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Drivel, Iets pretend and drama about a lolcow from Youtube edition
SSM's new camera will be in CEX by next week.
pretty decent uploafs today
Phwoarr lovely fresh bread straight from the woven
My uncle has a long term girlfriend called Mandy. Known about her for years but just never met her. At my parents house right now and she visits out of the blue for a cup of tea. Keep in mind my uncle and her are in their late fifties. She has a pair of absolutely enormous fake teddies and is wearing a miniscule green nearly see through sundress.

Ffffffffuckin 'ell lads. She's also the kind of older woman who stayed slim her whole life so they look even bigger on her than just a generic older fat lady.
Bet you're going to have a cheeky wank over that later, aren't you laddy? I know I would.
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4x gayer and it's lush
Mandy is a right MILF name it is. Very envious lad. Corrr wish I could get a look at those knockers.
Give your head a wobble mate, jog on!
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is it not
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bacon bacon buppy time
>okay fresh start, just woken up at 3pm, no job no worries
>ah delightful a freshly baked britfeel thread
>hmmm what to post what to post??
>*typing away* theeere we go!
>four times gayer... aaaand... it's lush
>now just open up my SSM folder
>aaaand yep, this one of his naked hair caveman chest should do just fine
>*leans back in chair* oh yeah killing it today
Eerily accurate de lid, I have to admit.
probably my biggest "influence" whatever that means went to live in a monastery
literally going monkmode
he never told me and I will never hear from him again
nobody ever sticks around
I like to see behind the scenes of the posts like this.
>He bought a camera
>It not for sale
>KEK how long before he sells it?
>Post about bussy
>Shippy fat
>Shippy nonce
>Trip on personality
>Head like a bean
>What's the name of that hair style
>Fat nonce Shippy cut
>Little lad
>Read it all
>Hard drive scan
Confirmed brown sprog haver. Quick someone post the stepdadjak
This "brown sprog" gimmick is shit. Imagine being racist against a baby.
Have to say I agree. Babies aren't guilty of anything. Anyone genuinely making fun of one is more or less subhuman.
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good wovfefe diss woz

finkin bout anudda

we all need summat to live for
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>why do i smell of fish
*not posted anything in over 3 mins*
*starts sweating*
*tabs back to britfeel*
>sprogless wagies
*that's better*
TMAU. Fish odour syndrome
Ruths sun kissed tuppence
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Seaside update pt6
the ssa is being spoiled the day de lids
Unfortunately my girlfriend and I are breaking up. She wants more of a typical future and a normal life, whereas I want to live as a toddler 24/7. Need to find a partner who will fully embrace that lifestyle.
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is that gonna be alrite wiff you de lads?
>Wants a sausage butty. sausage sausage buppy, sausage sausage mumpy
>Airfryer/Airdryer is dirty
>Fuck it
>Makes ausage butty. sausage sausage buppy, sausage sausage mumpy
>Contemplates the number of sausages you get in a pack
>It lush
Saved you half an hour
why is he such a grim disgusting cunt
it seasoned
Fackin ell

Almost evening innit
Because he's thick as pig shit. Whenever you see some mong living some horrific life it's always because they're just low IQ retards. Smart people don't end up like that.
Update on big tit Mandy - went downstairs to grab a drink and she's lounging back on a sofa which has pushed her chest up higher. Fffffffffffahkin ell!!!!
Mental how some sellers like Kindle straight up won't sell specific volumes of Nagatoro or Mayo Chiki! Nanny state.
>he did not like that one
>that post sent him over the edge
>lads fuming now
>that upset him
>touched a nerve lad
pamperchu has a higher IQ than you and he lives worse than mark
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Only 19GB left on the other HDD again

Literally just cleared 60GB off of it last week

Too much (((adult entertainment))) innit phwoar
>random person emails in to company to complain about something utterly inconsequential
>delete it, as per usual
>get second email the next day
>"I find it very unprofessional that you don't reply to emails"
>manager tells me to get on it and respond
Fucking why? It's some arsehole complaining about fuck all. We've not done anything wrong and we're not going to change any SOPs just because some prick didn't like it. Fuck sake I hate this bollocks.
Why does this picture weirdly seem higher quality than the usual screencaps?
Chads use beckys for sex the same way beckys use betas for attention

It's the cycle of nature, is it not
I knew a girl called Becky once. Shagged a few times. Loved me sticking my tongue up her arse she did, cooorrrrr
why do you think he knows why this picture weirdly seem higher quality than the usual screencaps?
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got a link de liid?

