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"Hydration" Edition

Previous : >>78260596

Ignore impolite moids

>How much actual water do you drink per day?
>What is your favorite thing to drink?
>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?

>What is this thread?
A place for biological women to talk about their lives.
>Why aren't you on Crystal Cafe?
It has been aggressively raided for years and is dead.
>Well, you're raiding my male safe space!
r9k is not a male board. https://wizchan.org/ is.
>I'm a man, can I post here?
Please don't, but if you are going to anyway, be polite and sign your posts >t. male.
>I'm a tranny, can I post here?
No. Die.
>What does nona mean?
Anon -> Nona
>I want a hole
This is not >>>/soc/
>How do femanons feel about (random hypothetical moid scenario)?
This is not /ATOGA/
Come on, nonas. I cannot always be here. It doesn't take someone like myself to create a thread.

Hey b!!! lol!! Nope, instead they put everything on evening shift which then evening shift put things on midnight shift while saying "midnight shift is so lazy and they never do anything!!!" They're so lazy they ended up putting Blanket Shaman in diapers instead of getting him up out of his chair to take him to the bathroom. He feels extremely humiliated and I cannot blame him one single bit. He also has a UTI, so that is not helping.

Add in, my back gave out from lifting him so much. As the saying goes: when it rains, it pours. At least the RA isn't acting up since I got the prednisone shot this morning. That pain is gone, only for back pain to take over. lol!!!

Op1 was the one who gave most of them their nicknames, so I cannot take credit for it. The only ones I named were Wanderer, Clown, and Angry Man.
>How much actual water do you drink per day?
Half a gallon. I have one of those half-gallon water bottles to ensure it.

>What is your favorite thing to drink?
Coffee. It tastes so good (esp with french vanilla creamer!) and it helps my ADHD so much.

>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
Coffee. I love tea as well, but coffee is better.

>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Extremely rare, and I drink my mom's elderberry brew. If I don't have that around, some fruity drink like some Black Cherry drink.
there are no biological females on this website
Women can never be robots
Femcels are not real
1. I drink about three normal water bottles a day. Typically spring water.
2. Probably iced tea with a bit of sugar, and lemon.
3. Tea probably. Outlined above.
4. I think I drink about 2-6 beers a year on average. Usually during 4th of July, and Thanksgiving.

These FiberOne bars got me farting like a dog. Fucking hell. Not even smelly, just growlers. God help me please.

>t.moid fucking obviously.
>How much actual water do you drink per day?
>What is your favorite thing to drink?
>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
It used to be coffee but honestly tea now. I've become a tea snob. Mercy. I recently made an iced roibos latte which was really nice and some ice rice oolong with honey. The latter is cheaper but very effective way to make Asian iced tea.
>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Only occasionally, maybe as a treat. Yes I only ever drink alone. Dirty martini. Super cold. Or a sweet wine with ice.
Do you buy it by the bottle or by bulk, or have a freshwater spring nearby to refill? I'm glad we have a freshwater spring on our land. It takes a little bit of hiking (or, take the ATV: the 3 gallon containers are heavy!!!) to get to it, but it's worth it.

Despite it being gross, it means your body is digesting fiber properly.

The Asian tea you described sounds nice. About the only tea I make is usually just a combination of store bought green tea, chamomile tea, or honey/ginger tea, and from what stinging nettle I've collected and dried.
>Moid-chan, and occasionally Tomo are now the only ones fighting to keep this general alive
Grim. /Biofem/ is officially dead as of thread #100.
>>How much actual water do you drink per day?
At a minimum, a bottle if I'm just hanging out inside all day. If I'm out and about doing things on a hot day, it might be 4 or 5.
>>What is your favorite thing to drink?
Mt. Dew.
>>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
If I have to choose, tea.
>>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
I enjoy a nice daiquiri on the beach or by the pool, but I don't drink often; and rarely more than two (I'm a lightweight, so two are enough to get me wobbly).
I actually have well water. I just like spring water too, and drink it as a treat. When I buy spring water I typically get Poland Spring brand. Usually a case of around 35 water bottles (I think 16.9fl oz per bottle?) And sometimes the 3.5 gallon jug with spout, and place it right in the fridge. It's divine. The well water tastes good. We have to use a water softner though of course. Such is life.

>Healthy to have a fart cyclone brewing in your gut
Yeah I guess. I'm just in turmoil.
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mmm wader
I wonder how many weeks this general has left before it fades into irrelevance like /mbti/
It is. Most of the ones who kept the thread going are off doing their own things now. That's not to say that is bad because I'm glad they're improving their lives over stagnating here like they were doing and def doing better than the moids who prefer to wallow in their misery here and feel it's an honor to be a complete loser. It kind of makes me think I'm basically doing the same thing when I could be doing other things.

At least you are drinking water. The patients where I work at drink nothing but coffee or soda. We've switched their coffee to half decaf because of it.

I'm the same: I'm very much a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. If I have one of my mom's distilled bottles of elderberry brew, I'm out.

We used to have a well until it collapsed, but thankfully at the same time, the water company also was extending their service to our area at the same time. I really hate it, but it's also a convenience as well since now I nor my parents have to deal with water softeners and changing out the salts again. I cannot stand the taste though: I got to have that spring water. The issue however, is the pressure of the spring is not very good so it takes a long time to fill up. It can take up to a minute to fill one gallon.

Hey lll! How are you doing?

