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Berkeley Castle edition
They envy SSM.
Grown men playing fantasy father
Not a fantasy.
shall just off the regular dr pepper, tallboy coke and arabic pepsi then stop drinking sugary drinks as per anons wishes
Wolitics anon libertarian mong suddenly v quiet when its about my elf bars
captcha shitting the bed for anyone else?
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Makenna Blue. Her brother is a 4chan /pol/ user. LOL
Signing my soul 2 devil would get me a gf bt am not doing it
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Cold, is it not
for me it's sugar free Pepsi Max Cherry cancer drinks
Want to go to Britain but I hear migrants throw baths of acid in people's faces, how likely am I too get some acid thrown in my face if I visit
we eatin' good
I'm here, just doing something else and not focusing on britfeel posting.
Feeling a cold coming on, had a blocked nose all day, headache starting to settle in. I refuse to take pharmaceuticals because I do t want cancer. Will head to the shops and acquire ginger root, honey and lemons to make a curative tea.
sounds like youre living in the long dark lad, very womfy existence, hope your cold isnt too bad and fucks off quickly
No idea who this faggot is. Sad you come and shit up this thread, wasting the first post sucking the cock of some gay e-celeb. Kill yourself normie
you are either larping or a spastic
The average person today can buy a television that is objective better than one which the richest person in the world could've bought twenty years ago and they can buy it for a relative pittance.

Technological progress really has made consumer goods better and cheaper at an astonishing rate. The problem is nobody feels richer because all the marginal savings on things like TVs, phones etc. are gobbled up and then some by property prices and inflation.
dont really watch telly anyway desu
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HIS LIVE down Sandford Lane

Bit stupid, lad. Get some Vaporub and liberally slosh it all over your chest and take Paracetamol regularly. If your nose is really bad get the over the counter decongestant. It has to be the over the counter one, mind... the one on the shop floor doesn't work.
No more laziness
Time for runshire
The cheapest OLED TVs are still around a grand. The cheapest TVs may be big but they have awful backlights and inferior picture.
Right but it applies to large swathes of consumer goods.
Oh me? Yeah, Linux.
If I have a migraine I take a few sprigs of nightshade. Kills the pain better than so-called 'painkillers'.
>Yeah, Linux
The amazing Elen
I do t want cancer or thyroid problems or whatever else the fuck pharmaceuticals give you. Sticking to my natural remedies. The tea really does do wonders, it just tastes like shit.
Might buy SSM a music phone for Christmas
The low end 'fuck it fine i'll buy a "smart" TV' one I bought two years went all pink. Nothing in the settings, just like the backlight has fucked RIGHT after the warranty ended. Online reviews say it's a common problem.

The CRT I had in my bedroom as a kid lasted my entire childhood and if I fish it out my parents' attic, I bet it still works fine.

I'm also terrified of touching flat screens (the actual screens - plasticky film). Never felt this way about glass.
>149 videos in my watch later playlist
Cooorrrr, might spend the evening in and try to take a chunk out of the old backlog. Calls for a wizza it does.
i have well over 1,000 by now, im so lazy i actually procrastinate watching youtube videos, fucks sake
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'ellen gave him herpes. It not right.
>3.5 million claiming PIP

That's a staggering amount. Wonder what percentage of those claims are fraudulent

I did wonder what that was on his lip.
Approximately all 3.5 million if them because there's no such thing as a legitimate redistributive policy.
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He can't read the writing. He need glasses. It all blurred.
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How does he manage to look so sharp no matter what?
None de lad. They did an investigation not too long ago and concluded there was zero fraudulent claims. It's hard to get pip, all of the fraudsters claim multiple uc claims using fake ids
There's actually more fraud in pensions than in the other stuff like UC or PIP. Fact they don't talk about that shows they don't care about the money lost to fraud, but rather about creating a scapegoat and nice wedge issue for their electioneering.
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Ruth was always on his mind.
My LG TV the backlight went fucked too. Everything went blue. I've my Philips Ambilight for three years now. Only a matter of time before it's fucked. Has a weird issue since the day I got it where the middle of the screen is darker than the sides on certain darker coloues. Does my nut in. Solid grey looks awful.
The trick is to get a smaller TV and sit closer.
Ive got the telephone assessment for PIP on the 1st. Absolutely bricking it.
Try and act like as much of a spastic as possible is my tip.
Were you awarded it? And what did you claim for?
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Probly close 2 zero since its hard to even get pip like arbroath poster lassie said U got doctors, specialists assessments all kind of gatekeepers on the way,,u dont just tell a GP youre sad nd have pip next day like some of u seem 2 believe. Also, ppl get put on pip for things like terminal cancer when they in hospo, according 2 google theres 3-3.5million ppl in the UK with cancer pip isnt just mental health so i wouldnt call that "staggering" at all the thing about the human body is that it gets sick so ye
You'll probably fail it. Most do. Do the tribunal. Above three quarters of them succeed.

The assessment person WILL try to catch you out, but won't let you know if they think they have. They'll try and get you talking, and be very friendly. Where it suits them to do so, they will interpret you literally. At other times when it suits them to do so, they will take what you mean as you meant it. That was my experience. My one also wrote down things that I did not say at all. Outright lies. Also common.

