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The Angel of the North edition
Angel of my cock up your arse mate.
bruh on god why this skibidi rizzler doin' a T pose LMAOOOOOOO
Boomer seething at my designer gear. SAD!
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Still digesting the last thread
Just got the call from the builders. Having a floor to ceiling window installed in my bathroom. Not frosted glass or anything, clear as crystal it's gonna be.
Any brown sprog updates?
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right out the gate
Fuck me that's an ungodly amount of calories.
This was me over the weekend. Cutting it right back now though
Turned white overnight lad. Like a dog shit in the sun.
acting like a kid on the internet toplel
Worried about the lack of SSM updates desu.
Having a meat free honey roast ham sandwich. Not really a vegetarian just got it to try. Not bad to be honest.
I love how a new edition 60 posts early is the norm now.
The tune of "I've Got a Brand New Combine Harvester", but the lyrics are "I've Got a Brand New Brown Coloured Sprog"
Arbroathy is ITT right now
She's not the only poster who dislikes brown sprogs.
Grown man. Given up on life. Polices his favourite thread on 4chan sixteen hours a day. Hasn't changed his t-shirt in days.
wonder if the other norn iron lad is a nationalist or unionist
i need to decide whether to put my toe up his hole or not
Zimlad is ITT right now
Walking on the beaches looking at the peaches
A lot of incorrect assumptions there little lad.
Need my 2 dollies in this thread
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>4 dead in car , 2 dead on bike

Holy fucking Christ lads this must have been proper horrifying, imagine you where the unlucky cunt to come up the road behind this and see whats left of 2 people on a bike and a car with a full family burning to a crisp

Fooken ell
The grown man gimmick is single handedly responsible for beating the seethers back down into irrelevancy. They simply have no response to it.
Grown man spends all day on the internet acting like a kid, loves online wars and drama
Probably would have got me cock out and spaffed over the now brown sprogs.
Saw this on YouTube, lad. Horrific. An 11 year old girl survived and is now orphaned.
Very noncy thing to say
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Grim as fuck tbqh lad

he must have been flying on the bike to do that kind of damage to a car, or its hit a tree or something
Why say something like this? You really have to wonder.

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fondly remember doing a sixth sense to mummy when I was a lad and pretending I saw a dead person while waiting for an accident to be cleared
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Arbroathy, his testicles withered
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Lad, there's racist banter and then there's posts like this
4 hour thread just gone and it's 4x less lush
I said it purely to rile you little lads up. Simple as that.
My Greggs thread was a success
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No job since 2016 aye. Ppl in that time started a degree graduated did mastere got job got married nd had kids. Might be for them, not for me.
why don't you go full tranny, lad? You're already mentally ill.
Back to the normie boards, little lad. Bloodeh softie pooftahs.
Put on a skirt just to sit in my room anyway, don't see the point
At least then your elderly neighbours would stop asking you to get a job.
Well put on a skirt, get yer cock out and send me some pictures so I can spaff.
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Quite comfy desu when its hot weather nd the normies are doing gardening nd stuff like that. I like to know the world is being maintained, just don't want to necessarily speak to them, be around them, etc but I appreciate it.
Why do my parents get so annoyed whenever I want to cook my own dinners instead of the slop they make?
Seems to be a universal thing with parents that.
do you think they maybe the better people to ask lad, how would we know or are you just posting drivel?
Doctor said last week I need to stop smoking green. I will never stop.
I thought I'll post my pp on /b/ or something some day just to check it it's normal size cause I used 2 think it can't be very big but I saw micro pp pics nd it's definitely bigger than that. But it doesn't really make a difference to my life enough to go to that effort. I bet a few itt done that already
Yeah well it seems to be because we all live together that they think we should all eat the same meal but they don't want to eat the healthier stuff I want to eat and I buy my own food so I don't see the bloody issue. Melters. Need me a supported living spacker flat like Helper.
What are those bags without zips called? You know the ones that have those strings to close them?
I would unironically be very happy with a situation like Helper but he seems to waste it. He should get evicted the alcoholic druggie.
asking inane questions kek
You wouldn't be. No one is happy without any purpose in their life. That's why he's destroying himself.
What's the name of that chess piece that looks like a horse?
Wrong. If you think work is a purpose that will make you happy then you're a mong.
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Dint want to get the guts to hire an escort only to get laughed at for small pp. When you didn't pay them for that. Not like I'll work up the courage though anyway.
Not sure about living with downs syndrome ppl they get punchy
who mentioned work?
I didn't say "work" did I? I said a purpose. You can have work without purpose, and you can have purpose without work. The fact is HHL has neither, but the lack of purpose is the issue.
Lads what do you call the genre of porn that has anal?
Right so today at work I had one team call for 30 minutes, sent a grand total of 3 e-mails and updated a Powerpoint presentation. Also vacuumed the house, watched the latest Sidemen Sunday and played an hour of vidya.

