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Memory edition

Previous :>>77966447

Ignore impolite moids

>Do you have good memory?
>Best childhood memory?
>Best memory from a holiday? (birthday,Christmas,Halloween etc)
>Best memory from the biofem thread? tehehee

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board.https://wizchan.org/is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not>>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
thanks scaryeyes
I'm tired of being called strange or weird it's been happening my whole life by everyone I've ever met and it's tiresome like damn I know I am just leave me alone about it please
>she wrote the whole OP again
are you ok?
Thanks scary. I was working on a bake myself, but I'll keep the questions on my pc for next thread or so
What did I do wrong omg
Ignore those retards, one day you're a normalfagg, the other you're a weirdo.
you should of let it die
>should of
Stop it
>>Do you have good memory?
I think so
>Best childhood memory?
When I was really young I was hiding behind a counter and my dad was walking with my sister and my mom was bringing out watermelon idk why it's this but I thought "I'm going to remember this forever" and I kind of did but also I remember seeing that house empty and all the other houses and that just makes me sad
>Best memory from a holiday? (birthday,Christmas,Halloween etc)
Me and my sister had big stockings with our names on them and when we were really young we would do like little sack races in them
>Best memory from the biofem thread? tehehee
Playing uno and bgo with tomo or the 100th thread
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I dislike you
Posting in a tranny thread
Check me out
And we hate your tranny ass that pretends to be a woman
What did you eat for breakfast?
I really like having Greek Yogurt, granola, and honey over it. But maybe that's too much sugar.
>t. Fem Male
>>t. Fem Male
Go away
Thank you for the thread scaryeyes! your contributions won't be forgotten
> /fit/, at least at the time, is just dumb when it comes to cardio
I take almost everything they say there with a grain of salt but I mostly lurk for either motivation or see funny post. Like
>running is for fags
>keep stuffing your fat face, powershitter
Is very very funny to me lol.
8 yr old post, dang, the furthest post I've found I made was back in 2019 I think. They were total creeps, I expected that less from the blue boards to be honest.
I wear sunscreen daily, thank you for the reminder, though :) I also remember to re-apply. Also, could not run today because, exhausted. I don't know if you saw my post where I decided to go on an hour and a half hike yesterday, and it caught up to me. Might do some walking or something though.
>Do you have good memory?
My working memory has been measured to be the worst factor when taking my tism' test, so pretty average I think (lol) also that test was some years ago so I don't know how much has changed.
>Best childhood memory?
My aunt cheering me up and distracting me after my mom getting taken away. Sounds sad, but I vividly remember seeing the Christmas lights, chasing the light that had the cartwheeling gingerbread man, and feeling like I will be okay. Also got some sick Clifford toys
>Best memory from a holiday?
I peer pressured my friend to ring a church bell that was outside unrestricted one Halloween, was fun. We ran away laughing.
>Best memory from the biofem thread? tehehee
Making funny drawings and playing bgo with people :) >>77981386 like you
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I'm a man, more of one than you'll ever be
Good to see you again and thank you so much for the bake.
>>Do you have good memory?
Eh. It's inconsistent.
>>Best childhood memory?
Meeting my bf.
>>Best memory from a holiday? (birthday,Christmas,Halloween etc)
Too many to sort through and pick one.
>>Best memory from the biofem thread? tehehee
My initial arrival. So much positivity; I thought it was absolutely wonderful.
>So much positivity; I thought it was absolutely wonderful.
But I get told I'm a revisionist, by people who joined after thread number 50, if I mention that the early threads were better. I miss the old days. Do you think it's possible to recreate the good old days?
>Best childhood memory when I believed the le gifted child meme
>Best memory from a holiday involves alcohol
>Best memory from the biofem thread
>When I arrived
That sounds a bit bad lol, thanks for gracing us with your presence.
>when I believed the le gifted child meme
You probably are gifted but don't believe in yourself any longer. The problem with being gifted is never learning how to deal with putting in effort like everyone else.
>Do you have good memory?
No, I have horrible memory.
>Best childhood memory?
Kind words from an old man.
>Best memory from a holiday?
>Best memory from the biofem thread?
Too many to chose!
>But I get told I'm a revisionist, by people who joined after thread number 50, if I mention that the early threads were better.
Well, "better" is largely subjective; but I don't think it's 'revisionist' to say that you enjoyed the earlier threads more than the later ones.
>I miss the old days.
So do I, but I still believe in the threads and will continue to do what I can to support them.
>Do you think it's possible to recreate the good old days?
All I can think to do is contribute positively, engage with others who are also contributing positively, and ignore infantile attempts to bring people down.

>my mom getting taken away
I'd be interested to know more about this if you're willing to share.
I'm giving up on the guy I have a crush on. It's been like 3 weeks that i last saw him and we don't even have any contact. Maybe I should try out a dating app
Thread is slower than ever, if you can't recreate things is because they never existed
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Why do you think this is a tranny thread? Maybe because you are one huh?
hey i'm here don't give up on me, you'll see me soon
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>So do I, but I still believe in the threads and will continue to do what I can to support them
>All I can think to do is contribute positively, engage with others who are also contributing positively, and ignore infantile attempts to bring people down
I want to support you forever and always. Let me be your greatest champion.
>know more about this
She was arrested on drug charges. Current day, she has been clean for a decade.
>Thread is slower than ever, if you can't recreate things is because they never existed
I always wanted the threads to become slower. I hoped that enough of the original posters would be busy going outside, reading, studying, exercising, etc that they'd be too busy to post all day.
memories of Op1..
daily reminder that women are property and should not be allowed on the internet or allowed to speak unpromted
Idk I mean we are barley friends and I don't think he sees me as a potential gf
Daily reminder that moids are stupid doo-doo heads
Should'of stayed in school
missed out on young love FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKKK
Men will say
>Oh I love women with masculine features
and then just show a woman with a kinda sharp jaw kek
Women will say
>Oh I love weird unconventional men
and then just show a rich and famous actor who played their favorite dark triad character
>then just show a woman with a kinda sharp
Fellow nonas, show me how strong your back muscle are. You have been doing pull ups to reduce back pain right?
hope you develop the sexy girl back of your dream, anon
I do very much appreciate your support and encouragement.

>Current day, she has been clean for a decade.
I'm glad she got back on track. Someone close to me had his mother taken away when he was a child as well; but in his case, it was the best thing that ever happened to him.

This is the paradox I face as well. The more I like a nona or a polite anon, the more I wish they had more positive ways to spend their time.
Went to eat the last of cereal to use it up and there was ants (rainy season, drives them inside) .. Sad but at least it wasn't even a lot
Aldis time!! I love aldis!! I love allowing workers to sit!!
Always feel so empty after finishing a game
Bases tinder trips
No way to contact sounds like some crush you got riding the bus or something anyway
Men have awful visual intelligence. Claiming they love women with no makeup is another example of this
What's your go-to cereal(s)?
I love women with heavy makeup.
It's just a page lol. Once you ignore the spam I find r9k pretty harmless, this site hasn't ruined me in any way desu.
I just hope people find the friends they want. That's probably my fav memory from this thread
Eww, make-up. I'm not putting that shit on my face. I hated being forced to put that crap on.
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>complain about too many guys and girls having feelings for me
>people say this is a "blessing"
No it's not? It makes me feel like a huge bitch to hurt people I care about, and makes me wonder if I even deserve to be happy after all the karmic debt I have accumulated. Not to mention it's extremely stressful how overbearing people can be when they're deeply infatuated with you. Suicide threats and tearful "Why can't you love me" pleas aren't fun.
You know that saying, grass is greener. There's no karmic debt for saying no though, stop accumulating free imaginary suffering
some rope could solve that problem. you won't be able to hurt anyone else anymore.
Why do you want me to rope?
Fruity pebbles or cinnamon toast crunch
unrequited love or infatuation is one of the most painful feelings, so you would significantly lower the suffering in the world by leaving. it's just the altruistic choice.
>Suicide threats and tearful "Why can't you love me" pleas aren't fun.
No they are not.

