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Rare /p/ thread in the front page.

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>>/trash/nah

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Dammit, I forgot to link the previous thread: >>78161361
-4chan's self-serve aids: https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/ uttiak
Why would anyone want to serve themselves aids?
Why is everyone on /v/ incredibly homosexual?
Does anyone have that comic of a stereotypical /lgbt/ user getting mad at different caricatures of people? Flamboyant gay, fujo, feminist, butch lesbian, /pol/ user, drag queen/trans person, etc.
I'm pretty sure it was made way before it became /tttt/.
gaming is gay
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>hobby turns fake and gay for 10 years
>base turns ____

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I knew Rizon had some 4chan affiliation but I didn't think it was that deep. That's concerning. Fuck this site.
>I knew Rizon had some 4chan affiliation but I didn't think it was that deep. That's concerning. Fuck this site.
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>know your moderators
>IRC tards
nigga this board has jannies
All zoomers are gay
Nothings fucking happening, why even bother?
Sir, this is purgatory.
Unironically who was in the right here?
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Be honest--you would.
Murder? Sure.
>rub a knob for hundreds of hours
IDK it's a mystery!
after sex, of course
No, no I wouldn't. Why woul you?
Yeah. TDM
/v/ is still getting spammed with asscreed ragebait threads
>not a happening
yeah, but it's kind of funny
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Got a ban from /pw/ for accusing Russians of dissuading voters
I would praise this if the mods actually had a strict no politics policy.
But it's just arbitrary and random.
That game is 100% using outrage for it's marketing and /v/ feeds right into it and they don't give a fuck.
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Honestly more From threads by a skim of it.
It's not as much a /nah/ as much as it literally is not happening by any account. Jewbisoft btfo? Perchance.
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there's a le public racism.
clean it up now janny~~
ta ta~
They're mostly talking about a wikipedia faggot who shilled his own book or something.
good, keep /pol/ shit in /pol/ where it belongs
>one of the boards most concerned with shilling campaigns could not identify a shill in a well-lit room and no other people in it
They do, it's just on boards they can actually moderate.
Nah they kept the thread up for a few hours.


They know what's happening. It's not even a conspiracy anymore. This whole site is cooked full of paid shills and bots for election season
It's justified
why are twitter screencaps not ban-on-sight
They are, on boards that are moderated properly.
Even on /a/ they stopped deleting them.
mods are oddly slow to delete culture-war bullshit on a lot of the big boards
or, well, "oddly". unfortunately mods are also people with their own thoughts and feelings, which means they have the capacity to be easily swayed retards
This thread needs a bumo... savior... bumosavior... saviorbumo
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Fuck this, I'm posting Dolan.
Classic Dolan.
Probable LARP
Probably LARP. But why on /v/ though?
It's a /pol/ repost, from 2022. Use 4plebs
Or maybe it's a meme, who knows. Sorry oldfags
I was going to link it lol
Trump commented on the Douglass Mackey case. He's in jail for reposting a 4chan meme. yobuj
If it's real or not, the thread will get nuked anyway.
It's really interesting how homoerotic /v/ gets during april fools. Or all year round with the gacha threads
Being incredibly lonely for long periods of time tends to relax your standards.
i guess fapping with an emotional connection beats fapping as usual. i hope they find someone.
What makes a person become like this?
lmfao get over yourself, 100% deserved ban

captcha: ehjvjqx
Gateway time-out Error code 504 for old images like /1460/04/
>off by one
>nobody realizes
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>the most active thread of /a/ rn is an incel debate

[Insert very original and thought provoking statement here]
>so many unvirgins
We need to purge them.
Probably half of them are incels who paid for hookers.
i miss old /lgbt/ before trannies took over
let's not pretend that we like faggots
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yeah hah hah...they are so annoying and dumb.... hah hah....
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Few recent personal revelations of mine
>Soot = Onions Moot
>/tttt/ = /lgbt/ except it's all trannies
share your own
Nice edit.
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>Kvz = master of the universe
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>No searchable archive for /vg/ that goes back to 2015
I wish fireden didn't die. I wanted to look at old generals i posted on.
No shit. I made the pedo activist shitposter admit that he fucks adult whores an pays for them, that he likes cumming on big breasts, and more.
Racecar backwards is racecar
>5 story time threads created within the same minute on /a/
Is there an explanation for this? Just coincidence?
New WSJ issue. Shonenspics make a separate thread for every manga in the magazine.
I never even knew 4chan had a search
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Haha...ha...ye-yeah. There...really, really dumb.
>someone posts suspicious link
>possibly advertises it as child porn
>reporting it might get me banned for false reports
>opening the link could get me v&
I guess I won't do anything.
If it's advertised to contain CP, I don't see why you would get banned for a false report.
Clicking a random catbox link won't get you v& tho.
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It's not much, but http://web.archive.org/web/20150915000000*/boards.fireden.net/vg/
Considering this was pre-gachashit jacking the bumprate up to over 9000 posts per day; you might actually have a chance of skimming an old thread or two using it.
Whatever url archive.is is on might also work out.
Happening: the /vip/ happenings thread is on page 11
moderator actions are happening in this thread in REAL TIME
>tfw not important enough to bump the thread
A guy has been spamming /news/ with deliberately low quality threads for months and mods either don't know or are doing nothing about it and it's sad.

