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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support
Hello all o/
good Wednesday morning! I hope all is well!

>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
Bonus question!!
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
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Useful Iinks for anyone who might need them:

> Long list of seIf harm aIternatives (thank you muddy):

> first aid post cuting:

>a wound care guide:

>a bbpd workbook:

> the illustrated self harm care guide (thank you Sisyphus!)
>Any plans for today?
Homework, then i might go hiking
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
1 and half months ago
>Why did you hurt yourself?
relationship issues
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
not really, ive been kind of a dick to my bf and i just feel bad, he forgave me tho
Bonus question!!
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
to be married to him <33
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Heloo I juus woke up
how's ut going irkador??
hello everyone, how are yall?
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Hey hey gal :D
I'm chilling and mapping and working on a clock texture rn
if you wanna maybe I could show how it looks in game
How are you ??
that sounds cool!
im alright today just tired..
>sounds cool!
Thank you
I'm having fun :3
>im alright today just tired..
oww :<
when can you go home?
hopefully your workday isn't too hard today
French kiss.
work just started so itll be about 8 hours till i get home.
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Does anyone have a specific thing or things they do that helps when stuff gets intense? Picrel is some things that help me. Was curious if maybe there's more stuff I haven't heard of.
not a cutty but when i get disregulated at work i go wash my hands with cold water if possible, and do step 4 top down without closing my eyes and looking weird, also tense up my arms and legs for a while and release when the muscles get tired when im sitting down and cant get up to wash my hands
I fucked up big time. I ruined the friendship of my go to person by trying to have sex with her when we were drunk.

She never wants to speak to me again, Ive been sitting by my phone waiting for her to just send me a text saying shes ready to talk but its not coming. Shes told all my friends that I made her uncomfortable and theyve all left me thinking I have assaulted her or something. I dont know what to do. I have nothing left and it hurts. I would have never done anything without consent. I did fall in love with her as she helped me through many so many spirals and now Im spiralling and I am alone. I am crushed.
I know I need to move on but I dont have energy, all my energy is waiting in bed being anxious praying that she just reaches out and says we can work through it

Please help me, how do I move on quickly? She told me a while ago that I may be her bpd favourite person which is why I text her so much. I dont know though
when things get too overbearing I try to take a nap! The list you posted looks pretty useful, I might have to try them too sometime
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You woke up when I go to sleep ahahha
I was working on an animation of mine yesterday and I exited out after 10 hours :<
Then my dad called me to berate me over some fucking mosquitoe spray, he thinks i stole it (for some reason)
I hate my mother. I really do. She stole my childhood away from me. Instead of playing ball or skating or things like that, i was taught how to change my brothers colostomy bags, how to feed babies and myself. I was taught to be a parent for my brothers. Any time i was with friends or anything she would guilt trip me to next month. Eventually i stopped going outside. Stopped making friends.. i just felt there was no point. I couldnt leave without the guilt trip later. We moved almost every year, so thats another reason i stopped making friends. My companions were characters. Not real, the fictional characters from movies and books were the ones i had learned how to interact with people. I was always strange but knowing how i was "raised" it makes sense. My grandmother is the only reason im as good as i am. I thank her for that. Even she noticed my mother gave up on raising us.. mom gave up before it even began. My older brother was 2 when she gave up.. and shes still got the 2 youngest with her... constantly picking bad guy after bad guy. The kids are already in a bad place.
I hate my mother.. ill never forgive her for her neglect..
It sounds reasonable to hate her for what she's done. You don't owe her anything, Galaxy. She'll be forever stuck in a hell of her own design.
i want her to love me but at the same time i want her to know my hatred for the horrible things ive gone through. shes an awful human and didnt even try to be a parent
Are you still in contact with her? Do you still see each other frequently?
It sounds like you have had a pretty rough childhood. Trauma doesn't heal over night and it will be a constant battle. You had your childhood ripped away from you and that is a form suffering which most people can't comprehend. Just know that your anger against your mom is very understandable. Do you still live at home? Do you think that you can talk to her about this?
>Just chillin' and watching Star Trek. Gonna work on the song later.
good times. which show/season?

>What about you
i just went to bed. ^^ now i'm home from work, ate something and... don't know. probably just lying on my couch until it's time for bed.

i see, i see. honestly, i'm not sure whether the thing can run hl2 at all... i'll give it a try, though.

that's a real pickle. maybe you could ask another friend of yours what the problem is? i mean, if you have problems picking up social cues, beating around the bush isn't going to solve anything... i don't know, dude. maybe talk with a professional about it?

>I do live a pretty unhealthy lifestyle.
most people do. they claim it's a personal problem, but as long as softdrinks are cheaper than water and processed garbage is cheaper than fresh food, it's definitely a societal one. cards are just stacked against the people who wanna eat healthier.

>I'll definitely avoid those then.
in the end you just need something slightly abrasive like mud chalk or baking soda, but there should be some brands without the stuff.

>I can't help but dwell on bad things
i know it's not something you can just switch off. maybe you'll get to that point, maybe you won't. it's kinda random.

>it's hard to ignore that, not to mention all my own problems I already have and will have
it's not really about ignoring them. it's to acknowledge their existence, shrug and move on. if people wanna live their life like that, they can. you don't have to.

>I didn't expect this place to be this friendly
be the change you want to see in the world. (^-^)

thanks for the thread, irk! :D

hey anon! hope you had a nice hike!

hey catbro! what's up?

hey gal! doing alright. :> what about you?
sorry to hear that anon. best thing you can do is give her some time. maybe she'll come around, but it's up to her. this probably isn't something you can get through easily or quickly. try to live from day to day, one step at a time.

hey napanon! how's it going?

i didn't have a bad childhood, far from it, actually. i just never really fit in, but that was enough to put me on the path of depression. i don't think that the past could have gone any different, though. that's why i don't lament the fact it went how it went. sure would have been nice if it did, but it didn't. i don't say you should 't be angry with your mother, but the past is the past. best thing you can do is try to have a good time now. go home. hang out with yout boyfriend. watch your favorite show or play some nice game. your life might not be without trouble, but it's still a good one. and let me tell you a secret: i'm a wee bit jealous of you, but don't tell anyone, ok? (^-^)
im not in contact. i dont call her at least and she lives across the country.

i dont live with her no. my younger brothers do though.. and i wish i could do more for them..
and if i talk to her about this stuff she wont care im sure. she'll make it all about her somehow.

i just have a hard time thinking about that stuff. my childhood gone forever its hard ya know?
youre jealous of me? why?
>my childhood gone forever its hard ya know?
that's true, but even a good one would be gone at this point, wouldn't it. not trying to invalidate your experience or feelings. just offering another perspective.

>youre jealous of me? why?
stable job. boyfriend. sounds pretty good to me.
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>woke up when I go to sleep ahahha
timezones :/
>working on an animation
oooo what's it about
>Then my dad called
f him >:c


Hi yuanon
>not sure whether the thing can run hl2 at all... i'll give it a try, though.
I forget to check it the demo with work but I'll try tomorrow
It should though
How are you today?
>what's up?
I'm going
today was very rainy
I don't do a lot of progress on the map, or at least it doesn't feel like it but I think it's because now instead of the layout im working on putting stuff in the rooms like tvs clock ect and making textures and that takes time
>How are you today?
a little tired. i blame the time of the day. ^^ overall, today was alright. work wasn't too annyoing. don't really feel strongly about it.

>I'm going
where to?

>today was very rainy
here it just rained in the morning again. starts to wear down on me a bit.

>it doesn't feel like it
that makes sense. when you do big stuff everything feels like it's moving you forward while the small busywork just seems slow you down. don't give up, though. it's the details that make stuff come to life. :>
>today was alright. work wasn't too annyoing
woo :D
>where to?
oh I meant to say I'm good
but I'm also going to sleep soon
>starts to wear down on me a bit.
it's probably stop some day :>
>it's the details that make stuff come to life. :>
yupp, I know
I'll do my best >:3
yeah, but id rather have a good childhood than to be without one..
>stable job, boyfriend
yeah, its good thats true i guess

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>woo :D
the woo-est. ^^

>oh I meant to say I'm good but I'm also going to sleep soon
good idea. i think i'll do the same. i'm checking out mentally.

>it's probably stop some day :>
fingers crossed, but doesn't seem like it atm.

>I'll do my best >:3
that's my catrbro. ^^ can't wait to see it some day. :>

>id rather have a good childhood than to be without one..
fair point, but not something i can offer. sending you a heartfelt hug instead. stay strong, friend.

