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Incognito edition

Previous : >>77997846

Ignore impolite moids

>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
>What are you afraid of? Why?
>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board.https://wizchan.org/is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not>>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Will this be the thread where tomo tells us the full lore of her ex bf?
Why did you do this OP
>>78016917 Yeah idk why I said that I kind of regret it because I do not like saying stuff like that anymore since I am always consciously trying to not act insecure or like a victim
Is it worth it to make a trip? Why or why not? How well can you tell who's who?
>I am always consciously trying to not act insecure or like a victim
Your comments about that nona in the last thread make sense now. projection
Thank you for the bake! I was scrambling for a topic and coming up blank.
>>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
>>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
I understand that some people are so conflict-averse that it's the easy way out, but I think it's kind of a crummy thing to do to a person.
>>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
>>What are you afraid of?
People that I like not liking me anymore.
>> Why?
Basic insecurity.
>>How highly do you value communication?
I think it is absolutely paramount for any kind of relationship.
>>How well are you with utilizing it?
I never avoid it, but my articulation isn't always the best.
>Is it worth it to make a trip?
I've been considering going back to one. Too many times I've said something nice to a nona just for her to blow me off because she thought I was a guy hitting on her.
>Why or why not?
I kinda support them just because...
>How well can you tell who's who?
I'm awful at it.
creepiest questions so far, no trip either.
Is this a moid thread? This feels like data mining questions.
I am the red eyes that all the nonas are staring at with contempt.

>>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
Idk if you can say "cut off" counts as avoiding, but if it does then yes.
>>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
So fucking dumb. Just say goodbye. If they get up set that's on them. At least you don't leave them in this bullshit limbo state.
>>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
Idk about hiding, but I battle my fucked up side every day.
>>What are you afraid of? Why?
Damage from my childhood preventing me from finding happiness or feeling genuinely loved.
>>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
It's kind of the most important thing and I like to think I'm pretty good with it.
Feel free to make your own thread if you want, but I didn't see anyone else stepping up. Or just don't answer the questions. They're not mandatory.
to be fair if i was tomonona i would also make a thread without my trip on
alright, thank you for the bread Tomo, I'll pass with the questions
>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
I don't know enough people to avoid someone kek
>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
If the person is being really creepy maybe but I'm often the one being ghosted and blocked so ik it sucks
>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
>What are you afraid of? Why?
Being considered dumb,people, the water that comes out when you squeeze tomato sauce, how clothes feel on my body, weight gain,myself,breaking a vinyl,people leaving me,make-up,ghosts,the sound of a specific material commonly used in folders being scratched, birds etc the usual stuff
>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
I like communication and people tell me I'm direct normally
Ty tomo much thanks and prosperity
>the water that comes out when you squeeze tomato sauce
Finally! Someone that understands it
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Can you let the general die already?
Im curious have you ever had a job and more than just 1 or 2 months for a summer
Tomo-chan lurking in the shadows <3
I have never had a job before
>Can you let the general die already?
Who is threatening to harm you if you stop reading them?
Do you believe in e-relationships?
I want to but normies are absolutely disgusted by it
>worth it to make a trip?
i only care about tripfems. they carry the thread. almost always skip over anonposts, unless i recognize a nona
yes, even though every one i was in ended some more badly than others, i've never been in an irl relationship
Fingers crossed for you to hear back from the interview later interview! Sounds like you did well overall, and your small mistake should be overlooked. Get some rest or something to eat, hope you feel better soon!
I had these questions on the back burner, I thought I saved them to a notes app or something but didn't, so I just typed them up again and managed to remember most of them
>my articulation isn't always the best
I was so bad at communicating my feelings as a child, would always break out crying. Slightly better at articulation now though, it's not easy
>I battle my fucked up side every day
I'll bite. Can you elaborate on this?
No problem !
Gonna make more epic batomo art B) ..maybe
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this is anon, he's forced to read them
Yes, even tho I completely fucked up the one chance I had at actually making it real

t. man

>Can you elaborate on this?
Uh, short version is childhood bullshit combined with isolation has given me some less than normie fantasies. It's a struggle wanting the wholesome while also being a bit depraved.
Will you answer your own questions? I am curious.
I knew that there's no girls on 4chan
>t. male
do you think e-relationships ultimately are a waste of time?
Its again the moid who replies to thread question wihout saying its a moid
>make more epic batomo art B)
Thank you so much for baking!
>>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
>>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
I understand why it's done. I've done it.
It sucks. Just let the other perskn know why and then move on. But wondering why and "what if" is worse than being rejected.
>>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
My own narcissism.
>>What are you afraid of? Why?
Other people.
>>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
Very. It is the most important thing in a relationship.
Not at all because I don't talk with anyone.

T. moid.
>getting called someone else, yes AGAIN
literally the first time I've ever answered the thread questions. And I figured the "staring at me with contempt" was the giveaway I was a man.
they haven't been a waste of time for me, i don't look back at them and think they wasted my time, alot of my e-relationships were sweet, but short, and there wasn't other things that i'd have rather been doing
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>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
I don't think it's good, but I know I have probably done it unintentionally because I have short term memory loss, just the other day a coworker asked why I didn't reply to her email, it turned out I'd opened it and forgotten it, and I forget to reply to texts a lot which makes people upset
it is a constant fear
>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
the CIA for the crimes I committed in 1978
>What are you afraid of? Why?
insects, they are ugly and bad and should not exist
>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
I am an autistic so I can't communicate, it keeps happening at work, I say something weird, people go silent, I retreat to my office and wallow and feel bad forever
Ghosting happens too frequently to be truly angry at it. Better to just accept it was a you problem thinking there was a bond stronger than you thought.
You were not acting insecure you were just parroting a meme.
nta, but the one time I answer the questions I see a ragepost about moids answering the questions
How will you know what I think about the topic if I don't tell you? How will you know you have the correct opinions if you don't get the luxury of reading mine?
I am terrified of awkward silences
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not around for long, dumb ventpost last thread and this is probably it for awhile.

wrote a whoole reply about travelling before i remembered tripcodes.
i dunno, if you want. prefer to be hard to archive search since i can be careless with what i say on here desu...
i guess the reeal question is why do you feel a need to be identifiable? no judge but you should have an answer for your own self before you do cause otherwise you'll be all foggy about it.

i believe in e-relationships like i believe in winning the lottery. there's lots and lots of people who have had it happen, but if you count on it to happen, you're just dumb.
>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
i think i'm learning that i'm seeking out a safe space for red flags, me and my crush both have them, even though our communication is actually the worst thing ever, the feelings i felt were as intense as the relationships that resembled more healthy dynamics, and i feel like a terrible person,

i like communication, maybe i prefer it, but idk if i value it in a relationship, the only person who knows something closely approximating the real me are my ex and my platonic friend, but i don't think i've ever felt like i can be fully honest with anyone, even with them there's things i omit, like my recent infatuation situation

i'm bad at opening up to people, but i'm able to handle other people opening up to me, my communication skills vary depending on the scenario, but it's the lack of those skills that tend to lead to my relationships ending
>but the one time I answer the questions I see a ragepost about moids answering the questions
Nigga. You know damn well we didn't create this thread so you tranies can participate. You have am entire thread for yourselves.
hey berries, are you back from the trip? share some thoughts on the experience maybe
>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?

>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
Uh, ghosting is cutting contact with someone for no reason? I'm not sure on the exact definition, but I think anyone can cut contact for any reason and dip. It's your life, and you deal with the consequences. Kind of a dick move if you know them though.

>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
No not really.

>What are you afraid of? Why?
Creeps, being used, dying from a disease I was not aware I had, failing at life and being a person who was just destined to be a failure, I think those are self-explanatory.

>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
High and I think I am okay in information exchanging but maybe not so much with socializing.

I just slurped a noodle so hard, onions sauce and broth went into my eye.
Didn't expect you to crumble like that desu. You're a badass bitch. Keep on slaying.
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whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
I bask in my toxic masculinity every day God blesses me on this green Earth. Don't come at me with that bullshit
>less than normie fantasies
That's quite normal? Things got so diverse nowadays a lot of people have peculiar kinks and fantasies
>How well can you tell who's who?
Fairly well. But most of the anon posters leave a trace of some sort of signature. It's been annoying watching people get upset when anons identify each other, and amusing watching other anons identify each other.
>You can't identify anons
Anon, read the thread. Take notes if you must. No, I'm not going to put spotlight on everyone for you.
>ate you a voiding anyone atm?
Please don't kill me.
wrong trip again
Nona, whats that supposed to mean???!
sorry, thought it's moidchan
>it's not easy
Not it is not.
Thanks again for the bake and I hope you and your kitty are doing well.

>I am terrified of awkward silences
I think some of my friends would sell their souls for an awkward silence now and then.

>Uh, ghosting is cutting contact with someone for no reason?
I think it's more about cutting contact without any explanation.
>I just slurped a noodle so hard, onions sauce and broth went into my eye.
Must be tasty noodles, but you have to be careful.
True, but there's a difference between fantasies and a desire to actually engage with it.

Plus, I've rarely seen blood kinks mentioned, even on this site. It explains why I always liked vampires tho :P
>I've rarely seen blood kinks mentioned, even on this site
I like the idea.
But irl, blood makes me feel lightheaded... idk if I'd be able to tyo do anything about it.
Ohhh, no. Do I type like a guy? I'm getting all nervous now lol

>Must be tasty noodles, but you have to be careful
Like Gwen Shamblin says, when you're starving everything tastes good. They are kind of crap but I am so hungry I do not care
>Do you believe in e-relationships
They are destined to fail and a waste of time unless one of the participants can relocate immediately. Typing at someone isn't the same thing as being together with them.
As in bdsm stuff? mentioned plenty but that's the thing, mentioned. Nobody describes it in detail, mostly because there's no real reason to do so.
And thankfully so, that kind of stuff requires proper care and things on this place are quite careless.
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Male anons, what vidya have you been playing lately?
Your Mom 3 - Up the butt
Did you hear about the upcoming new entry, Child Support? Idk what they're doing, it's going to flop.

