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Bockle Blonde edition
How many files do lads have in their SSM folders?
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zimlads wog queen and her woglet
Who would save pictures of a fat unemployed tosser to their HDD?
Who indeed? And yet, look around you. Clearly some people are very invested in doing so.
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He'll be hiring a van for his next trip to the cider farm.
With what money exactly? He's totally skint.
Right. Morning toil has been accomplished. Going for a shower then getting on that FFXIV Lalafell grind. Might watch a Mae West film later from me new Blu-ray set. This humidity is doing my nut in however.
Watching a TV show and it's shit. Can't be telling you what it is though because you'll spoil it.
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>"Um actually (hits vape) I'll have you know (goes to job that financially supports her) that I am (drinks booze) by all (consents to sexual intercourse) legal definitions (signs up to fight in the military) and according to all the experts (poses fully developed cranium for a selfie) technically (adjusts large breasts in tank top) still a child! (drives off to buy tampons because she is in full menarche and has been for years)"
turns out... little monkey fella
That's worse. Your wife is a chimp?
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does Mark seriously think he can just return the camera to cex and buy it back 5 minutes later at a reduced price because the price changed since he bought it?
Turns out... he married a little monkey fella.
Very possibly. Remember: mark is really, really, really stupid.
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You will never have sex with any woman of any race.
That looks exactly like you chimplad.
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Not too many nowadays. Cutting it right down.
What amuses me is that you would never say any of this in person. I've met properly racist people IRL who didn't like us being married (mostly black people as it happens lol), but they obviously weren't the sort to post seethy low effort snipes anonymously online. Come on lad, step it up.
plans for today de lids?
Post the money counter gif. His shit eating grin in that one gets me every time.
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>yeah m8, am re re returning this camra back and buying it back of ya for 45 quid cheaper cause price changed on cex website
this is gonna be funny. theyre going to tell him to fuck off
Buff up my SSM folder a bit
I'd say it to your face. Where do you live big man.
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Sure if it makes you happy de lid
In a nice big house with my lovely wife and daughter, you?
oooohh no no no this is gonna make him go nuclear lad
Mong, post your city you silly little ape man.
he bought it online so he can probably return it. depends if they consider opening it as the same condition in which it was sold

You must be BNWOlad judging by the amount of seething on display here corrrr
Look at that fucking smirk. That's fifty fucking years of dossery distilled into a man's visage. He knows he's never gonna work, he knows you know, he knows the DWP knows and he knows they know he knows.
Fuck it 11:30 lunch time. Day is going ball-achingly slow.
He can return it and then buy another one if it's available in stock but he can't buy back the same one he's just returned if that's what he's thinking.
It's the perfect image. I wish I could claim I created it but some other legend did that and I craftily nicked it.
brown sprog IoI

Who's to say she genuinely was interested in him? She might have been just taking the piss.
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Burst out laughing at this one. Very good
>mostly black people as it happens lol
I can believe this, the lad seething at you and your wife/sprog never seethes when it's a BMWF pairing,
Arby is my future racist wife
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I don't remember what he was actually talking about at the time
Zimlad is my ally
Not saying it's purely black people, because it isn't, but the majority of it and the most heinous of it comes from them. I really don't care to be honest. People can have their opinions, I have mine. I don't know about the seether lad so couldn't say. Is the the weird bnwo poster guy? Strange if so but I have no proof so don't want to claim it.
Almost certainly. His same typing style. Then again the lad himself probably isn't even black.

Regardless, got my own mixed daughter and the seethers hate us lad.
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Lush 2 hours 35 minutes of SSM content to consume

Suddenly 2 white lads each with a mixed race daughter in /britfeel/
little wog fella runnin round
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Respect. I'm an ally to any lad who is my ally. Will toast you with a delicious wappuccino lad.
Just watched SSM have a live shower
the sameshipping is off the charts
More of a tea man myself, Earl Grey to be precise. Enjoy your coffee lad.
Point out my posts little lad
ssm's 6th ps5 coming on strong
It's called sameswanning lad, learn your lore, after the tripfag who sameswanned like it was an art form (and who has posted a few times itt but I won't point them out)
Think we've both been here a while
I miss his shower streams. I used to save them and play them back later in the week when I had a shower myself so it felt like I was in there with him. Lush just thinking about it.
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fucking get in
whats next? ds 2 or ds 1?
nothing can stop me
I seriously hope you twats aren't this pathetic.
SSM actually has more showers than Ruthmong
Staying in your room all day again playing with your online dollies is it girls?
thats the secret to getting a gf but dont tell RM
That's why he has a gf and ruthmong doesnt
Every time I pop my head in /britfeel/ shippy is on an absolute mad one
Say what you want about Phnom Penh, they have good internet over there
He enjoys talking about his mixed race kid with incels
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I am a bit of a top dad ain't I?
Of course, he loves talking about bairns. Just seems to be doing it a lot more lately and trying to bring up old personalities like SCEA all the time for some reason.
Memes aside, I would have a lot more respect for Shippy if he admitted he is the one with the mixed race daughter
woglet wrangler
If shippy and zimmy are the same lads then shippy has lost a ton of weight compared to the most recent pics we have of him
I wouldn't. I would dislike him more
>Every time I pop my head in /britfeel/
16 hours a day then?
Never said they are the same lad?
Wait no they can't be the same, because we know zim has posted vocaroos before and we've heard shippy's voice as well and they're very different
2 lads dumbo
I've got the same mug and I'm a virgin. It proves nothing.
Shippy's daughter is about 13 months old
Who is the baby mama?
Probably just crashed out from his allnight weltdown
Only established characters can detect personality posts with enough accuracy to know who's LARPing and who's telling the truth. I think that's the best way anyway
teenage girls obsessed with online celebrities
> I think that's the best way anyway
Bizarre reply this.
Shippy rarely gets to see his daughter, but that should change soon hopefully.
Did he start paying child support or no?
He's piecing together posts from the archive like a 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle to establish a personality lore profile
He said he sent his baby mama 2K recently.
Need to countersign my passport so I can pay child support and get my digger licence so that Sexy Kev and Senor Benis can keep me updated with Erin's gym gains.
>Shippy rarely gets to see his daughter
Doing 4x less work today corr
16 hours a day everyday sat in his room talking about britfeel personalities and frantically examining every post trying to work out if a personality was behind that post. What a life.
Children are not allowed outside on the alderney ferry for reasons we need not go into. They have to sit inside next to the skipper
Hhhhhaaaaaahahahahaha he actually paid child support?!?!
What a fuckin prick!
she found out hes on the sex offenders register
is he a cuckold too lad?
I'm the child support paying anon. I offered her 2k but she said she was doing alright at the moment and didn't need it. That said I'll put it aside for if she does need it at some point
If you got visitation rights would you pay child support, lads?
Literally burst out screaming with laughter at this post. Neighbours probably think I'm some sort of mong with some mental health problem
Let me guess, you also have a brown kid?
shippy would
When BritNormie was growing up in the 90s and 00's in the central belt of Scotland, he saw many friends fall foul of heroin, smack, as it were.