>its good thats true i guess
see? not all doom and gloom. :>

i'm off to bed. good night, everyone!
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I'm a little too tired to read and digest all your said there but I'm sending u a big virtual hug ^^

>the woo-est. ^^
yes very much
almost as wooey as your trips :3
>think i'll do the same. i'm checking out mentally.
have a nice sleep friend
>but doesn't seem like it atm
>that's my catrbro. ^^
oh you will, I'm pretty motivated
>sending hugs
tank chu fren :3 goodnight

otays, have good eep den
thank yuo gal ^^
love u goobnigt
it's your old pal, drifter. i thought things were getting better. i really did.

sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel, is the front of an oncoming train. i will truly be gone before i'm 25.

and it seems, as it always goes, i have been forgotten by those i once saw as trusted confidants.
hi drifter, what's going on? you need to talk?

talking doesn't do anything for me anymore. you ramble and rant and scream and shout in fucking silence hoping anything, anyone can hear you for so long that now it is a fruitless endeavor.
i had a day off work today. i cut myself tho. i still feel shitty because i do such light cuts i feel like i dont really even cut myself.

my cats are so cute, they bring me a little happiness :)
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things down here are going relatively good, what i have to do is fix my fucking sleep schedule
havent yet had the chance to take pictures of the strays because i dont takem y phone with me to the beach but it will and i will post them here :)
sidenote: i will declare chemichal warfare on cockroaches
idc what it will take or if i will turn my house into a ww1 battlefield but they will be GONE

>picrel is the local football stadium which is in disrepair, with a bit of overgrown grass
i will post more pics the next time i post
right outside of it was a fox, a fox that got hit by a car long ago and was left to rot in the hot sun :(
saddened me honestly, seeing what little can be left of life of such a beautiful creature

>if you have problems picking up social cues, beating around the bush isn't going to solve anything...
yeah irealised this but i felt kinda pushy and annoying going to him again for the same thing, osmething that he believed explained well whil i on the other hand, the autist, didnt
fortunately for me he started it again and actually told me some shit raw
boils down to i have to bend myself into shape to fit in with the others, keep my trap shut especially when it comes to politics because that was my way to put my problems(or traumas maybe?), and try to be less of a mood shitter
in a few, i want to become ubermensch in a thing i didnt even think about
achiving perfection will take me long(he said i cant lol) but i will and then shit will finally be good
no idea how the fuck to start or where to go but it will happen now or later

will see a proffesional right after my birthday so until then i have to make sure i keep sane and dont fuck up anything else
thanks for taking the time to even read it lol
im sorry... i wish there were more i could do to help
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Hi cat! Good morning <3.
Sorry I didnt reply yesterday, got caught up with some stuff
>timezones :/
yeah, and my really fucked up sleep schedule
>oooo what's it about
picrel, Its about two of my OC's who are villains. The animation it's self its just them doing whatever, i have a storyboard but it doesnt really convey a story or much. Its just something I find fun and i hope the finished product looks cool.
I want it to be about 40-50 seconds long so i hope i can finish it in just under a month or so. I just got started at this took me approx 4 and a half hrs. (not counting the 12 that I didnt save >:(((( ) I think thats ok for getting scene 1 down before some inbetweening and details
>f him >:c
Ahhh I don't really like anyone insulting my parents, theyre harsh, but as much as I hate to say it, thats all they know, and they can be abusive, but not to the point of ruining my life.

That was hard to read :(
Im sorry you had to go through that galaxy, I;m glad you atleast got out of their, and i really hope it gets better soon :<
>thanks for the thread, irk! :D

Np yua <3
another day in the office and my other two coworkers are always talking on the phone about some dumb work issue and it's so fucking noisy it drives me insane I want to scream and hit my head against a wall I am so fucking angry holy shit
Anyone ever post their arms here? How does it suppose to look
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hey drifter! sorry to hear things are tough again. we're still here for you if you need us.

>i still feel shitty
hey glenn! don't feel bad. it's better that way.

>my cats are so cute, they bring me a little happiness :)
that's awesome. (^-^)

hi sis!

>i have to do is fix my fucking sleep schedule
sleeps weird like that sometimes. at some point it should fix itself. do you consume a lot of caffeine?

>i will post them here :)
looking forward to those. :>

>i will declare chemichal warfare on cockroaches
just be careful...


>he started it again and actually told me some shit raw
at least he told you. it's probably best not to talk about politics with friends and family too much anyway. good luck, though.

>thanks for taking the time to even read it lol
anytime. (^-^)

hey gal!

hey irk! nice animation. reminds me of something, but i can't quite put my finger on it. maybe the last airbender?

maybe have a little break and go outside for a bit? if you have the chance, that is.

some people do. you can if you want to, but it would be nice if you could use the spoiler function.

>How does it suppose to look
ideally it's an appendage that portrudes from your shoulder and ends in five little grabby-thingies. sorry. couldn't resist. ^^ it doesn't need to look like anything. you're welcome here regardless

good morning, btw.
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wkoebup jot long ago
still feelin slepty
idk maybe it's something with my sleep schedule
i'll be hanging out with some friends. see you guys later!
rise and shine! :> maybe you're sleeping a bit to long now that you can? that can really mess up your day.
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I'd rather see how you guys do it. What I wanna know is how you are supposed to do the horizontal lines you see in anime and movies. It's hard stabbing as is, I can only do the small holes, I guess I'm just not that strong?
you're supposed to take a sharp razor and just cut horizontally
or just don't do it all if you can help it
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From a thread that got nuked, did a bunch more but thought this was pretty. What are you using that's punching holes? Most people use razor blades from a store, taken from a razor or varying kind of blades. They're stupid sharp and it doesn't take much force to break the skin. I push the edge in, build pressure and then pull.

I used to paint and I use the same grip with blades that I used for oil painting and collage. Planned, accurate and quick strokes with most of the arm locked.

If you're going to get sharper tools please be careful anon, start very gently and work into it. With double edged blades and scalpels it is VERY easy to go too deep and you may require stitches or worse. If you're going to do this shit put together a medical kit with antiseptics, gauze, bandage rolls and especially butterfly bandages.
One more thing I forgot to add, it's safer to use multiple passes with light pressure or the flat of the blade instead (once a cut is opened) then a single pass. It's easy to let everything out on yourself and go for a massive cut, if you're not careful you can seriously fuck your shit up.

Be safe about this anon, practice some kind of harm reduction if possible or find different coping mechanisms
What are you using?

Worship Galaxy.
thanks, its pretty rough i just needed to say it cuz i never wanted to hate her until recently. i just want my childhood back and.. i never will...
Homeboy have you considered noise cancelling headphones? Or is like a job where that's not an option

But shooting the shot with the coworkers is the best part of the day ngl
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feelin more awake, I think I'll go on a bike ride

hmm maybe
Havta nice day yuanon :D

Hey anon
please stay safe :<
Maybe sure to always wash your wounds with clean water
>how you guys do it.
I sometimes would do light cuts in like a crisscross partern to see some blood
Whatever you do always patch yourself up well maybe get some bandaids and gauze
hallo yuan, hows you?

no. no worship
replied few days ago, went through. fucked off out to nowherevile. dont know where it went

last couple of days (weeks) feel unreal, something has changed in my reality, something is off. something is different then how it was before
everything is crooked everythings slightly off, my strengh is deminished, i am floppy and weak. cant think, everythings slightly tilted, cant think. something has changed in reality or how i experience reality but i cant pinpoint what. cant think like this
im getting burned out of my job, maybe i should take a week off, but then what would i do
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>do you consume a lot of caffeine?
none at all
i dislike the taste of coffee and dont drink any energy drinks
(i prefer tea)
>looking forward to those
some will be good
maybe not good but ok ish enough
yep seems like something that i would do
>it's probably best not to talk about politics with friends and family too much anyway
yeah i guess
its just that its a common subject for us so i dint think anything was odd

morning sleepyhead car lmao
Hey Yua! Week's going by fast, which is good. Been doing nicely. What about you my friend? I've read that work's been hard on you :c
Reminder to give Book of Circus a watch btw~
even pain, the all everpresent all leveling constant equalizer has changed, or atleast my perception thereoff, somethings changed, somethings wrong.

cant think, cant write, cant do

its as if somone plucked me in my sleep and tossed me into a identical reality that is not of my own,
the best way i can describe it is as if the skys colour suddenly slightly changed, not enough for you to notice but just enough for your brain to pick up that something has changed, that something is off

i know i might not be the most mentally //there// person here but i am not crazy, some people in my life describe me as deranged but i am not. despite of my substance abuse i am still aware, i am still able to experience reality in a way that others do also, i havent lost my mind yet.

i fucking know that something has changed and its crippling me, its probably just all in my head but that doesnt take away that its there, cant think
my god it's like i don't fucking exist. not here, not anywhere.
i always hated you. this whole community's attention revolves around you. you take the fucking spotlight every time and everyone here loves you.
I'm going home to see my gf today probably, going to smash a bunch of pasta before I leave and rip through the mountains overnight because it's more fun like that. :3
who's galaxy?
i don't even do it myself. my brother did. but that's not even how i stumbled into this thread. ^^'

thank you. it was. (^-^) how was yours?

i'm ok. a bit off, maybe, but nothing major. you?

i kinda feel you. i don't know why and can't really put a finger on it, but something is off.

hm. if it's black or green there is some sort of caffeine in there. not the same as in coffee, but a variant.

