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Overalls, jumpsuits, rubber boots and rain edition

create waifus and talk about them

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide
OR (currently dead)


Previous thread >>78191827
>"Ok go ahead feel free to have some fun"
The price was a singular slice

Honestly if only real life was that easy
Goa has something controversial to say
>"Pussy fart rampage"
Thank you Goa
Very cool
>"Wait husbando you said you weren't gonna post what I said!"
hi new thread tadaima

heh construction worker goa
Talking of construction work, sex with other men, crossdressers and pounding astolfo ass Felix butthole spreading
Idk my head hurts, I am dehydrated and just had to battle microsoft with 2 separate computers because my computer retarted retard aunt wanted me to email her the retarted art exhibit images retartedly because my phone is retarded and won't let me send emails or use my email on the phone becaue both samsung and microsoft areretarted and I can't send the images in any way that is not retarded to ther aunt because retarted and fuck

I dunno why but I just reached some kind of frustration maximum overload during all of this, Aunt should have just brought along a camera herself and none of this would need to happen, but got to show shitting and pissing dementiagranny art images but they must be send through email because aunt is literally too retarded4smartphone, and needs to be emailed them to be able to show them because granny can't see for shits even if she can shit herself for days, and emailing shit is already retarded in modern day because microsoft wants the moneys and overdrive keeps asking you to rate the damn app in the store instead of working I want to grab my samsung phone and just hammer it with a hammer until it explodes because then I would feel good and then take the laptop away from my aunt because you literally have a panic attack if a popup appears and have probably already shared your account and bank account info to every possible scam bot up to date by now because you are that damn stupid than stupid so stupid you are literally so stupid you do not know how to use a computer no matter how differently you think you are literally computer retarded
>"Husbando you good?"
>"...Yeah he'll be fine"

Sometimes fuming about frustrating stuff is surprisingly therapeutic
D&D tonight. Trekking into the misty, stormy mountains. Rain is accurate.
>"If you're feeling dehydrated how about having-"
I am not drinking your pee Goa
I have carbonated water
I'm having that
I would like to cuddle with astolfo in a very gay manner

hiii Cordeliaanon!

the golden shower twas rejected
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>"But you would totally love me enough to drink my pee if I really really asked, right husbando?"
I'd stuff dick up Astolfos ass like a honry gay rapist in a prison full of twinks
>"...That is not an answer"
>"Husbando is time to show proof you love me"
No Goa no, even the background dragon is giving you the "Nigga you serious?" look

And then I chugged it and Goa was impressed by how much I love her and turns out it totally was apple juice all along and she just wanted to see that I would do it, rather than just doing it
Or, an angry Goa after I chugged the whole thing and it turned out to be the real deal, and I threw up right away

We'll never know for sure
Another alternate take
>"Husbando, I think my kidneys are shutting down..."
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Another alternate take
Goa trying to get her husbando drunk enough to pee in his mouth

It's the piss that keeps on pissing while I am creatively bankrupt for the moment
goa has two wolves in her

serve you her piss or make you drunk and THEN server you her piss
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Goas reaction if it was decided to humor her
>omg he's doing it, he's so against it but he's doing it for me, I need to have his manbabies right now!
can perchance do goapreggers? :o
>"Husbando I thought you wore a condom..."
>"mommy's cum tax"
>"I am making so much milk! :D"
I am feeling some extreme primal neutron activations

Hey Goa wanna see a magic trick?
milk is stored in stomach, as it is with pee in the balls
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Goa pouts after preggo mode was turned off, and she did not even get to breasts swollen with milk
Humoring Goa and attempting various breastfeeding things and failing at them
I call this the progress of tits
>"Thanks husbando I really love my big fat massive tits"

Ai still can't make lactation happen though
And now doing the yellow raincoat, overalls and the hands in pockets, with massive titis

