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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong anywhere else.

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Previous thread: >>67475793
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No happenings below this post
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Happening: U R M R GA Y
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Aeris = /trash/ happenings thread
Seph = furries, avatarfags, cumbrains, schizos, niggers, faggots, retards, /nah/ posters
Rude D:
Cloud = /r9k/ happening threads
And who is tifa
Desuarchive's image server is still down
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Escalator = /trash/ happenings thread
Elevator = /r9k/ happenings thread
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Nah they're Yuffie. I'm not sure how many people remember Yuffie's subplots, though. She was a total brat, but funny at times.
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don't be darren
God level rizz
Yuffie would be the /s4s/ happenings thread
/bant/ happenings thread
To be honest my understanding of Final Fantasy amounts to One Winged Angel, "Sephiroth when the most powerful magic in the universe is sent hurtling back at him(Luigi pressed Y at the right time)", the Cloud cross-dressing scene, and Sephiroth killing Aeris causing a commotion.
I've been meaning to play 7 though.
Red XIII as /qa/doge
Sulfur found on the moon. Top scientists confirm "It stinks!"
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page 10

It's over.
Toot me to the moon
Let me fart among stars~
And let me smell what spring is like
On a-Juipter and Mars
In other words, pull my pinky
In other words, smell ya later
Fake link. Click only if you want to see a large dark rooster (not literal rooster).
something will happen next week
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Why haven't the fun police shut this down yet?
every waking moment of my life I wish for something to happen, but once it does i don't even really care about it.
the former president got shoot, and it stopped being interesting in like half an hour
what was the other one?
botted shit
let me guess: it was win and you're mad it was something you don't like
The jak website is completely melting down right now because of it, so take a guess lol
nice one kog (presumably) https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/199995847/#200000000
and this?
formerly known as the obligatory wall of fucking losers
Subsequently Chuck's
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what the fuck?
i just got a pop up saying i was banned, from a post i made almost SIX YEARS ago.
and the weirdest part is that that this was indeed a post i made, not some random ban from another IP.
how the fuck does 4chins remember that half a decade ago, when i have a dynamic IP?
guess you're the only one in your area that uses 4chan
Anonymous never forgets
It's STILL down

Also 4chan weekend moderation sucks as usual
mods are all out with their beautiful families enjoying their weekend chalets
nta but almost everytime i use my mobile internet i get a ban pop ups, and most of those ban reasons are "pedo crap". does that mean someone in my area uses 4chan?
Biden bros...
Damn that's neat it still mentions 4channel, I guess the text itself is saved and it doesn't just reference a template for the standard ban reasons once the ban is filed. But yeah bans are saved until viewed, guess nobody else in your range uses 4chan
yes, and they are also a pedophile. you should check the local sex offender registry
>you should check the local sex offender registry
i live in russia, nobody cares enough to put someone into that thing
i dont even know where to find it, that's the point, lol
>not a single jack
>or if there was, there was only 2
Nature is healing.
No es fake
it's on his twitter, it's real
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emergency womp
Too much happening these days, we had to get rid of /nah/ because of all the happenings all the time. Jeb should have been the nominee.
Aw man, I'm sorry for ya.
Anyways, I think Russia is a country that doesn't have publicly accessible SORs outside of ordered background checks, but I could be wrong. I'm just basing that on what little I know from my Russian friend who is currently unable to get back to me for obvious reasons.
it's inironically over
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clown show
don't link to your own posts please
Non Happenings (sorry e-ecelebrs)
i can't believe it chris tyson (old name) is fucking creep weirdo found old tweet in 2016 to 2020 (before deleted) replying message twitter loli image