I'm beginning to wonder if it ran its course? I'd hate it if that's the case, but it is what it is.
Thanks for the thread! Hope other nonas step up and if not hope they're doing well anyway
There are more trannies then actual women on this site. Technically I'm a Pooner degen but the ratio of tranny to real woman is 2 to one. There are twice the trannies compared to actual real life women
Hello thanks for asking
busy in the head
procrastinating in bed
How you doin moid-chan?:)
Requested by popular demand (1 nona)
Low quality quiz of the day with sliders https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/characters/
>The patients where I work at drink nothing but coffee or soda.
I've never understood how people can do that, especially in an area as hot and humid as the one I live in. But they do.
>my mom's distilled bottles of elderberry brew
Well, that probably is a little more potent than what I drink. ; )

>I'm beginning to wonder if it ran its course? I'd hate it if that's the case, but it is what it is.
Same here. I try to visit regularly and engage positively, but I'm not very good at it.
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>I'm beginning to wonder if it ran its course? I'd hate it if that's the case, but it is what it is.
If this is the end at least we'll have each other. And Paris. We'll always have Paris...
Still a forced general. Still don't belong here. Still no proof any of you are actual women.
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>but I'm not very good at it.
oh please. You're always a dose of positivity. 99% of the time.
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Hmm. I usually get tagged as Sailor Moon when sailor senshi are on the table.

>You're always a dose of positivity. 99% of the time.
The problem is that 3/4 of the time I get mistaken for a guy and get a nasty response. Not that I blame them, though; they're in a hostile environment.
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>I get mistaken for a guy and get a nasty response. Not that I blame them, though; they're in a hostile environment.
Funny as you often mistake me for a cute girl.
You go to other threads? I don't think I see nasty here, just retarded conspiracy slop mostly
>You go to other threads? I don't think I see nasty here, just retarded conspiracy slop mostly
I don't mean like super-nasty, just hostile. And again, I don't blame them at all.

>Funny as you often mistake me for a cute girl.
Have I? I believe it.
Maybe once or twice.
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>How much actual water do you drink per day?
ten, twelve cups? i guzzle.
>What is your favorite thing to drink?
carrot juice
>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
tea tastes better and is better for you but coffee has psychological and emotional weight that tea doesn't. coffee lets me tell myself "i am very tired, and so i have a little luxury i don't get when i am not tired. isn't that a cute silver lining. i am so enduring in this cold bitch of a world."
>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
only when i want to kill myself. i won't, so i drink.

sorry. i don't browse r9k consistently enough to post a new thread reliably. i'm happy to when i am around at the moment a thread goes down but it just doesnt seem like it happens that often. this is the first time ive opened 4chan today or yesterday.

>>78280999 v/
i've tried natural spring water before, its really delicious. is well water not good? my tap water is gross.
I have one of those bottles that have a line with the time and telling you to "remember your goal" and "keep it up" so you can empty it in a day but that method didn't work at all lol, I just forget and end up trying to drink a lot at night. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
>carrot juice
Don't think I've ever heard of that before.
I try to drink a bottle of water when I first wake up
Anything can be turn into juice, carrot is nice so carrot juice is nice
Oh sorry, I meant more like I don't think I've heard anyone with that as their favorite before. Why are carrots your favorite?
I'm loving your rhymes! I'm going and doing what I can.

Aww, I love my #2 being Father Mulcahy. We have a patient here who loves M*A*S*H and compared me to him.

Idk either. I will admit I drink a lot of coffee mainly since it helps with the ADHD, but I balance it out with tea and lots of water.

Yes, it is potent. My mom never bothered to buy that thing used to measure alcohol co tent so they can vary. A few bottles taste like pure alcohol. I mostly save those for my dad since he likes stronger stuff. I cannot stand strong drinks. My uncle distills all of his. But then again, him and my aunt are very functional alcoholics.

I shouldn't have made my second post in the thread. If it has run its course and hardly anyone participates, then there really isn't any need to force it into existence and keep bumping it. It was natural at first. It's helped me a lot with the ADHD stuff, but during my appointment today, my doctor did write out a script fir Concerta patches for my ADHD and I'm tempting to start again.

Lol. Nice Casablanca reference.

Hey berries!! How are you? Are you doing any better than yesterday? Lol@guzzle. My brother has to do it to make weight for his MMA matches. Him and his teammates have it down to a science like this day, it's two gallons, this day three, etc.

It's okay berries. When I woke up, did some stuff, then saw the previous thread was dead and didn't see a new one, but I saw a post about a new thread, it kind of irked me a bit. I mean, if nonas want a new thread, they can create one. I can understand if they're rangebanned like I first was when the thread started, but it's a victim of the psychological principle called Diffusion of Responsibility.

Mine has the times, but none if the other stuff you described. Unfortunately, I left it at home tonight.
Not her but it has a pretty unique taste, not like a fruit, not like a vegetable.
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it's creamy like milk without being rich like butter. it's sweet like an apple without being saccharine like the icing you put on cinnamon rolls, the sharp bite in the back of your throat. it's smooth and unaggressive, but pungent and distinct. its like a promise you know will be kept.

i've been feeling very poetic recently and i don't know how to feel about it. kind of pretentious but i think its a decent way to keep my mind busy, since i dont have people.

i didnt know any of the characters on the list until #20, Luke Skywalker.

not really. playing a videogame i am very invested in at the moment. i drink a TON of water, 12 cups might be too few desu, but i also sweat a lot in weird places. like the palms of my hands and soles of my feet will be damp alot of the time like an amphibian. i think i might have hyperhydrosis, cause i suspect my thyroid is all out of whack anyway which can cause that, but i have to drink a lot to make up for the lost water. and salt. i love salty food and apparently over-salt things, but its my body craving it to get it back since im sweating it out.

also yeah i can understand why thatd be annoying. even in super big/fast threads im not some main contributor to, i'll make a new thread if im around at the right time.
Never read little women? thought that was a school must read.
>That's not to say that is bad because I'm glad they're improving their lives
Kek, people just stop posting from time to time, you're delusional if you think that 4 months of shitposting in this general had any real effect on their lives. I think it's cool that you want people to improve themselves, but let us be realistic here.
Scratch little women, never watched the simpsons?
The hold that show got on popular culture back then was insane. It wasn't uncommon to see some guy out there actually feeling proud of having encyclopedic knowledge about the simpsons.
One went to focus on her studies after neeting and being in a spiral of gachaslaving, another nona credits moid chan for getting a bf.

