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Monday edition
First for grinding Timesplitters
Never really understood the whole foot thing. What makes a foot good or bad, etc.
yeah proper robots you
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Is it timesplitters 2 u playing?
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Might as well start how that ended
Winder if **** would find it funny if I refer 2 yer favourite cartoon as "Steven jewniverse" just came 2 me now . Messaging her atm
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The first one. Damn, it's harder than I remember but I guess it's just getting used to the controls again. Just completed the second mission. Just unlucked that chinky chef as a playable character in arcade waheyy.
Prime Day tomorrow
DVDs ahoy
It nostalgic
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grim footspammers spamming long into the night
There's me just spent me money on Japanese Horror pre-order too. Might get ONE thing if it's significantly cheaper than usual. I check daily so I know when they're trying to fool me.
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>Prime Day tomorrow

Phwoaaaaaaaar might get a few things in the sale meself.
HHL and his best mate acting exactly like his old nemesis footmong. How the tables turn etc. etc.
It not prime day, lids. It just an October sale day. Might be some bargains who knows.
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Put a lid on ****. It's better 2 behave like an adult. Are we not adults.
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Already on the fourth mission in Timesplitters. Having a wuppa break now.
sneaky koreans giving me erection
i watched this korean show about some rich bitch south korea lass who accidentally parachuted into north korea
was quite kino if i recall
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The goonshire sessh hath concluded

Need to get up again in 4 hours too lmao
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What it called,?
YWN touch F1Ns girl cock
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Might just get smashed now. Dong give a fuck now. Then wvain might nkt.
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Life's better off the wooze.

Got me wuppas
Got me timespiltters
Got me youtubes
Got me porn

Yeah, thinking I'm kushty.
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It could go 1 way or the other way
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Yea it is, even when am personally on it I still agree its better off it. Not really worth it. Hope u can stay that way helper lad
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Never regretted having a wuppa.

The demon drink known as wooze has been the source of almost all my regrets this year.
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Cheers lid, not promising to never drink again as that would just be stupid and disingenuous, I know for a fact I'll be drinking over the Halloween period like always, only this time I hope not to do me wollocks in and keep of the gear. My drinking was perfectly fine until sniff wormed its way into me life in 2021.
will you retards stop posting pictures of feet, massive cocks and cartoon frogs, im TRYING to do nofap
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We all make mistakes bt we live 2 fight another day. And thats life
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Yeah, I could do that. But I'm a retard remember so I don't know any better waheyy.
On that Baileys after all
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Saving new porn pics/webms gets the wemptation to relapse out me system. It coping mechanism x
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Getting in my feelings. Only want 2 feel loved in life after all.
Its not illegal 2 not listen to music bt its illegal 2 be naked
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They deleted the WhatsApp messages. It's all coming out in the wash
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I see stuff from the future. Am such like a futurist.
67 in nigger years
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I'd delete this post ASAP if I was you de lid. Admitting wan evasion is not a good idea.
Normalniggers crucified my femcel introvert gf. Apologise. Bookmark this. I was on the letby wave b4 jt was cool. I don't want credit for being right. I just want u 2 know you were wrong.
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Cruising these Timesplitters levels now, the shotguns in this game are the meta.
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Merely a jest of course. A comedic larp
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Completed six levels on easy mode, not bad giving I haven't played this game in like 15 odd years. Calling it a day now, have be up early for the handymen people coming out.
your a grass
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Sexy sex dream about the girl I really I fancy that works at my gym but who recently got married after a 2 year engagement. Can't fall back to sleep as it's too close to my waking time anyway. Keep feeling a rumbly in my tumbly too, probably from Costa multiple times a day.
sorry to hear that willybiscuit hopefully in the years to come there will be more gym girls
you give me a box to type in, to submit my thoughts to the world, i'm going to do it
you miss 0% of the shots you DON'T take
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I have online friend in blakpool online since 2016 bt we never meet in real life even tho train frmo glasgow is 3 hours bt we just never talk about it what would U do? Is that normal? He is hyper introvert like me. So its just not sth that would come up. Bt we talk every day for 8 years sometimes i feel like lets hang out bt most of the time i feel like not that bothered. Bt we talking a lot time. Is that normal?
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Gym is mostly black men, Indian men, and middle aged ladies. Manager is well fit though dee lid. I will try it on with her.

Yes it's fine.
watching frasier
im awake and im seething
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck i don't want to go to work
Same lid. Cba to open that waptop again and stare at it for 8 hours
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Thought it through and don't think any proposed PIP changes would really affect me all that much. Still pretty scary when they start fiddling around with this stuff.
arrived at work now me i have
ruthmong doesn't know how good he has it
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Going to Costa to work on my game, then after a couple hours maybe I am going to the gym.
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*leads the apus in an early morning line dancing class*
Testo testo pesto
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>They're already pushing their "Disableds should have the right to suicide" agenda before assisted suicide is even a thing here
No thanks. How about I cause utter chaos if you attempt to murder me.
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>A free bottle of pentobarbital with every successful PIP claim!
>It's the right forward progressive thing to introduce!
>We're such good people!
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Sry am going 2 get political. Blackpool is Scotland. I met other ppl frmo north england before. Theyre not the same as ppl from blackpool. Those blackpool ppl relatable 2 me. Blackpuldians are scots. Special ppl. Salt of earth. Then i watched a youtube vid nd it was scottish fucking mongs on blackpool pier, i so embarrassed of these mongs then j remembered nicola sturgeon during covid "DO NOT travel 2 blackpool to watch old firm game in a pub"-classic-,,,i said 2 my mum "WHY so many us go 2 blackpool neway?" she said "dunno the illuminations or something" I said I see ........///////////.......hmmmmmmm the more i thinnk about it- is Blackpool the TRUE last stand? I be desu.............blackpool. I think more likely ................. Am just thinking out loud.....................bt am thinking Blackpool is that place we all end up meeting 2 enter valhalla............................The globalists dont want us to know about blackpool. Like dogs that know theyre dying..........................we all limp towards blackpool.......relics from a past age..........for 1 last stand.........Oh whiteness of my race............................................................................................................my aristocratic race..............my barbaric race..............................................................................nd here I was anyway..........awake 2 long...finking.snout nlackpoll

