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Caledonian Canal edition
SSM should just get a job
Love this sort of scenery. I wish I lived in an eternal, foggy autumn.
jynx maze lemonade stand cowgirl enthusiastic fuck
He deserves top rate PIP for what he's gone through.
sasha grey double team blowjob dirty talk
the countless women he raped deserve top rate PIP
What's this pornhub search terms gimmick then
Alt /britfeel/ with IDs, for real men
Cool little island you can buy. Crazy thing is, some guy bought it back in 2019 for a cool six million wit plans to build a hotel on it, yet five entire years later he's still at square one with planning permission. Utterly insane. The island is abandoned and doing nothing and this guy made a huge investment, yet the 'local council' has just twiddled their thumbs and vetoed every attempt he's made at doing anything with it for five whole fucking years.

State of this fucking country.
(((Bald and bankrupt)))
Need to start a nu FF sessh me

Goddamn memory keeps prolapsan and leakan on me
siri handjob sister's boyfriend dirty talk
That island is going to be completely underwater in about a decades time lul
he had an interview 2 days ago
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Give DVDlad his PIP right the fuck now... And it better be top rate.
>Still believing in sea level rise in 2024
I visited this canal when I went to Inverness in 2020.
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Money talks. The guy is rich enough to buy the island but not enough to grease the wheels of power to make things happen.

You think if Elon Musk bought that island with plans for a hotel he'd be held up by some coffindodgers at the council? Would he fuck.
Petitioning the janny to introduce poster IDs to r9k
Right but you can make dossers go to interviews all you want, you just can't stop them acting like mongs on purpose and just obviously shitting it up.

I already get PIP, lad. I'm not a fat fuck like pic related however. I do have autism. Probably a contributing factor in my obsession with hoarding DVDs.
1500 available balance trolls ringing up for wonga loans for few beers on a Friday but I'm getting paid next week they're saying crying down the phone line to an automated indian woman it tragic
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Morning lads hope we're all doing well x
yeah definitely the case here for SSM.
I remember once he had to interview at Co-op so he wore shorts and told us all where the shop was so the trolls would further ruin his chances
Has there been any measurable or meaningful sea level rise in the entire three or four decades since they started saying it would? Didn't Al Gore say NYC would be underwater by now? Come on lad, nobody buys this shit any more. Or at least unfortunately the only people who do genuinely buy it are nice, polite, middle class liberal white people who honestly want to help the world.
that grass needs cutting, disgusting
The nu sesshberg hath been created

Oversized tits on this deano slag innit
Michael Bates, the actor who plays the prison officer in A Clockwork Orange also plays Cyril in the first two series of Last of the Summer Wine and also blacked up for the first five seasons of It Ain't Half Hot Mum.
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Can't believe there are still mongs who believe that man made climate change is a serious issues that poses some kind of threat to society
All I want in life is an 'ex-chav' slampig wife. Literally that's all. Why is life so cruel?
Give him top rate PIP right fucking now.
FACT: Most of the "he's le ebul PUA rapist" shit you read about ben online is made-up headcanon by talentless leftist hack vloggers mad about the fact they don't have what it takes (and about ben not toeing the line and generally being against woke shit)
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If a hypothetical someone was hypothetically looking for hypothetical JOI videos of a hypothetical slag named, I don't know- completely random name, Natasha's Bedroom, where would someone go? Hypothetically?
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Almost everyone in this pic is on benefits. Where's my Randian individualist state I can move to and get away from this crap?
Peter Sallis, who plays Clegg, is the only actor to appear in every single episode from 1973 to 2010. He was also the voice of Wallace in Wallace and Gromit. Jane Freeman, who played Ivy, appeared in every series but NOT every episode.
Why not just own it. Why not just say 'yeah Ben is a rapist and I donr care and still support him'
>spend an hour driving to meet a hookup
>She bails
>Later messages me apology that she was too nervous
>Deletes her social media account

I'm bummed out now. I had a chance and she's gone, no way to contact her.
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Had one of these yesterday. Very nice I must say
Just ate a Quiche.
Alright Chris Chan
Exposed fella dropping more unwomfy videos

