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Longstone Lighthouse edition
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I'd love to go to sleep and never wake up
Wouldn't be so bad would it
first for dvds
i said f-first for dvds
Me too. Things are bad and are going to get worse not just in my own life but in society at large too.
He's brown and he collects DVDs
>He's brown and he collects DVDs
And his mother and father are cousins.
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Spent some time in prison too apparently
He's white and he procures DVDs for his own entertainment. He go to church on Sunday. He a good Christian white boy who love his DVD.
Keeps all his britfeel documents very organised. Never knows when he needs an absurd but if lore, or when he needs to rapidly access a bit of info to make a hilarious gimmick post faster than other lads.
don't worry lad, it'll happen to you eventually
Eventually is too long. Need my suffering to end soon
The inventor of vaporub should get a Nobel prize
currently drinking tap water
Some say the /britfeel/ lore archives are buried deep beneath the streets of Scarborough
Buried deep within Cheekas sweaty post workout armpits
They were moved to the Vatican vaults for safe keeping, lad. Learn your lore ffs.
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Saw a sign for Scarborough (A64) when I was in York earlier this week
>currently drinking tap water
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>"Oh wow, your um... your britfeel folders are so organised hehe x"
cant post proof now lad, drank it all
remember me to one who lives there
she once was a true love of mine
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I went to York like 8 times in two weeks a couple of weeks ago, shame not this week. If you'd have told me I might have come
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Mondeo, Oh aye. Those who know, know.
Goodnight adults, wherever you are. Etc
Still driving it these days lad?
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waaaa waaaa Mondeo
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I'm not SCEA, I've never had a mondeo
Didn't Ebin drive a Mondeo?
He drives a Volvo now
>see random post in britfeel
positively thrilling posts lads
>tfw drive a honda civic old ebin style
Can't believe Ebin has bowel cancer. Not right
>Nobody will love you more than SCEA loved tim and his mondeo

Most successful britfeel personalities, lads?
Tilde is employed and has big chebs now
Oh aye, the civic. good reliable motors

a Focus

>left the casino because of stomach ache and bloating
>tfw still remember the reg of sceas mondeo
I parked here, it was incredibly tight getting in, god knows how a van made it


Got this Oxfam

and this one
Real answer probably zimmy, funny answer probably titlad
how is zimmy successful?
Never going to learn to drive because I 100% know it would be exactly like Mark learning in Peep Show and it would be some twat chav teaching me and laughing at me.
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Not sure if you have my current reg, but it passed its MOT this week with no advisories
He married a black woman and had a kid. This is the height of success.
I bought a nice sports coat just up the road here

just find a QT grill instructor lad, take the speed bumps at full pelt and make her boobies bounce around
>Not sure if you have my current reg, but it passed its MOT this week with no advisories
Wife, kid, house, job and doesn't go on schizo rambles, in fact has only ever seemed positive unless I missed some drama. Honestly just seems like a normal guy and that's insanely successful for this place. But of course titlad won the poll, soooo...
Right, got it
Zimlad probably.
Grown man. Quotes entire posts and then says 'fascinating'. Does this multiple times a thread.
DVDlad has a whole library of TV and Film in his gaff. Women will like that during the apocalypse.
>Grown man. Quotes entire posts and then says 'fascinating'. Does this multiple times a thread.
Always wonder if I could shag one of those chinkies in York, they must long for BWC
Not even an apocalypse would make women want an Indian man.
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>Quotes entire posts and then says 'fascinating'. Does this multiple times a thread.
>DVDlad has a whole library of TV and Film in his gaff. Women will like that during the apocalypse.
Didn't notice that many chinkies in York, but there's basically everywhere now, especially in university towns. Actually come to think of it I did see quite a few on the bridge
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Invade York
>Always wonder if I could shag one of those chinkies in York, they must long for BWC
DVDlad actually is a hunter of Indian men. He hunts them down like rabid dogs, makes them watch Salo on Blu-ray and then chops their head off and kicks it off the balcony of his 20th floor flat.
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>You go shopping in Low Petergate?
>The virgin York
>The chad Eboracum
Other lads are right, probably zimlad. His wife has a nice arse I'll give him that, though personally wouldn't go for a black lass me. Not racist just not for me.
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>Always wonder if l could shag one of those chinkies in York, they must long for BWC
>DVDlad actually is a hunter of Indian men. He hunts them down like rabid dogs, makes them watch Salo on Blu-ray and then chops their head off and kicks it off the balcony of his 20th floor flat.
Nights are getting colder lads. It not right.
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>wouldn't go for a black lass me
loool he keeps doing the post!
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Aye will be winter soon lid
it absolutely right lad, cold autumn nights are very comfy
Black women might be for you, but they're not for me. Like I said really am not racist, just not into black women. Personal preference.
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>His wife has a nice arse I'll give him that
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Yeah I hate people that go on about football. I don't mind talking about games but when they're 30+ and talking about the costs of players and transfers... get a fucking life will ya
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How will the Jeets ever recover?
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>Black women might be for you
stop bullying my friend dvdlad
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The Jeets bow before the strength of DVDlad.
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DVDlad is the jeet
Watched one of the DVDs that I drove 20 miles to buy today, oh aye.
He loves seeing the bookcase on his computer screen
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He needs to post a pic of his white hand against his Blu-ray collection. Shouldn't be too difficult
>ssm on the forest moon of endor
better than giving it to the wookies
This might be up Ebin's street