Answer all questions based on it being as bad as possible. So when asked "In the past two weeks have you..." and so on, answer based on your truthful experiences at times when whatever it is is wrong with you has been as bad as it gets.
Even when I replace my current 43 inch TV it will probably be to a 50 inch and not OLED because it's out of my budget. Grim. Are Hisense any good? LG seem to be the most popular brand nowadays.
Nah, I didn't get it. I tried to get it for depression, anxiety and ADHD. The woman who assessed me misrepresented a load of stuff I said and clearly had no intention of giving me it from the outset, but she said I 'came across as articulate' and communicated well so my advice would be act like a spastic and keep asking the assessor to repeat the question. Ask for a recording as well if you want to appeal it, I did and probably would have won on appeal but couldn't be fucked begging these people for money.
You know that people weren't just left to rot in the ditch before the welfare state, right?
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JUFE-228 yeah this is what I'll fap to right now
You know it's straight up easier to get a job lads? Also gives you more money. Just saying.
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Surprised he doesn't mangle his mouth more often given the state of his gnashers
Cooorrrr yes lad, love when a petite Japanese pornstar gets her first taste of BBC. The reaction on their faces is priceless when they whip it out. Like 'i have to fit THAT inside me?!' lol x
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Big black cock is actually unstoppable.

Your daughters, girlfriends, wives, sisters, and mothers are blacked.
You rmind is blacked.
By seeing this image, you are now BLACKED.

Say it with me. BLACKED. So memetic. Sticks in your head. BIG BLACK COCK. BLACKED. BIG BLACK COCK. BLACKED.

Do you think it's a coincidence that the BBC (As in BBC news) is called BBC? No. It is a synchronicity. The universe is showing you that it is manifest. BBC is the future.
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Massive shout out to Tim Martin.
Boris Johnson is actually a psychopath I think.
Y do fetish mongs go on like theyre giving a Ted talk/advert w their wee stock phrases
Actual soulless husks
Weird to me that they have whole communities and threads of their own to go on about their fetish or whatever but instead choose to spam it at people who aren't interested. Like fetish proselytizing
V businesslike nd matter of fact like they're reading a teleprompter from Mr finklenstein 2 increase ad sales. No passion in it. Its weird
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In spoons myself right now, having just visited CEX
They all prefer black gents.
Like Jehovah's Witnesses coming to your door to tell you what they wank to
Madlad you actually did it. How are the discs? I've found my Blu-ray player has little issues even when a disc looks like a cat has been at it. The error correction on DVDs is amazing.
have you watched season 1-7
Doing big poos is good practice for taking BBC's.

They're the same colour anyway
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Yeah, finished 7 last week

Disc are flawless, but the case has a tiny chip on one of the disc doesn't hold well. I saw chernobyl for 12 bong too on blu Ray but that was too expensive
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Absolute state of this. Earlier she said the problem with migrants is that they don't support israel and now this
Cos she wants to import more ooga boogas like herself, she doesn't want whites having kids
Why have you never changed your daughters nappy even once in a year?
do you reckon camwhores get bored of real sex after smashing their fannies with dildos every day
That's a womans job
if i was in a pub with mates and i saw a lad putting his DVDs on the table and photographing them, i'd point him out.
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Baby mamas bf Tyrone won't let me visit my sprog. What am I meant to do?
real sex has feelings. everyone should masturbate less. masturbating for work just sounds soul-crushing.
Literally no one gives a shit, it's not some trendy ponce bar in Shoreditch, it's a spoons in Rugby
He's really called Tyrone? Kek
i think that Badenoch lass is going for the Priti Patel/Suella Braverman thing.
if you're non-white and a not-woke, why not back them? they did more, before you, stop copying their gimmicks. you ARE just like the other girls.
I'll never be able to afford all the DVD's that I want so what's the point in even working?
you could work in CeX, they probably get discounts and you might fall in love with a goth girl/boy
He's got his alizee images out of his personality folder and is having a little LARP
alt girl who works in my cex seems to have been sacked

heard other employees saying she was having too many absences and the boss wasnt gonna put up with it no more

saw her a few days after and not since and that were weeks ago

she was ugly anyway
Hes not too far off the truth though desu
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I am quite fond of Rugby despite it objectively being an even bigger shithole than Banbury. Some good memories, my 2nd ever shag was her with a woman called Ruth actually.

The shopping centre is absolutely desolate though, 2 years ago it was pretty busy but now half the units are empty and virtually no one was in there
>The rules

