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little lion man ed

qott favorite real life king or prince? dead allowed.

old >>78908722
Martin luther king jr
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>qott favorite real life king or prince? dead allowed.
Henry VII, Athelstan and Edward I. Edward makes the list for having the largest trebuchet ever made and using it even after the Scots surrendered to test it out
drin-king looool
>tfw no bf to watch Alexander with, the 3 hour cut not theatrical I heard that version is no good
I wish i was a roman/greek general that could openly fuck my twink sex slaves whenever i want
the king of fnaf. he made my childhood feel a lil better :3
99 problems and being gay isn't one
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I'd rather just dress up as a Roman, spending years somewhere that is too hot or cold and filled with angry natives makes military life unappealing sex or no
I've always thought Charles I was really cool for a lot of reasons.
After his death, he was exhumed in 1813 to verify the identity of his grave.
>The coffin was completely full; and from the tenacity of the cere-cloth, great difficulty was experienced in detaching it successfully from the parts which it enveloped.
>Wherever the unctuous matter had insinuated itself, the separation of the cere-cloth was easy; and when it came off, a correct impression of the features to which it had been applied was observed in the unctuous substance.
>At length, the whole face was-disengaged from its covering.
>The complexion of the skin of it was dark and discoloured. The forehead and temples had lost little or nothing of their muscular sub-stance; the cartilage of the nose was gone; but the left eye, in the first moment of exposure, was open and full, though it vanished almost immediately; and the pointed beard, so characteristic of the period of the reign of King Charles, was perfect. The shape of the face was a long oval; many of the teeth remained; and the left ear, in consequence of the inter-position of the unctuous matter between it and the cere-cloth, was found entire.
This is probably my favorite portrait of him
anon.....i think i might be your guy....
philip ii (src The Lion in Winter)
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I remember spending months covering him back in high school, unsuccessful as he was I did find his stubbornness almost endearing.
You don't like the idea of going to unexplored foreign lands and conquering them? i wish i could cause it sounds like a cool adventure
I literally stopped watching his shit and bunch of other youtubers when they started posting fnaf on youtube
u dont really understand rome. everything they did was to keep barbarians as far as they could from the city (where they kept the handsome princes)
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The idea is fun but having read accounts of such conquests they seem tedious. Tagging along to write about it would be alright but managing logistics, political shitslinging back home, dubious allies and riding for hours all day isn't for me.
A tranquil villa with a vineyard is my dream
i mean, if u have to start from the bottom, then yeah ure gonna have to legion up and hope to capture yourself a nubile forest prince.
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u got to fight to get the villa

read this book (theres some gaybaiting)
time traveling to marry into a lesbian dutchess' family purely to control the local court with my cock and she can eat box while i touch butts
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do your part to fight animefication. richard was a MAN.
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Saved it, I'll tell you what I thought about it in about a year from now when I've read through my pile of books
I wouldn't say he's my favorite but he's a very funny fella. I only read about him because of Nick 2 whose dad is also hilarious for his random feats of strength, bring that back
This because I'm not allowed to say my favorite prince is "him" (you wouldn't know him he goes to another school)
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i'm sleepy and my eyes hurt
my bfs reqs are simple
>dignified and noble bearing
>agility and sure steps
>at least basic latin
thats literally it...
>tfw eyes hurt
>tfw tired
>tfw desperately dread going to bed so I don't have to start the next day
If by dignified and noble bearing you mean insufferable with poor posture
and by agility and sure steps you suggest that I'm pacing around all the time out of boredom
and by basic latin you mean.. actually I'm okay in that department huh
posted the wrong charles oops
where do u live then. et si non paravim, diceamus hic.
>dignified and noble bearing
i have all p-ranks in pizza tower except pizzaface and all b-skins in nuclear throne
>agility and sure steps
i can pull myself up sheer ledges
>at least basic latin
fluent in spanish
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Combating the urge to sleep with the knowledge that I'll wake up in two or three hours without a buzz. Installed a few crpgs so I'll pick one to keep me up
i like spanish but mobile gameing is really undingified. i think theres too much of an age gap with us anyway.
sorrey i didnt post any horney sluttey picks today...my elbows hurt
damn when is taylor swift going to put out some more music im BORED
almost bored enough to make my own music....
Being bored is a skill issue just do something
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I'll make your heart smile.

i literally work all day i mean like im bored inside my head, bored of events. youre right though.
why does everyone keep telling me that getting a dom bf will fix all my problems
i have severall plaid skirts...nice. wool. dangerously cozy.
hmm. mac dre said "never smoke stressed and the smoke wont choke ya."
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>tfw no bf to go on a Northern European cruise with
They always seemed like an old people thing but the ads on the nature channel make them seem enjoyable
dom's a professional man. he sells jaguars.
scared of ships. id rather walk.
I don't think you can walk across the north sea
i mean ur on rhe sea to see the land. i would have to take a train through the chunnel but other than that...
I am drunk on a Wensday night lets fucking gooooooooooo. All my issues solved for a night.
The war torn region of the middle west on the beleaguered american continent. I was mostly just surprised that I fit one of the random req posts for once
Did you add an extra A there (a-mus) or is there some fringe case I'm not aware of
how do you feel about aeroplanes? (ain't got time to take a fast train)
I'd get on any boat well before flying most times but I'm boat people
ill have a brandy wirh u anon, if i can sneak it...
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I enjoyed what little time I've spent on boats so that'd be part of the experience for me. Trains feel monotonous by comparison

Same except its Thursday morning here
well i was trying to use the subjunctive which would be let us speak not otherwise modified but that might not the subjunctive of dic. thats the subjuntive for first conjugation verbs anyway...i also shouldve said paravis...we arent that far apart heheh.
radiation. id go by boat if i haad to. i like slow trains and i really want to take one across the us ..it takes four days like a stagecoach.
no i mean i would walk on the shore unless i had to take a train. much preferable. u find seaglass, animals, have sex and even arrowheads sometimes.
I'm better at reading than sentence construction because a lot of times I don't need the functional case to determine the word's role via context even if that loses a good amount of nuance
My previous instructors would probably be mad but it's been decent enough when reading some side by side txts
No harm in trying out a language either way, latin of all things isn't going to get you into trouble with any locals
Good night robosexuals
possumus dicere et alii non possunt audite. quamquam possunt utere machinos novos potesse audire nos. quomodo audant...
volo dicere. hilarior est, contra legere.
being the best in the friend group at vidya sucks. they always get demotivated...
>he has a friend group
The absolute state of gaybots...
as that guy a lot ifs more like i feel like im disappointing u or holding u back...uve probably been so nice like here just do this and rhen he fucks up and youre like its fine but hes like ;( im bad
For a gay guy you are pretty cool, in another life I would've loved to share a contubernium with you. We could've complained that the new issue helmets weren't as good as the older helmets.
Maybe so. I've taken the lazy way out, whereas I'd be able to do the same as I am now were I actually informed about structure while also being capable elsewise