muh r9k being a well of unescapable depression and whatever is another obsolete meme, it's just a fucking webpage with a dwindling userbase, nothing less, nothing more.
>muh r9k being a well of unescapable depression
never said that either
There have been real improvements, and imprivements are most apparent early on. You are that much of a shitposter that is all you focus on. Peaches has her job and other hobbies. Kpop has her new social circle and is now involved with art. Tomo runs and has a better relationship with her family, boring has her boyfriend and finished a significant career boosting class. There are many otherd. Nonas have improved.
>That's not to say that is bad because I'm glad they're improving their lives over stagnating here
i'm still here sadly
>i've been feeling very poetic recently and i don't know how to feel about it. kind of pretentious but i think its a decent way to keep my mind busy, since i dont have people
I've been seeing some poetry threads pop up occasionally. Might be fun to throw some stuff at the wall. I too have been secretly feeling a little poetic. But I'm not very good at it, I usually have some nice ideas but lack the skill to do much with it.

>i'm still here sadly
Which nona are you?
>How much actual water do you drink per day?
i drank more water when i was unemployed. i used to aim for at least three glasses during the day, but now i'm working too much to really put focus on hydrating.

>What is your favorite thing to drink?
sweet iced tea!!! preferably with lemon <3

>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
tea. coffee's too strong and bitter for me.

>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
i haven't had any. not because i oppose it, but because drinking alone doesn't sound super exciting.

probably aim right for one of those alcoholic strawberry lemonades, though.
staying here and improving aren't mutually exclusive. You just have a bit less time for 4chan.
Now that you mention it saw it back then with twitter people too, the moment their lives were going better/great or they were busy/focused on something the need for social media just decreases.
>Which nona are you?
i never used a trip or posted in this general much but i still liked coming here occasionally to speak to other femanons. i'm glad they're doing things with their lives but it feels like a ghost town here these days ;(
i guess you're right but at the same time i feel like using the internet reinforces this behavior of mine and prevents me from actually doing anything with my life. maybe i just have no self control idk
you are pierced nipple nona aren't you
It's a comfort zone that lets you procrastinate giving you short term dopamine, not unlike vidya.
But this is a forum so what those nonas have done has been basically talk about what they do or want to do and get a bit of encouragement and accountability as they get reminded about it, or given advice and support, etc. I'm glad it has worked out a bit for them and hopefully it can for you at some point.
>this behavior of mine and prevents me from actually doing anything with my life.
What is it that you want to do?
Always chuckle at people hyping up alcoholic beverages as if they were tasty or delicious
It's just a poison we endure to loosen the tongue and feel happier. None of if taste nice
no but there was a nona who got her nipples pierced lol?
thank you for the well wishes nona. and you're right it isn't using 4chan specifically but it's like procrastinating which is my biggest problem. it's so much more easier to doom scroll for hours instead of getting things done
i want to get a job and go back to school since i dropped out. i'm pretty much a neet right now
I'd say most are still there and check regularly but don't post at all when the thread becomes a shitshow, which has happened in the last couple of editions.
So it's not that it became a ghost town, rather than everyone just rolls their eyes and move on seeing how dull and full of moids it gets, what >>78282401 said about diffusion of responsibility once again pretty much
So am I, and I'm very stagnant unlike the other nonas. But, I still live my life as it's pretty well set unlike theirs. They're young.

The strawberry lemonade drink sounds good rn. The milkweed, AHHHHHHHHHHH. It is such a weed here.
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finally did the full length 140 question version
jesus christ I truly am a walking stereotype
no no, milkweed is good! they serve as host plants for monarch butterflies, and monarchs pollinate a whole bunch of wildflowers native to the us.
that makes sense. i haven't checked up on this thread for a little while but i can see that it doesn't have the same vigor as it did in the very beginning yk?
i'm glad to know you're still here tho since i spoke to you a few times before and you were always really nice and chill :)
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Based meme nona
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Fine, the last thing I want to do is to take away momentum from anyone. Good luck, nonnies
>i want to get a job and go back to school since i dropped out. i'm pretty much a neet right now
Do you know what you would want to go back for or have an idea of what you want to do?

You don't have to answer this, but I'm guessing you are the one who was on the college esports team. I like to guess.
I know it's good as a pollinator plant, but ugh. It's why we tend to not touch it around here unless it starts growing in places we don't wamt it to. Along our road, there is a milkweed plant what seems like every foot. It's also edible for us, but I never want to try it. I'll stick to the ones I know well tgat don't need much preparation like multiple changes of boiling water. It just reminds me so much of pokeweed which gives me the creepy and ewww vibes.

New things tend to come in waves. I don't think this thread is an exception. It exploded quickly but slowed down after the initial settling. But then again, I think the majority of posts for the first five threads were just typical meme shitposts.

