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Burnley edition
Might buy a new coat
Might buy some shoes.
Why does every place in the North beginning with B have to be a shithole full of undesirables?

Blackpool, Burnley, Bradford, Bolton, Bury, Blackburn
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Picrel used to be me up until 2022
Nice to have a hobby I guess

>muh health
No one is living forever
I wish I had some free drink days.
Might do 40 days no alcohol (I won't)
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Why not pretend you've already done it?
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4 Custard Tart Challenge.
He eat sugar so he can go sleep.
And fat burns fat.
It lush. All of them were for him!
>eat something nice
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That's a good idea apu lad. Gonna have a cheeky drink later to celebrate!
You can feel less guilty if you call it a challenge
You couldn't neck 4 custard tarts in 3 minutes lad. It's probably not for you.
I'm going to do the 4 spliff challenge tonight, lads. Wish me ganbatte.
Cook Benji in the oven challenge
>250 calories in each tart
This is why I don't buy biscuits. Easy to neck 10 of them in a go and it's like 70+ calories a biscuit sometimes
Sod it, I'll make a night of it.
4 cans of perlenbecher challenge
1 lidl deluxe sourdough pizza challenge
1 iced bun challenge
Might even go crazy and do a middle of lidl mega aisle challenge, and see what goodies there is.
Enough silliness, the real challenge is limping there and back.
Used to shag a lot, now im a lonely incel
It is raining, so that tells me it is the perfect time to venture out. Going to be a right day after achieving completion of muh challenges.
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Well I guess this ends the meal deal plans. Ffs, just wanted a tuna sandwich and a redbull. I hate this country.
Corr, wonder what happened?
Shame about the meal deal being cancelled. Are there other shops about?
Any DVD updates de laddy lid ladoles?
The Co-op is the only decent one. There's a tiny Morrisons across the road but it's really shite, barely above the level of Premier paki corner shop tier. Just went to a bakery and got a sausage roll instead.
Making a whole chicken for dinner today, no sides.
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Can't be a whole chicken if you've taken its sides off.
Making sausage pasta from scratch today, no microwave meals here.
I meant no side dishes
I know, that's why I felt confident making a shitjoke.
Me? I'm having a three year old African child. Glazed with honey and served with a side of hippo arse.
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His stock UNREASONABLY surged due to natural market consequences. That's totally UNREASONABLE some people say!

For christ sake the BBC is straight up just staffed by communists. Close it all down and be done with it.
Switched over to tidal. I like their folder system for playlists. Good for organising albums.
>some say
And some say it didn't rise unreasonably, but don't add that.
It's genuinely crazy that there are basically zero downsides to executing violent criminals and if you keep doing it again and again society eventually turns into as close a thing to paradise as you can make it but we can't actually do it because leftists still control all governments and legal systems.
I wish I had a death note. The whole premise of Death Note is stupid. It would literally be impossible to get caught. He was retarded to only kill Japanese at the beginning.
Wrong, countries with the death penalty dont have less crime
>kill everyone
No more crimes
>turn everyone the same colour
No more racism
Simple as.
What if they turn everyone black, though? Then it would be ALL crime.
Borrowed a 'UGE stock pot off me mum and made chicken curry with almost 2 kilos of chicken
gonna have a cheeky little wank
>drink coffee
>drink even more coffee
>tired again
god damned jewish bean bastards
jew me once, shame on you
jew me twice, shame on me
This. Just download the entire sex offender register of every country that keeps one and from dawn to dusk rattle the names off. Keep asking For more pages from the demon guy too.

It depends, Singapore, Japan and Saudi Arabia plus the gulf states of UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar are quite famously crime-free. In addition Botswana is very safe, especially for an African nation. Other countries where it is in law but are still quite crime heavy - places like Egypt, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, South Sudan etc. are all more or less failed or failing states who cannot actually enforce law and order as such, or do no routinely practice executions even though it's in the law. Can you imagine if India ACTUALLY executed all its rapists? They'd be backed up for months just waiting on the gallows to be free.