those damn kids with their magic tablets are destroying the republic
thanks octavian
res ridetur est, non legeo multior, in veritas, sed libros scholariorum, et si sum felix, de bello gallico. ergo, qui habet via facilior, facile non dico.
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Narrowed the choice of my next game down to baldur's gate 1, planescape and kotor. When I pull myself out of bed later I'll pick one
Gods, I hate Gauls. My grandfather hated them too.
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Even before those animals put out his eyes?
cave...dices cum unus qui tenet baculum illi populi...uni asterix et obelix habitabant, ibi populus matribus habitabant, et ubi dormit frater cornuvallis, ibi etiam habitabant...venivint in novam franciam circa anno domini MDCL, dum lustravint libertas.
That reads off with a lot of gravity despite A&O, I should be more careful with the subject. Cornuvallis is also inversely humorous
Now that I think about it both of my grandfathers had some amount of positive french interaction, being that one married a french-canadian and the other was an interpreter for some time, so it was really just a chance to say the line

A daring synergy
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I mean technically its Thursday morning here now. Just did a good fap and now got chicken tendies. Life is gooood.
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>tfw no bf to visit Stonehenge with
It isn't all that impressive but its a day out and the area looks pretty of an evening
>ywn get naked and t-pose in the mountaintops of the giants together
>tfw no bf who speaks latin and wants to discuss roman emperors with me
>he's back to playing boywife simulator
This, but also while facing each other.
Was it better? I was younger
Different problems, different names
Was it perfect? Was it simple?
Was it more or less the same?
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Only slept for three hours, the air outside is cold so I'm taking my bike out to help wake myself up
>tfw no bf to read next to while he does something else
I'm about to buy a gay dude skins on league
you deserve to feel shame
unless its a findom thing
then you deserve to feel suicidal
why I love him and it's only 25 bucks and he makes me feel nice and happy and I think he kinda likes me too
plus I'm not ugly like the rest of you fuckers so I don't need to worry about people "using me" when I'm buying them gifts because I know I'm attractive in the first place anyways
shame because its league, but otherwise in that context i hope you both get to 69 in the future, i guess
okay thanks I feel better about myself now I don't mind being flamed for being a league playing degenerate
don't buy him them if you think he likes you too, buy him them when you know for sure.
>buying things for someone across the country
couldn't be me
Yeah okay dude. Don't come back to us crying when your e bf used you for league skins and then ghosted you.
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columcille is cool too...completely made up by hippies but cool...theres a weird celtic mystic therapy retreat all around it so u see very weird ppl.
are you the L bf i've been looking for anon? :D
imperatoees fatuos sunt. cogitabo consules esse, in res publica parva nostra.
oops add nos after cogitabo
What's wrong with being french canadian?
Nah mate. I'm a hairy shut in and not a cute emo sadly.
hey i mean i've treated friends to little gifts when they live in other countries. it's not that bad!
Do not give me level select if when I beat a level there it doesn't unlock next levels. In other words DONT make a game that I need to beat in one go or at least let me know so I DONT exit and have to do it all over again because I believed I could just pick it up from where I stopped.
Some days my penis reeks and i don't know why but i think it might be diet related or maybe from too much masturbation
supposed to be going out and making important phone calls but instead i'm making a custom music mod
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any twinks in/near kansas wanna get high on shrooms and make out with me?
real L would look like the shuts the blinds guy so ..
i play console and pc games but i don't have a console or a pc
only thing worse than a fag is a druggie fag
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hey, i was better off when i was just a druggie before i became a fag, so clearly being a fag is worse
i would never in 1 million years associate with anyone who has a phone but not a computer. neither is ok but...no phonies.
yes that's why i play pc games on my phone
Morrissey wrote this song about me specifically.
The reason why you play games on your phone is because you're brown and you're poor
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well some people are into that i guess
How much do you weigh again?
20-22 bmi. it fluctuates a lot cus i eat a lot of carbs but also cus my crazy metabolism.
and also cus i'm really lazy and forget to eat sometimes until i get tremors
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i spread butter over my patty. when i flipped it it was really really soggy and soft, almost tearing apart. not putting as much salt this time. the pan is pooling with grease but i'm gonna use that for the fries.
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onions came out perfectly :)
if u can play them with a touchscreen theyre not real games. no exception. also u look stupid staring in a tiny screen.
lmao ur fat!!!

forget to eat my ass holy shiet
overcooked my fries :/
i play with a gamepad though. i also play emulated retro games on my tv :)
i have a lil tummy yeah but i'm really skinny mostly
no youre not skinny you little zoompig i dont care that everyone in ur classes is a hambeast hog. u are not skinny. u are a little piglet. skinny = underweight you round little muffin muncher.
I like Charles II https://youtu.be/CFa4UNmdEhg?si=bQEZF0YKnxvd4FFq
i lost my lighter fuck my LIFE theyre like three fricking dollars now
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sorry for not being a uwu twink femboy skelly and actually liking food
lmao youre literally just normal

its fine but dont be trying to pull some i barely eat schtick kek
I am finally free of facial hair. No more lying to
myself just cuse people say it looks good on me.
My smooth face feels so good.
but i do eat. a lot. just not often. which is why my weight fluctuates.
how would he be using me you guys are retarded
this guy added me twice and I unfriended him for no reason twice and then I bullied him for two weeks straight and then decided to have a change of heart and start drowning him in affection overnight

he doesn't even expect me to buy him skins it's gonna be a surprise gift when he comes online
my ideal bf is black & went to catholic school & is the most intelligent being in the known universe thats literally all i want..
those traits are not common amongst black men, let alone gay black men
Matthew Patel needs to destroy Scott's asshole
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Playing The Forever Winter and lyssnaring to FLA musik, riktig epic

