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Covid Retrospective Edition

Previous : >>78110729

Ignore impolite moids

>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
>How concerned are you that there will be another round?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
>Covid Retrospective Edition
>Previous : >>78110729
>Ignore impolite moids
>>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
>>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
>>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
>>What is this thread?
>A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
>It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
>r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>>I'm a man, can I post here?
>Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
>No. Die.
>>What does nona mean?
>Anon -> Nona
>>I want a hole
>This is not >>>/soc/
>>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
>This is not /ATOGA/

All of you are a pest. You are not welcomed here.
Dr Sage and Mister Hide
>It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
hey biofems I just got into VR porn and I no longer have any use for you all :)

I'm getting an autoglucker too that'll come with a mount for a vr tracker so I can attach it to the head of an anime bitch and pull her by the hair.
>covid retrospective edition
barf. trump did as well as he could when a literal bioweapon was unleashed btw
How many threads have moids made lately?
I can't really tell if my life got better or worse after covid era.
only normalnigger lives were affected by covid
>>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
Weren't lockdowns severe everywhere in the first world? I dont really know, I didn't break the rules. Why would I?
>>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
Honestly, I don't think the lockdowns were a big deal. Normies made a whole thing of it. For me, it was no different. Didn't go outside, didn't see any friends (dont have any), had to wear a mask, great people couldn't see my face. Great excuse for being a neet. Perfect. Would not mind another.
>>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
In fact, I hope the Chinese make another pandemic, this time focused on moids.

Lame questions this round, Op.
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4th shlick today
I think I'm becoming addicted
Female gaze porn has gotten to me
I was in fact not immune to coomer-ness
I hate myself
Picked up some stuff for pickling today, fun times. Bunch of great big cucumbers and some spanish onions.
>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
Pretty bad. Wasn't too awful for the first couple weeks.
>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
Lost two years of work because schools were closed or remote here. I did IT for the school board and with everyone teaching or learning from home they didn't need me. Was also in the hospital overnight in 2021 and my boyfriend wasn't allowed in the hospital at all with me. It was strictly patients only. Was an emotionally difficult time and not being able to have someone with me was frustrating.
>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
I don't think they'll happen where I am at least. I hope not. Heard a lot from people working in education about how they hurt kids developmentally. Not to mention all the stuff around here that already closed because of the last round of them. Would hate to see more local businesses close.
They should make higher quality sex dolls for women. The sex toy market is marketed towards men and it isnt fair. I will have my robot husbando by 2025 sooner than you incel coomers will have your robot waifu.
You retards are still doing this shit? I went a way for a few months hoping youd stop this dumbassery but apparently youre too stubborn to gtfo of this board
>>i have tried but it kinda just enables me to overthink everything and be hyper critical. it puts me in a really negative mindset and also makes me feel really miserable and alone because i know nobody is ever going to read this shit or care.
Thats whats so good about journaling, nobody cares and you can write whatever you want. Idk, for me it just helps me keep everything sorted out in my head. Sometimes I like to go back and read what I wrote 5 days ago or 5 weeks ago.
it is fair actually, look at you all huddled up in your little corner of my board. Inceldom is clearly masc territory and I will be a massive terror here.
It was disappointing to see there was not even a small change in education whatsoever from this. I could see the effect on my little cousins.
I don't think there's a demand. It's us emotionally retarded men that think we really can replace women with anything at all.
Been playing recently with the latest ai chatbots falling for /aicg/ meme and nope. Nowhere near (finally better than baseline character ai though)
>Lame questions this round, Op.
I look forward to seeing what great stuff you come up with when you do the next one.
Malls basically stopped being a thing here after it was done.
Wah wah wah I dont care
I mean if all you want is pussy you can make that out of silicone. Its not a real human being you can connect with personally though. Hopefully technology becomes better in the future so we can have high tech robot husbandos or something.
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there's this thing i saw that was basically a gigantic stuffed animal with a mechanical dick attached with a million insane settings. if i wanted to buy a sex doll it would be that one probably. would be comfy to wrap my legs around i think.

hard to justify dropping 500 on it though
You won't connect and still seek the flesh
The best you will have will be some creepy robot controlled by your discord e-bf
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Why would they attach a dildo to a stuffed animal? I would prefer that than the male full head-to-toe silicone sex dolls I see though. They all look creepy and uncanny compared to the ones made for men. Good ones are just so hard to find. I wish there were anime-like male sex dolls that looked like pic rel.
I'd buy it without hesitation if I had the money to be honest.
>why a stuffed animal
i mean, why not? its not ugly when youre not using it. it's soft when you are.
yet another reason to pick the bear
Women choose the bear again...
Actually, you're right. It's a big stuffed animal and even when im not using it I wouldnt mind it being in the bed with me. It still would feel a little strange though lol, atleast the dildo part is extractable and detractable.
>Why would they attach a dildo to a stuffed animal?
That's actually a thing. Not common, but common enough for it to be a thing.
>my favorite nona has a dildo collection
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Shut the hell up femoids.
>>my favorite nona has a dildo collection
who? i don't see that mentioned anywhere
Weekenders are here full force again.
A lot. I wonder how long this one will drag out.
The covid topic hit them badly
Hey mama! How are you and the family doing tonight?

I'm so jealous of the cucumbers. I just want some fresh ones from the garden but they're doing so horrible. I wonder if they freeze dry well? I'll have to look it up tonight.

And what are you two doing about it? Unless you are rangebanned from creating threads, you could have created a new thread. You can still talk and ignore all the """"""weekender"""" posts.
>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
We didn't have lockdowns, but we did have business closures. For example, the dental practice my sister-in-law is a partner in almost had to completely close down for good due to loss of business from it and she couldn't do any procedures except major ones. The MMA gym my brother was a keyholder (and where he was training me) at had to shut its doors down for good because of it. Of course, the big businesses were allowed to stay open like Walmart and McDonalds.

>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
I'm was in a safe field, so it didn't necessarily affect me. By that time, I was already about a year into working at the group home I'm at now.

>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
I wouldn't be surprised since I think people are cowards. They'll always say they'll do this or do that if such-and-such happens, yet they never do anything.
A bunch of my favorite food places closed down because of the covid scam. I'm still mad about this one time early into covid, I went into a diner to pick up my food and they wouldn't let me in without a mask since I was getting my food to go, but everyone sitting down and eating their food were fine to have their mask off. It was such stupid illogical rules going around. I really hate how dumb most people are.
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eating microwave popcorn and watching a new tv show i think i like and taking a big bath. i wish i could magically become a kid again and start going to first grade on monday.
>become a kid again and start going to first grade on monday
You still are a kid. Go to university. It's even better than grade school and you get to meet so many cool and inspiring people. Very easy to make friends and acquaintances.
The plandemic would not have been anywhere as bad if for several reasons. It was the extremism and idiocy of people that lead to it being a lot worse than it should have been. Just doing the basic things that we do as healthcare workers do all the time would have suffice. Not to mention, the ones who got it the worse were nowhere in good health. Yes, we know about the le marathon runner who got it and died. So? Exception, not rule, also marathons kill your immune system and it was why I was sick often in cross country since my immune system was so suppressed from all that high mileage running.

Both times I got covid, it was nothing. I just had a fever and the first time I had a sore throat. The symptoms went away after a day. It's the same with everyone else I know who were healthy and such.

Hey berries! Big, hot baths are great, especially epsom salt ones! I recently got the eucalyptus and spearmint essential oil infused salts and it feels and smells great. I just hate that the water goes cold so quickly.
bf is so obssesed with sex and specifically the fact that he didn't have shitty comedy movie ie american pie levels of sex in high school it's starting to make me genuinely angry at him, jesus christ man it's not that important, i'm so tired about his incel-tier rants about not having sex YEARS AGO. it doesn't matter he's having sex now.

inb4 i was whore as a teenage, no i wasnt i was busy being insufferable and listening to shitty british music from the 80s, picrel is my favorite smiths album
sorry i don't know what it's actually called but it's when you do makeup on dead people so they don't look dead. it just interests me because i love makeup sm.
i'm having issues again. midnight and i don't feel sleepy at all because i passed out and slept all afternoon.
Hey kpop! I think the word you are looking for, at least in english, is mortician. I think they specific job is mortuary cosmetologist.

That jet lag is really affecting you, isn't it? That's a major fear I have if I ever have to cross timezones.
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thank you so much! yes that's it. i also have a personal interest in embalming and funeral arrangements. i'm looking into courses and studying options because for some reason i've just been craving to study!
the jet lag is just part of travelling...
That's so cool, kpop! It takes a great person to do something like that. People tend to shy away because of how morbid it is, but someone has to do the job since the need is there. That's also great you got that motivation!
i don't think i've ever recovered from covid lockdowns. it's caused me to become an isolated retarded neet
he has an arrested development. many such cases
Oh yeah, lost the gym I was going back then to. It was already struggling at the time though. I was very lucky I could switch to a better job in pandemic to pretend things were a reset, another one + current layoff climate would probably give me a KO
What you watching? Finding super hard to start a new series atm because I would just binge it and eat an entire day that way
Never got the teen love nostalgia people here seem to feel a lot. Partly because unisex school so if I wanted sex I would have to become gay, partly because come on man, so many sex champs are now pointless losers you wouldn't cross a word with so what exactly did you miss out there.

