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Portsmouth Cathedral edition
First for brown sprog
Enough with the brown sprog gimmick
Nerve struck is it?
Arb's budding boobies visible through a thin crop top. It's a hot day, sweat is dripping down her flat tummy and into her belly button. Phwoar and I mean cor.
Your sprog is brown IoI
I have an above average sex life by /britfeel/ standards
He went giddy with excitement when the IP counter was dropped
Shagging apes doesn't count Greg
I'm quite popular with the ladies in North London
Planet of the Apes but all the apes are SSM. Blowing up the planet might not be for you, but it was for him.
I'm quite popular with the ladies in North Liverpool
My sex life is almost certainly better than yours
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There's not enough Greggs to go round Tottenham
That is true but it's vastly below average by any other standards.
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worried about Crossy
the ds2 front has not been started yet no
need to finish some ds1 cheevies st1
a grim task ahead
He's quite popular with the ladies in North Yorkshire
That only applies to half of left wing people. The other half are just rich idealists. But essentially yes, I am left wing partly because I need government assistance. But why is that a bad thing? It's a myth that the individual can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. In every "success story" there was some kind of inheritance or connection or lucky break. If I were rich I'd still be leftist because I am one of the idealists types who want to make society better for all. Again, why is this a bad thing?
Why are women so scared of AI deepfakes? Is it because it shows them nude? IS IT FUCK. It's because it means they can't monopolise their bodies on OnlyFans. Tough titties Shantel from Liverpool, I'll generate your titties myself you
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Arbroathy has a degree. Why doesn't Shipanon
Swanny is popular with all the trainers in the North Downs
I didn't say it was a bad thing, but women's biology does. In their mind a loser is unattractive
the amount of lasses who want their naked bodies out on the internet is way under 1 percent. AI deepfaking is weird as fuck lad and you should be ashamed of yourself
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That degree didn't get him very far did it?
To be honest you are right. Everything of value there is in the Hale which is actually in the far corner of the area. There is fuck all on the high road.
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There are lads in this thread right now with degrees but not sprogs
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Lads cool it with the brown sprog gimmick. It's gotten stale now
Mate this is the gayest post I've ever seen. Have a word with yourself.
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Nah I've not had this much fun in a long time
It's a wind up lad. Women far prefer people on the left than on the right. At least at the moment.
clown sprog
It got him all the way to Arbroath!
broon bairn
A sprog that is a shade of brown
This just isn't true and you know it.
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Any chance we can spin up a new gimmick for this thread lads?
Sprogless man whirling himself up into a frenzy about another posters sprog
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I wish I had never mentioned my sprog is mixed race
Want Kamala to win in the US but am also VERY curious to see what would happen if Trump won
Only if it can incorporate brown sprogs somehow
SSM has a secret brown sprog?
Negromancer Kamala Harris put a voodoo spell on Trump so he could avoid the bullet. She wants to execute him herself when she's Prezidint of the US of A, nigga!
He mentioned it in a video once how he creampied a Jamaican woman then never heard from here again. He was wondering if a brown sprog old ever turn up looking for him one day
hang on lads we might be getting a dolly change
What time does ruthmong wake up? I want to play with him.
You'll never have a sprog
I have 13 sprogs
All white too
This really says something about your mental health when you have to fantasise in a LARP about having them. If you want sprogs so badly why not just go and get some woman knocked up in the real world rather than the LARP world?
I've never seen this preference. Left wing girls prefer left wing men and right wing girls prefer right wing men. There are plenty of both.
Why is 80% of UK news now US news. I don't remember hearing this much about US politics even when we were joined at the hip in the 2000s
Thing that made me think it was something I said, rather than being another guy is she was fairly enthusiastic after 3rd date. 4th date I sensed it was over after a few hours.
I think women are generally more left wing though. Particularly educated women.
Being sprogless is a sign of being a low status male. I don't make the rules, don't shoot the messenger, that's just how it is
How would you like me to prove it to you?
Don't care a jot for sprogs, me
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>Don't care a jot for sprogs
Get on my level and have 13 sprogs
larp with in a larp he's a total mong living in a fantasy world from the moment he wakes up
I don't know really. It's just a far fetched claim. Probably less than 0.01% of the population have 13 sprogs. So why would one be in an incel board of all places
Classic sameship there
Streaming? Fuck off mate I've got the DVDs.
I have a rotating harem of 40 women I impregnate on a 9 monthly basis
And this was said to somebody, was it?
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>Fuck off mate I've got the DVDs
Point out the sameship. I haven't replied to any of my own posts in this thread
given the state of most lads here its best they dont have kids. suppose you need to generate a new generation of britfeelers though
Lad living in Mad Max.
Notice how all the blacked spam ground to a screeching halt last week
Good point. What happened to BNWOlad
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Bit late for that
Was shot by the US Secret Service after he tried to kill are fart
Slit his wrists after reading about 2 of the fathers in this thread
Where's my other dolly Arbroathy I want to have some fun
The SSM spam has also took a nose dive
Losers. DVD is a way of life. Simple as.
I'm on the fence about buying DVDs. Unlike music I am a casual movie watcher so I may as well save by streaming. I will never stream music however. I must own the original 1980s vinyl of my favourite artists.
Is that a white German saloon with blacked-out rims, blacked-out badges, and an illegally-spaced/coloured private plate behind me? Is the driver exactly who you'd think it is? Ah, yes, time to make sure my speedometer doesn't go so much as a single mm over the limit, meaning I'm doing closer to 18 in a 20. Better make sure I position my car so it's impossible to safely overtake too.
That's fair, lad. Not much point if you're just a casual fan. Me? I get anxious over not having The Mary Tyler Moore show on DVD. Could have got it loads of time for cheap but missed my opportunity didn't I?
Wonder if ssm will be out drinking tomorrow
Not a fan of having 2000 posts a day
We need filter lad back I reckon
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only six weeks until they go back to school and college
Here you go lad, this should reduce the drivel by about 50%

Mate is that Audrey? Is that real?
>Breathing in to hide her squishy tummy
Women are so insecure
google search says june palmer or pamela green, i did think it was audrey when i first saw it however
Reckon posting here should be 10p a post. Would cut most of the drivel out
The cringe sex larps died in a big way
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It not right they put him in shoebox flat in Wareham near an industrial estate. He used to have nice bungalow in leafy suburb.
Twolls taken so much from him.