He made a solemn commitment to never ever touch that drug, knowing how life ruining it can be. several decades on, he's hooked on a thread on an anonymous image board mostly for unemployed British incels. He spends 16 hours of his day there. Neglecting his wife, his dog, his clients, even his bonvoy rewards program. Those former heroin addict classmates he knew now look at him with pity. "What a waste of a good life" they say
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Shippy driving used cars for a living to support his woglet
qrd on brown sprogs?
Honestly burst out laughing at this post. Very good de lad
I'm having 50/50, none of this weekend dad shit
why is he obsessed with the lives of other posters from britfeel?
Who is lad? Point out his posts
Why does he spend 16 hours everyday creating drama around britfeelers?
brown sprog from tottenham
Two superhero teams: The Hammers and The Sirens.

The Hammers have enhanced bone structure and muscle strength. They can cause damage, ruin lives, even kill just with their hands/bodies.
The Sirens on the other hand can cause damage, ruin lives, even kill just by using their words. They don't even need to make direct contact with the target: written communication, social media, etc. works.

Who wins in an all-out, globe-spanning brawl?
Honestly I see more posts about others spending 16 hours a day in britfeel than I do recognisable posters 16 hours a day in britfeel
such a sad lonely shut in cretin
Is this guy here now? Point out his posts.
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Uhhh can I get the Fried Basa Wumfer Meal with two sachets of Help Helper sauce. A side of Wom-fries and wush wuppies with extra salt and pepper and a Wicked Womfy Whip with plenty of sprinkle-winkles, thanks - and don't forget the bonus Whicken Wendies I got from the app.
Thanks de lad.
That's no way to talk about Shipanon. He is the backbone of /britfeel/
zero life outside of this site
/britfeel/ regulars love to accuse others of being /britfeel/ regulars
the same 4 walls and his face shoved in a screen posting on 4chan everyday and usual the same drama
You? Yeah
and then the waiter comes in, laid down on a mattress dragged by some attendants, and hands me some food. "it did say served atop a bed of fried rice". i ask, "oh yeah, then where's the rice?", "Territh? he'th in the toiletth."
zimlad using his sprog to get attention from lonely men online. thats low
he's not here all day everyday the personality drama and bait just happens to start and stop at the same time everyday
So many sameshipping cases ITT.
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another day of killing it on 4chan
vile nonce
When all you do is post on /britfeel/ all day, why not just get a cheap bedsit? Having a nice house/flat is just a waste of money at that point
The shortest date I ever had was with a girl I'd met on Yik Yak back around 2011.

We met up in a pub in town and as I introduced myself she said 'oh, my dog is called <my name>'. Had a brief chat after that before she said 'look... <my name>.. I don't think this is going to work because you have the same name as my dog'.

I did suggest she could just change the dog's name but she wasn't having any of it. Missed opportunity.
The real missed opportunity was for you to go by a nickname. A pet name, if you will.
Pathetic dramafag
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Appointmentshire was a complete fucking disaster thanks to the other cunt lol

The weather and [redacted] doesn't help any of it of course

Holy fuck really. Shit's tough and VERY demoralizing right now ngl, gonna keep fighting though
Lonely twat sat in his room all day creating lore around posters in britfeel sad cunt
What appointment lad? Chinese rub'n'tug?
Lonely twat sat in his room all day reading lore around posters in britfeel sad cunt
little black bastard running around
Shippy secured that sprog. Fair play lad. Seethers gonna seethe.
Ha nice one. In all seriousness though it did give me a bit of a complex for a while, just being self-conscious about my name thinking 'is it really a dog's name?'.

I settled on the opinion later on that she just made an excuse because she didn't like how I looked.. but we'll never know the truth.
Oh look the 'snaps at anonymous posters because his rich parents were disappointed he dropped out of university and disowned him because of his lack of sexual experience (which led them to believe he was gay)' anon is here, taking out his frustrations as usual.
You are like a gossiping teen girl you sad effort sort your life out
I post the drivel
He reads the drivel
16 hours a day
Spat my pepsi max out at this post
Somewhere between 10-12 grown men across the UK posting inane drivel for 16 hours a day, reading it all and claiming that each other person besides them is the sad twat.
Nice quads buster
why's it always 16 hours
It's mentally exhausting to be walking about outside in summer and every second corner you look there's some hot half-nude bitch strolling around

This is fucking torture if you're not a Chad drowning in pussy
>Somewhere between 10-12 grown men across the UK posting inane drivel for 16 hours a day, reading it all and claiming that each other person besides them is the sad twat.
Even spammers need a decent 8 hours sleep.
Used to have scouts on a Thursday afternoon as a lad, dropped it for music lessons for a bit. As an adult I saw a psychiatric nurse every Thursday afternoon for about 2 years.

