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British Bulldog edition
Liking this bread already.
Shit edition desu senpai
I know right. Fuming. If only it was a BUS edition, or some old car, or maybe a defunct TRAIN.. oh my god.. it could have been.. a CASTLE!!!!1!!1! *cums in pants and shits himself*
Would have prefered a personality edition
It could have been a Thom Yorke edition
Had sex this morning lads. Well, I say sex, couldn't get hard at first, then couldn't stay hard, then eventually lasted 8 seconds in doggy position before I came all over her back. She wasn't best pleased..
Teddy's 36th birthdat today de lads
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Morning lids, got just up.

First wuppa of the day garn down the hatch.
Big plans for today, tiny fella?
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Watching Wald and Wankrupt's new India vlog.
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Watched that last night. Looks like an absolute shithole. Glad he had the balls to point out that the only semblance of civilisation they have is what the British left for them and they've fucked it up.
He was a good catberg
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Having me chicken shawarma salad.
bored, lads, got up early to take my mum and dad to the airport, normally well off in dreamland by now
it's wild to me that there are enough of you to have these thread max out multiple times a day. fuckin yappers
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Those women look alright to be fair. The main problem with India is the scam culture. It's like ingrained into their national psyche.
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The entire world will look like that soon enough
Before the IP count was removed we were touching between 50-80 in most threads.
Enjoy going to work you fucking wagie
One lad makes over 60% of the posts by pretending to be different posters and talks to himself. He is the master of playing online dollies.
It was at 20 when the IP count was removed
Im behind most posts
Maybe it was an 'hhl making 180 posts' thread but 9/10 threads had 50+ IPs.
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Lads, I have a big announcement. After a lot of digging I have managed to find a pic of Sean that has never been posted before (I've checked the image hash on the archive).

I will be posting this new pic at 3pm. Let me tell you, this one is a fucking doozy.
Nice, looking forward to it
why would we want to see any more of that literal spastic? fucks sake lad, at least post a woman with massive knockers or something
>new Sean pic dropping
cooorrr, this is why I love you lads!
Are those fake plastic trees behind him?
Give us a sneak peak, lad? Why is it a 'doozy' exactly?
Early morning for you de lid?
Changes are in the air
Be patient, lad, everyone is gonna get it at the same time.
>Why is it a 'doozy' exactly?
Well I guess that's subjective, but he's wearing something quite funny in it so it should get some laughs.
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>Items sorted
>Animals in their homes ready to be unleashed in spring
>Stock take just before selling up at the end of winter
Yep, I'm thinking it's nearly GO time on t'farm.
The IP counts are still available in the archives lad go and look
very nice looking pig house there laddo, i miss stardew sometimes
Noice one de lid! Always find that winter is very underrated in stardew valley. It's very comfy, a nice chill break in between the hustle and bustle of the growing months. Though my personal fave is autumn because of the colour palette.
it's over for me, but it might not be for you
Always get a bit bored in winter after a while.
Any news on their next game?
Check'd and, why not start a new game?'d.
It's good not having to maintain the crops, but I sometimes struggle with things to do. I usually end up fishing then.
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The Dyson V8 is scheduled to be delivered in the next hour or so.
SSM was on Blackpool.
Really thought it was Tokyo this year.
Lad, I assumed you'd be shitting yourself given the new pic is going to drop later today. Do you ever remember wearing something funny?
spacker nappies?
Gathering resources in the mines, improving character friendships, crafting, setting up the farm exactly how you want it with plenty of time, quests. I like it. Comfy stuff.
Next game? No idea lad, didn't even know the developer was making a new game.