He would've been bus driver all of his life if they didn't call the bus he got on the "John West Express"
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>John West Express
Burst out laughing at this
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any old lads remember "foul bachelor frog" ?an idol to many apus!
Poo Poo Pee Pee was the peak of frog posting.
back when it was fun making silly memes and having harmless fun with others daft shit
Mate young people are vastly, vastly more likely to be left wing or at least anti-right wing. You really think there's plenty of right wing women out there in their 20s? You're having a giraffe.
It wouldn't because me and Shippy are some of the most financially comfortable people here and we're dedicated to drivel.
Going to walk to Asda then walk home without buying anything
current tv shows I have in paper cardboard sets which I HATE
>wonder woman
>starsky and hutch
>the munsters
>i dream of jeannie
it ain't right
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I don't think he's daft at all. In fact, I actually think he's quite clever.
Was just thinking that myself. 100 posts a day would be nothing.
Has anyone else thought about how they would kill themselves?
I've stockpiled several months of medication. Think I would drink myself silly and take it all. Put a bag over my head and that would be that
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nutted my arse off to a certain anglo saxton ewhore
>back when it was fun making silly memes and having harmless fun with others daft shit
Good times. when the internet was just fucking around and memes and that. now its all so serious. young people are absolutely obsessed with politics
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Lovely numbers lass
I have fantasised about jumping off of a multi story car park, hopefully taking out some dickhead in the first place.
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started on making a scumbag apu meme but gave up halfway through like i do with most things. enjoy a glimpse of what might have been lads
Loads of ideas de lad but little courage sadly
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why are dudes dating sexworkerz the most hostile faggots there is does he knows shes getting backshots while hes away?????
Where does this trip stand on brown sproglets?
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Love Extras me
Better than The Office I reckon, very soulful.
A good effort
Never understand that meme though. The guy doesnt even look like a scumbag, just sort of aloof and confused.
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>A cobbler lost his shoes and he had to attend his wog wife's citizenship ceremony wearing plastic clogs he got off amazon
It 5x 4x lush
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Bizarre image
Extras is good yeah but you start to see some of Ricky's narcissism which would later fully envelop him in his shitty Netflix show.
Lots of funny moments in Extras for sure.
Mr. Beast is definitely a serial killer. Look at those eyes. Absolutely NO humanity at all. I imagine this picture was taken right before he sacrificed the little woglet to the Demon Lord of Baseddom, Cuckatooa.
Yeah it kinda kino how he is more playing himself as Andy Millman vs David Brent who is more of an exaggerated character. And in real life he basically did sell out like Andy Milkman does in Extras. Metakino indeed.
Get. Their. Attention.
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i dont think mr beast is so bad just extremely narcissistic and feel like hes better than everyone but other than thaf he doesnt really give me bad energy
just as based as not brown sproglets
Rape of shippy.
Is that picture from Clannad?
Some lad just poured his heart out in the other fred >>78244480
Don't give a SINGLE shit lad. Simple as.
his little woglet goes mental when he sticks on pass the dutchie
Same de lod just thought it's a rare thing on britfeel
Based. Too right too right. Bastids.
Are you having a laugh? Is he having a laugh?
Chimp doctors
shorts man
Ah fuck that was for the monkey news fella
I know Gervais is making fun of older broad sitcoms but I still enjoy them. I'd rather watch Are You Being Served? or It Ain't Half Hot Mum than any of the drivel he's put out after Life's Too Short.
>young people are vastly, vastly more likely to be left wing or at least anti-right wing.
Then why do you stay on the losing side?
horse in a council estate
Yeah, I secured that sprogginton
Yeah he has went too far into sentimentality and forgotten that comedy still has to be funny first and foremost. Le anti-woke thing is pretty lame too. Will always love the office and extras though simple as.
Did you watch After Life on Netflix? Fuck me it was so horribly written. It felt like just the audio recordings of an angry boring old bitter cunt.
Stephen Merchant really helped reign that side of him in I think. That show he did on BBC The Outlaws is pretty decent.
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I can't uncrease my fucking fren. He saw too many hilarious posts here and now I can't get him looking smooth again. He's functionally mute from kekking too much and he can't move his face anymore from it being stuck in the XD position for too long.
Wish i had a cute gf to play switch in bed ;______________; trade pikrnkn
This is a good one. Love these posts always will simple as.
Some of the angry old man stuff ess even pretty relatable in isolation bt the delivery is so smug and bad blonde slag is cute
I only watched the first season ages ago. It was alright but yes a little too much soppy Gervais moralising. Which I like to an extent but when it is at the point where it isn't funny anymore then what is the point. I felt the same about the pilot of Derek, I don't think I watched any more after that.
Lol love it
Women on linkedin I was putting messages into chatgpt to generate replies to finally stop responding. Managed 8 chatgpt messages. Experiment closed.
Am a pretty clever guy don't u know starring Ricky gervais
Anyone a Greg Davies fan? His shows Man Down and The Cleaner are genuinely hilarious, IMO. Man Down is very underrated. Wish Rik Mayall hadn't died.
Back to watching the TV show I don't like but must finish for reasons. I shall continue to gatekeep the name of the show though I think
Grown man. Has barely an hour of alone time. Wife interupts that
Thanks for keeping us updated throughout lad.
No worries lad. I'm here to please.
That's how I was with Modern Family. Got bored by like season 6 but had to finish it just because. They really didn't know what to do with the kids when they got older.
To be a wee chihuahua owned by some lonely wagie woman what comes home and I'm licking her feet every night but it's not a metoo gives me scratches on my tummy
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was watchin news

biden and that


yeah i fink i would shag kamala house

propa gilf diss one
My sister has a chuawawa and it's very sweet despite people saying they're little tyrants.
Pointy ear one or alien head one?
kamala harris* jesus

honestly only gervais stuff i proper like is karl stuff

just never got the stuff outside of that

even the office. yeh its decent but never like fell in love with it.

