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Adult Lambo is Here! edition
Qott: If you randomly got swapped with yourself from ten years ago, what would you be doing, and what you try to accomplish?
Previously: >>78207618
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First for going to hell with my fbf (not cos we're gay but because we're both bad people.)
>ten years
i need to go further
I made up my own version of hell in my head because brimstone and hellfire was made up by dante alighieri when he wrote The Divine Comedy and the church has condemned it, saying "Hell is complete separation from God, anything else is pure speculation" so I like to imagine it's just a place with no sight or sound, no senses, just our minds completely untethered from our body, and if I could be in such a place with my bf where our souls simply live out our dreams, whispering to eachother in the infinite darkness, this would be the good ending
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Okay well fire the ten year bazooka twice and go back 20 years then
As far as I know hell is supposed to be suffering and suffering so imagining it as anything esle than suffering seems kinda dishonest ngl.
In Supernatural when Dean went to hell he described it as being torn/cut apart, assembled back again then torn apart again then assembled back and then cut up again and so on for thousands of years even though he was only in hell for a fraction of that long. Although my memory is foggy since I watched it so many years ago.
i would accidently kill my dad
If you go x years back in time doesn't that mean you also get the brain of an x year old person
like if I went back to when I was 10 I would have a 10 year olds brain, which means math and stuff would still be as hard as it was back then for me, right? And I'd have the emotions of a 10 year old too.
Not a good deal man.
I assume I'd retain my memories. Let's see, I'm about to graduate HS I'm still not very mentally ill and retarded. I would enrol in a college I like , not the one I thought would be a good back up plan until I figure things out. And I would have my shit together by the time I meet someone I already met and I would not mess it up. I would bhave enough money (work) to travel to see him and I would be living with him. I also hope I'd get to meet and remain in touch with few real friends I made. But speaking of irl things I wouldnt let my family bully me into doing things I knew would end badly and I would speak my mind and stand up for myself more to them...or ignore them entirely as I did cause ultimate goal is not being around them.
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I think I was watching Lost for the first time during the summer then. I would just let my life play out as it has but set a reminder to buy bitcoin and get something better than a notepad to use as a journal
You're the worst person on earth and also ugliest and most disgusting just so you know you absolute wase of space.
twink suicide time i think. sadness.

getting ready to look for teen jobs in a few years, and also taking metal shop instead of wood shop.
also other things. and also not other things.

>captcha aryx
japanese half life: alyx???
That's not a very nice thing to say you know. It hurts my feelings when you say stuff like that.
No like you swap with them
Whatever yourself ten years ago is doing, suddenly POOF it's you from now
Well that's depressing
I figured since I didn't really have a connection with God in the first place it wouldn't really matter
Well that's certainly more drastic and ambitious than anything I'd do
>If you randomly got swapped with yourself from ten years ago, what would you be doing, and what you try to accomplish?
my 12 year old self would go fucking ballistic if he was in the body of a 22 year old loser
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Spend my whole allowance on bitcoin and buy an import bf from Vietnam
Victoria Universalis is interesting
Took a break to collect art and consume nutrients
Wait so if kid me was in my parents house chilling we'd swap places and suddenly my parents would think there's a stranger in their house? That's horrifying. And kid me would be where I am right now, he would be so freaked out and my mom would be freak out too.
God judges all with equity, even the non-believers and sinners.
Yeah no that's the part that worries me about the whole thing is I have no fucking clue what my younger self would do here
He'd probably spend my money on garbage
>broke a guy's heart
I'm normie top scum. He is a little different, like you guys, and no matter how I tried, I couldn't be there for him like he needed me to. It just doesn't work, you need to be able to relate enough. I suck ass for even considering being good enough for him.
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just jerked off to straight porn
Is it really straight porn if you self insert as the girl aye
I hope they ban all porn that'd be so cash
This is why I'm too nervous to even get into a relationship, I don't think I deserve that level of trust
I wouldn't mind if you broke my heart as long as you made me happy for a little while anon.
What was your rank in school with the recorder?
i am not gay
what do i do now
You deserve to be with someone who can make you happy for the rest of your life, and never forget that
That's sweet of you to say anon.
>hahaha teehee~ *gay men dancing among the flowers, from a distance*
>you get a little closer
Hey guys how's it goi-
>you realize the frolicking gays you thought you saw weren't there, they were a bizarre illusion created by a single massive plant the size of a house
>you scream and try to run, but it's too late, its leafy sides are too slippery and it has already begun secreting juices
I would lick the spit from 3ds' ocarina.
You know most predatory plants attract prey with like
The scent of a sweet fruit or something essential to them
If I see a bunch of gay dudes frolicking in the fields I'm gonna be honest they seem like theyre having fun on their own but I'm gonna steer clear
I'm not that desperate for a bf
>tfw everyone in this thread is getting old
>tfw no plantboy bf
Turning 25 in less than two months
I am NOT ready
(My birthday is really close to meow's like either the same day or the day before)
shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup AAAAA
getting old isn't that bad guys. Plenty of room in the old fart's club.
I at least want to be living on my own when I turn 30
This plant doesn't smell nice
It's barely attractive at all but it sits there and does its thing and it works because there isn't anything else nearby
Closer to death and death is the end goal of life
Don't see a problem here
>muh youth
Normalfag obsession
being old sucks why are you lying to the youths
It's the same thing as not being old except people around you tell you it's bad
Nothing was ever good at any stage of life, don't get rose tinted about it
you are right im sorry. i forgot old meant 21 for a moment
Yes it does mean an absurdly young age to be calling old
Are you 45 or something?
hag thread
45 is barely kids are moving out age
65? 85? 400?
What's ur limit?
To me it's all about attitude. Acting like a boomer.
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Argumentative, self-conceited
You console all the love I possess
But you'll conceal your own misfortune
Leave heartaches behind
You can always find
Lovers on main street
would you really claim life to be unchanged at 85? or would you think being old sucks
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>going back to poland in 2 weeks
>don't speak polish with anyone apart from family
>don't watch any media in polish in years
>the moment I try to talk with anyone my lack of cultural understanding becomes apparent leading to awkwardness
this will likely hinder my boyfriend search
85 is definitely up there for me, but some people can remain surprisingly fit
so much effort though
I'd probably draw the line at 50 or 50s
Watch how they sparkle while they laugh! Wait a minute, these are cardboard cutouts with tape players behind them!
yeah somewhere 50-60
nobody here will live that long
How do you figure? If you're thinking suicide that's raw cope
im already past halfway :p
i will not elaborate
no not ok
spooky and mysterious
r9gay death cult? stress induced aneurysms from being overexposed to psychological experimentation? vat clones who only have a lifespan of 25 years? the possibilities are endless
Imagine thinking you can have a normal conversation with someone and have real friends. The hubris! The audacity!
>vocaroos are ba-