Abstaining from Masturbation, Porn and any time of Orgasm for 31 days
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>Abstaining from Masturbation
It is, she doesn't have a bf
Tyrone spending all Shippy's child support payments on weed.
he sounds based desu
i spend all my PIP on food.
it's money you cna do waht you want with it?
>heavy rain is about 20 minutes away
prepping to get comfy
Unprecedented levels of cope in this thread right now
Point out the 'cope' posts little lid
Is 'tyrone' in the room with us now
Corr only a 7km runberg today, heart just wasn't in it. More overall next week.
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He's in his comfy Tottenham flat with his gf.
said it once vicar and ill say it again
what that boy needs is a nice big cock up his arse
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Am aff the booze October bt I'll still be wanking
Bad vibe posts are actually invasions that cause the actual community to not be around.
He's got the 'tyrone' dossier out of the character folders, not much in it
This feels like it is from Father Ted.
Yet why do I think it is Little Britain? Deep memoryshires.
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Might do 40 days no booze
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Imagine u licked his wee froge head nd hallucinated that you're a froge for rest of your natural life
>DVDmong is a brownie
Fucking classic, you can't make this shit up. I knew it lol.
I posted my hairline in /britfeel/ before. It's no secret.
lol is your skin actually brown? get out if so
You accept Moni, why can't he be accepted too?
>woke up with a headache
>DVD lad confirmed brown
worst fucking day ever
Wrong trip Sean
Because of the Hindi book? kek
>DVD lad confirmed brown
Why is it an issue? Grow up lad.
Wait really you are a swarthoid?
Holy fuck baited, I was just shitposting but goddamn nice one mate LOOOOOL
dvdlad is moni, remember he loved going in cex
Where u getting this from
Loremasters? Say it's not true
Please point out a single person here who 'acxepts' moni. We hate the fucker.
i didnt vote brexit to have brown DVD hoarders posting in my thread
'most nights' feels like it's code aimed at people who drink daily.
I think DVDlad is alright. Let's just move on and forget about this rubbish.
>make up a fact about a "personality"
>spam it over and over again as if you're multiple people
>nice one mate LOOOOOL
Fucking state of yous
Shippy. They even met up and went out together.
Very very noncey image that lad.
Same M.O. for 5 years kek. Empty life to find it so entertaining.
Do you have any proof lad, preferably in video form
Yeah and we hate Shippy too lol. They bonded over being britfeel rejects.
Why does Greg pretend to be a father?
Cope is off the charts here DVD lad
Shippy is well loved, as is Moni. Cope.
man united having a stinker
cheeka's stinker
>Well loved
Bit of a stretch to say they're loved, they're both nonces and lolcows on a pathetic scale
i could run simulations of football matches on my computer in Championship Manager '98. then it would be personal to me, so more meaningful than 'real' football.
Do the bookcase post. We all bored.
You are talking about both of them. They are major /britfeel/ posters and are more important than you.
bit silly to be posting these angry porno 'new thread's this early. are you actually upset your gimmick isn't working out? do you want to talk about something? ;__;
ruth's stinker
Moni doesn't post here anymore.
Shippy being in the thread all day every day doesn't make him 'major'
Major nonce, is what he is.
A major bean head nonce maybe, waheyyy
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Howling de lids
Why do they call Shippy a nonce? Is there any proof of this? Preferably in the form of a collage of his 'noncey' posting history
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We all bullying shippy again?
look at his cold, dead eyes
Tyrone and Tottenham nigress

>Verification not required
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Shippybros? Why did he do it?
Probably all a big misunderstanding lad.
just read that actual story, it's wild.
but yeah why didn't they just give the lad a sex doll? is that like giving into terrorists?
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i cant resist
black cock is calling me
i cant fight it
what colour hair do you want your sex doll to have? mine is gonna be a ginger, probably wavy hair
Might do 30 years no working
why can't supporting our boys in Ukraine be calling you?
>make random post totally unfounded about DVDmong being brown
Face it lad, you lost this one. I literally didn't know but you confirmed it for the whole thread to see.
theyre not black enough
I've not given them my number.
wonder if they'd ask this. like when roof-criminals ask for KFC and that.
Damn those tits look unbelievable. Like genuinely they look almost AI generated. WTF is in their diet to give them knockers like that?
brilliantly executed bluff there lad, textbook
men aren't entitled to masturbation.
>look almost AI generated
probably because it is AI generated
I almost couldn't believe how easily I'd done him. He must not be very bright.
Rugby Ruth's tuppence
Ruthmong isn't entitled to a girlfriend.
Her name is Nene Tanaka. Source is WAWA-024. It's certainly edited a bit since it's the cover for that film and they always edit them. Still, she is thicc and does have massive tits for real.
Curative tea has been ingested. Disgusting but does the trick right away. Sinuses feel better.
I don't care if DVDlad is brown. He's a sound lad.
Pakistani man. Collects Blu-rays.
I'm Indian lad. Please don't confuse the two!
Brown is brown me laddy.
how do you chat and get friendly with a coffee shop worker
>Japanese porn guy referring to his pornos by serial number
lad, you have a problem and actually need help
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Is anyone else in the same position as me? My mum is disabled (can't walk) and my dad looks after her. They're both on benefits. I think my dad gets something like 8 grand a year and my mum maybe 12 grand. I don't know the exact amounts but certain things like council tax I believe are reduced or they don't have to pay.

Anyway, they don't own anything. Far too poor. Currently live in the same council house I grew up in as a child with them. They don't even have 1,000 savings. I'm 33 and I have 19,000 in the bank but that's it.

When they die I will inherit nothing and I am doomed to work until I'm dead. Makes me seethe quite a bit knowing there are sons and daughters out there that had actual working parents and they will inherit a fucking 400k house when they die. Life really sucks. I love my mummy but I'm not sure why she decided to have a kid given their situation.