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Yesterday he said not drinking today bt he drinking today
dont bother this bitch doesnt even show pussy and most of her shit is weird
It's very amusing how the negroe societies down there on that continent resemble the society depicted in Idiocracy so very much

Seriously, go and compare the scenes from that movie with the shit you see in those on-the-ground reports/vlogs, the similarities are readily apparent

People who deny ethnic differences in IQ live in a dreamworld completely divorced from reality
Interestingly, Roy Clarke wrote every single episode of Last of the Summer Wine. He was also the creator and writer of Open All Hours and Keeping Up Appearances.
doubt it
most of them are probably in employment
deano salesmen and builders and stuff
Travelling and paying for Wengland games isn't cheap
boggles le brain doesnt it
You mentioned this yesterday. I found it interesting then and still now
Ought to sort thru the other shit still

Cannot really be arsed howeverbeit, least not rn
lollers is a pdf file
Laughed audibly about this on my train to Bradford
I had 2 women carrying my sprogs at once about 2 years ago. At the time I thought "This is like idiocracy in action"
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Give him his Swanage house with sea views
I really didn't know he wrote every episode himself. Like after 20 years did he have to catch himself on like "Oh shit! I already wrote this episode!".
Also, when Bill Owen (who played Compo) died in 2000, his real life son took over and played Compo's son in the show for the last 10 years.
Very storied history this show has...
Well there's naught wrong with pumping a few IQ points into some of the better looking jungle-bunnies is there lads?
I thought of this gimmick when anon made this post>>78284448
What do you mean gimmick?
Whats in Bradford?
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Why so many women buy the most overpriced, underpowered hardware with the baby operating system? They don't like any challenge in their life. They just want something that "just werks." She wouldn't even know how to install Arch Linux or compile a package from source.
These days, many evropean societies are turning into idiocracy-style endevaours as well due to the water being heavily fluoridated and the skies being sprayed with toxic substances around the clock on purpose by (((them)))

(((They))) want their cattle as dumb and tranquilized/distracted/obedient as possible
Someone please post the toaster webm, I have an immediate desire to expel an insignificant amount of air from my nostrils.
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great thread. my apu loves wanals
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>Don't drink the wa'ah m8... They put something in it... To make you forget...
I know fuck all about Linux but I'm sure I could look up how to install it if I really wanted to. She could probably do the same but why would she?
Phoneposting and don't have the webm to hand, but maybe I can make you laugh all the same. Ready? Here goes:

Some car a Journalist has on loan that's needs picking up. Corr, 4 and and a half hours on the train from Kingston upon Thames
"Female" software engineer wagies.
Enjoy your grilled cheese, lid.
Thought you had an Aztec Apu now, lad? Keep up with your own lore or I'll drop a bunch of Bandito Apus down your chimeney (chim chim cheree).
Me? I support black trans rights in ukraine, that's why i'm quadruple boosted. I also signed up for the WW3 draft preemptively, again to support and protect trans rights. I'm the goodest goy of them all
i love long train journeys
How can you not smile at this drunken display of childish happiness.
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freezer update freezer update

Nimm deine Medikamente.
I love his smug smirk in this. He's a menace and he knows it.
Saucy little minx isn't she
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seasideMARK renewed his RSPB membership and fed bacon to the birds

