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4B Movement Edition

Previous : >>78168809

Ignore impolite moids

>what is 4B?
4B is a radical feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019. Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.

Do you think this movement is a good idea?
Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
What's would it take for you to follow the 4B? Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Fuck no, but if you have so little self-control that you MUST post go ahead and at least sign with >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
XX only, XY not allowed.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
all hail the matriarchy
No I haven't. The only one I've opened up to is Mchan
>originated in South Korea
enjoy the 0.72 fertility rate
we will, that's the WHOLE point.
your e-confidante eh
High quality OG bread! Get in!
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
no only sad mentally ill people read manifestoes
doesnt matter what topic
Thanks for the bake, O!! I'll get to the questions later since I'm on and off atm with patients between meds and vitals. Great topic. I'm glad it was mentioned in the last thread.

My bestie <3. We've opened up to each other a lot!
You'll come crawling back to me one day, Op1!
Get in line nigger, I am the top donator.
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Thanks nona
You're missing out on TedK's little piece of mind then
Thank you Mchan! Take your time I know you're busy with the early morning /x/ gimmickers, I'm also glad it was mentioned, its not getting enough exposure being so important
just by defacto I already know I won't, you're not any kind of price you gremlin
op1 on throne btw (this is satire)
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My sister is disabled and I can't take care of her alone. I'm chained here because she refuses to take care of her and me and my father have to do it instead.
I don't know what mental illness it is but I really really really want her to have a moment of self reflection. She's capable of, she can be a good person if she wants but I feel that her constant nitpicking, her constant show off of me whenever I did good and disappointment and delusion whenever I didn't have messed me up in one way or another.
We had a nanny up until I went to middle school, and when she stopped coming home I felt like I had lost a part of my world. Sure, I felt guilty because I drove that nanny away (I was a trouble child) and valued that nanny more than my mother, but also I really couldn't bring myself to make me care for her in the same way I do for my father. I know it's horrible, you're supposed to care equally for both of your parents, but I feel that the amount of shit I went through doesn't justify her behavior at all. I don't know
>(this is satire)
doesn't need to be tho <3
>not getting enough exposure being so important
your bestie dreams about being a stay-at-home mom though! as do you, secretly
nice trips, wrong message
I think it should have more exposure. Idk what impact it would have here in the States if it came overhere. If it's anything like mgtow, probably made fun of since things are swinging back to fundie christian like it was is the 2000's. Maybe we'll see a Quiverful Movement revival? Lol hopefully not. If there was a major misinterpretation of scripture, that was one of them.

I also have other appointments but I'll def get to the questions eventually. Angry guy is back to watching the same music videos that he's watch daily since he was admitted almost 2 years ago.
>You're missing out on TedK's little piece of mind then
there is nothing worthy to miss since i am not sick in my brain
im not that abnormal and gone, there is nothing to gain from knowing what sick fucks have thought
only mentally ill people read manifestoes
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I will only settle for a slave or two that aren't allowed to touch me or my laundry
>aren't allowed to touch me
are you an ice cube or smtg?
4B would be great specially with the entitled moid issue US has, but the emphasis should be strong specially DO NOT give up on any B's because moids will always flip around movements to their benefit, the 4B's work for a reason, they take away the possibility of communication between parties, moids do not have a say on it because they're completely extracted from the equation.
>COMPROMISE is a manipulation tactic against feminism
OP1 is the best!
>claims to hate men
>comes to board full of men instead of female dedicated spaces
The retardation of females never cease to amaze me.
What do men in the us do that is entitled in your opinion?
>female dedicated spaces
You mean the ones moids invaded and shat on, then whine when we came back?
>or my laundry
rare anonners appearance
Don't call me a gremlin just because I am not tall.
>You mean the ones moids invaded and shat on
Men haven't invaded crystal cafe or lolcow.
It's all pretty ironic that you complain about men on those spaces and then come here where there are a hundred times as many men.
That's like me being racist and move to the hood because a few black people moved into my neighbourhood.
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Nonas that use public transport how are we supposed to defend ourself against pervert ethnics ?
Kind of interesting how feminism, like all left-wing ideologies, openly promotes rapid civilizational suicide, yet is still widely considered to be on the side of virtue.
Only for a moid I truly love. All or nothing. No compromise. Also OP1 is her own woman. She doesn't have to follow what I do nor vice versa just because she's a bestie. I have cheered on nonas who have boyfriends. It's their life.

You'd think in this day and age, moids would be less entitled. Yet we still experience it.
So you're saying op1 has a boyfriend.
I'm not saying whether she does or not. That's not for me to say anything about her private life. It's a major breech of trust if I were to say anything. How can you misunderstand us so much?

Anyway, appt time.
>All or nothing. No compromise.
>I have cheered on nonas who have boyfriends.
The biggest hypocrite of /biofem/.
debate fag spotted
I simply pointed out her bullshit, which I believe was already obvious to many. No need for debates.
What is this dogshit feminist extremism propaganda thread
Literally just a bunch of larpers, your south Korean cult has done nothing but get themselves fired and blacklisted.
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hanging outt with moidchan and Op1
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awww who's a little guy? look at him , I'm so scared! who's going to throw punches while I hold his forehead with my hand? stop it before I get cute aggression!
I dont get it, is he just staring? cocaine?
Its virtuous to get rid of 90% of crimes :)
>M considers me a bestie
what is this platonic warm feeling in my heart?
>entitled moids
it just gets worse, now they don't even want to be decent humans, they want to be provide for so they can spend it on porn too
wait for them to switch the boyfriend gimmick on me, Im calling it now
>Its virtuous to get rid of 90% of crimes :)
1. Not really. World genocide is worse than any crime rate.
2. It doesn't actually reduce crime rates at all on any observable timescale.
3. Until the 90s, black women committed more violent crimes than white men per capita.

what happens when Op1 gets horny?
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>Until the 90s
cope + debatefagg
women commit crime all the time. you get away with it because men think its gonna get them laid to let you get away with it.
>3. Until the 90s, black women committed more violent crimes than white men per capita.
I can believe it
troons aren't allowed to post here, read the OP
You wouldnt be the first femcel or online man hater who in reality has a bf or even lives with him
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>Its virtuous to get rid of 90% of crimes :)
The proportion will barely change.
This thread was made by and for troons, bro.
Here's what I think. I think you learned that men commit vastly more crimes than women and thought it would be a cool, edgy talking point like 13/50. The difference between 13/50 and 50/90 is that men built everything and women are already the beneficiaries of affirmative action.
>God the med records site is being slow AF. Looks like I won't be ablr to put in notes

I bet it's related to this. Seems to taken Down a lot of the world's it infrastructure. I wonder if this will crash the stock market or give a good opportunity to get stocks cheaply.

>sad hole calls everyone a troon that she disagrees with
this is exactly how you'd act in a room with only women as well isn't it?
slowly driving every other women to resent you, while the other women do the exact same thing to you.
everyone in that room will eventually snap and start trying to kill each other
except you wont call it crime because that's what only men do
I like how it's bad when the state disproportionately impedes women in some way (indicating that they always deserve good treatment), but when the state disproportionately impedes men, it's like "well, that's how it's supposed to work!" (indicating that men deserve bad treatment).