Thanks for reading my blog.
do coffee puns. you could say it's 'bean' a while. say 'bean' in the 'pun voice' so she gets it. girls like funny guys.
It's pretty common knowledge that all JAV is referred to by unique codes
Go when it's not busy and ask them how their day has been.
Common for no life virgins.
I'm in the same boat lad except I have my own rented flat
Sorry you're too much of a brainlet to understand how the JAV porn industry operates
i can't tell if this is a troll post, what's the actual problem? that you have a lot of money, and they don't, and you...won't just get something? i thought you were going to say you were due to inherit their debt or something. you describing the absence of a bonus as a problem. you also weren't born INTO wealth, what a cruel world (?)

guys i have an ice cream in the fridge, but my neighbour has a whole box of ice creams. isn't it outright sickening that such an injustice is happening to me?

Classic JAVkino
>common knowledge
bet people at spoons in Rugby don't know this.
That's like saying I live in a 3 bed house but if I walk down the street 5 mins away they have 7 bed houses
in fact, don't you get the council house?

some of us have been on the waiting list for years. not even in the lowest band, mind you. i want a council house and 19 grand in the bank. fuck you if this is real. (yes i mad.)
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>I have 19,000 in the bank
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It wasn't that I have a bit of money saved from wagecucking.

It was more the fact that I know people who will inherit masses of money while I will be working until I die. Those people who inherit a 400k house can just retire in their 50s. Meanwhile, I'll be working until I'm 70 and close to death.

World ain't damn fucking fair.
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Am technically set 2 inherit house bt my sisters will probly try to fucking sell it 2 garn Italy cruise or someshit iso I kinda know the feeling
what's stopping you from saving 19k
I lovethe time-stop genre JAV movies (I see them posted in /gif/ regularly)

I wish western porn companies would do time-stop
>in fact, don't you get the council house?
You can get the council house but your mother has to stay there if you buy it using the discount. So if I bought the house for them, I'm effectively buying a house for my parents. Shouldn't it be the other way around? PArents helping YOU with a deposit?
Had my gay trip code off from trolling on /v/
We it was you anyway because of your teenage girl spelling
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You're exactly the person I'm talking about mate, no offence. Aren't you a NEET? You're going to inherit 2 fucking houses while I'm working my arse off in a 9 to 6 every day trying to make ends meet.

It's just not fair.
i live benefit to benefit
if i save, it goes on drugs
don't have a 'long term plan' for a 'fair' life like that lad, although i do think everyone should be comfortable (food and shelter, plus a few luxuries)
i'd support banning inheritance and property returns to the state. so a new generation of people all get a chance at getting a council house, like your parents did.

you are already at an advantage, you weirdo.
How am I at an advantage? Did you not read my post here >>78964062

I would be buying a house for my parents lmao.
reason i dotn have a gf is that im not black
imagine being black in the west

just go about your business and women go out of their way to approach you to fuck you
Black men are more likely to be in good shape. How often to you see fat black men? Never.
their darker skin naturally looks more masculine plus gives them a more muscular appearance

bigger dicks

higher testosterone

lower inhibition

we cant compete
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1 not 2. Bt its not that shrimple. Inheritance tax, repairs, insurance,I don't know how these things work bt I bet its a headache. I got no plans in a post mummy world except suicide I wouldnt survive house or no house. I reckon u probly got a better chance at a long future having the job desu. Bt say you buy the council house for your parents then that's a good chance you got over some1 wuth parents private renting innit. Theres always somr1 worse off in life de lad
silly white men with light skin and little pink willies

Your parents are based, it's you who is the dumb. Get on PIP.
i'm not saying you own the house like some thatcher right-to-buy thing i'm saying you get a council house the same way i want a council house - it's a council house. social housing. i'm asking if it passes to you when they're both gone because you're their child.
at any rate you clearly have money as float so if you need to do it up, downsize to fewer bedrooms, or even rent privately, you're not exactly struggling, are you?

reminds me of that bloke on Question Time who was furious about income tax when he was on 80 grand, nowhere near the top 20% or whatever it was.
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>pink willies
You might wanna see your GP if your willy is pink lad
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this is why im an incel

was never going to compete with this kind of thing
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If I buy a house for my parents they are staying in it until they die basically. I'm gonna be pussy free for a long time when I tell women I'm just waiting for my parents to die so I can have the house I bought for them. they're also 60 and I'm 33. They could live until they're what, 90? Then I'd be fucking 60 myself lmao.

