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Leggless Jester edition
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Why did SSM sell his Canon camera after just one day?
It just wasn't for him.
If I didn't have crippling anxiety, I'd be supporting other people all the time.
Why aren't anxiety-free people rescuing me from al my problems, right now?
Is it for you though?
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SSM wouId have worked all his life if it wasn't for TMAU.
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Imagine if Mak won 10 million quid. Maybe he could switch to real Pot Noodle from own brand.
It's for neither of us.
It's almost impossible to help other adults in a significant way, because everyone has freedom of choice. You can't actually control what they do, so you can't really help them very much.

This is why people help dogs instead. It's much more rewarding because you can control every aspect of their lives, so you actually see results.
I voted Reform because I think it would be in my sprogs best interest desu
infuriating how these people get such an opportunity and just waste it

this kinda shit shows that a lot of how people end up where they are is about genetics
Ppl v selfish de lad
Of course it's possible to make rational choices with your healthcare just like any other product. And of course the most rational choice is to stay fit and healthy instead of stuffing cakes into your mouth and saying ahh fuck it I'm not fitting the bill am I?

Not to mention that there really aren't examples of people dying in the dreaded free market(!) US from being unable to get a certain drug. Companies really do give them away or set up very modest payment plans for patients.

If the alternative is to force everyone to pay large taxes for services they don't use much at all why would we want that?
So you're on the bottom because you have shit genetics?
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>Why yes I send money to my baby mamas
Really just cannot be fucked, you know?
My cousin the other day said she voted labour because they would be "better on schools"

This is why women shouldn't be allowed to vote
All white people are innately good. If he was raised in a middle class family he would be a stand up citizen.
>No one is going to say "Oh well that treatment is too expensive, the rational economic choice here is just to choose to die instead." Are they?
Genuinely, is that not how it works in America?

I'm sure they just treat anyone who is seriously injured but if I was attacked and heavily bleeding or something, if some rational part of my brain had "hospital bills" on the mind when I was skint, this would absolutely be a consideration.

On a much lower level here in the UK I've avoided seeing a GP or going to a walk-in centre for everything from laziness to not wanting to waste their time. Still here today but I've had preventable problems get worse (infections as an obvious one).
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>It's almost impossible to help other adults in a significant way,

Ive found that people will actively go out of their way to refuse any help/advice you give them and would rather bitch and moan about the problems than attempt to fix them
Schooling is utterly fucked from top to bottom. There's no amount of 'reform' that you can do to save it. Needs total restructuring and realignment.
yes, didnt imply otherwise
I always think my life is shit and then I watch one of Makaveli's videos
His teeth are better than mine.
Don't worry yours still is shite little man
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Maka said he wanted to tattoos but can't afford to atm
come on

much cheaper to look after a dog
Indeed, I never denied that
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the tattoo gun would just poke holes in his twig like arms
he might have had slightly better oportunities to do slightly bettwr but think he would largely do similar kinds of fuck ups
Yeah, getting all the woke teachers out of school is essential, but they are so embedded in teacher training colleges it would take decades
He would be like Boris Johnson
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he got the camera for free by scamming paypal.
There are people who want to be in relationships but aren't.
From my experience of both sides of this, being in a relationship I've always been happier, more productive, physically fitter, kinder to others, etc etc.

That depends on two people, one of which is the other person.
the war on woke
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It's lush, and I mean LUSH
Most teachers should be fired. There is no justifiable reason why we have 570,000 of the fuckers. It's almost purely political patronage at this point - jobs for useless wankers as long as they vote for one of the approved parties.
For me? In retrospect relationships are a hassle mostly
You have way too much free time on your hands de lad
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Are you serious or are you just fucking with me? We have FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THOUSAND teachers?!
What the actual fuck?!
I have a pure white wife and a pure white sprog
wow and i mean wow. what an experience
i have neither. pretty jealous ngl
Little riddle for you lads.
White man
White woman
Brown sprog
Genuinely spat my dr pepper out at this post
Is the answer Shippy?
Cuckold bf
Shippy's baby mama is black. Learn your lore.
Feel bad for setting catberg on that spider last night but it was really really big nd a nice wee treat for her
Me? A /britfeel/ lore master. 132 main characters and 262 side characters in my memory bank. Like wiki/britfeel/ as it were
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If I won the lottery or inheritance I'd stay on the same estate but just move into (possibly buy) one of the nicer houses. There'd still be all the drugs/violence/rubbish/etc but I just like it here, or at least this kind of area. I'd just have to keep everything quiet because the new worry would be increased risk of getting burgled.

