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>tfw no bf edition
Previous thread:>>77994742
First for gay
Second for gay and eepy
I want to fucking die and take others with me to hell
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>tfw no bf to make me stop going on cynical rants whenever I feel sad
Why are you still alive, namefag?
aesthetic background, tasty ice cream, hot boy
We have two 3DSanons and now two Kiwianons. Who's next, Apostle? Story? Any takers?
>two 3DSanons
who's the 2nd one?
shut up and kys bitch
Someone said there was a second 3DSanon I just believe everything I read online
the world can't take another story, that's for sure. the planet would collapse into a black hole.
story and 3ds are exact opposites

we are getting a second poster from colorado. then i will have a cool robot friend to hang out with in the irl life
Storyanon, he's so fat when he goes camping, the bears have to hide their food!
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>tfw no bf who is also too anxious to date anyone but prefers tfw no bf posts to long rambling paragraphs
can I rape you analy
I mean I'm an ohioan who lives in his parents' basement
Can I be story two point oh
I don't think I could kill my mom though
I have never lived in the basement though, mainly because neither basement was finished. and I never harmed my mother, why do you keep saying that I did?
Asking permission seems rather counterintuitive don't you think?
kissing my brother bf on the lips o///o
Sorry I know you didn't hurt her it's just kind of funny to say because everyone keeps saying it
Why did story kill his provider via strangulation
I will rape you randomly but I cannot go to jail.
Guys I'm listening to chill new age music albums on YouTube and it's recommending me a video called "417Hz HEAL FEMININE ENERGY" do you think if I listen to it while I sleep it'll give me wider hips and a bigger ass to bottom with
they say it in a nonliteral way, that his stinky neetdom caused her untimely demise
for me its cannabis hypnosis
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Interesting proposition but I think I'll have to pass as I'm saving myself for marriage

Listing to it in your sleep could be dangerous as you may accumulate too much feminine energy for your body to contain causing you to explode like a glitter bomb
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I replied to the wrong post, shame on me
>normies started with the fireworks already.

damn it, I hate this. hurr durr me make thing go boom.
It's so frustrating, especially because I have an autistic dog that freaks out and hides in the shower when there are fireworks and I have to shoo her out just to use the bathroom
>tfw no bf with ptsd who hides in the shower
if you are ex-gay please come discuss here thanks
You might be able to get a Russian mail order husband once the Ukraine invasion is over
Other than that I can't think of any place to find a ptsd boyfriend
No such thing as ex-gay retard
would you date a twink top
I'd date a swink flop
>tfw no ptsd bf to cuddle through the fireworks with him wearing earplugs and me holding him tight.
>tfw no bf who will burn synagogues with you
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Hypothetically speaking I would but finding one would be more difficult than locating a needle in a haystack while blindfolded and drunk
my mental has been at an all time low and of course the one time I accidentally leave my wallet in my car someone stole it
I'm so fucking done
I'm am beaten
please give me a fucking break
why did they break in your car to steal your wallet and not your car
I don't know but carjacking is probably a lot harder than stealing a wallet
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I am the one
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Its easier to pawn valuables in a car or take cash than to sell a stolen car. If you're in the game a stolen car is handy but your average smack head is looking for quick cash and they are most likely to break into a car
Hello that's me but whys his silly armband defaced
that happened to my mom once but they tossed everything from the glove box on the ground too
i will pray for you
>tfw no petty criminal bf doing crime for fun and not for drugs
This city deserves a better class of criminal
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I dunno but I fixed it
Kill ZOG
thanks I managed to get an appointment for a new license tomorrow
they had like one appoint tomorrow, then one in three weeks, then they were booked until october
actually insane
I hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow or I will actually fucking lose it

I need drugs right now
I will steal your drugs and sell them instead of using them
You're welcome
holy moly... >< uwaa~
drugs are ruthless and inhospitable
a bf is kind and understanding
I'm high on life maaan
dont let me fall asleep, anons. i must be awake to jerk off tonight
I killed Paul Allen with an axe to the face
um then wat is he doing right here....
Still waiting for the day that an anon comes into my life and we can be cozy for life and sperg out together and I can treat him like the king he is.. maybe even play EUIV and Vicky III together and then cuddle and watch war documentaries.. but I'm an unlovable freak... My stupid mouse life... Open to chatting with anyone on DC or whatever
what? why do you think you are an unlovable freak?
yeah go ahead post that discord
no bf for you
havent played a videogame made after 2015
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God even drunk me can tell this show is slop, so much asinine girlboss dialogue and other tripe. I'd just re-read the book were it not for the twinks and Matt Smith as the rogue prince
>tfw no twink bf to watch tv shows we both hate yet tolerate with
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Latest mousejak meme but idk I have low emotional intelligence and have been terminally online my entire life and worry that people won't want to put up with me
I'm begging you anon
I'm a twink and I find most shows annoying but would watch them with my cozy cute handsome bf
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Too busy fighting the 10th French liberation of Elsass-Lothringen in vic2
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Vicky 2 and Ck2 are patrician tier, I wouldn't even pirate their sequels. Well I may have possibly done so once but wouldn't do it again
I want to learn to play Victoria II also but none of my online friends want to play it so I went with III, so I'd love to play that too
As would I anon as would I...
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Shame everyone is 1000km from my location huh
I'll be at the King of Prussia mall sometime in October, you have until then to get here
been a while since I played vic II but here's what I remember. Capitalist AI is retarded, go central planning and build the factories yourself if you want to industrialize. Always keep your armies build up the max the provinces can support. During war break apart large armies and carpet siege every province so you don't get hit by attrition so hard. Get ready to fight massive rebel armies every few years as well. If you want the change in government from a rebel group then intentionally let them win.
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>King of Prussia mall
>according to the internet its in Pennsylvania
Why oh why, I bet the average Pennsylvanian couldn't name a single Prussian king
I live in philly
Wellllll I'm here you're there why not..?
lots of people of german decent in PA, I know I know, 'white' Americans le 56% face. That might not be fair.
Frederick the Great, the namesake of the city and the best one
Pennsylvania Dutch still exist here
I'll find you anony mous
I posted my discord too :)
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>tfw no bf who acknowledges that the Confederacy did nothing wrong
For kings of Prussia just say Frederich Wilhelm, as as many as the louis of France but still a decent number.
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Played Suzerain all night again and fucked up the economy too bad now where bf