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Psychotic Africans roam the UK streets. Israel has ddosed the entire Internet. I am censored. We have met a cruel fate.
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But helper lad understands blackpool is the last stand. Heil helper lad. Our NEET paradise will last 1000 years bc we got iron dome protection from wagke fsggots too. Hehehhe
pop your trip back on de lid, cheers
No SSM updates yet this morning?
Birds are singing, mongs are posting, the sun is up, it's a lovely day
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Phoned in sick today. Will be listening to this on a loop all day

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I finish off my Baileys then it's eepy sweepy time
I'm just catching up on his drunk live from last night, currently going on about 70s films being shite
>claims to be entirely unbiased
>instrumental in Boris' downfall
>gets rewarded with chief of staff role in labour gov
>forced to stand down within 3 months for taking bribes

Labour truly are the nasty party nowadays
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Morning lads. I hate my life. I hate my job. I hate my family. I have no gf and I am deeply alone and unhappy.
they're all fucking corrupt lad, nothing new under the sun
cheers lad, enjoying watching him eat his rapseed steak and chips

Labour launch blitz on sickness benefits to get workshy Brits back to work

Sir Keir Starmer and his welfare chief Liz Kendall are preparing an all-out offensive to get people back to work.

Advances in technology and homeworking mean almost all claimants will be reassigned as fit for work. Exemptions are expected but only for the terminally ill and hospitalised.

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Crazed negroidic freaks shuffled ffom 1 street 2 the kther. I held off the weak 1s hy the ppl want helper reinforcements. Israel has ddosed my 4g. Nd yet blackpool remains.
It would be rude not 2 tan this elf bar after all I been thru
A broken clock is right twice a day. Though it's just a shame that their rationale behind implementing this is 'we need more tax cattle for BAMEs, foreign wars and propping up the black hole of rNHS' rather than 'the state should not subsidise the lives of parasites and the best charity is a job'.
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Shut the fuck up d*llycel. If u find urself in company with a MAN WHO DOESNT HAVE DREAMS for any reason at all u are my enemy nd the enemy of all spiritual ppl. U are not human. Literally end your life. I feel the grim hollow emptiness dripping off every post u make. Textbook NPC.
Christ on the cross these empty vessels littering our world. Have mercy on whatever wtf they even are
You can't force me into work. Hey should ask themselves what's cheaper, disabled people on pip or disabled people in jail for stealing food.
Yeah well no shit mate, you think I'm a fan of Labour and Starmer? Come on. The fact that he admits he doesn't dream is just confirmation of what everyone already knew - that he's a hollow shell with no feelings, emotions etc. he's a golem dedicated to implementing the goals of his handlers. I mean fuck he isn't even caring about maintaining the veneer of popularity that others before him were, he's just there to ram the agenda down the state and fuck anyone who doesn't like it.

