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languages edition
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Corr it lovely day for a wizza and a nice cold cider de lads. What you drinking? It summer. It lush!
1st for gassing school teachers
original postings
>meet a new friend who's into film
>his favourite film is zack snyder's justice league and he didn't know who sergio leone was
well I don't need friends anyway
except the hot ones who i wanted to bang
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SSM is turning yellow. Worried he has liver failure
New thread lads, made just now
4 /britfeel/ threads in the catalog
A thread of chimpanzees trained to respond to certain words and image
Miss Granger teaching geography. Coooorrrrr I fucking swear she had the nicest arse. What made it better was that she 100% KNEW she had an amazing arse and would wear tight skirts to show it off. All boys school as well, I swear she was a kinky little minx.
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sniff on these my leeeed x
surprised the fat cunt didn't inhale it in one mouthful inside the takeaway
you're seething at an AI frog and a silly story a grown man made up about it
footlad you're back it's been a while
thread has slowed right down
should speed up now footlad is back
Does Shush still post anywhere?
We both off work tomorrow so having a few vodkas in the house.
Can't remember the last time I got drunk on a Sunday tbqhwy
She's on Lollers discord but hasn't been online in months.
even entry level helperologists would be shocked by this. there could have been a second, already consumed, pizza i guess
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Found this photo of your dad
What the plan then winners, 2 more 3 hour threads to get you to bedtime then do it all again tomorrow?
It was a fake character lad. There was no Shush.
the girls have decided it's time to bring back some older dollies to play drama with
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He sick. He not well. He got chronic alcohol poisoning.
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Wish Greggs was open
Ruth and Laura's tuppences
aight genuine question on this
is greggs a money laundering front or something? because like i don't understand why there's so many of them in towns and cities, often so close to one another like literally a couple of streets away at most. i get you want market penetration but there's a certain point where surely it HAS to be something more than that
>Wish Greggs was open
kek scream howl crease?
No because it's closed. It sad
Based flad. I'd give em a good sniff for ya.
Angela currently reading the riot act
Some franchises have been known to put up two or more locations very close to each other and make them compete.
My dad could shag your dad easy
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Glad you still pop in every now and then mate. Threads have been dire lately
what time does the trip on footrat v toothless mong war start?
8 minutes without a post
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SprogIess troon in a squalid Abroath flat
arrested by the Polis for indecent exposure
Here comes the seethe kek
Wonder if Arbroathy has nice manicured feet
Wonder if you will ever see your brown sprog
Grown man. Takes bennies from the government and spends it on castrating himself.
>Dear diary today has been a frantic day of trying to get dolly Arbroathy and dolly Shippy to fight online
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Mak update

Worried about Makaveli's excessive drinking
Topless Mak best Mak
in the absence of thread drama youtube drama will do
heard on the discord ssm is getting another ps5
If he is, it will be scammed from Amazon, used for approximately 1 week then sold to CEX.
>ooh, it's lush. and its lush
what does he mean by this
>wake up
>grey but bright
>must be Monday morning, 6am-ish?
>6:30p-fuckin-m, still Sunday

SSM says 'lush' whenever he is getting great pleasure of of something, be it eating a takeaway or downing his favourite beer
Wonder if he says "ohh it lush" when he's shagging Helen
>shagging Helen
SSM and Helen are just friends, no?
Nah mate he likes the blokes buttholes. Nothing lush about Ellen
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not enough money to buy a house or enough to leave the country
itll be grim if crypto doesnt take off after the US elections
you couldnt even give me an answer when i asked you if you had black kids. That gives me the impression you know you made a huge mistake and that you're ashamed of them and yourself
ive been told i have nice feet yea
that shit he drinks must be destroying his insides he looks awful
Favourite SSM moment lads?

For me it was him eating a huge goyslop-tier takeaway curry which getting severe heartburn, going "OooHhh eurghegruheh, pooh god, fuck ooh I don't feel too-EURREGHUGH-too good", but all the while still shoveling forkful after forkful into his gob like he couldn't put two and two together.

