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Things So Bad They Are Good Edition

Previous : >>78220135

Ignore impolite moids

>Do you enjoy consuming content ironically?
>What's the worst movie/tv show/book you enjoyed?
>Is there any genre you consider bad but can't get enough of?
>Whats your guilty pleasure?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
I'm obsessed with moids and their cute dongs
Thank you for the bake nona!
>Do you enjoy consuming content ironically?
Only Reddit tier content
>What's the worst movie/tv show/book you enjoyed?
Welcome to Zombieland
>Is there any genre you consider bad but can't get enough of?
Every movie past 2012
>Whats your guilty pleasure?
Too many to choose
I'm not using my trip forget it, stop trying to get me out of the shadows.
Ok I see it now, I do sound like that, I'm not as mentally ill tho
shut the fuck up and play your game wandcel
My dick is so hard rn it fuckin hurts. Fembots, help
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nonas only five posts in thirty minutes my thread quality wtf guys- i mean gals
>>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
>It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
Why didn't you stay and protect it? Why did you run away from there like cowards? Were those raids even worse than you had here?
They're just here for gifts and attention, crystal cafe was too slow, that's it
They want moids to hear what they have to say. They don't care about each other that much. Right, foids?
>What's the worst movie/tv show/book you enjoyed?
Neil Breen movies
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Finished my hike this morning, I think it was about 5 miles. I saw a beaver, as well as a little bat sleeping under an overhang. Very pretty out there. I went early enough so I didn't run into anyone either, overall probably a 10/10 hiking experience for me. I would have stayed out longer, but more people started showing up later into the morning
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You're going to vote for her, right? You're not giving up on the sisterhood for racists chuds, are you?
>>Do you enjoy consuming content ironically?
>>What's the worst movie/tv show/book you enjoyed?
Probably the Stallone version of Judge Dredd. Awful movie but a lot of fun.
>>Is there any genre you consider bad but can't get enough of?
Reality TV.
>>Whats your guilty pleasure?
Dance Moms.
Of course! I never understood the significance of the passage of time until she enlightened me.
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my favorite bit was her explanation of the war in the ukraine
Where are the simping cuck moids? I'm genuinely so angry right now and I want someone to yell at.

Can that gutsfag come out from lurking in the shadows so I can use him as my personal punching bag? Please?
I'll take one for the team, I'm no cuck though, I just love my fembots. Go ahead, give it your best shot.
do something productive in your life for once mate
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Tell me about your day. What's stressing you out?
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hello foid, maybe settle down okay
>it is always lurking
fucking creepy as usual
That seems like a really fun hike, I wish I saw a beaver
Most women there are puppets for moids behind the scene, I want a REAL female president
>tfw nona is living my dream of yelling at moids
You *all* are fucking intolerant spoon-fed good for nothing idiotic scumbags. I want to gut you up and afterwards, put your mangled up corpse in a garbage bag and throw it out into a muddy and dirty river, along with everyone you love (not the other way around though, because no one truly loves you)

No, in fact, words and phrases are simply aren't enough to describe my anger. Physical violence isnt enough either. I need to do something to you on a spiritual level. On a fourth and fifth dimensional level. The true extent to my anger transcends the materialistic physical form. The true extent of my anger roots from deep sadness. A sadness, tears wouldn't be able to describe. And this sadness, roots from jealousy. Seeing how you cannot comprehend the feelings of others, This sadness manifests into anger. This anger that has been brought to me, you should feel ten fold. It's like repetitive compulsion. As I wallow away in silent bitterness, I bite the insides of my lips waiting for the moment I can finally deliver to you this unfiltered, pure feeling of anguish that I have kept to myself. Infinitely growing, deep inside of my jaded heart.
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go nappy or I will nap you
>Seeing how you cannot comprehend the feelings of others
what makes you believe that? elaborate
Who is this ovulating fembot? Op1, is that you?
>not the other way around though, because no one truly loves you
That goes without saying, because women can't love men. Women can only hate men and love themselves, always been the case.
Not me but she's based, I'm waiting for the classic ">along with everyone you love (not the other way around though, because no one truly loves you)
but I lov u haha sex!"
close enough but that's the retardfagg
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>along with everyone you love
But you are the one I love.
Nope, most definitely not. That's not OP1's vocabulary.
>Seeing how you cannot comprehend the feelings of others
I think you are worse at it than me.
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I think I know who it is, but I'm not saying.
wonder how scara-chan is doing...
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You would never understand the demons I face in my dreams.
The claws....and pincers...no...not again...
ok I'll sleep
Better than all of us who are trapped here and haven't been outside in days.
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I was stuck here anyway and now I'm dragging you to hell with me because (You)'re addicted to replies and attention.
But only in your dreams.
There's something I like more than that and it's winning. Don't cry that it's boring when I walk away.
this place would be nothing without me!!! you don't appreciate anonymous enough!
Nigger, you're posting all day on this godforsaken board, the only prize you're winning is a hemorrhoid on your asshole from all the sitting.
Winning an argument on 4chan is like winning the special olympics for downies.
talking from experience...desu?
I was told there be fembots here SNIIIIFFFF FFFFFF
He ran away so fast, skittish little guy. Wish I got a picture of him.
Speak for yourself, I actually DID go outside today. Though taking more time away from 4chan I can see how much it's trying to drag me back in. It's not like I have very many social outlets
Caught in the netflix trap?

How long did it took? Surprised that it can get crowded, maybe it's just me though, few neets around so trail is always empty on weekdays
Which reality? I like the survivor themed ones although they get worse and worse here. I remember first edition was proper survival and suffering, now they basically get houses in the middle of nowhere and just go do some challenges in some place with a beach.
It's still a forced general. You don't belong here. Tits and gtfo
>left /r9k/ 9 years ago
>used to talk here about wizardhood and elliott rodger's manifesto
>come back and see a fucking roastie general
>half the threads are femoids whining
what the fuck happened to this place?
>And this sadness, roots from jealousy. Seeing how you cannot comprehend the feelings of others
Pretty shite thing to be jealous about desu
Yeah we suffer less but we're clearly less happy, swings and roundabouts.
>how long
Two and a half hours, I stopped a lot and listened to the birds or just looked at the scenery. The trail didn't really get crowded, just when I made it back to my car there were a few other people just starting their hike and I did not want to walk past them or be observed by others. Social anxiety go crazy desu
stg some scrotewad says this every 5 threads or something
just the samefagg, ignore
Women and normalniggers happened. Women specifically, Because attention seeking behavior is core to a woman's identity.
>what the fuck happened to this place?
it got much better, thanks to fembots
they make the best threads and keep the board alive
Definitely, just thought the gimmick has worn down by now
>wizardhood and elliott rodger's manifesto
This is the new r9k, daddy-o
We got big tiddy fembots now.
Helloo op1
Wow. /r9k/ is dead. Never thought I'd see the day. /b/ died as well, all porn now but that was expected. Is /pol/ dead too? No-one there is white I am guessing.
pol has always been shit, electionfag
>/r9k/ is dead
it's not dead, it's more inclusive!
you can still find your frog threads
>Robot was gone for x amount of years
>Just came back today
>First thread he clicks on is biofem gen
Why does this happen every day? I'm starting to think it's the same person larping.
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Human females are some kind of a societal cancer that feeds on attention the same way cancer feeds on sugar and they consume everything, even the host body
Biology always wins. Otherwise you're gay.
it's the same fucking debate fag that also larps as women. How can you not spot him after a hundred threads?