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One of the few /britfeel/ gimmicks I actually enjoy
>Watched one of the DVDs that I drove 20 miles to buy today, oh aye.
origin of these images
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>watching DVDs in 2024
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Yes I'm aware of that
At best, he might have a French/German/Spanish dictionary in his bookcase. It's unlikely he has any more language books than this
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Ah, your display bookcase.
>At best, he might have a French/German/Spanish dictionary in his bookcase. It's unlikely he has any more language books than this
fascinating gimmick
What's wrong with buying books and not immediately starting them the day you buy them and finishing them a week later?
>ssm refusing to have a good time
better than blaming it on the boogie
SSM needs to start doing karaoke nights down the local boozer
SSM has a beginners French book in his 'library' as he calls it.
He needs to go to Manchester and meet up with the 5 Great Guys + 1 again
>ssm being loyal to Helen
better than giving it to a floosie
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What do you think happened to his lip?
Severely dehydrated from the booze plus lowering temperatures, colder nights. Not much of a mystery.
>What do you think happened to his lip?
Whatever it is I'm sure it's fascinating
Did someone from here send him it?
Yeah I did, some anon said they've seen it since he opened it but I never have
>je...je...je...je...je m'appelle mark
>yea, i do alot of work for google, do admin work for goo goo google
I sent SSM a used condom on an envelope. I wonder if he ever opened it.
SSM needs to start using chapstick.
I remember when Smirnoffbro sent Mark a (fake) Rolex watch and he sold it on within a few weeks.
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>condom on an envelope
Unboxing next week hopefully!
This is why I would never send him anything of value.
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>me when ssm walks into a room
Mad how only some people can smell it, but most can't.
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First thing I would do if I ever met SSM is smell him
Why not vacuum seal some shit in a bag and then ship it over to Mark?
Was the film Thunderpants based off of SSM's childhood?
I've actually been thinking about moving up there recently. The Yorkshire coast is a stunning part of the world, I make a trip there every year now. Rents are quite cheap there as well. Probably fuck all jobs there and loads of crackheads but I doubt it is significantly worse than here in the East Midlands.
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Sober weekend? Completed it mate.
I was arrested for filming people on night walks.
Why? PINAC. Fuck the poLICE.
'elen did it to him while he was dipping his fish finger in her net
Proud of you lad, try and keep it up if you can.
It's not illegal to eat goyslop for three days straight and collect your rancid shit in a bucket, then funnel it into plastic bags, vacuum seal the bags and mail those bags anonymously to Mark Edwards in Wareham. It's literally not illegal.
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Unhinged post this lad. Very unhinged
PAFSTSSMINAC (posting a fly sandwich to SeasideMark is not a crime)
They tried and failed to get me on harassment and stalking. Dickheads. Need to go back and teach those maggots a lesson.
SSME sent SSM a box containing a can of tuna, a wank sock and a toy soldier. All perfectly legal
Getting arrested for pretending I got arrested on /britfeel/
Give me my search record, pussyhole.
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Having a wuppa right now, feeling quite womfy. Life's better when you're not doing your wollocks in.
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Nice 1 helper lad
Surely is
Based post. Do it.

If you make another lighthouse edish, can you do Dungeness please?
Well some people can smell it and some people can't. It'd be important to know which category you belong to.
All 21 Tintin cartoons on DVD for a fiver new and sealed? Get in. Of course I had to make a 10 percent lowball offer.
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Lad went to mcdonalds and saw wops. She's not a very social person.

Nice one lad. That's an amazing deal. I would have bought them at that price too.
big up paki ab
They are cropped to 16x9 which is gay but the older 4x3 box set is hard to find and expensive. Wish they made a sequel to the Peter Jackson film.
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Scottish lass making fun of HHL again.
downloaded them all on torrent lad.
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Wops has probably got the tintin game on xbox 360.
Current British NEET here: The UK is probably one of the best countries in the world to be a NEET. A lot of people whine about the welfare state here, but it's actually pretty adequate if you're able to get access to social housing, and manage your finances responsibly.

