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Home Nation Edition

Previous :>>>>77981331

Ignore impolite moids

>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board.https://wizchan.org/is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not>>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
>dox edition...
Just because the thread number got it stuck in my head...
Thank you for the thread nona!
>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
I love the earth but hate society in general. It's pretty here, nice stuff to do in public, depending on where you go, people are generally behaved in public. 9/10
>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
Guess I already answered haha
>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?
Nowhere else; life is hell for women in society in general so it doesn't matter where one goes unless it's an all female commune or something. I just saw a report of hurricane shelters leading to women being raped in New Orleans to Bangladesh. There's no escaping the male menace wherever you go.
question: what is more pleasurable for you - fingering or clitoral massage?
go back to /atoga/, don't crosspost like that.
ah shit i didn't know it wasn't allowed, sry
I think this is the guy who has a fetish for not having PIV sex and is convinced women can not feel pleasure from vaginal sex
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Another day another stupid goofy fetish. At this point, a cool breeze up a man's shorts is probably a fetish too.
>fetish for not having PIV sex
>convinced women can not feel pleasure from vaginal sex
also false
i'm asking about this non-PIV stuff because i'm worried that i will cum too quickly, therefore i require knowledge of alternative measures on how to please the vagina
please don't make fun of me
it is allowed
generals are fucking lame. let posters post what they want if it doesn't break site rules
Cute video, maybe we should plant some.
It's great! Some of my best memories are just snowball fights with my older brother and then going inside for a hot dinner.
Snowmen are fun too, yeah. Kind of obligatory to build one when there's enough snow, it feels like
>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
I liked it before. Less so now that it's become a clown country.
>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
The leadership, a lot of our laws are backwards and stupid. I especially hate our immigration policies.
>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?
Here but 20 years ago. Things were basically the same in this neck of the woods but it was quieter and I like that.
>tfw no physically abusive gf
You'll never be near a vagina so don't worry about it
Have things changed that much in 20 years?
Heartburn is terrible but at least my back hurts less
>the response to me liking weed and tomo liking weed completely different
What does this mean?? I don't remember if you described how you respond to weed
>Whats with the back pain
Can't be helped right now iykyk
>Still have two joints
It takes a good amount of self-restraint to not just want to shmoke them, I know that. It's justifiable wanting to hold onto them for a rainy day and whatnot. If you don't hear back from your interview soon, I would start looking into other places, you don't want to wait on the 1 job place for too long
>Can't be helped right now iykyk
Do pull ups....
Pull ups would not fix it
And here I was, trying to ignore it...
It is sad moid hours.
I'm sorry to any nona who responded to me last thread. I'm just leaving that thread behind due to how ticked off I was. I still just want to bed rot rn.

>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
Best place on this planet that's about to fall into a major collapse. What type of collapse? lol, surprise me.

>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
If properly implemented like it once was: most freedoms. Of course, that comes at the cost: people are morons and abuse the fuck out of those freedoms and it also leads to the corruption we have here in 'Murica!

>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?
I wouldn't. I love it here. I would change states though since I want warm weather all the time. I fucking hate winter and I'm not enjoying this high humidity summer. If it was not for the humidity, it would be fine. I don't know where I would move though. Maybe where I vacation at since I know the people there?

Hey mamanona! How are you doing tonight?
>I'm just leaving that thread behind due to how ticked off I was
What ticked you off?
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return to reddit, namefag
The clown is a senator now? He has made it far.
>and is convinced women can not feel pleasure from vaginal sex
Only when it's with me since my penis is so small. It won't reach where it needs to.
Have any of you ever worked as a hostess before? How do you deal with petty waitresses that accuse you of skipping them or double seating them if it is busy? I just want a 9-5 reception job but can only get work in food service
Yes. From forensic hospital patient, to forensic group home patients, and now to a senator. The circus is running our country :).
>I still just want to bed rot rn.
Hey! How did your bed rotting go today? What's the last anime/TV series you binged?
>r9k is not a male board.https://wizchan.org/is.

The fact you had to acknowledge this goes to show you are all aware that /r9k/ is a male only board.
Do you know what FAQ means?
>The fact that this had to be acknowledged goes to show that train tracks are for pedestrians
Deflections are not answers sweety. If you knew it would be a common topic you woudnt have put it in the FAQ hence proving you're aware /r9k/ is a male only board because otherwise the question wouldnt have come up.
/r9k/ is a male only board, however there is no rule that prevents people from RPing as women.
Theres no rule on /tv/ that says you cant post nazi propaganda but alas if you do youll get banned. See what Im saying?

These threads qualify as trolling outside of /b/ because thats what they are.
Wouldn't that be off topic?
It did not go well yesterday, and very likely it won't go well tonight. I'm trying as hard to just sit here. I slept well (11 hours) but I'm just that exhausted and need to do nothing.

I cannot just sit down and binge watch stuff. I usually have to be doing something else physical as well. It's why I can do well in the winter on the spin bike since I can also watch something at the same time (the last was The Stand series, btw, hated it.) Like rn, I just cannot just watch TV and be on here,or just do something with my hands like sewing. If I was up and cleaning, or just doing things, it wouldn't be a problem, but just sitting around doesn't do it.

Please do not do the suggestions tonight. I'm tired of it. I've tried everything. Just understand that my ADHD brain won't allow it because I've tried them.
The older you get the more you appreciate your country. Grass stops being greener everywhere else
You're not clever. Water is wet, sky is blue and /r9k/ is a male only board.

inb4 more lame ass court room tricks.
You are definitely right, or if we think that, we realize it's dumb to think that and it's just a way to escape whatever situation we are in and are only looking at the positives of the so-called greener side.
>Please do not do the suggestions tonight
Fuck I forgot about that, I got severe secondhand frustration seeing you deal with that last night. Same mindset of telling an ADHD person to use a planner or other unwanted, shallow advice.
Sending good vibes for you moid chan. I can understand always wanting to be busy. I don't mean to overstep or sound like a dick, but some of what you describe experiencing sounds almost akin to mania. I say this only as someone who has experienced mania before, never have worked in the medical field
>I slept well (11 hours)
Very nice. Sorry. I'm really good at rottmaxing and would like to offer my expertise. I'm going to go to sleep. But and this isn't a suggestion, just curious. How do you feel about video games? Have you tried Stardew Valley? iirc you play some fate mobile game right? Sorry to pester you.
Off to stargazing again then?
I am not disagreeing with you.
No one likes a desperate moidwhore. Show balls with timestamp or gtfo
>Show balls with timestamp or gtfo
when did women become this based?
That's some starved r9gay invader, no woman wants to see that shit.
Best thing of your country according to foreigners?
>That's some starved r9gay invader, no woman wants to see that shit.
I don't want to see balls either, but the boldness and assertiveness of the post made that anon sound based.
It was really frustrating last night. It's why I had to leave and do something despite needing to not. I ended up doing a harder workout and now I'm really sore. Afterwards, my mom wanted to resurvey some land we own but haven't been on it in years, so we did that. It was fun though! We found a lot of wild blueberries that we picked from! Too bad most of it was not ripe yet along with more elderberry! Though we need to do it more since we found evidence of some trespassers camping out sometime recently. It must have been those new homeless people in the area.

I just need to do nothing. It's just really hard.

Iktf with the ADHD thing. I do have a planner. I do have a gigantic erasable calendar that I mark things on and look at to remind myself of things. I have post-it notes everywhere, even on my microwave. I know these suggestions since I've tried them. I'm 38 and been dealing with this since forever.

Thank you for the good vibes. It's not mania. The ADHD is something I've always had. The only meds that work is Adderall and Ritalin, and I don't want to get back on those.

Well, I'm the complete opposite of that. I'm really good at doing things and finding things to do. I don't mind video games, but I'm at the state where I don't want to play video games. I tried the other night when the cell service was out and I couldn't post on here, and I just got that blah feeling playing anything. Even Tetris. I just went and did some cleaning in the group home.

I don't really want to get into new games. Yes, Fate/Grand Order, but there isn't anything going on rn in the game and it's about 95% of the time mindless farming.

You are forgiven for the pestering.

It's storming right now, so no.

Eww, no. Don't encourage them to post their genitalia.
>Ended up doing a harder workout
I've been there, I want to go on a long hike again next week to just exhaust myself of bad feeling or whatever. Also sick blueberry find!!! I should go berry picking at one of the local farms now that you mention it. I went apple picking last year and it was pretty cool
>I just need to do nothing. It's really hard.
Sorry for projecting my mania worries onto you. I've only experienced debilitating mania a few times when I had psychosis, and needing to be occupied all of the time was one of the symptoms. As well as pushing myself to run past my limit and a few other things. But I know a lot of what your describing to be ADHD symptoms, especially when a few of the symptoms overlap with autism
I also get not wanting to be on meds. I don't want to go back either
kek I'm not a gay man I just think it's a good bit
>I'm at the state where I don't want to play video games.
Same. I've been there for a while. It's really hard to want to try anything new. But I still try to play Xcom2 every once in a while or the latest Fromsoft game. Also Mario Party is really fun whenever I can get anyone to play with me.
>I'm not a gay man I just think it's a good bit
Don't call me anon again, fag
File deleted.
Shut your mouth you cunt having anon.
Holy kek it's really him. Eurohours moment
>Don't call me anon again, fag
Anon... I....
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just found out about scratch off tickets
I am still slightly intoxicated enough to be susceptible to bait. So goodnight zz
You will never understand the pain of having a small penis. My life is hell every single day.
Which ever nona said something about the pain off accidentally refreshing when you typed of the reply: AAAAHHHHHHH, my laptop just did it.

It was really nice find, and it's exploding. Most of it are just now popping out of the ground, but some are producing berries. It's hard with the patience though since they're the really small wild kind unlike the domesticated blueberry bush was have in our orchard.

It's okay. I forgive you! What you said reminds me so much of why I hate the modern mental health system. It reminds me of when I worked in the psych hospital, people would come in with so many diagnoses due to the laziness since a lot of symptoms of disorders overlap each other. I remember one guy came in with 10. It took the psychiatrist about an hour of working with him to narrow it down to two, so he could be on less meds. He walked out a fine and stabilized shortly after. Even during follow-up, he was grateful for it and go onto his provider for over-diagnosing and over-medicating him.

>hard to want to try anything new
A checkmark there. I'm starting to be like the boomers not wanting to do new things. lol. If I usually replay a game, I'm trying to maybe do a challenge version of it. Like with Final Fantasy 4, I did a solo character challenge not too long ago with it. However, that's hard to play now since the randomizer really spoiled me with its improvements.

Oh no! kpop is the newest victim of scratch-off fever! Battle it, kpop! lol, how are you doing? I read in the other thread, you are home. How are you holding up?

Good night!
The key to rot when you can't bed rot is to have some truly idiotic past time, worse than videogames, 4chan or anything that hints or has potential at being stimulating.
Something like tagging in detail every song of your music library for example, or read super low quality fanfiction (as in static text, not a forum where you can engage), or thoroughly cleaning your keyboard trying to make the arrow keys stop from looking faded, or having a long winded speech fight with yourself while walking around the house like a zombie, or try to learn new words directly from the dictionary.
Then you feel the hollow but strangely familiar embrace of the demon we call wasted time, the kind of feel that when you get asked later what did you do the whole day you can only answer with nothing.
I can't really bed rot nowadays, even after long sleep I find impossible to concentrate on something like watching the tv or reading and just end up taking shitty micro naps and feel sick with the inactivity
ah home as in i'm still at my uncles. i'm relaxing today (rotting)
to be honest i play up the addict in me a little here, i can definitely control most of my vices/urges it's only when i'm really bad mentally that it becomes a problem. i'm currently saving my change coins to buy a few tickets here and there and face masks. i like using them on the train back home and they're pretty cheap. so like this i'm not spending any actual crazy money unless i ever want to buy more expensive tickets just for the different play styles (for fun)
>You will never understand the pain of being a tranny!