i like detectorists even more than office.
Alien head I think but a picture would help. Has alien eyes anyway.
American office is miles better. Pretty much the only UK show the Americans managed to do better. Of course that was only up until Carell was there, after he left it became awful.
Is the Geiger counter slowly going down?
I thought James Spader episodes were pretty good to be honest.
Probably won't be posting much torrow
I don't think /britfeel/ can survive this
warm at night = this is shite
Going to mark today down as a big day in britfeel lore
I've gotta get on that Lalafell grind. Haven't played all day. I'm one quest away from me first mount. CHOCOBO TIME!
Ruth loves shagging black fellas
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Mark has a really good life
has Mark been live today?
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Time to sleep my sorrows away

You know I like them Chocobos in the new FF game. Funny birdies.
Does SSM still have a music phone?
I'll have to get around to that. I like Moogles more than Chocobos however.
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He got everything a NEET could wish for and more. Just wish they'd move him to bungalow by sea in Cornwall... it his dream.
that stupid fucking hat though
Very high quality post this. Pinning this for post of the day
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Success breeds jealousy

Cheers x
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jewtube has shown no mercy with its recommendations i see
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Quite the wet dreamshire towards the end there, corr

Appreciated, unconsciousberg
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twolls are gonna get him moved and it gonna be lush
cken ell
Now that's a dog I would drink a Pepsi with.
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she went off to have a shower when i showed her the seasidesink video
dont think are Mark is for everything, might be for me, but hes not for her
Anyone have ghost stories? reading some rn and spooked.
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I saw a ghost of my brother when I was 3 years old
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fess up, which one of you is this?
and it's lush x
it lush
*necks this Strawberry milk Yazoo*

And I mean lush x
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>staying in brothers room because he moved out and mine was being painted as a kid
>always told me there was something in his room, didn't believe him
>staring up at light on the night time and think to myself "if there's a ghost in here, fuck you, turn that light off if you can"
>roughly 3 seconds later the light fucking explodes
>shit my pants, run out the room and sleep in the living room that night.
the closest I've come to believing in ghosts was that happening to me.
Why is she wearing a sunflower lanyard? She's not autistic. She's got friends and gets out. She told the police a man was creepy towards her and he was arrested with no questions at all. Just take her word on it. What if a man went up to police and said a girl pinched his bottom? Would they do the same?

he does look a bit noncy.
but she's clearly over 18 so i don't get why those lads are calling him a pedo.
dunno, maybe just avoid going to those types of things in general, your always gonna have a few nutters regardless of political affiliation
That's it. He looks like a nonce so he must be a nonce. The thing is without any credible evidence or an admission of guilt during interview, he will be released with no further action. However, this will stay logged and show up on a DBS check.

They could've asked him for his details and let him go pending further investigation.
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It NNJ day 1 (again).

Proper fresh start x
I'm not saying i agree with haphazardly arresting people.
I'm just saying i wouldn't go to a place where people are going to be charged and looking for conflict which is basically what every political rally turns into.
Damn imagine being 11 years old and your entire family is wiped out. Fucking hell.
Saw HHL in Specsavers a few months ago.
She will have an easy life still because she will grow up into a young woman. The world will be an even better place for females by the time she's an adult. Had that been a boy, he'd probably be killing himself by 18.
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holy moly a vagrant found me
Woken up ruthmong? Good day planned?
You're not wrong but still tragic innit
life giveth and taketh away.
she'll crack under pressure or become a diamond in that kind of situation.
Hopefully its the latter.
It's not a healthy reaction to see a little girl who's family just got brutally massacred and think "oh well, she's a girl anyway so life will be good" anon.
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Had 3 days off the wooze so might have a cheeky wiss up tomorrow night.
sounds harsh but i reckon better for it to happen when youre young child. 11 might be perfect age. younger age may have had a more severe effect on her social and emotional development as a child. later and it may affect development as teenager and important times at school or beginning career etc. mental health often starts to hithardest at late teens.

having it done at 11 gives her couple years to recover a bit before she can focus again on her life and school and work
Would go down well with a waggington x
Tragic, yes. She will be on BBC Breakfast at 18 and the brown female host will be telling the audience about how a young, strong female has persevered through this tragedy. They'll show a snippet of the news report and say "How do you feel seeing this footage now?" She'll have a tear in her eye after turning back round from the screen and say it's been a very difficult journey and her boyfriend will comfort her. They'll go on about having met other orphans and making new friends.

She'll roll up her sleeve to reveal some inspirational symbol tattoo and the camera will zoom in on it. The hosts will keep calling her brave and her boyfriend will be holding her hand throughout. She'll talk about how she got all As in college and is preparing herself for university. She will say she recommends this charity or has set up her own charity for orphaned car crash female victims.

"We wish you all the best with university and a bright future. Coming up to quarter past 9. Coming up next...we talk to the new trans swimming team hoping to make it in the Olympics and the challenges they have faced so far."
Yea, I'm sure being stuck in a state childrens home will do wonders for her
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Nah those waggington days are behind me now. Was fun at times but now I'd rather just get wissed up and order in a webab classic HHL style.
I really need to get back into vidya. Really lost interest in it. Nothing planned. Just let the hours go by and back to sleep eventually. Bit depressing.

