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A thread for the posting of everything ( real and make believe ) about seasideMARK
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I do love a seasideMARK edish me
Not far from the sweet release of death now.
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fresh towels for a fresh thread
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He love shagging random men.
Thoughts on Blur?
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SSM seemed genuinely happy with Claire. He should get back in contact with her. Who knows, she may give him a second chance.
152 posts filtered lad thread twolls need to git gud lmao
Seeing him drink make me want to drink. "No wonder I drink" as me mum used 2 say
how many drinks has ssm had today
Unfortunately Claire realised he isn't a genuine guy so there's no chance.
Whats Marks thoughts on extreme ironing?
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30 days no booze coming on strong so far for are Mark
>cex'd all his gadgets for a 500 quid camera
>eating more slop than ever
>drinking anyway
get in de leeeed
imagine if SSM lived in a castle
Only saw him drinking one bokkle
He cutting it right down
I wonder what Mak did with that piece of pork. Can't imagine him doing a roast desu
seasideMARK creampie king
Why did SSM and Claire break up?

Any SSM loremasters in?
You watch Frieren lad? Thoughts?
how often does ssm defrost his freezer
She has got that skaggy Northern working class woman phenotype off to a tee
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He need to attend AA again

Who would win in a fight SSM or a shark?
nice slow death coming on strong
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It defrosts itself. Only the best appliances for him.
Shippy reckons he's got a "business partner". Yeah right. The business of shagging each other's arses, you mean.
Anyone got the SSM toaster webm I've misplaced mine
Probably because of his hidden disability.
Have you ever shagged your mum?
I reckon he has, yeah.
any of you lads got the webm of him throwing his kebab on the floor?
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when Mark drinks it makes me want a drink
i dont watch anime i think its gay
it 4 times slower x
how old is that video 2019?
Would he have worked all his life if he didn't have TMAU?
why does he say bokkles?
It's a Nottingham thing
just heard about Tristan any loremaster got the full deets
It's a retard thing.
alrite ther yootoobuhs
Benji who is Benji?
SSM got piss fucking stumbling drunk, he set a fire because he's a retarded manchild who is desperate for attention. The housing unit he was in burned down and a young boy called Tristan died.
I'd have shagged my mum my whole life if it wasn't for my TMAU.
imagine if seasideMARK became an astronaut
He sold baby Tristan to CEX.
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>SSM literally drinking himself to death
It not right
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Benji was SSM's doggo (RIP Benji)
qrd on TMAU
What happened to his charity shop job?
one day you stink of shit, and the other you stink of fish. it hidden disability
Although largely anecdotal, there are indications that young single men are encountering increasing numbers of women in dating applications who are doing only fans or some other pornographic streaming service. Sometimes, very often even, these incidents are nothing more than these girls using dating application and websites to promote their account, but there are incidents where women earnestly searching for romantic interest tell prospective romantic or sexual suitors that they are on these platforms. Although anecdotal, there is reason to believe this is becoming more and more pervasive.

To the extent young men would still rightly object to women doing this, either for moral or religious reasons or simply because promiscuity and lose sexual morality is closely related to relationships ending poorly, this adversely affects society by reducing the number of suitable women for their male counterparts in the sexual marketplace. Every woman rendered unsuitable, for this or other reasons including hyper promiscuity, drug addiction, or any other personal vice, corresponds to a male counterpart who no longer has that woman available as a potential romantic interest - a reduction in supply leads to increased demand, that is higher cost.

Given the hypergamous nature of female sexual attraction, one wonders how a young man in his twenties is supposed to vie for a young woman his age who makes many thousands of dollars a month masturbating or performing sex acts on webcam.
He has accepted alcohol will kill him
why does he keep buying and selling electronic devices?
Is he losing money to CEX everytime or is it a scam?
Why does he always wear that tatty old Christmas jumper?
How come Mark has a fridge freezer in his bedroom?
Anecdotal? It's demonstrably factual. There are around 2 million OF creators, the overwhelming majority of which are young women. That's the equivalent of the ENTIRE population of women aged 18-25 in the UK. Of course the creators are spread out over the USA and Europe generally speaking, but even so the number is staggering. Even if you don't know one personally you're almost guaranteed to have met several.
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He told the job centre he can't do his voluntary work anymore due to neck pain
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Tried turning this counter clockwise with the tap on and it only moved a bit. Don't want to force it. Read these things can also start leaking. Guess I'll just have low water pressure instead of flooding upstairs. Done things in the past hoping for a better effect and made things worse.
Fresh start tomorrow. Course it's a fresh start tomorrow. It'll always be a fresh start tomorrow.
Why did SSM start a fire at his old place? Was he on drugs or was it an insurance scam?
Swear I could feel a bit of water drip on my hand as I used a coin to turn the ball valve too. Best let sleeping dogs lie as they say.