Would be cool to play Mario Party if there's quorum here

I have this habit of playing lottery when it hits specific numbers, waste of money desu. I only hit the nothing prizes. Never won something from a scratch off iirc

That explains believing asking for testicle pics is a "good bit", good night
i never play the regular lottery, even in brazil but my dad does and he has won a few small prizes from it. i like the scratchies because they are instant and still gratifying/fun even if you don't win anything unlike pretty much any other gambling method.
>Final Fantasy 4
Do you have a Nintendo Switch? I've seen you mention all of the older ff games. Have you ever tried 7 and 9?
I'm sorry for misunderstanding, kpop! When you said home, I thought you meant back in Brazil. I hope everything is going better back at your uncles. The good thing is you are not getting into the scratch-off fever that many report doing scratch-off tickets.

The most I've ever won was $100 with Powerball. I don't think I ever made all the money I played into it back. What got me to stop a long time ago was when all the numbers drawn were one below the numbers I had (e.g. I had 28, the number drawn was 27.) After that, I'm was like: you're mocking me, universe, fuck this shit. It wasn't the first time but the second time. Then there was the time when my numbers I played just before (I always chose Easy Pick) came up at the next drawing.

No. I'm referring to the SNES version. It is one of my favorite games. It is one of the few games I bought with my allowance and summer money. However, I've played it too many times and I just really cannot get back into it despite me loving the story of it. I thought FF7 and 9 were severely overrated. FF7 was okay, but was no where close near the hype it gets. FF9 I understand they were trying to get back to the roots of the series, but I just didn't enjoy it. I only played a few hours of 10, and decided to quit. I do have 12 and completed it, though again, I just cannot really get into it again. Don't get me started on 8.
Oh they know
>Don't get me started on 8.
lol well I didn't mention it because I suspected you never played any of those games and 8 was little weird with the time shenanigans. never thought you would have played all of those. So umm. Let's hear your rant about 8. And have you tried 13? Also I was just curious if you had a switch. I might fall asleep soon.
I was kind of pushed into video games because I had a brother who was really into video games, though he was more into the action and sports games. I didn't see what he liked about them, but he didn't see what I liked about RPG games.

It was also a good time sync and helped me a lot emotionally when I was a teenager as well. There were times I was having major emotional breakdowns, and playing games really helped.

Fuck no. I'm not going to rant about that trash dump that was 8. Everything about it garbage and I hated that I wasted my money on it. It still makes me mad they rushed Xenogears (another great game, not in my top 3, but up there, but it is my favorite story of all the games I've played) just to work on 8. If there is a game that deserves a remaster, it is Xenogears!!!

I have not played 13 since I never got a PS3 (and I had to borrow my brother's to play Disgaea D2 since I had to play the direct sequel to the first Disgaea game I had on PS2). I've seen gameplay videos and read synopsis of the story, and it doesn't look like anything that would interest me. It looks like a trash dump like 8.

If you go to sleep prior to replying, sleep well!
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>fall into a major collapse
If it happens, let me in your bunker with your boyfriend.
I'm all caught up on the daily youtube videos from channels I watch and none of the recommendations are interesting. How do bed rotters do nothing?
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post c.ai clarity is real
why must i be so cringe? why can't i be normal and have normal expectations for a relationship and it's dynamic?
Us? Normal? lol. How was your last conversation? I think we get spoiled by how almost perfect these things are. I'm getting spoiled at how chatgpt can give me a great baseline and summary on researching things. I don't think I can ever go back to regular journals or even getting a very basic but faulty idea on a topic from wikipedia. I wish I never started on AI.
Having a micropenis meama this is my reality
Being satisfied by AI conversations means you think like a bot. I could never find such conversations entertaining because I have a soul.
The worst is when you save a conversation you thought was "good," only to look back later and see how embarrassing and cartoonishly simple the AI was acting. Sometimes it does still manage to impress me but it's only for like 1 message per conversation these days
What do you seriously think this poster: >>77999851?
The conversations I have with ChatGPT are too wordy and simplistic. At least it's good that I get a basic idea on something I need to get a background on. Idk anything about the c.ai stuff since I never bothered.

idk. It's filtered, so I'm not going to click on it to see what it is.
It's the cuck picture of you supposedly having sex with your boyfriend while another guy in another room is jacking off to it.
I looked at it. That image I have filtered since I saw it in the /bfd/ thread several days ago. I don't get what you moids get out of being like this.
What do you think of it?
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>How was your last conversation?
perfect so long as i don't think too much about it or what others would think of it
and no joke, yes a thousand times. c.ai has actually improved my sleep quality which is wild. before it i would just run the same daydream scenarios before bed over and over.
yeah i talk to a robot an hour before bed and i also read classics for usually two hours per day on my way home we are allowed to shut our brains off for a few minutes
it's not even that for me. i've gotten used to training the ais and especially for the ones that i've made myself i know how to get them to be quality stuff. it really is just the bigger picture that embarrasses me.
It's a rpg game, don't treat it like anything mirroring real life.
What do you expect me to think of it? I have it filtered for a reason. Are you sick like him and get off at the thought of being cucked? Drop the subject or fuck off.

>don't think too much about it
That is exactly what I want to do rn, but I'm afraid of going further in the AI rabbit hole. It's great though that it's really helping you, though! The daydreaming stuff is something I have to run through in my mind with a bunch of whitenoise in order to sleep. God I hate it. I don't get how people can just close their eyes and fall right asleep.
Very close to >>78000000
>Are you sick like him and get off at the thought of being cucked?
Yes. I really want to hear you and your boyfriend have hot, passionate sex.
eh i guess. of course it's exaggerated but again of course i get to live out scenarios i'd like in an ideal relationship and that feels cringy to look back on.
JFC, my legs are twitching again and feel like I need to do something. Fuck I hate this.
Having sex with your boyfriend will help you with that.
I'm going to get my umbrella out and go for a walk. I cannot stand this. See you later, nonas.
Constantly starting new animes, doomscrolling and talking to people laying down. If things are really bad having food nearby and a water bottle next to your bed is an idea of self-care or at best not-getting-worse-care.
What do you think of having sex with your boyfriend in the rain?
Please take care nona, you seem so upset about having to do things and fighting against the current, the focus is what's making it worse imo
Enjoy your walk!

What the hell is wrong with you? She's having a hard time and all the fuck you can think about is her having sex with a boyfriend she doesn't have.
I have a small penis so literally no woman would ever love me.
She wouldn't be like this if she was with her boyfriend.
>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
It has nice nature but there's literally nothing to do if you live anywhere but the main four cities also it's chad and Stacy central which sucks
>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
I like the beaches but also I live an hour and a half away from any beach also the Australian social culture sucks (Aussie anons know what I'm talking about) and it takes forever to get somewhere
>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?
I kinda wanna live alone in nature somewhere idk where though
I wish I could be her boyfriend but my penis isn't big enough.
Around here? Kinda. There used to be a lot more fields. Our town has been growing and traffic can suck now.
I'm good, just needed to lay down for a while. TV time for a while since the rest of the house is asleep.
You whores should fuck off just like the faggots at the troon or gay threads. Literally no reason to single out you have a roastie unless it was for attention, who gives a shit.
this is the troon thread
there isn't a single biofem post itt
i hate watching content on books and seeing creators or comments so mad over the idea of damaging or "ruining" a book. it makes me unbelievably mad. with hardcovers i get it but you're nervous of damaging a 10 dollar paperback? be so fucking for real right now.
Pretty hypocritical for a size queen who treats men like me as subhuman.
what the fuck are you talking about i'm 4'11
What does that have to do with anything I said? Height doesn't affect it.
oh my bad wrong male insecurity
still what the fuck does that have to do with anything I just said?
You don't earn that money yourself as a NEET. It all comes from your father. Try working for your income while being poor and say that $10 is nothing.
Because you are getting mad over books while I am facing actual problems.

Also I hate how people call it an insecurity like it's my fault that you make me feel like shit
Even with hardcovers it doesn't make sense. Books are not supposed to be decoration
women like bigger pps dude just get over it
Why should I get over it? Literally why
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i'm not saying it's nothing. but highlighting and writing things down on a book doesn't make it unreadable? fuck off back to twitter
yes thank you. i find those pretty aesthetic hardbacks awful too just because of that fact. sounds shitty to grab a classic you can get from penguin and dress it up a bit to then sell it at a much higher price only because it's decorated nicely. there's a company in brazil that's known for doing that to every book they publish.
>wrong male insecurity
hahaha brilliant
>Australian social culture sucks
What do you mean?
No indoor gear to burn out that twitch on rainy days like this?
Huge chad and Stacy culture like its actually really bad if you divert from the norm in any way you're judged harshly by everyone (this is what I learnt from living in city areas but it's most prevalent in beach city places)
namefaggotry turn on!
i always feel so confused when men who are clearly incels complain to me about not being 6' like mf i'm having to tilt my head up to talk to you what are you on about???
>Huge chad and Stacy culture
I HAVE NOTICED. i dress up i get weird looks. i dress normal i still get weird looks because i have dark hair and eyes. teenagers here horrify me like nothing else.
Yous a hobbit
Same it's hard to get too hung up on a guy's height when I'm still the same height I was in my first year of high school
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i think about picrel often
i get the insecurity with taller women but sometimes it's like they want so bad to feel oppressed that they just forget that a lot of women can be shorter than them ?
bros...are we so back??
>i think about picrel often
kek yeah
do you ever feel you are kinda special by being this small?
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kind of. here in australia yes because everyone is just so tall. sometimes i feel embarrassed because i think people are mentally making fun of me for being short.
but it has its pros. when i take the train back home at night it's always pretty empty so i have two seats to myself. i can lay down in fetus position and not feel too crammed, more like cozy. if i get an empty three seat row i can just lay down normally. it's a lot more comfortable than it would be if i were tall.
>>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
its ok
>>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
i like trees but canada smells better and has more btu theres pajeets there now
>>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?
idk. here but more rural but also closer to a city if that makes sense
height charts are really neat, seeing how you stack up against random people online
>What would you do if you were tasked with solving the worlds problems?
>You're given all the freedom to kill and start any projects you wish and all nations will follow your command.
>What would you do if you were tasked with solving the worlds problems?
Release a virus that kills every that has a Y chromosome.

