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big bicep cat edition
previous >>79027054
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>tfw day 130 without bunnymutts pee pee
Cud i get that in english nigga?
wasnt gonna smoke today but now that the thread is at the number i guess i have to
sharty is some dogshit imageboard and that anon in specific probably thinks I'm whatever his favorite namefag or something

a lot of people on this website have such delusions
bro...same. except i was gonna smoke today. and in fact already did.
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i love hesus he is my dead friend
Kissing bish
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They control the weather, and by they I mean the X-Men
What if they made a tv show called X-Niggers and it was about black guys that got turned into white men and now they have to cope and adapt as law abiding white police officers after living a life of crime as violent thug negroes?
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Hwat if you had some better jokes
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20th century artists:
>damn i hate being conquered and oppressed by the soviets, i'm going to do some malicious compliance and make my art ugly
21st century video essayer:
>omg its ugly because communism evolved beyond the need for pretty things
>Hwat if you had some better jokes
the shape of ur head
Will they retain their BBC abilities?
No, and they will repeatedly make jokes about their tiny white peckers and the size difference after becoming white.
Why is my stomach so fking sore all I did was cook and clean yesterday, I didn't do any kind of working out.
Ok that's hot if they're tops.
That's not ugly though
Yeah being obsessed and delusional is funnier
it may be you, or even mee,
defines our yet-young centurie.
delusional thinking that ur head is normally shaped
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Mnam mnaa mnam
I think they did it because they realized making big things out of concrete is awesome
that was like the best thing about the soviets other than their military
I love big things made out of concrete

Hoover dam is like the best thing the US ever made and that's because its a huge big dam made out of concrete
Scratch my name on your arm
With a fountain pen
This means you really love me
what i didnt get in hellraiser was, the pointy guys said that they would show u pleasure and pain. but as far as i can see they just ripped people into little shreds so...what was supposed to be the pleasure? was the penis scorpion monster the pleasure?
I did this with a knife for a girl once and we broke up 4 months later and I had to scratch it back off
havent jerked it in 2 entire long days
probably already thinking about doing it since you're talking about it
The idea is that if you're at the point where you seek them out that kinda stuff will be pleasurable to you, sadomasochism you know
haven't jerked it in a week
I asked chatgpt suggestions for my project zomboid character and the motherfucker says stephen hawking
fiber supplement please save my asshole
What noise does a fat, finnish tranny make? Meow
yeah but they werent like sucking him off while getting him with the hooks or anything. and that still doesnt explain the cock chimaera tunnel creature.
what kinda zombie survival base would quentin tarantino live inside of? asking for a friend
i forget why i was thinking about it. probably had a chub. or sometimes i see my feet.
If you had failed relationships you don't have "experience" and you're not "qualified" to give advice to "robots" on anything except on what not to do, you pathetic normalfag. Sit your ass down around these parts I wear the crown.
freaky ahh gets horny to his own feet
still seething over this kek
No I just saw some (sperg) had a meltdown blogpost about being called out for posting in a place he doesn't belong in and wanted to dab on (his) corpse
one with lots of barefoot black women probably
yeah it's a meltdown when I take two minutes to explain how retarded you guys are but it's based kek epic chad behavior when you virgin cucklords seethe on my cock 24/7
id be horny for urs too if u were here but lonely guys make do. plus theyre nice and very tasteful.
you don't worship ur own feet stfu larper
thats really insulting i absolutely do. have to stay away from mirrors. dangerous.
truly you are a degenerate and truly I love it
Are you the retard who said "why post here if I was a women", probing you understand the very basic concept, of gatekeeping yet you struggle to figure out why normalfag sex/bf havers don't belong on a board for incel losers?
I'm not reading your wall of text but it's funny you sperged out yes.
Tl;Dr: I'm right, you're wrong
Nta but you're a dick lol
idrc if you faggots feel like crying about my presence I will continue being here for as long as my heart pleases
confused abt this perspective. its entirely self sustaining. perpetual horny machine.
Biscums are truly retarded
Would you say I'm a dick if I was mean to a jackass who came to the cancer clinic to explain the joy of life to cancer patients or to seek treatment for an ailment he doesn't have? I don't care you think I'm being a dick I'm right
You will leave in a week just like the rest. I will be here to periodically dab on you, make fun of you and forget about you when you're gone. Enjoy your stay and say hi to your Grindr hookup for me
not biscum I stopped dating wominz a while ago and had a couple boyfriends

>I will be here to periodically dab on you, make fun of you and forget about you when you're gone
lol mentally ill + I've been posting here every now and then for the past year just haven't been as expressive about myself

plus I don't use grindr stop projecting your delusions onto me pls
That's called a joke, not delusion
Like I said you come and go. One year is still newfag to me.
Lol so I was right on both fronts
1) you miserable faggots just want to make others as miserable as you by trying to get them to do things you do (and fail at lol)
2) >also have fun blowing your brains out trying to maintain an upbeat confident attitude and personality 24/7 because no one and I mean NO one has respect or pity for you, your gf/bf, friends, coworkers, boss, literally people walking past you on the street, genuinely try to invade your personal space and take adantage and try taking bites if you seem insecure and whatnot
You just showed you are shit at choosing friends and people around you in general. But the evil incelman (hey, that's me!) has friends that check on me if I don't message in a day and even ask me to talk about my issues (which I of course they to avoid). People care, it's just that you don't put effort into interpersonal relationships which is why, I assume, you have many failed relationships XD
*does a smug dance*
Oh it keeps going on. It was a full on meltdown ahahahahahaha. Glorious
nigga I been on 4chan since early 2015 go tie a noose and neck it
Did you inform your previous boyfriends that you're more than willing to put women on a padestal and sacrifice yourself for the pussy or saved it for as a surprise for them every time your bi-tch switch flipped?
Your language indicates that you care a lot more about being right so that you can fuel your ego and establish social dominance than you do about the actual topics you're trying to be right about.
You want to control who can and can't post and you care more about pushing people you don't like out and punishing them than evaluating whether you should be doing that or if the methods you use to do that are acceptable.
So you threaten targeted harassment and you put that person down, and you try your best to make them leave not by changing their mind or convincing them that it's the right thing to do, but by making them feel bad about themselves.
As for whether or not your analogy is accurate, I didn't read that conversation so who knows.
People here are so fucked up.
don't bother babbyboy let him seethe as he wishes
Yea it's literally what it says.Are you retarded/autistic, you don't have to overanalyze the text to get the point lol
Yeah but I can if I want to because I have the same right to post what I want as anyone else
I'm talking r9gay. I don't care about your shitty boards. Choke on aids shitdick
>the point isn't to earn the approval of others the point is to be better than those we oppose and maintain a healthier better productive life for the sake of being able to sleep at night knowing we ourselves did the best we can do for the day unlike the many mindless ghouls out there
It's not a competition you shit for brains. You just keep exposing yourself as a bad person.

