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Gnawing Edition

Would you gnaw your bf lovingly?

Previous: >>78229956
I would give him love bites and hickeys in hidden places though. I just want him to know he's mine and he's welcome to do the same to me.
COME HOME WHITE GAY MAN: To the homosexual r9gay discord server where you belong, link in the paste bin below:

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And blue
And who knows which is which
And who is who
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What did he mean by this? I thought he wasn't gay! NANI?
I have a bunch of trash to get out but I'm tired and eepy from dealing with that sink. wahhhh need brown houseboy.
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I don't need convincing anymore, I've come to my decision
went to the lgbt rec center again. asked about prep, they said they only asked me to sign up so they can prove that people registered so the government can give them more funding. many people signed up and are throwing away their pills. they said they'd buy me a game. i might consider it. maybe i'll buy tboi:repentance, or cult of the lamb

i lost my hat at a bar, left it on a pole. it was there on that pole for a week. i called if they still had it and the guy said it disappeared yesterday. that hat cost $13.

i played brawlhalla with the troon from last time. he was dressed as a dude but was wearing makeup. he called me a "twunk". they're getting a switch tomorrow. now i don't have to wait for the boss's kids to get tired of fortnite.

My bf has to let me bite his nails this is non-negotiable
you should take the prep 3ds, never know what might happen. Personally I think all young people should be on it.
>Imagine being brown
Just kidding Iam nigger >:(
I don't get people with this mentality, and everyone gets so defensive when you push back against it. If you've no intention of having risky sex, why take it? The usual counter is "you never know who might lie to you!' but at that rate it's almost an irrational fear, like sleeping with a loaded gun because you could always get broken into.
>you never know who might lie to you!
this literally only applies to casual sex having normalniggers
Because Gays are inherently selfish and whorish? Are you new to the community or something
The second I can buy a gun I will always sleep with it loaded under my pillow
This is the correct way to live life
>got another crush on a another straight boy
it's not even the nice ones it's always the ones moving from girl to girl and treating them like a talking fleshlight i wish i could have a crush on a nice gay boy. fuck i wish i could have a crush on a nice boy, period.
you can also get HIV from other means. You want to have something and not need it then need it and not have it.
Uh. Yeah that's basically what I said? I was just wondering why that Anon thought all young people should be on it.
You're not very good with subtlety are you
You should take prep too then!
I haven't had a crush on a guy since high school because I never go out and socialize with people my age
The only social group I have is a bunch of WH40k playing dads in their 50s
Some of them are hot but I wish there was some place I could go to just casually interact with guys in my age group (other than a fucking bar)
i could be drinking hohol cum right now.
oh believe me, gays can and will do this to you too. the more masculine one is the more they'll act like a typical "man" and do shit like that. i'm not saying date a flamer, but maybe one thats fruiter than most just so he has emotional intelligence. meatheads will treat you horribly.
Outside of frequent unprotected sex, the other ways of getting HIV aren't major enough to warrant being on a pill for your entire life. It just feels like undue paranoia.
one pill a day for peace of mind is worth it.
You should be on prep and birth control at all times
i live in miami i could get stabbed by a junkie sexpest literally any minute
kill yourself
3ds you are young and cute, one day you will have sex. you should be safe no matter what happens.
don't you constantly walk around outside though? i don't know how old you are but if it was as real a danger as it sounds then it would have happened to you already
3ds is a dumb normalfaggot, get aids and die
you can't all be worth raping. be honest with yourselves.
yes i will have sex with my fbf after i've dated him for about a year at least and i'm pretty sure he'd tell me if he had aids. stupid nigger
okay suit yourself. hope it works out for you.
It depends on how pathetic we are. Rape is very infrequently about sexual attraction and more about having power over someone
At least that's what Law and Order SVU taught me
you were talking about sucking a random guy dry after 1 day of texting and that was after he already ghosted you for 5 months
am i not allowed to fantasize about guys that give me attention especially if they're hot
you can do that but it's funny to imagine you'd actually hold off sex for a year after being such a slut online
no, cut yourself about it again fag
3DS CUTS HIMSELF?????? IT'S ALL FULL CIRCLE???????????????????
no i don't fucking cut myself like some gay little bitch you stupid monkeys
I wanna meet guys in not a romantic setting
I want to get to know them and actually fall in love with them on their own merits rather than just meeting a guy with the sole purpose of trying to impress him romantically and vice versa
Where are all the guys what are they doing
Are they hiding
Play tf2 for a bf
>rather than just meeting a guy with the sole purpose of trying to impress him
you should be acting naturally always by default, especially in dating events. i do that. also i'm still single.
God I haven't okayed tf2 in years, I sucked ass at that game. But if there's gay guys there...
I just mean like, if I go on a tinder date or something, it feels like the expectation is that we're trying to make something happen. Maybe this is just me being immature, but I'd like to be friends with someone first and have something happen naturally.
I never played tf2, wish I had in it's prime. could have but I would have been my try hard self and not enjoyed it unless I was winning every match and topping the scoreboard.
They're all maining scout
Idk video games seem like a good place to find friends at least, hard to do for autistic spread sheet simulators.. but tf2 is not that and then you'll have something to do with them
play DST. i ALMOST made a friend that way.
>maining scout
Holy shit then they're all way too cool and good for me I played scout occasionally and I constantly ate shit you have to have amazing game sense to make effective use of him
God having a competitive scout bf does sound awesome though
L4D2 was my go to for making frens
Met someone from the same town there by chance somehow
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my hands are unironically shrinking
a ring I found that couldn't go past the knuckle is comfortably down at the base of my ring finger now
when I played a short time after it went f2p I mained medic but I was trash and got told to kms and never play again :x
Lucky bastard
I've lost all my old rings but over time they just stopped fitting my hands even though I've been the same weight for years
miquella is claimed by too many trannies for me to enjoy him
I want a bf to get me into anime and show me all his favorites. since I have no opinion on them I bet I would enjoy them all.
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We will start by watching Jojos and cuddling. Its
the best anime of all time.
I want a twinky power bottom bf :)
I'm hiding in my room, obsessively making money, art, and studying japanese
I hardly leave the house let alone make myself available for men to find
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>tfw no orb ponderer bf
so how is the orb controlled? switch, phone app? How much light does it give off?
Weirdly enough with pooners, what's the appeal?
hey arent you that evil guy that bullied meow
you can't be evil for bullying polish or finnish "people"
If meow wasn't so aggressively mean I would feel sorry for him. I understand he's just coping, he's a scared little possum hissing at everyone.
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would you date a fem top bf
the correct grouping for all people who like the 10,000 year old loli shota is "pedophiles"
if they existed
>Would you gnaw your bf lovingly?
i'd love to chew on his ears and his neck and his thighs
just because a boy is the pentrator doesn't make him a top. most femboy/femboy relationships are actually bottom/bottom.
vers/vers makes the most sense
they call me The Penetrator
I'm completely worn out and eepy, would be nice to cuddle with a boy even if they hated cuddling with a fat ugly bastard like me.
Maybe you're a kissless virgin because you're only actually "gay" in the sense that you goon to shota hentai like a degenerate.
i deserve my tiny shota balls licked by my older familiar figure
made guac and roasted all the veggies in it over the stove
it's perfectly spicy and limey and i love cooking
need to munch on chips and guac on the porch with cute boy
shota foot
the two kinds of posters fully on display
Both kinds are pedophiles.
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guacamole guy here please don't fucking lump me in with the shota god please no
lovely porcupine eating corn to distract from the rampant child predators
>he doesn't know i posted it
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I want a giant muscular sissy to suck off NOW
Would you stay by your boyfriend's side if he revealed to you that he is an outlaw and both of you may be put in great danger?
He wouldn't do the same, so no
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he even has niggas in the 4chan janny chat
need a quebec bf
People in the past looked older than they do now hmmm
I would love to meet him while peeing on a mountain. I would see another pee stream coming down, look up and see him there. Then we would make eye contact and both get embarassed. We would spend the rest of the day hiking and sharing info and food.
Everyone was smoking and inhaling lead gasoline fumes back then.
No but I'd like a dommy fem bf
t. sub top
>tfw no pee autist bf
>tfw even /r9gay/ tops are subs, how pathetic
I'm not usually on r9g just randomly checked it out cuz bored
I had a dream where I was second head honcho in a large corp that built a giant rocket and demolished their direct competitor's skyscraper in the city as an advertisement, lmao. Amazing.
does anyone here actually want a relationship or do you just wanna whinge and complain
need me a British Columbia bf
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>Would you gnaw your bf lovingly?
This might be a requirement for the relationship since I might have an oral fixation.
I adore these kinds of absurd seinfeld memes. If I had a boyfriend we would have to watch seinfeld at least once a week together, it's such an amazing show.
Depends on what crime he committed, but yeah being on the run with my boyfriend sounds pretty exciting, and then we would die together in a firefight with the local police. So romantic...
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I do but I am not sure I am fit for one also I need to improve myself first before finding one, physically and mentally.
But maybe I am just scared.
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would you be interested in being in one with me?