Well he can't sit behind a till for three hours once a week if his necks hurts can he? He needs to be out and about travelling and drinking to recuperate.
why does ssm drink so much?
That's a lot of jumpers for someone with electric in the meter.
Does Mark have to do his own gardening?
He doesn't care, not like he's paying for it is he?
A WOMAN would never adjust a ball valve.
When was the last time ssm submitted an electricity meter reading?
No woman has ever adjusted your ball valve that's for sure
Why doesn't Mark have any gas appliances in his flat
My creamy leaks go to waste that's for sure.
He's not allowed.
when is ssm buying another ps5?
How much did SSM love that g-g-go-pro?
Fed it to the turtles.
how much bacon do you think Mark eats per year
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Probly sentimental like my hoodie from 2013 with cigatette burns
You ever considered giving your mum a cheeky little fuq?
why did he say no more lives drinking and then done a live drinking?
Those little nigarillos look lush nd I really mean lush
It better than being bored, lonely and depressed.
Wonder if tobacco strong enough to mask tmau
Imagine if SSM strated working in CEX
wouldn't it be mad if ssm got a job in a brewery
Already at 1 GB of RAM with just Firefox ESR and Task Manager open. Only have 2 GB of RAM on Debian. Really don't want to use LXDE desktop environment as that's too dated. XFCE is getting a bit much now for 2006 laptops.
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Just want a simside update
If SSM run linux which distro would he use?
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Life is shit nd short so might as well enjoy it. Not larping like you're a monk.
23yo ASMR lass who looks younger dating lad aged 30. Wish that were me (the lad).
Why's he on the beer again? Thought he was cutting it right down
how does riffratz clip are marks uploafs so fast?
He'll have another weltdown tonight.
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20 minutes and no stream? reckon he's having us on and there wont be no sandford lane stream tonight
Smelly fool wouldn't even know how to put an ISO on a flash drive.
SSM is /britfeel/'s most successfuI gimmick
Do you think RiffRatz posts here lad?
Yes he posts here under the name "Broadbridge"
anyone else get the feeling craggles lurks /britfeel/?
Tim Eldridge nonce
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>Kay's Cooking Channel
>300k sub
when was the last time he fed the swanage robin
Totally sold out as well. At least are SSM could never get that ironic following.
What happened to Ron the Seal
Yes he posts here under the name "Swanny"
Why is /britfeel/ so obsessed with SSM?
Bet Craggles pays child support (cuck)
>Totally sold out as well.

Thinking about getting a seasideMARK tattoo, thoughts?
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That wouldnt be cheeky you'd probably feel terrible forever afterwards or very awkward anyway. Stepmums are above board however

do it lad
What is your favourite SSM catchphrase?
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What will the design be? Maybe this?
>What is your favourite SSM catchphrase?
It lush
Would it be cringe or based to have a Mark poster made to hang in my bedroom?
>What is your favourite SSM catchphrase?
Better than giving it to the bookies.
Arse shit ribs
Cash injection is my favourite
how many pints of milk does ssm drink a week?
Can the non child support payers explain how paying child support is cuckoldry?
Latest news on SSMs SVT, I've not been here for a while
bacon bacon mutty time, I'd say.
What happened to Brian Snail
alri lads just got back from holiday hows marks 30 day no booze going?
SCEA moved him slightly when he went to High Wycombe. I'm not sure whether SCEA put him back after taking the shot.
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Feel bad for London Audits. He can't even land himself a basic warehouse job. I wonder why finding an unskilled job is so hard for young, British men these days.
There are men in this thread who pay child support lol
Claire Cooper
Gonna watch DJ Audits soon to the DJ lad in the last thread. Love warehouse wagies making a big fuss over some harmless drone flying and filming their faces to go online. They bring this on themselves. Idiots.
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SCEA indicated he did indeed put him back
better than giving it to the cookies lmao
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wat the fucks gain on er naaw
aww isn't it sweet he saves images posted by him man crush
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Indeed but not me
Turns out the ugandan saga is a multi-part vlog series after all, 2nd part was uploaded yesterday

Maybe it'll turn out to be a kinographique magnifique after all, here's hoping
Wonder if SCEA knew he had a man that worships the ground he walks on
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Veitch gave a 22 year old woman a sprog. He's 43 and she accepted his cock inside her multiple times. She has given up her best years to raise his sprog. What have you achieved? What options will you have when you're older? When he first started making YouTube videos she was a toddler.
seasideMARK Monday and Tuesday Uploafs it lush.