My favorite king is Magnus Ladul(o)s
>tfw no bf who doesn't forget to eat my ass
being the most intelligent being in the universe is more common for them at the moment, because its him.
Story needs to rape meow. It is the only way to redeem himself.
Why would story raping me redeem me I am already saved meow

im getting a little too absent minded...i need to take a break from things before i start forgetting to look both ways.
scottposter is the ugliest ojisan in the club and he still gets men to grind on him
>he is playing Finland simulator
How is school going so far?
You are my new most hated poster around these parts.
Its what happens when your charisma is set to 8
and get a +2 from booze. That said thankfully no
one has came up to grind and just lemme do my thing on the dance floor.
Better than last time I just was over at my parents place to record a short video for swedish class and to get a book of mine that came in the male meow maybe I'll manage. The other full course I have is on unix and that shit is easy.
Imagine having BPD. Even if you look like a chad you're still undesirable, no matter how many games you buy
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Keep your filthy paws off of my boy Wallace. Scotts booty belongs to my bbc!
every action i take has ceased to have meaning, my life continues without my input. i am not capable of dealing with people, and the only aspiration i can try to achieve is no longer valuing things like my own appearance, which only serves as a detriment to me
I hope this image makes you seethe to the fact Scotts cute asshole is for Wallace Wells big dick only.
I have BPD and I look like chad and I've dated a bunch of people before
Why didn't any of them stick around XD
Scott's asshole belongs to Matthew and so does Ramona because he is bichad and he gets what he wants. Wallace can have G man.
no one ever sticks around in this day and age you retard all my non bpd normie friends are still single
Why do I not feel like doing anything when I have time and space to do things I normally want to do? This is torture.
I will be free soon.
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I told a friend of mine that I am basically looking for a shorter than me "femboy" to love (im already quite short), she told me to go as ideal as possible and I told her that he is ideally really cute and has feminine features. We vibe well together, probably soft spoken and submissive, and while probably not normal, he isnt bpd tier unstable.

...and she said that femboys are basically guys with prepubescent features fetishized, and what I seek doesnt exist, how true is this?

I really want the femboy experience, but I feel hopeless.
believing people disorder....u think theyre committed but theyre half like everyone else.
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Nice song meow
hurr durr I'm gonna make passive aggressive posts without quoting and then bite at you even though I know nothing about you hehe xd kys
>and what I seek doesnt exist, how true is this?
I mean they do exist in practiciality but finding one who is really short, has perfect femboy genes and is compatible with you is very slim.
lol, i literally do go all the way in real life...just not that many people take me up on the offer because...its scary...if youre not full on joiining my life im incapable of less.
why bother posting about irl dating on 4chinz
not even i would be friends with me
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Bpd is epic
I am going to kick you in the chest hard :3

I think that would be painful meow there's no need to do that.
my gf won't stop texting me about every little thing she does
just why
u can be in my party anywhere but i will need u to send me things constantly for almost no responses. dateing....maybe in 2 years.
I feel really fucking nervous and nauseous I wish he'd just come online it feels lik emy head's gonna go pop
shes retarded, it stands for feminine guy, not child-esc guy
there will be hope for you yet, anon
that really just sounds more like orbiting with extra steps but also extra evil intended to lead me o n for two years how would I even know you're not gonna chicken out getting into that sounds scarier than being single
its simpel...just do like the trooners do and find someone short and...influence him...
That's exactly why it is necessary you svedupelle fuck
im exaggerating. i also send a lot of things. im not chicken because...year of the rooster. but u could be.
and what if I'm more bpd than you are idiota
But it would be quite mean
>tfw no sub top boyfriend
I'm right here boyfrwn
it's not actually real people just meme with "tfw no xyz boyfriend" post for the shitkick lulz etc
You deserve it not sorry
thats the only reason id even pay attention to u
u really shouldnt do this. dont tfw in fun. someone might get hurt.
I will have mental breakdowns in ur dms and spam 200 messages because you slept an extra hour long
ubi est amicus noster, cum quis rogabam?
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Yeah you're probably right meow I wish I had a boyfriend to hurt me (affectionately).
well i needed something to read this morining....in return ill rant about video games i dont like for longer than ive even played them.
going to visit the senpai back in england whos linking up
um shit thats the boring real me i mean ill mourn about the futility of life.
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Life is truly suffering without one
Will you be my sub top bf pls pls pls? I will love u
forever as a gift.
>tfw showering and shaving don't improve your mood
Yeah too bad I don't remember what you did but you did something so I'm mad at you

I was fantasizing about a man beating me like a dog and threatening to cut my throat earlier and me just acting all lovey dovey at him earlier


have you tried pepperoni pizza
If you remember bring it up and we can have a civil discussion but if you wanna be mad at me that's fine in the end.
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It doesn't matter I hate you forever now and you are the worst person ever.
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Forever is a really long time can I make it up to you in some way..?
probably not since I am going to sleep soon.
I am glad you are not gone though, I wasn't seeing much meow spam in the latest threads and thought meow maybe left.
There is a definite strain of people who like "feminine" features that are actually just after underaged persons of either sex
I don't know why you'd go looking for a guy without the foremost realization that he is a man (sometimes a man in progress if he didn't eat his vegetables, but still a man), perhaps with traits that larger society considers effeminate or unmanly but not always

You should probably figure out if you're offended because she is right or offended because she is wrong
But then, women do the same nonsense in both directions relative to "idealization", something that I don't care to discuss at length, but worth noting
I never forgive meow I just forget too bad

I forgot to
Fo mo days until I start manifesting a boy who will read me 4chan threads
reading me blackpilled threads in a funny voice edition
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Another cummy ache for the anals of history
David Bowie died of AIDS?
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He had cancer that they found very late and had like a year to live, no?
I would not be surprised if he had hiv-aids considering the time period and was immune compromised as a result but he also had a lot of money so probably could have afforded suppression. Sounds like speculation to me despite that.

Anyway it's a crying shame that the radio edit of this cuts out the sax solo, I like both of these and they'll not fit together
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David bowie was a literal god. I don't even care all that much for his music besides station to station. Just his aura and looks put him in the top 10 coolest people ever. Especially in the late 70s. I would do unspeakable thing to look like 70s bowie.
fuck....real assignments are almodt due......fuck...

school is fucjing starting........
we could be in the mountains translating pindar in rhyme royal but youre not here yet.
it rained today and in math class this guy was taking off his sweater in front of me and his shirt got caught and lifted up and i got to see his back which was very hot.
I can't even buy a gay dude league skins apparently he's been offline for like 18 hours I think god damn how like he doesn't even know me on a personal level how do you like reject someone without even getting to know them wtf
I wouldn't date a dude that played LoL. I don't even need to explain why either.
he has a level 300 something account you retard he's played this game ten times more than I did
No he wasn't gay and only gay men get AIDS
Agree his music is cool too
how do i become gay
Even if david bowie didn't like men he was still a full blown faggot just for dressing and talking like that
just date a girl or two they'll turn you gay very quickly with how insufferable they are compared to boys
dressing and talking a certain way doesn't make you a faggot sucking cock or getting ur cock sucked by faggots make you a faggot
Wrong it's very easy to get called a faggot just for the way you talk or dress it happens to most men
getting called a faggot isn't the same as being a faggot you retard what if I called you a little bitch then would that make you a little bitch all the sudden??
it would tho
of course it would you subby little bitch baka
if only it was a cummy ache. if only.
If it looks like a faggot and sounds like a faggot and is called a faggot what is it?
why did you say that to me
>teehee I love you so much you stranger whose post I just read and never talked to before or will talk to again
Why are fake positive pieces of shit like puppyhon like this? It's so disgusting to see because you can just not lie, we all know you don't really care. I think this is worse than telling someone to kill themselves because it's so fake. Empty words.
because you know it's true and I know that you know that it's true and I think you enjoy being called such things
if only
i've had 3 gfs and i'm still waiting
I had like eight

