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Emergency homosexual edition
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First for homosex!!!!
Homosex is overrated meow
I read all of naruto and I regret it it was dumb and lame
the fart is humorous
what should i name my animal crossing town
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Meow I'll promise to be good and nice when someone loves me meow
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Feeling very nostalgic today. I don't like change. Tomorrow, after almost a year, I will have to leave the place I was staying at. This is the longest I've been there and I enjoyed it very much. However this has caused me to reflect on the past year. And last few years of my life. It's so different, so many things changed yet it's still the same. What a weird feeling.
Which place are you leaving and why
Should've watched anime
Might have adhd
Leaving my mom's place because I have to work for few months. I have no idea what happens after that but it probably won't be good
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I don't wanna date anyway because I will just obsess over it and ruin both his and my life meow I should just do as I have been and accept
Few raindrops fell. Cool air. Saw a ton of cats on my walk. Even some super cute kittens. Time to run. Hope everything turns out fine.
Just stop crying over it like a bitch
No like whenever I find someone I start to obsessively think about every little detail and if they're good or bad or whatever and that's super draining
How many threads does r9gay keep open at one time? Is 10 too many
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Not my post. Kono baka idiot.
Because I think they look especially ugly. What I am saying maybe my dislike of other's feet came from my own insecurity of my feet. Or maybe I just think all feet are gross.
I just browse the full catty, open ones I'm interested in, read/skim through them and close them. I don't keep up with them past the initial read at the point of time I opened them. I used to but not anymore.
10 isn't too many
literally me except it's missing the vicious side where I cut you down to size after you wrong me and you have to pretend I'm cuhrazy to save face and maintain control like the lying cunt you are
One or two at a time, maybe more if I forget to close some tabs.
Overall having too many tabs open gives me anxiety, I don't know why.
Literally the same :O
Is that allowed? I just keep swapping back and forth between threads I'm interested in in the same tab
Wow it's almost like we're connected we should get married or something
Only one. I quite often forget I made a post in a thread, find the same thread again, open it because it's interesting, and see a (you) which I then don't get a reply back since I replied several hours later.
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gm fags ya so anyway had to pump air in my tires and it made me mad as fuck and ruined my day actually
why should i have to do that shit? obviously thats a *real* mans job and i got all depressed and shit because i dont have a man in my life that does all the man stuff for me
i mean i got dirty! and sweaty! gross! anyway showered after i was finished and laid in bed and cried for like an hour lol fuuuckckckkckckc
its a bed thud sound like in the original meme
>owns a car
lmao fag
>tfw no masc butch femboy bf
ya i know i had to for work and im scared to death of it
im a bottom dude obviously i cant drive for shit and everytime i get behind the wheel im afraid im gonna get into an accident
i still dont really know traffic rules like who goes first at a 4-way stop and what to do if my exit is closed on the highway
I like doing manual labor for people can I be your manservant please
>waahh boohoo i'm a bottom i can't drive a car or change a tire
there are straight women that can do these things
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I can't drive a car because it's too big of a force multiplier to be handed to someone this insane
join boy heaven, one of the most popular femboy servers ever!!
we have yaoi channels for fagposting as well as self oc channels for nudes.
twinks and femboys only, no women or trannies allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't drive cos I need better glasses and I am too sensitive to sunlight to drive during the summer months and I don't have any sunglasses that match my vision.
Owning a car is a massive scam
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I'd rather have a motorbike than car desu they look a lot cooler and badass also there's a high death rate so any day could be my last sounds exciting.
so story can drive around without consequence? driving isn't that hard.
i feel like if you hate storyanon youre kind of a normalfag
does this mean my groceries are gonna be cheap again next year
>if you hate this disgusting self centered annoying piece of shit you are a normie
I have no problem with him being a neet, just that he keep talking about mundane stuff there especially about his hemorrhoid riddled ass. I know he has no one to talk to at all but still, I don't want to hear it.
Does r9gay think lava lamps are cool
I used to have one, actually two but I don't have much space in my room and they both fell over (or one of them. did I don't remember all to well) and broke and I had to clean it up.
But I think they are very cool.
they're fun to watch at night when you're bored and trying to sleep but can't. I haven't had one for a while.
I want one
also lava lamp dildo..
I got to pet a friendly cat and I ate ice cream. It's a good day.
>lava lamp dildo
>look it up
>it's real
I don't know what to think anymore. Knowledge really is a curse.
not only do I have my ass problems and the issues with the sink I woke up this morning with my hip hurting. I hope I simply pulled a muscle yesterday since it takes almost nothing to do that I'm so weak.
Keeps the bussy warm in the harsh winter ya dig?
I think you should invest in a boyfriend to keep you warm instead. Or maybe a heated blanket.
I'm a bottom but dildos and plugs are a pain, I would save them only for special occasions.
That's way harder to procure anon :/
I'm sceptical a made-in-china heated blanket wouldn't just combust and burn me alive also
Give me a thick regular blanket over a heated one any day. A thin sheet on the inside to protect my skin and a thick wool outer layer to keep my toasty.
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I could dick you down on some gangster shit
>ywn see ruotsi's ugly feet
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I think you should be executed for making this comment to be quite honest but only ironically cos hurting people is bad.
Biden dropped out. It's getting interesting again.
what do you think about 3ds's daily blogposts about his escapades
tell me more about the cat and the ice cream anon, those (you) sound really interesting
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me and filey
I wakeup every day and wish I could ride a motorcycle
It's what I was put on this planet for
I have a magic color changing orb but the blue led broke so it can only turn shades of red and green
I want to kill myself
>tfw no bf to commit fraud with
my brother was rearranging his room and left his lava lamp on a folding table near the front door and i came back home from walking my dog and slammed it and it fell on the floor and i think my dog licked up some lava lamp fluid
You should make out with your brother
your dog might have to go to the vet. on Sunday that means a 24/7 emergency vet and those aren't cheap.
you should run a cum-crusted razor down your frenulum
that was months ago and she's fine
What's stopping you? Can't you buy an okay motorbike for like 6k? Not extremely expensive.
>I want to kill myself
I think this is going too far anon, you can buy a new orb to ponder, or a lava lamp.
I prefer self inserting as florian in these images but I can make an exception just this once.
I wish I had a brother to practice kissing with
What kind of fraud marriage fraud tax fraud identity fraud the list goes on forever.
I have been looking, 6k does seem to be the average price for a used one but I cannot afford it right now. Once I'm done paying off college maybe.
The orb just makes me mad because I only used it for like a month
I want to just open it up, surely it can't be too hard to replace a blue LED
Tax, identity, and credit fraud mostly maybe car insurance too
>tfw filefag has the ugliest feet in this thread
who has the cutest?
my fat neet body really is failing. I wonder if I'll even make it to the second anniversary of mom's death.
the doomer twink
Anyone who ever thought about fucking his brother doesn't have one. Otherwise they would know how gross they sound.
nobody said fuck him
but is your brother cute?
This is true, I don't have a brother and I find brother incest hot. Though I do have a cousin and did want to fuck him at one point (not anymore though).
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There may be a tutorial out there to do it even, yeah.
Gaynons fetishise the "older brother" trope too much, I think if most of you guys really had an older brother you wouldn't want to do any of this stuff with him.
You are trying to make me mad on purpose aren't you? Well it's not gonna work now that I've seen through your "clever" (if it can be called that) scheme.
This is an interesting read though. Human pscyhology is quite strange.

