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Sir Tony Baldry edition
What's Bully's star prize tonight lads?
Going to beddy byes.
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SCEA is most likely dead now
What happened to TSL? He still around?
>until dawn "remake" looks worse than the original

The grabbler's tricks won't ever stop will they
Alright lads, just taking in the sea air and enjoying to views of Cardiff aglow in the distance
Any proof lad?
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Cat was just stuck under the chair, I think she's done something, she was howling in pain, couldn't stand up. She's on the sofa now (I put her there), but hasn't really moved. She can't put her leg underneath herself. I'm worried lads.
Absolutely none at all. Don't take my lack of evidence as reason to believe it's not possible, because it definitely is.
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Why didn't she run faster /v/ros
Alright lads, got some bloke's cock up my arse as I post this
That doesn't sound very comfortable at all lad. Have you told him that you'd like him to remove his cock from your arse?
How much do vets cost? Probably a fair bit I imagine
Glad to see you've finally come round to this sad reality.
nigh nigh lad.
Are you coming bowling this Saturday Arbs?
Where are you lads going bowling then? I'm shit but I'd turn up for a few rounds.
No, I'll be spending tomorrow at the gym preparing for my next stint in Syria
I don't know, not cheap and depends if she needs treatment. Also depends on what treatment, I don't think putting her asleep for anything is viable, she's 18 so it might cause an issue.
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The fuck am i lookin at

Why are the nipponese like this lads
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>Sir Antony Brian Baldry, TD, DL (born 10 July 1950) is a British Conservative Party politician who was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Banbury from 1983 to 2015.
Even if HHL got exposed as a nonce I believe he would continue to post here.
Some betabuxxer will actually marry this whore kek

Why is SIC named after Sir Brian Baldry?
She shat herself when I put her down, and she's not moved, this isn't right.
I can't do anything till the morning either.
Isn't there an emergency vet in your area lad?
You can get Emergency Vet think it will cost a fortune though
What do you mean? He DID get exposed as a nonce and he does continue to post here.
I can't find the number for my vets, well my vets is technically the RSPCA, but I did sign up with the vets who do the RSPCA visits/treatments in my area.
I'm a bennies fag, but my mum is helping with her monthly treatment costs.
I do get 20% off treatments, so that does help.
Sorry replied to myself instead of you. Top reply was for you. >>79063125
Doesn't have to be "your vet". Google "emergency overnight vet" and find one you can get to. It'll cost a few hundred quid. If that's a problem then let me know and I'll help.
Based if you actually do help him
It's an easy one because I can pay the vet directly.
Me? Watching the darts. Proper spacker 'sport' that is corr.
Thank you anon, she's shuffled a bit, and letting me touch her, I've pressed around a bit and she's not wincing or stopping me, but is extremely jittery when moving her head.
I don't know what to do, I can't even afford a taxi to a vets.
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>born July 10
Are you in an area with Uber?
If she's 18 I'd say just let her go, she'll probably just fall asleep tonight and never wake up
BTW here's a list if you're not sure. https://www.uber.com/gb/en/r/cities/taxi/cities/
Hurts my soul when I hear about a doggerbreh and its owner in dire straits. Hope it all turns out OK.
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Genuinely worried I'll fuck up installing the m.2 SSD in the PS5.
The other day i was at the other place, some vaxmaxxed old boomer cunt was standing right beside me and yelling so fucking loudly the receptionist lady couldn't hear me talking, nor could i make out what she was saying. She had to put her hand towards her ear and i had to lean in closely and speak quite loudly to overshadow the boomer's voice.

Fucking hate boomers man, they're all inconsiderate rude soliplistic fucks like this
just follow the instructions de lid
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I'll have to watch a walkthrough on YouTubes while doing it. Shame I don't have the PS5 model slim because it's a lot easier installing one in that one. I have the OG 2020 model.
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>Before proceeding with the installing or removing process, touch a metal-grounded object to remove any static electricity from your body. Failure to do so may cause damage to your M.2 SSD or PS5 console.

Thank you anon. I'm just unsure what to do, she's not acting in pain.
I'll have to keep an eye on her through the night.
Honestly though, thank you.
I love you lot.
Alright mate. Keep us updated. Sending you and the catto love.
Zesty, is it not
I will do, thank you again for the offer of help, we do appreciate it.
Cheeky closing time McDonalds for me my liiiiiiiid

and its lush and i mean luish
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Just bought that 4k Amazon Fire TV tele.

Cheers x
Little glass of Glenfiddich 15, little bit of The Sopranos
it lush x
does seasideMARK have down syndrome
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Paid an extra fiver for the Amazon wagie delivery driver to carry the TV to me wedroom, unbox it and take away all the packaging.
It's a HHL world, the wagies are just living in it x
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Think that concludes my CONSOOMerism for today, got meself an m.2 SSD and a new tele so does that me, also grabbed a cheeky pack of Calvin Klein woxer shorts as well because why not.

Now time to relax with a wuppa.
Lost me goo to a freaky tranny corr
Cream in a black girl's crack and turn that arse into an Oreo
Very grim post this. Fannies are for shagging, not cracks
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right now on feel street FM its tome for the quiet storm, bringing you the sexiest jams
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Got that warbacue pulled pork wrap for later. It lush.
Fartingtons kicking in right now
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This is whom Chad settles down with after a long ride on the carousel.
yall dont actually live in bri'it*an, right /buttfeel/?
I live in Grade Briddun
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Currently shitposting from Sealand rn.

