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Floor to ceiling windows edition
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reject woggery
pretty bored of things and don't see the purpose in my current trajectory anymore
big changes incoming I sink
I don't sink they are
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>leaves will soon come off tree's
gotta enjoy those little things in autumn
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am fucking off drank too much
goodnight and stay safe
get in
summer is for wogs
i love the rain and autumn
im, glad youre not losing your hair
I've never watched this but if it's anti-semitic go for it. Jews will try and cope and say it's all out of context etc. The nose knows
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V based true post and dubs. Looking forward 2 the dark nights me
Fuck summer trips and night night
Oh yeah?
Uhh thanks
How do you live these villas with the beautiful views of the hills and cliffs or open seas and NOT have a chronic fear you WILL get sniped?
I'd never trust a Jew personally, just me though
Jews want people to become trannies to reduce the birthrate. It's that simple
They want to weaken the white man. A white man dressing like a women not fathering children is a win in their eyes.
why is that anonymous people?
How many celebs do you follow on Wikifeet?
When a far-right person claims something about Jews, it's a conspiracy theory, but then Jews themselves will make the same claim and claim it's a good thing.

Biden himself was playing a very dangerous game once claiming that Jews were behind the push for gay marriage in the US (I'll take his word for it!), but spinning it in a positive way highlighting their contribution to society
I find places like the Isle of Man and Isle of Wright to be really fucking weird, especially people that live there.
Jews just hate Whites, Christians, and especially white Christians. It's just a core part of their being.

If the holocaust was real (it wasnt), then you'd assume that Jews would worship the ground The British, Americans and Russians walk on, instead they attack them any try to subvert society at every opportunity.

Jews will claim to be white when it suits them (they aren't), yet also play the minority card when it suits them
Logically you'd assume that Jews would be very wary of mass muslim migration to the west. But their hatred of white christian society trumps that
It took me THREE hours to go through my manga folders to sort the complete mangas and incomplete mangas. This way I know to update when new volumes dropped. Haven't read any however despite thousands of volumes. I'M A HOARDER IT'S A REAL MENTAL ILLNESS.
you should get someone you know - perhaps a family member - to read this post aloud to you
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In occult circles I was known as the castlemilk fanny wrangler. Also known as big daddy fat sacks. Aka the southside bad boy.
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Does he look unwell to you?
Pents of truth right there
Looks like a dried out ball sack with herpes de lid. It not right.
Don't think they'd be interested in reading some random 4chan post out. I've had the same topic of discussion with people before though.
Jewish power is declining though, like their birthrates. Israel itself will probably cease to exist within our lifetime and all the state apparatus that goes with it. They will just return to some tiny, ghettoised powerless minority surround by people who hate them.

Some Jews oppose the state of Israel because of how inhumanely they operate. Little do they know the State of Israel is pretty much essential to their wellbeing.
Mister fuck your waifu Nutmeg templar. The three stripe squirter.
How many hours till ruthmong drivel starts?
The pillars that support global Jewry (a brainwashed white population) are crumbling before their eyes. They are hardly going to be able to convince Muslims to worship Jews in the same way American evangelic Christians and some white atheists do. The Chinese couldn't care less about them either, which is why there is a big global push to go to war with them (and kill a load of white conscipts in the process)
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The yellow fever assassin. Platinum tarantula trackies. Priests confessed to me.
Early hours he doesn't get as much attention now
Even if Israel does survive. It won't be the Ashkenazis that rule it. It'll be the Haredi.
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Thanks for listening to this anti-semitic sermon from the resident /pol/ expert and seasoned stormfag.
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Ran past two black lads fighting, one punched other just before I ran past

All I could hear was summat like

"Shes 11 bro"

"She said she was 17"

I wish I was joking kek
i dont get the behaving like a kid on the internet meme whats the lore?
>start reading a manga
>have to drop it because of some nonce shit
happens too often, the Japs are freaks
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Oy vey! This isn't true! Us Jews just want to help the world. Its in the Torah!

Tikkun olam!
>start watching a film
>have to drop it because the director is Jewish
Around 30 celebs, mostly UK TV personalities
pure mental illness, which is ironic
if you're a real stormfag you should burn it
What's mental illness
>if you're a real stormfag
I am!
burn the book
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The linn park toe sucker. What was also known as the ghost wizard of deflowering slags. The Crowley killer with a really big willy.
Jesus is king
Rather ruthmong drivel than britpol mong drivel
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Much cooler tonight, can get womfy and sleep soon
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Burst out laughing at this post haha
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YHWH, please forgive these filthy goyim for their crimes against the chosen people. Oy gevalt
Nice try Rabbi, you don't want me reading what's in it
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Welpernation marches on

Any Come Outside man in? Very nostalgic.
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>He uses the Yotsuba 4chan theme
i don't think you can read hebrew, maybe fork out a bit of money for an english translation
Yeah come outside was good. He carbon footprint must have been insane flying to the laundrette etc