I wouldn't say I "like" it, actually. It's pretty pitiful. Check yourself.
That wasn't me, I'd be Nazi1's dutiful slave if she wore the uniform.
considering she is racist she will be ok with that
Uhh moids, this thread is for us biofems and trannies. Leave
>this thread is for us biofems and trannies. Leave
Ok. Just wanted to share and say hi to my favorite nonas. Going to seize the day so I'm ready to provide for my favorite Nona soon. Have a nice day nonas and simps too.

she's neither nazi or racist. she's a sweetheart and a swiftie
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>and a swiftie
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This is also a womanhate thread.
Yeah, fuck off.
>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
Well, obviously there will be big problems if too many women follow it; but I totally understand the women who do. I'm seeing more and more of my female friends giving up on men and turning to each other for companionship, and I think that's great.
>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
I do not.
>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B? Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
My bf's death is all it would take. If something happens to him, the next person in my life will definitely be a woman.
Instantly spotted. You can tell how he twists what I feel for myself vs supporting others. It makes me hate moids even more. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the same moid who has had it out for me since I rejected him awhile back even before /biofem/.

We're basically sisters at this point.
They've ditched their duties as a decent human being at this point. I've done everything I can to be nice and even tolerated them, yet they feel even more entitled. I've even mentioned how they have so much support: every one group home for women here, there's five for men. Meanwhile, there are more women seeking mental health group homes than men.

I'm glad the boyfriend thing hasn't come up. God that was so moronic. I was feeling so much better, yet they automatically attributed it to a moid. Jfc, I hate society so fucking much.

Idk if it is, but it was annoying. I could login, and select the patient I wanted to do a note for, but the moment I selected the type of note, it would just hang. Thankfully, it eventually started working again. Here at the service center, they just said that it apparently affected them too since they cannot access their systems.
>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
I honestly don't know. If it doesn't cause harm to others, Idc. People are free to live their lives if they're nkt harming others. And no, we're not hurting moids by rejecting them. Stop with the fucking entitlement.

>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
Not truly. If I fall in love, then I'd not be following. However, I'm not going out of my way for either.

>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B? Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
I'm basically already following it. I'm not actively seeking any thing.

>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
Despite me wanting to be a mother, I don't think it is. Just look at how shitty the world is, and it's only going to get worse.

>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
Actually no. I did read Uncle Ted's. Though I did agree with his conclusion, I think his premises are completely off. Also, it's no surprise how a lot of his issues were due to his entitlement and feeling like women were obligated to date him simply because he existed. Not surprising: he thought he was a tranny. Lol. Getting it yet? Things gave not changed.

I did start Elliott's manifesto when it was first leaked, and it was obvious he was an entitled brat abd just like moids here: think we should give ourselves to him simply because he existed. Also, I thought it was funny AF when /r9k/ tried to edit the manifesto to put in humiliation kinks and crossdressing by his sister as part of his reason for him becoming the way he became.
And they're already done with the repairs. Heading home :).
>If it doesn't cause harm to others
do you think a low fertility rate hurts society?
Stay safe sweaty.
That's the treatment our tsundere is asking for.
wonder when op1 will mellow out as well
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>Yeah, fuck off
That post was only for Nonas or Simps. Yet, you replied, so which one are you?
Nona or Simp?
I can't choose for you. I could but it wouldn't be fair. Call it. Nona or simp?
>provide for my favorite Nona soon
who's your fav nona?
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I specifically told you that these two or three degenerates who started off this dogshit general were just grooming you into their political lesbian cult to normalize their own insanity. I have kept warning you but you refused to listen because you're too addicted to your misery and bitterness.
That's kinda hot haha
Are the terfs just bitter and lonely closeted lesbs?
Neither, I don't give a fuck about your conditions, just like you didn't give a fuck about foids' conditions.
Are you that Guts clown from a previous thread?
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No, it's not. The witches who work relentlessly to lower the quality of life of our impressionable fembots will be burned.
>Are you that Guts clown from a previous thread?
Most definitely.
>who's your fav nona?
Well since you asked. In no particular order.
Hug Nona
Florida Nona
Oracles Nona
Berries Nona
Moid Nona
Boring Nona
Scara Nona
Scary Eyes Nona
AI Nona
Iran Nona
Jestermax Nona
Pounce Nona
Mexicona nona
Game Master Nona
Draw Nona
PT Nona
Tomo Nona
Neet1 Nona
Night Walk Nona
OP1 Nona
Office lady Nona
wire Nona
Sister Cest Nona
4g1t Nona
Lesbian Nona
Discord Stalker Nona
2/10 Nona
Femanon Nona
Prepper Nona
Beefcake Nona
And last but certainly not least my favorite of all (You) Nona

>Guts Nona
Don't insult me. Go read the lore.
>favorite of all (You) Nona
t. moid
>Lists multiple nonas multiple times
>Doesn't list kpop once
>Hug Nona
>kpop once
whoops. I love her too! Gotta run!
so late, good morning!
true. it feels completely different since you can actually add all the little details like her unkept hair in the shape of goat ears!
thank you!
it's her name in infernal! i gave her an anti virtue name, so malice, and then to be funny her surname is mizer kek
i do! a lot! i love creating ocs. i don't settle for ai because i think it won't capture all the details i want, like mentioned above.
Oh, I know this one.
farting a Iot today
fantasy-racist, that looks nothing like her oc
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I like to dream about being judy from zootopia and getting ridiculously fat and unable to do my job anymore...

Nick can pay the bills and keep feeding me...
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>standard body
>no goat legs
>not actually satanic

>>who's your fav nona?
>proceeds to list every nona
Simp ass nigga can't even decide.
He wants to have his cake and eat it too. Not much different from that moidfoid, oddly enough.
>just once
>applies to everyonr
Projecting as always. The main difference is you drove everyone away who actually supported you.
Says the tranny kike that cannot denounce the talmud.
post vocaroo denouncing the talmud
Total and utter simp death!
>still cannot do it and deflects
Yep, you are the tranny kike you accuse others of.
will embrace and cherish the talmud and protect it with my life
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Why is there antisemitism in this thread every time I open it
Don't know. The Jewish faith is obviously the only true one
I think nonas should #abortyoursons so we have a better sex ratio.
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Projecting what? Words have a meaning. What the fuck am I projecting here?
>who actually supported you.
Not a single person ever gave me even a positive reply in this general let alone "support" me, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean, you must be confusing me with somebody else.

