hurts when family says that I should have been born a guy. I like being a woman but it makes me really sad and ask if I'm good the way I am.
Think Tomonona, the OP of this thread, went through that problem a while ago. If she appears she might be able to answer you.
Ahhh OK, fingers crossed she comes through then
How do I not comically fall on my ass when getting on a skateboard
bend your knees and try balancing slowly with just one leg on the board. watching youtube tutorials helps explain it a lot better lol
hello fellow females
as a female myself i wish every day that i was born male because men are so much better than women
anyone else relate
I can. Glad I was lucky enough to be born with an active SRY gene.
LOVE them. They're so good.

Yeah, the internet is a crazy place lol

Well some people are just blockheaded and stuck in gender roles, don't let that get you down. Everyone is a victim to our complexes, and them saying that doesn't mean you are wrong or bad how you are. Who knows, maybe they wish they could like "girly" things and are projecting that hatred?
Balance. for the beginning try to stand on the bolts (legs not too close). Like this!
Also always bend your knees.
It's box thinking. Not traditional woman? That's a man and vise versa. I like the way i am and it took quite a bit for me to get there. Just hurtful
Thanks! Will keep it in mind for the next opportunity, falling comically can break the ice though.
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these are the only two i can recommend personally. its hard to find stuff in my size. i dunno a "trick", its just trial and error for me desu, and usually they fit not very well. the first fits the best, the second fits just, alright. good luck nona, this stuff is hell.

don't balance from your hips to your shoulders, balance it from your feet to your hips. treat your upper body like a static thing to balance while your legs actually do all the work. it's kinda hard but once you figure out how to keep your center of gravity in your hips, it starts to make more sense. shift the pressure in your feet and adjust with your knees instead of leaning your body forward or backward much. gl!
Hell yes. Skater always fall we mostly fall and sometimes land a trick haha. It's always so nice to see people try. If you want to push to get forward just think it's like walking and start slow
yeah, i was listening to Synni's vid on the Rosa Ray Ramsey call, and out of nowhere i heard Ponder's voice in the call doing the much needed lawyering, and i got SO HYPED
and then hearing Synni go "PONDER! MOMMY PONDER! MY MOMMY! Finally, someone with common sense has entered the chat THANK CHRIST"- it sent me, i lost it, easily, the video was really depressing the whole time until that point where it got better and better
>this stuff is hell
You're telling me-- thank you!! also cool that one has a phone pocket, do you actually use it or find it to be too bouncy?
this entire board is filled with men and you have to sequester yourselves to your own personal thread like abject cowards
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it's pretty bouncy but it doesn't make me feel like i'm suffocating. high impact bras feel like they're crushing me, low impact might as well be nothing. medium impact is best for me. i wear two bras at once when i go running desu, usually something like that an then another much looser one on top. it feels better than a single high impact. full disclosure i don't run too much because it kinda hurts sometimes, but that's the best one i've found for when i do.

>>78028777 v/
kek, true. like 80% of skating is falling and eating shit desu.
Apparently they found drugs in one of the kids system. It's just getting worse like always
Hmm... OK. Low impact also feels like nothing but they're such nice everyday bras bc underwire hurts like hell. I actually thought I was having heart problems & doctor told me it was just chest pain from the underwire. AHHHH! Anyway, idk if I could stomach wearing 2 bras on top of each other. I will definitely wear a tight fit shirt on top, but lately I've been so embarrassed of my stomach I just wanna drown in fabric so no one can witness what's happening down there. ;__;
You're trying too hard, tranoid.
>Which ones do you play? I know there's like a million of them out there now, and does it have DnD roleplay elements or no?
So my group has very wide interests and rather narrow attention spans. So every couple of months; we put a pin in whatever we're playing, switch to something else, and come back to it in a year or so. Right now we've got eight campaigns considered 'active'. DnD is one of them; right now we're playing Starfinder.
>I really enjoy camping, hiking alot, and some wildlife photography.
I love being outside but I could never really get into camping. I'm not sure why that is.
>Albeit, not very good, but it gets me out and about.
That's reason enough.
>Right now clay, not very good either but trying!
Trying is what's important. And enjoying it.
I enjoy writing short stories too, drawing comics, and making models.
You're in good company, quite a few nonas around who draw.
>Bachata is my favorite, but swing and hustle are close behind.
Very nice.
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This is just how women talk
u guys ever fuck a bitch so hard with ur cock she goes limp and then cum in her with ur cock
Hole in the Wall, Destroy Build Destroy, and Dude, What Would Happen are three of the significant shows. I guess live action describes them better than game shows, my bad for not clarifying. Cartoon Networks significant live action era was between 2007 - 2013. I never wanted to watch LIVE ACTION on the CARTOON channel as a child I was so pissed
I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the job from the interview. Why did they even have interviews if they were on a hiring freeze???? That is such bs dude.
>Mail gig
I'm glad they had a second job that pulled through for you! I also don't like relying on others due to people not going through with plans. I have a really hard time accepting help because of that, or when to ask for it, but at least it builds character. At least that's what I tell myself
My bra is high impact, doesn't suffocate me but I don't have any underlying conditions or anything. Victoria's Secret featherweight max, picrel. I've been wearing it on my runs and it's a godsend imo and worth the extra cost. VS's in person stores also can help you get the right size and all that if there's one close to you
Hide the thread