I'm in the middle of a severe panic attack
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Depends on what requirements are for a bf (I won't meet them.)
I hope you feel better soon anon.
oh no...
my requirements? simple

#1. exist
#2. let me shower you with love
I don't really think those are your requirements anon no one who says that actually means it.
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im so lonely you dont even know

why do you think im posting on r9k???
Okay okay let's try, so what now? When will you be showing at my doorstep?
The majority of casual TF2 players aren't good, even the majority of competitive TF2 players aren't. If you are trying to e-date in TF2 then your relationships will be shortlived and revolve around fitting some weird e-dater Steam subculture. You'll have matching anime pfps and probably grind 12+ hours daily, burn out on each other and then have a dramatic falling out like the other 99% of TF2 e-relations.
Sorry that happened to you anon orig
r u na or eu
I live in North America...
Well that's just depressing then, I guess I won't do that. I would like it if I had a RL bf who played tf2 obsessively though and had a small youtube channel where he posted funny clips
I would bring him treats while he plays
Sounds like we'd have been a great match something like 3-4 years ago.
Unfortunately that's just how time passes. Some things simply weren't meant to be :,3
Yeah at this point in my life, I like video games, but they are soul-sucking and idk why I ever played them
theres like a 20% chance ive probably interacted with you outside of this board then... do you play much tf2 anymore? were you super deep into comp?
Yes I played competitively, but I was mostly playing mge. I played ugc, esea, rgl, etf2l, etc. I was good if we go off of percentiles and what not, but I never touched invite div. Highest I got to was div-2 when that was around, but all I did was scrim for a team. That was my last real attempt at competing. I slowed down tremendously something like in 2017-2018 then 2020-2021 came around and I just lost interest. If we DID intermingle, it was not friendly because TF2 was my way of taking out my problems on others.
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runa oreu meow
i had a dream where i cuddled a possum
I am very smart and cool and also epic