after the eighth one I just realized like wow jesus christ girls are just actually fucking insufferable and it just causes me more mental anguish to date them than to be single I'm gonna go for boys from now on
what's your justification for thinking that
my gaydar is beeping very hard in ur direction and the dot on the screen is pink which in the user manual says pink is for "gay bottom bitches who enjoy being called mean names and also being degraded"
is everyone a sex haver here suddenly how can you have 8 ex girlfriends?
Start saying nice things
This is a promise
or i'd just stop caring about sex since i'm 40 at that point
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Looking good is gay folks!
its like straight people hate themselves or something.
you can like chicks and dress well too anon.
I can have 8 ex girlfriends one ex TROON gf (with a penis) and two ex boyfriends and come from a criminal background having imported and dealt drugs and also happen to be in a very shitty situation in my life atm where I'm being a depressed homestuck neet with no plans until 2025

I'm also jacked as fuck and I do steroids and have cool tattoos and piercings but thats' too much information and now people might recognize me I hope youre happy
Sicarios are en route but don't worry they're just gay porn actors
can you show me this device
There's a very big difference between dressing well and wearing overtly homosexual clothing with lots of feminine makeup like mascara
it's a neruochip integrated into my brain working like realtime UI sending signals to my brain that makes me see it through my own eyes
this board is just full of normalfags larpingg as robots to troll and for attention. Guys I'm sooooo lonely I've only had sex with 5 guys this month ;_;
/r9gay/ lost /r9bi/gly
yeah and by the late 70s bowie had put away the glam rock look but I would argue the glam rock look isn't even gay. It was just the style at the time. Its like calling hair metalers gay.
m twenty two
can you call me more mean names then
after looking at this thread i don't believe gays are more fun to talk to than women
after trying to date gays i realized gays are just as bad if not worse than women
I still think the problem is me
I've never tried dating because its futile and retarded. Yeah dude get shackled to someone who will inevitably hate you and leave you in less than a decade.
>hate you
usually not true
>leave you in less than a decade
usually true
Wow that's me but I will cry if you are mean to me
would anyone be interested in doing an /r9gay/ omegle tag
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Is anybody interested in hunting me for sport (not in a sexual way)
I feel horrible I want to kill myself yet again
I'd like to see your fat moon shaped head explode like a balloon after getting curb stomped
nvm it went away I'm fine
can I drop a dickcord and we get to kno w each other maybe

Fuck off meow, we don't want you here anymore. This general moved on: you're old news
imagine being the only person who know who that is
I think sub tops should kill themselves
what about sub switches
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You should only tfw no bf post in fun otherwise someone might get hurt
They should cut off their non dominant arm but they can live
I'd just become 5'7 guts irl
bottoms seething about a gay man not being their absent father figure because he likes something else will never not be funny
>tfw no bf to talk about fruitility of life
manlet general manlet general manlet general
I mog all of u
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What does r9k think about the new face of bisexual men?

>fucked the dad from Family Matters
>probably fucked Justin Beiber too
>hosts drug-filled orgies at his home as a pretext for "sneaking in" some gay sex
>blamed for killing Biggie and other rappers (maybe he did)
>everyone says he's "gay"
>publicly denies being gay

How does this track with bi men in general?
Guys are walking around with names like Zesticus "Babyface" LeFlavre and expecting me to not know they're gay
What's his aura like???
Imagine being proud to be a newfag tourist lmao
would he be the apple of your eye?
>tfw anon didn't post jonah's socials
Pretty sure jonah edited his profile and removed shit right after it got posted here
Yeah and some of them are even tripfags. If it wasn't clear actual gay (male) robots are the minority here and have been for a while
I don't fuck with zoomers but zesty is a cute word
Hating women is still a massive red flag in gay men
I think this anon doesn't understand shapes. Please explain how meows head is moon shaped and how muttbunny has a whatever shape you say his head is. Retard.
>tfw no underweight canadian bf to simps for me, a femboy
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well maybe my mommy should've been nice to me if she wanted me to not hate women
because being generally hateful is a red flag
His head is moon shaped because it's round and fat and I never talked about bunnyanon?
More like a bitch to my peach (anus)
this poster is bunnyanon
To women specifically cuz it makes them sound like prisongay incels who don't like men, just hate women and that's the reason for their "gayness"
i thought someone said bunny wasn't posting here anymore
this sounds ridiculous lol
you wouldn't call me a little bitch in the first place for any reason other than me being a little bitch.
wearing rainbow socks to a lgbt volunteer event
La la la wearing my rainbow flag to go along with my rainbow colored mustache la la la ugh I hate gay people la la la hate homosexuals *puts on rainbow boxers* grrrrrrrr
Oh god... imagine how horrible it would be to cuddle with a cute boy who's wearing rainbow underwear..... god... the humanity! please dont let this happen to me...
Do you ever spank him first so that when you plap him his butt is more wam
no i was faking and playing like all the others :/
axtually i just wont install doscord for anyhhing. i dont see why you would. evil program.
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>me when i see meows face in person for the first time
i dont want to know what games my friends are playing. i want to know what shoes theyre wearing.
Foot wh*re
foot where?
this is unironically me though
im predator acshaly. just whore to lower ur guard.
wow thanks I've been feeling like not killing myself for the last ten minutes
which I still don't so get fucked retard
who are you talking to? some of these posts really come off as schizo sometimes.
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unironic skill issue on ur lack of deduction skills I'm sorry your parents didn't teach you basic reasoning growing up
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does r9gay still like picrews
rude and unnecessary
too bad ur parents didnt teach u to take ur meds