I have my own home, The NEETbux I get from the government is enough to pay my rent and all my essential bills, with just enough left over for a month's worth of food + a few treats like a dinner out with friends, and a few streaming services. If I budget really strictly I can even put a few quid away, and save up each month for something I want, like a new phone or console.

I have a small circle of close friends, and I don't feel that being a NEET puts me out of step with them. For the most part, they're broke, and stressed out with careers and nagging girlfriends. I get out plenty, and have good access to some beautiful countryside walks.

All in all, NEET life is great for me here.
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Corr what's her name again.
howling at this

Nice one I haven't seen them since I was a kid.
She only likes them big. You must be 8 inches to ride Laura's tuppence.
He probably poos on the train tracks.
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Nu Laura
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Multiple mongs now fully trained by DJ on public filming laws.

Kept getting scam calls from jeets pretending to be from 3 Mobile, they've now stopped after I told one of them "poo in the loo you street shitting bastard" in a jeet accent
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>obsessively hoards physical media
>not very social
What a shock
The thumb equivalent of Natalie Mars' cock.
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Wish she'd show it and donate the money to charity.
Are you on Wop's discord server, Ruthmong?
I thought you didn't sexualise your ASMRtists?
Not him but you're only seeing what you want to see.
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Oh yeah, I remember now.

Lots of Laura's and Laurens in this ASMR economy.
Yet even she has a boyfriend. Women live in a different reality
I got banned from Wops discord for printing out her face, shoving my cock through her mouth and videotaping it making elephant noises.
DJE is the new DJ.
just realized shes got no philtrum
what the fucks goin on here
Lowball offer accepted. GET IN.
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I don't do discord lad. It's very phone orientated.
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Watched that Belko Experiment (2016) film tonight. Sure, I can recall watching it back in 2017 but I forgot what happened so it was like watching it again for the first time. Not bad, solid 7/10.
wadda fugs g-gowan awn 'ere den?
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DJE doesn't educate tyrants the way DJ does.
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She's also got the crazy "fuck me" eyes. Very intense.
I remember liking that, lad. Set in an office building? Decent wee horror/thriller If I recall.
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They do it to themselves and enjoy the confidence gains.

Aye it was womfy. One of those films that keeps you interested all the way through. Acting is decent.
She's Scottish, not Jamaican
She doesn't have an intimate relationship with any lads. She's wants a gf deep down.
Check out Greg McClean's Wolf Creek films they're good, lad.
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Yeah there's quite a few. Aussie Lauren is cute.
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I refuse to believe this lad. Not a nice thing to do desu.
she's been with her bf for six years now lad
Are you talking about that lad she used to make YouTube video with? Met him on some Minecraft server?
She is very competitive and a big humble bragger. She casually mentions in her video that she got the highest marks on her calculus exam in her entire class. Goes to the gym every day. Puts out a video where she pretends she eats like shit yet effortlessly stays skinny. Girls like this know what they're doing. You just know she loves mogging all her female peers
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>Greg McClean's Wolf Creek

Jesus christ I've wanted to find that film for years but could never remember what it was called. Cheers lid.
yeah lad they're inseparable. They even share a youtube channel

She doesn't talk about him much. Some relationship that is.
The eggless laura.
Simps wouldn't send her free games if they found out she had a bf. They all hide it
A very middle class Australian lass. She probably enjoys making herself puke to maintain her skinny physique.
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>I just conveniently forgot to mention I'm married in my thousands of hours of online vlogs
they know what they're doing. These girls have simp farming down to a science
I'd offload my vidya to ber but she'd only sell it to cex eventually. I couldn't care to see my pristine vidya in a place like that.
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A picture of Alexander and Hephaestion in the dining room. Her parents probably love classical history. Couldn't imagine growing up in a middle class household like that. They probably eat their dinner together around the table as a family and discuss things like literature and philosophy. I never had a chance.
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wops wouldn't want HHL.
feel down tonight. gonna make a nice bacon butty to hopefully feel better
They are all pray to the invisible man in the sky before dinner I reckon. Very strange people down in the southern hemisphere.
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Hope you feel better soon lid
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It a conspiracy de lid

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SSM likes to bully the Seaside Army.
those south korean feminists are proper mental. They never talk about this part in all the BBC reports funnily enough

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>tfw no radical feminist Korean gf to dominate and humiliate me
is this what you're doing when you say you edit wikipedia articles
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They all know what they are doing. They are mocking lads like you. Your suffering gives them pleasure. Your will die without sex.
If this is actually ruthmong he's being even more of a cunt than usual
*informs the apus US country music star Kris Kristofferson has died*
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My apu loved Convoy. Poor lid is in tears.
What happened to Marks lip anyway?
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My Texan Long Legged is inconsolable, he keeps staring tearfully off to the west
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Just keep the bennies flowing and they can mock me as much as they like. I need that new laptop.
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Helen give him herpes. Not right
I'm just angry and upset over Ruth still.
I wish I could afford a new laptop. I don't get bennies sadly.
corr proper chudcore this

