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Mercedes-Benz Citaro edition
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Might call the red telephone lads
16 hours a fucking day
what a fucking life
>run britfeel_gimmicks_bait_seethe_an_personaity_drama.exe
I hear Babatunde is prowling for Ruth's pussy
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Already called it. Baby mama, Tyrone and sprog should be financially stable for a few more weeks
That bookcase wasn't me, but I've been off all week with flu/covid
That car's MOT expired in 2010
>run personality_impersonation.exe
>run brown_sprog.exe
>childcare.exe idle
>That car's MOT expired in 2010
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Wagies scran coming at you
>That car's MOT expired in 2010
Just an FYI lads I will be shitting you the thread to no end. I mean really bottom of the barrel posting.
Made up personality with ridiculously stereotypical black name
Bad news lad. Frimpong burst Ruth's arsehole last night.
Playing Baldurs Gate 3. Woah!

Just did my kanji practice. Only takes a couple minutes. Yes I am learning Japanese. Going to get a Japanese girlfriend one day, and I'll watch anime without subtitles and even play untranslated games.
I have some questions for us to discuss in this thread:

What are the potential consequences of Shippy's bean-shaped head for global power dynamics?

How could Shippy's unique cognitive abilities reshape the global economy and financial systems?

What societal changes might arise from the potential elevation of Shippy to a position of power and influence?
>That car's MOT expired in 2010
Lollers you arent welcome here
So sad and lost rn lads...
I have almost given up hope
This is me. I forgot my trip!

idk who Lollers is.
Possibly the dullest post I have seen in 6 years of being in /britfeel/
>run personality_dollies.exe
I often wondered what the consequences of AI would be. Turns out, it frees up a lot of time for those in the advertising industry to post drivel on imageboards
Apologies willybiscuit, I mistook you for Lollers (a nonce)
What's up LSFPL?
How could you mistake willybiscuit (a nonce) for Lollers (a nonce)?
>running living_life_in_an_obsessive_loop_online.exe
>willybiscuit (a nonce)
Is he? I know nothing about this lad other than he posts cartoons and drivel
He's deep in the lorechives tonight
He did NOT like that MOT post.
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The say a man with a cluttered desk is a productive and successful person. It's a sign you've got lots going on. His desk is full of lore dossiers stacked high from the lorechives
>The say
Worst part is I dont even know...not been eating too much junk or simping too hard...just feel so sad and empty inside. Like I want everything to just...stop, you know?
Lads does anyone know where I can collect the medal for winning the last thread?
Lads, I accidentally spilled hot coffee over a lass when I was walking to a table in Costa today. Ambulance was called as it was hot as fuck. Now the lady acknowledged it was an accident but I'm wondering if she decides to sue will it be me or the shop? I left before the paramedics came so she didn't get my details.
I'd just wait until you win this thread, which you're on track to do, then you can collect both medals at once
>just feel so sad and empty inside
Sounds like you have classic KHV depression lad
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>which you're on track to do
Pretty sad that the outcome of something entirely accidental is always assumed to be someone getting sued. Like really? It's an accident.
Yeah but her leg is pretty badly burned so I'm worried she'll hunt me down and take me to court.
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>Lollers you arent welcome here
That is Chika as well you know.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? Spastic
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Whats the point of living Japanese if you don't even live there
Yeah it is...some women at work are so nice to me and it's great but it hurts to know I'll never have an actual gf or wife. I'm so lonely.
Fucked this post up didn't you lad?
I got what he meant, what's the point living as though you were japanese (in japan I guess) if not actually there.
I live 100% as if I'm Japanese and I've never been to Japan. Who is that prick to tell me how to live?
What happened to your French online gf?
I still speak to her sometimes but she has a job now and is busy a lot...it's all just a trade-off kinda thing anyway...she likes money and I like fit zoomers. Nothing more. My life feels very hollow and empty. Friends don't care about me anymore either. I wish things could be different.
So you were sending her money? Damn. Sorry to hear that mate. Thought it was a real thing.
I don't think he did.
Never had a concussion me. You? Know a guy who had several as a child playing footie. He has a learning disability now and is on benefits.
impersonating lollers now is it king?
well I am her only simp but still a simp lol
what did you expect from me
I am a total loser throgh and through
I know a lad with a learning disability who now plays footie
I presented in front of 200+ people yesterday
Well done, the most I've done is like 30 in a company meeting. Definitely couldn't do 200.
It was a panel too so there was a bit of a grilling at the end
Until next time, look after yourself lads.
>If I can do it, so can you
>Yes, you
>You can do it
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Best way to smoke your own meat?
Well, if you lay on your back, then fling your legs over your head, if you're flexible enough you can juuuuust about get it in there
Did earlier and only got a few words
Christmas soon. I don't like Christmas.
What happenend to ruthmong? How come he doesnt post here anymore?
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Might go to Bathhamptonshire soon
I loved Christmas as a kid. It's the only good holiday.
Even paedophiles need to be clean
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I saw the best frens of my generation destroyed by unwomfiness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the Feelshire streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
Not about cleanliness, it's pyrotherapy
Me too, as a kid. First Christmas where I didn't feel it was whatever year Assassins Creed 1 came out on Xbox 360. Bad game in a bad series of bad games. Remember being bored playing it. Always enjoyed games I got at Christmas before but that ruined it. I just get my presents then go back to my room now.

Don't like Christmas dinner either actually. Rather just have some sandwiches or something simple.
Eastern soon. I don't like Eastern.
Me and the wife having a little spat. Well in truth it's her taking something way out of proportion, though she did make a point about how we each respond differently to the other forgetting to do things we ask. I'd say I'm 30% at fault and she's 70% unreasonable.