Remind me, why is having a job so awful?
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I think all doctors will tell you that, weed = illegal therefore weed = bad
Denied a neet v wagie war in this instance
It always riles people up when I call the pieces the wrong name. Call the knight a horse. Call the rook 'tower', call the bishop 'stick'. Really annoys people lol. It's the little things in life.
Sorry lads I meant If I was in a position like him or SSM I'd make the best of it. They're very lucky to have a flat.
I love my parents, but they're just utterly insufferable NPCs. My mum is genuinely wondering why Biden isn't running. Like she cannot grasp that he is a senile decrepit old mong and she truly believes that he has been 'running the US' the whole time he's been in office.

I don't even bother to argue with it any more, just nod along and say yeah sure mum.
No photo of the vacuumed house I notice
Very nice lad. Must be so fucking galling for them when you're saying that and then you beat them.
Excellent back peddle de lad
He probably has been doing loads, but the simple fact is he's not running because everyone knows he can't win.
Weed = bad because it turns you into a mong brained, lazy loser that craves shitty food. Also strains now are orders of magnitude more powerful than they were even 20 years ago and can and do cause serious and sometimes irreversible psychosis to young people all the time.

Stay away from it.
Do you write a column for the Daily Mail or something lad?
You think Joe Biden has been doing anything other than eating pudding and taking naps? Come on, lad.
I often have discussions with Neil deGrasse Tyson on X DMs and I call the stars and planets by the wrong names to rile him it
Coorrrni wish, I'd call it Anon's Drivel. But also weed is a loser drug and fucks your brain. I've seen it happen to lads I went to school with, legit psychos now because they just smoked so much all the time. Can barely tie their shoes.

Oh also my column would have a 'tits of the week' section.
Well, neither of us know for sure lad, but I suspect he's been doing the job.
Sorry to hear about the lads you went to school with, but I don't think you can blame the substance for that. With people like that, if it wasn't weed it would be something else. Whereas there are obviously loads of people who smoke weed and they're completely functional with no issues at all.
All I want is a tiny flat to call my own but it won't happen. All I want is:
>small bedroom for my bed and dresser
>small kitchen I can keep tidy and have everything where I want it and it will be enjoyable to cook in
>small bathroom where I can take a shit in peace
>small storage area for my DVDs
>comfy little living room with a sofa, telly and 7.1 surround system
We should build dosser towers with tiny Korean style flats.
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They are all soft lads who cant handle a fucking plant lmao

Been smoking years lad and ive yet to suffer any of the shit people harp on about all the time, still go to work every day etc

Everything in moderation
Could you tell for sure though? If weed knocks off say half an IQ point per year of habitual use, would you see it or would it be a significant albeit unnoticeable difference to the casual observer?

I feel like this is such a moot unarguable point. Yeah, weed makes you stupid.
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If we evolved from monkeys why is there still monkeys
Building anything in this shit hole country is more or less illegal at this point.
It doesn't knock off half an IQ point per year of habitual use though. You just made that up.
work trial???
NIMBYISM is killing this country.
Save up your bennies nd buy a caravan my cousin has 1 paid off nd he dint work think you rent the land but its not much
I'm just holding out for when my parents inevitably die they've told me they're leaving the house to me or transferring it to my name so the government can't sell it to put them in a care home.
NIMBYism is only half the problem. The other half, the 'demand' half of the supply and demand curve is mass immigration. Even if we scrapped all housing regulations overnight it would be impossible to build the necessary housing for the 600k net people coming in every year. That's more than the entire population of Leeds every single year.
>transferring it to my name so the government can't sell it to put them in a care home.

Lol do you think no one has thought of that before? If it was that easy then no one would have to sell their house to be put in a care home.
Fair enough lad I don't know much about it.
Put them all back into the sea simple as.
How do I work out the H W D dimensions of a 47 inch bag?
horrible that. Where is it?
Whip out your cock and use that to measure it.
Need a SSM uploaf
Barnsley west Yorkshire
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Ask and you shall receive de lad

