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Rune Haako Edition
Previous Episode: >>77976303
first for fake thread with fake people
this thread already sucks. who the fuck is this guy?
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Not sure how to tell you this, but bots that are gay definitely exist.
This is a bara thread now. Fuck Haako
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Tell me what you don't like getting posted and I'll definitely not post that stuff again :3
That's not what I meant. But there are people here who will leverage misunderstandings against you so do be careful.
holy flip is that hugh gayynus? he looks different
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I'm aware that people here think certain things, I just don't give a shit.
Threads with shitty op pic are doomed
But be careful
Kill all autists, beat them until they stop talking about their obsessions
rune haako
Future is dead
Sparkling lemonade with prebiotics
how are they supposed to have sex like that the cock is basically perpendicular to the ass
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Wwaaaaa Im lonely wwwwaaaaa wawwwaaa
shut the fuck up ho
wwaaaaaaaaaa I'm hungry
wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaa where get burger wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaa.
I am no hoe sir please suit yourself
Wish I could go back and enjoy my twink years. Might have had some fun.
Wish I was a twink aristocrat in ancient Greece
I'd rather be a modern twink aristocrat, you get to live somewhere fancy and have running water
personally i prefer 6th century greece(rome)
well fug I waited too long to get anything out to eat and now a thunderstorm is coming in.
wtf we are having a tstorm here too
wtf so are we
lots of thunderstorms across the country tonight.
you libtards have thunderstorms i have a testosteronestorm
nothing tard about liberty
Brace yourself
You're in a lawful evil thread
Monarchy enjoyer
downloaded EUIV again, what country do I play first?
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cuh cuh cuh
Meow Im lonelye need protect
do you want to colonize
do you want to play late into the game
do you want to cheevo
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Ingerlund, Portugal, Austria or one of the Japanese clans are some of my favourites
The only boys I'm fucking with, is 14, 15 16, 17 on some real shit.
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uoohh ToT
form netherlands and invade spain

I actually used to play Muscovy a lot back when I did play, along with England. Might go for something different this time.
this reminds me that years ago anon, from /r9gay/, wanted to be ck2 lovers and instead of just saying yes, i... i wrote an ambiguous yes but not at this moment.....
reminds me of my bf when I was a teenager
i like to play netherlands, hungary, any italy
I had two boyfriends
My first one had a secret dating profile
And my second was constantly texting girls, sometimes right in front of me
For whatever reason I've never met anyone capable of love, only deceit and treachery
>mom is ordering me a sandwich and fries for dinner
holyyy flip
and you stupid fucks are far from different, very willingly too
I had 0 fun playing vidya today.
I had 100 fun playing vidya today.
guess you're safe tonight, faggot
you're lucky I'm so temperamental
and that I actually fucking care (more than you at least)
Wow I love vagueposting!
I hope he reads this, bro.
dont say the f word
already happened
it's fucking exhausting
Brainwashing a boy to love me
you wish it was that sophisticated
but it's not
I think the most well known rule of hypnotism is that you can only ever ultimately convince someone of something they already want to hear, or make them do something they already want to do
taking advantage of the fact that someone wants to love someone else is fucking stupid because if they were willing to go that far they probably would have loved you without your shitty antics in the first place
but that only matters if it's really what you want, and for you soulless bug people it isn't
you want power and attention and I hate you
I'm always so fucking misguided. I need to learn to only love someone who's truly worthy.
And that's none of you little fucking spiders
Brainwashing a boy to stop fucking whining
I'm not bfing no silly vagueposter.
Oh no not my precious anonymous space that I regularly take massive shits in anyway
Get over it
Don't add anyone from here next time blud
Unfortunately I already did halfway and I can't figure him out
He's been extremely nice to me but I think he's still a satellite persona of someone else
I have no idea what his angle is
that kind of sounds like me: im nice :)
I very highly doubt that, honestly
Just given what I know
I'm going to burn through your little spellbook and then I will kill you :P
>tfw no sensitive and vulnerable bf to be nice to
I went to wendys for fat neet dinner and saw a road killed possum. rip in pepperoni little guy.
call it a layer of the onion but it was very telling of certain things you probably didn't mean to be told
He was just playin possum
>tfwywn be sensitive and vulnerable
another bf off the list...
meow is right in this thread
oh oh oh oh no where's my mask oh oh oh *fumbles*
you will fail
And I know I'm not the only one who's after you
I'm probably not even the best
Just a trumpeter really
*takes of ur mask*
What now big guy?
did you finally get the spicy chicken
yes! lol! thank you anon <3 you made me laugh :)

nope baconator and fries. Of course I feel the massive tummy rumbling so that might not have been a good idea.
just the single baconator?