SSM has been married and had at least 3 girlfriends.

Mind boggling isnt it
How many images do you have in your SCEA folder lad, have you ever imagined you and SCEA in bed together?
He smells of fish.
These threads are completely dead these days.
What is your favourite SCEA image you have saved lad?
That's what you get when your mum just leaves you on your back during your baby years. The skull doesn't form correctly. He is probably going to use that as an excuse to get citizenship (some story about how a bomb blasted near him and he needed brain surgery). Invaders will lie their way into this country by any means necessary. Usually they play the gay card. Conveniently they don't have any identification with them upon arriving. Scum.
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SSM has a love hate relationship with alcohol
SSM has been drinking for 40 years
If SCEA came back would you tell him about his special folder you have for him?
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Call Veitch a nonce and women like this get arrested. Don't ever let women think they can away with public order crimes.
Fly sarnie
he stinks of fishes,
he stinks of shits,
he's down sandford lane and he's shaking his tits
Just ripped une fartique me
Ou la la!
What's your favourite SSM video?
Which personality folder has the most images saved in lad?
Quite a bit noncey that.
SSM rules /britfeel/ remotely.
SSM's favourite auditor is DJ Audits I believe. Wonder how he reacts when he says "GET BACK TO WORK" ?
Why does he clip other posters posts and save them?
How big is your SSM folder Iad?
>How big is your SSM folder Iad?
My SSM folder has 21 images and 1 webm
Imagine taking screenshots of other lads posts and saving them. Very creepy imo.
You wouldn't dare stand up to a 6ft 5in bloke like him and say that to his face. You'd get kicked down and arrested for public order, then posted online for others to laugh at how pathetic you are.
Sitting around all day making screencaps of posts on britfeel. Grim.
Haven't seen a single screenie ITT
Veitch is not a nonce. He just enjoys fucking young women because that's what men prefer. Why would he settle for a some old 40+ hag? Anyone that calls him a nonce is jealous. No man deep down would want someone over 30, let alone over 40. They just have to settle unfortunately most men.
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Just bought that Asus laptop de lids. It was either get it now or wait until the Black Friday sales later in the year.

Full HD OLED 15.6 screen
Backlit UK keyboard
Fingerprint scanner for log in
this is my favourite SSM video

this one is probably my second favourite SSM video
yeah, there are men in this thread who are sprogless wagies too
ruthmong floundering for relevancy and attention amid a sea of SSMposting
What do you get out of making these posts Ruthmong?
Wonder if Timothy James Byrne knew he had a man that worships the ground he walks on
what about the processor etc. de lid?
this is one lad paying child support for a black sprog he rarely sees lol
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Asus is a Taiwanese company, I trust them to make better quality PCs than American companies. My worst ever laptop was a Dell one. Never again.

Will be going cinema to see this. Simple as. Anyone want to come with lads?
good spec for watching THAT video on
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>She has given up her best years to raise his sprog
Time to abandon 'desktop environments' and switch to a window manager, lad. if dwm with the awesome launcher is still kicking, give that one a go.
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>Haven't seen a single screenie ITT
>i-it only counts if they are ITT
Love how you mention the pointless backlit keyboard and fingerprint scanner but not what fucking processor it has.
half black but yeah
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Based old boys DiCaprio and Maguire have girlfriends that are 21. Women only think older men are creeps when they aren't attractive and don't have money. A young woman would drop her age appropriate boyfriend for a richer, older man...especially someone of high status. There's nothing wrong with liking women that are young as an older man.
the mong just copy and paste the specs here without really understanding them lol
Does it matter? Bots are scraping the entire site de liddy. Obviously 4chan has logs: as moot once said, we're anonymous to each other, not to staff. They've worked with law enforcement for criminal cases and when AI can sift through a data pool of millions of 4chan posts, your 2008 /b/ "shitposts" will come back to haunt you.