I'm tyvm for the feedback! I'm glad to know others don't view me as the megabitch, but a cool and nice nona.
Off topic, but I hate how DB keeps making Vegeta as a jobber. I mean, he got such an upgrade with Ultra Ego, yet kept getting beat down so easily with the Granola Arc.
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I disagree, being that always second, resentful punching bag is why I loved him in DBZ. Without him taking that brutal beating from kid buu, no one would have lived. He's not for everyone.
>I'm glad to know others don't view me as the megabitch
Nah, you're just a little bitch.
>Do you know what you would want to go back for or have an idea of what you want to do?
i genuinely have no idea. i've looked into chemistry but i'm too dumb for that desu. also no i've only ever talked about mundane shit and not my own personal life. i like that you keep track of anons tho lol
that's true and i do remember seeing the very first thread and assumed it was just shitposting to own the moids but it was nice seeing it turn into a place of genuine discussion. it surprised me especially since this is such a negative board. i don't see how anyone would even view you as that haha but every nona i spoke with on here was really cool
I agree it was more active earlier but it also had a lot of spam with nonas talking in the middle of it
Now is more like chill talk -> spam hours -> chill talk and so on. But sometimes there aren't many people around for the chill talk, maybe because they see the spam and think it's not worth posting, who knows.
Just hope it doesn't die, if it has been a positive for so many nonas is worth the effort then.
With everything he's went through, I just think he deserves the medal for once.
So he never had his moment over goku after all this time? poor guy
i hope it doesn't die either. i'll try contributing more and talking to nonas because this thread is one of the only good ones
oh, yeah, it's SUPER toxic. plants are neat.
>i've looked into chemistry but i'm
You should give it more thought. But also just trying things and meeting different people can give you opportunities to stumble into things you didn't even know existed. It's pretty late so I won't be able to respond for some time.

>Nice Casablanca reference
Goodnight, Tea Cake. Have a nice night.
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Looks like we just appreciate different things, not everyone has to be a winner to have a significant impact. Giving him his "long awaited victory" feels forced fan service and goes completely against the nature of the character.

His first two thirds of the series was about him descending into melancholy and madness over slowly realizing that he's never going to be the prince he thought himself to be and the last third was him finally embracing his role as a soldier.
Giving away cheap victories to pander to the feefees of his fans completely ruined the character, in my opinion.
You will always be the vegeta of these threads. Getting beat like a Pinata, while I taste sweet nectar of winning your favorite nonas heart
Fuck, I was hoping it would've been in the other direction and I would be the omega bitch.

It wouldn't be surprising to assume that it was another shitposting if we saw it, but I love how it evolved. Look at how much we've discussed in 136 threads! They may not always be great, but they're def fun! You all have helped me a lot.

If you knew me IRL, you'd know me as an extremely caring person. The meanness is just online and a way to vent, but there are times I can be mean like that time I was onto kpop about something, but I was wrong to do that. I'm not like I talk on here with the patients for example. The Wanderer, for example, I've had a lot of patience with. I had to talk with him about an hour ago again about waking up his roommate (angry guy), but never in a mean way. He "understands" but I know he doesn't get it b/c of his dementia. It's frustrating. The one I do get on about IRL though is the Clown. He knows it too. I haven't had to work with him in a bit though since my boss has been scheduling me every night at the stepdown house. I wonder if he talked to my boss about it? Idk. She didn't say anything. I get onto him because he's that annoying.

You can make it edible, but it's too much work imo.

God I'm so dumb to say my irl nickname on here. Goodnight. Sleep well and sweet dreams!

Fanservice? Lol that's all DB is.
Good. I wouldn't have it any other way. Struggle builds character.
you can make a whole lot of toxic plants 'edible.' a lot of them can, yeah, be boiled into teas and the like, but.. there's a whole bunch of teas we can just drink normally. those are cool too.

that said, i really ought to try hibiscus tea. it's supposed to turn this really nice purpleish color if you add lemon.
When I was young and stupid I used to call tea dirty water and refuse it when offered.
Now I'm just stupid so I drink it but refuse to believe all of those miraculous effects advertised.
A lot of is mostly just neutralizing what makes it toxic. Pokeweed I know you can eat the shoots and the leaves when they first start appearing as my grandma used to eat them. I remember her boiling it many times. I just don't want to be around it. It is a plant that gives me really bad vibes.

The one I like the most is stinging nettle. It may not taste the best, but I love the benefits of it and I got lots of it this year. I made sure to get it beforeit flowers since it tastes really bad once it does. I also likeit because it's everywhere and I never have to worry about overharvesting. I can take so much out for our hens, and it will noteven make a dent since our land is covered so much in it.

I did not know that about hibicus tea. Hmmm, I really need to find it here in the wild. It probably is but I've just passed by it.

Lol@ dirty water. I can see how you can say that though. Ikwym when you say miraculous effects. It does have some, but they're very overplayed. But then again, I never grew my own and brewed it straight off the plant. Msybe next year I shoukd try growing my own? Hmmm.....a new subject to research into.
>If you knew me IRL
I'd love that. Not her btw.
why are you always on the nightshift? do you very much prefer it?
I like it. It's nice and peaceful. I'd probably pull my hair out if I had to work another shift at this point. My twelve hour shifts drive me up the wall enough interacting with these guys during the evening and in the morning.
you mean the stinging nettle? can see why you don't see the point of growing it when there's so much around but if it helped you and it might enhance the benefits even more maybe it's worth the try
>stinging nettle
That's cool. I've never tried nettle tea but I had the seeds are supposed to be really good for you. What does it taste like
>I just like spring water too, and drink it as a treat.
Do people actually believe this?
Water being a "treat"?
There isn't any point in purposely growing stinging nettle here: it's everywhere here. I have to wear pants or something to cover my legs like my calf compression garments just to protect my legs when I'm out hiking our land and go off the main trail or road. That is how much it spreads here. I also like how easy it is to prepare. I can just wash it out during a shower then put it in like my dedicates bag, then hang it to dry or agaimst my fan. Though, I don't like that last one since whatever room it's in, it makes the room smell like that for awhile. I fon't mind if it's something I like like wild geraium or wood sorrell, but I do have to watch that.
I never had the seeds as I've read there's a lot of calcium oxalate in it, but in many others, they can be minimized just boiling it. I just harvest a few leaves from each plant if it's for myself.

