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Caerhays Castle edition
Do we know why Shippy isn't allowed access to his brown sprog
is op a castle fan? wondering
yeah and lighthouses but I think i've done most of those
Fantastic another boring castle edition.
Not op but castles are cool
It's complicated lad but it's because his birth name is actually "Penis". The government and social services stepped in and it all got weird. There's a court case coming in September.
much prefer train editions tbqh
We should do pub editions. Plenty of interesting pub names with beautiful exteriors up and down our land.
sorry you didn't get to make another ssm op you sad mong
glad you liked my train op
Trains editions are even worse than castle and town editions. Might as well do bus editions next.
Another bread, is it kings? Why yes it is
good idea that we need a routemaster edish next
Babby having a little seethe, is it?
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Might get steaming nd throw sticky willys at normalfags
Loving this but or lore lmao.
Fantasising that another poster is called 'Penis' (he isn't) is what has kept him occupied today
might have a little cry
He isn't now obviously since his foster parents changed it to Dennis. But Penis was originally on his birth certificate. I don't blame them for changing it desu.
Fantasising you have no access to your sprog
Grown man. Called Penis.
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not a bad idea lad

For me?
Its the Bristol RE in the old Belfast city bus livery

might have a little laff
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SeasideSOLDIERS rally around the SeasideLORD as a cruel hail of arrows and sanctions rains about them. The SeasideRAM marches forwards to another DWP stronghold. He strong arm benefits system into recognising hidden disability.

Whistle Posse finally given its own rave grounds and things slowly progress for our SeasideLORD. He only been sanctioned once when he got captured by DWP goons (30 day it not right). He get revenge.
If you want to have a good laugh I encourage you to pretend another poster's birth name is "Penis". I have tears running down my cheeks with laughter about it.
Starting to drink in 5 minutes me
Don't joke about the unfortunate situations of others. Yes, my birth name was Penis. No, that doesn't make me a bad person or a failure.
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Have first and second interview last week for new work.
> We'll let you know week commencing 22/07/2024.
Tuesday and I'm worried but don't really know why.
Of course not lad. It wasn't your fault. How did you move from being called "Dennis" to being called "Greg"?
week commencing means friday in most cases
What? No it doesn't. It means anytime that week.
Pinning sticky willies to head teacher's back was when i 1st learned to crease howl scream, went from boy 2 man
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IT is OVER for the fucking DWP. SeasideARMY and Whistle Posse BLOWING over the repulsive Jobcentre Workers. They get access to the PC's. They reverse the sanctions, they increase backlog of payments - soon DWP will be beholden to us.
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I'm thinking this and still have worry about not getting it, I guess to feel a failure is a worry. Thank you mate!
My adoptive parents used to accidentally still call me "Penis" because it rhymes with "Dennis" so eventually they changed it again to "Greg". Then as an adult I changed it to "Greg Gregg".
no they just tell you that it means any day this week, but 99/100 times, you get a reply on the last working day of the week.
Well yeah I would start worrying if heard nothing by Friday but it is still only Tuesday. Good luck little laddy.
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I have a wee g&t now cus its scorching outside, but just a wee one. Cheers
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man named penis
parents gave me an ultimatum that if i drink in the house again or come home drunk that they'll kick me out on the streets. feel like shit and now ironically this shit makes me want to drink
You need a reset, lad. A clean break. Why not try moving out and getting a simple part time job that gives you plenty of free time? Hell even basic changes like getting some new clothes, starting to exercise, changing your name to penis might make the difference you need.
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Thank you mate, hope I get a yes/no by Friday. I won't chase it up if it goes past.
He's a very successful business, he's got a loving wife, a luxurious penthouse, travelled the world, lots of respect amongst his peers. A man that has it all. Yet he's obsessed with a unemployed civil engineer from Lancashire that used to sleep on mattresses in the park, spit in his housemates soup, who hasn't even posted here for years
Lost 5-3 in the FA Cup final to Chelsea. Tragic but it really gave the fans hope for the future of this club.
Anyways, off to fight for promotion in the Premier League now
Having a classically white name like Penis probably a disadvantage these days for jobs
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Do you have any advice to offer him?
Who, the successful businessman or the unemployed civil engineer?
Not worht it desu unless u can keep it v v private
parents gave me an ultimatum that if i drink in the house again or come home drunk that they'll change my name to Penis
This is the first good post you've ever made. Keep it up lad.
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Which do you feel best equipped to advise?
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Wish i lived in a lighthouse desu
Bit like that film, the lighthouse jobs like this was made fr lads like me but they're all dead because of automation
Whole job market is a matter of did you get properly socialised at school into the goy world order of arse kissing faggots
Not for me
Police Scotland telling concerned onlookers that if a person is on the 3rd floor of an apartment building or higher, he is not engaging in indecent exposure
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All the tyrant security guards having a tantrum have enabled are DJ to jet off to Cyprus with his wife and kids.