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Thank you lad you just made my day
He got his hi-vis jacket to make it look like he's employed when he goes out. Neighbours think he works. Very smart dossermaxxer.
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Might have few jars later myself after all its friday nd i had difficult week too much stress in my life will be de-stressing from next week no more negative influence in life
>He's a menace and he knows it.
Happier than a seagull with a chip
Proud he is of his ingenuity, are Mark. He invent new way of using machine. He culinary groundbreaker and it lush, deee laaaaads.
Fuck me. I just get depressed whenever I see some goddess tier succubus like this now. Depressed and angry. It's not right. Why can't I just have a gf? I'm 29 and a virgin.
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Shall be having a tug soonish
Coooorrrrr is this the return of the ShesideArmy?? Based.
do men *actually* find this attractive
I don't getttt itttt
Because you and her are fucking dumb.
Linux is for fucking losers lad.
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Indeed lad we are back!
mache ich ja, morgens zwei und am abend zwei
>mark shaving his forehead
if he was a woman he'd have 10 kids
barely defrosted steak and peas for dinner and it lush
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Find me just one female Linux user. You can't. They don't exist.
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Enjoy being spied on by Apple and Microsoft. Enjoy having advertisements in your paid operating system cuck. Only losers put up with advertisements.
What's 'the toaster webm'
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Scottish lass uses Windows. She isn't a fool and doesn't spend more than she has to on a computer. Respect to her.
I love that you're building a collection of sprogless wagies. Do you have that other grim woman?
Marks going out this evening on the pull

For your non-tranny needs
Me? I only utilize unfluoridated water and toof paste. I filter it thru reverse osmosis and then add himalayan sea salt to it
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I wonder if she still has a good thigh gap at 24.
Phwoar can see her arse from the front. Bend her over and fuck her till you cum deep inside her womb then fuck her again and cum again, innit? She lush she lush my cum inside her lush her lush pussy wahey wahey!
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Is this thread a d*llycell gimmick
I had a feeling
ruthmong should become a forex trader
https://desuarchive.org/r9k/search/filename/07%20july%20day.jpg%20/ 5 years throwing tantrums over getting to wear the OP hat
I didn't know there were trees in the UK
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Only two so far, both from BBC. Complaining they can't afford sprogs yet some unemployed single mum pumps out one every 9 months just fine.
a spammer thinks having a thread to go to and avoid the spam thinks its a gimmick
le shocked Pikachu face
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Lad no. Please don't think that way about her. She's not like those trash girls who use their bodies for views.
What's her channel name? She's very cute.
She has such pert little tits. Something sexy about a slut who acts all slutty but doesn't have the knickers for it. Like she has to work extra hard to make up for her buds.
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She needs a bigger house so she doesn't have to put the ironing board in her living room.
What's her YouTube then? Post it (you won't).
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mogs them nerdy bookworm asmr bints with her breasts. a real woman. sex fucking sells de lid.
That's Laurel dreams how new r u lad
Crossmong screaming at his imaginary enemies
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Yea thats wild haha....... neway give me a kiss big man
Very grim how small modern apartments and flats are in this country. Must've been a shock for her.
All ASMR does is give me a massive erection.
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your bedroom will be scruffier
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Have you forgiven her now. I thought she said something to upset you
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True lad. I don't find the time to clean it and I don't see the point. It is not a huge deal for me and don't get ill.
You must be watching the slutty ones. I just like judging them.
these are ruthlad, not me
Done me fourth spaffington in
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Lauren has amazing natural breasts. Sadly we'll never get to see them.
A dutch man once told me "If you're not dutch, you ain't much son"

I've concluded that he's right. Words of wisdom.
Pharmacy spamming me again. I guess we war of attrition now
why you lads making fun of my laurel
Sprogless pharma wagies shall hold my meds until 2025 if I so please. Nothing legally says I have to go at any specific time.
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We'll never see hers either because she doesn't have any.
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fuck britfeel

cheers x
She doesn't upset me anymore. She's actually a nice lass. Maybe I just misinterpret things.
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you grim cunt
Both those cocks are brown
You searched for this image. Browsed through various options. Selected this image. Clicked 'Download Image'. Went to /britfeel/. Wrote 'fuck britfeel cheers x'. Uploaded the file from your phone. Completed the captcha. Clicked submit.