>That's not me
>2 minutes later. I don't think that's him either
>1 minute later. I agree with both of. It is definitely not me
>5 minutes later. "Someone" starts spamming gore/tranny/interracial porn
>15 minutes later. All BBC threads get nuked.

How many times must you see the same patterns before you can recognize them?
Anon! Calling women "females" and "societal cancer" is insensitive, sexist and misogynistic. You should apologize now or I will post you on Reddit and you'll get humiliated.
No recognizeposting allowed
>How many times must you see the same patterns before you can recognize them?
You're beyond lost, kek. I'm the debatefag from the last thread and I have barely posted ITT
these are my posts
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Not this time. I'm born again hard.
I've been accused of being other people so I don't like jumping the gun like that. I definitely think all of the "returning oldfag here" posts are the same person at least.
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All right, I apologize. That wasn't very nice of me and I have used some harsh words that I shouldn't have. I'm really sorry.
>Which reality?
I was more into ones like Teen Mom where everyone was completely miserable. Makes me appreciate what I have.

Any tips on how I can accelerate this process at my local hobby store? Neckbeards are fun to laugh at, but I prefer to do it from far enough away that I can't smell them.
who is it?
you should just say it.
No, I'm not an accuser.
Good boy anon very good boy
>Neckbeards are fun to laugh at
Here's that world famous female kindness, punching down on the lowest hanging fruit
No, I'm only about 75% certain and I don't want to accuse someone of something that I'm not convinced of.
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No fembots in sight..
Broh post titties someone
Pleeeeaaaaseee SOMEONEEE
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batomo to the rescue
batomo should be sucking on them
do you like older women, dear?
I just got a great drawing idea, but I do not have the energy to draw it now. Thanks for the inspiration and stand by
I punch old people for fun
>I punch old people for fun
But you keep lusting for old women's titties and making jokes about fingerbanging them. Is there something you want to tell us?
>fingerbanging jokes
You don't know me at all. I don't think I have made a single fingerbanging joke. [SPOILER]pegging, on the other hand,[/spoiler]
>fucked up the spoiler
please kill me
so you want to do my mom or not? The catch is that you'll have to let me peep
I miss you and your snark and I hope that you and your kitty are on top of the world. Unrelated, did you ever get those awesome stompy shoes?
>>Do you enjoy consuming content ironically?
Yes, I watched the Boys. Gosh I hated that show, but so fun hehe. Other things, I actually just hate. Like the Joker movie.
>>What's the worst movie/tv show/book you enjoyed?
Hmm. Movie: Sharknado, Tvshow: Pretty Little Liars, Book: anything Sylvia Plath
>>Is there any genre you consider bad but can't get enough of?
Sadboy, GTB
>>Whats your guilty pleasure?
Menthol cigarettes, Ecco2k
disgusting simp faggot
you need an older lady to spank you and discipline you with her boobs
>Do you want to do my mom or not?
I am a very complex individual, seems like you haven't caught on to the inner workings of my genius mind and intellectual comedy
Kitty is not quite a world conqueror yet but she has been on top of a LOT of furniture recently. Seems like she's going through a parkour phase.
Stompers are obtained, but I didn't want to talk about it here. Mentioning those kinds of things just derails the thread. Tbh it's hard to find excuses to wear them out
satanic trips, the devil wills it
Why the hatred? Lel
That's just the psyche of every single woman, especially the ones projecting and accusing you of being abusive and hateful.
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thinking about tomo submitting to my mom
Helping the store be more hygienic is a kind action.
I dont think so, but it is true for these kind of "women" i particular, mysandrists femcels are so fucking stupid
Femcels are just normalfaggot women with a quirk they found relatable. They don't stray from the herd like robots. The women you see here are the women you meet in real life.
>it's hard to find excuses to wear them
step on me
We all just got worse in the last decades, women and men alike.
>uses spoiler text correctly
now you're just mocking me
I'm not retarded enough to step in dogshit on purpose
>I miss you and your snark
>I'm not retarded enough to step in dogshit on purpose
And there it is. : )
It mostly transformed in the last year or two. Transformer infestation layed the red carpet for the foids.
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Official illustration of Tomo and my mom(on the right)
>not on purpose
by mistake them? <3
>a fucking roastie general
They're lonely involuntary celibate girls.
booooo bad show im making burger now
>I'm special
How old are you lol
Is S4 any good?
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check the crime stats you're always quoting, female crime stats are rising, male crime stats are dropping. Men have become far more chill and women can finally be in tune with their real, child murdering, abusive harpy selves.
no crimestatsfagging
Why not? You're always doing it
yes, because I'm a princess
women are getting more dangerous on minecraft
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Translates to real life just fine. You'll catch up in no time, child killing nigger
As long as the best solution keeps being jailing all the moids you have nothing to stand on, never had.
It's a psychology today article but I can't post the link, marked as spam. But the author is the post separates "aggression" from violence and elaborates men still are the most physically violent and proceeds to complain about "cyberagression". You are literally complaining about women cyber bullying you. That's rich, thank you anon.
debatefagg just wants a (You)
criminally desperate...
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Overall violent crime stats dropping, the majority of them arrested being men, so even against this overall trend female violent crime is rising, which is wild.

Projection is all that you have. Go stab your cat or something, because I'm afraid you'll never have a child to abuse
>routerfagg is a faggot
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Looking at the big picture, white males barely commit any more murders than white females and actually do less than black women and despite all of this, they're the ones being bombarded the most with the guilty until proven innocent messaging through social media.