Have you ever been to Cyprus?
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Olympics starting tomorrow de lods
Both of them are doing well in their own way. They don't need my advice
Goon folder about to double in size corr
No. Not a fan of subtropical climates myself.
Working in a lighthouse would be perfect for SSM.
Wonder what the logistics of changing my name to Penis would involve.
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The waris wolympics
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Caught the footie bug during the Euros and the Olympics will be a new time to shine.
You not a fan then?
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>Ah, Mr. Penis! Splendid. The doctor will see you now.
Look it just sounded a lot like Dennis, alright?
In the UK, changing your name by deed poll is a straightforward process, but names that are offensive, promote criminal activity, or are impossible to pronounce can be rejected. I'd say that you could argue "Penis" isn't actually offensive because it's the correct medical name for the male member (in both flaccid and erect form). Although this might have to be debated in court.
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Very thrilled to see what weird satanic masonic black magic shit the LARPing moneylenders will cum up with again during the opening ceremony
>It's Mr. Austin actually, my first name is Penis.
Is it really a conspiracy when (((they))) are telling us what they're planning out in the open?
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Hi, I'm Jay

Hi, I'm Ron

Hi, I'm Roger
>HIS NAME IS TODGER xDDDD *dies laughing*
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Think mmm more like hed go mental being stuck in the lighthouse bored lonely nd depressed desu
Maybe taxi driver, good for the patter, he got gifted gab nd good at driving, just not possible due to DVLA and obviously the smell, not many tips on uber smelling like fish and shit
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>Both of them are doing well in their own way. They don't need my advice
Are there any pubs in Glasgow you like drinking in?
Lollers can you reassure all the lads here that Smirnoffbro is indeed still alive
Shagging whores from Slovakia
Talk bad about me I'll knacker ya
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I can reassure you I do not have a discord chat group/server and have only DM chats with my mates.
One of my biggest fetishes is watching women chug down inhuman amounts of cum, like giant pint glasses full to the brim of it. Unfortunately this only really happens in hentai. PremiumBukkake has some great content but frankly the volumes just aren't enough to really scratch my itch. JAV has some close to it but I get the sense that they're really just using fake cum.
Oh no discordlarpbros, not like this
Here's an idea. Stop drinking and get a job dosser.
He thinks he is walking his dog, in fact, his dog is the one taking HIM for exercise, to get him out of the flat
As someone who has tried to make it happen, I can tell you that it's very difficult to gather that amount of cum. You're lucky to get 5ml from each spunk (and that's the first of the day, too), so it would take months to fill up a pint glass.

