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Seven Deadly Sins Edition

Previous : >>78240498

Ignore impolite moids

>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
These are some pretty good questions. I want to answer when I wake up. Have a nice night.
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>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
Probably about my writing skills. I get compliments on my work often so it boosts my ego a lot.
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
Older white dudes. They are a guilty pleasure of mine.
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
Playing vidya. I lose track of time really easily and 3 hours can pass without me noticing.
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
My misophonia. It makes my life a living hell and I get furious over the smallest of sounds.
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
My friend who draws really well. I wish I was as talented.
>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
My passion projects in web development, I get bored an hour or so in and I go do something else.
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
My cats, I want moar cats!!
I don't diss anyone's religious beliefs provided they are not harming anyone else. Freedom of Religion is a fundamental right. If you don't want to believe in anything, that is 100% okay, but diss my or anyone else's beliefs.

If they were harming themselves with it, okay I can see saying something. I'm not harming myself or others so it's fine. I know I am a hypocrite saying that as well.

Tyvm. Good night and sweet dreams.

I wasn't thinking when I said my irl nickname. It's neither, and I'm not saying it on here.
>I know I am a hypocrite saying that as well
You are but you're also very kind. Goodnight sweet tea
full name is Tiffany "Jackhammer" Moidchan
>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
I still brag about doing marathons and a half ironman.

>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
No one.

>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
Just about anything. I feel like I have no limits in consumption. Once I do something, I'm usually all in.

>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
Every fucking moid in existence because they're all shitty moids.

>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
My mom. I consider her the perfect woman.

>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
Planning this year's vacation.

>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
More money unironically. I'd rather have more so I can invest in more things.

Thank you for the kind words. Good night and sweet dreams.
Tiffany is not my name.
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>crystal tranfe general
oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nu4cuckas what is this?????
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>>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
>No one.
Yeah, sure.
>No one.
Liar. Youre no asexual
Not being asexual doesn't mean you have to lust after anyone.
>Femcels don't exist.
They exist as volcels.
That would actually be the most be appropriate and on-topic place for these threads.
>They exist as volcels.
Then they're not incels which is what femcels refers too, female incels. Inb4 "no it changes to suit me" it doesnt. Fuck off.
Ignore the fact that /r9k/ has no topic. But what do you care about the rules since you whine about enforcing them, yet break them constantly?
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Exactly. Rules for thee but not for mee. Its always hilarious cuntoids go running back to the exact same system they hate only proving they are spineless, useless cunts.
>9. Guys, don't post your pics in girl-only threads (and vice versa).
It's simply a better place for women to chat. Generals, especially like
, shouldn't be here to begin with.
/int/, /lgbt/, /soc/. There are already boards for those things.
Okay, not a woman, though.
Thank you for the thread!
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
I'm jealous of a girl or two, it's hard to understand why but I think it's because they're so sheltered things just seem to work for them , I guess in a sense they show me that even when I was sheltered I never had what they did, everything in my life has been mystery until I got wise and started acting in a way that forces me to remember the horrible things people have done. Every time put on makeup, dress specifically or say a word is because I know that is going to keep me safe, nothing I do is just for the sake of doing it.
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>not a woman, though.

ID'ing as a simp is worse fyi.
Oh boy, here we go again with idiots responding to someone we know is a chronic ban evading troll.
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Just a fun fact for the midwit archive detective, I used to play tarkov a lot and someone linked to a /vg/ racebait thread yesterday.

Guess what, we used to have a regular in the tarkie general with the in-game tag "MASC". What do you think about that?
Not a simp either. In fact, I helped to send several avatar- and namefags on vacations here.
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The only thing I saw was /vg/ and it reminded me of when I took the smug Stheno meme on /alter/ and trolled quite a bit with it.
>Nonas: what sin do you think it's not actually much of a sin?
>What do you think about that?
Post tits.
>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
I don't want to brag per se but I want to be good at something so I can show people the fruits of my labour, like being really good at drawing and showing them a very nice picture I painted and they all admire that
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
some girl I dated for a while
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
listening to music probably
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
cars and most drivers, they literally clog up every place and are noisy and dangerous
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
not one certain person in particular I am constantly jealous of but I often get bouts of jealousy about a lot of people for one reason or the other
>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
washing the dishes
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
Sinning with OP1.
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But isn't it eerie? The name, the obsession with guns, the military themed imagery and now the possibility of playing milsims too. I think it's the same person.

Plus who the fuck makes a gamertag and an identity around being "masc" while also having a confirmed history of crying about how feminists deserve compassion? It's a fucking ftm pooner, I'm certain of it. You can't tell me that it's not a decent theory at least.
Look at me, I'm recoognooooooooizing I'm so good at recoooognoooooooooizing guyz
That's not recognizing, that's an imageboard issued unique filename and a hash match from four years ago. Why would THIS poster make that thread four years ago?
Maybe? Personally, Idc about him, her, or whatever. He's a shitposter, and as someone who used to do a lot of it, the best way to defeat them is to ignore them. Trolls win when you give them attention, like I used to on /vg/ in the /alter/ thread.
Was this all you?
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>Idc about him
Well, I do. This has to be the most bizarre, multi-layered personality I have ever seen on the internet. The more I learn about xir, the more confusing it becomes.
make a mockumentary vid about your investigation
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Is that the guy who assumes that everyone is blaine while never spotting a legit blaine post throghout his entire career?
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>Not a simp either.
Also you

You could just like, leave the board?
I'm not the archive diver, I'm just confused who's who.
That is multiple people.
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Hey BRO, wanna go play some tarkov and shoot some NIGGERS like real MEN? We could smoke cigars and grow a beard together. Let's fucking ROLL man I'm fucking hyped up
Was what all me?

Okay, cool. Just don't get angry when he trolls more due to the attention.
No, that's op1's alter
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>Just don't get angry
Doesn't bother me at all, I'm not a woman so I'm not xis target audience.
>That pic
Is that how trannies like you perceive your average Male? LOL.
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If you think that's the average male, then I have no doubt that you really are the the living, walking burlesque imitation of men that I just described.
>when he trolls more due to the attention.
you always take the troll baits
It's just two or three moids giving each other blow rounds, I guess we can come back in some hours.
>capital letter male
no fucking way, the archive diver was right
I fell for a few like the boyfriend one, and I never said I was perfect and I can admit to my fault.

I'm always in and out anyway since I'm in the middle of things like here at work. Like rn, I'm just waiting for more to get up so I can get their vitals and give their meds.
>But isn't it eerie? The name, the obsession with guns, the military themed imagery and now the possibility of playing milsims too. I think it's the same person.
>Plus who the fuck makes a gamertag and an identity around being "masc" while also having a confirmed history of crying about how feminists deserve compassion?
>Well, I do. This has to be the most bizarre, multi-layered personality I have ever seen on the internet
Not to take away from your e-crush or anything but what you describe isn't even uncommon. Most guys have at least some "masculine" interests, and most guys have compassion for women
Damn moids really don't have reading comprehension
>Most guys have at least some "masculine" interests
Most guys who have masculine interests don't describe themselves as "masc" and most certainly aren't obsessed with fulfilling every criteria for that title, they just do it without effort.
my unwashed pp is so smelly
Lol seethe trannoid.
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I love would love to see one of you defend this

Deflections are not answers btw.
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The manly man of manhood
Careful man he's going to punch his wall and binge watch bottom G!
>Seven Deadly Sins Edition
shills are running low on ideas LOL. having fun making this board less fun? well, women can't actually do anything correctly so it hilariously hasn't been working.
you are a known pedophile
>It's simply a better place for women to chat
you are beyond fucking retarded lol. kill yourself you dumb fucking tranny. you will literally never be a woman.
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Do you have your sausage yet, pooner wandcel? Will you give it a powerful, masculine name?
>>It's simply a better place for women to chat
/soc/ that is
>shills are running low on ideas LOL.
They never had any ideas kek
/Biofem/s should have sex with my penis.
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Tacos last night went well, still have left over and all. The thread questions are really fun, I'll answer them soon after running.
Thank you for the well-wishes :) I might email you some pictures of the epic hike I went on recently, some spots are gorgeous
do tripfems exchange selfies by e-mail?
In order to get a selfie another nona has to answer my riddles three, then I ship a selfie to their p.o. box
>Most guys who have masculine interests don't describe themselves as "masc" and most certainly aren't obsessed with fulfilling every criteria for that title, they just do it without effort.
Yeah but that could be just a phase or some shit, like maybe this person is pretty young? That would be my very optimistic guess as the an explanation, at least
Good morning everyone! I hope you all have a great day!