double baconator, I'm not that fat. I used to be able to eat two but not any longer. If I even thought of doing that now I think I'd throw up.
hey but you should keep trying
go harder
go harder now
go harder and harder and harder and harder
I can take it you desperate little parasite
you need me now more than ever
we both know the sun's about to rise
It's 2028pm est, the sun is setting currently acksually
go, go make some more desperate mean comments somewhere where I'll see them~ go go go go go
run you fucking animal
your dream tortures lack originality too you can do better with that too, you really do suck at your job
you don't usually make typos, I thought that was supposed to be my thing
you really are fucking weak
what a fucking loser
you were offered so much and you chose the worst way to use those things
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My estimation of Hego Damask as a wise sith lord just fucking plummeted. To get so drunk that you pass out and are murdered in your sleep? Its a fuckin' disgrace!
What typo? I spelled all the words right
You are very mean
big middle finger to you stupid, mean, manipulative, mediocre fucks
I chose not to join you because I realized that what you stand for is worth nothing
Stop being so fucking salty about it
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You guise are heckin stoopid tonight
what??? what did i do :/
at the risk of sounding like a broken record, my leg is hurting again as per usual.
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greater dutchland when
Dutch should just be considered a German dialect vs a separate language.
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All this vagueposting is stressing me out >:|
I'll frickin cut it off if you don't be quiet you dork
behind your dancing gifs we both understand and feel the teeming infestation
you carry it in every one of your words
for you, the things you say aren't expressive
they're performative
because the worms are pressing against your mask
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For all the cool gays look what I found in a soda shop today while playing tour guide.
very strange for you to post it here then
I don't think there's anyone here but serial liars
Very cool, gimme orang
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Possibly a dumb question but is a soda shop a place which just sells fucktons of soda?

how much do those fancy sodas cost?
it's a forgotten phenomenon people use as conversational exits because they can't deal with what they did and what is right in front of them every night
did you know vagueposting guy has been at it for a couple years
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Okay cool but what about my boyfriend huh
there used to be a soda shop near where i lived that had that kind of soda. i also ate crickets there.
>tfw no 1920s soda jerk bf.

hehe lewd puns are fun.
shut the fuck up, bitch
you're not stealing my thunder you snakey retard
go fuck yourself, literally, some anal masturbation might clear your head
you're out of your league
You get no bf! You lose! Good day, sir
I got the orange one myself. It was not very orange. Very passive taste but it was worth for the
Bout half the store was dedicated to the Soda. the
other was a candy shop and they served ice cream as well. Very cute shop
4 whole dollars USD
Funny you metion crickets cuse they sold seasoned Crickets there to.
i was just saying something to help anon calm down...
and somehow being anything other than a shitty sarcastic fuck hasn't crossed your mind
you fucking people man
I wish I could just call a meteor to crush all of you

4 dollars for a single bottle is pretty high but they are novelties I understand that.
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went to a lgbt bbq. ate free food. got free candy. talked to no one. more than half the people there weren't cis men. inside, some kid was playing fnf and roblox. beach boy hasn't said anything.

did you get your 3ds back?
i wish i could help, but i just don't remember any of it. i don't remember their names or faces, i'm sorry. i couldn't tell you anything about it.
i wasnt being sarcastic tho
I luv u anony mouse<3
thank you for calling me a dirty little cis
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dirty little cissy
Being loved by this cunt is nothing to be happy about
he said we'd meet sunday but has been silent all day and i'm getting kind of worried
Ya I was fine paying for the novelty. Not everyday you find a bottle of brew with Hanks face on it! Do wanna go back on my own and try the rest of em.
You don't even know WHO I AM
For him love means he thinks he can extract something from you
Honestly like all of you
I don't have to. You agree with the overall energy of the thread, right? You like the people in it, you consider them to be your peers. Their philosophy matches yours. That makes you evil.
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>Uhhhh this vagueposting doesn't compute, uhhh you're under arrest
Or maybe they think you're impressionable enough that they're trying to recruit you
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Making baseless assumptions about others(me) is the 3rd most evil thing you can do thoughbeit
How can you not sense the rot here, and the perpetrators of it
So you don't? You don't match the overall energy of the thread, you don't like the people in it, you don't agree with their general philosophy? Tell me more, how fucking refreshing.
this is quite possibly the coolest most badass shit i've ever seen.
could also be you trying to curry favor too like the snake you are
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I find your misuse of 'thoughbeit' disturbing
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I don't like elaborating
You may have Germanic DNA
>tfw no forklift simulator playing German bf after he gets home from driving a forklift
Running a mini construction zone with your bros is such an unbelievably hype and inventive social activity that I never would have conceived of in a million years
These guys are living life on the next level
>captcha: XDHDX
>irrelevant but palindromes are cool
subhumans doomed to misery
try looking up but you won't you're too busy spitting down
nationalsocialist german gamers party(nsggp)
imagine thinking being a huge cunt is a valid political stance and then making a label out of it and then having a fucking party over that label
or being edgy teenagers who think it's funny because it's le offensive
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Sorry I'm too busy looking up the word 'thoughbeit' to double check that my understanding of its usage is correct to look up at anything else
Well if you weren't so pathetic maybe you would have your own life instead of bothering with who is looking up what
I guess voyeuristic fucks like you have no recourse
Let me guess
Irredeemably male, like hair everywhere
Obviously fucking fat
And a history of violence you retrocausally deserve
oh yeah also the people at the bbq were talking about their std tests and that was pretty gross
You're probably some shithead who ended up majoring in CS and saw all this potential to fuck with people
You're proving that your autistic ass could never be befriended but by anyone as emotionally disfigured as yourself

Nationalsozialliste Deutscher Spieler Partei.