For reference, I have a project where I fill up a kinder egg toy capsule with cum. I have to freeze it. Then once I have the frozen cum egg I shove it up my arse. It usually takes me at least a month to fill up each egg.
morning lads
i lasted 3 weeks in full time employment, including 2 sick days, quit today
my autism isnt cut out for this world, is it?
ah well, back to being a NEET shut in, normiedom isn't for me anyway
made me laugh this did
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I don't get you mate.
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so why did you quit?
made me laugh this did
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Only 1 I'd go to regularly was quo vadis in Govan years ago just cus it was across the street
Some other ones in shawlands I forget the names of by now, 1 thar was spacious inside with a lot of pool tables maybe it was more like a pool hall with a bar now I think on it
Am fine with any of them if there's a pool table but I prefer my bedroom
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Siamese dream kinda day
Least u tried
did he walk into a shed at the end?
Une fartique has been ripped
every day was just overwhelming, the (unreliable) bus journey, waking up, fully in-office 9 until 5:30 each day. In a busy city, pestered by homeless people to and from work
actual job itself was simply and easy enough, except some people could be rude to me for seemingly no reason
lots of downtime and felt like it was a bit pointless too
I tend to make quite rash, poor decisions, this was probably one of them, but ah well, i think I'm going to try find some help within some sort of sperg charity or look for part time roles, or maybe I revert fully into being a total shut-in like I was until this year
thanks, i appreciate it
This desperados tequila beer any good fellow alcies
The Pot Still on Hope Street is my local. Quite like the Locale at Charing Cross and the Bon Accord down the street from there. Variety Bar on Sauchiehall Street and The Arlington on Woodlands Road are two other favourites. The Laurieston on Bridge Street also a classic. Spoiled for choice with good pubs here really. Never been to Quo Vadis but been past it in a cab a few times so I know where you are.
thats his boxroom.
it's okay. would not classify it as an alchie beer. a lot of students and stoners like it
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Think its helpful in a way to get these experiences so you know rhe score
I only know about wagies nd their perverted ways cus I lived amongst them
I like 2 imagine there's an ideal job out there with none of the shite bt probably not eh
It's all the same bs ime
has he done a tour?
Genuinely one of the most disgusting "beers" I have ever had the displeasure of drinking.
Wissington-on-the-can... Home
I went to the beach today, did I not? Spied on some lassies in their swimsuits too. Forgot to wear sun cream like a wally and now my face is like beetroot.
Has a grassy cannabis type taste init
If I'm remembering the right one
Stick w me stellas now
Yes, I'm happy I tried, I understand how it all works, I did 6 months (contract basis, but I was ready to quit too) previous but 99% wfh, so I got the jist then, was just pointless busywork, mundant, redundant meetings and social ostracism everywhere I went, with a veneer of 'acceptance'
I'm happy I'm finding my boundaries, why I thought a full time in-office working with people job would be viable considering my difficulties with a wfh job, I dont know, but now I know I need to reduce my expectations and go for something smaller, with less demanded on me etc
and if I fuck that up when it comes, at that point I will say a vow to never leave my house again
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Little fry up for din dins.

It Tuesday x
mum's cooking up a spag bol lads, imagine eating so good
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Coooorrrrr get these fuckin meatballs in ya!
Why did the moneylenders kill are jesus? It not right, it not right one bit
Do you smoke cannabis lad?
updated my wallpaper
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For me, the best thing about cooking meatballs is that negroes don't know how to
3 dinner posts within 17 seconds... robots you all are.
Cheers, lid. Need to get a phone with a better camera next time this one ain't doing it.
the wagie 1 type of meet Vs the NEET trio >>78252900
are you allowed to fry things in the care home?
Leftover Quorn curry and rice I made yesterday for me dinner. Don't mind Quorn, bit of an acquired taste I'd say.
For me? Meatballs with gabagoolberg
post your meal big lad, time stamp, you wont
Nice one lad. Went out for a nice walk myself today. Not much sun around where I am and that suits me fine.
tried substituting quorn into my philadelphia-passata-pasta (with salt, pepper, onion, garlic granules, parsley and mixed herbs of some description) recipe and it ruined it
You'd think that after a while of pretending to be men women would realize as a collective how it makes them unhappy and how they're worse off for it, instead they go "Nu-uh" and quadruple down on it though lol.

Hillarious really.

I don't make my own meals. No pots and pans for me my leeeed.
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>My din dins looks better than your din dins lad. You fuming?
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Sean's mum Sandra is employed at the care home and is responsible for preparing all the spacker meals
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So he still technically lives with his mum?
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No it send me loopy. Big meltdowns
She's a full time care. I don't know if she stays overnight
Sean's mum Sandra is a comfort lady at the carehome. She makes dinner and makes cummies. Simple as.
Corr them sausages look nice
post your din dins lollers
you wont
Such a grim post but I loved it.
pepperoni weetzer and garlic bread for dinner, fairly unremarkable victuals so I shan't be posting them
They look a bit grim and anaemic to be honest, lad.
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>I have a project where I fill up a kinder egg toy capsule with cum
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what does braverman think?
Already quite pissed, lets fucking go dd lads
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>not trusted to even cook meals

Lmao how big of a mong are you?