Did you at least pay for/replace the lamp?
This does make sense for me because my mother almost had a son before me but miscarried.
>I think if most of you guys really had an older brother you wouldn't want to do any of this stuff with him
Says who
I love when one half is different color from the other half, so cool
Good evening, everyone. If you read this reply, you have to smile.
ow that hurts
I summon thee into this thread
you fucking scum
thread full of cunts
Of course you would fucking do this you snarky piece of shit. It's always like this with you, how many times do you have to call me a "schizo" before you realize that I'm just pointing out true facts about your filthy, hole-riddled normie brain. I can't get any fucking peace around her because shitheads like you think they're the hottest, funniest shit on God's Green Earth.
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I kinda wanna have hot gay sex rn
I have a younger brother and once I had a slightly sexual dream about him and I felt sick when I woke up
It hasn't happened since and I've never felt that way about him in real life obviously but the fact that I had the dream once still fucking haunts me. I just tell myself it can be chalked up to some weird psychological bullshit intrusive thought or whatever.
if you have a brother you aren't a truecel sorry
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So are you bisexual or what?
Says me cos I said it can't you read?
I don't know how to smile, I just look weird.
NTA but kinda getting slightly attached to this poster, you're always consistent and always mad and that's more than I can say for most people.
I've had sexual dreams about people I don't like that way as well before, dreams really are strange.
I mean no one here is really a true incel right? Since say gex is so easy to get.
Cease replywhoring slutoid dog
O, dear Schizo! 'Tis but a miracle!
Blessed be thy mental illness
Myght all of the (You)s be none but thine
I'm like 99.99999% gay. Sometimes I see an androgynous woman and I'm like "hmmmm", and some FtMs are intriguing, but I'm definitely cockbrained. Never been with a woman despite the opportunities, never jerked off to a woman.
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I love being a whore a total little reply slut pump all your hot thick (you)s into my posts everyone huobbmgghgh
Suck on this (You) faggot
Waa so mean

My nips kinda ache ow
ew stop talking about your gross body queer
You should rub your nips against his to make them feel better
his belly is too rotund, they wouldn't reach
mmmmmmm guy belly
I might be chubby but my belly isn't distended meow
Why waa it hurts
I want to worship smooth taut twinkbelly.
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Sorry there were just a lot of interesting posts I will try to mass reply less in the future cos I know how annoying it is.
It was moreso if a joke reply I did not mean it all too seriously but as a denizen of this thread I will have to tell you that you cannot stay unless you are a 100% cock loving fag.
We are natural enemies
I must feel the chubby hairy tummy of a man
I'm not a man, I'm just a fat tub of lard with a brain.
That's fucking HOT
Give me your address N O W
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I'm not a man I'm just a worthless faggot hole

getting a fat retard bf should be easy why are you here
can you put me in your next mass reply
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Waa where bf heads will rollllllll where bf wrrraaa
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Nope cos I'll be going to bed in the next 3 mins so unless like 4 more people reply to me very quickly I can't do any such thing. Maybe next time (if you're lucky.)
russian rapist telegram channels
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No one would rape me meow I'm too pure and chaste and lovable meow
I wish I had someone to cook for, if they would clean up the mess.
*too ugly fat retarded
fixed for you :)
But I am only retarded out of those three and that just adds to my air of lovable goofyness meow besides rape is mean you do it to people you hate
thats not fair why
I would cook together with my fbf and then I would happily do the dishes and clean the table after but only in exchange for hugs and kisses.
Also I can't go to sleep yet cos mom is in the bathroom reeee.
Life is not fair life is cruel and hurtful and destructive and chaotic and sadistic and horrible and painful and somber and pityful and so on. At least you weren't born in a third world country, you should be happy about that.
Giff bf pleeze. Pleeze. Bf. Giv me bf pleeze. Pleeze. Bf. Pleeze. Giff mee bf pleeze. Meow.
This image makes me think "why did he allow himself to be put in a wedding gown and clothes and tiara and so on since that takes a lot of time and effort (and cooperation) to get on only to get mad when a guy (who is supposedly his wedding partner) approaches him.
if i catch any of you mf using the word 'sequelae' you will not live to see the next sunrise
make an original post
Perhapce he or his bf enjoys when he feigns resistance or then he has no choice meow either is hot I wanna be dressed into a wedding gown and bullied by my loving husband
leftover pork chops for dinner, didn't have lunch because I slept through it. My cooking meat wise isn't that bad actually. I just hate cleaning up the mess afterward.
unless said third world country doesnt have internet or electricity i dont see why it would be different. i guess a war could be annoying too, i guess...
I am older than Kai Cenat by 1(one) month
who is kai cenat
I decided to be straight
Later faggots
Bye, have a great time!
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erebus is lame
I would let Kharn the Betrayer rearrange my guts and he is free to interpret that statement as violently or literally as he wishes
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1. Cringe
2. Didn't ask
3. Shit taste
You're wrong and I'm allowed to respond to whatever I want and you're wrong again
Imagine only talking to when asked. You should start saying woof instead of meow
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There are what 10 traitor legions and you just gotta pick the one with the most retarded people and shittiest primarch I don't know how to save that although Kharn is better than most WE goons
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Waa where bf to puppypill me I just wanna stare at him like a dog
I don't even play world eaters I play thousand sons I just like kharn
need filey to gnaw on my cheeks
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I still think you are a cringy faggot cuh
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Well then I guess I'll just die about it
>meow totally isn't trans
>yet wants to be puppypilled which most mtf tranners are into.

