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Why is every famous person exposed as being gay, pedo, or both.

Ive heard that pedophilia is potentially a symptom of mental illness and so is being homosexuality to an extent so maybe this could be why idk.

But even straight female teachers are being exposed as pedos too. I always hear news about some female teacher getting it on with a young male student every week
People are just hyperfixated on the legal age. I don't think it's really a big deal. Normies start watching porn and having sex at very young ages. Fucking a 16 or 17 year old is a nothingburger. Acting like they're a poor innocent little baby too retarded to consent doesn't make sense
you sir, are cringe on many levels. do you want me to list them?
Kris Tyson is an unironic tranny. The fact that he's also a pedo has to be the least surprising news story of all time.
an old friend of mine recently came out as trans
would not surprise me if said old friend came out as a pedophile or got exposed as one
People attracted to power and are motivated to be in powerful situations, are disproportionately paedophilic.
the instant anyone says they "wanna get in touch with their inner kid" tranny or not should be a masive red flag.
You had 18 years to be a kid.
shit an additional 5 more depending on how you handle your 20s
combine that with being trans
insane fucking disaster
Because being attracted to 14 year olds isn't pedophilia it's literally like a third of the male population. This isn't a famous people thing, it's literally just that people for the past 100 years have decided to act like people's normal urge to procreate is comparable to rape. Any guy who says they've never seen an attractive 14 year old is either a liar or they just haven't seen enough 14 year olds, I still pop a boner for Winona Ryder in the Crucible and have since I was a teenager myself. It's not like you grow up and suddenly you stop being attracted to the girls you had a crush on in high school.
You get 12 years to be a kid, this whole 'you stop being a kid at 18' is a batshit american invention that doesn't work unless you have a huge-ass educational complex that forces you to think like a child until then.
Yeah people don't seem to get the difference. To be a pedo you must be attracted to prepubescent children. Finding someone that is sexually developed attractive is normal, even if they are only a teenager.
have you spoken to the average person 18 or below?
i used to be 18 at one point. Sorry i didnt pop into existence like you, God
1000 chinese bank robbers fallacy. Your brain shouldn't be so easily manipulated anon please think for a second
i'm not a tranny nigger

yeah, and how do you think they ended up like that when a couple hundred years ago 18 year olds would be commanding squadrons of soldiers? treating teenagers like children literally stunts their mental development.
Yeah sure
>nerdy guy who has been ignored by women all his life gets millions of subs by playing video games
>impressionable young girls who are unsupervised message this youtuber
>first female attention he's gotten in his life
Of course it's not justified, but it's pretty obvious to connect the dots here. Girls over the age of 18 aren't gonna be the ones messaging ugly minecraft youtubers.
The timeline of events mark him as a closeted homo-pedo years back as it first started before he trooned out and even before he had a kid.
The accusations are that the messages were with a young boy.

Everything around Diddy was the best because it was the most masks off
>The rap industry by and large is marketing for for-profit prisons as per the orders of der juden who own the lables, say what can and can't be in the lyrics for whom black men that are often gay men and pedophiles are employed to spread
>Diddy took a canadian fuckboy to pound town and everyone knows it
>The 3 letter crew (trained by isreal) sexually blackmails influential and have lots of honey pots

There is abso-god-damn-lootly a mental health crisis, but nobody wants to do anything about it especially when it is the very platform for 1/2 of the uniparty.