lol cute, I always wished I could've gotten a friend group like that ;_; do you draw Olga?

Eight?! Damnnn, how do you keep track of them all? What kind of character do you normally roll with?

What kind of comics and stories do you like the make the most? And what kind of models? Sorry so many questions lol.
YAYYY!!! I was hoping you'd appear!! TYSM Nona I appreciate it. I kind of have athletic induced asthma so I do struggle to breathe a bit, but I'll definitely take a peak at my local VS... I know my normal bra size but sports bra size I honestly didn't know was something you could be sized for. I only have gone to VS for a push-up bra and love it when I'm in the mood for that look. If you dont mind me asking, how long have you been running for/what are your runs typically like?

When I'm back in shape I like a nice long 5-10 miler either on the road or on a trail if I can bully a friend into going with me lol. I hate running on a track but I'll do it for interval/speed training or when the weather is too disgusting.
VS sizes suuuuck and they are known to do "plus 4" method instead of actually sizing you correctly that's my only qualm with them, sizing yourself on "a bra that fits" calculator liberated me
actually yes. it's not actually that fun when they go completely limp. it's more fun when they do the uncontrollable twitching/spasms
Yeah none of those made it here, probably for good reason.

You're right btw, those are game shows and "live action" is more like iCarly and all that sitcom stuff that started to replace cartoons on Nick and Disney. Here Cartoon Network tried that stuff out for a couple of years too.
Do you have a link to the calculator? My VS push-up 100% doesn't fit right but it does make my boobs look glorious due to being too small LOL.
>Eight?! Damnnn, how do you keep track of them all?
Lol. 'Barely', that's how. The GM maintains his own wiki which includes summaries of each session, so that's a big help when we come back after a year and can no longer remember what's going on. The bigger problem is system mechanics. The first half of the first session of a new rotation is often a little on the slow side as everyone remembers how everything works.
>What kind of character do you normally roll with?
I tend to lean towards caster types in systems that have them; but with so many campaigns going, I've been able to try out some different things.
>What kind of comics and stories do you like the make the most? And what kind of models?
Apologies for the miscommunication, I have absolutely no artistic talent of any kind. I meant that there were others around who did. : )
> Sorry so many questions lol.
No need at all to be sorry; I enjoy talking about myself far more than I should. That's what drew me to these threads to begin with.
The reason uk is reccomended is because they have more consistent sizing in their brands, American brands kinda just say "well, it's in the ballpark" and can differ brand to brand, another reason vs and other American brands kinda make me mad but Calvin Klein was pretty spot on for me for being 28DDD at the time
I thinking I'm lucky that I don't need a bra. Always hated my small chest until i got a bit older and noticed how shitty bra sizes are and how much they hurt.
So I was jerking off and suddenly lost the urge and I stopped. Does that ever happen to y'all?
Rarely. What stopped you?
>Always hated my small chest until i got a bit older and noticed how shitty bra sizes are and how much they hurt.
There are advantages to being smaller.
Thanks so much! I don't have a soft measuring tape atm but I can't wait to try this out... for now I'll just try shorter runs and sucking it up about the tight shirt shame.