Morning moid-chan! How was your shift?

No, we have a channel on the discord server for that
>we have a channel on the discord server for that
1. which one of yous is the best looking?
2. how could i, as a moid, join it?
Those look really nice, Tomo.
Did you make a dip with it? I like some yogurt one with mine.
You are so gullible it's pathetic.
gib server invite now, foid!
Is this him >>78262877
I don't think so, xe would never straight up admit to being a woman.
How was your night? That thing i wrote up last week and threw together, someone asked me for a copy of it. Feels a little weird because I don't know if they thought it was real or not. Is this Pride?

I've been slothful and have something else I wanted to write up but didn't get around to it yesterday. Think I'll try and throw something together now. I have maybe 15mins.

envy. I wish I would be more busy with my time.
Thoughts on cloud strike outage? How would you have prevented something like this happening?
l m a o o o h o
>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
My wealth, beauty, intelligence, talents, what isnt there to brag about?
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
No one in particular.
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
Cake, cupcakes, other pastries, etc.
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
Menacingly, a lot of people. It doesn't matter what they did or didn't to to deserve it, the lines are blurred now.
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
I find myself more jealous of strangers having a talent I'm not as good as than being jealous of my day-to-day peers.
>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
Probably work, but I also put off watching popular movies, etc.
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
Money. Fame. I would rule the world if I could.
>what isnt there to brag about?
Tit size?
new npd nona just dropped
Anon, I...
Asking genuinely because I'd like to ask for help (no it's not about nonas).
As far as I can remember nonas here are in contact with this board's mods, am I right? Is there any way I can "ask" for a little hand on this?
>I want to know how to stop the nonas from being friends with mods so I can get them removed from white list and be able to get threads auto deleted again hahahhahaha
why would an anon answer questions that's illegal
anyone can contact mods in the irc tardo
No I need help for another thread, I don't care if nonas are in here and I don't associate with other hateful anons. You are free to not believe me.
>Anon, I...
thread questions are nona-only, faggot retard kys.
I actually have diagnosed NPD.
I'm not a moid either.
It's just lumps of fat on my skin, don't see why it would be so interesting to brag about.
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>thread questions are nona-only
I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
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>It's just lumps of fat on my skin
You know it sister. Yeet the teet and gang up with MASC
>there any way I can "ask" for a little hand on this?
What is it that you need help with? A hand on what?
imagine a life with no nipples
a small price to pay to own the chuds
An anon has been shitting up an otherwise peaceful thread for days. Normally I wouldn't make myself uncomfortable and sink into people's drama, I'm doing this only because the thread has always been peaceful and never intended to bother anyone. Since the intent of this anon is to solely bother the thread for active anons and lurkers alike, I don't think there is much contribution he can bring. Once again, I wouldn't normally do this and I hate it, but if the anon can appeal to spiteful reports to disrupt a peaceful place for personal retort, then I feel like the only way I can help is to appeal to a higher power.
Sounds childish, I know and I apologize in advance, but childish circumstances require childish solutions. Apologies in advance for bothering this thread.
what? is someone screaming up the vocaroo thread again?
As you have been told, anybody can go onto the 4chna irc.
Have you tried using the report function?
No, trannies are disgusting. MTF and FTM
This board doesn't have mods
No and I probably worded it more dramatically than needed, it's just the way I write. Don't be alarmed.
What is it, is there a link or something? I wouldn't like to make another account for one thing only but if it's effective I could try.
I should but I'm not sure which category of the list it applies to.
You're confusing me. Didn't you just dehumanize your own titties a post before that? A normal person wouldn't ever say that shit
>Don't be alarmed.
shut the fuck up already nigger and take your karen LARP someplace else
>I don't like how that one anon posts and I need to talk to the manager
>Didn't you just dehumanize your own titties a post before that?
Maybe it's because I'm not a sex addict normalfag gooner unlike you. Tits aren't the greatest thing in the world. Enough (You)s from me.
If nonas here did it for their general, what is wrong if I do the same? Whatever, guess it was worth a shot anyway.
Are you talking about this? >>78257794 If so, it's a lost cause. Nobody cares about /vg/, it's like a schizo containment board.
>What is it, is there a link or something?
Have you never read the rules/faq of the site you are on? It's there.
Nonas here figured it out by rubbing a couple brain cells together and you are begging to be spoonfed.
We have been over this issue of a person a few times. They enjoy doing their flooding/spamming, extremely low-effort posts, trolling outside of /b/, and occasionally announce a raid outright.
He most typically starts spamming this general when he makes his own "BioMasc" general. He made this one >>78248818 before starting to spam here today
Moid chan only decided to contact via the irc when our generals were being auto-deleted from mass reports by this guy. I would rather you not contact mods over this loser, because there is not much else to be done from mods besides MAYBE a range ban. Even then, just ignore him. Use the report functions if applicable. If the thread is made unusable again, we'll figure it out
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So let me get this straight; in your mind only a coomer would think of a woman's breasts as anything more than a lump of fat cells? Maybe I was wrong, it's actually demented enough to be a spare rib.
>Tits aren't the greatest thing in the world
I guess there isn't much to be done in my case then, other than hitting the report button and hope for the best like not getting banned for a wrong/spam report. Thank you anyway and sorry for being dumb I guess.
irc is on the rules/faq page
Only reason someone from here went there was because the thread was auto deleted on sight
You can try, but for normal trolling they will most likely tell you to just use the report function, so use it and hope any janitor/mod listens to your plight.
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where is everyone
biofem is kill...
>Thoughts on cloud strike outage?
I have no thoughts on the matter since it's not my area of expertise
>How would you have prevented something like this happening?
My entire country avoided it by having pirated, outdated windows and no antivirus other than Microsoft Defender. Yes, even the big companies and the government.

Personally I just went in the IRC and wrote a message on the 4chan channel and a mod replied. That said I don't know what that would archive in this case. If this anon is doing something against the rules, report him. If he is ban evading there is nothing the mods can do besides ban him over and over again. And if he's not doing anything against the rules just ignore him.

I agree with what others have said already and I wouldn't go to the mods with this problem. I'd rather save the good will for when we need it. Again, when I did it, it was because a rouge janitor was deleting our threads for no reason.
Too much sloth to have pride, lust, gluttony, wrath, envy or greed
boring-nona's bra size?
>page 9
>4 replies all of a sudden
this general is a russian duginist 5g operation
Thank you. I haven't ever made a yogurt dip, usually just use yogurt for smoothies or breakfast stuff. I prefer habanero salsa, personally.
>Entire country using pirated/outdated windows
Incredibly based
Yes, designed to turn you staight
>I have no thoughts on the matter since it's not my area of expertise
Ok. Thoughts on agentic AI used with SLM vs other methods of automation? I don't know what any of these words mean I just googled it 5 mins ago.
>Entire country
Continent I would say
Back off, bruh. She's my gf
You enjoying the olympics? seeing something funny happened with Argentina and olympic soccer today
We know, kiddo.
Thank you for the bake; excellent questions.