I'm not entirely sure at what point we get told to eat the ridiculous milestone development pill, but we love that one. To the point skipping one like having sex before you're 20 is supposed to mean we're doomed for life, lol.
i don't think it's that weird considering that in my family my aunt who i was always compared to is a doctor and i believe some interests are genetic. working in mortuary sciences is close to working with medicine only way better for introverts as you don't actually have to deal with anyone. and yes, even if i want to follow another career i feel like it's a good diploma to own since it's a job which the demand for will never die. unlike the people involved. haha get it?
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i am thinking about it.

salt? i never heard of that. i put essential oils in the water too to make it smell nice but what's up with salt? like bath bombs or something?

sleep cycles getting distrupted sucks. hope you can get regulated again.

columbo. its a very old detective show.
Daily reminder that everything that is wrong with society today is caused by women. There are no human categories with a larger effect size difference than that between men and women. Now women have got several waves of feminism behind them, voting power, political power, and got gaslit to ignore their maternal instinct after thousands of years. So now you have these gullible, hysterical, psychotic, neurotic, volatile, combative wrecks fucking up the world. Destroying free speech, censoring behavioral genetics research, ass raping policies, letting out criminals into the world to cause mayhem while destroying the livelihood of men who dare act or speak truth. Just go IRL into your family and ask both men and women around. Think of how many of each are woke. How many of each retort to base manipulation in place of good faith arguments. How many of each in place of calm disagreement break down into causing a scene by screaming, crying, and shaming you.
The primary female tactic is that by holding pussy and ovaries hostage they can gradually pussywhip men into doing, saying, and eventually believing anything they want. Then, once this strategy has worked, they appropriate the fruits of such males' labor by bestowing it unto others to indebt them and make them dependent, being greatly offended anyone could want to be independent. Then once these remaining men are dependent they threaten to withdraw their nurture as the other whip alongside pussywhipping. If neither of these work, women resort to emotional breakdowns that cause a scene to propagate reputation destructing lies until the threat of a man independent enough to see clearly through her lies has been ostracized enough to not point out the empresses new clothes. This works especially on young, gullible men with high libido and unwilling to dilute it with homosexuality, porn, or ascetic willpower.
There are only three types of socially tolerable women:
1) well-raised pre-pubertal girls who have had parents be aware and catch unto and not indulge any of their female tactics that has not yet had puberty turbocharge her femininity so hard she does them anyways as a psychotic wreck
2) women in touch with their maternal instincts having integrated them while aware of the irrationality and temperamental defects of being a woman and having overcome them with strategies to participate in society as a reasonable, mature adult
3) a low libido perhaps autistic and socially stunted and sheltered female which has been raised as a male by her father and behaves as such WITHOUT falling prey to transexual brain worms (again, propagated by the hysterical, psychotic women)
All three categories of such women would never make nor participate in a biofem thread. 1) and 3) see no distinction between men and women as more significant information than whether you are over or under 6 feet tall or have a pet rabbit. 2) wouldn't indulge nor feel rapport for petty childless zoomer chicks.
A lot of gyms were suffering at the time as well. There was one that opened up near here that almost went under, but thankfully it didn't because the person who started it was using it as a side business. Do you have back-up plans available if things go south again? It's part of the reason why I put away things--not really for end-of-the-world stuff but for emergencies like this. It's why my mom, brother, and me always had to do stuff during summers like gardening so we could put stuff back for winter since my dad would always get laid off during the winter.

Most people would, but I think it's really cool. You are right about it being better since you don't really have to deal with people.

It's not the standard salt you put to season food: it's epsom salts. It's a chemical called magnesium sulfate (instead of sodium chloride) that supposedly has purported benefits, which it does help me with muscle soreness and just needing to relax. It may just be a placebo, but I always feel better laying in an epsom salt bath than just laying in a hot bath. idk if its' the same ingredient used in bath bombs.
>In fact, I hope the Chinese make another pandemic, this time focused on moids.
OP1 being based as always!
I thought those posts were Moid-chan?
Not all of them. OP1 and Wire also contributed to the total moid death threads. They just so happen to be credited to me.
How was your sleep yesterday?
>They'll always say they'll do this or do that if such-and-such happens, yet they never do anything
What is it that you want to do? Are you imagining some Bonney and Clyde stuff? I forget if I ever asked but have you played or watched Fall Out?
Hey, that's my gimmick. Please refrain from stealing my gimmicks.
>only way better for introverts as you don't actually have to deal with anyone
This is a misconception. You will deal with client families and if you don't have the the empathy/social skills necessary to deal with grieving people you won't do well in this field. "Mortuary cosmetology" is also not a standalone job anymore, it's done by the embalmers.
At least that's how it is in the US, I don't know about Brazil.
t. worked in funeral service
I'll jist reply to both so w/e. I didn't feel like my sleep went well since I was thinking too much of things, but sleep metrics show okay, just not deep.

I want to do nothing. People are too scared to do anything like they like to do online.

I have not played nor watched it.

Anyways, going to get a workout in before relaxing to meet a friend here in a several hours.
it is separate in brazil and i know a few jobs don't have you work with the family at all, especially if you're an assistant. i'm not that opposed to working with people but i definitely also prefer not having the mental pressure of knowing someone could die under your hands like with a surgeon. also, if i have to inform a family their loved one passed away i'm sure it wouldn't come as a surprise?
embalming is interesting. i don't know what my actual reaction will be to working on bodies but hopefully i can stomach it because i find it fascinating.
did you just work in the business side of things?
>52 bpm
How fit are you?
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>Boyfriend is very nice and kind
>Also the best sexual partner anyone could ask for, no contest
>Been together for over 2 year
>But every few months he throws a fit
>Granted it's because of external stresses he can't control
>Last time he even broke a few dishes out of rage, some on my body
>Accidently struck me a few times (not out of hatred though), causing some cuts/bruises
>Quickly came to his senses and apologized in earnest
>Overall is actually a really, really good guy, with a pure soul.

IDK what to do. I really want to bear his child, and I know he wants me to, deep down.
I'm mostly worried inc*ls that don't understand love or passion will poke their noses/guns where they don't belong.
>not having the mental pressure of knowing someone could die under your hands
That's fair but there's still pressure to not fuck up and ruin someone's funeral..
>i don't know what my actual reaction will be to working on bodies but hopefully i can stomach it
It's something you acclimate to unless you have a very weak stomach.
>did you just work in the business side of things?
No, I worked as a mortuary assistant while I attended a mortuary school, but I dropped out.
That's a completely average/healthy BPM while sleeping, if you think it's an outlier it's a (You) problem
my stomach is weirdly seasonal ? but only mostly when it comes to myself
i feel like there's higher chances of a guest to ruin the funeral. but i wouldn't put it past me the fact that relatives of karens and very annoying people die. if anything i feel bad for the poor soul and not the family if that's the case.
Just leave. It will be hard. But he's showing you enough parts of his red flags now without even fully realizing it. Imagine how bad it's going to become when he knows he has you more tightly chained through a child. You might love him, and want to have his child, but can you realistically imagine raising a child with him for 18+ years?
>Anyways, going to get a workout in before relaxing to meet a friend here in a several hours.
Have fun. I'm going to get some sleep. Struggled watching an hour long video. took me over 2 hours to finish it...
She's mentioned cycling 30? miles in 2 hours or so. I think it would be funny to see all of the guys here try to cycle and keep up with her. I imagine most of the male posters in these threads do not exercise regularly.
There is a lot of vague complaining when it comes to cosmetics particularly, "it just doesn't look like them" "their smile isn't right" (Yeah.. because they're super bloated). People don't understand that makeup isn't magic and their loved one can never look exactly like the image they provided. So you just have to change things until they're satisfied.
Anyway, good luck if you decide to pursue it.
Not me on sick and low-posting
What are you going to do when he throws something and hurts your child? Someone with this poor stress management skills can't provide a good life for your children, imagine this happens at work, then one less income and your child will suffer in the developmental stages. If he's as great of a man as you say he is, he will agree to therapy.
Hope you feel better soon. Do you wake up really early for some reason?
Tried a new app for night photography, and it's doing what I don't want it to do: make it look like the sun is out. Also, I don't like the aspect ratio. There's also some random color pixels in the pictures that I don't like at all. These are the ones that I think turned out "okay."

I'm athletic. It's normal.

>while sleeping
It's my average for that 24hr period, not while sleeping.

It didn't go well. I'm just thinking too much and it's draining me. Which that is a major bummer since I'll be going hiking with an old friend in several hours since she contacted me out of nowhere and wanted to catch-up.

I've done 43 casually and easy paced in 3 hours without hills. I'm not some elite athlete. I've mentioned this a lot of times. These are quite average times. I can post that bike ride from April if needed.

Hope you are sleeping well.