Yeah I saw that, always nice to see a janny delete a few posts right in front of me
I was going to reply to that post saying that I thought it was funny but now I've been scared straight by the goderators
He's in every fucking thread too. The worst part is that now the leftists are starting to take up his style, as in

They're still pasting the article at least, but the board is becoming a shit flinging arena real quick. It should be a (n enforced) rule that the subject has to be the actual title of the article and that you have to paste the actual article, WITHOUT dumbass commentary.
Didn't mean to include the top one. You get the point.
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happening: it's joever
It's Joever
I was unironically going to vote for him but if the nominee ends up being fucking kamala there is absolutely no way
What thread is he trying to get archived?
>he hates world peace
>choice between legitimately almost-ok but obviously geriatric grandpa and slightly less geriatric sore loser who's still seething and cares only about power
>one of them getting replaced by token african american female
As a non-American, I pity you.
mde was funny but I don't know what that has to do with anything
>he unironically hates world peace
None. He's just a seething autist who's really into muh gun freedums. He might not even be genuine, but a really dedicated troll.
this post fucking STINKS of smug deutschecuck
>it's real

Holy shit
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I thinking about replying to this, but didn't bother.
I feel like now is a good time, since a twitter link is stickied.

Often, relevant things are posted via twitter, and that is how people first see them.
So there are threads that would never be a problem as screencaps.
the stiggy >>>/pol/475079739
Drudge Report has the police siren .gif so you know it's serious.
The moment I posted this, he took it down.
Coincidence? I think not!
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he's endorsing her, the chances of her not being the nominee are slim to none
>alliances around the world
It always struck me as strange that Trump is alienating, even threatening his allies, all while he's open about starting more shit with China and Russia. What's the strategy?
low T directionbrain moment
try holding two thoughts in your head at the same time you autistic faggot
Yes, that was good. Germany got fucked in the ass later, his point was driven home beautifully.
But later Trump wanted to leave the NATO, told Russia to attack Europe, and so on.
He's not good at keeping friends.
>catchphrases and things taken out of context
thing about encouraging russia attacking europe was a figure of speech/threat for NATO members who weren't paying their fair share. how fucking deranged and retarded do you have to be to take that literally and be like ZOMG DRUMPF
and NATO is a corrupt deep state "brain death" clown show as macron once said anyway
>thing about encouraging russia attacking europe was a figure of speech/threat for NATO members who weren't paying their fair share.
Can't your tiny brain comprehend that this makes the west (USA and its allies) look weak and estranged? It's the worst you can do towards the common enemies, Russia and China, whose politics are all about appearing strong or weak.
Also most NATO members are reaching the goal now,,but braindead Trumpists are not stopping with hating on NATO and loving Putin.
Go back to /pol/ with your slappy fight, faggots
>t. retard who doesn't understand how NATO works
>more concerned with muh looks instead of truth
female brained autistic faggot. actually infantile reasoning
war shouldn't have started in the first place. all these conflicts are unironically because of war mongers around biden
you are a faggot if you think pootin even has the capability to attack any nato member. bet you also think pootin is willing to go on a nuclear war suicide mission for some arbitrary reason
seeing putin for what he is and being pragmatic instead of directionbrain demonizing is not "loving putin". you have already demonstrated you have problems with nuances and think its "strange" to be pragmatic and realistic
you're a gullible subhuman faggot
i know NATO is filled with US controlled deep state war mongers who unjustly invaded Libya among other and did domestic psychological warfare during the cold war
>female brained autistic faggot. actually infantile reasoning
Quite the opposite. It's literally how international politics work. And if you look at the US election campaign, it's how national politics work too.
>you are a faggot if you think pootin even has the capability to attack any nato member
He only needs to
>get Trump to make the USA leave the NATO
>wait a couple of years to rebuild the Russian military
>attack one of the Baltic states
>threaten Germany to literally nuke them if the NATO gets involved (possible after the USA has left NATO)
Also you're mentally ill for believing in deep state shit.
>being pragmatic to a war criminal
i don't think trump is going to leave nato. those were empty threats for the same purpose as previously stated. however, even if so, there is literally nothing preventing US from making their own bi/multilateral military agreements outside of the nato umbrella. you know.. like their bases in the middle east and east asia?