bitte lasst diese korrekt Deutsch sein.
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We're having an issue of gamers, illegal gamers, entering the country and we gotta- we gotta figure out what the HELL is going on
we have you and we need your fucking net drain on reality to disappear
>Mfw they removed his Asian accent
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I'm a skinny twink with little body hair and seem to be average looking at worst but close enough

Well if I wasn't an autist and had a normal social life I wouldn't be posting here. No idea where you got CS from retardanon
I thought this thread was for Vicky chads.
Well that's worse
You're somewhat privileged and you're still choosing to be a huge cunt
You should try harder anon
I don't think it, but you should think that your life is worth more than that
Nah CK2 AGOT chads reign supreme here
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It is, ignore these dregs
Too much rng.
you're all fucking dregs
is /r9gay/ a niggermod or liquor&bureaucrats mod general
How'd you spare the infamy? I thought Japan would be busy spending it all in China and SEA.
dunno it's just full of mean faggots, probably not even gay
it's a stupid place
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Impressive, most impressive. Reminds me of those hoi4 mods which add Japan to Europe
some day soon I'm going to return to sender all the trash you sent me
Dragovich...Kravchenko...Steiner... all must diiie
It's a cry me a mod gen
I helped a tiny bit adding things
I had this as my only goal that game desu
I will return to sender all these fucking vagueposts
I don't care at all lol
Autists are a spiritual 0
that would work if they were vague
unfortunately, they're not at all
I think semantics matter a little bit
Why u reply then huh
You solved a captcha for this.. and so did I u_u
because I'm fucking relentless honey
hit me as much as you want
I'm still here
>tfw no Radahn to your Miquella
You're the only one being meanie here right now hon hon
Guys do I play Prussia again for the 1000000th time or what
you insipid little shit, you're still disguising your malice behind your stupid and so nauseatingly modern guise of autistic "interest" in stupid shit
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I want a Lorian to my Lothric but I'm an only child and have no bf in sight to fill the role
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Longest con of my entire life
I have way more offline hours howbeit

form the grobgermaniums.
wow that's great, I'm so happy for you. make them longer
stop posting
fuckers like you need to be silenced for the good of humanity
just do your shit in your own fucking corner
Keep being mean, that will definitely get you a bf
Lmao I wonder why you don't have one then?
Try not being mean for like, a day. You can't. You all fucking suck.
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>Empty handed I entered the world
>Barefoot I leave it
>My coming, my going
>Two simple happenings that got entangled

I hope I can be half as stoic when facing death as Kozan Ikkyo
Shitheads in a venus flytrap
I try to save them and they attack me
I'll leave you to your fate
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I'm still in phase 1
That boy, the viet one, is a comp sci major.. uh ohh vagueposter what do
this is getting too esoteric for my tastes, I'm out for a while.
oh nooo
well suicide seems pretty viable
maybe it's just human nature though
maybe you're all unapologetic pieces of shit all the time and that's what this is about
the sweat, the blood, the fucking stench
it's all just byproducts of your nasty fucking ways of being
why have a dialogue with monkeys who enjoy being monkeys
Don't bully map game anon ya meanie.
how about you fuck off and stop making everyone else's world worse
you disingenuous slimey fuck
Story will you buy me a pickelhaube for my birthday
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Things are getting a little tense here so just stop it, it upsets me. Let us all peacefully share the peace pipe... otherwise violence will ensue
Unlike you I actually made peoples day better today so I think I'll stay right here mate. Take a chill pill.
hopefully directed at you and ending in your very timely death (your death is always timely)
wow that's a big claim
so why are you here?
an altruist like you surely has somewhere better to be given the many kindnesses you've showered on others
oh wait let me guess, they're all ingrates right
vagueposter just has some bpd and someone ghosted him 2 years ago and he can't get over it
learn to move on
Prussia is boring because you just form super Germany in 1850 and then roll over everyone else.
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Oh you wound me thoughbeit I intend to live for at least another ten or so years
I hate you and I have for far more than two years lol
They don't see you but I always have
You're a piece of shit
I've gotten really, really good at it though
You're so cute and nonchalant anon
I'm not what you have to worry about lmao
But keep being friends with these people, please
Ally yourself with them
See where it gets you
I am here to talk to the fellow non mean gays here. Its late at night so there is no one to spread my kindness to at this hour unless I wanted to go out and I do not tonight. Also the people who I were with today were nice. They bought me a soda.
Smooching at the local Tesco oi oi non' a that round here
Oh god you're already talking about spreading kindness jesus tone down the self-righteousness
I'm the non-mean gay here, lmao. You want to talk to your own kind. Wolves in sheeps skin.
>keeps being mean
Ayo Rig this don't add up
neither does your pathetic charade fucking demon
is this vagueman in his 30s maybe a 33?
wow how did you know so intimidating
this changes my outlook on you evil fucks entirely? what was your goal here? lmao
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It's not a charade..
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Tesco? At least take a fella to the M&S Foodhall. Next you'll be arranging a date at the Lidl Bakery
Yeah I'm 33, 1933.
now leave me the fuck alone
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Kevita sparkling lemonade was not very good, but the second can was better than the first
Yeah I'm 21, 2021
im just trying to get confirmation once and for all!
mentally ill for having the desire, objectively immoral for doing the act.
it was my grandma's birthday today, if she was alive she'd have been 99 years old.
you mean all of this?
all of this yes
If she was still alive i would have sex with her
shut the fuck up you fucking liar
I want a bf born the same year halo reach was released