But also welfare is bad and we should end it so I'm laffing at this one. Though my instinct is to assume that almost nothing will change because it never does. There have been many, many attempts at "benefits reform" in the past and the situation has only got worse, not better.
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You're a fucking fruitcake pal
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I heard about a plan 2 kidnap Mr. D*llycel
Cricked my neck from watching the 55" tv i put up on the wall last night, not happy and in considerable pain.
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Is it a "blitz" d*llycel?
Is it an "all out offensive"?
R u getting this info from THE SUN
Whar a FUCKING mong this d*llycel is
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Omg it's like Winston Churchill bt except germans it's ppl tjat don't work omg based keir wowowowowo
Monday Morning Melty
Not going back to work unless im paid the equivalent of (benefits i get currently (inc rent and council tax) + the minimum wage and any other benfits workers get)
A rough estimate under these terms puts my minimum wage for a 40 hour week at 732/week or 38k/year
He can fuck off and get kicked out of power if he likes, while i throw the contents of my colostomy bag at him.
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This is war nd it's the British ppl against soulless economics faggots like (You). Irsnall good though. Pay my vapes nd keep it moving.
Take ur economics on a plane 2 new year, city of london, Israel nd fuck off. Thx
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Downing this fucking Baileys
Lad, you seriously need your meds. All I said was welfare is bad.
Started getting migraines ~a year ago, and having the worst now, it's lasted 13 hours. Drinking 1-1.5 litres of water normally help, not not this time.
I wonder if it is a sign. My dad died of a stroke in his mid 40s (I'm now in my mid 40s), my mum's dad died of a stroke in his 50s. Is my time near?
Have you been to a doctor? (have you been able to even see one is probably the better question)
Sounds like a hidden disability, get on benefits asap
Lulu Chu is a they/them apparently.
Why can't she just be a normal, cute, petite asian pornstar? Why did she have to go and play along with this gender nonsense?
wonder what it feels like to have a stroke
I spoke to one last year, and immediately got the "oh I'll prescribe blahblahblah". I have issues with side effects from meds, I always get them, so I asked if there was a more natural way, and got told to double my water intake. I drink almost 3 litres, so doing 5-6 was preposterous. It was working, but may have to go down the medicinal route (which I don't want to).
Hilarious how labour voting mongs didn't think this would happen
To annoy smelly chuds like you.
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U try sumatriptan
My granny had 7 weans none of them get 2 age 70 yet b4 dying,,not fat self inflicted either. Just bad genetic luck so I've resigned 2 randomly dying
I've not lad (I want to say crosslad), that might be what they offer.
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https://youtu.be/d6BwzsWtA5o am on that team vibe this morn. Downing that fucking Baileys
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Bootyful morning is it not lads
Just watched Joker on ITVX
Now it time for pie
U need 2 try it lad, it sort u out
Genuinely better arse than most women. What has the world come to?
Man bum.
I used to get bad headaches a lot for years (almost daily, I think mostly due to staring at bright screens too much) but I installed a screen dampener program called flux over a decade ago and the headaches mostly went away/became infrequent
Might not help you but that's all i've got that might be able to help
Not him but, nah you're just gay.
I've used f.lux for years, but thanks anon. It's a good bit of software.
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Ye like haleylad said ur just a homo. Many such cases it ok.
I will have to.
>1 of the side effects can be a feeling like having a heart attack.
Oh joy.
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Don't over think it lads just enjoy it
dont have a gay bone in me
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Pour a half stella in the Baileys I fink
Mossad ran their exploding beeper company at a profit. Why is your startup still losing money anon?
Thread's better without crossmong. Hope that ban evasion post earlier got picked up by jannies.
I'm doing the opposite of overthinking, if you like something with a prostate, you're gay.
>half stella in the Baileys
Sounds fucking disgusting that
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>oh my science just WHY is this MALE BUTTOCKS more arousing 2 me than a biological woman??1?1?1??1?
Ummmmmm because ur a gay homo? Lmao is this supposed 2 be a difficult question? Stop projecting as if actual straights like me relate 2 this, we dont
If stella is known as wife beater, and baileys is a drink consumed by nannas, should the mixture be called a nan beater?
Yeah or a battered nan
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Dawkins damn it they're attacking me tranny prawnsAaaaa
You're not going to get a grade A trans lass, you're just wanking to them, that's not gay
I was in the middle of negotiating a deal with hamas, now that's off the table ffs. Even ISIS won't pick up the phone now. I don't know what to do.
Put my life savings into that stock as well, now I'm sat here with 3 pagers wondering wtf to do. Can't even turn them on in case they blow up.
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Ur a coping homo bt I love u anyway, Jesus doesn't tho
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Downing that Baileys w Stella chaser
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Nothing homo about dominating a hot body
Throw them labour pakis in the north sea
"GB" my arse fuck off
Imagine how this room must smell
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Wee teachers pet lad
Southern lad I can tell
U telling the teacher?
Makes me laff
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I so eeepynswer0yntho8gj. I down this Baileys nd bed time. Night night
Nighty night lad, have a comfy sleep.
Thing is, in five years or so every single one of those trannies will look fucking grim, whereas women of the same age will still look like hot women.
what about......your boyfriend's willy, in your arse?

haha you walked right into that one mate!
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>Imagine how this room must smell
How do you imagine it smells?
Moar like backed into it.
they really should have just waited for some AI-honed perfect surgery, perhaps some cyberpunk thing (live as a woman avatar in Second Life, get it off your chest there).
i say this knowing nothing about how it all works or what the underlying issues, resolutions (if any?) are. just seems like the most inconvenient point in history, things aren't blocked off, but not quite AS GOOD as they could be. someone will be the last person to die of cancer the day before the cure is produced.
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No different than wanking to anything else it's just a bit of spice added to whacking off it isn't gay
interested in yous' thoughts on this. felt like we were moving AWAY from cosmetic surgery, it's predatory and a bit fucked. wouldn't an ideal society accept people 'as they are'? what would people 'have to change'?
The only thing wrong with cosmetic surgery is when it results in something that looks gross. Tasteful cosmetic surgery is perfectly fine and I see nothing wrong with it.
if someone went to waterstones and asked for books on how to hide bodies, that'd understandably be suspicious.
google should hand over to the UK government all our search histories for similar reasons.
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So... Mondays huh.
humans could never produce art this good.

Mondays are meaningless. they serve to remind us this USED to be school. if you are depressed, power through it. you are shouldering society's burdens. everyone else is having a good life. you aren't, are you? you're like a Christ figure.
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Monday, is it not
Game development goes OK I guess. Didn't do much today. Got very fucking depressed and an awful headache. The suicidality really kicking in earlier now. Normally wouldn't get like that until partway through the gym visit.

Nothing in this article about reassessing anyone unless I missed it somehow. This poster is making stuff up to upset people, trusting that no one reads the article.

Here is the key bit:
>Ministers think job centres are not working and want to create new 'one-stop shops' with GPs, jobs advisers and trainers under the same roof.
Seems in line with what they've been saying about giving help to people to help them back into work, and some sort of grace period so they can give it a try without their bennies being cut off if it doesn't work out.

So essentially centralising more things, probably rebranding Jobcentre to something else. The worthless courses they send people on will possibly be done inhouse instead of elsewhere, which would at least save people time and travel money. And also somehow find tons of extra GP's to pull shifts at the Jobcentre assessing people. Does this mean assessments would be done at the Jobcentre itself by GP's instead of ATOS or whatever? Getting GP's to do it would be much better for disabled people like myself.