>addressing male anons in a bio fem thread
At least you could reply in a way that ridicules the moid if cant control your urge to reply
i just had my heart broken and i'm considering making bf application forms, bc idk how to fix this, i kinda wanna cry but the tears aren't coming out lol
Moids are beneath being addressed sorry
When the rp wasn't that good.
What kind of gachaslop?
Most posters here are male.
There is another trip people here call "moid-chan" and you got confused with her.
How's the train adventure going? Hope things go well and you finally make some irl frens if you're taking a break from here
>What kind of gachaslop?
Genshin Impact and WuWa. Will try ZZZ when it comes out.
I want to play other stuff but no energy to get out of bed and care about a story.
Probably five different nonas have told you over the past months to get off the internet and seek real relationships
You dont do whats good for you
So you're like 70 then? oldest person I have seen on 4chan
Recently bought a couch after 2 years of living in my apartment. Hooked up my Switch and I've been playing Links Awakening and Mario Odyssey.
Do it. I love listening to people vent so I'm sure there's more genuine people here that wouldn't mind giving you some comfort.
Oh, how'd she get that nickname?

Not male but this game called Jurassic World Evolution 2. Pretty good

What books are you guys reading? Audiobooks and comics count, really anything you read with words
>Not male
Then don't answer please.
>idk if I'd be able to tyo do anything about it.
lol I like the implication you wanted to tho. It's just the intimacy about it I really like. The idea of seeing each others blood on the other's lips does something to me.

>no real reason to do so
I think you underestimate how deep the damage goes.
>things on this place are quite careless
True, but from what my friends tell me I'm quite the opposite.

I don't really play vidya anymore. I'd rather read if I'm being honest.
>What books are you guys reading?
dracula! i actually wanted to ask last thread if anyone had read it because i think i found an interesting interpretation of it.
>It's just the intimacy about it I really like
Same for me.
I won't go into it. But I'm in it for intimacy purposes, not pain.
It is wholesome and soulful
>Male anons, what vidya have you been playing lately?
Xcom2. Last game I played and finished besides that was Fractured Butt Whole. I'd like to finish my elden ring playthrough one day too.
no rp happened lol

i've been spotted and called out >///<

i'm partially joking, i think it'd be a bad idea to seek out a man for this, but on the bright side he'd know what he's getting into, except for the part where i can't let a person who knows so much about me into my actual life
You're in the Biofem general.

Oooo is it good? I remember there being a weekly email for Dracula and people got really into it, seemed super fun. It was called Dracula Daily
>It is wholesome and soulful
Shit. Can that kind of sexual degeneracy also be wholesome? I never thought the two things were truly compatible.
Books and me are fighting right now. I seem unable to pick one up.
>i'm partially joking, i think it'd be a bad idea to seek out a man for this
I've had a lot of dates turn into vent sessions about their ex's. I find it interesting as it can teach me not to make the same mistakes in my relationship.
>except for the part where i can't let a person who knows so much about me into my actual life
Drop me a temp discord and delete it tomorrow. No hard feelings.
Have you tried audiobooks or comics / manga?
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i got myself a cheap used copy i'm around... a little more than halfway done and annotating most of it.
i like it! but again, that is also because it's basically phantom blood but extended and i love it. i also love all sorts of historic fiction and vampires so... perfect!
>You're in the Biofem general.
So? Most posters here are male!
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I think she's a troll desu.
Post moar cats.
i would have to delete the discord
I fail to see your point.
>go to biofem gen
>post question for males
>get triggered a biofem answers
Strange, really. Its like wondering why a stove burns you when you touch it.

Phantom Blood? Never heard of that one, whats it about and how old is it?
it's funny how when i said actual life i was implying irl, that must've been a fruedian slip reminding me to be a human, but i don't really live irl, i'm still myself, but not quite outside of the internet
it's jojo's kekw
Ohhh, never really got into jojos. What other anime or manga do you like? And might as well ask what other historical fiction you like?
Post tits, titcows
>go to robot board
>get triggered when robots want to talk to each other
>surprised pikachu.jpg
>Its like wondering why a stove burns you when you touch it.
Well, you're dealing with guys who have the emotional maturity of toddlers.
girls stink
>Genshin Impact and WuWa
What exactly is the appeal of these gacha games?
Sounds nice. Odyssey is fun.
>I don't really play vidya anymore. I'd rather read if I'm being honest.
What books are you reading?
It's been years since I played that. I remember initally liking it but I got frustrated because the game really seems more about luck than anything else. I don't like when strategy games are more about luck than thoughtful decisions.
You have an entire board to go do that. You are only coming here because you can't help but to shove your pudgy fingers in here. And the only reason why biofem is here now is that women always came to r9k anyway and CC is overrun. Post cheeks spread with timestamp or GTFO

You spelled guys as girls.
>What books are you reading?
Old Moon Quarterly. Small sword and sorcery publication trying to replicate old pulp mags. I'm on volume 4 rn. The quality of the stories are hit or miss, but I enjoy them, plus I like supporting small projects like this.
>You have an entire board to go do that
You have multiple websites for your girltalk. Why do you get mad about men asking each other innocent questions here anyways?
>CC is overrun
How so? How is it any more overrun than here where most posts are male posts or troll posts asking for your tits? You still have lolcow farms.
>Post cheeks spread with timestamp or GTFO
Sure, once you show me your pussy.
awful timing... also my friends posted a remix of a song he sent me once, it's a coincidence, they don't know eachother, it's an "everything reminds me of him type of day"

i meant to say wouldn't, i haven't deleted a discord account yet

if i drop a discord how would i know it's you i'm talking to?
this stupid general is proof that w*men (also known as f*moids or dumb fat whores) enjoy nothing more than going into normal people places and ruining them, their entire lives consist of nothing more than making other people's bionicles wear dresses and have a tea party
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Nom nom. Delicious sandwich.
Ignore her pls.
i don't understand how men find game of thrones more interesting than bridgerton, it's depressing slop, clearly bionicles wearing dresses is an improvement
>And the only reason why biofem is here now is that women always came to r9k anyway and CC is overrun. Post cheeks spread with timestamp or GTFO
you say you dont know who moidchan the most posting trip of that past threads is but can recite this so easily ?
both are irredeemable slop
Wait waaait...I'm hearing a lot of yapping and yammering and coping and seething...but you know what I'm not seeing? your moidcheeks spread with a timestamp. GTFO + didn't read + males seeking female attention
>if i drop a discord how would i know it's you i'm talking to?
I'll say
>hey its really me baby doll
>i don't really live irl
I don't judge. How did you meet him? What made you fall in love? How did he break you heart? Offered disco, cause not sure if you wanted to answer those publicly.
>Sounds nice. Odyssey is fun.
It's been very comfy. It's one of those big corner couches that folds into a sleeping couch, so I've been snoozing on it too since it's closer to my AC. Really just waiting for the new Zelda and Prof. Layton game.
What about you? What do you play?
lose weight woman
>Delicious sandwich
Nom nom nom
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I'll show you a screenshot like picrel.
Also femoids:
>post your spread buttcheeks or gtfo!!!
>males seeking female attention
Yes. I'm lonle
ben shapiro tier argument
you are intellectually equal to a woman (also known as a f*moid)
That's the joke you dumb fuck scrote. How low iq must you be
>males seeking female attention
You wouldn't be here if you didn't want male attention.
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>What other anime or manga do you like?
pretty much just jojos... and rose of versailles. i also enjoyed reading a bit of tomorrow i will be someone's girlfriend
>And might as well ask what other historical fiction you like?
anything victorian or pre revolution france. ohhh how i love all stories set to that period even though i am aware that it's all romanticised. pre revolution france has such a grip on me, i am sure i was a french aristocrat in a past life.
brother go play FOOTBALL... YEAH!
idk if yall are the same person haha, i've answered that stuff publically before, basically he's just my crush and he mentioned he met another woman and finds her attractive
Can't play a team sport with no team...
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You catch the game tonight? Ronaldo is getting OLD!
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it's gifts or gtfo, fuck outta here.
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He's probably the commie poster who has a fetish for larping women and debating politics. Honestly. I'm tired of him.











>rose of versailles
Sounds super cute, what's that one about?

>pre revolution france has such a grip on me
What do you love about that era of France in particular?

Sorry for giving crumbs to the starving there, they seem to have become a writhing mess.
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What did you like about him?
So he left you bc of appearance?
No I don't know who that is but I do enjoy the occasional ridiculing of men for the funnies when they've done the same for a long time. But I get that it lowers me to their level so I'll quit
---Only women who can present a text message from their dad saying "I'm proud of you" allowed past this point---
How did you find out all of those were the same guy?
I am impressed at the detective work.
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to put it very very simply it's about a woman raised as a man who becomes the bodyguard of marie antoinette
>What do you love about that era of France in particular?
the fashion. the rococo architecture and art, the colors that come with it. the frills and big hairs and everything. my mother took me to see versailles when i was a very small kid and i became obsessed with marie antoinette and what she owned. i spent hours walking around observing everything and i never felt so immersed in a museum. and i remember so clearly, we passed by a shop and they had a small recreation of a real dress marie wore. i still remember the sparkle it brought to my little eyes.
Oh wow that's honestly so cool to hear about, I will say that the Palace of versailles is probably the most beautiful, dreamy, and fantastical place I have ever seen in the world. What other parts of France did you see? If you did get to choose your adventure in pre-rev France, have you thought of a little scenario you'd be in?
This place is tol quiet. Somebody post a cock or something.
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Fav movie of all time go. You will be judged.
Ah, another patrician I see.
I like these things too and I'm a man. Not browsing your gay thread but just scrolled by this comment. Would totally spoil you and let you have a room to play dress up (where I'll fuck you after) if you were my wife. Not if you were my gf, not doing shit for free.
Anyways, later, gotta post some schizo rants in other threads.
Honestly I'm sad the "post sack plus timestamp" meme didn't catch on.
omg i am so smart haha, he didn't leave me, he just didn't show signs of being that interested in me, and i assume it's partially related to my chest size, there's been times where i messaged first and was ignored, and now there's another person in the picture and there's no way i'm winning this, it hasn't even been a relationship i just really liked him alot