mad coincidence, i'm from Barnsley. don't know the family though.
Can you do us a Vocaroo? Love the Barnsley accent.
*SNAP* Yep, that one's going in my LUSH collection!
you couldn't just get that from yt?
No because I want you to say a /britfeel/ related thing in a Barnsley accent
why does he need 2 cameras?
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Living alone is hard desu. It's nice to be alone bt the dealing w utility bills etc. U have to make a lot of phone calls nd stuff there's no other option sometimes. If yoi don't keep on top of stuff you get harassed by wagies. Dealing with neighbours. Its harder than it sounds. Tried it before nd ran home again. Live alone w a carer would be top drawer tho.
what do you want me to say exactly?
I'm not him and you act like a kid on the internet
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He bird watching. He RSPB member
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SSM loves showing off his gadgets. He knows it winds up the twolls.
Maybe a little soliloquy about Shippy's brown sprog
I do yeah, to be fair. You got me. It's good fun though.
SSM must have at least 3k in gadgets
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>I need to hear a man from britfeel say special words I like in his accent
>Maybe a little soliloquy about Shippy's brown sprog
that's very cringy mate. I'm not doing that
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Why not? It would be hilarious
>that's very cringy mate. I'm not doing that
you don't get it lad, britfeel lore, top kek massive lols
Bacon bacon buppy times de lads
Organic bacon
He wants to start auditing.
A grown man sits in his room giggling at thought of "brown sprog" said in different accents
Yeah this is indeed true
I respect your decision but I can't help but feel disappointed.
nta, but to be fair, i am giggling at this fucking post
i think i'm sleep deprived
we'd pronounce it "brarn sprog" in Barnsley. But you won't know that because i'm not making a Vocaroo saying such childish things
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>why's the view all fookin black?
You would make my night if you did it.
If you make a Vocaroo lad you will become a dolly, that's just a sad fact of this place
Need a vocaroo of 'brown sprog' being pronounced in a strong Glaswegian accent
Pwease say the britfeel spam and gimmicks I'm lonely and bored sat here all day pwease
SSM has no idea how to use his camera. CEX'd within a few days I reckon.
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He scared of the trolls
I'm still waiting for that thing to start flying one day
We need a new thread in a bit
Grown man. Very successful business. Cancels meeting to post drivel
Here you go mate, a little soliloquy:

Ah, brown sprogs, the unsung marvels of nature's palette. How often do we overlook your humble presence amidst the splendor of the wild? Your unassuming hue, a testament to life's resilience and adaptability, whispers tales of survival and hidden beauty. In the tapestry of the earth, you are the subtle stitch that binds the vivid threads, grounding the vibrant in the richness of soil and bark. O brown sprogs, may we learn to see the quiet strength in your simplicity, the profound in your modesty, and the grace in your unnoticed dance through the underbrush.
Next to no chance of the poster seeing this but the webm of the blonde girl getting her tits out was Madelynn Henry.
giggles like a 14 year old kid on the internet
happy now, feel right at home?
Just want a blowjob desu. Being alone is horrible. I'm a young man, I have physical needs.
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the wapu hath ingested

the arbroath smokie

the wapu is mildly womfortified
Had such a crush on Mandy when I was younger.
I resent this structure
Yeahhhhh mate ugly rusty stupid NOTHING has become the symbol of the entire region x
Ask Crosslad. You never know.
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Having sausage and chippy wippies from the fish shoppingtons for din dins. Got that warlic sauce too.
Where's the tray?
He'd rather sell his arse shit through his ribs
speaking of sprogs, there's a very annoying one that lives in my building and he thinks the hallway directly outside my door is a playground. little prick.
Spacker woman on Pointless can't count to six.
I remember Smirnoffbro used to moan because the locals kids would kick their football against the side of his house lol
Some proper fucking retards on Pointless today. How do they get past the auditions.
I am so desperately lonely. I want a wife. I want a family. I want friends. I want to spend my evenings playing with my children, my nights making love to my wife and my weekends spending time with my friends.
chocolate sprog
Take it from me, none of these things will get you a gf.
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hi all
fresh fat andy ere
I think it's time we put the brown sprog gimmick to rest. It was never very funny and it's now passed the minor funny-because-its-being-spammed period and gone firmly into the tiresome period.
Wish I was on tatooine desu lads.
arbs budding boobies visible through a thin pink crop tank top
it lush
All it will take is a single post from zimmy and the thread will go feral again. Might be a good thing he rarely posts desu.
Nah it has a few more years yet I reckon
But there really isn't much to get from it besides variations of posting brownsproglol. At least other gimmicks have some variety.
Wish I could get a pic of this. Sounds hot.
Arbs hasn't posted a single pic. Honestly leaning more towards the idea that he's just a character made up by some bored lonely and depressed wanker in his boxroom.
love sexy hot trannies