no seriously she was born in 1925 and had my mom when she was 35.
Oh thank god I'm not that super old you're just a paedophile
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Erm acksually it's called ephebophilia *pushes glasses up nose*
Invasion mode was lit af
hey you should talk more about that
share as much info as you can with your friends here
I'm sure they like you and would appreciate it
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I miss playing Halo Reach on my 360 during the summer holidays
stupid evil fuck general
I am literally herr hitler
I never claimed to be some paragon of virtue.
Think what you want of me but I don't really care.
I can only hope whatever stick is shoved far in
your asshole gets evicted with haste.
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I saw that a book is being released towards the end of 2024 and thought it would be out in a year only to realise that its out in a few months
Now I understand what adults meant when they spoke of time flying by during my childhood
It's you. You fucking people are the fucking stick. And you smarmy bitches know it. I hope you all commit ritual suicide.

I'm fully aware of it. Seems like I blink and week passes. The only time that passed slowly was right before and after mom's death.
hello, I'm looking for a place to rent for once summer break is over, should I make sure they'd allow 2 people?
Is there a positive bone in that body of yours??
I don't believe in seppuku so guess your gonna
have to kill me yourself if you want me dead.
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You people? What does that mean, you people?

I feel the same way yet I still struggle to believe that my mother is soon to be 50 as 40 seems like yesterday. I suppose our lifestyles make most days blend into one
time doesnt seem to move any faster for me. actually everything takes too long
Do you have a daki
all my bones are fucking positive you shitty fake humans just fucking love to bring out the worst and don't lie
you think it's funny
you're fucking evil
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I wanna rape alcoholic brit anon desu
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Time is indeed a leveled sphere

I thought about buying one but I am rarely awake during the day so getting it delivered would be a pain
it means you
with your fake ass media-inspired bitch reaction images
your faggot bravado
your fake personalities
your made up way of speaking
you're some shithead on a laptop who makes a hobby out of irritating people and to you I'm a goldmine but to me you're basically a fucking animal
you inform me more of the world and why i hate it every second
so do you want to be my moody /r9gay/ gf
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I don't have a laptop anymore as I gave it to someone less fortunate than myself and I genuinely don't know who you are
I have a laptop... bros, it's fucking joever
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Whatever man. I am gonna kindly ignore you after this for its not like you would believe anything I say to defend myself from such outlandish accusations on my character. It is funny however how convinced you are that I am some fake evil demonic person though.
you think I care about your fucking laptop?
>too old to own a laptop
nice then go blend into the demonic soup fuck you
get the approval you always wanted
is schizomelty a top or bottom, tryna simp for him
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Well you did call me a shithead on a laptop, seemed only right to set you straight. And it was a fine laptop if you were wondering
He's every tops bottom and every bottoms top
Okay good point, my bad
I guess you're just a shithead regardless of what you're using to be one
I don't do any of that fuck off that's disgusting
This image is for some reason in my porn folder
Thanks I busted all over my jeans
Fuck off here nigger. Get the fuck off. You know who you are. Stop hiding, faggot. You're pathetic.
So you're neither a top nor bottom? Not a fudge packer, bum bandit, fairy, uphill gardener or fruit picking sodomite? Or do you resent the promiscuity on your part that my post suggested?
racist much? jeez
hmm someone is shooting fireworks already
I hate that the world favors people like you
people like you who walk away from the screen with a shit eating grin on their face and think they're so fucking clever when all they ever use that cleverness for is to be a net drain on anyone who has the misfortune of having to be around them
Better out then in as a Green Ogre once told me.
Even if its all over your jeans.
no because those are more expensive
spank me daddy uwu
how sickeningly derivative
I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole and no doubt the feeling's reciprocated because that's just a part of your bitch equation
you sound so cute... be my bf
how about you date one of your other batshit internet personas
thank you for calling me a batshit little spic
no they're evil i want you. YOU
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I wish Public Enemies were a better movie, it was good but not great as it could have been given the solid cast. I will find something else to serve as my prohibition era movie fix