that game is too boring, my adhd ass can't be bothered to read all the text.
You aren't an Asian virgin boy likely tho
You vill pay ze galactic taxes
No but some people have mistaken me for Thai/Indonesian/Filipino. I'm latino but have almondy eyes
I wish the clone wars cartoon showed both sides more evenly it was always.

>republic is... le good!
>cis are... le bad!
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If ever I find myself in possession of excessive wealth I'll travel to Pennsylvania to ask random people for their opinions on Prussia.

I will not pay the taxes and I will not sit through the committee
why does r9gay have so many spics aaaaaaaaaa
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Me personally I love reading and am too retarded to enjoy paradox games so it's greating
My family has been in the US for generations so I'm whitewashed but brown, it fucking sucks
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Okay cool now about the issue of me not having a bf....
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you don't have the right to a bf, O you don't have the right
thank you for calling me a whitewashed little spic
I took Iceland
Why? No reason really
i cant believe a kids cartoon was dumb
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Some of their ready meals are alright as are the ice lollies. I'd take over Iceland if I had the chance
I liked it for the clones
You can rationalize the bias in universe as being republic propaganda.
If I had a time machine I'd go back and give the box of cheeze its I'm devouring to Bismarck, see what happens
>cheese its
All those empty carbs. At least my fbf is certainly not eating goyslop such as that
If I had a time machine I'd go back and try to convince Frederich III to have throat surgery for his cancer. If he had been Kaiser maybe ww1 and the fall of the German Monarchy(ies) wouldn't happen.
I'm here for a good time not a long time, got it?
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Based and same followed by a quote about stars
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I can't believe it, my leg didn't hurt tonight at all. Yay!
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vocafags are undeserving of the rope, let them be placed in a sensory deprivation chamber so that their inane faggotry can not reach any others
How so? They are both insanely lazy, refuse to take any advice no mater what and always come up with excuses for everything. They put no effort into anything except whining on here.
I saw a picture of my great grandpa and he was a curly blond french twink kek
Me granddad was a femboy..
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Why is it never bf....
people pay for that
My grandfathers were a tough war veteran on my mother's side and on my father's side, a minister or so I'm told.
Well now I know what I'm converting my loft into
I was an emotional fleshlight, always was and in a way always have been. A distraction in a moment of loneliness. A memory that he can look back on fondly. None of it was real, it was just for him to feel better about something. He'll move on maybe the cycle continues with someone else. The way things have been going for me lately then it'll be just my luck when he meets the next one, that's the one he can actually find worth keeping. The one he decides is worth staying with, the one he wants to push himself for. Why? I'll never have an answer. You're right to say thanks.
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If a bf does not materialize immediatly I will blow up myself and the thread
bonus points if there's cob webs and it's dark and people feel uneasy about entering the chamber (but you push them in gently and then lock it and never let them out)
someone go to Finland and take one for the team.

also meow what's you're favorite cost marking on a cat?
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minister of propaganda?
I don't understand question could you elaborate puhleeze


pastor, not sure what denomination. Had a church but left it when he retired to move to vegas and do sham weddings in one of those marriage chapels.