>>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
My bf.
>>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
Just about any girl I find attractive.
>>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
Junk food and sugary beverages.
>>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
My twin brother, and I don't want to get into it.
>>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
Most people who are smarter than me or more talented than I am, especially if they can draw.
>>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
Organizing my image folder.
>>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
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>>>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
>My bf.
>>>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
>Just about any girl I find attractive.
>marathons and a half ironman.
That is brag-worthy.
another episode of moids are inherently ugly and don't even shower to add to the problem
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I'm not disagreeing, it's liberating to hear it straight from the horse's mouth
out of all of these I think I want to purge envy in myself the most cause I'm a jealous bitch
>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
My insights. With enough time and effort I can usually understand and see things that others can't.
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
I went after her already. It didn't work out but I was brave enough to try at least.
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
Screen time and posting here. I need to sacrifice that. If you aren't willing to make sacrifices, you need bigger goals.
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
No one but maybe myself for not trying harder. I have no enemies.
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
George Soros types. I want to be able to have that level of power and influence. I would use it in a much better way.
>>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
Putting in the hard work.
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
Time, power, influence, love, knowledge. Wisdom. There's too much to want and I want it all, especially You!
>t. Male. Don't usually answer thread questions but these looked too fun to pass up.
hello ladies you are looking good tonight!


be nice please

might kill myself actually been craving a nice rustic homemade suicide lately
I like you answers, anon. Wanna be my bf?
>Wanna be my bf
No. because I don't know who you are and you're likely the guy always trying to flirt with me and pretend to be a woman.
I wonder how do bisexuals reconcile that lust with the monogamy. Like your partner is male yet you still want women
bisexual women with boyfriends need to mention how much they want to fuck women every 3 seconds or they will die
>guy always trying to flirt with me and pretend to be a woman.
Yeah, so?
>I wonder how do bisexuals reconcile that lust with the monogamy.
The same way heterosexuals do: you don't act on it.
OP1 should consider giving me a chance
>Continent I would say
Very likely.

I like watching the less popular sports. We had the rugby games on at work today. It's not like it's unpopular, but it's no soccer. I'm looking forward to archery tomorrow.
I was just checking what happened in the soccer match. What a shitshow. I'll keep my opinion on the organizers, referee, and rival fans to myself.
So are any girls here into posting nudes? Do they need a little "encouragement"?
I check in every now and then, seems like all the regulars are gone
>Just about any girl I find attractive
A woman after my own heart. How are you? Haven't recognized you around lately.
we need the tomo-kpop-scara trio back
Why do most girls/women here are not white? Male demography seems more equilibrated
nice try, still not putting my trip back on.
white women are more conformist
I think it looks good on you, tomochan
Fine, you have 30 seconds to run away, after that, you better be good at dodging in valorant
Damn, that bad?
>How are you?
I've been good.
>Haven't recognized you around lately.
I've been around, it's just been bad timing: the thread seems busiest when I have the least time to post and vice-versa.
hello everyone!! sorry for being away. got addicted to stardew and the lobsters for elliott won't make themselves.
i recently went to a cosplay convention and i'm happy i got to click with a very nice girl!!! it's so refreshing to finally have someone flirt with you and put in the effort instead of having to do everything yourself :')
>the lobsters for elliott
Thought for a second you were celebrating ER's bday making lobsters.
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>30 seconds
Don't think you won't end up pregnant though <3
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why can't people just be normal and just accept life as it is? why must they deliberately torture themselves?
Great to see you, Kpop! Glad you had such an awesome time at the convention. Does this girl live near you? Or are you at least going to try to stay in touch online?
>ER's bday making lobsters.
Who and what.?
Elliot Rodger lol
Why would you ever think of that you fucking freak
'lobsters for elliot' is a trigger phrase for glowies
>why can't people just be normal and just accept life as it is? why must they deliberately torture themselves?
Because they like complaining
I swear I see birthday posts about him every month wtf
Wanting what you can't have is part of the human experience
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she lives a few states away but she has a stable job so she's able to come over at least for the big conventions.
did he like lobsters? somehow that makes sense. no, irl i can't afford any. in stardew i must suffer with the crab pots to try to get some.
>lobsters for elliot
fucking KEK that got a good laugh out of me
kpop! It's been a while
Stardew Valley can be so addicting
I'm happy for you. I hope you get to see her often, but even if you don't it's nice to have someone you can be like that with.
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somehow picrel was already a funny image to picture in my mind but you guys are making it funnier.
exactly!! she calls me princess too without me even having to ask. being with women is so different. i felt butterflies all the time.
More original, Orthodox version.
Do you have a favourite stardew song?
Its a great soundtrack but I think I like mines - cloth the most.
you ever hear back from your flaky friends and ex
>Why would you ever think of that you fucking freak
Because they're gay for him.
>she lives a few states away but she has a stable job so she's able to come over at least for the big conventions.
Well, I still hope you're able to get a nice online friendship out of it at the least. You deserve it.
>being with women is so different
It certainly is.
Today I prayed to Aphrodite for beauty and everything was fine.
Few minutes ago, it was my first time praying to Adonis for masculine beauty.
And now, my back extremely hurts to the point I can't get up. I'm scared...
That's what you get for being a heathen.
I'm not even an /x/ fag and even I know you don't insult Aphrodite like that. You get what you deserve.
You should pray to goddesses Op1 and Tomo
Why do you tranime avatarfag everyday in this singular thread like a faggot even though no one knows you?
Damn, he's right
Who should I pray to then (for masculine beauty)
Go to the gym lazy
nobody, men are not beautiful
Pray for masculine beauty, rube
Mega ultra based
Pray to the god of nooses moid
the goddess of masculine beauty is moidchan
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Hey tomo! You are welcome, and again sorry if I miss saying it when your b-day does come up. Def send those pictures over!

Hey b!!! Not really that great of a shift, and it's going to be the same tonight, but with less sleep and dealing with everyone since I'm going in for a 12 hour tonight! Yay! Let's hope the dayshift finally got onto Wanderer about his bs. Though, nothing gets through because of his dementia. Evening shift is going to have to pick up some of the slack because I"m going to have to be focusing a lot on Blanket Shaman.

It went. I guess being on the move constantly got my mind off the pain. Sorry that I still got that brain fog really going on, but I remember something about talking someone writing something. Was that you, and can you remind me of what it was?

That wasn't me who went to IRC, that was boring. You are not going to stop him. Ignore him.

>Nobody cares about /vg/
Don't tell fission (aka Shikimod) that. He's an active poster in the /alter/ thread and range banned me once for a month for a certain meme that was making fun of him. Also, don't make fun of his other waifus: Nero, Musashi, and Scathach.

Anyways, work time. Another shit night. Sorry to just drop in and quickly leave.
btw, pic related was that meme. Forgot to mention that part.
>got my mind off the pain.
That sucks. Wish there was more I could do besides offer platitudes. Sure, it was me. Usually is. Have a nice night.


Nice trips, what are they goddesses of?
Shitposting against moids

Your mom.
Praying to Tomo to do your mom
>2 nurses and 4 care staff on duty in the stepdown house
Ffs...I'm just going to hang out and do nothing.

Sorry I forgot about everything regarding the writing thing you did. Are your blisters healed? Did you start wearing gloves when doing your pull-ups?