Some fucking free thinkers and visionaries you are, you operate on the same level as busted old women in facebook groups. You're all thoroughbred normalfaggots on the lower end of the average IQ range.
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moids are always pickin' cherries but never poppin em'
The online world simply allowed them to express more broadly the emotional violence they are capable of
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Can't believe op1 actually looks like this
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yts are a close second
>still the worst fucking archive detective of all time

If you can't tell that serbian gorilla nigger apart from me then you really are lost in the loops inside your fucking head
>ghosting is aggression now
lol lmao
I agree with this fake-op1
if cyber-aggression is a thing, I'd like to see those cyber-assault stats
damn that's closer than I imagined
Yeah, I never argued that men don't commit more murders, look at my original post and keep going through year 2011 to 2022 and see how females are steadily rising and their slice of the pie chart gets bigger and bigger almost every single year.
you both missed it :(
'Bout time we do, the whites are already at 50/50 with the nigros
Really why are we being shamed for the solution to the 90/10 problem? It's either making it even or admitting all moids are basically criminals and taking away their rights or get rid of XY completely, female stats rising are doing you a favor
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Something else to take into consideration:

Its simple, a woman would never do a crime unless a moid forces her to. that's why its a 90% and not a 100%. because that 10% is prostitution and part of that 90% is sex trafficking.
>taking away their rights
I'd like to remind you that all the rights that you have are borrowed, granted out of goodwill. You never earned them, you merely asked for it.
Can we get back to tripfems posting their tits now? I believe it's tomo's turn
Matriarchies were a thing, "those rights" were taken by monkey force and lack of vengeance from women, there's guns now, brutal force is a bullet away from being deactivated, know your place moid.
>Matriarchies were a thing,
Never were, it's your store brand religious headcanon of prehistoric societies based on a few sculptures. There's absolutely no evidence that these tribes or societies allowed any kind female leadership.
Lmao kys mentally ill femcel
Eitherway, I must announce my departure because I've gotta wake up early tomorrow, go an hero samefagg moid
Probably gaming women finally saying back something after being harassed, gotta blame women so suddenly they are violent cyberaggressors
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What should I do if I want to meet a femcel.......?
I'm so lonely this isn't fair........
Words have a meaning you retarded hole, continuing a chain of replies isn't samefagging
get a job no woman wants to date a copy of themselves
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>just become le cattle drone for wagieboss if you want to feel loved
wage"people" aren't welcome on this board so you'll have to choose
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How do I make 4-5k quickly without a real job or prostitution? I'm facing eviction unless I scrounge up everything I owe by the end of the month and I have nowhere to go and no safety net
It depends. What skills and specialized knowledge do you possess?
>4-5k quickly
gamble with shitcoins on a market upswing, there's not much else you can do without a certification
Glass mine
>moids are always pickin' cherries but never poppin em'
I'm remembering that one.
None. I'm the epitome of an autistic womanchild NEET.
I have nothing to invest, scrounging by on a daily basis
>I have nothing to invest
Then there's nothing to do unless you have a certification to do something, every fucking job market is oversaturated and even being an orderly requires a training that would last several months and finding a job isn't that easy either.

Don't you have someone to take care of you while you sort your shit out?
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very well, hold still!
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One of my parents has passed and the other is in a similar situation as I am, there's no support I can get, which is why it even got to this point. I don't know what to do, I'm not cut out for this world
do you want me to take care of you and nurse you back to health? You'd have to be 100% loyal and kind to me.
I don't even know what to say here because I really don't want to say the wrong thing. I'm sorry.
What hobbies do you spend your time on? Is there anything you think you'd know more about than half of the posters in this thread?
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My buddy Jordan explains it well, it's mostly the skill issue
In the easy mode, where physical prowess doesn't matter as much, men and women are roughly equal at killing their own children, btw
Still not as embarrassing, as
That kind of sounds like prostitution, I don't want to sell myself even if it's just emotionally, thank you though
Thank you
I have the useless kind of autism where I'm shit at everything and can't function like a normal person. My hobbies are staring at a screen and cycling
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I don't know whether I should feel good or bad about a drug addict kike servant male feminist backing me up. I guess I'll have to take the help I was given.
>The women you see here are the women you meet in real life.
you mean these mostly basement dwelling neets
You are ultimately claiming women can not have a violent agenda and are only easily manipulated by men which would out them as weak
>a drug addict kike servant male feminist
I'm only one of those things.
Just saying that foids kinda suck at it despite often trying harder.
she doesn't even know what she's talking about, it's just random words that made her feel good hastily mashed together in response to outside stimuli
You need to ask family or anyone you know and loan from them, and sell things you own (that you know will sell quickly)
>I'm only one of those things.
Wasn't talking about you, buddy. How would I even know who or what you are?
I was talking about your crybaby messiah, who is most definitely all the things I have listed.
how did you survive this long doing nothing productive and when did you know this was going to happen?
Aight, fair enough. Not my messiah, however.
We had a family business that went under and I've been promised that it's temporary and I'll get backpay when it's taken care of but I have to accept that it's not gonna happen. I'm burnt out and unemployable and just need a break so I can find a real job and become useful somehow but I don't know how I'll do that once I'm homeless and destitute
Imagine jumping an 80 year old man and then getting killed by a .22. The absolute fucking state of women
You're actually going to make me cry, what the hell. Please just try to find any relative or friend or whoever and get through this somehow
how long temporary are we talking and since when have you been waiting for the money?
may e you can get some credit from your bank
Sorry to hear that. I don't know how to solve this. Best advice I can give is you need to take loans or get credit cards and use that to tide you over while looking for employment. You already have lots of experience working with your family. Use that experience to find something else as quick as you can. Especially so if you handled any of the managerial/administrator stuff. Even if you think you're autistic and not great with people, you still have what I'm assuming is "years of experience in customer facing roles"

Maybe there's a rich nona itt who lives close by to you and you could stay on their couch or something.
>Maybe there's a rich nona itt who lives close by to you and you could stay on their couch or something.
are you crazy you dont just let internet strangers in your house or live with them jeez fuck
Thank you for the advice; the only credit card I can get has a 25% interest and I am not financially illiterate enough to go for that no matter how retarded I might sound ITT. I wouldn't recover from that and likely make things even worse. At least it's summer so I'm honestly considering just sleeping rough for a while
I used to live in a really warm state. I had a friend who told me how they'd find forests or places with lots of trees and sleep in their car there.
Nobody asked you to stick around
Need to get up to get your monthly neetbux approved?
>friends cat got out
>missing for days, she's really distressed about it
>cue automatic text from her vet today
>"it's your cats birthday! Make sure to give her a big hug for us today
>she's a wreck
I tried giving some sympathetic words but she is still a wreck. I don't know how else to help
That is absolutely heartbreaking. I hope the kitty comes home soon.
Oh well, it is what it is. At least I'm no longer working six nights in a row with only one night off. I'm glad you're back. Hope everything is settling down for you.
How are you doing? Are things getting anything better?
Still feeling like crap, but better.
I hope you feel better soon. If you ever want to talk you know I'm always here for you. Except during your work hours because that's when I get my beauty sleep.
Tyvm. I'm sorry about being a complete bitch at times.
You don't even know who I am do you?
Disconnect with some guilty pleasure music like an anime soundtrack
I never know who tf I'm talking to esp rn with this brain fog I'm going through.
It's ok it's more fun this way. For both of us. Get some good rest when you can. Good night.
You being such a tease, lol. Have a good night yourself. Sleep well and sweet dreams.
I heard you missed me
*pussy starts getting wet*
Guilty pleasure youtube motivational video
>Easily manipulated
You mean by the gender that spends their whole life trying to trick women into sex?
hey women trick men into marraige, men trick women into sex, it's not a one sided thing
Some people take your absence as an argument win
Marriage is based in a misogynistic religion, the only thing you're tricking them is to have repercussions if they're not loyal
Hey M, Its ok to be a dick to people sometimes, hope you're feeling better soon
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/r9k/ has the cutest girls (personality and looks).