But anyway seems stupid and a waste of time. The amount of public discourse spent on bennies is way out of proportion to how much it actually costs. There's more fraud in pensions, and penions cost tons and tons more to begin with.
GoPro sold. It wasn't for him. 225 quid is for him though.
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I've only played with dalle-3, but it's quite fun.It can produce some really good things.
And with a bit of playing around you (used to be able to, not sure how severe the filters are now) can get past the filters.
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His go pro days are over in 3 parts. They're over.

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Morning lids, just got up. Waiting for them handymen people to come out, hopefully they come out before 1pm. I see crosslid went on a mad one last night phwoaaar. Life's better without the wooze.
>The amount of public discourse spent on bennies is way out of proportion to how much it actually costs. There's more fraud in pensions, and penions cost tons and tons more to begin with.
this is the main thing. at the end of the day it's a budget, it IS zero sum, a competition, etc.
even on a purely robotic pragmatic level the problem is top-loaded not bottom-loaded. couldn't give a fuck if people are cheating the system and getting drunk. that's inefficient recycling of money, not redirecting money away from the country. scroungers are doing fuck all, comparatively. but on an individual and moral level i wish them a better life in terms of health, lifestyle, etc.
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LOVELY cash injection for him on a Monday Morning and that is LUSH is it not?
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what are the handymen fixing that needs 2 of them? hope it's noting serious
>I see crosslid went on a mad one last night phwoaaar.
baileys is a girl drink, wonder if he was drinking it because of (her).
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Nice little Monday delivery, is it not?
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That receipt is confusing.
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I was sure he wouldn't sell this one. Wonder how many items he has now
Many questions unanswered here de lid. Will he now also sell his arse and shit through his ribs? How much would CEX pay for his arse? How many items are left? Does the lens converter count as a separate item? Has Swanage robin been fed in the past 2 months? We don't fucking know do we. We need to be brought up to speed.
The last set of numbers is the in-store credit value I guess.
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Might pick meself up an m.2 SSD for the PS5 in tomorrow's Prime Day sale. A 2TB one should see me through the rest of the PS5's lifecycle. I mean, BO6 is gonna take up like 200gb alone so I need one.
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Terrys Chocolate Orange. It was lush and definitely for me. Now I'm going to crack open a white monster. Not sure what to do really. Bored. Wish I was dead. I'm so lonely. I need a girlfriend. I almost asked out this woman today, proper fit milf but didn't. Then I went back to really do it but couldn't find her again.
He would -rather- sell his arse, but sometimes he has to sell his GoPro. If he had a career and work he wouldn't be forced to sell his items, unfortunately - TMAU has made him unable to get a career, he would've worked all his life and is a naturally hard grafter but with his confidence being knocked all the time - it is impossible for him to have a job.
What's the 78.08?
You're turning into one of my favourite tripfags here lad.
Why do tripfags always reply to themselves
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Would love to go to a cuckold holiday resort. The number of #whiteboimoments I would have there would be amazing!
The segments on Love Island have gotten a bit risque...
How's he going to record his downhill skiing or skydiving escapades now?
He banned from skydiving because his smell causes a dirty bomb that could take out an entire city.
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The fuck lmao. Is that some cucked version of Love Island?
i'm one of them anonymii and i happen to agree that willybiscuit is 'alright'.
wondering if the woman is his gym manager, that'd be a saga. lil nods and winks at the gym, cor. mills & boon couldn't write this stuff.
Do you not damage your chap in those things? Surely can't be good for the capillaries and shit
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*orders a filthy wumpaburger with a side of dirty fries for 29.99*
Is inflation real? How does it work?
Don't have caterpillars in my cock, mate.
It's a fine for making the place stink of fish and shit. They'll be calling fumigation services now.
>gibs me dat
>gibs me more of dat
You have to increase your nut de lid.
i'd go for some hyper de-emasculating Love Island thing. whatever the agenda or 'point' of it is, that would be fascinating as fuck. weird BDSM type stuff on daytime telly - is it feminism? chauvinism? anti-men? anti-women? i don't know, but i'd be watching.
This is actually a shout. Might do this as well. What do they typically cost?
Starting to suspect HHL might have a genuine disability
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Let's be honest, if it wasn't for that old hag Mary Whitehouse we'd already have had hardcore pornography on mainstream television for years now.

Personally, I couldn't give a shit. Softcore porn is already allowed on tele might as well allow the real stuff for the gooners of society. Don't like it, don't watch it. Simple as.
it's easier to think of it in terms of bitcoin. or Germans printing money. imagine Germans printing bitcoin. nobody would want the worthless German-printed bitcoins. that's inflation, it's real.
But, if you add it to the 225 it makes the 303.08. It wasn't deducted. Maybe today was a shit day, and they ere so pleased at being able to explain the smell to other customers, they paid him?
he's in some Hogwarts home for the otherneedly, probably doesn't even realise how good he has it
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some vodka and sugar free dr pepper for me my leeeeed
and why not eh? its been over a month since my last drink
so get in therrrr
Hogwarts School of Daft and Spakkerly
Well there you go, another reason Mark's winning. You get 225 in your pocket but really you've sold it for 303.08 so get in there.
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2TB ones currently going anywhere from 120 to 180 on Amazon, the high end being the officially licensed ones with heatsink. I'd say if they go below 150 tomorrow then absolutely buy.
ngl i dont understand what you mean at all
why is having to validate a BPD person so draining lads?
this is objectively factually the case and what is happening. it's just words. i know you can sit there in the position of "oh, i'd be good at that" but man.
Because it's complete bollocks lad. It's not you.
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State of the wunch 7th oct
An unimaginative combo, to be sure, but a top contender nonetheless
Wish they'd had better crisps, but all the rest were just the small bags. Might as well get the biggest possible in the deal init
Not the best I've seen from you, lad. Personally would have chosen a different sandwich and Ribena is rank nowadays. Not a fan of chicken flavoured crisps either.
Ribena hasn't changed in decades de lid what are you on about
Well done getting two slices of bread in your sarney today. You're making me laugh with those two donuts every time.
My coop's sandwich selection is dire, they usually only have BLT, ham and cheese, chicken and bacon, tuna and sweetcorn, autist ham and butter and various womanly wraps. Used to love the coronation chicken but they've done something to that as well
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I shall take this advice seriously and have a look see tomorrow.
Got quite a lot to pay for this week now I think about it tho
I've consumed a pair of those donuts at lunchtime every single weekday since the 17th of august 2009.
I will reee at great length about it should they ever discontinue them. Their icing recipe changed during covid (light pink instead of deep red pink) but it seems to be better again now, thank fuck
a bitto Monomyth and some vodka before i make some liver and steak stew. lush
that looks like literally poison