That was 10+ years ago and right now I feel like I'm running late for some appointment it's THURSDAY anons why the fuck am I not getting ready???
/Britfeel/ oh wait, that's what it's called already
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I am SeasideSIM though. I play Mount and Blade Bannerlord this summer then return to SeasideSIM when Autumn draws itself in.,
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in the moment just listening to the music
ugly little demons they are
I thought they were the same poster
Big June in the care home gunna be so disappointed with how her neighbour HHL conducted himself this morning.
Entire new fields of engineering, hundreds of communication satellites, thousands of miles of undersea cabling and thousands of dollars worth of operating fees a year for 10-12 babbymen to use this site as their personal drivel chat.
Arbroathy is my new favourite personality
"Excuse me miss this is a CHRISTIAN country. Under British Values you're expected to integrate."
Can't even recall the last time I saw a white woman in a wimple.
Same here lad. Quite a sassy lass is she not
Name on arbs, don't be so obvious
Lad, you know they piss in the oil right? Vile creatures.
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happy to spread a little joy in life
They are the some poster ie SeasideSIM.
I got a nice PC but limited storage on my machine atm.
I'd like to run both SeasideSIM and SeasideLORD in parallel but I got like 300gb of space and once you stack that up with other games like Vermintide and Total War you're soon left with 0gb.
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Meds on de lad
under consumer regulations i'll have the cash value of those cables and stop receiving any further drivel, it's not a service i require and NOT one i agreed to.

will also expect some compensation for emotional damages.
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they were going to call it black souls but the yanks told the japs thats bad and so we got dark souls instead
Why don't you buy a cheap external drive to run your games off
Don't like Arbroarhy's racism, don't like it one bit. Thought jocks were woke?
Nasty bit of racism from Arbroathy. IT not fucking right.
I'm amazed that has lasted on YouTube for a whole month desu
Are lass Arbroathy just tells it like it is de lad
Johnny Reb recently got a Topic on YT so idk if his stuff is greenlit now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP8M_ek4sGY
it how we all feel int it
t. zimlad and shippy
This is arb. Lads can be racist or not, but there isn't a single lad who would refer to a tranny as 'lass' (a notably Scottish word btw, ofc). Even the lads who want to fuck trannies don't refer to them as women.
Nah he spams racist and nazi memes. This thread is decidedly anti nazi after HHL's spam.
Always thought shippy was racist but thought he was being sneaky about it
I don't see gender, but is she trans or cis?
just dont like em, they rape and sell drugs to kids
Shippy, like HHL fantasises regularly about engaging in miscegenation. It not fucking right.
It always hard right wingers that fuel and pay to see white ladies make love to black men. It really bizarre when you think about it.
imagine if Windows didn't have an 'install' system and instead just used 'files'. to uninstall SomeGame you just delete the C:\Games\SomeGame folder. all the settings and that are in there, not some C:\Users\ shite. no such thing as 'the registry'.

no fucker actually uses multiple accounts and even if they did there's already a mechanism to hide your files/porn from others could just that with save files, other files for specific programs. EXPECT users to know this. they know to delete photos they have to delete photos.
Me? Gay.
/britfeel/ has always been a racist general. Learn your lore

Shippy turned his back on racism when he impregnated a black woman from Tottenham
I've never paid to see a white lady make love to a black man, nor ever watched it for free
you think of cocaine you either think of gangster films or young men out clubbing who know what brands their polo shirts are.

you never think of normal people, do you?
Everyone's at least a little bit racist on some level.
You mean like a mac?
Arbroathy is m2f and her pronouns are she/her, just for reference de lad
>who know what brands their polo shirts are.
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Apples program system is exactly like that.
Buy a Mac Mini.
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>/britfeel/ has always been a racist general. Learn your lore

FUCKING KEK has it fuck you absolute newfaggot. You belong in brit/pol/ with the rest of the 80IQ reactionarioids there.
Huddle all you want, read the archives for more.
Who was your favourite racist general, lads? Idi Amin here.
Bit rich some bloke prancing about in women's clothing laughing at others for absolute any reason whatsoever
thanks for the info. sorry if i forget your pronouns Arbz it's like names i'm terrible with names me haha always forgetting what people are called (it's the same).
>read the archives
I've been contributing to them for the past 7 years de lad
I get so hungry that i don't want to eat. What's that all about like?
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Y do I always have the extra drinks, its just like he said i was nice nd comfy after 3 (1 was very big albeit other 2 slightly smaller than avg) then i was ready to sleep I would've been alright feeling then but I had 3 more instead when i wasn't even doing anything cept staring at computer. What was the need for the extra poison. Well its not like enough to cause a hangover or anything bad but its weird behaviour. Well it had to be done i had no say in the matter. I learn from mistakes so it can just be comfy from now on.
/Brit/pol/ then /britfeel/ a close second.
Got that loewe drip on me
Crosschad is another /britfeel/ racist
now perusing the archives for some vintage racism. currently looking at c. 1065 /britfeel/, completely agree about those fucking Norman cunts haha.
Poloewe shirt
They call me the Dripmeister
Only 10% of his posts have racist elements
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>260k views in 3 months
you wog lovers are the ones in an echo chamber
I'm a wog lover personally
A fridge full of food and nothing I want to eat. I imagine my hunter gatherer ancestors are malding in their graves.
Moni is another massive racist (against blacks and whites) but she rarely posts here anymore.
It's like drinking the first day is the hardest. By day 3 you can just go another day without eating, and it's just the status quo. Probably some helpful trait we've evolved, like that trick for unblocking your nasal airways.
Banbury man
Wog sprog
He's also, you know, a man.
Most trans lasses are racist it seems
mihai discovers Jesus and becomes Crosslad, but think how many other posters could have been saved instead.

