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Education Edition

Previous : >>78203789

Ignore impolite moids

>Your favorite teacher?
>Your favorite subject?
>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
>Do you want to go back?
>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
First for total femoid extermination.
All femoids go back to CC!
educating op1..
You didn't use OP1's updated FAQ

>favorite teacher
probably my gym teacher from highschool. she saw my cuts and let me wander around the school whenever i didnt wanna do gym. she was really nice.

>favorite subject
english definitely. probably because i was good at it. i was always called the creative type, and im good at creative writing. or i like to think so

>did you enjoy your school
highschool was shit and i thought college would be better, but it was just highschool with drugs. i dropped out after the first semester with a ketamine addiction

>do you want to go back
hell no

>did you want to be a teacher
probably not, the new gen if kids are so fucking annoying I'd shoot myself
who is this based nona?
History was my favorite subject. College was fun, I wouldn't go back though. Scrotes kys plz
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OP1 is non-canon
Yeah as much I feel I could be a teacher I know from experience of a couple of relatives I wouldn't last long at all dealing with kids.
Telling trannies to go die again instead of op1s propaganda
>Scrotes kys plz
This is a male board
If you have to say things like that then go back to crystal cafe or kill yourself please
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>Telling trannies to go die
that's one thing we can agree on
Scaryeyes removed the "Die" part a while back because she got offended by it.. I wonder why
scaryeyes is a moid appreciator
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One of the few memes I liked this year
Hmm, both of them are a bit suspect now...
>>Your favorite teacher?
my choir teacher. he was nice, always gave me good parts in most songs
>>Your favorite subject?
music! always loved it, still do.
>>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
hell no, i graduated and then became a neet
>>Do you want to go back?
never, unless maybe i get into a dance school
>>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
i did, i still do but only as a substitute desu
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She's just a kind soul, unlike you rancid holes
Just a bit stupid, unlike more grown up foids
Just heard of this:
and after #132 threads, I finally got my fist impersonator, somebody clap once
>she saw my cuts and let me wander around the school whenever i didnt wanna do gym
That was stupid. Why were you so stupid as to cut? Why do you run away from the consequences of your actions like that?
>I finally got my fist impersonator
people pretended to be you several times
>my fist impersonator
Show your fist
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>>Your favorite teacher?
Miss. McAndrew, Maths.
>>Your favorite subject?
>>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
Once I moved to Ireland I really started liking school a lot. I really loved studying ahead.
>>Do you want to go back?
Nope. That time of my life is well and truly over.
>>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
No. The youth of today are an entirely different breed. I wouldn't have what it takes. Either I'd end up slapping one of them or they'd bully me out of the job.
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Glad someone noticed
Don't hurt me feefees anon
Wow. I hate trannies more than you, and I know because I've seen your search history.
Hello mipo nona
No that was the schizophrenic stalker confusing me with other posters, its different
Will you post the next part of your story soon?
>Once I moved to Ireland
Where are you originally from nona?
>Although television was shunned, computer games were liked as they involved "concentration and commitment".
Nice sect
I can come to this shitty board whenever I want, cry about it
Ok then men can also post in these as much as they want and you can just cry about it if you like.
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QRD on this meme? Is it just a comic about a girl getting groomed?
OP1 was Blaine all along.
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Today's insults (from different people)
>dead weight
I think this is a new high score not counting mom's tantrums
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She is known for her kindness, for sure.
I'll post it once I'm happy that it's a fair representation of what happened and how I felt about it. Could be soon.
I'm from the USA. I moved to Ireland when I was a kid so I have one of those weird nowhere accents that nobody can quite pin down.
A 20-year old college student started dating her professor, but eventually started getting hate from her friends telling her how fucked up that was. So she broke it off and tried to salvage her reputation by drawing herself like a teenager and the professor like a creepy muppet and gain sympathy for the whole thing. People eventually learned the full story of course and the original was scrubbed by the artist. Now it's just memes.
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>QRD on this meme?
Mixed messages
She is just not bullshitting about pretending to be better than she is unlike some others and i can appreciate that
This is a forced general. You know you don't belong here but you post anyways, because attention seeking behavior is part of a woman's genetic existence. You women literally cannot help yourself but to barge into make dominated spaces, unleash your simp pets and ruin it for everyone. This is why you are hated.

Fortunately there seems to be a positive trend on whether or not women actually deserve the same rights as a man. Combined with massive third world immigration (that you voted for, by the way) who are almost all socially conservative, there's a 100% chance you'll finally face the consequence of your actions. No matter how you look at it, no matter how much you protest by letting your eggs die and becoming effectively worthless, you won't win in the end.
>got my fist impersonator
you're so funny, coomercreep
just take it easy, huh? being angry only makes you feel like shit and lose sleep
No you need to fuck off. This place is older than you. Kill yourself immediately. I'm not asking.
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I want to stuff my face in Scara's crotch and huff it while gripping his soft thighs...
I agree with the first part of what you wrote.
Not sure about the latter.
I'm pissing on your board. Your move, buddy.
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Just a small blogpost.

I'm feeling a lot more tired lately. I don't know if it's my age, my circumstances, the general lack of peace in day to day life, the work stress, the personal problems or some mix of some or all of them but there always seems to be something to keep me awake. What's strange to me is that when I was younger and I happened to wake up in the night, a glass of water and reajusting my pillows was all it took to send me off back to sleep. Now my mind just swims and swims. Flitting from one troubling thought to the next, asking troubling questions for which there are no answers.

When did I become the kind of girl who allowed her mind to attack itself? I was so good at bringing order to chaos and quieting my mind when I was younger. All those little voices were so easy to quell. Now even after an hour of meditation I can't seem to do anything but take the edge off. Why? I've always been bad at getting to sleep but it feels like it's gotten worse recently. Though troubling, aggressive, worrying thoughts only seem to get louder and bigger in numbers and even if I do by some miracle get 8 hours I wake up exhausted and miserable. Every single day it gets harder to don the happy girl mask. I feel it slipping and cracking at work all too often these days. Those moments are a nightmare for me. One of my subordimates came over and handed me a packet of tissues a couple of weeks ago and asked if I was sick. Since when was I the kind of person who started crying and didn't notice? I blamed it on the air conditioning and laughed it off but seriously what the hell happened? Why was I thinking about that kind of stuff at work? Am I losing my mind? Am I careening towards some sort of visible mental health issue? How do I handle it?

I've never been the kind of person who was able to be kind to themselves but the last few weeks have really made me step back and evaluate it all. Why do I find all these little ways to torture myself?
You don't understand the consequences of your actions, yet another feminine trait. Oh well. I'm sure after you're raped and murdered under some bridge, your cohorts will learn absolutely nothing. That's the best part. I don't have to do anything. You women will destroy yourselves to try and get back at men, only to die eggless and Alone.
Fuck off. Women deserve pain and suffering. All fields
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I'm a man and this is my main board since the early-mid 2010s
I just come here because there's no "general stuff" general aside from drugfeels and r9gay, and i am not the target audience in each of these
I wouldn't mind a "general" general either because I hate the simp / blog nonas culture that permeates this place. Like if you want to talk about yourself make a blog, I just want to scream my misfortunes into the void
Sure you are. Post tits.
>troubling, aggressive, worrying thoughts only seem to get louder
about what?
I'm sorry you feel that way. I hope you find peace and I wish you the best moid.
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>accidentally capitalizing Alone
...moid chan? Is that a freudian slip?
>...moid chan?
rent free
>I just want to scream my misfortunes into the void
Its almost as if thats what the letter thread is for
Cumming on nonas scars
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All kinds of things nona. My missing brother being front and centre. Then there's other family things, work things, my house, my mortgage, the economy, the cost of living, the general state of the world, the future both for myself and for both of my countries, the lack of love in my life, lack of friends, the fact that apart from my job I have nothing to get out of bed for, I seriously despise TV and movies as everything that's come out in the past 20 years is utterly soulless, I'm running out of books on my book list, nothing is as fun as it used to be. sometimes it feels like I'm coming undone. it's very disquieting.
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You gotta give me the satisfaction. If I got it right it's only fair, no? Come on.
>Once I moved to Ireland
Oh, you can actually meet OP1 there
Not really, letter as a term has already some weight to it as it implies some kind of message being sent from someone to someone else
I don't think my shitty post about complaining that im hungry fits the bill anon
She just got 500% hotter
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It's fucking empath, isn't it? The absolute fucking state
>op image
So these were always troll threads, what the fuck?
it's just the same password>trip
i believe she's in US
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Huh. N'efheadar an bfuil conai orthu inn aice le Galway.
You dont understand how trips work
If anything whats interesting is the same trip from 2023 being used on a