It just doesn't make any sense. Like I said they have no money. They can't just leave this house. I already spoke to the council. I asked them if I bought the house, could they move my parents to another council house. And they say no because I'm using the discount so my mother has to stay here.
you are actually insufferable.
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She looks very familiar.......... any coomer loremasters know her?
Im not though. You just dont understand my situation. So piss off you sad cunt.
its riley reid

thing is if a girl likes you she wont care about that shit
chad can have much worse circumastances and no job at all and still fuck
dw about it
>Y-y-you're insufferable because you don't want to buy a house for your parents who have no fucking money at 60 years old!
Gotta love britfeel sometimes. full of retards
Muscular Black men are stealing all our women. It not right!
you're either wilfully misinterpreting what i'm saying, or you just genuinely live in another world.
you have 19 grand. move out, get a private rented flat somewhere if the council waiting list is bad where you live/want to live (and/or you can't get moved up).
your parents having 0 money has zero bearing on that, it goes off your circumstances/income. then you can invite ladies over to your new flat, just like anyone can.
if you're also in a position where a council house might pass to you, i.e. you effectively get to jump the queue because it's in the family (don't know how this works) you're a lucky dude. i'm not talking about literally buying the house from the council.

sorry to hear your parents are unwell, and sorry to hear they have you as a son.
Not much we can do really
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Not reading that lad. Thanks for typing it all out though. Glad I wasted at least 3 minutes of your time. Piss off cunt
Have you tried being a muscular black man
I can certainly do the first part. The second will be more tricky desu
TLDR; you're a mong
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I do get what youre saying
Nobody asked 2 be born
My mummy had 3 marriages nd I sometime wonder what part of this life did u think having another kid i.e. me would fit into as a good idea
My aunt said before "dont know why she had more kids" I.e. me nice thing 2 say bt kinda true really
Its not her fault,,she screwed in the head like me
Some of us are just whats known as life's rejects de lad harsh but true
>he's used to time being worth something
Bad idea.

idk feels out of character for me and a bit strange.
Not sure I can do that. How would I do that?
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>boomer parents got loads in the bank and big house
>will probably waste tons of it
>potentially end up needing care - rest of the money drained
>3 siblingshires so whatever is left is split 4 ways anyway
I expect pretty much nothing. Is what it is. They provided for me for so long anyway so I can't complain.
Spongers Burden. They've fucked you over by taking a free ride for themselves.
You're not getting a women regardless lad. Just buy the house.
This. If you aren't already fucking, then you never will be. Harsh, but true. That's just how it is. Self improvement or whatever doesn't get you girls. No one cares. You're hot, or you're not.
4 even I always forget the last one
Because it is strange if you're an autist. Why you trying to make friends with coffee shop workers anyway?
Like SSM said earlier. You don't ever own anything in life, only rent it.
She's fit mate well fit proppa fit bird innit cor yeah. She's fat and seems to have low self esteem. I hear her speak to other workers. She's nice.
Especially since he's already 33. If you're aren't getting women at that age, forget about it lad, it will never happen no matter what you do.
>Some of us are just whats known as life's rejects de lad harsh but true
I agree lad. I'm fucked from the beginning really. Never had a chance.

>They've fucked you over by taking a free ride for themselves.
My mum can't walk lid. She needs benefits. I don't think having children was a good idea but they're not very smart. My dad was an incel but he got with my mum cause she was desperate to find love due to being disabled.

>You're not getting a women regardless lad.
Aye true. Never had any success won't get any now. Especially 33 living with the mummy and daddy.

>Especially 33 living with the mummy and daddy

Rich of you to call that other anon a 'sad cunt'
Tyrone need that weed money
Yeah cause he was being a cunt in his replies. Especially when I was letting out my grievances with life. Dont have time for people like that.
>hoomer parents pleased enough with brother since he's had several sprogs to different women
>even gotten over his gambling and drug habits for the most part
>kids' mums raise them half the time anyway but our parents have grandkids
>i will never have kids
>dad keeps reminding me i've dated women before
>'it's never too late to back...
>couldn't it just be a phase, son?'
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My whole original point was tbe siblings tbjng but I forgot about it halfway
Inheritance provly only works out neatly for only children,,more ppl involved,its not something am betting on
My retirement plan goes more like this **gun point @ head hand gesture*
>My mum can't walk lid. She needs benefits. I don't think having children was a good idea but they're not very smart. My dad was an incel but he got with my mum cause she was desperate to find love due to being disabled.

Well you've solved your own mystery then. They've placed their burden onto you the able bodied son who will be expected to work for the rest of his life to pay for the other disabled people that also expect able bodied people to pay for their existence. That's how it all works delid.
Even if you only get like 100k inheritance. It's life changing
>be youngest
>get belittled and treated like Dewey in Malcolm in the Middle for my entire childhood
>end up stunted and unsuccessful in career and sprogginton status
well who would have predicted this. least I have no expectations on me..I think they are just glad I have a job at this point
U dint understand how good gacha games will be by then
Had my first wank to Riley Reid
>you need the house more than sibling in theoretical future
>siblingshires will want their share
iktf me laddy. it brutal
lmao, i love you guys sometimes.
it really isn't. What can you do with that? Wouldn't buy a terraced house nowdays
>That's how it all works delid.
Pretty much lid I'm not really denying that. Just the idea is pretty depressing. I wish I had been born into an able-bodied family who were hard workers. Not a disabled mother (I don't blame her) and my leeching father who loves the benefit money he gets from her. He even gets to drive a fancy big SUV since he is eligible for Motability. It's honestly mad.
part ownership.
no gf ever
gonna die alone
might as well bounce on dildos
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Its just the fact my 1 sister already is a home owner nd tbe other has a good career so they'll be grand anyway bt I have zero doubt theyll at least consider throwing away our only heritage 2 go on a holiday they forget about a year later. We get along bt we're different kind of ppl. Is what it is tho
You gonna get on that BBCgrind de lid?
>Wouldn't buy a terraced house nowdays