Always need new lolcows for the farm
I should be able to freely buy problematic manga but no I have to pirate it.
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It's the circle of lush
Phwoar who's the titcow on the right?
Would love to have a cute girl allow me to watch her smoke a cigarette and maybe record it
Can't believe it's been 40 years since SSM's acting career was ended.
Would love to shag, would i not
Not calling Chika a bald nonce, really?
I once fucked up a lubed up plastic bag over some dish scrubbers. I wouldn't recommend it.
>see the wagie with the woglet and the meal deal
>yeah buddy, thats not his sprog
every company ever right here. Yet trolls want me to get mad that mark is scamming them for 300 quid in bad credit

Benefits just came through so she should be pissed up this eve
Chika is purposely bald so he can go undercover in creche with his Peppa Pig overalls and nonce the kiddies.
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SSM is alcohoI dependent.
More silent treatment for those wagies and pig scum. Glad to see this trend continuing.

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Nah SSM went 3 whole days without wooze.
Arsehole's flying around in there like i didn't nuke the whole place w/chlorine this mornin

It legitimately does boggle the mind
SSM need alcohol to stay alive. If he stop he die. It ain't right. He need to cover fish and shit with booze smell.
Mark needs to fucking sort himself right out. He's an absolute slob pig cunt who stinks of shit and absolutely leaches off of freebies and government money. My money. He's a fucking disgrace and
He deserve your money. He need it for his new phototoffeefee hobby. He need new lenses. He smell of shit and piss so he need money. He didn't ask to be born, did he?
[hope you like this satirical post, lads]
That's the thing, all SSM posts are ironic, it's just that, despite every other failing in their lives, britfeel posters are very good at maintaining a gimmick like this so at a certain point some people forget that they're doing it ironically.
>SeasideMARK said, did, didn't do a thing
>SeasideMARK ate, drank the thing
>SeasideMARK bought, sold the thing
I'm actually quite happy and content with my life but I still enjoy shitposting and riling certain little lads up.
>haha SSM is funny because he is on the dole
>that's not funny wtf?! that's my tax money and he's just a fucking lazy twat
>haha funny dole
>not funny
>haha funny dosser
>not funny
>haha funny bennies
>not funny
>haha funny welfare
>not funny
>haha funny DWPman
>not funny
>haha funny jobcentre
>not funny
Anyone else laugh uncontrollably to themselves when they make an SSMpost?
>SeasideMARK said no more drinking
>SeasideMARK is drinking again
>SeasideMARK said fresh start
>SeasideMARK has cancelled the fresh start
>SeasideMARK said he'd rather sell his arse and shit through his ribs
>SeasideMARK has sold the thing and didn't sell his arse and shit through his ribs
Homemade wizzas in the outdoor wizza oven today lads. It's gonna be L U S H let me tell you.
Garn see that Twisters me.
Yeah. I laugh at myself all the time when I make purposely shitty posts because I know it will rile someone up.
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the final boss of the final dark souls game can be killed with bows without fighting it
My happiness hinges on someone being upset/fuming/seething/riled up.
Ever fucked a girl so hard she pissed herself?
>sex with kids
Monkmode activated


Freshly squeezed lemonade for him my leeeed
Now that I've had time to let Bloodborne settle I actually think it's the worst Souls game. The environments are all very repetitive. There isn't much weapon or build variety. The lore isn't as interesting as Dark Souls or Elden Ring. The bosses aren't particularly difficult and the final two bosses are completely skippable. The gameplay is fun but I'd wager even Dark Souls 2 is better.
Got ghosted last night. I should have seen it coming, but I was hopeful. Whole waste of an evening chasing nothing.

Sucks donkey dick
Have to say that Dark Souls and all the copycat games that came from it are utterly baffling to me. I see absolutely no appeal in them, let alone seeing them as some of the greatest games ever made.
No but I fucked a lasses throat so hard she started bleeding and coughing up blood on my cock but it only made me well up harder and fuck her rougher.
That's probably what she was doing yea.
>He's drinking lemonade
>He squeezed frsh lemon in the glass too, you can see the pips
>Mentions selling the samsung at a loss
>Talks about when he's drinking again this week
>It lush
Saved you a quarter of an hour
Defies comprehension how fucking lush it all is
I used to think that until I played them. Ended up loving them. Once you get into the swing of the gameplay it's very rewarding and doesn't feel difficult just for the sake of it like Ninja Gaiden. Yeah they're not for everyone I guess. The NPCs and thinly veiled hints at what the plot is about are also intriguing.
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never played BB but i can tell im going to enjoy it as much as sekiro and that is, not very much. for me the souls games are DeS, DaS 1 and to a degree DaS 3 only because it harkens back to DeS a bit, but is held back to being as fast paced as BB. Not played DaS 2 yet, but I am going to play it soon after I've gathered the +2 rings in DaS 3
he's doing it
why cant I?
its funny that all of the copycat dark souls games completely missed what made dark souls great and think that the souls genre is all "BOSSES MUST BE HARD"
at least it didnt go on for weeks or even months de lid
good luck on your journey
So what does make them great? Like in actual discrete terms, not like 'the atmosphere is cool'
Don't you like Elden Ring? I really loved it, a lot more than Bloodborne. Haven't tried Sekiro yet.
Cutting off dragon's tails and making them into a sword.
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lmao he only bought it last year
Why am I so fat? Why cant I stop putting cakes in my mouth? It must be someone else's fault!
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bf is in a huff and wont talk to me because i got drunk so i could have a good time while scrubbing every corner of the house
what did he do all day?
fuck knows barely seen him
the levels and tidbits of lore are carefully crafted to give a sense of "hey, the world you're in is on its deathbed and you have to usher that in in order to usher a new world of prosperity" which resonates with me considering the state of the UK currently.
That's on top of the rpg aspects of the games where the more you fight, the stronger you get
idk, if you get it, you just get it
elden ring was okay. but they really cut corners in order to drag the game on. where are all the covenents?
7/10 imo
fucking hell he's exploding
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Wonder if his diesel cIaim has come through yet
It was in the post but Royal Mail lost it. It not right.
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Need to plan the other thing for tomorrow out real quick, do i not
I feel like they do have covenants in Elden Ring but they are more tied in to the ending and who you choose to side with. Like Frenzied Flame or Ranni.
Seaside diet coming on strong
The ssm spam has been off the charts lately
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his Wales top won't fit him anymore. He loved supporting them for 3 days
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i miss downing a litre of vdka a day, but not the grindr whoring oiut
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Love chasing after a rare release, me