I'll be having a few wokkles tonight. Might as well.
british food is so hideously grim
Mate can you at least acknowledge that you're as much of an alcoholic mong that SSM is? I love you either way.
Mak did a tour of his room in one of his drinking videos a few months back. I posted a link with timestamp in /britfeel/.
Cba finding it in the archives but its out there dee lid
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>cant be trused to cook a meal
>can be trusted to go on the piss and sniff wokey

Something doesnt add up here
You getting a wag in lid? Life is short, as SSM tells us.
he's posted before that both his parents live in supported housing. Is it some sort of spacker colony where they each have designated roles for each other? And if so, what is HelperLad's specialism?
got a link de lad?
sean has never done coke in his life
If I watch 6 hours of Twitch I can get a free FFXIV mount. I want it but I'm not watching some mong on Twitch.
Nope sorry dee lid
doesn't he delete the videos like ssm, so the link would be dead anyway?
Big June wants to milk HHL's 4 inch penis.
can't you just have a stream running in another window?

>only drink 1 or 2 days a week

Err I don't think you understand what an alcoholic is de lid.
Nah he rarely deletes videos unless they are ones of him having a drunken rant at one of his YTDC enemies
which month was it?
you can be an alcoholic and only drink 2 days a week. What matters is the AMOUNT of alcohol drunk and you go through the equivalent of 2 bottles of spirits a week
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>mak walks around a completely run down shit hole of a house mumbling incoherently while blasting shit music and drinking cheap cider

Summed it up for you lads

what is wrong with with people and this country

why are we encouraging spastics to breed
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Talk about a fucking CHOON lads

We need more CHOON posting these days
Maybe 3 or 4 months ago now. He was responding to Lord J taking the piss out of his squalid living conditions.
I drink every day but i wouldnt call myself an alcoholic, i only have a or two drink after i put my sprog to bed at 7 pm, by 9 pm i'm in bed too
Stuck a nerve with hhl there lol
Forget Lord J, I need my daily seasideLORD update!
>nerve struck
>he did NOT like that one
>that upset him lol
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Probly the trick is like after my mum nd that go to bed in the evening i should just do the same. Few beers downed by then its a nice atmosphere. Y i always have 2 make it a downward spiral atmosphere by staying up for 9 more hours past my bedtime too being sad? Not right at all. But now i know how to do it properly.
If u got a smartphone leave it running in their app or something
Remind me of unlocking mewtwo in smash bros melee
If I remember right it was 24 hours total playtime but i was a mong and thought it meant you had to play it for 24 hours straight so i left gamecube running fighting against computer for 24 hours
Well it worked anyway obviously
Aye you are fuming tiny fella
whats his excuse for refusing to work?
Might watch a movie later today
It's a cute mount and my Lalafell would look cute on it.
He has a hidden disability lad.
you should watch bone tomahawk. absolutely mad film
What film, lad? Might watch a samurai film.
Blacked anal #45
Not him but seen it a few times. Great film. I wish Matthew Fox was bigger, one of my favourite actors. I suppose he was in two huge shows (Party of Five and Lost). That cunt Dominic Monaghan gave false accusations against him because he was jealous of Evangeline Lily.
whats his hidden disability?
He has a micropenis, lad. Don't judge. He slipped and his cock got microwaved when he was a wee lad.
Can't wait for the inevitable nude scenes of Sadie Sink the dirty wee whore CUNT.
His abusive parents gave him the name "Penis" at birth
Arching my cum into Sadie Sink's pussy. She's 22. It legal. She do porn soon. It lush.
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Spaffbol with gabagool - Now that's good eatin'
in a weird state rn where i am acknowledging my life is shit but for some reason feel euphoric


seagulls laffin
>He has a micropenis
Give him his PIP
Poor man's Sophia Lillis
He's been running this penis gimmick for hours
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Threesome with both wouldn't be bad, lad. Sophia ain't as popular however. IT didn't do much for her career but Sadie was in the critically acclaimed The Whale (seen it in cinema and it was LUSH).
Do you really think "hours" is a long time for a /britfeel/ gimmick? This one will still be going in 2026.
suppin on a goblet of cum
Another hour of gooning it up, is it sire?
Why is this one mong obsessed with small cocks.
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Many lads here are obsessed with being called tiny dick losers, me included.
suppin on a tumbler of cum
Watched that a few years back, still think about it from time to time
Nocturnal animals, i'm 5 mins in atm
>stops a film 5 minutes in to post on 4chan
Have a nice wank to Amy Adams, lad.
Wonder what happenend to June that she wound up in a care home
Had many a wank to Amy Adams
I have a short attention spam unless im on the stims but i'm all out de lad
Wonder what happened to helper that he wound up in a care home
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I'm on that sigmagrind now.