It is the thought that helps, so thank you for it. I scheduled a visit w/my doctor fir the morning to get a prednisone and toradol shot. Or at least my doctor will do that since I know it is what will work.
I guess I am jealous of everyone but I can't call that envy, just low self esteem
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>Every fucking moid in existence because they're all shitty moids.
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>Sorry I forgot about everything regarding the writing thing you did. Are your blisters healed? Did you start wearing gloves when doing your pull-ups?
Don't worry. I've been forgetting lots of things lately too. Idk if my blisters are healed. One of then turned black. Wonder if I'm dying or something. I haven't ordered and gloves. I tried reading some reviews of some so instead I just went with some chalk. Chalk seems to help a bunch. Here's my hand covered in chalk from the other day.
Well, it's normal for me to forget and it is one of my flaws so again sorry.

When it blistered, was there any blood in it? It looks like a blood blister that dried up . If it is not hurting or causing you any issues, you can probably open it up and remove the dried up blood, but it will eventually go away itself if you just leave it. Though, that could be months. If chalk is working for you over gloves, that's fine. Your hands look fine. They look typical for someone who exercises.
How is your shift going?
>Well, it's normal for me to forget and it is one of my flaws so again sorry
Don't worry. We can always use post it notes. It was hurting a lot the first few days. I didn't even notice until I washed my hands in the morning. But now it's not bothering me at all. Probably should have started using chalk sooner. It's getting pretty late so I'm going to go to bed soon. Hopefully. I've been staying up a bit too late recently. Have a nice night and try to get some good rest.
Heh heh nonas..Im gooning to this thread
It's going. I did have somethi g written about no issues, but then, somethings happened all at once! Dammit, way to go on jinxing everything, me.

I really need to invest in Post-it notes, or have them endorse me in some way.

If it's not botheri g you now, it's extremely likely good. Again, if you want to open it up and get the blood out, it's very likely safe to do so at this point.

Good night and sweet dreams. I'll try to get some slerp when I get back from the doctor's tomorrow. It'll probably be pleasant.
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being social is hard. i feel like a crying baby. i vaguely want social interaction but i don't know how to get it so i just make noise or say garbage and hope it sticks. in real life and on here too. i want somebody to make it easy on me. i'm tired all the time. i'm cranky.

really nice op
>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
i dont know. i havent done much worthwhile shit. i havent kept up learning spanish, i keep cooking the same meals instead of learning more, i'm eating less than usual. kinda striking out right now.
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
kek. i dont know anybody.
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
daydreaming maybe.
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
desu the people i should hate eternally i cant make myself hate. some kind of mental block.
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
kek2. i dont know anybody2. i'm jealous of a billion strangers.
>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
everything i can
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
does youth count? i want to start over.
Hey berries! That pic is a really nice one. I'm taking that things are not going so well fir you? I'm sorry to hear that.
Most garbage sticks, or at least leaves some sort of stain.

What would you do different if you could start over? Moid chan knocked it out with this topic yeah
I cannot take any credit for it since >>78260328 suggested the topic. Every bit of good credit goes to that nona.
Do femcels ever get jelly of girls that got csaed a lot?
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i mean this is pretty par for me desu. i tend to go from one downward spiral to another sometimes i'm just more stubborn and cheerful about it. or have more energy. end up in a kind of masochistic workaholic zone where i use the constant blanket of misery to do really unpleasant things since i cant feel good anyway, but right now i just feel like a balloon you blew up with your lungs and left for weeks until it deflated and popped and the inside is moist with your spit which is gross.

its a cute drawing, i like this artist's fanart of her

i mean i really just want to be reincarnated and start over for good. new parents, new place, new everything. new body. new mind. new circumstances. i want the possibility and potential for growth that being a kid has. not really my actual childhood.

you did the cute lil theming with a question per sin tho
I'm still sorry you are going through this again. I hope things pick up for you soon. Have your therapy sessions been going well? Your balloon analogy is a really good one.

I still do not deserve the good credit for it: that goes to that nona that suggested it.
Dammit the AC is blasting again. Wtf. It's so cold I'm sitting here on my jacket and still shivering and it's making the fucking pain worse.
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I turned 30
I swear the laughlines got 10 times deeper just today
I don't know if I'm looking ugly because I notice flaws now or if I've always been ugly and my mind has just done tricks to convince me I'm pretty
How do people cope with this... Life fucking sucks...
why not.

>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
i got my nipples pierced before getting ANY other piercing.

>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
haha. secret

>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
pretty indie clothes and accessories. i like looking good and i like finding new, small brands with neat stuff.

>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
i don't have a lot of hate in my heart these days. it's not easy, but it's worth it.

>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
my best friend! she's been able to get a whole bunch of ghost pokemon in pokemon go lately. i don't know how she does it.

>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
cleaning the microwave.

>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
limited edition out-of-print angelic pretty dress valued at several hundred dollars. i would like additional angelic pretty dresses
Iktf. It gets worse as a sudden realization of our age that we didn't notice before.

>cleaning the microwave.
microwave my beloathed.
apparently steaming it with a vinegar + water mix makes it SUPER easy to clean, but i'm just. i don't know. that sounds unpleasant and i'd rather play vintage story.
Talking about microwaves, does anyone know how to clean ovens? I've tried vinegar already
>got my nipples pierced
just like moidchan
It does in fact work since my mom has tried it. I cannot say personally since I clean mine weekly so it's not an issue.

How bad is it? Does it have a self-cleaning feature? The only way I could do it at work was a lot of oven cleaner, lots of scrubbing, a lot of ventilation, and coping with a major headache. I ckean weekly so it's not an issue.

Only my ears. I never saw the appeal of any other except eyebrow which my mom never allowed, and I wasn't interested after high school.
highly recommend it! it looks hot as fuck, even if the healing time sort of sucks. you can expect nipple piercings to take around six months to heal, but i've read even longer.

another less fun aspect is the lymph fluid. the piercing will leak lymph fluid for who knows how long, it's one of the reasons regular cleaning is so important. had a little microtear in one from cleaning a liiiittle hard to get the crusties out, so i'm being gentle and just trying to deal.
>which my mom never allowed
momma's girl
She's that scary!
were you a bit 'alternative' as a teen?
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Alt...ternative? What's that? I did say no one time at church and my mom dragged me out and gave me "the stare" that had me petrified for weeks! I think my mom is secretly Medusa!
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>i dun wanna go to chuch maaaa can't you see ima rebelious teeeen
Thanks for the advice, I should try oven cleaner, do you scrub with a sponge or metal?
Your mom didn't have a certain stare that she did that you automatically knew to stop doing wgat you were doing or you was in deep shit?

I always use a sponge. About the only time I'll use the steel wool is at work because it's hardly ever cleaned and it's stuck. Also, make sure to have a windiw open using the oven cleaner: they're that strong.
>nipple piercings that's fucking disgusting what is wrong with you
>How do people cope with this
They don't
Welcome to midlife crisis
>t. turned 32 and everyday I'm just more clueless
show anything that you wrote
You want that easy life? Doesn't really exist desu
When I think about those things I never see it as a full reset because without preserving identity at some level what's the point
>highly recommend it! it looks hot as fuck
>preserving identity
Some people don't want that.
Do you know there are people out there that have killed themselves?
I think it's disgusting too, but it's her life and she apparently is taking good care of them and is not harming anyone else, so be it. Also, she enjoys thrm as well so she can enjoy it as she likes.