Op1 is as european as it gets
>nothing is as fun as it used to be. sometimes it feels like I'm coming undone
just life in your mid 30s...
>You dont understand how trips work
I do. The same password generates the same code. Why didn't anyone else use it before or after if it's just a simple thing? 6'4" chad philosopher is OP1 too
>It's fucking empath, isn't it?
If op1 is also empath ill join her server. but I've heard nasty things about empath and I doubt op1 would do those kinds of things.
Do you seriously think somebody who painstakingly tells nothing of substance about themselves in over 100 threads is stupid enough to use the same trip for 5 fucking years
Can't have all your bases covered all the time, maybe she forgot that she used it before.
this comic is hilariously tone deaf and we are considering reviewing it soon
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You think so? One thing I've noticed and becomes ever more apparent is that humans only ever seem to collect problems as they traverse through life. When you're old you either die happy having tied off the loose ends that mattered or you die full of resentment and regret knowing you've left the things that mattered to you undone and unfinished.

More and more I feel like I'll end up in the latter. If William never comes home I'm sure I'll die miserable. As dramatic as that sounds I miss him every day. Every single time I look up at the night sky it feels like someones twisting a knife in my soul. Is he eating well? Does he miss home? Is he happy? Is he safe? Will he ever come back?
don't you have a better way of contacting him, instead of sending those e-mails?
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>If anything whats interesting is the same trip from 2023 being used on a
Damn, the OP1 lore is weird...
He doesnt want to be in contact with her this is just her being completely selfish
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I stopped sending them. I saw how utterly futile it was and how it was a lose-lose situation. either he never checked that inbox and never read them, or he does read them and doesn't want to respond. Neither make me feel better. I don't have any other way of contacting him. Wherever he is I just hope he knows that I love him and that I've never stopped wishing he would come home.
Empath is getting old and into that wasted life schizo era and she was also extremely cruel and abusive so the projection checks out as well. She's also known for being extremely racist out in the open, just like nazi1. Put it on file as a potential hit.
what are you trying to achieve by contacting him? what are you trying to tell him?
I wish you'd waited another minute and read my post.
Hopefully these guys:

think we need the rest of the story first, to better advise further..
>don't have any other way of contacting him
in this era of social media??
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>starting to seriously consider the OP1/Routerfag/Blaine theory
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He has none.
Some day soon.
I could write 3 posts on this and it still wouldn't come close. All I can really recommend is read my story and really try to put yourself in my shoes and appreciate the impact Will had on my life. Using a simplified analogy would betray my true feelings.
So that rainbow/slime/jellyfish shit is an old kink of hers?
Op1, explain yourself >>78222098 !
This makes me wonder if op1 ever gave confirmation that they're a woman to other female posters.
>Empath is getting old and into that wasted life schizo era
Any lore on Empaths exs?
fuck off to endchan if you wanna talk about your egirls
we're good right here, empath1
Double trips of the only person with a working Brian ITT
>working Brian
Poor dude
Esl showing again
Xe's Irish
Kpop is friendly, single and a Stacy go obsess over her instead of moidhatinger.
nobody lives in brazil
Leave my phone autocorrect out of this
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>Kpop is friendly, single and a Stacy
She's into K-poop and astrology
my life is an utter failure and me posting here on this board is proof of it
are you fisting a Brian often?
>even lc has become cringe to read
how do I even come back from this level of self awareness l
I prefer dark triad abuseStacies
I've heard rumours that op1 is very ugly and fat and has boring unrelatable hobbies you should go obsess over sister nona instead
We're all here for a reason. It's the one thing that binds us. I believe that nobody who actually posts here is having a great time in life.
you write such bad stuff when you should be sleeping
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I'm nobody worth anyones consideration. Just a lonely girl with a broken heart wishing her brother would talk to her.
I mean realistically this board is only useful for ragebaits and attention whoring
it's all so tiresome
I feel like I'm getting old but it's not getting any better either
>Just a lonely girl with a broken heart wishing her brother would talk to her.
I hope you aren't an incestfreak, and it's not why he hides from you
You are never going to find satisfaction here only in real life.
read the archive to find out.
well I've given up either way
I do nothing besides bedrotting and doomscrolling all day
at least I know one day reality will catch up to me
then maybe I'll have to stop whining
until then
even writing this out feels cringe
I should be sleeping already
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>ragebaits and attention whoring
my bread and butter
>I do nothing besides bedrotting and doomscrolling all day
Sounds boring
Whys that?
In the grand scheme of things a relatively new phenomenon. Most of it automated and if you really look at the replies the majority seem automated too. It makes me sad thinking that the energy used to power the machine that runs the software that posts that garbage could have helped light a dark street, heat a cold house or help power medical equipment. Instead some sad, pathetic troll or paid actor is using it to shit up a board full of sad people and ruffle some feathers for someones political agenda.
There's plenty of ways to be brokenhearted. That said, your phrasing comes off somewhat mean spirited.
>Instead some sad, pathetic troll or paid actor is using it to shit up a board full of sad people and ruffle some feathers for someones political agenda.
You don't say >>78203789
what else
wishful thinking, it's just that most posters are underaged
you have just given up on living and are rottmaxxing? i should order some pizza for dinner and bedrottmaxx in solidarity
i mean everybody has such phases but then you just move on anyway
go do something with friends and people who love you its what they are here for
>friends and people who love you
ahahahaahh... oh wow.
L skibidi rizz
>what else
I was about to call it gay but
Guess you already punished yourself in a gay way enough
>In the grand scheme of things a relatively new phenomenon
dont laugh at me moid
unless you live in a basement with no outside connection and have never known anybody u got no excuse just miserymaxxing

weak attempt at getting some of my pizza
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Did I say something amusing? I remember when this place was happier and it's primary use was play-classy shitposting and greentext stories. Perhaps you're too young to remember. that time. It was well over a decade ago. It's a pointless line of conversation and I'm too tired to deliver a history lesson, however let me say this. /r9k/ wasn't always the way it is now, and it won't always be this way in the future. Eventually the winds of change blow. The only question is what comes after classy gentlemen posts > roneryfags > wizards > incels? Nobody knows but if you stick around long enough, you'll find out.
what is OP1?
wtf when did dominos get so expensive
extravaganza is $17 fucking niggers
I stopped ordering pizza when a small chicken and jalapeno pizza went over 5 euros. I'm not willing to waste money on a food a school child could make.
retard do i look like im going to bake a pizza
How would I know? I've never seen you. Are you not capable of rolling dough and smearing sauce, cheese and sliced meats and veggies on it? Does your oven not get up to 200c?
who the fuck hs time for that
>you live in a basement with no outside connection
sounds about right
no u
This is an op1 style image.
this is a op1 esl style post.
What's esl about that post?
I'm going to fuck our mom op1 style
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>Perhaps you're too young to remember.
Kek, if only you knew who you're talking to. Even if you're old, I could probably be your uncle.

Let me put it this way, ragebaiting is the essence of the internet. It can be subtle, it can be elaborate, but it's always there. Old /b/, old /r9k/, old blue boards, all of them were filled to the brim with ragebaits of varying potency.