It's the thrill of the hunt innit

Just like when procuring a rare and valuable bookington

This is what it's all about, the faustian thang
A fleeting passion, some would say
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For me, it's spaffbol with shidd
Just had to purchase Murder She Wrote season 4 because my season 4 disc 1 is cracked and not playing. Pissed off to be honest.
school holidays next week fucking hell no more comfy weekday cinema
Running out of superlatives for the lushness of the current situation I find myself in
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not happy
wish i were dead
>durrrrrrr get a job
yeah m8 get a job with brownoids who want me dead. what a great solution
fuck this wog worshipping country
Judging by the slowed pace of the thread and the sudden absence of seething and howling I surmise that seethemong's minders have picked him up for his daily community outing.
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>yeahhhhhhhhhh m8
>get that office job and pay dat der mortgage for 40 years
>paki nonce rape and not getting mad at it is the british way
Russia needs to glass this island
Miss the days when box sets came on individual cases instead of giant fucking spindle binders.
>walk up to heavily obese man curiously
>"excuse me mate, can i ask you a question?"
>"what did you THINK my question was going to be about?"

teach a man to fish.
why are racists always losers? never met a successful racist
>Fat alcoholic YouTube man is getting fatter because he hasn't reduced his intake of food and booze
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teach a man to smell of fish and he'll never be able to work half his life

teach him to smell of fish and shit, and he'll never work again
I'm a successful racist
bet you're a big hit at parties aren't you lad
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>why are racists always Iosers? never met a successful racist
I won't say I've never met a successful anti-racist (racist against whites) but its incredibly rare
Greentexting a post and adding a basedjak. Careful lads we got a high IQ lad waiting to pwn us.
There a man posting in this thread right now while wearing a hoodie that cost almost a grand
Tenner for season 4 of Murder, She Wrote just to replace one disc. Wankers.
I agree lad. I've never seen a racist wearing a Loewe hoodie. The benchmark of success
you know you can download it for free lad
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>Price 850.00
>This hoodie cost more than your hoodie, little lass
I'm not wearing a hoodie. I'm wearing a shirt from M&S
are the girls going to argue about clothes now?
seasidemark is spamming his old videos to fuck up the search results again?
i wonder why
Aye I could but I prefer physical. You should already know this by now.
Of course you'd never meet a successful racist if you never leave the house
>seasidemark is spamming his old videos to fuck up the search results again?
>i wonder why
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>why are racists always losers?



HHL and crossmong are racists and they're succ...
Never mind, carry on as you were.
A Pakistani businessman started a Paki clothing brand so Pakistanis could reclaim the word 'Paki', since it was actually similar to a positive word in Urdu.

So you had a bloke dressing brown kids up in hoodies and T-shirts labelling them as Pakis, for profit. Pretty straightforward racism success story if you ask me.
HHL successfully scrounges off your taxes wagie
>HHL successfully scrounges off your taxes wagie
I'm on UC tho lad?
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Lemonade all the way and it's lush
Nick Griffin, Farage, Enoch Powell

3 very very successful racists off the top of my head. Farage is debatable though
Instead of liver disease he'll get diabetes. It lush.
brown coIoured sprog
A seasideMARK drinks a thing post.
dont set him off de lad

Yeah me and zimlad
SSM is in the lemonade community
And yet none of them owned a single piece of clothing made by Loewe.
>brown coIoured sprog
>I'm wearing a shirt from M&S
They any good? I just want matching workwear for my image board posting job.