need some girlcock up me arse right proppa
You getting that Monday night bag in liddy? Tempted to myself desu.
This looks like Arbroathy's posting syntax too. I hope its you
I wouldn't be surprised because If it's one thing I know about Trannys is they love attention and people confirming if they pass.
>s-stop calling my daughter brown sprog
You have never had sex, regardless of if it's with a man or a woman. You probably never will desu.
Literally who are you talking to? I don't have a kid and I don't think any of the confirmed sproghavers have posted itt today.
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Few more years? Do you anticipate being here in 2028/2029?
Zimlad: fucking his black wife every night
Zimlad's haters: crying themselves to sleep every night because they know they will never have sex with any woman of any race
Need I say more?
Is there a botton in your room that you can press when you spaz out to alert the carers?
Now who the fuck are you talking to? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here sometimes. You all seem to be spouting utter shite at imaginary 'enemies'. Genuinely pathetic.
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>Do you anticipate being here in 2028/2029
Yeah. I will never leave /britfeel/
Arb and I are having a baby together and it is NOT brown. I am a woman and she has impregnated me.
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Based zimmy making seethers seethe. In a way, since they're thinking about how he's getting pussy instead of them, he's kind of cucking them. Gigabased.
/britfeel/ would have a meltdown if Arbroathy ever posted her feminine penis
Don't you? You were here 3 years ago.
Some lads here have already seen it
There are many aspects of Arbroathys lore I have doubts about. But when he claims to be from Scotland. Yeah, I believe that bit
I would have a wank and simp if she was cute. Simple as.
But he never will. Obsessed with the idea of being perceived as a woman, but cannot face the reality that such a thing is impossible and will never post pics because he knows he'll get fucking roasted.
Finally the girls have got their dollies to play with
Arbroathy has upset Shippy greatly over these past 5 days and that's why I really enjoy her presence here
I was here 3 years ago. I was here 3 days ago (for 16 hours that day) so maybe I will bebhere in 2028/2029. It'll probably be very rarely on the odd occasion then though
She is a woman. Simple as. Go away bully.
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Arbroathy vs Shippy war time? Get in.
Grown man. Makes posts sixteen hours a day on an incel forum. Posts about other men being losers. Hasn't bought deodorant in months.
The war on Arbroathy with supporting act of Zimlad riling up the seethers
It would be the first time he has LARPed as a tranny
He's clocked in for his 16 hour drivel shift
>Hasn't bought deodorant in months.
That's true. I bulk bought it in 2020 and still have a few years worth remaining
I've been here 10 years you can never leave. I did get banned for a spell for threatening to kill Poley, however.
Nah, only 6-8 hours today. I'm cutting it right down. I can't sustain that level of posting
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No buttons but there are pully cords in several rooms that I can pull if I need my carers. You're only supposed to pull them if there's an emergency though, like a fire or a medical crisis.
it's been chopped off lad
Neither of these people are in the thread. TAKE. YOUR. MEDS.
they play out these sad little stories in their heads and giggle like kids no one else knows what they're on about because it's a special rile up in their heads
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Unfathomably based, lad. I must learn from you.
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I didn't think you could go cold turkey for a week. You couldn't even manage 1 day
Mate are those your pictures? Like something my granny would have up. Very nice.
Arbroathy's penis has been posted in the discord
His time is worth a pair of Nike Air force 1s per hour. Yet he spends 16 hours a day here
tuggin on me wee cockle for de lads
it lush
brown sprog
>he has a spackercord to pull if he needs his nappy changed
Lad you can't go a day without being a boring dickhead
Sometimes I think you should reflect on who is the dolly and who is the puppetmaster
dont talk to shippy like that. he's the backbone of /britfeel/

show some respect!
boyfriend kissing me rosebud and it lush
gape for me coomers
>show some respect!
Simply sharnt
>scottish mannerisms
>trannycase typing
>obvious subtext seething
If this isn't Arbroathy it's now impossible to tell who is and who isn't.
Nah he's a sad man with the mentality of a kid just like the other sad sack
Ruths bewildered tuppence
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Currently at Frankley services, where ServiceStation Anon went after meeting with Marko at Strensham
Or a character made up by a high-income man in his penthouse, naked as the day he was born in front of a panoramic window.
i won
remember that
frankley i don't give a damn lmao
What did you win lad
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>I'll get 3 surrogate sprogs if the price of Ethereum rises after the US election
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What did you win lad? Being racist to my mixed race princess?
I chuckle every time you use that term Shippy
Posting the timestamped photo of my shoes was a waste of time. It didn't really rile anyone up. If anything people seemed more riled up before I posted the timestamp and calmed down afterwards. Lesson for the future there.
Non white wife and non white sprog

Non white sprog, no wife

Non-white wife, sprogless
I won at life
simple as
yis all seethe at me all day but u don't have a brown sprog so am winnin
Grown men hoping they are inflicting emotional and psychological damage on others with drivel and make believe
Shippy is losing this battle
hello i am arbroathy
Will never cease to amaze me how fully grown men will spend their days pretending to be other fully grown men who have established a presence on an online incel forum to rile up other fully grown men pretending to be women and who likewise spend their days doing absolutely wank all posting all day on an incel forum.
I'm pretty sure that my drivel has put at least one lad in a mental institution.
shippy lost when he had a brown sprog
What battle, how am I losing
Reading drivel may be for you but it's not for me
You have a literal bean head mate. You lost at life.
Arbroathy has a degree, unlike bean head
we'll die alone together lad
There's no way Arbroathy even has a single Scottish higher.
I told you to adopt a trip the other day for this very reason lass