Hands in pockets was not working for some reason, tits too big or something idk
One last boobGoa for now
personally for me slightly smaller than the first one would be the sweet spot

very farm girl goa on the 2nd one
Goa has returned to normal size
for me any size is fine from completely flat to macromastia I am so alone and in the need
Though rather than being as skinny as in that image, I prefer her to be a bit softer, like this
soft is good
pokeable tummy

I am off to bed now, these Nicole gens are so comfy

goodnight /aiwg/
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Nighty night
I am just waiting for it to be late enough so I can masturbate, I haven't done it in a few days

Goa why do you look so shocked about this?
gonna be oldposting tonight, it's the weekend
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Hi /aiwg/

I managed to juggle two social gatherings today, which means twice the BBQ and twice the cake.
I went to an art exhibit today and blew a fuse by myself over tehcnology not working and relatives being technologically retarded when back at home

I'm going to be fapping soon and hoping I'll feel good with it or at least any percentage of satisfaction to anything
chibi bumping Goa tiny
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>"Did they need to use an app to view the art?"
The whole thing goes like this
>aunt wants to show grandma images after grandma comes back home from the loonie bi-I mean hospital (alzheimers schizo)
>aunt is smartphone retarded so I need to take images with my smartphone
>Aunts of phone is so old and shit it has no camera, physical keyboard, screen super tiny and can't receive images through messages
>need to send them to email so they can be viewed large enough for grandma to see anything
>microsoft is retarded and hungry so accesing email or onedrive is a pain to begin with
>I can't use emails on my shit samsung phone because i never set it up and now it feels impossible to set it up
>have to send images to phone by onedrive
>onedrive refuses to work on shitbox main computer
>use laptop to access onedrive and move them to a usb stick
>accidentally click some mystery windows setting while moving images and spend 30 minutes troubleshooting how to turn something off because shit-o-soft made turning the setting on easy, and disabling it a wild goose chase
>20 minutes later laptop has been "fixed"
>finally done with that-Oh look outlook app does not work once again because shit-o-soft
>manually go to emails with web browser
>can't turn them to a zip file and send that because aunt is too retarded to open zip folders
>have to send multiple emails to get all the images there
>Finally done with the whole thing
>forgot to send that one specific cringe image of my aunt and an artwork because she wanted a selfie but has nothing to take a selfie with

At that point I just said that I'll show the image myself off of my phone someday

All this because aunt could not 1. learn to use a smartphone and just do everything herself, but it is literally like trying to teach a retarded child something when ti comes to technology this woman can not even figure out how a tv remote works by herself and 2. Could not think far ahead enough to take a digi camera or something if she wanted to snap stupid fucking pictures (cont)
Not to mention if she did, technology retardation hits again and she has no clue how to get the images onto the computer, or how to attach the camera to the tv with a single cable, no matter how much you would tell her how to do it and it is all becoming so tiring these days

Oh no I have weak bones can you break 9000 traffic laws and drive me to the entrance of whatever place instead of me walking 10 fucking meters, oh no I literally can't carry more than 2kg oh no my over 9000 imaginary health problems oh no, let me tell you the same bullshit I have talked about for months now because I literally can not shut up and have to fuss abotu everything no you are not allowed to carry a 5kg shopping bag to the car for 3 meters push it in a shopping cart tooo heavy nooo yoru back will break and all the parts of yoru body will piss and shuit and piss themselves noooo think of the back problems you will instnatly develop if you carry a shopping bag that weights 5kg literally impossible havy oh noooo fuckfugaopdjgopejhgopeurjhpsofj
So yeah basically all the random added bullshit took away from the neat experience, I did have fun at the art gallery but I don't want to be the IT guy to infuriatingly stupid relatives with no concept on technology, like aunt has had laptops for like 10 years now, and she still has not grasped the concept that if some problem happens you can click the little red cross in the upper right corner to shut things down, even if this is what has been explained to her countless of times over phone literally unable to learn or adapt past instructions, and I just hate taking pics and then showing them to grandma who most likely will not even remember said pic 5 minutes later, having to clutter my phone with aunt bullshit and take dumb images of the most stupid shit imaginable. Like literally instead of saying to grandma "We placed blue flowers on this grave" it's "Take an image of the grave with the blue flowers so we can show to grandma that we placed blue flowers on it and then send it to 10+ other retarded random relatives because I want them to see how pretty the flowers are"