Loved AQVILA too

You still on that NNJ grind lid? I lost today but will be getting back on it from midnight. It a fresh start
(((English translation))), I'm good Rabbi, don't you worry
Not everyone lives with the curtains closed
Wonder what adventures SSM will get up to tomorrow
That didn't even make sense lad
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Nah I've wutted twice today. Fresh start midnight for both of us x
Just got off that red telephone, corr
I'm so fat that my pubic region's stored fat almost completely engulfs my penis :)
Dominos in a minute I reckon. Feeling a meateor
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But I was really playing thisnjust mere few min ago in the spirit of circus music https://youtu.be/bJVWZy4QOy0
What about Oakie Doke de lids?
Not a single human who has ever lived wants to know if you have it have not "wutted".
For a brief moment his steps away from the 'floor to ceiling window' and puts some clothes on. He goes out onto the balcony and takes in the cool summer evening air. "This week, I did numbers that have never been done before" he said to himself as he had a cheeky toke. He looked down on the people of Glasgow and to an extent pitied them "They will never know my joy" he chuckled to himself, before going back into the flat.
His carers keep a log. He has to nut twice a day to stave off his spacker aggression.
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Twice today for me too. Think it was the humid weather
At least there's another lid doing NNJ with me x
Corr, I'd forgotten about that one, I don't think it's even crossed my mind since I watched it
I like to know which posters have ejaculated
definitely giving the wutting a break. cutting it right down after today.
BN fan fiction
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twice for me yesterday which is rare these days. None today though
Anyone else watching EVO? Wating patiently for Street Fighter 6, thank god Strjve is over
I can't keep up this level of wutting
Wonder if that one lad saw Vertigo at the fancy cinema in London.
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today someone speculated my middle name begins with 'G', in fact I have 2 middle names, and neither begin with 'g'
July has been a disaster for me.
Proper fresh start next month. Going cold turkey
No more porn for a month
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On that whocolate milk grind tonight. No wooze tonight. Keeping things womfy.
Hope it's not that watery piss known as Yazoo.
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Me, I just necked a banana milkshake
Added some ice cubes too
keeping up with it by lurking in a couple of /vg/ threads
did you see the hayao upset a couple of days back in third strike? shit was wild, apparently people are trying to get it called "moment 38"
anyone else waging in the morning tomorrow?
Jesus. She's gorgeous. Fucking Hells! Now I'm depressed. Perfect perfect perfect.
Nope. I'll be in /britfeel/
Brushing me teef now aren't i
Yeah, for slightly above minimum wage. No more drivel for me
/britfeel/ is my job. 12 hour shifts. it's honest work
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Not yet, but I will be soon in late August when I start my job. I'm both excited and nervous.

I reckon if I don't have a gf after 2 years I'm going to end it all. Miserable as a lonely neet and if I'm still alone as a wagie, what's the fucking point. Just don't get how some people can form connections with others so easily and get gfs like a click of their finger.
Not a britfag but I wanted to say that pic is comfy as hell.
pretty sad. Occasionally popping in here on a whim is fine, but actively planning to come here is sad
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>Not a single human who has ever lived wants to know if you have it have not "wutted". *sniff*
Whats the new job my lid
I live a very lonely life with moments of real joy happening years apart.
It's of a 'floor to ceiling wall'
I have a britfeel tab open at all times. I don't like falling behind and missing out
Just an IT graduate job. Finished uni last year. I've posted about it and my self improvement journey plenty here. Not long now till I see first hand if any of it will work.
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Family of the apes
>take a valium to get a job (interview/audition/whatever)

what's the 'upper' equivalent of this?
line of coke so you seem super eager? micro-dose LSD so you're in a warmer mood? even something like a bump of MDMA you could turn that into "it's really important we all connect and work together" enthusiasm stuff they want to hear.
You'll never have a family of any sort
white zoomers have the broccoli cut whilst wog zoomers have the cauliflower cut
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It is de lid and it's a lush.
Infertile tranny housed in a squalid flat by Angus housing association
That lass is fit, blimey.
The source if you're interested
Enjoy x
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The met via online dating
Technology is amazing
Fuck sake lad get some better milkshake next time. I'll let you off but just this once. Stay comfy.
I've been here every day for 8 years. It's highly likely I will be here tomorrow too
Do you think Jim Dowson would approve of this? You're not getting a sword
corr might have a cheeky fap over this . cheers
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Only children and nonces drink yazoo.
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I just nipped in the wakis to quickly grab a drink and a few Wustlerz. The wilkshake options are extremely limited in there. What would you suggest?
shippy's obese black wife taking a shit but realising she's in labour and the poo is a sprog on a log
What time will the Shippy vs Arbroathy war be tomorrow? I don't want to miss it
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His kid looks nothing like him and that's okay. A white sprog might be for you but it wasn't for him
My taxes paid for that Yazoo chocolate milk.
What is a product 100% unquestionably for kids, that they are now trying to target the adult market with?
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Shippy will NOT like this post Arbroathy
If you can get any local milkshake brands but otherwise Frijj is pretty good.
Arbroathy 1
Shippy 0
yazoo are lush lad, ignore the haters
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>I've been here every day for 8 years
that top middle kid is one ugly looking spwog
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Shippy and Zim stepped up. Why can't you?
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It's not for you either
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Goonerbros, how do you avoid blueballs?
Stepped up? Neither us took on a single mother
Monkey lover scum.
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Indeed newfag
Dominos is here. Lush and I mean lush. Large Meateor, garlic bread, chicken strippers and a big tub of Frankie and Benny's cookie dough
corrr i would love a choccy wilkshake right now
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Speed obviously, but I did my care home interview, induction and first day on a coke bender
you absolute fat shit. enjoy mate
Thought that was ariana from the face