Historically though during the era of the Bloody Code, England was famously safe and crime-free, with numerous people from continental Europe remarking on it when they visited. We executed so many people that it really did basically remove the criminal element from the genepool, to the extent that all human behaviour is a combination of genes and environmental factors. There's even a not ridiculous theory that executing so many invariably low-IQ, low-agency, low-time preference people had what was essentially a eugenic effect on the population and that was why a tiny island in the corner of Europe was able to pioneer the industrial revolution decades ahead of our peers.
Not sure if the Shinigami can give you more pages or not. All sorts of stupid rules from what I remember.
Imagine being a law and order chud
Imagine thinking violent schizophrenics should be allowed to roam the streets to terrorise normal people
Imagine shagging a trannies arse
Imagine posting britfeel gimmicks
Done it. The post nut clarity is brutal
Wouldn't be so bad if it was hairless and cleaned beforehand. Still a bit gay though.
>lmagine posting britfeel gimmicks
Bit of a late lunch for me today. Normally have it done and dusted by 12.30.
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Starting lunch? At twenty past one? That's insane!
think sentencing guidelines for paedophiles reccomend community service rather than prison, but if you have a political opinion they dont like you go to prison for years. britain is run the same way a country under foreign occupation would be run. go after wrongthink and disloyalty to the regime, let criminals roam free to terrorise the population.
What was for lunch? I just had a subway for lunch
Mad how dossers think they know how to run a country
At least you can tick it off your 'things to experience' list though.
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>"Dirty smashed burger with loaded fries, or the jacket potato with extra baked beans and our special sauce? Washed down with an IPA is it? That'll be 26.60 please."
Would kill to make love to a beautiful tranny. Preferably a latina shemale with a BBL and big thick cock.
I had 200g basmati rice, while I boiled with a cube of chicken boullion, 5 chicken nuggets, 4 hash browns and a handful of sweet potato chips for good measure. Lovely.
More time to sit and contemplate than a stressed wagie.
Big boy lumps?
all of that shit looks like poland
tesla makes 1/10 of the cars toyota does and is valued 100x higher
The problem with sucking a cock and eating a load of cum is that while it's a really hot idea, once the cum hits your tongue you regret it because it doesn't taste particularly nice.
kek yea, all those city centre funky burger places are a fucking scam.
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Dates of Starmer's 20,000 quid luxury accommodation stay: 29th May to 13th July.

Dates of his kid's GCSEs: 9th May to 19th June.

So not only did the exams start weeks before they arrived, but they left nearly a month after the last one finished. He's just straight up lying and it's not even difficult to prove. What a fucking bellend. Champagne socialist nobhead.
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hoho what do we have here? Is that some misinformation I see? You're nicked mate.
Mate it started off so well with the basmati rice, I might actually try adding a stock cube to the water next time.. but then you just add a ton of slop to it. Grill a chicken breast instead, add some salt and pepper and you're onto a winner.
Pre-cum is almost tasteless have a good go at it when you're gooning for hours
I was shitposting.

Cum is fine to eat if you're still horny. So it's fine if you're suckign it out of someone else. Eating your own works too if you ruin the orgasm. You still squirt most of a load, but you stay horny. Right fun squirting it into my hand once and slurping it up, then continuing to jerk off with it in my mouth.
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>lunch description
>tranny description
>cum eat description

fuck sake lads this combination isn't working for me
ooooh get it down ya sonny jim
Well the share price only about 14x higher and the total market cap is only 2.7x higher, but even if it was 100x higher what point are you actually making?...
Nobody is forced to buy Teslas, they're a luxury item with good marketing. I agree that to the extent it's overvalued is because governments are relentlessly pushing net zero shite, but does that mean the value of anything to do with his shares are 'unreasonable'? Moreover, the sorts of people at the BBC who complain about a man making money off the market being 'unreasonable' are equally calling for the exact same sort of government overreach that could arguably be inflating his assets to begin with.
It all boils down to people just being either fundamentally economically illiterate, or straight up just marxists who disagree with the entire concept of a free market as a means to sort out disputes over private property which they see as causing the issues to begin with, rather than being a solution to such issues of scarcity.
Cum slurping bussy lovers corr
Once jizzed into my coffee and drank it down.
Wow, is that pic real? He's so brave.
oi mate, you don't insult a man's jewish children like that. that's 36 months in the pokey for antisemitism for you.
Nah mate anti-semitism is encouraged under Labour. It's the brown rapey ones in dresses we can't make fun of.
>but does that mean the value of anything to do with his shares are 'unreasonable'?
yes, it's a bubble
net worth figures are retarded anyway, there's thousands of people richer than him
Had me a little grin at this post lad
Just did a howl and a kek.
lels, keks, howls and maxpars are being had all around the thread
OI MATE, grinning at a misinforming racist post are we? That's 24 months in Belmarsh for you sunshine.
Unreasonable is a very bad way to describe a bubble. Bubbles are very much explainable and nobody is being stopped from buying into a bubble. There is nothing unreasonable about the fact that his share prices went very high, bubble or no. They're not complaining about a bubble, they're complaining that he was allowed to make money on the market. They in their infinite wisdom have decided that he is now 'too rich' and should not be allowed to be that rich. They're moronic twats.

A sensible position would be wanting to remove the incentives and artificial pressures invariably placed on the market by the government itself to allow the markets to equilibrate, but that's exactly the opposite of what they want in practice. They want way, WAY more government intervention in the markets because they think it's morally preferable for some faceless bureaucratic central planner arbitrarily determine when someone becomes too rich and then gets a bunch of their wealth seized and redistributed - think about the nurses and teachers yeah mate? Nah come on mate you can't have that much money, the government needs it, we've got Obligations to International Aid yeah mate?

