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Britfeel Bowling edition
Just started pissing down here
If I was racist then I'd just seethe online instead of doing stuff, so it would waste my time

I'd do that for aggressive looking people regardless of their ethnicity
British Bubbles on the left.
*admires the view from atop /britfeel/ towers.
OI, stop pissing down there.
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What do you mean 'doing stuff'? I don't think racism has particularly wasted my time
My TMAU is acting up big time, just a matter of time before someone around me brings up the smell of fish/shit in the air...
Reading Gunsmith Cats de liiiids.
Lovely little edish this. A veritable strike within the context.
(reposting in new bread)
Think a certain degree of racism is normal and expected.
I suspect a lot of the performative stuff normies say and do on this subject is rooted in guilt that deep down they wish there weren't quite so many browns in their kids primary.
I think people are naturally wary of people who don't look or talk like them, because they have a harder time inferring their intentions and state of mind as with a group they are familiar with.
I suspect white supremacy is quite rare in reality, but if we're adopting the reddit definition of racism I'd conservatively estimate 60-80% of people are racist on some level.
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Just wish my oldest ally would go bowling with me
In my life I would have lost social opportunities and dating opportunities if I had been racist, and I guess i would have wasted my time doing something worse instead.
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HHL made his choice
Gonne go wash my hair and use my banana hair mask, then do some dermastamping. Bath too. Then I will tidy my room a bit and change my bedsheets. After that? Who knows...
i will go bowling with you shippy
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I recognise that there are differences in distributions and averages between races for basically anything you could possibly measure. If this makes me racist then so be it. It's reality. Believe it or not I really don't hold any ill will to any collective group of people.

The separate and more interesting question is: so what? What does it mean for a country? How policy is made and implemented? I think that our government is getting almost exactly wrong on almost every conceivable level. Gay race communism is bad.
After that you'll be back here grimposting until midnight obviously.
>I think people are naturally wary of people who don't look or talk like them
I would say that culture is probably the important thing. I'm sure Rishi Sunak's colleagues got on as well with him as they would with an equivalent white Tory. Because I think culture matters more, when it comes to relating to people, than ethnicity does.
Maybe a cheeky goon sesh later on?
Who are 'you', or more specifically, 'where' are you?

I'd probably travel anywhere in the country to go bowling with a /britfeel/er

Pretty grim desu, glad I don't associate in circles where people would drop me for racism.
I reckon the two are largely inseparable outside of your eton gentry types
Like sticks with like
I am on very good terms with bossman, but he still confuses and befuddles me with his habits and beliefs.
im just a long time poster. where in banbury are you? i could do Saturday afternoon
Nu bread is it not sire
Only tripfag near me is arbroathy and tbqh I don't know if I'd want to turn my back on him
Where are you? Im in Cambridge and would come along too
I'm pro-Arbroathy
Culture and ethnicity are intimately linked, though. They're obviously not 100% indicative of one another, but the overlap is extensive. The idea of the 'based Nigerian' or whatever really doesn't exist in reality because culture, values etc. are so deeply rooted and arguably evolve out of the genetic substrate that precedes them. Civilisation is incommunicable. I don't say it derogatorily, I just say it as a matter of fact. No, if the population of the UK was 90% Pakistani or 90% Albanian or 90% Bolivian or whatever, it would not be the same country, even if the same laws were on the books, the same 'values' were taught in school etc.

A country is its people, not a people its country.
He's more likely to turn his back on you (to let you bum him lol)
leicester and you are more than welcome to
He will never let you bum him lad
Imagine the drivel IRL
Can't just go to a different tab til that particular manic episode is finito
Ghastly to think about init
I deserve to breed. Far lesser men than me have bred.

Therefore, i am entitled to it as well.
Hair washed and conditioned. Got the hair mask in now for the next 20 minutes while it works it's magic and fills my hair with nutrition. Nose hairs trimmed, and ears shaved too.

Yes possibly. Still not had that second wank yet.

No, I go to bed at like 8-9PM actually!
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Are you female or just very gay?
I still think Willy, Arb, HHL and Crosslad are the same person.
That's Arbs I suspect
Willy is almost certainly one of them. HHL isn't arbs or crosslad though.
They are all Footmong characters
And footmong is just another character invented by Shippy.
arbroathy's hairy arse
Need to do a big shop so just using up little bits and pieces in the cupboards, fridge and freezer for din-dins.