it was because of a few reasons, familiarity, nostalgia, relatability, i thought we were both escapists and it would just be us in our own world, but he ended up being more well adjusted than i am, i also don't have a strong sense of identity and wanted to attach myself to him, in a way i already did even if it's one sided
>and i assume it's partially related to my chest size
Is it smol?
If it's related to that, there's no need to be sad since he's retarded anyway.
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i visited all of the tourist spots. i hope to travel again to france one day but to spend a few days by the countryside during the summer.
not really. again i believe in my past life but i'm not x pilled enough to know anything about it.
the clothes are too expensive to have sex in the makeup too extravagant. fucking hate men who don't understand that.
i miss accela and my schizo sense told me shes lurking in here, we could be fucking in the garden rn but she is braindead retarded femcel autist
yes, it is what it is, but i can't really blame him lol
I can confirm, no man worth any time will walk away because of this.
Besides, smaller is superior(sorry any nonas with big boobs, it just is what it is)

t. man
It has dragons so it activates our neurons and we go yay escapism
Yes, you can. That's vapid and retarded.
I like big tits, but it doesn't matter that much.
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>and i assume it's partially related to my chest size
Don't assume and there's no reason to be insecure about how you look. I'd recommend not showing pics too soon. If you want him to like you for who you are, don't let him see you.
>i also don't have a strong sense of identity and wanted to attach myself to him
That's very bad desu. I'm sure you're a nice person, but I don't think you should be dating at all. A bf will not bring meaning to your life, other humans only enhance life.
>Fav movie of all time go.
Speed Racer.
Thank you, I hope I hear back too. I can do that job no problem my glasses are an issue so I might consider contact but otherwise finished the component placement within the time limit. Job keeps me away from people and customers I couldn't be happier.

TOMOKO!! How are you? Also ignore those cry babies we appreciate the threads.
>If you want him to like you for who you are, don't let him see you.
Nah, one of them will get attached and if the other leaves, it will sting more.
Just let the topic come up naturally, be honest about what you look like while texting and communicate about your worries or insecurities.
If Tomonona had a cock, I would suck it.
>What books are you guys reading?
Just finished The Luminous Dead, deeply claustrophobic cave-diving sci-fi horror thing. Also technically its got lesbians but, in good lesbian tradition, they don't actually meet physically until like literally the last two pages.
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>Speed Racer
Why? I've seen someone say this multiple times. Can you please explain what it is that you like about it.
omg escapism is cool, i've been doing it for years and the reality is hitting me

he commented on the other woman having big tits, and he's mentioned liking them before and i sent nudes, so he knows what my body looks like, not my face tho, she makes him feel lust and i don't think i do
I didn't think I'd ever say this but I tried findom and I actually started to care far more about the guys than I care to admit, I want to see them flourish and be happy.. Money can't buy happiness, making other people can.. I doubt there's anyone else here that does this on the side and can relate but a shout into the void it is
The whole thing is a rp with you assuming a lot of things about him, nothing that you say sounds like there was something resembling a relationship or something that could have led to a relationship, just lame discord rp where he got you to send nudes.
That's pretty sweet, that scene is plagued with stories about bad customers and etc but with the odd nice story here and there, glad to see you got the good part.
i'm a fan of rp, but we never did that, he just asked me for nudes and i sent them, not my smartest moment, i thought my sex appeal would've been infalliable, but i was wrong, and i don't assume alot about him, he used to talk about himself more often, in some aspects i'm working with potentially outdated info, but alot is still true

>What are your thoughts on ghosting?
i ghosted once, i was in a bad mental space and i really didn't have any reason to do it, he seemed like he'd have taken a breakup well, but i just couldn't bring myself to actually do it. i don't know why. i still feel a bit bad for doing it to him.
that being said, he seems fine now, and is in a relationship with someone else i think.

>Is it ever justifiable?
yeah, i think it is, especially if he wouldn't take a breakup well.. my mom probably should have ghosted a couple of her exes, same with a couple friends, probably would have saved us all the mental energy.

that being said, i have a follow-up question:
>should you ghost if you can't move away?

my answer, if he knows where i live, i wouldn't. that would just make things more complicated... and i can't just move anywhere at the drop of a hat.
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nasty thread today :(

nope, not yet.

wouldn't say i have a blood kink but blood is delicious and i like licking it up

i've been playing a phone game called grim quest and a phone game called good pizza great pizza. this thread is for girls.

ouchh. hang in there nona. that sucks.
an r9k bf is a super insanely bad idea though unfortunately. not cause there aren't good guys here but cause that's a minority but the bad ones are REAALLLYY BADD

that exact cover is the same one i have on my goth playlist but i never read that book, i should

hacksaw ridge i think
I told you before, it's my favorite story in any game. Of course I'd remember that detail. Fei and Bart infiltrated Aveh rescue Margie and return her to Nisan.

I just don't like it at all. It feels like a chore to get out. That reminds me if I ever play it again, I need to make a file after the flashback Kalm scene since it's boring AF as well.

I liked it because I got out and do things. I just hated the uncomfortable tents for us children while the adults got comfy campers. That one year the snakes were really bad though, so I didn't like that at all.

Was your interview today? If so how did it go? It's something you've done time and time again, so I figure you will do fine.

That's a bummer on the thermostat. The cooler is still working well? At least you got to do some practicing with it. Wth is up with your mom? She should be nice to you after all.that you've been through after that accident while trying to do better for yourself.

Hey mamanona! It was definitely easier to sleep today due to the temp being so much lower. I'm just thankful the humidity was much lower.

The cell service here is spotty so having a radio helps cover deadspots plus it's instantaneous like if the guys are out hunting. The radio is very interesting. I'm not knowledgable on it either and I just follow what our radio guy says, and it works.

Hey kpop! How are things with you?
Hey berries! How are you?

Hey, a new nona! How are you? Just ignore those moids. They've been seething over this general since the first.

Hey tomo!!! How are you!!?
im okay! on a trip travelling, kinda like hugely depressed, but that's why i decided to get out to begin with...
>blood is delicious and i like licking it up
Berries, you asked "what did I do" the other night, and it's stuff like this. I make a comment, usually not in reply to you, but you end up sharing my feelings on it to some level lol

Well, that, plus how genuinely kind you seem to be. That goes a long way too. It's rare.
I'm certainly lucky, I only have 3 people who I talk to/take from right now, it's not all big, but they've been sweet and mutual respect, maybe it helps that I don't do heavily kink stuff, I'm a gentle type and most of the time I'm having casual conversations
I'm sorry to hear that. How is the trip so far?
I want to be touched
be loved
I want to heal
be hugged
It's just the two of us
or that's what we swore
>Can you please explain what it is that you like about it.
Colorful, fast-paced, funny, and wholesome.
it's the cover to the 79(?) edition of dracula by penguin classics
it's a good book but very slow paced. would not recommended to people who are not used to classics/old books in general.
haiiii!!! i'm tired as usual. i want to go out and eat as i'm hungry but it's raining. i only have physical money and none on my card so i can't get delivery. sigh sigh sigh
i am also going through that process i cannot talk about here without all the moids becoming insufferable fifth graders.
Apocalypse Now. Directors cut.

I feel like they'd enjoy posting their gonads though...an asshole is something way more vulnerable for them, since the point isn't for them to post anything and if they do it's so bad it's funny.

How'd you like Paris? Assuming you went to Paris since it's the tourist spot.

Honestly sounds cool as hell, will look into it. Right now I'm reading Dykes to Watch out For, speaking of lesbians lol. But it's comics rather than a book.

I must say I'm sorry if I made the thread bad or anything, I didn't mean for things to get out of hand. It's nice to meet you berries!

Hello I'm good, and you? I will ignore them from now on, thank you lol. My bad about stirring them up >_<

t. man
>Right now I'm reading Dykes to Watch out For
Thats Bechdel right? I never read it all through but there's some fun strips I remember
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Yupyup. It's super relatable and so human, I love it. All the characters mesh well and it's mostly all lesbians (like 98%). Tackles all sorts of issues too.
>that process i cannot talk about here without all the moids becoming insufferable fifth graders.

fuck the moids, Olga of Kiev is here to throw them onto the pyre if they get out of line
well i was quite young so of course everything was wonderful, but i recall the food being good! now i'm craving bread... ugh i don't want to leave my beeeeddddd
based as fuck but i don't think it's pious to talk about either
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i don't really think i'm a kind person. i just feel bad being mean or aggravating people. if i did i'd do it all the time, people suck and many deserve it.

it's a fun trip but i still feel pretty shitty haha

i feel that too. i want to heal people. it's maybe 90% of what i want, honestly. i irrationally feel like i could make people feel better just by like holding them or being around them if they gave me a chance but that's probably not true, it's just something i want to be true.

reading is kinda hard for me unfortunately, but i'll keep it in mind!

no it was mostly moids trolling, you're okay!
>but i don't think it's pious to talk about either

if you say so, Sister Kpop - but piety can only get one so far, why else did i set so many ablaze?
What do you think would make you feel better?
oh i have very little pity for the men here, only for the very rare few that aren't straight up animals. i mean what i am going through but it's no worries.
what is a worry is my hunger... i think it's still raining outside...
>Of course I'd remember that detail. Fei and Bart infiltrated Aveh rescue Margie and return her to Nisan.

I want to marry P.I. now.

>I just don't like it at all. It feels like a chore to get out. That reminds me if I ever play it again, I need to make a file after the flashback Kalm scene since it's boring AF as well

I think I want a divorce now.
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>i don't really think i'm a kind person
>feels bad being mean
>wants to heal people
See! You even think you're actually a bad person despite everything pointing to the opposite. We're certainly cut from the same cloth.

gif related about you being kind tho
do you have any snacks?

one of history's most cruel people is right here, you've certainly got quite a pair on you, it'd be a shame if they were branded several times...
i used to but i ate them all... i'm going to the kitchen soon to see if there's anything still there and if there isn't... i guess i'll go to a maccas nearby... i'm craving a burger.
>i guess i'll go to a maccas
just stay there, you're already a local
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pshh i dunno. true love i guess. hour long kisses? someone washing my hair for me. it's yearning hours.

my IQ was 140-ish last time i tested.
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hopefully you have something, however if the weather is as dreadful as you say, i pray it lets up for you
>my IQ was 140-ish last time i tested.

i can't speak for my namesake, but when i was tested, i got a 134- nice to have met someone of a higher intellect than my own!
Wow, all nonas are geniuses
>if they gave me a chance
>don't give men here a chance.
My oh my...
it's fun abbreviating things. did you know in brazil we also abbreviate mcdonalds? yeah now i'm really craving some mequi
thank you sister <3
>nice to have met someone of a higher intellect than my own!
You couldn't have sounded more arrogant if you tried.
online relationships are not real, there's nothing on offer but mutual delusion
Oh god the same with the tiredness. It's a fucking pain we can't talk certain things without the moids getting in a tizzy. God, this is just tiring and they need to grow up already.