I agree that net worth figures are pretty pointless, he doesn't have hundreds of billions sitting in his accounts, it's mostly tied up in his assets which would of course decrease in value if he sold them off. Again, the people writing that bollocks are just economic illiterates and marxists.
Smoke me a kipper I'll be out by breakfast
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>One of those mistakenly released is understood to have allegedly reoffended, charged with 'intentionally touching' a woman. He was recalled to prison.
It's amazing how I know the colour of that man's skin just from that vague description of his crime.
IRL being twatted by the police for being an incel
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>Justice secretary Shabana Mahmood
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>It's amazing how I know the colour of that man's skin just from that vague description of his crime.
>>Justice secretary Shabana Mahmood
not reading that shit
transhearts arguing about semantics award
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>A Ministry of Justice spokesperson said: 'Public safety is our first priority. That is why (....) about 1,700 prisoners were released from jails across England and Wales on 10 September in a bid to cut overcrowding - with thousands more anticipated to be freed in October. This is in addition to around 1,000 prisoners who are typically freed each week.
It really is beyond parody. It's so fucking cliche to bring up 1984 at this point, but holy shit, the Ministry of Justice arranging mass prisoner releases in the name of 'public safety' is about as close as you can get irl.
Would you rather encounter a bear in the woods, or a man in the woods?

Mmmhmm, okay, I see. Now try this one: would you rather encounter a bear in the woods, or a black man in the woods?
It's an utter joke. That whole article reads like a child made up a story about a dystopian failed state.
>black man in the woods?
What would a doctor/scientist/nobel prize winner/egineer be doing in the woods?
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>told one of my team members I'm postponing our 2 o'clock catch up to tomorrow
>not going to change it in the calendar
>will just 'forget' tomorrow

garn have a nap now, fuck 'em
>public safety
It's muzzie saftey. He's said "muslims will be protected"
All those muslim lads running around with weapons. What got done, any prosecutions? The community safety officer telling a group of muslims "if you have any weapons, just leave them in the mosque".
Why would he be concentrating on muslims?
Oh yes, the faggot muzzie who is helping fund labour.
Cash for honours? Ali was made a lord during the last labour government, now he's funding kweir, and has demands.
Politicians are scum.
Remember remember the 5th of November.
Lots of rain battering the house and the little one is saying "wain carewee" (rain scary). Awww, adorable.
New intern at work
Your baby also worships a tripfaggot? Slap some sense into the little faggot.
>A sensible position would be wanting to remove the incentives and artificial pressures invariably placed on the market by the government itself

Yeah destroy everyone's retirement. How "sensible".
That's enough /britfeel/ for you today you obsessive mong
They mean unreasonably when you consider the fundamentals of the company, you numbskull. It's not a moral judgment. You one of those saddos who sucks Elon Musks cock because he's a pathetic autist like you but he happens to be minted?
You were meant to laugh, not get miffed.
>lets just keep kicking the can down the road! there's no downside!
You could sensibly and cautiously remove the bad incentives without fucking everyone's pensions, lad. But also maybe it's time we reoriented our country away from have the entire economy designed to keep old, sick mongs on morphine and daytime television into their 90s.
Can't believe you lot haven't changed your sense of humour to accomodate muh shitjokes.
Come on gang, chop chop.
>You could sensibly and cautiously remove the bad incentives without fucking everyone's pensions, lad.

Go on then. What's the plan?
I have a fairly neutral view of Elon, I don't worship him by any means. But it drives me spare when I see marxist twats bemoaning people being materially successful. Also they 100% are not referring to the fundamentals of the company. They really are making a moral judgement on him accruing wealth.
>They really are making a moral judgement on him accruing wealth

What a load of bollocks. You're a mongoloid. No wonder you're more interested in protecting the reputation of rich men than getting rich yourself.
Business idea:






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Never messed around with a boiler before bt I want the heating on. Water pressure too low. No1 home for ages. I'll just fucking fuck ariund with some valves nd wing it
I forgot to say, sorry for the joke calling your child a faggot.
Prank bro.
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Just google the make and how to add water pressure.
>import substitution
>protective tariffs
>interest-free currency backed by real collateral
>phase out triple lock
>rolling freeze on pensions after a certain year
>end mandatory contributions from employers
>end pension taxes
These would leave the economy more stable, with a stronger pound and an overall healthier long-term outlook for the economy as a whole and pensions specifically. Instead what we have now is essentially a pyramid scheme where ever increasing pension contributions from the government are funded by importing more and more people who will themselves increase the amount of pensions needed in time (and who arguably cost more than they produce, but only mask this by bumping up GDP through statutory government spending requirements per person).
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Acrually am too scared. Maybe try later after bacon mutty for strength.
Purrfect time to do some googling whilst face stuffing.
Christ. And you have the balls to call anyone else economically illiterate.
>expecting any politician to care about you and the country, instead of lining theirs and their friends/financiers pockets
It's great you're trying to come up to the answer to the problems, but the problems arise from the corrupt system and corrupt politicians. There will be no change. Why would these types do something against themselves?
It's good to dream, but no bloodshed = no change.
drag em out of bed n string em up
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I miss her so much, lads. Just want areKat back :(
Freezing today tho. Nd I already feel sick. Theres always FUCKING something
Wahey! My replacement Dick Van Dyke Show DVDs arrived. They look miles better, definitely using the HD remasters as a source. The discs themselves LOOK bootleg but that's because they are MOD. Other MOD stuff I have looks dodgy too as they are burned, not pressed.
She must've had at least a mile of cock up her arse during her career. 10/10 slag.
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Scared I do sth wrong nd flood the place bt ill try it anyway
It's two pipes with bits you turn. Can easily manage it.
You can do it lad.
>intentionally touching' a woman
we know it wasnt moni then
Yeah she really was a top-tier performer. She was an anal queen before it was popular to try and be one.
Inflow valve usually on the left side. Might be 2 you have to open. Set pressure to 1.5 bar
DVDlad on a mad one today.
That was ice slush candy crush lush. Not had bacon in months. LUSH
Sean will wake up soon
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Noel edmonds was never the same after Michael Lush. Was accident bt he blame himself.
>Katja Kassin
>Lisa Ann
>Kelly Divine
>Luscious Lopez
>Olivia O'lovely
>Kristina Rose
>Annette Schwarz
>Tory Lane
>Jayna Oso
>Tiffany Mynx
>Mika Tan
>Shyla Stylez
>Phoenix Marie

Cooorrrr, love me some 00-10s era anal pornstars!
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Mr blobby was a cry for help
>Michael Lush
>The BBC made an ex gratia payment of approximately 120,000 pounds to Lush's family.
>The BBC was fined the maximum amount of 2,000 pounds, plus costs.
Quite cheap for a fella's life that
For me? It's Gianna Michaels and Jenna Haze.
was terrified of mr blobby when i was a kid
right little fanny so i was
A big weird creature that chased people around whilst screaming blobby.
Strange that eh.
Big lad bursts in like Jason Voorhees
Sounds like a dalek as well. Another ploy to scare children.
Gianna always brought crazy energy to her scenes, and early Jenna was a total qt slut but sadly I think she fell off later in her career.
Quintessential British weirdness lads

Mr.Blobby for PM
Here he is having a good feel of Carol Vorderman

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I wonder how deep the elite nonce rabbit hole truly goes. Like everyone knows that there are tons of fucking nonces in very high positions of power in politics and the media and so on, but if we could really expose it I wonder just how far it go.

Must be thousands of them. The Dutroux affair alone shows that it goes WAY beyond one or two presenters and some MPs with grabby hands.
I wouldn't say no this even if my wife was stood next to me crying. Faaaackin elllll.
A slampig if there ever was one.
The fact that nobody talks about it speaks volumes.
No accountability or repercussions, just means they can get away with it.
Mrs nobby
That's the thing, 3% of the ENTIRE population of Belgium attended the White March, years of rapid protest and genuine grassroots advocacy to make sure stuff like that never happened again... and absolutely nothing happened. Nobody involved beyond Dutroux himself arrested. No meaningful legislative changes. No full scale investigation into the scope of his elite paedo sex party ring. Just, nothing. Left to peter out. Hell he only got convicted in 2004, that's a full fifteen years after his crimes came to light.

And it's not an issue like immigration where the politicians obviously and openly go against the wishes of the people to reduce it, because you can at least in theory offer justifications for increased immigration. But this is fucking paedophilia. There isn't a single person outside of actual nonces who will justify this shit. They do it all the time. We know they do. They know we know. And they keep doing it.
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delivery bames asking their wives who work in the dwp to look you up in the databases to see if you are on benefits or not
Having your personal details found by BAMEs to commit identity fraud is but a small price to pay for getting a free 311.68 every month. Winning!
>can at least in theory offer justifications for increased immigration
That's it, it's just theory, and empty words.
The economy hasn't grown since labour opened the floodgates here, yet it is what the politicians talk about.
The thing is, you'd need to fight against the political scum, who have police and army at their disposal, and we know that zogbots do as they are told. If you or I were deemed a terrorist and threat to the state, they'd kill us without a second thought. There's not really a way to fight back, heavily outnumbered, and they are well armed.
Yeah sure I understand the state of things from a clearpilled perspective, but you get the point I mean. The justifications are bad, but they are at least theoretically possible to make and thus are used as a pretense for the elites to keep importing the population of Leeds every year. But noncing? Literally nobody would get up on stage and openly defend noncing. Basically every Englishman who isn't a nonce wants to see them hang. It's totally politically, socially and personally cancerous on every level. Yet it evidently keeps happening on epidemic scales.
first porn video i watched was a lexi lapetina feet video... realising that i never even had a chance...
It constantly happens because there are no repercussions.
Obviously saying something like, find them, slit their throats and hang them from street lights as a visible deterrent, would be an extreme thing to say.
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I don't always agree with Morgoth but he does have a way with words and is good at getting to the heart and soul of an issue. His latest vid on Lammy at the UN is on point.
FYI, a prison sentence, in a protective wing with other NONCEs, is no kind of repercussion.
It doesn't strike fear in the heart of these cunts. Fear is a great way to control somebody, let's use it to our advantage.
probably wasn't the first but the first one i really remember was a sativa rose one where they pretend to pick her up at the beach. bit grim in retrospect
Get back in your hut, mong.
first porn i watched was some blowjob video with 'alektrah and delilah'

