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lonely sunday nights edition
previously: >>78150462

qott: what exactly are you looking for?
thank you faggot genuinely
I am looking for nice rocks
tfw no low-effort BF who comes onto me and does all the heavy lifting and makes me feel nice with me having to do very little
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>qott: what exactly are you looking for?
In life, contentment. Right now a nice glass with a handle
Also thanks for making the thread properly this time
Watching a movie with my uncle soon
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Lazy and selfish. What if your bf wants the same done to him?
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Time for Victoria II
Is there any particular reason as to why you faggots can't stay in this singular thread and feel the need to spam the board with your fetishes?
I won't be reading replies to this post, but I hope every single one of you who is guilty of what I described has their head violently caved in.
i'm back from the convention. i decided to stay away from the gaming area and explore the booths. i found an art book of what i thought was yaoi, but was actually a really manly woman. i found some art of a cute topless boy, and the guy at the booth said it was promo art for his book, and gave me a free copy. i may or may not read it. i explored around and found this really cute boy and i actually went up to talk to him and cold-approach him and we actually talked for a while until he had to leave. he was a bit of a flamer. i walked into the gaming area and played some games but that's about it. i saw a girl cosplay as willow but i couldn't get close enough to ask for a picture
I hope you find a cute BF soon closeted-anon.
i cant play until friday. they are stealing me again
Why are straight "people" obsessed with faggots
I feel like I've read this post before
I have work tomorrow, I'm coping by doing evil things in a video game
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Which nation are you playing? When I'm done with ck2 I'm going to unite Japan as the Oda
OP delete the crosslink post in the last thread
Cut the connection, the bots cannot cross
the secret is to have two people who are very easily satisfied but thinks the other is doing the world for em
everyone says i give off straight vibes
i still don't know what that means
i guess it's because i dress like a normal southern redneck dude idfk
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i signed up for swordfighting, and archery. i wasn't very good and my opponent kept killing me. i was pretty decent at archery, and i got a headshot. they were real bows and real arrows, with weighted foam heads. my arms hurt.

i chose this question because i don't actually know what i'm looking for. i say i want a boy who plays video games and is rich and is white and young and nonbalding and uncircumcised and gay and not a whore. i'm sure there were plenty of guys who fit this description who attended the convention. but i was just bored. i didn't really want to go out and talk to people. i don't actually know what i want. i saw 2 boys holding hands and i got really sad.
I was playing Japan last time
Maybe Austria this time
>qott: what exactly are you looking for?
i have no specific aesthetic tastes i just want someone i want to be around and that takes many forms.
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>i say i want a boy who plays video games and is rich and is white and young and nonbalding and uncircumcised and gay and not a whore.
Literally me once enough of my relatives die
it's not enough to just be a fella these days, can't please anyone
also i bought an ocarina. it was the cheapest useful thing i could find. i'll play it for you guys later. the guy selling it was really good at it. i want to be good at ocarina. i want to be good at something, that isn't video games. i always wanted to be good at an instrument. my hands are too small for piano and guitar. ukulele is small and portable, but it makes my fingers hurt. kalimba is fun and easy, but not chromatic. a harmonica fits in your pocket, but isn't chromatic. an ocarina is chromatic and fits in your pocket. the pitch is different depending on how hard you blow. i want to get better at it.
eeh? you cant do anything evil as austria
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I calmed down a bit so I am going to sleep pray for me to not wake up again
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I could dick you down on some gangsta shit
You would be so easily triggered if you weren't a celibate
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That's true
Gavrilo Princip was a terrorist
>two older sisters
Not fair. I wanted hot older brothers who could teach me how to be a man and instead I got two slut sisters
>i want a boy who plays video games and is rich and is white and young and nonbalding and uncircumcised and gay and not a whore
I'd pay good money to see the face behind the post
I'm gonna move to britian and marry drunk brit anon
>brother is almost ten years older than me so he didnt teach me anything and i barely know him
what do you expect to see
Hopefully not a dirty little spic
>he thinks ian is better than barney
I have killed 8 flies today. 5 big ones and 3 small ones.
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France status: kneecapped
can you form Germany with Austria in vanilla vic II? I can't remember.
i played cadence of hyrule and someone seemed interested and i asked if he wanted to play and he declined. too hard i guess. i played mario kart 8 and smash. i tried out steve and was kind of okay. his up special got me killed twice. that guy from a few threads ago was right. people just play stonefaced and totally silent and then leave. this isn't the place to meet people. maybe i'd have a bf if i acted less straight. i don't know.

i saw someone cosplay as that ghost character from that animated short about a ghost trying to convince someone to kill himself. i don't remember what it's called. the ghost killed his parents in his sleep and then killed himself and went to hell. i think you guys know what i'm talking about.
Idk I'm not playing vanilla
You can form the confederation but I won't do that this game cuz I do it literally every other time
what if story really did khs when he killed his mom and it's his ghost haunting the thread?
Ugliness incarnate.
imagine being a ghost with hemorrhoids
we carry in death the chains we forged in life. story forged his chains by not eating vegetables.
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>tfw no bf who listens to me complain about a mediocre spin-off not being as good as the book and doesn't point out that I still stay up for each episode's release
Should I download grindr?
>tfw no pozzed bf
if you never have then yes just so you can see who is on there
one day I might do it to see if I know anyone, I live in a smaller town. I bet they're all a bunch of blank profiles.
genuinely worried I'd find my father in there
What if you found your dad on grindr?
I was just typing..
If you want to get raped, yes.
arrange for a discrete gloryhole of course
that's no joke, my dad is true gay my mom left him for it and now she hates fags but she doesn't know I got the gay gene
rapists don't use grindr, sweetie, they use discord and telegram
do you think its safe to introduce my bf to my dad if me and my dad look nearly identical
Your dad will fuck your bf
Be like Horatio and clone yourself for infinite bfs
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aagghh I just wasted an hour of my life on filler these showrunners are bastards