Outlet need me had a full matching suit in one of the slightly-more-premium lines. Exactly my scrawny size and the lot came to about 60 quid (instead of 'buy an alright suit for just 150' or whatever it was).

Might just cut my losses and see what TJ Hughes has. Stone Bay menswear might be quality stuff, can't say that about Primark.
Just heard some zoomer talk about generational wealth, corr
Reckon this film is right up your street lads
>The Lives of Others
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>my image board posting job.
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>the colour of his sprog is brown
Here's something that might suit you lad

>recently got offered a job
>no mention of pay other than "good"
>have asked them at least 5 times what the salary is and still no definitive answer

Should I get out?
Nick Griffin has Loake shoes though, the benchmark of success for footwear
It's likely the position will be unpaid and remunerated through commission only.
I could rent a room in a HMO for this.
I'd far rather have a nice polo shirt than live in a grim shared flat for a month. Wouldn't you?
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sprog not white lole
>Do you want to be clad in the finest garms that make you feel amazing?
>Nah I'm going to spend my life in a damp HMO instead
Not sure why anyone would spend 450 on a polo shirt
You know I would, but I'm not in that position. You've given me something to work towards tho, thanks anon.
This lad needs to eat more.
That's how much a good one costs.
No worries lad. Goals are important.
He can't afford to eat. He can't afford child support either.
Imagine posting a picture of yourself with a child, yours or not, for clout on /britfeel/
I bought a polo shirt for 74.99 once and I can't imagine how the 450 one would be any better
Only cucks like 'Zimlad' and his cheerleader poster pay child support
I think a goal of getting a Loewe polo shirt is ridiculous. Like trying to do a 75 decibel fart
You can't imagine because you don't have the experience.
His kid was brown too. How could he not feel a failure?
If he can afford all that drink he can afford to eat
There is going to be literally no difference. The 450 pound one probably cost 25 to make
Dragon soop isnt cheap lad
Don't care about the colour lad, using an infant for clout on /britfeel/
That's alright lad. We all have different values and priorities in life. Some people like to take pride in their appearance and enjoy nice, well made things. Some people don't care.
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>Don't care about the colour lad

That was the most cringy part.

If his kid was white no one would have mocked him
Of course lad. And there's no difference between a Ferarri and a Ford either.
My friend, lovely guy, set his profile pics to him and the wean. Absolutely nice lad. Known him since school. Proper laugh. Just keeps changing his picture to him and the young'un. Not jealous or anything, he's so sound. If he's still on Facebook (or whatever people use now), maybe he's posting more pictures there. Him holding the baby, his and his fiancee's. They're together still, couldn't be more pleased for them. Deserves it. Great bloke.
Says the sprogIess wagie of all people
>seasideMARK is out
Support your lolcow
>Don't care about the colour lad
Nonsense. It was non-white!
I have a sprog though? Pure white one too.
Bit of a difference between that and posting it on /britfeel/
Wearing a shirt that expensive will make peolle think you're insecure and using it to mask your other failures. It'll be n9 different in appearance or comfort than a cheaper one. From the image it looks like a tesco value polo shirt
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>Pure white one too
Haha indeed. Couldn't never raise a mixed-race sprog me.
None of those things are true. They are all lies you tell yourself to make you feel better about not having the means to wear fine clothes.
Can fully understand that de lad
There is. Although you probably have no experience of the former

I've never even heard of Loewe. It's hardly going to give you status if it's an unknown brand
The colour of skin is the most important factor in using a child for clout on 4chan.
OK, got you, king. Pure kek and lols the child is brown.
What he said
You've never heard of Loewe because you don't move in those circles. Those who know, know. Those who don't, don't matter.
If you say so lad. I'll take your word for it
im glad ive gotten my boozing under control now
wont be doing a 3rd round of rehab me
poor maka needs intervention
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Paying child support is basically cuckoldry
Ruth's arse & quinny
Not shoving it in my face or anything, is he? That'd be excessive, constant texts or summat. I'd have every right to be bitter. Not that I am, mind: he's one of the kindest souls I've ever met. You'd need some sort of complex to feel jealousy in this situation, that your childhood schoolfriend is pictured holding his baby. We all have different measures for success anyway, don't we?
He doesnt even try to hide his samefagging lol
Not supporting your child is wog behaviour
>Pure kek and lols the child is brown
If he did send you constant texts about it to shove it in your face, what kind of things do you think he'd say?
Agree with you there shippy
Do you seethe about non-whites in your day to day life or just when me and Zimlad post our sprogs
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Gobshites playing one-upmanship
You have no sprog Shippy
Vans Old Skools, Levi's 501s, and multipack Gildan T-shirts from Amazon.
How has your day been Lollers
Probably stuff like:

>Life is pretty great when you're engaged to your best friend and have a beautiful baby boy. Hope things are good on your end!