What normal people answer with is "try to be the best version of yourself". Because it's only thing you can do and you will probably feel better when you see some results. It's always about competition and being better than someone with normalfags tho, which is why you come here where you don't belong huh. *does a spin into double middle fingers*
*Yawn* idc about your schizobabble attempt at psychoanalyzing me. It's not about being right, it's about correcting a wrong I perceive. I don't care about changing minds of bad faith actors or those who are so clueless they might as well be bad faith. It's a fools errand. Also you shouldn't comment on things you don't actually read.
I like how the thread now is full of schizos that post incoherent rambles all day. Story please come back. Meow drop out and start posting all day again. Everyone except poo poster and huebot please return.
making a skynet-like ai capable predicting the movement of every bisexual in the future and sending a drone to bomb it
Where do straight men that want to date gay bottoms fit into the bi hatred thing?
they fit right into it. get gaza'ed.
does anon think that im a schizo that posts incoherent ramblings all day? . n .
Would it be better if he was gay? Retard seething bottom tranny
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schizos of the world unite and take over
Putdowns aren't required for that, and the fact that you use them as often as you do makes me skeptical about how honestly you're representing your intentions. Someone isn't acting in bad faith or stupid just because they disagree with you, and I don't think a mere disagreement justifies that kind of emotional violence.
You come from a place where you assume you automatically know what's objectively right and objectively wrong, you make no room for questioning whether or not you may be in error, and you'd prefer to bully someone than face having a real dialogue about whatever it is you're disagreeing about.
I can't believe you sit there and think so highly of yourself that you genuinely believe that what you're doing is constructive in a greater sense than just being in service to your own ego.
If you were arguing in good faith, yourself, from a position that isn't defined by either insecurity or an overabundance of pride, your argument could stand on its own and you wouldn't need to constantly belittle whoever you're talking to in order in order to establish your correctness.
Also, I didn't comment on the original exchange, I commented on your posts, here, which I did read.
You're a bully.
Yes. Shoo away into your corner schizotypical non binary rat.
>You come from a place where you assume you automatically know what's objectively right and objectively wrong
Yes because he literally admits to what I have a problem with which proves he doesn't belong and he spells it out. But you don't read you just thiiiiiiiink. He even basically said "I'm not going to leave even if everyone has a problem with me", which is just what a nice person worthy of respect would say isn't it?

>I can't believe you sit there and think so highly of yourself that you genuinely believe that what you're doing is constructive in a greater sense than just being in service to your own ego.
If a women shows up here and starts talking about women issues or whatever is it justifiable to tell her to fuck off or should I wear kid gloves and be nice and gentle with people like that? What about a straight guy? "H-hes just asking questions guys don't be mean >_<"
Just like native amercians did I will stand up for invaders and fight for the survival and territory of mentally ill gay loser NEET virgins. Of course it's bigger than me, you either gatekeep or you get overrun.

>your argument could stand on its own and you wouldn't need to constantly belittle whoever you're talking to in order in order to establish your correctness.
I don't belittle him to establish correctness l, my reddit friend, I belittle him because he is evil and deserves it.

>Also, I didn't comment on the original exchange, I commented on your posts, here, which I did read.
I know? It's still worthless given you dnt follow the topic being discussed and only posted to tone police me
>You're a bully
Among other things
Based concrete enjoyer
r9gay whore test. :3
have you had more then 1 bf?
if you have had a bf for how long?
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you're on the tv
gaming addict boyfriend who posts his highlights online because he has no friends
Nice snes console bro
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I got TWO of em now
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just copped this dank flower
hey are you looking for a boyfriend by the way
no he's already mine
I think I won't be able to find a boyfriend because people aren't open minded towards weird things and I'm too weird not in the good way. Even the people who say they're looking for someone who's not normal don't really mean it. I guess being open minded is a weird trait itself.
what are you weird about anon? (it's also okay if it's too weird to articulate or you don't want to)
What does sucking dick feel like?
penis in the mouth
But what does that feel like...
someone from here hacked my entire life story somehow, i am trying to attract his attention again. i think he is in the navy, or was, possibly intelligence.
scary but also electrifying. sort of like being mentally penetrated. there really are people out there who can do things you wouldnt imagine.
shut the fuck up already
you're an asshole
we get it
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Business is good.
if you know so much about my life story why don't you post it all all at once
and don't pretend like you weren't doing that to get under my skin, because you were
like you always are
you fucking pustule

how could you claim to know so much about someone
and superficially that claim is true
yet you completely misunderstand them
you must be a fucking retard
a big stupid baby with shiny toys he's too rotten on the inside to handle
disgusting people
this fucking place shows it's real fucking purpose
you people are fucking evil
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Time to hit the trail.
you're so pathetic you had to make me miserable to feel like you're worth anything
you hate me because I was right about you
you can charm the people around you
but I saw you for the ugly caustic mass you were inside
you'll always hate me for that
because you are ugly, and that proves it
if you weren't an asshole you would've said something different
but you didn't cause you're a bitch
proves me right about your subhuman nature you scumfuck nobody
Go piss it away at blackjack fuckin asshole.
you see what you're doing and you don't give a single shit
Do you guys ever overlay people you know onto anime characters? Your classmates or friends. Usually when a character has a similar personality I start to associate them in my mind.
what the fuck is actually wrong with you
I don't know, I guess it just happens automatically. Usually the characters don't even look very alike. But something about them reminds me and my mind makes the connection. The more I like the person the more often I make the connections.
You're a psychopathic freak
I hope someone bludgeons you to death
Seriously, just post it. Do it. You know so much. Just post all those images, videos, the keylogs. Do it. Do it, you fucking pussy. What, are you lying? Are you a manipulative little bitch who's lying about what they can do? Or are you gonna do it. Say my name, you stupid, mean, faggot punk
i charm like 1 in 10000 people and everyone else thinks im really lame and even worse things.
Say it. Talk about what's on my mind right now. Use the words. Do it. Or are you a little bitch, playing games to pass the time because you're too much of an antisocial retard to exist in the real world
At least make a few more little bitchy innuendos you spineless faggot
I would beat you to death if I had the opportunity and I surmise most people who have known you feel the same way and that's why you are the way you are you ugly ugly fucker, inside and out
i ate several tasty cinnamon rolls today. i also found some black skinny jeans at the thrift store that i need to get skinnier to fit into.
personally as an outsider I'd appreciate if no one doxxed my tumblrfag babby
stupid bitch faggot is lying
he doesn't know shit
otherwise something would've come of it
what a pussy
anon, you should be more polite. you never know who you might be talking to.
it's all built on nothing
he's built on nothing
he has to lie to intimidate and oppress because he's nothing when he isn't, in real life, but even worse, he's nothing when is, because it's based on lies
what a faggot
a real tragedy of a human
finding validation through pretending to stalk strangers
well I hope he's full of shit but still
I'm talking to a pathetic fraud, lower than the shit on my shoe
not even for being a fraud, but for trying to use it to bring someone he's never even fucking met down just to feel better about his own pathetic, sick, fucking stupid life and his disgusting inclinations
heads are gonna plode when it all comes out arent they.
Seriously though, I want to know what is like but I don't trust hookup apps. I didn't even know if I'm gay.
yeah his is, with grief when he realizes how empty the things he does to occupy his time are
bitch where's my name
where's my face
where's the chat logs
do it
stupid faggot
trying to intimidate me
what a load of bullshit
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no.....you like really, really don't know. i don't either, not more than a very little. though i would like to.
again, where's the evidence
shitposting troll bitch
you're not funny
you're an ass
>i don't either, not more than a very little.
okay so it's admittedly a case of "I managed to scrape very basic information and decided to pretend I know everything about you"
what do you think this is vindicating somehow
making a show of what a corrupt piece of shit you are
reifying why you're not a trustworthy human being
lay off the pipe or whatever and think for two seconds. why would he do shit here? something else will happen that youll never be sure he did. he was talking about it not too long ago lol.
oh okay so you're deferring credibility
how convenient
you psychos just don't ever run out of steam do you
trying to scare me, bitch prove it
I'm not scared of you
you're lesser than me
prove you're not full of hot air
fucking loser
how can you stand to do that to someone
you're inhuman
you deserve to be ground into pet food
I'm serious. I want to see it. Do it. Prove it. Beyond being vague and laughing to yourself about what a waste of humanity you are.
you think were the same person? lol...dont worry. no one else knows whats going on either, other than a very few. is it adderall with you though? just a behavioral guess on my part. also if you do really have anything shady youre probably fucked!
hey, you stupid fucking jackass
how about you speak clearly if you want to actually be understood
but you don't
because you are full of shit
and if you were understood
we would know
no one would miss you if you died I think that's what you're so torn up about and that's why you decide to troll """"schizos"""" (ugly, derogatory language from foul people) on the internet, you psychotic fuck who's lacking an essential part of being human
just ignore him and get some rest babe no point stressing yourself over nothing, like you said if he had anything malicious he would've already leaked or do whatever else with it, instead he's just bluffing for attention
do it
do anything at all
just do it
for once
snot nosed bitches like you deserve to be ground into the pavement
hey "babe", fuck off
why are you ordering me around like I can't decide for myself what I should or should not be doing? hm? why is that? really makes you fuckin think
im literally smoking shitty weed and cackling to myself that what happened to me isnt truly insane. hes really real and he really does what he does. batman is real. if he ever spills, god damn. i think he did the republican hackings they blamed on iran kek. it started with roger stone cause i claimed to have punked him with a hoax document.
why are you people so fucking evil
anon got a spooky email and hes losing his pants over it lol. im allowed to laugh cause i know what its like.
why do you think this is funny?
really, look at yourself
examine yourself
ask yourself why you do this
it's so fucking gross
my fucking bad for not wanting you to stress yourself out I guess, I'm off to bed now either way you prick
i literally just write posts.
oh just doing a little trolling before bed lol I'm so funny I'm not a huge jackass lol
how can you be self-satisfied about that
its quite rhe problem, u gota read signals like a schizo. i think he issued me a warning but he only likes me cause i dont care. about that anyway.
good, fuck you too