Can't find anything about the processor in the product details de lid. CPU speed is 2.5 GHz.
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half ape lol
>he bought a laptop without even knowing what processor it has

What a mongoloid. I suppose it's a cheapo one so the answer is "a shit processor" though.
SCEA? waa waa wa!!
How much did it cost? Can't imagine dossing pays much these days.
He really is a such a thick cunt isn't he.
Cope. Manually collecting images and posts made by personalities and anons is fucking cringe lad. Craggles and Riffratz tier grim.
are you a sprogless wagie or the lad who keeps posting his wife in bed?
But zimlad is married and the kid is his...
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Never mind found it.

>Powered by Intel's Core i5-12500H Processor 2.5 GHz

No idea whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Oh well, too late to go back now.
What set you off about screenshots then? Sounds like it really hurt your feelings
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>dunno about the processor mate but.... backlit keyboard!
HHL just imagine lad. If you hadn't been raped you might actually be the normal man you sometimes pretend to be on here. Sadly your molester stole that from you, leaving you to live a hollow shell of a life where you feign superiority to incels and autists on a grim corner of the internet and get mocked by them as a result.
If a processor has been made in the past five years is there any danger of it being actually 'bad'? I feel like performance comparisons are utterly meaningless for people whose sole use of their computer is just internet browsing.
>are you a sprogless wagie or the lad who keeps posting his wife in bed?
bet its the linux mong seething about the processor. Even an i3 will suit shitposting on /britfeel/
so he can watch THAT video at night
your average office drone buying an Acer laptop because it comes in a nice blue:
>hmm well it's a quad-core processor but in terms of gigaflops you can't compare like-for-like with the x64 instruction set vs ARM, i'd better look at some benchmarks
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It might have too new hardware for GNU/Linux to be fully functional. If you can risk it, get a later kernel when you install your preferred GNU/Linux distribution and enjoy your freedom. Windows will literally spy on you the moment it boots. Everything is logged and sent to Microsoft's servers without your consent. Files uploaded automatically to OneDrive if you sign in with a Microsoft account (I think they make it very difficult now to use local accounts).
Tell us about your sprogs then lad
>Sounds like it really hurt your feelings
u mad
Did I touch a nerve lad. How big is your britfeel screencaps folder? Why do you do it, get a real hobby, how old are you ffs.
bloimey mate lad oim bloody british innit
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Why are you interested in another mans kids?
HHL serious question mate. Why do you keep coming back to a place where everyone just laughs at you for having no money and being molested as a child? Doesn't it make you feel bad?
>8 out of the 12 cores are fucking e-cores

Christ you got ripped off lad.
I'm transbri'ish
I don't have one de lid. Bit rich to call anyone mad when you're making multiple bitchy passive aggressive posts about things that presumaby happened hours ago
HHL has no money so he needs to install Debian. Windows will eventually bombard him with ads to upgrade shit.
SCEA was a legend.
Why does Shippy keep coming back here when everyone bullies him for being a fat balding nonce with a bean shaped head?
if youre british and attracted to british people that makes you gaybritish
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Sat alone in his boxromm scanning through his 4chan screenshots folder thinking of his bae SCEA
Still obsessed about some comment from /pol/ over 6 years ago?

...mate I watch YouTube for a couples of hours after work and sometimes message my gf on facebook
It's his fetish I reckon. Bet he gets hard every time someone calls him bean head.
There are literal tramps uploading shit onto youtube with their thousands of followers laughing at them.
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pure sIop
sounds like someone screencapped your post big lad
You don't have a TV to watch YouTube on?
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Is that why he keeps posting pictures of his head here?
SCEA plz come back sempi
Ah, you don't have any then, lol
l suspect so lad.
Nah, don't bother with TV me. Waste of space really, laptop is fine. I don't really watch shows or anything and whenever I do want to watch I just torrent them.
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I'm just gonna trust the positive reviews (87 percect of total reviews). Hell, even if it's not great it has to be better than what I'm using now.

Now time for din dins.
I do and they are pure white just like me
So when your girlfriend comes to your flat and you watch something, you huddle around the laptop like a peasant?
I like how phones primarily advertise how much RAM they have. Which is correct tbqh. I buy cheap phones and everything runs fine for a while. Browser with all the modern JavaScript shite is probably the most intensive individual app I ever have open.

After a few updates and some more 'background apps' creep in, suddenly switching from an app back to my browser refreshes the page. Or clears the session/cache in online banking so I have to log in again.