Actually had tears in my eyes with that shit.
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There is a very high chance SSM has visited /britfeel/ at least once before
Ah this cope again. I've already posted proof numerous times they are more than friends.
Nice tidy little sum if real lad. But if course it comes with the caveat that you're a man in a dress.
Grown man is the best gimmick /britfeel/ has ever had
>oooohhh, uhhhh, oohh thats hot, oooooohhhh, thats hot that is
that was a good video. sad that his fans dont buy him madras curries anymore
for me its his pissed in me pants stream or his drunk in asda trip
that one last year where he pretended to do his bollocks in with his chest on display was kino too
Not every alizeepost is me you mong. More than half of them are impersonators
Appreciate the kind words lad. I'll admit that I'm here 16 hours a day, glad I could contribute this to the britfeel codex.
hi Terry Deary
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Don't care what you think anymore I love my little mixed race sprog
That post was actually me, dolllymong
I've been here 16 hours a day too lately. The first time in almost 2 years that the gimmick has been accurate
keep hearing down The Britfeel Arms you're a racist. glad to hear it's just them trolls. stay strong x
Aside from posting the grown man gimmick I'm also a known poster lol, but I won't reveal that.
I wonder if he eats at all? Don't know how you can drink so much but be so skinny with a normal diet
Reckon Mark will go live again today?
anyone remember nubs? or was that the other britfeel? everything blends together
>Reckon Mark will go live again today?
No, he's had his fill now
so do you have a wog sprog or what?
do yous want to know how my coffee was? think that was this morning (?), earlier today anyway
I am against the Greeks. That's why I'm learning their language
Grown man. At his computer all weekend. Decides that he'll be at his computer all next week too.
Nubs stopped posting when I asked her why she allowed Shout to rape her.
I kept asking her if she liked anal, but she always dodged the question.
Yeah I do. Didn't make a mistake and not ashamed
Yes I have a mixed sprog. Please don't use racist terms
Grown man. Sat at his desk, arse pressed up against the glass of his 'floor to ceiling window'. Pretending to be shipanon
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wee ape sprog
Burst out laughing at this post. Very good lad!
i unironically really enjoy spending all day/night on the computer doing more or less nothing, and have been doing it successfully for a number of years
Everytime I go to type out 'floor to ceiling window' I burst out laughing so hard I can barely compose the post. I really struggled with this one too
Cheers. Proud of that one myself haha.
Grown man. Spends all day on britfeel. Opens youtube but doesn't seem anything interesting. Back to britfeel. Opens youtube again ten minutes later to the same result. Thinks he's a winner.
this but look at my steam library instead of youtube
What would doing it unsuccessfully look like exactly?
Riff Raff. There's a channel called Riff Raff.
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Having that BLT sandwich me. I see Biden has dropped out the race. Writing was on the wall for some time.
not enjoying it i guess. wanting to do something else. having a brown sprog.
Not very nice of Arbroathy to go off-name and slag off Shippy's mixed race sprog
the Wales meltdown after he had only supported them for about 3 days

his interview where he dresses like a tramp and can't stop laughing when he tells there guy he's there for the interview