>Fruity pebbles or cinnamon toast crunch
Good tastes! My top fav has always been Fruit Loops.
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What do foids think about this meme?
The newest cringe incel meme. Yes, we know you are a loser IRL and you probably binge watch generic and typical power fantasy Gary Stu with large female harem isekai anime to escape the fact that you are a loser.
>newest cringe incel meme
it's a femcel meme
It's about foids marrying used up men. Are you the girl with the flowers since it makes you mad?
its literally a femcel meme
Female literacy, gentlemen
I can see the weekenders are already here.
Some notes I jotted down. Wanted to share since I'm always dealing with losing focus on things. Figured some of it could also be used for questions.
>Write down what is distracting you
put a check every time.
>Why was it distracting you.
>why do you want to do it. how would you do. how can you break it down into smaller tasks

>why do you want to improve why do you want to get it done
>How many hours a day are you spending on social media/YouTube
>How many hours a day do you think the average person in the world is spending on social media/YouTube/Netflix etc

>sexy girl back of your dream, anon
I'm trying

>I do very much appreciate your support and encouragement
You probably say that to all of the anons.

>This is the paradox I face as well. The more I like a nona or a polite anon, the more I wish they had more positive ways to spend their time
I could think of a few ways you could help with that... Such as book suggestions.

>Fruit Loops
Please do me a favor and try yogurt with granola. And maybe some raspberries or honey on it. Just try it one time.

>overbearing people can be when they're deeply infatuated with you.
Sorry. It's not your fault if too many others like you. If they really cared for you they'd want you to be happy even if it's not them that makes you happy.
>in before someone calls me a cuck...
I don't think you're a cuck, but I don't think it's good to gatekeep love too much. Love doesn't have to be perfect to count as love. If you feel depressed and jealous because the person you have feelings for is with someone else and you have little in the way of actual happiness for them, that's okay and normal, your love card isn't revoked. I'd only begin questioning their love for the person if they actually try to break up the relationship or sink to criminal behavior.
>try to break up the relationship or sink to criminal behavior.
this is the only uncucked option
What is femininity?

>You probably say that to all of the anons.
Only the ones that give me encouragement and support, which isn't many.
>Such as book suggestions.
I am fortunately woefully ill-read.
Based as fuck tbqh
You know those days are long gone, everyone loves you now
Does someone wants to play?
men will always say they have feelings for you but they don't actually like you, they simply want as many options as possible
This but it's all porn videos.
>sexy back
i have the ugliest shoulders of all time. i hate that you can see my muscle groups like that pic, but much worse.
So what you mean to say they're completely average
i don't feel like they are. they are really tense all the time so my back always looks chewed up and shit, it's ugly. i wish they would just look smooth.
>they are really tense all the time so my back always looks chewed up and shit, it's ugly.
When's the last time you let your gf give you a massage to help relax the tension away?
this is r9k. i have nobody.
Thanks for playing! as always its a pleasure sharing a game with you
Like a posture thing?
It doesn't sound bad or unappealing and i'm assuming it doesn't bother you enough to try to do something about it, still does not sound difficult to fix it.
Thank you for the puzzle! I don't know if it was challenging or I was rusty.
>not difficult to fix it
how would you fix it because as far as i know there's not a solution for "my back muscles are hyper tense and make an ugly pattern in my skin"
Go to one of those masseuses that destroy you and put you back again, then just do the normal exercises.
i don't think i would be comfortable getting a massage from a stranger
ok then do you know anyone who will give you one or do you want to get to know someone who will do that for you? logically speaking what are some options?
logistically speaking, i have no people i can ask to massage my shoulders. i would ask someone if i had any close friends or a partner.
why? it's their job.
there's nothing wrong with them, but i have deeply rooted problems with being physically vulnerable around anyone, ever.
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fine. fine. I'll do it. I'll step up and take responsibility. I get no pleasure from this except the joy of knowing I could help someone
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my hero. now get to work
Thank you again; pretty puzzle!
Was a weird juxtaposition assembling such a serene image while my roommate was watching arrest videos.
>watching arrest videos
OMG I'm watching one now. I can't stop laughing at how funny this one is. The comments are pretty funny too.

For you
Everything is too much today I just want to scream and break everything around me
>Everything is too much today I just want to scream and break everything around me

Go to a junk yard. Find a car that already has smashed up windows. Break the windows. It feels so nice. No one else wil ever tell you how nice it feels but it's pretty satisfying. Funny thing is I made comments about wanting to do that twice when a friend dragged me along to a junkyard and apparently broke Glass windows twice.
>t. Male
You should ban every somewhat moid-like piece of shit.
Please ban all of them now.
good morning. today, we continue the jojoffer saga.
>feel like i overate yesterday because i ate 3 pizza slices, oatmeal, a cookie, and some pretzels
>only ~1200 calories
i have overcome obesity
That sound so liberating. I've broken cheap plates to calm down before, but never have made a junkyard trip. Maybe sometime this weekend would be the day for it, but I really don't want to talk to people, so I hope the junkyard I come across has no one working/wanting to speak to me for any reason
I feel like I overeat anytime I eat something, and I have to remind myself I only ate one bowl of soup and should probably grab a granola bar
if you can feel full eating just about that, it's portion control which is pretty effective. if you feel hungry or have a tendency to binge = volume eating
>when all they had to do was not act on 100% of the impulses that arise from hating you and/or being triggered
ILY prolifically and you're gonna hear about it until the end of your days, idiot
Today is the day you get the blessed jojoffer
Did you think this was the letter thread orr...
I feel empty. My friend got married and it dawned on me that I'm gonna stay single for a long time. I'm sick of it no matter if k spend my time with others or not I feel lonely. I forget everything supper quick so i start to find everything tiring. I don't even have any energy.
If you find the solution to this remember to tell us please. I just gave up, don't see how I can end up being not lonely
>I hope the junkyard I come across has no one working/wanting to
try not to go over board or get caught as they're trying to resell that junk. the junk yard I got dragged off to was really huge and they made you pick your own parts so there wasn't many workers to catch me breaking windows. but I only did one or two each time. Good luck.
Idk it's hard. I just want to have people who look out for me. Like when I'm sick gor a long time just look if I'm ok. Also idk if I'm ready for a partner but it's hard and lonely
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i decided i am going on a trip because i am stuck in a rut right now and i need something to change. i am stuck on a train overnight so, for awhile. if anybody wants to like hang out or play BGO or something. i did get to chat with a few other passengers though! it even went wellish! there was a mom and her daughter and the mom was freaking the hell out and getting mad at her daughter for packing too many things and i autistically volunteered to help re-pack the bag because i am good at tetris and she said okay so i packed their bags and bought the kid a hot dog from outside and the girl talked a lot about shit i don't understand (i know now a small amount about a show called young sheldon) but i don't think it's really a big win that an eighth grader wanted to talk to me, but it feels nice to talk to someone at least. i didnt pack enough food and the only food on the train is overpriced microwave hot dogs and hamburgers and ramen and candy and i think i'l feel sick if i eat much of that stuff.

i hope everyone here has been doing well and good things are happening for you all
this but this is all
strutt it girl
oh yeah I am moid stupid
That's good. If you keep making small talk with randoms or force yourself to say hello to everyone, you will be able to just chat up anyone without much effort. Keep it up. Very based.
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suuper not true, i'm still very awkward after much throwing-the-self-at-the-brick-wall, but in the end i think a big piece is just the world is not full of people looking to talk to strangers and chat socially. i think i've got an offputting aura of some kind as well, but whatever. i am capable of not nuking EVERY conversation, at least.
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>gm nona
I haven't been here the past two weeks and daft punk aside, I hope you enjoy my reccs
Yeah but you're getting better. And it's not been very long. Just think. In another 3 years you'll be much better at than you are now. In 10 years you'll be a master if you keep it up.
>t. male
same! i cant eat certain foods or drinks anymore because i look at the calories, but then i end up eating very little
where i used to fuck up was thinking that i had to eat until i physically felt full
I was thinking about wearing more make up. Currently i wear nothing but a little bit would be nice I guess but I'm really unsure
Worth the try, popular stuff for a reason
Don't think of it like that geez, think of it as helping someone which is what you did.
Thank you for sharing your anecdotes, you might not want to believe it but yes, they are inspiring in a way. Hope you get out of that rut
I always hope that people would like me more if i was pretty. I can't even stand my own look sometimes god I'm pathetic
>i think a big piece is just the world is not full of people looking to talk to strangers and chat socially
I think it is and we're all awkward and bad at it. The price of social media and internet convenience I guess.
So don't beat yourself up too much for feeling you're not great at it, these days nobody is. You're part of the majority
>these days nobody is.
Speak for yourself chud.
>hey some weather were having amirite?
>Catch the sports ball game? Crazy right?
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Femanons I'm sorry I've been mean to you in the past so much but you're kinda like niggers in a way. You drive a decent amount of people to literal violence and ruined lives like black people with your actions. In a way my behaviors justified. In a weird way.
Yeah, with people that are already acquaintances.
Today your typical normie that moves to a new city has a hard time making friends. Remote work upped the difficulty.
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thanks, anon with an oddly good memory for details... hopefully you're right.

dont feel pressured to but imo its good to at least try to learn how to do it at least. i'm super duper shitty right now, and from a few youtube tutorials ive seen it gets BIZARRE, like there's makeup PRIMER like when you paint a HOUSE. i dunno if i'll ever get to that level or if i wouldn't lose my mind from my skin being suffocated but i've been wearing lip gloss religiously for a bit and desu it kinda boosts my confidence a little bit but mine is also like cherry flavored so i end up licking it off subconsciously and having to reapply a bajillion times. i HATE mascara. but eyeliner is okay. i still look at myself and feel like my face looks funny from it all.