Fackin hate how loud these glass bottles clank together when placing them ousside
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A fucking brown sprog haha
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Stop being mean about my little mixed race princess
The idea of not 1 but 2 black women bearing white men's sprogs is so painful for him that he has to pretend both of them were conceived from WMBF relationships when it couldn't be further from the truth
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>mixed race princess
Fucking hell lad
What jamal gonna do... lol
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Yeah, I don't see what's wrong with it. I've been necking Yazoos for years. I don't expect premium quality for the price anyway.
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Didn't think we would get another late night war desu
I'll be quitting in 3 minutes and not be back until next week
What are your thoughts on Shippy's mixed race kid lid? Do you approve?
I'll find some other dollies to play with in your absence
he won't respond, he keeping it womfy
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The whole family together
Knew a wee fella and he goes by Shippy,
he has a new sprog but it was a bit trippy...
his wife was white but the baby was shite
turns out she fucked jamaal one lonely night.
So he covers it up and says he's half black
but the fact remains he's a spacker Polack.
A few weeks later and Jamaal comes knockin'
lookin' for a whole where he can put his cock in...
Shippy appears and says he has a solution,
you can fuck my wife again, fill her pussy with pollution.
I'm sure you will lad, I'm sure you will, got anyone in mind?
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I think we already know the answer
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About this i mena
I also wrote an erotica kindle book on cocaine in 2016 which still gets sales to this day. Published under a fake woman name. Make me laff that some roasties out there flicked their bean to my retarded fantasies.
Pop in tomorrow to find out (you will be here anyway)
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Zimlad would crush your skulls if you mocked his coffee coloured step daughter irl
Didn't recognise Zimlad without his stubble
why do people on britfeel shame other people on britfeel for posting on britfeel?
i like my sprogs like i like my coffee...
Need a Shipanon nerve status update
Arbroathy running Shippy and Zimlad out of /britfeel/
It not right
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Do the race mixed family havers here do fun things with their woglets and phone apps?
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Are you jealous of Zimlad and what he has?
Scouting for Boys (the Scounts' handbook), 1908.
Do you feel this is still good guidance in modern times?

Those last paragraphs are fascinating.in today's context.
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>tfw no Goth gf

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Would love 2 get multiple bags of multiple things in now. Am ready to go off the rails this year and die
that's going to trigger a little lad here, please spoiler it next time
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Wonderful times ahead for you
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Don't do that. Stay and watch the country burn
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Boggles the mind does it not
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Le assassination face
HHL only speaks the truth when he's a few bokkles.
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Whether or not Arbroathy has a sprog is entirely dependant upon the price of Ethereum
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It's scary but they want me to die which is why i live
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Biden actually resigned
Arbroathy actually chemically castrated himself
I don't believe Arbroathy is real, the character is too far fetched at this point
I've been talking to her in /britfeel/ for at least a year. She never used to use a name
Woe Widen
lt's Joever you could say
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He should have stepped down 6 months ago
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Thoughts ruthmong?
She's sound de lad
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Told you fuckers (((they))) want zion don in for their upcoming WW3, it's not rocket science for crying out loud

That's why (((they))) let the incident at his rally happen as well by telling the coppers there to stand down... "The roof was too sloped to place a sniper team on there" me fackin arse lel
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Shan't be fighting in WW3, me. No sire

Have fun hitting the beaches of Formosa, Sevastopol and Beirut, Chad
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35k is a shit wage in London.