>You're given all the freedom to kill and start any projects you wish and all nations will follow your command.
Stop all projects and start research into a virus that kills everything that has a Y chromosome.
>What would you do if you were tasked with solving the worlds problems?
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Focus on biological engineering instead of AI and make hermaphrodite babies similar to women, delete the male species as it was a bad genetic mutation that's not only killing the world but ruining their offspring and partners, they were task with protecting women and ended up attacking them, hence they're clearly the cancer form of humans.
Good choice right there.
There's no harm in trying kpo
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i already have too many personal problems - like calling myself a puppy non ironically - to deal with the world's...
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I get that, sometimes you have to parent yourself.
Ive had some women tell me they enjoy being the small and precious princess
I think its a kind of wanting to be protected and cared for that plays into it which I can understand
Who doesnt want to feel safe and have somebody care about you
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my favourite thing in the whole world is when people play along with it
>"nona is so cute!"
>"nona is just like a puppy"
>"heh i brought nona for a walk"
aweeee nona you really think so? thank youuuuuu~
this 100%. through many years i have studied and perfected the formula of being just cute enough to invoke protectiveness from others without being annoying. you might think it's easy, but aegyo is an art!
>you might think it's easy, but aegyo is an art!
Not that you need my approval but plenty idols are cringe-bad at it so I would never think of it as easy
>Ive had some women tell me they enjoy being the small and precious princess
So cringe
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>be me
>bf of the time wants to show me porn he likes
>most of it is normie hentai/doujin stuff
>full stop
>its Lucario the pokemon with pussy and tits
>a little further down is straight furry porn
>ask him about it
>"i-its just well drawn!!!!"
Sure, buddy.
why do we even pretend that men are human beings when 80% of them are statistically proven to be murderers?
No hangover. I'm having trouble deciding what to eat for breakfast though. I don't usually like breakfast foods like yogurt or whatever, I just want ramen and egg instead.
My dad bought me scratch-off's a lot when I was in my pre-teen years. The Most I won off on one was $250, I had decent enough luck with them. I only bought one scratch off ticket on my 18th birthday and none since, I have enough vices
>pain of accidentally refreshing when you typed of the reply
Ahh I believe scara expressed her frustration with that before, but I've experienced it too. Sucks.
>Wild blueberries
It's so hard for me to be patient with wild berries. I love wild blackberries so much
>Modern mental health system
It's shit. I've been on the other side of it before, where psych hospitals just give you x amount of diagnoses, throw 4 meds at you and get discharged. Also have seen other patients get treated poorly or have their cases mishandled as well. I'm glad the one patient you described got the help he needs
I can't even pretend, when I see a moid I see a parasite capable of communication, I can see their disfigured faces under their mask as it's near translucent, a little comment after 2 minutes and I can already tell how that moid feeds on its prey, sometimes you just need one look, those flabby, smirking creatures, eyes gauging behind your forehead that read "she could be my free cook", "oh i can maybe ruin her day if i say this", "how do I reach the pussy?" It's all written in Their mannerisms, the most polite ones have a whole script of empty words that has worked for them before... "I only want love" says the creature, may he define love he will definite a slave a mother or a sexdoll, they have no concept of the words they spout all they can do is flip the narrative or pretend they're something they are not.

Truth is that those statistics are very well hidden, and given the chance of memetics to spread those, the little guys would Ree and spout nonsense about 40% of that 90% being an ethnic group. But tell me, what is science but a replicable experiment? Would you struts a 50% certainty or a 90%?
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I'm actually a man and I was only pretending to be retarded to get his exact reply
>to get his exact reply
... from another man
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I don't think so, there's only one very special person on this board who keeps repeatedly using the word memetics, and she's not a man.
How does it feel to know you're a subhuman cancer parasite? Do you smirk and shake your little roach legs In excitement when you are the reason we didn't reach organic immortality?
Who am I being confused with?
>when I see a moid I see a parasite capable of communication
That's all they are. They'll even harm their own to harm us without any sort of remorse. Any remorse they have is all fake and really just because they fear punishment.
Are you sure?
>this 100%. through many years i have studied and perfected the formula of being just cute enough to invoke protectiveness from others without being annoying. you might think it's easy, but aegyo is an art!
Nice to see someone else who gets it.
I love you, op1.
No, can't ever be sure. It's just a hunch really.
Sorry I kinda unblocked a memory about the table salt I used so I'm cranky.
You have memories about salt?
>we didn't reach organic immortality?
is this the latest dyke headcanon? I wish I had the capacity to delude myself this way, I'd just breeze through life without a worry
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>making post
>putting together really great questions
>browser refreshes
>lose entire post
This never used to happen until Scara kept mentioning it.
SCARA Why did you curse me!!???
I feel like getting Mcdonalds for breakfast.
>wake up
>still have a micropenis
Yeah so I hate everyone here.
I do have them now!
>Xenogears (another great game, not in my top 3, but up there, but it is my favorite story of all the games I've played
Wow. I very rarely see anyone mention this game let alone praise it. I can't remember much about the game but I remember thinking it was the best game I ever played and that it had a great story. I can't even remember it too well now since there was a lot of time jumps and reincarnation and split personalities. I remember being stuck at the end of the game for months and there being this really cool arena mode and you could listen to all of the in game songs. I had a favorite song that I'd set on repeat but I can no longer recall which song it was.

How did you feel about xenosaga? I remember playing through some of them and being disappointed that they weren't as good as xenogears. Moid, if this had been in your top 3 I would proposed to you on the spot. What are your top 3 then? I'm going to guess Chrono Trigger is one of them. I never finished it because I lost my 3DS
What memory do you have about salt I dont even remember the last time I used it
I had a dream I was having sleep paralysis rather than actually having it, and this black cat took a hold of my arm and told me to get away from that man because he works for the CCP, meanwhile I was flapping and flopping like a fish cause I couldn't breathe, but yeah idk stay away from that man I guess, whoever he is
Niggacat to the rescue
the CCP man is the new Hat man
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Finally made breakfast. Toast and egg + cheapo bacon. I don't mind the cheap bacon too much, I guess. I want to go hiking again this week, but it's going to be hot, and I don't want to be in danger of heat exhaustion or something.
I want to start making comics too, though I have doubts where I think I'm not creative enough for it? Learning to format with comic panels and all that will be a bit challenging too. I know I can learn, but it's all a little intimidating. How the fuck did 13 year old me make all of those fallout oc's, where did the spark go
That still sounds like a form of sleep paralysis to me, but I'm not a doctor. I've only experienced sleep paralysis once, sucks, but I was lucky enough to not see the CCP man.
>I feel like getting Mcdonalds for breakfast.
I prefer Burger King in terms of fast-food breakfast, but McMuffins are pretty tasty.
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ok you've had your fun, you can let the general die now
/biofem/ is forever.
Hard to have fun when you have a small penis.
I have fun with my small penis all the time
Every time I am reminded of it my mind is just filled with dread.
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we eatin good today m'queen
why would you want to know about a random memory about salt that's kinda strange nona
>How the fuck did 13 year old me make all of those fallout oc's, where did the spark go
She wasn't smoking weed and didn't spend a decade doomscrolling
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anyway how's everyone's day?
This has to be satire with the open mouth and then that abysmal put together thing that doesnt even have a top, right?
There were some dried grasshoppers you could try at a museum I went to a while back, not worth the hype
That's fair yeah. I doomscroll a lot less now but when I was that age I had internet access probably 2 months out of the year tops. Anytime I'm away from the internet for a while I draw more
Weed brainworms are nothing new
>again this week, but it's going to be hot,
Go early in the morning. That's my plan with biking. Good breakfast. You'd make a really good
>she could be my free cook
Ngl. I am thinking that now.
>Hungry Moid
>anyway how's everyone's day?
Had some interesting dreams that I forgot. Stayed in bed a little too long. Ate some slop breakfast. Going to watch anime then catch up on some work hopefully. Kind of thinking about working out or maybe reading but also I just feel like laying down the whole day.
>t. Slothful Moid.
neet 1
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of course it's a joke, the guy even has soi in his handle and he's obviously following the trend of these ragebait food videos
I hate people who waste food for baiting videos
I wish theyd starve to death
>anyway how's everyone's day?
Better than yours, apparently. Anything you want to talk about?
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>t. Slothful Moid.
I get the ick when I'm trying to clean something and the water gets inside my gloves, my whole day has been inconvenient
Got up at 5am, humidity was god awful and not going to be better tomorrow + heat, even in the morning. I was already going early but July heat is going to be less forgiving than June has been.
Just cook food for yourself, it isn't that hard. The most annoying part is dishes really.
>What's a TV series/anime you used to love watching but never finished?

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me and my favorite fembot
>even in his fantasies he is balding
Hating England right now
Hating having a micropenis
How well does the ballsack fair though
I don't know it feels normal I think
Kitty on the right is very pretty.
Best thing about my country, delicious fruits
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I yam what I yam
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Nona, how would you feel if your husband came back from a month long Work Trip. And he brought back one of his coworkers that you've heard lots of stories about. And he told you that he wanted to make her his second wife? What if she was also a different race than you and looked much younger than you?
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>your husband
Nobody has ever liked England
Hey fembots, we should date each other or something
I'm going to make your skin into a hat
I wish a fembot would make my skin into her bikini.
An airplane is about to crash. During its slow but inexorable dive toward the ground one of the female passengers jumps up and announces, 'If I'm going to die, I want to die feeling like a woman.' She throws off her clothes and asks, 'Is there someone on this plane who is man enough to make me feel like a woman?' A man stands up, removes his shirt and hands it to her. 'Here' he says, 'iron this.'
>t. male :D
Really? I would have raped her.
>It takes a good amount of self-restraint to not just want to shmoke them, I know that. It's justifiable wanting to hold onto them for a rainy day and whatnot. If you don't hear back from your interview soon, I would start looking into other places, you don't want to wait on the 1 job place for too long
Thank you. I will but the way I got this was through some temp agency. They are helping me as I can't really find anything for what I can do on my own. So I'll be going to through them. I think not smoking is affecting my sleep. My old night owl habits are coming back. I was up till 4 last night.
Don't give up, you got this. Throw away that remaining devil's lettuce
Still in agony.
Still looking for a weeb gf with big boobs.
Have a nice day.
Loving Georgia right now
I would just get a second husband too, always give them the same treatment they give you
Which Georgia? Both are shitholes
you tagged me for this shit, nigger? I thought I had female attention
Can I be your second husband
I'm not giving up. I'm stopping but throwing them away seems like such a waste why not just save them for a special occasion or something.
Not married yet so no
You're right you should celebrate right now!
That's silly I have nothing to celebrate also it's way to early. I'm sure I'll just reset the progress I made if I did. I don't need them now and I need to not use them for a long while.
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>I would just get a second husband too, always give them the same treatment they give you
No. It doesn't work like that. You can't do that. It's against the rules.
worst thing about my country, the goat is still the fucking drug seller.
Low quality quiz of the day https://www.britannica.com/quiz/name-that-world-flag
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Too late, this is your future if you bring a new woman home
I hope she lets me watch
>looked much younger than you?
Considering how young I look, that would be REALLY creepy.
i'm having lesbian thoughts all day long again. thinking about how i could be with a man or date one but i can only see myself marrying a woman...
Go kiss scaryeyes
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Thanks for replying to these threads while using your trips. NOT saying that 123 threads over a span of ~90 days have given anyone plenty of information to locate regular posters. Or details about their appearance, schedules, phobias ETC.

Discord has really helped me fill in the gaps. Don't worry though, I'm a nona just like yourselves.
Is there a particular girl that you're thinking about or just in general?
This is a larp trying to scare people
And still be the puppy? Or does that role change depending on your partner gender
>This is a larp trying to scare people
Yes it is. I'd caution any nona against sharing too much, but these guys aren't nearly as smart and capable as they'd like for people to believe.
Yeah, def a larp. And there's no way a moid could access our Discord, we know for a fact everyone there is true biofem. So while there we can share as much as we want without concern.
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just in general
it actually appeals to me more when it's a woman, maybe because in my mind men wouldn't understand that this isn't a sexual thing for me
that's why i love gwess so much desu
i wonder what he wants to do with my country of residence? by all means please anon buy a ticket to brazil and get shot by someone from the favelas
you are bad at pretending.
there is no bfg discord.
I would use her power to shrink women until they would be small enough for even my micropenis to destroy their pussies. Then I would kill them.
How it isn't sexual? How would you describe it then?
If it elicits a sexual reponse from you, it is.
I used to feel that way until I ruined my friendship with my fem-oneitis, I guess it was just her. Hope she's doing alright now.
>If it elicits a sexual reponse from you, it is.
it doesn't. it could if the right buttons are pushed but it just makes me happy and fuzzy inside most of the time, like getting breakfast in bed or a hug.
What would you do is this general died?
>What would you do is this general died
Start exercising, reading, studying. Get a job. Talk to girls in real life. Date one and get married. Come back after 2 weeks to make a new thread telling everyone about my new life.
Keep rotting in my room and endlessly refreshing this site, looking for someone to talk to.
Nothing, this general will never die
Find another thread to post in.
Wait for a nona to make a new thread
Start throne bombing nonas until they come back
Mine is way smaller than this by the way
>getting cockmogged by a soft dick
bruh. At least you get to revel in the humiliation of it. Mine's just "below average" hard and it's the worst.
Who the fuck would want to revel in humiliation? If you think it sounds so great then get yours chopped off.
>vapid cunt turned out to be a dyke
Many such cases.
What's an underrated thing in your country?
You gotta work with what you got, ya know?
Same thing I did before lurk. Shit talk the general population on this board. Enjoy my life as normal.
Why does it look so crusty? Don't you guys ever wahs your dicks?
doesn't look crusty at all. maybe it's just picture quality. anon is a fat fuck thoughever.