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Never going to work.
What did she do to upset you?
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Another Monday, another week of doing nothing but at least I am not some slave working for poverty wages. Go slave for me immigrant scum. You are a not a net positive for my country unless you're a doctor or engineer. You are no better than me immigrant scum. Ruin my country? I refuse to play the wagie game. Women don't fuck me? Why slave?
she stopped caring about asmr. bitch.
How are you able to live? How do you pay for food and rent without working a job?
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Kyla should start her own ASMR channel. She's very cute.
That is not a good look for Ruth. Not at all.
Parents basically pay for everything and I live with them. I'm prepared to go homeless and not slave eventually.
I just watched Heaven's Gate not long ago fuck sake. Rest easy big man.
This was just re-released on Blu-ray is it good?
Power to the true world.
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Waste police time legally.
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>hey come do a silly video with me!
Brutal mogging. Women are so cruel.
I refuse to believe they built the pyramids without extraterrestrial help.
Death to the parasites that attacked 4chan
Mad to think there was another civilization out there just developing in parallel. Wish we had more records from them
The ultimate flavour experience!
>another schizo spammer
Just what /britfeel/ needs
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Prefer blonde Ruth personally.
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Just had muh bedtime smoke, going to have a bedtime fap, then going to sleep.
Nighty night.
I can see why he stalks her there's something about her.
The fat lass looks more fun. Plus The Beatles are based.
If you are referring to me, you are an invader and parasite that must die.

They wrote so much actually.
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What jobs are 'AI-proof' ?
Maya script
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I like Ruth's fringe. Hides her big forehead.
The infinite verities of jobs that are associated with truer value than money.
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I don't. She's a lovely lass really.

She doesn't need to be blonde for anyone.
mad how these schizos are almost always brown and from canada or australia yet they come here to spam their chimp nonsense
>This was just re-released on Blu-ray is it good?
No idea but my 2160p digital rip looks good.
How easy is it to get benefits for "mental health"?
I can only speak for myself, I tried and got rejected.
How did they build those structures without technology or aliens? Load of shite.
Just imagine Ruth's nipples, corr
Easier to go to prison and enjoy being looked after.
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Used to be very easy but they've recently made it very hard
I meant is the film good I've never seen it despite being a Sam Peckinpah fan (Straw Dogs, The Wild Bunch, Cross of Iron).
Wrongun lad. Wrongun mongun.
Manual labour jobs
You've imagined Ruth's bare breasts too, don't lie.
Worried about Mark's lip.
I think my time at britfeel is done lads
Cheers for making me larf and that
Time to check out
I wish you lads well and stay safe
They just piled stones over a long long time and maybe made an ever increasing ramp. Like the stairs.
Some strong people.
Some wedges.
Some rope.

Numbers are time.
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No I don't. I don't need to think that way about nice girls.
Nice boobies on her, how old is she now?
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Mental she's 23. What's her secret lads?
A huge amount of people and it may of taken no time at all.

But I have done enough shrooms to say magic exists.
I imagine her in leotards
Not sure lad. 19 now maybe.
Get yourselves a heated blanket lads. Absolute game changer for the chilly nights
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Women will be hard at work getting the stormdrains and sewers unclogged once the sun rises to ensure our homes don't get flooded with poo water.
Any Cornwall lads in tonight
Ok thank you sane age as me that
Been on 4chan since 2006
She wouldn't want a lad like you anyway. It doesn't matter if you're 19. She'd be better off with someone who deep down cares about her (like me).
45 years old and attention seeking on /britfeel/ as if anyone gives a shit
What's your favourite DVD box set?
Well you replied so clearly it worked
What was 4chan like in 2006? I only discovered 4chan in 2012
Spaced. Love it.
Raw. Naive and pretty hardcore. /b/ was where I spent most of my time, today /b/ is tame compared to then.
Think I'm gonna kill myself soon. Can't see any possibility of getting laid.
Nah, wish I lived in Cornwall. I'm in shithole Loughborough.
Might as well get a hooker before.
Last I checked /b/ has just become a porn board
im fucking tired of this island of depression lad its becoming overbearing
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Feel shattered me so garn beddingtons now. Eyes are like pissholes in the snow.
you live about 20 minutes away from me
Unlucky. The East Midlands is the arsehole of the UK.
back from the night drive, went around manchester city centre for a bit, didnt have a fucking clue what i was doing half the time or what lane i should have been in or whatever but there was some decent fanny out and about, didnt even think anyone went out on sunday anymore
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>back from the night drive, went around manchester city centre for a bit, didnt have a fucking clue what i was doing half the time or what lane i should have been in or whatever but there was some decent fanny out and about, didnt even think anyone went out on sunday anymore

corr propa fascinating diss one imma hafta be finkin
Gotten up, me

A nu day hath dawned
alri lads. how do you go about posting without the flags then? for all you know I could be a Yank.