I know but I think she'll manage just fine.
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That's the battle pass finished for this Fortnite season. Got another month to grind out those bonus rewards.
Interesting. FWIW the old style lightbulbs did frequently explode. Had two blow up on me. But it is an odd coincidence.
Sometimes the light bulbs just go when you turn them on causing the MCB to flip and plunging the house into darkness. Bit of a poor design if you ask me.
Hopefully she goes to a white foster family (if she's white).
They deliberately pair white foster kids with black families and black kids with white families
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She makes more money than you did at 18. How does that make you feel? And she doesn't even have to degrade herself for it.
I been playing Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Seems decent, nothing amazing but nice enough. Do really like the voice acting of one of the protags while the others is a bit stale unfortunately.
It does not make me feel anything lad. I didnt care about money when I was 18 and I had everything I needed. And it has been a long time since I was 18.
I unfortunately am too poor to afford new consoles so that won't be playable for me anytime soon. I do like a good story but those seem so rare to find these days.
Luckily you weren't exposed to all this back then. YouTube wasn't full of females back between 2005-2013. Something changed for the worse.
I don't care about how many women are on YouTube. Couldn't give a fuck.
Banishers might be a bit triggering for you since the two protags are a couple. The very first scene is them cuddling in bed.

But yeah can be hard to find a good story based game these days. They tend to be my fav too. Snoy tend to do a really good job at story based games. Quite liked GoW Ragnarok's story. Played that a few months back, very solid game. The voice actor for Odin was 10/10. Heard Baldur's Gate 3 has a good story too, but haven't got around to that yet.
Gotcha. Best to put your head in the sand and not let it affect you. Strong man.

I only mostly get triggered by younger love.
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So Biden has declared himself essentially unfit for office but plans to remain as president for the next 6 months? There are grounds for impeachment here tbqh.
I don't have to put my head in the sand lad. I have more important things to think about
What? Like posting here at 1 AM on a weekday? kek.

He'll probably be dead by then.
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She sure loves sleeping round her boyfriend's place. Lucky lad. I wonder if she wants to be childfree. Probably does like many middle class women.
Yeah like trying to cure my insomnia.

I can see a constitutional crisis on the cards if he doesn't resign.
You are right though Ruthmong. Why the fuck would I post here at this time? Not because of the time, but because the only people here are two fucking mongs. I'll leave you lads to rub your tiny brains together.
Grandad goes mental over a bit of filming. Tries to arrest him. Smirking female wearing a symbol of Hamas in a taxpayer funded building. Absolutely disrespectful isn't it? At least she is on YouTube now this horrible young lady for others to see. Bet she loves sitting there all day doing fuck all and supporting rapists/terrorists. Fuming.
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Garn neck them wustlerz me.
We cannot let the LGBT cult and Hamas supporters get away with displaying their symbols of hate in this country. Notice they don't like being filmed but are quite content with trying to provoke white men with their hateful leftie, feminist propaganda. It's not right.
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44 year old man with a 22 year old girl and now has a sprog with her. Keeping the white race going.
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Really hope the other thing resolves itself soon/by the time August rolls around

Shit's been going on for half a year almost now, really getting on me nerves
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Say hello to 100,000 people you twat. Shut up grandad. On the floor you go for YouTube views. Thinks he can just walk up to a man doing a legal activity and arrest him.
Immigrant security cunt going mad at 19 minutes. Police trying to make him turn his camera off. They all making grandad seem like the victim.


This is the respect they give to white men following the law.
Imagine seeing your weak grand-dad knocked to the floor by a Youtuber.
Young women are attracted to narcissistic, older men. Not the nice young lads anymore. You've got to be a dickhead to get any head these days,
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I don't even care about being in a relationship anymore as long as I'm womfy.
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Watching MRE unboxing videos on YouTubes while I neck these wustlerz wurgerz. Militaryfags get really shit food but I guess you'd eat it if you were starving. Better than nowt as they say.
How do people buy weed online these days
Was using localbitcoins to transfer money into bitcoins to use for dark web markets but seems like that's stopped now
'ate having to delete a postburgh due to a slight spelling error, don't i

My smackhead mate smokes weed most days now (because it's all he can afford) but he buys it off someone IRL not online. I wouldn't trust any website that sells illegal wrugs. Seems like a really easy way to get scammed.
Ruth gets her weed from Jermaine.
But I have no mates so I want to find out where it's done online. I can't ask on Reddit because their knickers will get in a twist about it.
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We finally get chocobo after 26 hour grind and it lush.

Just be wary of scammers de lid, that's all I'm saying.
will are maddie ever be found? did the German guy abduct her? did the parents accidentally kill her?
No she only vapes and moderately drinks alcoholic. Wish she'd stop ruining herself longterm desu. She'll be better off when she's older.
Her parents seem very shady.
Sprogless 'women' software engineers earning 50k unable to get on the property ladder.
Longterm unemployed men posting on /r9k/ at 3am.
Sounds lush, and I mean lush. Exactly
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She's on holiday with her bf right now. Very different world for some.
Wish I went on holiday in my early 20s with a girl.
likei said she is old enough that she should be okay

maybe she will live with other family

and come on

big news story like this?

probably gets pick of all the top foster and possibly later adoption families in britain if she doesnt stay with family
Smallish brekkie and then heading out in 3ish