I'm "okay." It was nice to get more time off of work this weekend, but coming back in and dealing with these shithead patients and I'm about ready to just leave. They are just being that terrible tonight. Thankfully most are in bed now.

Btw, I was reading the thread. I'm that "moid-chan" the other person confused you for. It's understandable since I change my name every thread as sort of signature. I think they saw a new name an automatically assumed you were me. I never liked that name given to me by moids when I was making an almost daily "every moid should die" thread.

Are you okay? What's been fun so far? A trip is something I think I need rn.

I disagree.
If there is a serious plan to meet and both parties are actively working towards it, they can work. It is extremely hard, however.
that's like saying "i disagree. winning the lottery can be beneficial with good budgeting. it's very unlikely though."

no shit. it's not worth the time and energy spent on giving it a chance, it's infinitely small.
We don't really do that here, wonder why. Might be because mcd didn't end up being the dominant chain for burgers. Is up there, but it's not the dominant one.

Only memories of mcd I have are being severely disappointed as a kid with one of those burgers, getting a free burger no idea why and loving the fried chicken they made because it literally glowed with delicious unhealthy oil. The fries are good and all but I haven't had a burger from there in ages.
i pretty much have just been going hiking in the mountains desu.
i made no claims to the importance of iq, nor it's relation to self-worth. if you read the context, you'd see that we were responding to a dicksneeze calling nonas "small brain fucks"

i do apologise if my brevity had caused you to misapprehend the intent of that statement - it wasn't my intention to be rude to anyone here (other than the seething moid)
It's not really infinitely small though, it just needs proper commitment for both parties.
A lot of the successful cases happen naturally, none of this "seeking for a 4chan bf/gf and see what I get" nonsense but stumbling into a nice person for whatever place and things just keep going well and an irl meeting was awesome and how on earth are they single, etc.
You accept my proposal? OMG I never thought this would happen. I have no idea what to do next. I never dreamed I'd get this far. I need honey moon ideas. Camping in Alaska? Safari tour? Backpack through the Amazon?
Any fun cases lately as a Private Investigator?
Have you ever been in a e-relationship? How long did it last and how did it turn out?
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mmm bread with olive oil and salt

not to butt in or anything too but i read something about trains and you? im curious since trains are cool

Helllo then!! Nice to meet a fellow moid-basher. It's a fun pass time, y'know I almost feel they are worse at taking criticism and 'bullying' than they like to admit. Yet women are more emotional right?
Do you work in a hospital?

It sounds kind of cute, very full of character and formalness
>i made no claims to the importance of iq, nor it's relation to self-worth.
No. It imples that you don't find many people that are "up to your level" very often.
If you're gonna be autistic about it, yes, you didn't explicitly say anything about self-worth. But it being a "nice find" implies something negative about most people who are "beneath you".
im not gonna argue with you. i believe it's a bad idea, according to my values and desires, i find the odds of me finding love online infinitely small. that's it.

i took a train ride! super long. that's all. i'm traveling.
>But it being a "nice find" implies something negative about most people who are "beneath you".

ah, now that you mention it, it does come across that way
certainly not my intention, i have many friends and met plenty of capable people who have a plethora of skills, knowledge and kindnesses to offer, and none are related to a score based on how fast somebody can solve word or image puzzles.

i only said what i did to pile onto the moid, as i didn't think to mention iq until i saw the other nona mention hers

but, yes, i should have probably rephrased that, sorry ._.
Nvm, I'm giving you shit because I'm salty.
Carry on.
Who was the last person you shunned from your life?
Oh nice! Train rides are super comfy, I wish I could ask more details like what line but I understand OPSEC online lol

When and how did you guys get tested? I was tested as a kid and scored 130+, but not so sure about that. Sounds honestly too good to be true lmao

QUESTION for anyone, what's some songs you've been listening to alot recently or really enjoy?
>i'm salty

what's been eating at you? i don't know if you mentioned it earlier in the thread so... if you haven't yet, do you want to talk about it?
>QUESTION for anyone, what's some songs you've been listening to alot recently or really enjoy?
Anything by Superheaven or Daylight (same bad with a different name)
>what's some songs you've been listening to alot recently or really enjoy?
cosmic and sunflower by red velvet!
finale by Turtize and dagger by m1v + 6arelyhuman lol
>if you haven't yet, do you want to talk about it?
Not permitted to do that here given my (not) massive penis
oh, my mom took me to an iq test hosted by mensa when i was 14

i took both the word test and the shapes test that morning. i was very tired as i was too anxious the night before to get enough sleep, which only made me more anxious when i actually got there, i don't know if the adrenaline helped or not, but at least my empty stomach couldn't ruin my test, haha
yeah it read pretty comfy. i hung out with a middleschool girl for the first half of the ride which is ahaha kind of lame but whatever, an old guy (like 70) was trying to get buddy with me but i didn't like how mucy he was getting touchy so i bailed on that interaction. sleeping on the train was impossible for me unfortunately
just some dumb online test kek
>some songs you've been listening to
Bartender Song by Rehab. It's been like a month and I just can't get it out of my head.
Well, that a "I'm Here to Avenger Steve Irwin"
>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
a string of exes. turns out i have shit taste in partners
>A talks shit about me to his friends, begs and cries when i find out and try to leave
>D fucked his ex because he still loved her and had been trying to turn me into her
>H's sister accusd him of molesting her and he admitted it was true
i fucking hate men my best relationship was with another woman
>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
it's a shit thing to do but some moids don't give you a choice. had exes threaten suicide, tell people secrets i confided, send sex tapes to my job and shit like that when i tried to leave. when they start doing shit like that i ghost
>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
it's a stupid way to say it but my past. been through bad shit and i just cope by running from it forever
>What are you afraid of? Why?
im afraid every day that somebody in public will recognize me from the porn i was in as a kid or that one of my online 'fans' will figure out where i live
>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
i need to be able to talk to a partner openly about my dumb evidenceless fears without being afraid theyll get upset at me. i have low self esteem and one way that shows itself is finding it hard to believe anyone could really love me or be loyal to me
oh, you're a moid. why are you here anyways? and why bother getting so worked up on my comment in the first place? or are you the one who made the inciting comment on brain size....
Do you think it's accurate?

Is the scenery nice at least? I think the whole point of those kinds of long train rides is in part travel and also being able to window gaze, like Japanese railways are famous for

Will def give these a listen. Right now for me it's vampire by olivia rodrigo -- basic yes, but damnn it's good

Also holy crap I replaced, or rather removed, a wonky fan from my PC and now this bitch is blowing hot air right onto my legs and I smell her electrical musk.
The answer is no.


I haven't been on the moid-bashing gig for awhile. I could, but I think the ones here get off on it.

I used to work at a psychiatric hospital, but now a psychiatric and forensic group homes. Tonight I'm at the forensic one and it has a patient I named the Clown on here. He's being annoying af like he always is. His roommate is also being his usual chronic complainer about his family.
>Is there someone you have been avoiding who has once been close to you?
>What are your thoughts on ghosting? Is it ever justifiable?
I don't like it. I think it's lazy and cowardly. At least give them a chance to say goodbye and have some closure.
>Is there something you're hiding from? What is it?
>What are you afraid of? Why?
>How highly do you value communication? How well are you with utilizing it?
It's the most important thing to humans. It's the most important thing for relationships, for achieving anything of importance, and people with better communication skills get paid much more.
>or are you the one who made the inciting comment on brain size....
Because I'm bored. And want to chat.
>worked up
I am salty. Didn't we already go over this?

Anyway, sorry. Uh... yeah.
it's very green, i see a lot of water i guess. i don't know if its objectively nice but i like it.
Why are you afraid of success?

>I could, but I think the ones here get off on it
Oh for sure, not only do they love the attention but some even love the negativity

>I used to work at a psychiatric hospital
please tell me some stories about that. my grandma worked at one too, but that was during like the era they just have people lobotomies
And whats a psychiatric and forensic group home?

nice! if you like it that's all that matters :)
i suppose so, it's reasonably well reputed and i don't have the expertise to say one way or another - i'm not a scientist.

that being said, if my score is accurate, that would mean that if i walk into a room with 20 people, about 1 person has an iq that is at or above mine
in my life of being around people, i have to say that i don't notice a functional difference at all, only when it comes to thinking about things quickly does it become noticeable, but even then, factors such as time spent learning a specific skill might cause someone to over/underestimate if you're trying to judge somebody's intelligence based solely on that one arbitrary skill.

basically, it doesn't make much of a difference if you are able to learn new skills or take the time to research stuff if you have the time to do so.
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sigh hi guys its me again yeah its been awihle because i waws having cool sex with my bf so i didnt get to post... anyway/.... today im buying him a mcdoanlds meal for 6 people and he is gnna eat all of it and it says maccas on the pic cuz we r australian
btw its 5260 cals total so ive bene tracking profusely and hopefully he is gna get really fat i cant wait
i also saw a tiktok about girls slipping high cal butter into their bfs food so i might try that too.
guys before u get mad at me HE KINDA WANTS TO BE FAT like hes muscular and skinny rn but lowkey he wants to be fat so its fine its just a extended bulk or smth (whatever that means) so yeah
idk why u guys keep getting mad at me whenever i say i want my bf too be fat like srsly its not jeapordising his heatlh cuz hes gonna be STRONG and happy how are u gonna dominate ur woman in bed if ur 101pounds and ur built like a lightning rod like srsly guys fat guys have more muscle and r more menacing/dominating bcz they take up so much space
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how about you take some time in the sauna with me? we can take off our clothes, get to know eachother, relax, it'll be nice.