As a daily existence actually living somewhere posh as a lifestyle just seems incredibly unpleasant. A murderer could still murder you, serious illness won't leave you alone, and you'd have near-unlimited availability to the purest narcotics once the boredom set in.
The old saying, those who can't do, teach. Teachers are probably the thickest people on the planet.
Is it weird to wank over your girlfriends mates?
Banbury nonce
Tottenham sheboon
Wog sprog
i give the people i see often (walks/shopping) names in my head.

one day i'm going to say "cheers David" to a cashier or summat.
Not weird but you should probably let him know afterwards as a courtesy
BN's delivery driver friend, morrisons dwarf in Scarborough, Michael Lane, poley's sister. Cola's binman bf, shippys nonce mate, sic's chinese gf, nubs wicker basket (in scarborough), HHL's mate in Manchester, and June in the care home

Side characters galore
I'm on train, where my gf?
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The way normies react to spiders just cus they look weird make me want to defend them but it was honestly fucking huge and kept loitering around the toilet which is a bit much pic rel is me when I seen jt. Getting eaten by spiders might be for you bt it not for me
Someone smell FISH on the train de lads
i was the elbowposter of '19.
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Arriving any time now with numbers like that
Must be all that sugary cider he drinks. I know he never brushes
She said 'fish and chips' lad. You know she did
Your gf is reading a book, it's her way of signalling she wants you to ask "do you mind if I sit here?" then start a conversation about the book.

Only caveat: at no point, ever, during your happy life together can you EVER mention this post. Even as a joke or after a few drinks or something, NEVER.
Magic gf train
Sure and Helen is his carer
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No reason this couldn't be an email desu.
What a bizarre image to post
233 wagies in one place
christ, imagine the smell
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Weird how SSM's latest video is at almost 1k views already. Is it the thumbnail?
Same reason his most popular video is a KFC mukbang. He got some right freaks following him.
SSM has a big gay following, especially gay feeders
You reacted the same way a normie would you retard.
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>getting ready to drink
>open top bus

such a diverse and interesting set of videos
Seen nobody reading a book.
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you massive fucking pussy lad

Should have lifted the little spider bro, or get a cup and paper to let him out
The SSA don't care about his drinking updates

They just want to see his sexy rotund tummy
I'm gay and I wouldn't fuck him
>I'm gay
>I wouldn't fuck him
Why not?
Because he's a disgusting obese mong?
Seaside onlyfans could be his next scam. People pay to see Nikocado spread
you're not gay then
>Genuinely, is that not how it works in America?

More or less yeah, but of course it's not a real "rational choice" in the economic sense.
How has he had at least 4 confirmed girlfriends then. One of which married him
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is a 4 pack in store for me?
depends what the bf says
wat fuks gain on er neh
lmfao i hate faggots so much. they are degenerate cretins
There is genuinely a market for this and SSM needs to get onboard.
It's funny because a tranny is saying it
But that would technically be a job, so immediately it's not an option
Making a spaghetti bolognese with lentils AND mince. Not only am I a true-blooded Englishman who likes his steak, but I'm also a skint benefits scrounger and this means two extra portions.

Most mildly hated man in Britain, me.
>BN's delivery driver friend

He is genuinely my best mate now probably. Certainly the mate I spend the most time with. Very very funny and sound guy.
I'm gay and I would let SSM bum me.
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>233 wagies in one place
christ, imagine the smell
Howling desu
Is that you Footmong
corrr remember Dream bars?

weren't very good, were they? like any white chocolate.
Refreshing and delicious get in there de lad
I'm worried about you, Matt. Maybe go out and get some fresh air yeah?
Worse than any other white chocolate really. That fondant in the middle is just cheap shite. Vegetable oil and sugar whipped up with artificial vanilla flavouring and a lot of other chemicals to make it seem vaguely like chocolate.
do you remember wonka wonkalate bars? they were lush and i mean lush
Thanks lad. Got the tip from Jamie Oliver. Also sneaking in some hidden veg (carrots + celery) since the kids won't even notice.
He could have put that camera to good use.
Some of the popping bits were made out of blast caps from real guns and they could explode your teeth out happened to my mate's friend (different school)
I'd personally pay 20 quid for a video of SSM having a big old wank
These were wush though
I would too but just for a laugh. Not in a gay way my leed
Nestles Wonkalate bar was a raspberry flavoured, purple coloured chocolate bar with green coloured nerds in it.
he must have bought the fake ones no?
I'm sure he had a wank on stream before when he was living in Sherborne
could have had wonkalate bars still being sold but instead we imported half of pakistan
it not right
Where is the line between 'for a laugh' and 'in a gay way'?