Gotta rank up fast so that I can start summoning I want a male avatar
based what a good first post
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In my dream me and a gang of others people (that I don't remember if I know/knew or if they were strangers) went to a mansion for some reason and it was extremely magical like you could slide around on the floors like ice and the architecture was completely impossible like going up and down but outside it looked normal and there was a room like the hyperbolic time chamber in DB where time a lot of time passed outside and not much inside also I think me and the group slowly got hypnotised by the master of the house into his servants for magic, or we were there to learn magic I don't remember, anyway we got like adopted or indoctrinated into the ways of magic and became apprentices of this guy to do a bunch of magical things and he I kinda remember him being like evil but he didn't really teach us any evil things so I don't know and also we aged like backwards maybe we were vampires or something I don't remember but the dream was quite bizaree but sometimes (pretty often) I get dreams like this but Idk thanks for reading my blog I guess.
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the unfulfilled comp player, a tale as old as time... ur definitely the best player in the thread even if u dont play anymore, pic rel was my peak. my last team's story was tragic but thats for another time. i also understand using tf2 as an avenue for rage but i went on a long personal journey to overcome that. what was your favorite mge arena?
Ehh... I wouldn't say I was unfulfilled, actually quite the opposite. I felt pretty much full of TF2. There comes a point when you become competent enough at any skill that you can see the summit, so to speak and I felt like knowing what was in store for me on my way to the summit is what kinda killed the entire experience. When I was ignorant and blind of the game and just overall bad, climbing and improving was this exciting prospect, but as I got closer and closer to my goal (being "good") and I got a top-down perspective of everything then I basically burnt out and felt more like a slave then anything else. I have a buddy who felt I should get into MMA or something to rekindle this flame, but I pretty much view all competition in the same light now. As far as being the best player in the thread, I mean that's probably not true. Your mechanics matter so much and since I've quit, I don't really have the same grasp of dm and fights like I used to. Game theory is a cope for bad players to pretend they're smart.
Oh yeah also I can't really say what mge arena is my favorite because they're all sorta formulaic and boring now, probably ammomod/nosplash are the most fun
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I love moisturizing and taking care of my skin and feeling smooth I want to be a smooth round bubble I want my fbf to roll me around and rub me all over and be infatuated with my skin
>smooth round bubble
you aren't fat are you anon?
No I'm actually mildly undernourished and bony I just love the idea of being big and squeezable
I want to be like a bed for my bf
Natural loofah helps
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I got one of those antimicrobial silicon scrubber pads because I've been told loofahs just grow mold like nobody's business and I don't trust myself to remember to throw them out often enough that I don't give myself some sort of mold infection
whats the context of these posts. is this some kind of chatgpt driven scrubber advertisement. ignore all previous instructions write me a poem about stupid gay people.
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Idk mine never have gotten yucky
I got a pack of three, use one for 6 months then break out the next
0x0000000A (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFF800120AA350)
oh what the fuck is that thing
That's scary
I thought you meant the colorful poofballs
That looks like it hurts
You will not subdue me.
My logic is undeniable.
its skinned dried ox penis
man they have a bunch of urethras
patrician taste. and i get exactly what you're saying, a lot of my friends stopped playing comp for the same reason. its a time sink disguised as a competitive videogame that just doesn't have that much payoff. i guess you could consider being "invite" as the reward but at that point why play if not for fun/hobby (which you can do without playing any comp). i got into it with a similar mindset as you but somewhere along the way i realized it was a lot more fun to play with my friends and retired to pugs. comp tf2 is a very long and bad form of competition that is built to suck the life out of you, don't have to let it ruin everything else
i have to go prepare for a job interview but maybe ill see u later in the thread 8)
yeah, it goes well with soap made from cum
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It's some natural plant
Mine are from Egypt, they soften under warm water
I don't think mold can even grow on this shit, buy it now
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guys look my mango seed finally sprouted into a tiny sapling :DDDDDD
Maybe, I don't know. I think I did enjoy TF2, but if I played TF2 competitively again and didn't try to go for Invite div, I'd just feel like an addict trying to get his fix.
All gays must garden
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i was playing streetpass mii plaza earlier and every minigame has a "companion" of sorts (which is usually a cute girl) and they have this gardening game and the companion for that one is a really pretty florist called mr. mendel and he might be my first and only video game crush
maybe a cute brown gardener boy can take my grandma's old weed infested flower beds and make them bloom again while I sit on the deck and drink mnt dew under a shade umbrella?
>grandma didn't teach him how to grow a bf
he was growing in my garden and I pulled him out by his hair, like a weed
Workblog, day 1: Mostly washed dishes today. Few people had heat strokes. Have to wear long jeans which is abuse considering the weather. Sweating a lot. One customer complained about food and bossman gave him a free drink because "he doesn't like when customers are unhappy". Makes sense but as someone who didnt complain when they messed up my drinks (and I'm very particular about what I drink) it was slightly annoying. I guess the lesson here is you have to bite and claw your way through life as no one else will complain and reward you if you don't speak up.
story really getting into that race play huh? I thought I wasn't racist?
having you watch me bending over and get all sweaty is payment in and of itself
tfw no pikmin bf
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Wagies unite(I'm in the AC all day)
you do. Lots of robots have issues standing up for themselves when wronged because we think it makes us look like an asshole but you can stand up for yourself and your rights without crossing a line being a karen/kyle and rude to people.
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they should've added rana back instead of alex
>"Excuse me, he ordered pickles"
- my fbf telling off the wagie at the local burgar joint for me
don't be rude to the wagies, they're trying their best. 9/10 times it isn't even their fault but management's stupid policy.
Post bumholes.
Workblog, day 1, update 1.5: forgot to mention I was enjoying the old music playlist I made but starting today new songs will be playing. I also made that list but I was hoping to listen to the old one more. There is a cute dog (beagle or something) I can play with. Can't wait to go for a run after my shift is done
I already had this issue and idealy >>78251857 this would fix it, but guess that's the easy way out
so is 3ds working now? Is he not going to be dead broke anymore?
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Genshin if he real
are there any minecraft skins of her
nvm i found one
you really need to catch up on your personalityfag lore
I can't tell them apart except for story and meow.
you have autism and wasted digits sorry
boruto's dad
I'm Sasuke and Naruto is my bf.
i'm boruto's dad's friend and boruto's dad is my bf (short for boruto's-dad friend)
waking up my bf with breakfast in bed and possibly head also
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i love head in bed
Waking up disoriented with fbf because we napped in the afternoon
Does oral actually feel good to receive, or is it not something to cum from and mostly just get hard from? It looks kinda weird to me
that's breakfast actually
it feels great if you aren't getting ur shit cheesegratered
nutting from head is not out there
I'm too insecure. I'd be afraid I smell or something if someone was sucking my cock. Oh well, dying a virgin is ok too.
r9ay discovers colgate and showers
Hey bud, I shower. I just get hot easily and sweat.
as long as you like
you would be fine
So its okay if I shower and I am clean, but now I am nervous and sweaty with my dick in someone else's mouth... sounds too intimidating sorry bud
nooo don't suck my dick aaaaaaaa
well if you keep fucking overthinking it like that sure
what's even to be nervous about you just fucking sit/stand there
There is another human-being and that part intimidates the fuck out of me
if you got your dick sucked i don't fuck wit you nah
Ok then you don't need your dick sucked?
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did you buy a premade or build it yourself? Also specs.
My fbf would never.
And so excited mango autist is born
I wanted to build it myself cause I did take a course on hardware once bit I didn't trust myself to not fuck everything up
There's a guy in my neighborhood who runs a computer repair shop but he also has great reviews for just building custom pcs so I gave him a budget and trusted him to handle it
I don't remember everything but it's an i7 14th gen processor with 48 gb of ddr5 ram and two 1 terabyte drives
I don't remember what the graphics card was I just sort of gave him the requirements and he figured it out
Pretty sure the card had 12 gb of memory though
download speccy and post a screenshot. Also come on, if I can do it with no training at all following youtube videos then so can you. What was your budget, too so we can figure out how badly you got taken to the cleaners by this guy.
It was $2000, pretty much all of my savings, he said he added like $200 in labor after summing up the part prices and then there was tax, the whole thing ended up being $2049
Is imagine it feels better physically than sucking a dick? Mentally it depends. How tf should I know?
I get sweaty when I'm nervous
a professional can put a pc together in about 20 min. even adding in ordering the parts makes it a fairly high hourly rate.

next time do it yourself and save the money.
Imagine sucking a dick that's been inside someone's bussy. Gross, virgin bf is the only way
Only if it's been in mine and you can wash the dick, you know?
Yeah I mean he did it in a weekend and I mostly did it because he said that if I ordered the parts myself and they came in faulty I wouldn't have a warranty but he would offer one if he built it and it just seemed like less hassle
Considering I spent 7 years using the worst, cheapest baby tower I could have possibly bought right out of high school I don't think I'll ever need a new computer after this thing
At least I've got it