>maybe not good but ok ish enough
still want to see them. ^^

>its just that its a common subject for us so i dint think anything was odd
just try to keep a low profile in that regard and tell us how it went.

glad your weekend is heading at you fast and that you are doing well. (^-^) i'm looking for some blu-rays at the moment. book of circus isn't to hard to get, but man... season 1 part 1 is tough. that goes for 250 euro on ebay... D:
im sorry.. i dont mean to.. i just come here to talk thats all.. i just thought i could make some people happy but i guess i cant do that either...
im sorry.

im a little rough today but that doesnt matter..
yeah. day's definitely taken a weird turn. don't let it get to you.
i dont mean to make drifter mad.. i didnt want to be the spotlight..
don't dwell on it. it's not possible to get along with everyone.
thats true, its just that we talked before and i thought they were cool and nice and now this..

i hope you have a good time anon :3

im sorry i made you upset..
came back from me ride
it was nice I went with friends so we were hanging out and I saw a couple of cats I'll send some pics later
now, shower
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can't always predict what people think and how they take certain things. maybe they'll come around.

welcome back and have a nice shower! can't wait for the cat pics. :>
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car photos coming right up
a kat chilling:3
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a kat sticker
it cute

that's all for now folks

How are you all doing today????
i hope so, i liked drifter a bunch i thought they were great

its a bit of a tough one but thats okay
hope you paid the appropriate toll to that ever vigilant protector of the bridge. ^^

that is a nice sticker. i've seen a car with anime motifs some time ago. wished i'd taken a pic.

>How are you all doing today????
could be better, could be worse. i'm at a loss, honestly. what about you? can you tell me about your bikeride?
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>tough one but thats okay
you'll be fine in the end ^^
Are you home already?

>hope you paid the appropriate toll
yes ^^
I have him.. his space
I don't think he'd appreciate me getting near
>that is a nice sticker
and then wiper is the tail :D
>could be better, could be worse
at least, fridays tomorrow
any evening plans?
>can you tell me about your bikeride?
we met up at 16:00; then we were riding around and we didn't go anywhere particularly far but we went to a macdonalds, then we went riding around and look at the sunset and then we went to park near me when it got dark then we went home :>
No. No worship. Sorry I can't help it. You are so incredibly cute.
>I have him.. his space
good choicr. that's probably what he coveted the most. ^^

>and then wiper is the tail :D
ha! didn't even catch that. that's a good one. ^^

>at least, fridays tomorrow
that's true. time for the weekend. i'm really looking forward to my walk

>any evening plans?
no. not in the mood for anythings. it's way to hot anyway. you?

>we met up at 16:00; then...
man. sounds really nice. especially the sunset part. kinda jealous... :0
not home yet but ill be leaving in about an hour

i dont deserve any praise..
Hi cat! How are you??
> i just want my childhood back
I see what you mean, I don't think I had it as bad as you, but my parents wouldn't let me have any friends who were not Arab, which is weirdf because we live in America. So I grew up most of my life disconnected with the people around me. I really just want to know what it would be like to go on a bike ride around with my elementary school friend group after school, or to be at a sleepover. I had it pretty light, I really can't imagine how it must feel to be in your shoes, and I won't say I know exactly how you feel because no one has been in your shoes, I just hope it gets better fir you and your siblings in the future
I referenced the red hair girl from csm alot, Mikama i think, they have similar hair but mine has the bangs obscuring the eyes.
i do too. i just wish they had someone better..
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>that's a good one. ^^
yes , very cute
>really looking forward to my walk
that's not to hear
hopefully the weather is nice
>not in the mood for anythings.
that's okay
I actually mapped a little bit
and now I'm in bed probably gonna sleep soon
>sounds really nice.
>the sunset part. kinda jealous... :0
you get sunsets over there too, maybe next time with you frens you could hang out and watch


>but ill be leaving in about an hour
freedom in near :3

your animation looks promising :>
>How are you??
I was on a bike ride with friends and it was fun now it's night and I'm in bed chilling
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>but my parents wouldn't let me have any friends who were not Arab
guess it has something to do with "not losing connection from where you're from". it's an issue here in germany as well. some people even refuse to let their kids learn german until they enter kindergarten.

>I referenced the red hair girl from csm alot, Mikama i think, they have similar hair but mine has the bangs obscuring the eyes.
ah, ok. never saw/read csm. not sure what char she reminds me off. maybe roberta from black lagoon or mai from the last airbender. cool design nonetheless.

>hopefully the weather is nice
hope so, too. it's really nice out there when it's hot.

>and now I'm in bed probably gonna sleep soon
good idea. it's getting late and i'm getting tired as well.

>you get sunsets over there too, maybe next time with you frens you could hang out and watch
you sure about that? don't think i've caught one of those recently...
>Any plans for today?
watch marble hornets with my bf and make some candy

>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
i think last month

>Why did you hurt yourself?
emotional overload

>Is there anything bothering you right now?
nah not really

>What do want to have/do the most right now?
eat some food!! but i have to wait till bf gets home
>watch marble hornets with my bf and make some candy
sounds comfy, but what's marble hornets?

>i think last month
that's a nice streak. well done! :D

>emotional overload
wanna talk about it?

>nah not really
nice. :>

>eat some food!! but i have to wait till bf gets home
probably for the best, but not even a snack lying around somewhere?
i'm close to falling asleep, so it's probably best if i'd just go to bed. good night, see you guys soon! (~.~)
Yeah, it sucks. One of my cousins is in a really abusive household and I just wish he could get out :/
>I was on a bike ride with friends
Thats fun!
>your animation looks promising :>
Thank youu!! That means alot! I always hate animating because making the outline for scenes always looks bad.

>not losing connection from where you're from
Maybe, but it shouldn't be at the expense of a child's social development.
> cool design nonetheless.
Thank you :>
I still havent added all the decors yet, like her earings or robes, but im glad you like it!
I have a thumbnail of her *somewhere* but its, not only really old, but I cant find it :( Might be on a flashdrive somehwere
>watch marble hornets with my bf and make some candy
ooo that sounds fun!
yeah its a tough time for me.. it tears me up something awful...
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>come to see cutting
>just a bunch of tripfags jerking each other off
>come to see cutting
psyco, fuck you
Some days I really miss 2011 era tumblr what can I say.
the nature of tripfags is kinda baffling. You don't cut yourself to stay alive, there should be new people everytime
Driving back is taking forever but holy shit the forests are on fire in rural bc rn
I wokeb up :>
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Good morning :> Im going to sleep. I see her face when i close my eyes...
How does the hair and mouth look, this is the first time i ever animated a character so if it looks off let me know plss
Who here has the most interesting job?

What do you do for a living?
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Helo :D
>Im going to sleep.
goodnight ^^
>I see her face when i close my eyes...
idk if that's good or bad
>this is the first time
whoa really!!?
it looks really nice
the only thing that looks a little off is that at the beginning her hair kind swings left even though it doesn't look like she's moving her head

I don't work
do you work anon?
Femboyankn here. I've lost all my will to live and I really don't feel like doing anything anymore. I'm currently on a cruise fairy and I'm really drunk, I will try to get some sleep.
Let's kissbNOW
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I work traffic control, but like all over the interior of BC. So they just throw me and a pile of trucks / crew around the province randomly to throw cones about and wrangle traffic. It's fun, the hours are good, it has a ridiculous number of gays in it and my office is usually different every few days. Today I had to drive back home (finally fuck) and got to rip over a bunch of rural mountain backroads, witness 3 separate forest fires, hang out on a foggy damp summit at 3AM and nobody around for 30km, make a quick booty call and then watch the sun start coming up before I got home to my gf.