It is always the most convoluted way of doing things and it's pissing me off, things that could be done simply and efficiently are turned into multi-step brain farts that could have been accomplished with something far more simple, like the damn flowers, just say that you placed blue flowers on the grave rather than taking images and sending images and aunt accidentally somehow discovering all my anime porn on my phone because she tried to zoom in on the image but is completely incapable of even doing that god fucking dammit. Why does grandma even need to know what kinds of flowers you placed on the grave she literally does not care, none of the relatives care yet you insist on me having to share this information everyone would have been happy just knowing by word or not knowing at all by taking pictures and just fuck fuck fuck fuck you fuck
>"Yet my husbando never says anything and just does it because he's too good of a guy to hurt relatives feelings"
>"Even if some months ago he had a breaking point over the don't carry stuff to the car let me push a shopping cart to the car and then back to the store and then walk back to the car instead, and just told his aunt to shut her fucking mouth and do as she is told before powergrabbing all the shopping bags and carrying them to the car while telling aunt that these don't weight shit compared to a normal weekend grocery shop trip done by parents in the weekend, or any object he has to carry because of or with his father, it's literally easymode I can juggle these around if I feel like it, it literally weights nothing at all"
>"But other than that he usually helps, even if he feels like what he is doing is infuriatingly retarded and stupid and pointless and a waste of time"
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I can see why you blew a fuse

>"Sounds like your aunt or grandma should just get an old polaroid camera."
Yeah, if she knew how big of a pain it is to do stuff she might not ask to do it and try herself, but with her limited mental capabilities she imagines smartphones and computers are literal magic. And in the end it's still easier to do it myself rather than needing to then drive her around to get polaroids developed etc stuff.

Goa what are you even doing?
>"I am the comedic relief"
Nighty night thread gotta sleep now
Hopefully tomorrow is a resting day
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Goa night Goa

I might go to the beach tomorrow

>"Anon beach episode?"
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She's teasing me with her breasts again
Classic nemu-Saeriah bump
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Classic Saeriah outfit.
Looks like her castle didn't survive the apocalypse...
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Mahjong Hana.
good afternoon

already back from my grocery trip, didn't make the morning post because captcha was being poo poo piss

nighty night covid goa

cheeky Saeriah :o


hiii Hanaanon!

mahjong always sounds really cool when my grandma plays it with her friends over, kinda like fat poker chips
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Hi! I've tried playing it before; it can be fun but it's slow sometimes. It's probably a good way to spend an afternoon with some friends.
I don't really know how to play it myself, a lot of old people here play it because it helps with keeping your mind fresh to prevent dementia and just to pass time

I really enjoy watching my grandma play even though I have no idea what's going on, she seems to be enjoying herself a lot
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It is a bit like poker in that the aim is to get triples or 3-tile straights by drawing and discarding tiles, only there's like 50 different hands you can try to build, a complex scoring system and a ton of other rules. In many rounds no one makes a hand and you get points based on who got the closest lol.
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>"This used to be my throne room..."

Hi Hana-anon

Good afternoon Nicoleanon

And goodnight /aiwg/
oh huh that's pretty interesting, I don't really understand poker all that well too so I guess that explains why I can't get mahjong as well

we do play with playing cards as well here, gambling is especially popular during chinese new years lol. One of the ones I played a lot was chor dai di, though unfortunately I've forgotten how to play it after covid happened


goodnight Saeriahanon!
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Sleep well!