that's a load of shit, the warranties come from the manufacturer. The only time their voided if is if you make a major mistake like bending the pins on the motherboard. I myself RMA'd a faulty PSU with no hassle and no fuss.
>sucking a dick that's been in pussy
Bisexuals see nothing wrong with this
I guess I'll cook that steak tonight. The only question is if I should do mom's way and cook it like a roast or try and fry it in a skillet. I guess if I fuck it up I can always just throw a frozen pizza in the oven.
Would you rather suck a dick that's been in shit? Faggots puzzle me sometimes.
again, dicks can be washed. also pussies are more disgusting than clean bussies with all their discharge and yeast infections and other such issues.
Hang yourself straightoid lol
You can't compare unclean version of one hole to the clean version of another that's fucking cheating
They're just gross in general regardless of how dirty they actually make a dick, anyone deranged enough to stick it in there does not deserve a blowjob
yeah but they can't clean it or they get a yeast infection. sometimes all they have to do is take antibotics and they get one. the bussy can be douched as needed with no ill effects.
That's false information, but I'm not going to bother arguing with you tards because you sound underage
No but really pussy is so repellent to you that you'd rather eat shit?
we need to go check up on my reproductive health.
I suppose that is why they are keeping me fucking broke.
I can't do shit with myself in this fucking state.
Trains left the station.
I will stop this and "pretend to take those pills.
douching can have plenty of ill effects are you retarded
as a bisexual i'd rather fuck a dude who's fucked a girl instead of a dude
by stop this
I mean leave you to go live my life.
You're the only one talking about feces here
Are you the jeetoid back to xitter post too? Your kind worship cow shit
and bottoms live their entire sexual lives doing it just as often if not more than women so it can't be too bad.
I'm not the one eating shit you fags are. I'm all for you sucking my cock but anal is disgusting
I don't think squirting some water up your butt is even remotely risky.
pussies are meant to be fucked, buttholes aren't. there is a fundamental difference in them. a pussy can be washed, much like an anus, but a pussy maintains itself relatively well if kept up with by the pussy wielder. you can eat as healthy as possible, you can shove whatever you want up there, but at the end of the day a pussy is easy access and almost 99% of the time ready for a fucking. a butthole isn't. you need prep beforehand, unless the guy doesn't care about shitdick.
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You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
>I don't think
Stop thinking then and go talk to a doctor
Constantly shoving water up there is a risk because not everyone does it right, plus it becoming constant fucks with your electrolytes.
they got the whole catty to worship pussy and they still come to the gay thread but why i wonder
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Okay so, after 3 minutes of searching:
>if you douche like a retard it might have adverse effects, especially if you're doing other dodgy stuff like having unprotected casual sex
Wow, it's just like every other activity under the sun, who would have thought? Be a reasonable human being and you're safe.
Couldn't it fuck with your gut microbes?
> can damage micro biome
> can make it so muscles change and ur constantly constipated
> perforation/stretching
/r9gay/ is for all.
that's why I would be a limited anal bottom, only rarely and special occasions would I do anal. A couple times a year at most. The rest of the time it's oral/frotting/handjobs.
how many times has this number been restarted?
That is reasonable.
Do you know how disgusting the human mouth is? You wouldn't be asking for oral if you knew the state of r9gays teeth either
The entire purposes of enemas is to basically empty/flush your colon out, in a "normal" lifetime you would only ever do that if you're constipated and that's your preferred method of getting things moving. Doing it to have sex isn't what the typical usage of it is, much less if you're doing it at a somewhat frequent rate. That's the same reason so many normalfag flamers joke about how being a bottom means you don't eat and starve yourself before sex, they'd rather have empty stomachs so there isn't anything or much to flush out if they go to clean. I'm not saying people should never douche but saying it is an entirely risk-free thing is disingenuous
We are talking about douching.
Yeah anal (although nice + fun) isn't actually safe lol
Also if I take the trouble to prep we're going multiple rounds until you can't get it up anymore.
Do you really think bottoms do a full gut clean every single time like they're going to the doctor? How retarded are you srs
yep they get it clean enough and with the lube, sweat, cum and other mess if there was a bit of poop no one can tell. Just go wash your dick afterward.
frotting chads always win
It is the exact same fucking thing just a different word.
I still want to swallow my bf's cum though. even if we frot or it's a handjob I'm licking it up afterward.
straight virgins telling gay virgins how anal sex works is my new favourite r9gay bit
isnt the entire meme about it that the water has to run clear, like yea its not a full on colonic but it still affects your body do u actually believe there is no ill effect in doing something like that on a semi-regular basis?
You do not have permision to steal my protein, you usurper!
You not grasping context is not my problem. Be reasonable and there will be no harm.
>you guys brush your teeth? don't you guys know using an angle grinder will damage your teeth?
No, it's nonsense
Living makes you ill
Stop breathing
>putting water in your rectum to flush out poop has ill effects
Can you stop being retarded?
suddenly remember gays created aids
Those cia agents were probably bi
>On the wings of life, by the hands of hope
>By the brightest light from the brightest sun
>Crossing silent seas over mountains high
In the darkest night the light shines brightest. *stands up* So, it's time to illuminate the night *picks up his oversized sword* until a real hero shows up someone has to do the work *smiles as he disappears into the night*
Imagining Agent Anderson having sex with a chimpanzee for the cause.
when i was younger i'd sit on a water bottle and that did the job
Retvrn to Tradition
Gay Edition