This e-celeb clown, he had brain problems before his wife left him.
I fallowed the remnants of Game Trailers for some time and when the main guy jumped after one of them trooned out I completely understood.
anyone who remember the gigglygoonclown faggotry that got exposed over a year ago shouldn't be surprised by this shit. It's funny how streamers and e-celebs act shocked by this and still call it a woman.
The biggest thing about Kris is that he was a porn addict and loli addict. A comment here or there about porn and loli can be seen as joking, but the dude sounded obsessed.
Cody Ko is absolutely nothing. If he lived in my state nothing would have happened at all as 16-17 is legal. Since he lives in California or wherever he's literally the devil.
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Once you get internet famous, you open yourself up to internet addicts digging up your past history (no matter how obscure) and turning it into a weapon against you. It's beautiful really. To see how easy it is to destroy a person's credibility with such vague evidence. I love the internet so much.
Real pedophilia, as in attraction to prepubescence, is rare af. A good chunk of men happen to be attracted to pubescent features which signal the ability to rear childbirth and adolescent features. It's the complete opposite of pedophilia. Let's not sit here and pretend there isn't a difference between a man attracted to teenagers and a man attracted to toddlers.
14 is pubescent so it's normal for any man to be attracted to a 14 year old girl. It's just socially inappropriate and illegl to pursue them as an older man. But dont worry 14 year old chad is plapping them anyways. Every person that actually wants to be famous is mentally ill and a narcissist. Every person that troons out is mentally ill and has severe identity issues and parental trauma. I don't understand how anyone on the internet is not informed on this by now how many fucking examples do you retards need before you learn. Everything LGBTQ+ is always sick people that were abused as children and have unresolved issues, always. Wanting attention and validation from the internet or television is your first sign that someone is sick in the head.

this whole thing is bullshit anyway
Friend of mine on Discord admitted to being 15, should I cut ties with him? He's a good kid and mostly contributes to Blender stuff I do, real hard worker. Be a shame to have to ghost him.
Most of the people "exposed" aren't even pedos. Every retarded foid was calling cody ko a pedo even though the bitch was literally 17 years old which is like the age of consent in a shit ton of states and countries. Why the fuck do we even let women and their simps speak?
Even allowing this as a possibility, the problem is acting on it in any capacity. Wow, you find people slightly under the legal age attractive. Don't act on it. You might one day find a married person attractive or some other off-limits individual. It's not hard to simply not act on it unless you're some coombrained high-chaser who assumes there will never be consequences and doesn't care about causing harm to others.
Stop sinning. It's literally all you have to do.
Being famous sounds awful quite frankly, I'm already paranoid enough as it is and I'm a complete nobody. The idea of there being thousands if not millions of eyes on me waiting for me to slip up sounds terrible.
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Legal in most of Europe and used to be legal in Japan, i.e. the only places that matter.
I want to curb stomp normies and their shitty ecelebs. Who fucking cares? Ban trannies, ban porn, problem solved. I hate the fake outrage from these shitty hypocritical ecelebs who probably goon to anime jk high school hentai that would get them cancelled as much as someone looking at full on loli. Normies are disgusting hypocrites and moralists with no morals.
Yeah, the Cody Ko situation in particular is a big fucking nothingburger.

>she was only 17 years and 11 months old, you sick fuck!

I fucking despise normalshits with every fiber of my being. 95% of the people shitting on him for it would absolutely get with a person that age if they knew they could get away with it.
this isn't even real
he talked to a 14 year old in a group chat
who now says that kris didn't do anything wrong
there was no sexting or nudes or whatever
literal forced kiwifag nothingburger
>this isn't even real
Are they ever?

But yeah, this one is extra bad, just grasping at straws. How dare you be friends with someone younger than you?! Since fucking when was that a problem?

Jesus fucking christ.. the people responsible for trying to make this into a big deal should be put in public stockades for all to see and throw shit at. Or fuck it, just crucify them and be done with it
the cody ko situation is kinda funny because you just know that raunchy skank bitch tanna was seducing the retard cody. why the fuck would she tell everyone and ruin some mans life when she was probably the one who initiated everything. like you just know with her whore personality that she was probably the one seducing the poor retard and then she goes and throws him under the bus for no fucking reason just because she felt like it. that's kind of heartless. the only thing cody can do is just ignore it and it'll eventually dissapear. if he says anything like an apology he would be admitting to a crime. best he can do is let it blow over.