Soon I'll be drowning in prime pussy.
Wonder if Sandra knows her son is a nonce
Wonder if Kevin knows his son is a nonce
How does one get on a sigma grind?
Just shagged a womens arsr and it were proper nice.
Getting shit on my penis? Not for me
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>Please just call me Penis. "Mr Penis" was my father.
Penis Austin
Based. Anal is the best.
Greg "shippy" penis
what a gormIess mong
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Stellas secured
>your comment was not original
Greg 'Gormless' Austin
Where's my wee dolly
Thankfully he was never cursed to live with this name in adulthood, only as a wee nipper. He's Greg Gregg Austin now. (Formerly Penis Austin)
Glad you're having fun with your latest gimmick tonight lad.

T. Greg (formerly penis) Gregg Ausitn
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I got these 6 beers nd i shan't go over that number at any point
Simple as
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Dear Arbroathy,

I must say I have been quite enchanted with you as of late. I often find myself in my single rickety bed repeating your name in my head as I drift off to sleep in the hopes of meeting you in my slumber. More often than not I am disappointed, but I know this isn't your fault.

I think about you often; your pale skin, your cute outfits and your juicy cock. I wonder how you're doing and if you're thinking of me. Sometimes I get angry at your boyfriend, but I know it won't last. We are destined to be together, you see.

I was delighted to recently learn of your disdain for the African child. Truly, they are a plight on the white society. From my days on the hunt in Uganda, I have seen first hand the degenerative nature of the beast tribes. You and I see eye to eye; we have a betwixed soul.

Soon we will be together and as the end of Summer approaches, I wish I was with you presently to lick the sweat off of your pearly buttocks. To inhale your succor and clothe you in finery would make me very gay. Write me soon and let me know your preference for Christmas; mock turtle soup or pheasant? Either will satisfy me, but not as much as your mere presence.


Shippystein Tarquin VII.


I have sent Mortimer along with a recent self portrait of myself to satisfy your lustful musings. With the luck of the seven, he will reach you swiftly, lest you shrivel.
Shan't be reading all that drivel. Just wanted you to know.

You don't really have to do anything de lid. It's more of a mindset than anything.
Names hold power. They shape our identity, our self-perception, and how the world sees us. Shippy's parents robbed him of the innocence of childhood by branding him with a name that invited mockery. Thankfully he is now called "Greg". We won't mention his previous name. (It was "Penis")
lol imagine thinking and writing all that drivel
why do you look like 14? some kind of hormonal imbalance?
You're retarded de lid.
Dear Adoptive Parents,

I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for everything you have done for me, especially for giving me a new name and a new beginning.

Changing my name from
"Penis" to "Greg" was one of the most profound acts of kindness and love you could have shown me. You freed me from a past filled with shame and gave me the chance to build a future filled with dignity and self-respect.

In honor of the new life you've helped me create, I have chosen to give myself a middle name: "Gregg." So now, I proudly go by the name Greg Gregg Austin (formerly Penis Austin). This name represents not just a change in identity, but a testament to the love and support you've given me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the parents I always needed and for helping me become the person I am today.

With all my love,
Greg Gregg Austin (Formerly Penis Austin)
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That is one of the funniest things I have read on 4chan, ever. Just ROFL. Actual irl LOL.
reckon marks getting steaming tonight?
Threads have been awful lately mate
I'm spending more time on other boards lately
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Kind of upset de lads. I ordered a Box Room Bandito from FRENU and they sent me a fucking Huitzilopochtli Helper.
Have absolutely no clue to how look after this exotic a breed and he sings all the time.... I love big Helper. I love Huitzilopochtli. He brings as us as Frens to the bitter end.
Oh I agree absolutely unusable but that HHL post genuinely got me. I hope some of these lads get some self awareness at some point.
Dumbest take on sigma ever.
Whatever you do, lad, don't let it bark on about Apucolypto. It's a good film but they never shut up about it.
HHL getting bullied, it not right.
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>Soon I'll be drowning in prime pussy.
HHL being bullied for a racist ghoul. It not right,
It right
I dont mind him usually, just find the idea of le sigma being
>yeah you dont have to actually do anything mate its just a mentality
Very funny indeed. And fitting
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HHL is my oldest ally. You can ridicule him all you want, everything he has in life, you, the taxpayers, pay for
I don't pay tax mate I'm also a NEET. HHL is my spirit animal.
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Waiting patiently for dindins b4 i crack open the 1st one
Seems my theory about only bad ppl go bald is confirmed again. Snidey wee seething mongo get a grip
Yeah greatest ally mate
>do I actually ever speak to him though? Added elsewhere? No. But yeah best mate greatest ally
I'm a NEET mysself but HHL is a boring little mong and deserves to get ridiculed.
HHL never even interacts with him unless he does first
how many monkey nuts you gonna have 2nyte big lad
Is that why the back of my heed is going thin? =[
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did you order slop in or is mummy making summit
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I don't care. I used to really look up to MM4 during my stormfront days. Now he is here posting along side me as a fellow straight white man in an increasingly difficult and hostile world
Typical of this thread really.
The narcissism is strong to the point where they have no interest in actually making a friend. They would rather have meltdowns and turn people against them. Pathetic.
Objectively perfectly fine looking.
He didn't give a fuck about you before and now he actively dislikes you because you have an African kid.
You either love him or hate him!
I've come across people with far worse names than Penis before.
He has often acknowledged me as his oldest ally and is cordial towards me