A funny thing that I have noticed is that people always tend to craft theirs targeted at their own demographic. Women mostly make up shit on reddit subs like r/aitah and other "men bad" and adjacent territories while incels use this site and forums, but the target is always their own people. Ragebait is never aimed at *them*, it's always *us*, it's goal is to make your own perceived group more aligned with your feelings and beliefs. Think about it and you will come to the same conclusion.

It's basically emotional bullying.
Maybe both them are just Irish
The attitude.
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Imagine if fembots were real
pay attention to me!!! this is not a drill

Moid chan, save this poor soul.
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ok which one of yous threw my overwatch game >:(
sweaty, cheesy, girl feet all over my face and tongue!
im going insane and im going to dye my hair pink nonas wish me luck
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don't do it man, just sleep it off
ive already slept on it for a month or so
Buy a wig, don't be silly
Only parts of Event Horizon.

If you want to think of some positive, well that is something positive.

God, about Con Air, it's one movie my mom watches often. That and Couples Retreat. I get got so tired of watching Con Air growing up.

It wouldn't be a biofem thread without us being accused of being either. Like I care about some idiotic scrote's opinion at this point.

Nothing. You all scarred me and a lot of others for life and I still deal with it to this day. I want my childhood innocence that you all took away from me back.

I've literally been asleep for a long time. I didn't get up until about 10pm and I was watching a livestream until just now.

Why? We need more male nurses so they can deal with male patients. I got so fucking tired of the sexual harassment of male patients at the psych hospital because of the stupid AF nurse fetish. Even the Wanderer is still like that since he forgets everything. They still deny it's dementia just like they denied the fucking dementia patient that attacked me had dementia which was eventually confirmed as Alzheimers at the state hospital where he is at now.

God moids are so fucking stupid.
Ragebaits haven't been a thing for a while lol. Currently a lot of the site reads like spam, no wonder the userbase keeps declining despite 4chan's status in the internet world.
I wish it was IA though, it's clearly people. You can easily tell if you have used chatbots and that kind of shit a bit, even in words there's this glossier artificial shine, in text is shown as mannerisms and expressions the IA just refuses to let go, as if all the IAs were in a country and that was their particular slang. The problem is just comments are lazy, boring and not worth engaging most of the time.
>Your favorite teacher?
Fifth grade teacher, I won't give out her name. Probably one of the most caring souls to ever exist. RIP.

>Your favorite subject?

>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
No, I did not.

>Do you want to go back?
>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
Both of these: fuck no.
Con Air is class, unforgettable movie

Ah school in general was bad for me. Once I got into uni we'll it was stressful but I enjoyed it so much better. Also didn't get bullied
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Describe your experience with e-BFs.
It may have some good scenes, but it gets aggravating watching the same things over and over again.

Everything about it was moronic for me. I mentioned it so many times why I hated it so I won't go into it again.
i"m still waiting for someone who's not my e-bf to wake up, what's messed up is that i sent a selfie (fully clothed) i sent to him to my best friend, since we were talking about aura, and he was more enthisiastic about my appearance than the guy i actually like, and we're literally just fully platonic friends

>crush says "not bad"
>friend says "cuteeee"

either my crush is really hiding his power level, my friend is exaggerating, or both of them have different definitions of cute

to be honest this might be the first guy i liked who isn't even e-boyfriend material, but i've been in too deep for months now
What happened in your life that made you this way towards men?
Is it the end of nicknames era?
>Your favorite teacher?
my history teacher was nice to me and i think he liked me but i was just quiet and answered questions
>Your favorite subject?
computer science
>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
no. hated it.
>Do you want to go back?
i still have to go back.
>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
i like learning and i wouldnt mind actually teaching someone something that i can do, one on one.. but with kids and so many of them, no way..
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i got drunk tonight. i keep trying to lose myself in stories other people made up, but people sure seem to keep making up things that remind me of myself. if we didn't know what menstruation is on a biological level i would genuinely believe there was a living creature inside me always clawing to get out, then hibernating for a few weeks. it's so unnerving how it writhes around without my input. i hate trying to sit or lay down anywhere, my body never rests well. i always feel strewn haphazardly, or stacked hurriedly like a pile of rocks. there's no natural way for me to feel at rest, i need to wrap around something. pillows never feel like enough. i have a lot of complaints about them, but to be honest, having tits make me feel pretentious, even to myself. some awful joke that is, but i can't shake the feeling. i wish there were more options for living beings than to be exactly what we are. i'm so bent out of shape i almost feel like i could slip into another category of thing and work well as one of those, the way you use an old toothbrush as a cleaning brush, but tied to a single truth of the being that i am, i can't be anything else. it's claustrophobic sometimes.
Hey both my parents are teachers
Im offended by telling anyone to die also I dont have enough money to be transgender
Okay I am reading that now and realizing that was mean and i should not of said it in such a way,I just want people to not hurt themselves by going after bad people (something that i'm guilty of myself and was projecting for when i said that) i'm sorry to that poster for what said
Your prediction was wrong!
she read mean replies on the internet, she just said so
>Con Air
no one noticed tomochan >>78223658 (
We all did it was just not interesting
tomochan is ALWAYS interesting! for at least two reasons..
Sorry I know absolutely nothing about overwatch.
Lol and valo I touched a tiny bit, but overwatch not at all
Being uncomfy with your body is troonish crap, bask in the temple of your own doing, a work that still surpasses any human made work by several levels
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you're all sluts and mid! skank whores!
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>hmm it is not late yet, I need to recharge but am not ready for bed I will lay down and nap for a little bit
>wake up after 6 and a half hours
Must have been more tired than I thought. I think I need a coffee.

>Your favorite teacher?
Had a law teacher in high school who was a former federal cop up here. Very stern lady but I liked the subject.
>Your favorite subject?
Computer stuff. Law and drama were close seconds
>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
High school was fun, I had nerd friends and you were still allowed to call people retarded faggots. College was better since I was only studying stuff I actually liked.
>Do you want to go back?
Not really. Would be nice to be that young again physically but I don't think further schooling has anything to offer me.
>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
Nope. I wanted to be a corporate IT goblin who people leave alone
Long time to see, seems like drinking got you out of the lurking shadows, nothing about a period feels natural, I wish we laid eggs instead. Pillows don't work because they're not warm and don't make much pressure, I hope you get a hug soon nona.
Do fembots like getting pissed in? Does it hurt?
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First ejaculation, then urination.
>Does it hurt?
Only when they pee pee in the poo poo
Ew, I'd rather play TF2
Talking about teaching, what was the last topic you did research on?
Very clearly says NOT tomo
Gross, I'd rather play another game that I like more. Amiright
hey NOT tomo, how are you? what are you up to?
>How are you?
I am alright. I have been drawing more often lately, trying to keep myself busy I guess. Oh and obtained photoshop the other day, so that's fun, going to also get illustrator as well. I need to do a refresh on some of the tools so I've been following tutorials. I kind of want to do a drawing request thread like I've seen others make, but I don't want to get burnout or hear complaints of ignoring someone's coomer request or something
>Up to
I woke up hours before daylight and have been bedrotting. I'll make myself get up and make breakfast though. What are you up to???
nta but are you still running and stuff often? I've been a lot more consistent with exercising. Thanks for the inspiration.
>t. male
Yes, not this morning because the weather is being shitty but I still exercise 5 times a week at least. The hiking stuff from my mom came in so I'm planning a hike in a few days that will last some hours. I really enjoy the hikes (besides one part of the trail that has these big ass ravines to navigate around and I see my life flash before my eyes) and I've been seeing results from exercising for a while now!!
I'm glad I inspired you, friendly moid. keep up the gains or whatever gym people say
Computer stuff, I was interested in that big outage the other day. Turned out to be pretty boring.
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>Ew, I'd rather play TF2
Hell yeah
Why do you get up so early? Is your sleep schedule fucked?
I always get up early. It's been a habit since teen years but got worse with college. I have a habit of waking up around 2-4am, being up for a few hours, and sometimes going back to sleep. Or staying up. It was more inconvenient in college when I didn't want to annoy my roommate, so I usually went to the art studio or eSports lounge in the middle of the night. Security knew me pretty well.
Now it's less fun and I just play ow2 games by myself in the AM
>been drawing more often lately
but you don't post anything ( show funny doodles
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Why are women like this?