Enjoy your sisterhood, sister. I was right from day fucking one and I knew that this wretched thing only came here to drag down young girls to their level and fuck with their heads. They even said that they're here on a mission to "save" girls, can you actually process how fucked up that is?
wishing all jewish nonas a wonderful day
>The Jewish faith
Yuck I'm not religious and at this point I wish I wasn't ethnically Jewish either.
Getting pregnant is against the 4b movement, retard. Fertility rate go bye-bye
>wish I wasn't ethnically Jewish either.
why? what's wrong with that
>Fertility rate go bye-bye
how are we gonna have more females then?
we will burn that bridge when we get there
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>Fertility rate go bye-bye
that's cool, say hello to your new neighbors.
I'm tired of being hated and I'm tired of hating myself. I've been on a downward spiral of self-hatred since October 7th.
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>how are we gonna have more females?
The correct expression is "to cross that bridge".
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>Moid projection again.
Bore me to death.
Op1 got all the statistics, bros... It's over.
>c'mon massa this buck ain't gon break itself!
Simply peculiar...
how do you know that those 310 reported actually did anything if the police cleared them?
No one who posts these infographics can explain the methodology for determining how much higher the occurrence rate is than the conviction rate.
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I'm not black, I'm J*wish. Scroll up. I just need a Nazi girl to crush my balls and kill me, okay?
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>and turning to each other for companionship
I-I'm free for companionship ladies...
>the methodology

Basically, if I believe in something, it's just as valid as your opinion
Hope you won't report me, Op1. All I did was simply out of love
Shut your jabber, you're an annoying piece of shit not because you're Jewish.
are you the throne donor?
Self loathing trannies everywhere...
What'd I do??? ;_;
my brother you are a "moid"
can't believe you pretending to support 4B after all the sex we've had
>refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.
Sounds like mental illness
*hug* You're awesome M.
The better you treat them the worst they behave its no wonder Stacies are absolute menaces when it comes to moids, they had to learn way faster. Why is there so many resources for moids if they're not going to use them? they love being like pigs on a pen about their whining when there's a shower next to the mud
>I'm basically already following it.
Based M doesn't even need to put effort because its so much better to be away from moids by default
I wish I was a lesb
True, burn all moids!
Tips for getting a femanon harem?
hug-nona sounds just like Op1, hmmm
>Stacies are absolute menaces when it comes to moids
If anything they're much nicer to us. They still wouldn't go out with us, but neither would you.
Is OP1 a Stacy? Why is she so mean to us
Hug nona is Flo-chan, newfag fake fan.
Because she's a woman.
I assume she was raped or someone close to her got raped by a man.
Im too lazy to reply to all that, moids, kill yourselves
nah, probably got catcalled, went home, shlicked and complained on twitter
>Im too lazy to reply to all that, moids, kill yourselves
I love you too
All foids shall undergo mandatory impregnation. It's in Project 2025.
All the more reason for me to live, my beloved cocksocket.
Nobody got raped, all this shit is terminally online, viral mental illness. This bitch already confirmed that she's a NEET living with her parents and went into detail about how much she loves her parents. Probably read a book about "men bad" and now she's here, that's the entire background lore.
>This bitch already confirmed that she's a NEET living with her parents
Shit, really?
jey op1, is that true? are you a neet femcoomer?
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>If something happens to him, the next person in my life will definitely be a woman
So, as long as he stays alive you'll stay interested in men? Guess I'll have to work hard keeping him alive.
I don't think she'll admit that part.
she is, it's in her chain of replies somewhere between #112 and #114
Still waiting for a reply... >>78206326
Go to libya, buy yourself some slaves and introduce them to this board. After a few months you'll have your fembot harem. That work for you?
>Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.
So this is basically just female led antinatalism
this has never happened lol
can stalkercoomercreep just go fap to patterns somewhere else?
>doesn't know when we are larping
>still confusing two different posters
>we are basically one person now
Is this what it means to become soul mates? Having our lore intertwined and commingled until we are one?
well glad the person he confused me with can be here to tell him to fuck off and take his meds
If you barged into the chain of replies larping as OP1 then congratulations, you have fooled me. I read that entire wall of text in one sitting in the morning, so you'll have to forgive me for taking it at face value.
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i'd rather fap to the idea of op1 as a stinky neet femcoomer hating on moids in her stinky princess room..
This isn't true. She doesn't support all these things. Baby, why do you post such things?
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You're welcome. Now stop calling others the lovingly nicknames you've given to me. Do not anger me kitten; for I, the Stalker, your creep, am a jealous Stalker.

Autism strikes again.
>a stinky neet femcoomer hating on moids in her stinky princess room..
Does it matter, if it was another femloser?
>Not a single person ever gave me even a positive reply in this general let alone "support" me
The correct reply would have been 'so did you'
I think its time for another /BFD/
>time for another /BFD/
op1 should make it, as always
I'm pretty sure he was just listing all names and knew very well that he was multi-listing some nonas. I was surprised that he didn't list Peaches and PT Nona as different people also.

>i do! a lot! i love creating ocs.
So is this one a tiefling or some other kind of infernal being?
As long as he stays alive I will stay interested in THAT man.
need the lore on Oracle nona
She was a quality poster that left after the tripfagging started, that's all
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>As long as he stays alive
That's a weird way to talk about your partner though or am I just seeing things?
tripfagging started bc of skinwalker-moid
edition #50
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should I cut my hair? its too long now but I like it long, only issue is that my ends are open
>its too long now
how long?
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no he's not me. Jujutsu is normie garbage
This all looks like AIslop.
>That's a weird way to talk about your partner though or am I just seeing things?
Possibly; I was just echoing the way the statement which I was responding to was phrased.

If you like it, you should keep it. When the maintenance is no longer worth it, then you can reduce it.
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>As long as he stays alive I will stay interested in THAT man.
I'm sure there's some loophole here but I'm short on time.
>AIslop le bad even though it looks good enough and puts tumblr faggots out of business
You clearly aren't an artist yourself.
The only people who use AI are people who can't draw themselves or hate artists for some reason.
Moids, get your own thread and piss off!
>You clearly aren't an artist yourself.
So? I can literally just ask for a picture and I get it without paying some tranny 200 bucks, and it doesn't even look that bad anymore.
tiefling variant! 10yo outlander that ran away from home and just goes around being a wild child rogue, stealing candy and toys and betting on rooster fights.
Trained on artists so artists starts dropping out so AI starts training on other AI generated art until it becomes too fucked up again because AI only knows how to use other peoples art to make their own stitched up version
not my problem in any way, they're going to fix it and I will keep asking for cool pictures. AI is fucking great
Okay so you admit that you are in fact a lazy slobby nigger siding with greedy corporate kikes
Yes. I admit all of that and I'm not ashamed of it either.
fuck off, AI debatefagg kys
So you admit to your shamelessness. Your subhuman npc like perversion of pushing for these soulless materialistic consumerist technologies pushed by people who see us as cattle.
>that left
>He doesn't know
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make me a picture of this poster and fuck up her hands a bit for extra seething
Hello opp1
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What's that? I get 4 for the price of one(0$)? That's very generous, thanks.
Swap red bull with monster
Can you tell the AI to make the same exact image except remove the red fur from her fists?
Stop derailfagging, AI retards
>I'm sure there's some loophole here but I'm short on time.
Take your time; I'll be around.
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Nope, I guess I'll have to ask a destitute, recently out of a job tranny to clean up that shit for 50 cents.
>He doesn't know
know what? enlighten pls
I also like child characters in settings where it's possible. I wonder if it's for the same reason. : )
>wild child rogue, stealing candy and toys and betting on rooster fights.
One my characters, second session after she was introduced, mugged another girl for her hair accessories. It's nice to have a safe outlet to indulge your dark side.
Did an out of job tranny draw that pic you are posting now?
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Damn, you're actually upset. I thought we were just shooting the shit, sorry.
Oracle is berries
too long if I bend down to pickup something my hair touches the ground and if its wet then it gets wet
Did you pay 50 cent to get the image you are currently posting? Chances are you didn't. So stop complaining like a baby about tumblr art hoes and stop being a subhuman jew loving nigger
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I've been drawing frogs as cats in other threads. What do nonas think
like OP1 said: you need therapy
Cut that shit till shoulders
10/10 needs to be a r9k variation
>I wonder if it's for the same reason. : )