It womfy.
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Any other mongs out there drool on their pillows when they sleep? It's gotten worse lately too. Massive wet patches from drool. Just had to flip me pillow.
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I've had to put down me old dog I had for 17 years before. It ain't easy but the poor fella was suffering. Even got a wee burst of energy the day before he died like be was trying to be my old pal again. Miss you, lad. Now my newer dog I've had for 10 years now and he's getting old, losing some teeth. It never ends. Why do we do this?
Thinking of you tonight anon. A man and his dog share a special bond. I got my dogs ashes made into a ring so he's always with me.
>Any other mongs out there drool on their pillows when they sleep
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Sorry for your loss de lid. Just be happy knowing you gave him a good life.
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Why do so many newer laptops have a massive touchpad. Makes it awkward right-clicking shit, just seems like an unnecessary design feature.
Annoyed me too, I just plug a mouse in now and use that
The so-called womfing wapu
Not sure if you mean my cat? She's not doing well, I think I might have done something to her back when I moved the chair she was trapped under. She doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch her, but she hasn't moved or changed position from where I laid her down.
I keep offering her food and or water, but she's not had any yet. Got my hoodie over her now keeping her warm (but checking to make sure not too warm).
Yeah I meant you. Thought you were talking about a dog. I don't know much about cats but can't they fit into very small spaces? How'd the feller get trapped? Hope he/she is okay. Keep an eye and if it gets worse call an emergency vet in your area like other anon said.
I forgot to say, sad to hear about your dog fren, I hope he still has many years in him.
It's a reclining chair with a leather flap at the back.
She's on the settee now, and chilling. I'll keep an eye on her (sleeping down here tonight), and my vet opens at 08:00 so I'll ring them first thing (if all is ok tonight).
Sounds like he might be alright, lad. Poor bugger probably was just a bit shocked. I have similar recliner sofa, I cleaned in behind it and found all sorts inside that flap like a remote I was looking for ages. Cats are too adventurous for their own good. There's a neighbourhood black cat who sometimes climbs in my window to fuck with my dogs which I honestly find pretty hilarious. I just try to get him back out and give him a few pets. Hope he doesn't climb into the wrong persons house one day, some sick fucks out there.
>some sick fucks out there.
I agree. I sometimes look after a friends dog, and when I walk him near mine, there's always some food type stuff in an alley. Always at the same place, not sure what it is, but I always steer clear of it with the dog, even though he can smell it a mile off and tries to head that way. Don't know if smeone is fed up of dogs shitting and pissing there or what, it could be anything.
A few dogs near me walking near the river towpath a few years back died because some fucking asshole dropped a bunch of poisoned food. I really don't get it. Only dogs I really don't like are shitbulls but even then they didn't ask to be born, did they? Bred to fight but not allowed to fight.
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Secured that Billy skin from SAW on Wortnite. It kushty.
Nice one. Is he a short arse or full sized? Can he ride a tricycle? Love the Saw films.
Is tony blair dead yet?
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Tripfags, in my opinion, are of the devil
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Full sized, yeah I got the tricycle emote as well but it comes separate. I got them all on blu-ray me.
Same actually, lad. Up until Jigsaw anyway. I need to get Spiral and Saw X. Saw 2 is my favourite I think but they all are good in their own way even if the later ones are bit more generic.
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My SAW blu-ray box set includes Spiral but for some weird reason it's region locked to North America so I can't watch it.
Why do they all have septum rings
Are they bulls or something?
That's weird lad, is it an official box set? Where did you buy it? Maybe a fuck up with the manufacturer. It could be an American box set and the rest are region free because as far as I know there is no box set than includes Spiral in the UK.
Just had a look...
In the American 9 film Saw box set, the first seven films are region free and Jigsaw and Spiral are region A (American) so you must have an American set.
dvdlad doing a sherlock holmes
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Yeah, I bought it off Amazon, all the disks work fine it's just that Spiral one that's region locked.
Kamala Harris went on sex podcast 'Call Her Daddy', fucking hell the west really is in Weimar times
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Well, that's the weekly quests done on Wortnite. Garn neck that warbacue pulled pork wrap nows.
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Wrap was certified lush phwoaaaar. Necking that strawberry milkshake now.
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The cat is moving a lot more, cleaning herself (I've got to steady her), and I was helping wipe the poo off her. She's had some food and water.
Might try to get a couple hours sleep, I need to try get myself a Dr's appointment for ASAP (4th day of constant migraines), then contact the vet.
Wtf, upside down? Weird.
G'day cat.
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Just remembered I have a waircut booked in for 10am corr.
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I flipped the image, she 2 cute to be upside down.
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This hurricane is causing meteorologists to break down crying and it hasn't even hit yet. This thing is gonna rape Florida.

Cute wee thing, hope you're both alright de lid
I think we are, but that was very scary. She's cleaning herself now, and changed position by herself.
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Beddingtons calls my name de lids. Only gonna get a few hours as have be up at like 9am for me waircut appointment. Hope the lid with the poorly cattington gets good news at the vet. Nighty night.
Spaffed quite spectacularly just now

Marvellously, even, one might be tempted to proclaim
I'll give an update once been.
Night lid.
Haven't spaffed this epically in a long time

My god lol
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Hafta call it soon don't i
Real coomer hours
not to be racist or anything but british people..
Spaffed again
Brain disability
Dont like old people, simple as
Another spaff has occurred has it not