Yeah that's doable
do the webab drivers give you funny looks when they rock up to the care home complex?
back when research chemicals were legal you basiclaly knew what you were getting which is ironic.
>keep pissjugs
>use 2 pint bottles of milk I've finished drinking
>hide them in closet
>eventually amass about 40 pints of piss by being lazy
>black bin day today
>decide to empty them because I realise how fucked this is
>piss has been left so long some of it has fermented and turned brown
>pack a black bin bag with about 10 bottles or so, will do several trips to the toilet to pour it away while parents sleep.
>while on the landing I trip over my feet in the dark, accidentally dropping a bottle of piss down the stairs, which burst upon impact and soak into the carpet
>stairwell and downstairs smell like the strongest piss you've ever smelt.
>it's almost 4 in the morning and I'm scrubbing the floors in a vain attempt to get the piss smell out of the carpet
>Dad gets up at 6

It was nice knowing you lads.
Veitch is going to seriously regret attacking a Veteran. He fought for this country for twats like him to enjoy their freedoms.
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Nah they don't give a shit plus I'm not the only one here who orders out on the reg. There's a fella here who orders Chinese and Indians every other day.
phwoar could do woth a winkies or paki rn
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I just really really fucking hate summer /v/robergs

Piece o' shidd season really
Watching a homeless auditor livestream. Very grim up there in Manchester.
Im actually planning on buying a house there
Good brekkie this was
Good brekkie indeed
How do you not kill yourself if you live in Birmingham?
Its not even that bad youre just an incel
I feel for sorry for you. It's a woke shithole now.
>Its not even that bad
Oh it's fucking bad. I hope you escape one day.
Yeah not like those shitholes reform UK are currently representing.
fucks sake are liz yer meant to be at that ther american do findin a job
don fuckin come back till yer on eight quid an hour or its rwanda fer ye
are muslims woke?
nothing wrong with brum, it's like any proper city, incels get scared and run off to live on a sovlless new-build housing estate before they even get near uncle cake
Woke up by this fuckin call to prayer maybe
I swear to allah this mulla is getting mullered
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Checking into beddingtons now. Have to be up at like 9am as well corr.
sleep deprived mong boy in a care home
Any larp update lad? With did larp dad say abour the larp piss on the larp stairs?
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>iPhone - check
>selfie - check
>painting walls forest green - check
>oversized jumper - check

Literally millions of women
Another day of being a totally mad off your your head 4chan nutter is it men?
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This is not a woman pretending to be lonely. This is a woman trying to close the damn door on entitled creeps. Makes you think more about the bigger picture.
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We all blackpilled here. We're the sane ones.
>So bleak lads
>So black pilled
>All over for us lads
So blackpilled he's been running the same couple of wind up routines for over a year. Just another 4chan mong.
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Another day of winning britfeel is it big guy?
>incel - check
>right wing views - check
>NEET - check
Literally you
Sometimes I wonder if I had have got that job all those years ago, what trajectory my life could have taken. Oh well. Starting to feel like a pointless life really.
you will be the next ruthmong
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I wonder how strong a bite Dracula lass has.
No, there are about 10 reasons why that is not the case. At heart I think I am a kind person. No spite and resentment for me my leeed. I am also not interested nevermind obsessed with women.
He's just dull emo fag.
Great Yarmouth/Clacton are infinitely better places than Birmingham, Don't know about Basildon
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wops getting ready for her wagie shift. Hopefully she finds a better job soon.
I can take this even though I think it is only 50% accurate. But I share literally nothing in common with RM. The twolls need to get their insults straight.
Nothing good about Birmingham at all, biggest shithole in the UK, even worse than places like Bradford/Luton
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Wops might be more passionate about games but she will never be anywhere near Scottish lass' beauty. Now that's a girl who takes pride in her femininity and appearance. It really makes a huge difference to a female.
When are you getting ready for a job?
I'm incel because of women being selective cunts. They deserve no more respect from me if I'm not getting to experience the joy of sex ever.
And what will that do? It won't get me anywhere in life working minimum wage.
Need to be made homeless then I get the flat all by myself. You can't get a job if you're homeless. Literally is the only way to get a place as a single man. Unfortunately it can take years of waiting and you risk being housed next to noisy, weed smoking dossers.
In Western societies men have become obsolete as providers and that has led to increasing numbers of men being thrown on the scrapheap. In a world in which women can fire up their phone and get a hit of attention from 100s of men. The ugly guy in real life has very little chance of competing. So it makes no difference if you're NEET or not these days. You aren't getting a relationship unless you're attractive (top 20% of men) or get a lot of money. That's the reality of modern relationships.
It will be better than your current life of crying all day.
Schizo Mongs.
It will make me depressed if I work again. All the jobs available to me are bottom of the barrel ones no one would want to do long term. I'm not doing that. It's better to be a miserable unemployed man instead. You won't find a partner by working a shit job.
Expects me to get a job when my mental health is like this.
I've gone from working in a department store to working for a tech company. Admittedly it doesn't pay the best at just under 30k, but it's not 'bottom of the barrel'. The job market has been pretty decent recently. So many 50 somethings left the job market it has created opportunities to move up. But you don't want to hear that 'cause you have no aspiration.
good to see the ruthmong gimmick is still going
And how am I meant to get a job that isn't shit?
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They don't hire us GNU/Linux lads. We're red flags.
lol. mate you need to wait until they're out the house for that sort of shit. my mum always pisses in the early hours.
>And how am I meant to get a job that isn't shit?
you take the minimum wage job, then you do it for a couple years, then you get sick of it and apply for a better job. and because you've shown you're reliable a better employer will take a risk on you.

minimum wage department store > library > public sector body > tech company.