when he was walking along the seafront eating ice cream, talking about how he treated himself to two scoops because he's on holiday
>child support
>brown sprog
>grown man
>floor to ceiling window
Holy fuck this might be the best few weeks in britfeel history.
Grown man. Looks up as he walks down the street. Notices a bloke has his arse pressed up to the glass of his 'floor to ceiling window'. Anus visible
I burst out laughing that time his smoke detector went off
I lookup my old friends on Instagram too. They're all doing much better than me.
i always keep my name on. im not a faggot
how often do you masturbate to their pictures
This. Plus the shitty/arby feud and zimlad nuking the thread. Truly a magical journey.
Is Arbroath a nice place to Iive?
Didn't even see that. Got my breaking news from HelperLad
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You are a man having sex with another man. You are indeed a faggot
it was. its rundown and full of wogs like every other seaside town now
She identifies as female now Shippy. Get that through your thick skull.
there is literally nothing wrong with a man pretending to be a girl while he gets fucked hard by another man in fact the idea is quite arousing
A lot of wogs in Tottenham too
rewatched bojack horseman. pretty good but makes me ruminate on my own poor life choices and now i feel butterflies in my stomach
I've missed having a trans lass in /britfeel/
File deleted.
it's only gay if you love eachother
Uhh Shipanon will NOT like this post one bit!
Is that Shippy's daughter then
holy fuck please dont they are literal demons
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Shippy said his daughter was 'surprisingly light skinned'
>file deleted
Fuck what was it? Someone upload to Imgur?
Zimlad don't post pics of your sprog in /britfeel/ ffs
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always been curious about oranjeboom. does any lads live anywhere with these in stock? i can't imagine what a 20% ABV beer tastes like
ugly little black bastards
a woglet
>Fuck what was it?
Shippy posted his sprog then deleted it.
every 'seaside town' is like Beamish
>and here's the pier where fisherman used to dock, they still could if they wanted
>over there's the old bandstand - George Formby actually played there once
>that Mecca bingo hall used to be a big amusements hall, eee so many stories from my gran
>see that stretch of beach? here's an old postcard showing tourists actually visiting, you still get smackheads lounging to this day
A grown man sits in his room, he's been there all day. He's giddy with excitement as he impersonates another poster in hopes he's causing online drama
Did anyone nab it? Upload it somewhere else so the other lads can see
I bust out laughing that time he was down sandford lane and a police car pulled up behind him. Someone posted a screenshot here but I didn't save it
you having a little cheeky chug over that thought lad?
This isn't the right style, lad. It's supposed to be short sharp and to-the-point sentences.
Not many full blooded ones
imagine how lively and wholesome our seaside towns would be if we didnt gut our own industries
Well nothing wrong with pumping a few IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies is there?
if it was the same image as yesterday it's just a child at a table, face scribbled down, arm/palms visible so clearly dark-skinned (black or maybe mixed race).
very odd thing to save, for the freaks who did.
favourite video game lads? for me it's half-life
I hope SSM finally gets that move to Swanage. It his dream.
you seem to recall the image vividly, have you been thinking about it a lot?
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Big fan of Seaside: Back the Birds
AI lad needs to make more of these, they do make me chuckle.
lush game lid and i mean lush
It was my daughter
Probs Witcha 3 or RDR 2
Quite basic taste but these games I constantly come back to
Pokemon series as a whole too for childhood nostalgia
still has to be Morrowind
using your daughter for (you)'s is a new low, even for you shippy
shufflepuck cafe
At least we can put the speculation to rest. Two confirmed brown sprog lads.
Grown man. Tries to copy the latest gimmick. Fails miserably
aye the state of current britfeel. no wonder brit/pol/ laugh at us
6th time now
Grown men. They'll be here until bedtime.
>have 2 wanks
>sit and play some video games
>suddenly get a boner out of nowhere
How do I stop this?
Grown men will repeat all this in the next thread and likely much much longer.
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>How do I stop this?
Have a wank then get back to vidya?
Grown man. Responsible for treating patients. Kills them with morphine instead
Wagies ironing their shirts ready for another 10 hours at the warehouse tomorrow.
Why did he suddenly panic and leave?
Craggles turned up
why do you behave like a 14 year old?
He spotted a suspicious van with 'DWP' written on the side
Why are you a slave?
SSM will never work again and it's lush.
Neither will I, if I can help it.
he seen a sprog (brown)
i haven't worked for 4 years and i never will at this point
your deanobox is going to collapse within the next 20 years crushing you and your entire ape brood becoming your deanocoffin
No lad I get uc, so why do you behave like a kid?
>i haven't worked for 4 years
Are you a PIPchad?
pip and uc
pip was awarded ongoing
really enjoy these racebait posts
Tranny wants to perform fellacio on Jim Dowson and Nick Griffin
Acting like a kid again
Arbroathy, your response?
Why don't you put the name on yourself and make up a fake response
This Arbroathy vs Shippy war is even better than then the Swanny vs Baldrew war
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am playing dark souls and drinking cider
not giving a fuck about anything else t b h
The Swanster won, incidentally
This has unironically been one of the best weeks of BritNormie's life. Sad in a way
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>Why don't you put the name on yourself
where are you at in dark souls?
What happened to Baldrew
i started over and i am at gaping dragon again
did Baldrew really rape that homeless child?
jail if the rumours are true
The graphics card was just a gift
gaping arbroathy
Vile tranny will never have a sprog and always have a cock.
He still posts under the name 'Arbroathy'
seasideMARK Sunday uploafs