why cant u just @(you) the poster that ur talking to like a normal person?
id follow u on tumblr, i dont use anything else.
it wasn't a reply to someone it was a follow up to my previous statement which was the post right before my post without a quote, even if you were just braindead reading the posts in order without pausing to think for a second it would make complete sense that these
posts are clearly just one sentence split in two you fucking egghead
>does r9gay still like picrews
only mentally ill ugly obese trannies use that shit
i know a certain finnish person who would love picrews then
Haha i get it because meow is a fat obese tranny with a fat ugly head
idk who the fuck your favorite namefag is I just never liked picrew ever it's always just been some weird "here's my second life avatar because I'm too ugly irl and also too insecure to accept that I'm ugly" thing
it's okay they have options for fat people now
I like looking at picrew things they're kinda neat
never made a picrew, hardly looked at a picrew. i want to keep the mystery
>le keep the mystery
people are either attractive or ugly there's no mystery there
keeping it anonymous and nothing you do can stop me
ok? so I'll just assume you're ugly then
you can assume no.78939182 is ugly but thats not me
I'm not a number! I'm a free man!
yeah free to leave my thread you ugly dog
eehhh dogs cant be ugly
(canine whimper)
bark for me
dogs can be ugly when they get born with deformities like that one where one of their eyes comes out wrong and is slanted and smaller than the other and it looks cross eyed
all of that sounds goofy and goofy is cute when youre a dog
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i saw this guy online early this morning and I cannot stop thinking about him. I don't even know if im attracted to him in a gay way. its just he has such a feminine beauty about him that I didn't think was possible. I feel a mix of envy and awe looking at him.
no one dates a crossed eyed wonky eyed slant eyed dog because ""it's cute""
you arent supposed to date dogs freak
>avg run of the mill alt twink
>ungh ungh he's so unique and special gais
>but also I'm not like gay or anything
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I was talking about this deformity thing
you're retarded and probably pornsick
and that's exactly what I'm saying, you're an ugly dog born with ugly disgusting deformities and no one's gonna date you
face too narrow
you DO let your dog go on dates with other dogs right? don't be a helicopter/leash parent
it's the least you can do after letting the vet steal his balls
He does look a little ghoulish in the face like someone sucked the life out of him
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i wanna cuddle and befriend this retarded anorexic faggot
he/she will grow into the look
I don't have a dog I'm a cat person and I have an ex-stray cat that I picked up from outside my apartment because my neighbors told me that the stray dogs fucking ATE her family and she's never been outside the house aside from the vet visits
I am a fag though. That's why I post here.

>you're retarded
Look at him. I don't know where you people live and this goes for the last guy I replied to but I have never seen someone who looks like this before. If this is run of the mill and not feminine where you live I clearly live in the wrong area.
Based dog chads shitting on beta cat niggers
>retarded anorexic faggot
that dude is presumably a sex machine drowning in either pussy, ass or dick depending on his preferences and he wouldn't even spit on you
You don't even know what the word feminine means, you just associate it with things you claim to like because you're prison gay
the kid's skinny down to the bones, he moves like a sissy, his haircut is by no definitions of the word masculine and his overall attire or behavior doesn't resemble anything masculine, combined with the fact that it's a fucking clip from TikTok TM LLC on which he's seeking attention for his looks you must have a sick twisted understanding of masculinity if you don't think that dude isn't effeminate
my feminine gf who i met on /r9gay/ in autumn 2024. you may reveal yourself
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time for a thread throwback reference
spoiler that shit wtf wtf wtf
I'm taking this from Wikipedia.
>Western cultures, the ideal of feminine appearance has traditionally included long, flowing hair, clear skin, a narrow waist, and little or no body hair or facial hair.
I think he qualifies. Unless I need to use some definition which you have concocted in your mind and never told anybody else.
he's probably one of those brain rotten zoomer kids who think being the skinniest slickest twink on earth isn't effeminate because his favorite hyperpoop artists all look like that or something
'unmanly' does not mean feminine
'effeminate' does not mean feminine
words have definitions
he's literally just wearing a shirt and taking a picture of his haircut. normal people do this.
being skinny doesn't make you a girl lmao
dumbass fatfuck, spend less time greasing your sausage with those sausage fingers, unless it keeps you away from a keyboard for longer so I don't need to read your tripe

on a more positive note
look at his really nice shoulders even at his weight, and how sturdy his neck looks
it's masculine and attractive the same way his face is
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Welcome back mean/bitteranon, I wonder if you're cute
I'm not the bottom bitch of your dreams I have a tyler1 build with more muscle and I have tattoos and my ears are pierced and I abuse steroids and smoke and just got clean off of hard drugs a couple months ago
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I am the bottom, I'm as skinny as that guy >.<
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He doesn't have long flowing hair
He has regular skin, there are moles and whatever the hell even through the camera filter
you can't see his waist at all, and men almost all have 'narrow waists' because they're fucking rectangular in the torso as it flows to the leg
lack of facial hair for a young person is not 'feminine', nor does it become feminine when you're like 40, and unless you want to see a tuft coming out of his shirt's neck that's that
doesn't suit your own attempted definition

In fact, Arnold in Conan fits as many of these fucking words as the tiktok chap
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>I am the bottom, I'm as skinny as that guy >.<
this anon wonned
I'm not actually mean in one on one conversations or if I actually make the other person feel bad btw then I just lovebomb them
>He doesn't have long flowing hair
>He has regular skin, there are moles and whatever the hell even through the camera filter
He has a singular dot on his neck. Other than that he has completely clear and pale skin.
>lack of facial hair for a young person is not feminine
It is for men. Lack of body hair is also feminine. Unless you are actively shaving yourself the vast majority of the dudes are going to be covered in body hair. Of course this changes from race to race and everything but a young white dude is going to have body hair. Look at his arms. He has no arm hair at all.

I would call that feminine but whatever. If my word usage here is so offensive what would you have me use instead of feminine?
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drop your contact meanfag
The room lighting and camera normalize his skin tone, besides that what do you want, acne or acne scarring or something all over? Blemishes in general?
Do women become masculine when they get a tan?
The only people who think an 18-25 year old is unmanly for not having a beard are 15-22 year olds unless you're geriatric, and even then examples of "masculinity" in a worldwide-american cultural sense are the military and sports, neither of which have many bearded gents as a rule

Having said that, it would be great to have posters articulate their likes and interests relative to other males without using language that makes them appear like weird groomers or otherwise predatory persons
The image is already titled "beautiful". What information is gained by doubling into "feminine"? Besides stating something concerning about your own preferences as has happened
It only serves to erode the notion that a male, as a male, can be attractive on the grounds of existing innately male traits; inviting some manner of emulation otherwise.
I even did the favor of ignoring the "he moves like a sissy" statement before. Did you get sent to military school or something and now everyone who doesn't have a close-cropped mormon haircut is going to get your ass beat for associating with their limp wristed queer ilk?
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sorry I was signing up and picking a profile picture..........
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>Do women become masculine when they get a tan?
Yeah because it implies being outside and doing stuff. Which is masculine. There is a reason why most tomboy figures in anime have tans.
>bearded gents as a rule
Not as a rule sure but having a beard is more masculine than not having a beard. I'm not saying being clean shaven makes you instantly a limp wristed faggot or something.
>It only serves to erode the notion that a male, as a male, can be attractive on the grounds of existing innately male traits; inviting some manner of emulation otherwise.
I don't think you can't be masculine and be beautiful HOWEVER there is a difference between masculine and feminine beauty. There is a reason why the word handsome exist.
>I even did the favor of ignoring the "he moves like a sissy" statement before
you are arguing with two different people. That wasn't my post.
I figured it was two people after I hit Post but it's of a similar bent to what I'm criticizing so I thought to touch on it. My mistake.
"tanned tomboy" is a /v/ meme anyway, those are just genki sports girls and not real life either
as a matter of fact I'd wager most of the meme tomboys now are also meme goths (and not representative of what an actual tomboy is, a personality or set of interests, but I'm getting way off the mark)