normies are pants on head retarded when it comes to "pedophilia" 17 years old isn't pedophilia it's pretty much legal. i get their argument that 17 year olds are retarded but so is a 29 year old woman they're equally as fucking stupid, there's like no difference.
Shouldn't be saying that shit to a 13 year old to be honest. A porn addict is in no position to be talking to a child, likewise a drug addict. We need good people raising kids as the community raise children not just the parents. Degenerates have to step up and be redeemed saar, die off or face the wall.
So this only furthermore confirms my theory that every tranny is a pedo.
>Fucking a 16 or 17 year old is nothing
Actually it can get you registered as a sex offender, so don't do it, retard
It is a tranny thing to do and there are more trannies now then ever before.
>Shouldn't be saying that shit to a 13 year old to be honest
What did they say?

>A porn addict is in no position to be talking to a child
No such thing as porn addiction

>We need good people raising kids as the community raise children not just the parents
People have free will, even children. People are perfectly capable of discerning right from wrong, regardless of what you say to them

That being said, I don't see where anything wrong happened so far

>Actually it can get you registered as a sex offender, so don't do it, retard
Except in places where 16 or 17 is legal lol
Perhaps most people are actually attracted to teenage girls but no one wants to say it. It's like an emperor's clothes situation, everyone's just pretending to blend in.
Isn't it a teenage boy in this case? Which changes nothing in reality butmight change things to some people
Why are people freaking out now but not when the hair metal bands were doing it since the 80s?
lmao jesus the delusion
Everyone is attracted to power, imbecile. Pedophiles and other abusers target the weak to affirm what little power they have - to feel like they have power over someone else. NOT because they actually are powerful.
perfectly legal in Germany
It's a power issue with teachers. Nobody really cares if two 17 year old high school students have sex with one another, as it's common to start being sexually active then.

A 17 year old having sex with their 46 teacher raises alarm bells because the teacher may coerce the kid for sexual favours for grades or whatever
you are so fucking cringe bro shut tf up, i cant even form a worthwhile reply just rope
Except when the teacher is female and the student is male, then no one cares.
It's still sexual assault, no matter if most normies pretend otherwise
People will use that logic in the future to make the age of consent 21 or something, mark my words. I already watched a documentary with a girl claiming her relationship was statutory rape because even though she was 18, she was "emotionally 16," whatever that means.
Normies make up the vast majority of society. What they pretend to believe becomes customs and even laws. The federal definition of rape is non-consensual penetration. Doesn't apply in that case.
>Everyone is attracted to power, imbecile
I'm not attracted to power though..

>A 17 year old having sex with their 46 teacher raises alarm bells because the teacher may coerce the kid for sexual favours for grades or whatever
So what though?

>Except when the teacher is female and the student is male, then no one cares.

Except the jealous

>It's still sexual assault, no matter if most normies pretend otherwise
Legally, yes, but only a retard and/or a liar thinks it is in reality

Nah, people are catching onto that shit (or getting tired of it)
>I'm not attracted to power though..
because you're beyond weakling status
when you get really rich everything is boring. So you start going and doing more taboo things. Are all rich guys like this? no. But humans are flawed so it wouldn't surprise me one way or another they abuse the power they got in a short amount of time, because they are bored.
Pedos are unironically more normal than faggots.
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>People are just hyperfixated on the legal age. I don't think it's really a big deal. Normies start watching porn and having sex at very young ages. Fucking a 16 or 17 year old is a nothingburger. Acting like they're a poor innocent little baby too retarded to consent doesn't make sense

Paedophilia and homosexuality are mental illnesses. Theyre symptoms of trauma, usually sexual abuse. I also truley believe they related to demonic possession or obsession. If you ever read over porn addicts and sex offenders testimonies they have similar stories
>At first I was just watching regular porn. Next thing you know Im on the dark web selling pics of 10yos. I dont know what happened, I couldn't control it.