Tbf crop maintenance is always dealt with early in my games because I beeline for sprinklers.
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>Germany will take in 250,000 "skilled and semi-skilled" Kenyans in new labour deal
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Why would I care about what some mongs think of me. It's probably some edited pic anyway.
>Its probably some edited pic anyway
kek hes already on damage control
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The Dyson V8 has only gone and been delivered de lids. Now just to mount it on the wall, it's a hard life but someone has to do it.
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Tick tock, laddy. The deadline is 3pm.
Hope you don't wet your nappy worrying about it.
Was announced a couple years ago now.
Literally nobody cares
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I might make a load of quality sprinklers later. If I do 10 that's 80 crops, technically it would be 4x grows of potatoes in spring, then 2x grows of melons and pumpkins in summer/autumn (they are good earners, even better if preserve the melons and pumpkins).
I like to get earning money, and normally forget about the QOL stuff like making sprinklers, in the first 2 years.
A wall roomba? Corr modern technology.
Sprinklers boost your income massively, lad. Make more than 10 lol, you literally just forget about crops when you make them. Then they free up your day so you can fish, mine, forage etc.
who you going to wife up lad? i cant remember their names, either the red head or the purple head were my personal favourites, also used to enjoy the village pub, seemed very comfy in there
HHL bricking it. He knows he's finished at 3pm. Barely four more hours in britfeel until he'll be forced to leave due to the ridicule of this esoteric embarrassing picture of him. Cannot wait for the seethe kek.
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Unless you've managed to hack me I'm not worried.
Yeah once your farm is big enough watering it takes an age. I always rush sprinklers.
Do enjoy a bit of jumino kart in the bar
The one thing I always forget, is frenship. I need to make a note of all the villagers, then start gifting them things.
It was Abigail at first, but she was useless round the farm, then I was thinking penny, but gave haley a try, and found out she is perfect. So it will be haley (already gf'd her).
Why would hacking be a worry, lad? You a nonce or something?
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>I'm not worried
He's on the ropes, lads, kek.
very excited for the new picture
Britfeel is so slow at this point I'll take whatever I can get. Countdown to three begins I guess.
you cracking open a few tinnies like me to celebrate at 3pm lid?
I bet he'll look like a right stupid muppet, oh wait, he does anyway, LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL either way we get another right stupid muppet pic of old seany boy
big moonface sean
Obviously no, I'm not that sad. But I'll probably cut sean out of the image and paste him into some gay porn while downing an ice cold red bull or something. It's the little things in life you know?
HHL post some new pictures of yourself
gwon softlad have a couple of tinnies with your old mate anon
only way he gets out of this mess is if he posts a new picture of himself at 3 to make people unsure which is the bad one
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Massive cex lottery win for wops. Bet you don't have one of the most expensive 360 vidyas with a manual.
what happened to her face, lad?
HHL is a care home mong. The end.
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That's how the average northern bint looks lad.
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Corr could go for tattie waffle and bean dinner a la Shippy right now. Nice side of morphine.
British women are extremly ugly
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Wonder when SSM will return from holoday
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She's 27 today this lass. Would you date a woman this old?
wanted to take a nap this afternoon but dont want to miss the new hhl pic getting dropped
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Nintendo wasnt for him
PS5 not for him
He not a gamer https://youtu.be/9RxLJ9vHdXQ
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Age is just a number to Chad.
Shes ugly af desu my dude, id date a woman that "old" but defo not that ugly bint
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Women peak at 30 lad.
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Might go Watalan later and get meself some new pyjamas.
>tfw no ASMRtist wife
Woke up today thinking I'm going to radically change my life. Then while having my Rice Krispies I realised that I cba so now I'm here posting about ASMR bints again.
word around the parish is that the new pic is HHL wearing a dress
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well young bints are very demanding. I don't blame him.

She's got a Chad bf so she must be something.

Hopefully her acne is cleared up by 30.
word around the parish is that the new pic is HHL wearing a nappy
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>having my Rice Krispies
>She's got a Chad bf
to be fair, just about all pics of HHL weve seen could be him wearing a nappy, just hidden well
Thinking about Ruthmong's testosterone levels
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25 is pushing it to me. Most men would secretly agree.
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What fetish is wearing a nappy called? Nappyplay?
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This video was peak Lauren. Definitely not as sexy as she used to be.

Word on twitter is that the HHL pic drop is gonna break the internet and pave the way for his OF launch.
Youre such a creep yikes
It's not creepy. It's what men want.
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State of that chin. Just stuffs her face all day with sweet treats and starbucks I reckon. Very unhealthy habits.
But what's her opinion on the new sean image?
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Have to admit I tend to watch her older videos more than her newer ones. She needs to do more cosplay.
Someone who wanks to Pampers is called a nappychappy.
Sean pronounced SH-ORN, but bean is pronounced like B-EEN

You wouldn't pronounce beanhead like B-ORN-HED would you? Need to have a word with the English language about this little inconsistency.
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She wouldn't care. She only cares about celebrities and influencers.
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Laurel has never seen the inside of a gym in her life. Sad the way some women don't take good care of their bodies.
Are British people even real?
Any of her in dungerees?
Christ was humour really this shite only as recently as 2010?
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>motorized rollingham
>Any of her in dungerees
Not that I've noticed. Bet she would look cute in dungerees.
sean's team
sean comes from irish
>sean comes from irish
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Me? On an ASMR strike until I get my new laptop. Last ASMR girl I watched was Angelica ASMR and that was over a month ago. I just watch ambience videos now.
Grown man
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Today is my 31st birthday and I've never had a job! Get in there de lads
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>On an ASMR strike
Hapde birthyday py lad.
Any plans?
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Reasons blackpool tower mogs eiffel tower
1. Next 2 seaside
2. Not in Paris
What an experience happy bday
Sean has irish heritage? Would explain his low IQ
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What are your thoughts on Laura, lad?
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Anyone's eyes getting weary? Anyone's back getting tight?
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>heavy nosebleed from drugs
>it's just flowing out at random
>even snorting into tissue, specks escape
>blobs all over my floor
>had to change my top twice
>GP appointment soon
>"all your problems? yeah it'll be the drugs, look at you."
for fuck's sake
That's a nice pic of SSM. Might print it off and put it in my desk at work
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Which Laura? The only ASMR girl called Laura I've watched is LauraLemure.
3 hours and 5 minutes
What's the time
Not really. Had a Maccy's brekkie, might have fish and chips tonight. Not really one for making a big deal out of birthdays, it's just another day really. I never asked to be born.
12:56 on my clock
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She'll look better than her at 30.