>baked beans
>hash browns
>mixed frozen veg
>demi glace

Will be an odd one but should be tasty.
Anyone in driving distance of the bowling in Dundee?
They've got a time crisis machine too init
I've heard Footlads voice but have no idea what Shippy sounds like
In the mood to go bowling with a big tranny harem. My king pin is standing proud just thinking about it.
If you've got a tin chopped tomatos you've got enough there for a pretty banging casserole, maybe just leave out the eggs and beans
He never saw the Iqbal meet.
Good when a couple of the gang get together. Shippy's a goodun.
Is that the Hollywood Bowl?
Banbury Bowl
Saturday 1pm
Who is coming?
I've no been to that one yet, just the Tenpin.
Was full of sprogs unfortunately but they brought pints up to the lane for you which I enjoyed very much
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>drive 8 hours down the M6 for a single game of bowling with some spackers off the internet
Not him but, I think you might be able to book the lane per hour. You could have a few games.
>The centre that offers more than just Bowling, we have a Karaoke Box to sing your heart out, Arcade games with great prizes to be won! And why stop there, Treat yourself to a tasty pizza, with delicious sides and wash down with one of flavoursome cocktails
Corr yeah I'll come.
Legitimately getting FOMO at this
Fuck yous I hope shippy rapes you
Why not go with them? You may have fun.
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>everyone getting excited over the most boring NPC activities

Fuck that lads
Excited about shagging my wife tonight
Excited about meeting up with my hero Shippy on Saturday
Am away up arse end of Scotland.
Would be multiple tanks of juice to get there and back plus I'd have to leave at like 4 in the morning to get there at 1.
Had to go down Peterborough through the night to get my mrs a new passport last year and that was shite
What's rounder? A bowling ball or Shippy's head?
Well gwan then what's your weekend consisting of
Doing big lines of pure off Jordyn Jones's left cheek on your yacht on lake Geneva I'm sure
It might not even be shippy, just somebody claiming to be him. You may get there saturday, and it not even be a genuine thing.
Folk would just lie like that?
Absolutely bloody shocking that
Rache you been relocated with all the haxx equipment yet lol?
is there like a second series going on on your side?
I know, absolutely bloody not on.
PC lads, is there any point in getting 64gb RAM? Would I ever need it or should I just go with 32.
Have you noticed a big decline in young people drinking?
What is causing it?
>What is causing it?
Too busy getting pegged.
Only of much use if doing stuff which needs a lot of files in RAM like video/photo editing or DAW work.
Bit of a waste for vidya, but RAM is that cheap that it's probably worth it anyway
Bowling is the new thing among Gen Z, and alcohol slows down your bowling reaction speeds.
Getting scarily close to 6 quid for anything drinkable at my local.
Spoons is the only establishment left that I can afford a wint and a wie without acute pain in the wallet
Not unless you plan on gaming or video editing.
How about the virtual RAM in the graphics card. Any point if being north of 16gb?
Virtual RAM is just a portion of main RAM that the graphics driver reserves to use as slower VRAM if needed. It shouldn't ever be in use if you have sensible capacities in each case
>Pretty grim desu, glad I don't associate in circles where people would drop me for racism.
So you mean you only talk to white people. If you were ever in a situation with people of different ethnicities then racism is just going to lead to conflict, and if you're in the minority in that situation, it probably won't go very well for you.

>I reckon the two are largely inseparable outside of your eton gentry types
So they're inseparable... except when they're separable. Look at US tech companies as an example, you have people of many different ethnicities working there. Some tech companies are led by brown people (Google, Microsoft).

>A country is its people, not a people its country
A country is just a political entity and some people will have citizenship of that entity. In most countries citizenship is not based on ethnicity. Any ethnicity can get British citizenship, or US citizenship, etc.
No point. Just get 32GB unless you're video editing or something. Gaming is good with 32GB or 16GB.
Straight heterosexualist male.
>So they're inseparable... except when they're separable
Inseparable except in the case of the upper class, which are sort of their own ethnicity imo
>Look at US tech companies as an example, you have people of many different ethnicities working there
Aye that has famously worked very well and done wonders for productivity.
NASA for instance has done wonderfully since landing on the moon in 69
>Aye that has famously worked very well and done wonders for productivity.
Yeah I think it has. The 6 most valuable companies on the planet are all US tech companies.