What are you talking about? My brother recently bought a 3 bedroom terraced house for 90k in Blackpool
I saw a terraced house for 80k the other day as well. It was in North Wales but yeah
scared of the aids
and black people smell really bad
One of the worst towns to reside in
some parts of north wales are pretty nice, id gladly neet there if i had the chance
property is surprisingly cheap in wales
Bridge on the River Kwai bought on Blu-ray. Only need two more David Lean films to complete my collection (A Passage to India and Summertime).
No piccies? They're the best part of your updates de lid
Will come tomorrow, lad.
>Burgess Hill
>Kennedy Centre
>Middlesbrough Linthorpe Road
>Waltham Cross


looks like you know where to head next lad.
Your Dad sounds like a SSM type where if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Ultimately it's those types who are the problem who know that the system is soft and will not beat your ass if you deliberately shit your pants at the job interview.
Corrr takeaway it lush and I mean lush
what did you get cheeka?
>leave your entire circle of friends and local ties to the community
>cheaper house up/down/over there
No, lad. I'll be getting Summertime on the Criterion Collection and A Passage to India on Blu-ray. Just waiting for a Criterion sale, not high priority to be fair.
dont get it
fuck this life
just one woman in the world out of the billions
just one to love me and like being with me?
how? fucking absurd
Going to pop into the Casino tonight, given myself a 40 quid budget
go to a fortune teller, see if she gives you some clues?
know you of any?
why you brits need cancerious gen on pol & r9k
why are you such attentionwhores
>big Tesco is no longer 24 hours
>little high street amusements place is
>even on Sundays
so it's just there 24/7 for people to gamble in at 4am? only been in to a couple of these places, what's it like? are they warm? do they serve drinks?
I keep seeing couples walk around and it makes me seethe like nothing else. Why is it never me?
Won a free sundae on the Mcdonald's monopoly.
Sharing some Windians so get in there
yeah. if you want actual guidance instead of a gypsy in a tent, book a mentoring session at Edinburgh Shamanic Centre.
is that with the bf?
hope that doesn't give you explosive shits
It's funny cause he has loads of conspiracy theories about how the government are after you and whatnot, yet he's the one getting paid money from the government to fuck around all day. Not that smartest person.
we used to run the planet and you are STILL speaking our language
i think it's fair to say we deserve all the attention
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Wish I had a porn goddess gf.
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31 years, no gf, no sex, not even a kiss
i thought you were 34 ruthmong
they tend to date men involved in the business
Honestly don't get this meme. Never happened to me, but I can eat really spicy food like it's nothing. I think most people these days have IBS and just blame it on certain foods.
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I'm not ruthmong, just a kindred spirit