>33-year-old Yana Itzkovich first killed her 6-year-old child at home, then chopped her pet in half and, covered in blood, headed to a shopping mall.
>Seeing the bloodied woman with an axe, security tried to stop her. With difficulty, she was detained and handed over to the police. She attempted to attack the guards and bystanders.
>According to media reports, Itzkovich was involved with numerous spiritual groups and cults that glorify Satanism. She was a member of a sect that practiced "freeing" children from "evil spirits."

>waking up around 2-4am
you're a peculiar neet.. don't you prefer night owl mode?
Oh I have. I just don't have a recognizable art style and haven't been drawing Tomoko lately, though I might draw her soon wearing a lobster suit because some anon has been collecting drawings of that request
I will get to drawing after winning this ow game
titanfall 2 > team fortress 2
All humans can be monsters, women just hide it better
We need to bring back the death penalty just for people who murder their own kids.
Never believe religious and other superstitious people.
They are mental trash.
>Never believe religious and other superstitious people.
You have offended a lot of people with that ITT
>wHy ArE wOmEn LiKe ThIs?
>Mothers and fathers (including stepparents) were equally responsible for killing their children.
Confirmation bias is a bitch.
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>wHy ArE wOmEn LiKe ThIs?
We have actual redditors on board. Grim.

Also, stop debatefagging, it's cringe.
>oh noes!!! i got btfo, i got to call them a redditor to save face!!!
Fuck off, moid.
I do NOT prefer night own mode, whenever I do happen to sleep in it makes the rest of my day feel slightly worse.
Seconding this one. I also hate the foster system in the US but also believe there's too many mentally unfit (and/or evil) people who should not be raising kids. I hate the excuse of "noooo dont break up families"!!!!
There's some ambiguity to it, such is the sad story of Beata Kowalski where she had her child taken away on false pretenses. But that case was handled by such an evil caseworker.
>still debatefagging
Thank you for conceding. Apology accepted.
Do you think you'd made a good mom?
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I'd expect nothing less.
Probably not. I get nervous around kids and babies, still have not held a baby ever in my life. Always declined to hold other people's baby. I would also want to see a decent counselor or something to help cut back on my anxiety as to not fuck up the kid mentally or something
is hating nice/weak guys the right call?


would you ever marry a nice/ weak guy
did you answer the thread questions?
Read the fucking op this isnt atoga you incel piece of shit
>Starts a debate
>Instantly Loses
>"Stop debatefagging"
Trying to call out women on crimes when they only do 10% of them is so fucking cringe
>a man who is confident and strong but doesn't use it to shit on women, is nice to people and doesn't hate women
this is ideal.
True confidence comes from not being an entitled faggot that's jealous of women and needs to put down everyone around them to feel safe, and even if not hating women is the manliest trait, 90% of men can't even do so, moreover they're still on the toddler tantrum phase
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>From 2003 to 2012, there was a decrease in the rate of crime overall, but an increase in crimes committed by women.[63] There was an increase in arrest rate for women of 2.9% but a decrease in arrest rate for men of 12.7%.[63]
Don't worry, we are getting better.
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A, it's actually 20% of violent crime and 40% of property crime, B, crime is a social construct and C, almost all violent crime is male on male, so it shouldn't even concern you, sweetie.
>ovulation is the time when testosterone is naturally highest in women
>also when a woman is the most fertile

Nature just beat my ass
Does this answer your question?
Some families really do need to be broken up, tragic as it is and as much as I hate the idea of splitting a family up. Some people are sick.
>B, crime is a social construct
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I was joking, but it literally is. Crime is a mindspook, it only exists inside your head and it's only a concept as long as someone is willing to enforce the framework around it.
For the love of darn I cannot find a pdf of National Geographics' kids almanac from 2012. My child self shouldn't have ruined the book with soda
That was a good one moid I give you that, of course it's true but it was so redundant
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I would greatly appreciate if you stopped using derogatory slurs on me, it's just immature and completely unnecessary.
Clyde Clash, that takes me back.
It's pretty absurd that CWC is a tranny now.
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You're just jealous of her lesbian rapture phase
Early 2000's CWC lore is so much more rich in story than the current tranny arc.
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NTA, but this picture reminds me well why Reality is better than any fiction, why the truth, even if always limited and obscured, is better than lies.
More complex, more unpredictable, more interesting, more beautiful and you can never accuse the author of any agenda and imposed narrative.
you're just jealous he fucked her mom
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You can only wish you were so in tune with your Venusian energy.
I agree. Pretty much everything after Bob were depreciating returns. Especially the idea guys and everything that came after that as it pretty much ruined CWC for everyone. His antics were always funniest when there was little to no prompting.
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You know it. Reality always comes to collect what it's owed from people who entertain delusions. It's completely indifferent to anything but it's own set of harsh rules.
sisternona is into lolcows?
Bob deserved a lot better. He really should have cut the internet down.
>it's been over a decade since Chris tried to run that guy over in a parking lot
Where does the time go
Only CWC really. The others come and go but Chris is the original lolcow. No cow could ever come close.
I honestly don't understand these women, why don't they just play video games with us instead of being up to date on these disgusting worms? What do they even get out of it?
It's the incest, I'm telling you.

If you don't keep up with some 4chan legends you're not a real robot.
ive only watched about half of genosamuels videos, but mostly watch kingcobrajfs's edit channels
Why do women expect to be freed from their gender roles while at the same time expect men to adhere to their traditional gender roles? While at the same time expecting men to take on traditional female gender roles as well?
I have to admit not many of them have both the entertainment value and staying power of Chris. Usually one or the other.
>It's the incest
it's highly recommended for high anxiety fembots
>If you don't keep up with some 4chan legends you're not a real robot.
I've been here forever and these people disgust me. Chris chan in particular makes me feel nauseous and I couldn't imagine actually being emotionally invested in his wretched life, if you can even call it that. Your obsession with disgusting people doesn't give you street cred, it just makes you the online version of an electric jew/football watching normalfaggot.
Oh yeah. Michael Snyder from the Game Place. One of the most hilarious and again, completely unprompted and unhinged.
That and macing the Gamestop employee during the "blue arms in Sonic Boom" arc were hilarious.
>completely unprompted
Every time I hear about zoomer lolcows like Daniel Larson being a-logged until they spaz out I get annoyed. It's like nobody cares about watching them from a distance anymore
Oh, not a single nona plays video games with you? How unlucky.
Can't relate
>>78227333 v/
Interested in the Cyber-security or coding part?
silence moider, moidlet, moidcel, moidroid, retardmoid, moidfagg, moidmaxxed moidniggro, moiderino not-nona
The cybersecurity end mostly. When I initially heard about it, it sounded like it may have been malicious so I got looking into it out of curiosity.
It is malicious, the jews run the antivirus
Sounded more like incompetence to me. If it was malicious then it's pretty incompetent too since the fix was pretty straightforward.
Fine, I'll say it: it's none of your fucking business.

I've been in a major brain fog since I woke up and still am experiencing it so I cannot think worth shit rn. I'm hoping I can sleep it off here in a little bit. Exercise didn't help this morning.
Based M, spitting facts about her lore, hope your brain fog goes away
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This is not appropriate and you know it. Do better.
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weekend with Op1
Thank you, O. God I hope so. Too much shit going on at once.
hii op1
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That's just slander, this is me and op1
>pretty straightforward.
How do you know it was straight forward? Do you have experience in cyber security?
Yes. I worked in systems administration, I went to college for it and have several certifications.
...I also read their press release, which has information on the cause of the problem and how to fix it lol
>several certifications
ohhh which do you have and which would you recommend to someone looking to get into cyber security or someone looking to work closely with cyber security teams?

