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late night melty edition
last: >>77976009
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he finally texted me. he was at a running club.
and then stopped texting me because it's late probably.
I wish I was a poss then people would love and cherish me ow
People will love and cherish you regardless
That said I would like a poss to care for
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Thanks for new thread I am too incompetent to make one myself
>linked the wrong post
whatever at least it's in the thread
I don't believe anybody does
what am i supposed to do when i can't sleep and i have no video games and am on nofap
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>trying to be a better friend to my friend group
>friend randomly insults me for no reason
>gets upset when I don't wanna talk to him

How are you supposed to grow as a man if these are the results?
Tell us what the insult was
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Read a book, got for a nice evening stroll, watch something good on tv or scribble down your thoughts.
>having a friend group
I'm binge watching Kamen Rider Gotchard right now, not because I like it but so that I can be caught up when Kamen Rider Gavv comes out.
Saying he didn't like me after I said I didn't like some random thing, didn't have a hint of irony or anything.
That's a pretty tame insult maybe your just an overly sensitive pussy?
Tensions have been escalating between me and him. I don't blame you for assuming that though. This was a man I spent entire days with talking about life and having fun and now he thinks I'm an opponent as of late. It's hard.
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>Like a fossil tree
>From which we gather no flowers
>Sad has been my life
>Fated no fruit to produce

That was one of the more melancholic poems, some of the others are surprisingly cheery
Near them, half-sunk in the sand
A shattered visage lies
Whose frown, and wrinkled lip
And sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things.

Ozymandias is my favorite poem ever but I should reread Flowers of evil again to see how I like it now
It has to be this way. Standing here I realize you were just me like me tryna make history. But who's to judge? The right from wrong? When our guard is down I think we'll both agree that violence breeds violence, but in the end it has to be this way. I've got my own path. You've followed your wrath, but maybe we're both the same. The world has turned and so many have burned, but nobody is to blame. It's tearing across this barren wasted. I feel new life will be born beneath the bloodstained sand. Beneath the bloodstained sand.
Insults in my friend group are usually calling each other faggots or losers and threatening to kill each other so someone complaining that someone just doesn't like them seems really tame in comparison
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It's different when somebody genuinely doesn't like you and you can pick up on it compared to palyground jokes.
wtf is a palyground
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I like ozymandias but having it be part of my high school curriculum soured it for me. I guess reading something dozens of times, picking it apart and being examined on your understanding it it will do that

Depends, I have done that for it and I still enjoy it a lot. The language is very brain tickling and evocative for me and I like the subject matter. It's also easy to remember unlike stuff like Baudelaire

"When skies are low and heavy as a lid
over the mind tormented by disgust,
and hidden in the gloom the sun pours down
on us a daylight dingier than the dark:

when earth becomes a trickling dungeon where
Trust like a bat keeps lunging through the air,
beating tentative wings along the walls
and bumping its head against the rotten beams:

when rain falls straight from unrelenting clouds,
forging the bars of some enormous jail,
and silent hordes of obscene spiders spin
their webs across the basements of our brains:

then all at once the raging bells break loose,
hurling to heaven their awful caterwaul,
like homeless ghosts with no one left to haunt
whimpering their endless grievances.

And giant hearses, without dirge or drums,
parade at half-step in my soul, where Hope,
defeated, weeps, and the oppressor Dread
plants his black flag on my assenting skull."

I also wanna learn The Raven by memory.

Startled at the stillness broken
By a reply so aptly spoken
Doubtless, said I, what it utters is its only stock and store
Caught from some unhappy master
Whom unmerciful disaster
Followed fast and followed faster
Till his songs one burden bore
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wrong. palyground
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It is a good poem even when over-studied. I like the other two poems you posted even if I'm a tad too pissed to really explain why, short poems are my preference as they're easier to recall
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What would be the gay version of this???
Fake cat ears and thigh highs.
can we talk about the guys with real cat ears.
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A virgin twink who likes the same games as you and has a slightly obscure hobby/interest such as history, literature or collecting things
Guys like that are dime a dozen as yanks would say but all think they are unique
I don't think there are many guys going around with real cat ears on their person, they aren't easy to come by and keeping them in your pocket would be strange
I just want a nice bf that I love and doesn't cheat and fucks me good.
Are you cute? :D
watching fallout on prime tv

beach boy told me he was a "normy" for not knowing what the mainline 3 mario games were
convince me not to have a midnight snack, I'm so hungry.
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How is the fallout show? I was thinking of watching it despite the shite online reviews as Kyle MacLachlan is in it