The best eay I would describe it is spinach tea. So, if you like spinach but would prefer to drink it, that would be it. Except if you harvest it late which just tastes completely different and terrible. You can eat it too as a spinach substitute.
Okay, that's enough virtue signaling for today.
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404 vagina not found
making moidchan a housewife
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I think it's a bit too late for that, but she could be like Miss Grimshaw from RDR2, watching over the rest of the girls and tending the camp fire
>tfw not an intimidating granny figure with big hair and a nice six-shooter
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That's entirely up to you.
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It's only us moids again..
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always have been, this general would have died a long time ago if we didn't LARP here 8 hours a day
She wasted her younger years.
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moidchan is a true fembot and that's why we love her
Doesn't negate that she wasted all of her years and didn't settle. She should have done it when she had the chance.
>everyone whines that you're now a whore instantly when your body count becomes 1
>don't settle
>still can't catch a break
The feminine men here have pretty impossible standards kek.
I don't. I love slutty girls. I want all women to be as slutty as their hearts desire. I wouldn't describe myself as feminine, though.
>that she wasted all of her years and didn't settle
yeah, she shitposted on 4chan for 20 year instead
*one of us! one of us!*
Good morning nonas! Enjoy your day

>>How much actual water do you drink per day?
At least two litres (about half a freedom gallon). I have a half litre bottle that I fill three times each day. When accounting for the water I have with my meals, that's at least another half litre.

>>What is your favorite thing to drink?
Tea. I like the more traditional ones, but I live for the bizarre blends with fruits and spices and all that.

>>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
See previous answer

>>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Rarely. Mostly on social situations. Garibaldi

That sucks. They aren't even pulling their own weight. And what they did to Blanket Shaman is borderline abusive.
Based OP1
>and I'm tempting to start again.
Best of luck. As with every nona here: I'll miss you if you go, but I'll be happy knowing you've moved on to better things.

Good to see you, Berries.
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Thanks nona! Thank you for your contributions! I missed them.

I can't believe I had missed your post!

The results, however... I have no words.
women please i am looking for one mommy domme girlfriend to take care of me like i would take care of her. im a loyal golden retriever type bf but im tired of submissive women who need constant protection. i need a roughneck mommy to protect me
How the fuck do you get C3PO.
She's a robot who really loves technology and computing.
Based ravenclaw robot nona
Remember to drink your water
>Remember to drink your water
Drinking a bottle right now! And listening to a video of squatters getting evicted.
Poor guys, might be third worlder but I'm lucky I live in a place where rent/buying a house isn't an outright impossible.

Drinking my water and waiting for the olympics opening ceremony. Love watching all those little sports I'm never going to practice.
>olympics opening ceremony.
I'm so out of touch I don't even know where they're hosted this year.
>She's a robot who really loves technology and computing.
I think it's also because I'm a doormat.

>Love watching all those little sports I'm never going to practice
Right? I'm spending the whole weekend watching all the sports I wont remember exsist until the next olympics. Are you looking forward to any sport in particular?
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They are in Paris

picrel triggers my sense of wonder, escapes my comprehension. How are you even doing that
>Love watching all those little sports I'm never going to practice.
I might try to catch some gymnastics - a sport I used to practice but never will again.
>I think it's also because I'm a doormat
If you were a doormat you would have answered my question about SLM, and told me your thoughts on when to make best use of vector databases and agentic ai.
God forbid I'd rather be single than settle with someone I don't love like a worthless moid like you.

You cannot win at all.

lol, I think there might be a misunderstanding. I'm not going: i'm just tempted to take the Daytrana patch (sorry, got the name wrong, but still same ingredient.) I actually do need to rest but like weeks ago when I wanted to bedrot, I went crazy not doing anything. It will help me out, but damn, I don't want to put it on.

I got some of them on my Google calendar I'm going to watch. There's only going to be a few though. I got mostly the cycling marked down along side the men and women's marathon. I hope there's no major accidents like what happened in the women's cycling at Rio. You can look it up, her name is Annemiek van Vleuten. She didn't brake in time during a turn downhill and suffered some serious injuries..

I really have to watch Deathmarch (aka race walking.) It's always funny to watch. It sucks they took away the 50k race.

Hey b!!! I said in the e-mail I was going to sleep, but I did want to catch up in the thread a bit before doing so. I understand what they were doing with Blanket Shaman since he wasn't able to get to the bathroom on time, but I think he'd rather wet himself and allow us to change his clothes than to wear a diaper. It'd be inconvenient for us, but it's also his choice. He's doing a lot better now. He just needs assistance getting out of bed.

Anyways, off to bed with me. Good day and night to you all!
>rather be single than settle
Smart. Settling never leads to good things.
>It will help me out, but damn, I don't want to put it on.
Why's that? Side effects of some kind?
Sleep well sweet tea.
This board is going through a severe drought of e-girls. Anyone wants to be a new one?
No, thank you; I actually come here to disconnect from that for a bit.
But I need to have somebody to call pretty and pester for pics and vids.
Plenty to choose from on agatha2
I don't even know what that is. I prefer fembots.
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I still haven't lived down how marky picked that ugly honorary nigger fat jewish sociopathic ogre over a normal guy who would have treasured and loved her.
>picked that ugly honorary nigger fat jewish sociopathic ogre
many such cases
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didn't read, and i know the simpsons vaguely. ive seen a couple of episodes but i didn't really find it very funny. neither of those things were in my top 20 results though.

most of us are here forever, its okay.

dunno if feeling poetic is the same as writing poetry. the rhyme structure is interesting but not very moving to me. just talking in silly metaphoric language is more emotive desu.

idk who that is. a lesbian loser? kek?
i didnt know there was a 140 question version, doing that after this post

i have a minor fear of drinking stagnant water because once when i was little i had a cup of water sit for like, weeks, and i drank it, and it tasted like a dead frog had been steeped in it, and i threw up, giving me the idea that water can go rotten, which is true, but like, it doesn't if you just leave it out for a day. but i don't drink any water i didn't see poured in front of me and i always take caution sips. i actually like tea a lot because it is boiled (purified) and has flavor which removes the association to the rotten water.

that's a trap. i get people do it for attention, and i'm lonely too, i want at least some attention, but the kinds of people who like egirls are insufferable, so the only attention i'd get from cashing in my face card online would be attention i don't remotely want. i've never had a social media presence enough to get many, only a few slightly obsessive anons, but orbiters are a miserable blight to interact with. i'd sooner stop posting anywhere online ever than try to collect them on purpose.