I meant to say 'coat' markings on a cat. Tabby for example.
why are browntards like this?
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Probably calico I also like black and tuxedo and oramgye and
I wasn't the only one looking it up lel
holy hecc i love being fetishized for my skin tone epiccccccc
I wish I was fetishized for my racialized featurizes
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I wish I had a proud family history, a few descendants of lesser gentry scattered about drunks and gambling addicts are my forbears. At least there is little to live up to
Enjoying a game isnt a paradox hypocrite oxymoron meow die die die
archiveschizo being a state of mind instead of 1 person is an incredible development to the culture of the thread
I am finnish, I am in finland, and I am moving to helsinki, yet meow is a bitch, so I think this situation is unsalvagable
>tfw no suomi bf to hop on a plane for
Hard pass
noooooo suomiCHAD don't rape my virgin ruotsi asshole aaaaaaaaaaaa
>tfw no bf with interesting ancestry
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Do I take 400mg caffeine and keep playing or go to sleep for work in 4 hours
So eepy..
>star wars
>shitty games
>shitty board games
Get better autistic interests you absolute shitstains
that is literally what autism is you fucking nigger
Paradox is a swedish publisher and developer meow
Say that to my face faggot and we'll see who the fucking bitch is eh?
I don't exist to please people who don't even like me
Oh fuck off and get better interests yourself you cumstain
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My autistic interest is opossums what is yours
I don't know who to bet on if the two finns fought.
>this anon building a time machine to fuck grandpa
>Say that to my face faggot and we'll see who the fucking bitch is eh?
You have demonstrated that you are the bitch faggot in multiple instances
I have no idea on the physical attributes of my northern countryman but I have not a shadow of doubt that I would win anyway
Not trve dess meow
Bet on me i am bigger
I would still win for I am fucking insane
The anon is going to impregamte his granpa and give birth to his parent, completing the timeloop
sissi slap fight or actual punching? Can't you guys just kiss and make up? Maybe grab a burger at McDonalds together?
Too many finns, too many spics
Save us.. someone
I will literally pick you up like a cat and you would just flail around helplessly
this is your bed, you made it, now shit in it
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The left is definitely not making that expression
I bite
What are you then
I weigh too much and I can still bite
noooooo suomiCHAD don't rape his brown bootyhole aaaaaaaaaaaa
You have no right to complain hypocrite
ok there's no more interesting posts here to read so i guess i'll leave, damn there was only 1 worth replying to... shit...
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I hate when some retard wakes me up early in the morning when I didn't get more than 4h of sleep even and now I'm pissed off and can't go back to sleep and would likely be woken up again. I hate mentally ill people so fucking much. They don't understand what it means to not simply do what they want regardless of how it makes others feel.

I would bitch about it to my friends but I'd rather let them not deal with my whining this early. Woe is me.
Why do all bottoms bite?
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Go to sleep baka.
I always have the right to complain hypocrite whore meow
It isn't for you. If he reads it, he reads it. If he doesn't, he doesn't. That's the point of it.
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I like my cats cost free
Normal behavior for feral animals methinx
Dishonest and weak. Be more genuine.
Originalfag that started antikiwi crusade was a retard tho
Putting those in my mouf
Liar hypocrite whore weak weak die die can you try harder? Oh that's right, you never been hard in your life. Die to bed whoREEEEEEEEEE
How are you a feral animal? You're just a spoiled pet cat
Making a bot based on the demon finn be like : >>78009844
>tfw everyone wants to worship feet but noone wants their feet worshiped
I'm mean and I'm evil
Not trve
Not trve
i don't feel bad for him at all, kiwinigger brought it all on himself every single time he'd reply to the guy. if none of it was true i dont know why he made such an effort of trying to prove him right or provoking him. the original schizo already made a fool of himself once when he thought the indian was kiwi, that's when it all should have ended but he kept replying until he scared him with doxxing him
>tfw no suomi bf who isn't meow
boring and stupid more like
You just want someone to bully you
would bunnymutt be disappointed with meow's feet if he actually went to meet him?
Rude what's wrong with being my bf
Yes but I am also genuinely evil and bad
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Not true. Can you stop being dishonest hypocrite whoREEEEEEEE hisssssssss
>what's wrong with being my bf
You are incapable of love. Try harder next time.
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Can't believe the thread got so shit when a certain couple people turned up... not my problem now, going to bed
No I am not maybe I do love people
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star wars
Seethe to death whinelord the thread is always shit
I'm a thug nigga, straight out the bluff, nigga
Dick all in your face, so you got a make me cum, nigga
we need more bosnians
You are a pedophile that plays shitty games. Go to bed and don't wake up.
You are always shit and everything you touch turns to shit. So keep your hands to yourself.
nta but there's degrees of shit
Anglo-American r9gay only would be nice
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let a thug see it clap
long dick long money yea that's me
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>tfw no bf to wake up at midday and play elden ring with
In another life mayhaps
i wonder if there'd be more or less assholes
bread is insanely unfunny and has a puke worthy voice
You are just mad. See the.
Oh, okay. So you're okay with eating shit if it's not the grossest there is? Huh?
Was quite comfy, I didn't finish the cheeze its
thank you for calling me a puke worthy spic
Scaramouche is such a googa baby. I love him but i do feel sad about him
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What more are you expecting from you product
of flour and water? Your fault for listening to vocas in the first place
I don't feel bad for him much I just wish his opponent wasn't such a fumbling idiot. Yes indian mistake was my favorite, so much for "noticing patterns". He also didn't prove half the shit he said. Why am I souch better at everything than everyone here? Like, I don't even have to look that up I know from memory.
if the only options are shit i'd take the least shitty of the shit if that makes sense
Miserable life enough to be brown or gay but try being both and it's ropefuel