deep state is a widely accepted concept among normies now. especially since everyone can see biden isn't making any decisions
"mentally ill" same sick and disgusting leftoid gaslighting as always.
watch this NPC friendly video:

wake up from your fairy world
>i don't think trump is going to leave nato.
His hardcore fans will be disappointed then. Anyway, I think he really won't, because you have to be extremely stupid to just drop the allies you've built up. But he will keep damaging the west (And therefore the USA).
>deep state is a widely accepted concept among normies now.
You could reduce the concept of deep state to government employees supporting the government, but that just means Trump will build his own deep state. Anything beyond that is mental illness believed in by drooling retards.
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>His hardcore fans will be disappointed then
>Trumps face when
Putin is a war criminal, retard
You missed the blatantly obvious point, double retard.
for a second i was scared this thread was going to be discussing something boring like 4chan happenings, but thankfully it's actually just people talking about politics. phew!
it's 4cc time
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA his own staff found out via twitter
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Kek....Lol....LMAO EVEN! Fools!! FOOLS ALL OF THEM!!!
>the Trump experience
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It's so live
/v/ stonks discussion
Thread theme

do normies realize how braindead their music taste is now that AI can convincingly replicate their repetitive goyslop?
Does anyone know if Desu has an OR operator for search queries? Like if I wanted to search for both good and best soda, what would be the way? (good OR best) soda doesn't seem to work and I'm not smart enough to figure this out by myself.
good|best soda
...Of course, it makes sense that it would use the actual OR symbol, thank you lmao.
What is the best way to de-anonymize someone on 4chan? My only ideas are either social engineering, or dropping links that record IPs.
Literally just ask them questions that would be reasonable within the context of whatever thread you're in, people overshare and also overlook others keeping records. As long as you can identify them you'll eventually find a pseudonym or even actual name.
Famous posters are doxxed all the time because they yap too much. For example Barneyfag unknowingly gave away his full name on a random /co/ thread because someone asked him for his manifesto about Barney and he thought it would be a good idea to link a Drive document, which also gives away your account's data if you know where to check.
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if a person felt so inclined, they could easily create a bot that logs the file names of images that are posted and assigns them an ID.
You could then recognize anons by their ID whenever they post certain images.
It wouldn't have 100% accuracy because people can save eachothers images with the same file name but it would give you a rough idea.
maybe the ID could be a random name like Bob or Jeff. There would be an extension that replaces the name "anonymous" with "Jeff" whenever it detects that they are posting.
To everyone else, they would just a bunch of anons interacting with seemingly random images attached to their posts, meanwhile you'd be like "haha, classic Jeff post".
Sadly, the target is quite paranoid. I used to involve him in lengthy off-topic discussions, but he stopped responding to me lately, which makes it harder. The only information I have on him is relatively useless, like who cares what computer his dad uses, or what his approximate job title is.

I can do that with my brain.
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No data is ever useless, as it can be used to confirm other stuff. But since you already interacted with him, you probably have a good amount of reaction image filenames you might want to check in the archives, as he might have started convos in other boards and with other people that might give you more data. If he knows you're onto him it would be hard though, you'd want to give him some time so you can reengage when he's less spooked.
Interesting idea. But I want him to know that I'm watching and that I'm always around to shit on him. This strategy of extreme counter shitposting seems to have shown some success. It's just not enough. I need to spook him more, not less.
>But I want him to know that I'm watching and that I'm always around to shit on him
Easy, just create a schizo character and post like him. Annoy him, discover his weakness. Maybe he's not a retard and he'll understand that someone is pretending to be crazy in order to scare him, but he definitely won't like that they're annoying him with something that he really dislikes
I was doing this to a retard that I hate. He even confused me with another schizo and became unhinged. He would start to post less
And remember to be creative and don't oversue words because he will filter your posts
>GOP and Trump actually sound butthurt about Biden stepping down
Can someone explain US politics to me?
He had a better chance of beating Biden than literally anyone else.
It changes the race. Republicans are freaking out because they've spent years preparing for a fight that isn't happening. The Democrats will get to spin Biden's decision as a noble thing of selfless devotion and Biden is a good man and blah blah blah, and the activist base will get excited rather than this being "same old guy" vs. "same old guy" as of this morning. All things they don't want. (And even if Kamala does lose, there's a big difference between losing by 6 and losing by 2 because that determines the balance of power in Congress).