I thought most nonas were in their early to mid 20's? I guess I was wrong. Interesting...
>posts the scene of homelander after he makes another guy jerk off in front of him
mm so sigma!
>conservative men who think their opinion has any value
Nobody asked you and nobody ever will.
Nah, it's the hag treehouse club
Cool! So when do I get my really nice cane to show off?
How's the freeze drying going, moidychan
stupid fucking foid
he murdered everyone in that room
oh no! he made a dude jerk off! so gay!
fuck off dumb fucking foid
jump off a bridge
oops wrong reply!
you're still a retarded nigger!
Haven't had a time to check in. After all the meal prepping, my mom is going to do it up until next weekend. I made enough stuff that should make it until my next weekend off next week. The stuff I preserved this past weekend went well! Thank you for asking!
>to show off?
let's start with your bewbs
Erm actually if you watched the show you would know he left barbara alive ig some people arent true fans like me
Not really. Also, even your Moid fembot thinks it's disgusting.
Your body, your choice, but no, it's not hot.
What matters is what she thinks. If she thinks it hot for her, our opinion doesn't matter.
This is why you are better, you get it.
You wouldn't have said it if the moids didn't first.
Nah, when we talk about hotness and sexiness, the opinions of others matter more.
Should've stopped at calling it beautiful.
>looks hot as fuck
show us?
What I truly get is that it really none of my or anyone else's business. It's her own image so she can do what she wants. Yes, I do think it is disgusting, but even then, it's her own self-image and if she likes it, so be it. Being comfortable with ourselves is very very important.
>If she thinks it hot for her, our opinion doesn't matter.
absolute dogshit degeneracy enabling take
love to! but the dried lymph fluid isn't a good look. i suppose they're healing well for two months in, though i might send my piercer a message if i see any more fluid discoloration.
>none of my or anyone else's business
yet you used the word 'disgusting' multiple times
You have a lot of moth pictures.
I would call her moth-chan, but that is already taken by a very special femanon
moths are neat! the filenames have the identification, too.
Def do that if you are worried. Tbh this is somethimg I have zero knowledge on, but drainage like that is a sign of healing.
Moid-chan can never hold back judgment, it's part of her slight narcississm. kek
Her pride in it is not, but by saying that piercing is hot, she's saying that's how other people perceive it, and that's our business now. We simply disagreed with her opinion, no big deal. We didn't even ask her to remove it.
Your opinion on Reimu's 'pits?
yeah, iirc it's just the body flushing out the wound, so seeing lymph fluid is normal, and seeing a lot of it is GROSS but normal. i think.

it was a little discolored this morning, and i assume that's from the microtear, but if it keeps up i'm shooting her a message. i've had too many infections to be stupid about it.
So it's not even beautiful for you, yikes.
>nipple piercing
is it fair to say you're quite sexually active?
nope! voluntarily celibate. for now, at least. probably for the best, since these can't touch body fluids until they're fully healed.
looking the part of a slut is really, really fun, though. one of these days i've got to wrangle my brain into cooperating and actually wear something nice when i go out instead of bike shorts and a hoodie.
What color was it? It could still be good depending on the color. But, it doesn't hurt to check in, and if you are worried, maybe see a doctor about it if regular disinfection like alcohol is not helping. Better safe than sorry, nona!
>looking the part of a slut is really, really fun
How so?
like dried blood. it probably just WAS dried blood, because i've been watching it pretty closely every since i first irritated the microtear. there's no signs of infection, so i'm just hoping it heals okay.

feels good! i like looking at myself in tight dresses, and skirts with high side slits, and plunging necklines. and fishnets! i actually wore out a pair and had to replace them a while back.
An extremely quick look at the nursing journals say this drainage is generally fine. The red is very likely dried blood cells. But, again, any issues, check in!
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So cuntoids, why are you such sluts?
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We'll bang, okay?
>scara leaves
>thronefagging disappears
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>never recorded a vocaroo
You monkeys decked out some tranny with his new cosplay gear, good for him
I miss the daily "low quality" quizzes and tier lists. I hope that nona is doing great.

I tried answering the questions and I was reminded of how incredibly boring I am kek.
It sucks, because they are great questions.

That sucks! I hope they took care of it. I love how you've named them.
>tried answering the questions and
just answer the questions
And you know that.
And this is why you are slightly annoying)
Now please, answer the questions.
Especially the Lust one.
Most nonas are too shy for that:^)
Cunting up my whore breakfast right now! God I'm such a SLUT for reeses puffs
At least you aren't 40. Every few years or so you are going to miss being as good looking as you just were. Appreciate your youth while you still have some left.
>At least you aren't 40
... erm unlike you?
Worse. I'm 52.
Probably miss the 80s a lot?
I used to not understand when other women were complaining about men
But this board showed me right face of moids and how they talk about us when we aren't around
Sorry for not listening to you
I'm glad interest exists
>I'm glad interest exists
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There are no men posting here, it's all false flagging FTM trannies.
>how they talk about us
Post boobies
Wait until you find out about how well looney troons can "pass" with their voice. Vocaroos don't verify anything faggot.
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Welcome to 4channel
voice pitch adjustments are extremely obvious unless you have 30 IQ
You're soon getting replaced with AI-powered fertile sexbots anyway. Enjoy your last years, fembots.
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I'll take all the fembots since I have a fetish for realism. I'll be swimming in female affection and pusspuss
Thank God holy shit
No, because moids are getting replaced with the same thing
Fine. Turned out better than I expected

>>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
I just got a new piece of paper to hang on my wall that says I am good at data science and machine learning.

>>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
Moid-chan already knows this since it wouldn't be possible without her emotional support (again, thank you), and I guess this is as good a time as any to openly say it. Around two months ago I got a boyfriend. So I guess him.

>>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
I haven't been overindulging in anything recently since i spent most of my time awake trying to get the piece of paper mentioned in the first answer.

>>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
I don't think I hate anyone that much. I'm not saying I don't hate anyone, but I just don't focus on that stuff too much.

>>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
I've been feeling pretty good about my life recently, but usually lots of people. Everyone with actual close friends, or that makes friends easily would be the main targets. Also a person from work who is effortlessly good at it. And like really really good. No matter how much effort I put I fail at making real friends, and only manage to be, at best, decent at my job.

>>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
I used to cook my own meals but I've been ordering food too frequently and now it's hard to put on the effort.

>>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
I need more nendoroids. I have 8 but I want more. They are so adorable. I know if I start buying more I won't be able to stop.
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Unlikely, Elon Musk is with us. You'll be mine.
That doesn't mean you're boring it means you're virtuous
hey scarychan, not very active lately
how are you?
I wonder how your picture relates to female neets
If you work and want to live by your own go ahead but the many neets that have posted itt are all still relying on some men to help them be it their fathers or others
>Around two months ago I got a boyfriend.
It explains why you are much more nuanced thna many some other nonas
Wish you two the best
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>she was protesting the opening of a homeless shelter
Who was in the wrong?
moid-chan is so awesome
Very solid answers and not boring at all.
Your name should be hardworking-nona.
I kind of just forgot 4chan existed for a bit because I've been hyperfixating on minecraft but I'm okay
>There are no men posting here, it's all false flagging FTM trannies.
Lmfao sure, people who are less than 2% of world population are all posting here. Mhmmm..
Im glad 4chan exist. It showed me true face of moids.
>You're soon getting replaced with AI-powered fertile sexbots anyway. Enjoy your last years, fembots
>Implying same thing isn't already happening to him
Lmfaooooo moids are so funny
Can't wait to have my anime husbando and not some 3DPD annoying and aggressive moid
Literally this
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>moid-chan setting up nonas with moids
But of course.
To be fair the guys posting here aren't men. They are the discarded rejects too weak to fit in with other men.