Uhhh a second on the lips a lifetime on the hips and skip snacks lose fat. That was the best I could come up with on short notice
Yeah but probs not in your general area. ^_^
What continent are we talking Anon?
i'm liking it so far. the wasteland violence isn't as interesting as the global centuries-long conspiracy though. i also like season 4 of the boys and people are saying it's kinda mid. i don't have any political opinions so i can't say much on that. the ghoul is my favorite character so far.
The US but I'm Asian(not the Britain kind)
I also like cooking.
beach boy said he's cheated on all his girlfriends.
How are you doing today, anon?
I hope you're doing well
run, you deserve better than that.
if he's dumb enough to get involved with a bishit or straightoid then he gets what he deserves
even if he turns out to be a prick i still need my fucking 3ds back
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Well now you could always get something else and become ps3anon or ASUS TUF Gaming laptopanon...
Bullshit aside good luck getting it back I still regret giving mine away and buying a Switch
wait, 3ds let some borrow the 3ds? Someone he barely knows? Oh you sweet child that thing is gone now.
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Do you expect to die a virgin anon?
I know I do
nigger what are you kidding
i fucking went wild on mk8dx i was the drift king bro. 3 stars 200cc in every cup. NO smart steering. i was that nigga, nigga.
3ds gonna have sell butthole pics to story for another console.
i still told him about the whole proxy mailbox thing and he still hasn't sent me a switch and a ps5 and a n3dsxl
I am damn near certain I will die a virgin. I will not use apps or set foot in a club so hookups are not happening
so story should just drop a grand for nothing in return? I know he's loaded but come on.
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Last mario kart I played was on the Wii, truth be told I never had much time for racers. So many more interesting games to play
to be frank mario kart is the only racing game i ever cared about. don't remember what else i played on the switch besides cadence of hyrule
I have never played mario kart in my life.
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Yesterday shopping carts were the topic of conversation and today it is mario kart. Reginald le Doodoo was right time really is a flat circle
we talked about shopping carts for all of like 5 posts. Mario kart is a frequent topic of discussion.
Time is thus an even flatter circle
Why are men so autistic about reply time?
>if you don't reply within one minute constantly for hours on end you are literally dead to me!!
if i don't get an immediate response i assume you hate my guts
Note to self never chat with guys who have an anxious attachment type
>i assume you hate my guts
Its a self-fulfilling prophecy. I don't mind clinginess but I also need alone time or I will get sick of you
but i have 0 friends and am unemployed i don't know what else to do. if i meet someone who actually enjoys my company i couldn't stand to be alone for another minute. i didn't choose to be this way.
you need to learn to occupy your time better, being alone is fine if you have interesting shit to do and you'll be less likely to overwhelm the first guy who gives you the time of day
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A hot twink wants to give me quick bjobs often and nothing else. Do I take him up on his offer?
Why are you such a sIut?
Pretty damn lonely and desperate for physical intimacy is what I am. If that makes me a slut then so be it. Doesn't make me feel bad.
Yes obviously, who doesn't want some bjs
You don't feel bad the people you hurt when you're a slut?
>a twink is offering him blowies
fucking normies polluting this thread with their stink
Right? Been a goo bit since I got a good bj to
Who am I hurting excatly by getting a bj from a condoning party? I'm single and ugly so again whom am I hurting dummy?
I bust the fattest nuts to twinks and not to girls. How does this make any sense?
how are you calling yourself ugly if you're getting offered blowjobs from a hot twink
Because they are a retard
> I'm single and ugly so again whom am I hurting dummy?
For starters, yourself. You are so full of contradictions even another Anon noticed it. A "hot twink" offers you sex, meaning you are desirable and you follow it up by saying you're ugly. You say you're lonely and desperate for physical intimacy, yet it's "been a while since" meaning you're normally used to the physical intimacy. Do you see how destructive this is? You don't even know who you are anymore.
a normalfag, in the simplest of terms, is someone who does not know what it is to be truly alone.
Some people like ugly people and they probably just like my average sized dick thats thick. Just take my word for it that if I posted myself here I would be called an ugly fat pig.
Just go and get bjs, who cares?
Skinny guy waist
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Dutchman ain't texted me since he got a bf and I called him a nigger randomly lol.

Filey, if you're awake I forgot to tell you about my legos yesterday.
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Me when I fucking GET you
please come get me
He's got a lot going on at this moment, something with his brother apparantly. He'll text you back at some point. If not send him a message again, that always works.
Yeah I heard about that. That boy, he's soft as silk mentally.
Sure is, man's gotta grow up.
It's the times that make the man.
I used to be like this because I was very lonely and didn't enjoy anything other than talking to people I liked enough to want to be friends with
I still think I'd expect bf to be always available or at last notify me when he isn't. I'm much more content on my own now and can't find enough time to talk to my friends these days. It's funny cause I would be throwing tantrums internally back in the day when they took long to respond. Now I get quicker responses and I'm the one busy doing thing which makes me feel bad and unappreciative of them. Especially since friends I have now are more reliable and good to me.
scamming friends and breaking promises, an upstanding anon you are

did dutch tranny finally bf bunny?
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I am an upstanding kinda guy. You care too much about my business.

No idea.
No it's not bunnyanon, he wanted dutchie to stop speaking to him. It's a friend of his whom he liked for years.
>tfw no bf who knows how to use who/whom
i dont know. i always send a weeks worth of messages in one day and then stop talking for a week. or a bit more...
Asianbf nowww
Lemonade and hot cakes for brekkie
>Filey, if you're awake I forgot to tell you about my legos yesterday.
I know
you said you wouldn't forget.
Poor ruotsi
Want a hash brown?
mom is making go to the dmv today. why
My packag came in the male but I's gotta gets it from the postal office far away so I won't have time for other stuff before work ah well packag is more importanter
>my package came in the male
What creature is this
It looks incorrect
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You cannot temp me with food.
accidentally bought like 12 bars of the exact same soap
how do I get them to story so he can clean his boils and cysts?
I don't have a social life. I'm a social life. I'm all the social lives. I don't have a social life, I am a social life. I am the social life.
It's my party and I'll smile if I want to
but storyanon might have sensitive skin you cant just send him random soaps
He's probably allergic to soap by now
sounds like story needs to learn how to moisturize