(no offence mihai it's like a 'woman and children first' type situation x)
>Typical schizo tranny
>Trying to rewrite internet history
sure mate, here's one from just 2016.
Back in your hole, twat.
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Just like tuesday night knowing plumber was coming at 8am i meant to have 1 nd go to bed at 11pm but I had 5 nd slept badly for 3 hours into wee hours why? It just felt like a good idea at the time. I was very emotional though as well then. Letting ppl sap my energy. I get thrown around like a doll. Need to learn when enough is enough.
Just guessing but your body probably knows you'll get sick at some point eating a lot. I forget to eat often nd same happens. That tuesday night i didn't eat from maybe 2pm went to the chinky at half 10 at night then left a curry on my desk til midnight before I eben ate it even though I was starving just couldn't bring myself to touch it. It was nice in the end though. U should ease in with bread and plain stuff like that
that's just people seething at poley
Someone isn't very happy, not very happy at all
aye, racists. keep up lad
Point out this unhappy guy
Never heard an anti-white comment in my life. Know what that means? They STOPPED the second I entered their pubs/churches/communities. Racist fuckers the lot of them.
Rich central belt man
Poor central belt tranny
2016 thread full of personality drama fuck me you cunts are grim
Arbroathy offering to suck BritNormie's cock and being rejected wholesale
This. A lot of newfags don't remember just how fucking dire it used to be. SsM spam doesn't even come close to Timothy James Byrne.
Makaveli will be pissed as a fart this afternoon with the gut rotting cider
>paki wog called me chief when i buyed his paki slop and that made me an oikophobe
>whites out
>blacks in
BN doesn't even know who that is.
britfeel is like a corner in a school playground where girls gather to gossip
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Hoping SSM will go live this afternoon
racism against my own people is good because bbc and channel 4 said so
am big top ard man
hi guys so i heard this was an area for schoolgirls to gather?

you ladies doing ok? :)
I bet half of britfeel would shag Arbroathy given the chance
>hi guys so i heard this was an area for schoolgirls to gather?

I would shag Arbroathy ngl.
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If he never had TMAU lush he would have worked all his life lush
>I would shag Arbroathy
Seeing as you hate blacks so much, have you considered forming a relationship with a white woman and procreating white sprogs to get the numbers up?
I remember when the telly did a 'celebration of Cuba' week, because they played that episode of The Simpsons where they go to Cuba.

Where's the 'celebration of White England' week?
Arbroathy is gay you thick twat
Women who sleep with trannies do exist but they're mental.
bet you've had a few cheeky bbc's in your time arbroathy fess up
Oh wonderful, the rails are going to be renationalised. Can't wait for even worse service and prices than we already have!
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Any other autists what over-remember exact dates and times and years of everything then when some family members is like remember that holiday we went when you were in school nd you say yes yes flamingo land July 18th to 25th 2006 my uncle ****** died the following month on the first tuesday around 3pm they're like ".....aye" but the way they look at U you see its like nobody actually cares enough about those details they just wanted to talk about some night they went to the pub on some(in their mind) vague unspecified day which couldve been any time from nineteen canteen to 2010. I wish I had a brain that could remember actually important smart stuff so I could have been a scientist instead of a retard.
>pure white Anglo-Saxon
>predisposed to various genetic problems/diseases
>unattractive and just generally unpleasant

owning the chuds with my sheer existence.
(will still accept a National Front gf.)
Oh Jeremy Corbyn
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what do you Arbroathy looks like
Time for a quick nap before i do the other thing
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Like Natalie Mars
Exactly, the faggot moans about how his area is supposedly full of wogs, yet rather than actually procreate white sprogs he just tosses himself off as he wears a skirt and shoves a dildo up his arse
Corr /britfeel/s very own Scottish Natalie
She has a bf lad. Learn your lore.
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gammon and karen are racial slurs
im ugly but thanks
im infertile
they want white natives dead
no im openly racist
what do you think an alcoholic tranny looks like?
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Beer lush experience. New word he invented. It's a beer lush experience
Yeah I can remember a lot of detail about stuff like that

My first wank? Friday April 29th, 2005. About 3:30pm, I was wearing a red jumper because it was non-uniform day
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>Like Natalie Mars

alri lads
Natalie is still attractive with the 'beard'
18-25 July, 2006? Remember it well: we went to The Royal Arms, The Swan, and the Cross & Keys (was still The Black Bull then).
>Castrates self
>O-oh no! why aren't there any white sprogs about
Arblokey and Crossmong are both low effort larpers anyway
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>Really need to wash me bollocks today phwoar
I think its where my numerology powers came from bt it's lonely having your one skill that nobody even believes in or gives a fudge about. I collated so much evidence to be met with "that's just how numbers work" nobody meet me on my level. Even if I'm wrong humour me pls. I made Tower of babel nd they were like "...anyway". Thats just my path in life though.
Have you heard about mass immigration de lid?
Both are extremely dull
stuttering wog blob with a machete
wonder why they were in that turkish barbers in the 1st place
drug related perhaps?
I disagree. I like their posts
How the fuck does anyone read these fucking books?!
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>My pronouns are she/her lad show some respect
>the rails are going to be renationalised
where are you getting this?
That's Nathan Marsh, get it right lad
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Mad how you still have these saved... just in case huh?
Stop dead naming are Nat!
IMMIGRANTS EATING WHITE SPROGS: "it's part of our culture." - Mail on Sunday
lmfao SSFem. This tranny hype is so fucked.
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>because it was non-uniform day
Is there some connection here Y you felt fruity that day de lad
Spat my green tea out at this post
The nose hairs really seal the deal
My sides
Yeah of course, wouldn't be anywhere near this high if birthrates were higher. Instead we've got blokes like Arbroarthy chemically castrating himself, which explains Scotlands abysmal birthrate of 1.24 and Edinburgh in particular having the lowest birthrate outside East Asia
ReaIIy enjoyed this edit
Always blokes who look like SSM deciding to become a tranny at age 60 after a life in the forces
wonder what its like to live in a care home
If you don't have sex with this then you are an unforgivable bigot.
wonder what its like to live in a spacker home
I want to take this woman/other, sit her down, and hire a hairdresser to fix that hair.
he said on one of his streams once that if he was a woman he'd have a "big hairy muff" lmfao
You can ask HHL later. Talking of which, I wonder how that waggington is going
Is this the final stage to his dossing? Is SSM above faking a gender change to get bennies?
>I want to take this woman/other, sit her down, and hire a hairdresser to fix that hair.