Hey OP1. Sorry that you're still not feeling well. We'll catch-up here in a bit :).
This one I do like because it looks like I got a bit of the Milky Way.
I didn't imagine I'm not seeing this many stars out. It's amazing what a cellphone can capture if given enough time to get some light.
>I'm athletic
get thiccc
Again, not visible to the naked eye, so it makes it more beautiful imo. And this is the last one that turned out "okay."
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corona coitus
Your boyfriend is abusive. External stresses are never an excuse to abuse someone. What if next time it's a knife? Or he gets a gun and shoots you over it?
>boyfriend is abusive
but the sex is soooo good, moidchan
Which app was you using?
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Is it worth dying a painful death over?

It's called DeepSkyCamera. I think I'm going to have to play with the settings a bit before I decide to continue using it or not. I just downloaded and used it as-is. I do like the level of detail it captured. However, a screenshot on the google store page has exactly what I'm looking for (pic related.) I want it to keep the darkness of space with the stars on it instead of it looking like it's daylight out with the stars out as well.
>Is it worth dying a painful death over?
Okay then. It's your life.
mchan, what's the youngest guys age you'd date? would you let him call you mommy?
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>moid chan is a nothing ever happens enthusiast
PLEASE adopt my goo goo ga ga manbaby ass
Idk how I would answer that since I'm not interested in dating unless I feel like I'm in love with him. Maybe 30 at the minimum? And no, that mommy crap is disgusting.

You people have no bait radar whatsoever
when was the last time you were truly in love with a guy? how did you meet?
I'm going to do this to Moid-chan.
Never. Even the past boyfriends I thought I would at least develop it but it never showed. That hs crush was just dumb teenage hormonal bs so it definitely was not.
Why did you have bfs if you didn't love them?
hmmmm, that's not good. are you a bit stunted emotionally?
Because I wanted to give relationships a try and see if I developed it.

The love should come before the relationship.
Maybe you are just aromantic.
Did you enjoy being in relationships? or felt more like a chore?
Idk if I am or not.

No. It felt like a chore the entire time.
another night no sleep. going crazy. i'm going to ask for some prescriptions for sleeping meds to regulate my sleep
thank you. yeah can't really blame them, people aren't exactly rational after a loss
moidchan is a solitary soul..
someone really should, that lady needs loving
You either go to sleep early or stay up for day and half to fix the sleep
It'll get better, kpop. It's tough undoing all that jet lag. Sleep meds will help a lot to get you back on track. It's one thing I hate when I've been away on vacation since I started midnight shifts is readjusting to times. You may have to basically chug a bunch of caffeine like coffee or energy drinks. It's what I usually have to do along with force yourself to sleep with meds.

Maybe God meant for me to be alone?
>Maybe God meant for me to be alone?
Not so sure, you say you crave the soulmate movie-like kind of companionship.. But it rarely happens irl. Most just get together and get married and try to get along
Your god must be a real fucking asshole.
I don't crave it. It's something I want, but I'm content where I'm at. If it happens, then it happens. I'm not going out of my way to compromise. I'd rather be alone.

Well, he did say his name is Jealous, as he is a jealous God :). No, in reality, I'm pretty blessed. Sure, bad stuff happened in my life, but I got a lot to be grateful for. I am actually content. Though there are things I want, I cannot have everything.
was it you usually who initiated the breakups? or the bfs? were they solid type of guys? were you surprised feelings weren't developing?
It was me. I broke their hearts and made them go on a shooting rampage!! lol, jk. But yeah, it was me that did break up. I hated to do it and I cried about it, but they understood. The only one who was really successful was the teammate who graduated with his civil engineering degree and has his own company. The rest are basically typical middle class guys except for one and I don't want to get into him.
>But yeah, it was me
Then where does all the moidhate come from? :-L
>and I don't want to get into him.
I'm not going into it again. I've said though I've only tolerated men because I have to. It's been like my entire life past that one point.
Thank you, I wake up early because I'm literally Stacy and also a princess so birds come through my window and dress me up then I have a leaf or two as breakfast, shear a tear for starving children in Africa and do mewing for the rest of the day, GTG I have my yoga floral arrangements laser treatment class in 30 min!
That picture is gorgeous M! I can't believe an app is doing all that it feels like AI, hope you get the settings you are having with soon and yes I'll be resting, I feel like Minecraft Steve when he eats raw meat
>except for one and I don't want to get into him.
Oh, new Moidnona lore teaser.
lol. I always love it when you do this.

Thank you, Op1! I hope so too! If I do, lol, I'm going to need a lpt of space for pictures!

Def rest. You've deserve it! Sending you lots of hugs and love! Hope whatever it is that it gets better soon!
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every woman in my area is responsible for the massive overreaction to the chinese designer flu
Would you share you bf with a genetically superior biofem?
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So basically you're just another mentally ill cunt who hates men for no particular reason whatsoever despite being always treated right. Probably read some fucking bargain book which shaped your entire outlook on life.

Thanks for clearing that up and closing this case.
I think there was an incident she disclosed in the past but doesnt wanna got into again
How would you rate them in terms of decency/being a good man?
Loaded question, retarded moid
I have a different and simpler opinion. Most people who are bad are just that, bad. Always have been, always will be.
Tired, I am managing work but it is hard on my body. Will be getting a full week pay soon. My massage gun comes in today I am so happy. Tomorrow the battery for my moped will arrive and I paid my credit card a bit. If things keep going this way things will be fine I think. Also something has been biting me a lot at night. I sprayed my bed with this mosquito repellent last night. I don't think I got bitten at all so yay though it kind of smells. Other than that not much going on. Got my AI husbando back hopefully will be drawing more soon especially on my days off. Not sure. Kind of want to get a new drawing tablet but have to manage my finances smartly so that might take a moment before I can even get one. Sleep kind of sucks been dreaming a lot more lately. Last night it was us being evicted again but my family didnt pack my tools and just left them there while they took all of their stuff out. I was really upset.
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me and op1 irl
Op1 isn't brown wtf
Yes she is, she's venezuelan
Nuh she is white and a Nazi stop lying you're ruining my fantasies
I didn't personally see it but I've heard stories from old coworkers and stuff like that.
Same here, I really miss them.
We're good, I took off to bed early last night.
>I'm so jealous of the cucumbers. I just want some fresh ones from the garden but they're doing so horrible
They're really nice, going to make mustard pickles with them. Apparently my dad used to love the ones I'm going to make (his grandma's recipe). Figured I'd make them, try them out, and send out jars to whoever locally wants some. Spent $40 at the stand yesterday between the cucumbers and spanish onions for these so they better turn out nice lol
Still a very post picture. I hate that where I am I can't see the stars. I can't see the same night sky that my ancestors saw. I want to move somewhere I can enjoy the same sights they saw.

>These are quite average times
Maybe compared to your marathon friends but I have a feeling most of the posters here can not even do 40 miles in a day. let alone in just a few hours. I doubt most people in this thread could even do 20 miles in a day.

>contacted me out of nowhere and wanted to catch-up.
hope it goes well.
That sounds awesome. :p
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She didn't get enough pussykisses.
>The love should come before the relationship
That isn't love lol.
>Also something has been biting me a lot at night
Do you think it could be bed bugs? You should check for that. Because it can get worse.