absolutely not. i'm a woman. anyone who plays kid characters with ill intentions should be sent to the darkest pit of the egyptian rendition of hell where your heart will be ripped out of you and squeezed to make wine to please the ancient deities.
Pretty cool.
>t. actual biological male
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Thank you, I will find more frogs to convert to cats today. Picrel is the first one I made yesterday. I really enjoy drawing them weirdly enough
cut it to mid-back, its the optimal length
She said that about someone else
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>Chances are you didn't.
No, I pirated all my images from here before AI was available. Does that make me a servant of the international jewry?
You should not have to pick things up, that's what your bf is for.
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How about this super basic vanilla apu?
>i'm a woman
So am I. I lean towards them because I'm so short.
>i'm a woman.
Do we tell her about the recent 50-60 or so teacher arrests?
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The sketch looks fucked but you have to trust the creative process
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i always play diverse because sticking to one character trope bores me
my first oc was a tall office siren estj type, next one was literally chuu from loona, then i wanted to play as a noble vampire guy and now i wanted to do the creepy demonic child from horror movies.
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>estj type
Not this shit again
INTP spotted
my crush said i would look cute playing a flute lets goooo :3 we are literally so back
There's worse bullshit.
He meant the skin flute
probably but this is still a victory
that's prelude to bj request
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>my crush said i would look cute playing a flute
Awesome. What kind of setting(s) were these for?
being pro ai is being anti life lmao, how can you look at that stuff and say it's art, it's the void mocking you
honestly i'm thinking of sending him a picture with me eating a popsicle with his favorite color
first for a saw imagined tabletop system but i still keep her as a character i can move to other settings, second for a brazilian system (missing cellbit so bad rn) third and current for short dnd campaigns!
>first for a saw imagined tabletop system but i still keep her as a character i can move to other settings, second for a brazilian system (missing cellbit so bad rn) third and current for short dnd campaigns!
Neat! How often do you get to play?
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Someone call the police. A woman actually changed her own bike tires without a moid's permission. Jail time is mandatory! How dare she take the old, worn tire off, and put a new one on all by herself! She needed a moid to mansplain the entire process! Or better yet, get a moid to do the job for her!!!! RRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Yeah, I finally decided to change that back tire that's so worn out (left one, it's more worn out in other spots, lol). It took a good pair of pliers to finally get it off the bead. Now, I just need to buy two new spare tires on my next pay.

No. We need population reduction. I think 500 million should be good. We should also regress our society back about 500 years as well and limit technological progress except for medical.

Sweaty is what I did :).

No, you are awesome, O!

It's really dumb and extremely sexist that they have all these homes for moids, yet hardly any for women. Yet, the ones for women are always the ones who have the best results. Then again, many of those women have children and need to regain custody so they have a reason and motivation to become independent unlike the moids who just stagnate and do nothing with lives.
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>I think 500 million should be good. We should also regress our society back about 500 years as well and limit technological progress except for medical.
Yeah no.
>A woman actually changed her own bike tires
post hands
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Imagine being such an abject failure at life that you have to parade changing your tires as a victory over the patriarchy and not just that but shrouding it in a layer of feigned irony because you're too ashamed to just straight up say it.
>yet hardly any for women
oh yea? would you rather work in female group home?
Can you feign having a wider vocabulary
Yes, I would. When I worked in the psych hospital, I enjoyed working with women more than moids.
No. My width all went to my penis.
Damn, that's actually well put.
It looks great! Glad to see you made more of those, made my day yesterday!
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>/biofem/ general
>mfw there are no real women on the internet and this thread is just larp and trannies
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I just wanted to call her a drama queen, but you put it way better.
He really didn't, nowhere in her post is she claiming it as a victory against the patriarchy.
It's just a retard copypasting a post he thought sounded cool but didn't understand at all.
There's no need for it, enriching your vocabulary for no particular reason is intellectual masturbation and serves no real purpose other than bloating your self-esteem. I prefer keeping things simple.

For some people, it can work out if they have the fluency to wield it, but most will just look like dumb tryhards using fancy words.
Didn't ask you, OP1.
>nowhere in her post is she claiming it as a victory against the patriarchy.
damn, autists must have a rough time navigating this life
Op1, let's improve the fertility rate and avoid having to import sandniggers and pajeets
Ok feign-kun
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Careful there, or she's gonna change the tires again
The weekenders are here again.
I will demolish your 4B movement by the power of my penis!
how about I *feign* not being able to change my tires like the goo goo ga ga manbabby bitch I am and ask her to help me out with it because I'm such a pathetic sad little moid and I need her help. Would that help the cause? Would it get us closer to the utopia?
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Don't do it, man....
Don't let her change your tires...
>I'm such a pathetic sad little moid and I need her help
Is that how you feel when you see women being competent?
Obvious samefag is obvious. You don't try anymore, do you?
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She reminds me of this cringem
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Hah, got you there! I specifically said *feigned* at the very beginning therefore all of this was merely a hypothetical scenario with no connections to reality whatsoever. I feel more than secure in my abilities and my value as a biological Man, thank you very much! Better luck next time, pal!
I dunno about all that. I've had my problems with men over the years but I kind of like mine. He is not always the most emotionally intelligent but he tries
>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
Depends on how you're looking at it. It's easy to look at it as "no because the world is shit" but I'm going with "yes because the world is shit and we need more people who are both capable of and willing to improve it"
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
Just Ted Kaczynski's a long time ago. However you feel about his actions and the way he's kind of become a meme among young people, it's hard to deny he had interesting perspectives
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No such thing. Openness to experience, maybe wisdom, but no emotional intelligence.
>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
It depends, i dont think punishing men men will do anything, it will only make them angrier and make them more spiteful towards us.
>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
i dont have sex and im not pregnant or married so i guess all of them, but id like to get married and have babies one day.
>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B?
i dont think i could live like this for my entire life. Id feel very lonely, as most women wouldnt want to date or marry me and that would leave me by myself. It would take a great deal for me to consider it, and i cant even pin point specific things that would make me consider.
>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
I think so, we need children to continue society.
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
Ive read S.C.U.M... i dont know how i feel about it.