I think there are approximately 10 bajillion times more gay dudes that are into puppy play than trans women
Yay meow good luck friend
I am still not mtf and will probably never be but you kinda radiate strong chaser vibes given how you seem to think about my transness multiple times daily lol
meow would be the little yappy dog that barks like crazy but can't fight worth shit.
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I am that now but if I had a nice loving owner I would be one of those puppies that just stares at you silently and then trips on their own paws while running towards you
range banning esls would be epic
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Imagine feeling superior over talking your first language just slightly better than someone talking it as their third
i don't have to imagine acksually
leave the eslers alone, I can barely type in English and it's my native tongue.
that's cuz you're fuckin dumb and useless lol!
That's precisely the problem here, swine
I've known I'm useless for a long time, only recently have I begun to accept it. I have absolutely nothing to offer to anyone.
You could offer me 200,000 us dollars, that's something
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I think pestering story for money is funny
If you can't speak more than one language you admittedly are a bit retarded
I think supporting story and helping him with his troubles is a funny and epic activity that we should all partake in, what do you think gang?
I can speak a tiny bit of spanish I lost most of it since college but I'm not downloading duolingo I can't handle that kind of daily stress in my life
You speak English because you have to communicate with me
So uh how do I take care of this drain? Mom always wanted to use baking soda and vinegar but that never worked. I think the clog is pretty high in the pipe since I get basically no time at all before the water starts backing up.
Drain consulting fees are 25,000 sir transfer via wire
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Have you considered googling "How do I unclog drain?"
if you use drain cleaner you need to tell the plumber that eventually comes over that you used drain cleaner because that opens a can of worms if it doesnt work
Drinking some of that might help your gross bowel issues too
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Meow where is my combatible bf does such a percon even exiest

that's why I don't want to use it.

I know I could google but I just want to talk to people here. I'm so lonely.
Get some other friends then
you know you can just make stuff up to get people to talk here right, no one's going anywhere and you shouldn't be actively destroying things in your life for the sake of (you)s
what are friends I've never had one in my entire life.
He definitely exists and he's also super hot and he has a cool apartment and a fun pet and he's basically just waiting for you to show up
poorfag bf
Doesn't sound very combatible if he's way better than me and could get someone more lovable and easy to maintain effortlessly
If a person near my age owns a house here they most likely got it with daddys money and that is cringe as hell tbdesu

my drain issues are real and not caused by me. I wonder if me washing out the marinates for the meat after I'm done with them did that? I don't even know how mom cleaned them up because I was always back upstairs by the time she was cleaning the kitchen after dinner.
Pour lots of oil down the sink to fix it
I don't believe people are inherently better or worse than one another I just think different people are compatible with different kinds of people and I think you are compatible with a cool attractive and supportive person
That or they're some finance freak and they don't have a soul and do a shit ton of cocaine and party all the time
In this thread you're saying that? Really?
Yes I am, and I'm saying it with my whole ass titties too
I don't and I don't also particularly want or expect a bf who is "objectively" perfect or even close my low self esteem would be problem enough with a lovable normal guy or maybe that's asking too much too I have no idea what I can ask for as I 've never had anything mutual
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My original reaction to that information
didn't someone say something about plunging the sink like you would a toilet? I think I'll get another plunger tomorrow and try it.
me after I steal story's fortune
imagine stealing his house and making him go die in the street. Just wait until his fat ass goes to the store then squat.
No, he never takes any advice all of it is his fault and he should be left to his own devices. I don't want to see same conversations when you mongoloids try to help him only to be met by a brick wall that will cry and come up with every excuse in the book. Fuck you, you make the threads worse
>I don't want to see same conversations when you mongoloids try to help him only to be met by a brick wall that will cry and come up with every excuse in the book
Funny, if we weren't talking about storykun that would apply to literally everyone itt :3
story making a few posts a day about his sink, ass, grass, or cats doesn't really make the thread any worse. certainly no worse than other personalityfags.
Epic post ad even epicer digits
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>showed my bf an autistic citybuilder game
>he wasn't very interested
I'm in agony
Just him, 3ds and meow. Who else?
at least story has never camwhored and doesn't snap back and forth between personalities.
I'd kill myself in all honesty. I know every single thing I'm passionate about would be of no interest to any guy so I don't even want to try
*snaps into my gay alter ego*
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I hope he breaks up with you over it
I like city builder games anon :3
Mostly City Skylines or Tropico though
He definitely does as his posts are disgusting and self centered, but later wouldn't be an issue if he was an interesting person which he is not. He repeats himself all the time and gets off on being gross and humiliated. It's funny he has his own stans.
banished isn't autistic, it's normie tier. workers and resources is far far more autistic.
He posted his eye and cats. If he wasn't so ugly he would do it for sure.
if you don't splinter you'll become recognized, a big no no
I hope his bf breaks up with him and you become his new bf while >78234347 seeths
TMNT splintered fate was disappointing. Combat wasn't that engaging and it being a roguelite meant I only did two runs until I got bored and stopped playing
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>tfw no bf to melt the world with
I think my dad was playing that the other day
He is a xoomer tmnt fanboy
there is no city builder game that has ever done it for me
it all ends up feeling so extremely hollow
real life citys dont exist in a vacuum