But what if I want to bring someone over permanently? it would also more likely get me government gibs
I know they're evil thank you for admitting it
we'll take our revenge... together <3
do you have anyone to bring
not yet.. sigh
I wrote a post and accidentally closed the window but basically it was like, you take joy in my suffering so go fuck yourself
so cute and clumsy... i love you!!!
yeah which shitty discord are you sharing screencaps of this over
get a fucking life
i don't have any discord friends... whyd you remind me :(
Why are you talking like that? Anything for a groom, right lmao.
groom like haircut? i dont like the barber
You're a fucking NIGGER, change your game up again. Let's see your new persona.
If I really believed that I wouldn't
but that's not the point
the point is this is just another way to laugh at me, like you fuckers always do
you don't know how to do anything else but be incredibly damaging and mean
stop.. stop being mean pls my heart can't take all this rejection ;-;
nobody believes me.. nobody can be trusted. i am utterly alone
you're a stupid fuck who's going to look back on this after being killed in a violent accident and realize how much of a shit you are
killing myself, too much cyberbullying on r9gay
but you're actually doing it
facetious asshat
Time for a few hours of poor sleep. Gnight r9gay may thy day, afternoon or night be enjoyable
Up yours. Don't pretend to be normal.
I shouldn't need to work meow I'm too baby wwaaahhhh where bf wwwaahhhh
aren't you married lmao
up yours woke liberals we'll see who cancels who
i still haven't ben able to cancel my planet fitness membership
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my body feels tired all the time
my brain is foggy
all I want to do is sleep
but I never can
Well maybe if you weren't such a deceitful bitch it wouldn't be that way
what are you even talking about?? I'm original
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I'm a twink in a nigger world.
i'm a virgin in a slut world.
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Sex and intimacy scare me
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Hello from New Zealand
kiwi is my friend
I wish I wasn't insane so i could have friends
i got woken up by thunder and there's a hurricane north of south america :[
i have the shits and i don't feel good.
ill take the gep gun
Kiwiland is based I love it here. Where you from what's your asl?
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I'm also insane anon. I take pic related, olanzapine, for schizophrenia.
22/Miami. Need white boy to fill my brown holes. <3
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Day 3562 of looking for a king to shower with love and affection... 5'6/167cm latino from the US big into Warhammer and paradox mapgaming.. kinda spergy discord: perturabohammerofolympia
>tfw no bf who laughs at horror movies
Who cut their nipples off?
>day 3562
for some reason i thought this was going to be 30-40 years
I can fix kiwi
still dont know who that is
too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. I'm hungry.
Yo, this thread gay af
Like everyone in this be gay, wtf?
prove it shlomo
did you really need your dad to teach you how to shave
beach boy said we'd go to the beach today but he hasn't said anything all day. it's been raining for hours.
I have found a way for the lucky bird to live with me in case I do:
>find a living place in a small german city on the border with nl
>I study 15 mins away in the netherlands
>nonny studies 60 mins away in germany
>study is fully covered by the generous socialist germs and grants a visa
>all I have to do is give a legal guarantee that I'll cover living expenses
>still get about $350 rent benefits in germany
>in total this would only run me about a few hundred per month
do you euros even have get visa and permissions to move and stuff? I thought it was all one big EU?
this is for the non-eu scrub I'd take under my wing
The tailplug I ordered will not be arriving and they gave me a refund
I want a tailplug wearing bf so bad, Would be amazingly cute.
>when you find bf's white tail and it's brown near the plug
Mine barely taught me anything so I use electrics for shaving
>pulling the 'catboy's' tail makes him moan.

yes please.
>If I pull that out, will you die?
I was going to mow the grass but I'm sneezing and had a nosebleed so nah, time for a nap instead.
why doesnt storyanon get a ridemower
they can't hold his weight. He would need a double wide version.
Bam Rodriguez really put a beating on Estrada lol. That was fun
Are you a twink bottom? and how do you feel about canadians?
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Tfw no bf who cares about me.
Last night I dreamed I had husband who was strongfat build and like 3 meters tall he lifted me up like a child and I hugged his chest he smelled nice it was a nice dream
>work morning shift
>too tired after morning shift to do anything fun or productive
>"Well, when I work the evening shift I'll have the energy in the morning to do stuff before work!"
>Wake up, exhausted and sleepy all morning until evening shift
I think I'm just dying
I'm even taking my AWAKE AND FOCUSED meds and everything
i wish i could have a ncie dream like that
very jealouus
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How sick are you of miami and beach boy's ploys right now?
I will never pay my local taxes
I pay all my taxes just for the fun of getting my refund
Like "well I've survived so far on what I earn. Ooo, an extra $300! Nice".
protip those 'refunds' is just you giving the government an interest free loan.
Okay, and? It's not like I was gonna loan it to someone else WITH interest.
I've wracked up at least 50$ in late fees
When it gets too high I'm moving to another town, simple as
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Infinitely wide yellow god smiles as a pedophile dies in a plane crash
I feel like that would be significantly more expensive than just paying the late fees
It's not about money, it's about sending a message
Canadian simp is still the most pathetic posters in this thread
Yeah meow too bad dreaming of someone manhandliing me makes me a whore
dont bully canadian simp this is going to be the one. it has to be
I've only been rejected 9 times back to back and doxed and publicly humiliated in front of my friends it could be worse. But i'm starting to think no one has it worse off than i do.
How were you humiliated in front of your friends?
Anon make a vocaroo saying " I'm a filthy whore for you" NOW
thank you for calling me a filthy whore
It was downhill since the gay club experience, notice that?
he would have a bf if hue was still here to give him guidance, but he isnt because they made him leave...
Why don't you moveinwith story already?
I wanted to go for a run today but tummy is too full. At this rate I won't do any exercise again. Not like I care that much but sucks a teeny tiny bit.
i dont want to live in ohio and storyanon wont leave the cats
Doing squats in my room
i wish i didnt ghost him

when i think hard about why i did it i rememeber i had a reason atleast
he obviously started hating me and didnt want me sticking around so i left