Tell that to someone who actually encountered rapey, boundary-violating people through that app and feels like shit about it. Grindr dudes are fucked in the head.
why did he rape those guys
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Camouflage bf
major bleeding from this hemorrhoid. More so than before. I'm actually getting kinda worried.
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Quick name me as the rightful heir to storymanor before the sepsis kicks in, I like cats so they'll be in good hands
Not worried enough to see a doctor instead of sharing medical issues here apparently
Storykun era is nearly over..
the funny thing is most of the pain is gone, it's just bleeding and won't stop. The internet said it should within 10 minutes but it's been far longer than that. I also have a fly buzzing around me, I wonder if it can smell the blood?
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If you had a vampire bf would he suck the blood out of your ass? Is that the gay version of pussy blood vampires?
>tfw no bf to play with lego star wars figs with
>tfw no fellow neet bf who doesn't post about his fat bloody asshole
I packed my ass crack with TP, maybe pressure will stop the bleeding. If not I'll just go to bed, I'm not worried enough yet to seek medical help. Not for this.
crying storymom your boy is coming home
Just in case I topped up all the cat's food bowls and changed and refilled all the water bowls. At the very least they'll be okay for a bit.
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Ahhh grass, let there be tranquility
if youre going to die you should open the door and let the cats have a chance

No way my fat ass is going to bleed out from this. I might have to get it looked at but that's it.
Getting a double wide casket for my big fat neet funeral
it quit bleeding. Whew... time for bed.
>Tell that to someone who actually encountered [...] people through that app
So not you, then?
I wonder if they're more fucked in the head than you, who feel the need to fear monger and scare these lonely inexperienced gays further away from trying anything with your asinine generalizations and made up anecdotes
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grindrbros our response?
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If it isn't a larp, which it likely is, then their life was fucked already. Dying of aids would be a blessing
how to meet a compatible bf without using grindr or discord or any app like those
You're forgetting that one time anon here pretended to get HIV from a grindr date and he used the first result of "HIV+ test" google image search to substantiate his claim?
Yeah, incels have selective memory. They will make up these horror movie scenarios where a date turns into a nightmare to justify being a 30+ yo with no dating experience
Why are you refusing to use the tools that could make your search easier?
You know you're not getting off that stinky chair to chase anyone in real life. Do you want to be alone or something?
>Do you want to be alone or something?
well you're succeeding
Sneeko that u?
but my compatible bf wont be there. also my chair isnt stinky
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Concert of Evrope protected
>don't actually know what i want
These gays will say this while their posts are overflowing with "I want to be dicked down" energy
Maybe that couple you saw didn't have as many standards as you have
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>Perhaps there is nothing in the world I value more than the feeling of adventure
>But it comes when it pleases and goes away so quickly
>How dry I feel when it has gone!
>Does it pay me these brief ironical visits to show me that my life is a failure?
The lines before about adventure mean little to me but being a failure is a relatable feel
He could as well be. You don't know, you haven't tried.
Your compatible bf isn't here, but that never stopped you from coming
Glad my bait's still living rent free
Do you bite your nails? I need to stop.. clear nail polish does not work
im not here looking for my compatible bf though unless....? and grindr doesnt have the casual chit chat atmosphere. i think my bf is somewhere reclining and watching a movie or something instead
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Always have done and always will. I don't bite them all the way down and I leave the skin alone so they don't look as bad as some I have seen
Me too. As a kid they always commented how short my nails were.
I don't even realise I'm doing it
I used to bite my toe nails too as a kid too
>tfw everyone on r9gay is too young to be your bf
>tfw everyone on r9gay is too old to be your bf
>tfw no top bf who is slightly older and therefore the perfect age to be your bf
cant believe im actually old now. how could they do this...
Would you date a younger top bf?
The top is meant to be younger so yes
is it weird to prefer your bf to be the same height as you
>tfw no same height same weight bf
My fbf either ought to be a cute twink top or masc top. If the former looks younger than me then I don't care
And what are you? Twink?
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yep as twinkish as they come
Cuteness levels peak after a shower then drastically decrease until the next
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I am a cute twink who would top you :D
>he thinks wet hair is cute
Soft hair is cute not greasy tangled mess
once i was in the park by my college and it started raining, so i was headed toward a back exit across some railroad tracks toward my apartment. it started raining really heavily, like super downpour status, so i ducked under a big tree by the path to wait for it to abate a little. turned out there was another guy taking shelter there too, cute nerdy guy. we both laughed and were like damn this rain is crazy!! after a few seconds theres that moment when you either start really talking like so whats your major? or whatever, or you let that spark die, and he was a student i could tell while i was already a few years out and just hanging around there cause im a loser, so i just said like ahhh fuck it i live close, see ya man and walked out into the rain.

guitars come in all sizes. a ukelele is really just a sort of small one. they hurt your fingers for the first few weeks/months but after that you get a little callus and its supposedly fine. i say this as the acoustic guitar i bought in college is still sitting in the corner 10 yrs later. i learned to fingerpick a few basic rhythms cause i found strumming cleanly really difficult, but i couldnt change chords cleanly for fuckall even after weeks of practice and i got sad. im always short on patience. i only ever really practiced at my parents' house when everyone was gone. too shy to do it where anyone can hear, even neighbors i don't know. keep saying to myself that ill drive to solitary places and practice again but havent yet. it seems to come so naturally to some people, though...

>ip, phone number & mac address banned from grindr for triangulating the location of a fetish convention, walking in a back entrance without showing id & then posting on its discord about how everyone there was retarded for risking doxxing & blackmail since the opsec was nothing and the door guards were sitting on the ground watching anime
take that hue
>fetish convention
Never happened
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Thread ruiners work in shifts huh -_-
Good night r9gay
goodnight. i wont see you in the morning ;(
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>no bf to carry me off to bed
Oh well at least my chair is comfortable to remain in as I enjoy the early morning sun
>>78157888 (checked)
Enjoy your trip at least
do you need a bf to fuck you to sleep
unfortunately it did

terrifying to behold, two main groups were 30-40+ preddy men and then a lot of teen/twentysomething shy people. literally the absolute picture of discord creepshit but irl.

there were also some couples that mostly kept to themselves and seemed like they wanted to be part of some community of like minded weirdos and were here for that reason, & didnt want to judge people, but couldnt help the feeling that something was deeply wrong.

these things usually explode before too long because the preddy men step on each others toes and then they try to get each other ostracized from it for their various purported breaches of da rules. as if the whole thing isnt a colossal breach of any sensible set of rules. but then various predators just make a "new" group with a cleaned-up image and the cycle begins again.