>t. male
Sure thing, OP1
>Marriage is based
indeed it is, I hope me and my favorite nona get married
Hey O! Sorry if you were one of the ones I acted such to.
t-the knee-shaker-200? Such a legendary technique, that camera man must be wet!
Nothing to be sorry about, I overstepped thinking it was something shareable, just worried about you that's all
came here to reinforce this truthpilled post with the recurring digits, godspeed
Enough with that numerology bullshit.
Cobson law
I'll be a dick to you, op1! Literally
you didn't overstep nothing
Mchan should just stay away from the thread when she's in such mood
Only women allowed to be dicks.
I don't step away when I'm a vile creature why would I expect that from her? That'd be hypocritical.
Based brother anon.
EWW you guys are disgusting I just wanted to see some titties
I love seeing women seriously injured and half naked.
Why did your mom sexually abuse you? Did someone abuse her as a child?
>Its ok to be a dick to people sometimes
you only said this to get a sorry out of her
I am a dick to people sometimes I only said that to excuse my own behaviour now stfu retard
Chop chop moidlets
>Why did your mom sexually abuse you?
She didnt but nice projection. I was however made fun of by girls in primary school because I was short and whenever I fought back the female teachers gave me detention. Then in HS girls rejected me for the same reason. DESU was a whole lot worse than any sort of sexual abuse. Cunts are evil.
This is a lie all the short guys I've met are sweethearts, and women don't make fun of the disabled so you aren't a midget either
why are you a hysterical rape victim with your own female general on a board that hates you? were you raped repeatedly and now have unresolved trauma about it?
>I only said that to excuse my own behaviour
if you think so

So you're telling me I could easily pegg routetard and his rape fantasies are a projection of how easy it would be for anyone to rape him and how a woman needs to be injured to have the chance to overpower her, same with his loli fetish
>I love how you know better
You do the same to me kid
>Why do you bully them?
I would never bully a man for his height, I only bully them for being moids. The system I live in protects you more than it protects me.
>The system I live in protects you more than it protects me.

And you're going to say that shit directly after one of you cunts just linked to a thread where a woman got away with cutting off a man's cock in his sleep? This is priceless
He deserved it idk what you're talking about
>You do the same to me kid
Difference is Im right lol. Can you seriously say to yourself Im not?
>I would never bully a man for his height..BUT
Like pottery
>The system I live in protects you more than it protects me.
Lies. You can hit me and get away with it, I can touch you and go to prison. You're full of shit cunt. Said system won't be around forever btw. I really hope your shacked up with some turbo chad by then because you dont need to be tall to fire a rifle.
I bet that's Op1 in vidrel
When are you getting therapy for your porn addiction?
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I appreciate your manlet rage bro, you'll be a real asset. I'll be sure to get you an appropriately sized carbine to maximize your efficiency when we're going to town
Only your love can cure it, Op1...
>Im right
If you're right by experience then I am right too because of mine and this would mean men should really be put down forever.
Yes, read it twice. I won't shit on your height I will shit on your entire being.
>I can touch you and go to prison
After getting no justice for what happened I'm not letting that slide twice, Fortnite prison would be mercy in comparison.
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Brunch with moidchan and op1
>If you're right by experience then I am right too
Yeah, nah lol
>Yes, read it twice.
Take your own advice tampon user
>After getting no justice for what happened
Its not payback time sweetheart and it never will be. Men like me are not sacrificial lambs on the alter of your "justice". Deal with it. Even the bottom 1% of the Male population could crush your face with bare hands.
Nice Photoshop, you should know by now that normal bras can't retain this type of cup
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Titlets on suicide watch. Seriously how hard is it for you sluts to grow big tits?
"Deflection is a common tactic used in arguments to avoid taking responsibility for one's actions or opinions. It involves redirecting the conversation away from the original topic or issue, often by:

Changing the subject
Blaming someone else
Making excuses
Denying responsibility
Focusing on a minor issue to distract from the main point"

>I wouldn't bully you for your height
>They did take responsibility!!
>Men like me are not sacrificial lambs on the alter of your "justice"
Talk about not taking your own advice lol
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Yeah, just grow out your tits, foids! Stop being lazy!
I already did but I'm bored, how was your day nona?
Also it's only me giving him you's I'm replying twice to posts because Icba to post only once
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Wow, this cunt got herself a pocket pook. Did they hand them out at your seneca falls remembrance seminar? Fucking mentally bankrupt midwit
Well said, nona.
Also, have sex with me.
Report for what? He's not gonna get banned unless he starts spamming gore again. You're going to have to deal with it
You just did it again, well done


Damn straight.
Also Im not not ban evading atm LOL. Seethe more you brigading troon cunts.
you know that announcing reports is strictly against the rules?

