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RSPB edition
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Just 3 hours to go
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Whats happening in 3 hours?
My schizoid neighbour is making a lot of noise! I may have to do the other thing! Red telephones for you, but not for me? Fascinating!
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It not economically feasible for him to keep his storage heater on this winter.
Cold and dark nights are a-coming.
He'll change to his other routine
Winters in the UK arent even that cold desu
Say that to all the dead pensioners that freeze in their homes every year.
corr love state boot in my fucking face
imagine how great multicultural society is going to be when a based civnat government gets in and simply bans all the negative aspects of those cultures
>lets ban cash while we're at it
it may seem obviously that 'has to accept cash' is/should be a legal requirement (apparently 'legal tender' is a misunderstanding but anyway)
i keep seeing businesses and places like universities, business parks, chain shops, those sort of all-in-one or managed-by-one-company sets of various payment points, proudly declaring
>we are going cashless! from (month) (year) we will no longer be accepting cash.
that means the opposite of you saying 'here's a tenner' and they reach into the till and they give you change. it means you go 'here's a tenner' and they don't have the facilities for that, why aren't you paying contactless? oh all right then, chip and pin if you're an old fart ha ha.
You really should clean your laptop
they're entitled pensioners, they probably have air conditioning, and left it on, and forgot to turn it off, because they also have dementia. no amount of savings, pensions, or allowances can cure you from dementia.
Quick nap before I have to go back to work
this is OCD levels of petty. it has some dust/scuffs on it. a device that is being used. go outside, look at some cars. it'll drive you mad.
you're actually unwell.
i think if you buy a cat, you know what you're signing up for. i say this as someone who could not bear to see a pet die. which is why i don't get one.
you've zero right to complain or be upset when it happens. it's like becoming a surgeon then being squeamish when there's blood.
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>you've zero right to complain or be upset when it happens
feel the same way about letting in immigrants from countries with high consanguineous marriage rates
friend who constantly claimed she was suicidal, disappeared from everyone's lives, just got a notification that she's 'on Signal!'
i don't know if we/everyone is 'meant to' message asking omg are u ok??? we we were worried!!!
if it's just a slip of technology and she didn't see that one coming, i'm sure we've all got that notification now, you didn't get away with it mate
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Look at all the grime around the trackpad. That's just unhygienic
Waiting for Amazon deliveries is very stressful.
atheist logic-brained fedoraists believe in feelings, but as a chemical process.
i believe feelings should be purged. historically through meditation or religion, presently through the use of prescription antidepressants or recreational dissociatives.
Really love cowprint lingerie. I dunno, something about it just drives me crazy.
what's he going to do, infect himself, with his own self? do you know people eat using their fingers? go buy a bag of crisps, from a shop, how do you eat them?
this is actual contact anxiety, germophobia, OCD, something. it's honestly fascinating but it must be a horrible way to actually live your life ;_;
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Waiting for an Amazon delivery myself. The tracker seems to have frozen
would have taken you less time to wipe your dirty laptop than type that post
For me? American flag bikinis.

What did you order?
He's got 'martennotsmug' out of one of his personality folders
>What did you order?
black dildo
I love the smug/not smug reaction images
Today will be a rum day. I want to get drunk, but not be pissing constantly.
Should have got the RSPCA lady to drop me back off at the supermarket by the RSPCA.
i actively clean my laptop using a cleaning spray and a microfibre cloth. i aesthetically disagree with anon's laptop. but you 'noticing' it is even weirder than having a few scuffs on a laptop, it's psychologically fascinating.
my kitchen hob might need a spray. anon, if you LOOKED AT IT, you'd see MARKS. right now. do you feel itchy? is that how it works? (won't post an image, for your sanity)
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>just started raining
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>the RSPCA
if it's raining i'm not going to this appointment. i get three strikes before my GP kicks me off their list, this is number two. could it have gone to someone else? of course. is it raining, however? maybe.
Threads is on telly tonight.
might download it and watch it some time this week, instead. good programme/film.
Gf is listening to the Backstreet Boys lads.
You must be on the coast then. Most likely hasting, but possibly Newcastle/Plymouth
my gf listens to Taylor Swift because she's only about 9
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>Threads is on telly tonight
What channel?
i don't know how to find this out.
>my gf listens to Taylor Swift because she's only about 9
How do you even know it's on TV then
haha this one's actually a double whammy, because Fascinating is one of her albums.
(sorry if this is what you were going for and i've ruined it; just for the benefit of other anons)
> my gf listens to Taylor Swift because she's only about 9

Salam Aleikum Prophet Muhammad. How is Aisha these days?
/tv/ thread about it
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I knew that lad. Glad you got the double meaning
What kind of music best represents youthful white working class British culture today?