Anyway I'd say the guy is easily handsome, he's got a nice jawline and strong facial features even if gaunt, and that'd be true with or without facial hair accenting it.
Same goes for bodily tone (muscle) or body hair, the features are only ever accentuated or added to
My friends said I have a babyface now after shaving all my facial hair. They were ragging on me for it but I took it as a complement to myself.
sup. I'm fat, older than you, love drinking wine and schizoposting though
LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO out for some pizza
im sorry uve never seen a skinny man in your life lmao

what is life like as a zoomer?
motherfucker took damn near 2 hours to beat but i managed to get a sub-46 on the 1st phase
fpund my lighter in my other bag...dpuble stupid now for buying another. too absent minded indeed. better smoke all my weed tonight so i can take a break. gonna need coffee.
maybe u guys dont believe me but....even just 2 of us working together could littlely change the world...
that post is mocking me because I actually could have at one point if I hadn't been smashed under that faggot's well-established, authoritarian boot
liking chaos for its own sake doesn't change my assessment of you
snerk....u never couldve gotten anywhere without me. actually i have no idea what ur talking about. but the things we could do together.....
>older than you
how much do you mean
ahh middle school...the old old days...talking to ppl on AIM about...idk ..sending each other funny yaoi pictures as a joke...u younger ppl here would get it, u were born after friends.
i think thats why youre so on edge...im just trying to relive being 13 and staying up late with ppl. u dont even know what to want i feel like.
warm septembre night...coffee on the roof...a weed...the teinkling lights of a million...uhm...how many stars are fhere? paging cute geely astronomy grad student anons.
i think college was where i lost hope for sooociiiery. everyone literally just...used instagram...
I don't want to interrupt but I like reading your posts so continue making them thank you
like did u really have to be 1000 yrs old to know that shit was lame
i do genuinely believe that only 4chan users have rhe power to save the world with me/from me so im here to get you all young like voldemort.
need schizoanon go get me while i'm young
well ok i lied, like grad students actually dont use instagram, the science ones anywya, like rhe real ones, but i cant fit in with those ppl because they actually do work whereas i fck around and always fck up like 1 thing in 20 no matter how easy. theyre so nice to me but i know they judge, and literally just abt my physical clunsiness because its way more outsatdning than any mental deficit...
i am. ure being got. but its ok because...well i dont know. thats for u to decide. i suppose its my nature. 1 of u will resist and eventually kill me. in legos.
so far as i can tell from results now however, being got by me results in becoming extremely attractive but in an indescribable unearthly way. so it is good arguably.
/r9glow/ hours
*ipcreas sound* u are consumed by the desire to hike the woods for 12 hrs a day forgetting to eat until u are slenderer and entuned with nature more. this will happen when i count to 3. 1. 2. 3. *returns you to the chamber*
these are of course my own fantasies...i wish i cpuld orbit all of u and be a part of YOUR delusions, im tired of just having them.
>tfw no glowie bf
schizoanon what do you think about me p-ranking every level and boss in pizza tower
iont know what that is. ur probably like my cute friend in 8th grade who was really good at all games like i lent him fzero gx for gamecube cause i couldnt get past the 2nd story mission and he beat the story in like 2 days...anyway, he was v cute and um...what was i saying. o yea i guess play fzero gx for gamecube and ill care cause it will mean u have very cute feet.
i cant believe ppl are gaming and sitting alone in their apartments with their cute feet. please sit in the park and cafes.
gaeming...playing gamess...what even are they. what are we getting so good at clicking for. we could be kissing and touching other peoples ribs...
i regret wasting my time masturbating but i don't regret wasting my time gaming
i play my 3ds and ocarina outside sometimes but nobody ever approaches me
makes you coffee at midnight then takes your back while youre at the breakfast bar and upshirts your nipples. hee hee rub rub spins away and bites my own hand hard and screams through my teeth cause of how cute your nipples are ....
i regret some games and like not committing harder to ones i like liked. but im trying this nofap now cause u all were talking abt it so much and its like wow life is chill just drink coffee and like read and sit...
nipppless..,.....your nippplesss...........feel your nipples......your nipples are sensitive against your clothing. every time u read the word nipples u notice the sensation of ur clothes against ur nipples slightly rubbing as u breathe...nipples....he he....lick
do you play mariokart?
>tfw off-his-meds anon will never press himself behind you and rub your chest under your shirt
not so much these days ever since both my shoulder buttons started getting wonky. i just play pizza tower and nuclear throne mobile now.
cant be off what i never been on biatch

in my family ur only crazy if ur like homeless or got real problems. ur makin it ur makin it however ur makin it....im still alive and somehow at large so shut the fuck up....i say as i squeexe ur left nipe while trackng my right index finger along your abdominal adonis lines
im not like all night crazy like i go to bed. i feel like u never met a real crazy person
imona go to bed now and...i simply ask that u attempt to project urself into my dreams. im very sensitive so just project any which way...
omw rn fr
I am just a man fighting other men for land
how do you ghost someone after 4 sentences
You're fighting women, including yourself, for land
At least TRY not to lie, demon BITCH
like literally what could I have said in those 4 sentences that could either make your interest or break your interest considering it wasn't even me who added you
What did she do to you to make you like this my questionably gay friend
Stealing books in the meantime
You're such a faggot, you don't even do it for your own enrichment, you do it because you think the people you steal from are small enough that they can't recover. You're a predator. The spiritual equivalent of a child molester.
you're very funny because you're replying to my post with something completely irrelevant and that's hilarious and I don't think you should kill yourself at all
One of these nights huh
Who cares anyway right? Pretending to be whoever you want is your tired defense. Your posting style is tired and stupid too. What a noob bitch. Good job, being an asshole to everyone works. The points to be better than that you fucking moron.
that just seems very loaded and baity, I haven't met with anyone recently that even got to know me and thereby it's just not reasonable for myself to be accused of pretending to be a personality
I hate you for using your fucked up microcosm to leech from people who need motivation the most
It's genuine hatred, but you feed off of that too like the worm you are
who am I supposed to be in this fictional situation exactly? I've been posting on r9gay for like the last 3 days I'm not a regular
He just keeps fucking draining
Blood sucking bitch
Creepy ghoul. He was so close to looking good but the face. The face.
I'll drain ur cock until that attitude turns into smiles and cuddles and kisses u faggot
Words are just a pretext for unfavorable energy exchange here. It's why you bother to reply so fast. Get fucked.
I just woke up ten minutes ago and the attention feels very nice and I don't really feel insulted it actually kinda turns me on
I think it's cute, that's what happens at low bf% even if he needs more snacks
I would think a place like this would be accustomed to low bf%s, or zeroes
Case in point. I appreciate the admission of guilt, whether you meant to make it or not.
I like skinny boys, a lot lot in fact, which is why I said he was so close. He has a really narrow ghoulish face that looks creepy as chadlike in a bad way. Not that I like round fat faces but his is just very deformed looking. Hard to look at even. Like it's telling me "something's wrong".
No one cares about your basic bitch taste. It's barely even gay, really.
I'm not put off at all, if anything I think it's unique and interesting
Spooky dudes get me going but I wouldn't even say he's one of those
my favorite real life king is Elagabalus, Emperor of Rome in the early 3rd century.
he was 14 when he became emperor, and he was a tranny. got fucked by men on a regular basis.
schizoposter who talks to himself and makes typos every other post is my least favorite poster
You all think a teenage boy is the ideal boyfriend
Just save yourself the trouble and come out as either prison gay or narcissist reflectionfag pedos already
Stop pretending to be real homosexuals
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I'm a dog for attention I would literally bark for attention I'd turn my belly and be like "hey master pat here pls"

