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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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Trannies told me I could take estrogen and still present as a guy and now after a few years I have huge boobs that I can't hide even with a sports bra on so now it's officially over
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Larp unless you can post tits next to a piece of paper with /r9k/ and the current date written on it.
Tits or gtfo gayboy.
Post chest or GTFO
>taking advice from satan himself
it says right at the top of r9k not to post pictures of yourself
You call LARP, but this has happened to many many men before.
This. Why would you believe them? The boymode phase doesn't last long.
Some do find boytits arousing
Larping faggot, fuck off
For what fucking reason would a straight(?) non-tranny man take HRT? Did they trick you into thinking it would prevent hair loss or something.
I need relief from gender dysphoria and I can't pass so I can't transition
>Larping faggot, fuck off
You are retarded.
People post body parts like hands and dicks all the time. You just aren't supposed to post pics of yourself or your face for /soc/fagging purposes. You can post tits with a timestamp to prove you aren't lying without it being a discord /soc/ thread.
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>I'm mad I was caught in an obvious lie
Great, now fuck off.
If I get banned then other people in my house could go on 4chan and then if they post they would see the banned post which would have a pic of my tits so I do not want to do that
You can use an image hosting site and set it to delete the pic after ten minutes and post the link to it.
My life is so comical that people think it's bait.
Of your face, idiot. Your breasts can't be used to identify you.
just no selfies or camwhoring
post your fucking boobs already faggot
^Here, you can post it there and copy the link and post it here. Just set it to expire after 1 hour.
You are very ungrateful (if not a larp)
Why the FUCK would you take estrogen if you're not a tranny?

What the actual FUCK op? Lmao?!?
>gender dysphoria
Maybe instead of ruining your body you could look into antipsychotics.
>still present as a guy
you mean look like a fucking ghoul. in any case post breasts
Here you go, not larping

Damn, those are really nice breasts for a dude. I'd be jerking off to myself all the time if I gave myself tits like that.
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Looks like he mogs most real trannies too lol. Imagine looking like a regular guy but then someone takes off your shirt and you have beautiful nurturing mommy boobs hidden away.
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Seeing myself is a turnoff not a turnon

I am kindly asking you to delete pic anon, I didn't want to post it here that's why I put it on the other site. If you don't want to though that's ok you can do whatever you want
Are you single, OP? pls be single
I'm 6'1, deep voice, hairy and look like a guy
I feel like there's probably an onlyfans market for that
there is no hair on your tits anon
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I shaved them to take that pic
I can't believe how much OP turned out to be completely honest. Like he wasn't even exaggerating and talking up minor gyno. He legit grew enormous girly tits. Those are some grade A Stacy genes.
Lol trans groomers fucked up your life
post your tummy op-san
I don't think you will have any consequences for having a picture of your man tits on here, I wouldn't feel any anxiety over it, except for facing the reality of having cute breasts.
What are you going to do if you ever need to see a doctor? You wouldn't really be able to get away with calling that gyno.
This thread is the first time in my entire life I have ever felt any kind of positive emotion towards any part of my body so maybe not
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I want to make op lactate and drink his breast milk desu
I can't afford to go to a doctor so it's a nonissue

brutal I fucked up mine so I got fat to hide my mistake better
You're going to just sit there and die if you get a heart attack in your 50s or 60s instead of calling for an ambulance?
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>he wasn't baiting
Lactation is ok but I think that's nasty as hell when it's a guy, once I was watching trannies and one started squeezing pus out of her nipples and I almost puked.
Why the fuck did you take estrogen if you wanted to present as a guy?
I already want to die

I want to be a woman but I will never pass as one so I wanted to take hormones so at least I wouldn't get much more masculine as I got older
>I want to be a woman but I will never pass as one so I wanted to take hormones so at least I wouldn't get much more masculine as I got older

the estrogen isn't about being womanly it's a cope for the lack of feminity. If you did pass you would not be apt to botch your body to feel feminine. Like a lot of hons do when they get bottom surgery. I don't think it even has to do with gender anymore. Just phenotypes

t.someone who went down the same path
That kinda makes sense...

Did it at least made you look more androgynous?
Bottom surgery's mostly a boomer thing. Only 5% of mtfs get it nowadays. They used to make you get srs in order to get hrt and your sex changed on IDs.
Would you be open to dating a biological female?
You want a chad with boobs?
It gave OP massive breasts anon what do you mean "did it make you look more androgynous" obviously yes
send a vocaroo
It made me look younger but everyone still sees me as a man and instinctively calls me sir, mister etc. I'm not mistaken for a woman.