hairloss andy
Is acting like a kid on the internet a new crazy trend?
>Morning uploaf on a Sunday night
Why did he wait all day
It's in 4K de lad. It takes him a long time to uploaf an hour and a half of 4K footage because EE throttle his broadband. It not right.
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He got that golden ticket tmau
wants to preserve Britain yet stuck his cock up a wog that spawned a bunch of little woglets that are all a net drain on society
uhmazing, I'm sure are Nick and Jim are proud
his wee woglets love it when he sticks on Eddy Grant
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Pretty good, this oh aye
How do you actually get away with being unable to work? Don't give me the mental health card
Shippy, your response?
wogs contribute more to society than all of abject losers
>1 hour 30 minutes

Nah, shan't be watching that.
- Says he won't seek re-election
- 'In best interest of party and country'
- Endorses Kamala Harris to become nominee
- Biden to address nation later this week
- Trump says Harris will be easier to beat
how many GRANDkids do a couple need to replace themselves? i know for parents it's 2.1 for some technical reasons (infant death or statistics or summat).

i wait to have 0.0 kids to own the racists but my siblings collectively have around 4.5 kids (depends on purely biological vs "gf's son" etc)
mental health is a big one lad easier to get and all you need is to be a shameless lying lazy twat
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>i am a women!
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>His life revolves around /britfeel/ personality drama
haha is the US just getting President Trump again? what a wild time to be alive.
Must have his internet war like a kid
>wants to preserve Britain yet chemically castrated himself with pills and is a net drain on society
Uhmazing, I'm sure are Nick and Jim are proud
This is EXACTLY my cock and balls.
i have difficult-to-treat schizophrenia, as in i hear voices every day and every medication either does nothing or tames the voices down a tiny bit. i'm not qualified for anything other than retail or cleaning. i tried to get back into work after i came out of hospital and the voices made me unable to stay at the job for more than an hour or two. the voices are extremely vivid and sound like they come from people around me, which makes it hard for me to differentiate what's real and what's a hallucination
also have severe depression suicidal ideation all that shit
Arbroathy's feminine cock
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a British nationalist with a brown sprog?
his brain must be haywire
that sounds mad lad. any idea what triggered it in the first place? how long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
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Indeed. Shippy is also a nonce
A British nationalist with a '''feminine penis'''?
his brain must be haywire
Anxiety that gets worse because of job interviews. It's very dangerous for me to apply for a job. Even the thought of getting offered an interview makes me anxious.

That and I got myself a continence diagnosis to add a few more safe PIP points.
Wake up act like a kid on the internet, sleep, repeat.
He didn't get to see his sprogs in prison, he doesn't get to see them now
>Anxiety that gets worse because of job interviews
Doesn't everyone feel nervous going into interviews?
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>HELP mum is pregnant with my chiId
What did shipanon mean by this Iads?
Des and Arthur