how do i stop being gay? like how do i make everyone forget im gay
Oh it's mass extinction event, right? That's it.
That's fine I can get behind that, but there should be fair warning so I can get ready first
>imagining all the people and things you love dying and never being able to see them again
Everyone constantly shits on me on impulse but still. Sad ):
exfoliated and shaved and moisturized my legs and now taking different pictures of my feet
i love you anon. goodbye
I said people and things, not ironic shitposting imposters pretending to be people or things
I actually got pork chops marinating but now my stomach hurts and I don't feel like cooking them nor eating them. I haven't eaten anything at all day. what is wrong with my fat neet self.
speak of the devil
fuck this noise
i didnt pretend anything. what
its OK anonynonoynyny I believe u
thank you
im sorry i said goodbye and didnt leave mom is taking forever
I'm joshing. People really do get hung up on the small stuff don't they? They love how it makes you anxious about every little thing you say or do.
I'm so eepy.. bf now
Get a trip already so I can filter you
Why would you wanna do that huh
i cooked steak tonight with mushroom and asparagus and had a slice of mom's blueberry pie for dessert
so how did you cook it? please tell me I have my own sirloin to cook tomorrow. I got some grapeseed oil at the store because the internet recommended it, is that good?
rhetorical question
Still eeepy
I'm gonna jerk off before napping bye
not eepy for once but instead stomach hurty. I have do many health problems for only being 34 but this is what I get for being so fat and not taking care of myself.
That would be wonderful, but too good to be true. If only you would fuck off forever.
i love mushoom and spagus
I just have leftover boiled broccoli and rice
I think I have trained myself to actually dislike broccoli like a small child by making it the only vegetable I eat
you should eat soup until you feel better
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What's your problem bud
rhetorical question #2
look at u go
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To go gay clubbing or to not tonight. That is the question you gays must answer for me right now.
go for it king
show those homos who's boss (with your penis and or boygina)
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Oh it's you -_-
Idk why you click this thread if you hate it so much
I'm not even the spic who flirted with your lame e-bf, you're mad for no reason
One day you're going to get plapped in the bathroom or go home with a guy. You better get on prep 3ds.
Why do you even come to this thread at all
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You're weak
3ds goes to an lgbt community center, goes to gay clubs and bars and lives in Miami, one of the most gay cities. He would be full normie if he only just had sex sometimes.
You're all really petty to each other seemingly for no reason. Elaborate?
your knowledge of made up edrama instantly verifies my distaste
deliberate well poisoning
it's bottom nature and most everyone here is a bottom.
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You English are mad, mad, mad as march Hares
Okay then I will though I am to autistic to get laid
Because at the end of the day suffer from crippling autism and never can approach cute boys so I am
still stuck with no fellow gays on my brain length
to talk to. I just go, get drunk and dance as an
outlet for crippling depression :D
Who poisoned storyanon's well?
I struggle to believe anyone could be exclusively top or bottom, but regardless, life's not all about sex
3ds you are cute, all you have to do is just sit in a gay club and dudes will come to you and buy all your drinks.
go two posts without namedropping yourself you colossal jackass
3ds isn't the one going clubbing, idiots
but im not like that anon
I've gone a couple years without "namedropping" myself dumbass
>tfw ywn have a crush on a boy who has a crush on you
nice! a fun game might be doing it again
i went to a gay bar maybe 3 times and nobody approached me ever and i just sat drinking by myself and staring at my glass
So what's the real reason you're so petty and rude to others?
He's off his meds and won't click the big X to fuck off the thread :c
lol. one of you calling me rude. funny.
Its because you don't have dance moves like me.
Dance moves bring in all the wild boys
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me kissing my bf (hes real)
faggot interjection! hello asshole, need to be more of a cunt today?
i want to hug grumpy anon. really really really tight so he couldnt post
Why do you come here, schizotard?
same reason you do I gather
Dancing seems scary and I don't understand how people do it
To melty?
always with the namecalling
and you call me rude
I'm sorry I don't speak your faggot dialect
i don't want to attract people at gay bars anyways
Just watch some breakdancing vidoes and learn
how to keep beat. Other then that dancing is a
artform but I guess I can give you a tip and say
work on keeping all your body movements in time with the beat.
Then why do at all? To be like waaahhh no bf to drink with?
Well sir this is the faggot thread called /r9gay/ so maybe fuck off then if you can't understand the lexicon perhaps?
i went to a gay bar to see what i was missing out on and i wasn't missing out on anything
>bi goes to a gay bar
start of a bad joke
Yeah but its meant to be spontaneous right do you just come up with the ways to move your body on the spot how do you know what to do with your arms and legsra0tn
oh I didn't realize it meant that kind of faggot
you should be more clear about that, "gay" is a little too ambiguous if it's not meant to be taken literally
You may just be brain damaged is all
You went to the wrong gaybar then. Ya need to go
to ones that are gay clubs cuse those are way
more fun.
When dancing it is mostly spontaneous but I pull
from a set of moves I know like it was a fighting
game moveset. Overtime when danceing you
will discover these moves yourself but ya gotta
grind it out. Also propper shoe wear. A cheap
good dance shoe is sketchers sport shoes.
Give you a lotta glide on a dancefloor but not to
>tfw no bf that can moonwalk.
says the one who invents entire words to better enable being a condescending ass while also somehow sounding entirely unoriginal and distinctly like some twitterspeaking zoomer in the process
what are you even doing right now? if you're going to pick fights with me you should try a little harder
>gay clubs
i don't want to get stabbed by a rusty needle and get aids sorry
Definitely brain damaged
Lol! Shit human. You're a parrot!
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Everything makes sense now.
Pic and filename related
I hate it when the thread gets catty, time to play vidya for a few hours and then come back.
>BAWWK BAWK BAWWK ermm ur stoooopid
run of the mill generic nobody
it's like you cunts are caught on a loop
I have suspicion that some entity has a rotation of bots they enable at different hours to melt the thread
This has been the case for years
You must live in some niggerville city cuse I never
have experienced that going to a gayclub
yeah it's called miami
it's called living somewhere that isn't bumfuck nowhere. Any decently big metro area will have at least one club that caters to lgbt.
yes i literally live in miami
I always do this and I'm a gay bottom
do it bitch, I wouldn't want to come here anymore anyway if someone did that
Don't you guys know miami is hell on earth, much worse than whatever hellhole you live in? It's so hard having uhhh gay rights and uhhhh not dealing with homophobia from parents or peers. Being bisexual in miami is sooooo hard.
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Total Biscum Death
why im not doing it to hurt you. i will probably hurt you but its just because its a really really really tight hug
3ds as the midge
ah I get it, not even your hugs are authentic
even they are motivated by malice
still regret calling you specifically a bitch
Everyone is evil but me, a rational person
but its still exactly as i said what happened
I'm so over this boogie drama. Destiny bullying him twice was the high point
mouche foot.. in my mouth immediately
Ohh ya forgot you live in that rat hole city. Sucks
for you. I go to places not near any shit hole citys.
Very funny and real image of Miami.
theyre bullying him because he has cancer??
I'm so tired
I don't understand how people do things and live their lives after work
staring at r9k is pretty much the maximum amount of stuff I can handle for the rest of the day
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Got bored of pc gaming, might play more bleach tonight. Some of you should drink it tho
Yes, poor guy :(((
who should do that
I'm gonna suck your penis so hard it becomes a threenis
not if i suck yours first
penis orobouros
Schizomelty poster, meow, poo, hue,... List goes on
i wasn't listed so can we hang out or what
>kitchen drain almost clogged