>NASA for instance has done wonderfully since landing on the moon in 69
NASA is surely still the leading space agency in the world, so yeah they're doing pretty well, but they're not a tech company are they.
Realistically not needed at all unless you're doing some really hardware intensive stuff like video editing.
I take all of that on board and counter with the fact that I dislike niggers.
Don't know how you can be a functioning human being with that view in 2024. What if you have a brown or black colleague at work? If you start being racist to them you'll get fired
I own my workplace.
>Unemployed skitzoid boomeroid slamming shit around again earlier as i was in the middul of typing up sommet important

Incredible really
Whats the least amount of RAM you can get away with for just normal tasks?
How many years have you been posting this now lid?
White people are probably more likely to drop you for racism anyway. I've been in many situations with people of different ethnicities. Sounds like your only interactions with non-whites are the uber-eats driver.
That's not even soundspacker
>NASA is surely still the leading space agency in the world
It's not even the leading Space Agency in The US.
>What if you have a brown or black colleague at work?
I told one of them I used to be in the BNP within 15 minutes of meeting them last week. You'll think it's a LARP, but it was him who brought up politics first.
Rather crashed the train of conversation has that drivel eh
This is why spackers shouldn't have rights
Don't know how you can be a functioning human being with that view in 2024 to be absolutely and completely frank, not omitting the truth in any way, shape or form
Must be very grim to be a white progressive anti-racist. It might be for you but it's not for me
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Good evening all good lads, I hope you are well and happy!
I have fallen for the ASMR meme but she isn't a whispering trout hahaha
>Kirin Camp

Going to play Sackboy on PS4 while it for really rains outside heavy.
I mean no offence lad, but your life is significantly more grim than any white progressive anti-racist I know. I'm not saying your life is pure dogshit, quite the contrary, but it's lacking in some very important areas that all of the white progressive anti-racists I know have figured out.
>but it's lacking in some very important areas that all of the white progressive anti-racists I know have figured out.
You know all that from one post?
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Absolutely howling at the first line of that
I have 16 gigs in mine and just recently I've started regularly seeing over 90+ usage regularly.
I think 16 is the absolute minimum for a PC you use for vidya
No I know the poster.
Cheers lads all very helpful
You realise that there are many conservative non-racists in this country, right? The modern Tory party is diverse.

In fact David Cameron has said that his diversification of the Tory party is part of what enabled him to win in 2010 and 2015.
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Beer, spliff, cook some food.
Hello lollers. It is I your handsome chum from discord. I am posting a picrel to the spliff and beer, I don't have any of muh shoops to use to wave hello at you.
Alri detective dickhead
Really quite excited for the first bifter of the day once they open the wagie cage
Not addicting though mum
East asian kveens are white, and i'm tired of pretending they're not.
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Thug tried to attack DJ with a hammer. Not right
>The modern Tory party is diverse.
The modern tory party are simply non-white progressive anti-racists
My, such poignant punditry
Really so insightful, dare I say enlightened
My company's new CEO put out a message last week saying 'we are already diverse, we need to stop spending hours of our time on diversity initiatives and start focusing on our core business again'.

Never been so happy in my life. I think the tide is starting to turn lads.
Sure, you can be a white progressive anti-racist and have a great life, depending on circumstances, but that mindset would be be tiring and draining
Ronnie fuckin Snickering at
>I'm filming you now, look
Ah yes, protecting the rich, very progressive

Just two more weeks lad
Tories only really care about protecting pakis and boat wogs
I personally don't find it tiring or draining at all.
We've also scaled down DE&I shite recently.
Wouldn't mind a bit of bitter mixed with lemonade, if you know what I mean.
Do love a good bitter shandy I do.
Couldn't be doing with all that mental gymnastics personally
Despite our best efforts the bread remained uncomfy
Went to have wankingtons and smoke a great big jasper, did I not
>a great big jasper
Need to goyim to sign up to fight Russia and Iran (maybe China too)
What part of the thread is unwomfy? HHL and Ruthmong haven't posted once.
The foremost political issue is the declining birthrate.

Politicians act like it's a difficult issue to fix, even countries like Hungary that have enthusiastic leaders. The solution is very simple, just rescind women's rights and equality
If I wanted to hear spackers opinions on politics I'd go stand in the pub smoking area lod
There's a lot more mental gymnastics involved in being racist. You have to believe white people are inherently superior which obviously involves complete delusion.
I assume you're using a windows machine, right? For normal every day tasks you can suffice with 8GB, but 16GB would be a good quality of life improvement.