nobody remotely normal wants to risk their name by turning these stones over. people i care about have been hurt by this shit. luckily im not remotely normal and have turned over a stone or two. however theres only one of me and lots and lots of them.
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hey this works still btw 83e7vEXsNt
Lynx is a cooler name than Axe though both smell awful
i had a friend in middle/high school who was super athletic and could wallrun but didnt play sports and was excellent at all vidya and played the ocarina really well. last i heard he was a house music dj but that was quite a while ago. guy could probably do anything he wanted. i WILL play the guitar i WILL play the guitar i WILL
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At the very least it would beat the usual hour of tossing and turning I am about to embark upon
dae make funny faces and do random actions into security cameras when no one else is around? if anyone really has to watch those things they must be bored out of their gourds. i especially do it when im somewhere like a mall parking lot type place late at night.
I spray paint them sometimes
the most american thing about me is being shocked to my core when im eating like a biryani or spanish rice type dish and theres a chunk of bone or a hard clove or peppercorn type thing in there. how DARE you. i could have broken a tooth!!!!! its my inalienable right to bite into dishes with mindless abandon....
the peppercorn thing is very annoying. much more annoying than the rest
tbqh i dont think its ever been a literal peppercorn in my experience, just...things. dont they know we americans need to shovel it in and chew with full unrestricted force? then again the only things ppl i know have broken teeth on were dried out pasta at the edges of baked rigatoni i made, and stale knockoff reeses puffs from aldi. so uhh, maybe i should shut up, idk.
people overrate flavor so much. id rather my food just be good for me and easy to eat. you know some people eat flavored rocks?
yeah i know why even like do anything just exist right
>Dateless virgin unable to find a bf
>Triangulates his way into orgies
Yeah, no. into the "incel fear mongering tactics" bin it goes
t. toddler
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The spirit of death clings to me. Do I still live, or am I merely a decaying flesh machine?
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I would've gone to bed without food but thankfully there was more soup in the fridge. Soup from the local Chinese place always tastes better than any soup I have at home
it doesnt take that much to make food taste good so i kind of agree
That is why you always carry a business card with your phone number on it, and "accidentally" drop it when leaving. Signaling 101. I wonder what the cute nerdy guy thought and felt when you met and the moment you left. Thinking back on such encounters or imagining new ones, they seem to have a lot of potential and I feel confident in steering them in the right direction. But when they occur in reality, it seems best to not take any action and completely leave it up to fate. But I suspect that is just what neets do.
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I stuffed my plushie today and it's coldly comfy inside my room. Good night!
>5 hours to sleep
>5 hours of work
>~2 hours of chores
>get mallet and do zf for a 3rd time
busy day tomorrow. rolling for sang thraze. 2% chance, but i already got jang thraze which is 1.9% and i didnt even mean to, just greeded on it. them dice are probably just getting my hopes up to be tricky but itll add a thrill to the run anyway...
a tip for the youths: if you happen to be drinking, stoning or doing the assorted other intoxicants, try to leave yourself a little time to soberize before hitting the hay, elsewise youre likely to conk out in a weird position and crick your neck and stuff. a few times ive woken up with my arm(s) gone totally numb and floppy from sleeping on them weird. scary feeling til they start to get feeling and movement again. to be fair its happened to me once or twice just randomly as well...the first time it happened out of the blue when i was mid teens it was really terrifying. id already made my peace with being one armed for life when it started to reactivate after a minute or so and then i felt quite a bit silly.
>actually got his own mallet
ive never done this and ive gone to bed drunk plenty of times
One time I woke up in a completely different bed than the one I passed out on
also part of the numbness from circulation isn't just cinching it but also nutrition
Do you ever feel like you're being kicked while you're down? Just having shitty things happen over and over after one particularly shitty event? I'm dealing with that and trying to not just scream and tie myself to my bed for a month
When it rains, it pours. Git gud or git got. I remind myself daily that the struggle never ends and suffering is always present. Godspeed, anon.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own. However, nothing dispirits, and nothing seems worth while disputing. He bolts down all events, all creeds, and beliefs, and persuasions, all hard things visible and invisible, never mind how knobby; as an ostrich of potent digestion gobbles down bullets and gun flints.
And as for small difficulties and worryings, prospects of sudden disaster, peril of life and limb; all these, and death itself, seem to him only sly, good-natured hits, and jolly punches in the side bestowed by the unseen and unaccountable old joker. That sort of wayward mood I am speaking of, comes over a man only in some time of extreme tribulation; it comes in the very midst of his earnestness, so that what just before might have seemed to him a thing most momentous, now seems but part of the general joke.

>take the ostrichpill
good to see youre alive
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In the end I woke up meow good meowning everynyan
My grandmother was home alone and one of her pigs fell down the septic tank. If it stayed there for long it would suffocate, but she couldn't pull it out herself. She had asked all her neighbors for help but none wanted to lend a hand. Then one of the neighbors who was coming home from work passed by and without reluctance decided to help. He was wearing a full suit; he took off only the jacket and got to work, even though he knew he was going to get covered in literal shit. I think about this from time to time.
would any anons want a short top bf my dick is 6 inches if that helps
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I'd prefer to have a bf who's taller than me (taller than 166cm) but if I like them otherwise it doesn't matter
you are exactly 1cm taller than me
short tops are cute. CUTE!
Damn shawty

But like I said I personally don't find height alone to be attractive
I support short tops
and short bottoms
really I don't see the big deal
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Give me attention please meow I want to go home waa
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>what exactly are you looking for?