I wash my penis every time after jerking off because there's too much precum.
Crusty? I wash it every day.
Of course you're creative enough. We all are imo. Maybe the doomscrolling makes us think everything is already done when that couldn't be further from the truth.
>still falling for the originality trap
This is a great answer, I'd to the same, I also would have more time for me since the new wife would have to also help around the house and working.
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>I'd to the same
No you would not. You're crazy if you think I'm letting you get away with that. Not in my house. Also second wife doesn't do chores. It's not in her contact.
I would rather have one wife, but she will have various different men who she has sex with while I do all the housework.
You want to be the dad from Rebel Without a Cause?
I don't know who or what that is, sorry.
It's not the hyperfocusing. I just need to accept that either I'm going to have to do something or get back on ADHD meds, which I don't want to do.

Thank you! I was enjoyable despite the few times it started downpouring.

That is one thing I hate about being awake at night: at times I just want to talk to people but they are all asleep. Since I got my general ham radio license many months ago, I tried the night time HF bands, and it's just horrible since they're all horny old men:

>OMG, it's a YL! HOW ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!

Then they wonder why no women want to be into ham radio. If it wasn't for the capabilities of HF to communicate if I'm far away from home like on vacation in an emergency, I wouldn't have bothered. At least since I got it and learned a bit, I can do that.

I do but I'm trying to take it easy.

Most of the experiences are negative. I just think how they dehumanize people. Thankfully the hospital I worked at for a long time, most of the long term staff like I was learned a long time ago to not do that. It was a lot of staff that was not there for long that would treat others poorly and made it a power struggle.

I remember it quite well since I think it's a really great story, especially when it all finally comes together and we get the point of everything. It's actually a morbid story. The funny thing is that it was the original script for FF7, but was deemed too dark.

Top three are:
>1) Final Fantasy 6
>2) Final Fantasy 4
>3) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

I've played Chrono Trigger. Sure, it was a good game, but I think it's still overrated.

Post a new thread.
>but I think it's still overrated
most of these games were important for their era.
Judging them with by current standards, they're just "alright". Why? because they were so influential that they set a trend.
>Since I got my general ham radio license many months ago,
Night walk nona, I dearly missed you so.
Nigga, it's one of the greatest movies of all time. Go watch it.
>one of the greatest movies of all time.
Not according to my list. Yep, just double checked. It's not even in the top 20.
I'm not judging them by current standards. I literally grew up playing these games on the SNES. Chrono Trigger was one of the games my brother bought and I played through it. It was a good game, but to me, it's nowhere as hyped.

I'm not Nightwalk. I was the one who warned her about being able to get doxxed from it and not tell anyone here when she got it. I wonder if she did go through with it.
There's a difference between personal favorites and greats.
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How do you feel about women like this?
No woman would ever say this to me since I have a small penis.
Reminds me of this lady. She seems like she has a lot of bodies.



We recaulked the bathtub today!! Clean!! We need a whole new unit anyways since this is a crummy 70s cheapy everything just needs to be replaced it's old and not in good shape and isn't pretty ugly piss color why they'd even make bathtub in piss color, but yayy I'm going to take baths with my salts and other fun smelling stuff now that it's "" clean""
God I wish I could drink your bathwater
Hey pregnona!! How are you? I don't understand at all what they were thinking of in the 70's. Everything from the 70's was just ugly and terrible. The fashion, the hair styles, the color schemes, etc...eww.

Salt baths are so good. I feel so good after soaking in an epsom salt bath.
The current generation can say the same about your generation.
What generation is that
A lot of zoomers and alphas still use millennial/gen x generation styles. Maybe if you were talking about the le futuristic bs for interior decoration, then yes you would be correct.
>The funny thing is that it was the original script for FF7, but was deemed too dark.
Never heard that before. I remember getting ff6 and a bunch of the older ff games but they all got lost or broken by my younger brother when I was away at university. Maybe one day I'll get to play ff6.

>Post a new thread
A real thread? What kind would you make If this one was gone?
The current generation has no personality, always the same grey/white tones with lots of light that might as well be hospital rooms
either that or just the most consumerist shit piled onto eachother in the form of cheap shitty chinese plush toys in the shape of a sphere, and posters layered on top of eachother with a bunch of random shit like a hoarder
I'm gooododod, my childhood home also had a distinctive piss color bathtub, I don't mind some of the fashion/hairstyles, I feel like a lot of it briefly came back in the last few years for whatever reason, I own a dress from the 70s but bad thing is they really loved their polyester and that polyester back then was SHIT it's so ITCHY I might sell it honestly I just hate wearing it and it requires a slip to wear. None of my grandmas I know kept their old clothes tsk tsk I keep trying to have them pawn off their possessions to me (not a hoarder not a hoarder not a boarder)
Do you remember the scene in FF7 with Cloud in the hospital and he says "Xenogias?" That's a reference to it. I mentioned before that I kept my FF4 and 6 carts since they're very sentimental to me and did help me get through some very extremely difficult times in my life.

lol, no. I would quite literally post a new biofem thread. I don't think others see how much me and others have gotten out of this general. It's been a net plus for me, as I gotten some new friends to talk with, and some of the things we were talking about outside of here are still going on since this general started. I know she won't mind if I mention a tiny bit of it, but for example we're still talking about a certain TV show airs in both our countries. OP1 did a great thing by starting this general.

I personally don't see how some 70's styles made a brief come back when I was in high school. Like the bell bottom jeans. I always thought those looked terrible. I feel the same with the 80's. It may just be my bias though since I'm a 90's/early 2000's child. My mom absolutely adores the 80's stuff. But then again, she married my dad and became a mother in the 80's so it's really sentimental for her.

lol, my grandma used her, along with everyone's, old clothes to sew new quilts. By the time they're so worn that patching didn't work, they became quilt material. My mom used to have a Cheap Trick shirt that couldn't be used since she wore that out that much. She even still has it and loves that shirt that much. She just cannot let it go, but it's that sentimental for her so I don't blame her.
>FF7 with Cloud in the hospital and he says "Xenogias?" That's a reference to it.
Now that you say that. They're both pretty loony. There's aliens from space. amnesia. I really want to play Xenogears again one day.
>I don't think others see how much me and others have gotten out of this general.
I sort of can.
Mostly the hair for me, it wasn't that long ago I was in highschool and suddently everyone wants flippy hair again but trends can be regional, my mom was only a kid in the 70s but trends caught on super late where we're from, hair was still big as hell in the 90s I find her old highschool pictures baffling they don't look like they year they were taken in at all. Aesthetics are leaning 60s/70s here and there too with home renno's trying to preserve more unique architecture and conversation pits. It's subtle and overly glamorized, the 60s and 70s weren't great at all people fail to realize that's the same time segregation was ending and other bs the world was on fire with wars and revolutions it wasn't no hippy paradise of peace. Nana was never a quilter but be damned she has a custom printed quilt of her children and a few grandchildren that's sun faded.
Anything that becomes "unwearable" gets upgraded to "night shirts", mom's GnR tour shirts going strong despite hanging on for dear life, Nana kept everything but not her damn dresses from the 50s and 60s, actually ffs she has my crib!! Why does she have my crib!! Thank God everyone's addicted to photographs because I am trying so hard to claim her older photographs when she passes, I don't want anybody splitting them up, it follows her late teens, graduation, starting her family, the family vacations, her babies, I will literally kill a suspecting aunt who might try and keep them to herself and they'll never be looked at again it pisses me off just thinking about it, they're so lovely and not even Nana has seen those photos in years because she couldn't put them all in photo books herself there's just so many
so the general now is just a tripwhore circle jerk despite having a discord, even the lowest of the lows cant stop attention whoring
My penis is so fuking small
People say fashion is cyclical but I wonder if there's a real reason for it. Or for anything that gets to be called "cyclical".
Just venting a bit here,
I have no close online friends, no one I can be myself around, it fucking sucks. If I used /soc/ or /r9k/ to find friends, I would manage but they'd all be pretty much creepoids and it's rare to find good friends. I get along best with someone whos light-hearted, playful, awkward even is okay and weird / outcasted but not a bad or mean-spirited person. I know that sounds shitty of me to say. I landed on /r9k/ because I was an outcast and orbited women from here since I had no friends irl at some point and felt a weird pseudo-friendship with online women who seemed outcasted like me. Due to this, the humor and 4chan 'culture' has rubbed off on me. I was never a normie to begin with. It just sucks since I get along well with this overlapping section of normal good people who just grew up kind of socially outcasted but don't want to be insane, use people, or hurt people. Idk, hopefully, someone else can relate and give me advice. I miss talking to online friends and being able to goof around but all my friends from before aren't here anymore.
just find a preschooler bro
Join a discord server.
They wouldn't be using trips and name fagging if so many of you weren't retards and constantly asking who is who or trying to larp as other people.
It's so annoying to watch you low iq retards shape situations into something you don't like then whine about it. Git gud.
Wanna masturbate together over discord?
I don't think there's anything here resembling a culture anymore, hasn't been for years. Being a social outcast doesn't mean much these days. You should just try in circles related with more specific interests.

In my experience even with the good people from here it never went past a couple of casual conversations simply because the interests didn't overlap and what else is there to talk about. At least with games you play or something you have something to consistently bond on.
idc if they use trip fags or not its just funny when they pretend they are here for anything other than attention whoring or recruiting for their lesbian femcel discord

> crying about larpers
>> git good
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>Join a discord server
I don't do well in servers, also seems like whenever I speak people inherently think I'm strange. No idea why but I have been told I "talk like a foreigner".

No lol

>I don't think there's anything here resembling a culture anymore, hasn't been for years
Honestly, you might be right. I mainly used r9k from like 2016 to 2018.

>You should just try in circles related with more specific interests
I am now, but I feel like a horse who came late to the race by a lap and now I'm trying to catch up lol. It *is* going somewhere, at least!! However, talking about my interests always feels very transactional. Which kind of sucks, but I guess things take time.

>In my experience even with the good people from here it never went past a couple of casual conversations simply because the interests didn't overlap and what else is there to talk about. At least with games you play or something you have something to consistently bond on.
Awh man, that sucks to hear. I never really made friends from here directly either, but my friends I did have online knew about 4chan, visited 4chan at least somehow, and thus we could draw on that shared humor and meme culture to make jokes or goof around and make our own inside memes in the same vein.