It's also fun because I can turn off my brain and I get to pull the disappointed mother tone card on random shithead drivers all the time. That and being stuck up random mountains half the time is c o z y
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What do we think about scarification? Been looking into it and there's an artist a few hours away that does it and I'm kinda tempted to get some designs carved into me to back my tattoos

You can't say that and not post pics. How's the cruise going anon? The fuck do you even do on one of those apart from get liquored and fuck like rabbits lol
Is this yours? (And if so why am A3 of all things?? TT Coupe is absolutely goated if you fw German shitboxes)
>Today I had to drive back home (finally fuck) and got to rip over a bunch of rural mountain backroads, witness 3 separate forest fires, hang out on a foggy damp summit at 3AM and nobody around for 30km
That doesn't sound fun
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Tbh I like driving around in my lil miata and I could have just taken the highway and saved like 3 hours, but I really wanted to go rip up some mountains. And after 20some days out in the middle of nowhere working 12-14hr shifts, I needed some me time. The forest fires prat was just the after effects of this heat wave we're dealing with. Idk, it's therapeutic

But there is a nice thing about knowing your backroads, if you're feeling spicy, it's 2AM and you have a fuse puller/pliers handy you can pop the fusebox cover and yank out the SRS/Airbag fuse. Then just give it 100% until you either calm down, almost eat a tree and calm down, wear yourself out or actually finally run yourself off a mountain because you're too much of a pussy to just use an exit bag or hang yourself :3
>it shouldn't be at the expense of a child's social development.
i don't see that as a positive at all. it just creates parallel societies and the host one will be fed up at some point. it's a recipe for desaster.

>I still havent added all the decors yet, like her earings or robes, but im glad you like it!
do keep us updated, ok?

looks good. of course a little rough, but it does convey weight, which i think is key to good animation.

sorry to hear that, dude. we all go through phases like that. stay strong. you've been a staple in the thread and i hope it stays that way.

>I'm currently on a cruise fairy and I'm really drunk, I will try to get some sleep.
hope you still have a nice trip and some good sleep.

>What do we think about scarification?
i think it looks cool, but it's kinda extreme to get there. at least in germany. i think you need to be a doctor to administer anethetics here, so if you want to have it done it's without those... (>_<)
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found this site https://fataltotheflesh.com
simulates cutting on your screen, might help idk

>there is some sort of caffeine in there
i just like it, havent drank any in a while though because you know hot drink and summer dont go along well
>picrel, enjoyed sitting there
>just try to keep a low profile in that regard and tell us how it went.
desu im not really sure what to even think about to try and make shit better on my own except just keep my mouth shut
i will see though :>

im going to be a university student in a few months and might work as a drone operator at the same time
idk yet though

>witness 3 separate forest fires
Weirdly that site makes me want to cut more, the flow is just wrong and there's no feeling attached to it idk
Yeah, a good chunk of Jasper went up the other night. Evacuees are kinda all over rn, but that's just fire season right? Here's a photo I took across okanagan lake, it jumped over about 150m behind us and then a good chunk of lake country was hit with tactical evac (nobody thought it would jump so they weren't even on alert from the district lmfao). Ended up doing a ton of OT fire watch shifts after that one >.>

Nature kinda scary, do not fuck with it.
>makes me want to cut more
didnt intend for that
>good chunk of Jasper went up the other night
that image pains me to see
its beautiful in a fucky way, as all fire is but really saddens me
we have our own issues with forest fires here too and every year a different forest gets set on fire (many of them deliberately)
seeing the aftermath is even more heartbreaking :(
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Yeah, apparently it's not too bad with some OTC medications and the guy will take you to a pharmacy with a list to help you get it sorted. Like hell, I use lidocaine spray which is OTC all the time for toning down a session and it absolutely slaps. Use too much of it though and the whole area is numb as fuck and things can get sketchy (and boring) fast. But buddy does tongue splitting and a ton of other fucky shit too, so I'd assume he knows what he's doing lol. Some people say it's not too bad compared to a tattoo so I'm not terribly worried on that front

This is kind of a cool idea I found on buddies site, using art to cover up sh without denying its existence. No idea if there's other artists but I think I'm going to start shopping around
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Good morning everyone. It's the Olympics today, I'm excited. I haven't slept in yet so I'm gonna sleep now.

I've been feeling really bad recently but it don't matter.
how are yall today? im alright, just a little down and tired..
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may you rest wel gator

hello galaxy
doing nothing really
>i just like it, havent drank any in a while though because you know hot drink and summer dont go along well
you can always make a coldbrew. it's really nice in the summer.

>enjoyed sitting there
looks nice and quiet. you can almost hear the crickets chirping. ^^

really seems like the guy knows what he's doing. as always: do your research and be careful not to overdo it. guess every kind of body modification can be kind of addictive.

hi gator! sleept tight! (^-^)

hey gal. day started a.bit slow and i probably won't do much besides chilling and working out, but the day is going alright so far. anyway, hope the weekend will do you good. any plans?
im just at work waiting for things to start, that's all.

just gonna be cleaning up the office since its all messy. and moving some things around.
so nice and relaxing it is. :>
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Morning dear friends, it's finally Friday. Hope it treats you guys with the kindness you all deserve
Ho-oly shit, that's a lot of rubber ducks worth for a single blu-ray. I didn't take you for a collector Yua! You got a bunch of blu-rays?
anime on physical media always has been kinda pricey here, but the publisher went down and got bought up by crunchyroll, so those blu-rays are hard to come by. at least the earlier ones. not much of a collector, but i do enjoy physical and like to support the creator if possible. maybe i'm more of a hoarder...
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hello cut!! been a while
>Any plans for today?
play tf2,,, shower,, maybe play halo 3 a bit since it's friday and all
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
yesterday i carved "liar" into my arm because i lied to my big sister and she caught onto it,, i cut myself really deep later after that and i could still feel it even after going on a 3 hour walk
>Why did you hurt yourself?
see above
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
i feel like a lot of my friends secretly hate me.. one of us is moving south soon and i won't be able to see her ever again and some of my online friends seem really annoyed by me
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
i play on my pc and stream games to my friend on discord every night,, hes really nice about it too
>maybe i'm more of a hoarder...
Ooooh I get you, god knows I regret hoarding so much physical media lolol. There are some things that are just better when consumed phsyically but digital goodies can live in a hard drive without much issue. I barely touch all my PS4 games nowadays and stick to my virtual switch games ever since I got it hacked lolol
I think anime blu-rays have always been super super pricey no?
Hey everyone, forgot to post after waiting 60 sec
>Any plans for today?
I'm making a chart of every candidate in my local election. After that, I guess play some guitar.
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
I guess I want to be better at my art. Have a gf who loves me. Simple stuff that's on my mind frequently.
hi anon,
>What do you do for a living?
I'm a life guard. on a list to apply for my local fire department.
I actually like it Irkador. the hair moves fairly well and tricks the eyes to think of more movement then whats happening.
Hi cat, how's your day going?
>It's the Olympics today,
Oh it is. I guess I can watch that after Hot D.
Hi Gal
>just gonna be cleaning up the office since its all messy.
Yeah I should probably do that. maybe tommorw.
hi yu
>and relaxing it is.
yeah it is.
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>Any plans for today?
Playing the new 7 Days to Die update with friends
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
A little over a month ago, Im still bitter about losing a years long streak but bleh
>Why did you hurt yourself?
It was the worst I've felt in my entire life. And that's saying a lot!
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
I feel worryingly numb, not feeling much of anything. This unsettles me
>What do want to have/do the most right now?
I want to go home and take a nap.
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I just wish I had a girlfriend. I'm so lonely all the time
Do you have any friends anon? The world can be lonely, dark and cruel
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catbro coming in
currently on a bike ride :3
saw cool stuff
will send some pics , over
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the cool stuff in question :]
might send more later
well, turns out its more like hurry up cuz they added things last second.. then i had to do all the heavy work.. sometimes i fucking hate life

thats my plan just gotta survive today though
No, I don't have any friends.
I really wish I could have a strong, intimate connection with somebody, but I feel completely incompatible with the human population. I just wasn't made to be loved, I guess.

That's a cool picture, anon!
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Roger that catto
Will await for your pictures
be careful on your way back, over
Holy moley, I didn't knew you were biking on Counter Strike maps, really cool pic :0
>I just wasn't made to be loved, I guess.
I know exactly how you feel, sometimes I feel like a homesick alien. I can only hope you someday find someone that can understand you. The world is very rough anon, I wish you nothing but the best.
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hey kioka!

>play tf2,,, shower,, maybe play halo 3 a bit since it's friday and all
halo has been creeping it's way back into the sphere of streamers i usually watch. does it have a resurgence? anyway, have a fun friday!

>yesterday i carved "liar" into my arm because i lied to my big sister
yikes... probably better don't lie, then. ^^'

>i feel like a lot of my friends secretly hate me.
i think we all go through phases like that, be it real or imagined. have you asked them if something's the matter?

>i play on my pc and stream games to my friend on discord every night,, hes really nice about it too
reminds me of the times me and my friends took turns playing games. good times. ^^

true. being able to conveniently access all that stuff is definitely beats owning it physically, but there's always the possibility of that platform going defunct for whatever reason. i've lost access to a lot of my gaming-libraries, but i have to admit i don't really care that much. when it comes to companies like ea, ubisoft and actiblizz, playing their games never again is too soon for me.