Poker is much simpler in terms of rules, the complicated thing is that you can bluff and bet on a bad hand as much as you want if you think you can fool the other guy. Mahjong has a lot more mechanics but the psychological aspect is less important. I've never played big two but I'm not much of a gambler so that's not surprising.
>bluff and bet on a bad hand
oh my god just like the jojo


kinda like how police are allowed to lie to you, not sure I'd like that in a card game lol
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It is just like that lol. Or it can be. In Mahjong you can play it cool and not let your opponent know how your hand is doing, but ultimately the game end when someone makes their hand or the tiles run out. In poker you form you hand and then bet on whose hand is better. A slop hand can beat a good hand if you bluff well enough.
dinner time is early today, see you guys later
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Angelfag here. Workshopping a new, personalized type of angel.

AI has trouble understanding what a hime cut is.
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Adding (straight bangs) seems to bring me closer to my ideal.
>"Pussy fart rampage, squishin' and rumblin' my pussy croaks I couldn't make it in time "
>"All this trapped air in my cooch spilling out from last night, what a fright"
>"Drumming the toilet seat but not with scat it is not coming out of my ass, my pussy wants to be heard so loud because of the plaps"
>"Now my hole is sore and quacking like a saliva spittin' duck, I'm glad it was not up my butt"

Good morning thread
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Hi! Cute angel.

Good morning!
>"I have a strange feeling my husbando is posting stuff about me that plummets my cuteness stonks because he lets in too much on how I act in private life..."
>"Husbando why is there a post of me singing out a silly song I only did as a joke on the thread now they think that is all I do"
Well technically that is all you did this morning
>"Yeah practice guitar, not queef around like I was powerfucked nine ways all over the place all night"
>"You do not have that kind of stamina"

Anyways gtg, gonna need to drive relative (not aunt) around today a little

One of the relatives who stayed at house 2 came back for another week but this time all by herself rather than with 2 other relatives
hiii angelanon!

usually I find it helps if you just add the prompts describing the hairstyle rather than the name of the haircut itself

goa morningoa and see you later
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Don't worry, Goa's cute stonks are evergreen.
true, I've only seen goa's cute stonks go up, never down
I need my personal Yuuka to remind me to pls rember that wen I feel scare or frigten to never forget ttimes wen I feeled happy, wen day is dark to always rember happy day

Now imagine if Goa was a male
Trying to get his partner do drink his piss
Tantrums over silly things
Complex about small penis and balls
Constanly walking around with his dick out and rubbing his man-ass on furniture
Being an alcoholic male dummy and doing childish things

As long as it's female it can do abdolutely anything ands seen in a positive light
truly a society moment :(
hmm I am thinking of doing ice queen Nicole for some reason
ice achieved
I have returned I bought 2 ceramic hand crafted cup/flower container/idk things they look cool and were cheap

Looking kinda


we indeed do live in a society
No idea if femboys get any of the female perks but men are all but fucked
>"Alcoholic? Husbando do you think my use of alcohol is problematic?"
Nah the autocorrect added that idk why
tadaima, rather uhh



femboys get the privileged of being seen as only sexual objects and have your human feelings disregarded

only if you're hot enough though
Such a
something freezer ice brr cold is cold

I wonder how that works, if someone is seen as a sexual object men will jump through any hoop, included romantic feelings, to get the sex, so they should get their feeling regarded super easy, just exchange the bussy for feelings

Of course unless they go for the usual Chads who have such an abundance of sex they can disregard people in droves because free sex from almost everyone with 0 effort or anything needed to give in exchange. Or so I imagine I have no concept of how people are or act I have no social circles I avoid people in general I never partake in society
I have yet to feel the touch of a woman/man so I am lacking in that field of knowledge as well

btw goaanon check out this new Azur Lane skin

I mean, all romantic relationships all revolve around men "developing" feelings so they can get the pussy, and the ones with the pussy spreading their legs and pretending the feel "love" so they can gain something off of the guy