>Don't think of it like that geez, think of it as helping someone
i'd think of it that way if i helped cause i wanted to be helpful but i seriously just wanted to talk to someone and not be totally alone. i probably wouldnt have helped with something mundane like that if it wasn't also giving me social experience. anyways, you're welcome i guess? thanks.
You're not pathetic, pretty privilege is a thing, unconscious bias towards beauty and against what is perceived as ugly is a thing.

What you go through even the paragons of what we define as beauty feel, and apparently they do so constantly. No advice on what to do because I have no idea have you look or any sense to understand what makes someone pretty or not, but it doesn't hurt to try if it can make you feel better and more confident. It's a good asset to have after all.
My eyelashes are completely straight and my cousin recommended a perm for them. I'm overwhelmed maybe something like tinted sunscreen would be nice. But right now i can't keep up with my skin care because I'm just tired
I always miss them damn
Don't get caught in that muh selfish purpose routine, that's how the incel ends up thinking the world is some boring transactional market and locks himself into thinking there's no place for him, getting beaten up by excuses of his own making.
There are ways to do things, you chose a nice one and got a decent experience out of it. Sure, young sheldon is crap, but maybe the next one knows some animu or music and is not an eight grader.
Think it's the first we made in a while desu
Probably shouldn't rely on gm nona so much to create them (or on Tomo to create BGO rooms too)
i constantly think of wearing less makeup... sometimes it gets to me and i feel like i only look pretty with makeup on.
beauty won't help it will just make it worse. trust me. it's a slippery slope.
>good memory for details.
how did she know.

Do you have somewhere in mind that you're going or did you just jump on a train on a whim? I've always wanted to ride a train but they're kind of expensive. At least more than a plane ticket unless it book it far in advance. I almost caught a train a few months ago. Was going to go cross country pretty much. I still want to try it one day. just go anywhere. can always bring a laptop to keep yourself busy was my thoughts. but I think I'd prefer to stare out of the window.
no this one was of my own volition consciously just for the girlies and specifically the ones who get it

do you put your milk and eggs in the bank? you keep your bands in the fridge, playa? ctfuuuu
Why the 180? you told us life was worse before your glow up
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don't get me wrong, in many ways it was. but a glow up won't solve things in the way you expect it to solve... soon enough you start worrying about leaving the house without a good outfit or without any makeup, you find the most minimal defects on your face, you think how you could always be prettier if you just try harder.
but i think the worst part is that it feels amazing to be called pretty, but soon you realise that it's all anyone calls you. you cant remember the last time someone called you funny or smart. and you know you won't be pretty forever, so it becomes a time bomb in your hands.
Imagine sniffing kpopnona's bush...
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tinted sunscreen is something ive never heard of. weird. i don't even know what the point of that is? being too tired for skincare is real though...

i guess, yeah. i just don't like the idea of patting myself on the back too much for things that are neutral.

i got on a train on a whim. i just needed to go somewhere and do something new. i could feel an "inane in my room episode" coming on. had to make a big left turn.

it's cozy. just chatted with the girl again and she showed me videos of middleschoolers fighting VIOLENTLY and a picture of drake with his dick out for some reason and a bunch of dumb instagram videos. i do not understand pop culture at all and i am worried about kids these days
I would sniff it after she was fucked for hours by her bull.
That Drake vid is quite old now, overshadowed by some shitty rap beef where he got consistently called a pedo as if he was a r9k user. Wouldn't call any of that pop culture though lmao.

Yeah but do you regret it? You're smart, can't recall if funny desu but smart for sure. Idk still see it as a plus, is not like we uggos keep calling each other better compliments you know.
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oh she said it was "before the beef" but i didn't know what that meant but i just kind of just go "uh huh" when she talks and it seemed to work for the entire time so far.

wow i hate girlhood!!
hang in there kpop. something good has to happen eventually. i hope your life ends up in a way where you don't mind not being pretty one day, and people value you for stuff thats more important.
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>do you regret it?
partially. i wish i had gotten my glow up knowing of the consequences instead of being ignorant, but we are never prepared for life. all i say is to anyone considering looksmaxxing be careful
it's a two edged sword. i want someone who will love me even if i'm not pretty but i'm also horrified to be seen without makeup or preparation by people i'm interested in. i think people think being vain comes from a huge ego. it doesn't. it comes from a very low self esteem and extreme self policing.
>that's how the incel ends up thinking the world is some boring transactional market

Its not a boring transactional market. Its an exciting transactional market.
How does Margot Robbie feel.
>i'm also horrified to be seen without makeup or preparation by people i'm interested in

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women, tell me: where is the clitoris of this pussy?
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I think it's under this thing.
>t. virgin moid.
Maybe a little bit of both, the art style didn't help tho
that sounds like and experience out of a tarantino movie
Thanks! i really like this interview, always nice to rewatch
I will try to check them during the weekend c:
I'll try to post the next one a little earlier
I really want to put my mouth on this.
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VacaTomo doodle
What is she drinking?
>i just kind of just go "uh huh" when she talks
Good strategy
> i am worried about kids these days
will never forget teen cousin asking grandma if she wanted to see the christchurch shooting vid as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
At least "progress" stopped a bit but when AI gets actually good who knows what that generation will end up consooming.
Vacation juice
I don't know how common they are, but I've heard of places that have old junk where you can pay to smash some things up. They even give you implements and safety equipment.

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Think we lost rights to complain about future generations desu
Have a lot of fun on your vacations!
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I couldn't do it, nonas. I couldn't just sit still and relax. I hate my ADHD.

Oh god, that picture was an actual legit fear I had as a child, Tomo. Like, I literally imagined on the swings, the top would fly off and everyone would go flying off just like in your picture.

They do have some very funny stuff on there. It makes me wonder if SiR is still making his New Years comics. They were always a compilation of the /fit/ memes during the past year in a typical New Years fashion where everyone rushes to get a gym membership for their new resolution. The squat rack through the roof was one meme I do remember.

I always liked making fun of the powershitters. Yeah, you can put up big numbers. That is impressive, but you're not healthy: you're a morbidly obese fuck with extremely fucked up joints who chugs a 10kcal protein shake and does onesies just to boost your ego with big numbers.

That Tomo drawing is one comfy Tomo!

Hey kpop! The more important thing is that we all have made mistakes and it's best to learn from them! looksmaxxing can help us as well, as long as we don't go too extreme with it and expect perfectionism like what it seems like with you!

Hey berries! I haven't seen you in awhile! How have you been?

Hey pregnona! How are you doing?

Hey gm nona! How are you? Another successful game?
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who the fuck dared to call scaryeyesnona strange
Hey lll! How are you?
I'm aight doin some arts n crafts wby?
Just sitting here bored. I'm trying to sit back and relax like I said I was going to for my three nights off, but it's so damn hard. I already cleaned my house and did some organizational stuff. I couldn't stand just sitting here and watching youtube videos, so I went on an almost 3 hour bike ride this morning. I'm quite twitching a lot just to do something, but I need to just rest.
You should have some sort of ritual to control when is time to rest.
Why are you not with your boyfriend?
>Why are you not with your boyfriend?
>I couldn't stand just sitting here and watching youtube videos, so I went on an almost 3 hour bike ride this morning. I'm quite twitching a lot just to do something, but I need to just rest.
I don't know what this feeling is. I can rot all day and not give a fuck.
I have nearly no feeling in my vagina or clit. it's been like this forever. I tried to have sex and it did nothing for me. I find other people's genitalia gross and I'm thinking of removing mine all together. when I see pretty & fit girls walk around with their tummy exposed I want to lick it but I can't stand dykes.
I already do. It isn't a thing that always works. I've dealt with this since forever due to my ADHD.