>I think anime blu-rays have always been super super pricey no?
here they didn't cost more on than any other dvd/blu-ray in the beginning, but i guess because a big part of the anime/manga fanbase is female, they get away with pink-taxing the hobby, so it's getting more and more pricey.

hey cynic!

>forgot to post after waiting 60 sec
we really do have the attention span of goldfish these days...

>I'm making a chart of every candidate in my local election
hope it's worth it and you find a good one.

>I guess play some guitar.
sounds like a chill day. ^^

>I guess I want to be better at my art. Have a gf who loves me. Simple stuff that's on my mind frequently.
well, as bob ross said: talent is a pursued interest. anything that you are willing to practice, you can do. i have to look if he's got something on girlfriends, though...
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>Playing the new 7 Days to Die update with friends
what's 7 days to die?

>Im still bitter about losing a years long streak but bleh
don't sweat it. do you really think that one relapse undoes all that time?

>It was the worst I've felt in my entire life. And that's saying a lot!
yeah, it does. glad you were able to leave that behind you. good job!

>I feel worryingly numb, not feeling much of anything. This unsettles me
if you come out of an emotional high or low, it probably normal to feel that way. like you brain needs to reset.

>I want to go home and take a nap.
good plan. how long until you can execute it?

can't help you with the girlfriend, but you can hang out with us if you like. any plans for the weekend?

hey catbro! thanks for stopping by! enjoy your ride! :>

cool pic.

eh. that sucks. :< but hey, it's the weekend soon! maybe you can look forward to that?
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>what's 7 days to die?
It's a multiplayer zombie survival base building game, it had been on beta for like a million years and the official release finally came out this week c:
that game is pure crack, we can spend up to 16 hours in a single session
>don't sweat it. do you really think that one relapse undoes all that time?
It's difficult, before I relapsed it felt like I wouldn't do it anymore but ever since I did it again it feels "easier." I feel a little bit ashamed I can't deny it.
>yeah, it does. glad you were able to leave that behind you. good job!
Thank you Yua, I really needed to read that. Sometimes it feels like it claws at me trying to grab me still and honestly it scares me so much.
>if you come out of an emotional high or low, it probably normal to feel that way. like you brain needs to reset.
So a lobotomy could save me? jk jk lol I just wanna be able to feel something soon
>good plan. how long until you can execute it?
Since I don't wanna be the party pooper to ruin today's plans I probably won't get much rest for the next 14 hours or so ;A;
>I wish you nothing but the best.
Thanks a lot. I wish you the same!

>any plans for the weekend?
Not really, I've got nothing to do these days. I just stay at home and do nothing
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I slept to long. I'm so much worse at writing them I used to be.

>how are yall today?
I just woke up, so I'm okay
>im alright, just a little down and tired..
Being down sucks.

>may you rest wel gator
Thanks Sisyphus.

>hi gator! sleept tight! (^-^)
Hey yuanon. Thanks.

>Morning dear friends
Good morning.

>I'm making a chart of every candidate in my local election.
That's pretty cool. Have fun with that.
> I guess I can watch that after Hot D
Yeah guess you can.

>Playing the new 7 Days to Die update with friends
That's fun. It's a very fun game.
>A little over a month ago
A month is awesome.
>Im still bitter about losing a years long streak but bleh
You'll get there one day again, you got this.
>I feel worryingly numb
That is not good, you should try to distract yourself or something.
>I want to go home and take a nap.
Naps are the best, they always make me feel better.
>It's a multiplayer zombie survival base building game
ah, yes. now i remember. streamer i watched used to play it with some other streamer. maybe they'll start playing again now.

>we can spend up to 16 hours in a single session
that's a lot... :0 make sure to get up and stretching once in a while.

>it felt like I wouldn't do it anymore
in stressful situation the brain might resort to old and "trusted" solutions.

>since I did it again it feels "easier."
it is. your brain activated and strengthened the neural path for that decision again. you need to actively decide against it for it to grow weaker. if you just avoid any situation that would lead to self harm, the pathway just stays the way it is, ready to be reactivated as soon as you get into a situation that triggers it.

>I feel a little bit ashamed I can't deny it.
it's ok that you do, but there's no reason to be ashamed. you had a good run, you stumbled and now you're back on track.

>So a lobotomy could save me? jk jk lol
fun fact: there were two schools of thought at the time. an english professor who thought the increasing cases of psychosis could be reduced by reducing the amount of sugar in the western diet and the american solution of ramming steel rods into the brains of patients. guess what they went with! :D

>I just wanna be able to feel something soon
be patient with yourself, friend.

>I probably won't get much rest for the next 14 hours or so ;A;
ouch... i mean... hang in there! ^^'

>I've got nothing to do these days. I just stay at home and do nothing
i'd propose a nice walk or hike. just something to get you out and going. i promise you'll feel much better afterwards. :>

good morning, gator! :D what's up?
Thank you Gator, you're too kind as always.
well that is true. but having to put stuff upstairs outside in 95 degrees F weather by myself is getting me pretty mad today i cant lie.

it really does...
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>what's up?
I'm just watching the Olympics opening ceremony. What's up with you?

Thanks. It always feels good to be kind and your also very kind :)

>it really does...
I hope you can start feeling up and better.
me too. its hot today... im dying
>but having to put stuff upstairs outside in 95 degrees F weather by myself is getting me pretty mad today i cant lie.
i think getting a little mad under this conditions is reasonable, but the day will be over eventually.

>I'm just watching the Olympics opening ceremony.
how is it? i'm not a huge fan of big sport events and even if i watch them, i'm usually skipping the opening ceremonies.

>What's up with you?
not much. doing my workout today really killed me, so i'm just sitting on the couch and watching random vids on youtube until it's time for bed.
Thank you so much for your kindness Yua, I'm sorry if I don't reply in full but I feel myself pretty spent. But be assured I gave your reply a good read. You are reallh kind dear friend ^^
I wish I could avoid situations that show self harm as a possible exit, but I'll keep doing my best. Again, thank you for taking the time
well, we can be your frens :3
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>its hot today... im dying
That sucks. The heat is exhausting. The cold is so nice.

>how is it?
I missed the first hour :( but right now there just showing all the countries going down a river in Paris.
>i'm not a huge fan of big sport events
ME neither but It's the Olympics and it's my first time watching it.
>i'm usually skipping the opening ceremonies.
They are usually the most boring things about big spot things.
>doing my workout today really killed me
Good job on just doing it, working out is so hard for me to get motivated to do.
>so i'm just sitting on the couch and watching random vids on youtube until it's time for bed.
That's nice, watching YouTube is always a fun thing.
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damn i need psysical touch

also decided to be a bit artistic with this image
came out meh
>you can always make a coldbrew
ehh true but i dont really like it like ido the hot one
>looks nice and quiet
it is exactly that
if you dont think of the main road that is to the left but it isnt that busy

gl with it galaxy

hello kioka
>and she caught onto it
funnily enough thats the reason i stopped using petty lies for minor shit
only do when i know i cant get caught(never) if its really really well thought out(i dont think about it enough)

heya napanon
same anon, same

looks nice!
would love to go exploring there
i much prefer the cold

im gonna need it its too damn hot
>i'd propose a nice walk or hike. just something to get you out and going
Yeah, I guess I could do that. I know that I should go outside more often, and it is in fact something I've been thinking about lately, but it just feels a bit weird to go out all alone and essentialy do nothing. You're still right though. Thanks for being so kind with me

Ok! Thanks.

>same anon, same
Loneliness is painful sometimes
i know loneliness is hard but the people here are kind and thoughtful. i always seem to feel a bit better after talking with them.
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I'm back :>
and a wittle tired ~w~

How are you all today!!???
all good. (^-^) have some peace and quiet.

>You are reallh kind dear friend ^^
i can say the same about you. :>

>I wish I could avoid situations that show self harm as a possible exit, but I'll keep doing my best.
would be nice if you could, but there'll always be times when we have the rug pulled away from under our feet. there's no avoiding that. be strong in situations like that and actively tell yourself that self harm isn't the right way to deal with it. maybe try to replace it with something else. anyway, i believe in you.

>thank you for taking the time
anytime. :>

>but right now there just showing all the countries going down a river in Paris.
guess that will take a while. ^^

>ME neither but It's the Olympics and it's my first time watching it.
hope you have a good time. i'm more of a winter sports guy. always liked to watch stuff like figure skating and curling, tough my favorite thing to watch is rugby.

>They are usually the most boring things about big spot things.
i could deal with boring, but i have a hard time with the the artsy approach a lot of them take. just to cringey for me.

>Good job on just doing it, working out is so hard for me to get motivated to do.
thank you. (^-^) you really have to try a lot of different things until you find something that's fun and aligns with your goals. i can make some suggestions if you want.