Didn't have that second wank yesterday. Just means my wank later today will be all the more glorious.
three wank wednesday
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Wake up you scruffy gits
Liberals used to fight for women to vote, now they want biological men in female toilets. It boggles the mind.
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might not go to the fopp where the really hot girl who writes little messages and hearts on my receipts works. Damn near had a panic attack last time she was there. Bought sex pistols CD, soundgarten superunknown CD and evil dead 2 blu ray. Started talking to her how the first evil dead took forever to make and almost didn't come out. Spilled spaghetti everywhere. Had a panic attack after I left.
Might have to go to HMV for some see dees. Fucking nightmare dee lids. She is/was like a goth type with fucking star stickers on her teeth.
Damn this woman is actually perfect. Like an angel that I see in my dreams.
>long hair worn down
>tiny tits
>slim waist
>wipe hips
>lip gloss
>jeans riding low, thing poking out
Marry me.
She looks bratty and I bet that's how she acts normally, but then when you get her into bed she turns into a meek little kitten that wants to be thrown around the room while you shag her arse.
100% bet she genuienly loves a good arse shagging, bet she also bites her lip a lot during sex. Christ I'm so lonely.
Same lad, but it's a nice 5 minute distraction to imagine these things.
imagine getting rekt by a hurricane named milton
Crosslad (the guy with a cross as his name and "!!s7UYxqjmjsZ" as his tripcode) hasn't posted in over 2 days


Back from the vets, it doesn't look good. They think it's a neurological thing. Upped her steroids, keep an eye on her for the next 24 hours, if nothing changes (I don't think it will) it looks like it'll be the long sleep maybe tomorrow or friday.
>Deaths have outnumbered births annually in the UK for the first time in nearly 50 years, excluding the Covid pandemic, new official figures show.

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I'm very sorry to hear it lad. You did everything you could.
probably just banned
So it's not a stomach bug or something, considering she had loose bowels?

Sorry to hear it anyway lad. Also was the vet expensive?

It is what it is. I don't see the point in getting mad about some statistics. Just ignore the noise and live your own life.
Silent gen were the last generation of whites that could afford multiple sprogs and were expected to devote the time required to raise them, and their kids are croaking of slop-related maladies en masse currently.
Surprised that bames and chavs multiplying in council flats doesn't outnumber the perishing boomers mind you
>Surprised that bames and chavs multiplying in council flats
There probably aren't that many people doing that. Sometimes you come across a family that has 10 kids or 6 kids in a council flat. But i think they're probably outliers.

Anyway, who cares how many kids other people have. Let them get on with whatever they want in life, as long as they don't break the law or interfere with your life in unethical ways.
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Haven't got anything for this yet
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>bames and chavs multiplying in council flats
dollymong is awake
Who's dollymong? Can you point out his posts?
3pm can't come quick enough
What happens at 3pm? You mention this every day
I just hope she's not suffering.
No, the limp bits of body, and weird head tilt, they think the polyps might have caused a brain legion.
She's really not well, just cabbaged on me.
A check tomorrow to see if there's any change, but she's not even eating her treat with meds in now.
Same routines as everyday just posted in a different order
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Anyone done a britfeel radio gimmick
We could set up a stream, anons could take turns being DJ
Nice tunes. We could host debates between tripspackers.
Could be womfy
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Anyone know about televisions? I just found out you can get colour TV's. Feel a bit silly using the old black and white.

This one seems OK. Should I get this or is there something better for the price?
Sorry to hear it. Hope she improves but if not then I hope she's had a good life.
Most important aspect of any modern TV is the speed of its UI I reckon.
Pretty much all of them look good nowadays, but some are so slow as to be infuriating. I have a 2021 samsung that can often take 15 seconds just to render the text in a menu. Even just turning the volume up or down is a fucking chore.
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TCL are Chinese and partially state-owned, so they're probably spying on you and/or trying to install malware on devices connected to your home network

Pic related, this is the kind of thing they do
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>TCL are Chinese and partially state-owned, so they're probably spying on you and/or trying to install malware on devices connected to your home network
I think she has, I've only had her 1.5years. But she'd been in and out of the rspca a few times, 1 got took to a care home, 1died, teeth pulled, and then the polyps, but she's a great cat, all the rspca staff love her as well.
Fascinating mong is awake
>Fascinating mong is awake
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>going out for a few jars
Where is he going? Can't be bothered watching it
Some of the worst tellies I've had have been the priciest.
The 200 quid hisense in my bedroom looks, sounds and works better than the 800 quid samsung in the living room
I like manga but wouldn't identify as a weeb. Why do all the people on r/manga call manga by their Japanese name? It infuriates me to no end. It means I have to Google it to see what the fuck they're on about. Am I the weirdo here? When someone posts something like "owana sa kutanga neko" it's just gobble the gook to me.
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I bought a 2nd hand TV off ebay for 50 bong back in September 2017 and its still working fine now. As good as the 299 bong new one in the living room
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Me? I only buy brand new. Had too many bad experiences buying used electronics
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Had me waircut and been in the shower. Feeling fresh de lids. Garn spoons later for me din dins and a few jars classic HHL style.
Maybe I'm wrong but when I read news articles like the one I showed in the pic, I think "why buy from China when they literally hate us and are trying to attack us every day"

Personally if I was buying a TV I'd go for something Japanese (Sony, Panasonic) or South Korean (Samsung, LG) or European (Philips), etc.

Maybe I'm just a paranoid idiot but whatever.

Waiting for both to get delivered. TV doesn't arrive until next week because I selected the wrong date like a mong.
>Had me waircut and been in the shower. Feeling fresh de lids. Garn spoons later for me din dins and a few jars classic HHL style.
Oh nevermind then. Don't want to be spied on by ching chong chinaman.

Think I'll wait and get a Sony Bravia next year. Could get one now but I'm saving for something.

Reminded me to book my own haircut just now.