>Emma and I are planning Jake's first birthday party. Crazy how fast time flies when you're happy.

>Bought a new house! It's perfect for raising a family. Hope you're finding your own kind of happiness.
Never said I was shipanon. But regardless, do you seethe about non-whites in your day to day life?
Probably just asking how I'm doing and if everything's all right since my last episode. Glad to hear it, he'd earnestly respond. Anyway look at little ____ now!
Might as well post a picture of you with your car, when I know it exists. Except having a baby is good I'm proud of him, wish him nothing but the best. Don't compare yourself to fancy car-owners, do you?
>Never said I was shipanon
Just got a text from an old friend of mine. He said:

>Emma laughs every time I tell her stories about you. She says she's glad she never met you. Can't blame her. You know, it's funny how some people just can't get their lives together. Must be tough watching others succeed
Wouldn't he say something like this?

>Every time I look at my family, I can't help but think about how alone you are. Must be miserable
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Easy work day and confusing event and my bank won't speak to me., my therapist still want 65 bong for me calling them bad words.
In more better news, got hot dogs and life after people series later.
How was your day mate?
>I can smell FISH on this train!
the moment his TMAU was confirmed.
*informs the apus tomcraft has died*
wtf does he want to be murdered or something, who the fuck says something like that to someone whos already down
My brown sprog is learning to ride a bike. The pride you feel as a parent is unmatched. I wish you could understand that feeling. Sometimes I wonder if you lads are happy with your choices. Life is too short to live with regrets, you know?
I'm very successful and I have a Zimbabwean wife lol.
>my therapist still want 65 bong for me calling them bad words
what did you say to them?
If lollers' discord is such a success why does he still post here?
If Lollers is so happy with Emma and Baby Jake, why does he keep texting me to rub it in?
>Married an ape
Lol. LMAO even
I post here and in discord too.
Do you have a lovely white wife then?
I have so expertly cultivated my britfeel personality (I won't tell you who it is) that sometimes I find the distinction between me and them to be hard to fully discern. I am committing more and more to the character, to the act. Oh what a dance it is to behold!
A white gf yes.
Haha yeah not the first time I've heard this, but she's beautiful and we love each other deeply. To each his own.
Ha. Not married yet huh? Just asked my wife to read this post and she chuckled. Crazy how different people's lives can be. Hope you find your path soon.
You WFH right? Wish I could WFH but my bossberg won't let me work remotely.
I know what you mean. I smugly talk about buying expensive clothes in a deliberate attempt to rile people up, but I also actually buy the clothes and wear them because I like them. It's hard to know where life stops and art begins.
I'm only 21. I'll get married to my white wife when I'm 25. Why did you resort to marrying a black?
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Charlatans deserving of drowning in a bath of piss shove your lithium up your arse.
I don't have one only personal for mates, DM.
downed over 10 units in 2 hours
not sure how to feel
had some rice, kimchi and chicken and am feeling alright therrr de leds
I'm not a racist. I don't see any material difference between a black person and a white person in terms of intrinsic value.
you're back footmong we thought you commit suicide
Got a sprog with her or not?
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finkin bout anudda wovfefe

caffeineberg on a mad one
I haven't thought about having children.
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mental how lollers and his fans insist he is a nice guy when he even admits to abusing the therapist trying to help him

little psychopathic nonce

boggles the mind

bpoody kafkaesque innit
Interesting choice. I suppose we all find happiness in different ways. For me, it's family. Hope you find something equally meaningful. I just hope you're not missing out on something wonderful.
Haddock and chips for me tonight
unironically hope lollers stays a sprogless wagie
The trip to spaffingshire hath concluded
Smedium haddock?
why is soundspacker getting involved in personality drama lol
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he wanted to skin children
hes a weirdo little nonce freak
hopefully he slashes his wrists or overdoeses soon
im glad someone else agrees

the spaff hath been exhumed from the bollock

has it not
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>unironically hope lollers stays a sprogless wagie
Me too
i hope shippy stays a sprogless minimum wage glorified taxi driver
Jumbo all the way for me. Might even get a pie chaser
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>lollers knows what wluld happen if he was sprogged vaxxmaxxed wagie
seasideMARK drama is out
lollers drama is in
happy cost of rent day innit
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I hope this happens to Lollers soon
You don't get it lad it OCD it mental elf need to nonce or I turn into a nutjob
I would let Lollers babysit my sprog
It only takes a few posts to set him off
Need to count cracks in the ground and download THOSE videos or I go proper flipping mental don't I I need pip
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>Y-Youve got a brown sprog!!!!!
>N-no my gf won't give me a sprog
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>download THOSE videos
dont do it anon
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Would it upset you if I ended up having a sprog?
I don't understand what you mean here?
Depends on the colour
I think lollers is a nonce but am also low key tempted to join his discord, britfeel has been shit lately
It invasive thoughts which is the same as my own thoughts but if I say it mental elf then it's not my fault
Lollers doesn't let just anyone in. Are you a sound lad?
what happens in lollers discord then
>Depends on the colour
Well, you said you hope I stay sprogless without specifying a colour.