In a romantic/sexual sense? Anything at this point, I lack affection, I don't consider myself ugly, round glasses wavy black hair average height, Latino but white. I don't think I'm a bad choice besides having too big a libido now. It's also my fault I don't know how to meet people on discord or anywhere else, I'm about to open an onlyfans just to have something momentary.
my suggestion is that you should probably just rope now and save the world having to put up with another useless whore
whoring requires physical prostitution or, as is probably your problem, spiritual poverty
>it's just onlyfans so I'm not a whore
thankfully you will fail horribly and I will sit comfortable and enjoy the fact that you languish in real poverty, something that worthwhile people do not have to worry about
not even the person you were lashing out at
besides you're on the neetbux board dummy
I don't care, you're still wrong
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Dating strangers is so hard because there is no way to know who is right for me and who isn't and if I made the right choice so I get analysis paralysis meow
Wow, you're bad at giving advice, thanks for trying tho
Good morning everybody
I woke up super early because my stomach hurt cause I had a big beefy barbecue sandwich last night
I'm so tired but I am ready to seize the day
Would you bully me playfully I'm already kind of meek and anxious but I'm
Well I used to think I was super tall before I moved to the midwest where everyone is fucking 6'7 I'm only 6'3
I find having to consider an outsider, someone who is not from the same neighborhood/the few families who owned land there, romantically and as a prospective lifelong partner very difficult. If someone is too different from the people I grew up around, it's not going to work.
I think that's a pretty defeatist mindset when it comes to trying and experiencing new things. Encountering someone with a different worldview is a great way to expand your horizons and open you up to new feelings, even romantic ones.
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Waa. Lonely. No bf. Waa. Sad.
Maybe you should make yourself a tasty pastry and you would feel better.
I'm looking for a place where I can be free from anxiety and worry, a place where I can finally relax
You can come hang out in my stepdad's basement with me and we can watch Gundam 00 and eat brownies together
>can't get into beekeeping because of geoengineering
Would you care to elaborate anon?
I don't wanna eat anything I feel like puking
Not funny cried
What is wrong with you
Well then unless you have work today maybe just have some nice tea and listen to relaxing music and take some time to rest and sort out your feelings
It seems like you have a lot of frustration and pain built up and instead of bottling it inside maybe letting it just wash over you will help
Sometimes I take time to just feel bad and cry and imagine sad things until it's all just out of my system and I feel a lot better afterwards
My brain won't let me cry because I'm too scared of it and I'm not alone anyway so I wouldn't want to do it even if I could. I feel empty and tired.
it will make them keep me after i masterloot sangthraze and then lay an explosive trap at the base of the steps before the bly fight to test my group's mettle

as ive said ive done it also from being stoned and just really tired. i might just be weirdly formed but probably not that weird.

yeah no, you could fast for weeks and you wouldnt wake up with your arms literally numb as a rubber noodle. its not circulation either - if you didnt have circulation for that long youd get real problems rather than being back to normal in a few minutes. its from pinching a nerve or something and cutting off neuro signals. i merely also surmise that even worse things can probably happen from passing out insensate...obviously theres choking on your own vom level stuff but even just like sleeping with your face mashed into the pillow and getting apnea/contact acne or whatever...seems wise to take a walk first and sober up a little is all

also, whether or not you're kickin it, try to read at least a little of something good and worthwhile before bed, and *not* on a screen, if you can. should you end up having nightmares, at least you'll experience them in more elegant and refined language. if id done that last might as i try usually to do, i might have been thinking of poetry during my morning shower rather than additional things to post here....
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His quidam signis atque
haec exempla secuti esse
apibus partem divinae mentis
et haustus aetherios dixere;
deum namque ire per omnia,
terrasque tractusque maris
caelumque profondum;
Hinc pecudes armenta, viros,
genus omne ferrarum,
quemque sibi tenuis nascentum
arcessere vitas; scilicet huc reddi
deinde ac resoluta referri omnia,
nec morti esse locum, sed viva
volare sideris in numerum atque
alto succedere caelo.
The unheard cries of the silent pollinators will forever echo in my heart.
Thank you for this, it is beautiful.
Actually it looks like bees are doing great right now. So feel free to go ahead with your apiaries I guess.
Sorry forgot to link
Save the quails
Also I don't want to disparage conspiracy theories on the conspiracy theory website but we have actual, concrete evidence for real things that are killing off bees and they are much more obvious and actionable than secret military projects like jet planes releasing condensation from their engines
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Man quails are funny little guys I want more of those fuckers around
How to get bee bf
Do not say beee yourself..
Deposit $3,500 into my offshore bank account and I will mail you beeboys
I'm sad where bf to saaavvvveeee meeeeee
I wonder if this has a reporting bias since the sample size is 3000 or so valid beeowners responses (300,000 colonies, 12% market share) and I'd be more inclined to tell the lobbying group about my bees if I was mad that they didn't make it
Ah, I see. Thank goodness. I know the editorial director at Vox would never lie.
the comparison he made to "we thought we were running out of oil when it got expensive but look now there's so much oil don't worry about it :) " is maddening
I mean yeah he seems like a huge cunt but that doesn't mean there aren't more bees now than before
This thread gets posted so much
of time?
just fetish reasons
This image is so scary because the filter is so strong it almost eliminates the head of his penis
It just makes it look like smudged paint down there
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Should have used this one instead
he has a hot body ngl
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them bpd hoes obsess over different 'nons on different days it's sad to see but what does it say about our gay society when even the prudes are just whores and rudes? call me a snitch but I still ain't seen no yandere bussy up in this bitch.
Yeah. Good afternoon.
I do this too, today I stuck my tongue out while looking into a security camera and as I'm writing this down I realise how cringy and embarrassing that really is.
That's how my life has been for the past month or so yeah.
Ideal bf is as old as me, age gaps are strange
My parents are helping me buy a gaming pc as a graduation present. I'm basically going to a PC builder who's built a lot of rigs for people in my neighborhood, I'm gonna give him a budget of $2000 (I'm paying half), and I'm gonna let him do his thing and hope for the best. He has a ton of good reviews so it should go well. I've been using the shittiest baby tower for so long that can barely run minecraft I won't even know what to do with all my newfound power. I might even be able to play tf2 on medium graphics settings. God I'm so excited
That's cute and I'd never do it because I'm boring :(
Maybe I'd do it if I was with someone
everyone here loves 60 year old men tho
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I mean, you're not wrong...
only because 60 in elf years is 20 in human
>15 min late for work
>only other man scheduled isnt even here, was supposed t
>las mujeres all there 20 mins early, having breakfast
we need to step it up sirs
I couldn't agree more. There isn't much difference between 5/10 and a 10/10 meal and I'd always pick the one that fills me up better or is easier to digest
Not you, you love underage boys tho
Nobody bats an eye when the top is twice your age but they lose their minds if he's half your age