a sauna is naturally a rather warm place too, so don't worry if you start sweating, that's normal.
olga noooo dont take ur clothes off with a MOID!!! NOOOO!!!
>so don't worry if you start sweating, that's normal.
I unironically sweat a lot because of my social anxiety. And if a girl ever sais that to me, it would fix my mental illness
goodness no, sister, tis a trap - i would rather die in a fire~

perhaps, and while i don't wish for anyone to be subject to mental illness - please, don't step out of line, moid, or in the sauna you go

well, i tried to offer you a relaxing sauna before your death, so i suppose we'll have to do this the hard way, i shall have my guards throw you into the sauna with a ravenous dog before i light it on fire - how's that?
>or in the sauna you go
I cannot stand very hot climates due to a medical condition that would make my blood pressure drop and I would pass out.
Where's the fun in that?
I am embarrassed of wanting to fill awkward silences with nothingburger chitchat and saying something dumb
I'm glad to hear you're growing and learning to protect yourself against warning signs and the like. I am also poor at opening up, even anonymously on 4chan, but I also believe some things are meant to be private on a public internet forum ofc. But in private, it's not too much different.
Kitty cat is doing great, thank you for asking
Both of the posts you responded to were me if you didn't know :0
I HATE customer service, so having a job with minimal customer interaction sounds so comfy. I'm doing decent-ish by the way. I've felt kind of lazy all day, but just made myself do some workouts, and I might journal or something soon.
Hi! I feel a little tired, but overall alright. I couldn't bring myself to really play vidya today either until a little while ago, so I just sat around watching shows or doing small chores. Cold shower didn't work either. Maybe I just need a big REM sleep without any weed.
I've been listening to these on repeat a lot lately, first enjoyed the artist in 22'
I JUST danced to Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo on Just Dance like 30-ish minutes ago, I don't listen to her regularly but it's a pretty song!!!
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Olga look my Carnotaurus' are fighting

its sooo good
can u spare me one please thank yoooou
>Where's the fun in that?
Datamining, ofc.
my goodness... these creatures... they look like the things doodled in the margin of papers! i applaud the work of the painter as well- good show!
you are my fave poster so far your posts make me smile and giggle thank you olga
Jolly good show!
I love Carnotaurus. Really want one of these silly MFers before Disney guts their Dinosaur ride
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i second this thank you sister olga you make me not want to rip my hair and eyes out
well, it is certainly a pleasure to make your acquaintance, also- especially with such vivid imagery to inspire the mind!

a jolly good show, indeed!
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I bet this does tho
go off king my greatest respect
>not posting soft
i know a lot of shit about north korea is true but it's hilarious to me they decided to start that one rumor when this is everywhere?
the news outlets need to stop giving these fake runaways media attention like they did for that one jinja crazy bitch
>he has a pencil dick
it's been a pleasure to meet you too, but for now i must depart, as the night has been long, and i must rest- for i must recuperate my mind, spirit, and body for the moidbashing of tomorrow

good night sisters, and may you not be plagued by moids in my absence
so cute when they put on a whole show like this

>posting this edgy tryhad selfie named evil.png
>"ermm kill all women. heh" yet fishes for their attention
>discord given
I am laughing

gnnn olga!!

holy sHIT that plastic dino looks so fucked hahaha.

This makes me think of a great question for anons and nonas:

Opinion on Disney adults?
8 inch length 4.5 circumfererence, only met 1 guy irl who had a bigger dick than i did
That is chubbed, not hard. Normally there is a lot more blood in the head and it is bigger at the tip. think i might be getting heart problems
Adult men really just go around comparing dick sizes? If you're a fag, makes more sense
Tiny penis syndrome spotted.
Though to be fair all the women I've had sex with have told me to stop going so deep on them, then eventually told me they like the way it hurts against their cervix. Having sex with women is generally better, but they are bad people so I don't prefer to associate with them. I've yet to meet a single woman in my life who was tolerable.
Damn scrotefags really live like this, disgusting. The rooms a mess too.
Oh. My. God.
I recognize you!
You are the anon who posted his desk a long time ago amd I told you, you were very neurotic.
>Yeah I've had sex with men.
Absolutely shameful. Do that shit then come around here and expose femoids to your tainted dick? Disgraceful.
I mean this with all the kindness in my soul but you sound like you have serious issues with women that are psychological and should consider therapy or getting the fuck off this board and site. And p.s. no one wants to see your useless penis you dumb bitch
Femoids literally can't throw out a meaningful insult because they are too stunned by a big cock.
You all suck
interesting opinion however you are female consider stfuing (not the person you are responding to just a dude with a large cock whilst you don't even have a cock loser)
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that wasn't me I don't think
the only shame i feel was letting myself care about the opinion of a woman
I mean this with all the kindness of my soul but you have to seriously consider the years of psychological torment that I have witnessed amongst my years. Women have never proven themselves to be useful to the human species more than their breeding organs allow them. You never will either.

here is a transparent png of my cock for you to suck
I mostly have sad ones like when the Bath Salt drug craze was going on and the people who became permanently fried on that quickly. There's also some other drug related as well like the guy that got a bad batch of mollies and he's a walking vegetable now. Plenty of schizos with paranoid delusions like the government is paying tens of millions if dollars just to spy on them mowing their yards, or the many who seriously believe they are Jesus.

The lobotomy era was a scary one. I remember in the one video we watch in our psychiatric medicine class about the lobotomy races where they had patients line up and two psychiatrists raced to see who could finish lobotomizing patients first.

The psychiatric group home is a step-down unit mostly to help patients re-integrate back into society by giving them a place a stay, work on daily living skills, etc. Eventually, they're supposed to be getting their own place. However, it doesn't happen and they basically rot here.

The forensic one is the same, but they cannot get out on their own because they're a part of the criminal system. Heard of the insanity plea? These guys were the extremely rare ones who got it! Tbey were sentenced to life in a state psychiatric hospital. Fortunately fir them, the state wants to free up some beds, so here comes forensic group homes! They are deemed not bad enough for inpatient hospitalization. Unfortunately, they can do nothing so they're here rotting as well.

So yeah, our mental health system here is failing. I have a lot of criticisms, but hey, what do I know? I'm just a midnight shift nurse that gives out meds and makes sure they're alive.
nigger, I literally posted my soft dick to just flex. Cope harder
>that wasn't me I don't think
Yes, it was. You had cigarettes on your desk and alcohol, too.
I remember that floor and the guitar.
Can you post the picture anon? I'm curious to see if I will remember that day. I must have fried my braincells blacking out for a month straight
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This post me curious...

Nonas, what do you think of my old bedroom before I moved out of my mom's? Anons always said it was comfy, but I thought it was a bit of a shithole because of how the floor tiles came up
Your room reminds me of my old best friend who I would do gay stuff with in high school.
How much of your boyfriend's privates have you investigated?
>do gay stuff with
Ew. You need better best friends.
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wow much projection so epic chungus style of you bro

>The lobotomy era was a scary one. I remember in the one video we watch in our psychiatric medicine class about the lobotomy races where they had patients line up and two psychiatrists raced to see who could finish lobotomizing patients first.
God damn. I never knew about that. My grandma would get really really shameful if we brought it up, like retreat into herself and you could tell she felt like shit over it to the point of denial. I wonder how those doctors feel about it looking back? I have heard that doctors are insane and borderline NPD though. My grandma was just a nurse.

Have you met any notable insanity plea characters? And what jobs do they end up getting after being re-integrated into society generally? How much training did you have to go through to be a nurse working this kind of job? Sorry for so many questions, but this is very interesting and please feel free to add as much detail as you can/like.
nah he was a great guy. I was the bad friend who ruined our friendship and isolated myself from him because I couldn't accept my feelings for him.
>Can you post the picture anon?
I didn't save it. Why would I?
We later met in another thread, weeks later, and you said you were making changes because what I had said made you realize you really were extremely neurotic.
looks comfy. i can't shit on any rooms considering mine is... well what you'd expect of a jirai's room except with no luxury brands
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>Heh, chud, I've got the perfect insult for you
> "No U"
> Feel dumb yet?

Originally, you are retarded. Sorry to break it to you this way.
you seem like a total fruit who lives with his grandparents because his actual parents are cracked out and maybe you were in band or something but were pressured out of it and you look like your hands would be very clammy all the time
>compliments the room of the cock poster
Femoids really have no free will
I have never met an anon and told him that I am making changes to my life. Maybe I have told that to discord friends, but I think you are being led on by somebody pretending to have been me. I still drink as much as I want and do what I want, and I've never told any anon I am going to get better.
Cockposter here, that wasn't me. our rooms are clearly not in any way similar even
nice book collection, do you smoke by any chance? I don't know why but your little book shelf with the lights and the bunch of stuff reminded me to my uncle's studio that always smelled to ash and cigars, I love to spend time there messing around with his art materials
Nah, feel free to shit all you want. It's fun sometimes lol
But thank you

Sadly never in a band, and both my parents are too normie to ever become cracked out(even if my mom does drink too much wine)

Soft dick anon here, that was my room. Cope harder

I don't and never have, but I hope to get into pipe and cigars some day. And that's only a small part of my book collection. I've got at least four or five times that.
>our rooms are clearly not in any way similar even
He said "old" room.
So you think an anon posted a pic of your desk in a desk rate thread for no reason, and then talked about your struggles with being neurotic because... reasons?
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when my room looks unironically like picrel i have to be honest when it comes to room pictures.
it's true that males are better than females however i will have to disagree with you on that point because vaginas feel better on my cock and males do not have vaginas
oh my god guys who caaaarrreessss
What am I coping with? You have nothing that I want. My life and my pursuits are golden, and I have done them all with the help of my family and friends.
No I think you mistook the second encounter as being me from the first anon. I'm not telling you what I think, I'm telling you that I have never called myself neurotic on the internet, ever. If you'd like to provide proof then be my guest but I'm going to consider you a larper from now on
Very kawaii
>even the Monster cans are pink
kek 10/10 for commitment
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i had some of those, very good shit
but for real now, picrel is what it looks like.
I find it funny how even your "messy table" is still less messy than when I used to have one. I still knew where everything was, but it was edge to edge and stuff would fall constantly.