also reference image behind on the wall (video 9:25 press pause look how did this)
>look how did this
Esl please leave.
>Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
This has been down for awhile.
what happened to the site?
I'm not calling you a liar, but I think you're just banned from the site.
Oh, it's back now. It gave me a Cloudflare error when I checked it about a week ago and again today.
Huh, I remember visiting it not too long ago so my guess is that it went down twice, probably due to something unstable in the codebase. Seems unlikely it was down for an entire week.
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Place /nah/ back in the OP, please.
They decided to stop making them so it seemed wasteful
To the Biden voter anon of last thread(>>67488096), I'm terribly sorry that Biden dropped out. I don't like the guy,
but considering the replacements aren't even going to PRETEND to care about what you listed in that post, you of all people just got the most unfairly shafted this week.
Adding /nah/ to the OP would connect us to the /r9hap/. They have that /trash/ link to nowhere.
No worries. The current field of replacements lean more to the center than the left which I find acceptable. I only hope for the best outcome, a fair election and/or a peaceful transfer of power.
>the party heads had planned for this with the early debate and late convention
Oh well, who could've seen that coming?
>Which I find acceptable
Well, I disagree with your choice of candidates if you're aiming for center left, but you're entitled to your vote and I'm not going to try to change your opinion, especially not this late into the race. That said, let me just contradiction by making a suggestion:
IF Newsome becomes a candidate... don't vote. Like, at all. Just give up on the DNC for this election cycle.
Seriously man, he is the SLEAZIEST motherfucker I've ever had to deal with. He is not center left, he is LEFT LEFT, and he's got the salesman energy to hide that fact. He's also just incredibly unlikable because he has an ego with literally 0 skill to back it up.
The only person I've ever met who actually liked him and wasn't just tolerating him because of political beliefs or whatever, was my political science teacher, and I suspect he maaay have fucked her sometime shortly before or after visiting her class while he was still Lt. Gov.
Thanks for the advice. Gavin Newsom endorsed Kamala (Biden's co-pilot), but he might sneak in as her running mate.
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Kamala/Newsome is a horrifying thought for my libertarian concerns and heavily economics focused brain, and I wish you didn't suggest it. Thanks :P
Anyways, fun chat but there's not much else to discuss right now. Hope you have a fantastic rest of your night!
sweet dreams :)
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Is there any reason why /v/ is the way it is? Every other board seems "fine" but why does /v/ have the reputation that it has? /sp/ and /mu/ used to be littered with offtopic posting all the time but why is /v/ known as that too?
/v/ was notorious for being subject to /b/ refuges whenever Moot did something funny, like replacing ALL posted text with "ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH"(/v/'s reaction later inspired /v/-rage.)
When /b/ was rendered permanently unusable, guess where they went.
This is /nah/.
its over
What is
>thread up for hours
>300+ replies
>post a reply
>thread either dies or is immediately deleted
this happens way too often
It's back up!
well /trash/ is a very quick board
I wasn't talking about /trash/ in particular
ya'll reckon Trump will bring back the "lock her up" thing for kamela? play the hits, as it were.
no idea what she did that would warrant that, but I'm sure he'll find something
nahpenning: i thought i lost my drivers license but then i found it
He'll say something to say she's unfit to be president
Man, nusoicacas and frogsissies love dramas and writing like homos all the time. At least you know what weebs say and behave (they need to have sex all the time and stop writing like smug bastards).
I don't even believe she would be a good President. She chose Hillary Clinton as a Vice President. She will lose.
It is
Oh yeah trump has this in the bag
I don't even like him and I know he's gonna win this even if he gets jail time
I thought this a week ago, but the left seems to be rallying around Harris a lot more than I expected. I'd call it 70-30 in favor of Trump now.
If he takes the November debate and Harris dismantles him, as she SHOULD be capable of doing as a former prosecutor, it might be a toss up.
Joe was not a good debator so someone who is half competent could out manuver trump
But I still say he's gonna win it after the ear shot and the drop out
I hope that Hillary Pokemon Go[es] to her jail cell. The Clintons have long deserved retribution for their crimes.
>She chose Hillary Clinton as a Vice President.
If true then she pretty much suicided her campaign.
Clinton didn't lose because she was a woman, she lost because her entire family is slimy as fuck and has been involved in some fucked up stuff. They're the definition of establishment and it's how Trump managed to get his foot in the door in the first place back then.

Harris can still win by being "the lesser of two evils" because people are terrified of some of the things Trump could get up to (project 2025, more supreme court fuckery, etc.), but she absolutely needs to distance herself from Clinton. Even some of the "vote blue no matter who" folks would be hesitant to vote if she is involved with Harris in any way.
Bantsing in bait thread
Very weird post. I usually would rather believe this sort of post is made by a troll rather than something else.
But it's just too weird.
that's a schizo obsessed with anime girls wearing bikinis, he spergs out if media doesn't show enough skin
This is retarded, all those posts, the reply, both sides. I hate it
This is brilliant, all those posts, the reply, both sides. I love it
What do you love about it anon,?
Not a happening: mcu thread, weird mix between people talking about being molested and people talking about being molested (gone sexual)
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>2018 was 6 years ago
>2020 was 4 years ago
>It's already july
I've wasted so much time
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yeah but that was then and this is now. 2013-2024 /v/ was absolutely unbearable with the off-topic and BBC spam posting from what I've heard. No fucking way /b/ refugees still hang around /v/ today. and why the fuck /v/ out of all the places? I'll never understand anyone who uses this site. Everyone is a strange person and it only gets stranger.
Lolicons are pedophiles. More at 11
Don't Doge
Open Inside
Molestation Cinematic Universe?
Mods need to add a sticky with a link for free saltpeter.
I keep thinking about "last year," except "last year" is 2022 and that's two years ago.
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>two of the generals I follow have been having a harder time avoiding getting bumped off /trash/ prematurely
>they go days before anyone creates a new edition
Damn, so what about hebephilia 11 to 14 is pubescent?
ephebophilia 14 to 17 is adolescent? (before adulthood 18)

almost forgotten puberty logic age biology
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Which one of your fetishes fell off?
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Well, i don't know what looking video?