She used to wear a wig in her early career, but got a full hair transplant later on
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My Lalafell almost level 20. It lush. She get Chocobo mount soon to get around faster. It all coming together.
just by asking this you are now on a list. like schoolboys do you? thinking about him not even wearing his uniform, eh?
If it got him more bennies he would chop it off tomorrow
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The 1 I worked in for 5 days was depressing nd the ppl there (/their family/pension etc) was paying 3k bong a month(2016 money) for it. They all had dementia so whether they notice or cared idk.
I'd love to watch that. Suppose it's long deleted.
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Oh dear, that waggignton was secured
Lads, I do a pretty dossy wfh job right now and I just had an offer for another wfh job. Should I stay on the first one and try to do two at once or just focus on keeping one of them and not getting greedy?
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Why is lalafell hips so wide de lad
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Indeed. I was the one convincing him to get a bag in
not a druggie what's '3 for 11'? thought that was a Western.
i do the same kek. it funny
Need HHL update
No more like was some of the lassies wearing something sexy. Don't make it gay.
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my woglet screams 15 hours 7 days a week
This is the thing, it's a fucking horrible place to be/live/work and people pay fucking extortionate amounts for it. My parents are paying six grand a month for my grandma who has such bad dementia she can't even form words properly any more. They're spending every single penny of the decent inheritance that my grandpa saved up over his entire life to keep a woman who doesn't know what her own name is watching day time TV and sleeping on a cot.

We need a reckoning with the elderly in this country. We cannot be a nation built around the old, sick and dying. We must focus more on the young people.
you'll be waiting a while de lid he was still up and pissed 5 hours ago
It a mystery but I think they are very fertile like rabbits.
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and what if he ODs?
then the gdp will go down ffs
always wonder if mental health nurses ever do this with suicidal/'suicidal' patients to call their bluff.
HHL is a waste of space. The world wouldn't miss him.
oh well those lasses will be adults now so it's OK. my bad lad, hope there are no hard feelings x
shippy and zimlad will NOT like this post
GDP is such a retarded meme. Literally just bringing more people I'm, even if they don't have jobs, raises GDP because the government has certain statutory obligations they have to provide to every living soul on this island, thus receipts go up, thus GDP goes up! It's like a magic bullet that solves everything!
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Some people smell it, some people can't. It TMAU.
mad how we all donate our organs by default now, you don't have to agree to it, you have to actively opt out.

but in a completely fit state of mind you can't say "if i ever end up with Alzheimer's, i'd like a medically-assisted death wankered on painkillers so i die peacefully in my sleep."

what the fuck.
>ssm spouting to the camera he will NEVER sell his new Canon camera
>sells it next day for a loss down CEX
Where did he even get 600 quid to spend on one? He spends all his money on booze.
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dark souls time
but first i need to wee
does he live with his parents? i cant explain the spacker tray otherwise
anyway would they miss him?
the worship of gdp has been a disaster for this country
what a gunt
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Doesn't SSM scam his gadgets from Amazon then sell them to CEX for 100% profit?
Did you miss all his posts last night? He lives in a supported living scheme. He has his own flat but has carers who visit twice a day, give him his medication etc.
Stuff like this is beyond repulsive. I'd rather just off myself rather than spend a penny of the inheritance I'll be leaving
How do you scam off of Amazon? They don't allow Paypal and he'd never get approved for their installment schemes.
Yep, it's truly a religious sort of worldview, the logical conclusion of Christian morality which proclaims the sick and old and worthless are to be elevated and pandered to, while the young are told to be still and fearful and the successful are told to repent, be humble and give everything they have up to those who don't deserve it.
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Shitty fingers de lad get in there
Does Sandra have to watch his videos and go "ee that's a good'un, glad you're keeping at it"?
I'd miss him, my oldest ally
>does he live with his parents?
He lives in some sort of assisted living residence for special needs mongs. No idea what is wrong with him but he qualifies for top-rate PIP.
What the actual fuck, lad? WHAT THE FUCK?
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Mmmm you can do an advanced directive for them 2 pull the plug if you're brain dead idk about alzheimers. I keep forgetting about the organ thing. Posting nice lighthouse for lighthouse autists
This was his spaffing on the kitchen floor moment.
I wouldn't de lad
without faith-based 'charity' or pragmatism-based 'socialism', humanity is pretty fucked.
keep this kind of thing to yourself anon. just play along. please.
He really does have fucking crazy mental issues. Not like Menthol Elves that people use to claim bennies like 'hurr durr sometimes I'm unhappy and don't want to get out of bed boohoo', but I mean really actual fucking crazy stuff. You do not do this if you're a normal person.
It's more than likely a learning disability/autism supported living place.
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He really knows how to wind up he twolls
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2 coffees and im high
christ almighty ill need to have a read of the last thread
poor cunt if those nurses find out what hes doing he'll be on the streets since his behaviour will affect the other residents
last time i was in rehab half the alchies got kicked out within hours of the nurses finding out they ran off and had a drink
i cant believe this is on yt
nice disability discrimination, anon. i just had to put a hoodie over my Sonic the Hedgehog pyjama top so the postman wouldn't see.
and you expect me to go out and work?
Wrong. People are more than capable of setting up mutual aid groups, insurance schemes etc. if they want to personally secure their own end of life care. What do people think happened before the NHS? But today we have a mandatory scheme that you can't opt out of and there isn't a single person talking about how this is immoral, in fact they openly claim that the moral thing to do is impoverish/debilitate the young and productive EVEN MORE to provide for the sick, old and dying.
His fans love content like this. They're all fetishist pervy types and trying to sniff that through their screens.
You're allowed to drink in supported living. It's basically just a council flat but with either a warden on site or a carer visit every day. My granny lives in one (for elderly obviously). He said the staff had to warn him for playing music too loud.
There is honestly nothing more vile than spending inheritance on a care home
Yes we know Shippy, we know.
Just like HHL he should be in a secure facility with the state of his special needs, sheltered accommdation at the very least so he can be closely monitored. It's incredible how these freaks slip through the net when there's evidence of a massive problem.
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His care home doesn't even supply his spacker trays