Just wish women could get over things as quickly as guys and we could get back to having sex.
Wonder what percentage of the male population in the UK are paedophiles. Reckon it's at least 10%. Most probably are ethical nonces like Lollers and will never act on their urges.
Depends where you draw the line at paedophile
I don't like Eastern people either, unless they're sexy women, or Japanese.

I'm in an incelly type mood so I'm going to suggest smacking her.

Doubt it's as high as that. It's clearly a spiteful mutation. There's no natural selection for men to be attracted to girls who aren't even able to reproduce yet. That's why nonces are usually extremely low IQ spastics, since harmful mutations mean a high mutational load and you end up with multiple things wrong with them.
The entire debate over the age of consent is meaningless because maturity genuinely is a spectrum. There are some people in their 30s and older who do not have the maturity to make decisions with their own bodies, while there are fully biologically developed and mentally mature women and men who just happen to be 13/14 or there abouts.
Gooners really are pathetic. Look at this shite.
Fuck me what I would give for a little basket of palmiers right now Jesus Christ
He got banned I think
wallen winsberg
>He got banned
What for?
it not rite what he did to them tadpus
Ruthmong got banned for being a nonce.
He pretended to be a deranged dosser mong Scottish tranny.
too right lad, him and uncle wearl are two hairs from the same cunt
A few lads got banned at the same time but it might be something from this thread, lots of ruthmong posts got deleted. Can't imagine him posting on other boards but you never know.

Wonder why this image would've got deleted. I love BeardMeetsFood

I want to spend every minute with the cat before the vets tomorrow (more than likely the big sleep), but today feels like the longest day I've experienced. I hate seeing her like this.
Having to hold her so she can do the basic things. Not good.
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went home with a girl when i was 18 after a night out. we got to hers at 7am, her mum was up and seemed so happy and nice, she was smiling, going for her morning swim in the ocean. i hadn't really met other people's parents and wished my mum was like that too.
upstairs, in her room, the girl said in a furtive but sad way, 'she's started drinking already'.
I feel your pain my /britfeel/ brother. Hope whatever happens is best for little catberg.
and then you fucked her, right?
Since that was posted at the same time as the other typical ruthmong drivel, I'd hazard a guess that that's an actual image from his mum's. Not too shabby.
I'm seriously done in. Just running down the clock at this point, as it were
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We like our body a little 4x larger and that is LUSH.
No neck for me my lads, we bloated ALL the WAAAAY.
>Hope whatever happens is best for little catberg.
That's the plan. I just can't bare to think of her suffering.
HMV are so slow at dispatching. Two days ago I ordered and still no dispatch. Cunts. I was hoping to have my Fassbinder box sets for the weekend.
SCEA was the closest thing to god on Earth
Good documentary for you, lads.
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Din-din is it not

Reckon it is
did you no pay for the express delivery lad?
*informs the apus ratan tata has died*
did coke in her room for a bit then stole two cigs and left
No, I should have I suppose. It was 150 quid worth of Blu-rays but I didn't shell out an extra few quid for delivery... pathetic.
I'm not sure how their delivery system works. I'm starting to think they ship from individual stores wherever they have stock. I like shopping there as HMV has stuff Amazon doesn't.
this is how based our media could be if it wasn't ruddled with jews
new on this board. is it true someone from hartlepool posts here?
yeah proper robots u lot yeh
Maybe everything on the red telephone is a shit test
Everytime that one cunt mentions the red telephone I just think of Graham Norton.
Why, was that some feature on his show?
whats the meal deal isnt it supposed to include a bag of crisps and a drink or something
Yeah. Well now I remember it was a big red chair. Nevermind lad I'm talking out my arse. Got it mixed up.
Tesco Meal Deals are for dossers on their lunch break from CV class as well.
Why's it so fucking quiet in her you cunts. Cum on Britfeel mak sum fukkin posts!
Was thinking the same. Need entertaining me
ive done the click and collect before and it was over several parcels so maybe they do send from stores
A good din-din. A sating din-din.
i love carpets me
I'll be getting one soon
best meal deal is at boots
Go on then

What's that then? Sandwich, pack of Paracetamol and a diuretic?
get ready for the most depressing experience of your adult life. 90% off sales, they can't shift anything these days.
triple sandwich (chicken and bacon, chicken and salad, and chicken with stuffing) with a naked smoothie, and steak mccoys crisps. i think boots invented the meal deal.
Gay sex Douglas
Paul Francis Gadd
i work in london media scene & can't fathom the goldmine of headlines when he bites the dust
I honestly can't think of anything obvious off the top of my head.
"gadd riddance"
cyamon. nothing sells articles in this country like a good old PEDO
remember ! it is gary glitter's govt name
Le stinkyarse fartington hath been ripped

Phwaor fackin ell get in
Miss you big man GBNF
faaaaak me mate that triple sandwich they do is so good. Got me salivating just reading it and I'm about to go to bed. Might have to grab one tomorrow now.
Calling it soonish am i not
How often does an electric metre change number? Been staring at mine because something is using a shitload of electric in my house and I don't know what.
>How often does an electric metre change number?
10 years max they last
Sorry I might be asking a stupid question but I have a single phase watt hour metre and say it shows the number 10000, how long before it shows a different number? The electric company says my usage has suddenly shot up the past few months like I'm charging a car or using 12 new fridges.
Are you using a electric heater? How old is the meter
My heating is oil and I only use it like two hours a day. I use the electric emergency heater sometimes but not that often and no different than the past few years.
Do a electrical audit of the property. Turn everything off then turn on each appliance one by one to find any spikes
Might be difficult due to the metre doesn't really update fast it's not a smart metre. Tomorrow I'm going to turn of all the electric in the house at the mains for an hour or two and if the metre is still going then it must be a fault. I have an old chest freezer in the shed could that have gone bad?
Start turning off the chest freezer first. Could be a problem with the meter itself
Does it have a spinning disc? If so it spins really fast when using a lot, and really slow or not at all when everything's turned off.
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nice numbers laa
Don't hear or see anything spinning. It's a pretty old metre desu.
Old photo, look at the Morrisons logo on the bag, that's not even their last logo, it's the one before that