Now maybe im being too closed minded about this whole 4B thing, but right now i dont really like it. I want children more than anything honestly, i have since i was a child myself. so giving that up seems like hell.
>it's hard to deny he had interesting perspectives
Eh it was just boomer talk desu. Nothing he says is above the lines of that hard times create strong men cliche.
People these days are just attracted to any retard that puts enough effort to write a manifesto I guess.
every tripfem gets a free pregnancy at the end of this edition
The holy spirit is generous today
Where can I find a truly Christian woman?
Unironically, the Moidfoid
>The holy spirit
holy virile spirit of Anon
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Damn, another one is losing
He yoinking his peanits under the bag
She changes tires over there
At your local churches, christcuck
Do you know what a church is
>At your local churches, christcuck
Don't blaspheme, also there are no young people at any church near me...
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Ah, what a beautiful couple
>no young people at any church near me
yeah, bc they're smart and enjoy their youth
go where the young ladies are
Don't know anything about this general, haven't been on r9k for years now, who's that other person? Anyway, It's cute how she can change a bike's tire or whatever.
And where are they?
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She's a self-admitted Christian lady, she goes to churches.
Also, most women here believe in numerology, and you got some nice numbers there, pal.
She's probably lives in the USA, most likely nothing would happen, what churches does she go to?
so true i will never lose to the penis sword!!!!!!!!!!

but in all seriousness if you think that im a man simply because i have a different opinion to you thats probably something you need to address with your therapist babe
Dunno, she didn't specify

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You should try asking her out, bro
That's our cutie patootie Moid-chan.
Be warned, she's a bit shy
just ask her "In the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, wanna hang out sometime, maybe get a coffee or smtg..?"
>XX only, XY not allowed.
Ok, so what about XXY?
>>Ok, so what about XXY?
Yeah, sure
If she doesn't live in eastern europe, then IT"S OVER.
You'll move to eastern USA if you love her
Not going to happen, I'm bound to my soil.
soilfagging unacceptable
My paycheck belongs to femanon goddesses
The USA will die soon, how will she survive? She needs to come to eastern europe, and become bound to the soil, the children too.
rural people will be okay
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How do I slut it up for a night and maybe suck a dick without posting myself on tinder or everyone I know thinking im a slut or catching an std/ getting raped?
i am used to be my looks being insulted but today a moid told me i genuinely look like a ftm femboy
I made that mistake once, it was a girl from here too. Still feel bad about it
>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
Idk much about it but from what ive heard
I suppose
>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
Not on purpose lmao
>Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
Definitely not
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
Ive read the scum manifesto probably like 6 times (I had a phase last year)
There is NOT that many women on r9k
Fix your grammer retard bitch.
Kim theres people dying
this sounds like a sex trafficking ploy
The internet was built by nerdy patriarchal men and pornography. If you hate men, you can stop using the internet retard or ur being hypocritical and retarded.
he wasn't even trying to insult me he was actually asking too
The internet was built by the military.
>The internet was built by moids trying to kill each other
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>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
I think it is if a culture oppresses, mistreats, or takes for granted some population. They should push back.

>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
No, but I can see why someone would follow it.

>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B? Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
Hmm, smells like an agenda here.

>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
Children are the future.

>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
No. To be frank, I avoid radical feminist literature and related because it makes me feel very polarized, and many of my harsher polarized opinions about men are rooted in the fact I have been assaulted before by them, been mistreated, abused, and suffered because of them and their high sex drive, so anything sex related to men, gender-related issues, etc trigger me. I would much rather avoid it until I can interact with it on a healthier level.
You'll never get to experience this with your favorite nona
are there any nonas still posting with protons? i wanna share a picture of my most recent makeup without having to put my face here
moid chan
pt nona
gm nona
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>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
if you hate men and don't want children, i guess it's good for you. are you trying to quantify "a good idea" in some greater scale than an individual level, cause that's pretty dumb. you either believe it's best or you don't, and i want a husband, i want to have babies. i am not spending my life on a political movement. i just want to be happy.
>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
philosophically no, in practice, all of them, unfortunately.
>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B?
marrying a lesbian, but even then i would have kids.
>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
again, what's a good idea? it's a good idea not to have kids if you don't want them or wouldn't love them.
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
i've only read kaczynski's.

i haven't found a good solution for it. i can't use pepper spray on a bus, i can't fight someone in a closed space where i can't run away. i take public transport fairly consistently and i have had some really awful experiences. public buses are terrible.

oh noo im being womanipulated wahhh my mind... its giving out... ouughhh.... im being corrupted into evil manhate mode...

do you know what movie picrel is from?
>it feels completely different since you can actually add all the little details like her unkept hair in the shape of goat ears!

Ah making me jealous need to practice more.

Work was super easy and boring work today. That computer issues that happened knocked down the print servers so the printers couldnt receive any prints and only could do whatever jobs they had already queued. Someone said microsoft was down which I found extremely silly since that shouldnt take down computers. Looked up the blue screen issue and the fix for it. Told my boss it was above my paygrade but what would solve the issue. He said he would never ask me to do that. Then IT comes in and tells them exactly what I told him. HA. They ended up doing the same thing but something about their setup prevented any jobs from being sent until maybe tomorrow. Which is going to suck. Fewer staff on the weekend plus todays jobs and tomorrows to be done. It is going to be a lot.

Plus I am feeling under the weather. I really hope I am not getting sick.
Except you are wrong since I am one of those that helped start off this thread and I have never mentioned politics and talked about my jouncy to be better and stop being a NEET.
sending it to tomo chan! hope she can see it soon!!
How do you know I have a proton? Only kpop should know mines.
Educated guess
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Be honest, which one are you?
huh, didn't know Gackt was part of that group.

Quite sad how many people (normal ones, not le incels) see something like that as just a bodycount.

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>How do you know I have a proton? Only kpop should know mines.
It's a schizo thing. I made it up. You wouldn't get it

>do you know what movie picrel is from?
Yes! I believe so. It was part of the loophole I had in mind. Theoretically speaking of course.
Wow. You made me out myself you jerk.
It's *that* guy. Don't respond to him.
He basically demomanned me.
Saying you have a proton is not the same as actually knowing it.
If kpop knows yours, maybe humor her request so someone sees her latest makeup.
Another batch in the freeze dryer done. It was well worth the purchase! This time, got a batch of various wild berries picked.

Hey mama, how's things going with you?

Hey scaryeyes! How have things been with you?

Hey berries! How are you doing?

Hey kpop! How are you? If you want to send it my way, feel free to.
Think I'm going to take a break from this general.
Sure, see you tomorrow!
Take as much time as you need. I hope you are productive in your time away.
Every bitch in this thread is a tranny, or fat.