Im a femboy who lives in Toronto and I want a cute japanese bf.
I show up an hour early to work every day because for a little while I kept oversleeping and showing up 10 minutes late and got yelled at
I really hope they're not just cutting that hour from my pay but if I ask about it they might notice and start doing that
I'm a normal man who lives in Cleveland and I want a normal japanese bf
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ngl i turn into jelly when someone younger than me tries to top me
Im not a homosexual sry
>tries to
So you're walking around and someone mounts you? How do you escape?
He has to be vigorous and energetic it's important
I'm not super young but I want a hag bottom who I can overpower and please because I have more energy than tops his age
>Im not a homosexual
Don't worry this is r9gay, no one here is
morning r9bi
Everyone itt is a midget
And top of the morning to you, good sir.
Care to discuss our enjoyment of anime women with penises drawn on them?
cuntboys or futanari for r9bi?
kill all r9biscum
take apart their hotwheel tracks and mix up their marker color caps
Cuntboys are genuinely the single most fucking disgusting thing I can think of
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I mean I like dicks but nearly every transmasc guy I've seen puts way more effort into looking masculine and hot than most cis guys. They work out and groom their beards and dress nice. I wish cis men cared more about their appearance.
futa because you can feel their tits on your back as they bust a load in you
Ok and I specifically seek out those who don't live in a turbonormie hellhole that I'm from as I was unable to relate to them my entire life
Stop saying bad things or my fbf (fuuumuh bf) will beat you up
Define gay /r9gay/ because its a complicated question apparently
>today I stuck my tongue out while looking into a security camera
But that's adorable not cringy
'luv men
'luv muscles
'luv bellies
'luv body 'air
'luv deep voices
'luv masculine energy

simple as
All those roids made his pp smol :/
a thread full of males interested in males
Can you be gay if you're not attracted to masculinity? yes
he's not doping he's just a short king and builds muskle easily
so being small is not his fault
do you like muscle women?
no they have woman faces and I don't like woman faces :(
I see hag bottoms are pretty popular. It's about time since everyone loves old tops
I thought I was in bad shape because I have mom issues (funny orphan meme) but if nothing else you guys make me feel normal with all these non-words
What non-words do you mean?
Also I have a great relationship with my mom.
Well I didn't die overnight, I know, contain your disappointment. The hemmy has stopped bleeding but still hurts somewhat. That's okay I can deal with that.
stuff like futa mentioned up there randomly mixmatching impossible things
In ancient times they did thigh sex because taking dick in butt was too feminine or something
Things are so complicated now ugh
disgusting pederasts liked to pretend that they were being virtuous because penetration would deprive a man's future citizenship but in reality it was just the same top-down sexual abuse as the modern day in a lot of cases
that and dedicated prostitutes or slaves weren't citizens (bottoms will try to tell you this is hot)
Well god bless, story. May the colon gods smile down upon us this day and heal us of all our ills.
I mean I guess but you can take estrogen and have titties and a penis, it happens
i had a dream that i saw brad in a church during some kind of performance and i sat next to him and we hugged
Today I also don't feel like doing anything
futa is an imaginary not-deformed not-mutilated intersex condition, you missed a spot
and it's that kind of absurd garbage that gets real people to hurt themselves and others
did you thank him for calling you a dirty little spic?
Yet you selected this image and made this post.
Curious! I am very smart.
cooking breakfast for like the first time in a week too. Gotta get out of my funk and back to it. Cooking tonight, not going out again for a while.
no but i did ask him about the blonde thing and he said it was just a bit
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I want a bf to do nothing with together
Normalize having big freaky heavily decorated pretty man hands
they've been mocking yaoi hands forever it's time to take it back
It's only adorable if you imagine someone cute doing it and I am not.
Man I started reading ranfren last night this shit rules
I hope it gets updated soon
Or maybe gets picked up by adult swim
That could potentially be an amazing cartoon
Taking estrogen isn't deformation or mutilation, if you just take it and nothing else it'll make you grow tits
It's that kind of misinformation that propagates real world violence against trans people and their advocates
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qrd on ranfren idk what it is
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I'm scared of things I enjoy gaining too much popularity
Most of it is just popular enough for good quality art and fics but not enough to be ruined by exposure..
it is explicitly deformity
go away
>tfw no bf to just chill with on a hot day.
I want to a bf to take naps with
I guess that's true
If ranfren ended up like rick and morty that would probably actually give me an aneurysm
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I want a bf to exchange running hands through eachothers hair
Why is it deformity
If someone wants to have both tatas and a wang why is that wrong
We have the dna to produce both
>he don't got natural boy tiddies
ngmi you will never be a real boy
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look at this immediately
I like how elephants can smile they are very cool :>
Fucking REKT elephaggot BTFO
proooooo :DDDDDD
that was very cute anon thank you
mean and rude and unnecessary
Man I wish I was strong enough that I could play with elephants without getting crushed
They're such big sweethearts
>tfw got a little pop of hot oil on your skin and you have a melty over it.

God I am such a little bitch, I can't take anything.
When I rarely make breakfast I stand 6 feet away from the bacon pan if that's what you mean
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Literally nothing ever bothers me in the slightest except for engaging in even the mildest sort of introspection which ruins my mood for a week.

well I have to get close to turn the sausage or it gets burnt on one side and not done on the other.
Oh my bad I forgot you're subhumanly ugly, fat, rotten teeth having loser. My bad you should probably kill yourself. Whiny bitch I hate you.
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Your list looks like one a woman would make, I doubt your languish will go away after getting a bf
i spent $25 for this shit
that's what i'm worried about too. i spent my whole life crying that i didn't have a job, and when i finally got one i was still miserable and quit. i don't know what if anything will make me happy. maybe i should just stop looking.
Whiny tardos should move to Canada for their special health care program they suggest for invalids
Any source on that anon saucenao isn't working
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Owari no Seraph 1 - Page 22
Need an archery bf but actually unironically its very cool and I'd support him
what the fuck I've only ever seen the anime
why didn't they mention mika was fucking thrown out of a car
>tfw no bf who recreates us in the sims
Only good vocaroo slut is musicfag but he isn't making anything
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would you a XXY or XYY boy
What does the extra letter add
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does this give my bf four arms
is that being played a recorder or an actual flute?
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super fem or super masc
it a real thing i swears
it turns him into general grievous over time
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I'll take femboy general grievous please thank you
do they have a working peanus
does this create immense mental instability like trannies suffer from
imagine his coughing as he tries to suck your pp.
>when he steals another gincels virginity
a fine addition to my collection cough cough wheeze
i'm already super masc :/
oh yeah how many pushups can you do
I think the storm might be over, I took a neet shit and there was no blood on the paper. a little pain but that's all. I'll shut up about it now unless something else happens.
i bought an ocarina at a convention yesterday
play the song of unspicining
at least 100. i can't do it all at once in a single set any more though
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It's cause I can't shake the feeling my lyrics are overdone
>Got meow's selfies packed into a suitcase
>Rendesvouz Suomi with my cold boymaid
>Loopy glasses plushie, plumpy rounded.. bottom!
>Love-starved Sam is going EU boyfriend shopping