But I wonder, not to encourage pics or anything, has there ever been a thread themed around rooms? Maybe y'all could come up with questions about that. But then again, I know you guys don't like taking ideas from moids, and I respect that.
>get into pipe
based AF, I have smoked in a pipe, it was give it to me by my grandpa, I'm not a fan of the aftertaste so I smoke regular cigars
>And that's only a small part of my book collection. I've got at least four or five times that
Nice! can we have a better pic so I can see some of the tittles better?
where the shit are you finding strong zero? are you in NA?
>have a better pic
Uh, I can go take a pic of a few of the shelves, but I'm in desperate need of another bookcase so it's super fucking double stacked atm
a thread about rooms and sharing pics would be nice weren't it for the obvious vultures that would cling to it.
AU. shits everywhere
i love it but it's a little expensive (10/can 36/grade) so usually i just buy premium pink.
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>The answer is no
Thanks for letting me down easy. We could have bought lots of guns together. Went camping. Picked wild berries. I would have went to church for you. This picture took me an hour to find.
>Why are you afraid of success?
Because I'm used to failing and having the excuse that I could really make it if I really gave it my all. What happens after I give it my all and can't make it?
I still want to date Tomo-nona, despite her drug addiction. I can fix her
You learn and try again. Everyone fails, its alright and you can get better. Not trying is a failure in itself because you never did anything and never progressed.
Failure is the best way to learn. Welcome it, embrace it, make it a great friend. It's not a bad thing.
>Oh. My. God.
>I recognize you!
I am so glad no one has recognized my dick yet.
>Both of the posts you responded to were me if you didn't know :0
AHHH so sorry it is getting hard for me to tell.

It is so comfy it gives me the same vibes I had with the last job. Just placing components about 3mm big on a little board for 8 hours a day. Totally what I can do.
Imagine sharing a nude and some random goes "I recognize you"
New fear unlocked
I recognize the guitar and floor, not the dick.
Post cropped pics.
welp if you can do it that would be nice, but if it's too much trouble don't bother
>Post cropped pics
No. I'm not posting my dick for everyone. There's only 3 nonas I would show and only 1 of them would ask to see it.
Which one would ask that?
>a little expensive
yeah theres no way ill ever see that drink in canada then
>Which one would ask that?
Your mom.
It's a chapter in psychiatric history that needs to keep being told. it is still a lot like that now, except instead of an icepick, it's pills. I've mentioned it on here a few times about our mental health system and how they lazily over diagnose people and throw them on lots of medications. It was the same back then, as lobotomy was described as the easy miracle cure and a lot better than actually dealing with patients.

Here: none. For as long as I been here, not one has left in the five years. They're supposed to have counseling and a case manager to help them, but the company that runs this place doesn't feel that is necessary to help. Since it's the middle of nowhere, they have no access to transportation other than us taking them to appointments, etc., there's no way for them to do anything.

There's really no notable ones. Most of them are rapists with a few murders. People tend to hate when they try for the insanity plea and get it. it's not the "get out of jail free card" they think it is. They don't realize it's a life sentence.

Idk which country you are in, but here in the US, you just need your LPN license which is only one year of schooling. However, I have the RN and I also have my BSN specializing in psychiatric nursing. The BSN is not really necessary to do this job, and BSN is more for people who want to do like care management or administrative stuff (i.e. paperwork over patient care). If you just want to do basic patient care, just graduating high school or having the equivalency is enough.

Please don't ask me again. I'm being serious: it really hurts me when I have to decline like I had to to the neighbor moid I mentioned this morning because he did misunderstand and asked me out on date.
>it really hurts me when I have to decline
What hurts? Didn't think you would care.
i'm sure there's a way to mix something similar to it. the taste is not very unique so it wouldn't be hard to find a soda similar to it.
Since I rarely get to share my books I went the extra mile. This isn't even all of them lol
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>forgot the pic
God, I am dumb sometimes.
Just let it go. Please.
Okay then. I won't pry.
It hurts a lot, so thank you very much.
I love how even with the hate they throw at us the nonas all seem to feel bad about rejecting guys, both here and IRL. This is why I like it here. They're actually kind of nice, even if they like pretending they aren't.

>Please don't ask me again. I'm being serious: it really hurts me when I have to decline
I hope you know I was joking and I kind of regret making that "joke" now as I'm pretty sure one of these retards is going to weaponize it.

This isn't me. It would be cool if people used NTA. Or should we all trip from now on?
>weaponize it
Christ you lot are paranoid fucks
attention females i wish to gaze upon your naked breasts kindly display them now in this thread so that i may observe your nipples
>This isn't me. It would be cool if people used NTA. Or should we all trip from now on?
I was thinking from my own perspective. I wasn't trying to impersonate you.
I just butted in.
I understand and I know you were joking, but please don't go further with this, please.
>Or should we all trip from now on?
Nobody cares about who you are.
You really like vampires don't you anon? I have only read the Anne Rice ones.
I really like the penguin classics, they always looks so nice and make any bookshelf stand out. Sadly I only have paradise lost
It's nice to see we have some books in common. thanks for sharing
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>dont get along with other women irl
>stop posting in bio fem threads because i cant ingratiate with other women
>get along with men just fine
how do i start getting along with other women i am so lonely and men only ever want nudes after a certain point
>You really like vampires
Yes. I can't believe it took me until this year to realize I have a bit of a blood kink. Seems so obvious in retrospect.

And yeah, the Penguins look nice on the shelf, but I find Oxford has better footnotes so I generally prefer those.
>nice to see we have some books in common
Isn't it funny often you can meet someone who also reads but the two of you can't find a single book you've both read? lol
>men only ever want nudes after a certain point
Open the convo with the nudes so they don't ask for them later.
>paranoid fucks
There's literally a guy who has

>just butted in.
You should probably make that clear.
You just made me realize I've never actually asked for nudes.... But yet I've still gotten them from time to time....
What a weird world we live in.
no i dont post boobies online anymore. when i post in sfw discord threads i specifically say no degens allowed and i wont send tits and they ask anyway
>You should probably make that clear
Calm down, bud.
Like, okay. But don't have a panic attack over it.
>Christ you lot are paranoid fucks
Sorry, I'm smarter than you and can anticipate the actions of others. What the fuck do you want me to say?
Send me boobies if you want to talk.
I mean, I don't get why you feel so bad declining randos on a Peruvian llama trading site in the first place. Not saying you need to be mean about it, but like, it's fucking 4chan. Who gives a shit?
Sorry you had a rough day. I'm going to snooze now, not the best times myself. Hope the rest of the evening is easier on you.
What do you think fails when ingratiating with other women?
It's not that I'm having a rough day: it's just that touchy subject for me was brought up twice in one day.

Sleep well and sweet dreams.
>What do you think fails when ingratiating with other women?
Her tits can't carry the conversation
How you usually approach other women? what kind of interest do you have? do you belong to any fandoms? What make you feel rejected?
I didn't knew that about Oxford's, a shame that reading in English it's too much of a hustle for me sometimes.
>Isn't it funny often you can meet someone who also reads but the two of you can't find a single book you've both read? lol
it is really funny, I think this is the first time I have books in common with someone.
I'm glad you've never been harassed past a breaking point in your life. May it continue that way.
i dont share any of their interests and am very blunt / somewhat aggressive because im used to socializing with men. it sucks because i feel like im talking to people from a completely different planet even though we share most things
Women who only have male friends are a huge red flag. How many of you "male friends" have seen you naked?
>The idea of seeing each others blood on the other's lips does something to me.
Are vampire teeth a turn on? I have really sharp canines and always wondered if they were a positive.
>t. male.
none. its always immensely hurt my feelings that male friends i trusted and was very clear about only liking platonically betray me by coming onto me. its happened like. three times and hurts as much every time. especially because i tell them i dont want a relationship and they act like they listen to me and understand but the whole time theyre just waiting to try and get my pants off its disgusting
what interests? this is usually bs desu
at least online it seems like a lot of women are into anime which i just cant get into. irl my female coworkers seem to like romance novels, female musical artists, oddly enough they also seem to like anime
anon! anon have you read dracula! i'm almost done and i think the vampirism in dracula could be interpreted as mental illness/depression!! someone please discuss this with me i feel very smart for making this assessment!!!!
>teehee I'm not like other girls
>I don't share her silly girly interests
>im just like one of the boys
>silly boys always hitting on me