By the way, I found out the girl in the JOI webm I asked about is called 'Miss Alika White'.
Good. We desperately need a smaller population.
>Me? I only buy brand new. Had too many bad experiences buying used electronics
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Did crossmong change his name to willybiscuit?
The figure is low: 16,300 more deaths than births
>The figure is low: 16,300 more deaths than births
Oh of course it's a very low figure, but hopefully it indicates the start of a bigger trend.
>I bought a 2nd hand TV off ebay for 50 bong back in September 2017 and its still working fine now. As good as the 299 bong new one in the living room
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>why buy from China when they literally hate us and are trying to attack us every day
Yes goy, it's the Chinese
No, I am a different poster. I briefly posted as anon talking about the chubby CEX girl.
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>gobble the gook
>Yes goy, it's the Chinese
I want a new TV but no excuse as my Philips Ambilight is still working fine. The grey uniformity is shit but seems that way with all TVs nowadays, OLED seems even worse in that regard. Look a solid dark colour on most TVs and it looks like shit.
>I want a new TV but no excuse as my Philips Ambilight is still working fine. The grey uniformity is shit but seems that way with all TVs nowadays, OLED seems even worse in that regard. Look a solid dark colour on most TVs and it looks like shit.
I seriously doubt that Israel launches as many cyber-attacks on the UK as China does

Israel would consider us an ally, but China definitely does not
The distinct style of avatar posting leads me to believe Crosslad is also Arb, Chika and Willy Biscuit. Bit of a schizo.
>The distinct style of avatar posting leads me to believe Crosslad is also Arb, Chika and Willy Biscuit. Bit of a schizo.
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Love this new fascinating gimmick
>at local bleeding hearts society
>"ya like, it's well shit how people get treated just because, like, they have different, alternative lifestyles, or religions, beliefs, ya know?"
>"Oh I completely agree. Just look at how NONCES are treated, just for feeling differently. We wouldn't apply hatred to NONCES, would we?"
got them, lads. they're trapped in a mind prison of my design.
might try the >fascinating gimmick in the work group chat, without crediting /britfeel/.
also mihai, notoriously a homosexual psychedelic drug user. they all end up like this (and i mean that in a sad/sympathetic way, it's awful).
Who introduced HHL to cocaine?
Right. Think I'll watch a few more episodes of The Dick Van Dyke show and then take the dog for a walk.
>Right. Think I'll watch a few more episodes of The Dick Van Dyke show and then take the dog for a walk.
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>(6) missed calls from unknown number
wablo frenscobar
They've found you, lad. Time to initiate Operation Ongo Bongo.
i'm going to rewatch Derry Girls. with the exception of the final series being fencesitting (probably a Netflix mandate tbqh) i love how openly anti-English it is. in a sea of woke shows, it's nice a comedy can just do this. mad people say they can't.
I heard he did a line of cocaine off of his nan's pussy at her funeral. It's a family tradition apparently. Anytime a granny dies, the surviving grandsons have to do a line of her pussy.
No one can force you to answer your phone or listen to voicemails de lad. Not to worry.
Let me guess, Indian scammers?
Wishful thinking lads. This is just deaths and births. You're not taking into account legal and illegal immigration.
>GP rings from an unknown number to have intimate conversations about my broken brain and dodgy penis
>drug dealer rings from his normal not-burner phone once we get past the 'Telegram stage'
Answer it mong boy i've trying to reach you
Final season was bollocks to be honest. Well the writer and creator is a catholic from Derry so it's obviously biased in that regard but it's all in good fun like the bit about protestants keeping their toaster in the fridge. Surprised brainrot unionists didn't complain it wasn't called Londonderry Girls. The exteriors of the school were actually filmed at Hunter House College in Belfast.
Wish I knew a drug dealer
they're famously quite relaxed with the whole 'committing crimes' thing (otherwise they wouldn't be drug dealers, right?)
i've know people who literally find them on Instagram, it's not just some con, they're just advertising locally on Insta (i don't know how the website/app actually works so i can't help you ;_;)
You can find drugs and have them delivered within 10 minutes on Telegram tbqh.
luckily i'm English and non-religious so none of this matters. if there was a period comedy set in India/Pakistan during partition and the jokes were "haha isn't it bad what the English did to us? proper wrong'uns them English" AND it was a charming look at coming-of-age in that period, i'd have a fun time. wouldn't care if some mosque scene was actually shot in 2020s Liverpool.
I'm surprised you enjoy the show. I always thought they lean into a lot of local NI humour that English people wouldn't get but I suppose a funny show is funny regardless. There's an old BBCNI show called Pulling Moves I reckon you'd like that.
thanks anon will check it out.
>You can find drugs and have them delivered within 10 minutes on Telegram
Don't have proof but saw a BBC documentary about it, seemed pretty easy.
how does this work then?
I think different religious beliefs are fine as long as everybody abides by British law.

E.g. if you want to not eat pork for religious reasons, fine. There is no law saying that Brits must eat pork.
Put in the number that called you, and it might have info on the number, scam, legit, etc and sheit.
Problem with a lot of Islamists is that they follow Sharia Law. I've met a few muslims who have been sound but the vast majority seem like nutters. Same with people super into christianity to be fair.
there should be a law saying you can't NOT eat fish on Friday? people aren't abiding by that of their own free will, are they?
How does the fella delivering the drugs know the police didnt place to order and they are not waiting for him to arrive?
you can have whatever belief systems you want. people believe in atheism. people believe in nofap. people reject medication, don't exercise, play computer games, practice stoicism, go to therapy, have strange diets, refuse haircuts with a bladed article.
civil liberties are pretty fucking open if you want some hardcore conservative trad life and you aren't out murdering, so be it.
love pork me i really do but chicken is probably my favourite meat
It takes me more than 10 mins to walk to a shop that sells beer
Well they just send runners to deliver them. The police won't bother arresting them because they know they won't talk and they'll generally only have a small amount on them. The people the police actually want aren't out delivering drugs.
What if my religion dictates I get to kidnap women and keep a personal harem?
Use a bicycle
chicken is so versatile. i do get a good steak, honestly lads i do, but chicken (breast, maybe thigh) + _____ could be every meal for the rest of my life and i'd have no qualms.
I don't have one, it would take me longer to walk to a shop that sells bicycles to then cycle to the shop that sells beer.
>What if my religion dictates I get to kidnap women and keep a personal harem?
then you're going out of the realm of civil liberties, past the 'fucking open' point and someone could instigate a (criminal) case if they wanted to.
at the end of the day the people subscribing to these belief systems also have to have capacity. tradwives aren't thick brainwashed subnormals incapable of agency. if you're forced into sharia law in a country that's not ours, that sucks. if you're in our country and choose to follow a religion, even with some weirdness you might struggle with, that's on you. on the outside, don't belittle the people for whom that's them, dick.
Get one delivered
Quite literally forgot I was working. I was in Away status for over two hours and no one's bat an eyelid.
if you walk to the bicycle shop, you could buy a bicycle, allowing you to get to the beer shop faster in all future trips.