i want big geopolitics
a reason to be a powerful city
a reason to have a huge population
whether its set in modern day or mideval times or whatever

the only game i have found that comes close to this is Song of Syx but even that is lacking in a lot of things although the dev is slowly but surely making it better and better

the biggest letdown i have seen recently is Manor Lords
i had been waiting for Manor Lords for a very long time and it released lacking so much of the depth and features they promised
and then the dev put out a statement about "what Manor Lords is and isnt" where he killed off any plans to expand it into anything worthwhile

what is the game you are playing
why is tmnt even still a thing? did it get robooted because I remember it as very painfully 80-90s.
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Nostalgia bait like everything else
Not that there's anything wrong with that..
I wish they would stop releasing roguelites
Just make a linear fucking game just design levels with setpieces and story and cool cutscenes
"Ogh but the replay value"
manor lords has the core to be a good city builder with the organic city planning features but considering it took the one dev 7 years to get where we are now, and he has said that he has no plans to use the EA money to hire people to help him, we'll be lucky if he finishes around 2030 or so, assuming he doesn't get burnt out and abandon it.
oh and I just checked the reddit for the game, it;s getting ported to Unreal engine 5 so we get some prettier shadows and stuff but doesn't look like any new content is in the pipes except for crossbows being added.
>tfw no chao garden bf
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Is it bad I want a bf with a big penis
I had tears in my eyes reading this. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you anon T-T
No you're allowed to want what you want
I'm just bitter I was born with a normal penis but we have to play with the cards we're dealt
It is if you have a small one
Prostate is only about 2inches deep
Everything above 3-4 is just pure bottom greed
but I wanna feel like I can't walk again after being fucked. I need a large dick'd bf for that.
Because it's a fun franchise? Unlike star wars, star treck or whatever space scifi bs fags watch. First of 80s cartoon was fun and I watched it when I was a child. Growing up I watched 2003 which is the best one but they are very much different in tone and presentation. I liked noir and edginess of 2003. I didn't read comics tho I probably should have. I loved pretty much all old beat em ups (there is a ton of old tmnt games) and some newer ones too. Brs one by far is shredders revenge which is a new entry but a classic retro beat em up.
I have 6 on me
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I like average sized dicks. Bigger than mine as it should be but not impractical either
drunk brit did they show you this video in school https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1n9Jly3CQ8
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The size of my ego is only rivaled by my penis
so do you measure your pp from the top or the bottom?
Don't tell cockwhores that shove 30inch dildos up their loose ass
Man that's just depressing
Kids today are so much more screwed than they've ever been by shit they just don't understand
I don't think so, we did get a few talks from our headteacher about not sending nudes or joining gangs though
bread would you rather eat filefag ass or drunk brit ass?
ever get told bin that knoife?
Those dildos unironically cause me suicidal ideation
I hate the fact that my fbf may have used one before
I would never bf a boy who used dildos, it's gross and disgusting just fap my nigga are you a man or not?
I would be okay with my bf having used plugs or small dildos before but nothing ridiculously huge.
"finishing" the game is bullshit he plans to add basically nothing and clarified that in a big dev post
he got a bunch of money from hype and from a successful EA launch and now hes literally just going to walk with the money

of course hes not hiring anyone to help with the game because he would have to share the money

i dont remember his post really i just skimmed it got mad and unwishlisted Manor Lords
but im pretty sure he totally cut any idea of "moving up" and becoming king or anything like that or atleast there being any meaning to conquering all the territorys
he cut any idea of a bigger world around you with other states actually doing stuff
he didnt really speak on it but i say he cut the "deep simulation" that was promised
its no more deep then ANY other city game where people walk to whatever building to do a little animation to fulfil there needs versus just magically having them filled as they work forever

so what is Manor Lords? in my opinion the most basic bare bones mideval citybuilder ever made with almost no depth to it at all

if it was 2013 Manor Lords wouldnt have been impressive mechanics wise and even the graphics arent great
from videos i have seen i dont feel all the models feel like they properly go with one another

also so much for the "in depth large scale field battles" they promise TO THIS DAY on the Steam page

it could have been awesome but the dev got money and basically decided to exitscam
I got one of those prostate massagers but I rarely can be bothered using toys of any kind
I'm fuckin lazy
I want to practice a little bit just so I don't bitch and cry when I bottom for the first time but I would always use the smallest one possible so that I never have gross thoughts like being unsatisfied with my bf's dingdong
What's crazy is how hard I saw this shilled on youtube
So many youtubers were like AW HELL YEAH I GOT EARLY ACCESS TO MANOR LORDS THIS GAME IS SUCH A CRAZY IN DEPTH MEDIEVAL SIMULATOR and then I actually saw it and wondered what they were smoking
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filey but I don't like speaking vulgar about him

I bought it in EA, so I guess I'm partially responsible for that.
do all brown people obsess over randoms they dont know?
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I really wanted Manor Lords to be a great and complete game. Looks like CK2 and Total War will have to do for a while longer
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ancestry.com said I'm more ashkenazi jew than native.
jews are 10x more likely to develop bpd and schizophrenia hmm
because he was probably scamming from the start
obviously even at the time all of them were being paid and probably had NDA contracts or whatever binding them to give a good review

you should be hung
EA is cancer and never should have been allowed. gabe just had to be greedy.
Join a cozy gay server for robots only! :D

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Who will r9gay vote for now...
My cousin came out gay and has a boyfriend... An Englishman. How can he bring such shame doubly on our family.
Why haven't you seppuku'd yet
Are you waiting for a raging negro to finish you off instead
im still voting biden
You know Catholics can't kill themselves. God forbids and I follow.