yeah no wonder other women can't stand you you pick me piece of shit
different poster but in the adaptation that the BBC made a few years ago they also insinuated that
And what are your interests? unless you avoid religiously tv, music and literature surely there is some sort of overlap
i dont know why youre so vindictive but i genuinely hope you get well soon. also how am i a pick me when i yearn for friendships with other women only to be constantly rejected + get disgusted when the men i trust show sexual interest in me thats the exact opposite of the onus of being a pickme
I like the idea of mental illness as a fantasy entity.
i dont watch tv and my music taste kind of skews toward oldies because i was raised by older people, which can be hard to talk about with people my age. i tried joining my local book club but all of the books they read together were romance novels or new age fiction, stuff about feminism and queer experience. it just wasnt for me. maybe the problem is just the area i live in
idk dude but ignoring other nonas to go "woe is me" in a thread filled with desperate virgins sounds almost like a parody of a pick me
I'd go, you know, to a female predominant space if I wanted female friends
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply didn't realize this, look back, change your ways
>but in the adaptation that the BBC made a few years ago they also insinuated that
no fucking way i genuinely feel so smart for noticing this/having this interpretation. i still haven't finished the novel but it's infuriating how the signs of vampirism are constantly thrown to the side, classified as something else and only ever paid attention to after the women are close to dying, but i feel like it was intentional! also, lucy's like about "laying down like ophelia".
the men do that. it will be rare to find a man that won't do it and usually it will be because he's gay. i've only been lucky enough to have one male friend not do that.
making friendships with women is not that hard i think! of course there's a handful of stacies here and there with complete npc brain syndrome but there's this undiscussed pact of girlhood, usually women will stick with and help women no matter what. this might sound crazy if you're an introvert but sometimes making friendships with women is just walking up to them and giving them genuine compliments.
>ignoring the other nonas
the last 5 or so times ive tried to post in the bio fem threads ive been ignored while the tripfags talk to each other what
and a female predominant space like fucking where
Where's the Cobson poster when we need them?
i tried a lot in high school to make female friends but was just the group tard/designated ugly friend until i gave up and started hanging out with men instead again. in my adult life ive tried to make friends with coworkers, i say nice things and try to be gregarious but they always seem off put when i try to develop a legitimate friendship. i dont know what im doing wrong at this point
>the last 5 or so times ive tried to post in the bio fem threads ive been ignored while the tripfags talk to each other
Well, I'll be damned that's actually a great point but more of a problem with the thread. it's a big fish eat the little one kinda deal, you can wait for one of them to pick you up like a sorry accessory or try to strike conversation with other users and hope they're females
>and a female predominant space like fucking where
you want me to sit on your computer and look for it too? maybe spoonfeed it to you while you wear a bib with a funny cartoon lobster drawing? go into /cm/ or /y/ idk what you do in your free time
Just keep looking. Oldies and whatever you read which might be classics too aren't super niche stuff. I don't know maybe on a site like goodreads there are clubs for that? not sure what would be the music equivalent site for something like that.
jesus why would i ever try and make female friends if they all have such a shitty temper and a stick up their ass. are all of you like this?
unless youre a moid and as such your opinion does not matter to me no more (you)s for you
When were you ignored? the trips barely talk nowadays but before sometimes the thread went so fast or was spammed so much everyone just leaves for a while lol.
Shouldn't take it as not being able to mingle though. Virtually everyone gets ignored a lot of time here unless you cheat and avatarfag or tripfag.
>desperate virgins
None of us are actually virgins. Only the few incels are. I crush mad puss.
goodreads might be a good idea? i havent used it but know vaguely of it so maybe they have groups or something for discussion
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you need to look for girls that aren't normies first of all and realise that school/work friendships are just out of convenience. that's normal. i don't know what your interests are say but for example i love japanese fashion, so i go out in it and i also always compliment the people i see wearing it. humans are social creatures, we tend to want to be close to people who share our interests!
speaking of such, missing my friend greatly once again. i understand nana now because she does feel more like a boyfriend whenever i'm away.
yup yup! you can always find people into classics, like me (if anon/nona wants a chat). this will sound awful BUT book twitter can work too. yes a lot of shitty novel fans but train the algorithm enough and you will find a bunch of people with profiles dedicated to classics and cult cinema.
It's because many of us already have an established friendship and are able to talk to each other easily. When I come into the thread, my first thing is to say hi to the nonas I know. Say hi to us. Talk to us. Jump into a conversation if one is happening. We're willing to talk with you even if you want to remain anonymous. This thread isn't a tripfag circkejerk: we do it because when this thread was being spammed and trolled to death in the early parts of it, we had moids impersonating us, and some tried to make other nonas look like total whores. We called it then skinwalker era.
Except you picked a fucking character that was turned into this and was originally a woman. Like what even.
Forgot twitter exists lol, was thinking on old school clubs but I agree is a great idea too, maybe plebbit too idk.
Still thinking on the music site, shouldn't be this hard. Last.fm ditched the whole groups thingy so that's a no, and rym doesn't really convince me. Surely there's something out there where you can tick both the "I love old music" and "I want to speak with other women that like it" boxes.
>Surely there's something out there where you can tick both the "I love old music" and "I want to speak with other women that like it" boxes.
sigh if there was i'd probably already have a girlfriend much to the dissatisfaction of a handful of incels here
But many women love kpop. Weren't you able to make friends when dancing it?
It has a groups feature, and a decent number of women use it imo. Sure most groups are YA crap but there might be something for others there too.

For your oldies music.. not so sure. Radio station sites maybe? From here I think Private Investigator likes oldies too so there's that.
well, yes, but i'm talking about old music and classics here kekw
i will never make a trip desu and some of the nonas are chill enough to talk to me without assuming that i'm some moid
he will come back sooner or later
from korea, brazil or the typical american ones?
i'm also in the same place but i don't speak to men so i'm destined to be alone frfr
brazilian mostly and a few american. speaking of dancing i'm really hoping someone does a tutorial to the cosmic choreography soon.
also i wish i was brave enough to post my dancing somewhere or show it to the nonas... feels weird sometimes to know a handful of dances and do nothing with them.
go on female imageboards like cc and lc. even if there's a lot of sperging and infighting it's way better than hanging here with degenerate moids lol
God actually made kpop. You should read the English translations. He speaks to us through the art that humans produce. Literally that's what's happening. So one thing about the art forms is that, it's likely used as a way to shape our reality. In this way, an incel can isolate in his room forever, and through a combination of skill and hard work, can maintain his composure. That happened because he's been listening to Kpop. And watching tv. And reading the websites. Not because of his real world being a source of experience. So, that's likely why God is making the Kpop. It makes it feel almost like earth is this carnival experience with lots to do. And I think this overall has a really big impact on its evolution, but there's no way to answer a lot of the questions we have about how things evolved. One thing God pointed out to me was that drawing something and saying he made it doesnt make sense. Because there isn't really an origin, it's like saying the drawing just started existing. So we can't do that. But time and time again we witness artists who are time travellers, they know things they shouldn't know for the time period. That's gods influence in their artwork. And we know about it because, for whatever reason, we've seen it in history books or online somewhere. So that's actually a way to maintain a structure that preys on exploitation. Is with propoganda that creates a minor pleasure release, like games and tv and music. Because these are basically free to produce. Sex, houses, food. These are what we care about, and they're things we don't have. So it's really insulting to see him making art forms. And he's such a fag sometimes about it. Like if you actually just read literally any book in this entire matrix, you'll see God wrote that fucker. He wrote them all and pretended humans did.
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Which one of you lovely white ladies is ready for her 3 hour foot worship session with my tongue?
Other than sharing them privately with the contacts you already have or making a tiktok and see how it goes there aren't many choices I guess. No idea if there are other more niche sites for something like that.

Old brazilian music I know is all chill compared to what we had here crying out for love all the time, in quite the poetic ways mind you, but being so overdramatic compared to all that bossa nova. Or maybe you had all that and only the bossa nova got the international recognition.

The best thing about old music is that it reflects the rhythm of life pre information era, it's just slower, duller maybe but with more space to enjoy, think, write better lyrics for sure.
>tranny imageboards like cc and lc

Thank you, Cobson.
idk man last kpop video I saw was basically a pepsi ad.
Fun and all but it sounds like hip hop a bit too much, too westernized maybe
An old friend of mine who was playing shitty mind games with me, not sure what he expected, it probably was a complex form of self-destructive behaviour.
lots of people here on the ~130 IQ
Nona that sounds horrible, I'm sorry to hear, did you get a restraining order or had any legal justice?
Erm actually you have to be given your name
so instead of talking some anons here i just told my friend about the crush situation, although he doesn't know the full extent,

he says the scenario about meeting an instagram girl is probably fake, but idk, apparently he's way more optimistic then me, unfortunately my crush is awake, but hasn't elaborated on the situation, idk if i can even ask him how it went
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New Stonetoss. Thoughts?
fingers are a reocurring motif here, so it'd be a better punchline if he was fingering her
erm guys hold the phone i just realised iove been using the wrong trip
wait i think that one was wrong too
i've returned from my slumber, and i shall make my tripcode a bit more secure - for better security over my domain, lest the Drevlians try and claim it
umm er i forgor
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Saint Olga of Kiev, Blessed Princess has returned
>edition about avoiding people and going incognito
>3 new tripfaggs
Classic 4chan
This type of comics always feel like double cuckery, no, you're not a strong muscular man who gets pussy, you have way more similarities with the Redditor, feels like whoever is posting this wants to suck cock and I'm getting second hand embarrassment
Yep, he is up and doing his usual spamming.
The base of the delusion is that there's a way sex just falls on your lap. It's like believing in Santa Claus
>he is up and doing his usual spamming
Fair enough but they meant another type of spam not my reply spam
Different guy. One that has literal meltdowns because this general exists. He got committed not too long ago, and /r9k/ wasn't flooded with his stale content that even robots stopped using almost 10 years ago.
And the most moidposting in weeks.
Very obvious one even.
an impostor? perhaps i should give you a rather royal treatment and impale you outside the palace walls for others to see...
And thus why the tripfems use a trip. The complainers and ones svreetching about cliques were not here during the major impersonator event.
indeed, if memory serves me right - this very thread had an anon impersonated, and another was assumed to be a different anon.
with all the confusion generated by the invading moids, it's only natural to maintain a fingerprint of authenticity of self- to elay any doubts of who's who
>heh i'm sleepy guess i'll take a nap
>have full dream about going back to brazil and definitely a few gay feelings for friend
>wake up
>8pm same day
You were not sleepy enough i guess.
hello again, kpop, i've been awaiting your company!
or too sleepy ... what do now??
olgaaaaa! how was your rest?
Do you also like dinos in nuggies form?
my rest was splendid, however the terrible dreams haunted me, as such, the overall amount of rest was less than satisfactory, nevertheless i shall continue this day!

obligitory kys moid
fuck you and fuck your image choice
i hope to christ that's actually consensual and if it's not, you need god. can a MOD evaluate if this violates any board rules? it seems better suited for /b/
Hello there moid who refuses to identify himself and has been told several times to identify himself clearly so the nonas can fully ignore him
Don't respond to him.
now i'm craving dino nuggies....
i suppose we had the opposite then! i had amazing dreams (albeit a bit confusing if i think about them too much) but terrible rest seeing as it's the middle of the night
i should... it just irks me so...