So many people say "oh I would love to be on 35k oh my god that's so much"

Fuck off
Rvth's tuppence
There's a certain lad in here who is very mentally unhinged. Not the sort of crazy outburst unhinged causing a scene in public. But very mentally derailed nonetheless
I hope I never ever have the displeasure of ever having to use an Uber
He'll be here tomorrow to read it all
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Crosslad is a manlet like me
The wapu shall now be copping a bit of the ol' R&R-on-the-naze
little liddington
Trannies are mentally *very* unhinged, agreed lad
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Trump won and it's lush
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could have done this a few months ago but instead waits until the last possible moment so there's no time to do a primary and the party gets to install the candidate they want with no vote instead (which she would not have won)
all a big scam isn't it. Makes me kek seeing all these mongs go on about defending democracy and project 2025. Imagine still thinking your vote matters
Odd how this place suddenly turned into stormfront 4 days ago
The wapu

Just what is he loike haha
SSM and Helen will be flying out to America to support Trump
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Just had to drop some wennies on more V-bucks for that OG Ariana Grande skin I missed out on back in 2021. Now I have all the Ariana skins on Fortnite. Get in.
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Hornily thinking about a certain some1
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How much did that set you back
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Like 7 squidingtons.
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Really thought i saw *****'s mum in the co op the other day, wearing flip flops by the way, couldve fooled me anyway
Quick wuttington-upon-tyne before the R&R if you're cool with that de liddingham
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Too many perverted thoughts about women's feet that I haven't seen in person since 2012
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There's an interesting theory floating about in regards to the H5N1/plandemic 2.0 thang just being a fakeout on the moneylender's part

As in they're trying to dazzle the goyimses here and will actually pull a WW3 instead rather than another plandemic. Maybe they'll do both at the same time too
I think they tend to be a lot more intellectual.

Best future is hiro just deletes /pol/ and we stick with topical discussion message boards again. There'd be some hangover but they'll head elsewhere and occasionally chime in.

4chan had FULL ON RACIST MEMES from anime/vidya/etc but it wasn't somewhere I (or racists) would go to discuss racism and our theories. Normies GTFO.
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But as far as ****, her feets were so good I let her make me sit through Steven universe, every single episode. Really think about that.
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Listening to nigger music again aren't I
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Any lads here on Paddy Power, only got it to bet on the Euros and have since only used free promo bets and spins. The first two times I used the daily prize wheel thing I won scratchcards, but for five days in a row after that, fucking nothing.

It not right.
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Me? Grinding them Pirates of the Waribbean quests. Wish I could stay up all night playing vidya but I have to go to that Royal Mail depot tomorrow to send that wrong laptop back to Amazon so I'll be calling it a day in an hour or so.
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the cold brew coffee is lush. just straight up with ice. it's brought out some nice flavours instead of being bitter/sour. pleasant to sip away at, can tell it's strong and it definitely doesn't need anything adding to it.
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Im the type of nigger that cant use cannabis without having psychotic episode. Bt then I wonder, is that how it's meant to be? Just ask any1 that smoked weed with me. Their experience is like this: "are you okay? Wtf?" Nd I said yeah haha I'm fine nd ***** went "..no you're not" which made me go even madder bc that's not very reassuring actually. I was in the countryside with my childhood hun friend what started selling weed after school we were smoking in his car he said what did you do at uni anyhow I legitimately forgot the real answer but I wanted to sound like a smart guy so the first thing that came into my head was ".........law?" It was like my brain did a roulette wheel through what degrees ppl do and i wanted a fake 1 and it happened to land on that, easily couldve been zoology, Nd he stared at me like okay dokey then I was like haha then 2 mins later I thought you're literally a drug dealer? Nownyou think I'm a lawyer or something? But I actually worked in a call centre at the time and Id dropped out of uni the year prior. My brain just wasn't working. When he dropped me off at home which I asked him not to because I already was convinced he was going to murder me in a ditch so I didn't want him to know where I lived now I had a very strong feeling as soon as I opened the car door 2 get out it was going to explode and blast me into dantes inferno where the BBC was filming me naked for the entire public to laugh at eating their dinner so I dint want to get out am just sitting there gormless nd he's like "...?" Am like haha..yeah anyway he's like "..?" I just had to grab my balls and get out nothing particularly happened but it was testy for a moment then funny enough when I got in home alone I suddenly eas happy being stoned alone and watched Death Note on my laptop
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I've finally quit smoking cigarettes, it's been 2 months and the urge to smoke has gone completely. I would smoke 40 a day at one point.
The coop on Carmunnock Road?
Quit smoking about 5 years ago and I feel no better for doing so apart from financially
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I'm 6 weeks and two days no wokey. Ngl am feeling breddy gud about that.
She sure likes her special editions. Brother needs to go be homeless so she can have his bigger room to make way for her hoarding habit.
Only because your dealer didn't get back to you
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Thinking about **** lovely pants what you could see her fanny leaking through. Stripe pantsu and red pantsu and sweaty socks that I've taken a demented whiff off many times. It not right, but it OK.
We get edgy new turnip haircut and shiny new armour to celebrate level 30 and defeating dirty lizardmen god in battle. We get Chocobo soon after pledging our allegiance to the Maelstrom. It 3x lush.
We all overcoming our vices in life x
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She staying at her boyfriend's place. Just another reminder no girl will want to be in your boxroom with a single bed.