A right goblin.
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they'll all have a go at me, entering an NHS building with my had-sex-with-a-same-sex-partner-in-the-past-12-months blood. it's a shame biology can't reflect society. not only would it fix some problems, everyone would be suffering appropriately.
HHL shows us your care home boxroom.
my oven says it's 00:00 and it keeps flashing 00:00, like it's important that i know that's the time.
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Honestly curious to see what a carehome for a non-elderly spacker looks like these days.
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>Asking to see other mens bedrooms
Bit gay
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Blackpool is alright if you're just there for a wiss up. I go at least once or twice a year.
I want to travel the world with you
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Her videos look quite boring lid. I'll have to pass on this one.
So much shite women buy. 80 per cent of shopping is by these creatures. Huge carbon footprints.
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Need Ruth back on YouTube, shame Ruthmong scared her off a second time
Ruthmong encouraged you to kys, why are you talking to him?
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I been on bennies thirty odd years
Itsnot my fault I got hidden disability
Some day I stink of fish
I feel the same way, but do try and have 1 nice thing on my birthday, usually get my mum to make a flan, and have a nice tea.
Maccy's breakfasts are nice.
A chippy tea sounds good, whereabouts in the country are you? I just heard of these, rissoles,
Apparently they are sold in Welsh chippies. They sound nice.
People slag off SSM but nobody buys more tat they don't need than the average normie female.
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When is SSM gonna kick the bucket?
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It wasn't Ruthmong it was the nutter who is always banging on about "dollys". The lid who is here seemingly 24/7 talking non-stop about other posters.
She gets presents on her birthday from her boyfriend and many friends, whereas you just get your mum telling you to get a job followed by her breaking down and crying. Says it all really.
I'm not Ruthmong. I was just curious on his opinion of are Laura.
>The lid who is here seemingly 24/7
Quite ironic that you're denigrating someone for this, lad.
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>Some day I stink of fish
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I didn't. She just doesn't care about it anymore. She can't handle the attention and the creeps. Laura would never give up.
kek nice webm
he's probably got a year left in him desu
I'm not dollyposter either lad. I post asmr and porn.
>I post asmr and porn.
True lad. I don't get any birthday cards or gifts. I don't know anyone really. I wish I could be normie but I'm too far gone now. Nothing but hate in me.
I'm in the East Midlands, we've got a really good chippy in my town. Lovely haddock with the batter just right.
>I post asmr and porn.
It's the same thing.
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She did come back though and was planning to make videos over the summer when she got her ASMR mic back, but she stopped right around the time you posted the name of her halls. Bit of a coincidence eh?
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Trolls brushing w dirty bar of soap they nicked out homeless hostel bogs
I didn't lad. Stop lying about me.
have you ever wanted a drink in a supermarket to go cold so you've picked it up and hidden it in the fridge?
Pretending to be Ruthmong to play dollies all day. Grim.
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Brand new goyslop just dropped de lids phwoaaar get in there.
We all saw it and it was clearly your posting style.
lets pretend im Shippy next is it king?
Mr Beast's dead soulless eyes creep me out
>see girl with a flat tire at the side of the road
>pull over and ask if she needs help
>"uhh i dont know" and other non answers
>"your tires fucked, do you have a spare or a repair can?"
>"i dont really know lol"
>sit there swapping out her tire for the shitty emergency wheel while shes either filming me or facetiming someone
>tell her its a temporary tire and she needs to replace it asap
>"oh ok"
>drives off with no thanks or appreciation
and i wont be helping no fucker ever again. this is how chuds are created
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I'm thinking, leeks, bacon, onions, red pepper with cheese on toast, for din dins.
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Check this out nikka...is a pizza....bt instead kf cheese.....its Zyn
Gotten up, yessir i have

>Mr Beast's dead soulless eyes creep me out

He's slowly turning into a real life Wojak. He sold his soul to capitalism and the algorithm.
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Excellent idea, anon lad pal.
i think it's like genocide where you can THINK of it, but putting it into practice is a whole nother thing
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Early bird catch dee worm
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I wanna try a MrBeast Burger I won't lie
Out of order doxxing HHL like this
You mean she didn't give you a full and complete 30 min+ sloppy blowjob with hand action, tongue slaps, eye contact and soft moaning and then swallow your load and say "thank you daddy" afterwards?

Wow, the nerve of some women today...
The sainsburys by mine has a fridge with a few cold bottles in, on the end of the alcohol aisle. It was nice getting some cold beers/ciders when I was a wagie for the walk back home.
Two and a half hours lol. Sean absolutely shitting himself. I bet his mind is racing wondering what it could be.
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Enjoy being a slave.
couple of bacon egg bagels for lunchington mcgee get in therre
>fix wench tyre
a crumb of pussy, milady?
>You mean she didn't give you a full and complete 30 min+ sloppy blowjob with hand action, tongue slaps, eye contact and soft moaning and then swallow your load and say "thank you daddy" afterwards?
I've had several gfs in my life and I've never had this. Just want to feel really desired at least once in my life. It not right.
These days you can be on the far left and still genuinely support some amount of free market/mixed market economic policies and you will not be ostracised from any group or movement. However, you cannot argue against progressive racial/sexual policies and not be ostracised. Therefore that is what the far left really is.
(though ofc their economic policies are still retarded too)
grim, you're now on tiktok being called a creep by thousands maybe even millions, what compelled you to help her
Reminder that New York literally got rid of it's gifted and talented education program because too many of the students who qualified were white and east asian.