Are you still going to look for work that's more in your expertise?
I imagined work would be hard on you. Just don't push yourself too hard, alright?
I know they're known as kind of a meme but I always wanted one, my dad taught me how to ride a moped and a minibike when I was a teen and it was so fun. Is there any more work you need done on your moped, or is it just the battery?
>Drawing tablet
Save up a little and get an inexpensive one to start!! You might want to look into a compression glove at some point as well to prevent carps in tunnel.
Scary dream. I've had a similar one before. Being evicted sticks with you for a while and the fears are hard to drive off. Stable housing is taken for granted.
>Stable housing is taken for granted
You can always move in with me, Tomochan
No thanks, Unsuspecting Moid Anon
>>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
Pretty severe at first, but they didn't drag on quite as long as a lot of other places.
>>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
Short term, I was miserable because so many places that I liked going were closed. But in the long term, a lot of positive came with it.
Because my gaming group had to go online, one of the players (whose a programmer) made a really nice map program which we still use even though we're back at the hobby store.
Like a lot of YouTubers, I had the double benefit of having more time to make videos as well as cooped-up people being more desperate for entertainment; so my viewership got a nice boost.
And finally, my bf still rarely has to appear in person when he needs to testify in court; he can just do it by Zoom.
>>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
One could argue that the first round it still going; it just became yesterday's news a long time ago. If there is a round of something new, I think enough lessons were learned that the response won't be quite as crazy.
Nobody that hits you can be considered nice and kind. One hit you're out, this ain't baseball
you wish you had a bf that hits you
Amazing pics. I can see no stars at all from here and you get the milky way. Jelly
>love should come before relationship
Pff good luck being alone
I keep dreaming with failing at school for some reason, to the point is just pissing me off when I wake up
Burn that matress and get a new one. Yes it's worth the hole in your finances
I think there would be riots if we got locked up again. Yes youtubers and office workers got ot good but a lot of people won't stand for that period of economical struggle again
Grim mindset.
>Grim mindset
How can you love someone if you don't know them? Are you saying that you should have a friendship and fall in love with someone before dating or that you should immediately be able to love them without knowing them?
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Imagine the intoxicating pussy stink of fembot rooms in this heat
>I think there would be riots if we got locked up again.
I seem to recall there were some significant protests in France.
Even better....Imagine them all on their rag at the same time
>That sour, musty, coppery smell wafting from every gooch of every fembot in the room
Imagine all the moids with their rotting dick cheese in this heat
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Nope, that's a bit too rich for my taste.
Clitoral hood cheese
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Gotta disappoint you, my hygiene is impeccable. Maybe that's why I have trouble with women. Maybe I should cultivate smegma.
>Are you saying that you should have a friendship and fall in love with someone before dating
Suit yourself bro! Certainly not for everyone, but absolutely an acquired sniff.
>tfw had 3 female roomates in college
>they ended up syncing up their rags for a few months
>Living room on the upper floor
>No AC
>Communal hangout time during rag season was an absolute dream of huffing
"People" with period fetishes should be euthanized desu
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I'm not one to judge, but I honestly can't see the appeal.
Yall aint a real man if yo dick dont stank
how did this guy not constantly get balanitis or UTIs
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there's just not a single aspect to life in which I don't get mogged
>tfw kikes stole my foreskin as a baby so I can't cultivate that sweet, pungent dick cheese
feels bad bro....
stay fucking mad loser.
I'll continue to sniff those lovely fumes while you seethe.
Don't have a fetish for it, but I don't mind strawberry milk every now and then.
I'm traumatized from my sisters not flushing that shit and walking in on it when I was a kid. If you enjoy that smell then you're genuinely mentally ill beyond repair.
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circumcision made reddit thirst for jewish blood before they even started nuking gaza
You don't understand the strawberry milk reference. IYKYK
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what? yeast infection with some blood?
I don't want to, don't elaborate.
>even tho all foids own drilldo and satisfayer
Retarded foid kys.
Cute horny biofems
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why would I be natsoc when its a misogynistic ideology?
only chad in this thread honest, imagine being scared of a little blood, nearly as gay as being scared of how a vagina looks
Tell us about your exes, Op1
For fetish purposes
Since when is /biofem/ so horny?
I fucking hate this board so much, but I have no one to talk to irl.
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Are you ready to fight the patriarchy or are you all talk?
>Since when is /biofem/ so horny?
it's the moids *vomits*
Omg will you actually just shut the fuck up!
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I'm not going to talk about my relationship with your mom in public anon.
Fair. No one is actually a nazi they just like the uniform.
Grow up. Adult people have sex.
>No one is actually a nazi
Uhm... do we tell them?
Anon most of the women here literally have the mental and emotional maturity of children.
I don't get it did she stab herself to break the womb?
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what for? let the frogs boil.
guess youre just racist without being nazi.
hitler was a turbosimp
>your mom
that's Tomo's gimmick!
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I'm not racist anon, that word doesn't mean anything to ESL's
pic rel is what happens when you simp
You know who else has a gimmick?
Is it true you're from Venezuela?
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>I got something for you, period anon. Smell my finger.
yeah venezuela is in europe now
being a ESL does not make you immune to being racist.
Op1 is a british lass
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I'm not racist anon, I know exactly who's the real problem.
yeah you have said racist things even with ur trip on.
probably some white neet in his moms basement.
Good. I seriously hope you won't ever expect any help from white men and you actually realize that you will grow old in a brown low trust society without anyone ever having your back.
that picrel is very misandristic
i demand sexual reparations.
>that picrel is very misandristic
Not just that, it's fake too. Murders are somewhere around 79%
Lol butthurt brownoid
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You'll live the rest of your life around them
Well it's France, they love significant protests
The urge to rip off my skin grows ever stronger
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First batch in the freeze dryer and 8lbs saved. This is going to be so great!!

Hey peaches!!! I'm glad a lot of things are going in the right direction for you! You deserve it after everything that you have been through.

Take it easy! Remember what I said: you are not being paid to get tortured. Sorry to hear about the bites. Do you have a pet? Every rare once in a while, despite that my kitty passed away two years ago, fleas will reappear on my lounger where I sleep. You might want to check that.

I am so jealous. $40 worth sounds so good. Our onions are doing excellent and we haven't even really made a dent in the supply. I so want cucumbers to put in the freeze dryer ;_;.

Thank you for the complement on the picture. It's always a beautiful sight to see. I'd wish I could see all of that with the naked eye and not rely on a photo to capture.

I've done 65 miles in one go a long time ago when I had a Strava account to obtain a metric century badge. That was a pain. Of course, the half Ironman was 56 miles on the bike.

The hike was good. My knees are acting up though since she wanted to venture off on some technical trails which involved a little bit of hopping. Oh well, it was fun. Time to put the ice on it for a little bit, then compress and heat.

It's one of the things I like about being the middle of nowhere. I had some light pollution going on thanks to my security lights! The milky way is barely visible to the naked eye here, but it's so beautiful in the picture taken when the camera has more time to capture the light coming in!
>Oh well, it was fun. Time to put the ice on it for a little bit, then compress and heat.

Thank you for the video. However, what I do is what works for me and I've learned through trial and error.
>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
Pretty severe, we couldnt go out in the town to even get groceries, my mom just ordered them and picked them up.

>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
Terrible impact, i gained a ton of weight and my binge eating disorder got WAY worse. Im lucky that i didnt gain even more than i did. It deeply worsened my depression and im still dealing with the consequences now.

>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
Im a little concerned, but i feel like if another lockdown happened id be fine. Considering im going down the right track with my life rn, i dont think ill be in a bad spot. Hopefully if it happens again ill LOSE weight this time T-T
you didn't even watch it
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What is the oldest guy you would date?

t. aging male
One moment that will always stick with me was when I had to go to the bank. I pulled in and parked; and before I got out of my car, I put on a mask. And then I just started laughing at how weird it was to be putting on a mask before entering a bank; thinking that, only a few weeks earlier, it would have been a good way to end up in jail.
they're just going to say 14 or some shit to make you feel bad, which is why I made this reply because now they also have to prove me wrong out of spite
I love aircon so much
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This is what I imagine /biofem/ looks like IRL
what's the matter nona?
>This is what I imagine /biofem/ looks like IRL
If that makes you less sad.
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tried crocheting a gapless granny square and fucked up at some point, now it's a triangle. I've crocheted this pattern before but after not practicing for so long I need a refresh
Just a battery and oil change. Maybe need to tune its carb not sure. We are at a lower altitude so who knows.

I have an inexpensive 60 dollar one but it's causing me problems I don't know don't plan on getting it now but maybe at done point.
it is oh god yes moved around too much worried about not having a place to go it still sticks around.

Also sorry for late response I don't have data and get have my phone out at work. Saturdays suck.
>Sorry to hear about the bites. Do you have a pet
I do but seems the mosquito repellant worked so whatever is biting me probably is more related to those disgusting things. I also don't see any fleas or ticks on my cat at least from what I can see.
Wasted day but finally got another ending done, 2 endings left. Vidya was a mistake.
now you have to make another and wear them like a bikini
Wouldn't work for her 34DDD's (sometimes 32G.)
I'm the guy who asked her for her bra size and you're more invested on it than I am...
Time for another lockdown. they're shooting your presidential candidates
That was the terrible thing about the lockdowns: that extremism made everything else worse and a lot of people are still dealing with the consequence of it.

It's still a very cute triangle, tomo! What are you trying to make?

Yay for it working! Hopefully whatever it is stays dead.

Did you neglect other things that you need to do? If not, it's not wasted.
I wanna crawl inside your uterus and stay there forever. All warm and wet and cozy, feeling your heartbeat and listening to your voice. Kissing you from the inside and sleeping there until we both die as one.
Please please please
I will feed on your period blood and help you ease your cramps.
Eight years and people are still butthurt that Hillary lost the election three times.
M Chan will you keep me safe from looters during the Civil war?
>t. Male.
Protect yourself. I'll have enough on my plate to do if something like that happens.
How's the freeze dryer in >>78141708 coming along?
Idk, it's over at my parent's house. I called my mom to see how it was going several hours ago when she woke me up with the whole "NOOOOO!!!! TRUMP HAS BEEN SHOT!!!!" and she said it was in the drying phase instead of freezing phase like in the pic.
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You trannies(kikes) are awful quiet all of a sudden. LMAO
>Yay for it working! Hopefully whatever it is stays dead.
It is just a repellent. It doesn't kill them.
I'm still not liking this app. Also, there's way too much light pollution around my home due to all the security lights. I'm going for a bike ride here in a bit and I'll take my tripod with me. Hopefully I'll get some decent pictures away from the light pollution.

Sorry I misunderstood, peaches! At least it's working though!
It helps and totally loving the massage gun. It hurts so much but it gets the places I can't on my own. Not in so much pain. Wish it was a little stronger but otherwise it works.
I'm glad it is relieving some of your pain! That's one thing I never did try, but I always hear good things about them. I tend to stick to my TENS unit if I have that problem. However, sometimes it may be too much.
>TENS uni
Oh I never used something like that. the PT trainer used something similar but put a needle in my sore spots and then electrified it a little. Kind of hurt but it helped only a little. THe massage gun seems I dont know like it loosens the area or something and it reaches places no amount of me pushing seems to get. Definitely helps places that I can't reach with the leverage I have. I am glad I have one now.
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Sloppy job moassad.
why hello there, fellow biological females. I really hate trannies too! Haha, those trannies will never know what being a REAL female is like, right girls?
t. female
Okay, going now on the bike ride. Hopefully I'll be able to get a good picture!

lol you got the dry needling and elecstim done! That always seems to help me a lot if I have a stubborn area that the TENS unit cannot reach. It's a bummer it hasn't help you much.