true lmao
i dont know not all soaps are the same
when i see headlines like this im glad i dont have a gf starting fights for me
wouldnt have happened if he was open carrying
yeah, open carrying his gf to the nearest dumpster
the only straight anon i support
Personality types are just horoscope signs for men but according to my dumb thing I'm meant to be good at shooting as a hobby
Maybe I should try it
>for men
you are legit clueless. every girl i've met who isn't into horoscopes is into pop psych like personality types.
wtf how do i learn my personality type and new hobby
I don't talk to girls
I think everyone uses this one, it said I was INTJ coded
suicidejak about to be raped
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How I sleep knowing there's no hope for me and that I will never find happiness
avatar posting in a general for lonely gay men probably isn't helping
where is my new hobby? i didnt see it in there ;(
get scammed, thanks for the personal info gonna sell it to a data broker now.
Look into your type
So sleepy and tired, hate waking up early. Can't believe I took a short nap.
Showered in the morning today, still eepy
>there are no actual hobbies for this cucked personality type
why did you do this to me, anon? why...
do you really sleep with so much of your body outside of the blankets
Meow tutustitaaks, lupaan olla vahemman irstas in person?
You were born defective, my condolences anony :c
>tfw my hobbies are just anal masturbation, drinking at breweries, and at home spa days
Kinda nasty ngl.
so what do you do for fun then?
Anal masturbation, drinking at breweries and spa home days of course! Seriously though I dunno I guess I like reading polsci literature.
I would like to read nonfiction but my brain is small
what are you reading?
the worst part is it isnt true; i was born to standard and they made a mistake... they sent me through the wrong life. the personality type test proves it even
tbf if you aren't fat there's probably an entire line of tops waiting for a bottom who already knows how to take dick, is hygienic, and doesn't mind masc activities
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y'all white ass honkeys don't know what it's like to suffer in the tropics
Just finished "Man and Technics". It wasn't very good, so next up is some Weber.
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it wouldn't be a huge improvement but I'd take that trade offer
Literally same weather here in the commonwealth yesterday
Today's nice thoughbeit
Get the real numbers you mutt
You're just a common whore with no wealth
are those supposed to be the low temps on the right?
We had a heat wave like this, thank God it's over now
I must move to my ancestral homelands to be free of this bullshit
what are you looking for in a good nonfic read?

The author putting their finger on something interesting, opening a new perspective, and also opening and working that perspective.
I would say I'd never complain about Ohio weather again but that's a lie. I love to complain about everything.
I wanna go to KoP mall
60+% humidity for days.
You think rain in summer is good but you think wrong.
Summer rain is a mixed bag here, sometimes it really helps, other times it just turns the outside into a sauna. I'm assuming it's always the latter where you are.
>Mfw deleted tinder because I'm afraid people will think I'm gay.
That was NOT your face when
Never downloaded a dating app before
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>early 30s
>ugly beta charismaless nerdy looking male
>no friends or social experiences since school
>no male attention ever
>done nothing with men ever, apart from few shitty grindr fucks
>friendless loserdom continued all through university and multiple jobs (part time jobs during university and office jobs afterwards)
>become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a few days of starting all jobs
>living in London or other cities changed nothing
>just "going outside bro" changed nothing
>lifting weights for years changed nothing
>passing university, getting an ok paying job changed nothing
>current status: have a job, youth has gone, zero social life
>r9kpilled in 2012 during university
>Stirnerpilled in 2013
>incel blackpilled in 2014
>now even normies have caught up with blackpill logic
>not stupid or oversocialised enough to believe in any religions, philosophies, ideologies, heuristics, habits, customs, esoterica, spiritual beliefs, dogmas, historical patterns, metaphysics, superstitions, social conformisms, groupthink, extrapolations, deductions (apart from on the page), forms, the supernatural or occult, aphorisms, nationalisms, ethics, probabilities, media slogans, memes, social panics, manias, purity spirals, dogpiles, zeitgeists
>totally unspooked individual

Welp, that's life. Teen years gone. Twenties gone. Nothing happened.
Wow look at me guys I'm a whore teehee.
rain is always good here because its never noticeably humid. sometimes it hails though and that can cause problems
Post bububuuussy.
You're not special, few people are
mom said im the most special
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What do you propose I do, oh wise one?
Sometimes yeah do you have a problem with that or something
Yeah well your mom also said that to me. How does that make you feel?
Gaaaaah I meant to reply to you argggggggggg
my dear brother andrew? why are you here
I have killed Andrew and stolen his identity and there's nothing you can do about it
Weren't you just saying how you hoped that he would cheat on his gf with you like 2 days ago? Now suddenly being a cheater is a bad thing?
the twink bottom mind is fickle thing... can change at the drop of a hat.
maybe this is a dumb take, and it's probably a deeper thought that it needs to be
but I think anyone that's seen as attractive in a precious and graceful way just sours eventually
it's unstoppable, people perceiving you as cute or fragile will warp your brain over time
people treat you with preference and unintentionally inflate your worth and significance
man or woman, it happens to everyone

>t. pitiful manlet
i always wrap myself in the blankets. seems uncomfy to do it the other way
I do both depending on how warm it is.
looks like steam doesn't get anything from me this sale, nothing seems worth it.
>this post didnt give me a (You)
have i been...
Metal slug looks fun, I think I will play it with a friend.
>no male attention ever
>few shitty grindr fucks
what did i miss