6 years. some people come out of university on what i'm on now, i'm not doing well but the idea that you can't elevate yourself from minimum wage is bullshit.
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seasideMARK is having steak for breakfast and he likes it cooked a little bit longer

I wonder how SCEA got on with project rich boy
Filters creaking under the apparent load of drivel this morning.
Haven't seen much drivel at all this morning, a lot less than average
libraries won't even exist in a few years, what a mong tier piece of advice
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You're telling me I'm missing a ton of riveting conversation here?
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Valium sleep was lush 4 times bt I still feeling it. Maybe few more hours in bed
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Have to say mummy outdid herself on the dinner front last night
Theres some S C E A drivel, L I N U X driel, R U T H drivel and S S M drivel but half of the posts you have filtered are completely normal topics
If it's filtered, it was added to the filter for a reason de lod. Probably because it's the same 'normal topic' that gets endlessly spammed every day at the same time. I'm guessing it's 'why should i get a job/I cant get a job because im ugly'.
Yeah pretty much literally that.

What do you like discussing then, how much Birmingham is a shithole? You haven't got that filtered
I'm pretty sure a degree is needed for everything mid to high tier nowadays. You are not entirely right. Some people may get lucky but the jobs market is like dating now. Employers can pick the best from LinkedIn.
Not yet.

I don't mind lads discussing jobs but when it's the same thing every day it gets very tedious and I've just chosen to filter it out. The fact that it's filtered at all means a certain key phrase is used. I don't just filter the word 'job'.

What do I like? Literally anything, as long as it's fresh. I won't tell lads what to discuss, I'm just keeping myself sane.
you might be 'pretty sure', but you're wrong
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Any yous do a dream diary
Get back on the lucid dreaming grindset I think. Need to quit booze as well though.
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This lad is 45 and never worked a day in his life. Comments aren't exactly helpful either.

really enjoyed reading this post in the archive

Used to years ago, not now though. I dream pretty much every night and they are almost always very good dreams
You all seem like a bunch of totally stuck people looking for justification and talking about how you can't do anything instead of thinking about options, possibilities, solutions.

Occasionally there's someone with legitimate concerns regarding their disability and that's fair, but many of you just sound so entitled and out of perspective.
Grown man. Spends hours perfecting his filters for an incel NEET forum. Tells the thread about it.
Boots is out and Wilko is back in lads. Good I say. Wilko was based, but Boots is utter dogshit, like as bad as WHSmith even.
>so entitled
>pull bootstraps
t. 2 parent household on a street with neighbourhood watch signs lad
I only ever go into Boots for a meal deal as their chicken ceasar and bacon wraps are unrivalled. Good brownies as well.
Being a mentally ill mong is torture
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>Liz Kendall will today set out how Britain's system of employment support must be fundamentally reformed to tackle the "most urgent challenge" of spiralling economic inactivity.
>New work, health and skills plans for the economically inactive, led by Mayors and local areas.
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I never understand these tools. It doesn't matter if you haven't worked a day in 45 years. Any warehouse job will hire you because they don't care if after 2 days you decide you can't take it anymore as there are a billion more NPCs they can hire.

labourbros, i thought they would leave us alone??
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Proper creepy when simps do this.
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>hear ye, hear ye
>all dossers to the warehouse immediately
>led by Mayors and local areas.
Okay crisis averted, phew was worried there for a moment.
Lad, seriously though, how many times in your own lifetime have you seen this sort of bollocks being spouted? I can personally recall three separate Back To Work Drives that all said exactly the same thing. What happened each time? Nothing. In fact, welfare spending has never been HIGHER.
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Can't work bc of my disability laddie. Otherwise I would.
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Rather be on PIP/disability than work in a warehouse with immigrants who can't speak English in my own country. Let them keep coming here for jobs. There's no point in me working when I can play the mental card.
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Why would I work minimum wage when I can say I am autistic? I can get my own flat. I know someone who doesn't work and he has his own flat. He has disposable income to buy vidya and new phone still.
even if you could theoretically live a basic life as a NEET, why not do something better and have an even better life?
Same. I genuinely do have a disability. I have worked a smattering of small jobs here and there but they are always fairly brief, just can't perform as well as they want from me. I need benefits to maintain a minimum degree of dignified and safe life. If not I'd be homeless.
There isn't anything better if you are NEET with no skills.
>better than not working
Look I truly do understand the point you're making, but the objective, demonstrable and inescapable reality is that the VAST majority of jobs, like 99.99% or more, are just fucking awful. They're horrific, soul-crushing, mind-numbing, unproductive, meaningless, mostly fake and everyone hates doing them they just don't have the balls or the strength of character to accept a NEET existence. Plus they also have some sense of 'social guilt' or whatever that prevents them from being a parasite on the public purse. If, like me, you simply don't care about such things there is NO GOOD REASON to work.
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Not right but it is what it is
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Imagine how dire this thread would be with all neets back 2 work
Who u think keeping the lights on. Lower your tone.
UKTV Play have rebranded as simply U. Fucking stupid. Worse than when NOW TV rebranded as NOW.
>Who u think keeping the lights on.
A single post from zimlad and the thread would explode again. He has you lot dancing to his tune. Absolute chad.
you can start somewhere and try to work your way up
That's the issue. I don't work my way up. I stay stuck and quit eventually.
But that sounds horrible and there's absolutely no guarantee of it paying off. Plus the amount of effort required to, for instance, beat inflation alone, would be astronomical and most normies with 'good careers' can't even manage it. Literally why bother when the entire deck is stacked against you? That's not admirable, that's retarded and wasteful at best and purely masochistic at worst. I can appreciate people wanting to work, but I also truly do not see a good reason to do so for me personally.
Quite funny they are putting yet more of these "back to work schemes." Guess what? They'll consist of classes on:
>how to do a cv
>how to do an interview
>how to behave in the workplace
>how to dress yourself properly
>how to keep a good routine
Been there, done that. I'm sorry but none of that bollocks is the reason I don't work. Any of these charities or schemes simply don't understand Autism well enough to give me the support I'd need to actually hold down a job and even then, if it's a job arranged by the mong squad then it's not even a proper job.
I've been sent on a few of these schemes and it's always full of alcoholics and druggies.
we should see a sharp return of ssm spam today as that was put on the back burner while the dolly drama run rampant
what extra support does someone with autism need to keep a job?
The ruling class is incapable of addressing the actual problems of the economy because it would require:
1) Admitting that they've been getting it objectively wrong for decades, that their claim of expertise is non-existent and they have no grounds for authority
2) Their ideological priors are incompatible with reality