reductive bullshit
you want to believe you're bigger than you are
by doing evil things to other people
who aren't actually smaller than you, because if anyone else was so inclined, they could do the same to you
you arrogant stupid fuck
no one does it because it's wrong
not because you're strong
hes so fucking intelligent god his brain is so huge i bet he looks and sounds exactly like adam west 1962 or perhaps better???
suck my dick you chatgpt bitch
funny story about that actually. dont think u can haandle it though. anything i wrote was a literal guess, is that scarier or less scary? but i think you know whos who. i had no idea about the blackjack but it makes sense.
why did you feel the need to reply to me
genuine question?
you can't fucking leave me alone
you're probably laughing to yourself right now
ha ha ha ha saying random words is so offensive to this person wow l o l
you're still a huge piece of shit for following that thought process, you know that right?
ur free to not respond. he likes me cause i go forever like a ratty little dog. almost all the time. getting a little better but not today i guess.
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bitch I don't have anything to do with this shit wwhat are you barking at me for
fuck off
why can't you respect that
ur replying to my posts and demanding the last word. u know how this ends dont u?
I doubt that. Because if I were in your position and I saw this happening to someone else, I would understand why they might not believe me when I say I'm not involved (in spite of involving myself at some point anyway).
You're verifying something I already knew, you're another mob mentality cheap ass low budget brain hardware bitch who was looking for someone to laugh at from the outset just like your other vagueposting friend. You all suck dicks in hell.
motherfucker I made a tumblr account to talk to you and then deleted it because you did NOT contact me, I do NOT know shit about your personal information otherwise I wouldve contacted you to get to know each other BITCH

behave urself damn
with you not apologizing for being a bad person?
you go to sleep at night, knowing how you hurt someone, and you don't care, because you think it's funny, or trivial?
or what, is this revenge, for what? what's your fucking motive? tell me something that makes you look at least half decent you mean fucker
are you fucking 14
I'm not in on your stupid fake samefagging narrative bullshit
and no on thinks it's funny
you're just incredibly self-absorbed
ure very mixed up abt who is who here. i would follow u if u posted anything funny or cool but u didnt want to play my psycho little game so...
im not him for the umpteenth time and it ends with me replying again.
>"hahaha how could anyone take this seriously, what a schizo, lol"
>he goes to sleep, peacefully
>the next morning he wakes up and walks outside, ready to start the day
>then he gets hit and horribly mangled by a fucking truck
>"hahaha, how could anyone take this so seriously, what a schizo, lol" a bystander says while pointing and laughing as he bleeds out in the road
you're not who...? I didn't say you were anyone you stupid fuck
it dont matter I was just feeling bad thinking it was you being mean to me whatever sorry good night stay safe
not the guy who spooked you and got you all rantingy like that. dont play dumb. i feel like youre in the denial phase right now.
then what are you?
what's your goal? be straight up, if you're not a bitch then you would be
my bet,
you want to antagonize me
because you are a bitch
you like the little self satisfied laughs
cunts like you die like the rest of us you stupid prick
too many names at this point to really say, like one of the nibblers. you may know me as the inspiration for taylor swifts album the tortured poets department.
didn't answer the question, that shows a very basic level of disrespect for my attempts to establish a baseline level of communication
basically means you're an asshole
thank you for confirming it without words
I hope you die and someone kills you to cause that death
because you're an inflammatory little shit and that's the inevitable result of that
only way you can learn a lesson about it
how will i learn a lesson if im dead. i just keep talking no matter with who. im especially a little crazy tonight because i happened to forget about these happenings for a little and he decides to tickle you. kind of jealous.
no, you're lying
you're talking because you know it sets me off
you lying evil mean fucking little shit
if you had any other motive you would stop
but you don't so you won't
I hate you
you and people like you are why I fucking hate living
why do you scumfuck shits exist you ruin everything
you were pathetic then but this is actually reprehensible
i have such a crush on him...im pretty shocked at these activities as well, pretty crazy right? is it on the news like post on the chans and some guy will prove he read ur shit? madman...soo smart like i cant believe...lightning in the class...
and you're just gonna get up and go about your daily life and not give a single shit about how you affected me
you'll be proud of it
it's so fucking vile
you're mean
you're mean
you're mean
you're mean
you're a mean fucking person
I can't detach until I get to slap the shit out of one of you irl
Just fucking eviscerate the smarmy stupid faggot
cute but im not sure it was worth it. u dont understand ok? imagine this happened to u and u thought u were nuts but then it happened to someone else elel...im sorry its just wild ok ill log off.
no you won't
you're addicted to being a rancid cunt
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Any Pokemon friends here?
/vp/ is one of the few boards on this wretched site that isn't a steaming pile of shit
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Yeah I agree. I mainly go for art related threads as of recent, I haven't bought a Pokemon game since Legends Arceus.
really great pic do you you know his name?
not the other anon you were talking to but just to add on to >>79053867 the cenobites capacity for pleasure has far surpassed what and how a human can feel pleasure they're society has been based on hedonism for so long that pain became pleasurable after what we would consider to be pleasant became excruciatingly boring. this process can be readily observed today especially in the U.S.A. but really in all western countries obviously we aren't at that level yet but you can see how our self-indulgence has warped us.
I have done nothing but sleep and jerk this weekend (including monday)
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I like Pokemon but I haven't played any since Sun. I have Shield and was given a copy of Brilliant Diamond that I'll be trying soon
Sometimes I listen to boyfriend asmr and have to turn it off because they act too gay.
Like nigga who the fuck do you think you're calling "puppy" you homo get away from me!!
do you have any favourites? I'm never sure if I actually like asmr or if the guys that do them are just hot but I've only ever watched it a few times anyway.
>Like nigga who the fuck do you think you're calling "puppy" you homo get away from me!!
I've actually thought about before why "kitten/kitty" makes a good petname but "puppy" wouldn't it's because dogs are too dumb/submissive so using it as a petname outside of a dom/sub type thing is insulting surprised someone actually thought that was a good idea.
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Meow where bf who calls me a dumb little puppy meow
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>tfw no bf to make a hot drink for after a cold and potentially wet bike ride
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I bought something off ebay my best friend wanted and called his girlfriend fat. Not a good night for public relations.