"Only looking for white" "only looking for black" "only looking for Asian" "oh you're too short" I've started adding that I'm brown because people have added me in the past and said "oh I thought you'd be white" what's the point anymore
No, I think you are cringe and stupid
I reckon Asian boys are a niche market which is odd considering they're infinitely more valuable than a poor spictron
Said Grungo the caveman.
Liar hypocrite, you said that yourself. You will burn for all your lies as lying is a sin. Hisssssss die die die
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And you trust my word? Retard.
I hear no laugh track but amazing wetback I am so owned
why call bread idgi
>tfw no ruotsi sub bf to fin dom
not the bread poster but still not listening to that shit
Go ooga booga right now.
Loon laugh lel
Your laugh is vile. It makes me sick unironically. Not even meming that's such a gross sound.
You need to hook up with miami spic asap
There's a new shopping center, seven stories high
There's bound to be a sale or two
There's something we can buy
Four floors of parking, we're sure to find a space
We'll spend all the money that the government doesn't take
Your laugh is funny. It makes me kek unironically. Not even meming that's such a hilarious sound.
im ok with being cringe and stupid but im not ok with being rude
Yet you are being very rude touchemate buddy
Sounds like a nightmare to be around Cubans and Dominicans
Gayest /r9gay/ anon
thank you for calling me an amazing wetback
>I keep lying and you're dumb for believing me
You lost all cred you had hypocrite liar
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Baby you're fourteen, that's not old as it may seem
A for me I can't believe that it's true
How a little boy who looks and talks like you
Is not mistaken more for eighteen
Looking in your blue eyes it's so hard to realize
That you're a boy who's underage
But as men of the world you are the one
That makes me feel a I'm still fourteen
What am I gonna do, when a teenage boy rizzs you up
To take you on to town for some romancing?
What am I gonna say if I'm far away
And he kisses you while you are dancing?
I guess that I'm the one who is rushing all the fun
That you are gonna have throughout the coming years
Just forgive me for those tries to monopolize your blue eyes
It's something every twink must get done
When little boys like you look eighteen
Happy birthday baby
Yet you talk like my words are reliable when they support whatever you believe to be true, you are dumb and also stupid and also larping badly
Let's hear Paul Allen's laugh.
Wow so funny we didn't hear that "joke" 100000 times already. It's funny because black dicks haha. So funny black dick haha
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Hurry up, quit your job, day trade, teeter aid
Throw another nickel at the latest stand of lemonade
Doc reapplied the band-aid
Doc reapplied the band-aid
Dumb and stupid are synonyms therefore the use of both is redundant just like you. Kill yourself as soon as you can you lying whore.
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Shopping for a pair of shoes, shopping for a hat
We're buying some of this and we're buying some of that
nuh uh no im not prove it
"Repetition is a literary device in which a word or phrase is used multiple times. "

Why are you even larping being mad at me
*Gloumps ou*
>one anon does a thing
>attention whores copy it immediately
monkey see monkey do + not much going up upstairs + originality is hard + try harder
cope + ratio + malding + your white
-___- DUDE
What is the thing being copied smartypants
My hands hurt waa
I'm white, but on the inside I'm also white. I am white.
>your white
illiterate + being white is not an own + cry harder
Cry about it hypocrite liar gloo
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I'm getting lemonade after work tomorrow
I don't go to work and could have lemonade right now with my shotaro
Anwer question poopyhead
mwah mwah mwah mwah, do they still hurt?
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Yes they are full of cuts waa
Some of us have to work for beverages
>ywn french kiss anons hands
Some of us should kill ourselfs but not me
>tfw no twink bf who acts cute and isn't a complete fucking whore or an imbecile like anons here
Not with those dubs
>tfw no manic panic bf to play sanic with
why are they full of cuts? put some bandaids on them fren
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Hi hello meow meow
>tfw no satanic bf to convert with my christian uncut penis
Are you really a twink if you're chubby? I'm asking idk myself...
Some rivets in my work pants and apron are bent so I cut my hands on them all the time, I don't have banda ids
>tfw no bf that doesnt relentlessly insult me at every turn
>tfw no bf who isn't a pedofile or a file
No idea probably not but what am I then
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Subvert expectations
But this turns bitches on, just look at all the success chad fin has
>what am I
A tranny
>tfw no bf who posts in his sleep but still isn't a bottom or a pedofile
rudeposting hours while it's daylight in europe huh
you need to replace them then, also i have some scooby-doo bandaids you can have
>setting myself on fire to subvert my survival instincts
do you guys think brad is funny
who's bread
I didn't know you were into shota
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I'm not even looking for a bf
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Nice headcanon but sadly for your chaser ass not true
No I like cuts and scars
No, he is annoying and boring. About as removed from funny as you can be unless we are laughing at his rizz or lack ther of.
it only turns me on if i ask for it, some stranger 'negging' me doesnt do anything. god i wish i had a bf that would beat me during sex wow that sounds really messed up out loud
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Bit cliche innit
Your kind is always asking for it + thread full of whores
My new favorite place
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I am the pureest and moust inno-cent ano ny mouse in this thrade barn one
>tfw no bf who loves me
I just saw that, are you following me???
it is what it is, honestly it probably just sounds hot in my head but i bet i wouldnt even like it.

i never asked for this
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I'd wanna get beaten by my bf too, not because I think I'd enjoy it but because I want to suffer
I wish I lived in the country so I could get to sleep without noise keeping me up. At least being a neet affords me plenty of time to catch up on lost sleep
i kinda like scars too but not cuts since they hurt. i have some scars on my wrists from playing with my late cat.
Downfall videos on youtube are so lame and dumb
Everything is so lame nowadays
I have some scars from falling on my bike and whittling related accidents