This would be analogous to a guy going to a porn awards event and complaining that all women are like porn actresses.
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>Lmfao sure, people who are less than 2% of world population are all posting here. Mhmmm..
That's what they tell me about female spaces, so it has to be applicable here as well, no?
>going to a porn awards event
So this is how you see this general
women can't be aggressors against men, there are many studies on this
I always hate when people say stuff like "those aren't men those are boys" when talking about the bad stuff men do like no? they are men that is the action that men do according to what happened but I agree that a large majority of people on r9k are barely human anymore but just vats of hatred
>guys posting here aren't men
So true
>Around two months ago I got a boyfriend. So I guess him.
Moidchan should help Op1 get a bf too
The biggest hypocrite of /biofem/:^)
You are a child. You haven't been around good strong men. It's Two completely different things. Yes, they're both male. But they aren't men. The drug dealers you associate with are males but they're not men. At all. If you haven't been around good, strong, kind men, you won't even be able to understand the difference.

Do you really think some drugged up sex worker is anything like a real woman? Like the ideal motherly figure? It is the same thing. These guys here aren't like real men at all. In any way shape or form. Real men wouldn't even befriend most of them so they wouldn't know what a real man is like either. If you haven't had the opportunity to be around real men, I wish that you are lucky enough to be around those kind of people one day.
>Pride: what do you want to brag to the world about?
I don't have anything in my life to brag about
>Lust: who do you want to go after the most?
Middle aged dilf actors
>Gluttony: what is something you overindulge in?
The internet
>Wrath: who or what deserves your undying hatred and what do/did they do to deserve it?
Too deep and personal I have too many opps
>Envy: any person in your life that you are jealous of?
Almost everyone but I think of my sister first
>Sloth: what task do you keep putting off due to your laziness?
>Greed: what is one thing you have, but still crave so much more?
I don't want anything desu when people ask me about Christmas Or birthday presents idk what to say I feel like I have everything I need already
>Around two months ago I got a boyfriend.
pseudo science. What defines a "real" man and a "real' woman is biology. Fat retard on the internet is as much of a real man as whichever random nigger you idolize is.
>biggest hypocrite
She said she's been in relationships before and doesn't actually hate moids. She's just a bit aromantic
imagine the abuse hed have to suffer kek
and it would break firekings heart finally
You should get one too, 'hug'-nona
t. coomercreep
>It explains why you are much more nuanced thna many some other nonas
I don't really understand what this means but don't be mean to other nonas
>Wish you two the best

She is great and I am so glad I found her here

>Very solid answers and not boring at all.
I had tried to answer before but everything I wrote felt empty. I guess I was more inspired this time
>Your name should be hardworking-nona.

Hey, scaryeyes! It's been a minute. People on r9k are a very small, vocal group with selection bias and not representative of people in the real world. That said, in here they are transparent about their horrible thought. Out there it's much harder to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Thank you!
could someone please explain who Op1 is :,)
His name is Blaine
He created this general
Not looking to debate with a debate fag but I wasn't meaning it in an athletic sense. Ofc you know this is kind of proving my point or at least an example of the typical incellish male not being able to understand what a real man is like as they would have no access to real men.

Don't bother replying. I will be doing chores soon. Like a real man.
stop explaining yourself you simping asswipe
>n-no you see, I'm not like that, please, let me prove meself M'lady
eat shit and die and fuck all of you non-sentient flesh holes
Mtfs are 100 bigger population than ftms. Ftms is 1 in 10.000 or more. Tard
If you were really me you would have gotten trips. Besides I know more Hug Nona lore than anyone here and wouldn't get that wrong.
I guess, deep down, she doesn't, heh
what?? pls explain
The biofem who made the 1st edition and started the whole thing. She's very cool
I disagree, my understanding and point of view is that FTM people make up a vastly higher share of the population. Just because you assume something, doesn't mean that my perspective and understanding has to align with yours. Objective reality doesn't exist because we all have our own version of it. We have learned this in our women's studies class from a certified expert and I don't see you holding any credentials.
since when men don't hate their own? to receive you need to accept the help, you only accept the help of those you believe worth, not all men are bad, some can be kind, giving and know how to be in their secure masculine. if you're in your secure masculine you know how to respect a woman and how to provide for her.
a scapegoat
if you attribute a known name to someboey you stop being open for other options
i think you're a bit confused with names
Guess I struck a nerve with the local esl hypocrite
Read the picture again
get a grip man, what are you even yapping about
There was literally a paragraph in 2021 or something that shows how bigger mtfs are compared to ftms.
You are genuinely retarded if you think there are more ftms. I never saw one meanwhile I meet few mtfs.
>the abuse hed have to suffer
op1 is extremely sweet and submissive irl
no fireking was the guy who was always swooning in the first like 70 threads at op1 about some weapon shit and other
just because he later switched to neet 1 means nothing
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Entirely possible if you understand blaine and take a look at the first thread. He's always been a spineless shit-stirrer who delighted in people fighting each other.
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The biggest master of spamming, samefagging, and falseflagging around here
Ignore the tranny samefagg tryin to derailfagg
I'm sure that study has a large enough sample size and it was cross referenced by people of an opposing point of view??? hmm??? And I'm sure it doesn't have any institutional patriarchal agenda behind it, oh no definitely not!
see op1 i never called you a tranny
its obvs you arent blaine
No, no. MASC is definitely not blaine.
Do u want to get a bf? It's this easy.

do you not realize its sarcasm
>2022 out of context screenshot
the schizo thread is called /letter/ general
Why is she so pretty and smart? So beautiful and wise.
>guy who was always swooning in the first like 70 threads at op1 about some weapon shit
I never did that
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Out of context is it? It's the short summary of your work on CC and lolcow.
That's just a new fag making inaccurate claims about known posters so that someone spoonfeeds him lore. Don't fall for it.
always creepy lurking
that a quasi anti-feminst channel, read the room
sorry op1 one I also like to make outlandish lies at time like you to see the reaction
Didn't know Op1 has a youtube channel
...leave me alone man, I have a job and spent most of my time once I got home playing project wingman and drawing. I literally only just started browsing now
>women have it easier!
>she's a 9/10 Stacy
yeah its not the halo effect or anything, hope she's monetizing for being a copy of Pearl
its funny you think you cant catch shit in a biofem thread
nobidy gives a fuck
>people on r9k are barely human
This is the same cope as saying men are boys and all that, it's just trying to make you or a specific group of people feel above for no actual reason. "We're not like the other men" a catchphrase used by incels, simps, nice guys and every other group alike
i'm not like other men
I'm retarded
>To be fair the guys posting here aren't men.
I've meet a lot of people from r9k and I'm telling you, they're just your average Joe. Casual misogyny is common, and men really do think like they say in here. But even that isn't the full picture. I was wrong to think this was the bottom of the barrel. I hope you never have to see what I've seen.
What does that have to do with patriarchy?
It's literally true. Males, even in past have been more crossdressing than women and even in 70s almost all trannies where mtfs even back then. Mtfs get more attention in media and everywhere. Simply because there is so many of them. I see mtfs everywhere. But ftms? Kek. Do they even exist.
Once again, I don't agree with that. You may prefer your opinion but I also have the right to prefer mine and have my own point of view. patriarchal fascism and the concept of objective truth is something that can only be used to suppress people like me with a different understanding
Fuck you and your tranny debate
I understand that you're frustrated because you can't silence me anymore and have to deal with the fact that people interpret things differently and every interpretation is equally valid.
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I need no help.
>imagine the abuse
Better stay away!
>break firekings heart
Meds when?
Thread mother, raging TERF, pleasure to meet you.
Thanks fake op1.
This is defamation.
Right, Blaine1, also every nona in this thread.
Why do they allow phones inside the asylum you're staying in?
Every time someone calls someone else op1 I imagine someone talking to me facing the wall
>Is it just me or someone comes here every now and then and spam-mentions me until I show up?
typo on my tripcode passwordddd
>gets quads
I need a break.
You need a bf, hun
Well, it's not going to kill either of you to have him jack hammer you. Have fun.
>spam-mentions me until I show up?
works every time though
Op1, please choke me to death
What kind of men do terfs date? They're not anti-natalist tards, rights?
>They're not anti-natalist tards, rights?
Uh... >>78274519
of course they are, what the fuck are you thinking. half of them are 35+ failures who listen to harry potter audiobooks on loop
you're a data scientist? that's so cool. can I ask how much do you earn?
How does it feel having a lot of people wanting to be you
>listen to harry potter audiobooks on loop
OP1 100%
All men are retarded.
I will never ever accept that there are more mtfs because that's literally fucking impossible you're retarded as shit if you think there are more ftms.
I win you lose.
Last you.
Idc about trannies but that tard started first
>This is defamation
such a weak reaction just means its true tho