Always losers with shitty back stories. The problem is in about 20 years pedophillia will be legalised. The idea that faggotry or even anal sex being legal 50 years was absurd. Now its just "accepted". A wise man once said "now days we let me fuck each other, next we'll be fucking dogs".
Kris tyson should fight michael tyson for their freedom.
Most states and countries are 16 but for some reason the internet world seems to think anyone under the age of 21 is still a toddler
>The idea that faggotry or even anal sex being legal 50 years was absurd
I don't think either one has ever really been illegal in the United States. Yeah there were sodomy laws, and yeah in some freak cases people actually ended up getting arrested for it, but 99.999% of the time it didn't matter

>the internet world seems to think anyone under the age of 21 is still a toddler
They don't actually believe that, they're just vermin who want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. If they can contribute in any way to someone getting in trouble for any reason, they cum in their little faggot pants
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It literally never even happened according to the "victim".
Apparently as well, MrBeast's channel used to be more edgy like LeafyIsHere, and made transphobic, homophobic, racist or even pedophilic jokes. Tyson's pro-loli tweet was allegedly typed by MrBeast rather than Tyson, in an old deleted video where they exchanged the computer every 30 seconds to type offensive content into the keyboard.
>I don't think either one has ever really been illegal in the United States.

Well, they did. You also couldnt join the military if you were a fag.

>Well, they did. You also couldnt join the military if you were a fag.
That's retarded, you could just not tell

Your link just reinforces what I was saying lol
>It literally never even happened according to the "victim".

>of course he is saying that, he's been groomed since a young age
>it's okay other trannies saw him flirt with me in a discord
>you could just not tell
Yes but if and when they found out they would be dishonourably discharged and charged with lying on a government application. Not to mention beaten half to death. The biggest controversy was the fact that people were specifically asked whether they were a fag when they enlisted. It was an actual question on the form. This was a major source of argument when it came legislation regarding discrimination in the 80s and 90s. The simpsons did a joke about it, see


Also it was also used as a way of curbing people from the military. If they didnt like you, they would label you as a fag and kick you out. If you watch the movie "GI Jane" this was also used in the story. TLDR female is allowed to become a SEAL, they expect she'll fail, she doesnt, they label her a dyke in order to kick her off BUDs.
As a former teen user of 4chan I guarantee there are 13 year olds here right now so by your own logic you are a pedo
>This was a major source of argument when it came legislation regarding discrimination in the 80s and 90s. The simpsons did a joke about it, see
I'm actually older than the whole "don't ask don't tell" thing, believe it or not

Like I said

>I don't think either one has ever really been illegal in the United States. Yeah there were sodomy laws, and yeah in some freak cases people actually ended up getting arrested for it, but 99.999% of the time it didn't matter
>I'm actually older than the whole "don't ask don't tell" thing, believe it or not

So why did you ask then?

>but 99.999% of the time it didn't matter
If that was the case then it never would have become law.

Here in Australia cops used to rush the mardis gras with batons and beat fags half to death in alley ways. Those were the days.
Was the girl he was talking to black by chance? Most black girls start self-sexualizing at around 11 or 12 because of their horrible fucking music
Could have something to do with the fact that being pedo is pretty common among celebrity circles, just because it CAN BE. I mean, celebs have a LOOOOT of influence and power with all of that money, so they can BUY people to remain silent. Then again being gay is also pretty common among celeb circles, esp. in the entertainment and art circles, as gay people often times seek for relief through artistic self expression. And the more there are gay people around, the more there are gay pedos around, just like the more there are straight people around, the more there are straight pedos around.

With pedo I mean someone attracted to a literal child, under 13. Not that having sex with kids between 13 and 16 is okay either.

Where's that birthday thread for the Supreme?
>Everyone is attracted to power
Absolutely not lol.
The will to power pervades all. It doesn't have to manifest in wanting to lead a country. It manifests in inverted or twisted ways in the weak and disgusting, but it exists within all.
I truly love to hear all of those stories about internet and social media stars getting destroyed. It makes me feel that there is some kind of a justice in the world, seeing them destroyed, after they earned millions or at least hundreds of thousands by exploiting system (social media) that is DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE WHO ARE SOCIALLY FAILED in the real life. I mean, WHO wants to follow a loser who has no friends irl to post about in their social media page? NO ONE. Unless they are true freaks.