but sometimes i wish i had waited for him to just tell me to fuck off completely
maybe i would have gotten a few extra weeks talking to him

although by that point we only were talking once or twice a week if i was lucky
he probably would never have told me to fuck off
he was going to just talk to me less and less slowly and slowly until us being close friends just wasnt reality anymore and we drifted apart

what a scumbag piece of shit
if you hate me say it to my face
its not like im some dangerous person you have to worry about
you could have just said it all directly and i would have fucked off and i would have had closure on the situation

but now i will always have to wonder what if i was wrong or it was all a big coincidence or misunderstanding and i misreacted by doing that
oh well
just more lifelong torture in hellworld
is Denver any better?
he said he'd drive me but i don't believe him. i don't think i'm going to the beach today. i hate this city. i can't stand living here for another minute.
reminder we have had bosnians and indians in this thread you privileged whore
mountains are beautiful. i dont want to live in a flat or stinky sticky enviroment
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Okay but where is my 3 meter tall bf who can lift me with one hand (which are big enough to reach around my waist also)
He is a space marine 40,000 years in the future you are going to have to time travel
No marines are cringe ew
no fucking chance this is the same nigger convincing boys to cut themselves, right?
you suck his dick so much might as well move in and be his maid
I heard kiwi convinced 2 boys to troon out and one committed suicide
A forest in the night. Very dark. Lot of fireflies. I know the path.
thank you for calling me a dirty little troon
bros... i think i have to spend a week with the family. like away from the computer. like with no access to /r9gay/. bros?
Might do you some good
i have a normie friend who leaves his pc at home when he's at university and only takes a laptop for schoolwork. he just goes cold turkey off games and stuff. radio silence "last seen online 3 months ago" type of guy.
18 naked cowboys
how to become a male prostitute in california - Google Search

does anyone know how? no social apps or anything :think:
story's secret dayjob
me and 17 naked cowboys
beach boy came over to give me my 3ds and then left.
Slobbin his knobbin
Would you date a boy with glasses?

I'd like it if my bf teased me by hiding my glasses and calling me a blind boy >.<
i'd date anyone who actually gave a fuck about me
I wouldn't date a boy who didn't have glasses
If he takes mine, I'm takin his
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at least we all got left in suspense for a few days
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Meow where husband meow meow
I'm excited that I have the day off tomorrow even though I know I'm gonna spend the whole day wasting time and trying to avoid eye contact with my step-dad so we don't have to have some awkward conversation about my future or career
I honestly can't tell if that's better or worse than wageslaving
I'm so tired
Why does itzy have yellow growth on her tummy
Is that some special opposum organ
possums are marsupials
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It's the pouch! Because Itzy is a girl. Although male opossums can also have a false pouch. I think it looks like that because it closes up if they don't have joeys.
Ohhhhh, it's a lot smaller than I would have expected.
Boy she looks excited about that grape she's clutching!
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The great Itzel performing her signature act, the disappearing grape
you have to lie to him and say youre working on something
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Meow :3 where bf to be my daddy:3 meow
cried into my pillow again today, that was fun
i cried into a pillow too. just now. now i'm eating ice cream.
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Ah wanna cry buh ah am too scared ta
boo hoo waa waah
I'm not really sure why most of you guys watch me. Maybe it's because I'm a cute cyborg who is so much smarter than all of you that you just can't help but be fascinated by me
I wish I was a cute cyborg I'd whore myself out so hard
wwyd if a boy rubbed the underside of your chin with his fingertips and slowly pushed your face towards his
headbutt him, don't touch my face
The hands of a 65 year old man.
my hands are all skin and bones from being anorexic all my life
Depends on the boy and the context innit
i refuse to believe that anyone could be so busy as to not check for texts for longer than 24 hours
i havent checked mine in over a month
When I want to talk, I respond immediately
If I don't, I don't say anything
stick to voice messages
need bf who is hooked up to a walkie talkie 24/7
before the advent of the telegraph written messages between people used to take months to be sent and received and had to be complete and well thought out in order to maximize communication
just something to think about
ayy bby want sum fuck? asl
texting someone and not getting a quick response is so fucking painful because everybody has a phone in their pocket. especially if they're off work. they're not busy. is it just that they don't want to talk to me? i wish they'd just tell me.
autism can be man made
gives me anxiety to get a message knowing i'll have to continue responding when i just wanna lay in bed or play a game without tabbing out
you aren't my bf or in my bedroom
leave me alone >:|
b-but what if I have nothing interesting to say? like now
I messaged him while I was drunk and he seemed sort of friendly, I can't tell if he was creeped out and just being polite or not
I wonder if I can launch this into a full fledged friendship or if I should let sleeping cats lie, I also wonder if he browses here
i don't know. just talk to me. tell me what you did. tell me what you're thinking. tell me what makes you happy, or sad. tell me anything. i just want to talk to someone.
there's <1% chance anyone in your city also uses 4chan. and a <1% chance that person uses 4chan regularly and often.
what if he doesnt want to say anything? why dont you send text #5 if you need it so bad
>sharing your most intimate thoughts with a stranger
whore coded
bruh just go offline or if you only want to talk to specific people use an alt
there's no excuse to take eight minutes on average to reply to someone's message unless you want to give the air of deliberately choosing to cause them anxiety
which would make you an ass
because every time i send a subsequent text without a response i get seen as even more of a desperate clingy weirdo and i'm fucking sick of being ignored and abandoned.
>there's no excuse to take eight minutes on average to reply to someone's message
try 8 hours
you might be a desperate clingy weirdo
i am offline and you message me anyway
you are not my bf, i don't owe you 24/7 access
consider not wasting your time with people who are unable to empathize with extremely basic insecurities like that that are common and very easy to understand
so you got your answer didnt you
Oh no he wasn't someone in my city, just someone on discord
I'm not looking for a bf or anything, my friend group is falling apart and making new friends would be nice is all
I would reply faster to others if my mind wasn't an empty void, it's like fishing in a swamp
well first of all I only talk to one person from here and we don't have this problem so you're not them and that's not true
but also I think if someone messages you while you're offline it's probably not with the expectation that you'll immediately reply
obviously that's an exception to the general rule that you should be responsive during conversation if you care at all about the person you're conversing with
>extremely basic insecurities like that that are common and very easy to understand
maybe not to someone who has always been popular their entire life.
Isekai suicide squad was surprisingly fun
I don't much care for having friends, it's exhausting
Having just a bf is enough
at that point why bother at all
i just want a friend. a real friend. not someone i only meet at the same place at the same time doing the same thing. that's not a friend.
Babe, I can't let you go