I am a Yank in fact
Why are you buying DVDs in this day and age?
Not a brit me and dont live in the UK, posted here for years though, everybody is oblivious
Page five is it fellow kings
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Gonna prep the other thing for being sent out later today and then womf it up for a couple more hours/cop some brekkie

Big day today. Bigarse day indeed
That image just put a grin on my face on a monday morning before work so get in there
You gain citizenship after 2 years so you're British now whether you like it or not.
Widemouth Fields burger van for brekkie. Wash down with a Monster. It delishus.
>page five at 9AM
Slow start today is it kings
Keep your wig on mate, there's been a britfeel thread up every hour of every day for many years. What we can't slow down a little at 3am?
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New scene from AllAnal today lads, starring the lovely Nicole Doshi and Ana Foxxx, get in!
My best mate at work is a 60 year old. I'm 25. We talk about old films and music. Comfy as a fuck. Big up Brian.
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>"Oh hey anon, why don't you take your shirt off and join me x"
>fake tits
>no cock
Mine was a close to 70 year old Indian guy. He worked to keep himself busy and was as crass as it gets. One time some black lady with massive tits walked past and I was trying not to look then he came up to me and just blurted out about how big her tits were lol
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Tru work of art is it not

Not a fan of this gonzoslop at all tbf matey
I'm a fan of all different kinds of porn. Gonzoslop is great for when you're deep into a goon sesh.
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For me, it's triple A silver screen production value adult entertainment. Like the stuff Kinolieri made with Monica Belluchi back in the day

Now that, in my own humble opinion, really is the shit

Some of the russian stuff like Ferro Network is really decent as well
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... Kek nvm her performer handle was monica roccaforte, not belluchi

Kinolieri himself is a wop but she's from hungary, that's why i had the wop monica in mind first there. Real shame she doesn't perform anymore btw corr
Men don't have tits, so all tranner tits are fake.
Major poo coming on, lads, and I mean MAJOR POO. Coorrrr fuck it's hurting my insides this one. A real beast. Will report back when it has been expelled.
Speaking of hungarian harlots, why the fuck is every other release amirah adara does now some kind of CG futa shit? She's done like a dozen or so of these now, the other day her newest one came out

She really seems to have a thing for that lol
Amirah Adara is great, love her. As for the futa stuff well she probably found a good niche which she was able to dominate by making good content for so it makes her a lot of money. My favourite Hungarian pornstar though is Cathy Heaven, a total sex demon, insane deepthroating and anal, takes it all like it's nothing.
Also interestingly Hungary has the most pornstars per capita of any country in the world.
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Just spaffed to the Siri Dahl and Codi Vore 'futa' shoot with Oopsie. Going to sit in a dark room for a bit now, and ponder where my life went wrong.

This is crazy. I hadn't even seen these posts before I posted my own one. Feels like there's some kind of psyop going on in the world today to get us all to wank to this degenerate shite.
>and ponder where my life went wrong.

Bit deranged to spaff to that type of shit yeah

No need to put futa in quotation marks btw, the moneylending distributors of this stuff label it that way themselfs
Not that anon but,
>no need to put blahblah
About as much need for it as your reddit spacing lad, kek.
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Hope hes not already deleted todays uploafs
Okay, back from that little adventure. Poor was pretty normal size but had an extreme amount of gas with it for some reason. Sounded like a grenade going off when it came out. Feeling MUCH better.
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Appointmentshire in 6ish

Probably going to lie down for a little while before, but not just yet
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Why did Ruthmong avoid the /bant/ threads?
Was it filled with spam? Much samefagging?
Hmm, now that you mention it.. they weren't. I wonder why that was. Really can't put my finger on it.
For me? It's gotta be Ruth Lee

Note how this rhymes lol
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It was filled with union jack flags
That GORGEOUS TALL SEXY THICC singgle mummy MILF is back working at the Co-Op. She was off a few months. Hmm. I know what days she works and when so I'll be back in the Co-Op more from now on. Need to talk to her. How do I do that? She makes me so fucking horny god. She is well spoken and radiates kind and sweet vibes. She brightens up the room. I really like her. She also makes my dick rock hard just by being in the room.
>Also interestingly Hungary has the most pornstars per capita of any country in the world.
And certain 'dissident right' figures have been trying to promote Hungary as a based trad country, kek.
Berry interdasting.
The more you see them in their working capacity, the more they will think of you as a customer.
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The rumours of my pajeetness have been greatly exaggerated. I may be a bit fat but I ain't a pajeet.
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>almost 4 million troops