But I wanna thank God that me and my family are alright.
Dumb little tranny meow
Hiiii meow meow hru
I want to be so skinny I look like im sickly and dying
I want my ribs to show at all times
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your post reminded me of this comic.
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Would you date a boy with toy collecting autism?
Mandatory concentration camps for bipan sexuality.
Yes, I'd be happy that there's something he enjoys.
>Tumblr schizo
>Tumblr schizos simp
>That other drunk schizo
R9g is worst it's been in years
You forgot
>Troll faggot (You)
me I'm the tumblr schizo simp and I'm proud of both myself and my baby
Everyone is a Tumblr faggot and we all hate you. This whole general is one big thumblr blog ad you're the only one not in on it. We deleted the page but only for you hahahaha
I'm more of an elf because I'm smart and beautiful >_<
had a dream my livestream got leaked on 4chan and raided
Last couple threads have had giant walls of text arguing and i can't be bothered to read it

Don't care if it's tumblr schizo or canada simp schizo it needs to stop
i really don't mind being called "puppy" i think it's cute
Do you mind being called a dirty little spic ?
it mostly depends on context and who's saying it
Storyanon as he's fapping to your pics?
brad while choking you like he chokes his mom?
The old age is getting to me. I'm finally walling and my hips are in agony.
What is the cure to twink death?
Death, botox and other medical procedures or just accepting it I guess.
that's his business
tell me more...
Are you going to do anything to prevent your twink death?
Probably not. I don't really care about it, I won't look beautiful on the outside but meh. I'll just be happy to even reach an age where I'm old, ugly and had a twink death
retinol moisturizer and mineral sunscreen
Marinated fly burgers made out of dead mom and cat meat
I don't think african cuisine cures twink death considering how ugly and un twink like africans are
Which one of you based boys said this
i dont know i tried that scratch me bite me business and its fun for the newness but it got boring a lot faster than the stuff that feels nice

its true that there are people like the eunuch fetishists involved in pushing trooning, but i have the strangest sense theyre all goong to be shot in the head soon

the more time you spend around "fucked up sex freaks" of the bdsm variety, the more you realize theyre literally just boring and unoriginal people who do it to feel special. people on deviantart drawing cereal mascot inflation on the other hand are the real deal in terms of being actually weird.
i play emerald and/or leafgreen once every few years, nuzlocked of course cause im annoying
well stay skinny, but also youre supposed to evolve into a ropy lizardman which is much more rawly sexual
Saying you're a fake NEET after you get a job at some point is as absurd as saying you were a fake robot after you get a bf in the future
I really genuinely don't have a problem with this guy but like I also don't understand what the slightest point of him playing these MMOs are

like it's not even like some "oh yeah I'm a big time WOW nerd I played this since the age of 6" it's just like

he found this super niche old ass korean MMO and he's playing on unofficial private servers basically grinding (in the most boring way) 18 hours a day and multiaccounting at the same time, all for the sake of farming some specific items to sell on the internet so he can make like 40% of what he'd make working at McD for 8 hours a day

like this dude had a full time job that he quit himself and said he "needed a break" so I thought he'd chill for a month or two and get a normal job, hell I'd still understand it if he just played any other game for his own enjoyment, why the fuck would you play a mind numbing grindfest 18 hours a day just to afford beer and smokes while NEETing
and the weirdest fucking thing to me is just how MIND NUMBING the gameplay is, the gameplay is nothing like your usual MMO with linear progression or anything, you just sign up, they give you some free items and an instant level boost, then off you go to a farming zone and just fucking grind the same mobs for 18 hours a day, combat is literally just clicking and waiting, that's it you don't even activate any skills or combos or anything
>the cenobites capacity for pleasure has far surpassed what and how a human can feel pleasure they're society has been based on hedonism for so long that pain became pleasurable after what we would consider to be pleasant became excruciatingly boring
this is nothing new it's just the human condition
in his defense working at mcd involves breathing grease and standing. id be concerned about carpal tunnel from all that gameing but the clicking and waiting is an advantage there. surprised theres any game thats that easily ground for that much cash these days. i wouldve assumed indonesian luffy kids would be all over it already.
i think its rather better called the "i jacked too much and broke my dick" condition and the rest is cope.
then again, i am a big time wow nerd who played since the age of 11...
>"i jacked too much and broke my dick"
yeah the specific cause of this specific case is that but the entire concept of "I did thing enough times that it got boring" is just the human condition, the basic concept of boredom is intended make us get bored of repetitive tasks (in the wild) so we can move onto new things and constantly innovate to help us improve our chances of survival

it's almost a defunct evolutionary aspect of humans as a species considering that the average job (needed for survival's sake) is often a mind numbingly boring repetitive task with little to no room for improvement, it should make more sense for our brain to enjoy repetitive tasks if they're so crucial for our survival in this day and age but obviously the human society is evolving at a rate much faster than that of our bodies
ofc you are you nerd
I mean idk I'm not specifically into bdsm stuffs I wouldn't say just the thought of it turns me on but sometimes I get a gut reaction to assertive/submissive people that goes "wow look at this submissive little bitch I want to abuse them" etc
Why are you such a schizo? You just dropped a massive diary entry about some faggot none of us know or care about, just talk to chatgpt or yourself since that's what you do anyway. Weirdo.
if you get bored of jacking off just like...take a break? if i eat pizza every day and get bored i have a coffee cake instead or just skip a few days, i dont start making painful and terrifying pizza orders.