Imagine your bank account has only 100 quid and you want to buy a console that's for listed for 100 quid. Let's say you wait to next year to buy that console and the price has gone up to 101 quid. That's inflation.

Basically, inflation means you need more money to buy the same stuff over time.
Newr Christmas is best when you can get turkey, ham, stuffing and cranberry sauce.
Yeah Gone With the Wind is the highest grossing film of all time adjusted for inflation de liiiiiid.
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I was lucky enough to attend school during the 2000s when they still served things like donuts and pizzas in the school cafeteria. What a time to be alive.
Are you the mechanic lad from last week
I preferred mouldlad, but aye
Got bullied if you went to the cafeteria at my school
>His maw canny afford lunch
Was the refrain
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if you're what we'd call a 'virtual' learner, this is for you
Weird that as I went to cafeteria but had to pay for the food. Usually just bought a panini and took it outside round the back with me mates.
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At my school the bullies would never be seen in the cafeteria, at dinner break they would just go stand next to the school entrance gates and smoke ciggies while blasting rave music on their phones.
i miss that soggy cheap school pizza that was almost all tomato sauce, something magic about it
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Tfw used to get 2 quid a day off me Mam for school dinner and used it buy a slice of wizza and chips from the local chippy for 1.50

Odd 50p I used to buy a drink or packet of crisps from the vending machine in school
untz untz untz
Always the pikey burger vans in the bus park for me.
Never did understand why the council let that happen.
Used to sell single Pall Malls 50p each but only if you had on a senior tie
Burgers made of pig foreskins and toenails
mr fancy pants here with his bus park and senior ties


Remember MC Smally?



My school eventually banned kids from leaving the school on dinner breaks because the chavs kept causing trouble outside the local shops. Apparently the takeaway staff felt intimidated by them as well.
cant believe the gopro days are over
how the fuck were yous allowed outside school on breaks? if the gates weren't locked and kids could just walk out, half of them would come back late and the other half wouldn't come back at all.
Primary school didn't let us out but secondary school did. A lot of folk that lived close by would go home for their lunch
Terry Deary is right, school is just some Victorian invention to keep kids off the streets, like a prison
class is determined by your parents, intelligence is basically a genetic lottery, no reason we should be pushing all children to be 'educated' in the middle-class 'skills-based economy' sense
after English and sums it should be up to the parents, and if parents are negligent or even abusive we can deal with that as a separate issue (not education)
Fret not - Sony SV-E10 days are upon us.
Just you wait til he discovers manual mode.
not feeling it today
fuck the lot a yuuz
Depends on the schools.
One secondary schools allowed us to leave the gates but another much larger secondary I went to didn't allow us outside the school boundary
mental how your own schooling was just the 'default'. i hope i meet someone who went to a proper posh boarding school type place some day. what's that even like? you're still a teenager, you're still human.
get in
fuck off, i will never trip
i had a friend who went to a boarding school, visited him a few times. it basically looked like a youth hostel, but in a harry potter type castle thing and the teachers were all well travelled mentalists
it's actually a bit sickening how school is still religious. shouldn't weans be free to gradually choose their own faith in life? or is that some hippy nonsense?
How regularly was he raped?
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Wake up go work go bed.
Wake up go work go bed.

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Its time the tale where told of how U took a child nd u made him old
Literally just walked out
They hired nonce ppl 2 follow me all the way home
Every day followed nd stalked by nonces. I walk home They stalked me. Hired gangstalkers
Nd its such a mystery why am fight flight nerves now
I hated school
They stalked me nd killed my soul
Mongs raped me nd got away with jt
Should be stabbed fuck out of them
Wish Id hust stabbed fuck out kf them fuckkng paedo chnfz
I just wanted 2 be alone man. Ffs. I didn't like being there.
Hope tjey fucking die slowly all of them
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Etherum price isn't looking good is it? Reckon you'll ever defrost your spunk?
They stalked me for 6 years. Every day. Am exhausted.
genuinely hope you're doing all right pal
What was sex ed like at your school?
Remember they made us watch a completely uncensored birth video in primary 6 and it was pandemonium. One kid spewed on his desk.
Then my primary 7 teacher stuck a banana on a condom and was pissing herself that much that she didn't even manage to convey why she was putting the condom on the banana.
Then we got some pictures of infected genitalia in high school and got told never to shag ever
oh it lush on the ears
dunno if he was, but some of the poor boys did look like they had been through some stuff. i remember i went there one time to see my friend and about 3 or 4 of the boys were all snuggling up to one another watching a film on a big cushion thing
fucking weird, normal teenage lads dont do stuff like that
overall there was a very gay atmosphere there too
i did not like visiting
why are you worrying about the price when i havent looked in about a month lmao?
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>What was sex ed like at your school?
Ours featured the doctor who co-signed most of Harold Shipman's death certificates
general tittering about sex
don't think we were taught the banana thing, feels like an urban myth
basically just meeting the gov's regulations, absolutely nothing about Muslims/Jews/non-Christians
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That's the waircut booked in for Wednesday morning. Garn ring them handymen now and get an update.
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>Then my primary 7 teacher stuck a banana on a condom
IT wor a Pasante lad
Council budget and that
School is overall useless for the majority of kids. Main function is indoctrination into state approved opinions. Actual "education" is secondary and not of consequence.