ooooo, yes. yes you are. big boobs certainly look pretty, but i have back problems, i can't exercise (or even walk up the stairs rapidly) without a bra, but bras that support them well enough suffocate me, and if i go braless in tank tops (my favorite comfy casual) i look straight out of a shitty homemade porn. can't win.
sometimes when i am walking down the street and i see a female i think about raping her. it would be so easy for me to rape her because she is weak and pathetic and i am strong
Just didn't feel like it. I thought to myself why bother and I stopped. Happens more often than not recently.
To be honest I even have to force myself to jerk off sometimes.
Maybe your body just growing out of it. Good for you.
You're overdoing it and jerking off from mere boredom, not from any urge.
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Should've joined the army and gotten blown up by a hajji IED in some shithole like Mali or Afghanistan. Motherfucker sitting here can't even jerk off anymore. Fuck this gay earth. Alcoholism and drugs are going to be my next arc.
Yea but I always wanted a boob job when i was a teen.
My big sister has large breast and always complains. I just vibe over here. But I need to do a diet my stomach is getting a little bigger. Don't like to possibly get a muffin top
>There are advantages to being smaller.
the only reason to care about having big boobs is because men like them.
But the amount of men who will outright reject you for the size of your boobs is not a lot.
And you wouldn't want or date someone who wanted you for your boobs. So what's the issue?

Even as a moid who likes big boobs a lot. You don't get anything out of caring about it.
I even have to pretend I don't like it, because otherwise I'm called a porn addict or something.
You're not wrong. But what the hell is up with gooners who do this for DAYS on end? If I can't jerk off anymore what can I do?
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>Even as a moid
Why would a real guy call himself a moid?
wait spill the lore what happened here
>t. /biofem/ newfag
>for DAYS on end?