Truly w40k tier, is it not
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What happened to your thumb, did you lose it in a frenzied unwrapping incident?
Just another mystery, innit?
hunker down troopers
they're coming out with wog history month in October
I wonder if Zimmy and Shippy will be taking their little black bastards to some carbean festival or something
>and ponder where my life went wrong.
This islands leaders are retarded morons who throw their own people(lets face it even our leaders and our leaders with most of them being foreign) under the bus in exchange for foreign labour "coz its cheap!" not realising they're saving pennies and spending pounds for it
basically you're not needed in your own homeland so you chase after dopamine
Yet people wonder why Russia pre-emptively struck against Western assets
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Wonder if dvd lad watches lotr every christmas.
Lost it to a triad underground DVD vendor, after a dispute over a scratch on a bootleg copy of The Englishman that went up a hill but came down a mountain?
I watch A Nightmare Before Christmas, Christmas Vacation and The Snowman over Christmas.
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I feel like the current system is rigged for the rich and the good looking. I would never work minimum wage in this world because it is not worth it. We are not living in the days of our parents. Hard work is not the only thing you need.

Add in modern dating and a lot of young men especially feel like they will never get ahead. And that kills motivation It is easier just to stay at home and play video games. I pity those sad men working and never getting pussy.
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Proper chumba paw that
Good soundtrack that TNBC. I used to listen to it a lot.
Guess I better just get it over with and ask her out soon as I see an opportunity
Another week of doing nothing and waiting for death. Slaving isn't going to solve my issues. I have no interest in working. I don't have any career interests.
The fat mitts of a mong that makes hundreds of posts everyday lmfao

Little point in me doing anything. Mentally ill autist in my early thirties. Never even held a girls hand. Working for me would mean a shitty low wage job surrounded by normies who despise me, that would barely get me by month to month, living in a grotty little room by myself.

Or I can collect bennies and stay home with mummy.
You're right there but you'll be happy to know I'm in the process of weight loss and have already went from 15 stone to 13 stone 9.
I may be wrong, I'm usually wrong on things I assume I'm correct on. You could see if you could get a part time job there? Get to spend more time with her and have an actual conversation and unleash your charm.
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Sad about the Class 323 leaving service. Enjoy your new cramped trains brummies.
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All supermarket grills i like are tall as fuck as well like proper humiliation ritual level heightmog not just a wee bit,,not that that takes much, not sure why
Chads work in those shops now tho nd they talk every day, its a pipe dream. Just being realistic
Wouldn't you want to fuck a tall girl? You could climb her like Shadow of the Colossus.
>Sad about the Class 323 leaving service.
*informs the apus*
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>let me just overexpose the entire image and then change the colour levels while not bothering to correct the fucked up gamma on the DVD case
Holy fucking shit you can't make this up. He's a jeet and he thinks he can sloppily photoshop a pic to 'prove' he's white. Just stop lad, please, this is embarrassing.
A room if you're lucky. Single men are punished by this system. It relies heavily on dual incomes. It would just be work and no fun doing it all by yourself. Meanwhile the happy couples go on weekend holidays every month and travel abroad several times a year. Since they're good looking, they've manaed to land themselves a comfy job in an office too. Some people do very little work because of work from home and I'm expected to be a miserable warehouse drone killing my back day in day out. No thanks.
I don't have the energy to motivate myself to slave in a warehouse with immigrant men. That is just paid misery to be honest lads. It's highly unlikely a warehouse mong would get a foot on the dating ladder (especially with women's high expectations of a man doing something more exciting, more financially better...women only care about looks and money).
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They could pick me up like a christmas present. The weak should fear the strong nd I am the weak.
Stage 4 cope
She could plug a leaky pipe w that freakish thumb mutant x-men bitch
Have Scotland raised the minimum alcohol price again? What the fuck. It's been proven it doesn't work. Mongs.
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>It's highly unlikely a warehouse mong would get a foot on the dating ladder (especially with women's high expectations of a man doing something more exciting, more financially better...women only care about looks and money).
I work in a low wage job and know guys working there in their late 20s or 30s who have girlfriends. You never go outside and your entire worldview is based off of screenshots of Reddit and 4chan posts which are designed to make you both angry and demoralised.
I knew the juice wasn't worth the squeeze years ago. It's interesting to see so many young men now realising what I knew already... working is not worth it. Women are only interested in men making more money than minimum wage. Even then you've still got to be handsome. It's not worth it at all anymore. Poverty wages exist because of immigrant scum from poor countries working here. You are not needed anymore. Let them dinghy men slave and eventually harm women.
Had a wank thinking of the Co-Op MILF.
They're really infuriating with their alcohol laws. I was staying at an airbnb near Castle Douglas once and went shopping in the morning, family in tow. Did a full shop for a week but couldn't check out the wine bottles because 'it wasn't 10am yet'. Like mate, I'm not fucking drinking them now am I..
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Her hands and thumbs are very odd. That's the least of her issues, though. She is doing better than 99% of people.
Spaffus maximus