>doesn't know about altchans
welcome to 4chan! you're here forever!
>that's a trap. i get people do it for attention, and i'm lonely too, i want at least some attention, but the kinds of people who like egirls are insufferable, so the only attention i'd get from cashing in my face card online would be attention i don't remotely want. i've never had a social media presence enough to get many, only a few slightly obsessive anons, but orbiters are a miserable blight to interact with. i'd sooner stop posting anywhere online ever than try to collect them on purpose.
I'd be very nice, I promise!
>idk who that is
you haven't watched Breaking Bad??
>i don't drink any water i didn't see poured in front of me and i always take caution sips.
ahahha true autismo kek
>water autism
Many cats have a similar autistic view on water like you do.
Hello again women, I still love all of you very much <3
I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while. Have you been doing well while I've been away?
>t. male
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i also have not seen the walking dead but i like this guys face. i dont even remember what my number one is from last time but i didnt like her face.

fame is a process of mutual dehumanization. i bet you most celebrities get up on a stage and look down at the crowd and think of them as other. like a subcategory of human. "follower-type" people, with less autonomy and individuality than "leader-type" people. the idol gets dehumanized too, turned into a caricature of perfection worth adoring. suddenly any mistake is scrutinized to the utmost and empathy is gone. everyone becomes isolated and less than they once were in context of each other and nobody is ever happy.

if i gained a legion of obsessives and could say or do mostly anything and have cheers erupt no matter how banal or retarded my action was, i would hate every single person in the crowd and i would hate myself. it's not about manners. that dynamic of power, influence and blind worship should not exist anywhere. it's like a freeform voluntary cult.

i haven't seen most things dude

i have been told i seem autistic and also that i seem like a cat in many occasions so that's accurate enough
Oh come on. You'd just be an r9k e-girl, not Michael fucking Jackson.

>How much actual water do you drink per day?
1,5 liters, it's really refreshing and a surprisingly good coping mechanism desu

>What is your favorite thing to drink?
Cold choccy milk all day long

>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
Coffee, black with no sugar because that's how you can truly feel that delicious nutty flavor

>Do you drink alcohol?
Not too often because it tastes like shit and I generally binge eat when I'm too stressed
>If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
although I generally just have cheap vodka, my favorite ones are generally wine, beer, high quality spirits and those fruity ones that don't actually taste like alcohol
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>i haven't seen most things dude
based anticonsoomer or just apathetic?
>>78289033 v/
lack of opportunity for awhile, lack of motivation more recently. i watch one movie or short show a month on average. sometimes nothing the whole month. when i get really depressed i stay home and binge more than usual but theres still ten bajillion things to watch and ive not seen most of it.
My bad fell asleep.
>1 minute for gallon of spring water
In the moment, it probably kind of drags on. I assume where the spring is you can't do other stuff while your containers fill up? Like a garden you can go weed, or check up on?
>Is well water not good?
It's better than average tap water by quite a bit, but I've just always enjoyed spring water. It's super refreshing. That, and iced tea. I enjoy our well water, and think it's good to cook with, and drink.
Dude I just re-wired myself to enjoy spring water. That's all. It's not like the only good thing in my fucking life is spring water you sperg lol. Some times I have a little salami too.

How can I brutally murder the person in that webm?
First, you'll have to get in line and wait for your turn
what do you do for most of the day then?
You're worth idolizing desu
berries-chan is so kawaiii..
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>i seem like a cat
yeah I kind of get that vibe
How do you feel about this h-manga?
>spinach tea
Interesting. I'm not worried about kidney stones, I don't see myself getting them. I should drink more green things though.
Yes, you need the young nettles. One of my favorite things ever is nettle soup. Make sure to wear your wellies, or tuck your trousers into your socks! I learnt the hard way.
Jeeze. Just checked the place out and it's sad. Drugged out egirls posting nudes and cutting just for attention. >>78288760
>dunno if feeling poetic is the same as writing poetry. the rhyme structure is interesting but not very moving to me. just talking in silly metaphoric language is more emotive desu.
Yes! The rhyme and structure is too much work and effort but the metaphorical and abstract is fun to do. I wish I could share something with you but I don't want anyone to know. There's some fun ways to get around things so to speak.
>posting nudes and cutting just for attention
That's the e-girl life, yes.
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>>78289133 v/
does well water have a distinct flavor or anything that makes it nice for cooking with?

i walk around outside, go swimming, think things, feel things. cook. clean up. wash myself, wash my clothes. cook. go to the city, grocery store, farmer market. listen to music most of the time. exercise. daydream.

do you really watch stuff all day? watching tv for an hour or something makes my eyes or head hurt. i cant imagine staring at a screen the entire time.

>>78289422 v/
so ive been told.

yeah, thats just about what you get for being an e-girl.
>too much work
eh, its not hard to rhyme, it just doesnt feel poetic to me. it feels funny. its fun to do it but its not like... emotional. yknow?
>daily activities
that's very cool, i was thinking you're more of the hikkineet type
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I don't know who any of these characters are kek. Though, I'm glad Lady Macbeth made the list.
It's more like normal tap water has kind of an "off" taste to it. Where with well water you drink it, and can instantly tell it's nice clean water. No real metallicy after taste or notes. Just clean filtered water. Where as spring water is the clean water plus some minerals for taste that organically comes with it. Making it a little extra refreshing because some of those minerals replenish your electrolytes or other bodily needs. More quenching. To me they all have their own unique taste.