I asked my coworker today why he has symmetrical bandaids on both of his arms and he said that he had to take the cat to the vet lmao
Me and my bf when I just find him meow
ive always wanted to whittle a chess set (despite being trash at chess)
what'd you make?
euthanasing my bf after the three strike rule
Hey anon would you be freaked out if I vagueposted about you in this thread?
what lead to the downfall of snotgoober69?
Can't rember probably kiehisia for a campfire
I put on a lemmino video for bed so I'll never know
vagueposting is awesome you should do it
for me it's scp
For me it's uhhh fucking Opal Vessel dark ambien
Hugging my husbando to sleep
Quality of snooze has increased dramatically
Stories need stakes to get you invested. This has been known since the dawn of time. It doesn't have to be anything as grand as world coming to an end if you fail it could be as simple as making a fool out of yourself. But there need to be consequences to your choices otherwise it's meaningless.
So anyway I always hated anime where no one dies or everyone gets revived or whatever (like, say, dragon ball). At least Baki fights are so insane you can't help but laugh.
yeah i actually get sick of seeing the same characters for so long, they dont even have to fake a death to get me annoyed. like bitch we've had the same cast of characters for HOW MANY seasons???? it's like eating one flavor of ice cream for your whole life
He makes best videos oh my god
I just want to feel safe and appreciated in my own house
Nuh uh, you will NOT find me even though we will be going to the same uni (different campuses)
I can't be the only one that think pps look much hotter 3d than in anime. Same goes for boytummy and few other body parts I won't name
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i cant get hard unless i love the person that's attached to the penis

The Phililpines and Filipinos have Latino mixture from Mexicans going there in Spanish times THO.

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My heart was heavy, for its trust had been
Abused, its kindness answered with foul wrong;
So, turning gloomily from my fellow-men,
One summer Sabbath day I strolled among
The green mounds of the village burial-place;
Where, pondering how all human love and hate
Find one sad level; and how, soon or late,
Wronged and wrongdoer, each with meekened face,
And cold hands folded over a still heart,
Pass the green threshold of our common grave,
Whither all footsteps tend, whence none depart,
Awed for myself, and pitying my race,
Our common sorrow, like a mighty wave,
Swept all my pride away, and trembling I forgave!
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I think I have autism bros...
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i can't even play attractive characters in vidya bc it makes me feel like im stealing valor or something
i have zero confidence and no self esteem at all
have to avoid looking in mirrors
used to have an eating disorder (it never goes away but i got better at managing it after going through recovery and never wanting to do that again)
i have the most shapeless ugly lumpy fucking body, whether i'm 105lbs or 135lbs
i have an ugly asymmetrical face and a crooked nose and a double chin despite not being american sized
a weird mix of harsh angles and flat ill defined surfaces
stunted development because of ED since 13, at best a teenager body despite being 30 and at worst an alien looking brick
i don't even look human
nobody has ever said i look attractive or hot or anything
i used to tell my best friend how handsome he was when he would say something about his appearance but when i would complain about mine he would never say anything positive, just say that it doesn't matter
my own dad said im not attractive
and yea guys will fuck anything including roadkill or worse, so just having sex with a random guy doesn't make me feel better
i just feel less than worthless, i don't even feel human because of how i am, it's literally the fucking worst
is there a way to get over this or what should i do, seeing pretty people makes me want to end it
seeing attractive guys and wishing i could flirt with them without making them feel uncomfortable sucks
or even if they're friendly, knowing they must think im ugly and putting me in the "undateable" category right off the bat
i don't socialize at all bc i can't stand being looked at
i too enjoy little pieces of colorful plastic
sometimes i have to paint them though which blows
There are people who are into ugly body types actually so...
not like this
Painting is awful ngl.

Which is your favorite one you've done?
my favorite one is the first one i ever did when i was like 10 and it's just a horendous nightmare of thick colorful splotches just shat onto the model, it's a hideous mess, didn't even thin the paints. always makes me laugh.
Oh the horror, you are the ugliest human being on earth. Get over yourself
>Get over yourself
>you are the ugliest human being on earth
not what i said, and if you're not ugly then you probably don't understand how differently people treat you compared to attractive people
because im ugly i have never been loved or cared about
not my friends
not my father
not my boyfriends

I made a funny Purple Guy lego once.
ive never thought about painting a lego dude, i might have to try it now
although i think it'd be pure freehand which i suck at x.x
It wasn't Lego, was a competitor I think.

Painting lego SUCKS
Literally go to a gym if you're this dysmorpic about your body
i've done that before to the point my body was cannibalizing itself for fuel
i still looked inhuman
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these were my favorite lego knock offs, loved these little bastards like you wouldnt believe
Ye they're cool

