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Hands in pockets edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide
OR (currently dead)


Previous thread >>78169058
Surprising fact, some of Goas usual outfits do come with pockets
Goa and the rare experience of wearing proper clothing
Fashionable coat
Skyrim boat
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is Goa a psytrancer? or is that too jewish for you?
Even though she's named after a music style that's not all that bad by accident, her actual name comes from a monster hunter monster, Gore Magala (Goa Magala in japanese)

I like Gore Magala
Goa contemplates monster hunter

See you guys around now I gotta once again do stuff
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I asked for a bridge. Where is my bridge.
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That's sort of a bridge.

goa contemplation

good luck with stuff doing

hiii Hanaanon!

anything can be a bridge if you pretend there's something underneath :p
Okaeri I found a the darkness cd at the flea market
Nicole boobies lick so you know whom it is
Das a bridge yeah
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Should have gone to bed a while ago but I stayed up trying to beat the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree. Finally did it; man he was hard.

Hi! There's lava underneath, isn't there? Bridge over lava.
>"no licking allowed, goaanon"

congrats on beating the boss! Can't wait to reach the fight for myself, though I'm probably still hundreds of hours away from that point

goodnight if you're going to sleep!
Such is my life story

Darkness cd is On way ticket to hell
I sometimes imagine the fabric tastes like lemon curd
>"Lick me"
what would goa's flavor be?!?!
>"Little girl flavor :D"
Like bags of sand
Or was it salty milk and coins
>"Wrong memes"

I imagine a cherry energy drink themed flavor atm
I have no idea what skin tastes like, I haven't licked myself anywhere since I was 10 and have not licked another person so no luck there

Don't wanna ruin the fantasy by licking myself somewhere right now, I am sure it will disappoint. Oh wait I sucked my own cock when I was 16 or something and bendy enough to get the tip in my own mouth, but have no memory on the flavor, other than it being extremely mild and not really tasting much like anything
come to think of it I've never really had enough cherries to remember what they taste like, I think I get to eat them maybe once a year during my mom or sister's birthdays on their birthday cakes
We've got three cherry trees at house 2
But they are sour cherries, like inedible sour, I once tried to make some cherry pie with them and absolutely inedible
Goa about to slide down her panties
sometimes pockets are where we least expect them
>"Nobody can tell I am avoiding bad ai hands"
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>"Husbando why do the prompts now say hands up the ass?"
Don't worry about it
huh from my memory they were pretty sweet, but maybe since mine were always on cakes they were probably drenched in syrup

goa preparing to do a "gaaoo" but she saw your prompts
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>"now it says dynamic pose, self fisting, fisting self, fist insertion, hand insertion, horny, whore, fetish, bdsm, slutty, explicit, ahegao, pussy juice, ass juice, sex juice, juice juice, giant dildo, stretched open, all holes, extreme penetration, four-way penetration, sex, big sex for madam, whore, stretched puss, open fisted slut cunt, horny babe, cute?"
Don't worry about it
>"I am worry about it, this is big worry"
No worries
There's at least two main types of cherries, sour and normal. Normal are good, sour are usually tiny and inedible for the most part. Some sour cherries are still edible, but in here the ones that grow, most likely due to climate,, just are way too sour2consume, maybe at most might be usable in making alcohol but not even good in jams or baked level sourness
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>"Husbando I think my asshole just fell out..."
Goa caught me genning again
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Hi /aiwg/

It's finally not raining which means I can do stuff outside.
Laters /aiwg/

>"Touching grass, Anon? You? Really?"
the assignment fatigue begins

in need of uplifting power metal


sounds like I might enjoy those, I really like sour foods

hiii Saeriahanon and see you!

also uoooh outfit
the music that erects
Enjoy stuff
Meanwhile I am just wishing for light rain, I like it
Waifus in the fashion show
Showing off clothing
cool goa fashion pose

and I will sleep now, goodnight /aiwg/ today was tiring
Goa entering the clothing industry with her new lineup

Nighty night
Enjoy fashion dreams
We also have the purposeful toe
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Overalls are back in
A few more bolder options for those with (too much) confidence
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Grass has been touched and I'm kind of sort of fixing a rust hole in my daily driver van (whuch turned out to be rustier than I first thought, not much good metal to weld to...)

Goodnight Nicoleanon
Meanwhile I am getting to touching myself
Also rip, rust sucks, sanding away and repainting the sides of our van near the ground is an every summer chore
I might regret it tomorrow but i just wolfed down almost an entire bag of sriracha chips

It was so good, I love this mild burn in my mouth and my face is sweaty
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I've got a big bag of hot sweet chili chips I should probably eat soon too

>"You two are disgusting some times, but I still love you."