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Garn neck them wustlerz now.
Another Monday and no job, no life, no gf. Such is the life of the longterm neet incel. Been quite sad today.
Remember this lads. Even having a job isn't enough. Women don't want lads who work any job. You got to be doing something that isn't deadend/unskilled. They will not want you so why even bother working?
Been a bit sad today too but watched a samurai film, played some vidya and then had a good chat with me mum about things and feel a bit better. Hope you feel better soon. Gonna head to supermarket after sleepingtons and get some healthy food.
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Always someone out there worse off de lid.
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Psycho negroidic demons stalk me nd in this moment I'm calm why? I saw it all coming. Ring me a taxi destination heaven..I was betrayed as cruel as it gets. ***** was hired for intel(MI5, fuck off),,bc smartphones werent advanced yet, **** to spike me with a vax, I accept, fir an illusory moment I felt like it was love while they slit my throat, cheers. I was born into shit nd shit ill return to. I never constented to this and that. I sniffed **** feet and felt her soles on my thighs and night it make my pp go up thinking about it now even. The bait was set I took it nd what else was I supposed to do? Be serious for a minute. That's real life where your brain isn't in control. I dont blame anyone. What a stupid fucking life. Comical.
Crosslad are you a schizo because sometimes you post normal and other times you post barely legible paranoid rants. It's cool either way. xxoo
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First wustlerz necked now on to the wecond.
And I mean lushingtons x
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1 day I find my Maria. Then she can kill me like a honey bee disembowel my faggot body nd toss me off a cliff make sure I'm dead. I thought it was ***** then ****(my twin flame thoughbeit) but I'll know it when it happens. My wretched life is for 1 purpose. Cheers though
It Truman Show
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hes footmong

that should explain everything
he's one of the worst posters here along with Helpermong. Just racist schizo ramblings through the night.
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Another sprogless wagie earning 50k and can't buy a house. What chance would you have? No point even working.

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These sprogless wagie women depress me.
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Feel like binge watching all the Pirates of the Caribbean films me. Might watch the first one tomorrow.
you literally have a rank taste in films and music

makes me vomit
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Yep. Thinking it's time for that beddingtons. At least it's a tad cooler tonight.

It Monday x
On my way to work. It monday x
Tim Eldridge humming and banging his head against the wall
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>software engineer
Probably the closest thing you can get to a free job as a woman. Companies are desperate to fix gender imbalances. She should count herself lucky she's not an autistic male. They're constantly getting gaslit that software engineering is a fantastic career choice that "plays to your strengths" only to find out it's like everything else and how good you are at writing code almost doesn't even matter
Very true. A more qualified male probably didn't get the job because of this diversity bullshit. These women probably do very surface level roles and don't put in anywhere near the level of quality as a male.
Want to become a pilot
If I didn't have autism I would have worked all my life
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I do not want a mobile phone. I shouldn't need one to find a job. The Jobcentre discriminates and says you need a phone number. I don't. All I need is an address to be able to work. I am not willing to pay for these expensive, spying gadgets.

>but everyone your age has one anon
Do I look like a normie? No. We got on fine and found jobs before smartphones existed. I also do not want to register on LinkedIn because again, I don't agree with their terms and privacy policy. Why is finding a fucking job such an ordeal?
You may say some cheap Android exists but these are incredibly insecure and don't get updates. You wouldn't skip updating your PC. iPhones are a rip off but better in terms of security.
No pussy no work me.
what if I have an internet addiction and getting rid of my screens is the best way to deal with it? They don't tell alcoholics they're expected to show up for drinks with coworkers after work or former nicotine addicts that they have to take regular smoking breaks. It's unfair how society discriminates against people who don't want to carry phones for whatever reason
I can hear the wagies already opening and closing their car doors. When I get on the PIP/disability, they will be paying for me. Not getting sex and love is a disability. It causes depression, anger and misogyny. It's only right I am kept from going insane by getting some bennies.
Very good idea. I'll have to bring that up when I see the fat Jobcentre lady. All you needed to do for a job not too long ago was walk in and ask for it. None of this bullshit we have now.
What came first de lad, the job or the gf?
Well many men get girlfriends before they can legally work.
very boring gimmick
majority of 18 year olds are non-virgins
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Post some funny gimmicks then, be the change you want to see in the world

she's making fun of ruthmong again
it's not enough that attractive ASMRtists get to live easy care-free exciting lives, they have to make fun of the miserable ugly men who watch their videos
Me? Wouldnt date a NEET desu
Grown man. Unemployed. No friends. Explaining exactly what sort of woman he would or wouldn't date.
No he didn't, he's just not running for president again
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She's always doing that. All she is to most lads is some eye candy. She's a fake Christian and uses her body for views. Just look at the way she dresses and the thumbnails of her videos.
>without me these would literally be 20 hour threads again
Think most would agree that's a good thing
Wakey wakey wagies! Nose to the grindstone!
work without pussy might be for you but it not for me
Why do you watch this shite? Sad.
She doesn't like the truth. Someone said something about her thumbnail being suggestive in her latest video. It had the most votes and she deleted it. She makes out she isn't sexualising herself but wearing knee-highs and showing your thigh gap is quite provocative. She wouldn't walk outside looking like that but she does do it online.
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Get ready for work wagie. She gets more money than you.