but I'm not a furry
extremely allegedly because his opponents wrote his biography. some of it's probably true
getting rammed was standard character assassination, even Marcus Antonius was subject to it at length (and that was quite a likely story)
No you wouldn't. You just likebeing hurtful. You talk nonsense all day just for the mere opportunity. You're pathetic, genuinely, larps not needed.
I don't remember saying any of those things
I find the notion pretty repulsive and I feel like you're lashing out indiscriminately after someone unrelated did something unrelated
how am I a larp if I didn't even send pictures

and I can just stop meanposting if it's really being hurtful I didn't know I'm sorry
I don't really give a shit about your opinion on it, gay police. Shut your bottom ass up.
Did andy ghost or get ghosted?
get ghosted but I didn't even get to introduce myself or anything it was like "hey - hi - wyd - listening to music wbu - chilling gonna go lay in my bed so we can chatter - oh ok based - so why'd u add me - boredom ig - should I introduce myself"

done that's it I literally fell asleep looking at my phone afterwards
>tfw no low boyfriend percentage bf
That's kind of odd, when I saw a post about a ghost I was going to pointlessly add "but what if they just fell asleep" and it managed to be the wrong way around. I should stop accidentally causing problems for people I don't know. I'm sorry.
You're just a basic bottom bitch, dime a dozen
I'm a switch not a bottom
He is just drunk and sad geppetto didn't make him into a real boy with his love
I'm a caligula kind of guy
Like, I'm both exactly like him, but also the people who murdered him. While realistically being nothing like them at all, too. Such is life as a real individual as opposed to a copypaster of cultural references.
When you say you're a switch do you mean you like switching between getting fucked in the ass and mouth?
the league guy added me back and said he was just asleep all day because of how much he drank
Telegraphing you know exactly who I am. What a loser. Get a life outside of trying to stress out literal who nobodies on the internet you stupid mean bitch
Wannabe machiavelliantard who comes across like a bad, ancient myspace meme
You didn't leave a strong everlasting impression. It's like those talent shows, you have to make the most out of your short time in the spotlight. Maybe send a butthole pic next time. Or don't add anons without talking to them here first you know.
he talked to me here first and he asked me for the contact though literally right up there >>78939541
I fell asleep waiting for a response and then he had unfriended me when I woke up
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You entered my space, my domain. There is nothing for you here except suffering. You know it and you enjoy it, which is why you keep coming back. I like it too but don't pretend you don't enjoy this little game my tranny friend. So drink and dance and sing and talk, tomorrow you may not be able to walk as in your dreams you will be stalked
I think you're mad you tried so hard to assassinate me, and I'm still here. And you're trying to cover it up. You're not used to that. You're a predatory fuck who's used to killing, not being criticized by survivors. I can't wait to outgrow you and your malevolent undergrowth.
Because you'll still be here like the bitch you are
With your shit contract
I don't want to kill you, I like you crippledthe way you are. It's more fun to see you suffer then to know the suffering has ended or is happening outside of my domain so I can't observe it. You are a gift that keeps on giving. Do you hear that ringing? It's time to take your meds
You're starting to make little typos. Are you sure you're not slipping? It's frightening, I thought I was supposed to be on the defensive. Loser.
One schizo leaves and the other one shows up right away. Curious. Curious. Very curious.
I think there's two and they're arguing with each other
Yeah the whole thread is bullshit
Wow big reveal
All your bravado is a front. You're desperate for my attention which is why you will keep spamming about me if I don't respond quickly. You need me, you can't live without me. Drink and suffer but don't die before the supper <3
I mean the one that talks to himself and spams dumb stream of consciousness post with typos like >78940468, the other is this victim complex meanfag
Your egotism never fails to shine through
Nah, it's that this place seems so nice till I post and suddenly you decide to metamorphosize and be a bitch like usual
Fucking tiresome
that's not spam that's just "hey I just had a funny thought I'll post it on an r9k general"
You never liked this place and you keep telling us that. Lying isn't helping your cause: the cause of playing the victim and trolling
Is that why he keeps making ton of those posts in a row and talking to himself all day? So it's not spam and schizo behavior to do that? Do you even read the thread or are socially and actually retarded?
Borrow a better stock phrase from pop psychology you unoriginal bitch. One that actually describes something meaningfully for once.
idk I just know I personally used to do stuff like that just open a random general write out my thoughts and leave

how do you know it's just the one same person
this dude makes me really nervous and uneasy because I really don't trust him to be nice or anything else or even hold an interest in me and at this point I feel like I should unfriend him instead before he does
Troll larger. What a fag. Literally lying in wait ALL DAY to entrap people he doesn't like. I come here at my leisure and magically he's always there with his choice words. At my beck and call, little bitch.
Because of his posting style and things he says? Because I actually read the posts here? It's not that hard. Plus he makes typos which give him away if it's not clear enough, he might be drunk and is likely off his meds.