Grown men saving photos of dicks to get their (you)'s.
BNWOposter has quit the thread in shame
while Jen Zeeboss is obviously the hottest, there is something to be said for 5'3"

I like her
The same as any porn posters, to get attention from other men
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Britfeel is gay lmao x
White bepis small blag bepis big nd he made u look so it epic win xDd
perhaps that black gentleman could start a regiment of moisturizing his penis, it looks rather parched
I may now officially add [redacted] to my official "list of incredibly traumatic shit that happened to me since [redacted]"

Lovely really

Just lovely
seems off that you can do the itty bitty titties bit, even if it's about yourself.
HR nightmare in any real place of work
Hope things improve for you de lad
Based eurostar arsonist causing disruption for 800,000 Olympic travellers.
I can see how you'd think that's a nightmare if you've never worked in that environment. Women talk about their tits all the time.
She has nice puffy areolas though.
But the small Dennis is black in that pic
i've worked in an office for 6 years. It's not the talking about it that's the problem, it's putting it online when representing the company that's the issue.
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get a job and get laid freaks

cheers and gone x
Can't tell which company it is though
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Hello mr flad x
Very nice those in that white top.
the original video was posted by the company themselves
Damn I really thought flad had roped. It's the hope that kills you.
So further evidence that it isn't a problem to them
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my lovely lad <3. X
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Rumour has it that the Apustajan Liberation Front was responsible. Frosty's Apu has been arrested and brought in for questioning by French police.
So many chink tourists getting groidpilled in Paris rn

She isn't a slut and she is a lot more confident with accepting herself as she is. She is better than most girls when it comes to fashion. You are below her.
Very sad news indeed.
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Roight den. Fuck it, this isn't going anywhere for now
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fuck the britfeel
You sure it isn't black people stealing copper? There's a lot of black people over there.
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Had to return my fucking Aztec Apu. Spacca designates them as a heritage breed and thus not suitable for average ownership. They recompense me with a Cheshireshire Cookin' Apu but its nowhere near the same. He's been busy filling my fridge up with ready meals since the moment he arrived but he isn't much for small talk, I really wish he was more frenly but the lunch he made for me just now has been out this world. That crispy pancake oozing with exotic Dutch and French cheese, it dripping with bechamel.
It really worth subscribing to a Fren Package from SPACCA de lads. There's thousands of Frens who've never known a home. You could give it to them xxx.
It not rite what happen to that fren. Went completely off the rails (no pun intended) since frosty's passing.
Pulling an alldayer lads. Need to fix this sleep pattern. Depressing getting up at midnight.
You also need to get a job
tell him to put some clothes on for a start
I'm not working a shitty job for minimum wage. I don't need to make myself anymore depressed.
Sleep now nd have a wee drink at night time for more sleepy time
>I can't it's impossible xyz
Ur mum have booze raid the cupboard
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Every singe day the womfiest of frens are met with the cruellest of judgments.
Without a hope or a home they linger by the side of convenience shops and off licences.
Sometimes they can't afford clothes. Those frogs are four times as hungry as us. They'd rather get a quarter pounder wurger than a paid of shoes. It's why they need owners. It not right how many feral Apus are out there begging for a warm bed.
The SPACCA shelters are FULL. It's up to Feel Street to adopt one of the lids and to save them from the factories or the QMEE Farms.
Hope you're having an easy day at work mate x <3
I don't do naps. When I go to sleep I expect a full, uninterrupted natural sleep. No alarms.
Really feel like giving a certain some1 a talking to before he go away on weekend trip bt maybe I leave it. It doesn't feel good to leave it but what I get out of venting it either. I can't win. Its far far from over though.
People who nap live longer.
We all love little 90 min sleep in our life.
yeah lad you stay here and post your power fantasies
People who don't rely on alarm clocks also live longer.
I hold grudges for life. I forgave *** but only in my heart not in action yet. But this is a new battle. I like having enemies desu. Need a few on the go or I'm bored. Ngl
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you too mr Angela lad just dossing in warehouse today letting all th deanos do hard graft whilst I play on me phone I got extra needs I need downtime case worker says so love you x
Got some updates for GNU/Linux. Lovely. Will be applying those updates now.
https://youtu.be/6en8ooqnZYo even men of peace got their limits
Just saying
Scottish freak ips should be banned from britfeel just saying x
He not a man to mess with desu.
You wouldn't want to fuck with him or the SeasideARMY.
They got his back.
Fridays are for taking it easy imo! Not at work myself just been catching up on my porn backlog. It's a hard life sometimes de lad x
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porn backlog is for you and it is for me but it might not be for some people but it is for us x
8 years manaslaughter. Out after 5 years. So get in there.
Come on discord later mate we'll have a cheeky catch up x
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26 thousand photos of porn on the phone
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good shout Angela lad will drop you a line laterz xx
If my wife or girlfriend wanted to hold up my cock next to a black man's cock, I'd simply tell her I'm not interested in that at all.
Wish scotfeel didn't fail as miserably as it did.
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Cooking his Curtis Butchers steak a little bit longer isn't it? He certainly is. And it's lush. Ohhh yes nice bit of steak in the airfryer.
Just took an hour out to shag the wife. What the heck am I returning to?
Not to sound creepy but being a completely sex starved lad can you share any details of how she was during the hour?
A bit bored and disappointed looking to be honest.
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0 porn photos on my phone
He's going to poison himself. That steak was in the freezer like two hours ago it's not even defrosted.
She just finished a job interview and decided to take a shower to wash off her nervous sweat, so I joined her. Had some fun in the shower. Got out, ate her out to two orgasms. Then we fucked like rabbits all around the room. Safe day so finished inside. Lovely little interlude to the day.
this is a good thing
imagine him live streaming as he died
great stuff x
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>spaz out n make a dogs dinner of things
>apologise explain I have autism
>all forgiven
We can only hope *crosses fingers*
make another seaside update post you fucking mong
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Discriminate against moi? The queen?
You can cook steak from frozen. It's fucking pointless to buy good fresh steak just to freeze it.
I'm going to goon over you today, lad.
Are you white or black?
Drinking tonight de lids.
Haven't drank in a month, so my tolerance should be very low.
Looking forward to it.
See you lads later.
It will be Lush and I mean Lush
Kinell now I feel even more sex starved but thanks for sharing.
Why does that matter lol?