Do you still do any of this kind of work from home?
Cisco certs are a good place to start. Their online course is pretty robust (and is part of the curriculum in colleges here). Something like 95% of routers or modems in workplace settings run on Cisco software. I've got some Microsoft one that basically just exists to let you pad your resume, and I had an A+ Security when I was younger but the exam for that is 16 hours over two days and it wasn't worth maintaining anymore. I'm completely out of the workforce right now. If I went back I would probably do tech support from home so I can be with the baby. Cisco really is the best place to start for certs IMO.
How do you feel about the CISSP?
From the looks of it that's a pretty intensive one. I took CCNA and then CCNP as part of my college education to start. CCNA is pretty broad in what it covers but is good to get a foot in the field at least. CCNP is more focused in scope and is taken after usually
i miss my boyfriend sooooooooooo much rahhhh!!!! we're both sick rn and all i want is to lay in bed with him and take a nap with our cat. can't wait to be back in our apartment... ;__;;
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>What happened in your life that made you this way towards men?
Probably something like this
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And OP1 too
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>spoiler and spoiler
dang Tomochan, new doodles are fire
handwriting is much worse than that
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The ultimate form of intimacy and connection. You can penetrate her upper cavity with your tongue, you can penetrate her lower cavity with your penis, or vice versa. But with fingers, it's like she spreads out up to eight pairs of legs and you can slide through all of them at once. Four times more penetration, truly the lewdest act.
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Shut up the virtue gimmick is cringe you're literally posting in a female thread, how appropriate is that?
Are you alright? You mean there's a lot going on at work or is something's draining you?
hiii nonaa
It's inspiring to hear you did OPSEC, Do you feel safer knowing CyberSec?
can't stop thinking about moids groping me
>Do you feel safer knowing CyberSec?
Not really. Most of what I learned there is for the workplace. I already knew the stuff I practice in day to day life.
So why did you do it, Slimenona?
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>>78230111 v/
Sad, everything comes down to who you trust then
Pic rel is what happened, feel bad yet liberal?
I mean, just look at her pic above. She's a lesbo, pal.
that's berries gimmick
I wouldn't be sure about that
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The trip is so easy one day I'm going to get impersonated, trip included, I'm just warning you it will eventually happen, I could change my password but I think its kinda funny if it happens
why did you laugh at this
You mean you'll start shit and then pretend it wasn't you? Aight.
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>You mean you'll start shit and then pretend it wasn't you? Aight.
You're no fun!
Classic 1
OP1, will be my girlfriend?
the worst fears are materializing...
Nah, I owe you nothing
moidchan hating on beautiful healthy women >>78229302
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>Your favorite teacher?
My honors gov one, he was super chill and played lofi while we worked during class
>Your favorite subject?
English, I always liked writing and had a knack for making stories
>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
Highschool was kinda bleh for me but I have been enjoying college, especially since I get to sleep in most days
>Do you want to go back?
Well i dont really plan on going past my bachelors so ehh im not sure
>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
No, I dont have the patience for most kids, nevertheless a room with 30 of them
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>this is her endgame
>this is what she wanted all along
>this is ideal
that's what I've given to bio fems for dozens of threads. You owe me biofems. time to pay up
>dumb bitch sells her own body willingly
>fucks and sucks guys left and right
those are networking though. do you know how to do subnetting and route aggregation
Everything is moids fault! I hate moids so much it's unreal.
Yes, those are networking but you're going to need them too a lot of the time. Plus it's kind of just what I could get out here I know how to subnet and such, though it's been long enough since I had to actually do it I would need to refresh my memory first
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I did catch her in multiple relationship advice threads where she told every single young girl to break up with their boyfriends
>He's still digging a random tripcode
Some people need meds.
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>random tripcode
All of the best security guys say you need to know networking as a foundation to be any good at security. I'm sort of thinking about going for the cissp but security stuff is so boring. Supposedly it's good for thinking about things from a management level view. Also I hear it's not very in depth but just expected to know very little about a very large range of things. I've heard it described as being a vocabulary test. That kind of test seems easier to me than some of the other stuff out there.
What comic is this again? I keep seeing it around but I cant find the original artist anywhere.
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Say hello to your new president, ladies and chuds.
is Kamala Harris actually OP1?
I doubt it, OP1 seems a bit more intelligent
Based csm fan nona
>even if not hating women is the manliest trait, 90% of men can't even do so
If 90% of men hate women then maybe women deserve to be hated
If you want men to not hate women then consider not treating men like shit unless they're exceptional/have "proven themselves" to you
Sheeple mindset.
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yes. the best pace for guessing is four posts per second. last night it was 1-6 posts every 15 seconds, it was very hard to track.

giving trannies sole claim to insecurity is giving them more than they deserve. insecurity is sour but inherently human. trannies are inherently rejecting their humanity.

i wonder if we laid eggs, would we find it socially acceptable to scramble them if they were unfertilized? if not, would we then find it abhorrent to eat bird eggs? thanks for the well wishes, but hugs aren't likely in my future forecast. possibly ever.
apparently chris chan is out of jail but is boring now, which is kind of a waste lol
>thanks for the well wishes, but hugs aren't likely in my future forecast. possibly ever.

Wrong again. As usual
>rejecting their humanity
no amount of rejecting humanity makes someone inhuman, because the desire to do that is something only a human could have, i can only hope no other animal has ever had to wonder why it exists, that they never have to face the existential struggles we do

you don't have to be trans to think being a human just sucks
>i wonder if we laid eggs, would we find it socially acceptable to scramble them if they were unfertilized? if not, would we then find it abhorrent to eat bird eggs?
Some are going to call you a wannabe philosopher for these questions, but I think they're actually really good.
The reason he's a legend is because entertained far, far past the average expiration date of a lolcow. Kinda like those OG streamers that still get a following even if they're quite well past it.
I've been following the CWCki for a while and it has been pretty boring, but I'm partially glad he's not purposefully stirring up shit like some modern "content creators" do for views.
The sheer way his autism affects him also plays a large part as well. He has been far, far too naive in the past and trusting of strangers. He is influenced easily and formed one-sided emotional connections with others fast, while still being stubborn in his autist ways.
As an autist, I sympathize a little, but plenty of people have tried to help him before
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you went too deep in the thinking well. i'm just saying it's retarded to say "feeling guilt is narcissist bullshit" when narcissists find guilt so intolerable an experience that they lie to themselves and to others and use all their force of will to distort reality around them to make themselves entirely blameless. yes, it's central to their reality and why they are reprehensible, but we all HAVE it; it's insanely dumb to say it's characteristic of the people who reject it, instead of bearing that burden like we all have to do as sentient adult human beings.

it probably comes across as philosophical because i'm tired, which means my brain moves slowly, which means i use more sterile language compared to when i'm in high spirits. it's just a dumb what if, kek.
>give compliment
>spends a paragraph self-deprecating
Ugh, why did I even bother
Odd compliment that. Self deprecating your humanity is retarded anyway, bask in the glory of being able to reason instead of being conned into fake depression because of a twitter meme.
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if you expect cheeriness as a result of every kind word you say and feel irritation when it isn't displayed, you aren't giving a compliment, you're demanding one. "i was kind, see? now validate my virtue!"

that is not kindness. also, nothing i said was self deprecating, you just don't like me, so when i describe myself, you think i'm putting myself down.
Is that what moids think compliments are lmao. Go fly a kite loser
i think he was 420, not 315, which makes it even funnier, because that reply wasn't a paragraph. if he was 315, i cannot IMAGINE where the compliment was supposed to be.
>Is that what moids think compliments are lmao. Go fly a kite loser
You have a nice ass and a decent face. Raise my children and cook food for us.
The girl who made that comic is actually really cute. Based teacher for grooming the fuck out of her.