My friend said he'd rape Sydney Sweeney to death
I know human beans arthur
Then why didn't you eat more????
i struggled to do that, but i did end up eating more and am now at about 135 pounds
still looked fucked up
>"you don't know how it feels"
>had boyfriends
opinion rejected
that being said, I know what it's like to feel ugly as shit, like I could never be enough
>not my boyfriends
here's an idea, how about you kill yourself and maybe the body you're born into will be less freakishly disgusting?
is it so hard to treat people how you want to be treated
or maybe they already do and they just hate themselves
Most people's validation comes from putting others down to feel superior, and from receiving praise from those they tear others down with.
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No it isn't unless someone is bring a piece of shit then they get what they deserve for being like that. If you want to be treated nicely then be fucking nice. Also attention whoring and coming to spaces that aren't for you or humblebragging is not being nice at all
it's not that hard to get a bf if you have zero standards
I'll treat people how they deserve to be treated
i cant believe hitler said this
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People generally exhaust me. I prefer to be alone with my thoughts than having to deal with small talk and social-dynamics all day. When i envision a future in which i'm happier i like to be respected and admired by other people and yet i couldn't care less about having to deal with them.
My stomach HURTS
I have to leave my bedroom door open otherwise my parents will probably think I'm jacking off and wasting time all day (I am)
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I am too poor for you to fin dom to be honest.
i dont believe it. you seem very sweet
>tfw no 0$ bf to fin dom with my $5000
here you have 50 dollars to buy some games and clothes this month honey, pick well
And too stupid to get the play on words, submit to your suomi overlords whore die die die
i'm neither of those but ok
I had another nightmare-like dream again, I woke up feeling like there were monsters lurking around the corner and I was too scared to close my eyes in case the monsters were there.
I wonder why I get these dreams, the dream itself wasn't even scary it was pretty funny but when I woke up I was very scared.
Ahh... Haha I get it. Sorry for my stupidity I have the autism.
fat is a mindset
I lost a lot of weight because I'm drinking less and also my previous consistent drinking damaged my digestive tract so I can't eat as much
I'm on that grind brother B)
which one of you tried bullying me on /ck/ yesterday?
i guess it really does have to get worse to get better
If they didn't want me to hold the bottle they wouldn't have made it easy to grab and perfectly fitted to my hand
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I'm scared that if I ever find a potential boyfriend I am gonna get obsessively attached and push him away for it.
How was this original damn
Because every bottom or women wants to be abused and tops want to abuse. M? I just want love.
july the 1st? i was born today. a long time ago...
and despite my birthday wishes the family are still going to abduct me within the hour, and then ill be gone, forever... or about 8days. either way, goodbye, my dear friends; /r9gay/
how do i find a handsome top to abuse me and still love me
I need a cute power bottom bf to abuse, bite and bully me
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>tfw no bf who [data expunged]
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gay bottoms do not deserve healthy relationships
good morning devious r9gay, and perhaps good morning to the precious and sweet r9gay as well
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this but it's tops
Why are bottom so evil?
switch bros.... did we win?
bottom = daddy issues
top = mommy issues
I do NOT have mommy issues
what if you have mommy, daddy, and grandparent issues?
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good morning fren
switch it is
what if you have no problems?
dont make me start vagueposting, ill really do it
i was a bottom but i think im becoming a top
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Today I chose making another work playlist over masturbating before work.
what are you thinking about over there, anon?
is that really what you think? i don't think you're being honest, think about it, think on it, think before replying
then why are you gay
that's a beautiful watercolor. i love it!
why is anything
>straight behaving gay man
owo UwU uooohhhh aaahhhhhh
next time a boy asks for my number i'll just say no
I don wanna hear I don wanna know plz don't say "forgive me"
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i have a soft spot for nature themed paintings, calms me down
Fixed an issue I was having with steam so finally I can play cod zombies with a friend ;-;
i like to use them for desktops and backgrounds, to 'soften' the ui a little bit
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No offense meant but do I want to find you? Do you think dating would make either of us happy or are you just saying that out of the convenience of me living nearby soon?
At least I'm happy when I'm escaping from the malaria mosquitoes while I'm disoriented by the gutter oil diet, can you say the same, European?
I think I would be happy in Ireland
I mean maybe but i don't think i am ready for a relarionship (need to lose weight)
need a bf who writes poetry in the reviews section even though nobody asked
Schizophrenia??? That's
i like people with active minds. schizos are typically brilliant. too much for their own good, even.
Black ops 2
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R9Gay chat. Masc men only.
can you ban the moderator posting the naked kids? or at least demod him?
Woah what's with all the pictures of the naked little girls? Had to leave this server asap after joining
that is why I would never join a 4chan discord. fucking crazies and pedos. I ain't going to prison because some retard was posting cp.
Today's indie game of the da is: beaked buccaneer. It's about a beaked buccaneer. A platformer, a metroidvania (but a very linear one) in which you unlock abilities as you go on and find keys to the gates that hide 4 of the games bosses. Given that it's just 4 bosses and 4 areas it's a very quick game. Controls on keyboard are fucked and to my knowledge can't be changed. Which is a shame and makes a game 0.5 points worse cause it's still super fun for me.
Meow onks sulla kordii jotta kautta viestitella?
They say that about every server desu

Still not joining it because I hate discord but I highly doubt any of what their saying is tru
I mean me too but I'm not probably any good for dating now or ever because I am so kuhreezy
about to go to aldi, not sure if I should get another steak or not. I really want to try to cook one but after what happened last time (letting it go bad after misreading the date) I'm unsure if I should.
Well what are the chances you would misread the date twice
I am the third one.

you never know with me. This time I'm going to write the date down on a piece of paper and put it on the fridge so I can check without having to dig it out to look.
I will meow a soothing prostate massage.
Set an alarm on your phone for one or two days before the expiration dates (maybe earlier in your case, no offense) and it will be easier to remember.
You could also try frying some onion alongside it. Search youtube how to do it, it's easier than it seems.
Pista se tanne niin lisaan sut huomenna.
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Second indie game of the s is: stair tower. In a world where bigger is better and everyone trying to make their game as large and complex as possible stair tower is one of the brave few games that bring back the feel of old platformers. You move left, you move right and you jump. That's it. It has "over 16" levels but I wouldn't know because after dying so many times at so many different levels I think I'm going to call it quits and I swear I probably Bea fucking 16 levels already but ok game whatever. It's not even hard but gets requires too much precision at the later stages which is annoying as precision platformers are probably my least fav subgenre of jumpy's.
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Third indie game of the day is: banana 'em up. 20 waves of shoot em up fun (and I'm not talking bullet hell type). Final boss is a space monkey do that was pretty cool.
I am a horny bottom but I don't want to be a horny bottom.
I went to Aldi and I got three bags of flour
Probably gonna make a bunch of cakes and bread or something
You know how to bake bread story? That's awesome.
Oh I'm not story I just saw we were talking about Aldi and I wanted to join in
You impulsively buy three bags of flour? Three whole bags? You know a cake only takes like 200g and I don't even remember how much a bread takes but no more than 500g for sure.
Not impulsively, we normally have a few backup bags of flour because I bake a lot but I kept forgetting to put flour on the grocery list so I just got three to make sure we don't run out again soon.
I'm looking these games up and they don't even seem to have any reviews. Do you just buy random new steam games?
The only games I've played recently were the Big Catch Tacklebox which was pretty good (but difficult) and Garden Galaxy which was actually pretty tedious/boring.
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I haven't baked a normal loaf of bread in a while but here's an old one I did
I wish it had bigger air holes in it like sourdough but to get those really tough, flavorful kinds of bread you have to let it rise for like two weeks and use a starter and I don't have that kind of patience
Lol I'm not talking to a gay person. Kill yourself faggots, get aids
How do I get aids after killing myself???
Sir I think you are lost.
I'll put some airholes in you, bitch