Sorry high achievers who might be propelled to even greater heights by the gifted and talented program, but your futures must be sacrificed to the gods of diversity! And in the end doesn't that make it all worth it?
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>Reproductive justice means free Palestine
What? Like actually what? What does that even mean?!
It's just absurd on its face. Do these people know that Palestinians have to go to Israel to get abortions because they're not allowed in Palestine except when the mother's life is in danger?
/pol/ is that way big fella
Her tits look amazing here ngl
Shame about the nerdneck of the bitch in the white top
Who eats this shit? Grim af
what are we allowed to talk about lad? thread dollies, asmr bints and yt lolcows?
Post the apu with the sign or i'm not leaving
it's misunderstood and it's unpleasant
>the likely next Tory leader has an Israeli wife and has raised his kids up as Orthodox Jewish

Tories trying to out Goy the Labour party
Why does Mr. Beast look like such a nutter?
>James Stephen "Jimmy" Donaldson
Scots-Irish heritage.
It's him or Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke Badenoch, your choice Tory boys.
I know who zimmy's rooting for that's for certain x
She's also 9 years older than him, wtf?
>tfw anglo-irish rape child with kraut dna
kind of wish I was 100% Anglo desu senpai
>make post
>it never shows up
what's that all abut then?
I just post it again la, cooldowns though cause no jewpass
Did you accidentally refresh the page slightly too soon after posting or something?
nah it's not worth typing twice
i thought it submitted then went to a different tab
CP gets insta-deleted lad. You should've known that.
why would I know that? Why do YOU know that?
Titlad told us
Got a fucking personal development meeting with my manager at 2, lads. Absolutely CANNOT be fucked with this boring nonsense. I don't plan on being in this job in six months so what the fuck do I care? The idea of sticking in a job and thus putting effort into developing yourself in it are just retarded if you're under 45. The job market simply doesn't work like that any more. The only way you get 'promoted' now is by moving jobs.
Want to try deepthroating
Giving or receiving?
Have to say it is hot to receive ngl.
Uhm are you a girl?
Not him but, girls don't receive deepthroats.
Oh great dollymong is here to play with his dollies!!!
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Piss urself in the meeting nd get on that pip dee lad loosen tbe load lickle bit of peepee all the way
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>complains about dollies all day
>doesn't realise that being dollymong makes him a dolly
Ah go rig a poll
Britfeel test
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Point out dollymongs posts
Okay, here we go:

Anything else I can help with lad?
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Just want to quickly congratulate drugs on winning the war on drugs.

Well done!
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Only 3 of those posts were me. You missed at least 15 other posts
>war on drugs.
Everything is better on drugs.
Well no shit if dollymong makes random innocuous posts about nothing related to dollies then he's not being dollymong in that moment is he?
Point is he spams the thread all day with dollybollocks which is ironic considering his whole thing is raging against personalities. He is the problem he espouses hatred for.
Just the one for me boss man
So you're saying he has a 75% hit rate for your dollymong posts on an anonymous imageboard? You should be fucking embarrassed you tard.
Dollymong truly a sad case. Feel bad for the lad desu
Wild how different people turn out in life
Dollymaster wagie war on anyone who notices him here all day playing online dollies, pretending to be other posters, creating characters to go up against personalities in a popularity contest.
You are here on a Thursday afternoon lad. Bit rich of you to call others sad.
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Day 4? No opiates. Feel worse today than I did the previous 3. Gunna remain sober tho.
Rose tinted glasses are fully gone.
we have had the asmr and ruthmong bashing routine
we have the pretending to be shippy routine
what is next king of the thread big man?
Pollers and the poll you won soon?
who would you rather live next door to? a well-to-do indian family or some white chavs? not full on dosser chavs, the sort that have jobs like bin man and dinner lady and a couple of shitty kids
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depends how big the Indian family is. If it's the same number of people next door in both scenarios, i'm picking the Indians.
As a racist, would have to say the white family desu
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>As a racist
I reckon I'd get more peace and quiet with the Indians so them lot.
might go wankless today. Rest day kinda thing innit?
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Me? Having some cookies with a wuppa. Got that Dyson V8 on that wall. Garn let it charge up a bit before using it.
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Mark buying another ps5 and road to the masters
You have less than 50 minutes. Are you worried?
hope its not AI or just a picture of a fat apu thats shat itsself or somethign
Have you checked how many charging cycles it's had de lid?
Been a good day so far, played vidya, took the cat to the vets, arranged some beach finds around some self dipped candles, made dinner. I think it's spliff and more vidya time, as a reward for muh achievements.
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What's all this then? I've not been in britfeel much lately and am out of the loop.
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Is ur cat OK
Just old, she goes once a month for a painkiller injection, and to get her ears checked (she has polyps growing in them, and they get infected constantly). It's not the vets really, it's the RSPCA, but they have a vet go each week to see the elderly and adopted animals, and everything is cheaper with her being old (18 now, I got her when she was 16).
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Knew it would be Blackpool kek
just want to see the pic so i can get back to me vidya
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Yeah I've activated that Dyson V8's two year warranty. It covered nows.
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Aw I see
Elderly kitty
My sister always adopt old ones. They're nice
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Wanted 2 go on a nice walk today bt its choking w normies outside ""last week of summer"
Nxt week am on my evening walkies
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hot the heating on and the window open, dont give a fuck
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Cold nights are comin'
is it true that taking vitamin tablets gives you the shits? someone said they do that
Buying a 2 bed house all on my own lads, completion date on the 11th of October.
phwoar how much did it cost
Need to buy myself a good winter jacket this year I think.
Might hit up Matalan HHL style and look at the winter gear.
200,000, it's a 90 square metre seventies terraced house, but pretty modern and decent on the inside