There are some Biden loyalists who are vomiting from anxiety and this is funny, but there's a solid chance this Biden personality cult isn't real and they're just lashing out in confusion at temporarily not having a DNC-approved figure to rally around and they'll all switch allegiance once the new leader is anointed. It's like in that episode of Star Trek when that Borg got cut off from the collective and was then picked up by the Enterprise, he initially couldn't even function but quickly started trying to attach new loyalty to different crewmembers to return to the safety of following orders.
>he will filter your posts
That's a good tip. I increasingly used the same words to create an association with his posts, so I should separate posts meant for him and for others.
Oh, make him paranoid then. If he can recognize you then start posing as other posters and start messing with him. He expects you to be antagonistic towards him so the effect is lessened, but if he feels that everyone is against him then he won't feel like posting much anymore given enough time.
Does Camela have an actual chance? I think Trump is just seemingly mad about this, because he wanted to prove that he can beat Biden in the second attempt. Losing was like a trauma.
Many of his posts have been met with negative responses for a long time. It's his thing, he somehow gets off it, or thinks he has to say controversial things to educate others. He gave up much of it, and resorts to posts that give him attention now, or just completely harmless posts. There were times when he got IP wiped multiple times a day for off-topic and trolling. He has that type of antagonistic, elitist, narcissist personality. He only sometimes expresses weakness, such as that single post in which he complained about me in general. It was in a thread I wasn't even in, I found it only later.
>There were times when he got IP wiped multiple times a day for off-topic and trolling
Thank god, you're not talking about me.
Biden was an easy punching bag who didn't really have the ability to fight back
Trump might now have to compete against someone who can actually string a full sentence together on stage
All Kamala Harris has to say is "what are you gonna do, grab me by the pussy?" and she wins
That's... actually true.
>There were times when he got IP wiped multiple times a day for off-topic and trolling. He has that type of antagonistic, elitist, narcissist personality.
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/pol/'s apperance
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sewer man
Shonen Jump threads are hitting a critical limit in terms of newfag behavior
Shonen Jump as in the /a/ threads?
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Very strange developments
Yeah, they're spamming irrelevant shit across two threads: Nue's Exorcist and Kagurabachi
go on the IRC chat and grab a mod, explain your situtation. usually clears things up
Explain this in layman's terms.
You absolutely deserved the ban. Mods itt, don't unban this retard
A government spook asked for pictures of the body to be sent to a Philly number. /pol/retards immediately assume he's an alien because he's bald. Nobody knows what agency he works for. Senators apparently have figured it out and will say soon(tm). That's it.
you realize people can report you fucking retard
moot always wanted to be a little girl...
I think he challenged the mod to find out what his home IP is from his proxy post rather than caring about getting that post reported. I don't think they care enough, and they'd have not many ways to figure out his IP unless he's using a very unique browser fingerprint anyways. What a silly guy.
I'm still here. They didn't do shit.
Llama 3.1 405B leak
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Friendly reminder for everyone
>because I used tuxler. And what's even worse I just got a pass a few days ago.
why the hell would you use tuxler when you have a pass?
i thought the entire point of having a pass was being able to post regularly on range blocked VPNs
what's that
a residential proxy botnet that would be be retarded to install and run outside of a vm
You can borrow someone else's car for free, as long as you lend your own car to another stranger. You can use that car to stalk kids at the playground, while the cops won't be able to match your license plate to any active restraining orders and have to let you go. Meanwhile, your car was used to abduct a child.
This is what Tuxler is, if you explained it in terms of cars.
>would be be retarded to install and run outside of a vm
AND vpn, needless to say. DO NOT run it from your real IP >>78239468
Thank you for the explanation.
>You can use that car to stalk kids at the playground
is normal to think about stalking kids at playground?
On 4chan, it is. As someone said, the streets are full of fent addicts, the internet is full of pedos.
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So it took 9 years for that word to enter the public lexicon. I think it's interesting.
what, are youtubefags saying pajeet now?
>An invented Indian-sounding given name, originating from the "Pajeet, my son" meme created on the 4chan message board /int/ in July 2015, mocking Indians' supposed propensity for open-air defecation.
Nice. They don't have designated shitting street though.
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I know, I just don't care considering I have basically unlimited IPs now because I upgraded and i'm literally unbannable, I would just prefer NOT to be banned. I don't really do anything that bad to the website at large and contribute a lot so it dissapoints me that I have to get a new IP address and buy a new pass.
>contribute a lot
Name one thing.
I try my best to make posts that people enjoy, I like making good posts and report shitposters. I try my best to be a good contributor.
>report shitposters
kill yourself
Not him, but I do that as well. Sometimes the fuckers ban me for "false reports".
completely deserved. rulecucks lost.
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wait, so you have to buy a new pass each time because your botnet proxies are rangebanned anyway? surely i'm missing something, you can't be this retarded
No, I have a static IP address which means I have to wait for it to reset or contact my ISP (which I don't feel like because they get suspicious of me everytime I call them to change it) in order to get a new passu.
so what the hell is the point of the tuxler botnet proxies?
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Why would you want to buy another pass anyways? They offer you no benefit.
The only ones I could see having some use of it would be Chinese users that don't want to use proxies to post here.
Because I didn't have it before, but now I do.

