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Happiness and death edition
Qott: which fictional character do you relate to the most and why?
Previous bread:>>78195788
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First for being the gayest, most chaste and purest poster in this general.
this is awesome i want it
It's just a for fun thing
It's not like it could be misused in any way whatsoever
>It's not like it could be misused in any way whatsoever
That just makes it more alluring. A part of me wants to be completely controlled by my fbf in, being at the mercy (or the opposite) of his control., while another part of me just wants a normal relationship.
>>78207777 (chequed)
Well yeah even externally normal relationships can do freaky cringe sex stuff but it's usually a secret
I thought this was more widely known
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I relate to Hakumei from 'Hakumei and Mikochi' because of her reasoning and character development, her virtues and flaws, as well as the overall pacing and lifestyle in nature, because I grew up in a rural place. My mom is a lot like her, too. Any fans of the series? Would you want to live a tiny little life in the woods, with occasional adventure?
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Light from Death Note
I'll die at 23 like him too prolly
You acting up lately filenigger, calm your ass down
Probably pariston from hxh, I do be mischievous and don't really care about the end goal as long as I have fun
You like watching slice of life anime? That's gay
Tatsuhiro Satou
more like the BBC heh
i'd kms if i was gullible enough for the BBC to take advantage of me
I recall this place being less... slow?
Alright guys I've had enough of working it's time for all of us to go on strike who's with me
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Aegon the Magnanimous as he's a dumb drunktard twink with daddy issues. In a decade or two it'll probably be The Dude
A life of crime would be more thrilling than this
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Who said this anon is me? Kono baka idiot.
kiwi has a BFE asmr channel with 37k subscribers
I'm starting my own today
I'll be at 50k by Monday
You know he is a fetishist if he managed to find a spic to date in kiwiland. Apparently he is talking to another spic on discord too.
Do people really like mouth noises?
Like if I make a bunch of hisses pops and smacks when I talk I mostly just think it's annoying
I like soft talking stuff, makes you feel warm inside for a bit
dick sucking asmr channel with fbf
Everyone wants to suck a dick but nobody wants their dick sucked
Permit me to introduce myself
ill suck my own
I like asmr but physical if that makes sense
Like weird physical sensations you wouldn't normally think about like running your teeth along something or an indian rug burn
Just weird shit that makes your body go "I don't know how to process this sensory information so I guess it feels kind of good?"
Asmr is for autists is the tldr
No true ASMR feels like brain torture to me and I am a certified autist.
i prefer an ear piercing harpy screech
It's called a spectrum for a reason :^)
shall I break a record and take two naps today? I have nothing better to do and I'm eepy.
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There has to be a better source for bfs than dating apps
We have to find higher yield spawn points
trvthnvke outside the realm
the issue for me is that I'm so weird, odd and autistic I would need a 4chan bf to understand me. A normie simply won't.
We should ban bisexuals from society
Put them on their own little island
at least most male bisexuals are actually bisexual, f*male bisexuals are only so to entice chad.
ok but as a gay male they might as well not exist so i don't care
I'm a remarkably average top and 90% of the gents I find myself attracted to turn out to be bi (or worse, straight)
I mean part of it is the spaces I encounter incentivizing more attention from that but still
I want to fuck women but get fucked by men, why is this so hard to understand?
>tfw outing bisexuals online and ruining their lives
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>wicked sense of humer
ok but as a bisexual male where is my free use bottom?
Most biscum are prisongay from chronic lack of pussy
Chara I guess because I can relate with the whole "Woooo they're evil" thingie, I'll be honest tbough I don't think I'm gay anymore, I like wanna go on estrogen because I don't feel comfortable being a man, idk I'm really pished rn, I still like men but I just sorta not enjoying being one myself
at one of your degen sex club holes in the wall, upside down satan
here's your new gf(male) have fun :)
Get off the internet my man
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The tranny board is down the hall and to the left
Same. Normies will never get us.
jeez what got you guys so butthurt, I'm just a loser virgin
Saar this is r9GAY
so you don't want to hold hand and floric around while we sing kumbaya?
haha floric
>minor spelling mistake
>tfw no bf to enjoy the fleeting nice weather with
i'll floric both your asses, come here
I want the weather to get cold and wet I am so tired of this sunny bullshit
I want to go apple picking I want it to be autumn already
Attempting to sleep at 22, feeling like a grandpa
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Cold and wet weather is my preference but summer nights are comfy. Do you go apple picking or is it just something you'd like to do?
I've gone apple picking every year since I was a kid it's like my favorite thing
I love making pastries and stuff with them when I get home, also putting apples in grilled cheeses rules
God damn it, why couldn't I just be a normal gay man, I hate this so much
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I love plucking medlar and spitting out the seed after eating, just like with cherries
I've never seen these in my life they look too creepy to eat personally
Picked tacos off the taco tree and squeezed some baja blast from the leaves
I'm wearing a blue shirt with black boxers and black and blue striped socks quite a coincidence
you guys never give me the attention I deserve
give my cock an balls some attention first lol
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Thinking about trying anxiety meds. Still not sold on them but my parents want me to try something before resigning myself to a life in my room relying on whatever my family leave me
If it's so bad then you should definitely give them a try
maybe I have gotten an infection from my ass. All I want to do is sleep and drink water.
Put me in the will
Put me in the walls
Glory wall
I become a permanent free use installation in Story's walls and he feeds me dead flies and rotting garbage from cookware left out on the stove to keep me alive
No, no I would at least feed you properly with leftover pizza and fresh chicken and pork.
I don't know how much I trust that pork and chicken to be fresh considering how many close calls and debates over safety there have been regarding your old meat