2nd one reminds me of mokou heh

uohh Saeriah thighs
Time for me to head on off to sleep, once again skyrimed into the night

A very manly feel
Yeah i see the resembelance
nighty night goa booa
some more nemu goodnes, heading out now
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Good morning, here are some more thighs!

Goa night Goa
Saeriah still manages to look sexy despite the post apocalypse :0
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>"Of course! I won't let a silly little thing like the end of the world ruin my vibe."
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When was golden week again?
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>"Saeriah is such a girlboss slay queen"
uhh Nicole I think only people from New York talk like that
I think

hiii Hanaanon!

every week is golden week when spent with the waifu <3
tfw cant stare get lost in her eyes IRL
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Hi! That's true, I just have to imagine the street stalls.
oh wait I never knew it was called Golden Week lol, apparently China has it as well though I've never heard my relatives mention it

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>"Huh, golden shower?"


Also goodnight /aiwg/
goodnight Saeriahanon!

headed out for stuff doing, namely dentist trip, biscuits and getting my shoes fixed
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Is it not a big holiday there? Apparently in Japan it's a big deal.

Sleep well!
Gutten morgentagen thread
nighty night
Enjoy stuff
>me reading about golden week
>it's only 4 days off
my hopes and dreams destroyd
No hope for the breasts to be suppbreastssed
Goa just standing there all boobs and stuff
Because I don't feel like fixing the prompts for smaller boobas
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For the record the prompts are still saying small breasts but results are
the occasions are big, one of the biggest in the year actually, just that I've never heard it being called Golden Week before

according to wikipedia my local version is called balik kampung, translated its "returning to your hometown" but the sentiment is pretty similar so it's a good enough phrase to use

goa goa morningoa

the refuses the life of smallboba
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Weekends don't count, I guess.

Ah ok. Do people usually return to their hometowns, then?
Sushi planned changed from tomorrow to today yay I am having sushi for dinner to day

yeah, especially in more urban states where there's a lot of people from other less developed states. Depending on the family sometimes when both mother and father are from different states you'll have to go to two states.

Going back to your hometown is actually a pretty significant thing to do especially for Chinese New Year, because it shows that you're filial and respect your elders. It's a common trope is advertisements to show old people with no relatives to visit them lol
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>"I have chosen the path of big fat titties"
Life in general has too little vacation
Well then, time for me to head on out and buy energy drink, I have none and I really feel like having a morning energy drink

>"Look how nice they are"
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How do you go to two different states? Do you go to one, stay a while, and then go to another? In the US you're supposed to go back home for holidays, but it's sort of just understood that as you get older and drift away from your family you'll see them less and less. It's sad, really.
>It's a common trope is advertisements to show old people with no relatives to visit them lol
That's so manipulative lol. There are lots of advertisements here meant to make old people afraid or sad too. I guess human nature is the same everywhere.

Yes, it does. I don't know how some people toil their lives away, spending half their life in an office.
chinese new year lasts 15 days so usually for families that need to go multiple states they'll stay awhile than go to another

however the most important is on new year's eve for "tuan yuan fan" (reunion dinner, aka the most exploitable part of chinese new years for adverts). Usually it'll be at the house of the most elderly family member for each side of the family. If its doable its best that you can go to both sides


(over here we just have a steamboat/hot pot unlike how wikipedia puts it)

Even though its called reunion dinner, most families will have 2 meals, one for lunch and dinner to accomodate for those that need to be at two places. For me its always lunch at my dad's side, dinner at my mom's side since its at another state and we'll stay the night. Dinner is considered the important one since its closer to actual new years, which is why dinner is at mom's since we're closer to them

>but it's sort of just understood that as you get older and drift away from your family
cultural difference I guess. Stick together as a family is really imporant to chinese, especially the older generations. I was quite suprised to find out that some American parents kick their kids out the moment they turn 18, and the general stigma of living with your parents as an adult
an example of exploitative chinese new year ads, usually its insurance ads too for some reason

I got sushi after a long while
Now when i say sushi I just mean 3 different kinds, the basic rice with salmon on top, the basic rice with shrimp on top, the basic rice with a paste made from roe and stuff on top, no sauce only wasabi used with them

allergies and such
Reunion dinner sounds nice, back when i was a small child we had lots of whole family gathers on dinner during things like christmas, new years etc