oh no, please not this, not now. Let me at least get my asshole delt with first.
I think this is the first time a story post actually entertained me I lost my shit laughing
god bless you you filthy, disgusting mongrel
>has crippling autism
>goes to normie places out of his own volition
Uh huh, I too love being around people
And staring at others too, don't forget that, creep
Someone: act insane and off putting
Everyone here: be my bf
Lmao insane people are so funny
samefagging to post the list, composed mostly of himself
you first
why are faggots so mentally ill
the fuck are you talking about
all of you are insane and off putting
why you here then???
because you need to be reminded of it
sounds like a cope reason
you have nothing better to do?
why the fuck are you going to poland?
I'm going to have to take another shower tonight to sooth my ass, it itches so bad and then it burns.
I go to these places hopeing one day I can
overcome my autism of speaking to people I am
interested in. I do like people watching and the
vibe around the place. Its better then drinking
alone thats for sure.
look at my face
look at it
get fucked.
i didnt say i wanted to be his bf i just wanted to hug him since he is so grumpy plus with his arms stuck in a hug he wont be able to type up another post for a while
can i have a hug too anon
Meow2's split persona meow1 is taking over again and eats to return to his homeland. Soon his physical transformation will start
yes but probably not at the same time
ok good
that goes without saying..
Hey I apologize for asking probably a stupid question, but I'm sort of new to actually accepting I'm gay and was thinking I might try a dating app to either find a gay friend or even a gay boyfriend.
Now my question is when it comes to profile pictures every video and post I see is coming from a woman's perspective and seeing as they can put in as little effort while demanding above and beyond your best effort from the sounds of things are guys like that too? I don't unfortunately know how to word this question the way I want to.
Basically are guys as demanding perfection as girls?
Also as a side note I downloaded Grindr just to see what it was like thinking it was a dating app and I found someone I know personally on it which is pretty funny.
Get out now fagoid
thats not a thing s-shut up
do you want a tight hug too
sink is most definitely almost clogged. I get maybe 5 seconds of water running before it backs up. Now I get either try and unclog it myself, something I have tried before but never managed to do even with mom here or clean up the house enough to call a plumber.
Gay dating standards are everywhere, I think if you're fairly masculine or a top you basically only have to worry about not being a sissy. If you're a bottom things get more complicated
i have some broccoli and rice if you want some i guess
i would love some. i was just thinking about the fact i havent eaten anything today
i also have leftover mushrooms and asparagus if you like some
i think you should just ignore it for future post variety

Now I can't wash dishes or anything. I guess I'll 100% on a fast food diet.
>buying a plane ticket to helsinki
hnnng tranny feet
>Now I can't wash dishes or anything.
is that the only sink in your house
every polish person I've met has a huge penis
Thank you that's not as bad as I thought it would be, I've known some bottoms and they never really had any problems even the less twinky ones.
Unclogging sinks isn't hard anon. If it's almost clogged enough to get backed up just let it get backed up a decent amount, then use a plunger on the drain like you would a toilet. If the sink has an overflow you'll want to plug that, a wet rag stuffed into it should work to seal the airflow allowing you to have suction. Ideally whatever is clogging it should come up or be dislodged even if it takes a few attempts. At least that's how I unclogged mine, but I've heard some clogs require snaking

there are the two bathroom sinks but I don't wash dishes by hand I use the dishwasher which drains into the same drain as the sink. If I run it the water will back up into the sink.
will you chop the asparagus into 1inch pieces
ermm you should eat to avoid dying
and lemonade
please listen to me brother. you will die in less than two years if you don't change. You will die in the near future. it's not too late to change. you can still change as long as you're alive brother. you will seriously die very soon. go to the hospital. take extreme measures. please do something to save yourself while you're still alive. you have to do something. you have to get help. nobody else is left in your life to do it for you when you're finally too sick.
I keep seeing headlines about "gen z this" "gen z that" and it's always about 30 year olds and like... these guys aren't even gen z, they were born in the 1994.
Don't get him started on that
Warehouse negro
these generation words are meaningless and dumb and we should burn them

what can a hospital do for me? Are you saying I need to get a 3 day hold? My ass issue isn't even enough for the ER right now.
Story I think you should get a job
Having a schedule and something to do in your life might give you a better sense of responsibility and time instead of just letting shit happen and waste away
story and his kinks are disturbing
dont worry i only woke up late and mom fell asleep i guess so i have to wait just in case she wanted to eat too
Story I think you should invest in this idea I pulled out of my ass because I'm in serious debt and need your help
anon it's 2020pm est.. is everyone eepy
you live alone and never cook it will take you 2mins to clean the dishes no problem

maybe, I have thought about it some. It would be better for me to work the problems I'll have out now when I still have my money cushion rather waiting until I'm almost broke.
its only about 630pm the sun is bright
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It's as simple as typing
To trigger Him.
storyanon i hear its really hard to get a job with a history degree right now
do you feel claustrophobic being landlocked? i would

I wouldn't be trying any place that will actually use my degree just regular wagie places. Hell I'll have enough trouble getting a job as a 34 year old with no work history at all. What do I even say when they ask why?
You realize state borders aren't physical walls right? He probably lives in the least mountainous, most open space in the world, and consequently suffers from agoraphobia, not claustrophobia
Wish I lived in the mountains, seems very comfy.
Tell them you had an injury that you've been in physical therapy for
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Ok guys see you around 2am EST hopefully drunk
and get a boykiss or something.
"hopefully drunk" that should be the easiest part
God I am really starting to miss drinking
>tfw some lucky normie guy is going to kiss 3ds tonight.