I really wish I could have a switch where I can just flip and turn off like you. I'm feeling like I'm going to go insane with me trying so hard to do nothing.
Meanwhile I have a micropenis.
>I really wish I could have a switch where I can just flip and turn off like you.
You don't get it. I am never "on". All I do is rot.

You are just very conscientious. Look into what that means and maybe wou could find some ideas of how to not feel like shit when you're doing nothing.
You would have something to do if you were with your boyfriend.
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She should be with her boyfriend so I can listen to them have sex.
Just thinking about her orgasmic moans and the slapping of her cheeks makes me hard af
That's not what I am saying. I wish I had a way to be like you other than taking that poison I used to have to take. I don't think it's wrong to be the way you are. However, my mind just wants me to be constantly doing something and it feels like torture. I really need to do nothing rn. That's one of my problems is that I really need to be constantly doing something when I need to be resting.
terrible news everyone. i'm pretty sure the shop i go to only has the jojoffers second edition (no gwess card) and none of the first edition (gwess card)
i'm devastated
I see.
Well, the grass is always greener thing is true.
Rotting feels nice sometimes, but it sucks. I am boring and lame. I have no interests and don't start new things. If I didn't actively starve myself, I'd be 300lbs.

Either way. I understand what you mean. I hope you are able to relax and just exist some time.
is it an actual, medical grade micropenis or are you just 4 inches and insecure about it? and if so are you gay?
I really gets me hard thinking she can go for days at a time thanks to her fitness and needs multiple boyfriends.
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Men save yourselves and be virgin's pls
I'm sorry if I'm coming off as mean and rude. I don't mean to do it. I understand that bed rotting isn't exactly the best either. I think we're literally on complete opposite sides with no middle ground. I just want to relax even just for a little bit so that I don't feel as tired. I mean, I've been doing six nights of work per week for a long time, and finally having three nights off in a row for the next several weeks is something I'm not used to. I know that I really need to just do nothing rn and let my body and brain relax. Even when I was off for those two weeks many months ago after that incident, I was up doing things. I'm just so used to doing stuff and my brain in its hyperactive adhd state just cannot comprehend not doing anything.
Just get away from the blue light, watching youtube does count as doing something and yes, it's mind numbing and if you aren't feeling drowsy or tired it just leaves you with a desire to do something else.
Yeah, well. I am a virgin but it makes me sad.
Jfc, I'll be 23 soon and a khhv. Grim...
I should just shut up and stop wishing you good luck it never seems to work. I apologize.
Save myself for who exactly?? Nobody is waiting for me
The blue light is not the problem. I've already tried this stuff before. I'm a person who knows this stuff and tried things already. Watching youtube videos is a part of my sleep ritual and does help me.
Have you tried having sex with your boyfriend?
When she does that they end up going all night long
Damn she has that kind of stamina?
It's okay, I understand. I didn't think you sounded rude or anything.
Anyway, get some rest and rot guilt-free for a while.
That happens on both sides desu, it's one thing to feel a preference towards not having a lot of previous partners and another to just be scared of getting compared.
But I guess for a lot of people it comes from personal experience.
When you have a small penis it doesn't matter how many partners your girlfriend had before you. Even if she was a virgin she will still be disappointed
I feel like I am being rude to you, like as if I'm better than you for doing things. I just want to say that I'm not. I don't feel like it's bad to be a bed rotter every once in awhile. I understand the need to rest. It's just so hard for me like I'm still twitching so much to do something. Anything. Like I'm so tempted to just go do some walking or a workout or something when I really need to sit here and do nothing. My mind just wants me to do something though I know consciously I need to rest.

Fuck I hate this feeling.
Start stretching, then.
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i just got the jolyne special chase card ...
It's rude of your boyfriend to avoid you needing some sex with him.
Will any of you date me please give me a chance
I know the feel yesterday I was twitching so bad to do stuff but I forgot to take my meds and got trapped in my thoughts so I literally just ended up staring outside my window for most of the day
>I went on an almost 3 hour bike ride this morning
that is pretty impressive especially for someone on this board well done on actually being productive and maintaining fitness ngl I envy you for that lol
Really, look into what being high in conscientiousness is and how to cope with it.
They dont stretch
How did you know about the editions?
Would something like melatonin help or is it also poison for you?
I wish women and tits were real.
If they were real I would love having sex with them
I'm so tempted to just go outside to just stare into the stars while walking rn. It's how I'm legit feeling.

I'm just so used to doing a lot of activities that long of cardio isn't much. The only reason I was wore out was due to the amount of hills I did and the fact that I've neglected cleaning my bike's chain, gears, etc so it was dirty and was having a harder time getting up hills. I'm used to being in the sun again so I know that wasn't it. At least doing some cleaning on my bike provided somethign for me to do, as it was so dirty that it really needed it. There was so much gunk built up on the entire chain system.

It's not as easy as it sounds. It's not some "do this and that." This is literally what I am, and it's torture to not be doing something.

I've already tried. Want a list of other medications I've tried? Diphenhydramine, doxycycline, magnesium glycinate, valarian root, chamomile, 5htp, trazodone, vistaril, remeron, doxepin, seroquel. Some of them in combination. Want more? The only ones that work for sleep is benzodiazepines and z-drugs. Even then, they're not stated for long term use and I don't take the Lunesta I'm prescribed often since building tolerance is common. What I need right now is not sleep. I've already slept well and for 9 hours. I just need to relax and bed rot. Since not this past Tuesday but the Tuesday before when something happened that helped me out a lot, I have not had any trouble sleeping.
Will walking with your boyfriend and having sex under the stars help you?
>It's not as easy as it sounds. It's not some "do this and that." This is literally what I am, and it's torture to not be doing something.
You're really stubborn.
This is really sad and pathetic because instead of listening to her problems you only care about your weird sexual fetishes and how you can impose them onto her instead of just being a human

kill yourself honestly
>listening to her problems
Why would I do that
Didn't you want to listen to her moan and whine?
You wouldn't because emotionally you're an animal and only care about "muh dick hard durrr" you have no reason to be alive right now the world would be a better place without you
Yes, I fucking am stubborn about this. You act like I haven't done this kind of things before. The only thing that has helped was when I was on ADHD meds, and it did more damage than helped. All it did was make me complacent and able to sit still and listen because of a shitty school system that couldn't modify the classroom to accomdate people like me. Instead, throw medications on the children ignoring the long term effects just so they can sit still, read the fucking book, and listen to the adult blabber instead of getting children like I was up and doing activities to demonstrate the lesson. It is so easy to throw out solutions.
Only during sex heheh
You really need to get with your boyfriend and have sex to calm down.
>It is so easy to throw out solutions.
That's not what I meant.
Then what did you fucking meant when you said look up high conscientiousness in that stupid AF Big 5 bullshit and how to cope?

Fuck it. I'm done arguing. I'm just going to go do something. Good night.
>I'm just going to go do something
That something sure is a lucky guy...
That something better be sex with your boyfriend.
You have a high score on neuroticism.
It wasn't a dismissal of your problem. I never tried to argue with you. Lol.
I was only suggesting something that might make it better.
And then you said
>not doing anything feels like torture
Which matches up with I've read.

I tried really hard to not be rude.
Ah, I see you're a fellow empath.
Why are you guys acting like these threads didn't start like 2 months ago
Real niggas remember the femanon generals from like a year ago
nta but why did they stop? i rarely lurked this board at the time desu
I don't remember.
Lack of engagement, raids or the OP got bored. Who knows?
They never started, got like 20 replies usually and at most less than 200.