i bet HHL smells funny, most mongs do
Yeah they do, he's not a mong though
>1 result (and it was someone else namefagging as 'Shippy'
It really is mad how I got a career in auditing IT for a nice sum of money per month.
Meanwhile HHL rots.
Hr thinks they are two different posters lol
He generally refers to me as alizeelid

HHL is winning, you're losing
he lives in a mong home though
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I only knew him as ANONYMOUS when we posted on the same altchan 10 years ago
Woudlve assumed everyone on there was american at the time
So fat bald mongs and retard normies doing fake laughs on vocaroo can do one
Fucking kek. This is why I come here lad.
I actually knew Dikembe and Barry, Shippy's adoptive gay dads who changed his name from "Penis" to "Greg". Dikembe was an old flame from years back but that's another story.

I told them "Listen lads, if you're going to change his name, I'll take on the curse and change my name to "Penis". They said it's not necessary but I know that kind of evil can't just disappear into the ether. Someone had to take it on. And that someone is me, Penis.
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Mum got burgers on the bbq
Fucking kek. This is why I come here.
how do you know it was him, did he go as MM4 then?
>retard normies doing fake laughs on vocaroo can do one
Wow this one REALLY struck a nerve, didn't it? Based zimmy/vocaroolad.
thats a classic cross post and you know it.
anyone else crease and laugh?
He's obsessed with the idea of someone having the name 'penis', when the lore suggests the name was changed, someone else took it on
Most posters here are paedophiles i reckon
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Riveting discussion de lids.

Indeed, I met Alizeelid in the early 2010s during our Stormfront days, I also shitposted with Crosslid anonymously on Wizchan around the same time. It's quite remarkable the three of us found our way to britfeel all these years later. Strange stuff indeed.
I genuinely believe that 90% of the people here have watched CP. I'm not expecting anyone to reply and say "Yeah that's right I've watched it" but those of you who have, I hope you're reading this and you know that I know.
Is it true that you have 5k+ followers on youtube at one point?
And now you're all in the same assisted living group home. Almost beautiful in a way.
>Browserburgh shidding itself and eating up 100% RAM again just now

ckin ell
Does Sandra know about your stormfront days de lid?
Don't lad you'll set off the linuxmong.
It's so fucking childish. Obsessing about someone's name when they were a young child. It's over now. The past is the past. He's not even called Penis anymore.
t. chrome user
Reminder to everyone in the thread that I'm not going to be around forever, so enjoy me and my posts whilst you can.
Imagine being called Penis. Can't fathom the level of trauma that would inflict on a man.
saying "indeed" in a mackem accent
What are your thoughts on Alizeelid having a mixed race sprog to a Jamaican woman?
the good old days

Anyone actually got any thing to talk about or not like?
HHL taking a leaf out of shippy's book and conducting a very boring interview with himself
Probably not allowed the name your child penis, so nobody is actually called penis i reckon. There goes your shit gimmick.
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Someone called Arbroathy also claims to have watched the same steams as me with Nick Griffin (based) and Jim Dowson (mong) even though they only had 50 or so viewers.