As for cooking it is great because it doesn't alter the dish at all.
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i hate being trapped inside. i lay in my yard more than i lay in my bed. still isolated. nobody lives in eyeshot of my house. i think i might qualify as a redneck.

oh i thought well water was the one with minerals. spring water tastes very clean to me. my tap water tastes like fucking sulfur.
You don't know Harry Potter? Another unescapable pop culture product
Well bad news. My "assignment is over."
Basically I got let go from my job. I am crying right now. I needed this I don't know what happened. This doesn't mean a bad thing but I was doing well then and then let go because I called off sick for a day. Yeah I just got fired. Now I don't know what to do. I stashed enough money to handle next month but thats it. I am panicking so much I needed this to last and now I don't know anymore. I hate this. Every time I have a bad feeling it comes true. I hate it so much I hate how bad things have to constantly happen. Why can't I just be allowed to live and get things going. WHY.
How long did you last? I hope something comes quick. Don't get caught on it being a bad thing, we almost never know whether that's actually true and it's just a job, if they are firing you for a single sick day then it was better to rip off the bandaid quick so to speak. A better one will come
Three and a half weeks. I need something soon. I hope the temp agency finds something I can do quickly I was starting to manage this one and now its all just poof gone.
She's awesome, I feel jelly for the lucky bastard that gets to devote himself to her the way she deserves.
The printers one? wtf you were killing it there. They probably thought of you as over qualified? I hope you can at least get a good word or a reference from them to help the agency get you something quick.
Sorry it didn't last, it looked like it was below your abilities but that doesn't matter when you just need the money
>another tranime avatarfag
No better than that shitstain >>78264832
>choccy milk
Ah, the memories, I was insufferable for choccy milk as a kid
If you really can't tell the abyss of quality between those two you might be better off in a place that doesn't have text altogether. Idk, pinterest or tiktok
>Sorry it didn't last, it looked like it was below your abilities but that doesn't matter when you just need the money
Thing were working well besides that elder lady that was there. I don't know anymore. I just need a stable income the loan payments hit next month. I saved enough to make sure I could take care of them for that month but after that... I am scared. Family situation hasn't changed at all either so barely just hanging on we needed my income and now that's gone. Why I am always anxious and stressed out. Something bad ALWAYS happens. ALWAYS. I just want to finally get something going in my life and it literally feels like some invisible force is purposely screwing me. I feel sick and so tired. I hate this.
Start applying for things you really want to do. Look for remote positions too.
That's the issue what I want to do and can do are two different things. I can do a lot of technical stuff but my body is not physically fit to manage much. The printer job helped some but I am still very weak and struggle. I don't have any degree of qualifications that prove I can do the things I say I can do with them putting me down at some table and allowing me to do it.

That was the whole point of the temp agency. They can find me stuff that best suits me more than I can find myself.
>can do a lot of technical stuff but my body is not physically fit to manage much.
there's more to technical stuff than just hardware.
I don't have a degree or credentials. Also my world view of what I can manage or what is even out there for me is extremely limited. I have utterly no idea what I can do. Or even where to go.
Yeah, that mass-replying attention whore with toxic positivity is more visible and annoying.
>toxic positivity
What does this mean? Who is mass replying?
Any chances this makes your family wake up? They shouldn't be relying that much on you
It is mainly my dad. He needs to do something. My mom is working and my dad isn't doing squat right now. He sells cooked foods sometimes but he never manages money right so he never has enough for anything then he has a lot of down time which he isn't doing crap with it.
Oh, great
Another foid with daddy issues
Oh great, the moid moved on from targeting avatar fags to harass the impoverished nona that just got laid off.
Bitch pitybaits too much, the daddy bit is kinda funny, though.
>drives few remaining posters away
>cries when it's boring and there's no one posting
Damn, so many femanons answering questions like >>>/adv/31694980 without a care in the world, unlike our stunted fembots. Maybe we should go over there, lads?
Haven't seen her in a while I think. Hope she is alright
Probably because it's a blue board.
Red color is for angermaxxing.
Also, when someone gets too naughty on those boards, one of the most popular stock responses is "Go back to /r9k/". That's why there are a lot of rejects and tourists here.
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i'm really sorry to hear that! ive heard from other people how awful it is trying to get a job these days. i hope you find something soon and something thats not insufferable either. good luck nona

i mean i liked the show but i mostly picked her because i wanted a folder to quarantine to this thread. i have a million trillion pictures saved because i think theyre cool and pretty and funny or whatever and i was never sure how id end up feeling about my weird little experiment here so i picked something i wouldn't mind never posting again if i wanted to shed my skin like a snake and move along.

i have some really kino pics. i browse /p/. i took this screenshot myself, for example, i like posting pics like it: https://files.catbox.moe/16vt81.png
>i hope you find something soon and something thats not insufferable either. good luck nona
Thank you. I felt like I was finally getting somewhere. This hurts so much.
Hey berries, what do you think is the best way to pay back somebody who is truly evil and choses to be hurtful and lying towards others?

This question also goes towards >>78287522 or other nonas.
if theyre truly evil you can never pay them back, you just have to kill them.
oi berries, muh daddy done sold his foods and they took me bloody job
womp, womp
9/10 times now I write a post here and then close the page before posting
Copy and paste it in a notepad and you'd have your own journal
I actually have done that more than a few times. I don't reread them or anything, but it might make for a nice time capsule if I decide to revisit it years later
There should be no go back to r9k reply, nothing really happens here.
I know sometimes I have to compromise, but on this I'm not.

I'd rather not go into why. Another nona knows why, but I'd rather not go into it. I went ahead and applied a patch an hour ago. I know it's going to calm the hyperactivity, but I get mad over it.