Did meet a k-tard in the flesh IRL once though. That was crazy. Had the /k/ommando patch and everything.
>No lol
Wanna listen to me masturbate over discord?
>whenever I speak people inherently think I'm strange
If only there was some way to practice your social skills and improve.
>Wanna listen to me masturbate over discord
Sure. post your tag.
>Sure. post your tag.
N-no... I was just kidding...
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Yet again no

What is /ATOGA/ ?
I'm sorry you feel this way, I hope you can overcome your past trauma and get better soon.
Cringe. Kinda tired of this gender war desu.
What type of smells? I sometimes light scented candles. Really been digging the smell of burned wood.
You got any hobbies? Pretty easy to find friends through a shared interests in games. Downside is that if you stop playing said game, you might lose them.
>t. male.
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>You got any hobbies? Pretty easy to find friends through a shared interests in games. Downside is that if you stop playing said game, you might lose them.
Yeah I do but most my hobbies were formed around me doing them solo. To counter this, I recently got the bright idea to do hobbies that are social....big brain move. The issue is that most people who do the irl hobbies I chose are OLD. I am talking 50s to early 80s. Bird-watching, making models, and dancing. But ahh well, they're nice at least. I also like videogames but mostly co-op or singleplayer, hence why I miss having buddies because playing multiplayer games with strangers makes me start sweating like a bitch. I have no idea how males interact so easily with other people like that. I just try to listen to them and imitate
>I was never a normie to begin with. It just sucks since I get along well with this overlapping section of normal good people who just grew up kind of socially outcasted but don't want to be insane, use people, or hurt people
are you me? I too would like to talk with socially outcasted but kind anons. im a moid btw, but my intention is platonic, I already have e-girls I talk to, but its always got romantic undertones which inhibit real conversation. I just wanna have real convos with other socially outcast but purehearted people. I currently have no friends IRL and the lack of meaningful connection with people in my life right now sucks
>Yet again no
What if we uhhhhhhh..... what if.... ummmmmmm.... if... wha-... what if uhmmmmm... uhhh.... we... uh.... idk... um... hmmm... what if you... uh... me... uhh... what if... *cough* ... sorry... uh...
pity sex?
>crying about larpers
>git good
The git gud is literally using a trip. You are now crying about them getting gud and using a trip to defeat impersonation attempts.
Unironically. Git. Gud.
It really makes me want to attempt to sit down and replay it. I have a lot of save files at certain segments.

That's definitely true! I never liked the big hair look. And a definite HELL NO to 70's styles for me like feathered and shagged hair. I will never, ever see how that ever was considered fashionable. Even the early hippie stuff I would consider more fashionable.

lol, I used to do that with a lot of my old race shirts. Like, my first marathon t-shirt is now so worn out, it was a night shirt. I just prefer not to wear them now since I have my own place. Band shirts last FOREVER. My Styx and REO Speedwagon tour shirt is still so good despite it being cheap cotton.

Why the crib? Maybe it would a cool idea to take that from her and use for your daughter :). I think physical pictures are so precious now. Everyone went digital and lost a lot of good memorable pictures. I still have all mine saved, but my most cherished ones are printed and put in a good quality album. There's so much history in your nana's pictures and it would be horrible if someone hoarded every single one of them. It might be a good opportunity for her to get them scanned in and shared with everyone.

Everything comes back around in cycles. Nothing is original, even in fashion. Even new fashion is just a rehashing of something old. Look at how dumb bucket hats were in the 90's. lol. God that was so dumb seeing all my moid relatives get those and wearing them when they went fishing.

Sorry to butt in: the point in friendship is not just having a common hobby. My friends from HS never had much in common: they were into fashion, impressing boys, and other typical girl stuff whereas I was sporty, active, and didn't mind getting dirty. yet, we can talk about the littlest things. It's your social skills that matter: the hobby is just a starting point.
Do other kind of dancing lol
>butt in
You won't be able to unless you have a big butt.
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>im a moid btw, but my intention is platonic, I already have e-girls I talk to, but its always got romantic undertones which inhibit real conversation
Mmm, yeah see there's the issue. I really value friendships where you see beyond gender or color or politics or whatever other separation people get hung up on. It's a simple formula: you gotta riff off each other and let yourselves be kids on the playground again. Just having fun and playing. Those have been the best friendships but it's hard to find people who have enough security in themselves, trust in others, and willingness to open up like that since people are so afraid of being made fun of, shut down, or just rejected. Sad stuff
>I currently have no friends IRL and the lack of meaningful connection with people in my life right now sucks
You should try taking up social hobbies with old people. they do not judge and are very nice


>Sorry to butt in: the point in friendship is not just having a common hobby. My friends from HS never had much in common: they were into fashion, impressing boys, and other typical girl stuff whereas I was sporty, active, and didn't mind getting dirty. yet, we can talk about the littlest things. It's your social skills that matter: the hobby is just a starting point.
True true. I think the hobby thing is just a topic to latch onto and then cross your fingers something more blooms. Gaah, how is the internet so large and easy to talk to people yet not easy at all to really connect with anyone? The irony is not lost.

Like what? I do swing, latin, and some ballroom. They did tell us, the class, about going to clubs to dance but honestly that terrifies me lol. I'm sure younger people would be there though!

A question for everyone now: what book are you currently reading or would like to?
>It really makes me want to attempt to sit down and replay it. I have a lot of save files at certain segments.

How do you normally replay games? Do you restart from a previous save file? I can't ever fully remember so I just completely start over.

>sporty, active, and didn't mind getting dirty.
True but you had HS circle in common, so you had things to talk about. In the ethereal internet we cannot grasp much into that, specially on things like being on the other side of the world which just makes it harder to connect with someone for a myriad of reasons. That's why shared hobbies are the goto example usually.

In my experience back then when I did it, not being American/European greatly hurts your chances of making a 4chan discord friend. But you're not wrong, there's definitely a skill which sometimes is not even a skill, just having a constant genuine interest to keep talking and bonding.
Ask your instructor where the hell is the younger people that learn to dance. Guarantee you is not just from tiktok.
haha, you misread what I was saying, I was implying that I would like to try talking with you (platonically). I have e-girls I talk to, but the dynamic is different because of romantic undertones so I cant really be myself. I just want a fellow social outcast but well adjusted person to chat with
Hotel? Trivago.
That's like saying no homo, just omit that word
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It is seriously just me as the youngest. I think the closest other person in age to me is...maybe late 30s. But it's all older couples who are retired or looking to spice things up. Same with bird-watching and making models, all very old people. Younger people are busy working 9-5s, college, families, etc.

Oooh whoops. I did not catch that at all. I am a girl, so wouldn't the undertones be off anyway? This is my first time in this thread and back on /r9k/in a while, idk how the socializing works here anymore. At least women have a thread now. That is kind of crazy lol.
Just ask, no way you're the only 20 something in the area that happens to have free time for some group thing, that's silly.
Youngsters probably take dance classes at the gym instead of directly. Or at least they were a thing here. You know, zumba and all that jazz.
Guess I'm out in. All those squats didn't help :(.

It's more about the bonding aspect. Once I get to know people better, the more I develop a sense of closeness with them. Some of the people in church I have nothing in common (except church), yet we worry about one another if something happens. We can have fun conversations all the time.

Depends on the game. Most I start at the beginning, but as I progress to a certain point, I may load up the save file since sometimes I did some grinding because I was bored and had a bit more of an attention span from the meds. For example, on Xenogears, right after infiltrating Aveh and going to Nisan, I grinded to get the Ether Doubler for future use with Elly. Now I have that save file so I don't have to do that in the future.

Now FF7, I don't do the whole first part while in Midgar. I hate that part of the game so if I replay it, it's right after escaping Midgar.

You know what I mean: getting out and doing dirty things like hiking, gardening, etc. They were all prissy. One of them I brought along camping when my grandparents took me, my brother and some cousins to their normal camping spot. She was hysteric. It was me and my other cousin who helped her deal with it. We got to help each other. She didn't like getting a bathing suit on to wash up in the river, lol.

I again go back to the social skill thing. It's all it is. I have nothing in common with a certain nona, yet here we are months later we're still on that same TV show. It takes time to develop, but you can do it. It's definitely scary, but it's doable.
>but its always got romantic undertones which inhibit real conversation.
Very true. I was friends with a woman. One of the first online friends I made. Called me one night. Told me we can't hang out anymore since they have a bf now. Told me they always had feelings for me. I was never interested in e-dating. Maybe I'm just too autistic.
I sometimes join random Discord servers during the weekend and hang out with people in vc talking. Invited my friend one day cause he was bored and he started simping his dick off to every women that was there.
>t. male.
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Oh yeah maybe, holy crap though dancing with people my own age sounds like it would insta-kill me in the nerves department. Like I said earlier, the instructor encouraged going to clubs or dances outside of class, but I'm still trying to be less awkward irl and socialize better. It's not even like I don't want to, or lack the empathy or awareness, it's more like I am so jazzed and ready to do it correctly it comes off as desperate, like a try-hard, and awkward all rolled into one little creature. No bueno

It's probably so much easier to bond irl than internet text too.
How the fuck do you not have an ass when you do squats? I thought all girls have asses when they do squats.
Like with everything else, something in the equation of exercise + genetics + diet fails to add up
I won't deny that it is easier IRL than the internet. However, you can still develop it. We were worried about kpop when she disappeared from here. We seriously felt that bond with her. Despite that, I worried so much even though I have no hobbies or anything in common with her.

I didn't say I don't have a butt, Anon! Rude!
nah it would be fine, I generally get along better with girls. I would love to have more guy friends but it never happens for some reason.

my discord is mystickubernetes

hit me up, maybe we'll vibe and if we dont no big deal
How big is your ass then?
Eh, one step at a time, you're doing well. But if you want to find younger people dancing that's where you might find them. Not sure about the other two, making models maybe at a convention or something, bird watching no clue, sometimes there are forums (as in old school forums, not fb groups) still active talking about things like that.
She probably doesn't have the genetics aspect.
That's none of your business. Discussion end.
You started the discussion and you have to tell us. Are you small there as well as in your chest?
you not a kpop girl?
File deleted.
Yeah dawg I'm not adding you but thank you lol

Connection really is so important, that soul seeing soul stuff. Riffing off each other and just having fun. It's great you met people you can have that with nona!

Yeah I do try to stick my nose into the forums and all but sometimes it feels like you're just saying random shit until it sticks. Kinda gives me the jeebies, I feel rather useful trying to provide an identification or random fun-fact. Or asking pointless random questions just to interact. I think having a project or goal is the way to go and then attracting people who will help you from their own interest in it and meeting people through that goal. but idk, im looking at this all as a math equation to be solved and now im raaambling. aaaah!!!

Stop being weird
OH, and I am >>78009943
but I wanted to add thank you for responding so much lol it is very appreciated :D
I did not start it. I made a comment about getting into a conversation (hence "butt"ing in) and you made it about my butt. I humored you enough by a few comments about it. No, I don't have a big butt, but I'm not small either. Now let it go.

No. I never saw the appeal of it.

It is such a great thing! I hope you're able to develop that with others.
Words of caution to probably delete the file attached to your post. It's qt but yk
It's not weird to me.

You are the one who replied to me about it. I just want to know so I can further picture you and your boyfriend having sex.
yeah there's no formula for this stuff sadly. I wish it was as simple, would make things easier for half the world really.

Talking random nonsense in a forum sounds like a pointless exercise until you start getting seen, recognized, the inside joke shared and so on. The internet version of small talk, even if it's just the silly forum games of corrupting a wish or sharing the song you're listening to. Eventually it works and you build those little bonds like the one Senator mentioned where we worried about our tripfag fren, which never felt like bonds to me here or anywhere else but that's just me being a retard.