Alternatively you can run linux and get the same performance for normal tasks on 4GB lol.
The linux thing again
Might stay then
I'd rather politics than ASMR bints and porn.
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>There were a "dizzying range of beliefs and ideologies" MI5 had to deal with, he told the briefing at MI5's counter-terrorism operations centre in London.

he's literally including NPNW in that isn't he?
I mean, here's the first piece of mental gymnastics you have to do. The notion that only white people can be racist.

Probably some b8 incoming
>ASMR bints
Not him but, 90% of ASMR is just THOTs trying to create softcore porn.
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Forgot to pick up some Four Loko today
>You have to believe white people are inherently superior
Bait surely
Bames are entertainingly racist towards other bames in many cases
Listening to it is kind of reminiscent to watching a small dog barking at a large one
Very narrow minded view of racism there, that's really only the most extreme fringe.
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Yeah, maybe the thots that HHL tends to follow. Our Laura isn't like that.
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Post the one where you can clearly see her areola
Just define what you personally mean by racism and then you can say if you fall into that definition or not.

At this point though it's like the words 'fascist' or 'fascism', basically means nothing coherent and amounts of 'person I don't like' in ther Schmittian friend-enemy conception of politics.
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Woah nice numbers mate! I went and looked for the Garfield wave gif but couldn't find it.
How are you, are you still playing DayZ and are you preparing for the winter with home built heating alternatives haha?
Studies have shown that if you're anti-racist you're very likely to have homosexual tendancies
>Studies have shown that if you're anti-racist you're very likely to have homosexual tendancies
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The only time I like blacks is if they're women from Tottenham, and have their monkey paws wrapped around my willard.
Those on the right of politics tend to have the best sex lives. Not my words. Don't shoot the messenger
I hear Arbs gets a lot of cock
I've also shagged a black woman from Rugby, and been sucked off by one from Basingstoke.
Wish she would get my cock desu
You're white though aren't you? Presumably you're not racist in the sense you just believe racist things completely unrelated to white people?
Grown man. Think's he's a grown woman.
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I shagged and impregnated a black woman from Tottenham.
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>I shagged and impregnated a black woman
Yeah I am white, and that's not really how racism works is it? I believe races are inherently different, and that the world would be a better place if nations were more homogenous. Not that I really care much if other nations are multiracial and function fine, just care about England desu
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How would you like me to prove it?
A German voice is heard shouting "Your kebab has arrived!", but it's muffled under 3 stories of his basement, deep in the lorechives where is fetching the 'tottenham' jpg from his recently created dossier
Ideally I'd never like to hear such filth again to be quite frank
Does HHL have a driving license?
>Does HHL have a driving license?
I'm not sure if discord hide stuff, or it was using a different account?, I was looking for the chinese trip(e) generator thing, but couldn't find it.
I'm thinking layers for this years alternate heating system challenge. And found muh teddy bear blanket thing, that's nice and warm, and if it gets too bad, there's the thermal sleeping bag. Also got teddy bear bed sheet and duvet cover, going to be (hopefully) toastie warm this year.
What about you? Did you ever get a thermal sleeping bag? Plenty of fuel for yer heater thingy?
I have a picture of mihai's passport saved in my random images folder.. mad to think he's probably dead.
Arbroathy's wide shoulders and small hips
>I believe races are inherently different

This is either ignorance, or mental gymnastics. Which one?
Most likely yes. He posted it himself obviously and probably got banned for it as well.
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Scottish oil revenue being spent on the building of tower blocks in North London. It not right
>This is either ignorance, or mental gymnastics. Which one?
It's fact, what is it for you, ignorance or mental gymnastics? Not to believe it
When you making another child payment? Tyrone needs to stock up on weed
When it comes to siphoning wealth out of Scotland and into England, I don't mind a jot where it's spent.
Woops, I waffled on a bit, still playing dayz but not nearly as much as I was. Been playing stardew a bit moar, getting muh farm built and wifey sorted.
Not for a while I expect. The last one was almost 4 grand, should last her a while
Women are just children in grown up bodies. The fact that this is beyond the pale to mention is a joke.
Noncey vibes in this post
Women don't mature until 25
Mad innit
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Oh yeah, it's cotton dry mode time!
>It's fact