It's not fair.
not 3ds, retard
When people post about people with names, are they other people who also have names, samefags, or anons who are somehow sycophantic enough to engage with any of that nonsense?
All of thee above
nope everywhere(but west) you look its nothing but endless prairie its nice and open here. the lack of ocean isnt that noticable anyways unless you go to the beach a lot. do you go to the beach a lot
>suffers from agoraphobia
Sickening. This place is a black hole.
Idk I have agoraphobia I'd hate to live where you live
My social anxiety is a lot better since I've actually had to do things myself.
>do you go to the beach a lot
pre-flu yes every year but not since then :<
too much waging for that now
Shut up Hulk Hogan he isn't changing die die die
Unrelatable, I love eating alone SUCKS to be you
Most honest pxlschizo post
Ackshually it's 40000am est
Fuck off and DIE whore
Thanks for both the (You)s playa
I want to soothe meow's melty even if he bit me.
Why meow loserrr
3ds anon here reminding you the last sexual experience i had was with a girl when i was 14
why the fuck would you remind us of that
I didn't want to know that
I'm not a personalityfag but I had a gf when I was 15 and even got a couple bj's from her. the issue was that I had to pretend it was a guy doing it in order to cum. after that i admitted i was a full fag.
Watching probably the worst ufc card, both on paper and in actuality, even the finishes are lame and not very technical. Reminded once again why I don't give a fuck about it anymore. They don't even care to put on good fights, just slap some bum fights for the weekend, not like anyone cares people will watch. Shameful!
I wanna start watching professional wrestling because it seems like it would be fun but I don't know where you actually watch it
i prefer seeing street fights in rekt threads
pro wrestling is fake as fuck and hard to believe unless you're either retarded or 12 years old. Watch actual fighting sports like boxing or mma if you want something real.
In addition to being socially stunted, easily distracted, having an addictive personality, and being physically unappealing, I also found out today that people think I'm stupid and ugly.
I'm kind of mad, kind of, I don't want to say relieved, but at least now I know I can be mad and I can detach from people like I need too.
I give time to people who hate me, its time to focus on myself now.
every guy i've met who says they hate their appearance and think their self worth is gutter-tier is also somehow incredibly ran through
>t. std riddled whore who associates exclusively with sluts
hope your brain hasn't been too rotted by all that illness
i don't exclusively hang around those people, but the ones i've met that say all that shit for some odd reason have also fucked half their friends
my feet smell like coconut and hibiscus and feet
If you already knew that you are "physically unappealing", how come that you today found out that people think you're "ugly"? Aren't those two one and the same?
>its time to focus on myself now
What's the first thing on your self-improvement to-do list?
you type well for someone in the middle of giving a blowie
I wish they had gay monasteries
imagine a world without femboys u_u
you know there was a lot of gay sex happening behind those cloister doors.
every guy i've met who says they hate their appearance and think their self worth is gutter-tier is cute
Today I made lavender tortilla, lavender french fries and lavender milkshake
Why? What would be the appeal of this?
Why you always asking questions huh
Because I always want to know the answers and that's not an answer!!!!
I was fat, lost weight, now I'm at a good bmi but I just look amorphous and lanky. I have been trying to put on muscle but it takes time and I don't like how my body looks right now, even if it does look better than being fat.
After asking a few people who are not friends or family today about my face, I have consistently been told I look ugly and prematurely aged.
I thought I was at least average in terms of my face, and fixing my body would make up for it but in all likelihood I'm just repulsive all around.
if i got allotted internet access free time, even only for a small amount of time, i would like living in some slightly rural big church where all my day consists of basically just chores and prayer i would be a happy boy
monks do a lot of charity work, you'd be expected to do a lot of volunteer stuff like for homeless shelters and things. there really are only a very few actual monstraies still in operation.
Mount Athos seems like a cosy place
so do they still not allow women in or have they cucked about that in recent years?
I see, so it's the "face" that got revealed to be ugly. My condolences anony, as someone who has an awful mug I get how frustrating it can be. But hey you know what they say: "True beauty lies underneath :^)"
Why do you want to get muscle though? Being a lanky twink is, in my humble opinion, pretty darn cool.
And I have two more questions for you, so sorry if I come off as prying too much, I'm just really interested in your guys' lives because I'm so done with mine.
1. How did you exactly go about asking strangers to rate your face? Was it IRL on online?
2. Now that we established that your body is ugly, what about your mind? Are you properly insane or just autistic?
We both know beauty underneath doesn't count for shit, but if it did, I obviously don't have it.
I'm ugly both inside and out. normies are right to have bullied me.
my future bf is a minecraft youtuber!
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got a 1v5 clutch on cs I'm cumming so hard rn
Cherishing my bf and I's minecraft world forever
normie bullying made me ugly inside then I made myself ugly outside
the brief glow up from 16 to 21 was magical however
>16 to 21
h-how old are you now anon?
not those ages
clutching brad's crotch as he clutches cs
Is it a red flag if a boy can't build pretty structures in Minecraft?
breaking our minecraft world because he broke up with me
but because he broke up with me, it means it was just my world all along....
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blue ice
wish demons would stop trying to trap me in dimly lit hellscapes and grind dicks with me in my dreams
it's probably something much more schizophrenic but also more plausible than that
I can't stand this reality
i hope i get another dream with brad again
why does bread never remark on the weird sudaca jerking it to him?
brad is the one making those posts
gonna lovebomb so crazy rn
hate it when people think my real feelings are lovebombing
I'm sorry I just happen to feel things strongly and it's not always rational
fag bpdemons be like
Having a bf who lovebombs on accident would be kinda draining, no?
If you are lethargic and not used to love
Isn't that the very definition of an r9gay boy?
That.. is what love bombing is? No one is saying they aren't real feelings but the fact that they're irrational is what makes it what it is. You can mean it, but it's still bad.
hold on... lovebombing is bad?
way better than having one who does on it purpose
I think I would be okay with it because I know what it feels like, but it depends on how it happens
if it's a flickering of affection like the person can't make up their mind that would drive me absolutely insane
but if the feelings themselves remain steady and it's a function of not knowing how to communicate them then that's not as bad
no lovebombing in the classical sense is deliberate and intentional
it's the conscious falsification of feelings in order to manipulate someone who's vulnerable
these terms really do degrade over time
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It's bad only if you're a coward
captcha: awaay
it is sometimes intentional for narcissists specifically, but other mental disorders can make it unintentional but still lovebombing
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it's the worse also when you start to notice your words don't cause any effect anymore so you just keep yapping and uhhhhhh I fucking hate myself I wanna swallow my stupid fucking feelings
I think that what I'm trying to say is that they should be considered as two separate phenomena, because they are
They're both bad but they're bad for different reasons and in different ways, and that distinction is important enough to warrant understanding that
don't reply to me with your faggot keywords, fuck off
But I really really like you and want you to know it.
Join some street gang,or learn drawing.
Also I didn't realise it was a blonde women getting railed. I thought it was some sauna. So that's why they were staring at my screen.
you have to do a better job at faking it than that
Is there like a horoscope compatibility chart but for mental illness?
mental illness isn't real however
Fake what? I think I could have done fine if I was wise enough to stay off drugs. A lot of ass kicking would be incurred though. Gang life isn't that tough.
I genuinely had sex dolls at one point and the whole dress up and set up was honestly pretty fun and easy to manipulate into what I wanted in the moment. Had to get rid of them, but i would lovebomb the absolute fuck out of a girl if I get to do freaky dom/sub action.
i just want to cook tasty food for a cute boy
So you're more a fan of Szasz's "Problems of living", huh?
I want to do the dream stuff. I am afraid that my sheets are gonna be fucked.
lies. that's a bullshit fantasy that you use to conceal all the rank flaws that would exist in any hypothetical relationship you would have in reality.
you're a twinky college student, aren't you...
why are so many posts like this
oh wow you pretended to misunderstand what I meant
knee, slapped!
that's not true i like cooking food and am well adjusted so jokes on you you hater ass bitch
If there was one emoji you could allow here. What would it be? For me it would the laughing to tears emoji, the classic one.
black santa emoji
I only know szasz as a zerg cerebrate, but I think it's spelled differently
I'm uncultured by choice because I don't want to be infected by humanity, sorry
I kind of understanding what you are talking about. I get this a lot. I loathe when this happens. I dont do it on purpose.
the smirk emoji no contest
I would never use it in earnest
Do you think people who wrong you ever receive some sort of karmic retribution? I mean truly, objectively wrong you and not a gay "Ah! This person annoyed me because they said something stupid!!"
Who is your favorite starcraft faction anon? I never got into the games but they seem cool, albeit overwhelming with all the min-maxing and stuff.
>infected by humanity
Care to give an example?
It's okay.
you have to be a real fuckin jackass to make fun of someone's posting style like that
um maybe you suck, as a person, it sounds like it
nothing about you seems admirable interesting or not entirely repulsive
can you imagine if someone like you walked up to you and started doing what you do to you while you were speaking, irl? what would you do to them?
Why this one in particular?
No. I dont think so. What's the point anyways. May lead to a more "fair" world but what was lost would not come back in most cases.
better than the white santa emoji
because every retarded and useless thing that's ever posted here is accompanied by that stupid fucking face irl
>you have to be a real fuckin jackass to make fun of someone's posting style like that
Idk what you are taking about. Also I would just not say anything if someone like me walks up to me. They wouldn't either.
What's with the Santa?
Ok cool I don't post much images
great example
really great, thanks
fuck do you have against santa
What's with your affinity with that Fatfuck? You know he isn't real right? Let alone the black one? (This is not a racist statement.)
Nice, go fuck yourself.
But what if Mr. Beast was president?!
where does he get all his money from anyway? Is it common knowledge idk I never looked it up
who drinks the milk and eats the cookies then
He's a huge youtuber, I assume most of it came from that but as he's grown in fame he's had stuff like candy and before then he had the mr. beast burger via food delivery apps. He gets around a lot. Also most of his videos pay for themselves and then some.
Ok alright. But Black people are mostly lactose intolerant so black santa probably doesn't exist.
I'm bad at the actual game too, learning micromanagement isn't interesting and I don't care enough to do it
starcraft 1 story is a lot more detailed interesting than starcraft 2 but I do like the hamfisted drama of sc2 anyway, and the editor is a lot more fun
but for factions it's protoss all the way, there's no contest
their society is extremely flawed but at least they're trying
terrans are just drugging up criminals/latent psychics and sending them to die in interstellar battles while zerg mindlessly femdom swaths of the galaxy
bullshit, you'd be mailing them pipebombs or threatening to kill their dogs
I think I have read this exact thou before, word to word. I dont think it's relevant but it's a weird feeling. Anyways I wont, I see no reason to.
not hating, just calling it out
Has anyone of you guys seen "pasta" like this? I am sure they are scamming people just adding butter and cheese.
THIS is where I would put that stupid fucking emoji
to perfectly represent this fucking asshole
you have nothing when you don't have me to hate anymore
and you won't have me to hate anymore for long
stupid vampiric fucked up little bitch
Also didn't rich people use to relieve them in those things?
you always go on so much about how great your fucking life outside of here is so why are you always here honing in on the posting styles of people who don't fucking matter
it's because your life isn't what you say it is, you aren't what you say you are, and nothing you do means what you want others to think it means
you might as well kill yourself, for someone who pretends to prize individuality so much your entire existence is based on criticizing others
it's entirely derivative
you're nothing without something to bicker about you fucking petty cunt
and with that I bid you adieu
I know you like to think you're the most important thing in the universe but I actually do have something more important to attend to than being talked down to by you, you stupid fuck
You are mistaken I think, or pls oblige with the pasta post. The pasta looks like they are pretending to be western.
pooanon getting btfo'd broskiis?
no one likes you, you dumb fucking idiot
and this, this is just proof
So you can bother enough to be racist but can't critique a pasta dish.
grasp your own fucking personality for once
just look at it
really see it
inflammatory retard
twinky boytoys in my area
dipshits everywhere, I'm fucking surrounded by them
I'd love some fucking sanity right now
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im calling the gay police
the thread philosophy is
>I'm an asshole but I don't care
stop being bothered when I call you an asshole then
Owned that cresctacean fraud.
Well I always try to be nice but there are many things I can't help.
Fuck all of you you take too much of my time from me and do fuck all with it
If you think you have already wasted your time then check rhis page out. It has some funny things.
when will you finally fucking relent or die
when will you have something better to do
jesus fucking christ
you're fucking pestilent
what are we talking about tonite my lovely anons
your death, which is always fucking timely
because we all eagerly fucking salivate over the idea
no mourners you dumb fuck, try again next time
If you are keep angry posting then I will leave for a while.
oh... i hope you guys planned a cool death at least
LOL SO FUNNY kill yourself
or better yet get a real fucking life that doesn't revolve around constantly being a douchebag
Ok cya later
This mo fo is back from the club and drunk af. No boy kissing but certainly lots of boy admiration over my dance skills and a lil booty grind action. 8/10 clubbin night. Captcha 8RAM for how much booty rammin I did LOL
Empty souled shell of a fake human
larp harder fake faggot
fucking vampires
that's all you are
Its not larping, its real life ya fuckin meanie weenie. Sorry your charisma stat was set to 1.
literal predatory spirits in bodies who pretend to be the same as the people they lurk amongst
fake people
foundationally liars
Vampires are cool so I can work with that, give Vlad von Carstein bf
I'm sorry what? Fuck you. It's insane you would try to go there if you were telling the truth, which only convinces me further that you're not. You're all so god damn fake.
please calm down youre making me worry
why? this is your perpetual misery engine. this is what you want you flaming fucked up spiritual equivalent of a turd
A classic schizo poster melty at 2:17am est
stop anon this cant be good for you
a classic fucked up sociopath with no life who spends his time thinking of ways to make other people miserable
you fucking piece of shit
you fucking cunt
you worthless jackass you fucking nothing
me? who cares about me? you don't, fuck you
and you people are just a dime a fuckin dozen
like, it's the most common phenotype on the planet and guess what, that's why human society is so fucking shit
it's you
you're to blame
fuck you
safety in numbers good for you because you have jack shit otherwise
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If only the world had more raving loons. As you can see it'd be a much better place
it'd be much better than being populated with whatever fucking monstrosity you are
I never laugh in these threads but this time, I laughed
thank you
>you dont
i cant but i can still worry for your sanity and safety
and that's why you people always post these stupid fucking idealized anime boy pictures
it's a mask
it's a fucking mask
it's a fucking mask to cover how disgusting you really are
and I can fucking see it, you all can fucking see it
If only laughter were as effective as lithium
I have to write some bullshit paper about something I don't care about
I guess you fake fucks have to stress test a different real person in the meantime
Plastic faggots
Clap clap clap
Fuck you
You do nothing but cause suffering you stupid insufferable fuck
So is he gone now? I dont want to make him upset, not like i am not trying not to.
my eyes hurt again
I just dunk of cloth in cold water and apply it to the inflamed eye.
theyre not inflamed just sore for some reason
Well sucks. I dont know this feel.
I kind of like this schizo guy because I feel like it's a good way to scare the other schizos into thinking the scathing is real and about them