They are really, really convenient for large image dumps.
4chan works normally in China now
No way this is true
dude looks like Agent 47 but without the barcode
What is your guesstimate on the number of real lurkers on /pol/ during average traffic?
There's a 4chan mod who lives in china, so yes there are some 4chan users who are unironically from china.
When can I report people for using "tranny" outside of /lgbt/?
Even better, when do they word filter it?
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/pol/ traffic after my erection?
moot said about 10% of people who browse the site post, and the average poster posts more than 10 times a day, so i'd say the average lurker count is probably a couple thousand people above the average post per day count. /pol/ is full of spam and ragebait though so it could be just around the post count or maybe even lower, but i'd assume it'd be pretty close regardless since the posts per day on the site as a whole hasn't gone up and has in fact decreased since the early 2010s, and moot said that when /b/ was the most active board.
I wish that spam as an option was valid
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How do you think /pol/ will change politically if harris wins the US election? The board is mostly full of trump fans, not gop fans.
Ofc I would
Endless seething.
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She the confirmed running one against him now? Either way, it'll be the same way it "changed" after they started ridin' with biden.
It won't. Same illiterate idiots, paid actors, worn-out-cap-spammers and genuinely useless schizos scuba-diving in an ocean of piss; parading around like cavemen trying to figure out fire in the ruins of an acropolis.

4pol isn't simply unusable, it's an active and intended waste of time for people who won't do shit, but want to be mulled over by blaming everything on [the other side]. Nothing productive has happened there in the better part of a decade; but they still cling to their marbles because they have nothing left, to the point the wannabe-antisemetic neohortlers will support the most pro-jewish non-jewish world leader in human history. Even the Qschizos got more done in the meantime, and they were literally useful idiots in the pig farmer's grift. dup btfo or unbtfo, the outcome for 4pol is the same, it's a husk where the original users that "made it" left for various greener pastures, and the remaining users failed to gatekeep what remained. /b/2.0.
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I agree, but I think the difference for 2024 is mainly in a Trump loss here means he will absolutely not run next year, because he's already incredibly unpopular and losing twice in a row and still going again would make him look desperate, and his shock win in 2016 will be easily dismissable as the fluke it was. This time if he loses, MAGA does too because every other prominent Trump supporter is insane like MTG or Lauren Boebert, and absolutely couldn't maintain the cultish adoration Trump has.

I'd honestly be very surprised if there's even another successful populist Republican in the near future, mainly because every other one that's tried has been vocally anti-MAGA and also couldn't charm their way out of a paper bag, forget an actual political movement. My prediction is that Trump loses again, /pol/ whines and says it was stolen, and then they just latch onto another country that actually has a successful budding far right presence like Germany, France, or Italy. It'd be the same kind of shit of course, but they'd probably focus on American culture war issues and how America has fallen, instead of electoral politics and thinking they'll actually get to deport their noisy Mexican neighbors.
Can't they just use Vance? He seemed instantly popular.
Yeah I mean they could, but he's a pretty weird guy and doesn't seem to have any personality to distract from that like Trump. But now that he's the VP pick and since it's a long way til 2028, he could step up his game and learn how to be funny, but I still can't see him being the kind of leader figure people see Trump as and that's really the only thing /pol/ liked him for.
Vance is sublimely opportunistic. He'd flip on a dime back to mainstream Rightist positions if Trump lost. He's in politics for the insider trading opportunities.
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>3 day ban for replying to an off topic thread on vee
Why are they trying so hard to turn this site into reddit?
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>mad you got justifiably banned
They should do it more. Even better if they delete the off-topic threads themselves.
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Honestly, you're putting far more thought into it than it's worth; any country, win or lose, the policies stay the same.
That's the point of democracy. All of the power, none of the accountability - any genuine issues or faults are lost in a sea of obscure bureaucracy and opposition finger-pointing. There's no such thing as "Left" or "Right"; only Forward and Delayed. The irony being that both "sides" think that the "other" is responsible for their malaise; when the march of progress cares for either. *Everyone* involved is a useful idiot.
/pol/ will recognise half the problem, refuse to co-operate on the other (wouldn't want to be a ebin libtard) (the same applies inversely); then they'll sit on their ass and seethe about it all day as everybody is slowly stripped of everything, content that "at least they made their voice heard".
Politics is, by-default, the reasoned distribution of power and violence, with the intent to form governance & order. If you aren't *already* extremely powerful or aren't *already* extremely violent; you ultimately have no business discussing it whatsoever, and your suffrage means nothing. Your opinion is worth roughly the same as complaining that it's going to rain tomorrow - it's going to happen weather you complain or not.