>That's nice, watching YouTube is always a fun thing.
true. now i'm watching some dart event with german influencers. guess i can't evade the cringe today... ^^

>i dont really like it like ido the hot one
that's fair. i like mine cold or lukewarm.

>it is exactly that if you dont think of the main road that is to the left but it isnt that busy
i see. guess you have to get there somehow. ^^
doing okay, its just too hot. i wanna go home :c
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>i much prefer the cold
Same it's so much better. It feels so nice being cold and under a blanket.

>I'm back :>
Welcome back.
>How are you all today!!???
I'm kinda okay, also kinda terrible.

>guess that will take a while. ^^
There actually already done with that, I only actually started watching halfway through it. Now there just doing a lot of kinda random stuff.
>i'm more of a winter sports guy.
Oh okay whenever that comes on I'll definitely watch it.
>like figure skating and curling,
Figure skating is pretty cool. Curling is awesome though.
>my favorite thing to watch is rugby.
As a American rugby really confuses me, I just don't understand it.
>the artsy approach a lot of them take.
Yeah that artsy stuff really sucks. There has been a couple of really artsy and bad stuff.
>you find something that's fun and aligns with your goals.
Okay that makes sense, I never thought about it that way.
>can make some suggestions if you want.
Sure thing :)
>now i'm watching some dart event with german influencers.
Okay that's pretty cool. German influencers are really good.
>guess i can't evade the cringe today... ^
In this modern world it's impossible to evade cringe.
well, if you do nothing at home, you can go out and do nothing there as well. ^^ joking aside, going for walks and hikes is a nice recreational way to spend some time, even if it doesn't feel like it at first. i get you, though. i also need some motivation, so i include some sort of exercise component. lately i've just been carrying kettlebells around, which is kinda fun. ^^

>Thanks for being so kind with me
sure thing. good to have you with us.


welcome back! :D

>and a wittle tired ~w~
understandable. may i suggest to spend the rest of the evening "chilling on your bed"?

>How are you all today!!???
doing well and feeling good. :>
Hello anons. I don't cut myself, but I have some anger problems, and when they happen you feel a lot of peace and tranquility, of course then the bad things come. But I was wondering if you, when you cut yourself, don't feel that feeling of peace and liberation?
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/ca/t, if you see this, what d you think of my bike?
>Loneliness is painful
idk how to describe it really
something between pain boredom and sadness

working in hot conditions fucking sucks

>guess you have to get there somehow
i get there by bike, issue is not being lazy and actually going there lol

heya anon
in my case i dont even know what i feel
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>Now there just doing a lot of kinda random stuff.
surely i can read all about it in tomorrows news.

>whenever that comes on I'll definitely watch it.
maybe i'll do that as well, then.

>Figure skating is pretty cool. Curling is awesome though.
both kinda hard to follow outside of big event, though.

>rugby really confuses me, I just don't understand it.
i could say the same about football. ^^ to me rugby has a better flow and they're finished in a reasonable amount of time, but there's some stuff you have to know and you have to accept that you won't catch every play or event until it's explained to you, since a lot of stuff is happening in a huge pile of huge guys. ^^ eventually i caught on and i really enjoy it.

>Sure thing :)
i'll think of some stuff.

>German influencers are really good.
not in darts, they aren't... ^^

>In this modern world it's impossible to evade cringe.

oh, another biker. catbro will be elated. :>
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thanks for the nice words about the pics
here's more

Hi Gal
>doing okay, its just too hot.
thank good
it's getting hot here too :/
>i wanna go home :c
stay stonk, also the weekends tomorrow :D

Hwllo Ali
>I'm kinda okay, also kinda terrible
why you're feeling kinda terrible fren?

Hi Yuanon
>may i suggest to spend the rest of the evening "chilling on your bed"?
best suggester :3
>doing well and feeling good. :>
wohoo :D
what did u do today??

Hiya anon
>don't feel that feeling of peace and liberation?
for me it'd just distract me an make me forget about what's bothering me

Heyo sisyphus o/
>what d you think of my bike?
looks nice ^^
though personally I'm not a fan of small tires
and it's shiny, do you clean it ??
I rarely wash my bike lol, besides the drivetrain
I'll send a pic of a the bike I've been using recently
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here's my bike :>
nothing better than that. i love a cold room and a warm bed.

:3 <3

it really does thankfully this is the only time for now..

the weekend is tomorrow thankfully
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and some other picture

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Hi cat!! How are you?? I have a question...
Are you a cat irl or nah?
>whoa really!!?
Yeah lol...
> left even though it doesn't look like she's moving her head
True true i didnt notice that
Hi yua!!
>l. it just creates parallel societies
It could in excess... but in moderation, it for sure could. Even I as an immigrant really dislike the idea of people who live in foreign nations and refuse to integrate because "muh culture." I keep my culture in my house and act normal outside.
>looks good.
Thank you :> If a rough sketch looks good then i hope the final product will look great!
Hi anon! How are you.
I love driving too, but I love taking the highway, especially through cities at night, its sooo therapeutic.
Hi gator! I hope you slept well!
Hey Galaxy! I'm feeling really tired, i need to wane of the caffine.
is that where you post from?
Been actively considering it but havent gathered the confidence yet, why should i?
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I hate my scars, I hate having to always worry about them.

>surely i can read all about it in tomorrows news.
Yeah you definitely can, and it's getting very boring. There just doing speeches. I may stop watching.
>i could say the same about football.
I barley understand football to, all team sports are pretty confusing.
>to me rugby has a better flow and they're finished in a reasonable amount of time
Okay, I do think shorter sports are more enjoyable to watch.
>eventually i caught on and i really enjoy it.
I'm really glad you enjoy it. Maybe I'll try to understand soon.
>i'll think of some stuff.
>not in darts, they aren't... ^^
That must be the one thing there not good at them.

>Hwllo Ali
Heyyy cat!
>why you're feeling kinda terrible fren?
I'm just thinking to much :/

>i love a cold room and a warm bed.
That is amazing. I wish it cold all year Long. I could be in my bed all day if it's cold.

>Hi gator! I hope you slept well
Hello irkador. Thanks I did

You shouldn't hurt yourself anon.
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hi yu!!
>does it have a resurgence?
probably,, considering the xbox360 store closing
>better don't lie
easier said than done,, especially when it's to keep my emotional shield up
>have you asked them if something's the matter?
they always insist i've done nothing wrong,, it's probably just the mental illness talking
>reminds me of the times me and my friends took turns playing games.
aw,, iwish i could do that
hi sisyphus..
>funnily enough..
i think i'm done lying for the same reason,, it really hurt to see her reaction
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Heyo Irkador
>How are you?? I
I'm good currently chillaxing (chilling and relaxing) :]
>Are you a cat irl or nah?
I didn't expect such a person question, but here...
that's a picture of me (don't tell the mods)
>Yeah lol...
good job :D
>true i didnt notice that
do you think it'll be an easy fix ?

oh and now you want a picture of my room :o
mm maybe I'll send it
>another biker
i wish i had the chances to bike more, in athens i absoloutely do NOT trust the drivers to not hit me
and im here for like at best 1 month out of the entire year so still not many chances

thanks cat
>small tires
i dont know much about bikes to be honest
i just ride it on the road and at the near by beach
i think bigger tires are meant for rougher terrain
>do you clean it ??
well yeah after im done with it for the year i clean all the sand and sea water off so that it doesnt rust
i didnt do a very good job at this as the stand is rusted in the position its in in the photo, and also i lost the key for the bike lock lmao

the place you went to seems really nice, are you also into urban exploring?

im jealous of that attachment for the bag lol
looks nice
would sit there and ponder
hopefully you wont have to again

you shouldnt, i didnt much like the idea of scars so i did really light cuts and here we are, with scars
nice captcha lol

well thats great that the shcok was great enough to make you at the very least think of stopping
obv not great what had to be done to reach this but its a new start!
whenever i lied to my mother and she would catch on that i was lying she would get this really disappointed look and tell me "how can i trust you?"
well i dont think she ever trusted me or does now
never did i think it would get like this

>maybe I'll send it
if i were you i wouldnt but maybe its just paranoia talking :3
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forgot to attach the image lmao

old photo from near the akropolis
near by this is that spot on the rock where the view is amazing but i havent been there in a while
Surprising answer honestly, i've seen this general thread pass by hundreds of times without ever bothering to check in i just assumed everyone here supported it
im trying to but it sucks. i get headaches when i dont have it.

i love the cold so much

well next week itll probably be similar
>here's more

>best suggester :3
learned it all from you. ;D

>what did u do today??
not much. mostly just stayed at home and did my workout, but for some reason i'm quite alright. :> might relocate to bed soon. not much else to do tonight. not even something nice to put on in the background. you where just riding around on you bike all day, i assume. ^^

hey irk!