Lad at my school would go around sticking his fingers up people's arses 'for a laugh' but as an adult I realise he was doing it in a gay way.
This rhe kind of chocolate bar I'd just avoid cus it looks too adventurous desu i like dairy milk twirl wispa nice and plain nd no surprises don't eben know what's inside a lion bar and never will. It might be for you but it not for me
There was an old video of him on YouTube saying was gonna register with Chaturbate and 'sharpen his pencil'
eating blast caps just isnt for everyone lad i understand
partition of India led to an import of doctors which means i am NOT being given my state-issued laudanum to cheaply cut my life short as a layabout ne'er-do-well.

it not right.
>Lad at my school would go around sticking his fingers up people's arses 'for a laugh'
Harmless banter that is, lad. We used to do that at my school too.
him joining toastmasters was a game changer
300 quid well spent
Used to spend my evenings shaving all the hair off my body, putting on makeup and wigs, watching sissy hypno, wearing lingerie, putting my cock in a chastity cage and sticking butt plugs up me arse. All as a bit of a joke mind you.
Is toastmasters a meme or is it actually good? I really do find it hard to speak in public and this seems like it might help, just want to get some more testimony about it.
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Seagull attack him on fish day
Flies attack him on shit day
I was once told that one of the biggest killers of productivity was not having a schedule to your day. Just drifting about it doing stuff randomly at will. That's how you end up wasting hours on YouTube or wikipedia or 4chan etc.

I decided I had to try it, and it worked. My productivity is higher than hour. I still come on 4chan to post drivel, but it's schedule. 6 hours a day
Fly sarnies for him my lad all the way. Dint touch the sides
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>register with Chaturbate and 'sharpen his pencil'
Weird recent /britfeel/ gimmick. Of course the organisation itself exist, but the fact is it's also become a boring repetitive spammed gimmick
Biden's got COVID again. Might be the end of him this time, looking very shaky on the stairs in his latest vid.

Alternate theory: after Trump essentially guaranteed the victory by surviving his assassination attempt, the deep state purposefully infected Biden with a gain of function variant to guarantee that he dies ahead of the election and thus his replacement candidate can run on a martyr's platform. Only way to outdo a failed assassination is to actually kill the incumbent president and have their replacement run on that.
its a scam
some poor cunt paid for it here a while back
Fackin ell

Gotten back have i not
Thats the infowars prediction even b4 trump got shot de lad t. Listen to infowars while I'm gaming
imagine if trump died in the assassination attempt and a few days later biden died due to covid, best timeline
Yeah i'm proper knackered now

Cannot be arsed to work off the unwind checklist

Gonna use some wet wipes and cop some R&R stat, been up and about since 5AM
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Toastie got bummed by SSM
Arguably it's a sex crime. And I've only included the word "Arguably" in case you're a lawyer or summat. A lawyer who committed group sex crimes against minors.
So did Tim Eldridge
>It's a didn't receive appointment letter or text from the doctor's episode again despite phoning in twice and being told to wait for a letter both times
fuck's sake
Nah nah nah lad you don't get it it's a miracle that you're being subsidised for this world class healthcare! You should be thankful for it!
HHL vs brown sprog
Hope they're doing the three-strike system and that's two missed appointments. You have LITERALLY taken medical care from someone else.
I get the sense that HHL has a big mouth but small bollocks. If he had to fight anyone he'd probably bottle it and piss himself.
Shocked to find out HHL is actually unironically a spacker
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I need an Andrew update.
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He who cannot be arsed
Remember when a nightclub bouncer kicked him and his mate out of the club for smoking then smashed his phone up and he came back here crying LOL
still balding, still a nonce
Wish my paranoid scizophrenic obsessive compulsive disorder mong next door would summon up the balls to actually kill himself, have had enough of him tbqfh.
Stop fannying around and do it. Or take your fucking pills.
Lived through the NHS at its peak, kept me alive to see it at its worst.

A fucking devil is behind this we need to purge negative humours from the most wicked.
i remember that. some good memes came from that night. wish i had saved them now
Amersham Hill
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He has the body of a scrawny adolescent boy, a girl could probably beat him up easily
Sometimes the paranoia kicks in and I'm dead quiet. "Can't go past a window, THEY'LL see. Can't make a sound - it's midday and PEOPLE are LISTENING."

Other times I'm stomping my feet and slamming doors at 4 in the morning. My home I can do whatever I like. Move to North Korea if you hate freedom.
Deport all brown people you say, yes, there are far more of them draining the NHS than supporting it. Good call, we're all with you.