you won't.
Me? I don't follow any religion.
Might as well have the beer delivered then and spend the bicycle money on future beer.
I don't even drink beer. Prefer wine me.
have the bike delivered and you'd save money over time (enough to pay for the bike) picking up beer yourself instead of paying extortionate delivery rates.
plus cycling would burn off some of the calories.
just going to cycle to the wine shop. might have some quinoa houmous avocados while i'm at it, quick artisinal coffee from my kitchen (separate room) first though haha!
You can eat fish or not eat fish on Fridays, I don't care either way

>civil liberties are pretty fucking open if you want some hardcore conservative trad life and you aren't out murdering, so be it.
The truth that incels can't accept

>What if my religion dictates I get to kidnap women and keep a personal harem?
My view is you can have whatever religious beliefs you like but you AREN'T exempt from the law. So nobody can kidnap women just because their religion says so. They may believe it's justified, but they'll still be punished like anybody else if they actually do it.

You could say "but what if we let lots of people immigrate, who believe in kidnapping? They'll vote to make kidnapping legal"

In which case, vote for stricter border controls if that matters to you. Hold a non-violent protest for stricter border controls if you want.
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Outdoor video uk crew

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Good news bad news anon, they have some bikes on next day delivery on scamazon, but they're a bit smol.
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Drugs have long since won the war on drugs lol.

Drug dealers genuinely offer better products, prices and customer service, pound-for-pound than the government and most other private businesses do at this point. It's pathetic. You can have cocaine delivered in London to your door at any time of day or night by a well-dressed, clean-shaven eastern european man in a mercedes.

In contrast the government takes about 10 weeks to renew your passport and costs nearly a hundred quid for some laminated paper bound in fake leather.
>Israel would consider us an ally
Glad he's having a productive day again.
At least he's getting out of the house. The /britfeel/ shutins should take note.
>They'll vote to make kidnapping legal
>vote for stricter border controls if that matters to you.
this would take an absurd amount of legal reform, we're bound to have much saner things soon (and we're not getting them, any time soon).
like they'd have to elect a majority of MPs who think this way, or get the Kidnapping Referendum on the table. just wouldn't happen, would it.
(and yeah some weirdos do think like this, it's mad.)
The war on drugs literally never existed, it's like 'austerity'. Some gimmick to attack the tories, despite public spending going up every year since
The whole video is nothing else but him moaning about the rain.
that's Zionists, not Israel.
to flip it round to an us example, it's like Imperialists vs the British Empire. completely different. one is just people living their lives. "don't judge everyone by a few bad apples." - Aesop
>yeah pure drugs might be fine, but they could be IMpure, fentanyl, spice, untested new benzos, all sorts of genuinely awful things!!!
>test drugs
>they're fine or not fine
>stick with the fine ones
the traditional medicine (as in, traditional medicine, the medicine we traditionally practice in this country) system needs to step up its game tbqh.
I mean you could argue back and forth over whether there was a 'real' war on drugs, or to what extent that was just rhetoric vs policy, but I was more using the phrase as a tongue-in-cheek way to emphasise how the state and police are simply incapable of enforcing drug laws in any meaningful way and at this point basically choose not to.

Also not saying this is a good or bad thing, I have my personal views on it ofc, but just trying to make an honest assessment and it's pretty grim in how it highlights the failures of all official institutions and processes vs illicit ones which purely seek to make money. Hey, maybe this whole capitalism thing ain't such a bad idea, eh?
Seeing things because of tiredness. Really dampens everything too. Had a weird dream. Really unsettling.
>The war on drugs literally never existed, it's like 'austerity'. Some gimmick to attack the tories, despite public spending going up every year since
All this drug talk made me what go get a bag desu, quite tempted atm me
He on them Frosty Jacks now


shaa aa ta frosty jackz by the way
Balding gay man talks about sleep yet again
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Going to be sitting back with popcorn watching Tampa get absolutely decimated.
It's kicking off in the comments
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>He on them Frosty Jacks now
Money must be tight for the UK chairman
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Been wokey free since April 2018 me.
The PoLICE and government can enforce any law they want. They choose not to
Are Mak and Sean related? They look very similar desu.
Is there any better feeling than being more successful than your adversaries?
He' 34 and isn't allowed to have a cheeky cider in his room. Not right
According to the lore archives, they are cousins
No, but Mark and Ruth are.
Why's he not allowed drink in his room? Is he in a sober hostel? All the cunts there do drugs anyway.
From what I could decipher from what he was saying is you can't drink alcohol on a live stream or get the channel banned?
>From what I could decipher
kek I can never understand a word of what he's saying
I somewhat agree. I think that the UK police have objectively lost some amount of operational competency. They're increasingly full of pudgy, short, near-sighted women and limp-wristed queers who rely on the few remaining tall, strong men to actually apprehend dangerous criminals (or even at this point just criminals who can jog semi-quickly). Moreover they are structurally incapable of processing crimes quickly due to regulatory burdens and are hampered in the actual physical process of arrests by human rights lawfare brought against them (oi mate mate mate you can't 'tackle' someone trying to run away, what if they have an underlying health condition? oi mate mate mate nah mate you can't discharge a single bullet from a specialist armed police officer to end the drunken violent car rampage of a known criminal gangster with a bag of machetes on the front seat! that's not on mate!).