By default, any political discourse on the internet is unlikely to be either - the powerful are already attending to their influence, and the politically violent are either honeypot'd because they're unfocused retards, or censored / deplatformed before they become any tangible nuisance (these days). Which is also why 4pol will never be allowed to play games anywhere near the ones 8pol got close to. This site is ultimately just Hiroshima's passive income - the fedbux that come with letting them janny /pol/ is nice, but it becomes a problem that cuckflare gets involved / there's a major tonal shift / shooting / movement - he makes just as much money off of /vt/.
4pol would be gone by the hour
I still wonder why this just got a warning.
Bot or midwit? Can't tell.
Don't read too much into it.
1chan is down
I wonder if it's for good this time
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>anyone I don't like is either a conspiratorial machine or is beneath me
>worthless opinion with no rebuttal to the point
>don't think too hard
And that's why you'll never co-ordinate anything of note; while you're steadily poached like fish in a barrel, you absolutely fucking deludedly narcissistic, textbook polyp.
What? They have to give out the data if the police asks.
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>/b/tard trans gooner groomer and lolifag
not looking so good for famous chantards
Damn, son.
>the name
thought it was some random dude but i think it's actually him wtf
>enter /k/
>fastest thread is at image limit and full of /pol/tards seething
>they post a thread complaining on /pol/ that links back
>multiple /pol/tard retaliation threads made and deleted
>someone posts the thread again and it's at bump limit again
Shonen has always been trash, fuck /a/ for "encouraging" faggy ass generals by not banning the shit Dragon Ball Super threads in their infancy
>fuck /a/ for not banning anime
they don't even ban twitter screenshots, you think they care it's about "anime"?
/mu/ is currently trying to cover weezer
Here's a full Ren & Stimpy reboot season.
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Nobita's original VA has died.
>All males should do 2 years of special forces training

That would be nice except that 99% of the human population can't pass special forces training. I'd say about 80% of zoomers can't even pass the basic fitness test to be allowed into basic training.

Not only that but if they could pass it, most wouldnt be picked anyway. See when it comes to SF selection they dont care about your fitness and skills, its all down to whether they like you or you're cool enough.

t. non chad who finished SAS selection but was immediately binned once the truck got back to the base. Was later told by a member of staff that they were never going to accept me and just though it would be funny to see if I would finish it.
>I'd say about 80% of zoomers can't even pass the basic fitness test to be allowed into basic training.
What's the test?
>What's the test?

A stone's throw, 7.5 on a beep test, 25 push ups, 35 situps. Thats just to get into basic. To finish basic you're looking at a 2.4km run in under 11mins, 50 pushups and 100 situps. Those are all minimum requirements.

Adjust for nation and Branch. Eg USMC have/had pullups but I think they recently got rid of them too lol.

For service in Infantry where traditionally most conscripts go youre looking at
>2.4km run In <9mins
>80 pushups
>100+ situps(literally until they say stop)
>10 full extension pull ups wide grip
>20km pack(ruck) march in 2hours 50 mins.
>someone posts off-topic
>shit up the board even further by replying/flaming
It's how 4chan works?
>he says on r9k
Good bait.
just ignore, hide or report stuff like that
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anyone actually know how many old/originalfags used gaia?
like, everyone that's come here starting 2010 onward would have used reddit, twitter, youtube, or some other site with a larger userbase than here, and nowadays it's pretty much mandatory to use at least one social media daily, but back then was it that common to not use bigger sites like those, or was the anti-gaia meme the same thing people do with reddit nowadays where redditors are the loudest people complaining about redditors? my money's on the latter but i was only on kid's sites in the 2000s so i have no idea.
2007 newfag here, I still don't know what Gaia even is or was.
I came from GameTrailers.
every oldfag post 2005 came from Gaia.
Someone shared some 2007 threads about how people came to 4chan recently and it was 60% Gaia 25% YTNMD 10% ED 3% GameFAQs/LUA and the rest SA/friend recommendation
For me it was YTNMD.
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>was the anti-gaia meme the same thing people do with reddit nowadays where redditors are the loudest people complaining about redditors
Gaia was mainly used by kids and tweens, so I guess it was easy to blame it whenever there was an influx of children on the boards. I don't doubt that a few people heard about 4chan from it, but it's way too innocuous to be a Reddit equivalent. It's more like Gacha Life.
if you pronounce it "ayy-non" you're sick in the head. it's "uhh-non". get out
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Is it just me or has there been a huge uptick in Bhuddist threads across this site? I've seen more on /his/ and /lit/ than I ever have at one time before.
>it's "uhh-non".
ah-non... I...