get off the screens son
Only schizo I know from here is the Jambus poetry guy.
i dont think its from the screens because then it would be a frequent problem right
fucking unrelenting
and again
and again
you keep fucking going
shut the fuck up
shut. the. fuck. up. you stupid, insincere, ugly, disgusting, demonic. fuck.
still fucking namedropping yourself you god damn soulless beastial fuckwit
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lamborghini mercy
your chick she so thirsty
im in that two seat lambo with your girl she tryna jerk me
vacuous, lacking a conscious mind
that's all your posts ever indicate about you, specifically, as a person, not talking about anyone else here
you offer nothing of yourself
all you do is shit
I maybe stupid,ugly and disgusting,but I am not insincere and demonic.
It's much more likely you're the latter two than the former three you deceitful bitch
youve got the wrong guy man i havent posted to this thread since like 2022
that means fucking nothing and you knew that when you posted it, god fucking damn
you want to ruin me
that's all you want to do
fucking pathetic
Is this a compliment of some kind? I guess people dig attractive,smart and evil people?
no and your oh so fucking quirky flavor of the day fake fucking posting style indicates that you know that you fake fuck
pretending to be obtuse fuck you all you ever do is suck your thumb and pretend to be retarded until the time to strike comes then you let it all out you psychopathic lifeless freak nonhuman
you are fucking evil
>Qott: If you randomly got swapped with yourself from ten years ago, what would you be doing, and what you try to accomplish?