>tfw your decaying corpse gets more sex than you
Looks really nice in my opinion. I think last time I made bread it was way denser. Good to know that wasn't just a skill issue.
guys help I think this guy is trying to have gay sex with me
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>bigger air holes
it's harder to get those with instant yeast, you'd have to reduce the rise time by a lot and use a hotter oven
>flavorful kinds of bread you have to let it rise for like two weeks
with a good starter it's 8-12 hours depending on temp
I think you mean 2 weaks for fermenting the starter, not for the dough

If you ever want to start a sourdough I recommend using something like orange or pineapple juice to lower the ph, you can have a starter like that within a week
sorry for the unsolicited advice, I'm very autistic about this
I mean I use regular yeast and I let it rise overnight for like 15 hours
umm guys i joined and someone DM'ed me pics of kids in swimwear wtf????
Was thinking how it would be sweet to have a bf to buy me games instead of me wasting little money I have left. Then aunt gave me few dollars and the feeling went away
Not random but new yes. I don't play many genres and there aren't many games I like coming out these days so I'm stuck playing indie platformers or beat em ups and a rare fps but those are a unicorn. Ok and some arpgs but I literally only like 2 or 3. I also played almost all games I wanted to that are already out so I have to play new stuff.
Big catch seems fun I'll definitely play it more. I don't like difficult games tho -_-
what does indie anon think of the end is nigh
No they aren't they just spout unconnected bs stream of consciousness and it seems to you their brain is moving fast but in reality it fails to connect the dots and they end up saying things that make no sense which is why they're on meds. They are delusional. Like medically speaking.
Huh. I feel like there's too many games these days and I can't really keep up with it. Though I'm not very picky about genre.
Tacklebox is pretty tough and unforgiving, not sure you'll like it if you're not fond of that. The controls definitely take some getting used to.
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I'm guessing instant yeast or fresh yeast
15 hours is way overproofed, which leads to small air bubbles
basically most of the big air bubbles are the ones formed when the dough rises in the oven, instant yeast is very strong, after letting it rise for 15 hours the dough bacteria will not have any energy to rise in the oven
also, you can trap even more air bubbles by kneading the dough, this will form gluten that keeps the air from escaping
oh to be a teenager again and have some rough naughty fun with another student a few years your senior
Should I add this bitch too?
these are the people complaining about being virgins. there is no justice or fairness on this planet.
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frotting sesh with big dick anon is like working a 9 to 5
For my whole life i thought i had a big dick then i recently found out that my 6.5 inch cock is actually below average. It's never been more over...
if no one ever sees it though
yeah we all saw the same tweet anon you aren't funny
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I'm a monster on these hoes I'm a monster

I like boys with light brown hair ngl
I like natural colored hair
how soon until brad develops an attraction to brown boys with brown eyes and black hair
>6.5 inch cock is actually below average.
What? The average worldwide is like 5.5 inches or less. 6.5 is big.
I will never date somebody with brown eyes
I knew someone would link this thread, I just knew.
Anyway my thoughts are too indecent to share so I will say nothing.
who wants to get married? who wants to work a job and come home to a happy house and husband? who wants to build a stable long lasting life together?
How do I make my dick this big anons
I would be able to jerk off to my own dick if I was that big, would be so hot
no I want to be a massive horse dick man
this sucks, this is so unfair, why can't I be that hyuuuge
i dont think that they only want it but its not bad to say you drool at an objectively aesthetically pleasing cock
i'm worried about having a lonely life without a family
Someone told me 5 inches is only average for asians and indians and that 6.5 inches is small for white people.
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Do you guys think people are too mean nowadays? I help and I help and the world does not give back what I give into it.
change what you want to change and say fuck it when you fail or something like that
Try scamming the world
Why would you lole
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Ever wonder what mario would be like if he was brown? Tomorrow I'll find out in: spic mario the game (not available on 3ds)
uhum yeah i think reckless naivety is at the heart of loving, you have to be unwavering in your committment to kindness regardless of reciprocity. it's an endless fountain of compassion pouring out of you, like the kindly sun shedding light on everyone.
i believe in this unironically
You can just google it, the average for americans seems to be around 5.6 while Europe is slightly bigger. Don't believe everything polchuds tell you anon.
I like action and fighting so I should like wind breaker or the god of high school, right? Well no. Even tho they are all action there isn't anything engaging about either. For example in one Baki arc you have 5 death row inmates escape, at the same time Independent of eachother and from different prisons, and come to the same location. That's wild and interesting, you want to see how it plays out. In another arc you have best modern day martial artists test their skills against a caveman who was fighting dinosaurs and beating + eating them. In chimera ants arc of hunter x hunter you have a new species that's evolving at a rapid rate and presents a challenge humanity never faced up until that point. It's a desperate race against time to stop this apocalyptic threat before it's too late.
It's not all about the stakes tho, it's about creating memorable scenarios and cool characters you can relate to and/or like. Outside of his design I don't give a shit about wind breaker mc or anyone in that anime. Boring.
Well i was talkikg to you earlier in the thread you dumbo
who the fuck blud in the car wit
I need somebody to take care of me like a nurse would and tell me it'll be okay