what are these 'friends' you speak of? You mean you actually play video games with other people in a cooperative vs a competitive manner?
i didn't say i wanted him to cheat i said i hoped he would either break up with her or invite me to a threesome. cheating is gross.
I like to play co op games with friends, no PVP but sometimes PVE.
Based and should be the law
Schadenfreude is epic
>invite me to a threesome
What? are you delusional?
>anon was told deez nuts jokes are not sophisticated
i have never kept secret the status of my mental wellbeing
I do kinda have a fantasy of being invited to an mmf threesome only to do much better at pleasing the guy he dumps her for me.
>has free space in public transportation
I hate ""incels""
Excuse me sir stop looking outside r9gay
If i flew down near you for a vacation would you be interested in meeting up?
Cliche question
>miami vacation
yes but i'm not interested in dating if you'll only be here for a few weeks. and i don't see a point in meeting anyways if you don't bring video games
or a few days rather
and you'll have to pay for everything. and i mean everything.
you said date but would 3ds be willing to fool around? Even just kiss for those few days? Just asking and I'm not the guy he's talking to.
you make a great case for yourself
how much better than miami is tampa
the thought of having sexual relations with a stranger makes me physically sick.
You're trolling right? Lmao
people like you are why i fucking hate faggots so much. fuck off back to >>>/lgbt/ please you don't belong here
this makes me wonder how viable being an independent escort would be
like imagine just living in a tourist town posting pics on instagram
every weekend or so some random closested finance bro sends you a DM asking for ass
you just get to be like "okay I want this much, and while you're at the airport pick up these fragrances from duty free for me and uhhhh how about a nice dinner too"
the funniest part is 3ds posts on /lgbt/
You lust after strangers all the time you dumb nigger god I hate your guts, hypocrite whore. I hope that straightoid stabs you in the throat when you meekly ask for your tendo toy back.
Yeah he camwhores on at least 3 different boards and regularly stalks and fantasizes about fucking complete strangers
i just wanted hohol cum why did he ghost me twice :(((((
could be worse. at least he isnt poor and brown
I have money and would be happy to pay for things and i have some games that i could bring.
>tfw sleep deprived
>tfw no sleeps-well bf
>tfw sleep well but still get bent over by brain inflammation
Gonna try magic mushrooms next
Ideally have a fellow night owl bf to work 3rd shift with then sleep all day together
this all sounds too complicated ill just pass on the bf
what if my fbf soulmate got aborted and now ill never get a shot with him
Colocolo possum
Shipping you to mississippi
Has possum and sounds like finn gibberish
Not really it doesn't sound like finnish at all retyard
Mississyppi sissi commando sissy
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so im reading poems to get ready for bed, like 5 of them i open contain less than 20 words like is this even a poem bro? and then i'll read some peoms that are nice but suddenly they start mentioning death and mourning and shit... lole
>sleeping at 1326pm est
tried to take a quick shower and it still took 15mins. dont understand how this works
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Would you guys (date) an asexual boy?
My favorite 3ds arc was bread thirstposting. My favorite bread arc was asking everyone if they are blond.
Yeah, I'm not so horny that no sex is a dealbreaker.
For me it's story's gross crush on him. that must so disgusting knowing that fat sack of shit is jerking off to you.
Yep. Could just focus on hugs, cuddles and kisses then.
3ds is a camwhore he probably gets off to the fact that gross fat bald men jerk off to him
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A dead snake. A sleeping cat. 2 office chairs in front of a house. Bag of groceries in hand. Fat old people walking down the street. Earlier it rained.
what's the point that's just called a friend
He said he didn't mind and even posted his tummy for story but fat NEET missed it and he got mad lmao
Cool. I am probably not to the level of asexuality where I would refuse to do anything sexual but anal is a no go.
You can't kiss a friend can't go on dates with a friend can't cuddle a friend can't get married to a friend... Etc.. I think romantic attraction and sexual attraction are pretty separate.
storyanon isnt even bald he has dozens of hairs, and thats all natural we arent counting the kitties assist
calming post, kiss
Again I am more happy just cuddling then getting a small bit of temporary sexual gratification. Love is more important and feels better!
Favourite cuddle position? I wish I had a brother to practice cuddling with.. what if I mess it up and my fbf laughs?
>no male attention ever
I know that feel I am always the one to initiate. My straight brother gets hit on by gay men all the time
my brother never cuddled with me. i dont even think we did goodbye hugs the last time i saw him
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I'd have to say somthing like pic related. I love holding someone tight and making them feel comfy n safe.
Story I will be taking away your name privilege if you don't start telling stories again, you lazy fat fuck. Get to it *tick tock*
storyanon owes me two stories. i didnt forget.
for some reason tangling our legs together always felt the most intimate. like it's not just a hug but holding their whole body with your whole body.
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hey hey, no first hand accounts of things I will never experience
switching between big and little spoon was the best
Need r9gay practice bf to try out cuddling positions with so I can decide which on is my favourite.
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I have ordered some magic mushrooms, I will now become a deity instead of chasing my fbf.
I have some amantia gummies I've been too scared to try
Freefag needs to free himself from shackles of bfdom
mhmm but don't you want a gummy anon?
if you only take 1 I assume not much will happen
Drugs are bad mmmkay? Don't do drugs
I desperately miss psychedelics but I'm not risking my mom opening my fucking mail and confiscating $200 of lsd
I wish I wasn't such a loser and could have my own place
can't you deliver it some place else? like a service point
I can attest to moms finding things, it's a real pain. Inside my mattress worked.. for a few years
I'm on the clock soz
but no it's spooky maybe some day

sure once I run out I'll work on that
I guess so but renting a PO box feels like a pain
The real solution is to not be retarded and to get a better job but I am unfit and incapable, washing dishes is the maximum I will ever achieve and that shit won't pay rent
>Then there's amanita muscaria mushrooms, which are a bit controversial. The mushroom itself is poisonous and neurotoxic. However, it also provides intoxicating effects, containing small amounts of the deliriant muscimol. Ibotenic acid is the neurotoxic agent, but it decarboxylates into muscimol, so some companies have taken to decarbing Ibotenic acid into muscimol, packaging it, and selling it as a legal high. There is an extremely high risk here when buying these products, because it is very easy to mess up the decarbing process and sell a product that still has some ibotenic acid in it, which will lead to sweating, vomiting, increased heart rate, depressed breathing, temporary psychosis, and potentially worse.
why do think that's the best you can do?
you would be SHOCKED how far you can get with a nice haircut and a smile
almost all entry level office jobs is bullshitting while you wait for a real task
I live in kind of a dead city, I don't think there are any office jobs. Job sites are objectively useless, they exclusively show me positions I'm not qualified for or that would be worse than my current dishwashing gig. I think I just fucked up somewhere and I'm done.
this is not helping haha
unless you're trying to stop me
then you're doing a bang up job
try getting a work from home call center job
all you have to do is figure out how to get past the verbal abuse of shitty customers
then you have legitimate work experience to land a real job and run
>tfw when no test rat bf
God if those exist I guess it would be better than washing dishes
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I didn't forget. You went to sleep.
bruh wdym
what are you going to do to me?