This one has easily been the most successful and longlasting.
They were pretty active.
But the "moids must post hands" turned them into a rating thread and derailed them.
Maybe not doing anything and rotting all day is just because I've given up. Maybe I gave up because it means relinquishing control of my own life to circumstance and not have to care.
Maybe I wished to relinquish control of my own life because I don't trust myself to be able to do anything good with it.
>I wished to relinquish control of my own life
That's not going to happen so get up and clean your room
Should I wash my penis too?
i don't want to self diagnose or anything but i feel like i have adhd and relate a lot with what you've said. my executive functioning is basically nonexistent and my brain feels like it's running nonstop. but unlike you i can't even muster the strength to do anything so i just sit somewhere for hours trying to remember my plans and what i was going to originally do that day only to end up not doing anything. i didn't want to confront the reality that i might actually have issues so i just ignored it for the longest time by telling myself adhd isn't real but now i realize that it very much is but i digress. i just want you to know that many people go through what you're describing and that you're so strong nona <3
How is everyone. Feeling a bit miserable tonight. Had some kava and now just sort of zoning out while I drink rose petal tea. I think it's my favorite next to chamomile. Finally at the point where I haven't smoked any thc in a few days. Finally at that last stretch to quitting. I still feel crappy but I'm getting there. Have a job interview coming up and I'm honestly kind of scared. I've never had a formal interview before and this job might be something that I might like and fits into my niche. Just I won't be passing any drug test for a bit so that is added to my worry. Had more therapy/doctor nonsense happen so my bad luck continues just hoping things work out. I need them to.
Proud of you for making progress.
It is scary.
Everything will work out. Good luck, anon!
Be sure to ask them about what you mifht like, easy way to win points in an interview is to show genuine interest.
Congrats on your progress, most drug tests aren't that thorough so you'll be fine in that regard I feel
sorry not tryna hog all the good numbies
have a nice weekend, foids
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haiiiii i'm back home! i managed to stay on budget today!!
but today i also decided to not dress up and give myself a day off only to pass by the most stylish people out there... never again.
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whatever is gunked up in your self image is gunked up in mine the same way but i deal with it by trying to be an invisible little cockroach woman nobody wants to look at ever. i'm kinda petrified of dressing up like that.

>>77987699 v/
jesus, that's even worse.

sorry you couldnt sit still. i feel that. i just tried to sleep on the train but couldn't actually get to sleep, which is probably for the best, i'd be embarrassed if i had a nightmare and make a ruckus on the train.

welcome home!! hopefully you can settle in and not have some messed up stressful bullshit happen again...
>i deal with it by trying to be an invisible little cockroach
it's so weird with me because when i don't dress up i hate people looking at me and i wish i was dressed up. and when i am dressed up i start wondering if people are looking at me because i'm pretty or because i look weird, so i wish i wasn't dressed up.
>welcome home!!
that's so cute omo TT big biofem dorm
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hi berries-chan, are you still on the train? how long's the trip? what are you gonna go at the destination?
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Please leave, femoids.
maybe you should stop leading people on and flirting with them and then be surprised when they actually take it seriously and fall for you and ask for your love
I cant keep hosting the puzzle because its lagging.
>I couldn't do it, nonas. I couldn't just sit still and relax. I hate my ADHD
Hey good morning! Hope you had a good night, reading through your posts as I type this.
>I'm trying to sit back and relax like I said I was going to for my three nights off
So if I understand you want to be about to just sit still without doing anything? Do you ever try meditation? There's a meditation technique that I've been trying but someone recently recommended a different one to me but it's more for helping build focus which I'm not sure if it would be helpful for you. It really sounds like binge watching a good TV show could help you keep you still and turn your brain off.

>I already cleaned my house and did some organizational stuff
>so I went on an almost 3 hour bike ride this morning.
You have some pretty strong built up habits. Its very easy for me to get sucked into hours of youtube.

>. However, my mind just wants me to be constantly doing something and it feels like torture
That sucks. Are you able to binge watch TV shows?

Yeah, I'm somewhere in the middle and I really want to just be able to stay busy and focused on checking off tasks or at least more than I'm doing now. Usually I'm just rottmaxing though. At least at my worst. Makes me feel guilty.

>Maybe I wished to relinquish control of my own life because I don't trust myself to be able to do anything good with it.
What would you want to do if you could do anything and it instantly came true?

>remember my plans
Have you tried making a list of things you want to do? I'm pretty similar to you.
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Can you femoids tell me what it is that draws you to this board exactly? This board has nothing for you but incels. Why are you so adamant about wanting to be accepted by us????
>you say while using a vocaloid gif of hatsune miku which has a predominantly female audience
don't be a hypocrite
I just like reading all these posts, it's fascinating, just people constantly talking about one subject or the other and you get to observe them for free
they love us like yo wouldn't believe
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>you get to observe them for free
Not anymore. I don't want you reading my posts anymore. Unless you are willing to donate and subscribe to me. Then you can read my posts and musings ado about nothingPAY UP! MONEYBAGS
Who said anything about being accepted?
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for me, trying being pretty feels unbearable. i dunno if i'll ever be able to fix that. too much negative reinforcement. nobody treats me better when i go out of my way to look nice, if anything i get treated worse.

yup, stillll travelling. i'll maybe talk about trip deets when i'm on my way home so nobody can stalkerify me like with the last time, kek. its a loong ride though.

>what drew you here
i was a dumb teenager.
>why are you here now
you're here forever.
ok, are you at least somewhat enjoying the train ride and staying comfy?
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The sheer autism this takes
i was uncomfy sitting next to a stranger in such close proximity that i could smell them but there's a dining car that lets me sit alone in a big booth so its okay now. night was hard but i'm through it now.
I'm eating Greek yogurt, granola, and honey. What are you eating?
My mind sees it as you're in an rpg. You went on an adventure to level up your social skills. You're trying hard and gaining good exp.
It's an offtopic board, has nothing but spam. Incels are part of the spam, have been for years
I thought it was a good reaction gif. How is that hypocritical?
You always complain about "moids" being sexist and this and that.
Ok then post your pussy or gtfo!
Ignore the chuddy looking for an argument
you got it backwards. YOU post YOUR pussy, or YOU GTFO.
Going in my normie cosplay to get groceries today. I'll see if there's any noticeable difference as opposed to wearing le edgy mall goth attire (there will be, just don't know how drastic) It took me forever to find the one pair of flats I own. I only bought them for a cosplay.

I will document my experience here later. Also will respond to yesterdays (You)'s later because I'm feeling slightly sick. Peace and love to everynona
Would have helped finish the white space more if I didn't have to throw up lol
jeez thats pathetic.

you always eat the same boring shit, moid.
This. Women cannot argue.
>chuddy looking for an argument
I'm getting annoyed with him. Been thinking about ending his career but he's into that sort of thing.
>always eat the same boring shit, moid
Not always. Just went I'm feeling better. For weeks I ate garbage and felt like garbage. What did you eat?
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cover foids in honey, tie them to a tree and let insects eat them alive
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>The newest cringe incel meme.
That would be this one, which was as usual, ripped off by some low IQ femcel
What do you mean exactly? Also having dreams again that's kind of fun.
Oh god kpop are you okay? Happy to see you again but the last time I saw you your uncle wasn't being nice.
>will document my experience here later
adventure time!
All of you will end up like empath at 30. Drugged and drunk out of your fucking mind, spitting on people, calling random strangers niggers, praising elliot rodgers in public for the last few bits of male attention that you can harvest before getting old
3h of pure autism.
Hope you're ok. :(

Thanks for playing!
>laptop dying within 15 minutes
>run battery health
>battery is only at 16% compacity, and is rapidly decreasing in health

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I'm going to go biking. I kept promising myself I'd go for weeks. Finally went for a bit this week. Today I'm going to go for an hour or 2. I wish I would have started up again a few months ago. I'd be in much better shape right now.

What plans do you have for this weekend?