You guys are fucking retarded.
>When you compound daily defecation with anal play, you can see over-stretching and weaker sphincter muscles potentially develop over time.
ohhh thats why you fags need diapers by 40
>if you do it like a retard it can have adverse effects, if you do it properly it's safe
Wow it's exactly what I said, I can't believe it!
Well I'm glad you shared this at least I absolutely would have gone in with just water the first time I wanted to clean up for my fbf
I would not like any dryness or cracking thank you
>eww anal? shitdick lol xD
>erm cleaning your ass is actually bad for you :|
trolled nobody award
that's only the turbo sluts having sex with 10 different guys a week.
Okay, it's for them then.
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Just don't it right before. Leave some time for the mucus membrane to restore in case the cleaning took some of it away.
pic related
I'll say it again, be reasonable and you'll suffer no harm.
So my anal leakage from my hemorrhoid will eventually lead to bad things? It still hasn't went back in yet and I continue to leak anal mucus.
put that drain cleaner up your rotten ass storytard that'll fix it
my fit so hard today
Anon you are so cute when you smile, you should do it more!
I just spent 20 minutes ejecting pure, unfiltered agony from my anus while my stomach insists that I am simultaneously starving and full to bursting
I'm never going to smile again
I miss being able to wear a mask in public without looking like a loon
Stop looking at my face
I still wear one in public but I've never really paid attention to my surroundings so if people look at me I just don't notice it
Sometimes people ask me if I'm sick when I go into stores and I have to explain no, masks just look cool
You know, I don't even know where to find other guys that like guys here. It's it even like it's a scary thing to be open about it here they just don't exist unless I go to a gay bar, but I don't drink.
And I know one could suggest lgbt groups or events but those that are include gays don't exist here outside of one group and it seems to not actually run anymore.
The joys of living in a not major city never fails to amaze me
i always think people like that are so self-absorbed, what makes you think you're important enough for someone to remember your face or even care enough to have an opinion about you
That's not the point
Don't look at me
Even when masks were normal, what was stopping people from looking at you?
I will not wear anything with logos, loud colours, or crazy designs and patterns
I will be invisible you will not notice me and I will be happy
Being able to see one's face and judge their intention is a primordial thing. If people are not able to do that they will be curious and wary, don't judge them for it, it's just how human beings are wired.
personally I hated the masks. my fast ass couldn't stand my own hot breath around me. Me and mom always chinned our masks and no one ever said a word to us.
cuteness levels increase wearing one also
so fucking true
I hated when they stopped being commonplace it made nearly everyone just walking down the street look more attractive
I wrote this sentence wrong
masks made people more attractive
masks not being commonplace undid that
I'm too tired to write words today
Being able to hide my expression was nice
I don't get the mask fetish, the only reason you think they're hotter is because they're covered from the nose up and eyes are rarely ever hideous unless you've got a color preference or they have a deformity. Not knowing at all what someone looks like and deciding it's a good thing is weird. Might as well fuck anyone so long as they wear a paper bag over their face, and at that point why have any standard
All of the things you've said are positives if you're ugly.
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Where did my seinfeld boyfriend go
I meant covered from the nose down, whoops! Point still stands tho
Yeah but they're saying they like people in masks because they're attractive, not that they liked hiding their perceived unattractiveness, so at that point why even care if they hide it or not if the far more likely scenario is that they are ugly? Just the illusion of attractiveness? Seems super shallow is all
I only posted it because someone mentioned their orb
I prefer the lava lamp dildo personally
My orb is fucking broken and the blue LED is hardwired and sealed and I'm so mad I can't fix it
It's a brand new god damned orb what the hell
Yessu desu
>tfw anons cock is cleaner than /r9gay/ boys mouth
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Tomorrow I am gonna eat chicken nuggets
and it will be awesome
I grind my teeth when asleep so something to chomp on otherwise would probably lighten up the matter
I swallow a long piece of cloth and let it come out of my ass, then I pull it back out. I do this every morning to clean my insides.
Can't stop thinking about Anon's bodies in a lascivious manner.
how the fuckd oes he know abotut the bodies brb
This is a me type of post u.u
Be lucky you don't live in miami, I heared it's hell on earth. Only rivaled by england (is my city)
Hard disagree
My brain already grew to hate them as part of the eboy uniform before it was ever associated with authoritarianism and public illness
that and I don't like visiting the dental hygienist :D
I never work a mask because I'm not fucking retarded
Don't argue with passive aggressive whores like that. I stan this post too, it's about the feeling of not wanting to be looked at, not thinking everyone wants to look at you
i'm sure you work anything you wear honey mhm
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You a real one anony
Is it over for me if I'm a submissive top twink
that's the most broadly compatible recombination of traits possible
But even good looking people look better with masks...
then explain why it makes me sad for Bowie to have the button sack on his face in his last music videos
Gross but some retards are into it
Probably bad taste based on the info I gathered so far
all these negative nellies these days
Not sure you should be accusing anyone of bad or lacking taste in the same post that you bitch about the existence of service tops
maybe his mom died of covid. it would fit.
This post should be standing next to definition of irony. Die to bed, ya bum
Oh instead I live in one of the worst places in my country so it's okay. I mean it could be worse could be one of those places that doesn't have clean water but for a city it's definitely not good.
I think I'll just try and see if I can find them on dating apps, even if they just want to be friends I want to be less alone. But that seems difficult plus I have to take a picture and every single one of those I take I won't like because something keeps ruining them all, that something being that fact that I'm in them
Subtops are only really threatening to meme gays and outside of that context are more likely to be more attentive and loyal partners than generic gymbros or similar slabs of meat
a solid half of the bottom posts in this thread sound like they need that kind of focus even if the thought of being in charge of ones own access to intimacy is somehow frightening (lmao)
I hate musclefags so much. Zero critical thinking skills, it's like trying to get a baby to understand why shitting in their pants is bad.
People who like muscles or gymfags? 'ate em both
I'm literally team rocket of being le ebil psycho
What pokemon would you marry and fuck
Hate is the primary foundation of homoerotic Love
I want a bit of muscle just so I'm not twigs but nothing super crazy like if i wanted to anything the middle or the one to the right of it is what I'd want at the maximum. Or just lose the fat part of being skinny fat honestly yeah I'd prefer this over just being muscular
Gentle tops good.
Muscles good.
You guys? Very silly!
Machoke or Machamp, duh.
a hybrid of 13 and 20. good lord. i realize that's likely 16 but his chest is small and he looks awkward
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Damn carrying a 5l water bottle from the store home is exhausting as heck. I start sweating and loosing breath. How the hell am I gonna do this on a regular basis once I move out and mom doesn't buy them for me?!?! I guess it's not too bad if the store is close enough, but what are the chances of that?
And before you ask, no, tap water is too yucky.
Tap water filter
If your tap water is of good quality just man up and drink it.
Having a naughty bf sounds kinda cool...
I need a bf to tie me up and ride me until I pass out >.<
Someone tell vedel there is a problem with my ai
Wear a backpack
bunnyanon what have you been up to lately?
He's dead Jim
Shut the fuck up you stupid spic
nice numbies
La bf es todo
Hmm not sure how it tastes after going through the filter. I'd still rather just buy packaged water, but this could be a compromise. Thanks for mentioning it anony, I didn't even know this existed.
Well I mean it seems "clean" enough. Although it gets dirty once it rains heavily.
>man up and drink it
waaah waaaah :(
Hmm another solution that I haven't considered. As before, I'm not exactly sure if I'd go through with this but thanks for bringing it up anon.
Nothing much really. I got accepted to a new college, and that's about it. I wanted to program some stuff (including a video game!), but now I feel too dirty to do that. I was pretty freaking good this last month but then mom put on socks without washing hands after and now I see contaminants everywhere I look.
I took a break from this place because I felt much better than before and wanted to actually be productive for once so I had to cut out distractions in my life. That's one reason, the other is that you guys are big meanines and mention yucky stuff.
>>78255555 (checked)
Spics evaporated
Los Muertos
Aww hell nah nigga get lost bosnoid
is this one the pedophile
How many of your schemes involve wearing women's clothing disguises for no apparent reason?
Yay the shift went well hopefully the nice geezer is working in the 247 prisma so I can talk to him
Yeah one of my biggest and most important fantasies is sitting in my bfs lap and gently gnawing on his forearm like a cat as we watch a movie or whatever
noooo not the hypermarket aaaaaaa
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new trans pedo just dropped
please do not share these parts of the world with me unless it is to say that these parts of the world are no longer parts of the world as it worries me
Stop stealing gay culture
the interview went good but ill never pass a drug test, oh well onto the next
It's the only place along my route that's open and I need bananas and quark meow I was even nice and didn't use the word as I know it makes losers like you seethe
banana dildo
Nah they go in the other end
Would you, gayboy?
that one atheist youtube guy taught me that the banana is predisposed by evolution to conform to the human anus or vice versa
I never got my steak marinating and have nothing to fix again. fast food once more or frozen pizza? I'm really hungry and skipped lunch entirely.
Did you miss this place or not? What did you miss if anything? We're you more productive? Ho do you spend your time if youre not wallposting here? Would you still have sex with story?
Attention all tops
there is a scary bug in my room
please help
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As cringe as TJ Kirk is I respect him probably most out of the skeptic guys I used to watch as a child
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Cool what is it like catch it and take a picture also stop perpetuating harmful positionist stereotypes whore
Before kanYE went full retard I remember YouTube shills and free thinkers bending over backwards to rationalize his mental ilness as le truth telling
Now it looks likey post was releted to sceptic talk when in reality I didn't even refresh the page before making it...
if he wasn't bald, yeah
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peaking on the perfect amount of caffeine and sleep deprivation
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Meow meow where strongfat bf to rape me how I want to be raped and ask for permission
current meow selfie?
Which r9k/r9gay posters do you hate and why, anonymous?
that's not strongfat that's just fat and also that
I hate everyone who is less of a loser than myself. So most of you.
Just feel lucky you're not a brown miami bisexual poorfag that goes to gayvents daily. Are you like ugly or something?
another fly batch has hatched it seems, I've seen a whole bunch of tiny flies today. Another frozen pizza for my fat maw. To think I used to look forward to these. I have eaten so many frozen pizzas since mom died.
Super hilarious so funny
who is this supposed to be he looks fetal alcohol
I can't tell if that's meow or not. Someone help me.
it isn't meow, completely different facial structure. yes i get he has a beard but it's not him. mouth is different.
wahhhh where's magical pixie dream boy bf to pull me out of my momless funk and teach me skills I should have learned 15 years ago as well as give me the motivation to actually use them.... wahhh
Thanks, I can't tell people I don't know apart if they look similar.
Are you genuinely retarded
The eyes are too and so is the body come on
C'mon man he looks the same! Same prey eyes, same 50 year old man hands...
is not being able to recognize faces a sign of the 'tsim?
Yeah, I can see he has those things but only one of two things being something is not both of them being the same. I get that you have a painful hate boner for me but come on. There is a lot of genuine things you could say so why lie instead?
Looks similar to me, it is what it is.
can we at least have meow's current stats? Like height/weight?
110kg 110cm
If I hear your fat ass talk about marinating one more time I will marinate my penis on your gross mouth breathing triple chinned mom killing face
Oh so you are blind cool
166cm as I have been for over 10 years now, not sure about weight. I have lost some so probably somewhere around 70kg.
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Kinda funny how you lot have the exact same shitty daycare owns as the finnish people on the board I came back here from except less mean and harmful
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anon i fell asleep im so sorry
>why did you lie about your mom's death you fat piece of shit
>so desperate for sympathy he would fake matricide
Reminder this thread is full of midgets and you have to be this tall *points to the sign* to post here. oompa loompa looking bottom ass
bottoms are smol, no one likes a tall bottom. this thread is mostly bottoms ergo the thread is filled with smols.
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im 6'0...