same thing I'm doing now sadly, trying to get in shape for fbf. maybe I'd put more effort into finding other fags to have sweet shota sex with ;p
but the only other gay guy I knew at that time was/is a manipulative ass-hole so I'd definitely spend less time on him and more time finding someone better,
maybe get on grinder/only fans if I accomplished the getting into shape by the time I turned 18 again ;)
you want to ruin me
that's all you want
you're disgusting
you're a fucking pig
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>suck your thumb and pretend to be retarded
stop trying to ruin anon or torment anon or feed on anons life energy youre making his blood pressure go up
did you get enough sleep? drink enough water? eyes can be strained even if you're "used" to it. maybe only take like a 30 min, maybe hour break and see if it helps
I hate you people
You stole my day from me
You take and you take and you take
misery machine
fake plastic idol
I think 45/50 is old everyone saying they're old when they're still in their 20s is depressing as shit I mean come on you're barely out of your parents house/done with college haven't even had real freedom yet in your 20s
t. 23 year old
yeah everything else is good. i guess ill just go to sleep early this sucks
Why the downs guy lowkey drippy doe (i am sorry if he just looks like that)
you know you can repost on x to share with your followers
Noone interacts with my reposts there. Also how is she a disgrace to women?
its called x
>bullish Trump coin
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what's the meaning of it all other than 2 4x4s and animal style fries from in n out?
Didnt this guy have some kinda meltdown on X formally twatter? I didn't read all that.
Also cool ost
what is it with you dumb niggers and not understanding that even if you "don't have to click it" i still have to see it. vocaroos work the same way, i dont have to click them but enough of you get the attention you want from it and it never stops
never clicking
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What does gay mean?
I actually want to talk about what's posted there.
Check pic related.
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Ok enough for today. See you guys soon
I had this feeling in the last thread but in this one even more. Guys is bunnyanon back???
Yeah that's true but what does my lack of physical capability have to do with anything my kind anon
Do you know where you are mister anon?
Poo vs schizo, who won?
Why have you seen the penis of every polish person you've met?
How autistic you must be so super autistic to dance and grind on strangers and get drunk in public you're totally not a normie or a whore and you belong here king
Good morning everyone, I just woke up
Time to go to work
I wanna die
Epic esl owns himself
goodmorning i was just going to bed goodnight
>Noone interacts with my reposts there. Also how is she a disgrace to women?
Hahahahahaha everyone ignores or hates apoo hahahahahahahahaha hilarious die
Sweet dreams
Don't let the bed bugs bite
Updated bi regular worst posters list:
1. Drunk melty schizo
2. Poo
3. Meow
4. Lavender autist
5. Story
6. Filefag
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Hey I was mentioned for once, and I'm last place that's awesome this means I am the least annoying yippie.
For the record I haven't made any lavender treats in like a week but someone else insists on continuing to bring it up so make of that what you will
Lying isn't nice. You're insane and kept talking about it 1 or 2 days ago. You also had a dumb and annoying argument with meow which is why you earn your place. What retarded lavender dish will you make next?
Are yOu bLOnDiE?