yeah most of them are for like support lines for companies that are big enough for a call center but do something more serious than like deliver packages so they want actual people to do it not just indians
lace the soup with horny goat weed
Excuses hmph.
Sorry. You doing okay? I was gonna eat burger just right now.
does that even actually do anything
with the amount I will use, yes
and if it doesn't, I'd have to sneak in something else the next time, that why you're the test rat
what's next then
would you date an iphone user
californian reapers, and when you complain that your mouth is burning I will offer you a french kiss
how did we go from psychedelics to peppers
I'm honestly too afraid to have my only bf's mind broken, so it's just gonna be herbs and peppers
then I'm not a lab rat at all I'm just drinking a lot of water
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Sure I hate sex it's grossgusting and morally wrongprenhensible
I closed the tap in advance
also f u bitch I'll be putting a random research chemical in your coffee next time, either gonna ruin or make your day, it's what you get for undercutting my devious hag persona
Intercrural sex is cute and traditional
This is pure unadultered whore cope
Pipe down dummy
i did this once because of my beautiful thick thighs and he came hard
uh ok
how old are you?
I'm curious what makes a hag these days
I have thick thighs but I'm a top :d
Hag is a subjective term that always changes here because you have guys 18-20 who think a hag is 25+ and then you have people around that age who think hag is 30+ and then you have story who thinks hags are 80+ it just never ends
Yeah some people are just objectively wrong
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I'd shapeshift into a cute boy so you wouldn't be able to tell my age
hag is part looks, part age
Since you lot are "not like us", everyone older than 10 is a hag. Enjoy cell block one.
okay so is it like an aesthetic that's associated with older gays?
I feel like I'm nearing hag status and I need to know if I'm supposed to change the way I present myself
like is it a good thing?
should I be leaning in to more baggy clothes and eccentric styles, or am I supposed to resist and clean up and be more masc?
I can pull off a big baggy sweater look pretty easily
I'm 28, so I feel like I'm nearing this transition
>28 and nearing hag mode
seems I'm pretty close too then, have to lure my victim soon
I'd go for a sharp and snappy "got my life together" kind of thing
Hag is usually referred to just a guy being older, at least around here. People can be serious with it and mean that the second you cross into the mid-late 20s range you shouldn't be a twink anymore because a lot of people here idolize a more youthful presentation of themselves, mostly because most people here ARE under 25. That and twink aesthetics really don't mesh well if you don't look youthful, it's kind of a hand in hand thing. I dunno. If you're 28 but you don't look 28, there's no reason to change your look up. There shouldn't be a reason to change your look up regardless, just do whatever you want. If you think it looks bad after a certain point, then change it I guess but choosing to conform to the faggots here is pretty pointless, no one here has a reason to speak on anything because most are recluses to begin with. They can say "don't do x after age y because it's z" but they have no idea about any of it in a real tangible way. Just do what you want. I would say you could try /fa/ but even they are pretty behind the curve on a lot of things that zoomers are tapped into. Around 2016-2018 people thought that watchdogs style tech-wear was going to be THE thing and it never took off beyond niche streetwear focused people and probably looks really tacky in current day.
a lot of you guys are 19 with already receding hairlines do not speak of hag ages while you yourself are rotting. leave it to the real shotas who look 18 at 25
that's not really my thing I'm not much of a prep
think like retired stoner x 60s resort goer x lazy dresser so anything real clean is kind of a direct conflict with my energy

no you're right but I'm out of touch with the scene since I grew up repressed and I'm genuinely curious about it
gotta take whatever knowledge people are willing to give me
>no you're right but I'm out of touch with the scene since I grew up repressed
You wouldn't really be able to get answers from here, there's a lot of people in the same boat and their ideas of what should be done can and usually are skewed or misguided. You should typically match your presentation to your interests, no point in dressing like a zoomer skater with baggy jeans doing a revisionist emulation the early 2000s if you don't find yourself within the typical interests that go alongside that (music, etc.). Whatever music you like, movies, etc. I guess just try to match that. It sounds like you have a good idea of what that'd be so just go with it. There's always old magazines and catalogs you can go through that really get the vibe of the times, or like I dunno. Mannequins at stores that you like usually get the idea as well.
friend of mine that knows I'm bisexual recently kind of came out as bi to me, not really explicitly but he's been talking about liking dick

is he straight up flirting with me?
You should call him a faggot lel
is it an actual interest or is he just doing the straight guy thing where they joke about sucking cock every 4 seconds because being gay is a punchline
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>'robots' talking about being bisexual and having friends, maybe even hooking up with them.

r9gay has fallen
ask him about his aspirations in life, and note if he mentions girl/wife
No, it's not the typical straight guy making gay jokes, though he's done that before. He's very much made it clear that he likes cocks
he very much obviously wants a girlfriend but is also interested in sex with guys.
maybe bitards should take their asses to r9bi instead or fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ entirely
>he very much obviously wants a girlfriend
lost interest, boymance dead
It has been a full week since I ordered pizza and I have a free one from dominoes... should I?
This night has opened my eyes
>Chud gay guy
kill all gays and fascism disappears or something
- some dude i think
Do it with the greasiest toppings and post your bussy squirting out diarrhea.
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True because all fascists are faggots

trust me, you don't want that. Such a thing would be too revolting even for the internet.
Any of you guys in Northern Europe? (Other than Meow who will become my concubine.)
U suure?
you could say the same thing he says back but it sounds like it'd only ever be sexual if things escalated with him
travel nonny? west, sorry
why does Europe even have regions? the whole thing can fit into a couple US states.
le ignorant american moment
Last time I was at aldi I bought a sirloin steak and planned on pan frying it to see how it would do. I thought the date on it was the 28th, I just looked at it and it was the 18th. Over a week out of date and I never even realized it.