teenage tranny stabbed 20 times
Are there time limits for the pushups and situps?
Oh no no no!
wow that's pretty interesting then, do you still have the link to those threads?
also, what's LUA? i feel like i should know it but can't parse the acronym
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Reminder that if you stay persistent with your shitposting, you can dig up the gems.
I found this one
this one somewhat related
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>-CBBC website
i salute
shrekchan is back
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/v/ won again\
wtf happened with spacing?
it was/is a meme forced by the deepstate as a trial of more sinister demoralization techniques to be used on american patriots formatting their text properly
got a link? cant find it desuuu
r/the_donald and other subreddits brought hundreds of thousands of redditors who wanted to fit in with the cool 4chan kids, so they made up the idea of "reddit spacing" (pressing enter twice) to try and frame others as the real redditors.

it has to do with reddit's comment system and how it handles spacing, so it's something only an actual redditor would even understand. like complaining that someone sings a song they only sing in fag bars, and then getting shifty when people ask you how you know what the song is.
I've been on this shit site since 2011 and I always thought this was retarded, it literally makes posts more readable
mandela effect was invented in 2017
no wonder reddit spacing blew up then
The short of it is reddit's text input is based on a variant of markdown, which means you don't get newlines in the output unless there is an empty newline in the input.
so "reddit spacing" is not even about how the post appears - it's about the actions needed to create the post and then assuming that the formatting was done unintentionally. You need to jump through quite a few mental hoops to actually arrive at the "conclusion" that the post is "reddit"
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The reddit spacing meme is so fucking funny, there are two heavily circulated screencaps "describing" it and one of them is completely false but neither mention the fact that that style of spacing has been common since the very start
It doesn't matter how common it was when you have an overwhelming amount of new users denouncing it.
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>Reactionary rhythm: Quali-quantitative studies on 4chan/pol/, PhD dissertation.

This combines previously published work in one big cohesive book with a bunch of new discussion. And new unpublished work.
It has 282 pages, so I'm still reading it. But I've read all of the things he's published previously, and they were good.
There are a tons of fun graphs, statistics, analysis, etc.
that link doesn't work anymore, and I feel sad. Image all the data everywhere lost to time.
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>somebody confused a line break for a paragraph in 2003, therefore the mass influx of ledditors since 2015 is totally fine!
The absolute state of this fucking garbage board.
>get 5-character captcha
>complains captcha was invalid
>gives a 6-character captcha
This is cool, thanks a lot. Haven't gotten around to his 'No Space for Reddit Spacing' yet but the first few paragraphs are already surprisingly interesting to me as someone who's never read a proper published 4chan analysis.
>>>/g/ is insufferable, but not because of the basedteens. i welcome them, they piss off the gay autistic eunuchs. in fact, Cobson Gassy is among my favorite threads
Kill yourself unirionically.
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Are people still scared of catbox links? I occasionally see people post them and I still see people being paranoid and saying they won't click them for some reason.
/g/ is a lost cause, what harm does it do that they shit on what already is a landfill of obsessed spamming autists and distrowar distrotourist tech support newfaggots
Because apparently they sometimes spam CP with it.
ESA anon >>>/v/683531480
you do not contribute anything to the topic of discussion if you evade the site rules.
what little rules 4chan has, it really isn't hard.
like that other anon said, in the past 10 years this site has been just as shit.

at least its staying the same, rather than getting worse, eh?
i thought the feds shut that down
>/g/ is shit, you know what it needs?
>even more of the worst shit!
Reported this for GET shit an hour ago, jannies do nothing.
I'm gonna shitpost more as revenge.
it's literally over.
i think the basedteen spam is mildly funny because it's cynical and destructive. /g/ is god awful with god awfully confidently stupid people and needs to get drenched in funny cancer
they're definitely aware of it. you're not the only one seething and reporting the shit out of it
would be funny if they're using it as a honeypot to mass ban for offtopic dough
How can I report posts to the mod that does this directly?
I bet he'd IP wipe the poster, while other mods do nothing and block further reports on the post.
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>meidofags vs sharteens
In the good old days, this would be a daily friendly skirmish in the eternal warfare of the cyber-khornite battlegrounds of the /qa/y.
Those were the days.
I notice that jannies are a whole lot more likely to ignore my reports if I file them on mobile. Are they also biased against phobefags?
Trannyp0pper wants hector
There's literally a gay porn dump on /g/ meant to harass the jannies.
This website is like a public toilet with literal shit on the walls.
depends really. I report a lot on mobile, on smaller boards it seems very effective. I even got some edge cases deleted recently, that certainly made me happy.
In my opinion it only matters which janny coincidentally looks at a report.
/g/ is where the niggest of niggers hang out when they are banned from /v/ and /pol/. The mod response time there is way slower than in other boards with similar speed, and only the most blatant rule violations (like hardcore porn in the catalog) are dealt with by a single mod that browses the board once a day.
It's fucking insane that these boards are so much more active than every other board that the average thread that lasts longer than 100 posts feels like seeing a chatroom. moot mentioned this in his Q&A's as why he put in the post timer, because this is a forum and not a chatroom, but shit man they're completely unusable if you want to actually think out a response before you reply to something, or even browse them at a casual pace.
On the plus side though I assume all these posters are giving the mods horrific nightmares. :)
Oh anon, good joke