Yeah m8, that's where they are monitoring you from. Beaming thoughts into your head, they can read your thoughts too.
Damn, this is my body too. I should get my weights out of the shed. Such a fucking hassle though.
Why did you crop Seans smug face off? That's the funniest part
The demons will come for you when the sun goes down. Their voices come through the walls saying bad things.
Wonder if he could beat Maka in a fight for the chairman title
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I like to think he was just being genuinely kind to that homeless trans lass but this took place in the UK so idk

>Wonder if he could beat Maka in a fight for the chairman title

Maka would batter him
The graphics card was just a gift. It all above board my leeds
>do you ever believe anyone is reading your thoughts?
>haha no
>putting thoughts into your head?
>or taking them away?
>wait what
balding graphics card nonce
i dont remember the graphics card stuff
cken ell
wonder what happened to her. Cola was it? too many names, i cant remember which is which
You're a bald nonce. Why?
cola still posted on /lgbt/ as recently as last year de lad
>tfw no 1930s gf
it not right
I get a laugh when I have on-drugs (not sober/mental) hallucinations of people and it's not scary. Sat there watching something and there's a bloke in the corner of my eye, feel people in the room, the presence of others, whole crowd around me. Oh aye, it's just them. Yous alreet?

Maybe it's in the diagnosis that it has to be 'bad' but are there not people who hear voices etc and it's just friendly/ordinary?
that's nice. Honestly thought she might be dead ngl
mad that shes probably dead now
All the legendary trannies now we are stuck with Arbroathy
olivia de havilland is still alive.
Arbroathy is a racist though. A lush upgrade IMO
That Asian Moni guy was a racist too
>POS housefly got in thru the open window while i wuz away

Now i'll hafta double-seal those other two garbage baggingtons

Splendid really
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homeless chan wasnt cola, dunno what happened to homeless
cola made an OF iirc
tilde posts on int
one tranner who used to post here is a regular on mtfg
the paki had its head shaved and detransed i think
another tranner from here sadly fell into drugs and nobody has heard from her for a while i dont think
dunno what happened to the spanish tranner who posted here. her bf was a regular on britfeel radio i think
i know and im sorry
get in
Germaine Greer was right we should round up all the males and lock them in cages.
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no im not drinking tonight
am cuttin it riiite doooown
tilde now posts as 'employed woman' on /brit/ and is obsessed with SSM lol
Nah, I will be moving to like Hampstead or somewhere near country
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Mark is the ideal man for tranners
he just oozes masculinity and charisma
Copying SCEA's Tim gimmick but with SSM
Fair enough lad I'll probably just do up a semi-detached near Middlesbrough or somewhere. Might splash out on some pretty invisible security system (burglar alarm not a Ring doorbell or summat like that). For all intents and purposes I'm just another dosser, for life.
lads i just dont know anymore you know
Will actually be moving to Weymouth soon lol. Might bump into smelly fish man on my walks around.
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I would buy me mam a big house nd whatever else she wanted then continue living here alone but I can buy whatever ps5 and anime figures I want now. Lottery win is wasted on gluttons most of the time i get FUCK ALL on euromillions
Almost certainly lad this film is from 1932.
we need a new age of tranny posters. None of this woke "Arbroathy" nonsense
Bottles of poppers have lost their effect like chewing gum loses its flavour. Is this because the potency has evaporated (they're about ~1/3 full now) or is it a tolerance thing?
britfeel needs new blood
that's all right if someone just knew all the time they'd be on the news.
I wanna know what Arb looks like even though...
>you don't have the right
Specky fat cunt Jo brand
Learning disabilities needs to be in sheltered home
coded violence against trans people.
ill omened creature ahead
what i said was the opposite of violence against trans people lad
She really is very unfunny and always has been. Also looks like Jabba the Hut's disabled little sproggington.
Big floppy tits
words don't just have the power to hurt they ARE the hurt.

all you can do now is heal.
I am the one who fards
Small puffy lactating HRT tits
try finger but hole
Bill Bailey is inoffensively unfunny but he shaved his head recently and I think now he might become funny.
I'm a bit racist but I love reggae.
stop watching tranny porn
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He who is ghey shaggeth arse
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No I don't think l wiII
what if you watch teh ghey pr0nz but do no arse shagging?
is it gay to shag transgender
btitfeel is its own little weird cringe sub culture like redditors
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better than givin' it to t'wookies
mad how much homeless people waste nhs resources
see an ambulance on the high street nearly every day picking up some homeless mong who's smoked too much spice
out the following day and back to the spice no doubt
Come on we're not that bad lad. Lighten up a bit and enjoy the gimmicks.
sad mongs trying to be different
love these de lad
if your security system is invisible then surely that defeats the purpose
very funny lad
corr arse shaggin
Thought that was Bald and Bankrupt for a second
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Just saw someone getting one of these water dispensers delivered to their (residential) property. What the FUCK.
fill it with beer it lush
Can someone post the Spacca FC picture?
lmfao lad good one i enjoyed that post
The original image has been scrubbed from the archive
Can't even go for a peaceful night walk without these thug bully boys wanting to touch you up. Earning the hate.

its in the archives de lad, search for filename "spacker"
He works for GCHQ
Opens britfeel
Cringes at the tryhards
Closes tab
Not a bad idea tbqh. Actually thought it was some kind of vendor/gathering at first because the delivery, guy who lives there, and his son were stood outside TESTING it in the driveway, extension cord into the house and they huddled around sipping these plastic cups of water just to make sure it's all good and proper before it got shifted/fitted inside.