Neither of these things are going to happen voluntarily. There is no political solution. The only way the current paradigm will change is if a couple of sorts happens. Don't hold your breath though.
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>I'm an adult, I'm totally functional but I have a "disability" that didn't exist until the most recent DSM was published
>I need "pastoral care" in the workplace and "reasonable adjustments" made for me or I simply cannot work
It's all one big joke.
All of the REASONS NEETs have to not work, aside from actual disability, while they can often be true, are not the *reason* they do not work. They are just post-hoc rationalisations for the situation they have already gotten themselves into (cope). Nobody gets to 18 years old and ratiocinates that actually, it simply doesn't make logical sense to not work because of XYZ and therefore begin a life of NEETdom. They come to those conclusions after years of low self esteem, fear, laziness, depression etc gets them into that situation in the first place. I said my piece.

>*goes back to WFH cuckpod*
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Lets just say getting sent "back 2 work" would not be safe, for me or for the normies hehehehehhe
For me personally, I have Autism but not a learning disability which means I'm smart enough (not a genius or anything) but struggle with every simple stuff such as:
>sensory overload
>executive function (initiating and managing tasks)
>struggle to understand instructions unless they're very specific
>being around other people and socialising makes me want to bang my head against the wall
>if I get overwhelmed I'll just walk out of work and not come back (got sacked before for doing that)
Basically a job with limited hours and some sort of support worker to check in maybe once or twice a month would be ideal but companies don't want the fuss.
I know you'll tell me I'm just a lazy dosser but I'm in my 30s now and understand myself well enough for what works and what doesn't.
"Back to work" workshops where they teach you to write a CV are like "community engagement" workshops where police tell pakis they aren't allowed to rape women.

The ruling class is functionally incapable of actually addressing problems and their root causes. It's kinda funny in a way.
These schemes never work. Most people going to them have to as part of their jobcentre agreement. Otherwise they get sanctioned. Problem is no one wants to work in some depressing job these days.
Grown man fuming some lad has his drivel filtered out
Me? Rather be homeless than work in some shit job cleaning toilets. That's how much I care. I really mean that. I don't have to provide for anyone so it's not like I have to worry about a sprog.
NEETs and the disabled are less productive (lower skills or disabilities that reduce it) and so employers should be able to pay them below the minimum wage.

At the moment they're having to compete with a normal person who's more productive. If you're an employer having to decide between them both at the same wage, who would you pick?
you wouldnt last a week being homeless, you'd be begging for a job and accommodation
I don't think you're a lazy dosser, I was just curious what things matter and help. It sounds like you need more support from the employer than a support worker who's only there once or twice a month
Yes and no. I feel like what you described was nearly perfectly accurate for things as they were maybe 20 years ago. But these days, while your post does remain true for a lot/the majority of cases, there really does exist a cadre of NEETs who are simply choosing to check out of society, know the tradeoffs and choose to sign on without even bothering to try and get a job. It's a choice they make due to looking at the world around them and genuinely finding no compelling reason to contribute to maintaining it. Can you blame them? What good would being a wage slave be for an average young white straight man in the UK in 2024?
Neurotypicals are more productive so they should work 6 10 hour days a week. 2 days off is excessive. Thx
SSM will never work again. The DWP should just accept this and stop wasting money attempting to get him into work
I wouldn't. I'd just be in and out of hospital and police custody probably. Don't care at that point.

Steak cooked a little bit longer. It's an Air Fryer Lushsteak and I mean LUSH.
>What good would being a wage slave be for an average young white straight man in the UK in 2024?
You get to make friends and possibly get a girlfriend. You have a much higher chance of doing this if you have a job instead of being a NEET sitting inside whining on an anonymous imageboard all day.
Maybe you're right. The few interviews I've been to I've declared my Autism but they just don't want to know. Why hire me who needs adjustments and less hours when some neurotypical lad will just get on with it full time no questions asked. I completely understand too.
And we're back guise SSM drivel and NEETS v Wagies
ssm really needs to wash that air fryer.
If your opinion on my disability meant anything you would be a doctor not a wfh wagie listening to podcasts
>implying half the posters here can hold a healthy conversation in person.
It's over for us incel neets. May as well not contribute to society.
It's true. People think I wanted to be a friendless loser with no job at age 30? Did I fuck. I have a degree. Fuck lot of good it did me, never made one friend at University or any connections. Autism is a killer and I wish I was normal.
seasideMARK Boredom get you, it life every day we above ground is a great day de lads
seasideMARK Boredom get you, it life every day we above ground is a great day de lads
>my disability
Whats your disability little lad
Kind of yes, I see your point, maybe I wasn't clear in mine. I probably moreso meant that beneath all of the often rational reasons lies the *true* reasons which are always highly emotional. I guess I just get wound up by people denying their negative emotions and pretending all of their choices are highly rational because they are just so intelligent and see through it all etc.

I am not great at expressing myself. But yeah I mean at no point have I ever worked because I value this society at all, so I get that others don't either.