Only times that has happened to me, I was literally too depressed to even want to jerk off.
Sometimes, jerking off is my brain screaming out for some dopamine.
>If I can't jerk off anymore what can I do?
idk, use the time for anything else.
>Why would a real guy call himself a moid?
just following the trends of the thread. that's all.
>don't want to get a muffin top
yaaaa.... same I feel you. Think it's already happened... experienced thigh chafe for the first time in my life and it's so horrible.
>Alcoholism and drugs are going to be my next arc.
Well, quit them too, if you're addicted. Good luck.
it's ok mr. moid i believe you
Women don't call themselves foids here.
>it's ok mr. moid i believe you
thank you.
They use the "nona" buzzword
Trying to be quirky and all
>Women don't call themselves foids here.
I meant the trend of using the word "moid".
I will not keep explaining this, because Icba to deal with your brain damage.
Was fembot to derogatory?
all females are entitled to my cock and i am generous
>Was fembot to derogatory?
that would would spark the turbo-autists to start screeching about how "females can't be robots, and fembots don't exist, etc."
I don't know what I could do, I just go to work and go home and do nothing with my time. I have no desire to do anything at all, I've even lost friends because of it and I think I'm gonna lose a couple more.
The only thing I do except sit here is lift weights, irregularly so even that isn't paying off.
I'm not addicted YET. The internet is the only thing I'm addicted to.
You weren't even asked to call yourself that.
Looks like it's just your low self-respect.
>. I have no desire to do anything at all
me neither. I hate myself and I'm trash at everything I try, so I don't do anything.
Just do something anyway, ig.
>Looks like it's just your low self-respect.
Or it's just another foid pretending to be a man.
>I hate myself and I'm trash at everything I try
>Just do something anyway, ig.
I have and I always give up without actually trying.
Don't be trash at trying. Something will click eventually.
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>females can't be robots, and fembots don't exist, etc.
Nah, they do, fat bitches just aren't into iPhones
it doesn't matter.
the thread has starting to die because the femoids refuse to reply to men or because our posts are too off-topic.
I already made a different thread talking about my problems, I don't desire to talk about it any longer.
the oid suffix is funny, don't look much into it
>has starting
>it doesn't matter.
You're not wrong.
I personally would not want to interact with the type of foid who would come to this board willingly. Worst kind of mentally fucked, std collecting cunt. I just come in to say some dumbass shit and leave frome time to time. Sometimes it evolves into a short exchange like this one did.
>the oid suffix is funny
Why don't women think this is funny? Why don't they call themselves foids?
That's what we do too but I don't want to talk to a bunch of horny moids. I'd rather talk to other women. Get off your high horse
>. Worst kind of mentally fucked, std collecting cunt.
you are both hypocrites and retarded. Both of you should stfu so you don't embarrass yourself any further.
>That's what we do too but I don't want to talk to a bunch of horny moids. I'd rather talk to other women. Get off your high horse
post ur tits whore
The redundant sound in nona is funnier.
Every self-proclaimed "woman" is a man or a man in a dress until proven otherwise. Coming to /r9k/ of all boards "to talk to other women"
>I don't want to talk to a bunch of horny moids. I'd rather talk to other women.
So that's why you use that word? Self-hate? Those icky moids, amiright?
yeah, i draw- though not as much as i used to
i'm not gonna post any work here because i still want to be anon, i'm not a famous artist or anything but it wouldn't be too difficult to backsearch anything so....
What is so upsetting to you about this thread
>you don't embarrass yourself any further.
I think most women are simply more afraid of embarrassing themselves than men. Just another psychological/social limitation they have.
Yay, I finally got unbanned!
>yeah, i draw- though not as much as i used to
>i'm not gonna post any work here because i still want to be anon, i'm not a famous artist or anything but it wouldn't be too difficult to backsearch anything so....
hello whore post your tits
>Yea but I always wanted a boob job when i was a teen.
I would have given it more consideration myself, but my boobs were only part of the problem. Without getting into a lot of medical details, the hormone fairy turned up late and did a half-assed job; so really nothing grew quite like it should have.
Still that's cool i can't draw at all and yea better maybe to not post it here
Just trying to understand your weird behaviour, but so far it looks like you're just a simp.
Let people have their fun it's not hurting you. Maybe you'd have a good time if you unshove the stick up your ass
How about I shove you in a woodchipper?
Well, I'm not stopping you from being a cuck.
>Still that's cool i can't draw at all and yea better maybe to not post it here
hello whore post your tits
Who let the pajeet in here
Yea puberty hit late for me too but everything went normal. The older I got the less my desire for a boob job. Just happy about not going under the knife
>Yea puberty hit late for me too but everything went normal. The older I got the less my desire for a boob job. Just happy about not going under the knife
hello whore post your tits
>Without getting into a lot of medical details, the hormone fairy turned up late and did a half-assed job; so really nothing grew quite like it should have.
That's one way to describe a failed transition.
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(Fem)anons! Would you rather get a dozen Playboy magazines or animal poop at your doorstep?
just evade them next time
I'm pretty new to running so I've only do a few miles in the morning. I have been slacking lately because I'm extremely sensitive to heat and the July weather sucks. I think tomorrow I'll just try to suck it up and go anyways and bring some water. My route has mostly gravel and not pavement, some mornings I run a pretty high incline hill but not always. I only started running regularly like, two months ago? But I haven't been counting.
I went on a trail for an hour and a half the other week, it was so fun and I slept so well that night. I'm not even thinking about hitting the trail this week though, it's near a camping area and for 4th of July week, that's a no-go. I don't like talking to people while I'm out
I didn't know but I noticed the trend with rounding up/down sizes, I didn't know UK bra sizings were so much more accurate. I might look into one sometime.
I'm so glad that a lot of the gimmicky/overtly gross/live action stuff didn't continue too far with cable, worst worst era
I don't own any painful bras besides a strapless one, I prefer T-shirt bras and sports bras since they have no underwire. You are saved from extra back pain though and have a TON more conveniences. Like the other nona said, stairs and running sucks
I post art here sometimes, it's just always new art and I have to not post it anywhere else lol
Do you have a comfy happy place in your mind?
>I'm pretty new to running so I've only do a few miles in the morning. I have been slacking lately because I'm extremely sensitive to heat and the July weather sucks. I think tomorrow I'll just try to suck it up and go anyways and bring some water. My route has mostly gravel and not pavement, some mornings I run a pretty high incline hill but not always. I only started running regularly like, two months ago? But I haven't been counting.
>I went on a trail for an hour and a half the other week, it was so fun and I slept so well that night. I'm not even thinking about hitting the trail this week though, it's near a camping area and for 4th of July week, that's a no-go. I don't like talking to people while I'm out
>I didn't know but I noticed the trend with rounding up/down sizes, I didn't know UK bra sizings were so much more accurate. I might look into one sometime.
>I'm so glad that a lot of the gimmicky/overtly gross/live action stuff didn't continue too far with cable, worst worst era
>I don't own any painful bras besides a strapless one, I prefer T-shirt bras and sports bras since they have no underwire. You are saved from extra back pain though and have a TON more conveniences. Like the other nona said, stairs and running sucks
>I post art here sometimes, it's just always new art and I have to not post it anywhere else lol
hello whore post your tits
Hi every nona. Sorry I'm not responding individually like I normally do. Much has happened, so I'm tired. Also, it seems like nonas are responding to trolls again. Cobson needs to make his early thread appearances again to remind us about thread quality.