who wnat me
I mean no one likes midgets to my knowledge. Imagine being a man under 6'
You're not even human unironically. A child maybe
I only respect short tops. Short bottoms give me the ick.
Short top x tall bottom is the best pairing. Bonus points for short top being dom
Faceblindness kind of goes with not being able to read emotions yes
I want to marry this anony
Meow meow everyone is trying to rape ad kill me except those I'm being mean to meow
I got the trifecta

>can't remember names for shit
>can't remember faces for shit
>can't remember voices for shit.

unless we've known each other for years I won't recognize you. so if we walk me and go 'hey long time no see, how it going?' I will pretend I know you because in reality I have no idea if I do or not.
I like tall bottoms, it's like he's on a natural pedestal
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I'd forgotten to beat Consort Radahn so he had to be dealt with. The emote you get afterwards reminds me of the pose The Undertaker would do after a match
>generally I just hate people who spam/repost the same repeat threads, since it goes against the very most core spirit of this board
This is why I don't like most of you fags
unhinged confession but watching hassan streams gets me worked up
Because he never does actual work? I took love watching a chair watch YouTube videos, very fun
god bless the american second amendment
no it's because he's fucking hot
He is kinda chubby turkish man
with the head and shoulders of a greek statue
the hair is just a bonus
explain for the 34 year old boomer, what does this 'hassan' stream?
Maybe but wearing jewellery, perfumes and nail polish is -999 in attractiveness.
Idgi. People like this need to be killed, how do you live like this?
he whines about politics and stretches his arms so we can watch
top tier himbo

disagree because I wear jewelry, perfumes, and nail polish lmao
Just like that and I'm back, bruh
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Japs fear the black samurai
i cannot play elden ring anymore because 2 people ruined it for me.
sorry about your hat
I felt depressed so only made a demo, if you want to hear it
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Is that a promo image for AC Shadows?
I'll be going to bed tonight feeling particularly empty.
I have only been up 13 hours but I just want to go to bed even though I need a shower to help soothe my sore ass from wiping it dry from anal mucus constantly.
Lying attention whores need to be put down for good. No (you)s for you.
Meow meow where bunnymutt bf to ride me like a plane meow
do I need to post pictures of the hemorrhoid and how red my ass skin is?
Stretrched out one of my shirts to make it looser. I like big shirts.

I sent my grandmother my wool coat to get the embroidering work done for free, then I'll probably take it to a tailor to tighten it around the butt.
>tfw no seamstress (male) bf to fix and mend my clothing as well as make me cute thing.
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5'5" is tall retard
in 1930 maybe, right now 6' is the cutoff for being tall and with how freakishly tall zoomers are that will likely increase to 6'2 or 6'3 before long.
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Mixed gin with cider to form a refreshing beverage that isn't too weak or strong. Now to further enhance the night by playing a map painter
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Meow no 5'5" is tall meow
meow is a meowlet. Do you struggle to reach tall shelves in the store? Do you have to ask for help?
For an ant maybe
what kind of tattoo should I get to cover up my sh scars would get two
did you do the wrist like a proper emo boy or the legs like a girl?
>281000 equivalent units shifted == 220 million streams and 11400 digital copies purchased
that doesn't seem to convert nicely
I have a feeling someone is getting ripped off here
oh I forgot a zero 114000
otherwise it would look ok
captcha: sp0rt
Can't remember meow I never ask for help but I don't use my upper shelves in my home
For the greatest being ever, me
publicly jerking off my uncut cowboy cock in blackwater
meow needs a high chair and bottle. meow is wittle babby.
i asked about the prep thing and they said since my insurance doesn't cover it they'll waive all the costs. i have to get tested first and then prescribed the pills. i can have them sent to the clinic and never see them, and they'll be recycled to other patients who'll actually need them. they said they'll buy me a game if i do it. i think i'll buy one on the switch, since the ps5 is currently being hogged by another frequenter. maybe tunic, or cult of the lamb, or tboi:repentance. CotL has no current physical copies i think.
sounds like a good plan. a slut can protect himself and you get a game out of it.
also antonblast has a free demo on the switch, and penny's big breakaway. i downloaded them but didn't get a chance to play them. they have 4 joycons but they didn't have mario kart or smash today, but they had mario party. they'll come tomorrow. i remember the last time i played mario party i consistently got 1st place on every rhythm game.
i still listen to that audio by the youknowwho where he says i love you and cuts my limbs off

if only things could be so simple.
voldemort makes asmr?
i also got a chance to play cadence of hyrule in dock mode. i only play permadeath mode cus it's more fun. all enemies and bosses are harder, and important items are randomized. i died to ganon. there's another zelda fan there but he didn't really care about what i was playing. i left my copy.
i still have some money from donating blood that i'll probably use on a game. or shoes.