Those are all the boring flavours, there are much better flavours

t. Experienced Tesco sandwich purchaser
Okay lads, red pill me

Are SSRIs a good idea or a bad idea? I have to know the objectively correct answer to this question
I've been on Prozac for over 10 years and they help me. No cock issues like other people say.
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Need I say more
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>I've been on Prozac for over 10 years and they help me
bugger off ya wrongun
Fair enough, thank you for replying

The Jews aren't the reason your life is shit
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>The Jews aren't the reason your life is shit
My life isn't shit
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shut it u nonce
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Who is 'alicia'?
She's an evil woman but very intelligent and attractive and she fucks with your head
Deep in the lorechives
He thinks he controls the thread from his underground maze of cabinets and files in Glasgow. Little does he know, the thread is actually masterminded from a house in Esher, Surrey.
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Back from seeing that Wicked at the theatre. Thoroughly enjoyed it. It's actually inspired me to go see more wusicals from now on. Had a few jars as well. Overall a womfy night. Having a few raspberry crush wodkas now.
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You've never been to the theatre

I literally just got back. I went to see Wicked.

It was lush x
You've never seen Wicked
No you didn't and you haven't.
Never been. But I've always liked the idea of the theatre. The smell of the grease, the roar of the paint. I've often thought if I hadn't ended up in computers, I would've gone into the theatre
You think a bald ginger man controls the thread from a house in Esher, Surrey. Little do you know, the thread is actually masterminded by his gf Sarah, who has big tits and loves baking and praying to our Lord.
Thread is very quiet tonight lad, glad you had a womfy one.

Garn beddingtons myself now

Waste of money lad. The theatre is a scam. It is quite romantic though, I'd like to take an escort there.
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Did you really not catch the IT Crowd reference there? You uncultured swine!
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Early doors for me, could have stayed out in town but decided to come home and womf it up. Got these raspberry wodka cans for a wagain from the local wakis. Getting wissed up now. Might as well.
>The theatre is a scam
I don't like the theatre but how is it a scam? You pay to see people do a show on a stage and that's what happens
Death to Christmas. This is Britain.
Cheers to the vast verities of other kinful soulful Winter~Solstice events that often include gifts and community. Cheers to paganism and yule and such.
It's just some wankers on stage and you've given them money like a fool. Then you sit there like a cunt and watch them fanny around. You could have spent that money on food or beer.
No. And I've watched IT crowd.
Fuck the haters. Wicked was lush and the peformers fully deserved their standing ovation at the end. They put more effort into their work than most Hollywood actors.
Imagine if Josh and HHL did a fusion dance, imagine how powerful the result would be?

Man, if I went to Leicester, I'd want to see the Jester.
They also get paid a hell of a lot less yet still put 100% into their work. I admire them.
I did get it. My reply doesn't negate your post.
Typically things like Halloween such as DaedrasRampage and Madfall go into November as well.

MidSommar/MadSommar also traditionally goes throughout all summer.
I never thought I'd see the day where you sat there and admired a wagie. Honestly pathetic. What has happened to you?

New Era, New Welper.

This is my wholesome arc.
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Checked lad
Another one on an arc.
Josh is on an arc.
HHL and Josh are the same
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Getting wissed and monging out nows x

What are you drinking theatre lad?

I have no idea who this Josh fella is.

This is my world x
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I had two beer jugs at the theatre. Cost me nearly 30 quid phwoaaar.
Just a nobody from brit/pol/, they wish they were /britfeel/, we rules the waves around here, cheers x
30 quid, I could drink for 3 days on that.
He thinks the thread is controlled by a big titted woman named Sarah who loves baking and praying to our lord. Little does he know, the thread is actually masterminded from a care home in Sunderland
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Josh style x

I like Sarah
Oldfeelers know where the true seat of power is
Go to brit/pol. and Josh will btfo you.
I think Josh popped in here a few times, tried to be all "cor look it's me, in here" but I didn't understand who he was.

If that's him, he's pretty hot. I don't want attractive people in /britfeel/, however.
brit/pol/ mongs could never even grasp surface level /britfeel/ lore.
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Dreamcore vibes are strong tonight x

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I've come to the conclusion that the 'big bang' is a load of bollocks

It's all a simulation de lid.

That's my hunch anyway.
Just watched Mean Streets. Quite liked it. Certainly a precursor of his later films. Very good music used throughout. Richie from The Sopranos making an appearance.
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Really enjoyed this, thanks for sharing DJ Welper
Personally I believe in reincarnation, and we go through every person. Probably from mother to child
I respect their simplicity. I've never been to brit/pol/, I know nothing about brit/pol/, their culture, their people, or what they believe, but I can respect 'simple folk' like when you see lads on the street just being lads. I'd kill for that life.
The advanced nuances of /britfeel/ are like a mind virus, once it's got you, can you escape? Yes.
>once it's got you, can you escape? Yes.
Been here since November 2014. Practically every day since 2016, sometimes up to 16 hours a day
They know, They just don't have the maths and science to prove it, They are working on a better solution but the big bang is the best they've got so far.
Not even the religions that believe in reincarnation believe in it in the pop-culture/come-back-as-a-butterfly/past-lives sense. Why would you believe in it? That's like believing in fairies because the Bible has angels.
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Stick around de lid, I'll be around most of the night posting choons. It party time x
You can escape, you just choose not to. It's a lifestyle. Like working.
I'm a skeptic (with a 'k') and that means the things I doubt simply AREN'T real. Science has proven them wrong, and science can never change.

The big bang theory is absolutely correct. It was correct before it was postulated, and even if it's proven wrong, it's still correct. That's just how science works, stop being irrational. It makes me angry and upset.
Post something good we can listen too lad.
I didn't say 'past life' did I. Just makes logical sense to me.