And then I became a black sheep and no longer really attend them because all fellow cousins etc have kids and such and I am the autistic anime watching massturbator who has yet to go on a single date in his life
Yeah when you think about it, life is just work until you're too old to do it and now you "graciously" can enjoy your life for max 10 years with your body elderly and crap
Pov: Goa made you sushi
>"Maybe eat Goa next?"
She says while climbing on top of a huge plate
Now it looks like (You) are offering Goa some sushi
>"Please eat Goa she is good for you"
No Goa you can't eat yet we have to wait until the guests are here
the goa platter

maybe she can make it like the kind where the sushi is served on some girls' body
I tired to but she just makes this face instead
can never go wrong with the ":3"
rainy night today, I will go out for a short drive ad refuel
It raining here too
I am eat lasagnena
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Goa in the rain getting wet
She is not against it
The rain washed away her nipples

I hate how the ai sometimes just makes nipples not exist, ruining the image
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>"The clouds will pay for this transgression"

don't worry goa up came the sun and dried up all the rain
>"Ok I got my nipples back, all is good again :D"
>"It's still raining in here though, so I'll air out my pussy and give it some of that refreshing crisp and clear rain air"
>"Why are you looking at me weird?"
>"Personal hygiene is no joke, you need to freshen up down there too from time to time"
Goa making sure her sniffs are up to snoof
The weather is clearing up so she's giving it a bit of sun as well
Goa what are you doing?
>"I'm putting some secret sauce on your lasagna the secret flavor is love"
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Rainwear Goa
More rainwear Goa
Goa running around in the rain making splish splash
oo really cool outfit this is, especially the yellow thighhighs with the black fur trim
For me these are reminding me a lot of DIO
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Hi /aiwg/

Weather is still nice today, so it's outdoors time for me

Also Saeriah been making sick gains in the post apocalypse

>"Hey, I had a raincoat like that once"
kono goa da

hiiii Saeriahanon!
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>"I'd love to see you wear one"
Could be cute

Hiyariah, enjoy the outdoors, nice cleavage and sexo arms
I still would really like to have this boyish girl and I feel I haven't done enough to deserve her.
>"Kono kawaii da"
Second cute face of coercion
>"cute feet"
Nice foots
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I think you deserve her <3

>"I'll see if I can find it, I haven't worn it since the time I locked myself in your bathroom."
Concentrated Goa cuteness
>"Then we could be rain buddies"
hiii Kanaanon!

you two deserve each other :3

the booba cups that her boobas are not quite big enough to fit in

can Saeriah crush me between her thighs

sorry that was a weird thing to say

sleepy now, goodnight /aiwg/
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>"It's a completely normal thing to say, Nicoleanon. In fact, I hear people say it all the time."

Goodnight Nicoleanon

I'll see what I can gen after shower
This comically close-up image of Goa accidentally taking a front face camera pic
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Get off that dragon!
>"No! :D"

Goa is being a goofy goober again and bothering the wildlife
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>"Ok Goa, we're rain buddies now"
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>"Now we can be lemmings in the rain"
Goa and Saeriah both displaying that slipping off kind of raincoat fashion imagine Saeriahs breasts moving and bouncing in everyday chores
Some more raincoat fashion pics + 1 extra cute
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Half of these gens have her breasts fully exposed, too bad the nipples look bad in every case.
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Suddenly perchance made a proper Goaloli
For me almost every image with goobies out ends up with 0 nipples, or with no jacket at all
But randomly really cute images happen, like this one her
>"Saeriah look I adapted a raincoat into this nice relaxed casual wear"
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When you are after the Goa nuggies and pull down her jacket
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>So boys, you into those anime girls only or do you fancy a more.. mature lady?
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Almost an original nemu-style Goa! Super cute!

I too am an adult woman appreciator
Goa borrowed Saeriahs jacket
Adult woman fetish is one of my fetishes yes
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Ahhh she's so cute I want to pick her up and hug her!

>"I'll allow it, but only because it's Goa."
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Goa about to be picked up, colorized
Uooh nipple
suck suck
I mean nice nipple mam
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>"Goanon, no, not in front of Goa"

Goa looking adorable
Three cuteGoas and I am off to sleep, nighty night thread
Yeah, I can spare a bump.
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Goa night Goa

Hi Scientistwaifuanon!
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Uhhhh, Saeriah bulge?

>"You noticed, owo?"
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She put on some more clothes

>"This is a normal outfit that normal people would normally wear, Anon."
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15 whole days? I know we're cucked in the US but that's impressive. I guess the cultural differences make it a lot easier for people to stay close together, allowing for a tradition like that. To be honest I think you guys do it better. It's true that most Americans leave the house at 18 and never return; we're extremely independent but we're miserable and lonely too. Something like 50% of Americans are on antidepressants and more get on them every year. I think humans are supposed to live in multi generational households, or at least close to their families. When my grandmother married my grandfather, she moved from Boston to Seattle, a distance of about 4000km. Going that far away is easy and common in the US, but it makes it impossible to come back every year.