Fucking nightmare when these are like portable supercomputers by not-too-long-ago standards, and I can run 3D games perfectly fine because of some graphics chip. (Just never allowed to quickly switch to my emails or the whole game app restarts.)
This. Really what does it actually mean to the average user what fucking gigaflops a processor does or whatever? If it can load a web browser without being painfully slow that's literally good. We've had processors and RAM that do that just fine for over a decade.
Post a pic of your new lappy then de lid
the term is 'teeaboo'
We usually huddle in bed, start the show and then end up having sex halfway through. It's just a show mate it doesn't matter. I prefer to have sex. Don't you?
>pure white just like me
serious doubts about this one.

How many? 13 in east london?
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brown sprog
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I'm the audit poster.

Women should just work for the corrupt capitalism and let their eggs rot. Sprogless and unable to afford them anyway by needing to pay extortionate rent to a dosser landlord. The unemployed single mums with sprogs by multiple fathers are the sane ones when you think about it.
Wagies are obsessed with ""value for money" what's the processor what's this what's that its for 4chan and videos u fucking retard
Depends on the circumstances to be honest. Can't really be arsed shagging all of the time. Was different when we first got together obviously.
>I prefer to have sex. Don't you?
Oooohh no no no
>brown sprog
no sprogs
I tried some but I really like my desktop environments. I try to disable as much shit as possible and use minimal core installs.
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half white half ape
Actually screenshotted this bc of how true it is. Sick of nerds
one sprog two sprog brown sprog no sprog
imaginary white sprog
Post clipping wrongun
Less than 0.1% of the population could tell you what processors or RAM even do, let alone what makes them good or bad and if they could tell the performance apart from their general usage.
4chan post hording paedo
>4 times more x
i actually use it IRL
sprogless wagie is really seething right now
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>His sprog looks like a log of shit
This means a lot to me. Thanks you friend. Fuck nerds. Genuinely contemptible, unfriendly, self-obsessed toxic twats. Also bad hygiene. Fuck nerds.
How is it true? You don't have a girlfriend.
Some lad is really upset right now spamming these cartoon images
In GNU/Linux, you can run this command:

cat /proc/cpuinfo

That will print the output of that file and show you what vulnerabilities it has. There will be multiple for older processors unless you run a very simple one like an Atom. The OS should mitigate at a performance cost.
white man ape sprog
Who has a brown sprog? What did I miss in the britfeel lore?
>If it can load a web browser without being painfully slow that's literally good.
Some web sites themselves are so horribly slow even on top hardware. There's been this shift to "the web just IS computer programs now" and whoever didn't slap down shit like HTML Canvas and Web Workers was a moron.

Wikia/Fandom is a classic example but that template every local Reach plc newspaper website uses is god awful too. We laughed at Java/ActiveX applets, Flash and Silverlight, then just recreated them (but far worse).
t. seething mong who overpays for shite rather than doing research to build his own PC
At least he can see his sprog
white man no sprog
I've done this but you have to balance the laptop on your actual lap and then your balls feel funny and you wonder if it's just the heat or some kind of scary radiation.
It's fine for your usecase which is 4chan, youtube and THAT video. But the processer is shit overall.
I personally don't have a sprog and never will. I've chosen to remain childfree.
Your laptop NEEDS the AMD razeon giganigger 6000 graphics card EVERYONE KNOWS THAT
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>I've chosen to remain childfree.
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SCEA SCEA I've saved all your images you posted and screencapped your posts, please notice me
I built my gaming pc years ago and have occasionally upgraded the graphics card and RAM if I seem it worth it to play some newer games, but my personal laptop is a perfectly fine midrange one that I picked literally because it was on sale and met the bare minimum of having an SSD (a rarity in that it is a feature which makes a tangible difference to load times so is worth it imo)
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>I've chosen to remain chiIdfree.

No. Women have chosen to breed with men that are genetically superior to you. This is all thanks to the convenience of online dating. Nothing to do with your attitude towards women. You see some right angry men (but good looking) walking about with stacys down the high street.
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>His sprog is brown
Incredibly based post here
such a tragic samefag here

Surprised you didn't post the one with the condom
looks like a gollywog
Enjoying this brown sprog gimmick
Two of my exes wanted to have kids with me but I turned them down.
>his sprog is non-existant
The incel uprising and riots can't come soon enough. Need to see some good shit go down in this country like the Duggan riots. Mental that was.
Who had a brown sprog, I feel totally out of the loop here
I'm sure another virile man gave them what they really needed
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Only one (you) here. May I suggest taking your meds
The best anyone can hope for is a single mother in her 30s with a brown sprog from a previous relationship.
>tfw mid thirties soon and that's too old to have a sprog with an age appropriate woman

missed out on being a father
I did and now the lads are bullying me
One of them had a kid with another guy yeah. The other one didn't yet.
You'd never get this level of seethe if a black man had a sprog with a white woman. But because it's a white man and a black woman he's going absolutely ballistic
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Nice one lad. I built my PC a few years back too. Will be building a brand new one when 5080 is out. And my laptop is a touchscreen chromebook. I like the chromebook, it's 4x lush.