That's not the issue, what you did is ok, that's not a multi hour spanning spam fest.
I don't think I was the right meanfag when I posted my contact I think I was confused for someone else
Larger instead of larper, qq so weakening. It really comes down to that shit with you. It's so fucking asinine, hank hill style
I don't need to borrow things I make them just like I made you into what you are, a toy useless in any other contexts except as a laughing stock. How is your liver holding up?
That's funny, everything you say seems to be awfully derivative. You wasted my time for sure, and you're enough of an ass to glorify that, but nothings changed, except my tolerance for people like you. Absolute wastes of space.
Maybe don't reply to posts that don't specifically relate to you then?
I'm not gonna unfriend him I'm just saying that he comes off suspicious and at this point it would be more plausible to me that the only person to take an interest in me happens to be a giga attention whore talking with 8 dudes from 5 different timezones just so he never runs out of someone to talk to
well it seemed to be directed at me how am I supposed to know every single namefag with a basic ass name despite not being a regular loser that posts here every single day
You are the largest troll here in more ways than one, you hateful tranny. I post here at my leisure and you come and start shitting the place up with your meanposts. Start drinking bleach, I hear it's better for people like you. Do it.
To you because you are blind. Blinded by years of alcohol abuse and untreated mental ilness. And hate. Mostly hate. Irrational hate towards everyone who comes across your path. You are just a sick woman with sick thoughts and I think niggas like you should die
>makes a typo
>instead of taking responsibility blames it on someone else
Eternal victim complex schizo XD
You know the best thing that's happened to me? I don't fucking care what you think, you manipulative, predatory, worthless nobody, who has nothing better to do than call a fuxking anonymous thread his territory. I mean how can you not laugh at that. I apologize for ever taking you seriously. Sincerely. Troll fuck.
Does having friends make you an attention whore now?
Eternally buzzwording to no one, like a quiet little bee with his teenie little stinger
Don't visit spaces you don't belong to. If you're not a loser and are proud of it kindly fuck off to one of gazillion places your kind gathers. You deserved what happened lmao
"friends" like my ex girlfriend had yeah

I was literally THE most attractive person she's in contact with, literally BE her boyfriend and she'd still spend time talking to ugly obese loner losers who'd unrequitedly flirt with her, in her defense she "never returned the flirting" but just the idea that she was okay with "being friends" with people like that turned me sick in my stomach and I broke up with her

and I say this with no intention of bragging or anything else, I'm 100% more attractive and experienced than any of you are and it's still wild how much stupid attention whoring people will do behind your back even when you're officially dating them
*Takes the apology and shoves it up your neovagina*
I don't care about your buzzwords because unlike my buzzwords they don't apply
I'm homestuck till 2025 and gonna be a neet till 2025 and I don't use any social media retard
Buzz buzz little bee
This conversation is becoming increasingly irrelevant to me
Cmon at least make it somewhat stimulating
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Oh it's the normie bragging hours. Y'all are some troll ass nibbas and I hope you find real joy in life so you don't have to come here and make fun of less fortunate to pass time.
You used to be so good at that
Whats happening to you?
You're not the only human in exists, even if you believe it to be true in your narcissistic victim hood. We are not the only ones that browse this thread, even if your delusions tell you that's the case. Moreover you are replying which means it's not to no one, even if no one else is reading those posts.
Stop being dumb and dishonest. Oh wait, you can't *womp womp*
>tfw no narcissistic bf who feels the need to let r9k know how awesome he is
So many words from such a small creature, trying so hard to make big booboos ):
I can't be more emphatic about not giving a single fuck anymore
So I'll just say it over and over again you stupid vindictive bitxh
Not my problem, you can use social media, are you physically incapable of it? Oh I forgot you can be mentally handicapped lmao. Is that why you get ghosted?
>I don't care so I will keep replying
I don't like boobs, I'm gay unlike you
I don't like social media or the entire weird aspect of keeping "friends" that you're not really friends with

anyone I'm friends with I'm in direct contact with and I just cut the contact with people that I haven't talked/interacted with in a while

why are you even being mean to me
Wow you sure caught me with your bitch logic fuxkin nerd
Is that really what passes for a retort with you passive aggressive fucks? Clearly I'm advertising my triumph over your negativitistic attempts at harming me, you stupid fuck
Conversation has always been utterly worthless with you people
I think it'd be funny if you tried to dox me, cause no one would care
>I don't care what you think so I will keep telling you how I'm winning
Cope, why d you think anyone cares or believes you. You were a joke to begin with. You will never be a real girl mwahahaha
Good bpdboy
I mean, you literally just did an anime villain laugh. Are you 13 lmao
I feel bad for engaging you now
now give me headpats please
*takes out my penis and pats your head with it*
a pat is a pat I guess..
You know how old I am. You know my backstory. Or maybe it was all just a dream~
Hey guys I bought this transformer for 20 bucks how are y'all doing today
That would be so whimsical and mysterious, if only I gave a single fuck. Hell, if I did know you in the past, I didn't give a fuck about you then either (rightfully so) and that's probably why you're so butthurt and seething and plotting for a literal eternity. Move on bro, this isn't healthy.
Cause sure as shit no one I've interacted with besides my parents has ever gave a single fuck about me either
The audacity behind what you're doing
Disgraceful and disgusting
>move on he says
>this isn't healthy he says
Nigga you self harming every time you get here, take your own advice
>I go to do other things and of course he is still crying about this
Yes yes you don't care I see lmao. Desperate.
It took you what, ten minutes to say that? You can't just say nigga and pretend your response isn't weak as shit
What a stupid crutch to lean on
And if you're not black it just makes you sound retarded
>I hope you find real joy in life so you don't have to come here and make fun of less fortunate to pass time.
that's retarded, I hope they die
I'm as black as your soul you sad little troll
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>anon talks about me on other imageboards with his imageboard friends
>anon talks so much about me with his imageboard friends people immediately recognized me after I make a single post there
Can we still be friends even if you hate me meow
I avoid BL manga for this reason
Does anyone else seethe about never having young love? Ive been binge reading BL manga and it doesnt help that most of the characters are highschool aged.
I saw a cute/hottish guy playing psp on the subway like last week or so but I was too cowardly to approach him.
I feel so nervous I'm gonna throw up how does getting attention from someone and stuff feel worse than just being entirely alone by myself I donot understand truly
Why don't you tell us more about this creep so we can avoid him?
I've been having stomach pains for 4 days now. Maybe this general has been poisoned.
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This general is full of people who've been here longer you dumb animal
People who drink non alcoholic beer are biggest weirdos. Like, it tastes like piss and you don't even get drunk so what's even the point?
it makes me feel like I'm drinking real beer without putting holes in my head
Why would you eve want to drink beer???? I thought it's just cheap drink poorfags do to get drunk, surely no one likes the taste. Right? Right?
>surely nobody could disagree with me on this incredibly subjective matter
Now is perfect time to make the new thread but I have 3 already
I never heard even drunktards who defend the taste of beer + I'm kinda joking
Who's going to make the new thread?

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