i do love dino nuggies~
>this thread is for girls.
This board is for boys.
>obligitory kys moid
>fuck you and fuck your image choice
>i hope to christ that's actually consensual and if it's not, you need god. can a MOD evaluate if this violates any board rules? it seems better suited for /b/
shut up whiny cunt
Can you please just fuck off? You don't even belong on this board.
Fake tripfem done by a moid part 28282828377474
>you don't even belong on this board
/r9k/? why?
that bitch got smacked real hard by that nigger then he smacked her cuk boyfriend straight into hell who tried to protect her even when she was in the wrong lmao well deserved fucking cunts
That trip is like a laughing stock version impersonator of what a 'nice guy moid' would post
at least they're nice if they are a moid... i like the way they speak.
i'm not a moid, i'm just casually larping as Olga of Kiev- the whole point of /Biofem/ General is that it's for biological women to have discussions, so why should those discussions be neutered because of assholes? i just read past a comment that Kpop made earlier and my immediate thought was to toss a moid into a fire, and i remembered learning about Olga of Kiev.
that's it.

bit of a joke, yes, but i still think it's better given the historical connotation.
i usually just lurk, i hardly post... i just thought it would be nice to interact for once
I am also powerful in this regard. For example I can see that you are a tranny as are other obvious troon posters. Also I can see who is the uglies and landwhale foids in here with microscopic precision (attractive, well spirited females who are not utter failures don't post here same way as they never post in female glorifying and male hating subreddits). Then there are the simps who are very obvious. Glowniggers also very obvious. Occasionally mad boomers and normoid nigger NPCs. And bots. I'm an expert just like you ma'am, I meant, sir.
it was! you're fun to talk to. if i didn't already have my alias id larp as marie antoinette
>marie antoinette
that would be an excellent choice, tbf, i'd also like to see Maria Sklodowska
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you're also nice to talk to!
i think the reason i'm going particularly hard on the moidbashing is because i was engaged for a year and he broke up with me not even a week ago...
i told my mom and she dropped everything to deliver flowers, pizza, and this note >picrel

i think it's a combination of factors that led me to channel Olga for a bit- i'll probably go back to lurking, but i'll still post as Olga on occasion, as the larp has warmed up on me, haha
>The cell service here is spotty so having a radio helps cover deadspots plus it's instantaneous like if the guys are out hunting
That's fair, I hadn't considered that. Radio is pretty interesting though. It's one of those things that's really impressive when you really think about how it works.
I've just read trough the part I didn't this morning, why the fuck are you all replying to dick picks?
I hate moids so much is unreal, they fucking disgust me
coz we're taught to constantly think abt other ppls feelings above our own... men aren't :)
Moid-chan, why did you turn down the neighbor? Huh?
ya its called not being a bitch maybe u should try it u fucking doormat
are you ragebaiting me? moids deserve to get their balls chopped off
well maybe, but at least after a couple of dates and sex
e-dating OP1
Cutting plapmoid's balls
hey Olga, new tripfems must post a vocaroo. It's the rule
sorry about the whitenoise, my mic broke so i had to boost the input
That is very sweet of your mom!
That's not biological at all
The standard phrase is "I'm a biofem and I fucking hate moids"

you have no idea how much i've been chainsmoking this past week
if you think i won't jerk off to the generated speech, you're wrong.
Lol. This reminds me of when the adachi poster. Had his "gf" post her voice and it sounded AI. I believe this is all from the adachi poster.
ok, now i just feel insulted
chainsmoking does not make your voice sound like that
for me it does? everything gets pretty dry- and being awake for 46 hours straight is taking its toll

how does my voice sound AI? -i've been told that i sound a bit robotic before, but idk why
you sound like the tranny that spams threads asking if his voice passes
>Do you also like dinos in nuggies form?
NTN, but I certainly do.

Glad to see momentum picking up around here; hope all the nonas and polite anons are having a good day.
ok, first off, ouch
that's not me, i'm not a tranny, and i don't post my voice, i only did it here because, yeah, makes sense
i'm a quiet person who doesn't talk much and hasn't for most of my life, so on top of social anxiety and people saying that i sound like a robot in real life, i have randoms on the internet saying the same thing

fantastic week i've had- this is just the icing on the cake

now i know how my friend N felt when some terf called security on her for using the women's restroom for "not being a woman" EVEN THOUGH SHE'S BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE
and i know that because i knew her from school

just- fuck it, whatever, fuck you all except Kpop, Pounce, and PI ig

i'm just gonna go back to lurking so i don't have to be reminded of the fact that not only is normie society a hellhole, but so are the terminally online ones
So far would say no
Mirophone is quite different but also that tranny makes those weird long intonation pretending to be some hip LA girl
so you really insist the 2 recordings are real?
the moidbasher got bashed by moids
yeah, the tranny sounds like an LA version of my friend from arizona, weirdly enough, my arizona friend is a tomboy

and yeah, no, we sound different

yes, that's my voice, unfiltered save for my shitty mic.
Yeah man, you absolutely got baited. You need to learn to ignore and move on on this site.
Every single biofem that has posted a vocaroo has been called a tranny at some point. Also, there was never a "requirement" for verifying with vocaroo. That was also bait. How new are you to the site? Not trying to be a dick with that question, just curious
i've had stints on an off 4chan for about a decade.. usually about a month or two out of a year, i'll just lurk around

i've not really payed attention to /r9k/ for a few years though
i hope you take another one OFF, attention whore.
fuck namefags, this is an anonymous imageboard.
They don't actually think you're a tranny. They just can't stand the fact that women are posting on "their" board and they're trying to drive you away. Please ignore the manbabies and keep posting; I think it's great to have you here.
Yeah I used to post infrequently like that until biofem threads happened
Anyway here's a vocaroo to help you feel better. I didn't know what to say so I ended up reading the intro to A Tale of Two Cities
Because it's a board for robots. All you foids here are tourists and don't belong.
that made me feel better, thanks
t. moid
Is it ur mic or do u have a slight lisp?
that made me feel better after hearing the tranny voice too
that's a hard mogg, do you have no pity for Olgof the Gladiator?
when r u women gonna admit that u r tutorial mode upper class of society?
When will men admit they're all pedos and rapists?
>i'm just gonna go back to lurking so i don't have to be reminded of the fact that not only is normie society a hellhole, but so are the terminally online ones
If everywhere smells like shit, you gotta check your own pants, lol
>of Kiev
It's Ky-eev you fucking cunt
Leave Olga alone! Just leave her alone!!
not if she keeps misgendering my football team that cost us 175 billions
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someone's doxxing op1 >>78023804
A ona voobshhe russkaja? Looks like a poser, lol.
I don't know what would suck more as a woman, see behavior of men changing when they hear your voice or get accused of being a troon
I'm so sorry baby. Forgive me. I couldn't help myself. My testosterone got me acted up baby girl.
I'm ready for the next edition
We haven't even passed 500 posts yet, hold your horses.
Some thread questions for the next op.
1. What did you have for breakfast today?
2. If you didn't eat breakfast yesterday how would you have felt yesterday.
3. Write a short story about 2 characters. The character must have at least one Line of dialogue each.
4.Hardo Mode: Write a short story with 2 characters who both must have at least one like each, but ONE of the characters must tell the other character, a story about 2 (A story inside of a story) characters that each have a line of dialogue at the minimum.
>not cause there aren't good guys here but cause that's a minority but the bad ones are REAALLLYY BADD
the same is true for the girls here too
Nobody is going to do your homework
femeenons show bobs and vegana please sirs
>Nobody is going to do your homework
I thought it would be fun. It's supposedly something of an I.Q. test. There's apparently many 130+ IQ posters here, so this would be trivial for them, but I suspect we could see some potentially humorous posts, from those of us less gifted.
which turns you into passive aggressive petty bitches who say shit like this instead of regural insults like a normal person
>Come back
>Another thread of everyone pointing fingers at anons saying it's me
What's with this schizophrenia?
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Don't care.
This is how you look now.
Prove it's not you then!
Cool she's pretty cute just need to lose the weight
she's clearly ovulating in that pic
*turns on the Batomo-signal*
she arose but in the wrong thread.
She's not the one withdrawing weed.
Ideas for next thread

Word games
Comfy places
Am cooking currently. Will be a while longer before I can make a new thread, sorry
need cute batomo-signal doodle too
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Sounds more like that k-popfag
Good idea. That is more design oriented so I can make a few thumbnail sketches. Closer to getting done with fried rice but still so far away aghf
>our mental health system and how they lazily over diagnose people and throw them on lots of medications
I have read a bit about this, but i can't say I know alot. Is it true that anti-psychotics are the worst of these prescribed drugs to treat mental conditions? And do you believe in Big Pharma using this market just to make money by selling pills?

>They're supposed to have counseling and a case manager to help them, but the company that runs this place doesn't feel that is necessary to help. Since it's the middle of nowhere, they have no access to transportation other than us taking them to appointments, etc., there's no way for them to do anything
AWESOME. Really sounds like that company wants them to get better right...Jeez, how old is the oldest person there?

I was interested in doing crime scene clean-up type stuff, but idk psychology and criminology is very interesting.

No, nuggies kind of gross me out. What is in them....who knows?

Helllo olga nice to see you again

Do you normally always make the new threads?
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Not always, just usually lurking more often than not and I usually step up to make threads if no one else is
Fried rice almost done. Just bacon fried rice because apparently there is a metric fuckton of it in the freezer
Metric fuckton of bacon btw there's like 5 packages for some reason that were bought some days ago
hey Pounce, new tripfems must post a vocaroo. It's the rule
I don't see a single strip of bacon there
You would make such a
>good free cook
I wish I could keep you. I already cooked but I can't cook like that.
>corn in fried rice

>This post was brought to you by The Big Pea Gang.
Is this for breakfast or lunch?
all the simps in here simping for the pussy but not realizing they already have the pussy just have to look straight in the mirror
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Crumbled in. This is an image before it was mixed in because I expected this retardation from the likes of people like you.
Both! Didn't have breakfast yet
Didn't have peas but here's picrel for you
Gonna eat now bye
Pounce nona, wanna try your baking skills?
>get called retarded because I can't see bacon
Looking good

https://voca.ro/19hOkeOZoxBl sorry I have a timer on

Sure, is baking meaning baked goods here? Not sure if you're making a hidden joke or not
>meaning baked goods?
Nope, means making a new thread )
be thankful for a (you) from Tomo! peasant.
Well, I'm making a coomercreep edition if nobody's stepping up.
Turn your trip back, peashitter

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