Play anything good recently?
are we being raided or summat
If only they put a CBO on Veitch to not be allowed to film anything in public. If anyone else did the shit he does, they'd be arrested.
fucking mongs titillated over imaginary mix raced kids
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Who shagged an ape woman then? I'm lost
36 half plus 7 is 25.

Not that I'm saying you should follow that stupid rule, but you if you then you can still get mid-20s fertile women
Did you lads hear about Doctor Disrespect?
Honestly I've felt like newer games have been very disappointing generally. There's some gems but mostly the older classics are better. Dawn of War, modded Skyrim, Dishonoured, some of the older Zeldas, KotoR etc.
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>At the time of his death, Duggan and his long-term partner Semone Wilson had three children together aged 10 years, 7 years, and 18 months.[15] He had a fourth child with another woman,[18] and a third woman was pregnant with his baby at the time of his death.[19] He was the father of six children in total, the youngest of whom was born after his death.[16]
something something "incel because of your negative views towards women".
SSM is back drinking again? Ohnono Helen will go ballistic
Fresh start tomorrow de lad
I'm not attractive lad. There's no chance of it ever happening. I just wish people on the internet wouldn't lie and say anyone can get a girlfriend. Rather have the harsh truth.
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These 4 hour threads are fucking shite. I miss the comfy 20 hour threads
>Life is Strange
Fucking loved this tbqh. Wasn't as happy with the spin-off and feel like it's wise to duck the sequels - as its own little thing it holds a special place in my heart.

One day I won't be a depressed NEET with a dinosaur PC, and I'll get to play 20 years' worth of games I missed out on.
probably by the JIDF. A white man having sex with a non-white woman makes certain people go fucking nuclear
No one says anyone can get a girlfriend. You could never get a girlfriend in your current state. If you completely transformed your lifestyle, your attitude, your worldview and actually started talking to women on a regular basis you could probably get a girlfriend eventually. But you won't. You lack the personal qualities required to transform your life. So there you go. There's your harsh truth.
Fair enough lad. I somewhat agree, the only new game I actually really loved was God of War Ragnarok. Probably will replay that on PC too. New Yakuza looks good too, need to get around to that.
Never seen a thread as desperate as /britfeel/ everything is forced
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He liked his women young didn't he? Nonce.
I really am looking forward to the day Veitch pisses off the wrong person and ends up with a broken glass bottle to his jugular. Absolute cunt that man. Not surprising he's now chummy with that pseud Ed Dutton.
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SSM told Helen he was quitting alcohol for 30 days
Then he changed it to 10 days kek
No doubt he will be keeping todays cheeky drinking session private
Lad has finally calmed down now after his tantrum earlier
It's looks mate. Could be the loveliest fella in the world and wouldn't get one. You see those sorts that just joke about with women but never get one. They just end up being good friends. May as well be gay if that's all your relationship can be with females.
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Love some Life is Strange lad. I also quite liked Life is Strange True Colours and Before the Storm. Wasn't a huge fan of Life is Strange 2 though. Still the first one is the best one. You hear they are bringing Max back? Not too sure on that, can see them ruining it but I'll be hopeful.
How do I make myself look more hard? Should I cut my hair short and grow stubble?
It's so transparent how he just switches to spamming different shit every 30 minutes
Get on some tren lad
I love ruthmong.
>It's looks mate.

I'm ugly. Used to struggle a lot with women in my teen years. Never really got a sniff. In my twenties things improved. My social skills got better and the girls I met were less superficial. I've had a lot of girlfriends over the years despite my appearance. I'm good at talking to people, people say I'm funny and charismatic. These things count for a lot more than you think.

However, to be honest with you, you're not funny or charismatic. So it's not really relevant. Whether it's looks or personality you're fucked either way.
He gives off weird vibes that old fella. I am surprised it hasn't happened yet. You'd think he'd quit because someone one day will not think rationally. Just look at that German police officer. It was over in just a few seconds for him.
Take testosterone and prepare for male pattern baldness as a side effect.
>prepare for male pattern baldness as a side effect.