I'm attracted to biological women but I think it's a bad idea for me to date anyone right now. You'd be mogging me 24/7 and I'm already a depressed loser and you probably should have a partner that isn't messed up like that
Breasts doesn't mean androgynous, wtf
What do you want me to say in a vocaroo?
your poor, poor fucking moron. why'd you have to give into your tranny desires? why is it so hard for you to just externalize your desire for femininity and just look for a gf?
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i feel for the meme too. like iwn look female yet i malefail to old people sometimes and get theyd sometimes so i think i just look like a troon.

dont have nearly as large of tits as you do christ but its like idk my family knew they werent gyno and so now im just deliberately avoids ng talking to my extended family about this (came put to parents when i was retarded anf had hope).ntheyre too big to be gyno like maybe it can but ike its borderline cuz im not a fatty

doesmt rlly matter im a retarded 6'4 autistic faggot whonis now horribly ugly and like now i dont even really like women that much but im far toonugly tonget men easily.
I've had gfs before and that only made the tranny desires harder to ignore.
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>Women would literally rather date a 6'1 guy with enormous titties than date a regular 5'6 man
>literal tranny who can't keep his impulses under control and desire for the feminine in check can get a gf but not me
suicide inducing...
Women hate men with impulse control.
What turns them on are serial killers, bikers, rapists, drug dealers, etc.
If you seem like you care about consequences and try to take care of yourself and others you will instantly dry up all the pussies around you.
My family cut me off for tranny thoughts, they didn't even wait for me to transition. I hate people.

This wasn't an impulse control thing, I thought about hormones for years before doing it
You think the mods notice or care ?
That's funny, I'm 6'4 autistic boymoder faggot as well, but I'm good looking and have a gf who pegs me
troons do a lot of damage to people they're around. they're demanding and emotionally unstable.

I don't blame them for getting rid of you since your dumbass succumbed to your vices and took estrogen, only to be shocked about the consequences of looking like some intersex abomination-clown that signals to everyone "HEY, IM A HANDFUL OF PROBLEMS!"

get your AGP under control you retarded faggot. If I could do it a loser like you can too.
did you really just admit your projection in the last sentence
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I normally like this genre of cuckposting but you didn't even try to relate it to the thread topic which is disappointing.
Like talk about the time your wife's bull forced you to take estrogen for a year so your dick would stop working good and you grew tits he'd cum on alongside your wife or something.
i dont want a gf anymorethis shit made me want a bf but gave me not the face nor the will to get one
"I play spore"
My dude, i not mocking you, you legit should search for psychological help, you still have time, wish you the best.
because my happiness is dependent on the person staying or leaving having control of the situation. Not many men can find it so they resort to getting drunk or their motivation is warped around finding that femininity. Their goals and ambition is just to find a woman and it bothers me that I fall into the same category. Maybe if I didn't I'd not act like a retard or someone who I'm not to feel that satisfaction. Id simply act like a retard on my own terms and all my ambitions are from my own merit, not indirectly converted. For me it's not about being a gooner, it's having that piece to my other half in a more stable efficient way.
They don't even give antipsychotics to schizophrenics anymore because they got heart attacks from them.
you should clarify "not that anon" when you reply to stuff like that so people don't think you're op
>that hand
This is just a cis woman baiting
yeah same thing happened to me, i need to get my desires under control, its really hard to accept that whatever person you wanted to be just isnt going to happen. desire can be very very destructive. i wish you the best anon, at least we can get surgery and put all of this behind us
had a feeling still would be nice to have someone to relate to
It's not a fucking cis women are you blind
I know cis women with manlier hands and skin than that. Sorry man it's a cis woman.

I was born male
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Imagine fucking someone with that voice and those breasts.
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are you trying to trick me into thinking I'm desirable
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Please cosplay Doctor Girlfriend from Venture Bros and Ranko from Akiba Maid War.
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>You'd be mogging me 24/7
It's hard to tell which one is trans in girl X mtf couples. You two will be fine.
OP literally got bullied into becoming an man-woman abomination with tits and a penis that he's ashamed of being. there's no projection, only recognition and understanding
redpill me on ranko
Ik this was reverse 4chan/reddit effect or something
Nice twink mommy milkers.
lmao it's law
are you aware of the existence of so-called "manmoders?"
>I didn't want to post it here that's why I put it on the other site
that's what unsee dot cc is for
Post them or gtfo you know the rules
They did, then another anon reposted it here
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this i man hand anon
mogs me
how long have you been on hrt
your girl hand is cut off by the picture being half-corrupted.
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u guys are fags lol
very smooth girl hands.
Why would you listen to anything trannies tell you to do though OP
>believing trannies
They're memed as groomers and predators for a reason.
They don't look big, you just look obese.

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