>really dislike the idea of people who live in foreign nations and refuse to integrate because "muh culture."
yeah. it's an issue. there's a very large population of turks here who are the descendants of people who came over during the 50s and 60s because germany needed to replenish it's workforce. they were called "guest workers" since the plan was that they'd go back after they finished their work, but, lo and behold, for some reason... they didn't! can you imagine that? :0 that they stayed isn't really the problem, though. it's that these people still, after 70 years, see themselves as turkish instead of german. which also wouldn't be a problem, if turkey itself would be a western democratic nation, but the country has been on it's way to an islamic auhocracy and they try to influence and agitate the turkish population here to pressure the german govrnment. it's an increasingly worrying situation, to say the least...

>If a rough sketch looks good then i hope the final product will look great!
fingers crossed. i do have to admit that i'm a rough sketch and concept art enjoyer, though.
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here's where I live, I post from that tv

Don't hurt yourself anon

>hate my scars
they'll fade and get a little less visible with time
>just thinking to much :/
have you been in any walks recently?

>dont know much about bikes
as long as yours is working and not dangerous to ride that's all that matters
>think bigger tires are meant for rougher terrain
>sand and sea water off so that it doesnt rust
oh oh yes sea water is terrible for metal
>also i lost the key for the bike lock lmao
>are you also into urban exploring?
yes whenever I come across something urban to explore
>jealous of that attachment for the bag lol
>looks nice
it's actually not a special bike bag
it's kinda similar to this one (but it was cheaper around 10dollers)
The straps on the back can be put on handlebars and viola
>would sit there and ponder
about what?
>if i were you i wouldnt
no worries

looks super cool
the tall trees look like 3 ghosts stating at you

I wonder where they managed to find those mannequins????
>learned it all from you. ;D
heh maybe I'm a gid teacher
>some reason i'm quite alright. :>
you needed a rest ^^
>relocate to bed soon.
>you where just riding around on you bike all day, i assume. ^^
yupp :3
not really, its just people that have this shared experience(and not) to come together and talk ig

>for some reason... they didn't!
CANT imagine why
>There just doing speeches. I may stop watching.
they always find a way of ruining it, don't they?

>I barley understand football to, all team sports are pretty confusing.
pretty much. the concept seems simple (place ball somewhere else), but they've addes quite some strange rules over time.

>Okay, I do think shorter sports are more enjoyable to watch.
yeah. friend tried to get me into american football, so we tried to watch the superbowl. it bored me to oblivion. rugby is basically what happened if football and soccer had a teleporter accident, but for some reason it's way more enjoyable to me than either.

>Maybe I'll try to understand soon.
you can try to catch a rugby sevens event. it's a super reduced version where a game is only 15 minutes long, so they have entire championships on a weekend. not as good as the big games, but easier to follow. i think there's also two associations with slightly different rules, but i'm not sure. need to look that up.

>That must be the one thing there not good at them.
i could think of some other stuff, but that would be quite the long list in the end. ;D

>probably,, considering the xbox360 store closing
that might be it. well, hope you're having fun. i've only ever played the first part. good times.

>easier said than done,, especially when it's to keep my emotional shield up
word. i usually just try to keep that stuff to myself or avoid talking about it with anyone close to me.

>they always insist i've done nothing wrong,, it's probably just the mental illness talking
do you ask often? i do have a friend who talks about his issues basically every time we meet and, not gonna lie, it can be tiring.

>aw,, iwish i could do that
it's been a long time since then, but it's nice to see the concept has prevailed. ^^
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>i love the cold so much
It's the best thing in the world. It feels amazing to be cold.

>they'll fade and get a little less visible with time
I hope so, but there pretty deep cuts and it's been months and there still very visible.
>have you been in any walks recently?
Nope I haven't been on one in a month, I really should though.

>they always find a way of ruining it, don't they?
True it's so annoying, I just want to see sports now. And it's over they didn't even do sports today.
>but they've addes quite some strange rules over time.
Yeah they get so confusing just because of the rules and sometimes the rules are so dumb and make no sense.
> we tried to watch the superbowl.
The Superbowl is so long, it's only something to have in the background.
>if football and soccer had a teleporter accident
Okay that does sound pretty entertaining then.
>it's a super reduced version where a game is only 15 minutes long
That's very short, I'll definitely check that out then. Should be easy to watch since it's so short.
>not as good as the big games, but easier to follow.
Okay. For now I'll look into the short more understandable games and then I'll watch the more entertaining games.
>but that would be quite the long list in the end. ;D
Every country has some things there bad at I guess.
>not dangerous to ride
well its not falling apart yet :3
>oh oh yes sea water is terrible for metal
yeah its either i wash it once a year (afteri use it) or i dont have a functioning bike at all so i have to ignore my laziness
>whenever I come across something urban to explore
you cheeky fucker
its fucking fun though i love it
too bad im too much of a scardy cat to go alone most of the time :(
would KILL to have a trusted friend to go along with, not even to yap all the time, just have them by my side
oh thanks
dont have money for one now but i will keep a tab on it for hwne i need it
>about what?
either nothing at all or everything
i kinda lost my ability to actuallly focus on a fucking thought or hyperfocus on something
>the tall trees look like 3 ghosts stating at you
i like the way you think <3
I've gotta be honest, all the dont do its really cleared my mind. Didnt think r9k wouldve pushed me into the right direction for once
it do. but my boyfriend wants the ac hotter and i hate it that hot..
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>in athens i absoloutely do NOT trust the drivers to not hit me and im here for like at best 1 month out of the entire year so still not many chances
enjoy it while you can! funnily, here you have to be more afraid of the bikers... they're so arrogant they'd rather get squished by a truck or run over by a car instead of acknowledging that they're quite vulnarable and easy to miss, so maybe should yield priority to bigger vehicles. anyway, stay safe.

>I wonder where they managed to find those mannequins????
maybe some store got rid of them? or maybe they got them from the creepy-decoration-store... who knows?

>maybe I'm a gid teacher
the best!

>you needed a rest ^^
maybe. whatever it is, i'll take it.

i'll head there any minute now!

>yupp :3
as you should. :>

>I just want to see sports now. And it's over they didn't even do sports today.
well, it's about 12:00 am here. i think they had some sports before the ceremony, but i'm not sure.

>they get so confusing just because of the rules and sometimes the rules are so dumb and make no sense.
that's why i usually don't care much in the first place. we had the european soccer championship in germany recently and i just couldn't be bothered.

>it's only something to have in the background.
yeah. i learned that the hard way.

>I'll definitely check that out then. Should be easy to watch since it's so short.
it is, but you do have to pay attention. otherwise you'll look up from your phone and it's already over.

>Every country has some things there bad at I guess.
for germany it's entertainment for sure. there were times when most things on tv were just carbon copies of american shows. it got so bad the producers of german late night shows were sued by their american counterparts for stealing jokes. there's even a german copy of "the office" called "stromberg". i think they also were sued and had to buy the rights, so now it the official german version of the show.
i'm off to bed. need to get up a little earlier tomorrow. hope everyone has a nice weekend. see ya!
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>but my boyfriend wants the ac hotter and i hate it that hot..
That's a shame, but I guess you got to make some sacrifices in a relationship.

>it's about 12:00 am here.
It's very late for you. It's only 6 30 pm here.
>think they had some sports before the ceremony, but i'm not sure.
They did but it was only like soccer and rugby. They didn't have like swimming or anything really cool.
>the european soccer championship in germany recently and i just couldn't be bothered.
That's fair. I don't understand how some people can get so much into sports. Its something I couldn't bother with.
>otherwise you'll look up from your phone and it's already over.
Oh okay lol. I'll definitely make sure to pay attention then.
>tv were just carbon copies of american shows.
Oh that's funny. I guess there are some really good American shows so it makes sense.
>were sued by their american counterparts for stealing jokes.
Oh that crazy, I didn't even know someone could use someone just for stealing jokes.
>so now it the official german version of the show.
Well that's good that it's official now.