The police and government instead can selectively apply the law to enemies under the Schmittian friend-enemy distinction and regularly do on an individual level.

The government writes intentionally vague laws that mean basically anyone could theoretically be found guilty of some kind of crime if the government doesn't like you. But in terms of actually stopping large scale petty, violent and disruptive crime the police, courts and governments have shown time and again that their revealed preference is to let this continue with no consequences for the criminals.
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>From what I could decipher from what he was saying is you can't drink alcohol on a live stream or get the channel banned?
SSM drinks live on YouTube most days though?
Yea good point, no clue what he was on about then but he seemed adamant he couldn't go live because 'he has worked so hard on his channel'.
Cant go live go a life name not veli
get a load of mr. political philosopher over here lmao
Mak was talking about going back to his sisters in his last video.

I don't think he is allowed to drink at his sisters house, for whatever reason
Saw a PoLICE woman in London at the weekend who honestly looked about 14-15. Apparently you can apply at 17 and becoming an officer at 18, but still if she was 18, she was operationally useless on the streets.
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>dragging his sofa into the kitchen for extra comfyness
Yeah but I reckon she loves to wear her uniform at home while getting fucked. Cooorrrr imagine sticking her truncheon up her fucking arse while you're pounding her doggy style. Cuff her hands behind her back I would.
Turkey's birthrate has fallen off a cliff since 2017. In 2024 it'll probably be lower than the UK
>I would
Same desu lad.
being a Scottish person and breaking into the entertainment industry sounds so difficult.

yeah barely anyone anywhere in the country has an RP accent, and the majority of people are working class. even in London a lot of accents/dialects signal you're thick and poor. and Scotland might have free universities offering degrees in the arts, a rich history of actors/musicians/comedians, plenty of theatres, the UK's biggest comedy festival, and a dedicated BBC Scotland, but can you imagine if someone turned up to an audition and they had a Glaswegian accent? rough.
Did Frosty ever post his cans?
Nope. It was all LARPs. Sad really. Imagine pretending to be a binge drinker just to impress HelperLad
>and breaking into the entertainment industry
this part wasn't needed
Hearing through the grapevine Congo George is back on the scene
I think maybe you are demonetised on YouTube if you show drinking?
Tired af me tempted to take a nap

>I think maybe you are demonetised on YouTube if you show drinking?

Not sure about YouTube, but you certainly are on TikTok.

It's the main reason SSM left the platform prematurely
Hearing reports youre a nonce
Ruth spreading her tuppence and 'hawk tuahing' right onto her quim to lube it up for Congo George.
>run asmrists_sex_with_black_men.exe
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It's already been confirmed Shippy is a nonce
Spam mong is awake then I see
Who is 'Spam Mong'? Can you point out his posts?
>run shippy_is_a_nonce.exe
>run shippotheglitto.exe
It was fake and gay shippy all along, our OG shippy is a good lad.
>It was fake and gay shippy all along
>run old_personality_drama.exe
>the shipinator
>seaside shippy
>jumbo "shippy" beef burger
>the heinz holocauster
>speed eater shippy (not pussy)
>the bearded bellend
>"i love my black sprog" shippy
>shippy and the niggertots
>make way for shippy
>three nipples shipples
>asscheeks "shippy" mcgee
Wunchon-Super-Mare in isn't it
Nice Polish milf with the big wobbly arse making the burgers today. Reyt jealous of the kurwa that gets to plap that thing man
The Big Bang Theory is a pretty clever programme. everyone goes on about it being 'fake' nerds but the writers ARE including these references to Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, comic books, whatever the naysayers would count as 'real' nerd stuff.

that means they KNOW and they are doing it on PURPOSE. in hindsight, that's more respectable than whatever some alternative is. Clerks, or something? Spaced? fuck knows.
I'd have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those pesky autistic frogs.
>Searching for posts with the image hash 3GxmP6LGpxoTVDGVTwTAZQ==. 29 results found.
what a life
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The original Shippy hasn't posted here in years
Protected sex using a condom
>Woke up w/raging bonerberg
>Ended up spaffing in bed first thang

Gonna be staying in today me leedinghams

Womfy, that
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>Protected sex using a condom
What's in the baps? Are they burgers? Why do you always have two donuts? Are you a wumba, lad?
Importantarse phone appointment in just over 30 is it not
appointment for what de lid?
I've always had two donuts lad
There's always been a coop that sells this bakery's stuff near my school or workplace my whole life so every weekday I get two donuts from the coop. Have done for more than 15 years.
Aye they are dirty greasy burger van burgers. Don't really taste much of cow, just nondescript squishy meat. Lush.
I've always had the metabolism to take the 2 donuts, but lately my tits have been growing a bit. I've decided I might cut down to a single donut once none of my 32 waists fit me any more, but realistically it's the tinnies that are doing it anyway.
>anon walks into the surgery
>talking about seeing people that aren't there
>hfw, he's the only one in the surgery
Depressed. Yeah, I could kill myself so easily. Except the wall in front of the drop down on to the train tracks is a couple feet higher than I'd like. Fucksake.
but why would someone pretend to be him?
Wouldn't mind a wank but it's all a bit of an effort innit?
>watching documentary on an old war
>various experts chime in interspersed between footage and still images with narration
>half way through
>new expert introduced
>a woman
Yeah no thanks. Not gonna finish that one it seems.
It's a joke, it's a giant joke. I simply cannot take a woman seriously when she's opining about warfare. It's like a female sports commentator, it just doesn't 'feel' right.
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Wrap a spring around your willy, then stretch it out and let go. The back and forth action of the spring will do the masturbating for you.
Have an Amazon delivery coming, as soon as I sit down to have a wank the cunt will be at the door.
Sad how so many excellent porn scenes were made before the widespread availability of 4k/ultraHD quality cameras. They will always exist, but not in the beautiful quality they should. Likes tears in rain...
Roastie bish pushed the appointment back anuddah hour at the very last minute