good shit
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>"What the fuck are you talking about? No really, what the actual fuck are you on about?"
First porn I watched was a VHS video from the 70's/80's my dad had in the garage.
Face it, the thread is boring without Sean or Greg.
No it is not. It's boring with them posting the same shite. Shit posters shitting up the thread.
Disagree de lid, it's slower paced withut their spamming but neither of them actually contribute anything. They just say their catch phrases over and over for attention.
hang tight lad, im gonna start drinking again soon so ill be making alot of top shelf shitposts later tonight
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Got a new PS5 game didn't he? It lush
I hope BNWOlad is alright. Haven't seen him post in a little while. It sad x
But I am here lol, so what does that say about how you really see the thread?
Another game SSM won't play
i heard he was in hospital with rectal damage
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Oooooooohhh yes lad, it lush and I mean LUSH!
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I love this lad's webms. The format of SSM cutout over a vid is simple enough but always makes me chuckle with his fucking stupid grin he has.
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I'm here but just busy wanking
Do you think most posters left the thread because regulars have made this place low quality?
Why would you keep britfeel open while wanking? What do you think is gonna happen if you close it for even a few mins to wank, lad?
Not him but I do the same. In fact, I have briteel open even if I'm away from the computer.
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You think this sort of content is low quality? Lad, the fuck?
That one in particular makes me laugh for some reason. Also that car on the left of the second camera angle is absolutely lush, corr.
I think people just naturally drift away from threads like this and there isn't as many new users coming to 4chan. I do think if anyone turned up partway through a HHL melty it'd probably be enough to put them off though.
>Do you think most posters left the thread because regulars have made this place low quality?
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What the fuck are you doing making this. Not womfy
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I didn't make it, just saved it because it's funny.
Footlad successful left here. Have to respect him for that.
Lots of other posters have left or it's rare that they post now.
Isn't he here every now and then? I swear he posted somewhat recently.
We had years with the same posters, having a laugh. Then people get an ego, and just crave attention so don't care if they pour constant shit on the place, as long as they get attention.
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Comfy rainy day, having a can and thinking about tits, might have a chicken kiev later
Gangs of New York on DVD sealed for three quid and 50 pence? Get in. The Blu-ray is hard to come by.
MARKS is going to treat himself a new camera

I am an arse, I post without thinking of others feelings. The threads aren't always shit, there are funny intelligent posters here that will help each other.
I'm sorry for saying it is all shit when it is clearly not always.
He's been dating Helen for 2 years now. Mental
Has Helen given Mark a hand job yet?
Funny how he lies about the gambling, it's very odd
does 2 blue ticks on whatsapp mean shes left me on read?
Yes. He said he goes around to hers in the evenings for some 'hows your father'
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Feel rough af. Keeping off the wooze until Halloween now. Need a proper fresh start.
>hows your father

What did he mean by this?
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>Need a proper fresh start.
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Only went and got myself a PS5 Pro preorder didn't I. Might sell it though when it arrives idk.
Got that Don Jon on DVD too. Scarlett Johansson has a cracking arse in it. She gives Joseph Gordon Levitt an arse job. It's hot as fuck with her smooth voice.
Searching for posts that contain 'Keeping off the wooze'. 83 results found.
Don't think he has gambled. When he was gambling he had only his phone and ipad now he has 5 items.
An interesting fact that most people are unaware of, animals didn't beat us to space, we sent them up there.
Are you retarded, lad? It's not even worth it unless you don't have a regular PS5 yet. Even then it's bollocks and you have to pay extra for a disc drive.
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Cardiff (Caerdydd) has to be minority Welsh at this point. On the bus now and it's 1/4 pakis, 1/4 back and all the white people have English accents
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Itl be back in cex by the end of the week.
if theyre coloured in and not greyed out or anything, then yes
Corr just in time to close the work laptop and miss the usual shit
fucks sake, alri looks like the dates off, whos getting pissed with me?
I holidayed in the north of Wales this year. It was enjoyable.
>animals didn't beat us to space, we sent them up there
RIP Laika it not right what they done to you x
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DVDlad are you a coomer?
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Pre-order any games lad?
Blast from the past. Sativa Rose was my favourite pornstar at the time. Nice seeing her pop up in /britfeel/
Don't preorder games because I'm not retarded. It made sense when there was physical scarcity but a digital game can't sell out.
I pre-ordered Elden Ring because I knew I was gonna end up playing it anyway, still don't think I'm gonna pre-order owt else though even with games I'm looking forward to like Kingdom Come 2. Makes me feel like a mug every time even if it turns out good.