Prove it
Girls hit the wall at 16.
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>Wash & wear
What, like put them straight on?
Song us the song then
>Song us the song then
What he mean by this?
Not him but, do words in singy style?
By song I meant sing. And by song I meant song.
>Not him
It's you.
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>It's you.
I know it's me, I wrote the post.
>It's you
No that's me.
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Only you and me add up
Only you and me add up
The speed of light and stars have planned it
Take it over, understand it
The speed of light and stars have planned it
Take it over, understand it
Every high n number IQ study based on progressive matrix testing ever?
Low IQ hours
Hopefully it passes and your IQ levels raise.
>and your IQ levels raise.
Don't count on it
Low IQ is a hidden disability imo
yes, it was a car accident that put him in the chair
Ah, my condolences. Nothing left to do but embrace it, go buy a bike helmet and start licking some windows.
How does he play football if he is in a wheelchair
he just does the throw ins
Even if that is true, which I doubt, you're going to be a massive loner if you isolate yourself with ridiculous views

Then everybody clapped
Ah shit, I just saw you said bifter.
What a tool I am.
Hope you enjoy/enjoyed it.
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Back from Worrisons now settling down for din dins. Having that tex mex wizza with some chippy wippies. Wissing it down outside.
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You posted the webm of this girl yesterday I think.
Do you know the source? Who is she?

Dunno lid. Just a random gif I saved off Weddit.
HHL is a nepo baby
HHL needs his nappy changed
Do you have 'chippy wippies' with every meal?
Shall not be eating pork again. From next week for reasons. Ancient wisdom.
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HHL loves his 'chippy wippies'
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I have procrastinated for too long, and now it is too late for homemade stew (takes 105 min to cook) and yorkshire puddings.
I could try make the yorkshires, and have some with chips and gravy, oh aye.
Might skip dinner today, not hungry
What's in the worrisons haul? any new gadgets?
Had maccy waccies today. Big Mac, chicken mayo burger, 6 chicken nuggets and medium chips. Pretty tasty.
Do you lads ask questions on dates?
That's a fair feed lad, good job.
>31 minutes
Not watching all that
question 1: who watches this drivel?
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Two deliveries in one day!? Must be my birthday! Praise Rajesh!
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Just bought that M.2 2TB SSD for the PS5.
Is that nonce code for CP?
SSM attempted to put a new ssd in his ps5 and it didn't work. Hopefully yours is ok.
Phwoar I never have enough games installed to justify that but the new COD is probably like 500gb the sneaky bastards.
>grown man
>buying korean films
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I could honestly play a game or two of bowling myself. It always fucks up my wrist though...
Anyways I have good news, bad news, and even worse news.
Bad news is that I ran out of tea, good news is that I went to the market to get some more! The worse news, though, is that the market had some really cheap wine so I decided to get some. What should I drink anons?

I bought the officially licensed one for PS5.
I'm learning Korean when I next meet asian waifu
Wait a ps5 actually has an the m2 slot? It seems weird that a console manufacturer would care enough to make their consoles upgradeable
Not really makes perfect sense. Sony gets more revenue. Encourages players to buy more games
absolutely sickening plug sockets
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>I'm learning Korean
The most widely spoken language I have no books for
I mean they could have just went the Nintendo route and only allowed people to use specially licensed hard drives. Or just released the PS5 Pro as having double the storage like the previous console gen did lol.
Tell me about it, they're so easy to unplug and they can cause your heart to fibrillate. I blame Thomas Edison for the woes of the American electrical system.
half saw it on the game pass store on xbox and i think it said it was 190gb but im assuming thats maybe only the base, there always seems to be extra downloads needed
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Made some decent progress on the backlogburgh there so far, did i not
Not a weeb but i love korean films, memories of murders is my favourite
Wait if none of you are going to tell me to drink tea then I'm going to take the liberty of indulging my alcoholism :3
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Have the Earl Grey one, like i am now
Yessir! O7
Pot is on the kettle as we speak. Do you normally have yours with any sugar or milk? I also have honey if that's more to your taste.
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>i love korean films
You left your name on lad
Buggered up ordering that new 4K tele didn't I. Amazon won't let me cancel the order either so it's just stuck in pending rn.
Well spotted lad
4K is a meme lad
What TV did you get? I kind of want one but not sure what.
ill spin your jaw cunt
Come to Banbury and say that (you won't)
Youre such a mong lmao
Love to see you try
post train station, ill be there, tomorrow morning
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Fugg sake, I do not have adequate equipment to make any yorkshire puds, ffs.
Think it will have to be a taketheslopaway tea for me.
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Haven't had so much as a cold in years, and when I've been tested my blood pressure is lower than average for my age, T-levels higher than average and never had any deficiencies.