its all you ever do
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cuntoids can't compete. Its over
Biofems, post your butts rn or I'm not talking to you.
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here you go, inhale the chemistry anon
Are you still short? How tall are you now?
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OP1 assessing me
>double entendre's
I don't think that means what you think it means
all your images are spam or avatarfagging because you never change them, also you ban evaded so much you have 2000 days worth of chan-jail so its always ban evasion
I don't use tampons Idk how to use them and they're kinda uncomfortable and the string is weird and people has died for using tampons
>Idk how to use them and
are you some sheltered autist?
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allegedly there's a way to use them that makes them comfortable to wear, which I don't know and I don't want to know because pads are easier
>a way to use them that makes them comfortable
yes, by having sex beforehand
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can't have sex on your period baka
When will you learn? How many threads will it take?
Never. Nonas will never learn.
Thanks for the to-do list.
So... he was the good guy here
he wasn't banned, some nonnie probably did something naughty in some other thread
No, I got a warning for announcing a report.
I've told everyone that he has lots and lots of personalities and larps as just about every kind of person. It's no surprise either that the racebait threads were also nuked.
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Rout and 1nona create a stable ecosystem in which they keep each other's chuddery in check.
That's extremely shitty. You didn't announce that you reporting: you were telling others to report him.
it's quite common to play for both teams and double the (You)s
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Yes, no surprise at all. Literally all at the same time.
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how do you deal with having a crush on a guy who gives you "i can save him" feelings thanks to him being the jaded type and not having any gf despite being attractive
but you also know you should forget about the crush because despite him seeming jaded and you knowing he last had a relationship like 6 years ago, you realize he's a lot more accomplished and "cooler" than you, and you're a complete loser compared to him
Exactly as foretold.
And by talking about him, you are giving him attention that he wants.
I never had a crush on a guy like that.
Haven't seen Pregnona in a while. Hope she's ok
True. I hope she is okay too.
oh. I guess I have more of a typical i can save him bad boy taste then lol.
Why is femininity associated with chaos when men commit over 70% of crimes and acts of violence? Why do men project all of their hatred onto us and then blame us for it? It sounds more like "No! YOU are the thing I am!"

That or chinese philosophy is just retarded.
Everything in the past and even present has always been misogynistic.
Order can lead to chaos, chaos can lead to order. Why do you associate chaos with something bad, it's not always the case.
Looks like another day of crimestatsfagging
And yet men still complain about women and feminism. I hate men so much its unreal. The majority are spoon-fed violent morons, everywhere you look, across the globe. Yet they call themselves the "Logical gender" ...My ass. Death to every moid.
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Maybe later, if I'm in the mood. Today's topic will be sentencing disparity.
You hate the facts because it conflicts your delusional mindset.
>Today's topic will be sentencing disparity.
My special 4chan ability is derailing any thread into any topic of my choosing. I'm will not be choosing this topic.
>I'm will
I'm Robert, nice to meet you
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>I've told everyone that he has lots and lots of personalities and larps as just about every kind of person.
Routerfag is OP1
Men are so stupid. Men "enjoying" sports is stupid. Men being on the internet is stupid. Men should be tortured, publicly hanged, and the remaining should die in wars. Men deserve less, if anything at all.
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If you had any idea how many times you accused me of being the biomasc retard and could see how ridiculous you are from my perspective, you'd stop this pattern-seeking web detective bullshit immediately out of sheer embarrassment
Anyone can do that retard, (You) arent special. You should just go die already if the most interesting thing about you is being annoying on an anonymous image board.
Women bragging about how non violent they are is like a fat neckbeard who gets no bitches bragging about how loyal he is. You're not virtuous, you're just impotent. And the stats on child murder expose you for what you truly are. Get off your high horses, you self righteous cunts. You can "ignore" my post all you want (or whatever other cope you've invented to run from the truth) but that's it's not gonna make you any less of a self righteous cunt
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Female hate is just so bland. You're not even passionate about it.
Any poster who is this obsessed with muh women is always a jealous troon. I feel bad for you, but I suppose you'll rope in 5 years anyway.

Death to all incel-trannies.
No one gets angier than a man accused of something he actually did.
>(or whatever other cope you've invented to run from the truth)
She sure likes to cause a bit of chaos here.
>tranny can't handle the truth
Makes sense
>You being upset that I'm a self righteous insufferable cunt is proof that you're a criminal
No you're just coping. I know it's hard to come to terms with the fact that I'm right but you'll come to terms with it eventually
>Anyone can do that retard, (You) arent special
Ok. then you do it right now. The topic will be favorite quotes/poems that affected you deeply.

Go on. Let's see you pull it off.
This is the perfect example of how shallow yet angry men are.
Who hurt you sweetie? You poor little thing
Men hate women because they wont give them sex and a relationship.

Women hate men because they pose danger and often kill us.

See the difference? Men are shallow minded cavemen.
>Women hate men because they pose danger and often kill us.
I have never met a woman who was even smacked around by a man. Maybe you just live in a brown country.
>I have never met a woman
We know
You're ignoring my point and focusing on minute irrelevant bullshit like cusswords or my supposed emotional state but it's totally me who's shallow and angry lol. You bitches need some self awareness. And some dick. Not from me though
>ur ignorant
>ur pp small
>u never leave hous lel
>have sex
>touch grass

Anything else on your mind?
>Men hate women because *strawman*
>Women hate men because *exaggerated neurotic delusions for max victim points*
See guys? This is proof that men are le bad
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nonny general looking good today bros
-Men le bad

valerie solitary
>And some dick. Not from me though
Just another moid putting false value and scarcity onto himself.
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dare I say he's feigning superiority?
Anon this looks disgusting
Well ok then
Based cosplayer OP1
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Kek, what was it? Was it really something others could have accidentally used?
You're a poopyhead
L+ratio cuntoid
Well that depends on whether we're getting nasty tonight, nona. Are we?
*ladies and gentleman
Im not going to say since im not a wicked person unlike xer
this will be my last post with this trip
cut too deep? he seems to have hit the nail on the head, femnigger.
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plus all quads, in a row
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I mean double dubs, I got too excited
i love how these threads only ever see movement or engagement when people from the outerboard come in to insult the women lol
But is it realistic that someone could have used it?
They came from the based department
I get paid by the russian government to post here, I don't know what they want with this cancer hospital but it's their business
Would be just another failed impersonation attempt like always
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Again, this is what she wanted all along
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OP1 is not even a tranny, he's a straight up digital pimp, collecting a stable of girls for himself.
Insanely based, I fucking KNEEL.
Birthday is coming up soon. I'm glad there isn't a party like last year of some family members that felt bad for me, but I want to do some activity that day to recognize it. Maybe some drawing or baking something I don't usually do.
If any nonas have tips I would appreciate it. I'm very susceptible to getting sad on my birthday every year, and while I'm glad there's not a party where my upset is on display, I want to do something to recognize it
Happy birthday in advance, nonny.
>t. biological king
Happy birthday in advance
t. anon's mom *blush*
>unlike xer
Unlike who? O, you are getting seriously confusing.
I assume you are being sincere, so thank you anon. I appreciate it.
Thank you, I think
I'm having dinner with my mom the weekend before my birthday, just something small but I'll be glad to visit with her.
>glad there isn't a party like last year
what happened last year?
>last post with this trip
Lets see the new one
My mom arranged a party last year without me knowing, invited a bunch of family from her side I usually only see during holidays, and told me days before (after it was all arranged) I didn't complain because you know, what dickhead complains about a birthday party. But it felt like she did it more for her than me. I don't really like surprise social events, I get really sad on my birthday but I had to spend the entire day masking. There's other nitpicks but I digress. I didn't get mad/upset with her about it but I asked that this year if we can just grab dinner or do something together rather than a party
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>I assume you are being sincere, so thank you anon. I appreciate it.
Course I am, birthdays are no joke. Bake something nice.
>had to spend the entire day masking
do they treat you like a special needs retard?
my birthday just passed...
no party
no happy birthdays irl
just another day
>just another day
It's liberating, innit?
Something you don't usually do is a good idea, but that could range from some spa treatment to doing some extreme sport.
Depends on whatever you don't usually do
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>just another day
Not on my watch. Happy belated birthday, nonny
Kill yourself frogposter simp
Double thank you then. If I bake anything, I'll consider posting it to the thread sometime after
If any of them happen to say retard, and they realize I hear them, they correct themselves and say "I'm sorry that's not a nice word" and other strange treatment. So kind of. I like to think most of my family has gotten better about it
Happy belated from me as well. I hope your next birthday treats you with more kindness and appreciation. Though you could always celebrate late
>extreme sport
I don't think this is exactly a sport but, I've always wanted to make myself go parachuting out of a plane. Though I think I need a little more prep + certification and classes for all of that. Wouldn't hurt to look into it for the future
thanks gothgf. lol retardation and autism aren't the same thing. have you ever gone into an autistic rant and explained the difference to them?
>happen to say retard
huh?? don't they know about you on the debate team wtf
Maybe later, I still have some crime stat debates left in me
I've only explained it to my mom, and it took her a while to realize what the diagnosis meant and where it came from. It just clicked with her one day; she realized my dad is extremely autistic. They just haven't been together in such a long time that she didn't put it together. He wasn't diagnosed, mind you, he just was and is still.
There's like, two aunts who also get it, but most everyone else doesn't really understand and over-navigates the issue
>they don't know about you on the debate team
They know, but they weren't very involved with my life when that was happening. I was still with my foster mom. I feel like they still see me as the same 8-year-old girl who get overwhelmed and breaks down at the drop of a hat.
Do americans say the word "retard" a lot? thought it was just online lingo