Thank you! I slept well other than another apocalypse nightmare.

With the way you all harassed every single one of them? No. You are all terrible and reinforced my worldview. I don't like the attention anyway.

lol, it's actually true with the stagnant water. What some survivalist books have said though was that you can just pour water into containers back and forth a few times and it will refresh it. The stagnation is just the oxygen depletion...unless it has something in it which then, yeah, it could be contaminated.

Sorry to hear about feeling trapped. Personally, I like living like this. There are some homes nearby, but I live mostly isolated.

My cat was like that with water and food. He'd have a full food bowl and water, but he would not touch either. I'd have to put in "fresh" food (me just dumping his old food back into the bag, then scooping it back in--he didn't know the difference) and water every time before he would eat or drink.

The only celebrity I have ever seen that did not go down that path is Gary Sinese. He's one of the few I don't mind. The rest are just overpaid entertainers who live in energy guzzling mega mansions while telling us we need to downsize our lives for climate change.

Nope, nothing. It's middle of nowhere. I could walk a bit, but I just have to deal with it. It's also a dead area so no cell service to listen to anything.

I just put it in a salad when it's in season (and I feel like collecting a bunch) or use it as a tea.

It depends. Our well was very hard, so it had a bitter taste. But once it was soften, it tasted salty thanks to the softening salts.
Peaches! I'm sorry to hear that. That is terrible. It's a sign of a bad workplace if you cannot even call off once without being let go. Take a night to sleep before thinking about this stuff, so that your mind is clearer.

I hope the temp agency is able to find you something quick. Afterall, they were the one who found it for you, right? I hope the place is no longer recommended by the temp agency. Sick days are essential.

I'd have some suggestions, but it'd be better if you had some time for the shock to wear off before saying anything. It's always hard to hear this stuff at first and it's always good to rest at least a bit before assessing something like this.

Revenge is something God does: not me.
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well, right now won't last forever. it might get better or worse, but it will become something else. then it will become better or worse again, and again. it'll be something new forever. i don't know if it's very comforting to other people, but to me it's somehow comforting to think "oh, yeah. things have been a lot worse than this, and also a lot better than this, but i'm here all the same, whether its good or bad. i'm here when i'm hungry and have no food, and i'm also here when i decide to order two hamburgers and a milkshake at a diner because i can afford it now." you will keep being here. serious third-person-perspective autismo but for me it feels like worrying is a thing you do for the future, right? i want a good future, i want to be happy. it can be calming to put the future on pause and be in the right now, for a moment, where everything is the same as it is, because it's still now and not later yet.

i hope something better comes for you, so your nows and your laters are both okay places to let your mind rest.

well i know its true, but like, a glass of clean water sitting on a table for... two days? its not going to REALLY go bad, right? what i drank was like, weeks, months old. probably had dust and bugs and it was slimy. absolutely nasty. it doesnt go THAT rotten.

i just feel trapped sometimes because i've been locked in places before. when you cant go anywhere no matter what you come to appreciate open areas, places without the idea of an entrance. entrances can be blocked. outside is unblockable.
Just so worried right now. We need a stable income in this house. Also my cat is acting real odd hiding and he pee'd himself. He was doing fine earlier today so like... why does bad things always continue to happen and it can't just be one thing it always comes in groups. I worry so much for a reason.

Thank you.
I think it's starting to take effect, so if I don't seem like my usual self, it's the ADHD patch taking effect. It's been about two hours and my hyperactive thoughts have calmed down.

The water thing just reminded me that I got some water I need to rotate out. Thank you for bringing it up.

I understand 100%, berries. The fear of being locked down is terrible. It's why I like being in the middle of nowhere since it's so open. But it can be distressing if you cannot go anywhere.

I understand peaches. As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. Things always seem to happen all at once. It's why it is important to maybe take a night to rest so you can think clearer since your stress hormones are in overdrive rn.

Are you saying this just started happening with your cat? Like today? Never before? If so, he may just be sensing your stress and reacting to it. Pets can sense this stuff.
>apocalypse nightmare
The bible one?
It did have some fire and brimstone in it, but not to Revelations extent.
>fire and brimstone
Were you the cause of it? Be honest
Another day emptying the water bottle in minutes after barely touching it for the whole day.
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>cute Ranni figure gets announced
Another one for the list I guess...at least it comes out this year and will probably be cheap. Be a nice birthday gift for myself.
>How much actual water do you drink per day?
A couple liters, I've got a 1L metal bottle I throw a handful of ice into and go through a few times a day.
>What is your favorite thing to drink?
I like fizzy stuff because of the mouthfeel but I basically never drink it. Sweet tea is nice too but the same thing there.
>Coffee or tea (pick one?)
Coffee. Tea is nice but I prefer coffee
>Do you drink alcohol? If so, what is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Not really. Once in a while before I got pregnant but even then it was usually a rum and coke or two on a Friday night
That's a cute figurine. How many do you have?
Just a couple Nendoroids and a figma right now. Got another figma coming next year though
biofem is derd
Didn't get my paycheck so I'm not bumping or clowning around.

OP1 is a stingy kike
>ADHD patch
the what now?
No, it just happened like in most dreams.

Lol, relateable.

Hey mama, how are you?
need mommy Op1
I'm temporarily taking Daytrana.
Hi nonas, I normally don't intrude on your thread but the OP picked a cool topic today. I just bought a britacooler a month ago and I am loving it does anyone else have one? I like to put a few drops of lemon juice in my water and like to get out of bed at 3am to have an ice cold glass and pretend I am standing in antartica
>I just bought a britacooler
A fucking what?
Just put your tap water in the fridge to cool it down.
Britacoolers are a water filtration system.
I used to think in a similar vein that it was one of those pointless things women buy but when I tried a glass at my sisters house I was a changed man

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