Wonder if HHL fell asleep before the cocaine delivery.
If she's that easy to take care of someone could take her into their house for a few months/years until she passes. Bit of a hassle but for 6 grand a month worth considering.

>Once a month we have this community dinner, I had fish and chippy wippies.

Wagies seething at this one!
So the assisted living warden just lets Sean get obvious deliveries of drugs a couple times a week? Wonderful to see how my taxes are spent innit?
What's spacker about them? They're handy for eating dinner on the sofa.
Sean himself refers to them as 'spacker' trays'
Why would you eat dinner on the sofa?
Oh okay so basically confirmed that HHL is also the BNWO poster? Good to know. Very grim, but good to know.
They're usually not on site in the evenings and the residents aren't prisoners. They can do what they like. They also usually get their heating supplemented in the winter because they have to heat the whole place.
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Might look into this desu. Bt me mam still getting stepdad to drop hints that i could just turn everything around. Actually I don't care if I do or not personally bt i rather keep her happy nd at least try something. I don't care about myself bt ppl still around that care.
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not only is he a race traitor for buying drugfs off foreigners hes also a bbc retishist
hope he dies of an OD t b h
i mean the NHS is, in some ways, a formalised system of alms-giving or cavemen sharing or whatever. if you're some exception tough shit it's the law. you're paying/benefitting from National Insurance too, like it or not.

it being universal is completely fine and i have no moral qualms there whatsoever. treat enemy soldiers in wars, at whoever's expense, go for it. the issue is it being laughably outdated and no not in the 'we should privatise more/parts of it', in a moral/medical sense. non-religious people should be allowed euthanasia. psychedelic-assisted therapy would be beneficial (and cheap). hurry up and build robot surgeons to cut waiting times.
Well if you don't have a family why sit at a dining table staring at the wall? Sit on the sofa and watch telly while you eat.
My default response 2 anything that isn't continuing shutin life go like this "mm" "mmmmm" "mmhmm yeah" bt they don't get hint
Why don't you eat with your girlfriend?
Don't be a bully Arb, not a good look on you. You're right with the racist stuff however.
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he also boasts about watching cp
Imagine they said "Callum, we want you to continue shutin life forever"
I lived near a halfway house/rehab type place and spoke to people who had lived there. On-site staff (security/medical?) but all that mattered was sticking to a curfew: they drank outside during the day, they took drugs inside during the night.
Has Sean ever posted proof he uses cocaine?
bbc fetishist nonces deserve to be bullied
hes a vile cretin
>you're paying/benefitting from National Insurance too, like it or not.
I'm paying but not benefitting. The last thing I had to see a doctor about I went private because it was over a year long queue to see a specialist. At that point it's functionally unavailable even though I'm paying every month from my salary.

I also agree with you that it needs a huge amount of modernisation, but that's not about to happen with it being publicly owned since at this points it's become a defacto jobs program and it would be immensely politically unpopular. Also the best way to modernise it would be unironically to privatise it. I'm not even against some incredibly stripped down version where emergency room visits are covered by the state, but anything beyond that you should pay your way. At the very least people who take up disproportionate amounts of NHS resources should pay proportionally i.e. obese people and smokers pay more instead of healthy people subsidising (read: being taxed for their own GOOD choices?!) the care of unhealthy people.
Abroathy thinks that bit is fine.
The fact he's up ranting until the afternoon sometimes is proof enough.
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It all fell off the rails after uncle asked me about did i have a job now he didnt do it on purpose bt it planted a very grim seed lately
Last time my mum even said anything about jobs she thrn goes "but if you don't want to work that's fine too" even though that's technically helpful made me sad cos probably nobody has kids wanting or expecting 2 think of them that way. Life is sad.
Mate you probably earn minimum wage or only slightly more. You'd be totally fucked under a US-style healthcare system.
If you got a job that you didn't hate, your life would improve dramatically.
the other side of that equation is how fucked up our food is to even allow that to happen. was walking around the cake section of Asda yesterday thinking "fuck me, i could walk out with ten of these fuckers and scoff the lot." that's not even a crime, is it? free man, can do what i like.

except i can't even buy the odd bag of coke or self-medicate with benzos. THAT'S a crime, tobacco and alcohol isn't obviously because culture and industry. even little kids could just buy the Asda cakes if they had the cash.