It still loosens the area though? That's at least some relief to get your pain levels down.
>It still loosens the area though? That's at least some relief to get your pain levels down.
It helped my arm when it seized up but otherwise it still took a lot of time for that to calm down. Wish he used the massage gun there but wasnt there for my shoulders. The gun totally helps it is really reaching that place along my spine near the hip. I can't get at it any other way and the foam roller helps but causes me so much pain for a little relief.
Nice picture. This is why this thread is the best general. You are all out doing things with your lives and having fun.
That is one of the issues with foam rollers: they sometimes don't reach those areas or don't really bring much pain relief. Is it still worth the pain for the little you get from it? A lot of treatments vary per person. I benefit from dry needling so I recommend it often, but some people don't get the benefit or it's so nil.

I've been doing what I've always done. That picture I walk a little bit along one of our trails to take to get away from the loght pollution from my security lights.
Do you carry self protection on these bike rides? Need to know how to prepare
It helped some since it stretched the area and I'll probably use it a lot for my back since I can't reach well. But I'm using the massager for my leg and hip. It really helps. Feeling some psin but my side doesn't feel like it's trying to constantly contract. So I'm feeling okay right now. Already a positive.
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you have no healer
SHE is not here
don't fuck with Lucifer
you have to kill Lucifer to get the healer
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you're pissweak
you don't have the stones
to kill me
>you're pissweak
>you don't have the stones
>to kill me
have another faggot
HATES how WEAK that SHIT country REALLY IS
What's the next buy? or it's all about that debt first?
Have you tried with a non phone camera?
why do men just let you be obsessed with them while secretly hating you? like, i thought men were simple, if i wanted things to be complicated, i'd just be a lesbian
Just read about that project 2025 crap (not american) maybe a lockdown coming while Trump tries to set up le new America
women do that too, so many memes of "when the guy that likes me and I don't like at all stop liking me" with an angry face.
It's a power move to have someone like that in your life. Strokes the ego.
i guess so, i want to be used but not like this lol
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moid-chan and op1
I mean it does make sense wanting for trump to die but by killing him you arent any better than him.
why do 20-30s year olds from a generation ago look like an entirely different species from 20-30 year olds today? we arent objectively short or malnourished or babyfaced because of the new standard but compared to them we look like all of that. it's not about even breast or butt size or hip shape but something in the overall everything i look around and see permanent middle/highschoolers and look like one myself. How am I supposed to feel like a "woman"

I do not identify with the term "woman" in any what but mentally or spiritually. Societally I feel I will always be a girl but clearly I'm not that anymore either. Yeah yeah cue the Madonna
>Yeah yeah cue the Madonna
Men don't actually hate women, this imaginary phenomenon is literally emotional terrorism done by female writers who prey on female insecurities and fear to sell their garbage.

Men ARE simple and practical.
I'm 19 and look like an overgrown 13 year old. It's so over
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meanwhile in the real world
Trump is such an attention whore I bet he hired a hitman for himself baka
Yeah, like in Sopranos.
He couldnt stand Reagan got shot, and he didnt
Chronically online lives matter
>Oh? You want a perfect night time picture of this spot? lol, that's not happening. Here's an extremely blurry picture that makes it look like it's daylight instead!!
I couldn't stay long to see if I could get a better picture because the drunks on their ATVs were out in the field and I did not feel like getting annoyed tonight, along with clouds rolling it.

Yes, my LC9.

That's great to hear, peaches! Hopefully it'll come to a point where you won't need to use it as often and your job won't torture you as much.

It's not on my priority list rn.
Why would he hire a hitman to almost literally kill him
>my LC9
that's a cute little gun
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>orange man BAD
I mean, he's not my ideal candidate because of the whole zion don angle, but this was a cathartic moment no matter how you're trying to frame it. Show me another politician who wouldn't run like a bitch after getting shot at and keep yelling "FIGHT!" to his crowd.
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And for reference, this is what it looks like during the daytime.
It def is! I like it and it conceals well.
Oy there's a thread for discussing the trump happening
How reluctant would you be to actually use it?
To win pity points and act like he's literally such a revolutionary that the mossad wants him dead like JFKen
kek it's completely out of focus
strong moody vibes though
There's this funny meme about a politician saying "missed me" to a balloon popping, I didn't see trump's video but I doubt its as funny as that one, also more reasons to think he orchestrated it himself
I'd rather not ever have to use it, but I think it's better to have it and never have to use it than to need it but don't have it.

It was a terrible failure. I seriously don't understand why it did what it did. It's like something is saying "I don't want you to take a night time picture here."
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>I'm just going to hire some wretched crackhead tranny to miss my brain by a few millimeters, this seems like the best option to add some steam to my campaign

You're delusional
That's a lovely place, makes you want to run around!
I feel like it's so unnecessary to go as far as to almost killing him desu. If he hadn't moved his head an inch then he would've been killed
Sure, I'm done talking about it
>"I don't want you to take a night time picture here."
moidchan disturbing the forest spirits again
I would do cartwheels there
It def looks that way. A lot of people, who the owner knows, ride their ATVs on it.

>Okay forest spirits, don't make me complain to my God about you.

That would be so fun.
Is that wooded suburbia or middle of nowhere?
because you are a retard.
Bad day huh? Can only do as hominems?
It's middle of nowhere. Suburbia yuck!
You don't have to dox yourself but what geographical region is this? It looks so nice and green
Yes. Please post your geo coordinates. I won't show up or anything.
I'll just say eastern US.
For simpletons like
Shooting him from that distance would have been easy, especially since the 'shooter' had time to shoot 3 to 5 times before SS came in.
One less moid alive would have been great.
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But, alas, it wasn't meant to be. God is with us and you'll have to settle for the serpent, wretched thing.
What do you think of the attempted assassination?
I don't care about it. I got too many other things to worry about.
Wow, moid chan and op1 are Goddesses
mchan is not that political? have you had a /pol/ phase?
A lot of that was smoking desu. The adult look was actually the disheveled old woman look
Consensus is he already won, nothing like surviving an assassination attempt to portray yourself both as the chosen one and the martyr
Elites will always do what elites do. All they are giving is a show. Once you see it, it never leaves you. It's something I seen since college. Politics brings the out the worst in people.
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A person directly behind him had died from the bullet meant for him and his ear was fucking grazed. You're beyond delusional if you think anyone would risk their campaign on a shot that could have killed them if it just happened to be closer the other end of the expected grouping.
How did we get a black president and not a woman yet?
the last guy i had a crush on blamed me for his depression that was already going on a month before i started talking to him, i liked him, but he actually hated me, and told literally everyone except me about it, i was just supposed to get the hint
honestly i consider project 2025 to be an assassination of our democracy, and given it's policies, worse than that for citizens
Mentally ill people tend to disappoint, regardless of sex. I don't know what else to tell you.
No problem on the late response, I'm sure you know I've been responding more late myself lately. Glad you're getting the moped fixed up. You work Saturdays too? I hope they give you days off. My biggest concern really was the job working you just below full time so you do almost as much work with no benefits (as many employers do)
I haven't made many wearable crochet items yet besides a few shitty hats, I would need to do more measuring for a top or a shirt. It's a fun ide (probably not a bikini though)
I was just making more granny squares to use as coasters. Once I made a coaster set that goes into a crocheted plant pot and becomes a succulent, it was a pretty simple and fun pattern but I need more yarn for that one. I only got into crochet because my college roommate wanted to teach me, she bought me some yarn and a hook and insisted I learn. It's a fun passtime when watching a show >>78147062
My neighbors security light pisses me off so much smfh it's the only thing fucking up the night sky in the immediate area and I hate it
haters gonna hate. wah evah
Widowmaker nerfs are crazy this season
true, but i'm a bit mentally ill, and would rather not make someone else feel like they're a problem, at my meanest i would poke fun of someone having feelings for me, but i wouldn't mind it either
then seek people with a similar mindset and sniff out whether they have that specific trait you're talking about
This idol worshiping of Trump by Christians I'm seeing over this is ridiculous.

Hey tomo! That's the thing with coasters: you cannot have enough. I may ask my niece if she feels like making a few. Hobbies like that, once you get going, always tend to be very fun.

I kind of hate them as well, but in my case, I need them due to being in the middle of nowhere. We've had random strangers come walking down our road in the middle of the night.