to be fair when i was making popcorn every day (cause i discovered that you can do it at home with a microwave and a brown bag) i eventually started adding pepper paste and making "pain corn" which was so called because it didnt have flavor but did spice you. but eventually i got a kernel shard in my teeth for like a week and stopped.
i keep stepping into the middle of something lately. i was just curious. some people just have to be "working" or theyre incapable of doing anything, like it has to technically make money or theyre "wasting time." i get it if you have a goal like buying a farm but not really otherwise.
>if I eat pizza every day and get bored i have a coffee cake instead
that's basically the same as watching more degenerate porn when vanilla doesn't turn you on anymore

the best way of abstinence is to be either physically or socially occupied and just sleeping with your phone out of reach IMO, the longest amounts of time I spent in my life without fapping was A - when I was TOO popular at 19 and literally had my entire day completely scheduled with people to spend time with and B - when I was working 12/16 hour shifts
well except i go back to pizza after getting bored of coffee cake. ive been sleeping with my phone in the other room for probably a decade. ive seen how phone people live, basically sleeping an hour then phone for an hour round the clock. they get like bedsores. anyway...
>when I was TOO popular at 19 and literally had my entire day completely scheduled with people to spend time with
normalfags >>>/out/
i have a recurring image where i'm dressed as a cat for halloween and a very reserved man with a deep voice appears in the shadows dressed as batman.
how involved was this cat costume? is it just ears and a tail and maybe some sharpie nose and whiskers? or is it a fullbody latex suit like chat noir?
when did you quit playing
no, the first kind. i thought i might be working at the mall this season and i would go to work in classic cat, what you said plus black skinny jeans and maybe a bodysuit top, and black paw socks if i could find them and black crocs that i could slip off and just be in socks if that was allowed or rather if no one said i couldnt, cats dont wear shoes after all. i need black gloves too i suppose, maybe fingerless. he would come into my store and silently buy something with hidden significance and then after i got off late at night he would be waiting still...im not however working at the mall so i dont know how it will happen. i still want to be a cat in any case.
i stopped playing retail before legion i think but i played classic for a while and im still technically playing seasons of discovery even though i havent logged in in like two months. i was having an ok time with it, pretty good even, but the way everyone plays just annoys me now, everyones on discord instead of guild chat and because theyre adults with jobs they just headrush the new content as soon as its there and settle in to just doing their weekly consumable farms for weekly raids. the real nolifers do pvp but im so terrible at that i dont think i can get in with them lol.
Brevity is not for schizoids
go watch more videos
Just finished fapping to french twink feet porn

Any advice on how to be less of a degenerate? thanks.
we need to see where you are to know where to start...
>create leddit to try and meet fbf
>all of my posts get removed
i love pokemon and politoed
You want to know where I live?
yeah i dont think reddit like allows posting anymore. confusing place.
no like...how deep you are. if youre just googling twink feet and nutting thats hardly very degenerate.
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That's not degenerate at all.epukd you drink twink foot tea?
Yeah dude I hear all the posts there just appear out of thin air with no human or machine making them,it's quite magical
Would anyone here like to eat food with cum on it? If so which food works well with cum? My pick is fruit like strawberries :3
ate a raw oyster once and it was extremely yucky i imagine cum is similar so im not eating it
my cum has the taste and consistency of boogers but it has a mint after taste
I still feel like it's degenerate.
Now that's just gross.
its wholesomer than normal porn on account of nobody is showing their privates necessarily. so if youre wholesomer than like 98% of people who watch normal porn, you can hardly be called degenerate.
I want to cum into oysters and force feed my bitch. Bottoms are slaves.
google seems to say this is anais nin's foot but i do require more guys in anklets, id feel cute with one but i cant just like...buy one...that would feel fake. i have to be given it in lusts.
Why doesnt any guy have cute feet?
Aren't you early 20s? Holy shit zoomers hitting the wall at light speed lmao
i do. i think so anyway. im hard for me in any case.
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What's cute about your feet?
>he thinks spics can have cute feet
You all know how much my cats mean to me, unfortunately one of my cats died which is why I wasn't in the mood to post. I still don't plan on posting about my diet and I'm sorry I did that in the first place.
fat marinated mom ass flies
thats like asking whats cute about a cat, like...all the parts? im more athletic than that guy though. cute like how a fit guy is cute when you get his nipples and make him squirm. and i have far cooler sneakers. his are so dusty and foamy.
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I took some painkillers cause my back hurts a shit ton. Also need to go to the doctor cause I got food poisoning or something.

>tfw no bf to take care of me when I'm sick
why did kitty die
>tfw no ugly masculine twink bottom bf
Still wondering if it was 3ds that made that r9k camwhore thread posting his feet or if it was some other r9k spic
you're all very mean people
Someone made a male feet thread here? Gayest board by far
at precisely 420 pm i will...smoke the last of my weed, until i have a guy to smoke with. so excited for my new era. will be trying to eat nothing again as well.
i shouldnt exaggerate. ill be trying to eat small and healthsome meals and nothing extra except sometimes.
do you think if I pound a guys ass hard enough he'll give me a back massage
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quentin is now surviving without electricity
I feel very targeted by this post
If you pound a guy's ass hard enough he won't be able to
stop lewdposting I don't wanna get horny
checked on my aquarium for the first time in a while, its just had plants in it for perhaps a year and its a little murky.
goes to show how neglective you are
after the bottom recovers, obviously!
I just found out an interesting fact today.

Did you know that the only heir to the thai monarchy which is the wealthiest monarchy in the world is a fat mentally retarded special needs child called dipangkorn?
that doesn't sound interesting at all ngl
if you knew the 3ds lore you'd know it wasn't him based on what that op was saying in the thread
human dynamics and dramas are the most boring thing on earth, like when they make shows/films with scifi/fantasy settings etc I go in thinking like "oh yeah baby this is gonna hae some super cool fiction stuff that was lorecrafted with a lot effort put into it" and then it turns out to be some shitshow like gay of thrones or whatever

like yeah latinx family tier drama written into some fantasy aristocrats sounds very hecking epic chonkers to me
>watches a show about people with people in it
>upset when the show is about people with people in it
You mean like how the OP said he was a mexican spic and 3ds is a peruvian spic and that 3ds stopped camwhoring months ago cause he kept getting banned for it and threw a tantrum?
yeah but this shit is just fucking everywhere dude

when was the last time you watched a fantasy/scifi and it was actually about the fantasy/scifi instead of "the year is 420420, jack is in love with nichole but nichole's dad is the great savior of the universe so they must fight off the eater of the worlds before the wedding but oh noes! here comes jimmy, nichole's ex boyfriend who's still obsessed with her! let's squash him with the epic pwnage raygun!"
>when was the last time you watched tv/film
i watched "the whale" a few days ago. other than that i don't really watch tv and movies. i just play video games all day.
me too but I'm on the verge of ghosting all my gaymer friends and uninstall all the shit and just do anything else that's more productive instead

shit just feels like trash spending 80% of the day doing fuck all playing video games
As someone who like sci-fi I also dislike when "sci-fi" is a romantic comedy on ISS or something.
Been mostly watching anime recently but need to watch more actual movies and tv shows
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my ammonia and nitrate are ok and fine respectively...its just a bit overgrown in there.
Holy shit those hands are old and wrinkled is that person 70yrs old?
>just do anything else that's more productive instead
>watching tv is more productive than gaming
nta but you people are insane
those are the hands of a WORKING MAN
Literally all they are missing are the spider veins and they would look identical to the hands of my 90yr old grandmother
can i feel your hands
who the fuck watches tv in this day and age
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i am a little dry
can you pet me
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the murky depths...
*strokes your tailbone"
where is the tailbone
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side view...this vallisneria is very growy and i need to make some space...
just above where the cheeks divide. it makes me wig out to be touched there.
touching my butt?
how come your camera turns into a nasa 4k UHD satellite when taking pics of the aquarium but we only get 144p feet?
is it supposed to be special there
no, well maybe also, but not yet.
yes its called the silly spot. is this news? i thought this was why tails are erogenous on cat people.
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no idea what youre talking about.