also look at this image
A shitty webcomic and text-heavy porn.
The MCU is basically an unofficial general at the point, or I guess nearly official now? Its been a slow buildup of exposes and twitter vent comics. Basically /pol/ trolls but not trans trolling except when it is because 4chan.
Sounds like the perfect time to put your porn addiction down for good.
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r8 my shitpost
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Peak clown shit.
most of the generals that I've seen die were mercy-killed
some of the generals I used to like kept getting necro'd until they came back with worse anons, so honestly I prefer some of the good ones staying dead until something relevant brings them back to life
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/pol/ edition
A general full of /pol/ trolls, /co/omers, and /g/ooners? Count me out.
freaky stuff
Could we just get a nice happening for once, like a new meme animal or something

>pol thread moved to bant
>first comment (canadian) admits to searching and jerking off to illegal content

can I report this as GR1?

it was originally posted to pol but was moved to bant so I'm not sure what to do here since it wasn't posted to bant

and recently I've seen IIRC logs that say mods don't even moderate pol
Yeah I'd say so, illegal stuff is a whole other ballgame
I used to be a god you know? Was one for a very long time. Then one day I got stuck in a flesh shell then told it was the whole of my existence.
that's too bad man
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Some rumbles out of Germany.
I should add: nothing in there suggests that the vax itself is unsafe or that it is filled with nanobots that will kill you. It's more of a rushed hackjob kind of situation.
the future is now, old man.
the future is now, old man.
dirlewanger says otherwise
*young man...
>It's more of a rushed hackjob kind of situation.
but we already knew that and it isnt a conspiracy. it is common knowledge
You're right. The leaks are mostly a confirmation of realpolitik shit that is always happening - governments feel the need to manipulate the masses for their own good, because the masses are too stupid to act in their own self interest (from the gov. perspective).
It's a happening because Germany is having some pretty serious rightist populist movement and this will probably spur them on a bit further.
>because the masses are too stupid to act in their own self interest
I thought this was universally agreed upon
Sure, until you're part of the mass that's getting manipulated. Then it's a Jewish conspiracy to take your money.
Is autistic thread drama a happening?
Why /v/?
Because videogames is a hobby that a LOT of people share, so it's the next thing to overlap with /b/'s pot.
Also they sound kinda similar.
nope. but beggars can't be choosers
spill the tea, sis
One anon is upset with another anon for reasons that aren't entirely clear and has spent the last few days shitting up his threads.
All I can do is watch in morbid fascination and feel sad over watching someone that seemed nice enough act like store-brand Barneyfag.
I don't really lurk for porn. I'm there for stuff to jumpstart my escapism, which has been floundering for years and I probably need to try and put down for good.
Or your freedom. Can't forget that.
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Man. I know I don't really go out of my way to seem like an ally, but I'm on your side my dudes. Fucking friendly fire, sheesh. Who let the private who can't get their pistol certification have a fucking minigun?
>No fucking way /b/ refugees still hang around /v/ today.
I know several who live on /v/ now.
>why the fuck /v/ out of all the places?
Terminally online people love videogames.
pedophiles and faggots
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Interesting. Apparently some of my reaction images make 4chanx upset for whatever reason. I'll have to review which ones and why
Recently, I've been getting an error that says something like 'file too large,' but it's within what the file size limit is supposed to be. Related?
Whatever the hell happened to soisphere made me "too blackpilled" I wish those normie channels could review Soijaks.
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I can't post on blue boards today, despite not being banned. CORS header is fucked up because 4chan's local Cloudflare instance is out of date and not automatically refreshing for some reason. This issue does not exist on red boards, which are seemingly served from a different Cloudflare instance?
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>that meme hasn't been popular in over a decade
>the episode of MITM where it comes from aired 2 million years ago
Look upon my great works and despair, indeed.
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Monthly Homestuck thread for those who are of the faith
...is what I would say had it not archived so dang quick
If you want to discuss the series on site you already know where to go
The actual update is like 10 minutes long and good
are they off the naughty list?
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Don't think so. It's not like there are any revelations that can happen really, just the same memes and circlejerks over and over and over again. Really, the best case scenario if they undid the rule would be a constant circlejerk/discord server general (which the /aco/ thread already is) and the worst case is basically breeding cancerous autists and making another GR15. Even as someone who likes some of the franchise, I can see why the powers that be have it like this.
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troons lost
tyson lost
mrbeast lost