If you weren't either of these things you'd have a healthy disposition towards men.
Not even men have a healthy disposition towards men
How true that is.
We do: just not towards men like you.
Yeah, nerdy men that were into tech that women would view as nerdy.
Get therapy. The internet isn't a killing technology. It's a communication technology.
Every moid who says this is an ugly fat incel with a terrible personality.
No, some of us were traumatized permanently. But, I don't expect a shitty entitled moid like yourself to understand that.
Hey, you had someone interested in you earlier in the thread.
I saw it earlier and I don't care. Moids can fuck off and die.
What's wrong with you tonight?
There's nothing wrong. It's just a normal fucking night. I'm just responding how I seriously feel especially about some dumb entitled moid who act like we are nothing but a fetish for them. But w/e.
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You need to let me do this to you.
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i've missed this moidchan <3
Who would have thought a topic like this would bring her back out?
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Wee woo wee woo had a nightmare so here's my rant about it
>Woke up in my mom's class, her kids laughing and chatting while one wants me to finish her drawing
>As I do so I hear the kids bicker and I'm already getting lost in the classroom dynamics
>recess hits but it's weird because it's in a big screen in the middle of this penacony-like school and a robo voice tells it
>i go outside and find myself in my middle school, I go back in my classroom but find my old high school teacher teaching some random class. She says that I've graduated and I don't belong there anymore
>I go to the main hall and find someone doing a really bad english interview with one of my classmates, I stick around with them for a while before recess is over
>we go back to our school but suddenly it starts raining and we have to climh rocks to get to the upper floor, I slip often and barely get under some dude's umbrella
>when I got up there's a bunch of my high school classmates including one that used to leech out of me but that I was in good terms with and she's holding a picture I made on her phone
>I go deeper and fall through the penacony and woke up
Ok so few things to note
1) I barely dream, most times my mind ends up in void and wake the morning after.
2) How natural? Realistic? This all was. Sure the changing locations a bit less but I could feel being there, I could hear the bicker in the class with the child, I could feel getting hurt from not being able to return to my class
3) How convoluted this all was lol
So dream reader nonas, what the fuck is happening here? Does this have some grand meaning behind it or no sense at all?
>I read weyward and I'm like soooo traumatized, men can fuck off and leave me alone!
I had a weird dream about being in a drive through, and then being a really run down motel. The floor was filthy. I was watching TV with someone, but kept detecting movement around me. But when I looked I didn't see anything. It kept happening until finally I noticed what was setting me off. It was a small rat, then another rat, and another. The place was filled with rats. Worst part is that the rats weren't even scared of us, and all of the markings on the ground was rat poop. One of the rats was the size of a small dog and they started jumping at us.
No you fucking don't: you miss the misandry fetish.

Yeah, a whole reminder brought forth as to why moids are shitty people in which they continue to prove it directly ITT. I wonder why?

Our dreams are just our brain's way to organize information. Don't look too much into it. My dreams are always weird.
>My dreams are always weird.
any that stood out?
wonder what OP1 dreams about..
I don't actively try to remember them. The ones I mostly remember are weird dreams where I'm traveling somewhere or at a vacation spot. Like, one of the ones I remember the most is I'm on a beach vacation and the entire place is flooded. Or, I'm driving back and the roads are in terrible shape while being so small that not even one vehicle is able really stay on it. Not to mention the ones where the road goes up on a bridge that is incomplete and our vehicle just runs off of it. Then there's the camping ones which giant chickens are attacking the campground.

It's just a lot of randomness. No one should read too much into them unless they're using it for a specific reason. I think I remember reading an interview one time that Stephen King used his dreams as inspirations for his stories. It apparently is common among writers.
sounds like the anxiety creeps into your dreams

>giant chickens are attacking
>Stephen King used his dreams as inspirations for his stories. It apparently is common among writers.

I never thought to try anything like this. I'm not very creative or great at writing but my dreams are always like movies. Usually action or horror movies.
It isn't surprising, and my brain is just trying to organize it in some way. But, I just rely on my knowledge in psychiatric nursing about it.

You might want to, at least as a way to get it out of your head somehow. I've written a few short stories on my dreams before a long time ago, but it's something I'd never put out since they're so cringe anyway.
>written a few short stories on my dreams before
so you are a bit creative!
I'm not really creative. I read one of them not really to long ago, and it was cringey AF and I wish I could hit my younger self for writing it and I really want to burn it. I couldn't get past a few pages out of the twenty I wrote. If I can remember, I was on a sci-fi binge at that time watching a lot of shows like Twilight Zone, Tales from the Darkside, and Tales from the Crypt from that Chiller tv channel when it started broadcasting. I think maybe my brain was organizing that information into my dreams at the time.
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confirmed, moidchan is into spooky stuff
I mentioned before I was into creepypasta. I don't think it's some surprise.

Tales From the Crypt I don't remember much of. There was an episode with Joe Pesci where he was dating two sisters at the same time, then they found out and managed to find a morbid way for both of them have him to each other at the same time. Then there's the one episode of some house where if a person went further into it, the younger they got with the MC having disasterous results. Then there's the one about a musician getting some type of tattoo of his wife which he hated.

Idk why these particular episodes stick out though. Maybe one day I need to download the series and watch it again when I'm stuck inside on the spin bike.
Fav horror movies?
>and watch it again when I'm stuck inside
also, check out

>Are you afraid of the dark (1990)
>The outer limits
>Masters of horror
I hope the weakest among you find a Prince Charming before the year is out.
He wont find you if youre hiding in your tower.
It might be surprising, but I really liked the original Hellraiser movies. Though the later ones like Inferno are not well liked, I actually enjoyed them.

The first I remember is from Nick, but I didn't have it as a child and could only watch it if I was at a grandparent's house. I was more focused on Clarissa Explains it All, despite me never remembering anything from it.

Outer Limits I think I saw an episode before where there were some aliens coming so some people were placed in bunkers in case they were hostile and they were to nuke the planet if humans lost?

Masters of Horror I've never seen.
>Christian girl loving stories about sadomasochism and hell
You are strange.
She changes le hecking tires, bro.
She seems perfect. How do I get a girlfriend like her?
Found the Outer Limits episode: it's called Dead Man's Switch.

Oh no! Someone has interests that seem out-of-place! Someone call the press!!!

Anyways, been putting it off so workout time.
Damn, what an alpha
Independent girls are hot.
>he's still on the tire changing binge as if it was some own
Meanwhile, he never leaves his basement and posts on 4chan 20 hours a day. When are you going to create your daily samefag larp thread?
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>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
Pretty much all of them, but not because of the movement, more because nobody I've met in my adult life has really caught my eye.
>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B? Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
I'm not sure what you mean, sorry.
>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
Yes. If the intelligent people of the world do not procreate the world is doomed.
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
No. I don't believe in subscribing wholesale to the thinkings and methods of others.