>One more el dwarf burger at Helsinki four
>I'd rather have MacPossum served at my boudoir
I can do 100 too over like 24 hours
Brother, let us go chop wood and enjoy the sauna later
can you play the song of storms? it's so hot here...
gay is OLD
minecraft is NEW
What's a good drawing program I should learn how to do something useful too
microsoft paint
alternatively paintdotnet
Kill yourself I hope you die to bread
SAI, Krita
I don't deserve that, I didn't make the song yet
when it gets hot I get eepy, time for a nap.
please consider upgrading your system to be more heat resistant
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I'm am lonely and also sad. Where is my bf? I can't make it much longer. Waa....
You can't die because r9gay needs a cautionary figure once storykuns anus gets infected and he is kill meowsers
Sorry you're alive forever dumbass
you could very easty build a chatbot to take over for story. just a couple daily posts about eating fast food, cats, fat neet shits, mowing the grass, missing mom ect... and it'll be like he never even left.
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>I wish... I wish I posted more possums and meltys on the gincel general..

>if only I talked more about my rotten bloody asshole.. *dies*
How am I cautionary what does my story caution for
I'm Leaving the second I get a bf which is surely any day now
Thanks for understanding :3.
Please brush your teeth please oh god the health care taxes aaaaaaaaaaaa
my crush is 36 years old
I have a dentist appt for thursday meow
Is story really that old already?
no he is a 90s zoomer
1995 last best year
Do you guys born before 9/11 even care about it? I was in the womb but I honestly do not care about some literal who buildings
It's like pearl harbour or the luisitania to me but everyone older than 22 is traumatised for some reason
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En ilosta itke, en surusta itke, jos itken, itken muuten vaan
Hanta rakastin paljon, sua rakastan ehka enemman
Ole silti mulle vahan aikaa han

Ota minut sinun uniin, vaikka nousen toisiin juniin
On lokakuu, ja minusta nakee sen
it wasn't really traumatizing overall but coincided with (/caused) the loss of a fair number of things that were taken for granted before it so looking back it's pretty easy to pin the blame on it
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If I was american I think I'd care more about it. Like yeah it was a tradegy and horrible but it's been over 20 years since then, don't really give a crap anymore ngl.
i dont care. it didnt even seem like that big of a deal
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>tfw no bf to play autistic map games with
spain? what happened to portugal
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ok I'm bored, so leaving it at this
>got meow's selfies packed into a suitcase
>rendesvouz Suomi to my cold boymaid
>loopy glasses plushie, plumpy rounded.. bottom!
>love-starved Sam is going EU boyfriend shopping

>Stunted burgers at MacD establishment four
>I'd rather have MacPossum served at my boudoir
>just a few more visits, and he's gonna be.. there!
>I will lift Helsinki from the ground for him

>meow's selfies, straight to my heart
>aaah- he makes me shiver
>meow's selfies, straight to my heart
>aaah- c'mon deliver

[finds meow and gets rejected]

>meow's selfies, breaking my heart
>aaah- rescue ops misery
>meow's selfies, breaking my heart
>aaah- no home delivery

part 2 - meow recalls
>I have been to the army and it wasn't nice
>some asshole grinded me from behind
>my brain has turned to mush, need a strong guy to fix me up
>and that means none of you mites
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they, uh...
I play Victoria 2 all the time bitch
mom said she was picking me up at 9 but its almost 1030
okay cool and r u my bf? no?
how to interact with fags without wanting to violently lash out at them?
Good heavens.. North Florida..
the clumsy aggression is part of the charm cutie
are you also one of meowsimps? how many of you are there? it's every thread regular except for me it seems
>big riga
Posting on 4chan costs money and I have zero money so I can only make this post (stole from my mom)
you are in /r9meow/, sir
i always thought /r9gay/ could use some dh kaiserreich aars. i never said it, but i always thought it
story's shit > 3ds' ocarina of time
No because eu4 is not as fun as vicky
>tfw no bf who doesn't play autistic map games
>oh who am I kidding of course you wouldn't miss me
vicky is terrible
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Why are cute boys always so insecure but ugly ones are so confident?
I'm killing you
ugly ones have nothing left to lose
sure thing pal, let's go
open up eu4 and I'll show you what's what
*Spends days trying to count from 9 to 1030 with my fingers*
I hate every single autist playing stupid shitty games they talk about here. It's amazing you faggots never played a fun game in your life, it's like you love to suffer which makes sense and that's why you're here die die die
I want to kill and dismember you
>omg bf material marry me hnnnng
Miau I wanna cuddle but like in a way that doesn't make me feel overwhelmed and weird meow
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literally all the games I play are fun, otherwise I just wouldn't play them?
bro why dont you play league or cod bro youre so weird fr
she is here now. i got to go
Read what I said again cumstain, you enjoy suffering it's all you know and are comfortable with, you are self destructive insane piece of shit die die die
those games are bad
Why is larping bad exactly
has r9gay been called cute in person before?
How's the weather up there nerd? give me your lunch money
wedgies are the gayest shit ever
only handsome, my friends aren't fruity enough
i have this same problem. i have yet to meet a gay guy who isn't a walking stereotype. every single one of them is the exact same.
you live in miami what do you expect seriously
go to mongolia and complain everyone is mongolian
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>tfw no bf to play zomboid with me who takes over running one of my toons' farms
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Miaow where boye friendo mewewa wawa
I like DayZ
I don't know anyone from miami that isn't obnoxious
I don't know anyone from miami
i fucking hate this city
the curse of living in a progressive lgbt-friendly region
pain and suffering for all eternity
r9gay is not a person
wah wah i have no money to leave
>25 on a shitty ocarina
>100s on alcohol this year
Ok buddy retard
I'll have you know miami is worse than b*snia or India. poor 3dspic ToT
Nope but people online (discord friends) have said so.
it's money i saved from my last paycheck i cashed in this may, and money my mom gives me sometimes.