Goodnight yuanon :)
>that's a picture of me
Holy fuck, youre so beautiful!
>do you think it'll be an easy fix
yeah took me lik 15 minutes, im animating the rest of the hair, hands, and body now, hopefully can get a rough sketch in before i head to bed!
>im trying to but it sucks. i get headaches when i dont have it.
Same, there was store that old coffe drinks in a can in pack of 12 for 2.50 USD PER PACK! And now im addicted to caffine. It sucks but i have alot, probably enough for 2 months or so.
Lmao, hows the resonance cascade treating you?
good night yuanon <33
i put it up to 69 F which is a little warmer than i like..
>Didnt think r9k wouldve pushed me into the right direction
depends if you are on the rigth place within it :>
or anywwhere really
if you wanted someone to make you FAR worse than you are you can look elsewere (not telling you where)

>they're so arrogant they'd rather get squished by a truck or run over by a car
survival of the fittest
if you are the most vulernable and you act like you are in a fucking heavy tank you kinda deserve it
i value my life enough to not do dumbshit like thta and hate riding on roads
>so maybe should yield priority to bigger vehicles
priority order here goes like this
tank, tractor, bulldozer, truck, bus, anything else
basically biggest and heaviest vehicle goes first lmao
what even are road safety laws
also good night
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mmm gonna sleep soon

>and it's been months and there still very visible.
it usually takes a couple of months for them to start getting purple then pink and then white
>haven't been on one in a month, I really should though.
yupp ^^

>its not falling apart yet :3
good job
> so i have to ignore my laziness
that's a good motivation
>you cheeky fucker
hehe >:3
>too bad im too much of a scardy cat to go alone most of the time :(
it's not thaat scary, if there are any junkies inside they usually don't stay quiet
>would KILL to have a trusted friend
hopefully you find out one day :<
>will keep a tab on it for hwne i need it
you can look around I'm sure you'll can find them for cheap
>like the way you think <3
thanks ^^

Goodnight yuanon ^^

>youre so beautiful!
hehe thank you
>animating the rest of the hair, hands, and body now,
hopefully nobody bothers you this time
>hows the resonance cascade treating you?
it's not biggie
I'm a trained professional ^^
>mmm gonna sleep soon
okkk, sleep well :)
>I'm a trained professiona
so goated
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>i put it up to 69 F which is a little warmer than i like.
69 is pretty warm, I think 40 is nicer.

>mmm gonna sleep soon
Whenever you do, sleep well.
>for them to start getting purple then pink and then white
That sounds really annoying. It makes me really regret cutting my arms and just cutting in general. I hate SH.
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goodnight ^^


thank you
>regret cutting my arms and just cutting in general. I hate SH.
it'll get better and better lesbms visible
just don't make any new cuts frend
>I'm not a rapist guise!
>I just wanted to give her the ol dickeridoo while she was passed out drunk

You're scum, and the only cut you should receive is a clear cut to your neck.
why god why god do i gotta suffer
probably died in my teens, thats what you do when your 17 i wish i controlled things

white gator, you once said that i was a //cool person//
message made to convey emotion, rather then fact. but i need to correct it still because i am restless at this moment, even trace amounts of odsmt make me unable to sleep, wont sleep tonight havent slept last night

i am shit, i will always be shit, i am by no doubt the single most putrid human (if you could even call me that) here, a image of humanity, a exoskeleton of a human, nothing inside, empty inside.
single most uninteresting person, loser, boring. never had friends, women wont go near, family disfunction. even the SUBSTANCES i do, alone in my room are boring.
i do boring drugs, i have a boring fucking high, because everything especially myself is boring FUCKKKKKK, DRUGS USED TO BE GOOOD and interesting
now its all just fucking boring boring boring FUCK i hate myself i hate my life. i need to get the good drugs but i only have the bad drugs, have to wait another 2 months until i can do the good drugs again, i have opce but dissos also lost its magic and fuck man i ruined my life but who cares, i dont

nobody would have me

i like uppers more, this shits boring, cant sleep though. life is boring, cant think though. i want to feel something, i want to fucking feel sk something. i want to do something, create something, experience something
when will i consume myself, burn myself up, if i have to feed then why not feed on myself, that way, i wont hurt others. snake eats its own tail
sludge eats its own sludge

i need, the great need, a lot of things, none of which able to be optained, dead on arival.
i fear that this numbness will remain forever,
>it's not thaat scary
oddly enough im scarred of people
not the hundrends of hazards inside
once i nearly fell down an elevator shaft
but people man..........
they can be so cruel and dangerous for the slightest of happening
if i were to actually fall down then it would be nature killing me, i was stupid and died, like millions have before me, but not in a cruel way
im terrified of the idea of stumbling into someone
junkies are unpredictable, gypsies dont want to deal with you but will NOT hesitate to rob you, squatters want to be left alone but like a wild animal if you accidentally corner them they WILL attack to survive (cant blame them desu), and then there is the chance of the classics, murderers, escaped convicts, mafia mobs, and all types of people you do not want to be arround
being around just one person i trust is enough to give me confidence to ignore all that and go in first but fuck man
and there is always cops and security to look out for :>
guess this might be my relative inexpirience talking but man its a fear for a reason isnt it?

hmmmmm i need to start looking
(i will never)
also gn

>she was passed out drunk
when did anon imply she was passed out?
everyone that has got drunk knows that you do stupid shit when you are
misunderstandings can get fucking huge
i wish i could help him but have no way to
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Goodnight cat.
>it'll get better and better lesbms visible
I hope so.
>just don't make any new cuts frend
I'll try not to.

>you once said that i was a //cool person//
>message made to convey emotion, rather then fact.
I genuinely do think your a cool person. So to me it is a fact that your cool :). And your always incredibly nice.
>even trace amounts of odsmt make me unable to sleep
Oh that's annoying, I don't anything about drugs or medication but if you could stop taking it you would probably sleep better.
>am shit, i will always be shit, i am by no doubt the single most putrid human
You are not "shit" your a good person, why do you think your the most putrid person, because to me you seem like a really awesome guy :).
>never had friends, women wont go near, family disfunction.
making friends is hard, I know that. You always have us, everyone here loves talking to you. Women isn't something you should worry about, you should first worry about yourself. Having a distinction family sucks, sorry you have that.
>because everything especially myself is boring FUCKKKKKK
I don't think your boring at all. Your a very unique person, I always have a fun time chatting with you. And no drugs are boring.
> i ruined my life but who cares, i dont
I care, and you should to.
>i want to do something, create something, experience something
Okay, maybe you could draw something or write something. You will have something fun to do then.
>i fear that this numbness will remain forever,
It won't friend, it may last a while but you'll feel better I promise <3

He was an ugly beta she felt bad for an had some drinks with him to talk about how he can't get a girlfriend and give him some tips (including getting a shower).
Once she was drunk enough, he felt confident enough to instead try to act alpha and get seggs. She, however, put him back rightly in his smelly, drunkard place. Now, everyone she knows also knows that you're a sex pest at best and a sexual predator at worst.
To be honest? You deserve it. Everyone who can't READ the atmosphere, the emotions growing between the two sexes, need to remain a virgin for life on a "sex predator list" as their condition invariably leads them to rape women (or men, if desperate enough).
> And no drugs are boring.
UNTRUE MY FRIEND many drugs are boring and when you do enough of something it will become boring everything always becomes boring with enough time and then you seek other things and then they become boring as well repeat repeat repeat

man, no.
why do you have to be so kind, dont lie, dont lie,
man, i might be fucked up, boring high but i know that those kind words are untrue
why do you have to be so kind, so comforting, it almost (hurts)
something like me, that can only be desticbed as (barely) human excrement shouldnt be talking to something so clean and pure
its like coal talking to gold

ill reply proper when sober because you dont deserve to talk to these shizo shit words
its futile and a exercise that only results in you feeling worse, because thats always the outcome of all conversation with me

dont be nice, its not earned or deservered or right
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I want to snuggle and lightly sodomize hooni poster while kissing them.
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>you do enough of something it will become boring everything always becomes boring with enough time
Yeah maybe something on repeat will get less interesting and boring to you, but for me there is no boring drugs.
>and then they become boring as well repeat repeat repeat
That's a dangerous path to go down. Be careful.
>why do you have to be so kind, dont lie, dont lie,
I'm not lying. Your the best.
>but i know that those kind words are untrue
There's no reason why I would lie. Your genuinely a really nice and cool guy.
>so comforting, it almost (hurts)
I'm glad I can comfort you, but I never want to hear you, I just love talking to you and I want to tell you that :).
>shouldnt be talking to something so clean and pure
I am not even close to clean and pure, but thanks.
>its like coal talking to gold
Your definitely not coal and I'm definitely not gold. Your a really good person, you should never put yourself down.
>ill reply proper when sober
Okay, take your time, I'll be waiting.
>its futile and a exercise that only results in you feeling worse
That's not true at all. Just talking to someone makes me feel better, so talking to you is a wonderful thing for me.
>dont be nice, its not earned or deservered or right
You do deserve for me to be nice to you, you should be nice to yourself. Your a great guy.
You self harmers are fucking retarded. My life was worse than any of yours. My dad was a serial killer and a drug kingpin who beat me literally every day and I dont self harm. I accidentally dug up his murdered girlfriend when I was 8 years old and saw him blow his own brothers head off in a delusional rage about shit that never happened. Pfft, I'm not going go into any more details than that but its the tip of the iceberg. Yet I am "selfmaxxing" not "self harming". If I self harmed, my piece of shit demonic father wins.

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