The 90s had Oasis. Swaggery council estate lads.

Where the fuck are the white working class British lads making music?
1. their relationship wasn't 'sexual' as we see it in 'paedophilic' times now
2. it was a different time, this is like if someone bathed their feet in piss and you considered that through a modern lens. guess what your great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents did, anon?

racism/religiophobia never holds up to scrutiny. just admit you're a grown man larping as a naughty child, because you're mentally stunted.
i don't know anon. you just don't get white working class bands like Oasis, Blur, Pulp, etc do you? all those working class lads, probably drinking lager, haha, they were all so working class. it's like how Sex Pistols were punk and not a manufactured boy band, authentic punks, they were.

now excuse me while i listen to Desert Island Discs, hosted by an actual punkette from the mean streets of Sunderland.
1. It is tongue in cheek and a bit of laugh lad.

2. The Hadith specifically talks about her being married at six and the marriage being consummated (had sex) at age 9. That is by definition paedophilia. Yes having sex with kids was common in Ancient Greece and Plato loved little boys. Slavery being normal in the past does not make it not slavery though. Mong.

3. In all fairness the Hadith is not believed by all Muslims. All Shia reject that Hadith because they think Aisha married Mo had 17 and that she was a right slut before marriage (Shia hate Aisha because she fought against Ali who the Shia venerate).
The Hadith was probably made up by Sunnis to disprove the claims made by the Shia that she was not a virgin at marriage.

I actually admire certain Islamic scholars such as Al-Ghazali. Very interesting philosophy.

Also, stop being a spastic autistic mong boy. You are not as clever as you think you are.
Except peoples great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents did not claim to be divinely inspired or perfect, and that people who do not bathe their feet in piss should rot in hell forever or have their heads cutoff. We are not today beset by cultists who try to convert people to piss-bathing and form laws around the practice.
DOUBLE upload from SSM


Ebin suffered from germophobia too
Oasis were genuinely pretty working class you retard. The Sex Pistols were fucking awful and just really sad. They were manufactured but they did come from rough backgrounds.
And Trump
There are way too many conspiracy theories about the cashless society or whatever

I guess cash is good as we saw when that CrowdStrike problem happened. You couldn't pay with cards because the computers were down. So cash was suddenly handy.

So yeah businesses probably should accept cash but that doesn't mean cards are bad. I pay with my card whenever I can because it's just easier. I don't want change rattling around my pocket.
Ok lads hear me out.

Will nonce rights groups/campaigns to drop the age of consent ever become low-key mainstream?
Will we ever have paedo rights groups open in public?

Been watching this doc on NAMBLA called chicken hawk. Wild how many men want to fiddle little boys. Terrifying.

What are the best docs on nonces?
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>Just uploafing the 2 hour uploaf for you guys
And he's already deleted it
What's all this about Congo George being back on the scene
white working class culture today is just roadman/drill, seems to have been like that since the early 2010s when chavs started getting phased out.
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Atheist logic-brained person here. Atheism is the most logical position when it comes to God.
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They sent him the wrong batteries
Camera going back to CeX
Fascinating doc from the 80s on nonces. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aAeUeG-PTD0&t=144s&pp=ygUVVGhlIGNvb2sgcmVwb3J0IGNoaWxk

It is interesting to see how this stuff worked and was prevalent before the internet. All those international criminal connections. Secret and known to do few. I imagine certain links still exist.
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Well fuck up our Amazon orders in life
Bertrand Russell was a literal cuck who let other men fuck his wife. He was disappointed in himself for being so jealous. He was a mong. Could not realise he had instincts for a reason and that traditional cultures built up taboos and rules for good fucking reasons.
Classic clever man who thought he was cleverer than he actually was.