What's going on???
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Goontopia, home of the spaff sessh innit
1960s 1970s, zipper plus head. Used by soldiers during the Korean and Vietnam Wars; multiple hypotheses exist as to the specific origin. One is that if an East Asian person were shot in the middle of the forehead with a machine gun, the head would split as if being unzipped; another, that the appearance of tire tracks on a body having been run over by a military Jeep or that of tank tracks resembled a zipper.
archaeologists, etymologists and aestheticians stunned to discover 'sometimes things are just "cool"' following new report
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you gotta look like this if you want a tranny gf
My total child support contributions now amount to 12 grand.
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this is my world Godrick
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the smile on your wifes woglet is priceless though
sprog brown
He doesn't work for the supplier or anything, it is a local water dispenser business but that van's never been there before. He's a buyer. If it was for his office or something why wouldn't he get it delivered/set up there?

The only thing I can think of is that his son wanted one. We all wanted daft things as kids. If you have water cooler money then "daddy, daddy, i want a powered water dispenser in my ROOM!" might not be that unreasonable.
She's not my wife
I'm slightly overweight and drink cheap cider
Do I have a chance haha
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bishop finger smelly finger
Calling another man daddy is so grim
What's SSM doing with Shippy's daughter
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Keeping it on the DL with women bc of what **** did to me. Try your worst roasties.
I'm talking about his actual son who he was stood around drinking water with. They have a serviceperson over anon, is that just like your pornos?

You need a perv-brain enema is what you need.
>Mr President, he has a brown sprog
nowadays this would be a text message.
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finger licking good

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ssm has become a little girl and it lush
only the finest turds for him get in there
The twolls eat this shit up
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Asked ChatGPT if it knows who SSM is.
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I'm in the 85%. I don't think I'll ever work or do anything interesting in my life. I've had zero good experiences as an adult. Haven't even been on holiday and now I'm nearly mid thirties.
Why haven't you been on holiday?
AI has gone too far but this reiterates the fact that Mark looks like that ASMR lass.
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>Additionally, seasideMARK has a Reddit community
Does he? Corr didn't know that. Will have to have a cheeky look will I not
When did he hit himself in the face with a hammer lol?
It is dead
Is there anything more misguided than this scheme?

Guaranteed an interview, but why would they ever hire you? It's literally just wasting half an hour of 1-2 managers' day.
Yeah it is. Shame.

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Only reason i was wageslaving in tbe end giving mum money i must've gave her hundreds every month when she actually had asked me for 0. Not to mention a lot of nights i cooked dinner for us cus I enjoyed cooking then. Even after work myself. I think i gave her some nominal 100 quid or so a month but in practise spent hundreds on whatever sfuff she wanted in the house, repairs, any random shit i thought she would like i just buy. Bt im not materialistic myself so it was kinda pointless having a job when my own expenses ended up being alcohol and other than video games i liked buying shoes nd that was the end of it. Nothing bennies doesnt cover already. Still felt compelled to work thougg. Most ppl don't know that's just how i feel like treating ppl when I trust them, not fishing to get something in return. Cus when I dont trust which is 99.9% of everyone my heart frozen over. Well I am a colder person now overall though. I've been betrayed a lot before and since then by everyone except mum applications for my trust circle has been closed for years now thats just the way it has to be.
He eat his own shit he deserve top rate PIP
kek it must be his care home football team
Lost a lot of respect for HHL since yesterday
why did they remove Mark from the tmau wiki page?
I don't know anything about structural engineering but whenever I see a pier or a bridge with all its stupid crosses and lattices I just know I could design something better.
Why what happened? Not been here much recently.
Weird given how internet-skewed Wikipedia is. Imagine any encyclopedia having pages dedicated to Twitch streamers as if it was a mineral or a war.
Quite like those dainty little wooden Japanese bridges that have an oversized curve to them and cross streams in gardens.
Chat GPT is off its nut.
>Poley is another character from the "Britfeel General" threads on the /r9k/ board of 4chan. In these threads, Poley is typically depicted as a polar bear and often symbolizes a more melancholic or downcast persona. This character tends to reflect the feelings of loneliness, depression, and the struggles commonly discussed by users in the Britfeel community.
>The contrast between Helper Lad and Poley underscores the range of emotions and experiences shared in these threads. While Helper Lad represents support and positivity, Poley embodies the more somber and introspective side of the Britfeel conversations. Together, these characters illustrate the dual nature of the Britfeel threads, where users can find both empathy for their struggles and encouragement to improve their situations.
add it back
People think AI is going to take over
Van's gone now. Bloke's neighbour just left his house. Could have been in there the whole time and never know what went down.
AI dollies how fucking sad
I think HHL originally added it. He posted about being a Wikipedia editor in the past
Need loser goo update from HHL
He's a moderator. He wouldn't risk that by doing vandalism.
This is going to be Carl Jung for the current crop of sprogs. Like how we're going to have to update old novels/texts eventually.
The old women in his care home are all disappointed in him too lad. It not right.