Maybe something that doesn't need classes haha, paragliding or something like that
Happy late bday, what did you want in a party? Hope someone irl tells you, it would easily beat whatever we can tell you here.
Biofems, post your eyes
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This village is giving me an eerie sensation. I smell... postmenopausal pheromones. I sense... child murder statistics spiraling out of control. I'll have to be vigilant and have faith in my maiden to watch over me.
thanks to you too
yes I recall you mentioning something similar. I don't think I'd be able to help myself from explaining the difference but then they'd probably get mad about that
>would easily beat whatever we can tell you here.
Thanks. Yeah. I think two people might have said it irl. Otherwise it was just online stuff. I didn't want a party. I don't like big social gatherings too much. Going to do outside before it gets too hot. You guys are remembering to do outside right?
why did you change it to 1nona? always looks like a typo
captcha: moyyt
>even elden ring makes men angry
I guess you could expand that mostly all the race bait threads are done by a single individual, talk about having an agenda
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They put all the negative traits onto women:
>Men have "strong will" / Women are "stubborn"
>Men are "go getters" / Women are "impulsive"
>Men are "moral" / Women are "karens"
It's just their retarded life-long brainwashing to keep using and abusing women.
I'm just scared, nona.
Your typing is very distinctive newnona, but you're more than welcome here, You mention moids thinking they're the moral ones, has a moid done something shitty to someone you care for? why are you upset? as other have mentioned, it seems like you're not truly as upset as you could (or should) be. Do you care for the moid that's hurting your view of them?
Terf = lesb in denial
There's nothing for me outside desu, might try the whole good habits thing including going outside in a couple of days though
alright I can respect that
happy birthday, totally unrecognizable nona
I wish, life would be way better
not high iq enough to deal with us moids?
>I wish
No, you don't. You may think you do, but you don't.
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It's almost as if men and women have different roles to fulfill and get rewarded for different sorts of behavior.
Im not any of the faggs you keep accusing posters of being but a noname lurker moid
This was just an info for you to add random symbols to the password before somebody malignant finds out
I guess most posters here are just really stupid
Or they dont care as much as you think
As you say - really back to the shadows now
It's not IQ, its how willing they are to be fucking monsters.
wym? I already had around 3 lebs into me, I could pull more pussy than all of the moids ITT if I wanted to, but tbf I would only need to pull one and cherish her for life.
I hope you have a happy birthday, nona!
Don't let the day go by without doing something different. There are endless options ranging from going to some special place to draw, to staying home making your own ice cream. But, anyhoo, what I'm trying to say is, make a point of breaking routine.
>had around 3 lebs into me
why so many :-L
Cherish the moids!
>this was just to tell you to change your trip
but mooooooooooommmmmm
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I kneel, I apologize for my harsh words you're based and I love you I will change my trip immediately.
>little sister wants to kick out her bf in the middle of night
>he lives in her apartment, with her children (all under 10 years old), she let's him drive her second car, feeds him, etc.
>I tell her withdrawing all this stuff from this man and kicking him into the street in the middle of the night may lead to a domestic (no man wants to leave behind such a comfy position) I tell her to wait until sunlight and the kids are in summer school
>sister gets angry at me instead of the man she was just claiming to be angry at "I love him" whomp whomp
>then I realise: she was never planning to kick this guy out, she loves him, will continue to accept his bad behavior, doesn't care about her children witnessing any domestics. She was just temporarily angry at him and felt like complaining about it to people instead of taking any action