saved up a 15% deposit and have an extra 12k for basic renovation and furnishing (although I also have furniture in the flat I'm currently renting)
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Might buy a hi vis jacket so others think I'm a grafter
Any minute now for this pic, my arse is sweating in anticipation ngl
Cooorrr okay lads, are you ready? Let me hear you say GIVE US THE HELPERMONG PIC!!!!
I am a man of the people, I shall not disappoint. This took me many hours of digging through old links to find. My magnum opus in britfeel if you will.
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Hope we get a video of SSM on a roller coaster when he's in Blackpool.
Really? Nobody is interested?
Have to say this is a rather lacklustre response.
Sadly not pal. He only had 180 squids. Just enough for a few jahhs
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Well here it is. Enjoy.
Don't see the point in him going there when he has much nicer beaches on his doorstep. He might as well live there, much cheaper cost of living in Blackpool than in Dorset.
Stinking out the coach on the 8 hour drive back to HQ
It's just about getting away for a bit I guess. Not like he can go abroad so that's the best he can do.
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Those loops turn SVT on nd off like a light switch
Blackpool is super cheap I suppose.
It's cheap if you go in one of those god awful BnBs. I stayed in one of the most highly rated ones on Booking.com and even that was fucking grim.
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Finish this wuppa then get sorted and go Watalan. Fancy a curry for din dins.
She's chill af. Didn't even hide when she first came here, I opened the carrier and she just walked out and sat on me, kek.
You got any pets? I don't think I've seen you mention any.
Matalan sell curries now? Genuine question as you never know, the range sells iceland food, but that also does sell everything.
Slopma, slopdaloo or tikka maslopla?
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Please tell me you don't try and say shit like this while fucking, lads.
Lmao no they don't sell curry
I see Eva Angelina is back in porn, unsure if it's a proper return or just a random payday she negotiated with Blacked, but either way mildly excited. The problem is she's been gone for years and now her voice sounds like she has smoked three whole packs a day every day for a decade. What the fuck?
Why is that a problem for you? Aren't you just wanting to see her get railed?
>he doesn't care about the wellbeing of his pornstars
It's very jarring to see a 39 year old woman sound like a 60 year old cancer patient.
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if a pornstar dies i cant fap to them anymore, something wrong about it tbqh
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Ye it's funny 1 of my old cats was so timid he run under the bed @ the slightest sound of anyone unfamiliar.A true pussy cat. Bt when he bonded w me he was so food motivated he pawed at my face every morning like almost too much lol nd shadowed me everywhere. Probly most relatable cat I've had personality wise. Then the 1 we've got right now is unbothered as fuck about anything nd doesn't care about eating much. She bring mice in now nd again nd just throw them around the hall then walk away. Kinda sadistic but it's cute. That's the only pet rn she's about 8yo. Had a dog for 16 years since she was borned til she died last winter which was actually my wee sisters dog that I inherited as happens w those dogs for christmas.......desu wouldn't choose to get a dog as a pet myself I like them to meet but it's a lot of work to keep one. Was a tiny dog tho that got on w cats. If I had my own place I deffo get few more kitties.
genuinely don't want a packet of crisps after my morning jog. Don't want to cancel it out.
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Seems a very silly rule lad. You getting off to their content is the ultimate tribute to their life
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>Start watching
>Ah he's doing India solo, this is comfy
>Get half way through
>Backpacker Mong pops up
I find it hot desu. It's not all the time, but occasionally I'll have the urge to wank to a dead pornstar and it's always great.
>amber rayne
>august ames
>dakota skye
>shyla stylez
>jesse jane
>kagney linn karter
>sophie anderson
>saya song
>savannah gold
>britney madison
>imani reign
>sophia leone
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Dahlia Sky is another one. She commit suicide by shooting herself in her car.
kagney was a shotgun to her head lol
talk about dramatic
So no new HHL picture? It not right
it was a windup all along it looks like
oh darn, we have been totally got!
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Did u really spend 4 hours samedolling hype for ur epic troll nd now you're samedolling an hour after it flopped
Click X on browser, take the day off
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If you have some time to kill (pun intended) take a look at
The sad sack is here from morning til night lad. He has nothing else going on in his pathetic life. Genuinely feel sorry for him.
I've been lucky and she's not done anything like that, she just goes out to sit in the sun, or just to have a scratch on some drift wood I use as her scratching post.
Sorry to hear about the pooch. I agree, they are alright but a pain to look after. I look after a friends dog a couple of days here and there at mine. He's derpy af, and a large dog, so always trying to get up at things. Stopping doing that as I have a dodgy leg, which is getting worse. Dogs are even more bothersome if they don't get walked.
Well the meeting was bad but not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Ended after about an hour and I've spent the other hour since showering to remove the sweat from me, shitting and pissing since my bowels were affected by my nerves and decompressing after the stress and anxiety.