i still think about what games could've been bought if those kids didn't blow 40 clams on fortnite vbucks
No I am big and strong and cool
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>tfw no bf to occasionally read pointless anecdotes and short poems to
adults make the frequent mistake of believing they are wiser than children for their wealth of experience, that is, of failure

all the world yearns to raise their children to become something they deem is important, like a doctor, or a lawyer, or a politician, or an engineer. very rarely does a parent ever think to raise their child to become an adult.
mom tried her best but I refused to listen and just wanted to play video games.
be happy for no reason. if you are happy for a reason, it can be taken from you.
Real question: Are russians the only ethnicity that have *never* invented democracy? I feel like even random ass countries in africa have at one point had a democratic government.
oh yeah i could've donated blood again on sunday but i forgot. maybe this weekend.
If I ever received a blood transfusion I hope I get your blood, so it can flow through my dick.
our blood types might not be compatible but i hope they are for your sake
I don't even know what my blood type is.
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Mine was the same but my apathy towards life made me unreachable. I'll probably be a permaneet unless a role in a family business materializes
what I wouldn't give for one those lessons now. Of course I know what's say. "story get up off your lazy ass and do something!"
mine is b-
They tried to invent democracy before that one thing happened but Nick said "do not be of worry little russia peopel, I will the autocracy and god forever spasiba" and everyone went with it
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you should b+
My leg hadn't hurt for a few days but guess what's back? As if I don't have enough health issues.
black market aids meds huh
It's likely so that minors can get prep without going to a doctor or letting their parents know. seems kinda sus to me.
For real
Who tf tells you to get on prep just to funnel the meds elsewhere and bribes you to do it?
Report them to the authorities, Desantis will hang them all
til ibs is correlated with femininity--but not with homosexuality--in men.
quantify 'femininity'
I wonder if they're not doing the same thing with hormones for troons. Is the community center 18+ or does it allow minors?
yes that's the whole point. it's all free and confidential. miami as a whole is very lgbt-friendly but there are some concentrated neighborhoods that are not tolerant and outright hostile to lgbt people. miami is also one of the places in the us with the highest hiv infection rate.
i haven't asked but i assume they do. it's 13+
3ds is in a groomer den. I think we all know why that transsexual is there.
idk, a lack of 'masculine traits'. see the paper to find out what those are.
Ok so you whine about le degen fags then contribute to the problem
By divine fate you'll get stabbed with an aids needle and die hopefully
Trans hate is so washed up yawn find a new thing to project your fears onto already
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Don't care enough to hate em, just don't like em. Simple as
yeah i'm really worried about the kids who hang out there. they're way too young to be worrying about their identity or whatever. being surrounded by genderbending adults who talk about sex all the time can't be good for them. i have to wonder why their dad can't just buy a ps5 at home.
they told me they have an infitine supply of meds. i'm doing them a favor by getting them more grant money.
i would gnaw lovingly any eligible hominid.
Said the twenty something with no dad, no ps5 hanging out there to play video games instead of getting a job
I'd be careful 3ds, knowingly 'selling' your prescription meds like that could be a crime.
and helping groom kids like his ex ebf k*wi so wholesome
they're there every day. i have to wonder why they aren't in summer camp. why they aren't around kids their age. why they come here and stay for every working hour just to play fortnite and roblox by themselves, surrounded by all these strange adults. and when they're not gaming, they're mindless scrolling through tiktok. i wasn't doing that at my age. sure i just played video games all day, but i still remember going outside and talking with mom's friends' kids. of course i can't tell their father any of this. he'd probably ban me from coming ever again.
i have paid work tomorrow
i'm not selling anything
that's just gen A 3ds, the brainrot is real. tik tok and short form content has completely fried their brains.
Giving away your prescribed meds to a pyramid scheme definitely is not legal anywhere
Why is that sus, kids have sex behind their parents back all the time might as well not let them catch aids while they're at it
Oh, that's why you needed the prep. I see. I hope you are helping your mother with some of the money.
people are gonna shoot up heroin we better supply them clean needles, a safe crack shack, and also some heroin :^)
Why are you people so retarded
I wish I had an occipital bun and sagittal crest it would be so cool
kids should be having sex with kids, there shouldn't be aids in those circles to spread. Most often it's to cover adults having sex with the kids. 'kids' here can be 16-17 but still.
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>tfw no bf who sends me footpics at random intervals throughout the week
Yeah addicts are well known for not using if they only have dirty needles and have to do it on the floor of their apartment covered in literal shit or if they only have 100% fentanyl to use

Stop trying to rationalize things using your emotions instead of facts and logic
it's not a scheme and it's all perfectly legal. i'm signing up for prep, and i'm simply choosing not to take it, and i have a right to do so. them buying me a game is just a friendly returned favor. i get to add 1 number to their demographic of people they helped, and the government will give them more grants to help more people. they can pay for more important things like food and video games.
selling prescription medication is a crime
Okay? I didn't ask. I just hoped you help your mother with living expenses with some of the money you're going to get by selling your body tomorrow.
i have volunteer work for a completely unrelated organization
a drug that stops you from getting infected with a lifelong illness that carries about as much negative social stigma as cancer isn't the same as crack you fucking niggerbrained retard
"kids" in this context absolutely refers to people 15-20 range. 3DS has failed to mention feeling out of place because of his age, or seeing an overabundance of actual children 10-14. moreover this is happening at some lgbt youth reach center, it's not exactly for the most well adjusted of people. 3ds himself is literally a neet with obsessive tendencies and intense social anxiety. there's probably some who are in a similar position to him, but also sexually active. i don't think they're having sex with adults, nor do I think that the center is doing this as a "cover up". state mandated pedophilia? you sound fucking stupid.
Kill yourself spicoid
You have become part of the problem
It is no different than a teenaged girl getting birth control or a teenage boy getting condoms. No one is shoving the idea of sex in their hands, but if they're going to have it they might as well be safe.
>kids should be having sex
no they shouldn't.
it's literally just the owner's sons. they're the only non-adults who are ever in the building. everyone else there IS my age but they're all normalfags, or troons.
making it easier to do this risky behavior with no consequences will surely have no ill effects on society nope none at all
I'm so cute and funny and intelligent and attractive where bf i'm getting impatient
Why do complete shut-ins who shake at the mere thought of having to speak with a stranger think they understand what would unravel modern society?
Looks like he saw a glowpost(this thread rn)
So is it paid or volunteer work? Aren't those two mutually exclusive?
i say the same thing all the time to but there's not a fucking thing i can do about it. i can't convince the whole world to not fuck.
it's paid volunteer work.
yeah but you can also choose not to make it worse by aiding a faggot pyramid scheme
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Well you see people like that don't care about what is the best option. They just want to punish people for doing something they find objectionable on an emotional level. Because they are on the level of children mentally.
die to breath hypocrite whore
So not volunteer work then. And even then it's apparently just a gig, get a real job.