My secret? Two pints of gold top a day. Keeps me fit as a fiddle and I swear by it. Genuinely a miracle elixir.
Spending my valuable time trying to figure out what ruthmong got banned for. Maybe telling someone to get stabbed, but that never stopped HHL etc.

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aint reet that lad
aint reet at all
korean films?
for me, its the roundup
Is Ruthmong BNWOlad?
I think a few lads got done all at once in that thread to be honest
Just ad a roight larf and joke with tha lads
Shite taste lad, also who the fuck still buys dvds
In all likelihood yes, the BNWOposting has been very few and far between lately which makes me think it's just an impersonator trying to score an easy win rather than a consistent effort being made to BNWOpost.
Aye I know. Really let the lads down. And now I'm having to eat forrin muck.
>tfw your county flag is shite



She is most definitely for me dee lads. Yes she is for me. Might not be for you but she's for me.
When did you change your trip nubs?
This entire thread is a good argument for eugenics
It might have been him posting HelperLad? If so he will be on 2 week holiday.
I don't think Tubs lives in America lad
Wait is YankTea really nubs?
Looking at the rain radar earlier, got quite a drenching didn't you
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He is in this thread rn
Looking forward to Costa tomorrow. Think I maybe figured out how to work a dialogue system in my game. Dialogue with some branching paths, changing dialogues based on quest states, times of day even etc whatever I want. Not certain. See how it goes.

One of the women also said something to me about people leaving the door open, and she smiled at me. Also walked past my gyms manager as I was going home, as she was exiting the gym to go to Costa too. We said hello to eachother.

A hello today, a kiss tomorrow, then well who knows what comes next? But let me tell you this, she is proper fit m8 and she is definitely for me.
Of course, those are the exact brands of wine and tea she drinks. This reeks of nubs
Imagine how he feels now
Nubs got her house rewired with an American supply? Why?
Taste my arse you fag.
Imagine all the shitposting he will do when he returns from his ban
Was a nerve struck, king?
Now tell him that you can see how obese he is in the reflection.
Because why wouldn't she?
Not him but DVDmong already knows he is fat
She doesn't support Israel.
Phwoar alright little lad calm down
Indian too lol
Oh yeah, the lad will learn literally nothing from being banned. If anything he'll come back stroppier.
And how could you possibly know that?
He looks white from the image he posted of his chumba hand
I DVDlad
>don't like blacks
>don't like trannies
>don't like jews
>don't like pajeets
Typical fat shutin racist
Tempted to watch a movie but dont know which one
Have you seen Heaven's Gate? Make sure it's the three and a half hour version de liiiiiiid.
Inglourious Basterds (2009)

It's a good movie
Who supports Israel in current era?
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Just got off the phone to Amazon support. The orders have been cancelled. It lush. Just need to reorder that tele without buggering it up next time.
Wallace and Gromit a close shave
DVDlad doesn't support the jews or the muslims. He only supports big bazza and the belly busters.
My view is that there should be a two state solution
Mate maybe Amazon isn't for you you're always ballsing it up.
How do you fuck up something so simple?
Shut up Fat Greg
16st isn't fat, it's chubby
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Delisharse pakiberg dish being digested within the wapu's bellywelly rn, is it not
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I bet HHL is the type to Know about Kowloon Walled City
where Nubs desu desu
Chubby Greg of Banbury (Fat)
>the shipster
>ship happens
>shippy and the niggertots
>black sprog shippy
>ship my arse back to Africa
>shippin' all over the world
>big belly "shippy" mcgee
>ship kebab with extra chili
She still posts, but stopped tripping. Her posts are easy to spot.
Favourite nubs posts? For me it's the /soc/ posts where she mentions having been pissed on by trannies.
Mad how Shout got away with his sex crimes
What sex crimes?
What crimes were they?
He raped Nubs and go away with it.
he raped nubs
Seriously doubt this, nubs is a known drama peddler.