Horsebox surprise
I don't have a diagnosis for schizophrenia but I definitely hear voices/music except it's generally pleasant. Go through a lot of the 'typical' paranoid schizophrenic stuff. It's been noted in hospital but speaking to my GP there's a waiting list for whatever secondary mental health team I'd need to see before anything else, so now I'm a bit shy of the details.
It might be nothing but it's getting worse as I get older, again the majority of the time I'm fine and I can even be aware it's 'hearing things' like on an acid trip. It's fun. Just listening to the music and I can even write down the lyrics, just don't know shit about music for the melodies. Voices are generally chatter and my 'in it' interpretation is I have some 'remote viewing' ability.
In the real world I suppose these are just hallucinations and delusions and maybe that represents a psychotic episode? It's only scary some of the time so I don't know about meds but this would abso-fucking-lutely ruin my ability to do anything if I had to interact with other people.
I have decided to rescind my racist ways and I apologise to Zimlad and Sheppy.
As a token of goodwill I am sharing this cute little nursery rhyme you both can both sing to your children whom I am sure will grow up to be Doctors and Engineers and contribute immensely to Great Britain.
alright scratch all of the above I wish them nothing but suffering. Yes Zimmong too.
be diagnosed with various disorders that could make your life a living hell
Nerves have been touched on this warm summers night
Anal penetration by uncles (plural)
What a truly bizarre collection of posts. Seek help Shippy
I'm glad Arbroathy is contributing to the demographic revival of Britain by spring many white sprogs
Anal penetration by funcles (plural)
another far right white nationalist turns out to be a paedophile with mixed raced children
aiming to have 3 children if my crypto investments take off after the US election(like they usually do)
My children shall not be raised in the UK however, we will be raising them outside the UK
>another far right white nationalist turns out to be a paedophile
I know, I was shocked to hear about your noncing
>another far right white nationalist turns out to be a paedophile with mixed raced children
this is an accurate and fair description of shippy
Man in dress nonce vs bean head nonce. Cooorrr what a battle.
Arbroathy has the upper hand here
Shippybros? What went wrong?
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>aiming to have 3 children
How do you expect to get pregnant
i went through a massive depressive episode while smoking a shit load of weed. got prescribed anti-depressants and that mixed with stress and some strong skunk made me have a panic attack. got taken to hospital, had a huge amount of pressure in my head kind of hard to explain, but it 'popped' and from that moment my perception changed. i thought everyone around me was going to harm me (which i now know was hallucinations) and all other kinds of shit. got sectioned for around 6 or so months, going from normal psych wards to a high security one after i attacked another patient. got sexually assaulted by another patient named sarah when i first was sectioned and was practically catatonic
it takes hours for me to fall asleep. having music on quietly helps a tiny bit
i wish i experienced pleasant voices, i feel like there's almost a superhero-like ability having that, especially with hearing music which i would love. i lived in a shared home for a bit and a guy there who also experienced voices said they were positive and that his voices were god/angels talking and guiding him. i always thought that was great
>if my crypto investments take off after the US election(like they usually do)
I don't get what crypto has to do with it
Come on Arbroathy, where are you getting these 3 sprogs from
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Something really spooked SSM tonight
theres always a lot of uncertainty within the markets in the run up to US elections
also compare bitcoin halving timelines to US election dates
you're welcome
Buttoning up their wee shirts lmao
Why do you obsess over zimmy so much? Like I genuinely don't get it? Hurr durr brown sprog, but you just make post after post attacking him and he hasn't even responded to you once as far as I can tell.
It comes across as quite childish.
They won't be biologically yours then or what?
The only biological material he can provide is sperm lol. Fantasy crashes head first into reality. Even in surrogacy he is playing the male role.
>I genuinely don't get it
She's a racist. What are you confused about
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they didnt mean to rape that father of 4 to death. they were just young boys who like a bit of fun
Finish the saying lads:

Home is where...
Man with cock and balls running around declaring he's a lady HOWLING
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...swanage is
why does the second one have the fucking 90s ska musician "beard"
i thought gays were supposed to be fashionable
Their bussy will be stretched frfr
>It comes across as quite childish.
Said the mong fanning the flames
it was just banter bro
Arbroathy has been dominating these threads lately
Arbroathy's fertility doctor using a black woman's egg by mistake in the surrogacy. Oops!
britfeel tab is open
>It's 17 years since the literary phenomenon Harry Potter concluded
Bizarre front-page milestone there, BBC, but I miss these times. Was in the same boat as the girls in the video.
Pretty magical time even if the books got a bit meandering by #4. Need to re-read them all at some point I reckon.
He looks evil. When he's a bit older he'll have the full pointy beard and a twirly moustache. You're looking at him when he's young and this is his first crime.
Why has Arbroathy been endlessly attacking gay Scottish men?
Why isn't Shippy aIIowed to see his brown sprog?
A grown man acting like a kid on the internet
Why doesn't swanny have any sprogs? I thought women liked men who'd done bird. Maybe not
Is this meant to be "young Scots' dad"? or is "Scots" (like the language) something and it can be an adjective?