Also might buy land in the hood soon so niggas might kill me soon that way...
Wonderful video on suffering for christ:

I suffer for myself and my fbf and no one else
Christ can't have any
Heavenly Kingdom of Taiping
It's not even 9pm and I just want to go sleep. not because I'm tired but because I'm bored.
I am in the exact same boat, brother. I miss the days when I would just stay up until 3 AM even when I had to get up at 6 the next morning.
foid vs 30 iq orangutan
horrific and stomach-churning rape
the orangutan is only into kids though
Then she rapes it just to make it suffer
So many mother problems.... Sorry lads +
the foid is lesbian though
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It'll probably amount to nothing but my family might have a job for me by the end of the year. Their burgeoning business may be doing even better than I thought if there's room for someone like me
Isn't your economy on the verge of collapse? Escape to the Isle of Men before it's too late..
Foids will do anything to spread suffering
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where do I get a bf like that on the left
The circles under my eyes have gotten worse
I'll keep them for aesthetic
most bottoms will ride dick, you kinda have to.
so is our brit from the norf or the souf?
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The economy is a bit shit but escape requires money which I don't have until some people die. Being an overpaid secretary and learning how to eventually run a business seems alright until then.

>banished isn't autistic, it's normie tier
to an autist it's normie-tier
to a normie it's just as autistic as the rest of them
most people don't find colorful spreadsheet management games "fun"
what accent do you have? I love British accents.
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I sound like the gay uncle from Withnail and I. If the accent has a name I'm not aware of it
without a video clip I have no idea what this sounds like. I bet it's cute though, all British accents are cute.
I think the hemorrhoid might be going back in. even if it isn't this is will be the last post about it unless I have to go to the doctor for it.
Well god bless and god speed on your recovery
Tomorrow I'm going to the stomach doctor and they're going to tell me what they plan to do about my fucked up stomach lining so I'm a little nervous about that
I hope I can go back to eating spicy food soon
Before work tomorrow I'm going to the dentist to get a small cavity filled
r9gay is healing
My teeth really are nasty. I think I might even buy a toothbrush/paste at the store tomorrow. It has been so long I'd have to buy new ones.
The collective rot of all our bodies is being covered with a whole bunch of bandaids
I think I'm going to take up baking again. I just have to do some cleaning up, and buy some pans and ingredients then I'll be making lots of tasty treats
I never did make my cornbread, can't really do that with a stopped up sink now anyway.
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>tfw no bf to retire to bed with as I once again grumble about a show I continue to watch being inferior to a book
i met up with beach boy earlier today. he got a girlfriend last month. today he was with a different girl. i invited my other friend but he didn't come because he couldn't confirm i was coming because i left my phone at home
being a gorgeous funny twink with awesome style and stunning looks ain't easy
this mailbox is mine
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everyone on this thread is underaged
would you guys rather eat a 3rd trimester aborted baby (raw) or be violently raped by shaq for one steamy night (8 hours of meat)
teenage fags on 4chan?? no fucking way whattt anon huhhh whattt
rape isnt even that bad and 99% of the time its not violent and for the 1% where it is violent, 99% of those could've been nonviolent if the person being raped didn't upset and mess with the rapist so much.
edging so hard i'm crying
> rape isn't that bad
anyways not what i fucking asked
The baby. It's not any different from eating any other kind of meat.
Cannibalism taboo makes sense on a social level but for an individual It's so arbitrary, as long as you didn't murder someone to eat then
you eat raw meat?
Say if you choose the other option the baby gets to live
Do you still eat it?
r9gay story time.
wow what a real story that really happened
So this is how k*wi got to 40k subs on yt huh
seems like average foid behavior to me. if we sent everyone like this to a mental hospital then there would be no foids left for straightoids to reproduce with.
he mogs me sadly.
[s4s] should be deleted and all posters hacked to pieces desu
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thank you for calling me a dirty little nigger uwu~
i am not him bruv
some of you have been here for far too long dont you think
is there like a discord group dedicated to cataloguing every single vocaroo this guy sends or something
I saw that vocaroo when patrolling /s4s/, very nice one.
in my kiwinigger headcanon, he uses these lines like a quest npc on every single mentally ill boy he sees until one sticks so he can scar them with cuts just to leave and start up again. that's his grind until he levels up to an accidental murder.
I still think the funniest thing he did was get a latino bf after stringing known latino 3DS along and then humblebragging about it to him in a vocaroo, just really rubbing his face in it
it's board culture chuds

did you know if you ctrl + s it auto spoils? just figured that out.. it's been years
nigger :3
oh no i feel so bad that someone got harmed by a female, there's no way he could have known such a thing would happen
I'm still morally good because all the SSNs I've been taking note of are from w*men
im overaged
i wish a boy would just shut the fuck up and come live with me
it's really that simple
hmm im getting evicted soon are you under or over aged
im a big boy
why are you getting evicted
my lease is ending and im not financially independent for now...
oh okay as long as you didn't burn the place down
do you want a job though, they kinda suck
i dont really want to get a job but im not sure if i can continue to avoid it at this point, not that im going to be homeless within the year just that life is going to become very annoying for me. i should feel anxious right now but i dont feel anything
screw anxiety and jobs
how much luggage are you bringing?
i could do 1 bag desu but i need my computer and desk too ;(
eh there's a whole attic and garage for extra stuff so you're good
and lots of space and outlets for mr puter
so your flight will be at least around 13 hours
when do you wanna fly, morning or night? either is fine by me
I'm madly in love with filey
okay :)
id prefer to fly around 4am so the road and airport are empty but any time in the morning is fine. why is it going to be 13hours though thats a long time, i do have a passport but that couldve been a big deal too
Finally I know what this song is called. Good to know I wasn't the only one who didn't know that. Iconic!
love playing pic rel in bleach brave souls
Prime toptard delusion, bravo