If there is no reincarnation, then why am I so special, being the only conscious human being out of billions, despite sharing the same DNA and biology? Logic would dictate that I'm not the only one, and therefore I'll experience all consciousness at some point. In the same way that you don't really die when you die (your 'life' is continued in your sprogs, etc) then consciousness would be the same.

It makes more sense that I'm just 1 in a long chains of billions, rather than being the only conscious being in the entire universe, with everyone else being a zombie
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*dabs on the Tories*

Remember when the Tories tortured and humiliated NEETs for 14 years? I remember.

Never again.
It's not correct spastic. What about inflation? It wrong and they had to change the model. It will be wrong again and they will change it.
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>I'm a skeptic (with a 'k')
If infinite mass and energy can just appear randomly anywhere, why not have another big bang tomorrow and all of humanity is wiped out forever?
I mean if I get you right, it's like you're the 'one' and every other life is you in a continuous chain of yous? Maybe that's not past lives in the usual sense, but like some sort of solipsism.

Closer to this, I think there's something to the Gaia hypothesis. Like the same way you're made up of cells, you also have bacteria in you, bugs on you, etc etc and that's all 'you', you can argue the Earth itself is one big organism with all these interconnected parts like how trees have roots that connected to mushrooms that form all these networks. We're not discrete entities, even right now. Then your corpse is part of it, just like your sperm-growing-to-sprogs is part of it.
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>That's like believing in fairies because the Bible has angels.
But I do believe in fairies? I believe in angels as well. They are similar but not the same thing.
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It is going to happen
>why not have another big bang tomorrow and all of humanity is wiped out forever?
We put that one to a vote, most people were against it (ethical grounds).
Shove ya gaslighting up ya arse
Shove ya Truman Show up ya arse
Shove ya optics up ya arse
>I mean if I get you right, it's like you're the 'one' and every other life is you in a continuous chain of yous?
Yeah that's it. That gaia stuff sounds bollocks to me.

The is at least some biological connection between the brain and the soul, so if that antenna is hard coded into DNA, then every living being with that DNA is conscious. I don't believe that after I die that's it, and there's nothing else. Seems illogical for all of eternity to simply last 80 or so years
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>your sperm-growing-to-sprogs
NEETs had to endure being second-class citizens for 14 years under the Tory scum and the Pensioners are crying because Labour have been in power for 3 months and things aren't totally in their favour for once.

Fuck them old rich cunts.
big nader vibes
who else watching /abc/ news
I think the afterlife stuff is, kind of annoyingly, probably something outside of our human understanding and just what our mind is mechanically capable of making sense of.
Like you can literally unlock weird shit chemically with psychedelic drugs. Take DMT, break through, whatintheflyingfuck. You can 'dismiss' it as "well, i was on a hallucinogenic drug" but it's more than that, and I say that as someone who has 'just' hallucinated for various different reasons.

I don't think it sticks to Earth, or other human souls, or minds. It's beyond all that. I miss the comfort of being an atheist, or at least agnostic in the open-to-the-possibility-but-no-real-clues sense. Want to Eternal Sunshine that shit from my memory, sometimes.
At least pensioners have the Daily Mail, The S*n and Daily Express to shill for them on a daily basis. NEETs had fucking nobody but a few lone voices online that got shouted down by everybody else.

Fuck em.
yet in the olden days NEETs were revered, had all their accommodation provided for, and people donated them food. they were called 'monks' and it was all provided for by Big Church, it was respectable rather than shameful. they even got to read the only book, which was the then-days times of just sitting around watching telly.
They will come after you next helper lad, Better to screech and stick up for the pensioners even if some of them are rich.
does anyone else keep seeing pensioners try to get painkillers from the chemists only to get knocked back?
it's unbritish to be a NEET tbqh
It's treason to bad mouth our Royal Family. When we sever ties with the ECHR, the Government will go through internet records and identify posts like yours. I REALLY hope you're not posting directly from your ISP.

Pensioners didn't stuck up for the likes of me when the Tories announced their austerity.

Fuck em.
>When we sever ties with the ECHR
Will literally never happen
I'd say you can rest assured they'll be gone soon, but with your lifestyle I'm not so sure who'll go first.
yes. It's a thing, They(doctors) won't prescribe proper painkillers like oxycontin but I see druggies getting tramadol. Also, try and get valium, I really need it sometimes due to paranoia and I've been in serious pain from nerve damage, I had to buy drug off the dark wen, I got fentanyl and proper diazepam boxed in blister packs, the pharmacy sell them illegally if you have to get them without prescription but you have to go on the dark web or telegram
Been watching Reed Timmer's feed for a while now.
Why not? I literally remember when we brought the Human Rights Act into law. We left the EU just a few years ago. This isn't that bizarre.
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Checked again
But they will come after you next
Fuck off dago cunt
The concept of 'leaving the ECHR' is purely a Tory gimmick to win over reform voters.

The miniscule chance of us leaving the ECHR would be if Reform win an outright majority in 2029, even then, the chance of it happening would probably only be 25%
i want to follow the pensioners outside and go, "psst, i can hook you up" but maybe that's evil.
someone more evil, just throwing this out there as a business opportunity. law aside, it's actually less ethical than befriending the elderly for their will/inheritance.
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Kate Middleton wants to crush me virgin NEET wollocks.
Do it, you could probably get away with it on facebook
Leaving the EU itself was a perfect alignment of the stars. The whole thing was done as a gimmick to placate UKIP voters, and by pure luck, the only month ever when leaving the EU was a majority opinion was the same month the referendum was held, and it only just barely made it over the line. Even then they tried to avoid it for 5 years.
The real possibility is a Conservative-Reform coalition. Like I never dreamt we'd get a Conservative-Lib Dem coalition, not much historical precedent for that, it did just happen however.
Labour are already fucking it, but people already had enough of the Tories to just vote Labour, under FPTP do you think we're going to get the Greens in? Or just a Lib Dem majority?
Not claiming to be psychic but as far as populism goes, it's what people want along with less immigration and all the rest of it.
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thank you for this
love getting mwi and imbuing myself into the storm
miss night walk anon
This is like saying the best hope of abolishing tuition fees is a Con-Lib coalition. Not only did they not get that key election pledge in, they did the complete opposite.