It makes me burst into tears instantly
Okay can you answer the question
No I want a smol dicked bf so it's easier to orally please him
I did you whore
Don't call me a whore it is demean demeow
DMV trip was a success
I forgot cash but the lady let me run and get some instead of cancelling my appointment
time to wait on my new cards and buy a new wallet
>b-but muh hags
you need me to empty your piss jugs and take your temperature every 4 hours?
most stable top ever
boys that cry are cute
I see your psyop, muttard
i used to cry when i got really turned on but that stopped a year or two ago, idk why
yes but cum jugs instead
I'm putting so much effort into my hag era like you wouldn't believe
losing weight and doing ass workouts all the time
I WILL be a cute soft-femme hag and I WILL effortlessly pull in my 30s
This is how I see it when you bitch and moan about your self inflicted non issues. Whores and cumstaines.
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Meow what about me am I cute
I don't make threads that aren't r9gay
This board sucks
I feel like I'm on another level when it comes to those things
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Got a burgar and fry with my lemonade
All the fat is definitely going to my ass, it looks more jiggly than last week
Which one of you assholes did this XD
>ywn urinate on a boy
no comment (i could but i wont)
I could but not on boys I want to
least gay san fran homo
Ride that shit a little harder
And I just might make you a starter
Curvy waist with peach like Georgia
I think his bussy wetter than Florida
Let's fucking go I wasted another day off
We burn through daylight in this bitch
I should watch anime not talk to you retards. You are dumb and boring anyway cya
I can't believe anonymous called me dumb and boring
This is the worst day of my life ;n;
Sipping lemonade in bed mmm
you need a big warm hug
honestly I'm convinced that this is meow and that the complete and total panic over that one time I talked a lot was just this guy
ugly ass fin wants to hoard the attention and try to develop orbiters
by telling everyone to die and kys? i will rudemaxx and get a bf
wow I really hate doing math
this is not fun or entertaining at all because I don't give two craps about the underlying theory or having to do a thing and then doing the same thing within that thing over and over again until you get an answer that still doesn't make any intuitive sense
>show interest in a boy
>all this does is make them uninterested in me
fuck this gay earth
Being liked back is scqry
I have never liked back anyone who liked me and no one I have ever liked has liked me back
I'm so autistic that unless someone outright told me they liked me romantically I'd have no idea.
find a boy that is obsessed with you
I had a few girls that I BELIEVED that I liked throughout my developing years
but once I finally stopped repressing and accepted that I can't actually develop romantic feelings for women everything changed
I learned that I was just mirroring their behavior and trying to to gain their approval instead of actually trying to be intimate with them
being desired like that was a very unique experience though
I haven't been treated in that way in a very long time and I miss it to some extent
I did get another steak, actually two of them in one package. 1.64 lbs weight. Is this a good size of steak? Assuming just a meal for one. Also the date on it is the 21st so I do have some time to decide when I want to eat it.
I'll kill you learning underlying theories is badass it makes you feel like you've got numbers by the balls
I unironically got hard during calculus sometimes because I would think about the Laplace Transformation and how it was like I was forcing the derivative to do what I wanted and it felt almost kinky
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I like math maybe
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I had a diagram in my textbook that put it really well but I couldn't find it on google images so I drew it out to clarify
Dude I think you are autistic
So did the doctors when I was a kid but they refused to diagnose me because they were worried about how the stigma would affect my schooling and my ability to make friends
It turns out the autism handled that just fine, diagnosis or not
>tfw no mega nerd bf that solves your bussy like a math equation while calling you a stupid retard because you're too dumb to do math
why even live
Stepdad came home after work and asked me about what I accomplished today.
I told him "Well, nothing, I suppose"
"What a bummer. Well, I hope it was fun at least?"
"I guess so. I got flour, since we were out."
"Well that's good."
And then he left.
I would like one suicide now please. I do not like being reminded I am a failure.
it's so cool how they deliberately chose to sabotage you rather than provide support and now that you're an adult struggling in the workplace due to your untreated disability they'll gaslight and act like it's all your fault too
Move on to the new one
It was honestly one of the best moments of my life when my mom told me they did that because for the longest time I thought no one liked me and I was bad in school because I was just a shitty person
After I found out I actually had a concrete problem I felt so much less worse about myself
It's still not great and I still have trouble but at least I understand it a little better
if you met a boy and he texted you every chance he could get and constantly asked to hang out you'd probably get freaked out and ghost him too. don't lie.
No if I liked him, obsessive boys who aren't whores are cute
Nope, I would be scared he wants to kill me though.

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