Anything you have been thinking of improving at but having trouble getting started with? Are you open to hearing suggestions on how to help with it?
If I just keep it plugged in..
Why can't you replace it? Is it built into the laptop or something?
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>"So what are your plans from the future, nona? "
>start bawling because I felt suicidal for several years to where I didn't even think I'd reach this point
>have to mutter out something about the school not being for me to not appear schizo before excusing myself
and I STILL got a 90/100 bullshitting my grades through the years when more deserving people in my course got 80s/100
did they do it to make me feel less like shit? because it's not working
I am lazy and have other expenses that need priority and will be delaying this until it's blown, I think a 3rd party battery is only 35 though, so after I'm done doing what I need atm I'll probably replace it, I didn't even buy this laptop it was given to me around 3 years ago, it's a really good laptop for me despite it being a gaming laptop that's a bit heavy, it never overheats, although the space on it is dog shit and I can't believe the battery is less than buying a external hard drive for it lul
I'm about to make wizard status next year. Legit scared God is gonna have a giggle and throw a bunch of thots in my path for the next 9 months
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Hey, nonas. I hope you're all doing well.
Is the moid containment thread still a thing? Don't want to intrude if I don't have to.
Just wanted to wish you guys good blessings and remind you things will work out in the end :)

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>one month from turning 30
Kms kms kms kms kms
I know that feel nona, been depressed for years after surviving that long, you just end up accepting it and finding a path
>Kms kms kms kms kms
You'll still be very pretty and younger than me
please take my virginity. please please please.
Finally went biking again for longer than a couple miles. Couldn't go as long as I wanted since I started late. Built up a good sweat due to the humidity. Feels pretty good. I want to go again in a few days.
holy fuck coomers are annoying its a man you retards
I will probably go in my mall goth outfits more often now (if it wasn't so HOT) because more people avoided me when I dressed like an edgy loser and I want that back. A few people said hello to me as well.
I am okay! Now I just have back pain but it's the kind pull-ups can't fix. iykyk
>Paid to break old junk
I believe some places call those "rage rooms", though I really don't want to pay to break things, I guess it's more ethical if they're not my own things that I'm breaking
I'm not on vacation but I wish I was
>legit fear I had as a child
Me too!! Very specific fear, but that ride always made me so nervous
>New Year's comics
Oh boy, I really missed out on seeing the state of /fit/ during January, huh. I usually never participate with making New Year's resolutions besides like, fun ones. My resolution for this year is to make a pretty reverse sear on a good cut of steak.
>making fun of the powershitters
I never understood why so many moids have the powershitting approach and/or get roided up. I can understand strength training for professions. But outside of that and wanting to give cool piggyback rides, I just don't see the appeal. All super-muscle bros are also unattractive to me, but that's just a preference of mine.
I'm glad you liked the drawing :)
calm down, it was just a joke.
Do 30 yo virgin women gain arcane powers too?
>I'm not on vacation but I wish I was
Where do you wish you could be? I remember you saying you were done with Florida.
another op1 classic.
I want to be somewhere cold. Really, I want to LIVE somewhere cold. I would like to vacation to somewhere like Alaska or Canada, maybe Greenland even. I wish they kept the bus Chris Mccandless stayed in on the same route in Alaska, but I understand they removed it to keep idiots like me from getting hurt/killed trying to go there.
What's a normie cosplay exactly? Goth clothes are normie nowadays
Ask about the role, what's the day to day of a person in the job you want like and so on. It shows the interviewer you're in it for more than just the money regardless of whether that's bs or not. It leaves a good impression

Had started to remember dreams recently too. Most of them are bad but funny kind bad I guess.
>people avoided me and I want that back
Laptop lives here most of the time so I just don't care about the battery anymore lol. Just get me an extension cord and I'll be fine
#Mycultureisnotyourcostume kek
I believe the bus is in a museum now tho. I too hope to visit it.
I spilt water on my last laptop and I only had it for 3 months fml all my sims were on there
>all my sims were on there
Well I guess that's one way to drown them :P
I wasn't really given much information on the job. It was for an electronic assembler but I don't think the temp agency understood my resume. I think I need a degree I don't have and years in filtering applications I don't quite have yet. Dabbled in it at home but I don't know. I'm so worried. I just want a job I can do and it sucks being stuck in between those no where land. I wish I could handle basic lower level jobs.
Your laptop is alive?
>I think I need a degree I don't have and years in filtering applications I don't quite have yet.
Nah they never care. Other than using it as an excuse to pay you less maybe.
I regret looking at the news. Country is going through a fucking humiliation ritual with politics right now. I swear to god this is a demoralization campaign, and I am fighting it (trying)
Cat photo for morale boost
Sundress and flats but a crop top and denim shorts probably would have been more normie
usa? don't worry a lot of countries like to follow the leaders of muh free world so it'll eventually look normal
I'll take less pay as long as I get a job that uses my skills and keeps me away from people.
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Also I believe I just came across the meme you were describing lol
That would be my final reason, I am absolutely suprised I have not done this shit yet, used to do it on my keyboard though highly recommend the no eating / no drinking around pc, changed my life, my laptops keyboard has a few weird keys but thankfully it's not from soda I just think the brackets have worn over time, my sims should be banished to hell though I made so many people I know irl just to see what their kids would look like I'm a freak
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you have different autism than me, but i appreciate the mental image! maybe just cause i dont play RPGs really at all

mine too nona... my laptop calls it quits in like an hour tops.

a core part of my biofem experience is reading horrible and intimidating stories about people in the phase of life i wish i could fight my way into living and having to rethink if i know what i'm doing at all...
that's rough. don't downplay your achievments though, 90/100 means you've got somethin, whether it's smarts or good memory or whatever it is. SOME skill led to that. be a little proud if you can?

>is the moid containment thread a thing
i don't know i filtered it. good to see you though tomo!

nice work!! keep it up anon!
>good to see you though tomo!
lol no, not tomo.
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okay neverfuckingmind! hi though anon who i asofyet have no association with and therefore cant really say anything to unless you're koala in which case uhh (BGO reference)
>good to see you though tomo!
Dang he rather clearly called himself moid
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True, was not me who posted jesus tomo this time
but I am always watching.. from the shadows
fr fr no cap straight bussin skibidi Biden
Think it died before getting 100 replies.
Most successful men thread was just shitty gossip baka, we're terrible posters
You think anyone has their future sorted out? That's hilarious
Plan with no pressure and bask in surviving and breezing through school, which shows you have some skills
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>clearly said moid
i don't have my glasses on ok...

vengeance-nona... the alter ego of the mild mannered tomo-nona...
Im kind of glad its winter in Australia right now even though its cold compared to every other country I really dislike summer (with the exception of christmas) more news is i sent a selfie of myself on a discord server and someone literally reacted it with a skull emoji so fuck you discordian i guess fml .picrel is me rn
>i sent a selfie of myself on a discord server
Someone literally told me I look like a pug which is the ugliest dog FUCK MY LIFE
Pugs are awesome
Stop using discord it's worse than 4chan
Why do you post your face in a place where you get such a reaction
you're probably getting trolled by edgy 12 y/o's
I only use it to talk to my friends (literally four people) servers have turned so bad in the past couple of years its sad
Feels bad.
Get better soon.
RIP. I feel bad invading, but I like the nonas. The vibe here is nice.

>don't have my glasses on
Okay, Velma ;)

>taking people on a discord server seriously
discord "users" are the worst. I only use it to message people I know or meet online.
The only discord server I participated in at all was the one with my irl pathfinder friends some years back, always stayed away from servers. Convos move too fast for me on discord anyway, I only keep the app for two people
Call me.. Batomo [dramatic music ensues]
Hey, it's the replymaxxing moid
Wait, was I given an identifier in the 2 weeks since I was last here?
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i can't see that as anything but an insult either. i'm sorry...


p-p-p-patterns... i noootice them
>i noootice them
Unironically, I love how you can spot me so quick. It'd be scary if it wasn't so damn impressive lol
>wowwwee so special
winky face might as well be a sig anon
Batomo begins
Batomo smoking weed in her batcave
Got pressured by people (I think im susceptible to peer pressure from my negative 100 level social skills)>>77993979
The guy that called me that is fat and says the n word even though hes white so im not THAT bothered by it
Even without the winky face she can do it.
Is this bullyfag? Jfc this place is all normgroids
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How many nonas have a body like this I wonder?
Why am I always being accused of people other people?
Saving biofem city from bra's al ghul
I will never understand why people give into smth like that
Sounds like deplorable people not worth hanging out with
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okay now it's time for me to say the funny clever thing:
Because the ;)
Was basically his signature too.
Small chance to be told you're pretty, that will make you feel a bit better for 0.5 seconds.
But why to racist assholes
Sounds like paradise
>But why to racist assholes
anything will do.
The only reason I haven't posted myself on /soc/ is because if I get roasted I'd kms.
And because I don't want my face forever in the archives.
Wouldnt the biggest reason be to not get doxed
Nobody cares enough to dox me.
Who tf would care about some ugly moid? And, if I got doxxed, what of it? There's nothing to do with that info.
True nobody in this thread cares what would happen to some shitty moid
I would share a selfie on discord desu, just not on a server. Or it would have to be a very small server.
Are you trying to get me to post a selfie?
Very smooth.