Then again I'm seriously dubious if this Arbroathy mong is even real
These days yeah of course not, but the early 90s were a different time. Used to be very common for women to be called "Fanny" for example. It was the Blair government that put a stop to all that.
Very handsome man there
>a leaf out of shippy's book and conducting a very boring interview with himself
when have I ever 'interviewed myself'
Arbroathy is real. I have her on discord where she does by her real (female) name.
We really do need a face update from this lad. I imagine gaining seven stone wasn't good for his figure.
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You think you're wasting my productive time, but I'm actually on memrise learning Ancient Greek inbetween posts of drivel
This is almost as pathetic as DVDlad.
He's trying to stir up drama between posters here
We really do need a face update from this lad.
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The so-called farding wapuberg
I'm assume he's a boomer
Doesn't realise you can now do all this online for free.
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I've got a few DVDs too
nik naks, discos or space raiders?
Discos, specifically this flavour
Think I'll get started on that wiss up about 9ish.
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This is my non-language bookcase
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Sinking this 1st one
Brewdog de lads
Not yorkshire vocaroo lad though who's funny as fuck. This 1 sounded like a uni mong doing impressions for his new halls of residence pals at freshers. Gave me the ick.
This is such a turn off, yikes
1AM and he's gone back by 11 or before
Why are you in a care home? You seem like a pretty normal bloke
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Ask me how I know you live alone
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Couldn't care less what some roastie thinks
>Someone called Arbroathy

Arbroathy...Arbroathy...there's a tranny out there called Arbroathy

Dunno. Guess I just find it womfy here.
Fucking hell, you've said the witches name 3 times now!
Are you sure it's not because you're a spastic
Discos are a flavour bomb de lid
HHL is the real winner in this thread. Better to be a sprogless NEET than a sprogless wagie
I think it might be because he's a spastic.
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I also used to post on a particular bulletin board style forum back in 2012 when I was a cringe impressionable kid.
I did indeed. Early secondary school poasting.
He has a pretty comfy life i agree but i wouldnt want to trade
Grown man. Sprogless NEET. Will die alone
DVDlad here. Nice one.
>blue is the warmest colour
Get in. I need to get a copy of downfall myself. I need a bookshelf like 10x the size of that maybe more.
I would be nice if Sean could confirm this
When did you realise youre gay?
Do it for her lid
At the end of the day, the sprogless are a deadweight on society. This includes HHL I'm afraid.
Just had to abandon a dungeon in the middle cause I needed a shit, lol.
Wouldn't say it was one moment
Wouldn't even say I am fully gay
Wouldn't even give validity to these terms
Do you still claim to be in your 'mid 20s'
Now you're a cringe faggot adult. Stormfront is based and redpilled
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>tfw not a deadweight on society
For a moment then I thought 'downfall' was 'er ist wieder da', and I thought "fucking hell have I already got that and realised that was a different one.

Really need er is wieder da
Not everybody knows this but chika is balding, is overweight and has A LOT of body hair, especially on his back.
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10/10 post laddy.
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does DVD lad own any blurays?
Drunk as a skunk me de lads
Some of us grew up and grew in emotional depth and intellectual nuance
And some of us think the exact same things as we did when we were 13
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Ig not quite govan now I looked @ it on maps for nostalgia. Its the one on the way to morrisons on paisley Road west nd next to the line of bookies and at the time payday loan shops nd shit like that but they're probly gone now. We lived stones throw from bellahouston Park @ the time so i tended to get me drinks from govan asda drink 1 on the way back have few drinks in there with at the time stepdad then get wrecked with my other bottles at home again then usually walk to the wee co op wherever that was nd get more bottles. We moved around all over in the past cus my mum got bad taste in men. But I jabe some fondness for that area now i been looking at pics thinking on it even if the ending was bitter. Thx
A bluray is a DVD, no?
>grew in emotional depth and intellectual nuance
Fucking have a word with yourself laddy kek
Just stop lad this is cringe.
Ought to deposit a turdington into sewershire, me
Really tired but not aloud to go to bed, it not right my lads
why are you not allowed to go to bed de lad
Much better to be a stormfag than a mong who uses some cartoon avatar
Of course I do, lad. Have you missed my haul posts? Recently got the Kurosawa samurai films on Blu-ray and The Wizard of Oz. I've loads.
All avatarfagging is cringe
Just purchased a Dyson 360 vis nav cacuum cleaner for 1249.99 Feels good to support James Dyson personally
No, lad. A DVD is 576p (480p in USA) and a Blu-ray is 1080p. You can play DVDs on Blu-ray players but not the other way around. However, DVDs are still very watchable on a good upscaling player. I will buy a Blu-ray over a DVD but sometimes a DVD is the only option or I get a good bargain for the DVD on eBay or charity shops.
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Sprogless american wagies on suicide watch