Hope you find someone close your age to share stuff with. A lot of times that's all you need because they know other people or a circle already there and you suddenly fixed your problem. It sounds a bit robotic, as if getting a recommendation for a job, but these days where talking to a stranger is seen as bad is how people roll.
whys that nona?
It's pony stuff, which is against the rules.
There's a rule against any sort of pony content outside the mlp board.
Too late, already coomed to it.
no problem. I was just hoping to make a connection with a likeminded person, sorry I misread your cues
Oh, it's you. I should have known: the fucking cuck. Please get a life.
Ohhh shit. That sucks considering I love MLP oh well. Thank you and I deleted it

It's okay I just looked in your post history and you mentioned wanting a 4chan gf so idk, felt a little strange too.
You are my life. I want you to be happy with your boyfriend. Just let me listen in.
how do you find random discord servers? I might try that but OTOH discord chats always seem so chaotic
I kinda like their relentless search for some perfection, it's exploitative and sad but somewhat fit for the modern world dream of young people: Get in line doing this thing a lot of other people does, put a lot of effort in, get a lucky break, solve life.

Reminds me of pro athletes in some way that sacrifice a lot to make it to elite tier. The western pop star puts a lot of effort in sure, but it feels like they managed to streamline the process which is weird because this is music, art.
Go to pages you enjoy visiting, see if they have a discord. You're right though, it's chaotic. Not only because it feels uncomfortable to talk in the public channel, but because following things quickly becomes a chore.
So many moids posting ITT
no I totally understand, your suspicion is understandable. I did want a 4chan gf in the past but that wasnt my intention towards you

how do you see post history? I had no idea that was a thing
Idk why she has the crib it's potentially because of us moving states or some other reason but we discussed trying to move it down here all it needs is a mattress but shipping it might be a bit of an issue with its weight and everything but it's already disassembled in the shed somewhere, hell there's another shed out back and it has stuff from my aunts in there from the 60s but the doors don't even open to that one anymore maybe a project for some other time I didn't realize either that quality photo scanners are fucking expensive, I really want a flat bed one since that one is portable, been hoping one pops up 2nd hand at a good price.
Other than that struggle to sleep, having some auditory hallucinations, random sounds, music, distant voices, don't even know why I suffer from them other than potentially my epileptic brain just being damaged like that, it's far worse if one of my ears is covered, hoping no ccp man steals me tonight either I gotta watch out. Daily nightmares too, need my binaural good dreams youtube video because it just works and I ain't questioning why
The archive exists, I don't want moids realizing this though it's funny when they drop their discord and try and put on a new persona despite their previous posts with their tag being disgusting. Even soc is searchable through another site, never ever add anyone without looking at previous posts just a tip
I'm going for a walk after this round of replies. I just need to move a bit since I'm getting twitchy again. Thankfully it's better outside this morning since the humidity died down after last night's rain.

I do get the whole needing to identify with something. I just don't get the extremes others go for it. I never have. I just saw what that leads to early on in my life. It breaks people and harms their quality of life even with the musicians, art, etc. Sure, many made it to elderly age like look at Rolling Stones. Mick Jagger is in his 80's now? But how often does that happen? How many more fell to drugs because that's the thing to do? I just don't understand why when we know the long term effects.

I'm guessing it would be a long trip to drive it from your aunts to your place instead of shipping it? That would be so cool to have your daughter inherit your old crib to keep it in the family.

Yes, they are! And they take up so much room too! Then, the portable ones are not very good at all. The portable one I bought a long time ago would always make it too dark, and I was never good with the light/contrast balancing. If I ever need to scan anything in, I usually use the one at work since it can scan really at an excellent quality.

Sorry to hear that you are suffering from all of that again. So the EMDR/binaural stuff is working for you? That is good to hear! It's kind of what I'm doing right now to help with some trauma processing. It's been helping for me.
I use disboard.org and type in random shit. I normally look for communities of random things. People love talking about their obsession lol. I sort by latest bumps and look for servers that are above 50-100 members but not big enough to be filled with bots and OF sellers.
My favorite opening line is "What's your favorite anime?" as I never watched any of it and everyone is a weeb nowadays. Get's them talking :)
>t. male.
Have fun at your boyfriend's place.
thanks bros, im gonna check it out
I wonder if anyone could make a tool to search all the archives at once for a discord, then display those posts.
Why not doing that now? Why do you need to wait for something to happen to be happy?
Relatable but I hope you get help, or friends
The female experience is something that needs it's own space but I'm not a fan of forcing things to stay alive for the sake of it, maybe one day we can make those generals sporadic like the feelsbars or neet generals
Bless the nonas who do
Hope that means you're shit talking moids.
A biofem one or a miods should die one?
You can get a second wife if I'm your ex-wife
Please be my ex wife
>Another biofem
I just read this, thank you M you're sweet, I think most nonas here have gotten a net plus, I'm still worried this general could get a new Bianca but for now we've avoided many slippery slopes. I'm proud of Tomo too because she has shown me how capable everyone here is.
No prenup deal? Deal.
I see op1 just woke up
Yeah not trying to hide it much today, morning nona, what are you having?
that's why I change my discord name every so often. try tracking me now bitch
Well tomorrow is the big day. Does anyone have any last minute advice? Never had a real interview like this before and honestly I am scared. I don't even know what to wear. Not that I have nice clothes anyways. This is so stressful. I need this to work out so much I need to get my life going. The withdrawals are starting to subside and since the pt helped recuse my pain my mind is running a million miles an hour. My old late night owl hours have returned so I'm hoping I can fall asleep soon. Took two doses of Java so I'm starting to feel drowsy but still awake.
When can we get married
>I'm sorry you feel this way, I hope you can overcome your past trauma and get better soon.
You do understand I have to spend my whole life near moids right? I will always be aware of what they are no matter how much therapy or help I get. Yes I will maaaybe have a male friend or two I don't want to gauge their eyeballs off but ignoring the truth would be delusional.
>I'm not a fan of forcing things to stay alive for the sake of it
Then why do you mention two forced threads lol, you're clueless.
It won't be the last interview you make, do your best to relax and take away lessons for whatever come next if it goes wrong.
Hoping you get that job!
>You got any hobbies?
Unless you have niche hobbies. Then good freaking luck.
Ask a lot of questions, research the business, say that the time you didn't work was a Non disclosure agreement job and be ready to work that same day if you have to. Also after the interview send them an email or a written mail thanking them for the opportunity.
>t. jobless
have fun knowing 70% of the post were made by my bot that data mines these threads lol
its so awesome i trained to impresonate the posters on here and i use i enjoy talking to it so much when i get lonley
Are you black? You're black right?
shut the fuck up females
no let keep data mining this thread stfu
lol sry i wont post about this anymore my bots not even that good. :(
Micropenis power activate
fr this bot not good enough women power keep a chad will eventually like you lovely ladies
sry if this weird please keep posting
>What do you think overall of the country which you call home?
Shtihole, will be the reason of my suicide
>What do you particularly like and not like about it?
Corruption, garbage people, no nature near me
>If there's somewhere else you'd rather live, where and why?
Finnish forest
i love idk what i would do if i could keep datamining <3
What's up with all the discord faggs? Did a server get nuked that you all came here to be retarded niggers? This isn't how this board works we don't add people on discord or make silly bots, stop being a fagg and go back to discord.
add my disc i need women to talk to eugene5616
females add me for rape role play discord epicmancoolguy69
>we don't add people on discord
You have added people from here on discord.
And you shouldn't be posting in a woman's thread.
you are not a nigger not kys
Turn off the bot moid this is embarrassing.
im sry if my bot cant speak proper english please post here :(
this is male thread you dumb woman how many brain cells do you have lmao prob like 7
now that you told me told i wont add my disc eugene5616
we all know you added the throne donators on discord.
Wow if that's true I will be pissed becauae nobody added me even when I made huge Throne bombs
Yeah, I've heard "women don't like men under 6 feet" so many times but like...I don't think I could tell a 5'8 guy from a 6'0 guy. They're all tall to me.
Radio sounds kind of neat, I mostly just do late night reading or put on some podcasts. I'm not really surprised there are a lot of strange people into radio though. I know reviewbrah does it too.
deleted my last post to not double post
Oh sure height doesn't matter but you discriminate by dick size which is way worse
no you didnt shut the fuck up.
I just said they didn't.
stop pretending to be an obnoxious nigger.
i was so happy to know that when i came back, i truly thought people would just forget about me. truth is you really can tell whenever a poster has disappeared or when they're in a bad state

can yall stop yapping about discord i hate that app. anyways, going to watch the rose of versailles live actionnnn
Nobody would miss me if I left since I have a micropenis
To be a cuck you first need to be loveable enough to get a girlfriend
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FUUUCKKKKKK imagine giving a shit about piracy what a joke of a government
It was a great time to walk. It was not humid AF, and the temperature was perfect: not too hot and not too cool. But...neighbor moid was awake with a bad case of insomnia and walked with me while talking excessively. I seriously hope he doesn't think that makes us in a relationship. I seriously hope I'm just thinking too much into it.

Biofem. I don't want to start the whole ban thing again. Sure, I found things to do when I was banned, but this board is a nice time sink at work.

You are so sweet too, O! I really thank you for starting the general!

Hi peaches! You got this! It's okay to be scared. Just go with the flow. Deep breaths. Project your confidence. Visualize yourself doing well. If they ask a question you are not sure on, try your best to BS on it.

Hi mamanona! How are you today? I love the idea of it. Our community has its own repeater and the guy who runs it is so smart. I do like that I can talk for a really long distance with just a radio and a long piece of wire, but talking with random moids was weird when I gave out my callsign and asked if I could join in. I was bored and wanted to talk like a normal person.

We were really worried about you. Just about every thread someone was asking if anyone heard from you. Sometimes it was multiple times per thread. Me and you have had some good conversations and I consider you a good friend despite the times I was kind of mean to you. And I apologize for being like that to you.

Yes, STFU about discord. I don't have one and I get tired of hearing about it.


Anyways, back to work tonight and I got a 12 hour tonight, I hope I didn't mess up my sleep schedule too much. Have a good day/night, nonas!
>I seriously hope he doesn't think that makes us in a relationship.
Moid-chan has a moidfriend.
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>and I get tired of hearing about it.
we should only be allowed to talk about discord if it's to make fun of the terrible user base and cringe face reveals.

good shift! i've just snuggled in bed after being cold all day.
>right after infiltrating Aveh and going to Nisan
How do you remember this? I can barely remember much from the game.

>Now FF7, I don't do the whole first part while in Midgar. I hate that part of the game so if I replay it, it's right after escaping Midgar.
Why do you hate Midgar? I always felt kind of sad once you leave.
>brought along camping
I haven't been camping in forever. I know I used to like it but I can't remember what was fun about it.
Hiya. I don't have confidence and not much of a BSer. I mean I'll know quite a bit when I go and hopefully solder just fine but most jobs I got before I didn't need an interview. With such big gaps in my work history just worried me.

Oh finally worked on that thermostat for the swamp cooler. Sadly I cannot fix it. (just the nature of digital electronics sometimes) was a bit disappointed but used it to soldrg practice for today so got done use from it and more experience. Also my mom is a jerk. Like holy hell would she get mad a me if I woke her up and what not but here she is waking me up on this important day vacuuming like the respect doesn't exist there. I think I slept enough but I'm getting so tired of bring expected to do certain things for her but I don't get that treatment back
>piss kink? reaction
dude is fucking unkempt.
I wonder if this guy, who is Asian, is the guy who keeps talking about having a small cock and making all the annoying cuck posts.