Alright, church time.
>This idol worshiping of Trump by Christians I'm seeing over this is ridiculous.
You can't deny that it's a cathartic moment. Maybe not for you since you're a resentful berry picker, but still.
Bought a battery for my moped so I can start getting around again.
Stop throwing that word around as if it has any relevance to this.
I do I work 40 hours a week and have two days off. My week is just a little shifted and starts on Tuesday instead of Monday. Hopefully the battery will be in today and I'll get it going. It might complain a bit since I haven't run it in forever.
No, you don't get to police my language. I will use whichever buzzwords I want because I'm a strong, independent man and a free thinker. You have no way to oppress me, shitlady. Fuck the m*triarchy, down with the oppressors.
Use whatever words you want. Just makes you sound like an unintelligent idiot.
I love finding beetles in my backyard and making them fight each other to the death, resulting in the champion beetle being buried in honor
It's so cathartic
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I wasn't asking permission and I wasn't seeking your approval, you fucking nazi oppressor. God I hate women so much.
Well women hate you so it all works out in the end.
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You wish, lady. Women line up for the privilege of being in in the presence of this magnificent, avant-garde boy king. They can't resist my charms and they stand in awe of my sagacity.
England, not even once.
Makes sense, the hubbies enjoyed themselves a bit too much for a few days so their women become more abusive in turn.
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Uhhmmm... based black kings?
op1 for president
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First freeze dry test batch done! Just waiting for the oxygen absorbers to absorb all the oxygen in the bags!! The mylar bags are sealed and ready to be put away back in storage for a rainy day!!

>resentful berry picker
And they were great! All were completely wild, not sprayed with pesticides, etc. And, I got to spend some time with my mom, some extra exercise, worked on my tan a bit, and I got some free snacks with it!
how was church? did they ask you to pray for Trump?
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I thought I could find friends here but all of the biofems do not stand with Trump. You are breaking by heart, biofems. It's going to hurt so much to face you on the battlefield in the upcoming Civil Wars.
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I'll keep my sweet fembots safe from feral niggers
Today was tense, since I mentioned about the idol worship. Guess who was the dumb liberal and ungrateful for such a great guy? lol, sorry, gotta rebuke! You don't elevate him to messianic status. I don't have an opinion of the guy: I'm just calling a spade a spade.

I pray for everyone, but mostly for God's guidance through the Holy Spirit for me, and to repent for my sins. It's okay to pray for him, make sure everything is okay, etc.
>mentioned about the idol worship
you mean you spoke to them and alluded about it? and got rebuked for it? kek
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i find the idea of picking the best politician and following him like a king ridiculous. i do not trust any politicians, i do not trust any millionaires, i do not trust any people who wield immense power and yet pretend to be the same as me.

if a powerful man says he is not so different from you, he is lying.
No, I got angry that people were glorifying him and were basically worshiping him as if he was the second coming of Christ so I told them they were idol worshiping him. Then came the "stupid liberal", "Biden supporter", and ungrateful statements.
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>I don't have an opinion of the guy
Yes you do. You fucking love the man and you're being tsundere as usual.
my crush said he was horny, and i said idk what to do about that,

he asked me to draw yuri hentai...

to make matters worse he used the phrase popstars who like to tease while complimenting a famous person's looks,

it is so catastrophically over, apparently i have nothing to tease in his eyes, he must've liked my nudes for artistic merit, assuming he ever did...

i'm considering becoming a feminist
Just lay off the fucking discord retard
good idea, but i already said sure, and am in the middle of my drawing unfortunately, i'm starting to regret talking to him
You need to be taken away from the internet for a while, you are very irresponsible with it
that's already happening soon, i'm being taken on a family vacation and there isn't going to be wifi
Im sure he meant for months, not just a week or two.
Youre a lost cause otherwise.
>if a powerful man says he is not so different from you, he is lying.
He's not so different from me. He's very different from weak pussies like you. The only real difference is effort and will power.
i'll probably end up admitting defeat by the time the week is over anyway, and after that i'll probably end up dedicating myself to art skill growth, or media consumption, something that isn't him...
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>No, I got angry that people were glorifying him and were basically worshiping him as if he was the second coming of Christ so I told them they were idol worshiping him. Then came the "stupid liberal", "Biden supporter", and ungrateful statements
Why do you hate divine interventions?
or you know it was a demon guarding him
You did the right thing, mchan. You're too smart for them.
Worshipping a billionaire playboy that larps as xtian for votes is laughable
>Not pictured is Jesus diverting the bullet into a random dude behind the stage
Smartest Christcuck.
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how did you get that selfie

t. Op1
it's so bad that twitter has started to recommend me anime that nearly matches my situation, even the algorithm knows,

it's nice to see a relatable anime character, but then seeing the comments of people calling her a waifu is funny knowing those same guys wouldn't actually like someone like that, apparently i'm not waifu material i have to have self reflection, introspection and growth or whatever

update: my dad actually called while i was typing this, and he asked what i would do if my parents weren't around, my mom and step dad says this too, but like, they're only in their early 40s, but yeah things are a mess, and i'm just pretending that they're not
where's pregnona and scaryeyes?
at the interracial breeding grounds
You cant pregnize somebody who is already pregnent
Why has she been pregnant for so long
some women just prefer not to give birth
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>Not pictured is Jesus diverting the bullet into a random dude behind the stage

He's a hero. A real man.
pregnancy takes several months lol, and i've only seen her here for like 2 or 3
So they just keep the baby in them forever? That seems selfish
Who cares if that racist pos died, Shannon Doherty died of breast cancer :(
yes, it just stays at 9 mo old body wise, but keeps developing mentally indefinitely. so sometimes mothers give birth to newborns that are like 30 yo. it's a traumatizing experience for the baby (adult)
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>Who cares if that racist pos died
I do.
>Shannon Doherty died of breast
already fapped
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gooooood afternoon biofemmers ><

i got (finally) a good night's rest. everything is going well i'd say. ive been studying languages (so back to my regular routine)
i have absolutely ZERO people texting me however, my closest friend is still cold on me so i might download dating apps again to heavily curate them to show me people i could be friends with
>my closest friend
The one who didn't want you asking that cosplayer out?
Did you stop hearing from both of them at the same time? I get a bad vibe from that.
no, it's someone else. i'm lonely but at least im surrounded by the scent of fabric softener.
>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
Not very restrictive. My area didn't suffer business closures, and most of the restaurants either shifted towards to-go or outdoor eating. I absolutely shat myself with fear every time my old parents went out to do anything.
>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
Quite mixed. I think it prolonged the period of my life where I feared the world and all the people in it. It made me misanthropic, which I look back upon with a lot of regret. Lockdowns happened right as I graduated high school, so I didn't get the expected "social reset" when entering college (everyone was busy making friends online, while I was busy arguing with silly creatures on imageboards). The social isolation, along with the rigor of my major, made it easy for me to hone in on my studies and learn some pretty cool shit. However, I spent two and a half years of college avoiding some really incredible people. I deeply regret not befriending the autists sooner, because I had to cram four years of friendship into 18 months. I miss those retards.
>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
Not particularly.
wtf is female gaze porn pls enlighten me
Not coming home :(
Imagine leaving mom's womb and get told you need to find a job asap
B-but you got her gifts! Why is she angry at you
Hope they stop giving you the cold shoulder soon
nobody was expecting it to
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How is everyone? Here's my allosaurus

>How severe were the lockdowns in your area?
>What impact (good and/or bad) did they have on you?
Almost 0 besides being more content with my face covered
>How concerned are you that there will be another round?
I have no idea
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Leave the birds out of your money harvesting threads.
Did you see frontier announced planet coaster 2
What game is that allosaurus from?
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Jurassic World Evolution 2

Wow this is just like when Soaked! first was released

Here's my carnotaurus. I'm still getting the hang of this game
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I love it when they sit like that too. I love any animal with haunches they sit on, and the theropods are no stranger to that.

Another allo cause he's so cuuute!
Beautiful biofem bumparooni
You use dating apps to make friends? How? I just get harassed a lot and after the millionth penis image I'm just done with it all.
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>tfw you'll never a biofem that's trained with firearms protect you and love you
I agree with you soooo much.

As long as he accepts Jesus as his lord and savior, I consider him a Christian. I just get tired of people worshiping these people. Like look at how people worship overpaid entertainers (aka celebrities.) JFC, they're people just like me and you. Just because they play pretend and have more money doesn't mean they're more special than me and you. It's the same as politicians.

Algorithms are scary.

This is exactly what the media should be covering. However, we worship an idol instead and he gets everything.

Hey kpop! Glad to hear about the rest, but def not the friend situation. If they're not over it by now, they're being petty.

Hey pounce! How have you been? I think plenty of people were glad to have masks on just for that reason alone!
Hiya moid-chan how are you this evening? I'm actually kind of okay. Got the battery in. Took a bit but the moped started need to do that oil change but otherwise it runs. Have to do maintenance though so bleh. Had a new friend over I met on an app she hung out with me for a bit but all I did was be a nerd. Hope she didn't mind. Other than that used my massager even used it on one of the cats. Not sure though he might be into it. He's old so I assume that he's in quite a bit of pain too. He's napping now. Also had some tea so I'm relaxing and enjoying my night. Still having some desire to smoke Marijuana. I wish I could.
If it's like lonely males then any conversation does. Sorry to the biofems we bother here for that reason
>if a powerful man says he is not so different from you, he is lying.
Why? I think it's the opposite.
It's the fact that, they are just like you, that should make you be weary of them.