Now kill yourself
You might be not satisfied by it anyway, sex is mostly in your head and if the top is bad at fucking or cums too fast etc. a nice cock won't save them
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Meow where bf to be mean at me meow meow
guess that means its time for bed
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Thank you for vagueposting
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Against the curse, we dream
Sorry for the cringe image but I feel this on a personal level and want to share it for no good reason at all
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kinda explains why I am a slut
Packing my stuff. Using this as an excuse to dress up. Will try my yoshikage kira-esque ""cosplay"" I have a tie and similar long sleeve shirt
I just woke up and I'm going to make cornbread just to spite you
lol this is funny
cause you would fly across the atlantic
Why are you here then like genuinely
Most guys here that say they're sluts are virgins who are just sluts spiritually, in their souls
Some of us built this place, you're just a parasite

okay, you having cornbread doesn't hurt me in any way. I hope you enjoy it.
Virgins that flirt with everyone and post their nudes are basically sluts and not bf material
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Cornbe Rread
That does look really good. I've never had anything but just regular corn bread before so I was wondering if when you taste this if you would recommend that recipe you used.
I absolutely would not as it turns out grating apples into cornbread doesn't do shit, it's not a strong enough flavor
If I had added a bunch of cinnamon sugar maybe
As it turns out this was just sort of cornbread that took extra work
That sounds cute.
India is a literal sh*thole as far as I know I am every day happy I wasn't born there.
If you alt + s it auto sages too. The more you know. Also if you highlight a section and then press ctrl + s it spoilers that section.
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I feel like that is one of the nicest things someone has said about me in a while. Almost makes me tear up a bit.
I don't think that is really true.
I can't believe anon actually delivered the corn bread

too bad it turned out badly because bottoms can't cook
Don't enable him maybe
We're dancing, baby, under open skies
My heart is crazy, it tells me you're the one
I should run
And the feeling goes on
I am great at cooking so take that back you fucking hater
cooking and baking are too different things. Anyway did you you a mix for the cornbread or was it from scratch?
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I am good at baking too meow yay
I was going to use a recipe since I linked one but I actually cheated and just added melted butter and grated apple to a jiffy vegetarian mix
After having another piece it is not occurring to me it may have just tasted like shit because there was still soapy residue or something in the mixing bowl when whoever cleaned it last didn't wash and dry it properly
I'm not a bottom I'm just retarded
Yeah I used the right one
I never feel comfortable adding or subtracting from a mix, I just try and follow the directions exactly.
New moon, would you open the gates
And take me away from this night
New moon, between the curtains
Walk me away on your silvery bridge
New moon, lay your mercy on me tonight
is there a ghost in your sink? who could have washed the bowl other than you
That's usually true if it's a component that's essential to the chemical baking process like the eggs or baking soda but if it's just something for extra flavor or moisture like mashed fruit or butter it's usually fine
That's the main reason I use mixes, when I want to try adding something to a pastry but I don't want to go to all the trouble of measuring out all the ingredients and whipping it properly in a mixer to make something super fancy from scratch
I live with my parents still
you leech off your parents and don't even do the chores?
what his mom or something baked last? In my parent's house it was you use it, you wash it.
I mean
If I cook something I clean up afterwards
If they cook something they clean up afterwards
Sometimes I'll do the dishes when they make dinner for themselves (i mostly cook for myself) but sometimes they make stuff while I'm at work idk
I mow the lawn if that improves your estimation of me at all
all i know how to make is bacon and eggs
let's see I can cook

>fried meat
>breakfast stuff
>steamed potatoes
>hamburger helper skillet meals (I just can't seem to fucking clean up after making them)

and I can bake

>birthday cake from a mix
>ready bake cookies

Is there any hope for my fat neet ass?
I mean that's enough for the most part
For me cooking is just kind of throwing whatever stuff I like into a pan
I'm super picky and 90% of recipes have stuff in them I don't like so I don't even bother, I either fry or bake meat, fry or steam vegetables, and throw whatever sauces or spices I like on them and that all goes over pasta or rice, depending on how asian it is
>stomach hurts until hungry again
>cycle repeats.

why am I like this?
Maybe you have gastritis
That's what I've got and that happens to me all the time
Basically when you eat your stomach acid increases but this agitates your stomach walls causing them to swell, making a normal amount of food feel like you've drastically overeaten to the point of pain
They remain swollen, keeping you feeling full and suffering, until the food is digested and the stomach acid goes back down, relieving the stomach inflammation and immediately making it feel like you're starving out of nowhere
Not fun

why am i like this?
that sounds a lot like what is going on with me. I take OTC acid reducers but I don't think they're helping much.
Maybe you have herpes
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You may want to talk to a doctor. He prescribed me picrelated because he was hoping that my stomach lining would heal over time while my stomach acid was low, but I kept doing shit to make it worse and so now we're moving to more severe medical intervention
I was just at the dentist today and they didn't say anything about that :/
I need to go to the store to get a plunger for the sink but I'm feeling lazy. Watch me wait until it's fully clogged and I can't use it at all.
how do you clog a sink

I don't even know. I don't put oil down it, I wipe that up with a paper towel and throw it away. The only things I can think of is the marinates I wash out into the sink, and not prewashing the plates I put into the dishwasher, maybe some particles are clogging the drain.
>not prewashing the plates I put into the dishwasher,
m8 you're supposed to rinse them beforehand
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did you already clean the pipes
Should have flushed mamastory's bits down the toilet and not the sink

guess I'll start doing that.