Here's some juicy stories about internet celebs who got destroyed for their own fault or just because they got boring.

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tranny supports palestine
tranny leaves own wife and child to get fucked by another tranny
tranny gets vaporized by cancel culture
cancel culture sucks but this one? i'll let this one slide
this one is good
just because ava kris tyson wanted to see 4 big black peckers (5 inches) going into little 4 year old girls does not mean hes a pedophile or bad
You gotta be a full blown idiot to be an internet "celebrity" in 2024. Unless you have a squeaky clean record, anything you say in the past (when you didn't care/wasn't famous) will be used against you in the future. 9/10 someone has something against you online and will try everything in their power to get you cancelled. And once you're cancelled you're fucked, no job will hire you because you "groomed that one 17 year old 10 years ago"
ava kris tyson is just one of many of the young males in the west (especially america)
very early they get into porn and become addicts
over time they come across niche fetish circles and the likes as they slowly jerk off to a fetish once or twice etc
over time it becomes their personal kink and they become big parts of the community

ava kris tyson got into porn, eventually into loli porn, bbc porn, tranny porn (sissy autogynephilia shit)
and all that other shit that these porn addicts jerk off (you see them all the time on this faggy website, even nowadays on /v/, /b/ and /gif/, even /trash/)

shadman is a pioneer of one of these movements

ava kris tyson is what that type of stuff leads to
trooning out, becoming a pedo, losing your family and friends etc.

if there is a god, i hope he helps the people of today but i doubt there is one
i mean just look at the content "shadman" draws
gay porn, bbc porn, loli porn, tranny porn
terminally online freak with too much time on his hands
hispanic faggot needs to be shot
dont forget the beastiality
What about racists?
The real reason that you are atracted to woman is because you want to reproduce. To be able to reproduce you need to find a
>fertile person
>you recognise fertile person when you see boobas, big hips
>women can get pregnant when they are like 14 even 13
Nowdays It's not a good idea to get a kid at that age because you should be able to get education and a job to don't get poor with a kid. Thats why only rich people can get access to young kids to fuck. Thats capitalism, babe. Deal with it.
Not everyone but it can certainly manifest in everyone and leave people who the taste of power humbles.

A great warning sign for someone desiring power is thinking the world owes them some sort of dues. Even though they havent been in a situation to show that by an external force or have done anything to earn it.
This can be seen by incel culture.
Especially in good looking incels like elliot rodger who's attempts to get a girlfriend where mostly vanity and superficial instead if actually making an attempt and getting to know someone
kris tyson was always a retard it was only a matter of time till something like this happens
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The paranoia and suspicion around pedophilia and other perversions is a convenient way to neutralise or ruin a man (or in some cases a woman) instantly.

Think about it, there's no other way that you can permanently stain someone's character without real evidence. You can accuse someone of being a pedo and that does damage even if there's no real evidence. It sticks, often for life. You can't do the same about calling them a murderer or a thief or whatever, because in this case people usually demand evidence and suspicion alone isn't enough.

Don't get me wrong, I hate pedos and other sex offenders and think they should be removed from society. But the obsession with them is orchestrated by the establishment as a way to wield power over anyone who isn't playing ball. Russell Brand is the most obvious recent example.
great take faggot -_-b
holy fuck kill yourself KEK
they're just trannies trying to justify their degenercy.
thanks zesty nigga
There isnt a difference. Pedos and all of their apologists should be publicly hung. Legit kys pedo fag.
welcome to new world order...
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>there isn't a difference between an infant and a person that's attained sexual maturity because... THERE JUST ISN'T OKAY??!!?!
Because they are both children. Come up with whatever faggy term you want for the supposedly different flavors of pedophilia you all suffer for, in the end they (including you) are all deserving of the same rope.

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