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mbti related discussion here
mbti is fake seriously its all fake you gota trustt me
mbti is totaly seriously real yu ojust need to read jung trust me
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Those threads are completely inutile.
OP image perfectly describes mbti-believers. It's just astrology for effeminate perma virgins.
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>OP image perfectly describes mbti-believers. It's just astrology for effeminate perma virgins.
>or, as it's also called, ESTJ
Long-winded insults are reddit and cringe
the perfect type 'infj'
>perfect type
Which 4 types have the most potential if they were able to consume all information in every library?

Give a short paragraph on your reasoning and state your type.
He's saying that because he loves Turbie
turbie isnt an infj
hes an enfp
Yes, but why am I saying what I said?
I didn't say anything as to why you are saying what you said
but as to why you said what I said I am now saying to you as to why
That's it, i'm not saying anything anymore
socionics is 10 times better. that's all am gonna say.
Turbie is a girl and super turbulent stop trying to disrupt her peace please :)
is he turblet or is he peaeceful which is it?????
Stupid normie with surface-level knowledge of typology spotted.
absolutely kek level projections anon
Is she turbie
Or is she peaceful?
The time is vital
My hands are full
And I'm on my knees
Praying to the Future
Is she turbie?
Are we Human??
/3/ = ISFJ
/a/ = INTP
/adv/ = ENTJ
/an/ = ISFP
/b/ = ENTP
/bant/ = ENTP
/biz/ = ESTP
/c/ = ISFJ
/cgl/ = ESFP
/ck/ = ESFJ
/cm/ = ISFP
/co/ = INxP
/diy/ = ESFJ
/f/ = idk
/fa/ = ESFP
/fit/ = ESTJ (maybe ENTJ)
/g/ = INTP
/gd/ = ISFJ
/gif/ = ESTP
/his/ = INTJ
/i/ = ISFJ
/ic/ = ISTJ
/int/ = ENxP
/jp/ = INFP
/k/ = ISTP
/lgbt/ = ENFP
/lit/ = INFJ
/m/ = INTP
/mlp/ = INFP
/mu/ = INFP
/n/ = ESTJ
/news/ = ENTP
/auto/ = ESTP
/out/ = ESTJ
/p/ = ESFP
/po/ = ISFJ
/pol/ = can't decide between ENTP or INTJ
/pw/ = ESTJ
/qa/ = ENTP
/qst/ = INFP
/r9k/ = INFP
/s4s/ = ENFP
/sci\ = ISTJ (maybe INTJ)
/soc/ = ENFP
/sp/ = ESTP
/t/ = INTP
/tg/ = INxP
/toy/ = IxFP
/trv\ = ESTP
/tv/ = idk
/u/ = INFP
all vidya boards = ISTP
/vip/ = ESTP
/vt/ = INFP
/w/ and /wg/ = ISFP
/wsg/ = ENFP
/wsr/ = ESFJ
/x/ = INTP
/xs/ = ESTJ
/y/ = INFP
trash and coom boards = ISTP
yet i am infp
MBTI is solid, but it's more of a blueprint for more complex and accurate-to-reality systems, socionics is actually one of the best approximations currently.
but you don't have to care about that, all that super-detailed dimension jargon bullshit. maybe you just like brain-dead mainstream astrology-level personality tests that tell you how quirky and unique you are. good for you.
Finally a fellow socioanon. I hope World Socionics Society becomes widespread, they're by far the best source.

ISFP is the only type that matters in reality.
ISFPs are just gayer INFPs
you don't understand and that's fine. ISFPs are the best type.
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They're indeed the best, thanks to them I learned the true nature of socionics thoroughly. My informed verdict is that socionics is rotten inane word salad stuck in an abandoned septic tank. I guarantee that once I'll answer to a request to elaborate, no socionics fan will give me a proper reply further.
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Socionics is such a good approximation that it's considered very pseudoscientific by every personality psychologist outside of the socionics bubble
To be fair (just for the fun of getting off to it), all typology bubbles are behaving territorial
Because most type theorists are either too prideful to cooperate with trait theorists, or have their own macabre corporate overlords who care more about the money than anything else, like the Myers-Briggs Foundation.
As you said I don't expect you to respond but I don't understand how someone can think that about socionics but not Jung or MBTI as well.
What makes INFPs feel such strong connections for certain people? I'm an INFP and I've been trying to talk to some women to possibly date, and one so obviously outshines the other two, but... I can't put my finger on why. She has similar interests and views to I, which is a great positive, but I feel like there's something more than that. I can't describe this emotional connection I feel. I just feel it
Alright, go ahead and elaborate. what's the harm of being corrected? I just hope you can differentiate between personal opinions and logic.
It's not the blueprint, that sort of thinking is precisely why shitonics is shit.
MBTI is a complete building based on its own blueprint, shitonics comes along and sees that building and says "I can build this better." Then goes on to build a completely different building, with a completely different style and the two buildings have no similarities other than the fact that shitonics calls the trusses holding the roof on their building the same as the trusses holding the roof on MBTI's building.
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/mu/ being INFP seems like a no brainer, but I never really go there. Maybe I should change that. Any /mu/ goers here? What's your type? Favorite genres/bands?
used to go there a lot but /mu/ has become a complete circlejerk of newfags and I don't use those words lightly unfortunately

I'm INTP/ENTP last I checked
Mbti is meant to be digested by retards and astrology women
ISTP. My top boards are /out/, /p/, /mu/, /adv/ and /r9k/. I don't use any vidya boards or coom boards.
/mu/ hasn't been good in a like a decade don't bother bro. the upsides of it back then can presently be found by other means and the """board culture""" and general disposition of the average /mu/faggot was always shite
bittle fwogz know *I* do the (((talent scouting)))

I just wanted to post cute pin I saw at museum the other day and botbloxxing is for the imaginationally bereft

rember when day are nostalgia always bump [queup.net] radio 2024
I have been in this dumb psychology thread for 4 years and I have not even been taught how to make friends once. In fact, this thread has made me worse. Testament to how useless the information is here if it can't improve you in a material way.

No, I'm not asking too much. What is the point of a psychology thread if it doesn't materialise anything meaningful?
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>Your type
>If you had to eat from only one taste category (sour, sweet, salty, bitter, savory&/umami) for a month, which would you pick?

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You're probably semantically correct in saying you haven't been

Have you learned tho? All the spoonfeeding and/or lecturing in the world can't make you go put into practice, WITH CONSISTENCY AND DISCIPLINE, what you know. Y'know?

What are you struggling with specifically? What are your current most considerable environmental and personal barriers to making/maintaining friendships?
>>Your type
>f you had to eat from only one taste category (sour, sweet, salty, bitter, savory&/umami) for a month, which would you pick
I'd pick you.

Well, for starters there's a lot to it that doesn't get the slightest mention. Making friends is an enterprise in colour. I am colour blind.

Let's not pretend that mbti and associated is at all useful. There is an absence of actionable material.
Why are you all so useless? This is why I have no friends, because every time I end having to do everything myself.
The goal of MBTI is not for you to make friends, it's for you to understand yourself, your motivations and your actions.

If you want to make friends, go outside and talk to people. That's all there is to it. Like literally how can you be so bad at something that we've been doing for hundreds of thousands of years?
now, the obvious conclusion is underageb&, but hear me out... anon is old. quite old, possibly ancient. it's simply that it took him so many years to truly begin to live...
delete your post before you get banned
>>Your type
>>If you had to eat from only one taste category (sour, sweet, salty, bitter, savory&/umami) for a month, which would you pick?

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