He's obviously mentally ill
Do we know where in Sunderland his care home is?
Spastic mong boy waaa waaa waaa?
Wasn't that bad of a meltdown by that stupid cunt's standards, don't think he even threatened to stab anyone
Forget the IRA, forget the EDL, /britfeel/ vigilantes are off to visit a northern care home.
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Funny how every betrayal my dark powers only got stronger. Its on a need to know basis. I banished these freaks from my energy. True its a bad period for now but only one of many I always survive and i always win even if I'm dead I already won.
He said he would kill every brown sprog
lmao fucking grad that lad
Is he no longer your ally Shippy
imagine if your power wasn't connected to the alignments of planets or the balance of some points within your body, but something daft.

YOU can think of what that daft thing might be. go on.
zimlad on suicidewatch
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Kek maybe HHL is alright after all
this is ok ONLY if there is a conidition like "or else a hitler-wizard will kill EVERY sprog"

it is still non-ethical in my opinion but i think it's ok
Dangerously based. I need to screencap that post.
No idea personally.

They're all bad.
He's genuinely one of the biggest losers I've ever seen. However. If his parents had to punt him into a care home it's obviously much deeper
Why is he even in a retard home? What's his diagnosis?
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I genuinely don't know what he was on about here. Doesn't help that he starts clumsily trying to talk like a villain in a superhero film when he's pissed and emotional.
>The ball is your court. You are not defeating me
what is the difference between /britfeel/ and /brit/?
>What's his diagnosis?
they both have a distinct set of schizos and retards to ruin each general
/britfeel/ is for people who can't get replies on /brit/
he buys drugs off brownoids. he makes the brown man and the jew very happy
I think he's a mental retard cunt desu not sure what the official diagnosis for that is.
If he was a yank they'd be watching this thread cuz he's the type to shoot up a school
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Ruby has that classic midwit female high achiever face. The types that highlight and sticky note everything, use their simplistic Apple products for everything. She's good at rote learning, standardised exams and regurgitating back what the lecturer has said. At surface level she appears very intelligent but really she is of low intelligence. She ticks all the boxes but when it comes to real work, she'd be pretty useless.

It's very difficult for universities to fail females/diverse people because it makes their ratings go down, so they just pass most unless they're actually completely retarded. Since foreigners pay a lot of money, they need to keep a good pass rate to encourage more to pay for the privilege. Most men know universities in the UK are corrupt and favour women and minorities. It's been this way for a while. University at this point is just adult daycare for women. Go on any vlog about university and you'll soon realise it's all fun and games for them.

Women are in fields they pretend to have interest in because it makes them feel smart (muh girlboss types). They are actually very useless when it comes to actually working. They just want an easy life sitting in an office all day browsing social media and playing on their Apple phone for the most part. Universities in this country are filled with females and foreigners. Most non-STEM is basically impossible to fail if you are a female or minority. Don't fall for the university scam lads. She got into Oxford because she ticked all the boxes, her rich parents basically bribed the higher ups to get her in. She's a fraud.
my dad 'ironically' flirts with my brothers' girlfriends but he's never done that with any of my boyfriends.
if you're such a wind-up merchant why haven't you said you're disappointed in me, as a joke, for a laugh?
What the actual fuck is this post lad? Get yourself help.
Why is it so blurred? Your monitor scaling is fucked up
I'd love to fuck her onto having a spinal injury in that dinky little shed.
You just interacted with Ruthmong
Very psychotic missive ruthlad but true actually
Unless you're female, you aren't getting the job if you come across as autistic. The interview is where most autists fail to get past.
I don't have friends so going on holiday is pointless. I got parents that need to know where I am and think I've done something terrible as they expect me home all the time.
Bath and food completed.
Bit of codeine and the ps5 now for the evening
Oh, should have known, my mistake.
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He's only 20
Guise you're so whacky
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She doesn't look anything like that smelly dosser. She'd be ashamed to have that thing as a father. I'm sure her father works very hard and raised her with the mindset to do something with her life. Mark is just...sad.
Mak is Arbroathy's celebrity crush.
He looks 40 lool
Has she uploafed anything new yet?
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his sprog? brown
This is the truth about our universities.