What if I had a white sprog, what if I had a mixed race sprog?
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sat alone as always and winning big on /britfeel/
Join the other one instead lad, it's a good laugh
>What if
But you won't. And I hope you never do because you're a nonce.
Alright Ebin, good to see you back
So it would upset you if I had a sprog then
The drivel is all set up for the evening
we both know you wont so there's no point in going over hypotheticals
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Time for SeasideMARK and the Seaside ARMY to start up Bannerlord. We going to bring the Whistle Posse and 5 great guys +1 to Calradia.
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Say it with me, lads...
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>My imaginary life style trumps yours little lad
Do you lads have any questions about my lifestyle?
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It's going to be a boring summer without seasideSIM updates
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>Looks like I'm better than you little lad because reasons
might make my own seaside sim
How do you relax after a hard day at work?
Makaveli doesn't pay child support
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>My parents house I still live in is better than your parents house you still live in little lad
Yes rather based desu
Someone smell fish in the thread de lads
I'm better than you because I'm not a nonce.
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SSM should get a job in a fishmongers
Do you drink coffee? How often and when?
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WOAH battle of the dickheads
Usually watch a bit of TV or a film. Sometimes just sit and shitpost or scroll on my phone. Occasionally have a beer or two and a little smoke of cannabis.
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wait a minute my bf is in the same room as me playing that bloody game right now
What happened to Benji though? Doggos don't just disappear into thin air
Zimlad here, you lot are a bunch of characters that's for sure lol
Sold him to CEX
Yes almost every weekday. Usually two cups.
Benji was sold to CEX
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Hehe top banter lads
SSM's face looks weird there.
Might join the SEASIDE LEMONADE COMMUNITY like are lad SSM
Lemons might be for me and you but not for him.
Just burped, me
Did i not
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He should try Hooch alcoholic lemonade
absolutely creasing
>absolutely creasing
thanks lad I'll be here all night with more of the same!
Desperately trying to be funny to impress other men
what made you such a nasty little bully>>78184828
, Lollers?
>SSM at the local Klan meeting
>better than givin' it t'spookies
Lollers verbally abusing his therapist.

It just not right is it
How has you comedic skills helped you with women, lads?
really enjoy these silly posts lad.
hope lollers gets a screwdriver rammed in his eye socket x
If you can make a woman laugh it's half the battle
she bully wompo

it not right
I showed a woman my tiny cock and she burst out laughing
If you don't leave a sprog you're a genetic dead end. Literally billions of years of uninterrupted breeding has produced you and you're going to throw it all away to enjoy a few more years of porn and TUI holidays? Grim.
HHL pays good money for that
i dont have any comedic skills really. nonetheless i have had a relatively acceptable number of experiences with women
Using all my child support payments to pay for my TUI holidays.

It my world, as HHL says
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an incredibly based post, this
Sorry lad, I value my freedom too much to become an unpaid servant to a child.
>HHL tried to wank off watchinghis mate shag a prostitute he coulsnt get it up for

mental how the loss of his virginity constantly evades him

even allegedly had a girlfriend for some time and couldnt lose it
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Oh it's the child support gimmick again
>smug cartoon children gimmick
Anybody here invested in $GME? /gme/ general on /biz/ is getting boring

>inb4 shill
>inb4 1pbtid
fuck off I've been here since way before shippy/Timothy Burns (what you guys did to him is mean)
verification required
Yeah to be fair what we did to Shippy was mean.
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Lollers hates SSMposting so much he created a filter list with all SSM's catchphrases
>SSM as a Police Chief bullying new recruits
>better than givin' it to t'rookies
Who is Timothy Burns
Wait so do you lads unironically not want kids?
I thought you were just joking to rile up the autists, but you actually want to die childless?
More likely that both of those things didn't actually happen.
The mean, seedy streets of spaffington-on-the-naze
>but you actually want to die childless
Yep. Is that an issue?
Sounds like you don't actually want kids yourself. You just don't want to "die childless"
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A white lad itt has a brown sprog
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>Nooo you can't post the funny thing
i chuckle at this grim fact too desu
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Kinda mad that Arbroathy has a more masculine persona than those that identify as 'male' ITT
It really does make you think doesn't it? Lol
>SSM as a producer on the classic sitcom The Munsters
>better than givin' it to t'kooky and spooky
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>ywn be Abroathy's racist bf
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Why are tough 4Chonners so invested in online drams?
not bad , but your others were better
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shit, mb, i meant Tim Byrne
massive mong arent you
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>We never forgive
>We never forget
>My housecoat is better quality than yours poorfag
what happened to poleaboo?