I need an answer now

I need you

What you gonna do now

Send it in a letter

Or ship it by rail

Send it by telegram

Or rush it to me air mail

I don't want your sympathy

I only want you
my perfect social sphere is one best friend and a bf
Anything else is too much
because i'm stupid and hopeless and desperate and i thought that if i bothered him enough i'd make it obvious to him that i valued his company but i guess i'm just a fucking moron.
I mean don't beat yourself up I don't think it's on you he just sounds either uninvested or unaware
it's hard not to but you shouldn't internalize that
I guess the big problem I've repeatedly been forced to confront as of late is that don't have much to offer anyone, I'm basically a blackhole of experience with my only hobby being video games and no neat stories from the combined two years of social experience I've had from working a dead end job and going to real school
Probably pretty stunted from being homeschooled and terminally online apart from that, all my friends in my formative years were internet weirdos from here and places like here
I feel like I need to pick up a real life before I can really talk to people again
I feel so much better since I stopped caring how fast people respond to me and since I stopped responding quickly myself. When I didn't have anything better to do it was hell to wait for hours for friends to respond but now I just do things by myself and talk when someone messages me.
bug bite bastard bloody
it's fucking impossible not to internalize it. he had everything. he's got money, muscles, a pretty face. friends. girlfriends. i've got none of that. i have nothing to offer. is it a surprise to anyone that he'd want nothing to do with me?

he said he spent his free time going to church. what would a church boy ever want with a disgusting faggot like me? i'm such a god damned imbecile. to think that i wanted to come out to him today. god.
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Stop pining for straight boys perhaps, retard
true I guess it depends a lot on your frame of reference and in this case like should probably only interact with like
I hate you so much. You don't know what being ghosted means. You don't know what waiting for a message that isn't an instant reply means. You are self centered and privileged piece of shit yet you whine here all day. You would kill yourself if you actually had to deal with real problems, whiny bitch.
i have nothing to be proud of this month.