I like old fashioned stuff like that. Better than having "Live, Laugh, Love" on the wall.
Negromancer Kamala Harris will turn America into a voodoo nation.
We can only hope lad.
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Hulk is Team Trump now
Very true, lad. It's a nice picture. Any other like that? My granny used to have loads of like naked cherubs and that, they used to be all in style I think. Same with clocks on the mantle.
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Sad to say lads, no gf again despite having touched grass. And no I'm not going to put my mouse away, seems to make no difference to the gf goal.
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Based Terry kek
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hell yeah brotha
Seeing Trump supporters being interviewed on TV is mystifying. Are a whole generation of Americans retarded somehow? I'm not even against Trump at principle but literally none of them can give a reason why they like him or vote for him. KOOL AID.
its the spacker tray lad, it repels most women
Thinking my uncool name has held me back my whole life. Considering changing it by deed poll to "Clem Telstar"
That's how they decided to serve me today. Not sure why, usually they give no tray.
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Lad you're still bringing the fucking mouse with you
Just why
They might have sensed something. You didn't do the spacker way of paying did you?
That lass has a very nice pussy that seems to grip cocks very well.
What's the spacker way of paying?
Handing them Monopoly money REEEEEIIING
Lad, please please stop brining your mouse. Please I cannot overstate this enough.
Late for my shift at /britfeel/. Going to have to do some overtime tonight.
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Ppl are nothing but trouble imo
Why not lad? I tried mouseless. Made no difference when I didn't have the mouse out.
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>Acer Chromebook
They any good lad? I'm considering getting one of these as they are surprisingly cheap.
youre cute
are you a girl?
Because it makes you look like a good. I'm not saying that maliciously, just as a fact, you see someone out at a cafe with a laptop, they're just there with a laptop, but when you see them with a laptop and a mouse, you think they're a spacker.
Sorry phoneposting. Meant to say it makes you look like a goob.
I'm sure Coffeeshop lad is Ruthmong. Same wooden posting style and syntax
I love it lad. It's touchscreen and can fold into a tablet too. Plus it's very small and light which makes it prefect for bringing it out. I just stick it in my gym bag. I have this one, 'MT8183, 4GB, 64GB, Convertible'


I really don't get it lad and can't tell if I'm being trolled. Didn't know mouses were so uncool? But okay I'll put the mouse away next time.
Nah lad. I'm the one starting IT graduate job soon, I've posted about it before. I'd rather kill myself than be Ruthmong. Good to know I have the same spacker posting style though kek.
>sprog, 25 matches
>brown, 20 matches
>brown sprog, 16 matches

How do I get into sheltered accommodation like HHL? Sounds like a wonfy set up.
you need to become a pathetic spacker
I'm sure he's got that bit covered. Might be more helpful to jump to step 2.
Act like a complete utter during an assessment. Come in unwashed, unkempt, piss yourself, shit yourself if you're up for it, don't make eye contact, twitch randomly and all around act like a mong who can't be left alone for his own safety.
Will most likely get this one later this week.
I already have a decent specced Macbook but want a cheap laptop I can just chuck in my bag without worrying about it.
Was dating someone on Hinge. 3rd date we go back to hers. 4th date "Oh, are you going to be able to get the train home this late?" followed up by "we shouldn't see each other again."

Oh well, 14 years without getting laid, what's another year?
accidentally brought the wrong mouse to the coffee shop and now there's blood splattered everywhere... some pensioner got it in her eye and she's threatening to sue, either that or she's called sue
Unrepentant bum sex with a man named moni
Lmao this one got me in the hut
fuck him so hard his insides like baloney
britfeel comedy it doesn't get any better
I don't get it. You went back to hers on the third date, but you didn't shag? Why?

What happened on the 4th date?
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pondering the orb?
top shagger activity
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The diagnosis is not looking good. Wuppatitis C, Freningitis and Feelshire Frencephalitis.. Woctors told him likely only has until his next benefit payment to live. I can't bear to hear him cry out in pain for a wuppa knowing he'll never sip another one again. Going to have to put him in a wospice... he begs me every time when I see him I could bring him a wuppa from the nurse area and I have to refuse.
In tears.
This will probably make you crease howl then

140 times since 6th of July.

had a good nostalgic wank to monster girl quest
Copped a good laffingtonshire at diss did I not
Ruth's tuppence and arse
truly sad
brought a tear to my eye
i hope it's painless for him :(
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It not rite. The wailing of their frens when the coffin gets lowered is heartbreaking.
getting into h-games again
Okay lad, alright, I've been the lad ripping into you these last couple weeks, but I have to say you've truly upped your game. I am happy to now endorse you as a poster. Who says bullying doesn't get results?
Stamping my jackboots down on an apu's head to kill it
I was a fan of AI apu drivel poster before it was cool
Brown sprog
>44 results

Carpe diem kings
You're the only friends I have. Thanks
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i know you're out there watching
>he makes accusatory posts at thin air
No woman is willing to bear his sprogs
My sister got pregnant, again. How can you get pregnant living under someone else's roof? It's a different guy this time too, apparently. She's only 22. Disgrace.
Fackin ell
Proper knackered aren't i
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Put my wee valium under my tongue. My wee problem solver
Turn my swag on
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He who is knackered cannot be arsed
just got done fingerin me bumhole to some blacked
140 captchas
what a life
all those wuppas lost forever, like tears in de rain
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Does women getting pregnant upset you?
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The so-called wautismal wapu
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Just seen Wald and Wankrupts new Rwanda video. It's funny how Britain has probably paid for a lot of their development despite getting nothing back in return.
A grown man sits alone clapping at the screen in front of him after he makes a childish cringe post on 4chan
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texted happy birthday to an old schoolmate I've not spoken to in 8 or so years and he left me on read
Boggles the mind how i ran into the schizoid boomeroid ousside again earlier whilst heading out for the appointmentshire