well if I haven't gotten sick from eating it then you should be fine.
One time I stepped on the kitchen laminate floor and had snow on my shoe so I slipped comically like a banana peel and spilled an entire gallon of milk across the whole floor in a thin layer and I quickly got stuff out of the way to clean it but I accidentally left two pounds of hamburger in the cupboard next to the sink since the countertop was full and didn't find it again until it was liquefying and the stench stayed for entirely too long
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>alone on friday night
Perhaps one day my fbf and I will be out doing something or enjoying a quiet evening indoors
Fat boyfriend?
does anyone else here have an unhealthy sexual relationship with THEMSELF?
I've noticed that if I don't want to practice anal I start bullying myself in my head
I call myself lazy and start insulting my looks
it's completely involuntary, my brain seems to do it
for instance I just got a new cage and it fits great
I've been hunting for the right cage for anal play because every one I've tried is either too big or too small
so I spent all day trying to talk myself into anal so I could test out doing a longer session while caged
I didn't really feel like it, but I felt like I had to
got home and I really don't want to
my bm was perfectly clean and I took an edible
still don't want to
now I'm forcing myself to think words of affirmation and convince myself that it's okay that I just wanna jerk off normally and chill tonight
but I keep catching myself calling myself lazy and ugly, deadweight and slobbish
what the fuck?
Listen to your heart bb.
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About to fall asleep before its even midnight. Frankly I'm depressed and ashamed at my lack of stamina
Bro I'm about to pass out and it's not even 7 pm talk to me when you're ancient like I am
I usually sleep at 7 or earlier for a few hours. I only got up at midday forgoing the usual nap and still I hear my bed calling
I think we are all malnourished or dying or both
I just hope I can get a good sleep tonight since even though I'm tired all the time I sleep very fitfully and wake up sometimes
Tomorrow at work we're hosting a funeral party for 300 people and its gonna be busy as shit
Could try st johns wort before the funny chemicals
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6 secret straights vs 1 straight
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This looks like the worst video ever made that said I wanna see the two dudes on the left make out
The guy on the right has that andrew energy
>tfw no bf to nibble on
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The con was fun but I'm super tired tons of gay people too talked to some nice people meowyay I will see if I can wake up.tomorrow at all....
I have a dog clicker on my keychain I will give it to my bf when we start dating meow
What con did you go to?
Ropecon, a finnish roleplaying convention
Aw man that sounds awesome
Did you get to play any tabletop games
A baby version of catan (the normal ones were taken), some simplified version of an old dnd edition and an four hour one shot of some dudes full homebrew game where you play as alphabet agency leaders trying to secure a secret lab
Oh wow that's a lot actually
I played catan once and I got my ass kicked
That homebrew sounds pretty cool though, roleplaying as a secret agent seems like it would be a lot of fun
We were the guys in suits sitting in a cargo container barking orders at the guys on the ground. Everybody was from a different agency and had their own hidden agenda. It was alternating turns between rapidly moving the units and not talking and talking things through and making plans. A bit janky as it was the first playtest but definitely fun.
girly boys are so fascinating
Bifags will always leave you for a woman. Always. Please never forget this boys.
No they are NOT.
How do you know
>they are NOT
How do you know? Ever met a girly boy irl? No? That's what I thought.
I don't have many friends but I float around different groups online, and too often have I heard the same tale. Poor guy yesterday told a story of a bifag that swept him off his feet and have his head filled with promises, only for him to be dropped in place of a woman the guy barely knew. Sometimes I'd like to think karma takes care of these types of people in their own way, if not with lifelong loneliness then at least something further down the line more devastating.
cant log into my discord. guess this is goodbye
Surprise Penis Removal courtesy of the Universe
>he met his bf in kindergarten
Cool cool. I get the sentiment but they might leave for another man too, just like anybody could. No need to be biphobic.
Depends on your definition IG
my stomach feels like a storm is about to hit
Me too brother
Hold my hand and we'll ride this wild mustang together
new strat for leaking with my leaking anal mucus. Take the hair dryer on cool to my ass crack ever hour or so. Much better for the skin than wiping with tp. I hope this stops pretty soon or I might actually have to get medical help.
Have you been putting like
Anti biotics on it and stuff?
Maybe try liquid bandages, since I guess you can't put a bandage on your asshole
Or wait is it in your asshole
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I think story actually masturbates furiously after saying the grossest things ever heard by man no way the fucker does not have a hc humiliation fetish probably scat too

nope, should I be? the skin around my anus is already quite inflamed and angry I don't want to make it worse.


I do have a pee fetish and probably humiliation too, but you have to call me stupid, nothing else would work.
Story. Words fail me. I simply cannot express how little I care. Just keep your stinking maw shut.
I mean if it's like a spot you can reach it might be worth it to try putting liquid bandage on it
It's nontoxic and should block the leakage
At least that's how its supposed to work I only use it on cuts I've never gotten a hemorrhoid before

No. I'm still a 4chan troll at heart. The stars updates about my leaky asshole will continue until morale improves.