Bizarre really, you'd have thought scrapping tuition fees would have been a reasonable concession to the lib-dems in exchange for helping them form a government, but it never happened. Likewise, if the Conservatives and Reform ever did form a coalition, I doubt the conservatives would tolerate leaving the ECHR as a price for reform support.
Like the EU, the ECHR is far too useful an asset to get rid of, it's the ultimate scapegoat.
I watched the last one but I turned it off cause nothing burger then when I woke up North Carolina was flooded,
Middle aged couples in this country are so grim.
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Necking this smirnoff raspberry crush cans now. Bit wissed now x
Just had one of those clip-top jars snap back and hit/trap my finger. If this is anyone else's weirdly specific fear, I just want you to know it's as painful and horrible as you've always imagined.
I actually discovered Alizee through this tune. Used to listen to this constantly, then one day the alizee cover came up on YouTube, and the rest was history

That's a girl having sex.
>Middle aged couples in this country
Been ringing the red telephone far too much lately
ohhh it's slang for masturbation
You're thinking of 'wringing'
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Yeah the storm chaser tours nights were good, many years ago, and dubtrack was fun.
No worries on the link, it's comfy.
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HHL really bringing those womfy vibes into the thread tonight
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What a choon. Aliizee is a Goddess x


Indeed it is. Tfw horny but too drunk to fap. NNO is safe tonight.
Good Job. You missed a bullet.
Nobody will remember the 'gritty' Penguin series. It's like the shit you were into as a teenager, cringed at, had some fond post-cringe memories of, then moved on.

Everyone will remember Burgess Meredith in the 1960s series, which has stood the test of time as a straightforwardly enjoyable programme for the greater part of a century.
what;s comfy about it
stop going on about chasers being 'comfy'
it's propagenda
They called it an end of an era

Little did they know the HHL era was just beginning
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The Penguin is bringing back early 2010s vibes. Enjoying it so far. I like how it's coinciding with the second rise of Trump the war in the Middle East. It Zeitgeist x
HHL kept me up later than anticipated tonight. Was far too womfy a thread to leave
This is like an american version of Lee.
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I feel bad for Joker 2 because it's been completely MOGGED by The Penguin.

It was a good movie but The Penguin is on another level.
Helper is drunk watching porn trying not to wank, The lad has some Resilience
For me, it's Smallville. Nothing else comes close.
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Not drunk yet but getting there.
Got into another one of those modes where I'm obsessively changing the settings of my TV trying to get the perfect settings and surely this time I'll find the settings that fix any imperfections!
If you see a tv with motion blur still on, you know the tv owner is a pleb. The manufactures implemented a pleb filter for kinosuers to detect.
Few people laughed
Few people cried
The day Helper's World died
Yeah I turn all that shit off. Problem is I don't have an OLED so shitty viewing angles and crappy blacks do my nut in.
I don't see any kindness coming from above only below. If you ask me, it's the arseholes in heaven who are the problem not the ones in hell.
Miss you Ruthmong, hope you're back on your night shift again soon x
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Social conditioning is to work a shit job all your life on poverty wages, never have a gf and never leave town. The UK government wants you to stay in one place...ideally some shitty commuter town with nothing fun to do. Basically you are just there to work and be grateful for your place in society while the middle classes cheat their way in life with nice girlfriends, materialism and holidays all the time.

I do not think I'll ever work again because it's only depressing warehouse jobs out there. They are having to take on more immigrants because more and more British men just aren't bothering anymore. They have no purpose even when working. Why even work if you aren't going to live a good life, have holidays and never have a gf? I am done bothering with contributing. I don't care if I go homeless one day. I'd rather walk around for 8 hours a day outside than slave in a warehouse and still live with parents.

I see old working class people that don't know what to do once they retire. They were so used to a factory wagie life. They have no interests and just look for some excuse to clean up or fix something. So sad.
Shame he's gone. He was a decent but troubled lad. I don't think he is in a good mental state.
Think it's time to get back on the night walks. Staying in all the time getting me depressed. Problem is rozzers make out I'm up to no good if they spot me.
Lmfao they thought it really was the end of the HHL era. Nothing's ending.

I'm going nowhere.
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Been bullied and picked on all me life.

Now the tables are turning. Not nice is it.
You're a bully, though.
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Yeah? How am I a bully?
I don't think he's decent at all, he's horrible and consumed by spite and self pity. Never once has a nice thing to say to anyone in these threads, and it's pretty nasty the way he treats those ASMR girls. That said, I do hope he manages to get better somehow. He's not mentally well.
Ruthmong had a chance to ally with me but he chose the path of the lone wolf. Not my problem.
Bullies often don't realise they are in fact bullies. That's why you have no girl.

That's not a valid argument. You gave no reason. Bullies get pussy anyway.
Why would someone want to be an ally with you? You have weltdowns.
I think he's only nasty because he knows he'll never be that perfect guy for them and is too old now (30+).
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I want happenings

Super storms and tactical nukes x
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Only left to do is get wissed.

Good luck Milton x
Funny how obvious the simulation really is.
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2011 vibes up in here

I'll never surrender. You'll have to fucking kill me.
Listen, I tried me best to stand up for what is right and had it thrown back in my face. Britain doesn't want to be saved. It's a nation of cowardly greedy cunts. Fuck em.
Never known anyone who talks like this after a few beers. Doesn't seem fun
Britain is a nation of nasty people.
Pull one over the working-classes then send a billion pounds to Israel. Yeah, that's Britain.
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My Goddess x

On me 6th wodka now. Wissed af.