I'd only do it to someone I really trust. I don't even have any full selfies on my gallery.
>I really trust
This. I'm not super protective of it, but I'm also not going to send a picture to just anyone. Tho if the girl I'm talking to sends a timestamp pic then I have no issue sending one in return. Never trust what anyone says on the internet until then imo.
Ironically I posted in an eye rating thread there once
I did, too. More than once.
Not a single person was able to tell I was a man...
i came here to say that im eternally thankful that im gay because my god you lot are fucking insufferable
Okay, but nobody asked or cares and you should go choke on a cock and die.
Go get aids or something
imagine being gay and calling someone else insufferable.
>''ignore impolite moids''
>moid makes obvious bait
the absolute state of /biofemgeneral/
What was the reaction
I did once too and was complimented for my eyelashes
It's 6am and I haven't slept yet I'm at bait susceptibility 97%
8/10 but I posted it at the end of the thread so only one person rated it
Not bad for having "scary eyes"
Considering you are always at a minimum of 80%..
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This took me almost an hour to make
Batomo saving Goth Fem City, one bunt at a time
this is so real
Very skilled batman mask
go away, moid
thats not the same person fucktard
Mindbroken by moid bait.
Yes it was I was both of them
one of those is op1
Damn, anon. Now you look absolutely retarded.
>>77994596 won.
OP1 hiding in the walls of your home
hello! how do i get over my fear of women?
>Batomosignal lit outside in gothfem's night sky
>Too busy searching for overwatch game server
Hiya tomoko I hope you are well. I'm almost weened off. Haven't smoked anything in days and my appetite if fine. I swear I'm dreaming more.
but im not hearing constant racist remarks
nice!! are you going to draw more today? i've been doing prompts and today is magical girl but i haven't stayed on theme at all rip!!
r9k women are simply a different tier
don't give up on normie women, pal
I'm not afraid of women, but I am afraid of intimacy.
I'm afraid of both.
Good thing there are no women here...
She can still be magical
honestly, what's there to be afraid of when it comes to women?
You shouldn't fear women as a girl, we're here to protect each other. Worry about men.
I am, in fact, in (You)r walls.
Sexo with my walls.
Congratulations, you originally played yourself.
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>don't give up on normie women, pal
Well, they do seem to be more cooperative and understanding.
It's social anxiety.
>Can't help but to post porn.
Way to go, anon.
Disgusting behavior from both parties, but that pussy is pretty nice.
I hope the ceiling collapses on him.
>I hope the ceiling collapses on him.
I'm not even your simp. But you layed it out too perfectly.
One moid starts posting and completely shits up the thread
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Thank you, I am epic artist or something
I'm proud of you!! And vivid dreaming is a very common occurrence when weening off, I'm glad your appetite is good though, that's what always gets me when I go on breaks
This is so real also
I will probably not draw more for a little while because my lower back is killing me, agh. Going to laze around in bed and switch game for a while. Maybe I'll bring my sketchbook though, I haven't journaled yet today. I like drawing over what I write later
BUT I think I know what prompts you might be using? I briefly opened shitter in my browser and saved this drawing that I thought was funni
Bruh. You know what happens if they say no? Even if they laugh at you? Fucking nothing. Just move on to the next one. If some dumb bitch doesn't wanna ride Space Mountain then fuck em. You're the hottest thing going right now and if they can't see that then fucking skill issue on their end. You're the rolex wearing, diamond ring wearin, kiss stealing, wheelin dealin, limousine ridin, jet flyin son of a gun, and you've got a hard time keeping those gators down!
Now go out there and make life your bitch, brother.
>You know what happens if they say no? Even if they laugh at you?
My penis shrinks 1 inch for every rejection
Its because some nonas always love engaging
No, I don't think he can.
My brain doesn't work that way, I'm sorry.
Then that's your choice, Anon.

t. someone that's been there
Well people in my class already prepped up to go to medschool for years while my failing ass molded around during covid
And i still got more than people who have can keep up a constant study schedule and aren't complete fuckups
I think I'm a fraud my vote should've been between 7 and 8 not 9 because i put no effort
I feel like I'm doomed to crash and burn the moment the uni teachers will realize I'm a fraud, maybe meet some big asshole that blocks me out of an exam and doesn't let me continue
I think its cuz i got good rhetorics but, like, that's it
they won't help get me out of a situation if i can't remember shit at an uni exam

Also im feeling extra shitty because like if i was part of a group before im now completely alone in uni and this scares the shit out of me
>and this scares the shit out of me
Why? Nothing's gonna happen. You just exist.
If you get lucky, you'll get picked up by some group further along.
>t. Is alone in uni.
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C'mon, some women are okay, and pussies are better designed for cocks than mouths and asses.
>better designed for cocks than mouths and asses.
theres a lot of very nasty pussies from what Ive heard so your wrong also stop pushing fetishizes on other threads
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>so your wrong
>theres a lot of very nasty pussies from what Ive heard so your wrong also stop pushing fetishizes on other threads
Why a femgod is also a pajeet?
I was wondering what that smell was.
my friend just told he he's "done with the gay stuff" so this is perfect timing for that gif. Thank you, Anon.
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>tfw will never get to take nona out on bookstore and antique store dates
So uhhh...
Females... am I rite?
>am I rite?
I dunno, maybe.
Fuck it I'm breaking sobriety
Forget nonas, focus on the real women around you.
Why would I be around any women?

Femoid gf is the dream, but it is extremely unlikely for it to happen.
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What are we drinkin?

The little I've gotten to interact with them here, the nonas seem a much better match personality wise than most other women I've know.
I'm still convinced these threads will result in a marriage. Probably won't be me, but I'll be more than happy when it happens for both parties.
It's just like 3 male anons here posting, now.
The femanons evaporated.
It's so over...
...cause you started posting
>The little I've gotten to interact with them here
I guess you didn't interact with OP1, Moid-chan and K-pop yet.
>...cause you started posting
I am sorry for being a piece of shit.
I wish people liked me.
Nah, they're still around. Just lurking. Hi nonas!

I think I've talked a bit with Moid-chan. Either way, they're reputations make them sound fun.
Moidchan and kpop are mostly nice people
moidchan is the sweetest thing when she doesnt wanna kill you
>when she doesnt wanna kill you
ngl, wanting to kill me sounds fucking adorable. I'm also a little fucked in the head so /shrug
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i am drinking overpriced ginger ale from the shitty concession stand. are you the recent feelsbar OP? if so, nice work. i used to make those pretty often a couple of years ago, but i don't really have the gusto for it anymore.

jeez dude, don't be like that, please? i mean i dunno some people here might be seriously pissed at you, it's just like, come on... like. i don't know. i don't think it's very fair to act like girls wanting girl time/space is mean to guys. i also with there were other cozy threads on this board but there aren't because nobody is fighting for it. we fought for this. though i didn't really as much but other nonas like bled for this thread or something and like contacted mods to deal with actual raids and stuck it out and everything. thats what it takes i guess. i wish anons would be more social and comfy with other anons but they dont really reciprocate when i anonpost in feelsbar or any other thread and im sure you get that too. YES IT'S FRUSTRATING

but please don't use that as a suicide bomb to make me feel guilty about having one good thing yknow. that's not fair or nice.
>recent feelsbar OP
Doubt it. Haven't been on this board in 2 or 3 weeks. I only come here to hang here every once and a while.
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I'm back! I went to eat with my cousins at olive garden. we ate too much salad and spinach dip. Then saw a Quiet Place. Today was a good day.

How was your day?
>i also with
wish. guh.
>I'm also a little fucked in the head so /shrug
I guess you are.
What makes you think I do that? I don't.
>that pic
Doesn't that fool know there's a time and place for that? Work when you gotta work, fun is for after.
>but please don't use that as a suicide bomb to make me feel guilty about having one good thing yknow. that's not fair or nice.
It was a joke. I'm sorry.
I think these threads become weird when the topic of dating comes up and also when people start posting porn.
I stopped asking tomo to date me because I didn't want to ruin the threads.

I just reply whenever I think something is funny or I can give some input. But I agree that I would rather there were better vibes on this board.
Vodka shots with raspberry cran juice chaser. My justification is severe back pain, and weed + painkiller hasn't fixed it, and getting white girl wasted helps. Cheers.
>stopped asking tomo to date me because I didn't want to ruin the threads
I only let myself post here a maximum of one night a week because of Berries.
Just stop being such an apologetic faggot.
okay like thanks but why me what did i do
>Is this bullyfag? Jfc this place is all normgroids
no. someone asked him to leave and he left lol. Threads used to be nicer unironically. lot of nicer people were chased off.
I've been accused of being him too. Some kid always gets jealous when his favorite nona interacts too much with others. The true meta of the thread is only talking to nonas that obsessive creeps won't ruin the thread over. If you talk too often to their favorite, they'll spam the thread with gore and porn or shit the thread up with drama.
ai-chan, i have to say i'm impressed with your ability to just hop on a train and leave on long-ass trip. have you ever done anything like it before?
>getting white girl wasted
Last time I got that drunk was when my sister's sister got me white girl wasted(as a guy) at her high school graduation party because she didn't like that I was able to articulate that I was 15ths 16ths drunk. Fed me two vodka shots back to back.