Did their family interfere with their dreams to change gender?
I know this feel shippers
Can't think of anymore DESU I was pushing it to be fair.
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Careful lad, some sad twat that has never had a gf will ask you about DIYdolly
Might start giving this a go myself.
yeah but anyway back to the topic of conversation.

Anybody else holding GME?

t. swing traded last week for 1.5k gbp profit
>tfw that's not even a week's wage in my actual job

seethe more


happy Wednesday evening

Charlie XCX
Poleaboo basically gave up on changing genders and now exists in a weird genderless space where he occasionally cosplays as a woman to meet up with people from 4chan and takes hormones, but lives 99% of the time as a man.
yeah i'll never forget that train station video of them :p thanks for the update anon.

guessing they don't post here any more (or infreq.)
he likes his wog a little bit browner
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you'll never beat
>better than giving it to the cookies
Infrequently. He also bought a house.
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>We are the scourge of the internet, we are anonymous
>My dinner looks better than yours little lad
Spat my 7up out at this post
I'm talking to a women I have a crush on linkedin. I only met her once many months ago during a graduate assessment centre where we were both interviewing for different jobs. We both clicked with each other really well. It was like the first time I ever clicked with a women. How do I make sure I keep the conversation going with her now? It's been a few messages asking each other how we are doing etc. It's linkedin so its a odd one, ideally I'd like to tell her I've been thinking about her for almost daily for months and finally built up the courage to make a linkedin and message her. But I don't even know if she's single.

Any normies or deanos to help me?
>Y-youll never have a sprog!
>It's a hypothetical question! No point answering it!
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>I pay less to mummy each month than you little fella
Why did you lash out at poor therapist Lollers
I've wanted then for a long time. Fortunately I've got one now, although I would like more ideally
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I miss ssm down sandford lane
At least 2 of us, maybe more that have never mentioned it
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>OMG are they frozen peas in your dinner, the fucking state
>We never forgive
>We never forget
>Expect us to be better than you little lad
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spooky am on that cheery sugar free 7 up at right naow
also am pissed up still and meant sprog* oops
im not a normie, and sorry you had to hear it from me, but grils don't go to linkedin to get laid pal

im not even white knighting, but come back here in 3 weeks and tell us you got laid from linkedin and i'll be extremely surprised
Lollers is having a meltdown
>ideally I'd like to tell her I've been thinking about her for almost daily for months

Mate this is the LAST thing women want to hear. They don't want to be special to you when you hardly know them. That's creepy to them. They want a man who has loads of options. Not someone who gets fixated on someone they've only met once.

If you message her, be really, really casual about it. Ask her out for a drink. Be direct. "Fancy a pint sometime?" Don't say anything even remotely soppy. Don't put her on a pedestal. You're giving her a chance to get to know you. If she doesn't take it, no big loss.
i upvoted this, sound advice m8
Arbroathy is the biggest racist in /britfeel/
hm is that a good or bad thing?
Good of course haha
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>Shutting down wallstreet?
>Routing addresses to other countries
>Subverting countries policies
Fuck that, we're nu-4Chan
>My trainers cost more than yours little lad
>We are legion
He can give it but he can't take it
Need a HHL loser goo status update.
HHL doesn't even attempt NNx anymore. He's too far gone.
im going co-op, anybody want anything?
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QRD on this Arbroathy character?
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There's no reason not to move to Dorset.
I know lad, I know. I'm not expecting 'im deeply in love with you' messages on linkedin but I would have kicked myself if I never even tried to contact her again somewhere. Just keeping it casual and talking about how the job hunt is going for her as she is still looking. She seems receptive as she is asking me questions too so that's good, but of course that could easily just be a politeness thing.

Thank you lad. This is exactly the advice I wanted. How long should I wait till I ask her out for a drink? So far we've exchanged 4 messages, 2 her, 2 me. Also I don't even drink alcohol so would coffee be weird? I could drink if I needed, I'm just a bit of shutin only starting to venture out so alcohol is new to me.
Arbroathy pissing all over a Loewe hoodie and polo shirt
Are there non whites in Arbroath?
My friend group of 4 of us has ruptured and it's only me and my best mate left. Not my doing - my best friend stopped reaching out to the others and they've turned their backs on him and it's all gone to shit and I'm upset about it
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Dorset is so expensive though. SSM was lucky to get social housing.

I can't imagine there is much of it around that part of the country
It's pretty simple. Have sex with a woman during her fertile window. Then there is a possibility a sprog might come 9 months later. The more you do it the higher the chance is.