This isn't true. It's a different type of testosterone that causes male pattern baldness.
If more men got fucked regularly, misogyny would easily go down. Why can't women understand that? They reserve their pussy only for some men.
4chan is his life lad he even collects screenshots and images made by personalities and anons
Obvious sameshipping
There's nothing in it for them to fuck you. Risking a pregnancy with you would ruin their life and the life of their child.
What if you use someone's full name and date of birth (written on paper) and then try to get yourself searched by police? Then they find out he is on bail for something. Would they arrest me? Obviously I can't say it as that would be falsely misleading police officers but having something written down on paper isn't a crime. They'd likely run that through the PNC. Might be an interesting experiment. If you get arrested, you can then get a civil claim in. Make money.
look like hes trying to create war with new YTDC members now. He lives for YouTube drama.
They can take a morning after pill. I expect I would have healthy babies to be honest.
They love unshowered shoeless men.
He's got folders for sceenshots of posters posts on /britfeel/ lmfao
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Almost feel like, if you born middle class 2 parents can you really be incel, thats easy mode for men too in this country anyway. U will have a much comfier life in most ways than lower class that get their dick wet also probablynjust so normal to you you don't even realise what you have.
He needs to eat something.
Some men put effort in and get nothing.
That's not how women's minds work. They can't feel desire for someone where risking a pregnancy would ruin their life and the life of their child. There's no way a woman would expect you to have healthy babies. You're so unhealthy yourself.
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>mixed race sprog
the colour of poo lol
Sprogless in Seattle
Hate Ruthmong, hate Shippy, hate any other lads who try to repeat the same conversations about their obsessions every single day on /britfeel/. Simple as.
Go play a vidya mong.
This is how I imagine a thread would look if a couple of 10 year olds managed to find 4chan.

The mention of 10 year olds should net me a reply of "nonce" and or "hard drive scan".
You forgot /britfeel/'s third incel HHL. Another pointless poster who contributes nothing of worth.
What happened to FootIad
Love ruthmong, makes me feel better about my life. Same reason I love SSM.
You envy them
Footmong, Angela lad and MILFY lad moved to Lollers discord thank god. I was getting sick of all the porn they posted here.
Was wondering if he got permabanned for having another prolapse melty or something
What happened to that homeless/hostel lad? Not seen him in months
HHL drove him insane
He had a meltdown and spammed prolapse porn in /brit/ and got a lengthy ban
Almost 400 posts in 2 hours. Utter drivel and repeats of posts made many times before, all the same memes posts as ever. keklool you sad fucking losers.
I'm here all day every day. /britfeel/ is my life
400 posts you read yet again what a life
You're here to read it all little lad
>Almost 400 posts in 2 hours
all by around 10 posters too
>calling other people losers and saying "keklool" in the same sentence
House burned down by nonce hunters. It sad.
All by me, thanks.
Indeed and I'll be cycling through all my gimmicks in the next thread
>anyone calling anyone anything while posting in britfeel
I'd love an update from him too. Did he find another job?
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Will be in next thread too ready to shit it up little lad xD
Will you take me under your wing lad?
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Eh? Wagiesisters?
corr the drama in this post. are you a girl or a fag?
The britfeel post screencapper adding to his bulging 4chan posts folder. Creepy nonce.
All I can do is give you a bit of advice that helped me.

>Be genuinely interested in other people and making platonic friends with both genders
>Get to enjoy socialising with people and spending time with them for its own sake, not as a route to sex/love/romance
>Don't get emotionally attached too quickly. You should be just interested in sex at the beginning. Sex comes first and romance comes later. Let her be the one to talk about relationships and commitment.
>When you fuck up and accidentally say something unattractive or act in an unattractive/weak way that turns a woman off, just move on to the next woman. Don't try to fix it. Just learn from it and go for the next one.
Sake lads so it's my wedding anniversary and i'm supposed to cook my wife and kids some dinner but i only just got back from drinks with colleagues and i feel FUCKED. Goong to whip up some spagbol and hope that does the trick, wish me luck.
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toastmasters uk changed his life
he now making 10.50 and hour at amazon warehouse
Get some takeaway de lad dont cook while drunk
Mate i can't get a takeaway for an anniversary. Spagbol's gonna be a hit.
Do you live in a grim corner of the country or something lad?
Still hafta shave, me
He seriously cutting it down
Just 3 drinks for him
There's no sanford lane tonight