My post wasn't intending to have a go at NEETs anyway, I was a NEET for a couple of years myself and know what it is like.
back to 200 posts a thread about youtube dolly is it?
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Boredom get you
You're not wrong. But the promise of pussy for waging has been shown to be more and more transparently false for a very long time now. Plenty of men simply eschew it. This works for the normies, by definition, who gets jobs and try to date (albeit most of them unsuccessfully), but the NEETs know this argument very well and don't buy it anymore.
>slave your life away for a system and country that hates you, and maybe, MAYBE, you'll be rewarded with a used up toastie, past her prime, dumb bitch, who will probably leave you soon after anyway
Wow, how could anyone say no to that deal?
Damn... Lauren looks like THAT?
I'm not working. It makes no difference to my life.
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What the fuck are you chatting about? Working being a slave is miles worse than being NEET.
Why would a (not attractive) man want to work and not get the perks like gf, holiday, progression?
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*hides wagie drivel*
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Just one mention of his b**** s**** would instantly set a certain poster off
You woke up and rushed to your PC to type this didn't you? Could barely get to sleep last night from sheer giddyness about making this post in the morning.
Fantasy. I worked for years and it bought me no closer to a gf. If a loving gf was guaranteed in exchange for working sign me the fuck up. But it simply isn't in today's world.
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I salute our patriots!

arb's bussy
Corrr I'd wage my whole life for that little treasure
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>go to jobcentre
>say I don't have and won't be buying a phone
>they look at me like I'm some fucking weirdo

why...why should I need to carry around an expensive tracking device? people didn't do this so much in the early 2000s and before.
Shall be retiring to the toiletshire to commence a massive shitlibgtonburgville shall I not?
Planning to sell all of my possessions and neck myself soon x
>order item classed as 'bulky' from amazon
>have to be in to receive it and need to set up a 'scheduled delivery'
>choose tuesday between 7am and 11am
>took day off work
>'lol sorry its actually gonna come up thursday now'

Fuck sake. Reckon if I complain to amazon chat I could get like an amazon voucher or something? Fucking annoying.
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Might get one of these and act like a dickhead around people. In my day we would've been laughed at for having a special lanyard.
why are you going through the hassle of selling your belongings?
i'd ask for the equivalent of a days wages
should've selected amazon locker lad.
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Why should I give up my biometrics to work at a warehouse?
worked in a warehouse and the gf bus didnt automatically drive up waaaaah
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I did lad but it was one of my peaks. 26 now, sat in my childhood bedroom neeting away and considering going to spoons on my own later for a mixed grill. It not the best life but at least I get spergbux and parents are more understanding than before.
Same, I've managed to impress employers initially because I'm knowledgeable and a perfectionist but after a while I hit burnout and get confused and misunderstood. I swear I could be a productive wagie if given the right accommodations but they don't wanna know.
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>a major overhaul of jobcentres
So for you that's nothing then?
For the funeral service costs lid.
you should use that money to pay for counselling de lad
Get one of those meme caskets de lid. One that looks like a Red Bull can or something. That will cheer people up.
The amount of pathetic poorfags in this thread gets bigger and bigger every year. We never used to have so many losers here. We weren't normies but we weren't actual losers either. Most people here were a bit weird but actually had money and gfs etc. Not anymore.
Worth a try to ask for something. I might ask for a 50 voucher.

Don't think they can put a fridge in a locker lad.
Work? Work trial???
seaside drank all day yesterday and didn't upload the videos till today. ssm army?
But there are still some people here who are in that in-between. There's the lad who was free to blow a grand on trainers. Arb has a nice little pot of crypto. Zimmy has a wife, kid and house. Etc. etc.
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Yeah. It used to be your typical 4chan, kind of slightly weird and outcasted but not literally just seething crabbucketdwellers wallowing in their own filth. It is dire. Once you have become somebody who takes "being a NEET" as an expression of your entire identity in juxtaposition to "the normies" (anyone you are jealous of) it is truly the end. It so so sad!
Hate phonecalls so much, always end up thinking I was rude after one ends.
>top rate pip
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Wonder if LAA has found a warehouse job yet.
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>there's a last broadcast
I can't speak for other NEETs but I can promise you I've never once been jealous (I think you mean envious, but I get what you mean) of normies.
It's sad how many of them assume the alternative is working minimum wage slavery because they know that's all they're intellectually capable of and think everyone is the same
Are we on the race to make the next thread now champ?
y-you're unemployed too!
I hold nothing against people with jobs, but if you're going to come here and shit on NEETs at least post proof of your money
Half of the personalities you worship were literal sex offenders lad.
Not sure Arb is the best example but yeah, there are some good lads left thankfully.
It's pathetic, and not even in a funny way. It's just tedious.
They truly want everyone here to be as miserable as they are.
Start easy with the NEET v Wagie war
he is so obsessed with "personalities" that he thinks I also care about them. LOL
they're just goblins desu. best to not acknowledge them when they fire up the old seething at people who work routines
What would that achieve lad? At least if I don't post proof, you can be in denial about it and stay comfortable. If I post proof then you're confronted with your own lack of achievement. I mean think about it. I'm a lad who had a bad start in life but managed to succeed doing challenging things, and I have a great lifestyle as a result. At this point you can just tell yourself I must be lying. But if I prove it to you, you need to face up to the fact that we were playing the same game with similar disadvantages, but I won and you lost. How is that going to make you feel? Pretty shit I'd wager. Best for you to pretend I'm talking shit and I'm wallowing at the bottom of society like you.
Oh yeah for sure Arb is a fucking weird nutcase, but I was more showing that there are some lads here who have at least something going for them. Arb is a freak, but at least he has some money. It's a spectrum between destitute NEET and successful normie and while nobody is 100% at the right hand side of that bell curve (why would they be here if they were?), there are some lads who have characteristics that at least place them further along that axis.
another 16 hours of playing britfeel dolly wars like a kid on the internet
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Wagie drivel off the charts this morn v uncomfy
On amazon chat with 'Jo'. Lets see if this fucker gives me a voucher for the late delivery of my fridge or not.
Here we go again my lads
The trick is to simply not care if you were rude or not. In fact, next be as rude as you can.
Hahaha oh Mark! Never change.
Laughed at this post so hard. It unexpectedly set me off
You're here literally here every single day arent you?

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