I don't want to block my anus completely, the hemorrhoid is internal and needs to go back in but it's been almost two weeks and while it's not big or bleeding anymore it still is out of anus which is allowing the mucus seeping.
how long has this been going on? 2weeks?
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Meow after today I think I could do this dating stuff definitely not off apps though but going into bars or lgbt events like 3ds or something

I also gots some streetpass hits yay.
Okay yeah I forgot what the liquid bandage applicator looked like but you probably wouldn't be able to maneuver that in your asshole well
I mean if its not bleeding I guess that's progress
Maybe spray an antibiotic up your butt for good measure??
Hell yeah man, that's the spirit! Go for it and find the guy for you, he's been waiting long enough!
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Yay. I still feel a bit scared about trying to pursue someone given I can't know if they like me back or of it would work anyway or if someone better suited will come right when I decide but I guess taking that leap is an integral part of love
it;s all fun and games until meow smashes your head in with his hammer because you triggered his ptsd being playful.
I'm not violent meow but probably emotionally difficult and will turn cold and distant if he crosses some invisible line either of us knew about meow
story why dont you opt for stool softeners or fiber i forget what you do for hemmies

the shits themselves are not painful what was on Sunday the 7th I got diarrhea and kept straining, eventually thrombosing a hemorrhoid. It was very painful for several days until it finally popped and bled, now I'm just waiting for it to go back in. I've had a thrombosed hemmy before I can't remember how long it took for that to happen.
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Waa sad a bit where bf to cuddle and hold me and rock me to sleep gently waa
I want to run an underground super lab with my fbf cooking methamphetamine for a psychotic Chilean fagman trying to destroy a cartel that killed his own bf decades ago
That's not unreasonable..
I want to marry a nice man, have a cute private ceremony and live happily ever after
Mr white. We have the finest cocks. Los pollos vergas. I need you to cock for me under my chicken restaurant. Making the finest cocks for the finest asses. Do you accept, Mr white?
my father was likely cooking meth when he OD'd on benadryl and got thrown in the river so they could move the lab before the cops came.
Meow where husbie mrrraaa. Mraaa. Mrrrraaaa. Need touch. Mraaaa. Need love. Mrraaaa.
I have hope that one day meow will find his hubby, overcome his ptsd and live happily ever after.
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That better be today or heads will roll.
Story has better odds
If you could, would you hypnotize a boy to be your bf?
I also have hope that one day story will die of a heart attack and be eaten by his cats because no one will know he's dead until he starts stinking too bad. Then he will face judgement for how he treated his mother.
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one of the employees at the lgbt center asked if i wanted to sign up for prep
I mean you can't keep fucking old men forever without getting pozzed
wouldn't happen at the g center is all I'm sayin
you really should take it, it doesn't hurt anything.
You retard gay men are most likely to get HIV
i hope that when he dies they find her body in the backyard and realize that story killed his mom
good true crime documentary if i do say so myself
Would you teach your bf how to be "funny"? I'm kinda insecure about my humor capabilities...
They're bi you dip
what if your bf isnt funny either you can be unfunny together <3
The sucky part is that you can't teach it
Either the shit you say makes him laugh or it doesn't
Humor is a merciless battleground, and I am an embarrassing casualty
I just googled PrEP and according to their website 1/8 of people that have HIV don't even know they have it and that's just fucking scary
You could fall in love with someone and just get it by complete accident and it wasn't even really their fault
Unless you're born an aids baby how is it not their fault tf???
They could just not know they have it
What if they got it from someone who lied to them about not having it
what if you're born russian
that's why I say get on it if you're planning on having sex. a guy, even a bf can always lie and say they're virgins and you have no way of knowing. better safe than pozzed.
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I don't consider myself super prudish about sex stuff despite being a virgin but this image and its implications make me deeply uncomfortable
I don't want to be part of someone's "sex network"
This would actually be quite cool.
How would you describe your jokes anon? I think mine are a combo of those "21st century humor" videos on youtube and a preschoolers view on life.
If you have any suspicion at all make him get tested first, if he's offended then he's safely id'd pozzed and you can move on
I guess if everyone around you also has aids it doesn't matter much..
Literally the most baseline ape brain observational comedy, I see a sign or read something that sounds absurd and I repeat it in an exaggerated way
It is entirely situational and I cannot come up with anything funny without environmental prompting
My brain is blank, comedically
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Road work ahead? I sure hope it does!
i actually miss vine
>only a spoonful
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Sigh where bf sigh
I actually do wonder if I died right now how long it would take anyone to notice. All my bills are set to autopay so there wouldn't be anyone around to shut off the ultlites. I'm guessing about a week or so when I don't put trash cans out the neighbor would start to wonder.
He's probably sitting at home asking himself the same question
Also he's probably jerking off
Why would he be jerking off lol what a sad thought
is porn watching a no-no for your bf in a relationship? Jerking off in general? What if he was the one who wanted you to abstain from both?
Because he's lonely and horny
I honestly want a guy I can jerk off with, and admire hot fictional characters together with
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I wouldn't mind either if it was in moderation and he'd be able to abstain to save it for me. I would prefer him to use me though, even if just as a masturbation aid
No way my fbf is too cool for that meow
anyone got some epic twink-toks to recommend?
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my bones hurt
>life too empty to make small talk on the r9gay where all the thread personalities are young adults in normie ascendancy
new low bar
>and it wasn't even really their fault
they clearly were careless enough to have sex with someone else who was carrying the virus
i wouldnt care if my bf watched porn or jerked off desu
then dont talk the the personalities theyre annoying anyway
talk to real anons like a real anon
when is the best time to tell a boy that you don't like his fursona?
Your father sounds extremely based
I'm sorry if he wasn't in reality, or that he died if he was
we're all infected... at the cdc anon told me
whatever it is, we all carry it
Meow where bf waa. Me is sad. Waa.
find one then?
idk what to tell you
Imagine if your bf was as big as a hamster. You could build him an entire world out of office supplies or something!
I don't know how meow
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Keeping my fbf in my walls in a tiny flat
no one here knows how either
thats kinda the point i think
but not doing anything wont give you a boyfriend :[
hope you find one though
Personally, I'd live there
ok but I don't have anything to talk to them about either l=
At this point it's not the sex I crave most, it's the little small things. Kissing, hugging, snuggling together, resting our heads on each other shoulders, just care and love.
I'm sad where bf I also feel overwhelmed waa
If you ranked continents by most bfable males how would it go? Antarctica first for me
holy shit i need to end my life soon
you gotta try
you wont know until you do !!
i guarantee anything you like at least one other person here will also like
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making my fbf a mint tin house so i can take him with me everywhere
I once knew this feel but then my brain looped around and now it just wants sex because I can't stand being around other human beings irl for real in practice and I never want to have to share a living space with anyone except maybe a cat or a rabbit
>*tap tap*
"Babe open the tin, I need the kitchen!!"
I'd live in my bf's pocket, sounds fun being so smol.
Do you wanna talk about it anon? Maybe the kind strangers of r/9gay can help you sort your life out???
i dont know you personally so i am basing this off of the general feelings i have about the people in these threads
i think you need to work on yourself first
how can you expect anyone else to love you if you dont even love yourself yk?
I don't love myself but I like myself meow isn't that enough
what if you fell out and he stepped on you???
Do not start, abort abort brick wall alert
what? why?
im just trying to help?
Male order Russian HUNK husband who doesn't speak English and divorces you after gaining citizenship
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>(Meow-on!) it's a big, black doorway
>(Meow-on!) weak and soft but tryin' anyway
>(Come-on, meow-on!) got a monster within me
>(Meow it along!) gonna smash me to smithereens