She makes over a grand a month just from showing her skinny figure and whispering into a microphone. Literal easy mode being a white female. I expect it's more like 2000 quid with the youtube and sponsorship money. That's more than a minimum wage for a male in her age range (working full time for a month).
I make 3x picrel and I send three emails a day on average. How much do you make lad?
They take it for granted that they'll keep all their simps. I used to watch twitch before they ruined it with unskippable ads and the female streamers on that site were always throwing around words like incel and neckbeard, basically making fun of their viewers for being low smv males. This is why I don't fall for articles about female content creators like pokimane crying about mean words and misogyny, anyone who's watched them regularly knows the truth
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Even Laura can't compete against her. She's not going to sexualise herself for easy money and she certainly will not want to do onlyfans.

Sure you do. I don't care about making money. I can't just make videos like these bints and get thousands every month.
And these simps think they actually have a connection with them. Sad men.
You must be her #1 simp and white night. Keep splurging your bennies on a woman who would never acknowledge you lmao
OCD is getting worse
just don't feel right in the mindnibba lately, slightly scary actually
Nope. I don't give any money to any female on the internet. I don't support giving them easy lives.
he doesn't even get bennies. keeps bragging about *when* he gets them though
>doesnt care about making money
>endlessly goes on about it
I think it's more like he doesn't care about money as such, but he finds it unfair that the level of effort needed to make a comfortable living is absurdly low for a young woman vs the comparable income for the vast majority of young men. And he's right.
>be drunk driver
>rear end a car with a family in it
>end up killing a baby and the baby's aunt
>"Oh no this is the worst day of my life"

Can't even fathom having this level of self-absorbance. What a cunt.
Yeah but what now? Why does he think repeating this statement over and over again is going to somehow achieve anything, ever? Just deal with it. Life is not fair.
he says, while complaining over and over again that someone posted something he doesn't like
I can't imagine a tally being a typical sort of simp for some online female. Even if they're attractive literally what do you get from it? It's a mental illness to be so utterly obsessed with a woman who doesn't know you exist and has contempt for you in the abstract while also knowingly parasitising off your money. But apparently there are MILLIONS of these men, at least there must be to keep the ecosystem of simps and e-girls going. Where are they all? I've never met anyone I would suspect actually donates thousands of pounds to a female streamer or whatever. Insane.
>I've never met anyone I would suspect actually donates thousands of pounds to a female streamer or whatever. Insane.
how would you know? It's not like they're going to tell you about it
Asmr gooners deserve a bullet
It's incredibly fucked up that men like this exist. They don't have girlfriends. They don't get laid. They get a kick out of paying these girls online and getting their name mentioned. It's so weird.
311 quid a week just for making asmr as a teenager. Mental.
No i wont do anything to improve my life, I'll just spam 4chan instead! Take that society!
Ruthmong has nonce-like qualities. Might call him Ruthnonce.
she's like 19 though
Ruthnonce will be 40 soon.
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At the river right now with these guys and work in ten minutes.
Very nice pic lad. Sorry about work. What do you do?
DiCaprio and Maguire are dating 20 year olds and everybody supports them. Young women love older celebrities.
Only older women have a problem with older men dating young (but still legal) women.

It's the most common sort of seethe and cope. They instinctively recognise that their worth has dried up with their aging pussy and they lash out.
Digital marketing.
Yeah in just 5 and bit years. It's over once you turn 30. Too late to have fun. Meant to be settled in a career and in a longterm relationship by now.
Yes lad it's so true. Also it's only creepy when the older male is not attractive and isn't making big money.
You look like Maguire, you should be swimming in pussy.
Scanning my wagie badge now. No WFH today.
I think that was more obvious when I was young. Not so much now especially with longer hair. He is rich too unlike me.
Looks a bit like a trannard this one
That's just how most older women look. Very unsexy and no eggs, yet still want the top tier career man to come into their life.
When was the last time you hoovered your boxroom? I don't think I have done it at all this year. Got lots of dust and hair balls scooped up with my sweaty feet.
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SeasideLORD finally get his position in big Army. He lead the Whistle Posse blow against the twolls of the north. He be king of Dorset one day but for now he just controls fief of Wareham.
She moans about not being able to buy a house, but the default position has been for a couple to buy a house. If she had secured a man when she was younger she wouldn't have this problem now
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Does she honestly think this is a good look? Looks like a fucking clown. The amount of effort just to look like this.
Now no man will want that for prioritising her career. Chad worked hard on the building site throughout his 20s, kept fit and will want a younger, fertile woman to carry his sprog. She deserves to be a rentcuck catlady for the rest of her life.
This is such a comfy thread, I love /britfeel/
Boss is talking about the CrowdStrike again, sat on the edge of the table, legs crossed and has really bad coffee breath.
What time does the Arbroathy v Shippy war start?