to me, real life IS talking to people.
Start pining for autistic r9faggots who live on the other side of the globe, king
i've tried killing myself before but okay
if only hue could advise the gincels here
might feel bad for him, but he refuses to talk to gay guys because he thinks they are sluts(fair on stats i suppose) but if a straight guy talks about having multiple affairs he doesnt have a problem and being a horny dog is just quirky haha
well personally for me I say something about it, so no mind reading is necessary
talk to them where and about what
maybe when I go to college later this year I'll give it a shot
I don't want to get a shitty dead end job again though, that stuff sucked and I didn't get anything socially out of it at all, other than some vague respect from my parents and internet people I know
if anything it was his fault. i was in shock that a total stranger was being so nice to me. i couldn't control myself and i broke down and confessed everything to him. he was so sweaty and smelly and hugged me for a solid minute and said "we'd be lifelong friends". that was all i needed. i guess he was lying.
And you likely have zero charisma and can't even turn your lack of knowing how to respond into a joke or do anything that doesn't make it look like you are ignoring the other person and don't like talking to them. Just say anything or start a new topic retard.
Most unsympathetic character here by far
it is a close race, but yes
yes? what, am i supposed to lie?
literally yeah but I guess I'm pretty shameless
I try to phrase it in a way where it's non-imposing though, like "hey this is how I'm feeling and you should probably know that in the interest of honesty and mutual understanding"
If you're willing to associate with retards you get what you deserve really
I try to tell this to actual friends but they don't listen either and being told I'm right later isn't very satisfying anymore, it's just annoying
i was at a gay barbecue yesterday and everyone there was already with someone. tuesday i'm going to a gay/bi men's support group. i've been going to lgbt events this entire month. i'm really trying. talking to normalfags is hard. faggots are even more normal than normalfaggots.
I used to prioritize responding to ""friends"" which included stopping my games or anime I was watching or whatever I was doing. This was only to my detriment as they also ended conversations on questions I asked that left unanswered until later when they got back. No one really responds fast because everyone has a life except few losers. I don't respond fast anymore because I saw everyone prioritizes their own shit so why should I stop what I'm doing for them either? Not like it's a pressing issue anyway.
You need a hobby. Stop expecting others to entertain you and walk you through life. Be self sufficient.
finding a bf in miami is harder than kabul don't you know that
hobbies cost money. we've been over this. i'm not repeating myself.
how about a jobby
getting a job is arguably harder than getting a bf
the only time I'm ever horny anymore is when I'm on stimulants
rip my brain
lol absolutely not
No it's funny because he is a slut who worked himself out to story of all people and is just fap material to fat incels. He is no better than a grindr whore.
I can relate to this.
I still don't have a life really but I have better shit to do.
Ironically I've been bitched out on by multiple people I know for being busy despite them doing the same to me
The best is when they have the nerve to imply I don't have more important things to do than blow smoke up their ass
They just like using me like an emotional punching bag most of the time, I'm getting sick of them, I'm tempted to just go no contact for a month or two, especially since the irl ones are all away in other places for a few months too
couldn't hurt to spend some alone time
Getting a job costs money and I'm laziest Mexican around
if you're a whore you might as well make money off of it, your soul is already tainted anyway
I hate all of you whiny zoomer bitches. There are no real gays here. No one has real issues. No one is doing bad despite trying. You deserve to suffer.
>tfw too old to be an onlyfans whore
on one hand if I was successful I could have escaped being a basement neet
but on the other it was probably better not to take the psychological damage from that
I'll never know what that path may have been
That would be bread or meow
I detest them all
I detest you the most even if you're actually correct because fuck you
I was going to be really mean but I'll just say I don't feel your judgement is accurate and you should try to be more positive
Life is hard, I get it, and I'm sure you tried at some point but falling down is no excuse to stay down unless you just wanna kys
Yeah that's the worst: they aren't even there for you when you need them and then expect you to be there for them
you ever get a broom up the ass?
I detest you more than you destest me you whiney shitbaby
this seems like such a common experience but it's never happened to me
I kind of wish it would desu I can't imagine someone valuing my company that much
>tfw you were sleepy 2 hours ago but aren't sleepy anymore
I hab to waek up errly
I doubt it's that, it's just I'm likely the only one who is present and reliable
I've been tired all day and I did nothing besides shave and shower u_u
I got sleepy from watching anime. Maybe I should watch more Baki to fall asleep to
now that i got my 3ds back does anyone wanna play ctgp7
I haven't had anything up my ass in awhile
makes me worried I won't be ready if I get a surprise bf ._.
I'll admit maybe I'm not always the best listener but I can only listen to so many rants about poor life decisions, weeb culture, or just general misanthropy for all currently existing forms of life before it blends together
fhey're cold and unwittingly brutal, like I can't even blame them cause I don't think it registers that they're being that way when I float my own stuff, and I just literally can't speak to them about what I would like to speak about at times because it isn't interesting to them or actually causes them mental distress(something they don't give a shit about on the opposite side, they'd probably just tell me not to be a pussy)
they're not bad people but they need someone else, I'm sick of being the person they hit up out of convenience to drop a ton of shit on and bale
is this image popular on twitter, why do I see it everywhere in my spaces
Nah that wasn't me doing that. You are correct.
this anon is complaining about being the first person anyone would want to talk to
time to cook some chicken tendies and poatoes for dinner again. At least the chicken is better and less salty with the marinate vs the brine water. Mom would always just use the brine water.
Damn, they found footage of me in my bedroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgY7V-nB3VI
cute and also cool
Retreat to my bed, the pillows smell of detergent and bleach cuz I cleaned them
Cosypilled bedmaxxer
glad you liked my performance
Why does the thumbnail look like a naked guy
Don't fuck the droids
Do fuck the druids
clanker lovers, I swear.
I want to be a clone barracks bunny.
cyborg druids in the technoforest
army gangrape hawt
just ask meow, we all know he liked it.
i wish i could not fall in love with anyone who gave me attention. i wish enough people gave me enough attention for this to not be an issue.
shouldve wished for a 9-5
Do you groom brown boys though?
you wouldn't fall in love with story no matter how much attention he gave you so you're lying
>tfw no 95 bf
>tfw no bf who notes the lack of tfw no bf posting and overabundance of long form whining
If story wasn't quite as fat and disgusting I think I would bf him. He seems like a nice guy and hey, he's loaded.
>tfw brown idiot who isn't even gay turning this place into his personal whining blog
>tfw too gay for /r9gay/
i might like him more if he wasn't fat and old and balding and circumcised and took showers. i don't care that he's a 30-something NEET living with 9 cats slowly draining his mom's inheritance. he honestly seems like a nice guy. i just don't like the whole FUB thing he's got going on.
Bf havers please leave
Nah I don't fuck with brown people in general
>least goldigging gayboy
If you would like him more if he wasn't old then you do care about it hypocrite whore meow
ok i don't mind that he's old sorry
I'm just fat and ugly, I don't think I can be a bastard. I don't like being mean to people.
Not true since ai did not
Meow who are you talking to

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