drained my tank and took out some detritus and plants. its not as overgrown as i thought in there. i think it used to be but the vallisneria got too thick and kind of choked itself out.
i touched it now it just feels bony.
i'm touching my tailbone rn and i feel nothing
youre just not doing it right. i will touch you there and melt you and then you will know.
please show me what its like
some other plants still alive even...the spiny one is chara that i got from a pond and the dark one next to it is susswassertang, a strange algae that seems to be a sperm type cell that started dividing and became an algae of its own, or more accurately sort of started over again from being a polynucleate macrocell. it was discovered in a single pond in indonesia. its basically just like a constantly growing head of lettuce for herbivores to munch on but its pretty wimpy and gets outgrown by most other plants. nice to know i have a bit of it still. hopefully it will get bigger with some space made.
i have a pet plants too
gently stroke the tender spot, i really do what else to say. maybe youre too fat and your sensitive nerves are covered under layers of fat.
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chara is my favorite...shrimp climb up and down it like a ladder
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i have another tank just to grow chara in fact...started this when i thought it might die to the vallisneria in the other one. ive been keeping this plant alive for maybe... 5 or 6 years? that doesnt sound like long but i did just get it from a pond and put it in a jar.
Mfers from Finland built different.
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well..chara and duckweed...but that goes without saying. i got some water hyacinth from another pond which was cool, it grew ok for a year ish but i dont think it had enough space and it died off. my goal rn is a 3-5 gallon thing, these are only 1 gallon. i do like them to have lids however. i need a glass version of one of those utz cheese ball jars.
im skeleton. tender spot do you mean like a bruise?

i have a tomato plant but he hasnt made any red tomatoes yet. one thing i learned is you have to be careful not to bring flies indoors. i bought a flower for christmas and it came with some flies in the dirt, they spread to my tomato. i had to do tomato chemotherapy by not watering it for many weeks to kill off the flies.
he is from finlan?
are you living in finland?
I don't know, looks like Meow's hand.
i thought meow had big balloon hands
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i also have this fig plant although its not mine. lots of problems happen with plants indoors...i like aquariums because i can add samples from ponds and get the natural pest control of natures own creatures. if i had an outdoors garden i would like to plant many colors of peppers as well as the riesentomate.

i am not now nor have i ever been in finland but uhh i do like licorice jellybeans
do you cook with these plants ever?
well, the aquarium plants arent edible, and the figs dont need to be cooked. i do have a basil plant also, but its pretty basic.
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I just ate 2 slices of pie, 6 donuts, a bowl of ice cream, and drank 33 ounces of rootbeer.
what pie
what donuts
what ice cream
i planted green onion that i bought from the super and i use it sometimes.
6 krispy kreme regular glazed donuts, 2 slices of cherry pie, and a bowl of cherry ice cream.
im about to get a late night coffee and snacks because i dont have my precious weedies
i think vanilla ice cream wouldve been better but p good otherwise
i still cant believe he thought that jumping picture was a good idea
I feel very mildly negative not really sad or depressed or anything but just slightly bad and bad enough that I don't really want to do anything or interact with anyone
just finished watching "okja" while eating rice and beans and pulled pork. the laboratory scene was hard to watch. they got a big actor like giancarlo esposito but he's a very minor character in only a few scenes. i thought the ceo would have a change of heart (and she kind of did) but i guess public image is more important than goodwill. i thought the nature tv guy was a comically overacted and i have no idea why they let him in the lab in the first place (maybe because he actually did like animals to some extent but hated himself because of how he was harming them) or maybe because "liking animals" was only supposed to be his image and he thought he was above them. i don't see how the little girl couldn't not hate her grandfather after what he did but i guess korean family values are different than americans. anyways i already knew where my meat comes from and this movie didn't change my mind. i WOULD be buying antibiotic-free meat but those are usually more expensive. animal exploitation (and exploitation in general) is inevitable and unavoidable so long as money and people exist.
you know whats a good time, an ice cream cone.
i like you by the way
had one earlier, strawberries and cream. yummy. like normal strawberry ice cream, but milkier.
Do any boys here have sensitive nipples? How common is it for a boy to have them?
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I'll rip out your eyes.
brad why won't you give me attention am i not cute enough
yes and idk, i didnt think mine were sensitive until i was nipple tortured. now i get shivers just from feeling them against my shirt at times.
aunt actually evacuated and now blackrock is going to steal the family florida house. why are floridians such dumb pussies...
lol i have an aunt in florida too...is yours also a dentist?
could've been born with the double x
chromosomes and life would be so different
wouldn't be posting here for starters
could've been born with
this is my cake
no one touch it
she was a nurse but she doesnt work anymore
do you like cooking? do you want me to send you food pictures?
Anyone else notice that certain bots that reply to keywords in posts stopped showing up?
I'm disgusting, unhappy, and disgustingly unhappy
gonna get wasted to solve one of those things
would be yolo if it weren't old and tired like me and my rhetoric
i have a bottle of wine with one glass missing not getting happy with that
how much does it take you? for me it's about 2.5
2 for sure. sometimes i might need a little more, sometimes i feel sick after the first bottle and go to sleep instead
ahhh iktf
how old are you? if you're young you should stop now
sorry, obligatory and hypocritical
it's toxic not just physically but also spiritually
>job fair is an hour away by bus
>will probably be cancelled anyways due to weather
should i go
if you're a shut in neet yeah cause bus rides are comfy and even if it's canceled you went somewhere for the day
its okay im restricted by both money and opportunity
I can't believe frotting is necessarily gay
like, straight people literally can't do it
seems weird to me
>bus rides are comfy
if you live in whitetopia maybe
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I am officially 30 as of 5 mins ago. There is a feeling of hatred at myself for thinking I wasted my 20s but its to late now. Here I am a loser without a bf and working a basic ass job with a meager living situation.
here it's mostly hispanics who ride the bus and it's still comfy anyway imo
I hate to be racist but it only gets bad when loud niggers are on the bus
they're the only people who ever talk loud, laugh loud about nothing, play their shitty music out loud, etc
and no one says anything cause that would be racist right
kek didn't mean to get /pol/ on you, the majority of black people who get on the bus are alright
you're overqualified imo I'm older than you and never had a job in my life and I have nightmares daily about my family abandoning me
30 year olds always say this but they would never bf someone younger.
do brown bois like snuggling with white bois?
not if I'm the white boi
but probably if you or someone else is
one thing that being a total subhuman does for me is it gives me the understanding that all of you, who are better than me, are worth a lot more than you think
I guess so. Without the support of my family though I couldn't live on my own so basically the worlds most retarded neet?
I would date as low as 23. Lower then that and I probably would be shunned.
that would be a different person silly
a better one in every way
seriously, difference between lawyer stacy and retard neet 4shitter
Were you single incel the whole time? Or did you get a boyfriend somewhere along the way but now not anymore.
oh, that described my grandmother. if your aunt is my grandmother then youre my...second cousin once removed? i think we can still fck.
i like foods but i mean what are you cooking?
wouldnt have guessed it but now that im 30 this is absolutely true. younger people are just...stupid!!! dont know a thing!!!
theres probably a lot of failure femcels saying they would be ceochads as men. heck taylor swift says she would already be fearless leader if she were a man...
last week i cooked coffeecake muffins and salmon casserole. before that i made breaded chicken and cranberry muffins. this week i made avocado toast with sunny eggs so far. im going to make teacakes and omelettes next.
i like the sound of your baking but i dont like the sound of your cooking. salmon casserole is so yuckers im ill writing it.
I got a boyfriend who lived 3hours away and we
broke up. 3 long years of love came to a halt in a
single moment and I just couldn't bear the reality.
The fact that he didn't love me the way I loved him.
>second cousin once removed
true my favorite guy is 36 and everything is too much
i just follow whichever recipes i see that i like. sometimes if i have a leftover ingredient i'll make stuff using it. i also like to make food that i see in games i'm playing or anime im watching. a lot of the time they dont give a full recipe so i like to interpret it and fill in the gaps. recently i made juicy karaage because i rewatched steins gate. right now i just started cooking all the stardew valley food. the sunny side egg is the first thing on the list, the omelette is next.
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are you sure?
are you?
survival burger is coming, but i think it'll probably be a veggie burger since it's made from cave carrot and eggplant. i already made burgers before so im not in a hurry to make burgers again.
i could make them though, they're definitely the best effort to tastiness ratio in food. super easy to cook and tastes very good.
>double lettuce
I know it's true tho cause my family has success genes I just fucked it up
>no mayo
ok but for real stop criticizing the burger, you'll hurt his feelings ):
I like that song though
It's a guilty pleasure ngl
i dont like to put lettuce on my burgers. i think they cause too much sliding and i dont enjoy the texture anyways. i like to put onions in my burger. sometimes also tomato, but it's always tough with tomatos because i dont eat enough burgers to justify an entire tomato so I always end up using some slices on the burgers and eating the rest whole.