bLu AiS? MaRRy mE
Oh god oh fuck the human body is so disgusting I don't think I will ever do anal even if I get bf
I only mentioned it because I was bringing the last of the lavender lemonade to the people at my job and I was bummed no one wanted to try it
That argument was really embarrassing and I am trying to forget about it I promise I won't do it again
Yes, yes, and no
What job do you do? I wonder how your coworkers felt when some autist brought them lavender lemonade lmao
While I do believe in viciously rebuking personalityfags wherever they appear I think lavender lemonade sounds quite nice
I wash dishes in a kitchen and I brought them the lemonade and black and white cookies cause sometimes we just bring in snacks for eachother and I thought the would appreciate it
They said they liked the cookies
I don't know if I'm personalityfagging trying fun dessert recipes is just kind of the only thing going on in my life right now
You are a personalityfag now. So you're that dishwashing blogposter too? Keep that up and some schizo might try to marry you depending on how insane your posts get
Well, that would at least be less lonely
I'm not interesting enough to be insane though
Honestly lavender lemonade does sound pretty neat. I just picture lemonade, but instead of using water it uses a chilled lavender tea and I like both of those things separate.
Someone recently brought in a tiramisu his boyfriend made where I work and it was tasty enough for something that used cream cheese, something I particularly dislike. Not sure if it was just regular cream cheese or mascarpone, but either way everyone else seemed to really love it.
How is not putting lavender into every dish or drink you make not interesting????
Bunnyanon how are your preparations for college going? Did you find any bosnian shotas on your walks? Had more dutch tranny talks? Missed out on your daily 3dstalks?
That's essentially exactly what the lemonade is, before I make the simple syrup I steep loose dried lavender leaves in it, strain it, boil it with sugar for the syrup, mix it with lemon juice, then water it down till its not too sweet. Tiramisu is awesome, but yeah sometimes the cheese is too tangy for me
Sucking dick at 3450am est
>He's sucking dick at 35 o'clock
I wish I was a timelord
Only the master race is allowed to post here from now on
If you think you're getting a single foot Pic outta me mister you're sorely mistaken
Oh you made it using a simple syrup? I tried doing that with ginger once for a homemade ginger ale just without the carbonation, but that didn't work for me sadly. I'll have to screenshot your post in case I ever give it a go again since that sounds really lovely and easy enough to use as a base for a bunch of different drinks. I feel if I liked the cheese part of it I would really have loved it, he has brought in more of his boyfriends desserts and they have all been delicious, but the tiramisu is the only one I can remember at the moment.
Egyptian is the real master race, everything else is a cope
Pooposter dox
disgusting, I expect an apology for you putting this on my screen
Daily reminder 3ds would rather be homeless or imprisoned rather than work
Does /r9gay/ support trans rights?
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What's r9gays favourite animal?
This one the one you posted I love him
I support their right to do whatever they want with their body as long as they are of age, but don't think it should be encouraged
cats >rabbits > digs
no I am fucking sick of them I wish they would shut up
would you date a boy who had a crush on meow?
No, it shows poor character to be attracted to insane toxic pieces of shit. Massive red flag
why the fuck would I date a boy who had a crush on someone else, are you retarded?
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Polar bears are pretty sweet I agree.
Thoughts on foxes?
Maybe he's rehabilitated
Speaking of red flags what are biggest red flags in a boy?
>gets too close too fast, flirting right off the bat
>flirts with multiple people at the same time
>had casual sex
>posted his nudes or sexualized pictures for attention
>attention whore
>doest respond fast enough
>wants to get married 5 minutes after meeting you
>had crushes on multiple people
>not compatible sense of humor
>doesn't treat others nicely
>is severely mentally ill
>unwilling to take any advice when crying about his issues
Adorable gif thank you. Foxes are amazing too. Sadly they never get close, I almost got to pet one once but never got close again
How do you rehabilitate bad taste?
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For me it's
>not empathic/mean
>doesn't wear socks indoors
>not mentally ill (I can't fit in with any other group)
>refuses to cook, clean or help around the house
>doesn't take responsibility for his actions
>refuses to indulge in things he dislikes for other people
>willfully ignorant and negligent
>refuses to get a job (NEET by choice)
>too flirtateous like that other anon said
>takes things too fast like that other anon said
>wants to e-date/LDR without a guarantee of it becoming a normal relationship in the future
>dislikes animals
>drinks a lot (mostly a warning sign but can be okay)
>doesn't care about the way he dresses
and of course, finally:
>not white, blue eyed, 6.5, jacked with an 8 inch benis.
I can't think of much other stuff right now. Plus some stuff is a red flag but not a deal breaker.
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There are places where you can visit domesticated foxes, but not sure about your country. Also you shouldn't try to pet wild animals that's a very bad idea frendo. I kinda wish I could have a pet fox since they are so cute and expressive but it probably wouldn't be a good idea.
for me it's
>lies about anything
>makes fun of you, ever, or tries to fuck with your head during fights instead of making direct statements
>expresses any degree of interest in anyone else. it's okay to have those interests because "everyone does" (apparently) but you don't have to say them out loud
>isn't physically affectionate
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Need to be in a relationship with a depressed and pathetic doomer boy.
Con is over yay
He looks so human here it's crazy
That's basically how I sleep
i browsed for like an hour and it was awesome. my favorite is the video where darwin keeps asking cyborg for food and cyborg tells that nigga to fuck off
Is asking someone to go on a trail with you a good first date idea?
Maybe not the first date unless it's in a very public populated park someone might get worried you're trying to disappear them
if they're the type to be okay long hours of sweating and leg pain then yeah. sounds fun. bring snacks, and something to do. like a game, or an instrument.
need to be in a relationship with a depressed and pathetic coomer boy
I dropped my phone and the screen cracked SIGHHHH
>is bisexual
crazy to think that people who have had sex post here semiregularly
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Sex is scary and gross ew!
Yes it is but I want to have it anyway.
Gross! Ew! Tops should die!
I agree with not wearing socks indoor being weird but why is that a red flag?
>doesn't take responsibility for his actions
Most anons here always find ways to blame others for their failings though most are privileged crybabies
What's wrong about not caring how you dress? Are you trying to impress strangers on the street? Do you dislike being comfy?
Is fapping to others ok? What do you mean express interest?
I don't know how I forgot that one
Can a doctor anon get me dht cream to grow my dick
I'll top you ONCE if it works
would you date a mexican mom abusing doomer twink?
Wearing socks indoors is psychopathic behaviour
>tops should die
>bottoms should die
honestly meow should die so we can all live in peace
waah waaah wher bf I refuse to look for him waaah waaah waaah
Just took my 36th fat NEET shit of the day, didn't move grass yet, mom's ghost has been yelling at me to do it. Maybe tomorrow I will. Oh who am I kidding I won't ever do it because I'm a pathetic fat hemorrhoid ridden fat NEET who killed his mom I'm so hopeless
officially two weeks of dealing with this hemorrhoid. doesn't appear to be going back in at all. I might need to actually have this looked at. I tried to push it back in myself but it burned really bad and just came right back out.