Should work like this:
>only for kids ages 10-14
>at most 4 hours a day
>1 hour each calisthenics, public speaking, latin, music
>after that rest of day free
>at end of official schooling students take IQ tests
>top 10% offered full scholarships to university beginning age 15 for technical subjects/hard sciences
>rest of kids free to enter job market (minimum working age scrapped, serves no purpose)

Argument against is that it wouldn't prepare young people for "modern economy" but current system is a joke anyway so what is there to lose? At least with this model you have fewer fat people. High IQ people will excel in higher education anyway. Would be immensely cheaper and people would enter work sooner, letting them earn, save up faster.

Not job of state to teach kid to read/write/do basic sums/wipe arse. Can barely do so now anyway. Literacy is a joke. Most people never even own a bookshelf, let alone read.

Keeping majority of kids, especially young boys, sat down in stuffy classroom for 6.5 hours a day being talked at by frumpy stranger cat lady who is dumber than them is just cruel. No wonder they want to claw their eyes out. Instead state dopes them with meth 'to concentrate'(!).
If you want a beamer should've been a dealer
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Handymen have been cancelled de lids, yeah it been cancelled due to circumstances out of my control. Don't really know what to do with my day now. Might just mong out.
>Don't really know what to do with my day now. Might just mong out.
as opposed to...?
What were you needing done lod
you could use your newfound free day to soberly improve yourself in some fashion
Who? It not right.
His bussy. A couple of strong handymen would've done very nicely. Why do you think he's in nappies?
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Roll on 3pm
Ah you're doing intermittent fasting, makes sense now. Bacon roll is it?
Doing intermittent wanking
Stalked me every day. I wasn't trginfw 2 skip school. I was trying 2 escape environment that scared me. It's natural u leave somewhere rhats bad for you. I had v bad time @ achool. School is a traumatic event. I got raped a few times by these subhumans. I just wanted 2 be alone. Suddenly they said I jabe 2 go to a disgusting fuckinf shithole away from mummy surrounded by the fuckinf dregs. I will never forgive them for school. What they did to me. Mrs. McM knows what happened. Fuck u. I just wanted 2 stay home. They dragged me there. I walked home. They sent their fuckinf goons. Should've done thek in. Cunts stalking me for 6 years every day cunts watching me in the shower irs so tiring every day I just wanted to kind my ownbbysinessm. They drag me back against my will. I never wanted 2 go school. I neber forget u fuckinf evil xunrs nd what u did to me. Living their wee lives now none rhe wiser they ducked me up forever nd they dont even rememher me. Hope u get raped by niggers wish I'd just done u in. Would've been out by now anyway cunt
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Exactly that. Need to lose weight.
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Sick of mocha btw changed my Costa order to capuccino. Tomorrow when the nice manager that talks to me a bit is in she's gonna say something like "What you 'avin today then large or medium?" then I can say "Oh I'm changing to a capuccino. Sick of mochas. Never want another mocha again!" then she'll comment on that and something about how it's because I go every day so I overdid it a bit and we'll all laugh. The gay guy might be in tomorrow (He's had last week off) and he might say something too. I will feel good from the social interaction and hopefully can turn it into a full fledged conversation.

Still got the headache. Tired and weak. Made a big mistake getting a chocolate orange. Didn't realise it had like 800 calories. Figured from the size of it it'd be like 500-600. Still should be at a calorie deficit anyhow. Once my body improves in appearance sufficiently, I'm going to go to the local Asian massage parlour. I have done some googling and found out that they do indeed offer happy endings.
Am so sick of everycunt. Am done with this life tjinf desu
Apparently Putin heard Lammy's speech about being a black man and that means imperialism bad or whatever. The Russian army is set to leave Ukraine in full by the end of the week.

You know I didn't think Lammy had the chops for the role of Foreign Sec, but damn it he gets results!
Fond memories of my maths teacher's big cellulitey arse in cheap Primark polyester.
She has to have known
Try a new drug
Have you posted this before, lad? Seems familiar.
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>1 hour each calisthenics, public speaking, latin, music
mong hair
i reckon he just learned about calisthenics and worked backwards from there
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Back to 1 word responses on the red telephone
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Yeah I've posted similar things before. Education really is insane. No justification for the state of it beyond 'b-b-but this is just how we do it!'.

All you really need is Hans Orberg's Lingua Latina series.