>I'm after (husband husband!)
>Oh gimme gimme my! (husband husband!)

>{{Big and strong holds possum snugly in his arms ~~ arms arms arms}}

>While I won't be leavin' that alive (he won't be stayin' alive)
>This possum will just for one night (be held so strong and so tight)
>R-9-gay legend passing by
unfortunately i dont think so
of course you can still get into a relationship if you dont love yourself but its hard to love and care for someone else when you dont treat yourself the same way
if your bf takes care of himself and you that will be draining and could lead to resentment
and there will be times when you give or he takes more from your relationship, but if you dont love yourself you will need more reassurance and not give as much to him which again, will lead to resentment
Just do not, okay. You're wasting your time trying to be helpful especially to that faggot entity called meow2.0
this discussion has been had 100000 times
wagner bf only
Retarded take no one healthy loves themselves with a passion besides friend like bf would be peak
I made sushi rice today with the perfect ratio of water to rice
i turn 21 at the end of the month and i am still an autistic friendless virgin (gay virgin lol! lol!!) neet. a complete disappointment in all aspects
healthy people who dont use anonymous message boards to talk about how said their lives are and actually do something about their problems usually have healthy self love
im sorry youve never had that before anon, i hope you dont die hating yourself :(
I just said I like myself you fool
You just gotta find your *special interest* in life anon. Find something that you enjoy without a bf and then live life focusing on it, with time a bf will come your way too.
Ever thought about college?
And what kind of music do you listen to?
liking yourself and loving yourself are different things i fear
Die to death hypocrite whore meow
And neither is hating myself. This is just normie purity testing word games.
i was just trying to help?
i dont even know you? you dont know anything about me?
that right there is why no one willingly wants to help you and why you dont have a boyfriend
i feel like that is common sense?
>tfw no younger engineering nerd top bf who chastises you for settling for stem-lite and withholds access to his penis until you finish your math homework
Do boys like that actually exist?!
math nerd top and humanities major bottom is otp.
fuck math
Which top would fit a biologist bottom
Yes but they're all bisexual :/
Noooo marine biologist bf don't fuck the dolphins aaaaaaaa
how much math is involved in your biology degree meow?
Mostly statistics meow and high school level stuff
i did 2 and a half years of community college and i hated it. it was just something for me to do because i never got a job until my last semester, i didnt make any friends or talk to anyone.
i like electronic, hip-hop, and rock and a lot of the subgenres within them
i get my engineering degree next year
I don't even have a special interest, I got all the of social problems of the 'tism with none of the benefits.
Help me do my math homework anon
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Can someone guess what's my special interest meow
gan grape
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Why would I obsess over that meow makes no sense at all lolmao
sure but im not giving you the answers
what kind of math is it
meow should take a vacation to the US and see real life possums.
calculus 2
that's okay I can look up the answers anyway, that's not the point
grapes are yummy but i prefer the green ones
thats cheating
calculus 2 isnt even that hard use your brain
Being a retarded disappointment to your family
meanwhile I struggled with basic high school algebra. being a mathlet sucks.
Why study something you don't enjoy
It's a lot of repetition though and I can't finish my tests in time ):
People usually obsess over their special interest and I'm not that at all meow
repetition should make it even easier
then do them faster?
complaining about not having a bf on the internet
if I could just do them faster I would have, obviously
you're no help at all thanks.
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Close but not the main one
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I just came so hard it hit my face and the wall behind me, now it's time to sleep.
Countries aren't real
The concept of nations is thetan brainwashing meant to keep us tethered to the earth
Continents aren't countries or nations and they are most definitely very real stoopid
Oh my god I misread your dumb post get over it jeez louise
eepy time for fat neets.
Not my post and I wouldn't call that misreading as much as retardation since the post also very explicitly mentions the one landmass on earth that is a continent but doesn't hold a single country
I misread the word continent as country you ass
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And then didn't read the rest of the post at all? Antarctica isn't a country you gormless rube.
From my frame of reference I wasn't the one who called it one, moron.
And instead of rereading the post to make sure you didn't misread you decided to start ermm ackhuallying about something that's not even being discussed? Come the fuck on mang.
You mean what you're doing? If anything my reaction was the complete opposite of erm ackshuallying, because I continued to respond anyway without nitpicking over it. But you're just starting shit because you're emotionally immature and an attention whore. Annoying.
Retarded AND delusional? Happy feet, wombo combo. Ermmm ackhually countries aren't real ehrmmm what the sigma
tfw no bf to psychologically torment
Rare based meow defending my post from retardanon??
Also nobody fucking answered so die r9gay die
Full list is:

But NA last and I agree
tfw no cute antarctic scientist bf
What? You know what erm ackshuallying means, right? It means correcting someone over some small irrelevant detail that doesn't practically detract from understanding their overall point. I was introducing a new line of thinking, based on a word I misread. Not correcting small things about what anon said that anyone would intuitively understand anyway. My comment wasnt even confrontational. You're awful to be around.
on the low i might be evil
No shit
Not on the low lol
But anon, college is needed for the big bucks! But it's okay.
Tell me the most niche subgenre you listen to, please.
You're so delusional it's almost funny
Forgot you're all rancid cunts, god forbid someone makes a mistake around you
I'm gonna smooch you
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Mistakes are okay, arrogant mistakes are kys tier
Uhhh suck my dick lol
i put that shit on today
greeter chick at walmart was staring my ass down so clearly i did something right
i'm a baddie
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Aight bet that's a promise then
Mixing up a word isn't arrogant, weak justification
i'm so interesting and cute and funny how do i get boys to notice my radiance
Mixing up a word, bitching about it and then digging your heels down very much is
boys in skirts boys in dresses boys in feminine clothing
No man. You or whoever doesn't get to write paragraphs putting me down for something small like that and then get to put me down again for responding to your that disproportionate reaction. I know you cunts are just trolling but it's insufferable.
Do you own any? I do, but only for myself
Where is a man who will put me, a boy, into a skirt and love me
It was a figure of speech. Please don't ever come within a distance of any of my senses that's required to perceive your presence.
My fbf won't be permitted to own a credit card so he cannot improve his score and therefore become financially independent without me
Your surface conversations are all so pleasant but that's how you lure them in isn't it you fucking freaks
for a brief time i thought schizomelty and lavender-kun were the same idk why
I'd punch you in the face if you tried that
Cope. You are the one acting in bad faith and being mean for no reason.
Sure, sure. Faggot.
You're gonna escalate a smooch into a rape huh
I'll go easy on your bussy
Lol what. That's literally exactly what you're doing. You're trying to provoke me by insulting me over nothing. I make an innocuous comment, get a scathing reply over a small mistake, and I'm the bad guy? Oh wait, that doesn't make any sense. You're fucking around. Disgusting quality for a person to have.
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Let's not escalate this childish bickering into a murder, yeah? As a bottom I would never rape anyone or anything.
Lol you're so funny. There I affirmed your sick sense of humor, fuck you.
>Actually you're evil for doing what I'm doing but with nobler motives
Manipulative psycho core
I'm probably gonna kill myself before my birthday
bratty schizo need rape correction
Meow or one of his other cringe personalities screaming projection at the top of its lungs again. Fuck you.
You need to be crippled in such a way where you can never be seen or heard from by anyone who could be damaged by your malignant influence
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Rape is abuse, not correction. Repent.
Gnnnaaaa. Being mad won't change the truth. Gnnnnaaa. Etched into air. Gnnnnnaaaa. Clear for all to see, as the spring spring of white light. Gnnnaaa. Like a blue night of a hot summer day. Gnnnnnaaaa.
Why did you never lash out at the dirty spic for flirting with your bf anyway faggot
Like as if any of us deserve your schizophrenic babbles
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Kiwi? I don't even recognize his posts. Seems like a proper cunt that one.
The truth has always been on my side lmao and no amount of 24/7 shitposting puppetry and psychological manipulation will ever change that. You have a hateboner for me for some reason, idk why, but I suggest you get over it. It's clouding your judgment.
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Iwonic meow
i would let my bf smooch me
Would you bf someone famous enough to have several pages of rule34 art of themselves?
Not really. I mean I hate you too, but I'm pretty straightforward and the only times I've ever put on personas they were clearly fake and a frustrated attempt at criticizing the act of having them for real. I overreact to shit but you genuinely love causing misery.
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I would let my bf hurt me if he did it out of love and didn't break any bones or organs or major muscles meow
the archiveschizo had no trait other than capitalization and punctuation he would never use images!
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Keep yapping so I can understand your mental phrenology better thx
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Meow on times like these when my brain is acting up but I feel good so my mind isn't clouded by anxiety I remember that I'm criminally insane, crazy in the coconut if you will meow
Implied admission that you really are a manipulative freak. My "mental phrenology" can be reduced down to a single persisting desire, and that's to escape you mentally ill fucks who infest every pocket of the world once and for all.
guys sex
i dont even know if i want the big bucks in life at this point i just want something to make me happy
i wouldnt say the subgenres i listen to are super niche more certain bands that have a unique sound that a lot of people dont listen to. but the most niche thing might be this post-hardcore sludge metal i really like or some really old obscure cloud rap releases
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Not very nice gnaa meanie gnaa poopyhead gnaa
not a single poster itt wouldn't benefit from taking meds of some kind and that's a verified fact
banned from grindr is crazy
But what kind of meds? I've tried a lot of differents ones and they litter latter my cupboards I never got less insaney from it what do you recommendcommend
Lmao trivialize all you want, doesn't change the fact that I'm right about you.
I will fuck your asshole instead
But couldn't you buy stuff you like with the big bucks anony? Heck you could indirectly buy a bf too. (being wealthy increases your friend circle which increases your bf find chance)
What stuff do you do so on the daily?
I'm on the max dose of SSRIs an not much changed...
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Continuing to be a mean poopyhead I c
You're the mean one lol. If anything you're better at it and I think that speaks to it being truer to your nature than it is to mine. I hate that the world rewards that but I have no control over it I guess. What you're doing is wrong and you don't care, like everyone.
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Rubber und glue yapmaster
>tfw no british bf to introduce me to tea
I should be on a slow drip of a functional dissociative at all waking hours
everything becomes significantly worse after drinking
Wish I could get drunk but it's too late now
It's for the better anyway, makes me so nauseous these days
Need to find another escape
i had to quit drinking because i kept walking outside
i cut the inside part of my lip with a cherry seed. the betrayal never ends...
Did someone see you or something? Even when I'm drunk I'm too inhibited to do that (usually)
nope. i really dont know why i started doing that. it isnt the real reason i stopped drinking either, but it was pretty scary
Personaposter the hypocrite
Someone who posts here duh
is turkey asia or rurope
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You talking about me? I've never been no hypocrite.
but that doesnt seem like a poster here or at least a singular poster
central asian. its why they won