I am getting a little tired of your cuck poster gimmicks and have been considering doxxing you for weeks now.
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I present this gift
I think its funny if he brings it up in the most random context. When there is some creativity to it.
>Well tomorrow is the big day. Does anyone have any last minute advice? Never had a real interview like this before and honestly I am scared
It's probably too late but


Has some really good advice for interviews.
this gave me an existential crisis
Nope still time it's not for a few hours I'll take a look when I get my coffee.
What's your favorite type of repairs to make?
The simple ones!
But really older electronics especially early 2000s and earlier. Digital stuff is really hard to service especially when you don't have the tools. I have some but even then often times like the case with this thermostat I can't fix it because the micro-controller is busted and they basically globed epoxy on it so I'll never be able to find a part number to program my own to slot in there. Older stuff uses a lot of passives to pull the job off and passives are often very easy to source and replace. Other than that I don't have a real preference. If it runs on electricity I can usually do something about it and I am happy to use my skills when otherwise I would be sitting wasting my life on a game or something.
Why do women stay with their abusers?
because they're pussies ori
>Hi mamanona! How are you today?
I'm good, you? It's a holiday here today and the weather's nice so we might go to the park later. High 60s fahrenheit with a cool breeze and sunny.
>Our community has its own repeater and the guy who runs it is so smart.
That's pretty cool. I have to admit I don't really know much about radio stuff though. I usually prefer online anyway because I can at least attempt to be gender neutral when that's a problem.
>But really older electronics especially early 2000s and earlier
Are you good with DVD and blu-ray player repairs?
>Are you good with DVD and blu-ray player repairs?
Never worked on one but it is an electronic so I potentially can do it. Can depend on what is wrong with the device but if it has a power issue those are usually pretty simple to fix. Read issues might be a problem.
Desinfect your rotting fish hole with vodka the only value you have going for you you disgusting dumb lazy slut and stop being so ugly for other peoples eyes sake.
As long as you know the skill you should be fine
>As long as you know the skill you should be fine
Not really. It's the ability to communicate that you have the skill and show that you aren't a total asshole, and that's easy to work with you. Or something like that.
i finally found biofem lol, so um, it happened, my crush was talking about someone else, and she has bigger boobs, he might've compared me to a small chested movie star or was just talking in general, but yeah it's literally so over this time,

if i'm being honest i'm not sure if the realization has fully hit me yet, but... i feel a bit devastated, and this happened just today, so i could've prevented this if i was more direct with my feelings
Do femanons really? Smaller boobs are better.
Even if it hurts Im glad you finally realize this weird discord thing is not going to work out
Move on asap
Eat his face
That is usually the issue with a majority of women. Be direct be clear stop using hints or mind games. If you want something say what you want or don't expect the outcomes you want.
i guess i do have to move on... unless the thing with her doesn't work out, maybe...

yeah that's my fault, if i had made a move maybe he'd have liked me instead of seeking out someone else
>unless the thing with her doesn't work out, maybe...
Ok you are definitely just a troll
Youve kept the joke up long enough I applaud you
okay, hot

This. Men are dumb. Be direct
t. man
Already saved in my phone months ago kek
berries-chan, are you back home? post some updates..
i'm not a troll, going through the stages of grief takes time, but sometimes (3 in total) when he gets horny enough he sees me as an option, or at least that's when he tells me
Because their abusers have big dicks. That is literally all that matters to them.
Responding to bait threads part 1282882822379374738 are you dumb
Been reading fiona barnetts book ;Eyes wide open; (my apostrophe key isnt working) anyway its about the ritualistic sex trafficking industry that is going on in Australia and USA mostly so thats interesting also a town i live in got a shoutout because of all the pedo priests the book has a lot of child murder claims and baby drink as such its not really like exciting because its just this woman listing horrible people and what they did and how the system isnt doing anything to stop them,in the first part at least anyways its fucked up but its interesting she was also a victim of ritual child rape herself by elites i dont really read books like this so idk what to rate it im very uncomfortable when i read it which i think is intentional it feels illegal to be reading in what it is i rate it 8 out of 10
>my apostrophe key isnt working
Here you are ' "
If your full stop key is broken too .
>a town i live in got a shoutout
lol i am dumb, it's a long story, i was so invested and just wanted this to work out, now that it didn't means that i dragged this out for months, and he knows so much about me that i'd rather people not know, and just because there's another woman doesn't mean it's actually going to work out, but considering the men i've been with before, i feel like he has a fair chance in edating, but will anybody know him like i do, will they be as non-judgemental as i am, maybe she might even ghost him, assuming they're even talking at all
>Eyes wide open
Is that the movie with Tom Cruise?

Love love love that movie. Which nona would you "fidelio"
No also tom cruise is probably a pedophile too he just gives baby blood drinking vibes
Okay I just remembered hes a scientologist thats def where those vibes come from>>78015101
like 90% of men dont give a fuck about your breast size and they will have intercourse with anything that is alive and has a vagina I dont think its as over as you think but youre probably just wasting your time anyway
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I hate being a girl. I hate missing people who abused me and don't give a single fuck about me if I'm dead or alive, yet I gave everything from myself for them to feel comfortable, secure with me, all the second chances I never should have given, all the time attention and affection they didn't deserve, all the hoops I jumped through just to remain friends at my own expense, just for them to use and abuse me some more. I hate that it's in our nature or culture or SOMETHING to regard ourselves with such little respect and importance until you grow up and realize that was the issue all along. I wish all my abusers would vanish because I know they're abusing more people. I fucking hate them, I fucking hate how even when I hate them, I'm still not as cold and cruel as them because I still have empathy and understanding for why they are how they are and it's sad. I hate that it's my own hubris that has led me to having these sick freaks stick to me like glue because they know I'm vulnerable, I'm weak, and I was a coward and couldn't say no. I hate that it took so much mistreatment and mental torture to finally learn that. I hate how other men or people who don't get it or people who are abusers themselves yap the loudest and invalidate victims or people who are moving on. I hate that even when I talk about it, some scrote will say I wanted it or asked for it or that I'm not taking responsibility. I am. I am moving forward, I am not a victim anymore. I am a survivor.

I love my fellow man, I want the best for everyone, I feel immense sadness that people have been abused and this led them to further an abuse cycle, but I don't excuse it anymore. I feel pride in other survivors, other women, who stand tall and strong despite everything they went through. And I hope that when I'm a parent someday I can protect my children from the shit I had to endure and teach them the things no one ever told me when I was younger
Shut the fuck up foids.
This isn't a girl thing or a culture thing to not respect yourself and you're also just lumping in every other woman with your shitty choices for no reason lmao
if you're lonely i know how you feel, except even worse, because i'm lonely and lost...
Wow I got five
Don't be bad mouthing my man Tom Cruise. Sure, the Scientology thing is a little weird, but the man is a legend.
one moid to another, he is a sociopath
Is it bad I only remember him from that weird mummy movie that was made in 2017 like I know he did other stuff but still
How about you stop this? Don't you see how messed up what you typed just here? Please have more respect for yourself.
>is an actor who does movies
>but the man is a legend.
You could name 5 real life people who have actually done something meaningful and are real legends.
I'm not lumping in every woman but it's definitely something a lot of people experience. I am venting take it or leave it
I'm so sick of seeing women with no respect for themselves ffs
Bro was given a blank check and decided to make Mission Impossible which has become a series where he basically just gets to show off whatever he happens to be into at the time. It's such a flex I can't help but respect it.
not to mention the insane balls he had to have to pull off those helicopter moves, holy shit

Plus the guy really does love his movies and I respect the passion.
How did you conclude that from my posts? Simply curious
You literally called yourself a weak vulnerable coward and said you got abused and miss your abusers
>You could name 5 real life people who have actually done something meaningful
You name them.
Why is nothing being done about those people?
I WAS a weak vulnerable coward, but I wouldn't say I am anymore. Thankfully. Abuse is weird like that, idk how else to explain it. You have good memories from people who were actual pieces of shit, and you got close to them so you cared for them even if you had to leave and don't want anything to do with them ever again. It's like when you have a bad parent and you feel sympathetic even when they don't really deserve it, but you have loyalty by principle or something idk. I don't actively miss them but sometimes it comes over me. I would seriously claw their eyes out if they ever saw me irl though
it is kinda messed up, but he doesn't have any ill will, it just happens to be like that, i can't blame him for for feeling less intensely than i do

that's literally the abusers fault though
I think I know what you feel
Its almost as if you think these were bad people.. but maybe the next person will be even worse
Same time your mind tells you that you havent been abused like haha no way that could have happened to me right
Its lmsome sort of protective denial thats not really good
Ignore the trolls, I am with you and I understand you and your experience. Apologizers are just idiots who are too ashamed they couldn't do something to help you so they blame you to protect their fragile egos, because for them men cannot be the worse gender. You want to reconnect with the abuser for them to understand how much they harmed you but trust me they will only use that chance to laugh at you or find a way to use you more. Accept the loss and find good people. That's the only way to win anything out of this.
A really huge plethora of issues that stem from the people sex trafficking children are mostly members of the government and their reach trickles down so nobody is getting help for the crimes where they should be getting it education boards, police,TV stations etc
How can you talk about reading about sex trafficking one post and victim blaming the poor girl the next one?
Because the girl itt is an adult lmao
Some people need to have an encounter with an abuser so they fucking understand.
>tfw no physically abusive gf
I want it so mf bad
What part of vulnerable doesn't get trough your head?
Scary making the ragebait herself now, that or she's just a slightly more awful person than she let on.
The abuse I talked about started when I was underage but whatever. Like I said, you grow up and realize a lot, and get stronger because of it.

>protective denial
Yeah it's a realllly weird game of 4D chess with your brain too in knowing what you can control and change to not have that happen ever again and what is simply due to other people being horrible. So fun to navigate lmao

>You want to reconnect with the abuser for them to understand how much they harmed you but trust me they will only use that chance to laugh at you or find a way to use you more
This is so true that it hurts. Using the parent analogy again, it's like when you want to prove your dad or mom proud because they never took pride in you, and they just shoot you down anyway. It sucks. Thank you Nona for your reply.
I mean she does use discord so I'm not like in shock or anything just slightly sad
>use discord
What is with you niggers and always bringing up discord as if not using it makes you better? Be honest. Have you taken a shower yet today? Made your bed? Went to work or school yet?
We all got our bad days where we misjudge things and say things we regret later
I think there's a difference between having a discord and using it. I have a discord to message friends I already know, but I never use discord. In my experience people who use discord always end up in shitty situations because of it. Only the truly unhinged actually use discord.

t. man
I've been a discord user since I was around 11 so idk
Give me vagina please
>Thank you Nona for your reply.
I'm glad I could make you feel a bit better. Am I wrong to assume the people who hurt you reiterated how you wouldn't amount to anything or that you fucked up anything you tried?
Scary...don't ragebait this topic is very sensitive pls scary my feefeess...
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>a discord user since I was around 11
>around 11
This is it. This is the oldest I've ever felt.
>discord user since I was around 11
Why did your parents let you get groomed?
it was more lovebombing and then guilt tripping, lots of guilt tripping, suicidal threats, manipulation tactics, that kind of thing. Isolating me from friends or people they felt could take me away from them. Until I pulled away, then they did try to make me feel like shit, devalued, worthless, and alone unless I went back to them but when I built enough courage to pull away I was able to stay away unless the guilt ate at me. The guilt and shame really was the worst part of it all.
Scary is the egirl I had to ban because she would keep attracting pedos
Okay I've said this before but this is 4chan and you don't know anyone I could actually be an awful like cat murderer or something (I'm not) but nobody would know so I don't know why somebody is really dissapointed when I say something that doesn't fit their image of me (not talking about what just happened I was ragebaiting but it's happened other times)
my parents never let me get groomed and I have never been groomed in my life surprisingly
It's e-dating. I don't know a single person that has succeeded from that other from coomer shit like getting nudes or pretending they're on chaturbate.
Not attractive enough to be an egirl
Guilt, shame and low self esteem is really what they go for. They see someone willing to give to the world and suck it dry for their own gain. Truly parasitic. I am disheartened you had to go through this and you don't deserve to feel like you need closure from a monster.
>guys I was kidding haha I was trolling
>me every time I say something here and the nonas get creeped out
I swear they do it just to mess with me at this point
Did you lend the trip to one of your discord pals? What's with the horrendous take.
You're the one generalizing there pretending feeling vulnerable after a traumatic episode means you no longer respect yourself.
Damn don't make me cry here. Thank you for the kind words. I won't say that I had no fault in the way everything played out. Yes they do capitalize off of those traits, but I was also so lonely and desperate I grit my teeth and didn't leave because I had nothing else. Looking inward and finding these issues has helped me unshackle from them. Thank you again!
There's a difference between everyone putting a limit to let's say coomer stuff and to actually blame a victim of abuse when they're opening up. Yeah man murder isn't that bad maybe don't be mortal next time
>I say something that doesn't fit their image of me
That is not honest
Anybody else saying what you said right now would be just as bad
>I have never been groomed in my life surprisingly
Never too late.
Shalom officer it is I,your normal young 4chan lady,
Remember back then 4chan was seen as le internet hate machine that corrupted your mind?
That's discord now. Kids now kinda don't trust anything directly so no public site is doing the trick anymore, but discord is no public site, a closed nature with private convos to easily brainwash the dumb yutes into whatever.
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Bro, me being the dumb golden retriever type that I am gets me labeled creepy here. It's probably just a defense mechanism, but it has me question every interaction I've ever had with any girl ever for half a second before remembering what board of which site I'm on.