yeah i like mayo on my burger too. i like to put some mayo onto the bun after i toast it.
do you saute the onions first?
I think sauteed onions are probably my favorite thing
i hate tomato
yeah i like to cook the onion. i used to think i hated onions but it was because my parents never cooked it right. also they always bought the most pungent ones. now i start to appreciate onions more, i actually like it a lot. sometimes i even eat bits of the raw onion if it's left behind on the cutting board.
a lot of recipes use onion, it's very versatile. i like to put onions in my pasta and in my curry too. actually, the omelette i'm making soon will have onion in it.
tomatoes are used for a million things...youre so weird. my biggest burger problem is that all the patties they sell are too big!! i want a mcdonalds hamburger sized patty but the smallest size they sell at the grocery store is quarter pound. im not about to get some kind of patty press though, and youd need one to make thinner burgers by hand.
go vegan you won't have that problem
they're expensive, small, and give you no protein in comparison to real meat
fucking hate it, especially because it's objectively less expensive to produce
but old ways die hard
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if you hate tomatoes or onions or lettuce on your burger you are a literal child and should be banned from eating anything but chicken tenders and macaroni.
actually i also put pickled onion on the burger sometimes. i like to put pickled onions on hot dogs too. i made hot dogs a few times and also chili dogs a few times. chili dogs always remind me of skiing, the last time i went skiing i ate chili dogs.
hot dogs too are really good effort to taste ratio. first i toast the buns. i buy those safe to eat sausages and just heat them a bit in the pan to get a little crispness in the skin. then i just put the hot dog in the bun and on top i put some pickled onions plus relish plus sauerkraut if i have them. i always have some pickled onions since they're very easy to make, but i dont usually have sauerkraut.
actually, if you want a good cheap food to make from sauerkraut, you should try the corned beef sandwiches. they're incredibly cheap, i think last time i made it it was 2.5 dollars for 1 sandwhich. of course you won't be able to just buy ingredients for a single sandwich, the least you can make is 8 sandwiches at a time.
in fact the most difficult part of home burger is the pickles, the pickles they sell in jars are all weirdly wet and soft so you need to find fresh pickles somewhere or make your own quick pickles a few days in advance.
phew. glad i just hate tomatoes on everything
I'd love to start pickling stuff but I'm afraid of botulism
Like, I would pickle everything
I just think it's a great preservation method and it also tastes really good
however, the sandwiches are a lot of effort to make, so evaluate the tradeoff as you will. the way i made them was i bought packaged corned beef and i cooked it in the oven, then i sliced it up and put it in toasted rye bread with mustard and sauerkraut. the main time consumer is cooking and slicing the corned beef.
if i were being vegan i would just eat tofu by the fuck ton, mapo tofu is delicious even without the small amount of meat it has usually. theres also traditional imitation fried chicken type stuff from china thats 10000x better than whatever fucking quorn thing theyre trying to sell. that stuff is a scam and a half.
How do you hate tomatoes on everything? Tomatoes are wonderful. I can eat tomatoes like apples that's how wonderful they are. Tomatoes if anything are better than apples.
okay I love quorn desu
but also yeah, I think tofu is overcosted
you can just get basedbeans in bulk and use a coagulant (cheapest is potassium chloride? I think)
not a fan of mapo tho cause it's not deep fried
for me it's gotta have that brown skin

also I think the imitation stuff is usually wheat gluten based, which is super super easy to make, cost wise, cause you can just do a water extract from flour, but it's a little tedious
top tip, you dont have to actually "pickle" something so it lasts 10 yrs...i mean youre not trying to survive the winter on it. you can just put sliced cucumbers in a bowl with salt, vinegar and dill etc and leave it in the fridge. they will taste pickley after a few days. not properly "pickling" but its not 1870 and we have fridges.
share us your favorite tomato recipe that you last made. lets judge how good it is.
i get the sense youre not shopping at asian supermarkets. the tofu and mock meats there are very cheap. you can also get "tofu puff" which is deep fried tofu, excellent in hot pots. i want hot pot now...need someone to go with next time though, its too much for one person.
I do actually and I love the tofu puffs
I've done szechuan hotpot from scratch before too!
weird thing I wasn't expecting is that you're supposed to deep fry all the spice and stuff before introducing them to the broth
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just dont like it. especially the skin and stuff. also i hate biting into an apple, but apples still tastes good and once i cut in in half it doesnt feel uncomfortable anymore. dont like whole peaches, nectarines, or plums either
then why would you think tofu is expensive, its like 2 for a brick...anyway frying spices is the secret to a lot of things including indian curries, theres a sort of oil dressing with crispy spices thats separate from the curry itself and only swirled in at the last minute so it stays sort of separated as a streaky lipid phase. well thats one of the secrets anyway, not that its very secret. i assume there are more secrets that are more secret but in any case i like my masoor dal. another use for tomatoes there, you need a bunch and they somehow disappear into it.
scraped the last bits of weed out of my packet and together with my resinous pipe thats enough for an illegal smoke. god nothing is sweeter than breaking the rules. now im really out though and ive thrown my pipe in the aquarium for good measure.
>lipid phase
are you in biochem or something? asking cause I don't usually see people use the word phase like that