At least she puked before I did, and I still made it to bed instead of passing out next to the toilet lmao

Ah, I don't wanna make it weird for you. Just keep doing your thing and ignore me pls <3
>Just stop being such an apologetic faggot.
Okay. I'm sorry.
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nope. i am just making myself do it.

Tomo, is your grocery trip still on track?
>Ah, I don't wanna make it weird for you. Just keep doing your thing and ignore me pls <3
You just made it creepy
I bet you are that weirdo who never outs himself as a moid
That guy posts way more than once a week
I have a feeling you're a man who's intentionally insiting arguments.
is bfd actually gone? if i make a new one will the moids go there?
Those threads are trash. It's all porn and simping. If they had an actual topic other than "women" I'd go there.
>make a new one
unsustainable due to low activity
but it was quite fun at times
Ah well, I usually never drink myself sick, besides hangovers. I've asked people to drive me to the ER a few times over some bad hangovers before, one of the times being acute alcohol poisoning. When I visited my family for the first time in a while recently, my cousin told me that the favorite memory of me is when I was not so inconspicuously sneaking alcohol at the family Christmas party when I was 16. Literally more than half of the family watching me get another sangria from the porch outside. I was throwing up until 3am lol
Anyway moar adventure time for me
I never remember to label my posts, but I like to think I always make it pretty obvious.

I mean, if you want a real answer I'm gonna make a post either later tonight or tomorrow with an open invite to be internet pen pals before leaving these threads for good. I promise it's more wholesome than you're probably imagining.
That sounds hilarious lol
Ah yeah, I knew it was a bad idea when I took the shots, but I wasn't about to turn down shots from the person's who's party it was.
>moar adventure time
Good luck, fren
uh, no, that's fine. you don't have to do that actually, i am not curious at all anymore, you can just. i guess do what you have to do but every post you make makes it worse and more uncomfortable
>an open invite to be internet pen pals before leaving these threads for good
Nobody fucking knows you
Stop being such a creep
>I'm proud of you!!
Thank you! I wish I was able to get off sooner. I still have two uh.. Joints...? Left. But it seems as long as I don't take them out I don't really feel tempted in smoking them so I think I'll keep them for a special day or something. Probably not for awhile to make sure I am really not needing it. Still feel crappy but it's not so bad as it was. Still worry about my interview.
The nonas just seem like the type to not step responding after a week like most internet pen pals. That's all it is.

>every post you make makes it worse
I hate that this board makes everyone assume the worst.
that is the signal to stop replying. that's when you go back to lurking
>The nonas
So you won't respond if other anons message you?
Go away and take your retarded limerence with you.
>other anons message you
I'm not a faggot why the the hell would I want to chat with some fag?
If they keep responding and aren't pants on head retarded, then I'll welcome it. I just don't have faith in most of the other moids that post here. Maybe one or two are cool, but that's it.

I've got a touch of the tism. Makes it hard to read signals like that, especially in text form.

I'm off to go watch a movie now anyway.
Have a good one, nonas <3
>Maybe one or two are cool, but that's it.
Which one? Is it me?
>Have a good one, nonas <3
You acting in such a 'friendly' way when nobody knows you is exactly whats so creepy about you
>way when nobody knows you is exactly whats so creepy about you
Why are you so jealous? Go outside. Touch grass. No one is going to fuck you just because you're being passively aggressive.
Thank you for admitting so openly why you are in this thread
Thank you for being a faggot because no one wants to chat with you.
>why the the hell
Why are you stuttering
>aren't pants on head retarded
I see. That's way too much pressure for me.
>I never remember to label my posts, but I like to think I always make it pretty obvious.
Wait, are you one of those anime avatarfags?
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Nonas wish they had tits this big.
>other moids
Why do you hate yourself and your own gender?
Find those feel bar threads forced af, always end up being a masked blogpost whenever they survive.
Maybe it is because I don't care about bars though.
>i like 50 of all humans automatically because they share my gender.
How do you fare at memory games?

What's with the back pain, what did you do? Not a good reason to relapse desu
Try doing one, call it bfd still but add actual questions like the threads here. Want to see something.
Why? The white straight male is the default anon state. Generals are needed for more specific cases, like females, gays and brits.
>call it bfd still but add actual questions like the threads here. Want to see something
Nta. It's difficult to come up with good questions. It takes a lot of creative juices and motivation to put in the effort. I've come up with a lot of the questions for these threads, especially early on. I doubt I'll ever put in the effort to do such a thing again for any other threads in the near future.
>He didn't just ask chatgpt for icebreaker prompts
Nah, most people don't bother with them anyway.
bfd is dead and buried. let's just lurk and watch cute biofems chat
>bfd still but add actual questions like the threads here.
That makes no sense. Not everything needs to be general.
I just wanna chat desu.
Das rite, fear me moids!
Then chat in all the other threads
Oh, it doesn't work? Why would that be?
>ask chatgpt for icebreaker prompts
People complained left and right about most of the questions and topics until they got a change to also have theirs complained about. Not even going to bring up the shit storm about using AI pics for the OP.
wonder if moidchan managed to do some bedrotting
This. It's easy to be a critic, hard to come up with engaging questions.
>Not even going to bring up the shit storm about using AI pics
There was like 2 posts about it, hardly a shit storm.
when u cant handle criticism everything feels like a shitstorm
You're invalidating it, it was a talk. Also poor Florida has gotten the most bs out of anyone here for no good reason.
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good morning! for me, and good night to those on the other side.
bed rotting today unless there's any cool plays at the theatre tonight
i find it very interesting how the response to me liking weed and tomo liking weed completely different. i feel like there's some sort of psychoanalysis that could be done there but i'm too tired to do it.
im sorry mate but one of my favourite hobbies has to be seeing images of terrible discord face reveals TT
>Stop using discord it's worse than 4chan
Oh she's a junkie too, but she was cutting out the drinking first so one step at a time. It was going well until today alas
>im sorry mate
she's aussie i'm trying to blend in
That's the other thing, discord is a teenager haven
If you're older than 20 you have no business being there.
>Also poor Florida has gotten the most bs out of anyone here for no good reason.
It wasn't really that bad, and I've never held any ill will towards any nona for expressing their opinion on what they feel does and does not contribute positively to the thread. I tried to curb my irksome behavior and for the most part things were blowing over, but one particular anon just couldn't let things go.
You're all fellow shitposters on a this Peruvian llama trading site. I do my best to friendly with everyone here.

I hate when people try to pretend to be me. Leads to situations like this every time.

I mean with the t. moid thing

Stop being so damn insecure
I just said a prayer to God to thank Him for at the very least giving me enough self awareness so that I never end up like you.
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Prayer is good, friend
Ideas for next thread

The absolute state of your country
>next thread
LMao no way this place is cooked
>Do you have good memory?
Nope! I have to write stuff down or I forget. I leave lights on sometimes as a reminder that I have to do something in a room, too. I can remember stuff okay if I get asked specific questions. Broad ones give me trouble though.
>Best childhood memory?
Probably a winter day with my brother and his friends. I remember bits and pieces of it.
>9ish years old
>no school because it's too cold and snowed a ton
>just got these super lightweight sleds (basically foam with a plastic layer on the bottom) that let us zoom down hills
>bundle up and walk to the park with my brother, meet up with his friends on the way
>spend all day sledding down hills and having snowball fights
>go home, have another snowball fight in the yard, just the two of us
>get inside and watch one of our favourite shows while we sip on hot chocolate and eat dinner
>Best memory from a holiday?(birthday,Christmas,Halloween etc)
I'm just going to say Mother's Day 2024 as a whole.
I just use it because it's the easiest way to get in contact with my younger siblings. Was the same when I had a younger roommate.
Fresh baked with a mix of love the spite...

Jelly of those snowy memories. Have never seen snow irl
That reminds me of once when I built a snowman with my younger brother.

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