Mind-boggling that
Interlacing, a poor compromise between aperture and depth of field and bright halide lighting is all part of the vintage porn aesthetic I reckon
The appeal partially derives from the nature of the production, like all old films init
New development on the tranny hater doctor in Doctors. Turns out his daughter is a FTM tranner.
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Need to get the other thing checked out stat, probably as early as next week

Corr just what i needed is it not
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Get on with your mum alright anon?
Don't worry about that now lad. You have an importantarse phone appointmentberg to prep for
where's are vicki lads
it not rite
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>using a condom
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Spaffington... Home. Is it not
Reminder that it simply is not illegal to eat goyslop for three days straight, collect your rancid faeces, funnel those faeces into plastic bags, vacuum seal the bags and then anonymously mail them to Mark Edwards in Wareham.
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always nice to see a woodland fren
Odd to post this once. Let alone multiple times. Very odd indeed.
Does seem a bit odd, but if a lad here did it and Mark was stupid enough to post his reaction it would probably be some of the best content in recent memory.
>Keir Starmer dodges question of national insurance increase

Translation: national insurance is going up, hooray!
Hes made a friend in spoons

Listening to a bit of drill rap why not
Damn, the chinese video AI site wants you to use a google account, you can't just use it anonymously. GAAAAAAAY!
Something messianic about this
The powerful perspective, the slowly diminishing pint
The disciples receiving wisdom
Cunt calling me back in 15

Fackin ell
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Pile returning to my arsehole
6 months peace I've had
Now it comes back
It's just pulsating now but that'll be fucking painful by tomorrow
October ruined
It boggles the beliefberg
Alreet time to collect the kidbergs from schoolshire
>Alreet time to collect the kidbergs from schoolshire
Lad you need to eat healthier.
Feelin' down.
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please point out your typical pooh on the attached chart
I'd have to say 2 or 3 normally lad
I do need to eat better. The donuts probably aint helping init
Bought a galaxy light projector thing for my room on Amazon. Hope it will make my room look prettier.
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Corr, hust saw propa gucci-arse black kittingtonshire chirpin at the birds

Finkin imma hafta to take about 90 of R&R before the commencement of the other fing

Real kafkaesque hours
*informs the apus that the mcrib is returning next week*
type 7
>t. raging alcoholic
classic frogslop that
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Bout fucking time
Can't imagine anyone would want bone in their food
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So it begins... very well then
I wish Melonie was my girlfriend.
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Type 3 I reckon
Might break up with the gf soon
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Grenfell was a fucking mess, though not really for any of the reasons in the official narrative.

The main take home from the entire thing though should be to never, EVER spend more time than is strictly legally required of you to spend in a high-rise residential building. The reason? They are literally designed so that if a fire breaks out there are NOT any alarms or smoke detectors to warn other residents. So called "fire safety inspectors" will literally order the removal the fire alarms if they see them being installed.

The goal is to keep everyone bundled up in their own flats while the fire department attempts to (and obviously fails) to control the blaze.

This is all because of insane insurance/liability legal bollocks. They would much rather that thousands of people burn and choke to death in their homes than deal with the inevitable legal consequences of two thousand people crushing past each other to escape from their burning building.
Not me personally no, but would I trust several thousand other illiterate foreigners (a good chunk of whom are illegal) and who have never seen a building more than two stories tall before coming to the UK understand that you can't just cram bags of rubbish in the corridors and wedge the fire doors open? No. No I don't think I would.

More to the point though there is no way to actually evacuate these deathtraps if a fire breaks out. Instead of doing anything to remedy that the government has gone all in on the opposite side and adopted a 'it's better to grieve than face backlash in the courts' approach.

I will never live in one of those fucking things.
>I will never live in one of those fucking things.

You will if your mummy throws you out and that's where the council puts you.
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Pint and a cigar at spoons and its lush
Don't worry that lad won't be up the Shard any time soon.
Listen, I would have a little bit of respect for you if he had even lived in Manchester but you have never lived in Manchester and that's why you need to keep your mouth shut as you have no idea what it means to be a person born and bred in our amazing city and I can respect anything that comes from a red or blue as long as they are from the same city and understand what it means to be from Manchester
Back from Paris lads. Great city, much better than I anticipated. Granted I was with French friends but there's so many good things going on that London doesn't. Highly recommend.
Have you even lived in London though?
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>"I shan't be shidding meself today", the wapu thought to himself
>siting in a pub beer garden smugly listing all his gadgets
Zesty lill wapuberg
>MacBook M3
>Sony Camera brand new with all the equipment
>Dell computer
>Couple of boom boxes

So he's doing alright there
Better than giving it t'bookies, no?
All my life brotha
Will this ever end? I'm hoping
Slowly been doing more and more pussy-to-mouth with the gfberg. Soon, arse-to-mouth.
Well I have a lot of respect for you because you've lived in London, that's why your opinion is very valid. You know exactly what it means to be a person born and bred in London. I can respect anything from a Londoner as long as they are from London and understand what it means to be from London.
this liquid shit might not be for you but it for me it lush
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So tired all the time.
Toss it off lid, that will ease the pain for a while
Liquid shits don't sound very lush lad
like I said, it might not be for you
Doing a liquid shit right now. It slush and I mean SLUSH.
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Fink i'll spaff again

Not sure though am i

Nay, as a matter of fact i'm not
Cheers mate. Glad to know you know your inferior status as a non-Londoner
>Slowly been doing more and more pussy-to-mouth with the gfberg. Soon, arse-to-mouth.
>Slowly been doing more and more pussy-to-mouth with the gfberg. Soon, arse-to-mouth.
Actually I am a Londoner. I was born in the Maternity unit at Whipps Cross University Hospital and I've lived in Bell Green for almost my whole life.
Bell end green more like haha
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London is a shithole. To be fair the UK in general is a shithole and non-shithole areas are very few and far between, but London is one of the big dogs of shitholes, second only to shithole Birmingham.