No, I don't want to start taking pipes apart in case I can't them back together.
bc 4chan is my home
I'm trans. non virgin
There's only a risk of boogeyman attack if you sleep away from the well/to the open space the boogeyman can't get you if you're sleeping with your back to the wall.
Just an fyi depending on the sink you have. Assuming it's the typical flat bottomed kitchen sink get a flat plunger, if it's the more curvy ones like those in a washroom sink you should get the one on the left. Just figured I'd give you a heads up since I originally bought the flat one for my toilet but it didn't do anything I then learned that different ones have different uses.
it's as easy as stacking legos and you probably have a shitton of grime there that a plunger won't fix
see this is what happens when you don't have a competent home repair bf like me
tsk tsk tsk

I've looked them up and I think I need the one on the right for my sink. It's just a normal flat bottom stainless steel sink basin, nothing fancy.
gluten tag
Yeah that should be the one you need then. I don't know if you have a dual basin sink, but if you do whichever one you're not plunging you should also make sure to put the stopper in it. If you do end up going out to get the plunger I hope you have good on fixing it and it isn't clogged up too badly but it shouldn't be if the water is still going down albeit slowly I would imagine

yes it has two basins, of course I never use the second one and have it piled high with stuff, someone of having been there since mom died. I'll have to find the stoppers too, maybe just buy a new one.
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Who is r9gays favourite youtuber/streamer?
I'd tell you but then I'd have to rape and kill you
I only watch history youtubers and I don't watch video game streamers at all.
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I love this fat little babyman like you wouldn't believe
That's how my sink is too and honestly you probably don't need a stop or you just need something to make it so that air doesn't pass through it. Buying a new one I think would be a waste of money personally
oh where am i going

a sink stopper isn't that expensive though. I'm looking through all the cabinets and not finding the old ones. I have no idea where mom kept them. What else could I use that would both be airtight and come out easy?
muh dick in yo sinkhole
Hopefully the boogeyman wants to be my bf meow
my youtube feed is completely dead these days
the... *a sudden gust of wind rustles the trees and ominous music starts playing* ...balkans (at least it's not brazil)
does Finland have any good folklore/legends about beats and spirits and things?
The things that I do know are pretty ebin but a ton has been lost
I just checked and it looks like a wet dishcloth would work well for it. And if that isn't easy to get out I'd be shocked sorry for the late replies I've been a bit busy running around like a chicken with my head cut off doing last minute cleaning

that's fine. I'm about to eat lunch before I go so I'm not tempted to get fast food on the way back. I'll try the wet towel I can always go back for a stopper.
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Can you do it in the reverse order so my body and mind isn't defiled for my fbf in hell?
I feel like I recognise this guy from somewhere but can't tell what. Also he looks like a fatter Louis CK,
So who is your favourite history youtuber then?
Demons/cryptids are not to be trusted! Don't let them fool you with sweet words.
Sucks for you thanks for the awesome and informative reply.
There you go.
doesnt sound bad at all but i cant speak a second language so i guess ill have to be a deaf-mute from now on
Replysluts burn in hell
bottoms can fucking cook fuck you anon
Would you rather I space out my replies to each and individual anon in 3 posts, or what? They all replied to me.
Imagine coming home to a nice meal prepared by your boiwife bottom. He greets you with a kiss and you a saucy slap on his butt. He giggles and you eat together while he asks you about your day and you his.

tops only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.
the only """top""" here is a greasy mom beater spic
most of the tops here are bifags and will leave you for a woman anyways
i was just explaining my lack of contribution also my current favorite streamer is a very small channel and i dont know if anyone would see the appeal so so
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Why would a bifag get with me in the first place if they want a woman
god put me on the track to become a sexy millionaire but the devil tempts me to become a boiwife
its not uncommon to leave a relationship after a year or two
they can't get real pussy only tranoids
temporary distraction out of desperation
If my fbf ever tries to leave our relationship I'll have to kill him.
lole everyone speaks english now so you won't have to be the retard
oh well I wish you could actually just fly in tomorrow even if for a week, that would be so cool to have a fren visit
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i JUST want to COOK for a CUTE BOY
i JUST want to COOK for a CUTE BOY
i JUST want to COOK for a CUTE BOY
i JUST want to COOK for a CUTE BOY
i JUST want to COOK for a CUTE BOY
you'll have to cook for a fat ugly man instead
I want to feed a cute boy sponge cake and pasta dishes until he becomes chubby and lazy and can't get up off my couch and then he is mine forever
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Meow where manhusband for me to be a boywife for meow
But I have done that too except I'm not bi and didn't get with anyone new
Wouldn't it be manwife
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I self identify as a boy because my youth was wasted meow
No I mean wouldn't it be "where manwife for me to be a boywife for"
also holy crappas that's a small opossum
I wish it could work like that :( I already feel old and frumpy with nothing to show for it
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I'm trans btw if that matters meow
>filename doesn't start with IMG
impostor impostor impostor impostor
meow is finally trooned out
again I have no issues cooking, it's the cleaning I hate. Now off to the store.
yeah that would be cool sigh...
also i have to leave now see you later
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I don't understand de meow
No god made us to be a wife and a husband I want a husband not a wife

Also the banana is just huge
Homohag Faggotism Activate
Which meow is real and which is the imposter? Find out next time on r9 gay z
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No matter as both are humongous faggots who should be raped to death
he got u there
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I don't understand sorry meow got me how
take care anon
have my email if you like (no disc)
you never know what the future holds

my tooth filling feels weird, weird resin. i do not like this nope.
This picture is basically how story has been talking about his hemorrhoids
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So current ongoing plotlines of r9gay are
that one guy going to the dentist for his wisdom teeth
story's hemorrhoids problem
story's sink problem
meow's autism appointment
that guy with the hole in his stomach lining

Anything I missed?
you with the dick shaped hole in your ass
I'm pretty sure that hole is dick shaped for everyone
I'm going to a consultation about my stomach lining in like ten minutes, hopefully we figure something out
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My ass is too narrow to be dick shaped
Good luck anon I wish the best for you!
Aw comment was not original.
i'm such a baddie it's unreal
If my fbf doesn't stare at me when I'm not looking he doesn't even really love me
Based free thinker
Cringe autistic rule follower
>he does it for free
the best part of cooking is fucking around
recipes are loose guidelines
So it's going to be one those anemic days huh
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Forgot about my exam arc....
Are you the bosnian rabbit?
How is me posting 2 days about getting my wisdom teeths out a plotline?
They're doing fine btw tho it does feel like there is some food stuck in my left one idk feels weird
Creeps, I hate people who stare at you. Avoid eye contact like a normal person
He said stares at you while you are not looking you retard that's not eye contact
got a new mic, if I get one (you) I'll make a song

>life is so hard.. for this.. brown boy..
>open my eyes.. and see.. the slums..
>it's off again.. with zero cash..
>I'll grab my 3ds...