No games that you can't get on other consoles or PC. Way more expensive than other options. What's the point? Switch 2 in like March or April next year and that'll be backwards compatible with Switch.

Yeah women fucking suck.
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I wish I could take credit for the joke, but it was our sean who done it.
Kingdom Come 2 will be PC as fuck due to the controversy from the first. LAME.
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>expect flooding in your area within the next 5 hours
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>expect flooding in your arse within the next 5 hours
DVD lad planning on showing a roastie his collection
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Are japanese men massive coomers?
>are japanese men coomers
you retarded lad?
My previously high opinion of Cardiff has been ruined by this bws ride
All foreigners in Cardiff need gassing desu
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If I don't want ze PS5 Pro I can just sell it and make a small profit most likely. Lovely cash injection. I see no issue.
serious question lad
Japanese society is built on coomers, lad.
Go to a chippy and see if they sell rissoles, they are meant to be nice.
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Imagine being such a loser you attend a porn convention. Jesus Christ
Eggactly lid. Ignore dem haters
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>attend a porn convention
Not only is the river rapidly rising again, but the flood alleviation reservoir is full and affords no protection
I am now going to have a can of cheap lidl beer and play some vidya.
Toodle pip.
David Lammy is a nigger.
The pornstars let you touch their asses and tits and that and sometimes let you fuck them. Why wouldn't you go?
What site is that from lid?
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Indeed. Seems like a no brainer to me desu
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Capri Cavanni has an amazing BBC gangbang scene. The cumshots at the end are so fucking hot. Her facial expressions during it get me off every time.
>going to a porn convention to try and touch porn star arses and tits
>not just staying home and slapping a basketball wrapped in ham
Speaking from experience obviously right? Which one did you fuck?
>the flood alleviation reservoir is full and affords no protection
What did he mean by this
two years no bookies
two years of nutting inside helen
Hanford isn't going home any time soon then.
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Amazed she isn't preggers yet
I think it means when it starts raining the manager of the flood alleviation reservoir is going to stand outside and tell the rain they're full and to bugger off.
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Mark can't afford child support are you crazy? Can't sell the kid to cex either for a wee voucher.
Made me chuckle when SSM said he will never live with Helen because his housing benefit will be stopped
Been playing Super Mario RPG. Got it ages ago but didn't even unwrap it out the plastic until today. I like it. Wish it was more difficult but whatever.
Tori Black let me touch her pussy.
You'd be shocked at how many couples are doing that.
You all laughed at me when I built an ark. No more.
imagine being of pakistani descent

cringe desu
Most of the fuckers are inbred as well. Marrying their first cousins is the norm.
Kick Ass on Blu-ray but Kick Ass 2 on DVD. What a mentalist.
Kinda thought they both sucked desu
for me? its kickassia
Only saw the second one in cinema. All I remember is a lass shitting herself. I think the original is pretty decent as far as comic adaptations go.
whatever happened to sissy hypno? was a big thing for a while then it fell off and you dont hear about it now
For me? Kick_Ass_720_RARBG but Kick_Ass_2_1080_RARBG. Just what am I like.
They all became trans and are now regretting everything
Madlad. Funny thing is, DVD ain't even 720p. 576p, innit? Or 480p if region 1.
Getting that thermostat up to 21.5c
For me it's watching Oppenheimer on DVD on a CRT.
I see their old website domain is now a Thai casino site. No chance of them ever coming back now. They will be missed
Watching the thing on VHS in a dank basement.
guys how do i ask my gf to cuck me with a black man?
Is this a serious question? Because I have experience.

tell your story!
The idea of having a Plex server excites me until I think of the sheer TB I'd need to have a lot of full quality BD rips.
First bring it up 'as a joke' just to gauge her reaction. If she doesn't immediately call you a weird freak then you have a good chance of making your fantasy a reality
There's only one way to do it. It has to be her idea. She has to cheat on you, you need to catch her, and you need to tell her you're cool with it. Then go from there.
Just come home one day blacked up and pretend you're someone else.
Had a friend who admitted to his gf that he looked at blacked cuck tier stuff. They are no longer together. I imagine it is the same sort of response as when a girl sees her bf get beaten in a fight. Card is marked and days are numbered.
Those 2 things aren't even remotely similar.
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Spent 420 quid on 40TB worth of storage for all my digital media.
>Both things undermine the perception of you as a man and your value in the hierarchy
Genuinely exactly the same thing with the same emotional response. But whatever.
What about the money you need to spend to back it all up as well? Nightmare. HDDs as well are very unpredictable in terms of lifespan.
Well, 20TB usable storage. I bought two 20TB Western Digital drives, one acting as the backup. I do my weekly backups using FreeFileSync
It's not even remotely close.
20TB is nothing. I'd have that filled within a month probably.
It is but keep coping over there cucky.
I actually cucked a black guy once. Told the story here before but I think it was written off as a LARP then
Lol. This is why I never engage with Chika.
Why is he called Chika? Is he a FNAF fan?
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You think the woman who loves you has the same response to these situations.
A. You lose a fight.
B. You ask her to get fucked by another man while you rip the head off watching?