i don't want to pay the way of fatties either but it shouldn't even be possible to get fat. either we go full-on authoritarian deciding what people can and can't put in their bodies (as we do already), or we stop Mr. Kipling from pushing this shite.
You think I want a US style healthcare system? I want a free market one. The US doesn't even come close to that definition. They have cartels which maintain monopolies through government regulation and also have to pay taxes for healthcare for welfare scroungers through Medicaid.
I earn a comfortable lower middle class income. I am you g and fit and healthy. The fact that nearly ten percent of my income is taken by force to pay for the poor health choices of others is utterly unjustifiable.
Would he? At least he'd get good quality care. Here you basically get nothing unless you're a boomer or on the cusp of dying. I'd rather get refunded my tax and be excluded from the NHS
No such thing as a job you don't hate.
Everyone knows u don't ask a woman her age and a shutin man if he has a job. Even I know that.
id throw all nonces in a big concrete pit with no escape and let them fend for themselves
You won't be young, fit and healthy forever. What you call a "comfortable lower middle class income" is probably nowhere near enough to survive in the every-man-for-himself system you're advocating. People like me are subsidising your poor career choices, and you should be grateful for that.
He wouldn't get anything.
I don't hate my job, in fact, I love it
Yeah that's not true mate. Sorry to say because that's likely a cope for you.
>drug dealers sell drugs
>youngsters buy knives online
>corner shop used to sell bootleg videos
where the FUCK do i source coal tar soap for my psoriasis, and borax to sort the mould in the bathroom???
The subtext to your posts is that you seem to think a free market would somehow be more expensive, worse quality and on some level morally wrong. Do you consider this for every industry and market or just healthcare? Do you think that markets produce morally bad, overly expensive and functionally worse, for example, smartphones, versus what some kind of centrally planned economy could?
Not picking a fight, genuinely curious on this one?
It would obviously be more expensive than a public healthcare system that's free at the point of need.
>I want a free market one.
>They have cartels which maintain monopolies through government regulation
so in your ideal world would we have some "they invented Xorac to profit, it's theirs" or would anyone be able to synthesise generic xorapan and sell it to people/hospitals?
How would it be more expensive? Would it not be the same price just paid for more fairly by the people who use it rather than disproportionately being paid for by the most productive and successful people to subsidise the poorest and those who make the worst health choices?
The NHS is one of the most expensive projects in human history. Make no mistake the country pays for it through the fucking nose.
But all of this ignores the idea that in a competitive free market incentives would drive down prices, just as they do in every other industry. Do you disagree on that point? If so, why?
DVLA said SSM can still drive. He gonna hire a van out and it's gonna be lush

Haha do you really think you're one of the most productive and successful people and you're being unfairly treated? Mate you're being subsidised!
If you date a woman and her friends ask about you, these are their first questions:
>What does he do?
>Do you have a photo?

We are pieces of meat intended for labour.
This is a great question and one which I can see the value of answering in either direction. I personally do not think that intellectual property or parents are some obscene thing. It is a reward for the hard work of producing such an innovation. I would see patents granted and the role of the state in enforcing such property rights would be a legitimate one.
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Mental how it turns out HHL really does live in a care home

My view has actually completely changed of him

Its weirded me out
My goal in life is to get on the property ladder and rent out a few homes. Not many, just 4 or 5 will do. And unlike horrible estate agents I'll be a GOOD landlord, treating my tenants well.

It's basically a micro form of socialism. I'm a good person just for even having this plan.
Just sent baby mama 3k
You're dodging the question lad. What you think I had a choice when I was seven if my mum took me to a private GP or an NHS one to look at some fucking rash or something? Come on lad.
As it happens I literally have not used the NHS since I was 18. My workplace has private GP appointments covered and I have private insurance besides that. I'm happy with it.
You'll realise very soon how shit tenants are. You might have a good heart, but they'll think you are worse than the US serviceman at RAF Lakenheath who killed Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman
he has a terrible life yet act all smug on here. its all cope
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Used 2 think all drugs legal but it actually is true most are too mongoloided to be responsible. Doesn't sit right with me for opium 2 be a moral evil now when humans used it since nineteen canteen. Its a bit like pre existence of Jesus. So were all the pagans evil, socrates,etc? Its more complicated than that but then again is it really. Likewise ur ancestors used morphine for toothache and most likely just to relax were they all junkies, the moral evil of our time according to mostnppl, oh it was different they didn't have paracetamol yet(more objectively toxic to the human body than natural Painkillers thoughever I.e. heroin doesn't actually harm your body in normal amounts only the administration (smoke in your lungs/reckless injection) and overdose which is all easily handled if it isn't a demonised illegal substance-where the crime and dangerous life comes from that leads 2 eben worse outcomes than death sometimes--)) "that was all ancient history" except opium only made illegal early 1900s - I personally believe to focus on alcohol as its more conducive to creating basically functional wageslaves-when capitalism really went mental after ww1-but that's just in my opinion desu. But when ppl described what they think heaven is like after death they often are unknowingly describing morphine which i personally think heaven cant just be described with earthly chemicals but it feels significant possibly anyhow and the main vestige of socially accepted opium usage in our culture today is still at the moment of death so U know. Thx.
HHL putting THAT video on to his new laptop
fucked off work all day, and just checked how much shit i have to do before 5pm. It's 5 tickets. that will take about 20 minutes lol
i'm basically a neet but i get paid a lot more
yeah i feel like i wrote that 'one way or the other' but i don't have a fucking clue. if capitalism fosters innovation and all that, where's the incentive in a truly free market if it's public domain from the second you have a product sussed?
on the other hand this is a pretty unique situation we've invented. academics DO research things and a lot of knowledge, designs, even physical objects/places are fair game (and it would be absurd to suggest otherwise).
SSM has a valid driving license until 2044
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He will be 70 when it expires
Private medical care is dirt cheap in the UK because a lot of the really expensive stuff (emergencies, traumatic injury) is 100% covered by the NHS, and almost everything else is done in NHS facilities by NHS doctors anyway. Private GP etc is the exception but that's cheap stuff. So yeah, you're being subsidised by genuinely productive and successful people and you should be grateful, rather than ignorantly advocating for a system where you'd be considerably worse off.
What happens when Mr Akhtar has seven of his male 'cousins' sleeping in the sitting room, scuffing the walls, never cleaning the kitchen, leaving rubbish in the front garden etc? And when you ask them not to they pretend not to speak English and stop paying the rent?
lol fuck having to look after tenants and tolerate the ways they live
Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were murdered by Ian Huntley I thought?
You have not once answered why you think that a free market, with all evidence to the positive, would somehow produce worse and more expensive healthcare versus a centrally planned single payer system.
Unironically reckon the people murdered by Ian Huntley had bettee lives than meself
Nose is slightly cooked to the left. Ever since childhood I've slouched with my knuckles pushed against it, hoping to very gradually adjust my bones and shift it towards the centre.