>went to the beach.. to find.. a mate..
>saw such a cute.. who couldn't.. be straight..
>stared at his face.. his eyebrows raised..
>told me he's.. with girl.. number eight!

>[go to the club.. just to sit.. in a corner.. till everyone leaves..
>this level in Kart.. is quite hard.. when I finish.. it gives me.. real glee..
>I'm going back home.. to my mom.. wish that I'd have tendies with tea..
>I'll write up my blogpost.. so come in.. and see.. this is.. miserable me!]

>(drive up to Miami, you can save me, you can save me x2
>fly into Miami; you can save me, you can save me x2
>drive up to Miami, you can save me, you can save me x2)

>"come marry me.." is what.. you ask me..
>bring some games first.. I'd need.. to know you..
>all I ask.. No L-D-R..
>and don't leave me.. when day breaks!

>[you know I liked kiwi.. till he.. got his bf.. and gave me the knee..
>the others just.. ghost me.. for hours.. there's no one for me.. can't you see?..
>I'll put on my.. sex voice ... start rambling ... here's one more vocaroo.. oh yea...
>don't call me.. a whore.. when I just need.. some (you)'s to.. accompany me!]

>[..I hate these.. trannies ... they're sluts.. and I wish that they'd just let me be..]
>[....The pizza it.. laughs at me.. I'll grab it.. when no one is looking at me....]
validate all thread whores yess
If it's your boyfriend that's not creepy stupid anon is a bakamoron.
Playing gay chicken with my fbf
Her is your (you) now give me a song
thank you, please return tomorrow
Not my fault you made a mistake you gross retard, don't get a bf if you have a giant fuckoff meltdown at the thought of accidentally locking eyes with your FUCKING BOYFRIEND you stupid chud piece of shit stop projecting your mtf fetish onto me it's gross and weird
r9gay if he real
Shut your fat tranny ass up you subhuman autist. You don't get to decide who gets a bf or not, nor do you get to project your idea of a bf onto someone else. Eat shit, get raped and end your miserable life you mtf moomin looking fuck.
almost forgot 3ds his extravagent list
>also be white.. and uncut.. and be rich.. and what else.. pretty please?
am i supposed to clap now i dont give a fuck
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I'm an empathetic and good bf Ruotsi.
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The doctor said they can't put a camera down my throat for another month they're so busy
Apparently everyone is having stomach problems in my city
I guess I will just suffer then
*for a week
Wee ooo weee ooo melty alert melty alert weeee ooooo weee ooo
I'll be a good bf until the day I die.
plunged the sink, it's a little better but still backing up if I run the water for more than 10 seconds or so. Not sure what to do about it but I bought some time.
keyed aryan muscular twunk hands typed this
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Regardless if that is true or not you live thousands of kilometers away from me so it doesn't really matter much I think.
Good job, may I ask how you did it? Another thing you can try doing is pouring boiling water down it if it's going to go down anyways doesn't hurt to try. When I was a dumbass and decided to make my metamucil by pouring boiling water in it and made effectively slime and then wasn't even bigger dumbass by cutting it up and putting it down the sink drain clogging it boiling water cleared that up
I will go to sweden in my effay winter attire
PC room here is too hot I can only play for 15min before starting to sweat. Playing immortals of aveum. It's mediocre but playable for now. For 25 min at the time that is.

cleared out the other side and plugged it (I found the stopper) then plunged and plunged and plunged on the main side I had been using. Really hurt my arms and I had to take several breaks but eventually I must have got something. I'll try the boiling water later. I am going out for dinner tonight simply because I'm too physically tired and have nothing to cook. I was so single minded getting the plunger I completely forgot to grab a pack of burgers or something for dinner.
bread trying to scam swedish neetbux now?
Nighty night r9gay I'm going to dreamland.
You'll freeze to death that way, wear some thick clothes instead.
I don't have much neetbux anyway, not much to take.
unless you're outside for hours at a time then you really don't need too much winter clothes. just some jeans and a store bought coat is good enough you don't need a full on parka.
I got a coat, jeans, cowboy boots, chaps, and a purple scarf.

Good night!
>tfw no yakuza bf
all walls must fall gaming time
What about cuddlesex?
thigh sex and hotdogging is where it's at.
I'm curious did you fill the side you were plunging with water? I don't know if it needs the stuff, but potentially it does. I only have ever plunged a toilet, hate doing that it's gross. I hope the boiling water works for you if you do try it! And have a great dinner anon sometimes you deserve a break and you actually worked on the sink this time so you deserve one of you ask me.

no, did it dry. I don't see how I could have dine it with water in the sink because it's not fully stopped up. If put a stopper in then wouldn't that defeat the purpose of causing the stuff in the pipes in loosen?
What does that mean meow cuddling is not zex
I think he means really slow, intimate sex with lots of skin contact vs more traditional fuggin.
If the water doesn't back up at all then it wouldn't be plugged in the first place you can just let it flood a bit not overflow but fill up and do it that way. But like I said I don't know if that actually makes a difference. I'll look it up and see if having water helps or not
Yeah it seems like it's not the best idea so ignore me I'm stupid.

I was actually getting my dinner, I wasn't ignoring you.
Oh I didn't mean it that way, I meant my advice was not good and you should ignore it
Possibly worse than regular sex meow ewwww grossest things ever
speak for yourself meow, cuddlesex sounds amazing.
>people who can't go to bed unless everyone else is asleep

You are so dumb it's so funny
Meow meow I hate sex I wanna be raped to death that would fix me ewww dildo in my asshole yay
Maybe in terms of sex but sex should die physical touch is the devil kill kill kill
He's kinda hot
for you maybe, I want physical touch more than anything.
My back hurts, but I'm finally in bed. Honestly I wish I was dead. Or at least in a better place.
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sex with chad in his butte and onahole lips
that is a transgender dear anon
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whats the adams apple insertion surgery called
i didnt say she needed to insert one
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im not getting what youre on about bro
My jaw hurts waaah waaah

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