Laddie. Your retarded.
Then again no woman has ever loved you have they? It sad.
There is nothing to engage. I am right you are wrong. You are deluded if you think any woman wants their man to be a BBC cuck lmao. Why am I even wasting time arguing about this. You think grass is blue and that's okay.
Lol it's just a comparison but underlying yes both make them lose respect for you. It just is what it is. I'm not interested in women anyway so I don't really care.
I'm not even the original anon you spastic.
i can smell ruthmong in this thread
Woah... Don't care lol.
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I wanna be her cuck bf so bad bros
>Don't care lol.
Why reply to me then? My comment was an open post on purpose.
eating half my bodyweight in pasta has made me quite tired, think a nap is in order
whiteboy cope

Your future wife is already blacked
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit my lid.
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>Why don't they talk about my blackness instead of trying to avoid nuclear war?
Guys. Important question. Need to know which Need For Speed I should get. Underground 2, Most Wanted, or the Switch remaster of Hot Pursuit.
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Important question. Should I get a kebab later?
Honestly don't care what you do
underground 2 laddo
Only played underground 2 but that was great fun.
Most Wanted is legendary. One of my favourite games ever.
You already admitted this fantasy with no basis in reality
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The stench on this train is unbearable
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Are you ready to die for Sir Keir, lads?
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Ready to fight who?
That's probably the kebab
I have never touched a vagina but me and a mate slapped each others erect cocks on each others arse cheeks when I was like 10. But gay looking back. We used to wank to Babestation together too. Gooning before it was even a thing.
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I doubt any of that happened you weird nonce
Most Wanted if you can look past the outdated graphics
The 'never touched a vagina' part is almost certainly real.
It actually did happen you cunt. Not nonce as we were both the same age. We didn't really know about gay and shit and it just felt good so we did it. Not everything is a LARP you cunt.
OK time to get britfeel back on track
Anyone had any really good shits today?
This is going to be a VERY tight change at didcot
>Not nonce
>same age
I've posted hundreds of LARPs in my 8 years of being here.
list 0
>list 0
getting stressed over the state of the world
all such a fucking mess
so easy to avoid and fix stuff it has to be on purpose they muck it up ya know
I just took a shit (it was sloppy as usual)
in the future britain, having bars on your windows will be the norm if you dont wanna get home invaded
Why does SSM need so many cameras?
Whenever I read LARP in a post I automatically change it to play/played make believe and the posts are much funnier
gonna wank to some bbc porn calm me down
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My Apu has 36+ items. He's obsessed with tech. He even got those fancy phones and laptops. He living that lush life.
Whenever I read play/played make believe in a post I automatically change it to LARP and the posts are much funnier
All those QMEE surveys are paying off
Hot, steamy sex with Major Kira Nerys from Deep Space 9.
Never watched DS9 but she looks fit as fuck
>in my 8 years of being here.
list 0 of them, go on.
feels a bit grim but how do you twist the 'what happened' story into this one?
why is it the word of a Plenty Of Fish friend? who are these people?
anyway hope yous are doing alright
Not without his permission, pervanon.
Grown men boasting about the amount of make believe they've played online
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He plans to go to Margate next April. Loves his seaside towns.
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Today, i have done the things

Tomorrow, i shall be doing further things
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Fucking hell, got speaking to an American woman on the train who speaks Welsh and has studied a lot of languages

Showed her the bookcase image. She was very impressed
Corr I live there
You'll probably see him if you head down to the beach front.
lad real polyglots laugh at people who dabble in new languages constantly and never stick to any of them. She probably thought you were a right mong
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Who's to say she wasn't just dabbling in lots of languages
I'm a cute English girl xox
seasideMARK Treating himself 2a new Camera 4being 2 years no bettin shop, 2 years clean from bookies

>polyglotlets ITT
thoughts on polyglots?
i feel real badly rn desu with ya
fed up with life
not worth living is it really
everythin turns to shit
alone forever
all things i like get ruined
no one likes me
everything i try just fails
just a mess with a wasted life
well for one she speaks welsh and you don't speak french or chinese
Chika's tight sphincter
Got dibs on the bint ITT
Im not some piece of meat you know
that aint a girl
girls dont typically post in such places
some do but they tend not to immediately announce themselves like that
they do eventually, but not in such a blatant way
I am a biological girl
Sound like you're trying to put me off because I got dibs lad
>I am a biological girl
na i speak truage
were it a wimin she wouldnt be wantin me anyway
no one likes me
Did fuck all today.