Now I've just realised that when I was a kid it was crooked to the right. Fuck.
Lad, we don't give a fuck how much tax you pay to subsidise the lot of us, we couldn't care less. Your taxes are going to pay for boomers, not us, who probably never use the NHS
Yeah I'm sure some 10 year old schoolgirls without a care in the world had a better life than you
Are you a super successful guy earning a lot to be a net tax contributor?
I'll be 46 in 2044. Scary thought
Even if they have troubled lives I believe everyone deserves a second chance and shelter is a human right.

I'll be one of the good landlords, looking after 'my' 'tenants' (they're human beings). You'll see.
You thought wrong, you thought very wrong
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I think you need to break it to reset it in place lad
Why did you write this sarcastically, or as if you're making some point?
Someone find a nice landlord on Swanage who doesn't mind talk of fires and shit on the floor.
It would produce worse healthcare for you, because you couldn't afford it.
You're going to age too lad.
I'm a net tax contributor, let's just say that. I do also use private healthcare, and I've used it in other countries too, so I know how expensive it can get. At one point I was paying 6000 a year for health insurance. Most people in the UK just couldn't afford that.

>I've slouched with my knuckles pushed against it, hoping to very gradually adjust my bones and shift it towards the centre

This can't be a good idea
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Nicholas van hoogstraten knew the score.

Tenants are filth, as he used to say

the people he murdered had a better life than almost everyone
well if that floats your boat pal what can i say
You can tell that Holly and Jessica would have grown up to be really sexy too.
I thought he'd rather sell his arse and shit through his ribs?
SSM spotted selling an iphone 15 in Cex
So ignoring all the other arguments, why AREN'T you advocating for a free market healthcare system since it would be better off for you personally, right? I mean that's essentially the argument you're making towards that lad, so what's your reasoning for wanting to be personally worse off from your perspective?
What's wrong with wanting to adjust your wrong bones by slowly moving them? Isn't that how braces work?
If you want to feel good then I appreciate you subsidising free childcare for my sprog, the NHS midwifes that delivered the sprog and the child benefits the baby mama gets. Having said that, I really doubt I'll ever use the NHS
back to your containment zone lollers
Must be some scam I'm not getting with reselling stuff to CEX
Today's poll:
Should murderers be more discriminate with their victims? /britfeel/ discusses.
>It would produce worse healthcare for you, because you couldn't afford it.
So for some reason, even though free markets make cheaper and better goods in every other industry versus a centrally planned one, healthcare would somehow be more expensive and worse quality? You just keep saying this stuff but you never actually explain why. Did the last 300 years of economics just not happen for you, lad?
>musk spending 45 million per month on trump campaign

why dont he just give a few million to me

like i reckon 10 is enough
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NHS could go kaput tomorrow. I can pay
do i even want 10 million? dunno

might be too late for that

not sure i can be arsed
>why AREN'T you advocating for a free market healthcare system since it would be better off for you personally, right?

Well a couple of reasons. First off, I'm not selfish. And secondly, it's better for everyone (including me) if we live in a society where people take care of each other. Less crime, less misery, people less likely to support extremist politics, etc.
it's one of those 'scams' that you realise isn't a scam. oh you found a game in a charity shop for a couple of quid because the cashier just had a pile of shite to get through. TWENTY QUID FOR IT in CeX? wow you've found a CHEAT CODE for making money.

next you'll be building furniture and selling it for more than the cost of the materials, or betting on the horse that wins.
If SSM got ten million quid tomorrow he'd be back on bennies inside of two years tops.
remember that 'king of chavs' bloke?

rabbit hole warning: dogs ;_;
Here we go me leeds

like that bin man who won the lottery
>alco with no self control gets 10M

He'd be dead with in the week from the alcohol tbqh lad
It's better for everyone (including me) if we don't have to live in a country with vile stinking indians, pakis are grim too
Healthcare is different lad. You can't apply free market economics to it. Free market economics is based on people making rational choices out of their own self interest. When it comes to healthcare, people don't have a choice. No one is going to say "Oh well that treatment is too expensive, the rational economic choice here is just to choose to die instead." Are they?
This. Some people are just tok stupid to have money. He'd buy a fucking mansion on the coast for half of that, not have any clue how to upkeep it or run it, end up selling it at a major loss, places thousands of quid on horses every day, more when drinking. Maybe buy a ticket to the Grand National and place a hundred thousand on a loser since 'its an occasion innit?', be tricked into investing a million into some fucking obvious scam etc.

Back at the job centre and pawning shit to CEX before the next GE.
330 million people in the USA. He could give everyone in the country 1 million dollars in about 7 months with this donation money.
SSM selling his brand new Ferrari to cex for half the price
I deserve a cheeky lil lie down dont i dee lads? yeah a 4x lush mid day nap
and yet he has no real financial difficulties despite never working
Do you know how inflation works?
that was a good nap

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