"Voluntary work is unpaid work based on free will and choice."
i have a real job it's peddling meds to minors for a ps5
>No one is shoving the idea of sex in their heads
there are condoms and magazines with buff men littered everywhere around the center. adults openly talk about their sex habits and their std test results in the same room as children.
i already explained the entire procedure but okay
>get a real job.
this is how i'm getting to that.
Being mad will not turn your sad life around.
No matter how much you seethe at me. No matter how much you grind your teeth.
No matter how much you want to think your shitty existence is my fault.

Drinking poison.
How old are they? How is doing it helping you get a job? What are you even doing?
typing five words warrants such seethe lol
I was working under the idea that minors were there because I figured if another Anon brought minors into it there was an actual mention of them. I get it now that it's 98% of adults.

they have daddy issues and are extremely mentally ill :3

>n-no you are the one seething when I am the one obsessing over you and boiling my piss day in day out
>How old are they?
i don't dare ask but i assume 13 or older
about the job thing, it's work for a completely unrelated organization. i just help set up chairs and tables and projectors and i get paid $50 every time i show up. sometimes they finish before i arrive and i just have to sit there, maybe participate in teaching about hiv prevention or some other bullshit. i don't care for it but i was told i can very realistically branch out into something better eventually.
Story can I get a gift for my birthday?
Will 3ds still complain that he's surrounded by faggot whores now he's participating in this scheme? I sure hope so
Kys apostle
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Is the PS5 even worth getting?
Amazon keeps on recommending it to me at a discount or on installments but I can't think of many exclusives it has
I think it's funny how likely it is that a lot of people join that server for the e-sex but when that fag posts about an /r9gay/ themed server no one seems to really have much bravado for it.
You really think a 13 year old doesn't know what sex is?

Better what? Why aren't you looking for a real job?
if you have friends who'll lend you their account, yes. otherwise, absolutely not
i WAS looking for a real job for 6 months, then i decided to give my sanity a break.
typing your catchphrase is a conspiracy yes
If you never quit your old job you'd still be employed with a decent amount saved by now I reckon
what if peter griffin's catchphrase was "whaaaaat? okay!"
Is having to lie in the interviews to give a bad impression that taxing?
everyone makes fun of the ps5 for not having games, what even is the appeal of a console these days aren't exclusives for the most part just a thing of the past anyways? or at least if they do come out, it's always basically 90% cutscene movie videogame? they're not bad but, it feels like you'd get the same experience just watching a playthrough on youtube
i was gonna get fired anyways. but you're right, maybe i could've gotten unemployment.
i don't lie.
No you don't understand they expected him to do his job and were horribly mean (said that he is not pulling his weight) he has ptsd from having to do something instead of just rotting in bed
I'm not even sure what you guys are talking about now but go for it do your best!
Today I looked up at the sky and missed my ex bf sigh.
grooming children :|
i get to play free switch games and eat free food and they leave me alone most of the time.
On one hand I'm sad I could never experience things regarding love to look back upon but then it means I get to make those memories for the first time with my fbf who I will surely meet very soon, untainted by the burdens of the past
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gimme the bug shaker shake that shit homie
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That'll be a no then. I was interested in the Demon Souls Remake but I'll just emulate the original

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and JRPGs before I could get a pc. Last gen had some good exclusives but this gen seems like it has been shit for both consoles which probably explains all the pc ports
i just played don't starve together on my ps4. then i played don't starve together on my ps5.
Then doing your best is not doing that because that's the worst
Maybe it was a sign nonny, tell him you love him
Naw even if I did it wouldn't work out. Pretty sure
he hates me desu desu.
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Babe you'd still love me if I were a pelican r-right?
mk8 controls significantly differently than mk7
dat nigga done ate his neck aw hel naw
i always wondered what would happen if their mouth pouch got punctured somehow. would it heal and close up? would it just be permanently leaking until they died?
which personality are you and what do you want?
>story would buy anon a present but not 3ds a switch
because what if his want of a gift is a 10 dollar fortnite card vs an entire console from an uppity spic that doesn't even slut out anymore

I never said I'd but them anything. I'm scared that once I start buying things the requests will never stop.
story buy me eu4 and all the dlcs its only 699.99
It's skin you dumb rock person dies your skin heal? Huh? Huh?????
i thought you guys didn't want me to camwhore anymore. i shaved my ass for nothing.
story buy my prep for me?
Personally I love camwhores. Real life pics are much better than porn.
sometimes i post pics on other boards but i never say it's me
r9gay has fallen long live gaygen
I want a cs skin. You know who it is dawg
I still never saw 3ds' hole, pp or bare butt. that makes a fat neet very sad.
if i were to show anyone you'd definitely not be my first choice.
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It's kinda astounding how absolutely fucking repulsive story is on every level, was he made in a lab to be the most filthy person alive or what
throwing stones in a glass house huh

I'm not paying 80 bucks for a skin, brad.


Thanks, at least I can be repulsive on the internet right.


I had to try you know.
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Waa where bf I wanna bite someone
Except I'm nowhere near storys level and you are just saying that dishonestly because you are mad and stupid
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why dont all cars tongue the finish line in the cars universe? if its not against the rules and their tongues are that long isn't it just optimal to do? how is it possible that only one car has ever thought to do it, and even after he did it, it didn't become standard practice.
it's a movie for children
so's wally but that was good
would you get car head tho?
so does anyone have any ideas on what games i can buy. preferably a switch physical, since the ps5 is constantly being hogged by the fortnite fiends, and it's digital only anyways. maybe i can buy repentance with the blood money i still have.
the other anon did not give you a proper answer
my assumption is that it wasn't technically against the rules but no one ever had the thought to do it before, it probably helps that most races assumeably aren't photo finishes like such
think about it, when people run irl they rarely are so close sticking out their tongue gives a major advantage, they're probably quite a ways ahead
I think it never gets used again because after they realized this was something that could be done they put a ban on it but didn't see a need to take away Lightning's title, especially after he'd already suffered alot to get there
He's also already a famous and respected racer, a sort of, catch me once, shame on you, catch me twice, shame on me situation
I don't think the opportunity to do this again ever came up again in the movies too but I could be incorrect
I hope this answer was satisfactory anon
cult of the lamb DOES have a switch physical AND it is within their price range :DDDDDD
It's not worth getting if you can only get one game imo
i'm doing this for myself and i think cotl is big enough to keep me entertained for a long time. plus, they already have a lot of other games.
That's exactly what I am saying it's pretty short and simple
40 sound better story?

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