Calisthenics is just placeholder because it's a good all around exercise. Could be gym, could be athletics, specifics aren't super important, what is important is the hour of exercise every day.
but you'll never lose weight or look better by consuming american woffee slop. sugar and carbs hold onto water and that makes you look bloated and in most cases can cause inflamation
just eat whole foods on a keto/carnivore diet
ive lost over 20lbs in less than 2 months by just sitting on my butt
Such a nice day and I'm stuck at work til 9 pm
>Hans Orberg's Lingua Latina series.
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is it time for another dark souls install?
i think it issssss
surprised the Costa mochas aren't HIGHER in calories to be quite honest. although the social fun/awkwardness (depending on your persuasion) that comes with being a grown man deciding whether you would like chocolate on top of your choco-drink, that's a tough one.
do some extra googling just in case the place also does blackmail. check for cameras when you're in there. remember: they don't know who you are, anyone is a target, anyone could be rich.
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Feel like garn back to beddingtons but fuck it might as well just stay up now.
>various internal organs making squelch noises
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I can say bc I anon now. Back then my mums best friend f*dged me. Then I had 2 go to school nd I was friends with her son which was my school pal. It was so weird. Bt that wasn't even the main reason I hated school. I didn't want anything to do with those normalfag cunts. I vandalised the bathroom threw the toilet paper on the roof jd spray painted "YOUR MAW" nxt 2 urinal on the wall the janitor(irl janny) nailed a piece of wood over it. They made me feel ashamed of that bt am not, only problem is I was misguided in inconveniencing menial workers when I shouldbe been planting bombs in teachers cars. Bt the actual feeling in my heart was notjing 2 be ashamed of. I hated those cunts nd I resented them for imprisoning me in this goy intermittent camp. Nd send their goons after me when I just went home. I close my door behind me nd felt so peaceful finally. Agoraphobia. Then I hear footsteps nd they start banging the door. 6 years straight.
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It's just calories in/out at the end of the day.

Mocha is like 200-300 calories depending on size and choice of milk.
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The consensus was only the attractive girls would copulate with the attractive boys. The uglies would have no chance and be incels their whole life. The teacher tried to refute this and said eventually even an ugly boy will find a gf. However, this turned out to be untrue and I was proved right in the end.
Fuck off with joshposting, lad.
Fuck off you crossboard faggot arse nigga lover.
>It's just calories in/out at the end of the day.
over eating on a diet where your source of energy is fat and not carbs is extremely difficult, borderline impossible due to how satiating fat is. so why torture yourself for carb slop when you can eat 2 bowls of stew a day and have no thoughts or cravings for sweets or junk food?
then theres the whole debate over UPF, carbs causing inflammation and diabetes
carbs and modern day vegetables arent natural and people cant see the forest for the trees when it comes to their damage on us
Afternoon lids. Sat in work. Another useless day in the office wasting my fucking life.

Minthara is a hot piece of ass
Corr. High pressure area rising in the south
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I'm doing fine on it. My calories burned is about 2900 a day. I aim for anything less than that and it's pretty easy for me, even overestimating calories in a lot of the time.

She is. I'd love to be her chair.
>why torture yourself for carb slop when you can eat 2 bowls of stew a day and have no thoughts or cravings for sweets or junk food?
i want this, what are you pushing? keto? what veggies are 'still good'? i am skint btw.
just got off a meeting with the Council of Spiders. shouldn't be telling you this, but you might want to close your windows tonight.
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He in Bournemouth
He just had 3 lattes in Spoons
He have over 500 bong in cash
He flush now, is he not?

I hate this man so much. Bournemouth was where I grew up. It was an okay town, not amazing but not terrible. The idea of that fat fucking shit smelling dosser is waddling around there incoherently rambling into his taxpayer-funded phone makes me want to vomit and punch his fucking lights out.
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>his lip still hasn't healed yet
i just chuck some braising steak, liver, and bacon in with some baby mushrooms, half an onion and a few cherry tomatoes into a slow cooker with an oxo cube and im set for the whole day. i dont count the calories or anything. i guess this is a keto diet, though ideally i want ro be full carnivore.
first month was hard, but im nearing two months now and the thought of eating a pizza or eating a sweety has me picturing myself eating some sort of industrial powder. and im saying this as someone who would fuck off in the morning and buy a whole red velvet cake and gorge on it the same day just a few months ago
idk your situation exactly but i am saving money on this diet. ox liver is extremely cheap and braising steak is one of the cheaper cuts of beef from what ive seen/researched
i tried playing arx fatalis this morning an noped the fuck out 5 minutes into it
thanks for the heads up
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Corr think I'll go spoons on Wednesday after me waircut.
What kind of hair cut are you getting?
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Absurdly sick 2 death of everycunt
Can't sleep cant eat finking bout stuff from 15 years ago eberycunt moved on sxcdpg me. Sick of cunts. Evdrycunt had it in for me. Targeted me nd bullied me nd raped me body n soul. Wish id done cunts in. Wish I didn't turn the other cheek. Should've left a bloodbath. Feel like stick a pencil through my jaw. Hope nxt life better than this 1. Reaching my limit with life desu. Can't stand this shit
put your trip back on mong. i had you filtered
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Goodarse run this was earlier

Now for some proper R&R innit
Yes, yes it's terrible isn't it doing nowt all day except drinking.
What is R&R?
Rustlers & Rollups
>my mums best friend f*dged me
How did she f*dge you?
Watching The Dick Van Dyke show and getting an erection from a young Mary Tyler Moore.
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Six items
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>Ed Dutton interviews David Starkey
>FRESH Dunkey video
>FRESH Leanbeefpatty (ARSE)
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Its amazing. Ebery1 @ school was basically normal except me. I remember ppl at school. They didn't jsbr thesr problems