Don't ever tell me what to do again.
I fucking hate women. They deserve to be hated. Ain't that a shame?
Sunderland is my city.

It belongs to me x
The local Pajeeta set me up. Flogged me all these raspberry crush wodkas for a fiver. They out of date but they lush. I'll have to keep an eye on that little Indian minx. Fuckable for sure but I'm pussyfree for ASMR Goddesses x
Then again I'll give up the pussyfree life as long as there's no financial repercussions. Why should I get punished for having sex? You know the score.
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I love women they're pretty and nice
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Almost 3 weeks off the wokey.

Yeah, I deserve respect for that.

It not easy.
Ever notice white, insecure, British women seem to get attention from muslim men? Especially the young looking ones. There's this girl talking about her bf and he had a muslim name. She's only 23 but looks much younger. I guess white men she doesn't feel comfortable around. Sleazy muslim men on the other hand must be grooming her...she will grow up and realise they never loved her. Breaks my fucking heart. Can't really point this out to her as I'll be accused of being a racist incel.

It's not just one but I've seen a few others who seem to know her irl comment. They all got muslim sounding names. I'll never have her.

White men need to stop being beta liberal faggots.

SImple as x
They may be pretty and nice but they will never let you in their pussy. Men need sex for good mental health. Being denied sex and being expected to respect women still is absurd. Something that would mean so much to a man is unreachable for a growing number of men. These men are ultimately going to hate women as they age.
Yeah you are right. They probably just don't want to come across as creeps. Muslim men get a free pass and get away with so much creepy shit.
I see ruthmong's ban has expired
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It nothing but a summer jam
Bring back 2003 vibes x

White men will sadly become the minority in our lifetime in this country.

Then fuck it all. Let nuclear war break out.

Who gives a shit.
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Eurocentric music x

Extreme measures to ensure a White majority might have to taken. You know what that means.
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how do yo make a meat pie?
Nah just an angry incel.
Lmfao finishing off these wodka cans now. Just keep out me way. Smackheads on block list x
Vidya is there to keep us pussyfree lads from ever living a fulfilling life. They don't want us to pursue anything. Just when you want to stop they slap a 95% discount on some games to get you back in. They target NEETs with these discounts.
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10 days no wuttingtons

Just know I mean it x

America has betrayed me.

Milton is my wrath.
listening to bohemian like you on full blast, loving life atm
Ngl am wissed now x
Cracking tune that, enjoy yourself lad
There is no punchline
What Do You Get When You Cross a Mentally Ill Loner with a Society Who Abandons Him?

You get whay ya fucking deserve

If it was me or ruthmong lying in the gutter you would walk right over us.
that storm in murica is only a cat3, wtf?
True. Working class and especially the underclass men are disposable.
If I have no support it's game over x
Finishing off me wooze then crashing out.

Just remember I stood for what was right.


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I prefer Asian women.
Women will pay for us dosser men.

Race traitor x
Fresh Melonie


idk why she's straightening her hair like that. Wish she'd stop. Looks better when it's all thicc and curly.

The white rice betrayed me first.
Fuck these anime cunts who try join our side. They are pathetic weeaboos. The Japanese hate you btw. Cheers x

If you're pro- East Asian then fuck off to Vietnam and eat a dog you race traitor cunt x
Fuck these white people who worship East Asians. Two nukes wasn't enough off. Should have been 100 nukes x

Only one race should exist and it's the White race
All these young consumerist women buying their cheap cadmium jewellery from chinese shopping sites and giving themselves cancer.
Finishing off me wooze then crashing out. Might watch some Jurassic Park clips classic HHL style
On me last can of smirnoff raspberry crush

I drink 14 of these tonight x
It's all over nows x
Dreamcore era

No one is disposing me from my castle x
Things are a lot worse than I feared x
Anyone else up?

Come on man
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I couldn't bare to think of putting effort into my appearance, slaving away just to please women and get a pussy reward (if you're even lucky to get that). Lie down and rot. It's not worth it anymore. Let them women work for us. Let them immigrants work for low wages. I will be getting some disabilitybuxx and living a life without caring about having the latest plastic shite.
what happening to me x

it disgrace x
Rather let the thread die for the night than engage with you or ruthmong to be honest
Might be fake. Just posting deliberately rage inducing shite to get easy views. Far less women than men use online dating at all too, which is a big part of why it's so difficult to get anything on there as a man. So only certain kinds of women tend to use it so it's a selection bias really and doesn't represent all women generally. Also take into account different countries. Is that girl American, or English? Probably American. Their women are worse I think when it comes to this kind of thing.

Having said that, I support some of your message to an extent, about getting neetbux etc
NPNW desu
>I support some of your message to an extent, about getting neetbux etc
He isn't even on bennies because filling out the forms won't get him a gf. Peculiar fella.
I go beddigntoms now

Am tired man x
I tried stick up for people got betrrayed fed to the dinosaurs. Keep me own lane from now on x
Same. Love it when the eyelids get heavy knowing my comfy sleep is coming up.
Having his wustlers then garn beddigtons

What ahppaen tonight x
Listen I'm all for it
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Fuck this am garm beddingtons.

Nighty night.
I go beddingtons now.