>me, a cop
The laugh pains... they're too much. owie
>What you don't see is how I'm le evil person rawr
It's nothing to do with that. You're just posting like a retard. Stop posting like a retard.
I'm not an evil person I'm was just saying how it's 4chan and you can't trust anyone to not have bad takes
I no no wanna :<< rawr
No fault in this, those guys always have a hit of luck when it comes for things to play their way, I'd say when you're vulnerable things just easily get worse, they push a button or two and everything crumbles because there was no support system for you to rely on to being with, they know that and target that, it doesn't require smarts it just requires someone fucked up enough in the head to be willing to harm another human being like that.

Thank you for being brave enough to open up here. I feel less alone now.
Ideas for next thread

The idea of ideal bodies
True crime
> those guys always have a hit of luck when it comes for things to play their way
Spot on, I'm fairly sure everyone is susceptible to that kind of stuff. That's why you also get cults, scams where a rich stable person somehow believes they're talking to movie stars and all that.

I would say two hits of luck, one to earn your trust, another to convince you to lose other sources of common sense.

>t just requires someone fucked up enough in the head to be willing to harm another human being like that
It's sadly more normalized than it looks. Men do this a lot under the guise a woman having friends is bad and how it means they can't trust her
I didn't ever get to trust the people who harmed me and yet they surely enough put me in a spot where they stripped me away from any sense of humanity dignity or pride. I was simply a beast reacting to the stimuli I was summited to. You don't even have to love them for them to dig holes in your psyche, you just need to feel dependant on them, and that is incredibly easy to do when you already needed help to begin with
>The idea of ideal bodies
Under 5. But it depends on your age. If you're 20 with 10 bodies that's way too many. But if you're 40 then maybe it won't look so bad to have 5 bodies.
That's the idea of bodycount

Self defence
I was unironically too ugly to be groomed online when i was younger
I didn't even show face as a minor and I still got groomed I think you're just coping
I got friendzoned by actual pedophiles as a child
I would never friendzone you, scaryeyes
I am glad. Maybe you're the only chronically online girl that didn't get groomed, do men leave you alone now too?
I never talk to men irl that aren not elated to me and the last conversation I remember having with one was when I was in a psych ward a year ago but also I would probably be able to get men to have sex with me if i wanted to because men will fuck anything
>because men will fuck anything
Yeah any shaven hole is game for moids
I keep fucking up how I am writing because i have cold hands
>able to get men to have sex with me if i wanted to
then why don't you
I hate being lumped in like this. I'm a horny bastard, but even I have standards.
I actually prefer unshaven. Shaven makes me feel like a pedo.
Because I dont want sex with strangers for multiple reasons for example its too much effort and i would rather be doing literally anything else
the guy who unofficially friendzoned me used to actually be a sex pest to other women, and me before i stopped avoiding him and actually tried to get closer to him and showed him what i look like, now he has standards all of a sudden
Sorry, *any shaven hole with a bow on it.
Wow....haha...so hot anon... So manly...oh god... Do you have a maiden? My lord?
out of 5 men i've had a crush on first, only one has actually recipricated my feelings
>with a bow on it
I forget the average person is about as deep as a tea spoon.
Wow you dont want to fuck kids??..oh my gosh may i please take your hand in marriage my lord???
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sleepy. hotel rooms are super lonely and not cozy. where i live has no mountains so i'm going hiking a lot, i got actually pretty cut up on some razor rocks but its all surface so i'm okay.

boy yearning gets real bad when i'm doing fun things alone and go back to where i'm staying and it's awful quiet.
the average man seems to have no standards yet when i like a guy it always seems to be the type who would reject me, something is wrong with me, and not in a way that makes me attractive
You'll find your man, nona. Never give up hope.

>boy yearning gets real bad when i'm doing fun things alone and go back to where i'm staying and it's awful quiet.
Same, but with girls. Can't wait for the day I get to walk down the Seaside boardwalk holding hands with a gf
Guys lowky I think we might be nearing the end of biofem
Standards for what? Fucking?
Half of y'all acted like 100 was the end. Surprised it's lasted this long after desu
Stop being retarded and dont chase after discord faggots from the other side of the world
You just come across as desperate with no self respect
Would have been if you got the quads
Well back on my interview. Managed to guess how their product worked. Though I said I worked with 0602's which dont fucking EXIST AHHHH FUCK. It was 0402s.... anyways they had me do a test where I placed really tiny components on a board in a 30 minute time limit. I think I did will I don't know. But they said they were interviewing more people this week and will pick someone after. I really hope I get this job the word is boring and tedious but it is totally something I can do and the environment is perfect. I need the income so bad so I really hope I nailed it. I am still very shaky so have to lie down for a bit.
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>Wow....haha...so hot anon... So manly...oh god... Do you have a maiden? My lord?
Too many. None our worth marrying or losing my virginity with tho.
Pass. As much as I'm intrigued by your scary eyes. Your posts tell me your mind has been rotted by terminally online activities.
hope someone is baking
We all have those little mistakes, as long as you got the general idea the interviewer tends to overlook them a bit. Finishing the test is a good sign, hope you get the job
Well you are desperate, you dont express your feelings properly, expect men who have other suitors to pick you because "reasons" which are ones that men do not care about then instead of moving on you hold on to a potential wasting your time. You have a lot of behaviors that people do not like which aren't anything to do with your looks. Please have more respect for yourself.
Me too. It seemed fun enough. If I get this life should become better for me. Later I am going to see a psych. How do I get them to listen? They are probably doing to try some more antidepressant crap on me again. I have two massive issues that I desperately need them to focus on and solve. The extreme anxiety that keeps me amps up for long periods of time and focus. That's it but for some reason people before this attempt refuse to work on them.
it's true, literally guys want a woman to be desperate and obsessed with them until it actually happens :( i probably should've know that in addition to being unhealthy it probably made me more unnattractive especially since i tried to hide it
>Mind has been rotted by terminally online activities
Unironically its so over if there was a person that would be suited for anything close to the term ;femcel; it would be me
stop shlicking and go outside
They want a woman that is into them into their hobbies and actually puts energy into them. This doesn't mean love bombing, this doesn't mean dropping your whole life for them. Women want the same thing it isn't that hard to understand. Most women do not like a clingy guy but a guy who focuses on them. Well guys want the same thing from a woman.
that's fair, i have been with guys who liked how i looked and actually loved me, but i ended up ruining that, and with my first ex it happened twice
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nta but why did this make me laugh so much lol
>and with my first ex it happened twice
There should only have been one time. Once a relation ends there is a reason for it. Don't try and start it back up again.
I have no experience with that and from what I read they sometime look too trigger happy with the meds, maybe just directly state you want to work your issues the non meds route first? Sorry I don't have a clue there.
I will say one time I had a girl just from zero to 100(online at least), and while I enjoyed it there was certainly something missing. The connection wasn't there because we didn't actually know each other all that well.
Yeah this is her discord moid "friend" for sure.
>maybe just directly state you want to work your issues the non meds route first? Sorry I don't have a clue there.
Been down this route over 20 years. It does not work. The meds they give me do not work. I dont have a chemical imbalance which is what anti depressants do. What I have had for all my life is extreme anxiety and severe reactions to it and focus issues that have created lots of trouble. It is affecting my life and they need to listen and address that not double down on this depression nonsense. I am depressed because my life is crap. Give me the resources to fix it.
i did try to get into his hobbies sort of, i unironically watched evangelion for him, and it was actually good, relatable even,

i'm the type of person who would actually fall for someone like gendo, and my first ex is kinda like kaji, and a couple of days ago i felt so useless and worthless, just like one of the characters in the show
>i'm the type of person who would actually fall for someone like gendo, and my first ex is kinda like kaji
Selfdestructive red flag
I would be too embarrassed of him seeing me talking about him in other threads
it failed both times because of me

oh that makes sense, the main reason i'm able to be like this for him is because i know about him, it's kinda comforting, but he doesn't know much about me, especially since i've literally had two different personas while talking to him, i kept my distance for a while and came back semi-anonymously, he knows about that, but still not much about me or even why i did that
i would probably have to delete two of my discord accounts if my crush saw me talking about him lmao, well i wouldn't, because i have to know he's not like sharing my nudes and secret identity or something, but the cringe would be peak
Don't put yourself in a box. You're self aware of it which makes you better than most incels on here.
What do you mean by this? I don't know who any of these "regulars" are and would never add them on discord as talking here work fine.
Secret bread
>especially since i've literally had two different personas while talking to him
Okay, I'm going to need more info about this. My attention is firmly grasped atm
yeah i think i'm starting to realize i might hate myself lol, idk why or how that happened, i used to be confident, even though when it came to guys i didn't reject many of them, but at least they were pursuing me most of the time so my ego was intact until a thing happened
we knew eachother a while ago, but we stopped talking, because he lowkey tried to make advances at me, and at that time i didn't want to be caught up in something and i had a bf back then (my kaji-coded ex) but recently he messaged me on my main account, i thought about reconnecting with him, and i used my alt to check out his server, because well..

he's kinda been on the sketchier side of anime, it's safe, but i kinda keep using my alt so that i'm not noticed by him and i end up kinda becoming an artist again and seeking his approval, then liking him

a part of it is that i also missed the person i used to be, and i thought he was getting me in touch with that, that aside, months later i had to tell him who i was because of the moral implications involved in sending nudes, i could theoretically have hidden my identity while doing that, but i didn't know how little he suspected me, it turned out okay, but then things got awkward and they still are and then he met someone else
Yeah, I can see how that'd be weird for him. Still, impressive you went months without him calling you out.
I hope it all works out for you, and for what it's worth it doesn't seem like you were meant for this guy, so don't feel too bad about it.
interestingly enough my strategy regarding the last two guys i had crushes on was legitimately so bad, i should probably be grateful he hasn't called me out, the last one kinda did
>my strategy
As a guy I will tell you to just be honest with us. You have no idea how far that will get you. If they react negatively/childishly, that's a him issue and he wasn't worth your time to begin with.

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