I'm sorry to other nonas who may have responded to me in the previous thread. I lost track of replies. The only one I found is who I'm replying to:

Not necessarily. You just have to weigh the pluses and minuses of the medication. Antipsychotics do work, but are the additional side effects worth it? It's a lot of trial and error as well. It can sometimes take years to find the right meds and dosage. There's always that risk as well that it can make things worse (i.e. paradoxal effects.) All of these can frustrate anyone.

It's more that the standards of care are really low. There's also low staffing issues since every person in this field is burned out. I get frustrated at how it is.
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How do I evade being seen as a troll? I got banned because I was apparently trolling. I wasn't; I told a tranny in /adv/ to kill himself.
>Hi every nona. Sorry I'm not responding individually like I normally do. Much has happened, so I'm tired. Also, it seems like nonas are responding to trolls again. Cobson needs to make his early thread appearances again to remind us about thread quality.
>I'm sorry to other nonas who may have responded to me in the previous thread. I lost track of replies. The only one I found is who I'm replying to:
>Not necessarily. You just have to weigh the pluses and minuses of the medication. Antipsychotics do work, but are the additional side effects worth it? It's a lot of trial and error as well. It can sometimes take years to find the right meds and dosage. There's always that risk as well that it can make things worse (i.e. paradoxal effects.) All of these can frustrate anyone.
>It's more that the standards of care are really low. There's also low staffing issues since every person in this field is burned out. I get frustrated at how it is.
hello whore post your tits
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>Which season is the coziest to you, and why?
winter, without a doubt. being wrapped in a thick coat as youre outside in fresh snowfall in the middle of the night, the sky a dull orange and its dead quiet, theres nothing more serene.

>Do you prefer planning a spa day/self care day, or just going with the flow?
I usually just go with the flow. I tend to find self care doesnt last for me, so a self care day rarely helps me tomorrow, so i try to deal with things as they happen.

>What old movie, cartoon, or anime do you prefer winding down to?
I used to watch a lot of tom and jerry and the muppets as a kid, so i like those.

>What interior aesthetic makes you feel the most at ease? Attach an image if you want!
a proper witches hut style thing. I want to be in a forest, house covered in moss and vines, fresh herbs and fruit, a small garden to support my foraging, little baubles and trinkets bathed in natural sunlight... its excellent
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>hello? yes, xey are right here
This is for you.
>Just happy about not going under the knife
I'm glad that you waited, then. Unrelated, as someone who tried and seriously failed skateboarding, I admire you.
Good evening, Cozy. Pounce was looking for you. Sorry you're so tired, I hope things improve for you.
>pete the cat
My kids love those.
>xey are
She is*
Otherwise thanks.
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okok, my friend needed help with a drawing, she had trouble with the proportions and angles and everything, so i just streamed over discord to show her what i was getting at

here's a screencap
on the right is what she drew with a bit of sketching i added ontop of it
on the left is an example of what i was trying to communicate to her about angles and mass and weight, perspective and proportion and all that

i didn't want her to change her style, im not going to be an a-hole like that, but working with what she presented, i offered my best advice on these things (while trying to keep things close enough to her style)
>okok, my friend needed help with a drawing, she had trouble with the proportions and angles and everything, so i just streamed over discord to show her what i was getting at
>here's a screencap
>on the right is what she drew with a bit of sketching i added ontop of it
>on the left is an example of what i was trying to communicate to her about angles and mass and weight, perspective and proportion and all that
>i didn't want her to change her style, im not going to be an a-hole like that, but working with what she presented, i offered my best advice on these things (while trying to keep things close enough to her style)
hello whore post your tits

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