Once I die I will be with him. I just know it.
That's the point of it
what was the inspiration for the post
full as a butter field
i fucking hate asa butterfield he looks 11 and 40 at the same time and hes also british or something and that phenotype sucks
i hope anon is compiling that care package for me. i might have to leave again
I think he's got a pretty nice name and surname too.
Isn't he just adorkable ^_^
Why do you ask? Do you think it might concern you?
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special delivery vagueposter
his lack of upper lip makes him chimpesque
you just called all british people chimps
i dont like that many things or have real hobbies/interests i pursue. i spend time on my computer to distract myself from debilitating loneliness
Do you wear oversized hoodies? I like to think that all depressed boys do.
yes i know that's why i said it
i dont think so to be honest, but it could be, not in a ego
>he is talking about me!
way, but because you posted it after my post. my first question was just a joke because personafag could mean so much and i didnt know there was someone personaposting
weird typo. going to bed now
Lmao anons on their toes now, I hate this place
I don't care because it doesn't matter
lithium suppository
sigh. sigh. flipping sigh
but why? why do you hate /r9gay/? its my favorite place
Idk scroll up lol
Can't wait to see what the response to this will be (if there is one)
I bet it'll be so surprising
you hate /r9gay/ because of 1 guy? thats not fair, anon
I'm sort of a brat, but not really.
>tfw you will always be a liar
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"Yes, I play Genshin, how could you tell?"
>tfw no prodigy bf with cute feets
I don't see a plug on that tail.
the average boy is completely heterosexual
>tfw no bf with severe case of boyvoice
i have a completely normal voice :)
i won
you can't just say that without posting proof anon...
i was confirmed in the threads of /r9gay/s past and i cant post right now because of reason
4 am bike ride
dubs demand it
hehe only gay people ride bikes
okay well I can go anyway
i've never rode a bike before
Nothing like cruising down the empty streets on my vintage road bike and feeling the wind in my hai- ACK! GOD DAMMIT THE POTHOLE GOT ME
oh but you typed all that midfall, right
Google voice, it's not like you can type on a bike anyway
>not using a well-maintained bike trail
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>well-maintained bike trail
Where is this promised land you speak of?
Looks like some shithole in eastern europe. Try a a first world city.
Okay, adopt me then
Today's bf-flavor is:
eastern-european cybersecurity nerd
I want to hear more about anon's noble motives
what would be more interesting to know about are the means he uses to actualize those motives
Where are the cute touch-starved anons in my area >:(
Staying away from you and your absurdly repellant and damaging personality, if I had to take a guess based on trends here
It's more the opposite, that I'm not assertive enough to make proper progress on meeting these people.
Oh that's nice. Sounds like something practice might fix.
i wish i had a puppy girl bf
the worst part is I fucking knew it would happen, because it always does
you sick fucks are so god damn predictable
I just want to strangle one of you
i just wanted a puppy girl from r9gay :|
literal zero empathy zombie turds
performative kindness at best, usually used as a weapon anyway
trash people in a trash thread
everything is fucking trash
my r9gay gf i just want my r9gay gf
they're like fucking sharks anon
they'll use any weakness as a pretext to rip you to shreds
i want a friend who isnt a shark
do you know anyone who wont become a revolution
Playing a 200lvl character against those that are lvl 7 in bleach brave souls is pretty cool actually. Killing opponents with your regular attack is such a godlike experience
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Which one of you is this??? o_O
I've never been more jealous of anything posted in these threads before that shit is SO HARD
Based spacenoid whose soul is no longer chained down by earth's gravity
I don't want to go to work can one of you anons go for me?
That's it, if genshit ever gets released on switch I'm playing it
yeah like all the time, most of my shirts are oversized because i like the fit (and im insecure about being underweight)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gPCLnDWc_Y friday night into saturday morning...
how do I find a chad bf?
pls help me r9gay you guys love chad too
I love loser chads
Normalfags think they're losers but they're chads to me <3
i am a loser u_u
I need a doctor who will give me dht cream to grow my cock
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Why are some guys attracted to more masculine, and some to more feminine guys? Is it an acquired taste or are there biological differences? Brain chemistry? What do you think?
No idea but my preferences haven't changed since I was 12
I saw a post that was a 'reality tv show idea' where they put a dozen guys in a house and they have to find the straight one to win money
but the trick is they're all straight
the plot twist is that they're actually all super straight and it turns into an orgy at the end
superstr8 is my favorite flavor of gay they're so precious
Mwaa where bf mwaa... Mwaa...
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They make the majority of posts and they're constantly antagonizing me. Across threads, across platforms. They misrepresent and misinterpret everything I say and do in the worst way possible. It's been going on for a long time.
is that the mutt that played the harmonica
i played harmonica a while back a few times
yeah that was nice and cute
I was wondering why someone would be so mean and then say it's nice and then I realized the conversation was literally about a dog since I heard that too pleas e help me
it was mean to call anon's dog a mutt but it's a tough kinda love so it's okay :D
I will be cooking my steak either today or tomorrow, likely tomorrow. Any skilled cooking boys here that will give me some tips so I don't fuck it up completely?
Use a meat thermometer if you're nervous, it can aid precision. Lots of good videos on YouTube to aid if it's something you're not overly familiar with.
I just want someone to come all over my back.
We are going to stand Shoulder to shoulder in the new life and say to each other
We all made it
Lol. Thanks. Fuck you.
Whoa I've never replied to a post that got deleted before
everyone always talks about overcome but no one ever says come over
You're going to quote a deleted post as some bullshit passive aggressive gesture so everyone knows it was there
So fucking exhausting
I didn't even read your post, you smarmy faggot. You don't mean anything without that facetious shit eating grin on your face.
Why would anyone want to be around anyone else anymore, when this is what everyone is
Lmao are you for fucking real
Why would they? Maybe you'd have some common sense if you didn't spend your time trying so hard to be an ironic dickwad on the internet
should I get another kind of oil besides olive for my steak?
there was nothing ironic in my post sir
don't care, fuck you
that's what you meant by your post, to me
so I'll say it directly to you and skip the smug faggotry
>that's what your post meant, to me
some people are really this mentally ill
If you want to write my posts for me you have to take a position as my secretary/bf/PA/lifecoach sorry
great, fantastic
keep doubling down on the insults
you're really proving me wrong here
so actively and aggressively totally fuckin flipping my worldview
I'm not even the anon you're replying to, I just wanted to point out that you're a fucking faggot lmao
no, you are
you all are
so constantly
it's like this fuckin miasma
and you're all so used to the shit company of people like you you're nosebleed
take your fucking meds LOL