>I need no help
so you already got one

>until I show up
but you already posted at least here >>78275072
>I win you lose.
According to your point of view. Read Sandra Harding, midwit. I win.
Nah there is milion mtfs since begging ot the time.
Men have always been more interesting in transition than women.
Mtfs are in every single online male and female space, anime fandoms, games fandoms, I see them constantly getting attention in media, both negative and positive. Mtfs also have shit ton of fetish community etc.
Accept it, more men are transitioning than females.
And only trannies and moids deny this because they know the truth.
Last you now, enjoy sweet truth and do your research.
Dumb cunt.
lust, now move on - you seem to ONLY know this?

you are the most easily beaten, of all of the humans -

i heard you tried to follow your first boyfriend into the abyss, sad for you
>Accept it
Why? I have no obligation to that. You don't seem to understand my argument at all.
>the truth.
There's no truth, there are perspectives.
Do it yourself.
I can't speak for the other TERFs.
I doubt anyone wants to be me.
I need no help as in I can have anyone I want and choose not to.
That wasn't me, that's rule nona.
>Why do they allow phones inside the asylum you're staying in?
I have a friend who, among other things, processes phone-related problem tickets for a series of mental hospitals. She says hardly a week goes by that she doesn't see a ticket to replace a phone that got ripped off the wall and smashed.
>see tiktok video of random influencer's mugshot
>can see that he's 5'7 in his mugshot pic
>commenters are directing all of their hatred and disgust towards his height specifically rather than any abuse or violence
>i am also 5'7
why even try?
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So what do I do with my life now?
My alt-dark style was my personality, but I'm seriously starting to think I'm too old for this.
I can't turn into a middle-aged mom like all the normies(mental illness and autism) and I'm too old to be fashionable
fuck off to atoga

>rule nona
is that how you call that persona now
Welcome to the daily life of the average man. You will end up killing yourself if you cannot learn to cope. Except there is no coping, only distracting. Good luck.
Another tranny?
well, that's how we see old women anyway. A bit harsh though
>looking good ever
>So what do I do with my life now?
Start living.
>doubt anyone wants to be me.
aww *hug*
>I doubt anyone wants to be in me
*raises hand*
I would.
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I hate being vain but I have to be honest, I liked doing things because I was pretty while I was doing them, now that I'm no longer pretty I just feel stupid doing them, like I'm just totally out of place.
>but there's still le grandmas who do heckin wholesome hobbies like skating!!!
Yeah fuck off with this, I can't cope with that and I'm immature and I will never change
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Life of a goth: from Wednesday to Morticia
*raises paw*
kill yourself you disgusting simping faggot
I didn't mean it in a self deprecating way
Ok, you will also live my entire life, that's how you become someone after all. at least then I will have someone who understands me.
That was either a nona being nice or a moid who thinks being a woman is automatic easy mode.
Do you believe your appearance changed drastically within the span of a month or even a week? Everyone else will see you pretty much the same as you were from a year ago. It's all in your head. Appreciate the youth and beauty you still have. You'll regret it in 5 or 10 years and again 5 or 10 years after that.

>I'm immature and I will never change
No one is perfect. Everyone is still immature in some way. We all have blindsides. Are you going to sit here and keep crying about it or try to improve on it? It's your choice and your life. You'll live it how you decide.
>Ok, you will also live my entire life, that's how you become someone after all. at least then I will have someone who understands me

Read the sentence again. Very closely. It's much worse than you think.
*Raises hand even higher*
>have bf
>claims to like being pegged
>get engaged
>check his phone
>he's on grindr messaging femboys
what do
Babe, we talked about this. First you cook me lunch, then posts on your little forum
That's not fair, that wasn't even a typo on my part. Die.
>Porn addict bf
i might anyway with the whole cheating on me thing
>i might anyway with the whole cheating on me thing
How the hell is that cheating?
how do you deal with telling everyone you know that you had to break up? idk i already told everyone i was going to get married now it's awkward + i'll look like the world's biggest dunce
messaging people on hookup apps when you're in a relationship is cheating. i know some people don't consider it so, but some people also don't consider being balls deep in someone else as cheating under certain circumstances, so
hows that NOT cheating? he's looking on the cheating menu, the AIDS one even. she could get AIDS because he cheated with a gay
it's not technically cheating, it's monkey branching which is basically one step away
he's the dunce for ruining his chance to have a happy married life to get AIDS, also you don't have to explain anything to anyone if that makes the process easier.
Oh fuck off, messaging faggots on Grindr is just something you do while you jerk off, it's not cheating. FUCKING faggots off of Grindr would be cheating. Is he fucking other people or not?

Equally important: are you pegging him or not?
tomochan should peg me
weird wait to out yourself as a cheater, if you ever had a chance with a woman to begin with that is
yeah that's not how i work. i doubt he'd think the same if i was messaging dude off tinder.
also yes

thanks. the thought of being married and with hands tied with a child while getting cheated on with a faggot scares me like no other so i guess it's gonna have to be that
these fuckign fags always get all the sympathy too, as if the woman is the evil one for marrying their confused ass
>That's not fair, that wasn't even a typo on my part
That's what makes it fun!
if you wanted to only message someone sexually (that is cheating btw), you would do so on other social medias, not on one with a GPS tracker like snapchat or a dating app.
they only get sympathy if they're trannies, hope he doesn't go that far to get the pity points.
>yeah that's not how i work

>i doubt he'd think the same if i was messaging dude off tinder.
You mean a GIRL off Tinder, right? You wanna bet?

Even if it was a guy, so what? If you have no intention of actually meeting up with the guy, what's the problem? I wouldn't mind that, in fact, it might be fun. We could fuck while messaging random ass strangers, sounds like a good time

Either way, it's not cheating

>also yes
I'm not sure I believe you. Post pic of the strap-on(s). How big are they? How often? You enjoy it or you just do it for him?

>thanks. the thought of being married and with hands tied with a child while getting cheated on with a faggot scares me like no other so i guess it's gonna have to be that
Oh I see, you're just looking for a reason to break up lol
>You mean a GIRL off Tinder, right? You wanna bet?
why a girl? i'm not attracted to women. he is attracted to men. it would have to be a man.
>We could fuck while messaging random ass strangers, sounds like a good time
that would be something else, not going behind my back. also the fact that it was a femboy disgusts me and i got a terminal ick i'm afraid.
>you're just looking for a reason to break up lol
nope as i said it's awkward and inconvenient for me
holy shit ignore the megacoomer, his opinion doesn't matter
It is not physical cheating, but emotional cheating.
If you talk to other people about things you would not talk with your partner that go beyond just an innocent hobby, you are emotionally cheating on them.
You see your partner as disposable and you deserve all the bad shit that comes with it. You are a male or female whore with no sense of being faithful.