muda won
the farms won
4chan won
So why is some tranny obsessed with spamming this thread to death again?
This general isn't even being posted in, much less spammed to death.
Kill yourself.
coconut is up 7 this is so fucking funny
you first
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Cool video. Could you link the Telegram where you got this from fellow Sigma?
This week, on Sex Lives of the Rich and Famous...
Why did shadman lose in this situation? Dafuq?
is liked by the individual in question, I think. You may think that that is twitter non-logic.
slandered as a pedophile cartoon cp artist in this drama because the man in question hung a shadman loli poster up, interacted with shad, and said gross shit about jerking off
also keem still hates shadman for him drawing his child lmao
Can't believe that rat bastard Shadman makes porn for perverts. I only use Christian porn approved by the state.
It's not slander if it's true, idiot.

Based "killer" keemstar. Total Shad Death. TSD. TPD. TTD.
>jacking off while posting
Epic time saving technique
A literal torrent of hotglue in that thread now
Meme coomkino
Is Rule 3a being enforced at all?
ok checked the bans page. 3/5 broke the rule and 2 didn't. so it's being selectively enforced and abused. good to know.
u'd b surprise
>>67654631 >>67654759
Oh, huh. So nothing substantial.
Wasn't Shad put in jail anyhow? I don't see him getting very many losses other than the fact he's in jail.
Shame too, I liked his gun.
Please never format your posts like this again
Are you implying that I don't know about that scene just because I'm young? I love malcolm
I've given it much consideration. There was a lot weighing on my mind from this request, you see.
It is with great misfortune I must inform you no.
Young man, there's no need to feel down
>Wasn't Shad put in jail anyhow? I don't see him getting very many losses other than the fact he's in jail.
He got out on bail
/qa/doge, I'm still waiting for those scissors

Anyways, turns out that you weren't posting schizophrenic babble in the general like in april or may. I did a quick search on google, and it led me to a post of a dumb kiwi thread. They were actually in the general and they were laughing at your responses directed to the users from there lurking/posting here
>Oh well thanks for the confirmation
Faggots. However, this has left me with other questions, like how strong is your involvement with that thread. Even worse, the website. And if you're another furry avatarfag who was attacking someone from the sharty. They were discussing him in another thread. I hope that wasn't the case, because if it was then I hope that you were telling lies, lying about things that you don't really support, in order to gain their trust. And its very probable that you were him, but I don't really know if you were lying or not
which one of you faggots were spamming my thread with tiny white penises
sorry but I only go on schizo rants about tiny black penises
schizo indeed. tiny black penises are not real
my black friend had a 2 incher

I've decided that rather installing a freemium gachashitter (bru aka) or downloading skyrim for the nth time, I'm going to do something similar to the gachashit model of waifu collecting.

Now I had to think very hard for a long timerino and I've came up with a solution: vtubers

and thats how I ended up managing my own needy streamer(waifu) overload living facility complex (i have 59 waifukinos now, the most I have ever had btw)

I'm playing a gacha gamerino in my minderino where I buy and trade my favorite waifus
genius I know, I know. I was trembling with self satisfaction after coming up with such a clever idearino
Slave trading was the original gatcha game
yeah right

the africans werent nearly as pretty nor are they anime
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my wife looks so cute tonight blog posting in /hap/
Anime was invented in Africa, where do you think Osamu Tezuka was born?
Meanwhile on /co/?
Poof is an adult now, and he's hot? Also his name is Peri now because Poof is a slur?
Spongebob is autistic? And goes balls deep in 2b?
Anon posts the synopsis of that new deadpool movie? And everyone thinks it's family guy reddit?
>poof is a slur against homosexuals
I bet you my entire checking account(5.38) that not a single fucking homosexual in the United States has heard of this slur until Wikipedia wrote that it was a slur on the disambiguation page.
>Anon posts the synopsis of that new deadpool movie
That actually sounds pretty good and I'm upset about it. I thought I was done with capeshit and had an argument about it with a nerd the other day. Now I'm gonna be a hypocrite.
I would never take you up on such a certain outcome
Behold! The first hypocrite on 4chan.
>>>/vg/487394686 lol
Nintendo if they made good games
why do 'nons and simps glue themselves to only one female, their favorite female? are they stupid?
only one gluehole plz understand

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