Just seems an odd way to refer to someone, sympathetic because he's a "young Scottish father"? But then that's back to "Scots" if I'm reading it that way.
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Few stellas with the clucking hens. Well then. Theybe calmed down now. I'd forgot the 1st one, my mum's friend since forever when I was bout 17/18 just before uni came here from a night out with mum nd jumped my bones while I was studying in my room, just planked on top of me on my bed nd started slurring about "I fancy you don't I, I've always fancied you" then some other random drunk chat I forget now, didn't bother me she's a good lass and she has a hidden disabled son just like me so I guess she probably wasn't being malicious about the job thing.
Yeah they do, he has shagged quite a few women but he's got fertility issues, so nothing ever comes of it
That one most certainly hit a nerve
Swanny had no access to his sprogs in prison, he spent a lot of time in there
The swanny v everyone else war
Swanny rarely sees his sprogs (ever?)
If you WOULD kill a nonce tweet about it, then report yourself to the police station. After prison you'll be the guy who wasn't afraid to say he would kill a nonce. You'll be respected (unlike rapists and so on), and ladies will fancy you because it still has that dangerous element: you could have killed. She can fix you. She's stopping you from crossing that line.
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qrd on this 'swanny' person
Des and Arthur ejaculated inside swanny. Swanny didn't get pregnant because anal sex cannot produce offspring
Same themes only the names change
Just an old poster who was obsessed with nonces. He's not posted here in at least 3 years.
I am really liking these Trev and Boff vids. They are top comf
My boyfriend and I would get to choose the mothers. He gets to choose 1, I get to choose 1 and a coinflip to decide the 3rd :)
I dont like gays and race traitors
that sounded like a form of sexual assault to me idk. but im glad you're happy wif your beers
40 year old paedophile who literally spent time in prison for his noncery, never had access to his kids

Supposedly a victim of child abuse by his uncles when he was younger but that's probably just a LARP
Looks like Arbroathy won that battle
Another made up dolly to continue spamming online wars
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Do they all live in the same care home?
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Is HHL a manlet? Kinell
>I dont like gays and race traitors
you're both. You're more of a race traitor than me even
>I dont like gays

What if they put on a dress, take some goy pills and say i am a women?
hhl cant smile because he has no teeth (toothless mong)
Even though he was a nonce, I still think swanny should have been allowed occasional access to his children under supervision
you pay for HHL's kebabs lmao
a sad state of affairs when the so called care home lets their residents snort coke and drink themselves to death
wog visa carers perhaps?
sean is 5'5 which is within the uk average
Quick dolly change is it kings?
Mothers should be expected to teach their sons how to attract girls. Such a no-brainer.
The UK average is 5'8 - 6'3. He is a manlet.
Arbroathy is a traitor to the white race
What happened to DIY dolly
Why'd the lad on the left not get a medal?
Swanny had an orgasm when Arthur penetrated him, but not Des. He still feels tremendous shame about this to this very day
Dire thread today innit.
what happened to your teeth sean
Do you need a very large IQ to get the mentality of the posters in here?

That wasn't even HelperLid. He's not even in the thread.
he's clearly the Chewbacca of the group.
He's currently naked in the retard cage of the care home after he had a breakdown.
manlet from sunderland
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Go forth, Garl Vinland. May you be unharmed.
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>tfw 5'7

It not right.
sean your Iife is fucking shite
When Arthur's penis was pressed right up against Swanny's prostrate, he felt a tremendous amount of pleasure, like nothing he'd ever felt before. This caused his sphincter to contract tightly around Arthurs cock and sent him over the edge, and it also cause him to ejaculate himself, at the same time Arthur was ejaculating into him
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Alri little lad
the retard cage has 'floor to ceiling windows' and Helper's arse is pressed right up against it
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Me too lad. The winter periods I find especially nice
enjoyed this post. well done lad
Leg Lengthening surgery can add 3" to that. It'll only cost you tens of thousands and about 4 months in a wheelchair with regular physiotherapy
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Arbroath poster running circles around them again
>puberty actually lasts longer than boys may think and even in late teens boys can have a growth spurt
>well, even after puberty some men have growth spurts as late as their early or even mid-20s
>'freak case of man having growth spurt at 28'
any day now. i've actually shrunk an inch due to bad posture, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE i could grow to a normal size in my 30s?