Yeah, need to find a new job. Currently I'm barely scraping by, though my manager is too polite to tell me I think, or maybe she doesn't know the full extent of my in-work dossing? Who knows and who cares? Need out.
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castle update for the castle lads
which castle is that lid?
It's falling apart. Knock it down.
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bahla fort. that's the original part and it's a bigarse fortnibba that's been extended
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Is it nerve damaged de lad
I got that in my knee since 2015
Had x rays nd all sorts never found anytbing even tho it feel like my bones are shattered. Doctors happy 2 go "it psychological, u must be stressed" kek so I don't even bother anymore. Just accept I crippled. I got used to jt now bt it made me almost suicidal how painful it was b4 nd abused opiates for years. Just live with it now.
Had a cheeky wank to Kagney yesterday. She was one of the first pornstars I remember jerking to. Can't believe they'd kill themselves rather than fuck me.
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Old guy outside ask directions 2 bus stop I said down there nd down there nd he goes what about over there nd 2 the right there I says its closed off just now he says I see. Am like that.....where u came from anyway he's from *****'s old bit posh place not somewhere ppl here normally go anyway I could tell from his voice it was somewhere that's not here he's going bt I didn't think he'd say that made me wonder what ifnhe knows ***** nd her family imagine if he knew am something off a past visitor myself bt last time I even was there nd saw her maw on the street she pure stared through me as if she didn't even recognise me on purpose. Makes me sad. Guess I'm stuck here 4ever frozen in old life every1 else moved on to better things.
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Imagine how retarded I already am w mummy in my life once that's not there I stick that stanley blade in my neck desu jugular classic vampire style
Nd WHY i have 2 pay back a overpayment if u made that mistake ok u give me 200 quid lad 2 lad when I need 150 say if we're pals then I say I give U this back by the way bt faceless organisation that already stole money off me in the past wageslaving taxation without representation I join tea party
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like everything else here, it's maintained by Indian wagies toiling away
Mum's livid I've eaten all the oxo cubes
Hope a loan shark comes around and kneecaps you.
>Can't believe they'd kill themselves rather than fuck me.
I can. What exactly are you offering them to make them want to fuck you?
Not my fault I don't check bank account I don't know how mich is there makes me anxious using phone apps I just trust theres money there so u send me too much I won't see it which isn't my fault(mental health). Well I'm not angry about it tho
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Importantarse appointmentshire for tomorrow hath been confirmed, hath it not been

Shall be grooming meself and print out the other shidd real quick for tomorrow's EDC right afterwards
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Hope ur v dehydrated outside nd your card get declined for that diet coke
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The Middle East has a huge number of obvious faults, but at the same time it also feels undeniably more 'real' than the West, which has floundered into this miasma of deculturation, denationhood, deracination where nothing ever happens. All the doors seem shut, all the opportunities have been hammered down into a plain, mottled sheet of nothing. Politics is fake. The economy is fake. The news is fake. Even the citizenry is fake.

Does anybody get what I mean? You read about the Middle East and it's this undeniably active place in both good and bad ways. Very dynamic. Dangerous but not suicidal. Growing but not tumescent.
My card never gets declined because I'm not on the dole.
If you get anxiety looking at your bank account I can only imagine how obese you are.
I was absolutely ravenous today and had two wanks within a half hour. I was hard as a rock. First time I spaffed to Jynx Maze and second time I spaffed to Melody Marks.
Good taste with Jynx Maze, de lid. Shame she up and left the biz so quickly. Apparently she hooked up with that insane asian guy who smashed his ferrari in new york on video a few years back. Clearly done well for herself money wise marrying that guy.
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Hope the wifi goes down in w/e shop it is nd their card machines don't work
Dont see the connection there bt anyhow, its not about worrying money is like this
If u got 1 account with eg 500 quid in it on Monday morning when u check
If theres a direct debit overnight so Tuesday its now 475
I get anxiety about opening an app nd seeing something changed from 1 thing to the other behind my back
Not the amount. The process
Same reason I cant check emails text message etc
>I get anxiety about opening an app nd seeing something changed from 1 thing to the other behind my back
>Not the amount. The process
>Same reason I cant check emails text message etc
This is a man in his 30s.
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Din dins soon. Finking pizza, am I not
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first time biscuit buyer here, couple of a questions:
1. can i just leave them in the cupboard, open? they're in a foil packet dunno if they need to go in a tin or airtight container.
2. how is everyone not fat, with biscuits about? i just ate three, not even with anything, just because.
They are now thinking sciatic nerve, but I don't know about that. It all started with a popping sensation above my ankle. I've had X-rays, but I just thought that was for bones not tendons or anything.
I'm thinking a couple more months like this and I'll be needing a walking stick, no joke. That will help with PIP, as of now because I can walk 200m unaided, I'm good to go.
I remember she had a brief cameo in that Louis Theroux porn documentary from like 14 years ago. My porn taste is still mostly stuck between 2000 and 2010. Jayden James, Bree Olsen, Sasha Grey, Stoya, Faye Reagen, Ashlynn Brooke, Lexi Belle.
i wonder if people who like anime cartoons also like emo music.
>1. can i just leave them in the cupboard, open?
Yes, they will keep like that, but a couple at the top may go soft (this isn't a bad thing)
>2. how is everyone not fat, with biscuits about?
*Shrugs his shoulders*
>Fire fire!
The last thing baby Tristan heard before he was burnt to a crisp
>Verification not required
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Having a chicken tikka wasala for din dins.
Spacker meal for the spacker king
My hobbies include getting pissed and eating slob
Fugged up, and somehow order mcslop to the wrong address, ffs, going to have to try and intercept the driver, as can't cancel. FUGG.
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>Spacker meal for the spacker king