I have never lived in the shithole that is London and I will never live in the shithole that is London. I prefer not to live in shitholes.

The only real time I ever spent in that shithole of a city is when I was born in Guys and St Thomas hospital; itself a shithole. I still think back to being born in a shithole within a shithole and cringe. Even as a newborn I should've known better. Shitholeness lingers and I think I've only just been able to scrub the scent of shithole off me 28 years later.
Where do you live, out of interest? And what made you choose to live there?
how can i go on nightwalks without mumberg getting suspicious
Tell her that you've become interested in exploring your sexuality and you want to go out cruising for men.
Cambridge. A range of factors influenced my decision, from personal preferences to job potentials to more material considerations like money.
Cambridge is a very boring place lad.
That doesn't bother me so much. I don't really do much as it is. The main thing though is that it's not nearly as much of a shithole as London, and in fact some places in the centre are even, dare I say it, quite pleasant(!).
I like London de lad
I'm on the tube
I'm on the southbank aren't I
Watch out for the human faeces on the pavement, lad. Also put your phone away, that's the official advice of the Met in relation to all the phone thefts they refuse to do anything about lol.
>I don't really do much as it is.

Ah so you're terrified of life. Makes sense.
New girl what I fancy.


She is cute. CUTE!

Don't have it in me.
Shall be gaining a bit of weight temporarily whilst sorting out the metabolism assuming things go correctly. Totally new way of looking at things and it frankly lush.
I wonder if Tony Baldry has actually done more for this country than, say, Ruthmong has.
I wonder if Shut in Chad AKA "Vile Baldry" has done more for this country than Tony Baldry.
>I wonder if Tony Baldry has actually done more for this country than, say, Ruthmong has.
Tony Baldry is a prize prick. An absolute grade-A wanker. Just my opinion...but shared by many.
>Tony Baldry is a prize prick. An absolute grade-A wanker. Just my opinion...but shared by many.
Indeed me lad x
Getting pissed tonight in honour of HHL
Go on proper chika lad, ganbatte.
>Shall be gaining a bit of weight temporarily whilst sorting out the metabolism assuming things go correctly. Totally new way of looking at things and it frankly lush.
Listen up mongs, I need a rush order on a lore check. This one comes from up high so put down your goonsticks and head to the archives stat!

Any personalities ever show their cock/balls/arsehole?
Do the post about the 'bald' gay lads post. We all bored
Not really, just content to do my own thing and life my own reserved quiet life. But it's interesting that you're conflating 'living life' with being in a high crime, high tax, ugly, dirty, congested shithole full of forrins who would stab you for a box of nuggets.
There was that lezzer who showed her arsehole once but I dunno if she'd count as a 'personality'
You fucking balding gay nonce lol.
I'm one of the big personalities and I have never shown my cock/balls/arsehole
Go on mate, tell us who you are then??
Do the post about Shippys head being like a bean. We all bored
Well we do have THOSE pics of Poley...
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>tell us who you are then??
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You're not a big personality
I think he meant physically big
Very similar to ruthmong then
How are you always here? Did you lose your job?
>running Shippy_impersonation.exe
>running Shippy_bait.exe
>running Shippy_images.exe
>Running Shippy_insults.exe
Yeah I do conflate "living life" with enjoying one of the biggest and most interesting cities in the world, rather than a sleepy town. Unlike you I like to go out and see bands, look at art, go to the theatre and watch comedy and sport, enjoy high end shopping, nightlife and clubs. I like having a busy social life and going out to meet women. I like having access to gyms, restaurants and cafes that are open around the clock. I like having opportunities for networking and professional growth by meeting a lot of people in my field.

Of course none of that matters to you because you hide in your bedroom, terrified you'll meet someone of a different race/nationality to you.
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>going out to meet women
wtf get a load of this homosexual
Alright lads what's everyone up to? I'm working on my PhD thesis. It's called "Geopolitical and Socioeconomic Implications of the Bean-Shaped Cranium of Shippy from Banbury: A Forewarning of Unprecedented Global Shifts"
>Yeah l do conflate "living life" with enjoying one of the biggest and most interesting cities in the world, rather than a sleepy town. Unlike you I like to go out and see bands, look at art, go to the theatre and watch comedy and sport, enjoy high end shopping, nightlife and clubs. I like having a busy social life and going out to meet women. I like having access to gyms, restaurants and cafes that are open around the clock. I like having opportunities for networking and professional growth by meeting a lot of people in my field.

Of course none of that matters to you because you hide in your bedroom, terrified you'll meet someone of a different race/nationality to you.
willybiscuit is a poundland crosslad
He's struck a nerve, I see.
Do a post we haven't seen dozens of times before. We all bored
>run racist.exe
>run anti-racist.exe
Here you go lad>>79071609
I think this command line green text thing is new
Do the NEET vs Wagie routine, king. We haven't seen that in a while
Make a new thread for me. Chop chop.
What's wrong with Poundland? I go there regularly. There's a sexy MILF that works there. She's like 6'2" tall and has a HUGE arse.
your new thread, sire
That bookcase wasn't me, but I've been off all with with flu/covid
>That bookcase wasn't me
I know I replied to myself

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