Riveting stuff
No nothing awful lad, why? Kebab shops are the same in Grimsby as they are in Richmond.
>just BE interested in the writhing mass of retarded flesh that is 'other people's
WTF kind of advice is this? You can't choose what you're interested in.
He cutting it right down and it's lush
seasideMARK is NOT having extra beers
Don't get a kebab you fucking mong. Get a nice Italian delivered.
Always some motorbike mong with his leg chopped off on me a&e programs. Don't see why they should be allowed 2 use NHS when they choose to endanger their life.
Must be grim if the only thing available is kebab shops
Eh? Of course you can.
>patting himself on the back for only having 3 beers
Hes still an alcoholic who can't even go 3 days without consuming alcohol
cookies not bookies
Is he still binge eating?
Have we done a full loop of spam and drivel and we're back to ssm now?
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He's on that cheese and toast grind
SSM banter is not 'spam and drivel'
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Get in there de lads get in there
look at his face. he's in heaven. pure bliss
so glad I got to watch that moment LIVE
I bet that Liverpool Christmas jumper hums.
Convinced he wants to "accidentally" start an electrical fire so they move him again.
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Ill have few ciggies on my walk. 2 mich time I spend worrying about other ppl. Time I focus on myself for a bit.
Played some CS2 and it's full of the biggest spergs ever. Don't even think they're enjoying the game with how much they never stop whinging.
no. you are jealous. he is "womfy comfy" and makes the wagies seethe.
He could get a job in CEX.
fishy shitty smell
CEX is the closest you'll ever get to sex Ruthmong. Hahaha.
How can he leave the house without shoes?
Crosslad has shoes tho
It simply cannot be done
he got his dollies mixed up
When Ruthmong dies, I'm going to say:

"Honestly lost for words. Always the happiest and most smiley person in the room. You were one of a kind Ruthmong, and you'll be missed more than you know. I'm sure you'll have your dancing shoes polished and ready waiting for us all. We love you buddy. Fly high."
Just throw the shoes over to me
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Watching Children of Men.

Ngl would be pretty cool being the youngest person alive.
There are multiple blokes out there who let SSM cum in their arse in the nineties.
today are lovely ruthmong as crossed th rainbow bridge xx we are all cryin and cryin he was a very good dog nd well loved by all x
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Mad when i think back in school the times ppl were nice 2 me i think looking back they thought I was a complete mong i got very excited about special interests etc when I was 12, 13 turbo sperged out nd I believed if ppl indulged your interests it means they're also interested. But they were definitely just laughing it up in private. I know aboit how ppl work albeit not at the time. Well stuff like that is why i stopped even talking to anyone at all eventually and ffom there lost interest in having friends anyway so if ppl did that now it wouldn't make a difference to my life anyway.
Any women ever had your sprogs lad?
So now we have to listen to your drivel instead. Great.
However I was a much warmer person before. Too bad.
I'm sprogfree.
I've gotten two women pregnant, but one of them had a miscarriage, and the other one died when she was carrying my child.
you were the youngest person alive for a fraction of a second
that's bollocks
I have a turd coloured sprog. I named her Moni.
Sadly it's true. Car accident.

True. I wonder who will be the last human to ever live.
Sad, how did she die?
Car accident lad. Drunk driver crashed into her and her mum on a quiet country road.
He is very very upset that I have a mixed race sprog. I wonder why
You will. Quantum immortality lad
At least you've got it in you to get a sprog into a woman, hopefully in the future it'll happen again
going shop. anyone want any chocolate or pizza?
You still look like 14 so at least you got that going for you
brown sprog brown sprog
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Just had me dinner after being in work all day. About to settle down and enjoy a few hours of World of Warcraft x
no sprog no sprog
Maybe. For the past few years I've been healing, trying to work on myself a bit. It's been a while but I'm still not ready to meet someone else. I tried to have sex with a prostitute a few months ago just to scratch the physical itch, but I ended up spewing against a corner in the street.
New thread for the SSM fans

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Like in a workplace environment if someone even vaguely neurodivergent U blatantly see how people talk when they're not present like their whole tone changes its not even about tje words they use but the fact of discussing this person they've both quietly acknowledged its some kind of alien nonce. Act nice to their face. Its just obvious. Life is just easier alone albeit sad.

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