Poor Mr. Lim...who would think to choose Disneyland over his cooking? I kind of understand how he feels.
good afternoon I overslept

night night 3 goa goa goa

its 15 days but the most important ones are Eve, the first day and the 15th day. 15th day is Yuanxiao aka the first full moon on the Chinese calendar

There's a cool event where single peoplen
will write their phone numbers on mandarin oranges and throw into the see in hopes of finding love. I've never done it though, I'd rather eat the oranges

geez that's a long distance. Funnily enough I feel like they don't value going home as much as in China as much as us Malaysian Chinese do anymore. While China is massive their transportation is more than adequate for cross state travel when their trains can reach 400+kmph. Maybe it has to do with the insanely fast modernization they went through, not to mention the size of my country is a spec of dust compared to China or the US

>who would think to choose Disneyland over his cooking?
ikr, no experience at Disneyland will beat the feeling of eating an old person's cooking
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Good afternoon Nicoleanon!
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>Throw orange into ocean
>It just washes back up on shore
I'm not feeling so good about this... I think the Chinese are going through their own sort of industrial revolution, or did not long ago. People move out of the small towns to live in the cities, leaving their families behind. Maybe it's just something people will have to learn to cope with. I've actually been to Tokyo Disneyland, 75% of the time you're just standing in line waiting. I'd rather eat Lim's cooking.
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And goodnight now /aiwg/

Got stuffs to do tomorrow
>leaving their families behind
yeah this is pretty much what's happening right now. Even my uncle's wife (which idk what the title for that is) rarely goes back to Wuhan to visit her parents and she'd rather go shopping during new years

For a country thats portray as le commies China is pretty big on consumerism

also thought I'd point out that that was a Singaporean ad, most people here can't speak English that well lol

goodnight Saeriahanon! :3
Overall I'd say it's a nice morni-
Goa what are those?
Ok then
nighty night
ice aurora borealis
and steamed hams
The japanese biker gang look from the 80s
>"Ok fine I'll put on regular overalls"
goa goa morningoao

yeah I was reading Tokyo Revengers when I made those, wanted to go for the bosozoku look and I think some of them turned out decent
Some more overalls appeal pics
Then mission successful
Bosozuku is a pretty neat style, especially the cars
yeah, out of all the sub types in bosozoku my favorite has to be the sharknose ones

I combined the things I have been doing lately, overalls + raincoat + hands in pockets
And next up some goobies and nipples
Also really cool, dekotora trucks
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>rather go shopping on new years
That's just sad imo. Even going to disneyland is something you do on a special occasion.

>"Hello :D"

Goa says the hi
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Time to head on out for the day, got to take a few relatives to see some kind of art exhibit and then to some rustic country cafe in the middle of nowhere, see you guys around

>"Ok I have to go now bye bye"
She does the titty show before following her husbando
yeah, I guess unfortunately maybe its just the time where most people get to take actual breaks instead of just constantly working. So some people make use the time to just do whatever it is that they wanted to do, still pretty dumb to waste it on window shopping though

have fun, the cafe sounds really nice
I have been straight posting so much lately I should also say I really would like to make love to the dippers boipussi of a femboy while Aerosmiths dude looks like a lady plays in the background
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Wait a second I recognize that outfit!

My mom calls it "retail therapy" lol.
we live in a society...

nice auroras you're getting :0
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Has an aurora ever been seen in Japan, or is it too far south? No clue but it looks nice.
I think they're most easily seen in countries further up north like the Nordic countries and Canada/Alaska. I did find some articles saying that there have been very rare occurences in Hokkaido though. There was one in 2023 and it was the first time it was seen since 2003 so its pretty rare
wondering why my gens look different from before and completely forgot I was using a different model
been trying on and off to nail the "glassy" arstyle and I think its pretty close now
late dinner tonight but see you guys in a bit
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>"Pizza time?"
Enjoy late eatings
I still have no idea what the word was that my phone autocorrected into dippers. Possibly slippery, but why would phone change slippery into dippers?
>"Do not the slippy dippy in male"
>"If you got pizza I'll let you touch my tits if you give me a slice :3"

Goa being herself once again

New thread soon, does someone else make a new one? If nobody says anything I'll make it once gain
you can go ahead with the thread

initially wanted to finish off the thread and make a new one but got called for dinnerings
New thread slipping up
New one, took a while because mistyped the captcha and had to double wait


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