that's it, no dinner for me tonight. and no more buying anything that isn't my normal groceries. I am so pathetic and useless.
Meeerrrdeee :DDDDD
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Meow I wanna be raped and killed meow
10 dollars wasted, I'm picturing mom in my head screaming at me for doing this.
Haluutko miitata jos lupaan olla vahemman irstas?
I'm imagining my step-dad giving me another condescending and patronizing lecture about budgeting when my $400 robot statue arrives on his porch
Miks lupaat ja en usko etta on viisasta kuluttaa mun seurassa aikaa
Tell me more NOW
Is it possible to be gay and not have daddy issues or what?
I have a health relationship with my father, and while he doesn't like me being gay, he still loves me (non sexually you perverts) regardless.
didn't take the fungummy but I did just take a regular thc one
I'm full speed ahead gonna take a shower and get the diffuser going

my dad's my buddy
I'm closeted to him though, so uh
that would potentially change
I mean I posted this screenshot before but yeah sometimes I drink and wake up and there's many fewer dollars in my account
Meanwhile my step-dad and mom desperately want me to get a decent job and move out, especially since I finally graduated college
I'm shit with money and I probably won't be able to live on my own unless I magically find a paycheck that can absorb my impulse buys
BTW this is only one order there's like five other models arriving in the same month
Here is the house
Where it all happens
Those tender moments
Under this roof
Body and soul come together
As we come closer together
I have a good relationship with my dad but I still want a bf who is like a dad
Based for gundam cringe at thinking I read every post ever
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At this point, I don't even care if I get fired. Fuck my employer and fuck my client. I just want to sleep
Turpa kii ja aja (vittuun taalta)
I can't explain it but something about a traditional castile soap bar after a good anal battering really hits the spot
makes me feel more like a man, pushes back on how much I feminize myself
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Never post anything that disgusting or I will kill you
Gayest poster in the thread without a doubt. What the fuck is this?
No kun sina valitit et mun kairaus viestit ovat liian irstoi.
Filey, you awake?
No kyl niist tulee aika setamies tier fiilis tiiax ei se nyt niin iso asia ole oikeesti
Not ruotsi meow
No siis tapaan antaa kirjoittaessa aika rivon fiiliksen vaik oon irl mega autisti
great now there are two finns, what are the odds.
Juu siis ei turha ressata kunhan kiusaan
High since finns are omega limit break autistic
As sure as there being thugs sweet as sugar plumb in da hood.
mom fed me way too much food
reminder that killing men is ok but killing women is not
I ended up breaking down and getting dinner anyway. My punishment for wasting that steak is a really bad night with my leg.
there is no glory in killing a woman is why
average horny poster post
>I put a thing in my butt and cummed

average story post
>Day 5589: 06/28/24(Fri)19:44:00
>My heart yearns for my past just as the last of a species yearns for a mate. I failed the spiritual aberration of my mother by purchasing a pizza. Such a dastardly and foul sin. I have consumed the entire pie, it was delectable. Unfortunately my valve seized shortly after dinner, and I began to inflate in a disgraceful manner. The hemorrhoids adorning my rectum are being peeled away by the massive petrified log caused by constipation seated in my rectum. My leg is solidifying and aching with pain more and more with each passing moon. I fear my time is short.
"pedo haters" when there are no pedos around
>i would kill any pedo i saw, idgaf about jail time
"pedo haters" when the pedo arrives
>uhm i cant expose drdisrespect because he would sue me
Why lie? Storyposts are like
>went out to get slop, pity me, leg hurts again, pity me
didnt even read the first part but storyanon won this
it's like a diagonal reference to a book
I understand if it doesn't make sense because I'm old

Need hung femboy bf.
i dont know the drdisrespect situation
Need hung femboy bf but to bottom
shota bf
Getting Chipotle for the first time in literal years, I havent eaten in 10 hours, hopefully this is close enough to real food that my tummy is satisfied
how did you guys know I got pizza? I tried the tavern style at pizza hut.
does he even say pity me? he says all that other stuff but the pity is never really a thing hes just always like ^_^ im a gross fuckin neet takin shits w a bum leg and a gaggle of flies
Dishonest insect, die and burn in hell
I haven't mentioned fat neet shits in a while, I was trying to do better there.
I feel sorry for the loss of his mom like that, it's clear he loved her. the rest of it is his own fault though.
He never says any of the things you said either retard
anon formerly known as 3ds here. i have a lot i want to tell you guys.
yesterday beach boy ghosted me and i went jogging and trespassed in a nature reserve and then he texted me late at night.

today i was supposed to go to a pride meetup near a nude beach, but not at the nude beach. no one showed up. i should've known since i called the lifeguard HQ and they said they didn't have any events for this month but i showed up anyways.

so anyways i went to a nude beach. i kept my clothes on, and my glasses off, and tried to look at as little genitals as possible. texted beach boy about it, of course his dog ass asks about girls. i called him and had a nice chat. he joked about going to a nude beach together and seeing each other naked and that made me really uncomfortable.

anyways we talked about some personal stuff and right before he was about to tell me something he said he needed to rest and said good bye. so that was interesting. i asked about the breakup. he said "i knew she wasn't the girl i was gonna marry."

tomorrow i'm going to a pride BBQ. i hope i get to meet someone nice there. i called the community center and they said they'll bring a switch probably in 2 weeks since it hasn't been ordered and approved yet. but the employee will ask their friend to bring theirs, and promised to call me when they do.