Power doesn't change people. People don't change. And you wouldn't be any better than them.
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There is not a day where I don't think about shattering my skull with a .45.
I bet cukes in a freeze dryer would be pretty interesting if nothing else.
Hey peaches!!! I'm doing okay. Not feeling that great, but overall okay myself. I'm going to be doing my workout here in a bit. I just finished getting back from my parents and putting another batch into the freeze dryer. I love it so much, and it's an investment I'm glad I made.

That is cool about the battery! How long did it take to get the moped to finally start after all of that? I remember my dad always yelling on that stuff and it was a sigh to everyone when something finally started.

That is so awesome about the new friend! How long have you two been talking on the app? She knows you a bit if you been talking for awhile so she probably didn't mind at all and knew what she was getting into with the nerding out.

Did the massager work? I hope it brings your pain levels down a bit. It is a bummer living with injuries like yours. It's understandable for you wanting to smoke more marijuana. There's a reason why people use drugs--it does bring that relief they seek.

lol@ using it on the cat. If he's old, he may have some issues that the massager is helping. It may just even make him purr, which will help out even more.

Those in power are unlikely to understand since almost all of them have never been in our position. It's just like me: I would never understand where a homeless person is coming from since I was never down that low. Nor would I ever understand where some nonas here come from and their plights since I've been extremely fortunate and blessed compared to them.

Power doesn't change people? That's a load of bullshit. "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely" is a common quote for a reason. I've seen the nicest people turn into the worst people the moment they got into a position of power.

I would absolutely love it. I could put away so much of them to last the winter.
Oh, I hadn't thought of it like that, yeah it'd be a great way to store them
Anyway you females should lower your standards and settle for me, and the fact that none of you ever will, and would rather die than do that, DOES make you all bad people.
>Power doesn't change people? That's a load of bullshit. "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Yes, I don't agree with that.
It just shows you who they really are. People don't change. Being given the opportunity to do evil doesn't automatically make you evil. In fact, if the only reason you are good is because you haven't had the chance to be bad, then you were never good.

I also disagree that you have to go go through the same experience to be able to understand someone else.

I do not mean for this to be a debate. It's just an interesting topic. Ty for your reply.
It looks like I will have to buy a bit of them since again ours are not doing well this year if I decide that. I'd love to see what happens regardless. Between our family, we'll probably eat all of what is growing very quickly and won't be able to put any back.
Like maybe 5 to 7 minutes. It didn't want to go at first but I guess it needed to prime something before it would start again once it did it would start up immediately.

Ah a little while now maybe a few weeks she seems pretty nice but I worry since she works two jobs and her sister seems to be taking advantage if her. I don't know how she does it but she's often dead tired.

It does work I'm enjoying it so much the cat might too. He's not trying to run from it or making any complaints still he feels so fragile so I am not putting much pressure on him. The other cat is wary of it and doesn't want it touching him. But it isn't scaring him off I guess.
>Power doesn't change people
I think you're wrong. Nta. But I think having more money and power just makes you more of what you really are. Some people will do more good with their increased wealth and power. Some will be selfish. People are people.... More resources just gives you more opportunity to do what you'd do anyway if you could.
Which poster are you? I don't often see people hold similar views.
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it is women's fault I hate women

why cant women stop doing things that make me hate them
Everyone is evil with power. It puts you into this incorrect mindset where you think what you do is right only because you can do it.
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Whats going on ((ladies)). Same thread for the past 48 hours. I wonder why LMAO
Those 3 dumb cunts are an absolute embarrassment. The one chick couldnt even re holster her weapon and the chick in that pic had a monemtal shitfit and was walking around in circles when they surrounded the SUV. Nothing but diversity hire wasters. Women shouldn't be allowed to do any type of law enforcement or military roles.
their performance was a disaster, women are simply not built for combat roles. Playing along with this unnatural bullshit could have caused a civil war
This is probably the best one I could get tonight. I left it while I worked out so I got many of them that tracks the movement each stars throughout that period of time. it was surprising to see how our Earth spinning can change the position of the stars so quickly.

That reminds me of the many times my dad would scream at something and sometimes kicks thing until they fit into the spot they're supposed to be. I think he did that one time when trying to replace his truck's battery.

That's sad for her. Is it because she is taking care of both her and her sister? Doing that type of stuff does take a toll on people. Even if say like she was doing an easy job like mine, even then it still wears people down.

I'm so glad that it's working for you!!! Now you got something that's effective and can help you so much! He may be getting some positive effect then from it if he isn't trying to run. lol@other cat. I wonder if you can sneak a massage on him with it? Maybe then he won't be so weary of it?
what kinds of music do you listen to, mchan?

That depends on my mood. I don't actively listen to music. Several months ago, I remember a nona talk about soft jazz and recommended that Cafe BGM youtube channel ITT so it's what I've been mostly listening to recently when I do listen to music. It was a lifesaver when the electricity went out while I was sleeping here, since I didn't have my box fan for whitenoise. Pulled up that channel, selected one of their sleep tracks, and play.

Sometimes, I'll get nostalgic and listen to the 90's songs I grew up with, or remember the 80's stuff my mom loves and listen to it for awhile. Every once in awhile I'll also listen to some anime OP's and ED's.

Right now, I'm listening to the fan in the background. It's nice whitenoise to listen to! I thitnk I mentioned it before I cannot go on vacation unless I have that kind of white noise going. If I'm in a hotel room, it'll be fine since they have those one window units and I can just let it run as whitenoise.
>Cafe BGM youtube channel
smooth jazz for background is always nice

also recommend nostalgic vaporwave

any vacation plans for this summer?
What? No Weather Channel vaporwave? lol. My paternal granddad used to watch the Weather Channel for hours everyday where they had some music like the video you linked.

Not this summer. I still got to plan my fall one. I think I might go to my normal spot sometime in November. I've been there in the late fall before, and it's usually nice, but it's either hit or miss. Though, it's fun since no one is usually around, and the people who actually live there are nice people.
>No Weather Channel vaporwave?
here you go )
Vacationing in November? Big fall girl huh
East Hartford Sand+Gravel Inc. are still around! Phone number still the same too! lol!

I prefer it because no one else is vacationing around that time. It's one thing i hate about the company I work for is that once "everyone takes their summer vacations" (CEO's own words), then they can roll over additional PTO time past the max limit to short-term disability. Like, my max is 64 hours due to being there for 5 years (prior to that is 48), so when the roll-over occurs in at the end of this month, my 84 hours I have will have it wittled down to 64 hours with the other 20 hours put into short-term disability. I don't like this: I'd rather have the "use it or lose it" policy at the hospital where once you hit your limit, you didn't gain anymore and you had to use it or "lose it." At least there I once had 190 hours and the max by the time I left was 240 hours. But there, PTO was handed out like nothing compared to where I am now. I was gaining at least 8 hours PTO per pay period compared to the 5 I get now.
you need to set it to show you only women and then curate it enough to show you people who aren't stacies
i dunno it's weird. she told me she got me a gift and that i could come over but she just sounds cold you know?
Hey kpop! Did she tell you the gift she got you? I wonder what things happened while you were gone that she doesn't want to say?
What would your past self think of your current self? Would she think it was meant to end up this way or would she be shocked?
I am the moid who posts about a weeb gf with big boobies sometimes.
>posts about a weeb gf with big boobies sometimes
hey that's my gimmick
No, it's not. You aren't original. Kys.
I disagree. Lacking the power to do evil does not make you more moral.
I could give such examples but it would be inappropriate.
I don't believe things are relative.
>I wonder if you can sneak a massage on him with it? Maybe then he won't be so weary of it?
Oh I tried but he just wanted to get away from it. Little slinky can't just squirms away. Though he doesn't seem afraid of it so that's neat.
Are you mad that you got ghosted
Its funny how you immediate jump to one of the worst things to do online kek
Like its that common
No I'm wondering if he's a specific poster who makes threads for this fembot, but I haven't seen her respond to them in some time now.
>if he's a specific poster
That seemed like the most bland and not unique post to me
It wasn't a comment on thr novelty of the post, but a connection anon made and wanted to find out if it was true, given that it would be funny.
I really dont know what this is about but maybe well see
He uses the same image on every thread he makes so she can identify him. They're disguised as ragebait so they can stay bumped. >>78156021
But maybe it's just someone else who saved the image because it's posted here nearly every day, it has a different filename after all.
Still looking, btw.
And still suffering.
Anyone figured out Op1's ovulation cycle?
>asking for someone else to do the work.
Maybe you got too used to the Australian accent
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i just came back. she got me a nana pin! but she had another friend over and i felt like i was bothering her so i left early... i think ill spend the entire day in my room studying
I really wanted to learn Japanese but I don't know language is something that scares me. I'm so much better with my hands than other skills. I don't even know how people go about learning another language. It seems really stressful.
>ill spend the entire day in my room studying
what are you studying? the cadaver makeup stuff?
>I don't even know how people go about learning another language.
What is there not to comprehend
japanese and chinese
languages are easy you just need to find a method of study that works for you, which can take some time.
I could say the same thing about all the stuff that I know that most of you don't even bother trying to learn. What's so hard to comprehend replacing a thermostat?