And it's a lush x
Melody Marks is the only modern porn slag I'm really into. Lovely little tuppence on her.
Had one of them pizzas a few months ago. Not nice. Was as dry as a nun's tuppence. Frozen pizzas are generally always a bit shit.
I make my own pizzas, literally no effort if you buy the dough and taste 4x better
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>Made in Italy
Always liked the idea of trying that but too lazy innit.
First proper and real week of the grad job almost over now that there are no more inductions. A girl at work complimented me and said I was really nice and bubbly. What de fuck, holy hell lads, am I going to make it?
I watch the news every night. Is that boomer behaviour? Just tradition innit.
shes probably part of an organ harvesting ring, be careful around women like that, a few lids from this thread have fallen victim to them
I used to watch some of it with a pinch of salt, but after the coverage of the riots I no longer watch any mainstream media.
Usually the local news that I don't really get online to be fair.
me too lad i quite enjoy it, what channel?
With this being the news most night I gave up watching it. These days it actually annoys me when someone puts it on and I have to listen to it.
>Many people died in sandistan
>Many people died in slavia
>Politician said a thing
>Celebrity got married

None of it ever affected me personally so why bother watching
le right wing thuggery
wonder what poley looks like these days. not seen a picture of him in a while. reckon he's full gone full swing and is back to being a big hairy bearded muzzer bloke
Got the delivery, phew.
Always check the address pre ordering.
Might learn italian
Just local BBC regional news or ITV regional news but since I got rid of the Virgin I use iPlayer mostly.
some cunt just ran to my front door and nicked my McDonald's.
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Thas eggsactly how it started w me but in right knee
Just hurt 1 morning out if nowhere then that night it was like I could pop the fugging bone in n out of place. Quite disgusting feeling desu
I just got the x Ray cus it really feels like a bone thing. Bt they said normal bones. They said it's FND something neurological, in other words fake made up fibromyalgia type disease(in doctors eyes) so they can't do anything
Hope U have better luck
I'd love 2 get a real answer what it is bt I just give up
It does help with pip a little though that's true.
McDonald's on for free, and it's lush.
won a free mcflurry on the mcdonalds monopoly
cant stand ladbaby
Bet you're gutted about missing out on the floppy chips. I remember when they were the best part of the meal.
I'd get yer money back mate, it's shit.
I actually had a free Maccies the other week.. order arrived and the deliverywog knocked over a coffee. No biggie, I went on the Uber Eats app to complain about the coffee arriving damaged. It asked me for a picture.. never does normally but OK, send them a picture of the empty cup and coffee all over the floor. Couple hours later e-mail from some Mohammed asking for a picture. I said I already uploaded the picture when it asked me the first time, now it's all cleaned up I can't take a picture. Hour later I get a full refund for the entire order when all I complained about was the coffee. Bit of a winnington there for sure.
that's what you get for getting mcdonalds delivered you lazy cunt
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U have a dad, helpful uncle, mentor,,guardian,a teacher you trusted,,friends in school, anyone like that that isn't just ur mum who albeit I love my mummy bt her approach is she shrugs nd lets you do whatever you want?
Nobody teach me nothing in life.
None of that ever. Ever ever.
U understand I'm feral? No guidance. Plus autism.
Everything I know I learned myself alone painfully. Wonder I even lived this long. I pulled myself up by bootstraps more than 99% of humans. Most who lived like me would be prison, institution,dead a long time ago. So there.
Love to hear about the lads getting things for free.
Boomers really do watch some absolute slop.
so self destructive