She wouldn't fuck you. You are below her, working class scum.
Laughter is the key to a woman's heart. This explains why you're incels and women avoid you
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if he was my bf i think id be dead thanks to the booze
alchys getting together is a no no
the state lmao
cant pay? we'll take your brown sprog away
Fuck off with your shit simp posts lad or I'll have Arb cut off your bollocks.
Paul 'Paki Pulveriser' Bohill
Thankfully Shippy is up to date on his child support payments.
*clamps your brown sprog*
I'm sorry mate but you must pay the balance of 1723 pounds and 27 pence today or the clamp stays on.
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Imagine her fucking SSM. It lush
Posh whores like her deserve the stinkiest willards in their tangy tuppence.
you're a smelly dosser too...
I think of how you all shit on ex posters, but the reality is they moved on and probably improved their lives as a result, whereas you're still here, seething, stewing in your own misery, unable and unwilling to change your lives for the better.
Did anyone else have a tard in there school that would do the same pun every time you seen them. Only they would laugh at it.
Still talking about them 16 hours a day 5 years after they have moved on.
When messaging a female should I texting back right away, or should I be adding delays, if so how long should the delays be?
Exactly. Who's the real winner/loser in this situation?
Why haven't you moved on?
>5 years after they have moved on.
Some of them have been gone a decade
Just respond when you want to, seriously don't over think it and use your own common sense. This sort of thing is what 15 year old girls in the playground obsess over.
Yeah well I'm inexperienced innit lad.
How long have some of you been here?
Me? Less than a year.
>I'm sorry mate but you must pay the balance of 1723 pounds and 27 pence today or the clamp stays on.
made a bank transfer of 3k just a couple of hours ago
SSM carries clout, being a minor YouTuber.
>see job advert on linkedin
>explicitly says this is a remote position
>go to company website to apply
>"This is a full-time in-office position, please tick "yes" on the options below if you are able to commit to full time office working in our Manchester office."
Why can't they just fucking tell the truth and not waste my fucking time? I can't imagine this is even particularly helpful to their recruitment, it just seems like a purely malicious wind up with no rationale behind it.
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Feel rough af me. Drank so much last night I passed out on the couch corr. Keeping off the wooze for a while. Need a proper fresh start.
3 years use to be here everyday dipping in an out most of the day now I read a couple of posts and go to another board or reddit
I've really wound up that scotch tranny
On the train and I'm thristy as fuck. Where is the drinks cart mong when you need them?
Did you mean everything you said last night and this morning lad?
He's on top of his woglet support payments.
what happened with the 3 for 11? get that waggington in or not in the end?
Kek, based. Trannyannoying is the national passtime of britfeel.
His brown sprogs will populate the Earth.
You don't have even ONE (1) sprog.
I think you upset Shippy and Zimlad last night. Are you gong to apologise to them?
point out the lad who is on top of their payments
fanny is so freaking sweaty right now x
Probably sleeping in their little nook at the front of the train. Lazy twats.
He just replied to me
corr fresh thread drama just like you get on facebook
Should be replaced by robots already
Apologise to the others (not me) you rodent
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>I think you upset Shippy
HHL didn't upset me, he's my oldest ally
Funny part is he rarely sees it lol
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Not for a while. She's been slacking these past months. Something is not right. I hope she doesn't quit. Probably getting bored of it now. Shame really, the lass goes from no relevance to having a lot more attention than ever before. Isn't thay what they crave?
Shippy is on better terms with his baby mama now, so i hear
Reddit, mongs trying to be funny out punning each other with old wacky Reddit gags rehashed. /britfeel/, the same.
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Dossers like him would've been sent to war and leave their daughters behind back in the day. He would've been a real man if we were living in times of war. Now men like him are living like kings at the taxpayer's expensive.
Why should he? His point was bang on imo
He's going absolutely giddy with personality drama, he loves it.
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I can wash the smell a way. She'd rather be with someone like me I reckon.
Local high street has a big DIY/goods shop that just reopened under new management. I think it's a family business, Asian couple and their adult sons (who stand guard in every aisle).

It sells allsorts it's how I get poppers and paraphernalia but then also useful stuff like a co-axial connector, an air duster, and a bottle of pure acetone.

Went from being treated like an outsider, hard stares signalling "you don't browse. you see something, you buy it, you get out." But lately I've become less of an "other". chats on the chills "these again eh? we've just had some new ones in, cash? perfect! see you again tomorrow!"

There's some wider community going on based around that shop and its family. others-regulars get to enter that sphere. I think I have a decision to make: do I keep buying stuff and being friendly/chatty, maybe closer to the inner circle, or do I accept something dodgy is going on and stay the fuck away from it?