Least he shuts the heck up now and won't intercept me again. Some schizo on the other side also pulled on their shutter really heavily just as i stepped out, this has happened a couple times now
Saw that pop up too. Garn watch it later in bed
What did you expect him to say exactly? You're a stranger at this point.
thinking about the time some guy in a pub started telling me how he used to be a nonce but he got over it. Weird thing to say to a stranger like
I have 0 IRL friends
so whats this laptop guys plan? sit in a coffee shop on a laptop looking interesting and hope a girl approaches him?

ive been thinking of trying this myself actually
Natural selection hasn't favoured Arbroathy
He has no chance of a female approaching him he he insists on bringing his mouse with him
I have 3 but only fully trust one of them
had a similar experience. weird
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The recuperative rest period shall commence in a most timely manner, shall it not

Why yes it shall
Grown man. Actually called Greg. Has a brown sprog with a woman he never sees. Funds her lifestyle.
Maturing past 14 hasn't favoured you kid
a simple 'thanks' would have been enough but he chose not to reply
wonder if it was the same guy.
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Pretty much just getting myself out there since everyone says we need to touch grass to get a gf. It's a bit of a joke on my part as I know I'm not going to get a gf just sitting in a coffee shop but it's not like I have friends to go out with and shit so not much else I can do when I'm outside lad. It not right.

What if I pulled out a mouse pad too?
Grown man. Sprogless. Will die alone
>I know I'm not going to get a gf just sitting in a coffee shop

all the people i know who get/got girls it was when the girl approached them first in some way

i really do think if a girl likes you shell come talk to you or something or at least be near you and stare or somethin then itll "just happen"
A grown man, his day revolves around acting like a kid on the internet
Damn, lucky bastards.
Another appointmentshire hath been confirmed

Looking like a busyarse week already is it not
Your daughter will most likely grow up surrounded by blacks and fully embrace black culture and have no interest in visiting her fat balding white dad in Oxfordshire
Must make some people feel inadequate seeing someone else have a sprog when they don't have one. Some people can handle it. Others can't
whats your guys favourite blacked scenes?
/grown man/i:op:no;boards:r9k
Elsa Jean's scene is my favourite
He has been playing dollies every day for 8 years
Fucking hell torrenting has gone to shit these past few years. Trackers not loading, torrentsites disappearing, at most 1 seeder if you're lucky.. Get me back to 2015.
Not every day
Aria Banks v underrated with Anton Harden desu
Have you thought about trying a dating app? It's not that hard to get matches as some claim.
A grown man addicted to childish online flame wars and drama
anything not YIFY is terrible these days for films. Tragic
Grown man. Speaks with uptalk.
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>Only playing dollies 363 days a year
Wonder if he takes Christmas off
Fecal stains on the window. No one knows where they came from
i've been enjoying a bit of kanye west recently. fan of the yeezus album. very strange but strangely good
The Lena Paul & Angela White threesome scene. Probably fapped to that at least 20 times
No, even Christmas day and boxing day the personality dolls get a playing with
What people will your daughter grow up around
nerve has been struck, has it not
I've tried Tinder and OkCupid years ago (before OkCupid was a tinder clone). I got nothing. I even paid for the OkCupid premium thing that back then would show which women it was promoting your profile to. I got nothing. On OkCupid I didn't get a single reply back despite carefully crafting messages or just spending short ones, it didn't matter. And on Tinder I got one match which turned out to be a bot linking to some website. Online dating legit made me feel even worse about myself and I haven't been on dating sites since.
Grown man. Tells nephews they'll never have any cousins. Claims he is a funcle
confirmed nerve struck
Teef brushington o' clock already, good heavens
His daughter occasionally visiting her dad in a prison visit room with warders overlooking
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Get it down ya and I mean get it down ya
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Right lads I've decided to download 15 Lena Paul videos, and then I'll pretend she's my wife and she's cheating on me with all these lads.
Wardens overlooking through floor to ceiling windows. Their bare arses pressed firmly against the glass.
SCEA is in this very thread right now
always wanted to try malt liquor like they have in america. steel reserve or colt 45 or whatever. booze is so cheap over there too
dating apps are waste of time if you really have no friends. once women discover you friendless incel they will run for the hills. major red flag for them
Lena Paul would be godtier if she didn't have that horrific birth mark on her shoulder
Des and Arthur claimed to be funcles. They weren't funcles at all. Quite the opposite in fact
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Maka didn't give us a drinking update today. Hope he's ok desu.
Imagine being sprogless. Very grim, very grim indeed
Kek that birthmark puts me off too. She has amazing tits though
Touching crossmong's bussy
It does when it drives my parents mental, yes.
no irl friends
no online friends
no frens
Fuck me is cross a tranny too? Where the fuck do these freaks come from? You can't seem to get away from them.
"My Sisters Loss is My Gain" is good.
They had their fun. And that's all that matters to them.
Also Lena's Swallowed scene with Sofi Ryan, Katrina Jade
Grown men trying to beat each other in a game of childishness
He has been very very upset over the past few days. The fact a certain someone has a sprog doesn't sit well with him at all
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This smellyarse overweight tatted-up millenial cunt was probably also the one who managed to lose me urine sample which i gave them earlier, she fucked up with the blood samples too and knocked a bunch of sterile ones over at the cabinet during the previous appointment, spreading them all across the floor