Trve roman adult entertainment for trve romans
Yea it's mad. Even if you were planning to down the bottle at 9.30am, instead of 10.01am who the fuck cares.
Mum said there's some right creepy man that stares at her in the co-op. Said he's probably one of them incel types.
I've had some low blows in life but being left on read by a literal whore im trying to solicit is a bit to much for me.
it's time for a cold shower and mental anguish scream time !
STATE of that baseball glove paw
I don't really believe this. If you are handsome then yes there will be exceptions. But these men are often with horrible girls who will be abusive.
Socialists lad.. they want to control every element of your life.
Anyone ever played video games in public as an adult? Might take my Switch to the coffee shop.
When I worked in Poundland there was a lad there who lived with his mum and had like 40k in the bank because he barely spent any money and never went out other than work. He just had a gaming pc and that was his major expense and hobby.
I stream Minecraft on Twitch but don't get many viewers
What good is saving money if you aren't getting pussy? I wish I could only care about materialism. I don't care anymore about having the best shit.
Going to meet wops at cex and hopefully get a meal together at spoons.
I'm starting to think that society being hyper sexualised and porn being so accessible and normalised is a bad thing.
U should do it if you want normies be damned
Might get new zelda game desu looks cute
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that describes 40% of men in their 20's.
i realistically have enough to put down a deposit on a shitty flat or something from wagie savings but whats the point when you realistically know you are probably going to top yourself in the next 10 years.
UK is fucking cooked for any stupid anon's, can't even leave the fucking place anymore.
Tranny bussy for me
Don't see why not as long as you don't have the volume up without headphones. Not much different than sitting on your phone, is it? I never take my Switch out of the house unless I'm going on holiday or something. Not as bad as going to the pub alone downing pints and staring at the wall which I used to do.
LGBT propaganda in media and in retailers pisses me off. We will never fall for this brainwashing cult.
You should save up and build one of those tiny homes in the woods and go off grid. Sadly, for an autistic like me, it's living ESA to ESA payment. However, it's doable if you're smart with budgeting.
DVDlad more like FatMittsMongLad
Might go back to coffee shop. Would it be odd of me? Hmm.
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I do mobile gaming on the train most days. Always use my headphones though
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Think they thought I was you, and that I was Pajeet because I had 'teach yourself Hindi' on the table. But a Pajeet wouldn't need that anyway
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Spat my orange juice out at this post
Lots of little lads who like to spread rumours and rile other little lads up.
Most young guys in my job were like that including me xcept the saving money part too stupid for that
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get yourself a passport and go on holiday
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>Spat my orange juice out at this post
Glad I could bring some happiness to you lad.
If you commit a crime and get away with it what crime would you do?

For me, it is bank robbery
If you had to explain to a deaf person why Music is enjoyable, what would you say?
Doesn't matter what you say they can't fucking hear you.
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Moneylenders about to enter lebanon any minute now according to the wires

Kino is it not
Nonced in a caravan by a family member.
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A3 4-6-2 4472 Flying Scotsman pulls out of Banbury station on 14 February 1992
Lush train de lid
Thinking of all those DVDs in Lebanon that will be destroyed. It not right.
Apart from the actual train itself this pic is indistinguishable from a picture of some random provincial shithole in the Soviet Union. The train looks totally out of place and out of time, like a Rolex floating down a sewer in Carthage.

Fuck me the UK is such a miserable place in every sense of the word.
Might get that Train Sim World 5 but it's probably not much different than Train Sim World 4. Me? I like playing the old steam trains or the double decker electric trains with little tiny driver compartment.
8,000 of that must have inflated away through covid. 1000 hours of working some shit minimum wage job just pissed away for nothing. All those big corporations and their office/wfh workers made out great though
My eBay listing has had two views in the past week. Get in there.
Even at a coffee shop sitting by yourself?
Post the listing here
Yeah, why not? I see people in coffee shops alone all the time. Just stick headphones on, play your game and enjoy your coffee. Don't overthink it. Nobody really gives a fuck.
mad how all those office workers had the nerve to whinge about how isolating covid was when they were getting paid generously to do nothing while all the "essential workers" had to slave away harder than ever
I have a sibling who works from home a few days a week and he does fuck all. Seems like a good grift if you can get it.
imagine a big black man cums on your gf's massive tits and you get to lick them clean
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Id rather a big black man's cum on my face desu
>Potentially dox yourself here
name on arbroath
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Hafta head out in 2-3ish, me