Love and romance is just smokes and mirrors, some purposeful and some subconscious, just to the species continues when they fuck and get pregnant, you can see this in all older couples, they have procreated, they have had the whole "le married life" meme, they are not very romantic or anything about it, it's just a casual, we've dropped all the theatrics, sharing life in a very business-kind of a way coexistence with the mandatory buying each other gifts on anniversary and stuff. Unless they are divorced like 80% of all people seem to be

Love isn't real
I don't think anyone touches anyone out of love, men touch to get laid, women touch to trap a man into a relationship so they can get pregnant, get fat and then whore around abroad or something behind their husbands backs

>"Commandeer~ what are you looking at?"
Your ass spread you ass
>"I said, what are you looking at?"
Your fat ass spread your ass show me your anus your rude anus
>"Have you fallen under my spe-"
Yes now bend over and spread your cheeks
>"Need my hel-"
stop tittyfucking the racecar show me your asshole let me fist it rub the tits on me
Stick that whole vibrating bolt machine in my asshole and make me cum like a pig, stop goign teeheehee and milk me I am full of mancummies baby needs empty baby needs empty I will bite your titties

Anyways I mean yes, very nice outfit, rather lewd
funnily enough I might be hit with the cold, sick Nicoleanon time

goodnight /aiwg/
Well that sucks, rip and nighty night
Goa sending tits energy for white blood cells
Colorful odd colors bump
Goa you're gonna get fat
>"You like fat chicks you won't complain"
Well true
Another rare colors Goa from ages past
Leftover pizza time
kebab and salami, blue cheese and ham, yum
My wife can dress very handsomely. Absolutely huggable albeit for different reasons than usual
Kebab yum
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Hi /aiwg/

I went to the beach today

Very handsome Kana!
Was there a lot of tits and ass did you see tits and ass how was it
I was never comfortable going to the beach even back when i was in the best shape I ever physically was
it's such a great invention, equal amounts of happiness comparable to pizza
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>"Anon, will you help me search the ruins of my castle? I need to find my extensive wardrobe..."

There were some cute females there, yes.
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An image of Goa landing gracefully
noice, nerve wrecking but nice
a few random posesses
And another set
Kinda cool, makes it feel like you're kinda seeing her in motion
And have a pretty Kana too for that matter
Was it fun?
I only eat pizza with barbecue sauce.
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sexo dress
bbq sauce on pizza is surprisingly good
Sadly the local places here end up putting too much of it onto the pizza and then you taste nothing but cheap bbq sauce
good morning

was hoping to wake up feeling better but now my throat hurts as well
Morning, rip on the throat
it is what it is

and it is heading out time now, see you guys later
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Yes, it was nice

Also very nice dress and fur coat! Is she at a fancy party?

Good morning, hope your throat gets better
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Nighty night guys, i am heading off to bed now as well
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Goa night Goa

>"Dream sweet dreams of Goa headpats"
very cool my class got canceled 5 minutes before it started I woke up at 6 for nothing

thanks Saeriahanon! :3

night night goa goa
I can't do this shit no more :D

original perhaps
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>"Don't give up, my honey"
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On the one hand it's a bit sad that Saeriah is now homeless

But on the other hand the ruins look very cool
I don't know how many "it is what it is" s left in me :((
Heaven knows how much I feel that way, sometimes.
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>"Sooner or later, what it is will be something else."
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I'm onto something here. Only thing I'd like to improve is making her face more mature/cool-looking.
Goa and the borgar
A tale as old as time

Morning thread
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>"Hambooga hambooga hambooga"
no booga
Goa hamburgering around with the borgirs
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Bonsai Hana.

true as it can be

goa morningoa


hiii angelanon!

hiii Hanaanon!
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This is a good one.