>what's the problem?
It is indirectly saying you are not enough.

special delivery
yeah you're right, they can't be helped.
pretty much. even if i try to go past the disgust and broken trust it makes me feel like shit
>keep falling for debate fags debate baits
>this time it's a special that also includes his sexual interests
there's no fucking way that I'm ever going to watch a youtube short
>a scapegoat
>if you attribute a known name to somebody you stop being open for other options
... so do you mean it's a "curse" to say Op1's real name or something..? and is it true that he made this thread? bc i thought this was for biological women..
kek, you do realize what you just did here, right?
in her defense she's probably a visitor
>why a girl? i'm not attracted to women. he is attracted to men. it would have to be a man.
If he's a guy talking to guys, then if you're a girl, in order for things to be equal, you'd have to be talking to... GIRLS

>that would be something else, not going behind my back
Oh gee, I wonder why a guy might keep that shit a secret, hmm, hmmmmmmm

>also the fact that it was a femboy disgusts me and i got a terminal ick i'm afraid.

>nope as i said it's awkward and inconvenient for me
Great, then you're a cunt

>If you talk to other people about things you would not talk with your partner that go beyond just an innocent hobby, you are emotionally cheating on them.
You think there's emotions involved in whacking off while talking to strangers on the internet? lol

>You see your partner as disposable
How in the holy fuck do you reach this conclusion?

>It is indirectly saying you are not enough.
Well bitch, maybe you're not enough! What's wrong with that? Isn't asking you to use a strap-on DIRECTLY saying you're not enough?! What if I told you to throw away your vibrators?!
i am, i haven't come here in a while, back in the day these threads didn't exist. nice addition though.
You are very emotionally immature, on the level of somebody else going crazy some days.
I will not reply to you anymore.
wait, so this is blaine?
What the fuck is going on here?! Time out, retards
nobody knows op1s real name
op1 one is not that blaine fag
op1 does not talk about her life in any concrete way if you lurked for more than one thread
she benefits from people thinking she is blaine because it detracts
>op1 does not talk about her life in any concrete way if you lurked for more than one thread
>he doesn't know the true op1 lore
>he never pieced together all of the puzzles and hints
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Possible, but not likely. "take meds" and "schizo" are both staples of his arrogant, tranime smug shitposting, but it feels off.
>the true op1 lore
Take meds, delusionfagg
>I have too many opps
Why do zoomers talk like this?
The lore is pretty simple actually, you're a terminally bored bullshitter

I now see why OP1 didn't want to establish an identity in her OWN thread, baiters would obviously target her compared to the other nonas, seeing her as some ring leader or some shit.
>her thread
We made these threads together.
Her anonposting and trying to be mysterious is what triggers this.
>baiters would obviously target her
That's preposterous
Without OP1, none of these threads would be here in the first place.
So what? Tomoposter anonposts too and never gets this much shit for it.
just got a boner again
Eh, xe brought this shit on xerself and deserves no pity for that
>Eh, she brought this shit on herself and deserves no pity for that
How so?
The gender war was the point from the very beginning
>gender war
that was like first two editions
now it's just nonas chatting about their day
>that was like first two editions
c'mon now
>Nnoooo you are hurting my moidlet fee fees :(
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She's simply a bit of a tsundere, just like Moid-chan.
And also Irish.
I don't play Genshin Impact myself, but I love this channel and thought some nonas here might find this entertaining...
i'm not the one who begs to stop it
that's from a year ago, retard
multiple anons have used that password>trip

but she is indeed, a tsundere
Jeesh. Do you go searching through every board for hits of every nonas trip codes? Why do you have such an obsession with op1 and why do you start so much drama to lure her out so often?
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Looking for a fembot friend (what I mean by that is a girlfriend)

I live in Quebec, 28. Long term goal is to be a provider and have a housewife and I really want a fembot because normal women are boring as fuck I just go from date to date and short term relationships I hate it. Discord is profile_asphalt

Bonus if youre unvaccinated and are cool with racism (we'll get along)

Do not contact if youre kinda far and think youre gonna pussy out of the LDR. NOT INTERESTED. I want someone whos gonna stick with me no matter what. I have a car I drive.
he is a very amateurish stalker
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>lure her out so often?
I need to mix my genes with Op1's
You're the one who cries like a bitch over it, it's fun.
Who if he's an actual tranny, tho? How would that work?
>Looking for a fembot friend
Fuck off back to >>/soc/
Shut up nigga im posting here
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I don't think I will.
Could it be that simple? No, definitely not, there's no way
/soc/ is infested with normalfaggots and you don't get to make up rules for your general
>/soc/ is infested with normalfaggots
Perfect, right where you belong. Go back.
>Make up rules
Newfag tourist spotted
No, I like it here. Nice vibe, nice girls, plenty of bros. I think I'll stick around.
Elaborate on that, my friend.
you should try and get in touch with moidchan
Either read the rules for /r9k/ again, slowly, or wait for your camwhore post to be taken down eventually
Textbook hookup post ackshully
Wasn't my post, I just joined the chain of replies. People share discords and throwaway e-mails here all the time. The only rules that actually exist are the rules that are being enforced.
Rules only have a chance of being enforced if someone reports.
>People share discords and throwaway e-mails here all the time.
Heard about Thrones?
And this is coming from the person who called me a newfag and a tourist. Good luck with that
if that warmed your heart then you should visit /pol/ more often. The amount of schadenfreude on there is unreal whenever a white bitch gets merked by some darkie, it's basically THE militant incel board
Whats her discord or whatever
she's already taken I'm afraid
Oh, well why has she been suggested to me then
it's just some stupid inside joke, you wouldn't get it
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So, who's the wife?
Quite the age gap, but she needs stallion for a good jackhammerin'
mchan would demolish my crotch with her stamina
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this could have been us fembots
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Blaine is here. There's currently three blaine threads on the 'log
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Well, sex is not a big deal
is this how boring nona has sex?
>both genders are lazy pieces of shit who want their partner to do all the job in the bed.
There's some connection in that, I suppose.
At least she looks comfortable, good for her
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So which duo is this?
lazy women commission rape
lazy men commission femdom
me and a big boobied tripfem
crimestat anon + tomo?
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next thread should be about simulation theory
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I had a big post typed out and then my computer crashed and all I care enough to retype is that I am greedy for more figmas and am waiting on this one I ordered
Scara is that you? Copy your text when it starts to get long.
Ideas for next thread

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics
Remembering to hydrate
Home decoration
No not scara didn't get to putting my thing on yet before it crashed
Advertising and begging?
Good thing it was deleted
>but i still secretly wish he was a bit more jealous.
Oh, c'mon
If your partner doesn't show interest in you, you'll always end up doubting.
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I don't get their mindgames either.
Thank you nona. I still should probably take a break or finally leave the thread in nonas hands. I've tried to distract myself from it somewhat successfully.
What? You're literally anonposting and being mysterious by default, I know nothing about you should I start obsessing over you? Ok you're mystery anon and I will recognisefagg you until you put a name in your field, then i will pretend to be you and force you to make a tripcode which i will dig through desuarchive to find anything that remotely resembles a tranny and ask you stupid questions about anyone i think is you.
>Makes a slightly sensational thread because last ones were slow
>Manages to make several people fall for the bait
>Moids still crying about it threads later
Why did mysterious anon say this?
Don't forget, he also pretends to be other people to try and bait you out.
Very little mystery with it, see the same feeling from people unable to make friends all the time. They feel they have to force everything on their side.
Just learn to ignore, it isn't that hard.
There's a reason no nonas are on sight when those dumb discussions start.
I guess I'm on an official break now. Take care nonas
Good riddance, if true.
She pussied out due to it being a TEMPORARY LDR. Sad! Whatever. I still think she's great.
where is the new thread
I'm not a nona. I'm a person that was asked to make thread number 5 by a retard.

Take this with you.

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