also idk I think it's still comparatively expensive vs dry basedbeans you process yourself
I view it as a staple protein so it's different
not professionally but i dont know how people get by without the basic vocabulary. you cant think of everything in raw material terms, i mean your time has value and it wouldnt have to be very much for it to be worth it to pay the man with the very large and efficient tofu machine as opposed to doing it by hand. next youll be talking about making your own soap. like, for fun, or to make something extra special, sure, but...idk this staples and efficiency way of talking about food is so silly like are you a horse capable of eating fifty pounds a day and you need the right protein mix or youll waste or get colic or whatever? protein, proootein...can we not try and minmax literally everything.
trollacious wording thanks for invalidating our conversation
disheartening as always
480 calories where only some of those come from protein for $2 isn't efficient
but you eat meat and that's only supplementary so you wouldn't get it
but please continue ranting in a vain attempt to prove your intellectual superiority in the fucking void
I mean who's listening
people here why is everyone so fucking arrogant
can you three(two?) start posting midday instead
late night's the only good hours
to be fair he didn't really deserve that and I apologize outright right now
yes it is. what happened to it
I dunno man, I don't get how anyone else can post here and not be testy about it
i dont know. i guess im just sad the thread isnt how i expected it to be
what do you mean? also me too, all the time
and I am sorry for being snap decision aggressive too to that anon, I rarely regret it but this time I do
its just not what came to /r9gay/ for. sorry for this poor post especially since i took so long to write it
>be mean
>instant 180 afterwards
that's BPD for you fellas
well, not always
miss my dad already
nah, I watch stuff to not think about real life. I hope if my fbf does that he'll only overlay me on nice characters that are cute and funny
I'm not 100 percent sure but I think my hair line is starting to recede on one side of my head.
I'm not even 20 yet.
I really hope its just delusion
if not I'll just be forced too look like Hunter S Thompson by the time im 25.

25 is a good hunter s age
you have to be shitting me
a hostile environment is the norm here
so are hostile responses
like yours
get fucked
my plants always seem to die after like 2-4 years although I still think my grandma trimmed my fern too much it might of lived longer if she hadn't.
only thing I know is don't wash it everyday I switched to every other day a year ago my hair got noticeably softer and has more volume
i regret everything
what now?
why didn't this show up in the archives? cause I know I posted it b4
you hide behind gestural posts to pretend it didn't happen
desu dont know anything about lana del rey desu
i don't know what you are referring to but i have ceased most posting because i regret everything
I am actually the most based poster to ever grace this thread because I say what I want but I also don't try to hide behind stupid personas
I'm so fucking cool
I'm incredibly based
sincerely have a lot of trouble saying what i want when i feel like people know who i am even in this anonymous format
I pray for all of you
sin cierely
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You know who loved golf? It was Joey Peeps. May he rest in peace.
like weird buddhist prostration shit
totally usels tho
they lied
didn't mean nothing
the way of the world ended up being true
self interest is the only way forward
but you don't have to be a dick about it (like literally all of you are)
oh... im actually adventist; can you pray like that?
why would I do that?
do you expect everyone around you to pray the way you do?
if you do, typical imp-erial christcuck faggot
you don't deserve real music
if theyre going to pray for me me? yea... if theyre going to make a point the prayer(for me) doesnt work? double yea.....
incredibly selfish
if someone prays for you it's implied they do so through their own faith and that you accept their good will just as well
My new love is spamming you with songs I know you'll hate, because you're predictable misogynist bitches
okay, i understand... but... implying it doesnt work is kind of rude too
I didn't imply that you fucking moron ( you guys love calling each other retards for no reason so this is n0t unprecedented )
But your drunk schizo act is a persona pinocchio
oh. what did you say totally useless to
what's going on with me has nothing to do with you and it's really stupid how often you try to self insert like you do
i do listen to the videos posted in this general btw it just takes me a while
I hope you do. I really like that last song I posted
inb4 omg weakn ess for r9bitchs to swarm around
going to end this. goodbye /r9gay/ers
Life has been shit since Frank Vincent died
Life has been shit since geppetto betrayed me
okay so I think you know this, but you know I made that name up, right?
even though the bring the puppet to life metaphor ended up being very accurate (in spite of the meanness with which you meant it)
I am coincidentally listening to that evanescence song too yes
i wish i was brave enough to say im sorry
I am really in the mood to bully some annoying faggots
try me, bit ch
youre the annoying fag got all along
I discovered I like fake country music to-day
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An error of judgement and fondness for Joaquin Phoenix led me to watch Joker 2, the story was not very good but I liked some of the songs and the cast made the film watchable.
>did you know my mental breakdowns and loredropping was all fake and just way to get attention
It was extremely obvious but thanks for admitting. Look forward to 10 spergposts you'll get out of this post lol
>but it has a mint after taste
I'm gonna need to verify that nonny :p

I don't like the smell/taste of my cum I hear you can eat pineapples to fix it but I don't eat them often and don't remember if it made a difference.
I missed it, how long ago was it, do you have a link or remember what was said in the op do I can search the archive?
I literally only watch anime, a soap opera but set in a scifi universe sounds like it could be a funny premise tho.
I did it was just a little bit ticklish it probably depends on the person.
are you going to be celibate for life or stop being once you get a bf? I do give them credit for having different justifications against homosexuality than the same misused/mistranslated verses other denominations try to use and could see trying to stay but I just couldn't see the point in sticking around where I'm not wanted.
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Started listening to an audibook about the Norman Conquest. I wouldn't say I prefer it to a paperback but it is a relaxing way to experience a book
Ran over a pedestrian wearing a bisexual flag pin on his backpack. Life's good.
its okay. my bf will also be SDA, or maybe mormon... so its no problem :)
kissing protestant bish bf
>tfw no bishit bf
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quentin is DEAD
what a terrible song, holy fuck.
good morning r9gay, im here specially to wish you a good morning so you better appreciate it.
why are boys so cute and sexy
mornin' partner. i for one appreciate it
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come play a hand of poker with me, which 2 cards do you want? :)
i really need tts to learn how to pronounce slavshit names and not shit itself everytime it run into a footnote
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i found some lucky brand black skinnies at the thrift store, but...look at that back muffin...i wont even show u the front. im so fat right now...at least i have some pants to work toward as a goal.
still would fuck
Feeling extra empty and meaningless these couple of last weeks.
pls dont make fun. theyre stretchy and only a regular size zero and i could barely button them. im really embarrassed.
just work on your secret mind garden.
pyjama day. im very exhausted and a little bit burnt out, i might play soem osu or some sims later but idk osu sounds fun for now
music for the day!!
Is jonah a protestant since he's british?
Fuck youz it was a cool fact and monarchist cucks got REKT yet again. Why be an asshole?
I'd stretch you boyo xoxo
Not really religious, raised protestant sort of just not very strictly and never really attended church and went to catholic school for highschool. I'd say I'm more agnostic though. hbu nonny?
Have you tried grinding on strangers?
I be a catholic boyo
>cute and funny
Uhhh cunny?
wouldn't call myself catholic. but i relate to you heavily on loving catholic men, something about them.
earlier Ive sent very inappropriate dms to twitter femboys and I do not know what to expect
I ship HNIslut and PXLschizo
I don't really care about a bottom's religion but I myself just like being a catholic and catholicism
I forgot to thaw my bacon but luckily it thawed quickly in the sink
in pain. why
I dunno Anon but there's no good news. Only degradation.

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