thanks for the advice eva
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Wish I had a trans porn goddess gf.
he has such a weird looking knob
Yeah that's a gross looking dick. Even I wouldn't suck it.
Looks like an anvil fell on his cock Looney Tunes style. Fucking rank.
oh yeah you both like teenage girls
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copped a kek at this post
i need a girlfriend so bad
im so lonely
cant cope much longer
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>Looks like an anvil fell on his cock
Post of the day me laddy
have you tried Tinder or Bumble?
Try PoF. You could get your own Helen
anyone else miss being a kid sometimes? the weight of responsibility as an adult is crushing tbf
Legit don't understand the desire to have a gf. Would just be annoying and too constantly needy. And usually a mismatch for the type of personality that posts here. Ah don't get it
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Had a mint day now waiting for the wakeaway to arrive. It lush and I mean LUSH x
what did you get in, helperlad?
It's for the best lad. Excess males failing to breed will reduce future suffering.
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complete waste of time for sub-8 males
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All the time desulad
IBSberg is on a mad one tonight
I think people just want to shag. They don't understand how annoying women are.
climate activists have kids.
I'm 6'3 where is my gf
CBA with QMEE. It's soul sucking boring.
what do you miss about it lad
most of us have our apus doing qmee lid
still on DooYoo, me
Subway steak melt and waffle chips for me.
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I'm banned from owning Apus after my Sahara Settler froze to death last Winter.
>British government bans owning chickens without registering them to the government
/pol/ is laughing at us lads
at least the little lid seems to have died happy
he has surprisingly thick legs
Does this apply to NI? I have three chickens in my back garden.
read that as 'National insurance' at first
like they're docking your credits
Do you lads prefer Bridge on the River Kwai or Lawrence of Arabia?
bridgerton! omggg
That's because it's all virtue signalling where only the most brainwashed of lefties willingly cut their own balls off for the good of the planet. If you're a frustrated coomer that wants to breed anything that moves but have no access to women (ie you don't know any on a personal level and have to resort to dating apps) then it's over for you and your lineage has been terminated.
if Bridge on the River Kwai is on TV I'll watch it. Lawrence of Arabia? nice looking film but it's just too boring
for me? it's the man who would be king
would rim but would need to hide that disgusting cock
you could hide her cock in your mouth
I've never even seen a fanny.
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Fair. Lawrence is definitely a spectacle and I can understand how some people would find it boring. You lot should check out David Lean's laye career epics Ryan's Daughter and A Passage to India.
Good taste, lad. Love a good John Huston flick.
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And don't forget my favourite David Lean film, Hobson's Choice.
i'd like to smell her sweaty feet and armpits
but i know it will never happen to me
why are asian women so sexy lads?
wish i had cute korean gf or jap gf
That's quite the depiction of Charles Laughton.
lmao thats so true
>Asian women
In the UK, Asian women are mostly Poojas and Poonams.
reckon im going to be baby trapped even though she claims she doesnt want kids
Is that the result of some jewish circumcision or what
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Oh aye oh aye
Reminder that the cult-of-Israel is actively attacking this internet as a direct attempt to harm brits
what happens if you just refuse to acknowledge it as yours? they force dna test you?
Same. At least we can gamble for the highs
Never even touched a booby.
what's this then lad
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In my 30s but I feel like I'm 16. Not ready to grow up. Not had those usual milestones in life. Losing your virginity. Getting married. Going to a funeral etc etc. I think that's why I feel young.
Any of you lads ever sold on eBay? Wondering about listing some second hand goods and what condition to say.
Not only a brown but an honest to god jeet. Fuck me DVDmong has fallen hard in a single thread.
My favourite older film is A Man For All Seasons. Is that good taste or pleb taste?
this gimmick is just as annoying as he is
Yeah you're a child because you missed out on the formative maturing experiences that are by definition what make someone an adult beyond the mere biological clock which is pretty arbitrary as it is (back in the day you could be considered a full fledged adult at 12 or so, depending on culture/time period etc).
What are you on about? I'm DVDlad and I'm white as they come.
>DVDlad trying his "i work for microsoft" routine in the thread
Very good taste, lad. It won Best Picture after all. The films that won it back then were generally good.
Its interesting to see how More and Cromwell are depicted in AMFAS versus how they're depicted in something like Wolf Hall. Both utterly different interpretations of both men.
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Take it to CEX de liiid. No fake 20's then
No idea what the fuck you're even on about.
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Looks like they're making him do litter picking 2 days a week now, although he seems to be making out he is doing it on his own accord
post the back of your hand infront of your DVD collection, gupta
I really doubt some smelly Pajeet would be going out of their way to import Dick Van Dyke and Leave It to Beaver DVDs.
Do you fuck with bluray Rajesh?
this is just the "RUTHMONG IS TURKISH xD" routine all over again
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Hello I am DVDlad, this is a selfie. My full name is Rajesh Singh Thanibhikuvan Dikshit Beta Bingalarunuvisan.
How come sainsburys basics macaroni cheese tastes better than the normal one
rather peculiar iykwim
fucking hell i forgot about that one
*clears throat*
ruthmong you dirty turkish prick, leave white girls alone
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Didn't know DVDlad was a brownoid. Won't be engaging with him anymore
Okay lads answer me this. You know how Yorkie bars got in trouble for the whole 'nor for girls' slogan back in the day? Even though they're delicious and nobody cared really so there was no real issue, just drummed up nonsense yeah?

Well given that, how smelly do you think DVDlad is given he's Indian?
Stop fucking saying I am an Indian. Dickheads. You are a bunch of bullies.
>le pretending to be a personality gimmick
thrilling posts to say the least lads
you didn't have a problem with poley being brown

just post your hand lad, let's put this gimmick to bed
>let's pretend personality has brown skin
We're done this before, many times lads
I'll post my hand when my Bridge on the River Kwai Blu-ray comes tomorrow. Until then please refrain from spreading false rumours about my heritage. I have not been in prison and I am not brown.
Reading through the thread before bed lads. Very interesting. Was not expecting that bombshell of DVDlad being an Indian who has spent time in prison.
i am white before anyone says anything
t.tall can of coke and small can of arabic pepsi anon
>arabic pepsi
brownoid detected
>le ethnicity is nothing but skin colour
Not even progressives who say this actually believe it.
DVDlad likes wholesome white man content like Rawhide, Diagnosis Murder and Babylon 5.
Shippy got banned
Considering moving country and whether or not I can access porn and 4chan is genuinely one of the biggest considerations.
Don't think these are all him but fucking hell, bit of a boring lad isn't he?
reset his router and came straight back >>78965948
You must be moving to a chink or jeet country then. Disgusting.
>be billie eilish
>mumble across a shitty beat
>make millions
Just want to see her tits desu
any of you lads ever made a girl cry? what happened? relatives dont count
Her and her brother have definitely been fucking.
I made your mum cry after I shagged her last night when I reminded her of how much of a failure you are.
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This to be honest. I do think her music is more interesting than Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter etc. at least, the chebs are just a bonus
Yeah basically every gf I've ever had. I can't help cheating, I have a serious problem.
bit cruel that lad, only asked a question :(
Remember when Sabrina Carpenter sang about wanting BBC inside her, literally. Crazy...
I like that Espresso sing by Sabrina.
big gaelic milkers
Testing mobiledata4g
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That post wasn't me, DVDlad is my physical media ally
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I like that she looks like she's from Liverpool or Leeds or something
Yeah. I was shagging your mum up her arse and reminded her how much of a failure you are and made fun of her having to sell herself and get fucked up her butt to pay the rent.
He opened his file explorer and went to
C/Users/Mong/Desktop/Britfeel personalities/bookcase.jpg
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More of a phone poster desu
>haha yeah just download it you mong
>inspect their harddrive
>3gb film rips
ewwwwwww mong
I'd fuck her but she's getting too much surgery done young. She looks a bit uncanny.
Doesn't matter how a girl looks when your cock is buried in her arse tbqhwyf
only the pussy or mouth for me... I'm not an animal
Nothing like a good woman's arse to fuck lad.
nah, that's disgusting imo but if you enjoy it fair play
I'd let a girl piss on me but I wouldn't fuck her arse
Ngl I really want to shit on a woman's face. Am I a bad person?
back from the casino, the mid lass on the counter laughed at me because my drivers licence had expired and I hadn't noticed, no idea what I was doing but I went on the auto roulette tables and ended up 20 quid up
no... I think scat is totally degenerate but if you're into it and it's consensual then why not
as they say, it might not be for me but it might be for you
>I'd let a girl piss on me
I'm 32 and feel the same. But I do have a job so that's one thing. Funny thing is always relate with people at work who are in their early 20s much more than people my age or older.
No, sounds incredibly based
Just randomly discovered Emily pops. One of her videos appeared in my recommended section on YouTube and I remember you guys talking about her. Shes 100% autistic right? I cant tell. (Autistic myself)
Actually, even though I find it disgusting to fuck an arse I think shitting on a woman's face would be in fact based
maybe piss on her face afterwards as well
She doesn't seem autistic to me lad.
Someone on discord said SCEA lives in Cambodia now. Any truth in that?
I'd like to tie a woman up on a bed and cum on her multiple times a day for like a month until her entire body is covered in cum and never clean the cum. By the end she'd be entirely covered in the cum.
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Who's discord? Im currently residing in Peterborough