He finally text me back about 12ish but by then I was asleep. Probably for the best. I'm almost 6 weeks no wokey.
Link to the post where Shippy said that
I feel like every school had the tard in the wheelchair and one who would shit on the floor.
He's an enemy of all life.
little mong boy with a hangover in a care home
Staying sober tonight?
They are his dollies he plays with for 16 hours everyday
Report them to home office as isis
All mouth you are. Bet you've never done a line in your life like a proper lad
really enjoyed this post for some reason, probably because it's exactly the sort of thing SCEA would say
If Shippy had to choose between HHL and SCEA, wonder who he would side with
You made some pretty based posts last night. Enjoyed reading it all when I woke up
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A bit toasty today. The heatwave two years back and being stuck in this boxroom made me very depressed. Still in the same position sadly.
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>Fetch that post out of the archives, fetch it right now!
Your right about him being all mouth. Big man when he's leathered and talking on the internet. 'ardest man in England e is.
Sad sort ahead.
SCEA, HHL has posted a bit too much degenerate shit over time, not saying I wouldn't choose HHL over most, but SCEA pips it here
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if you dont pay...
>really enjoyed this post for some reason, probably because it's exactly the sort of thing SCEA would say
Fucking hell. Being this invested in other posters and ones long gone.
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Mixed a wee pink gin for my anxiety
He's on one, his favourite poster, his bae, his man crush SCEA
That's distorted soi, not angry soi.
Losing a lot of money on the stock market atm

Definitely. Off the wooze for next few days. Keeping things womfy.
Shiftover in management might have meant something happened, but I think it's the same family (elderly lady still works there, think the lads are the same).

They mostly get along well with the local white population because they have this big shop that sells everything, and that's where those animated conversations start.

So in Hot Fuzz way it wouldn't surprise me if they held secret meetings in the basement but it wasn't about race, more like the Council on about building a new retail park 5 mins away, that sort of thing.

Could be getting in deep, lads. But I do need a BC Golf LED bulb and maybe a Mario Galaxy 2 Yoshi plush toy.
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>He has a dedicated personality folder for uploaded personality images and personality post screenshots
You getting back in that NNx grind?
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Some women really have it bad when it comes to their skin. Putting chemicals on your face day in, day out will really fuck up your skin pH. It's either that or a thyroid issue usually.
TMAU ruined SSM's Iife
Someone caught whiff of SSM's TMAU on a train
That woman said she could smell fish and chips lad!
Type it into google. TMAU, fish odor syndrome. Read about it. It give him suicidal thoughts. His life is shit
Most of the one line posts here just inane shite not even shitposting. Like some bored shut in mong MUST be posting until bedtime
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>Just sent another 3k to my woglets baby mama
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If they have yoshi plush maybe they're ok desu

Aye. It NNJ day 1.
Made 5 figures this week
You do know shes spending that money on chicken and a new weave
immigration has been SOLVED
so glad the adults are back in charge
Aye I suspect so lol
Rich people IF they wear any expensive looking watches at all, probably wear cheap fakes

Only poverty idiots are spending thousands on watches
Lost 5 figures this week
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Laura simply cannot handle being an asmrtist unlike Lauren. No one will beat the number one Scottish asmrtist. She will make sure of that despite her now being on the wrong side of 30.
Some lads are really really wound up. I suspect they have two aspects to them. Poverty and sproglessness
lost 5 brown sproglets this week
>Totally made up dog shit
Aren't I krrrrrrrrrrrrrrazy guys, so off beat
She needs to hoover that carpet. Lazy bitch.
The 5 great woglets plus 1
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Dancing lalafell
5 hour circle jerk thread
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I'm outside in this amazing weather. Where my gf?
Ok that one made me chuckle
He's going ballistic, he's not very happy with me at all
I'm very happy actually. Having a lot of fun
Quick make a new thread so he can post brown sprog over and over again
nerves have been touched oh aye
VERY based gif this, lad.
he is NOT a happy lad
I know where that is lad.
>shippy pretending that a /britfeel/ post made him "chuckle" again
wanking to trannys again am i not?
I wasn't pretending. I really had a chuckle
sprogless tranny in a grim scottish town
The mere mention of 'brown sprog' has sent him into a fit of rage.
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He TMAU member
It's tempting but it's just random stock here and there. Home goods can be curtains but then it's like a newsagents at the front. Like they were simply tasked with shifting a few tons of 'goods' or 'products'. The shop itself doesn't seem to be the point. But I don't what 'the point' is. I'm not in there yet.
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His membership has expired now. It not rite
Go up to women, film them and say nothing at all. Really winds them up haha.

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ssm didnt get PIP because of TMAU, he got it because hes mentally ill
New thread for you to spend th enight in being amazing and dead funny
Based silent audits. Fuck speaking to pigs and wagies. This is the way to really upset them and waste their time.
Didn't see the new thread did I
Why has this one still got 62 posts left de lods
legless jester gonna get ya
You know why little lad
Fucking hell this thread still going

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