What do you ever mean by 'rape' anyway, gotta be more specific
I've come to the conclusion that he didn't really shag Nubs at all and he was lying to try to impress SIC.
Proof? I don't think it's true lads
if you see her tell her to email me back
Where abouts lad?
Whatever happened to Ebin?
fake and gay shippy on 1 tonight
>Foreign minister of iran: Iran fully prepared for war

Cam on israel start some fackin world wars
Ebin? Not sure who else even keeps in touch with her these days
Don't bring me into this. I have drawn a line under the whole matter.
nubs is one of those girls who claims to have been raped repeatedly

like every guy shes met before has raped her according to her

if youre her bf and break up with her, shell tell the next guy she meets about you and how you raped her
Most people know about that
Ebin shagged Nubs (but did NOT rape her!)
Need to find a game to play for fuck sake.
Married with two sprogs, he works in sales
Post now or choke
Exactly, that yank tea thing is her
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What's he sell? Spaceships?
What are you even talking about, ebin is a eunuch
>Need to find a game to play for fuck sake.
My friend pedro?
Probably the lowest effort LARP I've ever seen. Much more likely to have a humble black JW gf and a job driving a van for EuroCarParts
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I just bought this, CD for PC
What happened to that Shush lass
He had to dig through so many personality folders to get to that image of Tottenham that he might as well get some use out of them now that their out of their case
Hotel dyke, not seen her posting in a while
I briefly had access to Ebin's blog, very troubling content.

You're right. I read about it on Wikipedia a few years ago.
Ruptured her fanny with a cucumber, died on the operating table
Shippy going through his personality routine. Sad
Quite the stinky fartington this was
Plot twist, it's Ebin with the mixed race sprog.
I miss my old personality friends. How is it a 'routine'?
Not me lad, I think this case is particularly grim tonight, rattling as many as possible off as quickly as possible.
SCEA. Wonder what he's up to these days
Couldn't rule that out one day, but I doubt it's true now
I'll never forgive Poley for getting me banned for six months for threatening to kill him. Pathetic little vermin.
Remember when he went to a Metallica concert just to stalk his workmate even though he didn't like Metallica? Proper cretin.
He's living abroad now. Has a nice wife and sprog too.
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Sony Computer Entertainment America? Think that's a company, not a person
Which country is he living in
I heard she passed away
Heard through the grape vine that Nubs is back with Congo George
waaa waaaa shopper bear
waaaa waaaa appleteiser
waaa waaaaaaa coward construction workers
waa waaaa waaaaa spaffing on the kitchen floor
I hope he's doing alright, I hope all the ye olde regulars who left went on to better things.
Regardless of how much you dislike someone, it's not okay to threaten to kill them, and therefore the responsibility for that threat is yours, not anybody else's
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Just want him back lads ngl
Poley is a special case because he isn't human. Treat vermin like vermin. Simple as.
Ok fake shippy.
Lads, I'm back
Can't believe another edition is nearing the end game lads. Time goes way too quickly.
Ok fake Smirnoffbro
Post dead flies and nice watch
Yeah only 140+ posts to go
How many items does he have left, lads?
Smirnoff was a lowercase poster. He also posted with his trip or (more commonly) anonymously
So am I lad
He's going absolutely ballistic tonight, never seen him quite like it before
In the end all britfeel personalities got their shit together. All except HHL.
Who is? Can you point this guy out?
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Am very womfy right now.

Womfmaxxed, even.
Having a wokkle of McEwan's Champion:
It might not be for you, but it is for me
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best county flag coming through
>Having a wokkle of McEwan's Champion
You're meltying tae fook pal, as the scots say.
/^Fat Greg of Banbury$/
Do you guys have squirrels round where you live?

There are tons around where I live, I see them probably every day
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What? I only speak English lad
What about all your language books, Shippy?
Did you watch University Challenge yesterday? They had a round of county flags for counties that no longer exist. I got Middlesex but the others were too obscure for me.
Back to brit/pol/ with you mong, shoo be off
They are for display purposes lad. It's not a meme.
my cat has regular arguments with the local squirrels
Me and Nubs having a sprog.
i see a lot of them in the park but alas i live in a grey squirrel area
Apparently Congo George got Nubs pregnant. I don't know if there is any truth in that though
Poor fake and gay shippy, you're seeming extra unstable tonight.
Something must have set him off
Not a squirrel but a hedgehog has been doing the rounds out the back. Did see a squirrel the other week trying to steal my bird feeder.
Congo forced Nubs to get an abortion
We must defeat the grey squirrel.
It should be a national campaign.
If we can wipe wolves off the map, those furry little cunts wouldn't stand a chance.
Probably his batteries ran out on his favourite dildo.
How does one 'force' someone to get an abortion?
What's set you off fake and gay shippy?
I remember when I was younger, when I had a few days off and I would get a bag and lots of beer. Back then I had the comfiest sofa and a huge TV. Would binge watch movies with the blinds fully shut and phone turned off. Don't think I'll ever be this comfy again.
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What are you on about lad? Meds yea?
Only one (you) there de lad
My cocks so big I can simultaneously impregnate and abort at the same time.
Proof? Dont believe you desu
Sounds impressive.
I get 35 days off a year.
I did exactly that for a week in July when it was roasting hot.
I had mini kegs in the fridge on circulation, a shitload of ice and a freezer full of meat for the BBQ. absolute bliss.
Never finish a game, me. Stacks of half finished games.
Pray thee, show us your monstrous willard
Why do you pretend to be me?
Is Bioshock worth playing nowadays, lids?
You get off LARPing as other posters to stir drama. It obvious.
Do cats hunt squirrels? I know cats hunt mice and small birds but squirrels are a bit bigger maybe