waa waa
Seems pointless going to a casino to use the electronic machines. At least you're up 20 bong
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"And what do you do for work"?
"Im unemployed"

>The mid lass behind the casino desks reaction
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I was too scared to use the croupier tables and I had bad tummy ache, only went in because I was parked there anyway and wanted to see what it was like. Might go on another night and try it and also try find a gf at the bar.
I miss SSM wasting all his benefit money on the roulette
What is this video supposed to be about? Why is she acting like such a whore with her tits out and jiggling? What is ber signature move?
>"And what do you do for work"?
>"I'm unemployed"
>"My main hobbies are video games and posting on 4chan"
>Funny thing is always relate with people at work who are in their early 20s much more than people my age or older.
Me too. The 30+ Normans are always talking about weekends with their kids, or going shopping for school uniforms, or being woken up at 3am cause of a crying baby. I just cannot relate
Stupid fat ugly tranny. Women are having a laugh nowadays. I said women are having a laugh.
>or being woken up at 3am cause of a crying baby.
Someone I can relate to
Pain. Pain. Pain
night drive tonight? yea i think its a night drive tonight, might even go on a little adventure around manchester city centre
go on a night walk and pin a female officer to the ground and do a hot volcanic liquid shit on her face
Why is it whenever I see an objectively mid girl in a normal job I am instantly smitten and envision our entire lives together in a loving marriage in the space of a few milliseconds, only for reality to resurface and move on and never see her again? What is this called?
Glad my nearest casino is 25+ miles away. Although I did used Tobago regular and the distance wasn't too much of a barrier. Up 500 this year total
My sister's gf asked the local casinos to bar her voluntarily after she had a BPD episode and gambled away their deposit a few years back. Mental bitch.
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>lesbian sister
I'm 50/50 on whether she's really a lesbian or doing it for attention desu.
Gay sex Seamer
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Place your bets
I do the same thing. It's called loneliness.
all women are lesbians
Oh absolutely I'm crippling lonely I won't deny that even for a second.
Would be nice if they all bisexual
He's a virgin and he's convinced that all women are lesbians. Very interesting.
>He thinks he lives in the basement
>He actually lives on the ground floor and the mudflood has given him a false impression
>the great mud flood
normalsheep just cant accept this one
>Anglo saxon village discovered
>Under 9 feet of soil
Yes, because the mudflood is a fabricated myth
There is a village of tiny people living in my anus. Therefore, I cannot have anal sex as it would kill an entire race of little people.
when you're ready de lits

Yep exactly, they talk about boring shit like kids or what car they got, or football. Fucking football, so much football talk. Could not give a single shit about who is playing who every other day.

Yet I can talk to the early 20's about vidya, meme shit and they'll know. I can use dark humour and they won't get offended easily. Made a dumb nonce joke around people my age and they looked at me like I was a leper, made the same joke around young 20 year olds and they burst out laughing. I'm simply an immature man child. It's okay now since I still look alright for my age, but going to be grim in my 40s trying to hang around coworkers 20 years younger than me. Unless I somehow sort my life out and become an adult, fat fucking chance of that.
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Be grateful that your parents are both alive and in your life. Family is more important than money and stupid possessions.
Also keep saving. You might be able to buy the house from the council at a great discount once your parents die. because youve been living in it for such a long time. You need to get your name on the council rentbook.

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