It got deleted after I replied to it what are you talking about
I can't see the future
Stop being a huge piece of shit luls
Stop normalizing it kek
Stop acting like I should just accept it

So I guess you're damned if you do damned if you don't right? You insist on using bitchy passive aggressive subtext yet when someone reads into what you say, because you make them, that's an egregious overreach. You fucking people. Scum.
what kind of boys is schizomeltyanon into
Does it feel good being insane and laughed at or are you just too dumb to not reply to people :^D
Ones that will leave me the fuck alone.
So dishonest, you know I'm not schizo- anything and that I'm right but you can't help perpetuating your rot.
You're laughing at me because you're a bad person. How do you not get that? Hide behind your fucking mob, like I care. It only proves you're like them and you're as much of a jackass as I say you are.
I bet schizomelty is a delicious femboy with a fat cock..
>hide behind your mob
I'm literally just laughing at you because you're acting insane. I did ask if you knew you don't have to reply to everyone you fucking retard
Buzzword after buzzword after buzzword
This is fine, it actually takes some pressure off because the malignancy isn't so focused
I like your post number crazy boy
So fat and dripping as he insults the whole thread hnnngh.. tell em babe, get their asses
I'll support you from beneath your desk
Yeah and that's something only shit people do. I can reply to whoever the fuck I want. Weird you haven't realized that.
I'm going to snap because of you stupid fucking pricks
It's probably what you wanted
Some faggot letter agency bullshit
You never stop. Why won't you fucking stop.
>uh no I can reply to everyone and get mad at the people I've constructed in my head
Power to you, dude. Sounds totally not-insane
Good luck I guess
If they mishandle my package again I'm torching the local post office desu
There's nothing imaginary about it, and your sarcastic wiseass response only serves to verify that.
The main branches of gooberment that you shouldn't aggress upon are the IRS and the Postal Service, they don't fuck around except when providing you a service
Weren't you planning on doing that anyway? Or was that testing the waters? Also I have no idea what you're talking about, so there's that.
Asking them to put 10 dog warnings on your address
Oh thanks for clarifying. Forgot how you liked to do your domestic terrorism. Oh my god it was all an act?!! Shocking. Fuck you, can't overstate that.
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Can I get a nya :3 in the chat?
no, some retard might think it's a personal attack and start writing deranged rants in reply