Sorry I've been gone for a long time. Going through some things at the moment. How are we all doing?
His draft trolling got nowhere so he has to find something to troll about.
You're really, really bad at telling posters apart from one another. You actually believed for the longest time that the biomasc retard was blaine too which was not only absurd, but evidently false as well because they had nothing in common except for a few recurring baits of similar subjects. You're nowhere near as perceptive as you think you are.
Nonas, how do we convince Op1 to grow up and become a breeder?
Guess who says that same thing you just said?
Hi SisterNona, nice to see you back
t. moid
>Meanwhile, he never leaves his basement and posts on 4chan 20 hours a day. When are you going to create your daily samefag larp thread?
Nope, not me.
put your trip back on you obvious samefagging whore

>only one person could possibly criticize the god awful posters in this thread on a board that's notorious for hating women

utter fucking imbecile
Some villain you made up in your head from mashing the posts of 20 different people together?
Same words and level of obsession over one single general.
the troon said, posting on a website and board that's predominantly populated by men. are you fucking stupid by accident or is this just a long elaborate troll? if you hate men why do you farm attention from them?
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Nah, I was mocking
How does one cope with having a boyfriend that doesn't care about you whatsoever? No, I can't break up with him, I love him too much.
lol i continue to be vindicated by my presumptions about the holes that populate this thread. so you actually are all a bunch of histrionic, dramatic "rape victims" with a chip on your shoulder and some sob story about abuse and being taken advantage of. holy fuck women are insufferable.
it's probably mental illness, it's common for example in schizophrenia for someone to become fixated on an individual, often a public figure but someone known in a community or social circle could be a parallel figure in the mind of the retard, drooling schizo. the people throwing around blaine accusations probably also claim to be contacted by blaine, stalked by blaine, sent letters in the mail by blaine, meet blaine in the astral plane, etc.
It's mostly OP1 and Moid nonas, though.
Most women here don't share their feminazi ideas.
>no shitposters
>all of a sudden, multiple of them all at once
Another one of his common characteristics.
None of them actually have seen blaine and if they did, they would know perfectly that he's not here.

I mean I HAVE seen him on crystal cafe while lurking, snail basically had to volunteer a night shift to keep cleaning up because there was absolutely nothing they could do about his clinically insane smug tranny rampage while the biomasc poster gives up after 2 bans at most and has an entirely different vibe to him.
>while the biomasc poster gives up after 2 bans
You've been banned repeatedly.
Men aren't interested unless they fear losing you, if you make yourself available and have no more men interested in you they get lazy and cheat with someone they can chase
How do I know that you're not blaine false flagging as the opposition to discredit them?
>used another one of his tactics
But it's not *him*!
>same exact time he started posting: a race bait thread went up
Remember everyone: it's not that one obsessed retard.
The eurocucks are up.. *nervous laugh*
I don't even post here anymore, I just occasionally check in for the funny male and female schitzoposting.
I always thought that blaine was just a mini-boss type lolcow, a nobody, but apparently he had his way with you. Maybe you should contact him, his personal information is public knowledge and you can confess your love to him in person.
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>CtrlF tires
>Someone call the police. A woman actually changed her own bike tires without a moid's permission. Jail time is mandatory! How dare she take the old, worn tire off, and put a new one on all by herself! She needed a moid to mansplain the entire process! Or better yet, get a moid to do the job for her!!!! RRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Okay, yeah, she went a bit too far up her own ass this time.
>she went a bit too far up her own ass this time.
she was just jestermaxxing a bit. lighten up ffs
wish it was my nose going up her ass
Giving this much importance to the tires copypasta makes me think you're all coping really hard, she made an exaggeration purposely and you took it at face value, are you all autistic?
Evening op1
Why not make fun of her when the chance presents itself? It's not a big deal and she's a naughty girl .
Ok this post proves you're all extremely autistic, do you do some steamies when someone touches you?
FIDF damage control, the fake sarcasm was debunked by independent fact checkers
I said it's not a big deal.
this is how 50 year old how-do-you-do-fellow-kids boomers actually think of zoomers
Don't care I'm going to eat the skin off your face in GTA V
No, this is what 30 year old men living somewhere made that symbolises what they think is annoying.
50 year olds are not good with computer
How do I make a new folder?
Moid-nona yaps too much >>78206319, but even she doesn't believe in her own angermaxxing >>78204402
I said good evening op1
You said it to the wrong anon at first baka, morning
First one is mine. I'm going to yap in your mom's mouth.
>she doesn't believe in her own angermaxxing
no she doesn't, she's a real sweetheart >>78203579
moids getting riled up by her jesterposting is retarded
Eitherway I'm off to play videogames, don't bump too much
getting really frustrated with messmer
Yeah, I missclicked there, and no, you won't
>she's a real sweetheart
she spent 8 months spamming this board 24/7 about how men deserve to be murdered and how they deserve to die in wars
Not as much, as you being riled up when we mock that cringelord.
give me one case where it doesn't happen, they quite literally want segregation back for god's sake
Godwin's law
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Yeah, at this point it doesn't really matter whether she means it or not.
no matter what platform I'm using it will always convince me one way or the other that women are stupid.
Nah, they are simply more average and normalfaggy. The smartest AND stupidest are men.
you assume the one on the left is her, but actually it's (You)
>guessed right
>guessed wrong
>knew better
breedmaxxing with OP1.
>Do you think this movement is a good idea?
its their choice
>Do you follow any of the 4Bs?
>What's would it take for you to follow the 4B? Are you going to wait for something bad to happen to do the right thing?
i dont care about men....
>Is having children a good idea in this day and age?
>Have you read S.C.U.M? or any other unrelated manifestos?
im sleepy
Heard and replied ! I'm going back to sleep for a little while, but thank you for sharing with me :0!!
Tomochan, why are you MIA lately?
Based. Stop dressing like a slut if you dont want to get ogled
You know where to find me,
And I know where to look
That webm is from romania. Past 2 weeks it has been 40 degrees outside
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Too late kid, she's filing divorce as we speak.
Segregation would be good if women were the ones in control of it.
Romania based. Skinny beautiful women who know their place
Op1, i NEED to know if you're conventionally attractive or not!
>more Aislop
Haven't you had enough yesterday? Do I have to call my mossad contacts to use their private generative algorithm to make an even worse picture of you?
It just outs you as an uncreative person who doesnt care about artists
That's because I'm black and jewish. We have already discussed this, so why do you repeating yourself?
>jumping right back to edgy racism
>That's because I'm black and jewish.
Welp, sucks to be you then.
I'm racist? She called me a nigger and a kike yesterday for taking advantage of the possibilities offered by generative AI, so I just rolled with it
A bit weird larp
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We have nothing in common aside from our enthusiasm for text-to-image models.
I want him so bad nona's
It's one of his go tos when he wants to be an edgy troll.
oh yeah? well im black, jewish and MTF! now take that!
We already know, you don't have to announce it.
Who's the Routerfag, who's OP1? Are they the same person?
No, that was just my stupid theory for a while. I was able to trace back the router/biomasc poster to very similar posts from 2019 through filenames and md5s, so it's definitely not just some sockpuppet.
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I ship Routerfag and OP1
No one cares. Just ignore the fucking trolls.
Yeah but thats just how she is
Weekend eurocucks out in force
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imagine all the hatefucking and the little chuddies it would produce
Weekendfags are always the worst. Got to get all that shitposting out before their next week of slavery. They won't have time during the week to shitpost.
he called me cute yesterday and then i just got cucked by him asking me to draw his anime waifu, plus
>check his twitter likes
>it's hentai
>all of the women have big boobs
how do i keep falling for this trick, why did he call me cute if this is what he really likes?
i might be overthinking actually, it's not like i've actually said i liked him so he just might not know
according to my information, Op1 is dating a Somali migrant
Hey sisternona! Sorry to hear about those some things. I hope you get through them! How are you doing otherwise?
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Rout is a chuddy
>4B Movement
OP1 seems to be woke, thoough
Perhaps their toxicity could neutralize each other
wokeshit is just the female version of chuddery
Every single poster itt is a troon or larping faggot
Perhaps, like in the Horseshoe theory
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Thank you for your commiseration nona. I'm doing well otherwise, thank you. I have next part pretty much written but I'm not sure I'm happy with how I've narrated it. I've been trying to explore how I thought and felt at the time and honestly in what comes next it's extremely messy and awkward. It's partly why I've not posted it. I shouldn't concern myself with how other imageboard users see it because lets face it, I can always just ditch the trip. I only put the trip on so that the story wouldn't get derailed/falsified by trolls and weens and I might ditch it after I'm done. I'll still lurk the threads but I'm not sure this story is something I want to be linked to after it's done. All that said, I'm honestly not sure if anyone even remembers the first parts. It's been months.