I shall we doing further fuck all tomorrow.
What proof would be sufficient enough for you
not him but if you wanna prove youre a girl get yer baps out luv
I have 390k in my savings account. Why aren't I happy?
coz you didnt buy enough video games yet
Money is not what your missing in life.
You need something else to fill the void
No gf innit lad
why is bbc porn so addictive? srs
its like crack holy fuck
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That's not enough proof. She needs to write 'britfeel' across her baps
could have been living pay slip to pay slip spending that excess cash on drugs
drugs make you happy
it's drugs
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There was a guy in the Japanese language community who constantly did this. Kept switching methods and giving up after a few days declaring he was going to study Chinese or Arabic instead. We all had a good kek
Ngl de lad i love drugs me i really do
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black shippy
>Be rich
>Still unhappy
You couldn't make it up
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>the Japanese language community
>You couldn't make it up
He did
kek I do look like that me
What's 'fedora' about learning Japanese?
There's literally nothing wrong with constantly switching between languages and not committing to one at a time
Reddit atheists head makes ssm look like a pea in comparison
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Just want to be eating pasta and drinking wine on a warm Italian evening with some lovely cheeky women but instead I'm in fucking Gateshead
i think he just enjoys spamming that image
In bed all tired out Corr and I mean corr

Find a nice trashy older woman on the bigg market instead my liddd
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>I do look like that me
Floor to ceiling curtains
corr, chicken stock cubes
I remember those CD stands, fucking nightmare if you knocked them over
tried to have a mental breakdown earlier on but couldnt be arsed
I did the same thing but wank so that getting done tomorrow
I only speak English and conversational Zulu, though still learning the latter. I tried a few books but the learning didn't really take off until I started getting one on one tutoring online. Actually speaking with someone who speaks the language is the best way to learn and it's not even close.
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Stupid cow thinks she getting pip for diabetes kek put the cakes down fatty
What do you get pip for lad? Agoraphobia was it?
Cause of death wispa gold kek
It's just a symbol of all the nights out and holidays you didn't go on.
Kicked the family sized chicken bucket.
>watching a random film
>scene where the main character's wife wakes him up by putting her feet on his face
Mad how common footfags are. Never got it myself but fair play.
Yeah have to say I've never seen the appeal of feet. I have nothing against it, just totally not turned on by them in any way.
I remember when KFC stopped selling the Big Daddy to avoid offending Muslims cos it has bacon in it
Can't remember the last time I travelled by train and there wasn't some kind of delay or cancellation or route change or whatever. The level of service in this shithole country is disgustingly bad.
Din-din is it not

'tis indeed
4 Islamist independent MPs got elected last time and there will be even more next time. And just like in that Houllebecq novel 'Submission' we've got leftists allying with them and being useful idiots.
Dinner? At nine thirty-five? That's insane!

ooh let me try

she overdosed... on food!!
Yeah unless they're like horribly mangled or whatever I can't really tell what makes a foot nice or not, and that's after seeing probably hundreds of footlad posts too. They're just things to me like an elbow or a knee.
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Few different things
Snorted irl
stop taking the piss out of overweight people it is an addiction and they deserve our support.
It a hidden disability. They never asked to be born.
It's from Narc (2002) if you want to look it up
Krashen already debunked this
Who's Krashen? Sounds like a nonce
pretty sure that's soundspacker so it's even later
Does Krashen post here?
Krashen? Sorry I don't know who or what that is, just saying that in my experience I didn't really start learning properly until I was regularly conversing with someone fluent.
former venice beach bodybuilder and comic book enjoyer Stephen Krashen
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>Few different things
what things
I need ideas on how to get on pip
Krashen? I hardly knew 'en.
Why did you use a picture of me with this post?
'no i can't walk 100 metres unaided'
they're not going to make you do it, that'd take ages.
Crossmong has a really skinny penis.
does getting fat make your penis fatter?
any fatties can confirm?
no it just makes it look shorter
I'm 18stone and have a girthy penis
Amer said Shippy was had a tiny penis.
so it DOESN'T make your penis fatter, but it makes it look shorter? how?
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>was had
Is that a picture of you when you see bad grammar mong?
Fat on the pubis lad
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QRD on bad grammar mong?
if you put on a trip are you guaranteed replies?
Try it and see liddd
>if you put on a trip are you guaranteed replies
no but you will be called a nonce
De lids, migrate when ready

i vote for a different new thread again
No, here is a picture of me >>78933288
Don't think I'll be posting in that edish to be honest

I made us a better edition

ill ride this thread to the bottom of the the ocean before posting in that gay fetish thread

This threadington was posted first^

Porn editions usually get deleted mong.
It's not porn, it's an alternative lifestyle that is perfectly healthy and normal, especially when compared to traditional monogamy

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