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I've had a lot of women hit on me throughout my life
And anyone else who thinks it'd be wise and easy as pie
To beat me and tries can treat me just like poison
They can eat me and die
Being called cute by women makes me uncomfortable
how many twinks hit on you
you should get a melodica next, work those fingers
No one has ever called me cute and women always look behind them if I'm nearby.
Is this cute r9gay
>Tfw no bf who scares women.
>tfw no trad bf
I idolize trad men but I'm about as far from trad masculine as you can get. I really am just useless.
igaf about cross dressing but that tummy is driving me crazy
protip: if the foid in front of you is walking too slowly, start laughing to yourself to get it to walk faster.
I like the smooth
Idk I just don't like hair, I'd take smooth chubby over skinny stick hairy
It feels weird to touch
>tfw no bf to shave all my body hair from every single bit of me.
i wish i wasn't so tired and sleepy constantly
men are hairy, women are smooth. by not liking hairy men you are just a prison gay.
tbf if there were no prison gays we wouldnt have enough posters here and the thread would just slide
Asian men aren't hairy
I like body hair on men but some places should be shaved, like the groin and possibly the butt area if you wanna do anal.
Personally I do not like body hair on myself and would rather it all go away, but that's just personal preference.
and women aren't naturally smooth
Natural =/= good.
Natural =/= bad.
There are plenty of things that are natural that are bad, and vice versa.
buncha no sex havers talking about their preferences while they cry into the void about how lonely they are
bottoms wonder why they're cold when they shave off all their hair.
A good top knows how to keep their bottom warm (cuddles and kisses.)
I feel called out
bottoms want to be fucked then thrown out onto the street without any clothes thoughbeit
smooth disposable bottoms for fucking and throwing out are my favourite
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I want to have a man grope my belly and chest while he grinds himself on my butt forcefully and talks dirty to me
I heard they have twink vending machines in Japan, one use then dispose in a recycling bin
This scenario sounds like heaven, anon
Canonically false I want to be held and cherished and never leave my fbf's side ever.
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the cowboy twink returns
Which way around because if you wanna be groped and grinded on I have to hiss at you
only whores say this
Then what do not whores say? Why do neurotypicals have such weird rules why can't you just say what you mean.
I wouldn't mind being groped, but I'd like to be grinding against a nice butt right now.
Yay based then I personally think non penetrative sex is more attractive to me and maybe even things with clothes on but then again I am autistic and virginal
would you bf a boy who eats only chicken nuggets
Penetration being the focus of sex is pretty much one of the biggest problems with sexuality as a whole.

I am autistic and not a virgin
I wish I had something to blow right now..
gonna get an ocarina too
putting your penis in a mouth is technically penetration
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Yeah but that's not what I'm talking about I mean that I'd rather have my bf grind on me and grope me under my shirt and kiss and stuff PERSONALLY rather than have him fuck me but I'm really sensitive to touch so maybe that's why penetration seems scary
Imagine when some of that stuff loses its initial lustre and you're looking to escalate your sexual encounters a little and out of ideas that don't involve taking his dick, though. Not that what you're describing isn't a ton of fun, though.
No like it isn't repulsive or anything just scary and if I feel like I will pass out from someone squeezing my shoulder having a cock in me might realistically kill me out of pure mental strain
That's kind of hot, anon. I wish I was as sensitive as you.
Also sucking dick is of great interest to me but I'm afraid of getting too much into it
But how can you be too into it?
I want to be lovingly beaten to death with a sledgehammer by a nice, moral man
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I'm afraid it will make things difficult with my fbf when I get one or at least difficult for me what if I pass out during cuddling what if it never gets easier
if your parents read all your r9gay posts what would they say to you?
I'd break all contact immediately
That I won't listen to what he says and it feels bad because it's too intense and my brain gets fried a feeding frenzy if you will
Is 26 too old to be gay?
Honestly, I wish I could experience this, it sounds fun. Passing out from being cuddled is some cartoon stuff, but I'm sure you could build a tolerance with time.
6 years too old better just find a woman and stop being a faggot
It's not fun at least thus far being touched has felt overwhelming like I have a fever but maybe it would be different if I could relax with another person present waahhh I wanna be touched
I didn't say it sounds fun for you :^)
Sounds like you just need to take things super slow, a reasonable person would be willing to accommodate that!
When you think of a bad cringe memory do you automatically vocalise a noise to stop the thoughts or is that not normal
I literally say "STOP" loudly when my brain starts doing this
Sighhhhh it's not fun for the other person either that I'm ridiculously sensitive and keep shifting and squeaking from stuff that is literally nothing.
I make small noises and jump when I hear a sudden noise
right now i can only play songs in modes of c major but i hope that soon i'll learn to play accidentals. i have a chromatic ocarina. even if i have to transpose the songs i still need to play accidentals sometimes. my ocarina is tuned a bit weird. it seems to play directly between c and c#
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I dont feel too old in particular but people keep telling me Im old. I just want another old bf, preferably around 24-28 years old
picrel me
I have quite a lot of patience, it'd be fun to explore your reactions and limits!
porce get the fuck outta here
Sorry you've reached hag state, your fag card is expired
You'll be forcibly removed from the gay club when carded
What's so fun about that.... Isn't it annoying to have to conform to some autistic retards overreactions
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this motherfucker is like 50 or something
he's such a nerd ugh he's so cute
>omg i want xyz bf
>xyz bf: but why
die to death
I dont like gaygen I dont like /int/ that much where u want me to go baka
Because I get to probe what makes you react. It'd be new to me and I'd like to find out what different things make you do!
im always a good boy on /r9gay/ so they probably wouldnt care
who the fuck is "porce" please take your discord drama somewhere else
For me it's video kojima
It's my low self esteem I get to fish for approval about my qualities umu
damn he really is 53 wtf do asians not get old and gross
once you hit 30 nothing matters