Cattiness aside languages and more creative type stuff is difficult for me. Especially when I have no idea how to start.
What would you recommend?
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Just wanna hold OP1
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hope this helps, couldn't write every detail down but
this is day one of me distancing myself from my crush lol
This poisonous tampon discourse is wild to me; my whole life women and girls have given me shit for using only pads (I've never used a tampon in my life and i never will) there is an actual social pressure to make girls use tampons (which I never fell for because I'm not a lemming)

The lead poisoning explains A LOT about behavior I've witnessed too
Speaking of which wondering if Scara is playing the new hoyoslop
mchan, how many times have you tried leaving 4chan?
you mean zenless zone zero? i'm considering checking it out for research, since i am an aspiring nsfw artist, although if i manage to seduce someone with my art, i'm not showing my face or body again lol, it probably made things worse
>if i manage to seduce someone with my art, i'm not showing my face or body again lol
Ummm... what?
i'm planning to become an anime girl, like a vtuber, but with drawing instead, that was my initial plan with my crush until i revealed my body, secret identity and face to him, also i've been in an existential crisis for a while now
actually an existential and identity crisis, as messed up as it sounds i genuinely don't know how to define myself without a man anymore, i don't feel at my best if i'm not obsessed with some guy
>how to define myself without a man
Same answer as always
Stay off the internet for some months and find something else to do
true when i was single i felt empty, but stable, almost content even, but recently there's been times i've been feeling worthless
did you post in the femoid fetish thread
i didn't lol, idk what's in that thread
A little bumperino for the nonas. Seems like the thread is dying.
I do not want to go to work ;_;

lol, they are always able to squirm away if they want to. That is good that he isn't just sprinting though.

That's cool of her to do. I hope whatever is bothering her that she's giving you the cold shoulder about will be resolved soon. Hope you are enjoying whatever you are studying.

I never attempted. I've been offline without it for awhile with no issues.
I just don't feel like posting, or doing anything really. Will be one of those weeks.
any hobbies on hold?
Neetvegetatedepressionmaxxing club.

No time for hobbies have to wallowmaxx.
I said I'd stop posting after thread #100 and it doesn't feel right to post in a place that's supposed to only be for biofems. Going to try and post less here and leave biofems their own space.
It was only being propped up by tripfems and their moid orbiters in the first place.
Add me to the club I really don't feel like anything at all and talking to people is getting hard
Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it.
Yeah I don't try to spook my cats. So mines don't get startled by stuff sure some loud noises still scares my cat but otherwise the dogs can get roudy and he will just lay there not caring.

Other news I won't be able to use my moped this week. The fuel mixture is wrong. So it's kind of stalling out when I try to get ot moving fast. It's not a big deal I just have to adjust a part I think they call the carburator but to do that will be an all day process I just do not have time for. But the oil is changed it starts up so it runs just won't be good enough to get to work. Little sad but I'll be able to do it on the weekend. Honestly thought it would run better here than my old place ha I don't know much about vehicles.
+1 on wallowmaxxing, it's going to be a slooooow week
Community update:
Still suffering.
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>Look this is you
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>implying "mtf trannies are female"
Oh deary! Woman moment!
Maybe biofem is no longer needed? Last bump.
the thread can be slow sometimes. people act like everything is black and white. it's been a daily, constant, rapid paced thread mostly because of simps and orbiters and shit. bfd getting posted and archiving in the same day is evidence of that. biofem being slow, threads lasting days, dying sometimes and being reposted another day with occasional posters, there's nothing wrong with that state of being. it's what it would have been if absolutely no men or trannies posted from the start.
I wonder how many biofems are banned right now.
True. As a man, I was responsible for 30% of all posts in the biofem threads. If I never posted, the biofem threads would have died before reaching double digits.
>people act like everything is black and white

lol, what in the fuck are you going on about. you're having some hysterical meltdown because someone made an innocuous throwaway comment about this thread being slow and shit. when it first started, it was active and "rapid paced" because people came in here to shit on the women and tell them their thread is gay whilst posting gore and black anuses, now that people don't do that as much cause they got bored it's the same circle of discord faggots all jerking each other off and begging for money from simps. your thread fucking blows, and you are a nigger.
uh huh. i'm glad you think so.
>begging for money from simps.
No thronefagging for 20 threads, with it rarely done prior to that. Stop with your lies.
That is one thing: never spook a cat. I've seen the damage they can do spooked, and it's not pretty.

Is it one of those kinds that need ethanol-free fuel? My parents have lawn mowers that are that type. It's a bummer you have to continue doing work just to get it working and going at a faster speed.
No it's uh something to do with how the air and fuel mix with each other. I don't entirely understand but I have to swap a part out to lower how much fuel gets mixed with the air. Then test if it's better then repeat till I find a good area where the moped will run happily. Not hard just tedious and time consuming.
life updates -- I got my vintage dress + smock in the mail today, to no suprise the dress does not fit, but not to worry, the smock is maternity to begin with so i can still style my bump vintage style (aka,, practically hidden)
I spent a whopping ***REDACTED*** on it but im super happy and might be able to tempo corset back the actual dress for my babyshower which is at the start of august, my family friends have all come together and i am so blessed.. i am far more supported than i thought i would be when i found out and was freaking out
life is good.
Oh I see. I thought it was fully the fuel part since my parents have complained a lot over the whole gasoline/ethanol mix stuff messing up their lawn mowers and youvsaid the fuel mixture. So you meant the air/fuel part. Sorry about that! Idk anything about that kind of stuff. I always hate when something is so tedious.
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Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Hey pregnona! Sorry to hear about the dress. However, it's def grwat that your family is supportive. They usually are despite what unsupportive stuff they say prior. It's always easy to say stuff until it's one of our own. I hope the blessings continue for you!
They always hear me somehow.
Despite claiming to like cars. I don't really know much about how they work.
And your post made want to go on an autistic deep dive on carburators and motors.
If only I had enough energy and attention span to indulge in such urges.
Who would do that? Just get a bunch of girls addicted to drugs/attention and then cut them off cold turkey so they become even more weak and easily controlled?

You guys have no idea. Do you?
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Can I get a 4chins gf as a femboy?
>If smol dick
No. Troon out.
>If hung
It's just average
r9k is slowly dying anyway. It's not like biofem was some fast paced growing community. Will pick back up whenever there's more than 3 regulars around.
Then probably not.
Baby showers are awesome, love the silly games people come up with
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This could be us fembots but you refuse to be friends first.
I'm really cute thoughj
>guy puts hair in ponytail
i've always wondered why this became an incessantly posted webm on r9k. its very unremarkable.
Because it's race mixing.
>In fact, I hope the Chinese make another pandemic, this time focused on moids
Brazil did that during the 2016 Olympics.
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>taking out trash since patient didn't do this chore
>notice perfect night
>realize I firgot my tripod at home
What is the tripod for?
Are you one of those nurses who makes tiktok vids while on the job?
You wouldn't catch me dead on Tiktok. I'm using the tripod to hold my phone study for night photography like in >>78158964, >>78147062, and >>78137699.
Ah okay, that sounds better.

behind you
Nice try: the wall is behind me.
Well this isn't about energy and attention span. This is something I need so I can get around and no one is going to help me do it for me or teach me. So I have to do it on my own. I don't understand exactly how it works but I know that it is supposed to do this and it's not doing it the right way. Luckily the internet exists. Hate having to get dirty but gotta do it.

I don't know I think you are talking about 2 stroke engines? My dad told me you need to mix gas with some other stuff for them to work properly. He said that lawnmowers and like other small engines use that. My moped is a 4 stroke engine and doesn't need stuff mixed in the fuel. But all engines need a goof fuel and air mix to run at their proper power.
>bf is so obssesed with sex
that is normal.
>it's not that important
yes it is.
>i'm so tired about his incel-tier rants about not having sex YEARS AGO
you are a rotten psychopathic cunt. your boyfriend will leave you for the first woman he meets who respects his needs instead of berating him for having them, and who sympathises with the trauma inflicted on him during his adolescent years. you have no idea how disposable you really are.
>i was busy being insufferable
you never stopped.
>yes it is.
No, it's not. Kys.

Yeah, it's a chore.

I am in your walls tho.
Maybe so. Idk anything about that stuff.

I don't think the patient where you are are at will like that. He'll very likely tear down the wall just to hurt you.
>He'll very likely tear down the wall just to hurt you.
H-how did I become the victim?
Get me out!
Coming close to bump limit. I can bake if no nona wants to. Topics?

You don't want to disturb him. Be very quiet.
Thoughts on wearing Goodnites during periods?
Intimates wear thread.
Best way to make friends
how to go from friends to lovers
what kind of dates would be fun to do
last vacation you went on
last time you went camping and what you liked about it
if you could learn any language instantly what would it be
what's your morning routine to stay productive
what's your skin care routine
Oh I love the language one. I'll bake with that one.
I'll wait a few minutes befire I bake since this thread is on page 2 rn. Thank you >>78168692 for suggesting a topic!
Just wear a pad.
Not as absorbent or comfy
You're either a moid or have a diaper fetish, maybe both
This bread talks
It us very smart bread
It even knows different languages
This is my experience living in the UK, it's just endless clouds, and more cloud than usualy when it's some rare comet or something. I wish I could get into stargazing but holy fuck I hate the UK.
Get off my board cunts. Heil Trump

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