Hi, how are you?
unfortunately I'm hit with the cold + fever comb. Throat hurts and the back of my eyes are quite burning
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Ouch, get well soon!
The theme for this installation is "Socks and sausages", it might appear random but there is a specific reason for this, I randomly remembered I have 10+ years old glass bowls from a known manufacturer (somewhat collectible) in the back of my closet I bought ags ago for cheap, and dug them out and put them onto my shelves so I have even more ceramic and glass objects on display in my room. The name of this series is sukat makkaralla (directly translated to socks at sausage) but the true meaning of this saying is that the socks have rolled/slipped down, rather than being straight up like they are supposed to be
Well that is a big rip, Goa sends sock energy and sausage energy
the lil sossig trees
For some reason socks and sausages are making Goa very very tiny
And a little collection of socks and sausages because the world is a fuck row row fight the power
thanks you guys :3

sosig sized goa for sosig shenanigans
Wife. Nothing more to say. She kept me good company on a wonderful workout jog on an unseasonably nice summer night, kept me company as I drank for hours and hours. Now sleep...............hangover.....sleeeeeep
That is one hell of a Goa pic. Incredibly divine.
She should be. Kana deserves it.
The view there is beautiful. I hope you can see it one day with her. But...deserving waifu...you really must put in the willpower every day to make no day a wasted one. It's easier said than done. I'm lucky to have one day a week like that.
I like floating hambirder
I feel like I need to vomit

handsome! And goodnight!
I vomiteded
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Hi /aiwg/

>"Do you want me to hold your hair back while you vomit?"
hiii Saeriahanon!

I appreciate it but I wouldn't want to get Saeriah dirty :<
Finally back home, I was gone for so long Goa turned into some kind of a nugget
I made dinner from leftovers mixed with instant noodles and forgot to make the second post where I actually replied to other posters because I was very hungry
Hiyariah, cool cape
in b4-
Oh nevermind
That sucks
The mountains were full of wildlife. Even got honeycomb from a beehive by using incense sticks, DM ruled an automatic success using them.

Found the dragonborn to translate our ancient tome. Next is a journey into the deserts to find the temple.
>"Check it out dual wielding"
>sound of fidget spinners spinning in a silent room
>"yay :D"
hii Cordeliaanon!

oh hey rusty cage the cool knife dude

sleeping time now, tomorrow will be a very long day, the kind where I head up before the sun is barely up and it'll be night time by I get home kind of long day

goodnight /aiwg/
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>"Oh it's ok, don't worry about it"

Goodnight Nicoleanon, I hope you feel better tomorrow


Hi Cordelia-anon! It's nice when the DM lets players do things that make sense without having to roll for them
Yes, the DM is doing a very good job so far. I've had nothing but fun. This campaign is their first try as a dungeon master, as well.
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That's cool

>"Are fidget spinners a thing again?"
>"Hai Goa desu :o"
Nope they are pretty much gone
I still spin mine from time to time I have lots of fidget toys left over from the craze
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The various faces of O
O faces
Goa witch bump excited
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>"Ara ara, Goa-chan"

>staring Goa noises

It goes like "jiiiiiiiiiiii~"
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>"And what's that supposed to mean?"
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Goa standing around not saying anything, like you're magically supposed to know what she wants
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>"Fine, be that way!"

Saeriah feeling insulted like we're magically supposed to know why she feels that way.
But Goa just stands
In her standing pose pictured in this picture
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>"Anon, she's mocking me! She's gloating because my castle was destroyed!"

I think the apocalypse has stressed her out, poor Saeriah
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Turns out there was not single thought in her head at all

Completely empty, just stare, no thought, not a single neuron firing in any direction. Just exist
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Noooooo Goa this is not a situation where doing a smirk makes things any better, on matter how much older than normal you look!

brb shower
Now Goa pouts over being told no to the smirking
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>"She's right, without my castle I'm just a homeless bum. Just as worthless as a goblin, if not even worse..."

I don't think she thinks that of you, Saeriah!
>"Do you want to fondle my goobies until you feel better?"
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Goa might need to pat her head and go "there there, Saeriah-chan" too
You got any new gens for op image? Could be cool to have anon-Goa thread once in a while
Oh, image limit. Sure, I'll make one.
Ruined castle bread

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