Time to crash out HHL style x
Nothing more depressing than going to work when its still dark outside.
>I'm going nowhere
No shit lol
Alcohol is cringe. Never had alcohol in my life. I enjoy covfefe and white monsters.
Hmm. Labours new bill is going to make work from home the default. Employers will only be able to turn down the request to work from home sometimes. Seems like a way to make it easier to declare people fit for work. Thing is, it's also got a bunch of other stuff, and it's very anti-business. I think it will not actually lead to an increase in employment, just an increase in more people being bullied about by the Jobcentre, as they are declared fit for work but unable to find any actual employment, or they find employment but it's temporary and part time work. On the flipside the bill also gives employers the right to dismiss any new employee for the first nine months, for any or no reason. They can just say "It didn't work out." and they can get rid of you. People will be declared fit for work, bullied by the jobcentre, get a shit job that pays little and probably keeps them on UC anyway, then shitcans them within nine months so they can hire someone new and avoid pay rises or whatever. Increase in red tape for businesses and the DWP. Then again it also makes it so you can sue for unfair dismissal from day one of being hired, not just after two years. So this kind of thing will fuck over smaller businesses that already struggle with the red tape.

This bill just seems very nasty, and like it isn't going to help anyone at all. Not bennieschads, not wagies, not businesses, not anyone. Just idiotic.

Will mainly effect people with physical disabilities I think, since you're much more able to work from home on a laptop if you can't walk for example, than if you are depressed or very schizophrenic or something. Me? Not very worried about my bennies. This bill may not pass anyway, and will be debated and amended etc as it passes through parliament, who knows.
I don't even necessarily believe this guy is crosslad. But does he have to try so hard to be the exact same type of poster? Get your own gimmick man.
What do you mean? I don't think my posting and his posting are similar at all.
>appears on thread out of nowhere with set of anime avatars
>replies to everyone like they are the main character
>long drivel posts about wagies Vs NEETs, other benny claimant topics
same exact type.
People just hate on tripchads because they haven't got the big balls needed to become one themselves. They'd rather hide behind anonymity.

>appears on thread out of nowhere with set of anime avatars
Avatarfagging is not an invention of crosslad. It's not all anime either.
>replies to everyone like they are the main character
I don't reply to everyone. I don't even reply to everyone who replies to me.
>long drivel posts about wagies Vs NEETs, other benny claimant topics
My post was about a bill introduced by the government, which is relevant to myself and others here.

You're grasping at straws.
The dreaded day of the potentially final vets visit.
Just cuddling the cat desu.
It's all fucked lads. They say a even broken clock's right twice a day. Well my clock's digital and it's not showing anything at all. Fuck sake.
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Pile's thinking about fucking off early I think.
Arsehole approaching normalcy once again
Was a close one, but October on track again
I want a handjob from a really ghetto black girl with big fake nails like this. Is that so much to ask?
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>Is that so much to ask?
No it isn't
My name is Paul Inclusive and I like to holiday all inclusive.
Might get into crypto, want to get rich quick me
corr TWO HOUR morning uploafs oh it lovely dee lads

Recorded on his phone
Camera traded in already?
My name is David Listener and I'm an avid listener
he gave 4k a go it not for him
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Oh get in there. Gonna have proper little sit down for this with a cuppa.
Tempted to buy a house but everything is so expensive
Is that a Starbucks mug? I've seen before that they have mugs for various cities in that kind of style
Not sure what I should do today, feeling lazy but staying in my boxroom will make me depressed
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Yea i've got a few of them from random city trips. Nice to have a useable souvenir as opposed to a fridge magnet.
Yeah that's the fundamental reality of housing in the UK - that the housing stock is so universally low quality that to get something even remotely decent you have to spend obscene amounts of money.

It really is crazy how uniquely shite the housing market is in the UK.
My name is Ray Knitter and I'm a great knitter
wonder what kind of hovel poley lives in
Most likely an old midterrace near a mosque, Pakfoods and 15 kebab shops.
dad asked if I wanted to go out for christmas meal with him and step-mum but said I'd have to give him money toward the deposit and pay for my own meal

not on is it really? He's my dad he should be paying. The fact that I'm 29 is irrelevant
Is your dad employed? This seems like the sort of thing the person inviting you should probably cover, especially if it's just the three of you and doubly especially if it's your dad.

I really don't understand why some people do what they do.
He's employed and I'm unemployed and he knows I'm unemployed.

Perhaps he is "teaching me a lesson" that nothing in life is free. Oh well, one less Christmas with his son. Hope he enjoyed that lesson.
nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the english public
Well now you should obviously get a job, lad, come on imagine how disappointed your dad is looking at his nearly 30 year old son being a dosser.
But if he is trying to teach you a lesson christmas doesn't seem like the most appropriate time to do it.
Hm what does that mean?
Yeah he probably is dissappointed in me. Still, I think making me pay for my own Christmas meal is tight.

He's always weird about money though. I think he has mild autism like Aspergers or something, genuinely.
Just had a big poo classic anon style
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WOOOOAH brown sproggy bam-ba-lam
WOOOOAH brown sproggy bam-ba-lam
Shippy had a child bam-ba-lam
Damn thing is brown bam-ba-lam
Me and HHL travelling the world together

They sent him the wrong fucking batteries for his camera. He fuming. This not on. He wanted a nice cool relaxed day inside.
>They sent him the wrong fucking batteries for his camera. He fuming. This not on. He wanted a nice cool relaxed day inside.
Why they rile him up like this? It not right. He just want to relax and have some wokkles and watch football on de telly. They make him go to CEX. Well he's got to have the right batteries don't he? Batteries for camera. He fuming. He bought CEX camera but they send him wrong batteries. They trying to rile him up on purpose. Now he got to get first class ticket to Poole oh yes it luverly. First class train seat all the way. Maybe he get a cream cake to cheer him up. Lift his spirits after wrong batteries. Well it not right is it? He go to CEX.
Personality drama firing up
Something not right with my elf.
>she was taken from us too young! she was just a child with her whole life ahead of her!
1. she was 15, not 7.
2. it's not about you.
"hello doctor there's something not right with my mental elf. i'm not being 'jocular', i am claiming an elf, like elves, is driving me mental."
it's this sort of time-usage of my GP that means i DESERVE top rate PIP.
muting a WhatsApp chat doesn't hide notifications for those new emoji reactions, what the fuck. what is the point in muting my parents if i don't have to read how much they miss me but i DO have to see cartoon sad faces and hearts, their way of reminding me they exist and want to remain in contact? nobody has any right to digital contact with anyone. imagine if someone was a stalker. i hope the government realises this and fines Meta. it's emotional damages.
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>go on fifa stream
>typed"who's worse the austrian painter that started WWII or the guy that added goal keeper moving to fifa"
>banned immediately
the new generation is so cucked they can't handle the bantz
the real issue here isn't with your dad. it's that
1. you should only have ONE 'Christmas meal'. a 'work Christmas meal' maybe, but a second Christmas meal, with your family? no.
2. if this is the 'ONE' Christmas meal, why isn't your mum cooking, maybe your dad awkwardly helping out (haha classic dad, burning the potatoes! etc). why are you 'going out'? are they disabled?
feel quite sorry for your dad tbqh. maybe he should just set up a GoFundMe for whatever's really going on.
Kind of depressing how retarded the UK is, even with extremely simple and objectively good measures which could be implemented but aren't.