tl;dr i went to a nude beach and am going to a BBQ tomorrow
I think it's funny how 3DS moans about the guy being a horndog while obsessing over men way harder. Nice double standards
why are you formerly known as 3ds is it because he basically stole it
i'm seeing him sunday and he'll probably bring it with him and i'll decide if i'll take it back or if he can keep it for longer.
Can't tell if this is real or the neo3ds, those were amusing
i've spent a lot of time out in the sun these past few days and i've gotten significantly browner. i've been showering every day, washing my face every morning, brushing my teeth twice a day. i'm conditioning myself to sleep earlier every day. i have to wake up early tomorrow. i'm shutting my phone off now. good night gaybots.
thank you for calling me a brown spic
pg 10 on a friday night, my my, what 'robots'. I hope you had fun with your grindr dates.
grindr dates?
sir the only date I have is with a dildo and an affair with a margarita
I took a shower before the one week mark, yay... in reality my balls were itching so bad I needed one.
Alone in my bedroom playing a game nobody here cares about eating flavoured ice
I would like some flavored ice
I need to buy myself more treats
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Being able to shower whenever I feel like is one of my favourite things about being a neet. Nothing like an early morning shower before going back to bed
Personally I like the late night/pre bedtime showers the best. Nice and relaxing. Maybe I should actually wash my sheets tomorrow. It's been a year and a half.
I have been showering in the mornings because it's too hot at night and I sweat in bed
but I really like night time showers
I use showers as aftercare a lot too
I find sheets and duvets too much hassle. I just put a blanket over my mattress then use another for cover, it isn't much effort to wash them

I just use a flat sheet and blanket. I actually bought a mattress pad in hope it would help my leg but I haven't bothered to put it on yet. I should do that whenever I get to washing the sheets.
I love him so much I love him so much
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This could be us fr fr
Casus belli to dismantle the storymanor to decontaminate his sheets
what game and what flavor fag
I want a well built top that will let me bathe him and teach him how to spoil himself and enjoy spa days
there used to be a snow shop at the train station near my house
any scar havers? do you notice that your really old scars migrate over time? one that i got when i was 9 used to be just below my knee and now it's just above. same with one which used to be just below my hip bone and is now just above.
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I just have small scars on my hands from surgery as a kid, the scars haven't moved as far as I can tell
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victoria ii
cherry with vanilla cream
Tiny one on my head faded
yeah I have scars from cutting because of a personalityfag from here

I have a very long one on my left arm after one of my cats scratched me. It goes from my wrist almost to my elbow. I had picked the kitty up when she was little but then a motorcycle drove by and scared her so she jumped out of my arms and got me with her back claws.
just a big one across my gut from when i got cut in half

hi Darth Maul. You died like a bitch in Rebels and deserved better.
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I really like vicky 2 even if the economy still somewhat baffles me. I prefer the time periods in ck2 and eu4 but its still a great game

I couldn't get into Rebels coming off of the later seasons of CW, the style of the show just didn't seem quite right.
I want to play EU 4 again but there's just so much DLC. It's absolute bullshit.
If only one could acquire games without paying for them. Ah well the pardox dlc subscription is probably fairly priced
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I'm glad to have a good relationship with my mother but the prospect of being alone after her death always depresses me. I wonder if having a bf would somewhat lessen this fear
fbf without mommy issues, hard mode?
From what little I've seen gays more often seem to have daddy issues. Spare a though for those of us unlucky enough to have issues with both
beach boy said he'd talk to me later and later came and he didn't talk to me :|
tomorrow is the last day of pride month. i want him to at least give me back my 3ds before i tell him i'm gay. well, bi, but gay-leaning. i don't want to hear him spout about girls anymore. it's getting really annoying.
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>bi,but gay leaning
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booby make peepee hard sometimes
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>booby make peepee hard sometimes
if it makes you feel better i try to avoid women and jerking off to women
I will never sleep againn
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well i guess i'll never tell my fbf i'm bi then huh. cunt.
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See how the bishit seethes when it realizes gays want nothing to do with them
That sounds like it will be quite tiresome
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>threatened a man on a lego server to sell me a figure at a cheap price so he won't get banned for scalping
The screenshots have been sent to my high profile well respected friend, now all that matters is to wait for the moderators to get up from bed.