It's not difficult
i went to the shops a few weeks back during eid at 8 in the morning and no joke, there were about 300 brownoids just milling about
they all get free housing, healthcare and english lessons ofc
its mental
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Have you given any negative online reviews of chippies today, Anonymous?
Remember when SSM went back to Nottingham a few months ago and said it had changed for the worse since the 90s whilst pulling faces kek

We know what he meant
Smedium polo shirt from Loewe
I thought Scotland was full of whites?
yeah didn't mean to sound like a cunt, go for it la
best of luck
It's one thing to be unable to find a woman, it's another to actually not want sprogs.

Natural selection in action I guess
SSM is actually a racist but hes keeping it private
Imagine coming off the dinghy and they place you in the arse end of nowhere.
what happened with your therapist?
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>Just give that seller a 3/5 don't fuck with me I'm Anonymous
the past couple of years have been a nightmare for wogs being dumped in small towns in scotland
they dont care really. they all drink and sell drugs while the white native women treat them like they are still in school
Lollers this is all very out of character for you mate. Have you been drinking?
Last couple years they've all sprang out the ground like weeds.
Wonder why Arb was drinking in the middle of the day. Not very ladylike.
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Same has happened in Wales. Even the smaller villages have them.
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>The threads of the t-shirt were not as I expected and itchy. Mummy had to wash it several times before it was comfy.
>Bad review left
>We are legion
Think that's Crosslad off his trip.
And yes he's probably been drinking.
That is the most confusing of all reddit subs to me. I just can't understand their threads at all. Why are they even larping as "witches" in the first place? And why is it full of non-passing (or even trying) trans women? Is that a troll?
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>Sat in my room all day
>TFW no GF
Natural selection is not kind to the sprogless wagies
fatherless wagie is not happy this evening
better no sprog than brown sprog
I'm very happy lad. Hope you are too
>better no sprog than brown sprog
indeed anon
Only like 0.1 percent of Trans I've seen could actually pass as a woman. A lot of the sexual deviant Trans on Reddit look like crossdressing men with little baby tits and a rancid cockle.
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a white child might be for you but its not for him
well all levelling up in life
thanks government!
kek https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/1dzlf6q/nothing_amazing_but_had_to_share_my_look_and_my/
Serious Serious cope with this one
go take care of your brown sprog
This. None of them pass, it's a sad sad state when you see them in the wild.
He can't, he rarely sees her.
he just said he was happy though
I hate all sprogs ngl
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>Noooooo! You can't just get pregnant by a white man!
>How long should I wait till I ask her out for a drink? So far we've exchanged 4 messages, 2 her, 2 me.

Ask her now. No point in dragging it out. Coffee is a bit of a grey area. Normally it would be fine, but asking someone to have coffee with you on LinkedIn opens it to confusion whether it's a date or not. A drink is unambiguous. You can always have non alcohol beer. Although considering you seem to have social anxiety, a drink might help. Not getting wasted just a few.
that one touched a nerve i see lol
My cock touched the nerve right up your arse mate
This amount has it right>>78185335
TikTok for mongs
As opposed to just drinking all day while acting like you're still in school?
Spat my coke zero lemon out at this
Welcome to the world of 'just imagine if'.
new thread freshly baked kings!

I've got a sprog and he's really not happy about that fact. I don't know why, it doesn't affect him in the slightest
I sent another message already but if she replies to it, next one will be asking her for a drink. I am so fucked knowing my luck she won't ever reply to this one, and I certainly don't want to me a double message simp.
ReaI new bread

which mong deleted the new thread
Think janny has finally had enough of us making threads way early and having two editions for hours on end
How many internet have you won today big man?
someone got on the IRC
Based janny. Let the mongs wait until 500 before making their gimmick threads.
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jan jan is NOT a happy chappy tonight
bonus been cancelled maybe?
OP is self deleting them for a laugh. It's happened before.
Janny is right. Mongs posting threads when the other one gets to 445 is tedious.
BritNormie and the IRC are like that *crosses fingers*
Does it really matter though? The old threads slide off the board pretty quickly. Oh well.
If that's the case what's the point? It's not even a minor inconvenience as you just revert back to this thread which still has 50 posts left to live.
Babby need a new fred to be win in
wog it up
Well ooh la la mr fancypants
With a bit of luck janny's also banned the early thread mongs for a few days. Cherry on the proverbial cake.
You spelled "IRA" wrong
sprog it up
Black woman pregnant by a white man. Go on, do the chinless react image
Wait is he actually involved with the IRA? Proof?
The people of Northern Ireland want to be part of the UK

God save the King
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Bacon bacon buppy time for me de lads and it's going to be lush and when I say it's going to be lush I mean it's going to be fucking lush. Every day above ground we a great day. Got food full of cupboards am nineteen weeks gamble free no more scratch cards for me my ladddss and I'm cutting it right down
The people of my cock want to be part of your arse mate
The people of Scotland want to be part of the UK

God save the King
High powered gimmicks
BritNormie's trip has been banned for 14 days
New thread has been made

what will happen to this thread though

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