Fair enough. I recommend some porn though desu.
Pointless to freeze it, and then to chuck in the air fryer of all places. Who the fuck cooks steak in an oven??
Coooorrrrrr so you can get the equivalent amount of drunk from two or three drinks as you normally would from five or six. Wonderful plan lad!
Retarded mongs with half their brain rotted out. Are you really just now realising that SSM is a cretin?
Mark does. You could feed him dogfood though and he'd be as happy as a helper in nappies.
He cooks bacon in the air fryer as well. Never cleans it either. And guess what? It's fucking lush.
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This is the towel he uses to wipe his arse in the sink. He'll be drying his hands with it later.
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Mum bring me bacon buppy i was in a weird mood nd i said put an egg in there too bt i kinda regret it. Taste weird de lads but its alright
Get in
>Why does that matter lol?

You fuck like a black man, by the sounds of things. Never heard of a white man giving a woman an orgasm let alone two.
Mongs that can't cook a steak. Plus what these lads said
Never heard of a black man eating out a woman either. They think it's nasty. Very selfish beings they are. That's why there's so many single black mothers.
ASMR is purely sexual there's no doubt about it.
I do actually find it offensive that mark is allowed to exist in the state he does. That alone is enough to revile and anger me. The fact that it's my taxes enabling it is just salt on the wound.
He's not real mate. SSM is an ai.
There are bigger mongs than him out there your tax is going to. Stupid thing to say anyway, your tax goes to a lot of stuff and Mark pays VAT on anything he buys. It's all a meme anyway. Money is just funnelled round and round.
hhl life is funded by mongs like you though aint it lmao x
What are you on about? What is happening?
Someone has to pay for his nappies lad. You can't have him out pissing and shitting himself everywhere. Taxpayer has to step in. It's a public health issue.
Helper can't use a toilet because he was bummed by a postman as a wee lad. They call it Letterbox Arse.
yeah das right wagie you fund hhls lifestyle mate get back to work lmao x
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>I do actually find it offensive
Do you aye
A perfect butcher's steak chucked in the air fryer for 30 minutes. What a waste. Like giving a poofter a voucher for the brothel.
Finished work at 1 today. It's a hard life but someone has to keep helper in nappies

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