Just imagine it though, fucking up so badly you manage to lose a patient's important sample which ought to be sent to the lab, failing at one of the most basic tasks of any medical practice imaginable.

This is why women have no freaking business being in the workforce, seriously
Me and Crossmong going on our first date to the Polo Lounge in Glasgow's Merchant City. I'm wearing my best Loewe hoodie and he's dressed like a giant toddler girl in a princess dress and nappy.
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>ELLLLR LEEDS YE <incomprehensible mumbling>
>*takes swig of 99p can of cider*
>YE SHA AHT TA <unknown youtuber>
>*wanders about the garden with arms spread*
>*takes another swig of grim cider*
><further unidentifiable screeching>
>*finishes the can*
Des was an uncle
Swanny was a nephuming
It should be Crosslad unless you genuinely dislike him.
lost all of my friends by doing stupid shit while drunk multiple times. last straw was when i broke into one of my friend's house in the early hours and scared the fuck out of him and his family. don't blame them really but i miss them a lot. tried apologising but they all just blocked me on everything
We'll see how the date goes lad.
cheers lad will add those to the collecsh
How come he has a sprog and I don't? The world isn't fair
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This is a pretty accurate summary DESU
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>You went back to hers on the third date, but you didn't shag? Why?
she didn't wanna fuck but we did foreplay.
>What happened on the 4th date?
Dunno, I was probably too open about my family, politics and [lack of] friends. Probably red flags.
that is correct.
I'm glad BritNormie hasn't been here the past few days to witness all this commotion. He doesn't like racist language, he doesn't like it at all. The last few days would have been very upsetting for him
I have a mate who's done stupid shit. He stole my car once and crashed it, and that's just the worst thing on a long list. I keep him at arms distance and very rarely see him, but I'd never cut him off completely. He's still in the group chat etc. Still count him as a mate. Think it's shit that your friends cut you off considering you just did something stupid. I did stop talking to him after he stole my car and said at the time I was done with him forever, but at the end of the day he's still a mate.
kek I can never understand a fucking word he says either
I would pay for a woman to do this to me

Let me guess. Very right wing?
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>i broke into one of my friend's house in the early hours and scared the fuck out of him and his family.

Fucking hell lad.
Today is a 'clothed day'. The people of Glasgow have nothing to fear looking up
never tell a women youre friendless. they dont want to date a social loser. men and women value different things in partners
if you read through this thread it looks like lads having chats about whatever and 2 lads going at each other like middle schoolers full tard mode or one lad just pumping shit into the thread and replying to himself. mad.
Shippy is impotent
I wonder what he would be doing with his evening if he didn't have /britfeel/. Watching keeping up appearances no doubt
Most anons are interacting with each other and then you have Shippy talking to himself.
Just get some filters going lad, then what remains is just lads having a bit of back and forth banter.
I wasn't impotent in late 2022 lol
Is that when you raped that woman in London
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Fancy going nq64 desu
HHL is impotent
He's cartoonishly angry. Red faced with steam coming out of his ears
Can you girls take it to discord ffs
6 months in a secure unit, in a padded cell? No youtubes internets in the secure unit. Fuck that
Arbroathy is impotent
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quit trying to groom are Crosslad
this has been my only post in here today btw
You're right about that but with this lad I bet it was his deranged autism politics.
Lollers' discord? I'm not a nonce.
Women don't want to carry the sprogs of low status men
just found out HP sauce stands for houses of parliament. feel like a right idiot, even has it on the bottle
Have you been? I've been once. It was alright.
Women get so turned on by men who spend their evenings tapping away at an iMac posting fabricated drivel on an imageboard
I thought it was Hewlett Packard sauce ffs
no actually. i'm very left wing. we agreed on a number of issues, but perhaps she didn't like my views on identity politics being an ineffective strategy to progress.
i didn't say i was friendless. just that most of my friends were people i work with, worked with, or volunteer with. which is true. they're not deep friendships but they are people i meet up with and support. some people do assume the worst.
green party autism let's go!
You must have loads of sprogs then with that dire syntax
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Shouldve just taken the half shouldnt i. Heavy dunt coming on
No I don't get out much but I like to go some day
Oh no no no no no. He's wheeling out the 'it's high status to be sprogless' cope
Hmm that's weird because I don't see any red flags. Wonder if you were acting like a pussy, trying to get her to support you emotionally, coming on too strong, etc?