>t. male.
You also preemptively insulted her on behalf of a made up third party in your brain lmao
They didn't even fuck
lol so the teachers reputation got ruined and he didn't even get to smash

>t. male.
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That's what you get for taking the blue pill
KEKEK that's what I was thinking too, it was literally two sentences. Maybe it's that moid who always posts those yt shorts, and he finally lost the ability to read. That's my fun headcanon at least.
You know who ELSE has a decent face?
Post her pics. I'm curious, but unable look it up: I have a finger disease. Very serious stuff.
you would make such a great free cooker of my meals
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Dinner is ready sweetfart. Eat up.
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I know this one.
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Why do you want him to wake up?
I prefer the silicone gels in your boobs ;]
Telling somebody they came up with a good question is not an odd compliment.
Sorry, pal
>hmmmm, such a good inquiry. Others would ridicule you and call you a loser, but not me! Please suck my dick
the worst breed of simp
if I don't neg you, how will you realize that I'm superior to you and that you should be trying to earn my attention and validation?

Women can't understand anything...
This is what men do to each other.
But the paragraph wasn't for you
desu i think my crush might be negging me, because on one hand he acts reallyy neutral to me, but on the other hand, he likes my posts and retweets on twitter
Purely hypothetically speaking how would you react if you found out your father and brother had a threesome with the same woman?
i kinda wouldn't care lol
who'd dad and brother did you bang?
Dangerous game
I got ahold of my dad's phone when I was a kid just to see if I could play games on it and only found an eecard saying "can I oee in ur butt", that he sent to a coworker. Just though I would share.
What did your mom think of that
It's none of your business as well.
I think the issue with blood is that it isn't too good for normal cooking and the monthly one is practically old blood, I'm sure eating your own egg would be mystified in some way, maybe stem cells would been researched better and we would be using the eggs to make new organs or body parts
Fair enough, hope tomorrow is a better day
Damn, that bad, huh
She was serving time and I didn't mention it during my monthly phone call
Would you rest your feet on a man's face for half an hour in exchange for money, and if so, how much?
Sure, $500
How's your sleep lately? You seem up a bit earlier than usual
I wonder if she is on her period.
Moidnona sure knows how to tease
Really? I find it indcredibly gross. Do you have any kind of semi-close relationship with them?
I didn't bang anyone.
My sleep is fine.
1 billion dollars, and free therapy afterwards
She has a right to express herself and keep to herself whatever is bothering her, I am not entitled to knowing.
>Purely hypothetically speaking how would you react if you found out your father and brother had a threesome with the same woman?
If the same woman was my mom? Ew!
If the same woman was my sister-in-law? Shame on dad for cheating.
If the same woman was someone else? Shame on my dad AND my brother for cheating.
Didn't imply she hasn't
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An irrelevant statement, but okay.
How's the night pics project going?

damn, moneychads stay winning
It has nothing to do with teasing. It's literally none of your business.

It hasn't. I just haven't feel like doing it recently.
I think she broke up with her boyfriend
She will hate men even more now
Raiding this dick and balls with my tiny thread
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>I think she broke up with her boyfriend
Or he got away
I love how expressive tf2 can be, it hilarious. Just compare the two games in your pic.
No one cares about your opinion, schizo.
Could be
I care
There he goes with his samefagging again.
How many personalities are you up to now? 50?
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Calm down, OP1
We already know it's you. We know you spend your entire waking hours on 4chan.
Bro her name is right there in OP pic.

>t. male.
Oh boy, here we go giving routerfag (You)'s again.
You expect people to fucking learn?
Routerfag is OP1, btw.
He's been slandering you for awhile. You should care more about it.
Probably not, but I wouldn't put it past her/him
Which tripfag (female) has the most slippery pungent pussy right now?
>You should care more about it.
You dare to tell Moid-chan what to do?
Let him. Don't respond to fucking trolls. And yes, I know about it, especially the one where he """"""""""reported""""""""" me to the FBI which was linked to me by a nona on proton. I know because I worked with his kind at the psych hospital. They act like they were tough shit on the internet, but when actually confronted, they were cowering in fear. They're not tough, they're cowards. Ignore them.

And I fucking wish he did since at that point I'd have full immunity on my nursing license for the other two times I've been falsely accused (with full investigations with video evidence which showed I did not only the right thing, but continue to go above and beyond in my job which I received rewards from even at the state level) plus community support to the point where I could probably get on permanent disability for constant harassment. I have enough at this point, but more evidence is more evidence. I'm half tempted just to apply at this point.

In the end: just fucking ignore trolls. Trolls gonna troll.
Undoubtedly your mon.
Oh, more Moidfoid lore, nice
reminds of when op1 acted as if she had a special right to argue with trolls in here and didnt care that other nonas hate it
Reminds me of that Navy Seal pasta a bit.
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War is what she wants, anon
It's a part of her plan
Stolen valor get what they fucking deserve from people who actually served.
I see you are using your old name.
Well I managed to get my moped running. I had a bunch of jets and none of them actually fit. But I had another spare carb of the same type gutted then for a jet. It is only a few sizes smaller. Still not the right one for where I am but good enough to get my moped going. I am overnighting the proper ones. I cooked dinner. The chilimac was really good. Saved two bowls for lunch for next week. Other than that just trying to enjoy the rest of my weekend. How are you?
If I were still posting in this thread things would be good.
Hey peaches!! Yeah, I'm having some issues rn.

You are so intelligent getting stuff like that working. It's always fun seeing people get things working with non-standard parts.

Was the chilimac one of the recipes you were itching to try? It must have been great to have something else for a change. A bonus for making a bunch more. Leftovers are always great to have for later.

How are you feeling?
>Was the chilimac one of the recipes you were itching to try?
One of them yes. It was really good. Think I should of added more cheese but otherwise it was great. Also have extra cheese to make like monterey jack grilled cheese sandwiches for later.
I am happy the moped runs I could probably use it as is to get to work now but going to try one of the smaller jets I bought overnight to see if it improves it a bit more. Shouldnt be so hard and have my last weekend day to do it so might as well try.

>How are you feeling?
Been okay in a little pain but otherwise alright. Kind of cracked and smoked yesterday only had a little bit because I was in a lot of pain. Feel bad about it but nothing today so it doesn't seem to have a hold on me. Just need to keep not using it and I'll be fine.
What happened in the best day you had at school/college?
Why women are so gay?
incorrect logical order. gay men are pretending to be women.
I had a lot of good days in college. Even if I didn't show up to class much. One of the best days that I can remember is I signed up for some kind of fashion show. There were lots of people who had modeling experience or were really attractive and cool. I only got in because two of the organizers knew me. I was actually really goofy and walked weirdly. I never even realized I walked like that. Over the course of a few weeks I had a lot of practice on how to actually walk correctly and to the beat of the music. We did the show and afterwards a bunch of us went out to some party. By then we made friends with some of the models who were actually very attractive and cool. They danced with us all night and we felt like Rockstars in the vip section. Such a fun night.
To this day, if I'm feeling particularly confident and there's a good song playing, I'll attempt to use the walk I learned.
Oh, nice! The next time you make it, you can experiment with adding more cheese. Grilled cheese is always a good choice to make!

With how much work you put in to making it work, it's always a blessing to see it work. Having that extra mode of transportation is always great.

It's okay, we all have our days in which we cannot bear it any longer. Besides, you are in quite a bit in pain, so it's excusable imo. Don't down yourself too much over it.
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How do I get my boyfriend to fall in love with me? We've been together for around six months. He finds people and emotional intimacy stressful and exhausting, but I convinced him to give a relationship a chance. We talked about how the relationship is going yesterday. He said that he's neutral to slightly positive towards me, and that the relationship is sometimes enjoyable but that on most days he finds it a stressful commitment and that he'd rather spend his time sleeping or being alone.
Not that I am gay, but let's be honest you people don't make a good reason to NOT be gay. Sooooo
I think after that time it doesn't matter if he falls in love with you, you're simply expecting something from him he won't give you.
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Because we are ugly, duh.
shut the fuck upp faggot (kys)
It's actually the insecurity of everything involving supporting men being considered as gay.
Moids yet again kill a thread and make it so uninteresting that no one wants to post in it.
>played lofi while we worked during class
I would have hated that lmao
No plans to leave neetdom?