It was all good. I was surrounded by these ppl that just didn't have these problems at all every day. Bt its amazing isn't it? SOMEONE hasn2 be that person. Me. I wasnsurrkjnded endless ppl just like me in some ways bt completely estranged from my reality in where it matters. They just went aboit life. It's amazing isn't it. Out of all those ppl. Out of everyone I drew the straw 2 be me. Amazing. Couldve been anything else. Bt there's a specific experience in life. Miserable and alone. Someone needs to be the 1 to take it on. Nd that's what fell on me as my fate. Amazing.
Not much ventilation for that mattress bet it's mouldy underneath.
Forget about the mould, look how thin it is.. for a man of his weight that's joint problems waiting to happen.
When ur born as the "at least I'm not ___" guy it might be over
Yeah it looks like a memory foam which means the underneath is absolutely caked in mould. He needs a bedframe with more ventilation.
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Browsing laptops me. Just can't find the right one.

>tfw too indecisive
>Six items
>Not much ventilation for that mattress bet it's mouldy underneath.
>Forget about the mould, look how thin it is.. for a man of his weight that's joint problems waiting to happen.
>Yeah it looks like a memory foam which means the underneath is absolutely caked in mould. He needs a bedframe with more ventilation.
when is he getting circumcised
You'd be better waiting until tomorrow for the Prime deals, lad. Do you have Prime?
Post your address ill send you one
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>Do you have Prime?

I do indeed.
Keep ordering stuff on Amazon till you get a woman delivery driver. Then grab her when you open the door. That's how you get a gf on Amazon and it's cheaper than buying one on Runescape.
thanks for drawing my attention to this post
do you have something similar but with a woman?
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123 spacker street
The United Spackerdom
w2b rune 2hander 4 russian bride
type 555
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>l do indeed
wonder what happens if you send stuff to that address
like the time i asked the nice Royal Mail on the phone when he said they'd open my package, "what if it's drugs?" and he didn't answer
do they just get rid of the drugs? if it's drugs, for example
whats soi about prime?
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Introduced me 2 being drunk then fk*dge me in my bed. Jump on me 2 carry her on my shoulders w no underwear on just fanny. F*dge me then start sayikg i always fancied u we could be together nd *****(her son) woildnt even mind(he would) it would be great(it wouldnt). I just go along with it cusni didnt really know hown2 react.A lot of weird stuff. Stretch marks nd stuff am not meant 2 see.
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>do you have something similar but with a woman?
Why would you want to when you can have something different?
Handed my resignation into my wagie office job today lids. Surreal experience being here for 10 years. What am I doing next ye ask? Nothing. Just gonna get on a plane and go somewhere. The life of a wagie is a sad one indeed.
Doctors has been very BASED recently. They have a new head doctor and he is an abusive transphobe verbally assaulting the little gay nurse lad.
It's an assisted supported living care home in Sunderland. Check the archives.
Bit mad how almost every tranny does porn but don't worry it's not a fetish or an illness!
It shouldnt ve been that traumatizing de lid
Many dream about being in that position
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>Why yes I have Amazon Prime, YouTube Premium and Pornhub Plus
Uh oh, this is going to really piss off the other wagies ITT when they see this.
seems a bit 'technological' for my eyes, you'd probably order it on your tablet while wearing chinos and an oxford shirt. local non-Costa cappuccino in your non-wanking hand.

i get laptops from the high street laptop shop, even if it's the same model for more money, it's better than funnelling profit into Ireland.
We still dont know which one though
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get a tablet with a good screen if you're going to only use it for watching things


he likes the mouldy smell
i know trannies who don't do porn and i know non-trannies who do
>almost every
maybe i am living on the edge, my circle of friends are at the fringes, Nirvana before grunge
This may be the most retarded post of the day.
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>tfw unironically have Amazon Prime and YouTube Premium

No porn subcriptions though, for now.
oh come on that's not even the most retarded post I'VE made, in the past hour
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She's got the looks and hot body why should she?
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>mfw I've had at least two of those in the last few years
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When did 'being disabled' go from this...
>Uh oh, this is going to really piss off the other wagies ITT when they see this.
Why lid? I've been waging for about 13 years now. Live at my parents at 33 still cause I have no social life outside of work. All I can do now is try and do a bit of finding myself. Who knows it could be a mistake.
Disgusting. You tranny shaggers are freaks.
What? Fuck off with your nonce speak.
Arms like Morph.
Not feeling today might go back to bed.
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I just wank to them lad just a little extra fun to add to a wank
whats for tea lads? im having figgy pudding
Nice. I enjoy this hot tranny posts m'lad. Keep it up!
Coorr she has a lovely bottom xx im straight but id suck her cock
How tall is HHL?
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Might have a Maccies. It on for free.
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>felt my dick move
Am I gay now? My wife will be heartbroken
Nothing wrong with liking feminine things. Im sure you know by now but having a cock doesn't make you a man
Who diss? Your filenames are usually more descriptive lid
Lovely pic of Sean here, lad. Thanks, will save that to my HHL folder.
I've got leftover Chinese for food so thatl do me
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Fuck it fancy a waccies now. Garn use some of them Wonopoly stickers I saved up. Think I got one for a free Big Wac. It lush x
What does your father think about your lifestyle?
Hmm. Today I will look at houses and the First Home Scheme
>only newbuilds are eligible lolololol
I will no longer be looking at houses
How tall is your dad lid?
Image Iimit reached

New thread
Looking to buy property in france
Shit edition someone make a proper one pls

Here you go Iid


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