also does anyone ever become 'un-bald'?
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5'7" chads stand up
New thread baked for when we are all ready
it also demolishes your legs and cripples you later in life. even for free its a ripoff
theres nothing wrong with being 5ft 7
good women dont care about height
your fine :)
>it also demolishes your legs and cripples you later in life. even for free its a ripoff
have you considered that becoming a tranny has consequences and is a rip off
> i could grow to a normal size in my 30s?
>also does anyone ever become 'un-bald'?
No. You can get a transplant and take fin for rest of your life though along with periodic transplants when it inevitably falls out again. Think Gordon Ramsay has had like 3 now
Sticking to 2,000 calories a day, applying some light makeup each morning, seem like pretty easy habits once you get into the routine.
Ought to cop some R&R me

Lotta stuff going on rn
Shame that Trump is gonna win. Another 4 years of boring status quo / black worship. War is postponed
Is 5'7 too short to get a gf then lads?
Transplants feel like the rich kids toupee of the post-70s. Celebs like John Travolta and Bill Bailey look fine now they've buzzed they just look like aged men (and there's nothing wrong with ageing etc.).

Main bloke in Community has this weird fake hairline and you can see his real receding hairline in Spider-Man. People have already seen you, jig's up. Do transplants become 'real' to the people who get them?
I believe 5'8 is the absolute minimum cut off height
You must be at least as tall as her in heels.

Maybe date a girl in a wheelchair?
Not even for rich kids. It's a few grand in Turkey now. 8-10 if you get it done in a London private clinic and you're an egghead.
>and you're an egghead.
what about if you're a beanhead?
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they just so happen to be coolest design of Docs. i simply prefer the chunkier style.
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PIPtch Warriors (2024)

In the heart of a struggling Sunderland community, former footballer Vinnie Jones finds himself sentenced to community service after a series of reckless choices. Tasked with coaching a local disabled team, Jones is initially begrudging about his assignment, viewing it as nothing more than a penance. However, as he meets the diverse group of athletes, each with their own unique hidden superpowers, he begins to see the team not just as a group of individuals but as a family bound by their love for the game.

"A powerful tale of redemption, resilience, and the transformative power of sport in Tory Britain. 5/5" - The Guardian
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If I get these maybe I can boost my height to 5'8 and get a gf
You're more likely to attract a bf wearing those
Out and about you will just be a normal. Even following a one-night-stand where you are shoeless, you've only stooped down about an inch, not noticeable.
i wear something like those
gay boots
So who are the democrats going to replace Joe with? Someone young who can annihilate Trump I'd imagine.
'Height' isn't a protected characteristic. That means you can legally discriminate based on height, not pick them for a job or a mortgage. We know tall men end up in better positions with higher wages.
Think it's too late now. He's always a guarantee unfortunately
Kamala Harris is the hot favourite.
stole my bfs guiness
it tastes like burnt toast its complete shite
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Ne1 else on that pondering grind. Just pondering things n stuff
thingken of fast
I see Helper doesn't involve himself with the drama at all, just posts something then leaves
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Guiness is an acquired taste. Not for me, I prefer my drinks 4x sweeter
Tomorrow Arbroathy will open his front door (for argument's sake) and every single person will be brown. Not a single white person left in Arbroath apart from him and his bf
You're obsessed with personality drama. Why can't you be womfy like HHL?
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ignore the haters they're unisex boots (ignore the models on the DM website those are just examples) and 'platform shoes' is a legacy term, like 'Chelsea boots'.

you'll be cool in your big Docs and nobody in the real world cares that the company is shitty or Solovair are better or whatever the fuck. attractive alt girls will just see you in your big boy boots and say "i like your shoes mate", "thanks you having a good night? can i get you a drink?"