If not then you were probably one of two guys she was seeing and she just decided she wanted to pursue things with the other one and not you. Sometimes that's how it goes.
guy in chess just resigned when he was completely won. That's my luck used up for the day
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The wimaginary wamphibian hath ripped the odorous gaseous excretion

Oh yes he did
remember to clock out of /britfeel/ whenever you have your allocated youtube break
Being left wing is a sign of being a loser, women can sense this. It's an indication you can't compete in the world and need the government to solve all the problems you can't solve yourself
chuds are well-known for being studs
He could have been a bus driver all my life if it wasn't for TMAU
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Feel like maybe tbe only person in tbe country that drinks tonic water for the taste without any booze added. Could be my 1 interesting fact aboit me icebreaker if I ever got a job interview
I've done relatively alright with women and I'm far right
sorry to have to let you into this mate but i do the same. not bad stuff. sorry to spoil your future icebreaker
not a fan of booze myself. i get into my head about it a bit too much so i've never drank. unresolved trauma probably
I've had it, lad. It's basically just very strong beer. The ice beer like Natty Ice is good.
You started DS2 yet lassie?
When you're ready lids

Lad no offence but driving hundreds of miles to get wanked off by a pensioner isn't "doing relatively alright with women"
That's only half of leftists. The other half are just rich idealists. But essentially yes, I am left wing partly because I need government assistance. But why is that a bad thing? It's a myth that the individual can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. In every "success story" there was some kind of inheritance or connection or lucky break.
She commented that i was shy in person, but not in the bedroom. Might be that she was looking for someone more forward/outwardly dominant.
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nutted my ass off to a certain anglo saxton ewhore
Mentally can't handle yet another thread today so I'm going to stay here and post on my own for 64 posts.
Fuck it, personal diary time as no one's going to read this anyway.
I work from home every day, as does my wife. You'd think that means sex all day every day but in truth I barely see her. I'm locked away in my office, she's locked away in hers. We see each other in the morning for breakfast, then lunch, sometimes pick up the kids from school together, then dinner.
I have to spend every evening entertaining the kids because she's too busy with work and, being a woman, doesn't know the first thing about being entertaining anyway.
Finish my work at 4 then it's basically 5 hours of playing Minecraft/Roblox/Fifa/pretend play/colouring books with them until they go to bed. All just me.
Then once they're in bed I make myself and my wife a cup of tea which she has in her office which doubles as a kid's bedroom. Some nights she has it there, some nights she'll come downstairs 15-20 minutes later.
I actually resent the times she does bother to come down because it's the ONE hour in my day that's just mine, where I can do whatever the fuck I want and watch/play what I want, post shite on /britfeel/ and just destress.
Because when she does come down, our go to thing to do together is watching absolutely dire comedy shite on TV, probably because then it seems like we're at least laughing together. That might have last happened years ago, because now we both tend to just fall asleep on the sofa 15 minutes into the episode.
We'll then wake up 2-3 hours later, walk half asleep to our bed and fall asleep immediately. She'll then get up at 6 and the whole circus starts again for another day. 5 days a week are exactly like that.
I really hope some light is on the horizon as she's recently found a new job because even she has finally realised that working this amount of hours is fucking insane and it's hurting our family. Better late than never I suppose.
Weekends are usually different. We try to do something together as a family like play tennis at a local club, go litter picking, go to a cafe, stuff like that.
The times we actually do stuff together everyone is genuinely happy and enjoying themselves. This gives me the hope that it is just a temporary trouble caused primarily by being overworked.
It's actually made how, despite being married and having kids, you can still feel really fucking lonely. Maybe I shouldn't complain because I know there are probably lads here who idealise this sort of situation, and that's exactly what also gives me the motivation to carry on try to make the best of it, work through it and not run away like some black 'dad.
I grew up in a relatively happy family, my dad was actually a stay-at-home dad because mum made more money having gone to uni, and dad just did any odd job to make a bit on the side.
They were completely incompatible on the surface, but I guess opposites really do attract. Dad's family is pretty rough, mum's are all posh bastards. I love them all though.
Anyway they did fight quite a lot, usually because dad would go out drinking with his mates, come home at all hours drunk as fuck and mum hated it. Never went out. Proper indoor just watch the telly kinda woman.
Eventually they settled into some kind of routine though and accepted their differences and the fighting stopped almost completely. Again, they could've ended things quite easily but kept going, probably for my sake as an only child.
I've always been grateful to them for that, and I want the same for my kids, which is why I'll never give up on my marriage no matter how bad things get. I do think it will get better though, in the next couple of months.
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I wank to egirls on Twitch
Anyway, i'll leave it there. Going to watch a bit of youtubes on me own (wife still working surprise surprise) and then call it a night.

/emodad out
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I imagine being inside their stomachs
What does your wife do for a living?
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Just necked some pork scratchings with me wuppa. On that Fortnite grind now.

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