Not surprising nobody really wants to be a teacher. I feel like I want to but cowardice aside is not a career worth pursuing anyway. Some colleagues I know do some teaching on the side at uni level and seeing how they work instead of feeling like I should do it I just feel bad for the students for getting a bad deal lol.
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Still I want to make sure I wont get in trouble for it. Just trying to enjoy my night still hurt but it was so bad compared to yesterday.
To me, it's a major breach of duty that they make you deal with so much pain without any kind of medication that you have to resort to using marijuana. Then, they wonder why people resort to illegal drug usage and become addicted. They should be at least be giving you something that can take it down a notch or two.

Is that a new drawing? It's great as always, peach!

Have you dealt with this current generation? Even teachers who love their job no longer want to deal with them. Many teachers here have quit their jobs because of the stress caused by the current generation.
bothering women online!
>Is that a new drawing? It's great as always, peach!
It is yes though I don't really like this one. Just trying to get myself to do something haha
All the women of /biofem/ should be required to post their grippy hands so I can use them for masturbation purposes, the way god intended.
A cousin has, had no problem with what you call elementary school.. tried up high school because of better salary and went back after a week.
Maybe the most thankless job out there.
My mind has been corrupted, I'm not seeing innocent joy in that kirb :(
what's a grippy hand?
Your hand in a position pretending to grip something
Like grabby hands, but grippy
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Ah I have a feeling I didn't do it right but what might you be looking at?

I like this one better but I doubt anyone will know this guy.
What is it that you don't like about it? I think it's cute.

Okay, I don't know what I'm seeing in this one. I know it's the 7up Spot in some kind of new body, but lol what is going on?

Interesting. I'm glad your cousin is able to deal with the children. Even here, almost every single child has become brats. High school...ugh, my niece hates being in high school for how people are. She likes being around adults around my age for reason.
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I'm not entirely sure, think it's the closed eyes but hey, it's a me problem I guarantee you

I don't know where is that from, but it brought this game to memory for me
>What is it that you don't like about it? I think it's cute.
Seems off and yeah not entirely sure why.
>I know it's the 7up Spot in some kind of new body, but lol what is going on?
Another character entirely but he is from a game.
Ah you would be wrong but wow more orbie like characters HA.
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lol guess I was way wrong. Ever since you drew Spot, I thought you'd repurposed him in that drawing since it was the first thing I saw when I saw it.

Afa your one drawing, the only two things I see wrong. I'll have a hard time describing it due to my brain fog going on, so I went ahead and numbered them 1 and 2.

1: The line going into the bend just looks really weird.

2: Looks like the lines didn't connect correctly.

Otherwise, I don't see any other issues.
That cousin fled to the boring safe world of audits eventually lol, another relative still teaches and yeah, she does have the passion but also has some sad anecdotes. Not the rich side so not dealing with brats but with stories of neglect and children learning some awful habits, knowing you can't do much for them in the road they seem guided to be, etc..

It's a bit amusing how school remains such an unsolved problem, everyone hates it yet is vital for social life and them skills that if you don't develop you spend the rest of your life thinking you're incomplete, an unrecoverable gap in your life's CV and falling back to that as an excuse for everything else that happens. I think I was the same, preferring being around adults and the likes but dad discouraged it so I ended up defaulting to preferring being around nobody. It's a cliche but yeah, there are some invisible things you miss out when you're not around people your age.
Kirb shape too maybe, he's rounder but line on the far side is almost straight so looks more..potatoesque?.
I'm guessing though, please take feedback from people that actually know how to draw, sorry.
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guy here.
do you girls like wallace and gromit
I actually wanted to say grabby, but it sounded weird to me. I was just describing their seductive hj hands, how they'd grip on your cock.
No idea then, where is he from?
It seems everyone eventually flees to the boring safe world, myself included. It does make sense that who you teach can make a different impression. It reminds me of that one ending in Bad Teacher which that one teacher was getting transferred to a school with disadvantaged children.

I'm 100% not an artist so I don't know much about critiquing art. Those two things I numbered are the only things I can see wrong, though I can see what you mentioned.
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Ah he comes from a game called vectorman or something like that. I remember playing it with my dad and getting upset. It was really hard. I don't remember why.
Looks pretty cool, seems the game had a reputation for being hard. Never knew it existed because back then when I got my first CD with emulators it wasn't there haha
I am struggling to make a straight line. I am starting to thing the tablet has been fighting against me a bit. I swear I can do a simple straight like yet for some reason the millennium puzzle was super hard to do and it is really simple even I could do it
Yes, your pic is still my favorite short but I really liked the movie too.
Is it too old or dirty?
Might be old, it is having another weird issue but even with a good one I will still suck. Need to practice more but I think doing a few of these a day might help
Thanks for taking me back to high school and college with that one, peaches! Not to mention Abridged before it became crap.

You think it's the tablet itself?
Not completely. My wrist might be causing issues but it is bugging out itself too. I did another in pen and even with the rough surface on my table I still managed it better than on the tablet. Still I can see I struggle with lines but not as much so it's probably a mix.
So it's a combination of both, but mostly the tablet faulting out? Well, even with the tablet, you are only going to get better the more you practice.
women would never work together like this
damn, good times.
Hilarious how it's still going. Think it has now taken longer than the series itself.
+15 fucking years and he hasn't ended lmao
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Why ould you ask?
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>>this is what she wanted all along
I see...
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More nonas shold enjoy some grape
That was awful to watch
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I can't believe nobody posted this one yet. It was originally posted on Twitter as a direct reply to the original and holy shit were they fuming
be nice to your bestie, mchan
sisterhood is a joke
Pandering to moids is way different to absolutely destroying them with pure logic and statistics
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>I can't believe nobody posted this one yet.
Men can't feel love they can only feel horny and be scared of losing you for whatever benefits the relationship is giving them, now if you want to feel wanted you can only use those two things but he's not going to look at you with teary eyes and get a heart skip when he thinks of you, they're simply not capable. Good luck dating a schizoid!
Typical disingenuous debatefagging reply.
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>Men can't feel love
Calm down, OP1
You're just jealous of my victory strike kid
Aren't you one of the spammers? Lol the absolute state of hypocrisy.
Solid projections as usual. In terms of love women can only receive and the only love they feel is a solipsistic love of self, even their love for their offspring relates to themselves and themselves alone. Animus and Anima.
explain why men leave their children then
explain why women initiate 80% of divorces and force their men to leave
because men are abusers and cheaters obviously
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Oh no, sweetheart. In terms of fidelity stats, depending on the sample, men and women are starting to produce similar results and that's with men having an infinitely higher sex drive. What does that say about your discipline? 10-15% of women just fuck on the side despite not even having that strong urge? That's your moral high ground?