Sighhhh now I feel sad about no bf to cuddle with
get owned no bf havin idiot
I just want a nice man to touch me in a way that doesn't feel bad is that so much to ask for
why do you talk to us more than your supposed irl friends
There's zero chance of my irl friends sucking my dick, and I don't want them to.
I don't want to bother them because I fear that they will start to hate me and abandon me if I pester them meow
zero chance either way fag
I've got my dick sucked through 4chan more times than I've gotten my dick sucked through the guys I play video games with
i have 1 irl gay friend but he's a flamer and regularly hooks up and is immersed in drag culture and is a political activist
They will not. Friends like helping their friends. I like helping my friends and they help me, even when my life is falling apart and I'm shitty. That's what friends are for.
You are, as it stands, the Whore of Babylon
If there was a gays only political group what would it be called?
They will surely hate me I don't wanna be alone
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The Utopian Party
And our animal logo would be a unicorn
the republican party
Haven't you played tabletop games with them and gone to their birthday parties and stuff? You should put more faith in your friends, they are here for you, and even if your problems can be overwhelming, that's what friendship is sometimes. I'm 100% sure that you've been there for them and listened to their problems when they've needed it, because you're a caring and emotional person.
do you like talking to brick walls or something pal
Sure do.
I like smashing my head against them, too.
Someone has to, because giving up on people is unacceptable.
I don't wanna burden them for no reason talking about it will not help one bit it never has
yeah you seem like a wall-talker-to
wall energy brickpilled helpcel advicemaxxer
Well, talking to a therapist hasn't helped, but all a therapist can do is offer you advice. Your friends can spend time with you, or even help you in practical ways. Do your friends know you're gay? I know you have difficulty with meeting strangers, but what if one of your friends knows a really great guy who's also lonely like you? You never know, it could happen.
My doctor said that because I'm anemic he thinks I have a stomach ulcer of some sort and he wants me to see a gastroenterologist, they're gonna do the camera down the throat thingy. Does that count as a blowjob, do you think?
Does sounding count as sex? They put a scope up your penis for kidney issues
what about a prostate exam? Surely getting your bussy fingered by a doctor counts.
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>mfw didn't study for prostate exam
>tfw doctor puts hand on your shoulder during prostate exam
>tfw doctor puts both hands on your shoulders
I meant that talking to them isn't helpful. They know, in fact they knew before I told them. Just dropped "is it because you're a bottom?" Into some random conversation. I don't think they know any potential bf candidates
It depends on if you consider urethral penetration sex or torture.
Yes, that is a sexual encounter and it should be advertised as such.
>doctor puts his dick on your shoulder
>didn't pay the medical bill
>doctor removed my prostate
what about a colonoscopy? Imagine losing your virginity to a camera lmao.
If you're still a virgin at 50 then your wizard powers probably negate any ass cancer
Well, even so, you should never feel like you're a burden to people who care about you. It would probably do you some good to try to talk to them more, even if you think discussing your personal issues doesn't help. Opening up more may help you with the anxiety you have about communicating with new people.
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That's why I'm concerned about the throat camera thing
I don't want my fbf to think I was blowing some random hospital machine
if you don't gag on the camera tube your doctor will know you're a slut
I could deal with my fbf having had a camera down his throat. Good practice for sucking dick.
That would be pretty funny though
>tube goes in
>"Jesus what a fucking whore. You know mouths are for eating, not sucking, right?"
I was talking to a coworker today about those ear cleaning camera things
You could buy one to mess around with your fbf's insides
I remember reading a post on /gaygen/ where a dude went in for a colonoscopy but got fucked and bred by his bf before going so the camera saw the cum inside him and all the nurses were giggling about it.
to those you serve your life means nothing
that's actually so fucking hot holy shit
Based as fuck
It's the gay equivalent of not fasting before getting blood drawn
Not when you realise only 50+ year old men need to get those done
Actually that's just an outdated recommendation
Modern doctors agree you should be getting it much earlier and much more frequently, as prostate and colon cancer can actually take hold at any age
Go out and get fingered today for medicine
on one hand the colonoscopy prep they give leaves you clean as possible so if I had a steady bf I'd let him go to town, but after the procedure. No one gets to see his loads but me.
why are you guys saying thats hot thats really gross and genuinely humiliating that you'd actually subject others to the fact. like ooh lookie me i have sex guys look at my boyfriend's cum inside me lol !! do you seriously hear yourselves?
If you bf a doctor does his dick count as a prostate checker? I'd get them every night so I'm definitely safe
these people need to be killed
don't fucking mute me nigger
the rage and urge to kill i feel are normal and ive had enough of this godforsaken feminine shithole civ bearing its claws and fangs in me the second i display an ounce of masculinity or common sense
fr fr on god no cap
the masculine urge to eat another mans sperm
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>Tfw you don't have any irl friends
Why don't you have any sir
I have never had an irl friend, or online for that matter and no family either. It's why I talk about boring topics because I have no one to share them with besides you people.
How are you supposed to make friends when there's nowhere to be
Find somewhere to be
>trump's vp candidate hails from storyville.

no fucking way.
Can't win without Ohayo
I do not believe in democracy
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I've had both a colonoscopy and a endoscopy due to IBD, it's not that bad but the prep(?) is awful.
I'm an asocial loser and due to moving multiple times during my childhood so I lost friends I had.
I don't really know how to make friends as an adult and cannot be bothered to. Having friends has mostly been painful anyway, I am fine alone.
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>woke up late
>browsed da web
>talked with faggot on dc
>almost faint after jogging 3km like the weak faggot i am
>sent out resume for a job im underqualified for
>talked with a different faggot on dc
>keept browsing da web
>jorked my bonar
>realized im turning 24 next month
>cry myself to sleep
so how are the rest of you keeping up?
I'm turning 25 in two months but pretty much all of that except I don't have a single friend on discord
I made an account and it just sort of sits there
there was a tomoko poster on discord going by story that i wanted to meet but i forgot my password and then it just went to shit
i hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, hopefully not in the canadian wilderness anymore
playing rdr2 and listening to low-life (1985)

I like how they used a synth from their previous song almost like a callback in one of the calmer songs.
One day I really should finish rdr 2. I keep getting distracted doing things and never bother with the story missions.
It's normal I think. I just physically cringe and make weird faces.
This is why i'm homophobic and need a homophobic femboy bf that hates fags as much as i do
i think i'm over it but then the pain of it comes back full force. i'll never know it feels to be held by a man. how do you even cope?
Self haters might be more cringe than flamers desu kill em all anyway
I dont think it's self hating to find it disgusting that your idea of hot is just being gross and subjecting strangers to the fact that you have sex, it's immature and needlessly exhibitionist.
If you hate all gays and only want a 10/10 femboy you should kys simple as
Meow meow I wanna be raped and killed by a gentle loving strongfat daddy bf
>stolen valor molestation victim

Getting verbally bullied at 19 isn't a good excuse. Try for once.

Mother killer nooooooo
I hate all straights and want 10/10 shota am I gay?

that wasn't me, I feel horrible for meow and what he experienced.

I hope you die a painful death whore mom killer fat pig piece of shit de meow hissssssss
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Followed a blender tutorial and made a dumb robot
it's like a little baby atst i like it
Wheres the porn aaaaaaaaa robot cock
Thank you
This objectvely should have taken me like two hours but because I kept getting distracted and going to bed early it took me like three days and I'm so buttmad at myself
We are getting there I promise
I only have like
100 more tutorial videos before I get to model sculpting and animation
New threat

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