Fucking animals. That one guy drinks driving saying he's already disqualified for killing someone while drink driving.

Just put that fucker down already.
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Comfy career jobs for women only.
Nah it's not. That's a tranny
Older woman still look like woman. Nae like Jim sterling
What time does the Arbroathy v Zimlad war start?
why do these mongs always try to suck instead of blowing the breathalyser? does he think that will maybe that will lessen the blow?
I hate this video with a bit of a passion.
I hope they're embarrassed by how much people despise it
Probably right. Got them broad showers and male bone structure in the face. Reading the BBC News you'd think the whole country is now trans or non-white.
It's really not. If a woman doesn't eat like a pig, keeps up a moderate exercise routine, makes sure to get good sleep, stay hydrated, moisturised etc. then she would look a thousand times better.

It really is depressing how society is just okay with the notion that when you hit 30 you become a frumpy, shlobby uggo with a belly paunch and bad skin.
Called police earlier telling them they made my mental health worse and the lady hung up on me. Apparently said "we're very busy" even though it was 3 AM on a Monday morning. Lying bastards.
Why are they all dressed like total shit? Aren't women supposed to be fashion conscious?
Tried calling them rozzers again but never got the same woman. So couldn't have a go at her. Always dial 141 before calling them on the non-emergency. They can't identify the call.
Aye the BBC are beyond saving at this point. Boggles the kind that all these old cunts still buy a TV license.
That is 100% a man.
Name me ONE job I could get as longterm unemployed male with no skills that doesn't make me want to kill myself and do my back in.
Why is it okay for the middle one to sing about her "itty bitty titties and a bob"? If I started singing about my average sized nob and mullet I'd be fired.
Ah so that's why she's a software engineer. Statistically women wouldn't do that career. Makes perfect sense now.
Really sad to see so many white men falling for the tranny shit. Hope the rumours about Trump clamping down harder on tranny shit is true, and hopefully other countries follow.
Incels v women war
ruthmong vs women more like
Don't think she'd be too happy if I called her out for having wee pancake tits either.
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Waiting for a SSM update
>licence fee enforcer
>clinical trial volunteer
>media runner
wfh office admin
Tale as old as time desu
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SeasideLORD meet a grim fate tonight. After fighting off several trolls with his axe a particularly mean and seething took at aim at his groin and managed to land an arrow right in his ballsack. SeasideLORD double over in pain. He going to need time off for this one. The Whistle Posse win this battle but Mark need visit to doctor.
Oof. An arrow in the bellend sounds bad. Wonder if it landed on a wart?
Why did his wife leave him? I'm not caught up on his lore
Ruthmong's penis is as thick as a coke can. Girls love thick penises.
Her parents didn't like that he's a dosser. Imagine getting rejected by an Egyptian family for being too much of a dosser.
We can only pray a gnarly manifestation of his warts was enough to lessen the damage.

He got used in visa fraud scheme. You get a lump sum up front, you marry a foreigner and then they divorce you and stay in the country
Someone smell FISH on that train
Started saying "well it's better than giving it to the bookies in-tit?" around my family and they've been quite taken with the phrase. Think it's charming and gets a chuckle from them each time.
She LITERALLY says "fish and chips"
Mate it's entirely plausible that's what she thought because they were near the seaside, little did she know she was near Seaside at the same time.
Need to compete on LinkedIn for that shit.
Arbroathy will never be able to have children. He is not a woman, so cannot carry a child and he has also ablated his fertility by shrinking and destroying his testicles with HRT medications.

Wait. Do you mean that train? Or THAT train?
I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knob.
>join queue for footy tickets at 9, release at 10
>assigned random queue number at 10
>21010 people ahead of you
fuck this shit man
Oversaturated market.


>licence fee enforcer
Depressing going round council houses and don't have a driving licence.

>clinical trials
Not being experimented on, didn't even fall for the clotshot vaxx. Still alive.