nya~ :3333
uh nyo

nya~ :3 *nuzzles you*
This post perfectly illustrates what you people do.
That was a personal attack. You're the ones who are deranged. Encircling each other in this bitchy bullshit. Always lying. One upping. Condescending. Insulting.
Nya nya nya~ :3 <3
nya :3
That's it I'm getting the spray bottle this is getting out of hand
Sociopathic freak. I'm talking specifically to you now. You have friends and that's wonderful but try going beyond the superficial and you're not going to get anywhere because you never listened.
*hisses* swipes at you then runs away and hides under the couch.
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Yet you did it anyway with 4 threes? What a kitty
pilled qt
God damn I want to lick your kitty face as you do that again. Kawaii and underlyingly lewd
*purrs and nuzzle you back* nyaaaaaaaa :3
Very good loveing nya fellow nya army boy :3 <3
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For today I'll play Victoria II again methinks with a different mod
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Play a mod that makes Hitler look like this.
*sniffs your butt then does a stank face* (flehmen response)
Good morning. Have you been up all night arguing again? Or did you want up early for this. I hope you're getting enough sleep. It's nice that you're so energetic. Do you have any plans for today? The weather is really beautiful. I bet some sunlight and fresh air would be good for us! Studies say that spending time in green nature is a panacea for mental health after all. Well, whatever you choose to do I hope you enjoy it and have a good day! It's always hard to see you upset and lashing out aimlessly like this.
We've been up all night nya-guing
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Canon desu
It's ok I took my meds(lie) I'm fine now see nya~ :3
I can tell you're lying because I know how I would react if I were you and I wasn't lying
And that's not it
Everyone is always lying
How do you all stand it
How can you be around each other and not want to tear your hair out
I wanted to Laugh At Cat Noises not Be Horny
this is a curse to be sure
It's only okay if we watch it together, I find the idea of that quite hot actually. I guess he can jerk off (without porn) if he wants to if I am unavailable, or he just wants to jack off, but if I am there I will make sure he doesn't waste his seed.
Although overall I think having "requirements" for you bf
I don't take you subhumans seriously anymore. Rot in hell. I'm lucky, you're already there. And by the looks of it you're not going anywhere.
Wanna play some games dude?
Continuing cos I'm stupid.
Although overall I think having "requirements" for you bf is kinda weird, it's not your right to decide what your bf can and can not do, it's his choice and he should be allowed to make it.
Of course you can discuss things together and "set boundaries", but dictating your boyfriend's life sounds quite strange to me.
he's getting gangstalked by the nya-posters
Hitler was also probably a nya poster to :3
>nyagers I lost my shit. Still hot though nyaa~ >:3
Nyaaaaaaaaaa~ nyaaaaa nya~ :3 <3
Losers. Lmao
Fucking freaks. No decency.
I'm on the right track but I still don't see it yet. I know when I truly see it it will stick, and it'll stay that way permanently. And then I'll never be susceptible to this again. I just need to push a little more.
I might benefit from taking sleeping pills of some kind since I wake up a lot during the night and have a hard time falling sleep, but I don't wanna take them cos of the side effects, dependecy and cost.
>no blood
It's those small things in life
Blood taste good.. drink bf blood
>puppy girl bf
Don't you mean puppy boy bf?
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The gentlemen cat sipping his afternoon tea. I love it nya :3
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Is it bad if I'm a sweet tooth? Would that be a red flag for a future fbf? I like to eat pastries and candies and soft drinks and sugary stuff.
I try to keep it in moderation, so it's not like I am doing it every day, nor am I fat/overweight.
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I want a bf with a sweet tooth so I can hand feed him sweets while cuddling.
But eating sweets in bed is bad it will get over all the bed covers
Only if you eat like a freakin cow
Regardless some of the stuff is gonna get on the sheets, even if you just eat one or two sweets, cos sweets crumble easily and overall food makes more of a mess than people think.
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Stop ruining my dreams with your facts and logic.
I will have a change of sheets afterwords fucking
big dumb baka bitch.
what if I only eat whipped cream from my bf's body
cum semen jizz sperm
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haven't shaved in a week. twink status: restored.
i nicked my wrist.
thank you for calling me a hairy spic
>go outside for 10 minutes
>legs full of mosquito bites
that's it, I can't take this shit no more
Okay then it's fine you can feed me sweets on the bed if you want to.
I think it would be easier to eat whipped off a cupcake or something, don't you?
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Henlo qt twink nya fren :3
Good cuse I rlly rlly rlly want to see your cute comfy self enjoying sweets on our bed.
>draws handcannon from trench coat
>blasts the nigger accosting you
>"Heh, no problem anon, just watching out for the community,"
>lets you blow the smoke off the barrel
>walks away
my beard grows really quickly. if i shave in the morning i have some stubble right before bed.
>Flirting with other boys while flirting to me
candy feeding while on bed REVOKED my fbf can't think of any other boys than me.
>paramilitary training in the colorado rockies with anon
i'm a sweet tooth too anony we can eat chocolate eclairs and tiramisu together
Yes oki but we have to use mouthwash after cos sweets ruin your teeth.
>tfw no straightoid raper bf
>does revolver spin
thanks anon, y-you too
>revolver flies out of hand
>slams into floor and goes off
>shoots parked car window out
>sets off alarm
>hurriedly grabs gun, stuffs it back in trenchcoat and runs away
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The hot feisty lyrics of the nya community
I was just giving a fellow nyaner a complement.
Insecure red flag jealously activated
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Alone on another Saturday night, God I'm pathetic
It's only 1411pm :c
Those are like the lamest kind of game
my eyes hurt a lot today. why
Gotta bunch of free food from work today
We were prepped to feed several hundred people but I guess since it was a funeral service people weren't really in the mood for chili dogs
What refreshments would you serve at your fbfs funeral, assuming you outlived him (and didn't commit ritual lover's suicide to be with him)
do you have any rare mods
angel food cake and tiramisu and blueberry banana muffins
I don't want to sound rude but I would assassinate your bf just to go to his funeral and eat the pastries
No one does, he is unremarkable in all ways unless he is voice posting
I did tha thingy
>Insecure red flag jealously activated
Yea I am possessive what's wrong with that? (Maybe a lot actually)
>and didn't commit ritual lover's suicide to be with him
There is no case in any scenario in any story in any dream in any solar system in any galaxy in any dimension in any universe where this is not the case. Literally asking a question like "what if the sun became a supernova and you were the only survivor" like no that just wouldn't happen.
Then you are a good and dedicated lover and I hope you find the man you will be with forever
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Y-Yeah me too anon

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