Might go here for a shag.
I thought blu-ray was 4K? Can you not have 4K on DVDs?
You can't get 4k on DVDs or Blurays.
Tried to buy a DVD burner back in like 2002 but they were expensive back then
haven't bought physical media in so long I don't even know how it goes these days. Don't 4k blurays come in red cases and you need a 4k player?
Standard Blu-rays are 1080p. You can get 4K Blu-rays but they are more expensive. Some are worth the upgrade and some aren't. For instance, the Aliens 4K Blu-ray was done by AI and looks like total shit. The only 4Ks I have are LOTR, The Hobbit and Blade Runner.
You can get 4K Blu-rays mate. Not sure if you lot are trolling or not but Blu-rays have been standard since the PS3. I still like DVDs too however. All is good for me.
4k is digital only, physical media is only up to 1080p
I have no idea, I don't buy physical media either. Most of the content I watch on Amazon Prime is available in 4K
No you can't mong boy. No such thing as a true 4k bluray.
Used to beat my meat to porn on vhs tapes back in the 90s
Watching that Extras finale special now
Love how British comedies can be finished in a couple of nights
Not 500000 episodes like American rubbish
Some of it will have been upscaled (old TV shows for example)
4K Blu-rays come in black cases and yes, you need a 4K player or a modern games console such as the PS5 or Xbox Series X. They're still stupidly expensive but that's because they are really more for hardcore collectors with a really good setup. That's why I only own a few of my favourites in 4K (LOTR and Blade Runner... got The Hobbit trilogy too just to complement my LOTR 4Ks).
>14" CRT TV

It was a better time anon
4K streaming is heavily compressed compared to 4K disc. A normal 1080p Blu-ray will be better than a 4K stream.
Why are you being aggressive with me?
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Care 2 eat some grayons with me
Am gay am i not?
Some remasters are better than others. The worst I can think of are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends and The Simpsons. Baywatch remaster is also pretty terrible because they had to remake the episodes from scratch due to it being edited on tape. That's why I imported the German box set with the original aspect ratio and music.
>bellahouston Park

Too close to Castle Greyskull for my liking mate.
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>I don't buy physical media either. Most of the content I watch on Amazon Prime is available in 4K
Still at work de lad
>buy film on Prime Video
>they revoke the license six months later
mad to think you need a special eye upgrade to watch 4k blurays
Me and HHL watching porn VHS tapes in a care home
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My mums bf at the time was that way inclined, in a very casual way albeit, actually all of them have been ever since my actual dad now i think on it. Whats that all about. Anyway he was high up in the council as well back in the day nd i have some seedy stories about him as well bt its all in the past now maybe i publish in posthumous memoirs.
Even if its wasn't revoked you still don't "own" the film since you can't download it or they don't send you the film in the post. Stick to pirating
I don't have any porn on DVD but I have some Italian smut films on Blu-ray (Tinto Brass) and that recent film Pleasure on Blu-ray which has some very explicit scenes and costars my porn waif Evelyn Claire.
We need a new fred de lids
Pirating or physical. I prefer physical as you know but I don't begrudge lads for pirating at all. I occasionally pirate something that's hard to find on DVD or Blu-ray but I have a pretty decent physical collection now I don't need to.
Had your big day did you kid lol

the only issue is space you need and my books already take up lots of space.
Good that you've kept the faith despite the parade of huns that have traveled through your mother. We'll skelp them next season too.
Yeah I'm running low on space, need to get a bookcase and get rid of other furniture that I don't use. However, my autism means I get incredibly stressed around moving furniture and changing things.
seaside life for u my lad all the way all the way
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For a while I was known as the Robin hood of castlemilk. Stealing hub caps off tyres for the poor. Also known as Mr. UK average (penis). As well as sugarplum fairy(cocaine, inebriated gay sex).
Burnt yourself out king?
You ever considered going up to Kelvingrove Park and putting your arse out for rent?
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I mean 2 or 3 at very most within 30 years let's not get carried away aboit parades and all that but I feel you

Not really, but I've baked one anyway

look at me im a 90s kids lol kek
What books do you have lad?
Also not like mum ever converted to 1 of them either so it don't make a difference 2 me. Thats all I meant before by am not 1 of them either. My actual dad not a hun either. But we don't speak much but that's a different unrelated thing. Not into politics me anyway.

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