need an insane gf to ruin my life
Stupid soggy french soaks
I'm going to contact the Dr's again tomorrow, get another MSK appointment.
Going to need an e scooter to get around soon. It not right. And winter is no longer enjoyable, due to the thrat of slipping on ice, ffs.
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RIP my aunty *** though bt women don't count for advice 2 young lads
Me? I've been watching The King of Queens on DVD. Love that show.
I tried some of my other American shows on my PS5 and they didn't work which is a good sign they are legit.
Bootleggers usually don't bother with region coding.
Simon Wilson always manages to scam free mcdonalds when he does his no money challenges. Too scared to try it myself.
more gooning and coping today king?
A wank and a cry may well be on the cards, fellow king
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Why would they not work on PS5?
No gooning but lots of coping. Coping makes the world go round.
Any Vagrant Holiday fans?
It's a shame he stopped but he always seemed majorly autistic. He's also DEFINITELY Surveillance Camera Man despite his cryptic denials.
They are region 1 DVDs so they won't play in my region 2 PS5. If they were bootlegs they would probably work on my PS5 because bootleggers don't usually bother with region coding.
I could put my paranoia to an end if my laptop had a DVD drive but it doesn't, does it? Fuck sake.
Anyway, the region test has put me more at ease anyway and I've already ordered a replacement official The Dick Van Dyke show.
Proper scouser he is, no shame.
>Sign in to confirm your age
Don't have an account
He's Welsh but I agree he has no shame.
nowadays a baker's dozen would be 11
Yeah his vids were good. Watch 'stobe the hobe' for some comfy trainhopping kino.
>Dont see the connection there bt anyhow, its not about worrying weight is like this
>You weight 21st Monday morning when u check
>If you eat kebabs so Tuesday its now 21.5st
>I get anxiety about checking my weight from 1 thing to the other behind my back
>Not the amount. The process
>Same reason I cant check emails text message etc
you're a fat cunt
Bagsy Abby Howells
shit, the hot chocolate took the daily caloric intake over 3000
Go for a quick wee.
Take a laxative classic poley style
And here I am struggling to eat 2000
it's a drink, it's mostly water weight.
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Have a hot chocolate.
I also struggle to eat 2000, heh
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Not cold enough to drink hot chocolate yet
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Leave freezer door open for a bit.
Might have a Costa instant salted caramel latte in a bit.
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That wouldnt bother me cus weight is sth where Im in control. So things like direct debits(i have a lot of subscriptions that go out random days youtube premium crunchyroll Spotify etc etc)can't mentally keep up with all that so I prefer 2 just not look at it. I can't control ppl sending me emails n text message. Bt obviously if I eat more calories than I burned I pit on weight which was my own action. Bt anyway I don't eat kebabs, my weight around 10st.
Might watch Goodfellas or Casino tonight de lids.
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>Might watch Goodfellas or Casino tonight de lids.
crosslad you should try the 'game' app called habitica. you min-max your good and bad habits. so then you do all the bad ones, but your little RPG character dies. it really shows you, it does.
Both quality films there de lid. Why go on a mad one and watch both
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>Anon posting on /britfeel/ from Oman
I posted on here when I was in Italy.
the helicopter from Goodfellas is the same one from the start of The Shining
I could do a triple bill with Heat.
As Anon said here: >>78863870
for me it's the Get Carter/Long Good Friday/Mona Lisa/Super Mario Bros. quadrology.
I didn't enjoy Casino personally.. would recommend you watch Goodfellas.
Might as well add Who Framed Roger Rabbit to round it off.
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Sounds kewl lad I have a look
Might play some Leisure Suit Larry for old times' sake
That's me in that picture (the ugly bastard).
>Long Good Friday
The best film ever made
So you remember the 3D reboot on 360? Gods, that was total bollocks.
The remasters of the point and click games are good.
Might have to grab it when my DVD allowance resets or my QMEE gets to 15 quid.
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Back to University this weekend for Ruth.
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10/10 in Wales
Yep giving that one a miss. Just copped LSL 7: Love for Sail from Steam for a pound. Still had some credit left over from a refund as well corr
Ruthmong dolly time is it, king?
Waiting around for 450 posts is it, king?
state of that goats fanny
Imagine being rich
You lost me there, king
If you lads like Larry, try the old Romp games with Jake's Booty Call. All free to play at https://theromp.biz/ btw
Ignore me, not playable there. But I found the lot of them with a 30 second google search. Evening entertainment sorted.
Love sphincters
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>19th September 2024
Crazy huh? 12 years wasted for Ruthmong
choon, this.
La tete a la forme d'un haricot
Anyone played Maggot Baits? It's very fucked up but it kind of made me realise I COULD get off to guro, futa and tentacle porn. Some really good sex scenes in it.
Tis indeed lad. Wonder if DVDlad has The Long Good Friday on Blu-ray
some kids are setting fireworks off
i hope we don't have fireworks this year, what with what's going on
Always pakis who set off fireworks in my ends
Sometimes at silly times at night as well
Not him but, same.
Drugs or weddings.
I don't think I've got another thread in me today.. if we switch across I'm calling it a night. 8pm only though. kinell innit.
Love paki kids, they are so cute
Migrate to the new breadington:

>that OP image
nah i dont fink so mate
Proper threead without gay porn

>can't control your finances
>expect me to believe you're not fat
might just stay in this thread DESU
i always do this, i hang back here, i post cheat codes and secret truths.
im lurking lid
register as self employed, declare nil income for Universal Credit.
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Makima feets
anime footposting is more homosexual than that homosexual penises thread, if you think about it
Used to post here all the time years ago

What is this general like now? can barely remember what it was like when I used to post here desu
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Thought about it, disagree

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