Yeah I'm also in a grey squirrel area. It's a shame to not see red squirrels.
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Yeah it's great
Play the second one too, gameplay is better
Skip Infinite. It rubbish
Bald Cheeka is that you
Grown man. Still plays video games intended for children.
Cat wants to go out, but I can sit here for hours waiting to see if she comes back (last outing was for ~10 hours ffs). She's not eating her food, disappearing for hours, I'm berry worry.
Some adults do play video games, it's not that rare
In an unoriginal way.
Congo's chocolate stick
Fackin ell innit
>grown man
>refuses to accept that the majority of the population now plays some sort of video game
Here comes the cope. Grow up lad.
Quite an interesting film, this.
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Was just in a Tesco and saw a girl, must have been only 12-13, wearing this. Not a parent in sight. Broken Britain in action.
i think they try but the squirrels ain't stupid they stay in the tree and make that noise to try scaring the cat off. does my head in, i have to go out telling the cat to stop arguing and leave the squirrels alone
She's talking about her pet cat you nonce.
I don't see any issue with it desu
Can see why they call you 'Shippo The Glitto'
spurting cum from my volcano like cock, dousing the lass in rancid smelly goop, licking her tits, spitting on her pussy and rubbing my arse on it
Sorry Baldry.
>fishing on the lake
>older bloke approaches me
>introduces himself as one of the club bailiffs and asks to see my membership
>produce it and he checks it over
>tells me I need to list my next of kin
>I have no one to list sir
>he starts listing off possible family members to list
>all dead or in full time care
>insists that I must have someone who could be reached out to if I had an accident
>lie and say I have a distant cousin who Ill put down
I wanted to catch a carp, but all I caught that day were feels
Shush was a Broadbridge character.
You should have pushed the cunt in the river and let 'em drown.
I own every Bond film on Blu-ray and I enjoy that about myself.
We getting a new thread soon so I can open the thread an scroll through it when I'm having a shit tomorrow?
for me it's chinese cinema
Nu fredingshire soon is it not
no it is NOT time for a new thread

>all I caught that day were feels

You became romantically interested in the older bloke?
for me it's taiwanese cinema
A new one never hurt anyone lad
for me it's hong konkaneaeian cinema
some spacker wants to put up his own special edition prematurely I suppose
Aye lad it just had to be their special one
I hate slop so much. Learn to draw.
I remember we used to have Closerlad who would fill up old threads with porn pics
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I'm genuinely impressed by that, I only have Casino Royale onwards in Blu-Ray. Didn't even realise they did the earlier ones in blueray
I once came in a pair of my underwear and slipped it into my crush's bag in school. It caused a right uproar but I never got caught. I still get off to it this day. Her putting her hand in and inadvertently touching and smelling my seed. Marvellous.
I retired that character
Good to have hard copies before Amazon censors the fuck out of them. Mad that Amazon owns James Bond. Bloody disgrace it is. Next Bond will be gay and black. Names Bond. James "I Love It Up the Arse" Bond.
Rancid stuff lad. I know a lad who went to a class party and licked all the crisps so the girl he fancied would eat one with his saliva on it. Weirdo got caught, kicked out and humiliated every day for the rest of his time in that our school.
I used to work in an office with a unisex toilet and I'd spread a thin layer of my cum on the toilet paper. Loved the idea of the girls rubbing it on their fanny.
Well I never got caught. Simple as. Stared at her tits all the time too they were cracking.
Absolutely based de liiid. I used to wank in the school unisex disabled toilets all the time and just leave my cum on the seat.
At the age of 21 my mate's just taken me for my first ever Burger King, AMA
I came in your burger lad, hope you enjoyed it. Now you're pregnant with a meat mutant.
New MP edition


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