In the future if this man harms her, I will no longer care. I feel bad for her kids though but I don't have a say on that so it's not my problem.
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I mean that it's not exactly the life you think it is.
>cherish her for life.
You wouldn't. You'd get bored. To put things into perspective a whopping 80% of total lesbian marriages end in divorce which is 3 times more likely than homosexual male couples and 2 times of regular straight couples. Women just don't stick together.
>DUUURRRR ur just jelly, hater, incel, have sex etc
Whatever, lesbians are the fucking worst. My aunt was in a lesbian relationship for a while and they were fucking repugnant
Aaaanother try
haha it looks like it says nigger
this fits you. Who did you share your birthday cake with?
I thought the same kek.
new tripcode
>op1 !!XnscJN596ER
You HAVE to keep this one
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lmao true
keeping it
Based bnona!
we're not racist
>we're not racist
omg found kpop vocaroo in archives kekek
throwback to when kpo made 10 min vocaroo about MBTI
So? We have all heard it before.
Happy birthday, nona!
maybe i'm relative newfag moid ;_;
do you still simp scara?
Ok, cool. Glad you enjoyed it
She sounds really cute. Scary Eyes doing a southern accent was cute too but hug Nona has a really cute voice too.
Unironically sounds as small as she is.
yep, got that small person voice kek
Now, if only moidchan and Op1 posted one too
>hug Nona has a really cute voice too
Nope because I made it up. Sucker.. can't believe you fell for that lol
>there's several #69 editions
y'all funny
>can't believe you fell for that lol
Getting a bit desperate over here yknow,,
>has a moid done something shitty to someone you care for?
>why are you upset?
Why wouldnt I be?
>as other have mentioned, it seems like you're not truly as upset as you could (or should) be. Do you care for the moid that's hurting your view of them?
No? I am as upset as humanly possible. If you are a moid asking me these questions, fuck off and rope as soon as possible.
Why do you hate other men for something that they didn't do? Wouldn't it be reasonable to keep it between you and the person you're disappointed with?
Im so confused, is this OP1 or some random person who guessed her trip?
??? Is this OP1 or is it not?
Kek, op1 would never apologize. That's just the archive fiend using op1's filename scheme
It's OP1 larping as coomercreep guessing her trip.
Weird gimmick..
All moids must pay for what a majority of moids did to me. It's like their original sin in the genesis.

They pretend and lie to themselves as if they aren't as bad as the rest, but they are. Filthy, angry, simping, sex addicted scum.
Post vocar00
>op1's filename scheme
The what now? Fill me in please.
>All moids must pay for what a majority of moids did to me.
What about the things that women did to me? Would you like to pay for that?
No, I don't owe you anything.
You are a man with XY chromosomes, no one cares what happens to you, what you want or how you feel. Go join the suicide rates.
Go read at least 100 threads of biofem and figure it out yourself. New fans these days... Always begging to get spoonfed.
I like this nona. She should get a trip
that's moid-chan
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>no one cares what happens to you
Well, I do and luckily I'm not a wretched object like you and I managed to move past it while you will be forever stuck inside the loop of misery that you, without a doubt, deserve.
Based cybersec nona
You're right, nobody really cares.
We will simp for you to atone for our sins
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Men are so easy to tick off its hilarious. Go on, the noose is waiting for you.
Sex with OP1 !!XnscJN596ER
Stop being a gatekeeping shit and just tell me. How did some retard figure out OP1's tripcode?
No wonder nobody here found out her pass...
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>1.5% of all deaths worldwide
You're putting too much faith into deliberately misinterpreted statistics. I'm here to stay and so are you. You will live at least 80 years, you will have to work for almost the entirety of it, without any relief and by the time it's over, your short retirement will be an uphill battle against cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, severe back pain and cardiovascular disease. There will be not a single person by your side to help you through it either, you will crawl all the way to the most abominable nursing home filled with abusive staff all on your own.

How does that sound? Realistically speaking, that's a far more likely outcome than either of us committing suicide.
>Stop being a gatekeeping shit and just tell me. How did some retard figure out OP1's tripcode?
>Stop being a gatekeeping shit
The irony of an incel who wants to gatekeep /r9k/, while accusing others of gatekeeping... quite something.
No gatekeeping allowed! We shall protect this place from any gatekeeping and drive all gatekeepers away.
I'm so damn horny. Moids, help
I am not an incel at all and I do not want to gatekeep r9k. Stop projecting things onto me.
should I bring Rover or was that a one time thing?
To atone for your sins, you should just die.
Wonder how Op1 feels about bukkakes
Don't be stupid, death is how I would escape my sins.
I show my contrition via simping
uhhhhh bump ???? Wtf nona's stop it
Stop what? this general is genuinely so dead now after posters like scara and tomo left or stopped posting often.
scara was the soul of this general
Busy days ahead. Not much time for guilty pleasures
Sorry for the long time to respond. I feel like I have no energy today
>Do americans say the word "retard" a lot?
Not the average American, but all the retards around here do [laugh track]
My dad saying the hard R, faggot, or retard was commonplace whenever I lived with him past the age of 11. Same with many others in the area. I didn't really care to be offended by it, most people don't scream retard in public around here or anything, it's just a part of their lexicon.
I've stopped info dumping as much after being called a know-it-all a few times and/or annoying people. Kind of sucks because it can be hard to get that passion back.
Thank you, cheers to this year being better than the previous
>Make a point of breaking routine
I'll try doing just that, breaking my routine and all. Maybe I'll find an excuse to get out of the house that day if the weather is nice. Thank you
Thank you :)! this will be the Year of Getting My Life Together For Real This Time
Tomo posted today you retard. Why don't you actually read what fem posters say so you can learn to spot them when they're not using their trip?
>please point them out to meeeeeeee
Should have put more levels into recognizing
hmmmmm I wonder if she posted just MOMENTS AGO ???? It couldn't be.. she is too stealthy and cool to be recognized..
>Sorry for the long time to respond. I feel like I have no energy today
No need to apologize. How have you been eating lately?
What are you doing, nona?
we posted at nearly identical time so that one doesn't count
I ate a bagel and cream cheese today and tomato soup for lunch and 12 takis
Going to make tacos after the nap!!! So that's something to look forward to. I think I need to start counting calories or something though because I either feel like I ate way too much or way too little with no in-between
I posted this btw >>78256928 boooo bad recognoozer
Work but like that stealthy nona bday is soon and I want to reorganize my life meme
>Hurrr durrr tomoposter posted today! Maybe she might give me a (You) for my goodboy work! Omg Y She not using Tripcode Doe!
The lengths you simps go to obsess and "recognize" named posters just because they are female is ridiculous. You are getting absolutely NOTHING out of this recogizing bullshit. You are anonymous and doesn't know you exist. Are you so starved of female attention in the real world, you obnoxiously obsess over random female 4chan users lives?
>Implying it takes effort to recognize people
>You are getting absolutely NOTHING out of this recogizing bullshit.
Calm down, it's become a running meme in here. The fembots like tot do it too, op1 does it at least once a day. Moid-chan but just with other nonas and so on
What I am saying is, if tomoposter was male, would you care how her day went and so and so? You wouldn't. You moids are so hive-minded. I wonder how much of you there are, lurking in every thread. Spamming the refresh button to see if your "Favorite Nona" posted. My guess is around 10.
GL nona having a field day
Fucking adore my grenade launcher nona
>Moidchan and OP1 does it too doe!
The difference is you are men posting and lurking in a biological female thread. Don't pretend like its an innocent interest or curiosity.
I've been making threads for months asking people how their day is. I even sometimes come up with a bunch of questions. No one wants to ask you about your day because you are very caustic and difficult to chat with.
are you the spreadsheet schizo by any chance
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>Making up new named female posters to obsess over
This general is fucking dystopian.
unironically i will be a 4chan gf for money.
That's a dime a dozen if you don't have any special skills or aren't willing to meet up.
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I am so smitten with my favourite Nona and I am happy her favourite moid in this general is me
It doesn't count if she's one of the fake made up nonas
Hey tomo! I don't have any tips, since I stopped celebrating mine when I was a teenager. To me, it's just another day just like every holiday. Either way, just saying happy birthday ahead of time for you in case I forget like I always do with things.
When she replies and I see a (you) the colors in my room get a bit more vivid, it's hard to explain.
It will never not be amusing and adorable when women get mad at me, and/or try to be intimidating.
Are you feeling any better?
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>It will never not be amusing and adorable when women get mad at me, and/or try to be intimidating.
I know that feel.
Sounds sad but I feel is just part of growing up and knowing life just goes on lol. You start letting go that notion of special dates and moments.
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I know, bro. I always thought this board was a less fun /b/, because I was a teenager back then and couldn't relate to the social malaise (I can relate now that I'm a wagecuck). So i didn't really start lurking untill 2014. But, there was always this unique charm to this board. It's the classic story of 'we didn't know how good the time were until it was gone. I missed the golden age of this board for the most part, and yet i still miss it. I miss the spaghetti threads, the comfy threads, and the ridiculous greentext stories that we all knew were fake but were still fun to read.
I still feel like absolute shit and my entire body is hurting like hell.