Also, let's line up divorce stats with infidelity, let's assume that one in five men will cheat. What about the remaining percentage who get divorced anyway? What about the trends of female "gurus" making videos about why it's okay to leave the good guy if he doesn't make you feel excited? You have no real arguments except for in-group preference, you are a herd animal inside a hive mind and most certainly no capacity for self-reflection.
t. has never ovulated in his life
Im not agreeing with you but you are arguing with somebody who will never be relationship material
>1 in 4 men will cheat because muh penis, but woman no penis yet 1 in 10 women will cheat! Take that nazi!
Louder for the coomers please
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You're dying alone in poverty with no support systems in place. It will be as if the only point of your existence was a few decades of frustration, anger and misery and a few more decades of rapid decline.
>Im not agreeing
Of course you don't, I could have brought you concrete proof instead of polls, I could have the objective truth laid out in front of me and your in-group preference would still override it. I know perfectly well that you can not be convinced.
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>You're dying alone in poverty with no support systems in place.
I know right? It's absurd. What can you do but laugh at that point?
I love debatefagging so much it's unreal
Here we go again
Broke is a hilarious insult from people who sustain themselves on ramen and pray to their earth mother or whoever the fuck for a few throne gifts
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You have no idea of anything and you never will, I will just keep laughing to my one girl's inside joke
Well good. I'm glad you have found a way to entertain yourself, but the thing about cheap entertainment is that it only lasts for a while before fatigue hits you.
I'm open to videogame suggestions
That's golden era youtube. More than half of the references gone, including 4kids. LK is a legend, even if it looks like he will finish in 2050
Fine, any specific genres?
Okay, let's stop right there before you go any further.
I'll never have sex. I'm never giving a f*male the satisfaction and I'm never subjecting myself to v*ginal slavery
Nothing competitive its good, I don't want more reasons to be angry
>"That must mean she want sex!"
>Doesn't argue
>"Wow she wants sex!"
Get a break from porn.
>Nothing competitive its good
Yeah, but that's still vague. What do you want to play? RPGs? Shooters? souls-likes?
RPG will do, do you really hear "nothing competitive" and go "yeah she's going to love elder ring"?
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Aight, aight.
ikr? It's like they don't even realize 4chan can be used for actual discussion instead of debating and trolling.
A little debatefagging day keeps the shootings away in GTA V
eh, same thing
>discussing our lives, how we are doing, what we are doing, etc. is debating
No, I wouldn't have recommended elden ring anyway as it's the worst, most tedious fucking souls game I have ever played.

As for RPGs, well, I'm assuming you have finished all the mainstream games like Baldur's gate and Divinity OS, so my first recommendation would be to play through Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2. It's a very unique and immersive story and it plays in a very well-written fleshed out universe and the wokeshit is kept to an appropriate minimum. You actually get to know about the origin of it's gods and how they came to be and that kind of shit.
If you like classic RTWP RPGs, you're going to enjoy it, the second one is very underrated in my opinion and it has a very powerful ending.
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>Pillars of Eternity 1
Never played a Diablo style game, might be worth the try specially if there's good complex lore like that, thanks
It's not a diablo style game, the controls are very different. It plays like one of those old-timer RPGs like icewind dale or baldur's gate. It's not for everyone.
It's still not done? I stopped watching when LK was doing nothing but throwing in 4chan memes into the Battle City arc.
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My nigger
how do I seduce and impregnate Op1?
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Pre-war setup
Might as well get a complete hysterectomy at that point.
Getting a total hysterectomy would be better since they leave our ovaries intact so we don't enter menopause.
This is op1 for sure, but which moid is that
isn't it a bad idea to take out the cervix? wouldn't a guy be fucking our intestines if there's no uterus?
That doesn't happen since the cavity left behind is stitched together. There are complications such as a tear, but it cna be repaired. Just tell the moid to go easy if you are worried. It's not going to kill either of you to have him jack hammer you. But I don't really suggest a hysterectomy in the first place unless you medically need one done. You are better off with >>78238833 if you want a more permanent birth control with less complications. Or bette ryet, just practice safe sex, track your cycle, take birth control (or get an IUD), and not get surgery.
*have him NOT jack hammer you
jack hammering moidchan...
Morning everyone! I wish all nonas a wonderful day

Morning moid-chan! How was work?

>>Your favorite teacher?
My Literature teacher in HS. I feel like she was the only teacher that never, not even for a second, forgot that the whole point of teaching was for us to learn and understand, and grades, tests, papers, were just a tool and in the end it didn't matter. That sucked for me because I'm good at those things, but I like reading anyway.
>>Your favorite subject?
Statistics and Probability in HS. And Discrete Mathematics in Uni. Loved DM because we had to forget everything we knew about math and "rebuild" math from scratch. I remember having to demonstrate that 1>0 for a test.
>>Did you enjoy your school, or college/university?
Haha, no
Loved every day
>>Do you want to go back?
Not really. I feel like those are closed chapters in my life. I have lots of new experiences to live moving forward.
>>Did you want to become a teacher yourself?
It crossed my mind but being a TA showed me how frustrating some students can be.
You just can't help yourself, can you? You horny ol' gal, you
>she already entertains the idea of being captured and sexxed
Naughty 1nona...
Thirsty and slipping moidnona
Hey b!!! How have you been! I had last night off and it's been an extremely busy weekend. It's going to be the last weekend for awhile, but I got things done so that's good.

Apparently the plan with the other co-worker didn't work out so I'm going to get a random schedule from this point forth. This week is work four, off one, then work another four then another weekend. After that I don't know.

Anyway, I got a 12 hour shift tonight so I got to get to sleep. Dammit, why do I have to have a 12 hour tonight when you are on again? I missed you so much! Have a good day!
I need to jack hammer. You wouldn't understand. How else can a woman feel my virility?
can't jack hammer with a micropenis.
>Morning everyone! I wish everyone a good day
Good morning!
question: which do you think is the better system, RAG or GAN? Which would you rather use?
>be me
>actual moid
I can still jackhammer your clit like those lesbians
>Pretending to ignore several incels saying how its our fault they're being drafted and how "we should be careful" when we're not drafted ourselves because they're going to make us pay
Tell me why would I not immediately take cyanide or at least prevent them from incapacitating my chances of survival with pregnancy?
Wait, I thought a hysterectomy was just taking out a small part but is it the entire vagina? Would that mean there's no pleasure during sex anymore?
what the fuck are you even rambling about now, nigger? have you lost your mind?
>why would I not immediately take cyanide
You probably should
nword mentioned! where's redditor anon when you need him?
>>why would I not immediately take cyanide
>You probably should
Seems easier than a hysterectomy but I have no idea where to find cyanide
Not great the the plan with the other co-worker didn't work, but it's good that you get more rest days.

>12 hour shift
I'm sorry you got one.
I missed you a lot too! But I'm going to be here everyday again!

Sleep well!

Apples and oranges. They are different things serving different purposes. That said, I love the core idea behind GANs
>Apples and oranges. They are different things serving different purposes
I bet that moid who spent three minutes googling it and saved this question since yesterday must feel like a retard now kek
>Apples and oranges. They are different things serving different purposes. That said, I love the core idea behind GANs
Ohhh. It was a trick question! You do know your stuff then. Why do you like GAN? I like RAG
Why are you always trying to bait me? Nothing I say will lead to a positive outcome here so I'm forced to ignore you in most cases.
>Why are you always trying to bait me?
You dared to talk to another nona instead of her.
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Imagine the entirety of your inner working being made up of these petty revenge fantasies.

boring-chan will bake for us today?
I was a weird question and I was having a hard time understanding where the confusion could have come from.

It's cool how it turns the training process in this kind of an arms race between both networks. If you truly know what you are talking about, I highly recommend the (joke) paper about Generative Unadversarial Networks if you haven't read it yet. It's 1703.02528 on arxiv. There isn't a single sentence there that's not funny.

I just got back and I have no idea what hes been discussed recently. I will bake if nobody else will, but I'd rather somebody else do it.
>It's cool how it turns the training process in this kind of an arms race between both networks. If you truly know what you are talking about, I highly recommend the (joke) paper about Generative Unadversarial Networks if you haven't read it yet. It's 1703.02528 on arxiv. There isn't a single sentence there that's not funny.

I'll add it to my list. I don't really know and will never have as much in depth knowledge as someone like you. I just know a little from a very high level overview.(High level doesn't mean better to randoms reading this. It means you don't know the details and only a jist of things)
>Ohhh. It was a trick question!
You sound like the incels who go 'ok mame me something else besides Stardew Valley' when a woman says they like video games
New 1nona thread
dungeon sex slave edition next
*turns on the BaTomo signaI*
Ideas for next thread
Things so bad they are good
Word games
This was the last edition, nonas

New bread freshly baked. Come get your freshly baked original bread


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