Yessir i do
Might my a new thread soon, why not? Its my world
I'm not your dolly, dollymong
eBay itself is doxing. you're giving strangers your name and address, but it's eBay Inc. themselves who are publishing it onto the internet.
that's disgusting boobs get sweaty, you'd be licking sweat
Walked to the shops. Love gliding through the plebs knowing that I'm a britfeel poster and they have absolutely no idea. It's almost like being a secret agent.
Ruthmong i love you, you are my favourite britfeel personality
Thank you anon lad.
my favourite posters were footlad and guitarlad. footlad made me cackle and i used to actually enjoy guitarlads music and poems
just found a strip of tramadols i had hidden from myself. get in.
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Having a bacon butty, am I not
Just tried me Gangs of New York DVD. Decent transfer for a 2002 DVD to be honest. Whole bonus disc of special features too. Not sure why it was never widely released on Blu-ray here, not many copies in circulation.
Speaking of being a secret agent, in honour of DVDlad being revealed as an Indian, I was inspired to rewrite some of the lyrics to Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers to reflect this revelation under the title of 'Secret Asian Man'.


>Shitting in a Bombay alley one day
>Then still shitting in a Bombay alley next day!

>Oh well he let his skin tone slip
>Now he's even mogged by trips
>But odds are he'll still post again tomorrow

>Secret Asian Man
>Secret Asian Man
>You can photoshop your hand, but you can't photoshop your smell!
Already bored of this new trip. That yank tea lad was a nice lad. Shame he didn't stick around
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Ye literally quite funny for how many wars u end up in on there too
Some wageoid mong scammed me 40 quid for a gamecube years ago jst said yeah it never arrived when it BLATANTLY had bt I took the hit for the sake of my feedback for all he knows my revenge has been brewing this whole time tho not saying it has been bt for all he knows
Trying to hard here to be honest.
Love tramadol i really do, most comfy drug
I've recently reported eBay seller who sold me counterfeit box sets. The listings were taken down but all his other shit is fake too probably.
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Get them down ya boy
>Israelis responsible for detonating over two thousand 'sunflower lanyards' in Lebanon after shipment was intercepted by IDF
Desu if the price is too good its suspicious on ebay with stuff like designer clothes I think ppl buying quietly accept its fake I dont know fuckall about dvds though
I should have known better to be honest. They were American imports I usually get from a reputable legit seller but thought I'd take a punt. I now know if someone has like 5 or more quantities of a set it's probably too good to be true.
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Drippin w/drip he is, are wapu
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Back2 bed read my mangas I think
Havent gone outside since friday booze run bt it comfy with the grey skies,still feel like weekend today
October 2moz
This is psychotic lad nd he's white
at these meetings the facilitator said injecting heroin is like a warm cuddle, wish he hadn't said that tbhaiche but i know my limits, happy to just take 1-2 of these and waive off the passive background pain/discomfort and have a chill time~

on it now as i say only having 2 or 3, being smart me.
im so lonely
gonna explode sooner or later
cant cope like this
need a girlfriend so bad
getting a gf won't fix my loneliness.
Seen this a few times last year specifically Co-op they were locking up steaks kek am simply not buying anything once they do this bad for my social anxiety nd I think most normal ppl don't like it too
Go on ask the man if he'll open it for you
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My Greggs now has a security guard standing at the entrance permanently because all the local crackheads would just wander in and help themselves to sandwiches and drinks from the fridges.
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Need some pussy ngl
Wish i had a tranny gf with a tight bussy
I wish I had a real female gf with a tight innie tuppence
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We're properly in autumnal weather now. The dark nights are approaching.
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Bathroom is 98% cleaned (just waiting for things to dry)
Relax for an hour while watching scrapheap challenge (on youtube), then start on the spare bedroom.
Will treat myself to a hobble to the shop after that for some beers.
Tidy front room and kitchen tomorrow ahead of an afternoon house inspection.
wish i had a nice girl who was kind and liked spending time with me and we loved eachother
would make life worth living
as it is im 31 and never been out with a girl or anythin and i have very poor social skills
im proper fucked
New thread about Mark's lip
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I stopped working ~10 years ago, when the pussy stopped. It was great up till then, could pop into the sexo cubicle at work (yes they actually provided pussy for use during sexo emergency times) whenever the need arose. Then it all changed, sexo cubicle started to frequently be "out of order", then one day they took it away and put a nespresso machine in its place.
Sad times, I moved back to my parents house in 2013, and haven't left my room since. No point, desu.

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