For me, it's different: like the holidays for example, are things we're supposed to be doing everyday, and to put aside a certain day to "celebrate" it diminishes the entire meaning of it. To me, birthdays are not really that special. It just marks an additional year that you've been alive, and nothing more. I mean, sure it has its benefits to know that hey, I've been alive for 38 years as if today, so I need to really start looking out for [x] and [y], but to celebrate means nothing to me. But, if it brings you joy in your life, I say go for celebrating it. Don't listen adhere to what this miserable hag says.

Yeah, and just imagine if we were still doing that. The board would be stagnate and devolve into what /b/ is now. /b/ is literally the perfect example of what happens when you focus on the same shit over and over and over and over and over again.
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>I still feel like absolute shit and my entire body is hurting like hell.
Welp, at least it didn't kill you.
I'd rather not be in pain. I cannot wait until October so hopefully I can get an official diagnosis and hopefully get on a medication so I don't have to experience this again, or just have to deal with minor episodes.
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Still cracks me up.
JFC, I just saw it. You are not going to let that up, are you?
It was funny coming from you.
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Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, Moidnona
Sorry to hear that. Has this been happening for a long time? don't think I've seen you mention it before. just brain fog from time to time. I hope you feel better soon.
I guess that's going to be my forever legacy from this point forth: the nona who forgot a word to make a completely different meaning.

Thank you. It's happens from time to time but minor like the brain fog and minor pain. It hasn't flared up like this since early April and that only lasted a day or two. My joints just feel like they're about ready to explode.
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Such is the cost of using a trip
It was just funny and unexpected of you.
We know you want to be jack hammered.
Well, I'm glad you got a laugh out of my mistake. Anyways, I got to get ready for work.
Aight, have a good...
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Well she is real sucker and she is the best
You might find this interesting. I'm guessing you got the jab? What he's describing sounds familiar.

Too much exercise?
Nonas why can't you do this?
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How do I stop being hateful to things or people?
Lol, just my luck: Blanket Shaman (op1's name for him) fell and hurt hi self badly today and needs A LOT of assistance to even walk. What did the hospital do? Nothing. So yes, things just keep getting worse. Fun times, nonas. He's 280lbs for reference and the other care worker tonight for assistance is in her 60's with an even worse back and major arthritis. Getting a bit more detail why I hate the modern health care system, and why anyone who is overweight or obese are selfish assholes who don't realize it's not just themselves they are harming from their gluttony?

I got the inital Moderna series but no boosters. I didn't have any issues. I have two maternal aunts who also have RA with the same symptoms and it popping up around the same age.

See my reply to >>78258828

My body is made for endurance, not gymnastics.
You just do, all it takes is making a decision
Also, we're close to the bump limit. I can bake if any nonas have topic discussions or if no one else wants to. I'll try my best with the questions but cannot promise anything good.
>My body is made for endurance, not gymnastics
Are you flirting with me again? Endurance is great but a little flexibility is nice too. Hope you are having a nice night.
I want to stop being hateful to certain people. However, I still sense an underlying disgust.
Ideas for next thread
Anger management
Seven deadly sins
Take a notebook and write about your disgust. It's you still hating for whatever reason.
I never did flirt with anyone.

Again, if any nonas want to bake first, feel free to claim it. I think 7 sins woukd be nice: maybe a question fir each of them?
>I never did flirt with anyone
It's ok I'll do enough flirting for the both of us.

>7 sins woukd be nice:
What's your favorite sin? Or sin you have the most experience with?
Eww, I don't want to be hit in.

Favorite? None. I'd rather be perfect. Unfortunately, I'm not Jesus and nowhere close to sinless. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm not guilty of them. Most experience would probably be sloth. That might sound weird considering how active I am, but I'm lazy when it comes to spiritual development. I could be doing more. Like rn, I could be reading my bible (or listening as I sometimes do) but here I am on here. I coukd be praying more, yet I don't.
what do you mean you stopped celebrating your bday?
doesn't your family throw you a little party every year, with cake and presents?
>Favorite? None. I'd rather be perfect. Unfortunately, I'm not Jesus and nowhere close to sinless. I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm not guilty of them. Most experience would probably be sloth. That might sound weird considering how active I am, but I'm lazy when it comes to spiritual development. I could be doing more. Like rn, I could be reading my bible (or listening as I sometimes do) but here I am on here. I coukd be praying more, yet I don't.

I don't know you very well but I'm getting the sense that you are way too hard on yourself.
I quite literally mean I don't do anything on it. It's quite literally another day to me. I haven't celebrated it in forever. I still get messages like "Happy b-day, Tee!", and I thank people for it, but I don't do anything different.

Is there anything wrong with it?
>but here I am on here
yeah, bc talking to real people is more interesting than praying to some imaginary entity
>Is there anything wrong with it?
Well, would you think anything is wrong with that if it were one of your good friends being too hard on their self?

You must be really tired right now.
>"Happy b-day, Tee!"
Tracy or Tiffany? I'm going to guess Tiffany or maybe Taylor. Please don't answer. It's late. Have a good night and try to rest well.
New bread!
Sinful bread!
Tempting bread!
God is everything and the experience of talking to people is also an interaction with God. You simply lack comprehension of the entity you deride out of ignorance.
then why aren't you in my dms having godly conversations?

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