I almost believed you

Get out retard. Those deviants don't help in any way
The main reason why altchans can't take off is because 4chan users expect a chatroom, and altchans are too slow for that.
I saw that mod during the /sp/ soccer stickies. He tendsto do that when the pedo posters appear, and the matches always seem to spawn at least a cunnypost (the last one got like 4 illegal video posts).
True and it's unbelievably gay that the only time someone could've started a competing imageboard was in the first few years when nobody knew how big this place would be, and so they all just made really niche and weirdly-specific chans about shit nobody cared about.
Does anyone have any stats on how active infinity was in its heyday? I never cared enough to see how it was doing when 8/pol/ and GG were huge and it was actually in the news, but it seems pretty dead now.
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IIRC; 8 was anecdotally 1/8th the speed of their counterparts (varying by example), while the 8webring currently sits at 50pph / 0.83ppm (roughly the speed of /sci/, /diy/, /fa/ or [s4s] right now; albeit combined, but ignoring things like /a/'s weekly radio or /tv/'s film club).
In essence, the larger altchan imageboards are about the same as the slow boards here, that are still treated as imageboards. The chatroom boards are just in a league of their own.
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Have we got an offical answer on why the IP counter was removed yet?
Honestly that's both insane and completely understandable. Insane because this site is shit from top to bottom save for a few generals and some of the slower boards, but at the same time it's near impossible to build a new community nowadays, especially when it's built on the foundation of "we're not that other place, we're better!", which literally never works out well for sites. And of course the CP boards didn't help their image very much either.
Yes: big cheese
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>underage users get 30 days ban instead of lifetime bans
permabans don't really mean anything anymore in an age where most people have dynamic IPs by default
all it does is create extra work to manually lift those bans when it eventually lands on a random bystander months later
revolving IPs means the permaban that your underage neighbor got now gets gifted to you, and then you do an unban request, and then mods have to do their jobs and look through more emails. this way, underages get banned and don't come back because of their adhd tik tok brains, and worst case scenario for you is having to wait a few weeks to shitpost on 4chin because mods didn't care about your unban request.
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there is a poster in /vg/ /hsrg/ that posts gore and bl*cked edits. He is using a proxy because he comes back minutes after every ban
he is doing it right now. He posted also his face there a month ago. Don't have the time and patience to dig it up
God I fucking hate /vg/ so much

>go into game general
>expect people to be talking about the game
>all they do is gossip and talk about dramas involving literal who namefags
he makes threads unusable when he posts dead fetuses and mods do nothing. Most threads don't have namefags
Actual mental illness

Just leaving this here just in case the mod who reads these threads sees this and finally gets rid of this annoying spammer, it's obvious this person is the same person making all these threads and is using a proxy or is a phoneposter bypassing the 5 thread limit.
They get 30 days bans even if they turn 18 in less than 30 days (usually in joke posts, which the mods take seriously because they're dumb as bricks). Mods used to set the ban duration correctly, like screenshots of bans in response to joke underage posts exist, where the duration of the ban is set to expire when they supposedly turn 18.
I'll probably do this when the mods remain inactive about certain shitposters. Spamming is the best thing to resort to when all what remains is impotent rage. It will be fun to write a spambot, not like it's too hard.
and spam it where
Wherever stinky shit happens. Remember accel spammer?
He's probably an actual paid shill, possibly from a foreign country. He might be more than one dude. I don't usually schizopost like this but there's no discussion with him whatsoever, he just repeats the exact same talking points over and over.
Gayming is an olympic sport. You hear that, DAD?
>mobile games
I hate gen Alpha so much for making this happen.
cursed time we live in
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>admitting ban evasion
You can openly ban evade as much as you want, but you can never, ever actually say that you're ban evading.
See you in 30 days.
I'm not ban evading right now so it doesn't count
>anon blows his load
>fucking dies
evading is a permaban
Evading is actually 30 days, I don't know why it still says offically it's permanent but they have only banned ban evasion for only a month for years now,
I'm pretty sure it's only to prevent their IP ban table from growing indefinitely, and more importantly, to reduce the seething from people who get accidentally banned due to dynamic or reassigned IPs.
If you're known, they ban you. It doesn't expire.
Innocent anons are harmed when random IPs are perma'd and the evader goes onto the next one.
Who the hell is spamming all the non-sequitur babble in the /trash/ thread and why?
>Who the hell is spamming all the non-sequitur babble in the /trash/ thread
One of the many personified reasons we left /trash/
>and why?
Because it's /trash/ you fucking moron, it's a miracle we lasted so long there to begin with.
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el perro doggo

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