Numerous European and other countries have outright banned cousin marriage and the richer Middle Eastern states (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain) literally all legally require mandatory genetic screening to avoid cousin marriage.

Yet in the UK, if you even suggest that cousin marriage is a problem you just get called racist and no changes are even recommended, let alone implemented.
this RELIES on Hitler being 'the bad guy' who did wrong. make sure you report them to Twitch for, apparently, not thinking this.
this is so testable it drives me insane. i can't give blood just because i've shagged a few blokes. i think they adjusted the dates or whatever, and i get wanting a cost-cutting measure, but you can very easily test blood. i can just go get my blood tested, right now. oh look, no AIDS.

do the same for cousin marriage. it's a lifelong commitment. having sprogs is this whole process that takes ages and, naturally, requires all these tests to keep things safe. whether it's religious or secular, same way you'd sign a few forms, get that screening in.
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The UK has the most illegal immigrants of any European country. Just beating out Germany, with the UK and Germany together being totally uncontested for the highest numbers.

But the kicker is that this data was based on 2017 figures and the researchers behind them being published today said that they 'did not believe the overall numbers had increased over recent years'. Ummmmm... what?

You tell me, lads, have illegal immigrant numbers gone up over recent years or not changed at all?
'illegal immigrants' didn't exist in 2017. like just factually, that only came in, last year, i think?

and if i was an illegal immigrant, i would really not want to live in 2024 Britain over 2017 Britain. same way i'm 100% white English never left the country except to go to Scotland for a day, and i want the 2017 NHS over the 2024 NHS. if you were just going to another country, there are better options.
The cat is doing the long sleep.
Love you Briddles.
what business is it of the state if two cousins marry? let them do what they want
In reality we have nowhere near the highest amount. It's just that they're easier to count when we pick them up off a French beach 5 seconds into their crossing. European countries don't even know who comes and goes.
The only factor that is important here is whether or not their lives in the UK would be significantly better than their lives at home. The answer is still a categorical yes. The number of illegal immigrants is enormous in the UK.
if i'm elected Prime Minister, i will do the following things:
- build a massive, purpose built accommodation for a huge number of cats
- resurrect all dead cats

i won't do it in that order. think it'll be interesting having a few months/years where there are just all these cats, running around. might sort a few litter and pest problems, but what else will happen? that remains to be seen.
Hope this isn't someone mocking the cat..

If not, rest well catberg. No more pain for you.
good advice mate thanks for the tip
No it's the truth.
That's the only good thing in this, no more suffering.
yeah i don't doubt that really, but in terms of the rise i think things have gotten worse. they've gotten worse for us. the actual legal changes we've implemented have made things worse for immigrants. and honestly they weren't that good to begin with. 'hotels!!!' yeah fuck off, being stuck in dispersal like that for MONTHS sounds fucking awful compared to just coming here and living life as, basically, a free 'Briton' even before your asylum claim is approved/denied.

skilled migrants (GPs being the classic), separate issue, even Enoch Powell was in favour of those. we need to sort out some shortage of resources like housing anyway, that's fucked, but that system is fucked.

overall i just want a decline in population, doesn't matter who. and luckily it's happening without any sinister evil shite. thanks incels and zoomers for being so sex-averse. keep it up for 2-3 generations please.
One third of all birth defects of babies born in the UK come from a subset of the population that accounts for 2.7% of the total population.

These defective babies require huge amounts of care for their entire lives and even the ones with relatively minor defects are almost universally not capable of earning wages at the level of a non-defective person. Who pays for all of this? Well the taxpayer does of course.

It's a really simple fix, that is totally in line with the norms of British society and would save billions into the foreseeable future. Yet again, if you say we should ban cousin marriage and require genetic testing you're simply called a racist and dismissed. It's retarded.
>if i'm elected Prime Minister, i will do the following things:
>- build a massive, purpose built accommodation for a huge number of cats
>- resurrect all dead cats

>i won't do it in that order. think it'll be interesting having a few months/years where there are just all these cats, running around. might sort a few litter and pest problems, but what else will happen? that remains to be seen.

haha fascinating
Yes, just think of that as consolation. Maybe also get a new cat at some point. Circle of life and that..
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>The cat is doing the long sleep.
RIP anons cat
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>The cat is doing the long sleep.
you're doing it wrong lad
when ready my lids

just saw this, felt embarrassed for you, and decided i'm staying in this thread. don't care if it's about to hit bump limit (in like, half a fucking hour you CREEP).
i'm staying here. going down with the ship.
same group is less likely to vaccinate too, maybe we should make vaccinations mandatory
lots of illegal economy going on in those communities lets ban cash while we're at it
I might do, but at the moment I don't think there'll be another cat as great as she was. But I also loved my first cat.
True. They look pretty good.

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