personally i owe my entire sexual career to the Dr Martens Jadon line.
Guiness is disgusting. I like 'lady drinks' like HHL
>trans woman
>has a bf
like TERF lesbians in reverse, how is this NOT homophobia? would you turn down a woman?
i was doing 60 units a day iand i cant handle this pish
its vile
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>i like your shoes mate
No one will be saying this. You're delusional
Arbroathy got turned down by a brown man once, it hurt her(him) very deeply.
at that point of drinking drinks really do fill you up and go through you. anything especially gassy is painful.
you'd think there's at least a physical limit on how MUCH you can drink with pints of beer but nope. can always have those with other drinks in between. peeing like every 20 mins.
Another dolly change and thread war already?
that's because you've only ever experienced a life being short. take your first steps into a larger world.
my nordic ex was almost raped by a black when she was a young teenager
i also called a pack of apes facepoops when i was in my pram once and mummy rushed us away
i was borned racist. its normal
yeah it was mad
pissing every half hour and waking up covered in vomit
glad i got out of it
still think about smirnoff
i do hope hes okay
No I'm winding down on the drivel. Got a few business meetings next week that require all my focus
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How did you know I was the manlet anon
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Cracking wee pic
Sad how many here fall for larps really
How did she(he?) almost get raped?
What LARPs have people fallen for, can you point them out?
4cup Footie's on
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>sweatingpepe anon is a manlet
I have a feeling you aren't tall. I could be wrong
spacker mean machine. i like it
ya think hes fuckin daft?
looking back at Margaret Thatcher, did people really hate her because of her policies, or did they just feel threatened by a woman in power?

personally i think it was because of her policies.
Hes managed to remain on benefits for over 30 years despite being fit for work. Nowt daft about that.
Poor working class mongs need a scapegoat
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Yea I'm 5 7 or 8 I just like calling ppl manlets
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Check me dubs
Us manletbros need to stick together
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Had an r9k warning pop up on my 4g from 2013 the other day. I think its against the rules 2 post. Quite droll
wageslaving for 45 years might be for some, but it wasnt for him
and its lush
What was the soundtrack to YOUR University experience? For me, it's "I needa one dance" by Drake during Freshers Week.
never went to uni. retired when i was 21
What a waste of life. He could have been a paramedic (his childhood dream)
It's truly joever for bidet innit

He had a good run
he rspb memba tho
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One Kiss Calvin Harris Dua Lipa always reminds me of summer of first year I sneedpose
But at ze time I was big into idolshit
get on hrt before you lose all your hair you little muppet
what have you eaten today lads?
t' concerned mum
ruthmong had sex with 15 women
Chika doesn't get involved in personality drama little lad. He has the right idea; just fucks off and returns when its quiet again.
rice, beef, miso soup, kimchi, pickled red onions, pickled carrot slices
x 2
and 1 caramel ice cream lolly
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It is just some sad act that says I am balding lol. The same guy who is here 16 hours a day and has been for at least 5 years. Watch him reply to this.
I mean maybe I will lose it in the far future as an old man but who cares at that point.
Not going to permanently alter my entire life for that am I.
Yes usually. It has been unusable lately. Unreadable even.
Based chika not falling for the sick tranny propaganda. These sick freaks want even young kids on hrt goy pills.
why do jews want people to change their gender again? i'm totally with you, i just forgot
>The same guy who is here 16 hours a day
I think Shippy wore himself out and went to bed.
sad fucking mong here all day nipping at everyones heels
To reduce the birthrate primarily
Almost, but that chika post wasn't me. From next week I'm cutting the drivel right down. Might even go cold turkey for a week. I've had fun but I can't keep this level of posting up
England is a bitch
should i watch evropa? i hear that's very intelligent and exposes the Jewish People
Watched the first hour of that and it's a load of bollocks, full of clearly falsified quotes from people like Trotsky etc.
When you're all ready lads
point out the 'sad fucking mong'
He posts under the name "Arbroathy"
And further weaken white men. Notice how much this tranny shit is pushed on white men and boys.
>Might even go cold turkey for a week
We both know that isn't going to happen
If me and Shippy took a week off, /britfeel/ would literally return to 20 hour threads
sounds good that, we should try it

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