Have you tried killing your mom? Worked for me.
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Would you rather have sex with story once or spend the rest of your life married to 3ds?
I hate tan lines so much
I'd kill them both
We'd be in a throuple together
Time to go home and play some more mahjong soul yay
You hate me because I am right
But I don't refuse to I just passively don't do it
I dislike the look of feet, so seeing them just grosses me out.
>Most anons here always find ways to blame others
I know, that's sort of why I wrote it down, I probably wouldn't want to date someone from here.
You should put some effort into not looking like a hobo I think, plus attraction is a part of how someone dresses. You can be comfy while still dressing well, and at home it's different of course. I don't know I would prefer the guy I'm dating to at least put some effort into his looks which includes dressing well, but it's not like I'd refuse to date a guy cos of it, chemistry and mutual attraction is more important.
Dishonest worm die die die
You're that one anon that's not into boyfeet. What's not to like about them? *shock*
Sex with story is puke worthy, living with 3ds is suicide fuel
feet are just not sexual to me. I wouldn't be grossed out by a bf's feet but I won't consider them hot either.
They aren't sexual stop acting like that's why anons like them
So true, str8 guys get more actions than most of us
if you can maintain an erection while in a sexual situation with another male then you are not straight.
me when erectile dysfunction turns me asexual
Whose side are you onn?
>gay people when bifags show up
side of fries or side of onion rings
Well what is meowers 2nd favourite animal then
I would like to be married to 3ds and make his mom listen to me clapping those cute little cheeks every night.
Yeah that too but add doomer.
Coomer doomer, sounds funny.
>mom abusing
Not a very empathic trait is it.
cuddle whore
never trust a bifag
Um I don't think so, I never expressed my dislike for on 4chan before, I think.
Unless you're talking way back, like months, then *maybe* it could've been me, but I doubt it.
The problem is not with feet, it's with me. You know how people can't choose their fetishes? Well I think I have the opposite of a fetish, and as far as I know there's no word for that. I've always found feet to be gross looking, girlfeet, boyfeet, manfeet, all gross to me, and I can't really choose to not dislike them.
>cuddles with a boy
>has the audacity to call HIM a faggot
Also opossum
i would indulge in every one of your fetishes
Understandable choice.
What if my fetish is weight loss and taking proper care of yourself?
Also opossum indeed also posssum and o'possum
what about larger marsupials like kangaroos?
i'm not obese but you could fatten me up and then whip me into shape and i would regularly exercise with someone if they motivated me to do it also sex would probably be nice afterwards but i'm also okay with not doing that and just working out for the fun of it
cannibalism? orig
Would you let your bf play with yours?
only bloodsucking. i don't want permanent scars.
What about taking responsibilities (like not leaving the pan out for 10 days), looking for a job and taking care of your health/diet? Think you could do that if you had someone motivating you?
is this really a fetish? it just sounds like normal bf behaviour.

i really am doing a lot better than i was a couple months ago. i'm brushing my teeth twice a day.
It's literally impossible to find a job as a gay brown miami scum
With 8 billion people on the earth I am sure it's someone's fetish.
unlike 98% of the local workforce i'm a legal documented citizen
>illegal spics somehow more productive than legal ones
noggin joggin
those are the only ones that get hired because they get paid less
I don't know, I am very insecure about my feet since I think they're ugly, maybe it's why I have this mindset in the first place. Maybe I could be convinced of it, but I am not sure.
But I wouldn't like a degenerate bf who is *too* into his fetishes, if he can't respect my boundaries then that's an actual deal breaker.
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What comes after that? I am so excited to find out.
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Just saw two disgusting fucking faggots holding hands I wanna kill meowself
Kangaroos are cringe top coded animals
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Filey I'm gonna rape you
It's possum all the way down
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Where bf to save me meow? Meow.
Inside your walls waah waah look for him waaaah waaah die whore
busta ass nigga
Meow meow where is my rapist bf who respects my boundaries
Why would you be "very insecure" about your when you think all feet look bad? Strange mindset.
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this is several posters itt
big dick ass twinks
Not trve all my walls are structural
No rape waaAaaa waaa
Like who? no one is like that
big gay richard ramirez 2: vengaza de las federales
2nd installment of the thrilling saga trilogy
in select theaters on imax this fall
coming to disney+ in summer of 2025
watch narcos

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