I mainly did it for the lols with my friends collaborating on it but it would be nice if I successfully scared the guy into selling by promising him an unban.
Jewish genes coming in huh
>tfw no bf to stay up all night and sleep into the mid-afternoon with
You gotta commend the act.
>parents went on a vacation so I'll be alone for 2 weeks
I am Story 2.0 for the next few days.
I hope one day you learn what ghosting means
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Want to get ice cream with my fbf now because of the vicfag
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i dreamed about beach boy for the first time. we were scheduled to meet at a park. i couldn't find him, so i texted him, and he appeared behind me laying down shirtless and wearing sunglasses. i asked if he was awake, and he said "[unintelligible] you", then i woke up.
i have scars and burns and theyre all in the same place but smaller. i think... the only ones i can compare by looking at old pics are two on my face and theyre in the same spot exactly but nearly hidden nowadays
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Anons find out the skin growing makes it morph
Most of my scars from my childhood have faded or are hard to see, I mostly have scars from these later years now.
you should play espain instead
>knee scars haven't disappeared when I grew up
playing without dlc will just make you stronger. not kidding, the game is harder without it
morning walks are so much better than night walks during summer time. why doesnt anyone mention this
Cause you have to wake up in the morning and why would you do that? Duhhhh!
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i still have a scar next to my eye from when i was 8
also i hope they jump you
This is so epic
dont hope they jump me WTF
evil story be like: boutta take a skinny neet shit
alright lets settle this
why did you become gay?
Some medication my doctor put me on turned me gay
im not gay. it doesnt bother me that everyone insists i am so i dont argue, but in truth im not
God made me gay yas queen!
>missed the HISTORIC Biden-Trump debate again
guess i wont get to talk to grandma for another day...
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this guy sounds kinda dense to be honest with you
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It was more entertaining than any of the election debates here. Biden would probably have done the Dems a favour if he just died halfway through
i dont follow politics, but what is the actual reason he doesnt just step down if he is so unpopular? johnson did it
Skinny wagie piss
johnson already did it. i mean
if you're thinking he won't give it back after you tell him then i dunno
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If you're asking about Rishi then my guess is he doesn't want to go down as another PM who just fucked off before his time was up and probably ruined his party. Labour are great at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory so it isn't a done deal yet.
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I imagine biden as one of those snails with a mind control parasite in them
I wonder what is worse, a guy being controlled by a snail or one with literal brain worms?
i wasnt... but i know i will have to remember these words someday as well
kek I saw Johnson and immediately jumped to Boris not LBJ. Biden probably thinks he can win despite the constant gaffes he makes
have biden win and then die within a few months, would be my preference
literal brain worms would be worse since you simply stop the snail for the other guy to be free. unless the guy is severely brain damaged after snail control, then having the worms safe in your brain is probably better. i guess it could be a very powerful or cunning snail too
from foreign policy perspective it's better if he wins and survives, so the american empire remains demoralized
im slanging dicks
and hustling dick
when was the last time so many people were demoralized globally
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Sure is a lot of g*rl images in a thread for gay men.
i only count 7
1 was to many. The fact I need 2 hands to count all of them is a disgrace to the thread.
i'm worried that he's either homophobic or thinks i have a crush on him and then ghosts me because he's disgusted by me. i only barely know him.
lackwards bong jump
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Yesterdays mistake has been rectified and the packag is in the possession of me now to take the tram back homey to opene it
oh well... at least im doing my part(not posting images)
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you know him best but from what you've said it sounds like it hasn't even crossed his mind yet, after you get your stuff back think of a way for him to have to initiate with you if he likes you
don't come across as too desperate please
What if I told you the one for you is out there and he has a price on his head?
He already did my nigga read read
post-3ds is the master of dramatization, surely can't be that bad in reality
Woke up at 1300pm est
Resuming existence
thank you for calling me a desperate little spic
why did you stay up so late?
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Woke up with a desperate desire for a bf.
I was gayming then eepy took over.. I failed
took at a nap at 5 pm yesterday and wokeup at 7 am today fml
both bread and bunnymutt thirsty for his bussy
they made the chudjak into a real guy
>https://youtu.be/xjBTNbEXbAA?si=U6itIp9brEXX28o0 starts playing in my head
>didn't think about this song or hear it for years
Looks like he plays hoi4 as Germania only
anybody want a badass battle damaged bf?
Cooling wind. Green all around me. Trash outside of the can. Slowly getting dark. Ate pizza and a donut.
Storyanon noooooooooooo you can't say that
Going to ruin my looks so I have more excuses for being an incel
Honestly at his point I feel like I could take or leave a bf
Yeah sometime I lie awake at night fantasizing about having someone to hold and snuggle and sip lemonade in the backyard on a hot summer day with but more than anything I want my worthless life to be fixed. Maybe then a bf will be able to enter my life.
stress has already been eating away at my hair, unwrinkled skin and ability to take care of myself, don't have to do shit
You just need a goal in life. I'm letting experimental drugs get tested on me for an easy 5000 bucks, so I can take better care of 3ds once the beach whore inevitably breaks his heart.
Sometimes I forget that volunteer studies are an option
I gotta get on that shit
crying the truegay wizard was a fat NEET lie
It's the best lifehack. NEET life is obtainable for all of us, especially if you are already mentally ill.
>going for sloppy seconds
>going for brown midgets whores
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Yay it was even higher quality than I expected can't wait to get to run it again I'm glad I was able to get a copy of the box
>implying my little virgin will even get a kiss
also brown x white is cute
yellow x white is better
schizo hapa lovechild with my fbf
nice rainbows
they say you didn't really live unless you had a gay schizo on 4chan obsess over you
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I wanna post images of it but the too larg waa
Yes literally perfect I dont' know why I desire this so much perhaps I want someone who is more broken than me so I can care for them.
This nigga wants to fuck sonic the hedgehog
Is it trench crusade
Let us know how the game goes I'm super curious
That sucks
If it was within my capability I would send an IBM (intercontinetal ballistic missile) to your house.
But only like ironically ok?
Open paint and resize the image by like 50%.
Yeah I'm a smart guy 8).
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No, mothership
Too lazy to
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I need him so bad bros.
Holy shit that's so much stuff
brad in lego form
I'm not asian you piece of shit.
"Your luck will guide you to happiness"
My Chinese fortune cookie
happiness guides your luck would have been more useful
I'm gonna be paying 100 for that Lego figure lol
i dont even know who 80% of these starwars characters are
spics are so irresponsible with money they don't have
hiiiii-ya chop
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im realizing theres no point in me (or anyone with a modicum of self-respect) posting in these shit ass threads, everyone here sucks, are not interesting, and generally are spiteful and mean
what incentive is there to be here? unless you're a bottom of the barrel scum pile there really is no point, it's just misery enjoys company on a grand scale
basically: you should all kill yourselves FAST
chop hiiiii-ya
Why'd you bother posting that then huh
Is Bradster even a spic desu
based true and very cool, I almost wholeheartedly agree, however I think suicide is a bit rash
like much of the internet has become this thread is a mana sink (and there are a few particular benefactors)
three things have to be done
one, anyone who is trying to be here "for real" should stop being here at all, and definitely don't try to be here "not for real" because then you're another semironic zoomer faggot contributor to the cancer
second, tendencies that cause one to do so must be corrected
and third, any psychic detritus inherited from these threads has to be cleaned away. they like to dump a lot of trash here, and they like to do it on people specifically
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I don't even know u you are
this is what you always say but the thing is you don't actually have to because you're all fucking interchangeable
what do retards even what the thread to be, you complain no matter what
I know right? It's high quality too and the new adventure seems cool. Can't wait to run more of this.
i havent complained since 2022
I suggest you take a trip to /bigen/ and start wearing a tag
it would've been nice if it was something other than a honeypot for schizoposting trolls
idk wild fantasy I know
I said you were interchangeable not that I am
inapplicable, good job
What website do you think you're on bud
one where people can speak anonymously when they often can't elsewhere
I think you're imagining things about "culture" that don't really exist and trying to force that on me feels just as insane as it really is
4chan is srs business how DARE you post things I don't want to see
you're intentionally corrupting a medium of communication that could have actual value
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A place for gaybots, duh.
Completely legal new thread.

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