>media runner
Don't think that's easy to get into.
Now I live on benefits. My adventuring days are over.
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nice and cool when i left to go to town, gone warm really fast
They should just add a zero to the price of every football ticket. That would solve the insane queues for them.
They do, it's called Hospitality.
If I pretend to like that LGBT cult, will girls find me more appealing?
I have found myself saying lush an I mean lush a few times
and I like mine cooked a little bit longer while cooking
it fun
>I want a stable, well paying job that requires no experience or skills
>But I also refuse to put in any effort, take any risk, step one foot outside of my comfort zone and also I will just dismiss things from gut feeling and never look into them
Well best of luck to you lad!
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The DWP converging on several fronts but his Whistle Posse defends the hill in the centre of the battlefield. If he gets defeated this time it could mean more than 28 day sanction. He got no more gadgets left to sell and the money spent repairing his bellend has left him deformed and skint.
He might not be getting out of this one.
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>LGBT cult
Maybe one day a week 'volunteering' the local charity field hospital will ease off the DWP pressure
They take away his horse. It not rite. He love that horse.
Are you the same lad who did the Simside updates? I enjoyed those.
Cafe au lait
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Give him his horse back!
Need all of you to get a job ASAP
>you won't even try trading crypto or streaming video games for a living? wow it's like you're not even trying to make a sincere attempt to improve your life well fuck you then
I know you're joking but it's baffling to think there are normalfags who actually say shit like this
It's everywhere lad. It's cancer. Many people don't want to see it. It's made zoomers into sensitive, sexually confused snowflakes.
Don't worry king I'm already doing my fake wfh job!
I suggested other jobs as well. You are transparent with how you just dismiss them all with barely a sentence. You don't want to work, you want bennies and sympathy because you're a self-absorbed twat.
Another day of acting like a kid on the internet is it?
woah is that a heckin emerging double head and shoulders? Wow I just made $1000 dollars!
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He not going back to the way he was. His days of doing menial volunteering drudgery for mud farming villages are over.

He got Equibility horse at the moment but he one day wants his Benji neigh neigh back... he want white horse like Benji was.

Yes, SeasideSIM updates are on hiatus till August when I inevitably reinstall the Sims 3 again. I'm glad you enjoy them though, they're silly padding for the thread and they're fun to do as well :).

Now it time for SeasideLORD to shine. He got the DWP right where he want them. He not going back to Jobcentre, he not going back to volunteering, he just want money for new gopro and trip to Monsoon as he not been back there for long time he used to love a Monsoon.
>I'm saving Western civilisation (this is what tranman actually believes)
Quick wank before a 1-2-1 with a girl in my team so I don't stare at her tits the entire time.
NHS tyrants
I post drivel
He read drivel
16 hours a day
Arbroathy's hairy bussy
>not stealthily wanking during the meeting
Addicted to korean food atm
not really
you may get the odd mental woman who won't leave you alone but that is about it
Still addicted to eating eclairs I am. Can't get enough of em. They're the perfect pastry.
Arbroathy crying as he looks in the mirror
How come women can get those jobs then?
Need a gf me. Gotta move on from the loner lifestyle
They can't. They have to go and get the same fake, toilet paper, Mickey Mouse meme degrees from uni that you would need.
What's the game plan for getting one, lad?
A man with a brown sprog
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Here we go de lads! The WHISTLE POSSE BLOW enters the fray! We fight for hidden disability awareness, we fight for RSPB members, we fight for Swanage robin and the Seaside Seagulls, we fight for the cookies and not the bookies. DWP will never hold us down, DWP will never sanction us again!
Wonder if Arbroathy will pop in today
i'll have another go on Bumble. Doubt I will get further than a few shitty chats like.
Then i have no clue. I don't know how people meet each other these days other than dating apps.
Looks like the spamtards have woken up to come wreck the thread. See you lot later.
Poley is overweight
They don't. There is a long established and long acknowledged 'loneliness crisis' or whatever you wanna call it. The social structures which facilitated meeting people, making friends and pairing up in the past have been almost totally ablated.
wake up open 4chan start acting like a kid on the internet
You lot wishing you could grown man post as good as I can.
Arbroathy is her ideal weight
My boss is dumb af dont understand how he got the job
Civil servants get promoted based on length of service, not merit or achievement.
The thread will now be spammed so a new troll thread can be made early
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Now who is sanctioned, DWP Drone? You've been sanctioned from life - forever. It not right it have to come to this but there no other choice. If DWP are allowed to get their paperwork into order entire kingdom gets sanctioned until the end of time. The Whistle Posse and Seaside Army fighting tooth and nail to avoid a permanent cessation in their benefits - and it's l lush.
Arbroathy drinks beer every day he probably has a beer belly
not strictly true that lad. Not where i work anyways
Bunch of dossers complaining about a girl they don't like online at twenty past eleven on a Monday morning, wow
New thread when you're ready de lads
bit early there pal
Left your name on you fucking spastic
Not true, women have it 50x easier. A short skirt and they can walk into a comfy 35k a year job sitting on their phones.
Everyone loves Ruth here lad.

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