How are you doing? Have you been well these past few months? Anything exciting happening in your life?
Or this union could lead to the birth of an ultimate chud who'll hate men and women equally and will try to destroy all of humanity.
>how do i keep falling for this trick
because you are really stupid and make your own misery
I'm a full-fledged chud and I already hate most men because they're simping worms so I can substitute for that position if I'm needed
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There are two ways women and men can be attractive.
Nice to see you too moid. I trust you're keeping well?
true but idk what to do about these mixed signals

it's over for cutecels :( i don't understand his mindset, if anything it seems like he thinks i'm cute, but not attractive
>I trust you're keeping well?
yes, thank you. Hope you'll post the rest of the story? I think you're a talented writer, though I can't understand how you're able to quote convos from decades ago kek.. Superior memory
>true but idk what to do about these mixed signals
you will do something really stupid that wont help you anyway
you dont listen to people and you live in a fantasy world
your posts are really annoying to read
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Wow it happened again. What a pleasant surprise to wake up to.
Yeah it's one thing to be mixed up in a stupid situation. It'd another to keep going back to it and listening to no one while at the same time asking for help. It's a waste of everyone's time. I very much dislike these types of people.
Sorry it took a bit to respond back since I got a call from my mom and she needed some help with something.

Afa your story, you do you. It's great that you're able to get it out. I'm not the best writer, but I do know that sometimes things take multiple edits to complete. I don't blame you one bit with the trip aspect esp since after the skinwalker episode we had. You're doing a good thing thinking that way with your trip. And if no one remembers? So what? You're the one who wanted to post it so it's all about you. There's others who enjoyed the parts you posted, but what matters is that you enjoyed it, so enjoy posting!

I'm doing okay. Some things happened, a bit stressed, but I'm dealing with it as always. I'd rather not go into it though.
i was in the process of distancing myself from him before this happened
>not sure if anyone would remember the first part
I remember, though, I'd probably reread the previous parts of your story as a refresh. Good to see you posting again, and I hope life has been easy on you.
>original Hellraiser movies
Good taste. Have you seen either Jacob's Ladder or Event Horizon?
When I was a wagie working a crappy fast food job, one of my coworkers asked if I've seen Hellraiser and I lied and said yes. She then proceeded to tell me about how she reads Hellraiser fanfic, PARTICULARLY mpreg fanfic. And she explained mpreg to me (I mean the name is self explanatory but I didn't want know how to halt the conversation)
She was very autistic
>She was very autistic
also wifey material
Moid impregnation, as expected from Moid-chan.
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>Haven't been to r9k in years, literally a decade almost
>This thread
Since when did you ladies come back from .... lolcowfarms? Was it? Strange times.
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Im only the first one.
that's not nice anon, he did admit to being a faggot
I am redpilled in all paths, I just choose the right one
? what happened again exactly? someone mentioning that law?
I wanna worship a foids feet while she praises me and calls me a good boy
No one came back from anywhere, nonas have always been here moidposting
All girls meow, they simply never trusted you enough to meow to you.
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>>78213411 v/
thanks. did you watch it yourself, is it any good? i liked con air.

i'm still yknow, around, living

>>78213899 v/
implying only fat women have an unhealthy disposition towards men? you need to get better at hating, anon, you could be covering so many more demographics.

no you don't get it, we are literally all fat or trannies. like even if you aren't, you're supposed to be mad about him THINKING that because you have to value his opinion!!

i think the technical term for that ultimate chud is "the antichrist"

>when harry met sally
you sound like a blackpilled emo
If you click on the little numbers you can follow a reply chain, but don't worry about it.
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Ai a shit
Ok I think I should watch this show.
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Try it, it's so bad it's actually good.
Up there with con air yeah, the kind of movie tv channels here love to show like 10 times per year.
How can we cure your moid hate. Nothing is eternal
As long as writing it helped you is fine, we don't really need to know. Internet is full of unfinished stories heh
kill yourself simping faggot
You know who ELSE has moid hate?
This is the last edition.
did you stop smoking yet?
I'll smoke n' toke your mom
Why do you ask?
Good, because I'm tired of carrying the threads without any positive reward.
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Same, I've been here working two fucking days to entertain my girls and all I get in return is my shitty glavset salary. I'm never coming back, you don't appreciate me.
Ideas for next bake pleaase
I want to know nona's shoe sizes and foot shapes
shower routine
how often do you wash your hair/ hair routine
morning routine when you wake up
meal prep
favorite movies
favorite song from a video game
movies that you liked and want others to see and why
exercise routines
books you liked and want to recommend to others
what would your perfect home look like
have you ever gotten flowers before? what's your favorite flowers
Moid scrotes need not apply
Moid scrotes? Are there moids who aren't scrotes? Or scrotes who aren't moids?
s-s-shut up, d-debatechud
>I need ideas because my brain doesn't have any
>here are some ideas
>Not those ideas! My head is still empty give me more ideas
did i hurt your little moid feelings?
>did i hurt your little moid feelings
a little but I'm strong. I'll get over it
Yes, I would like an apology. By the way, just so you know, my feelings aren't "little", they're quite big, thank you very much.
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>Ideas for next bake pleaase
your ideal day
True Crime edishon!
shlicking routines and techniques
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I like this one, welcome to the club
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No nonas on bake duty
I can be your nona again
coping with loneliness? nighttime routines? what part of basic daily upkeep is the most annoying to you (cooking, laundry, skincare etc)
Nonas are all out with the boyfriends and enjoying the weekend
Aight, I baked it myself
i was just about to bake one about tit mogging! dang it
You are one of the few posters I'd miss interacting with.

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