The main purpose of religion is not to affirm that there is a God, but to prevent humans from thinking they are Gods. Think about that.
*imforms the apus young filly is facing charges for being a wrong 'un*

the wee lads love the weta squad and side mans
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Theist faith-brained person here. Theist is the most faithful position when it comes to God.

Chesterton never let other men fuck his wife tbqh.
The sooner they abolish cash the better. Sick to bastard death of seeing boomer tradie cunts with a beet red face, fat belly, a pocket full of 50 pound notes and driving a paid-off Mercedes. Cunts declaring an income of like 22k while pulling 80k a year. Pay for all their shopping in cash, pay for everything in cash.

It's not on. Fuck them.
Just Melvin, Just Evil. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lY4eHaiVK9s&t=71s&pp=ygUVSnVzdCBtZWx2aW4ganVzdCBldmls

Just a really sad story. Some people really are shit tbqh lads.
It is going to be interesting moving to a cashless society.
Pretty hard to do a lot of crime I imagine. Easy to trace transactions between people makes it easy to find out who bought drugs ect.
Source? I've never heard that

I thought he was just a normal married dude and he had kids too
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Wonder who this was. Sounds like a woman
>*knock knock knock*

Are you my dad?
It'll all just move to online/crypto
>Fascinating doc from the 80s on nonces
Fucking loved that one. Noncehunters were so much better back then.

Just look at 16:00, and compare that to modern nonce hunts
>"When?! In my shop?!"
> Russells marriage to Dora was an open one both had numerous affairs, and Dora bore two children with another man. These children were a critical factor in the failure of this marriage. Russell was intensely proud of his aristocratic heritage, and he hated the idea of his lineage being continued by a child who wasnt a real Russell!


Evidently his supposed rationality did not extend abandoning literal aristocratic blood pride. Still let his wife get fucked by other men and she had their children. Just utterly pathetic.
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>declaring an income of like 22k while pulling 80k a year
Tis where the little Mrs came from, and was on an elderly animal adoption scheme, which had benefits of cheaper vets and meds.
Would have love to have seen a noncehunters from the 60s and 70s when it was borderline ok to be a nonce if the girl had hit puberty. Just try and sting old rock stars like Bowie and Jagger and Robert Plant and Jimmy Page who were all banging 14 and 15 year olds back in the 70s. Literally nobody cared back then whatsoever. Led Zeppelin literally fucking kidnapped a teen girl and fucked her. Did mental stuff with a lobster as well.

Wild how times have changed. These days and 18 year old with a 25 year old raises eyebrows and makes Twitter screech. Weird.
>Led Zeppelin literally fucking kidnapped a teen girl and fucked her.
Out in the car am I not
Out of range of Stephen's pink wonuts.
Greggs carrying wunchingburgh for the day.
The juice is not worth the squeeze. Working is not for some men.
>wait around at home for hours
>they just leave the package by the front door and fuck off
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Did somebody say PA JEET!?
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Afternoon uploafs
He's been shopping

Lose weight you fat cunt


Jimmy Page got some guys to shove her in a limmo. She was scared at first but was so star struck by fucking Jimmy Page (at the time one of the most famous rock stars on the planet) so she went along with it. Fell in love with him. Stockholm syndrome basically.

Kino epic that. Recommend getting Walkabout too.
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>Lori Mattix

There was legit a time when across America and Europe having an English accent and playing guitar was the sexiest thing in the world because of the rock music we made.

The decline of Englands reputation correlates directly with the decline of our music scene.
Big ick when a female sees you with a Google Pixel.
As David Starkey said after the 2011 riots, the whites have become black.
>stupid gimmick
>above all decides to photoshop his hands to appear white
absolutely pathetic mr svinranapan
can't wait til tech advances make brutal 20th century style totalitarian regimes feasible again and mongs like this can whinge about it
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Not impressed by the algorithm lately.
Didn't know that. Obviously not every atheist falls into that category.

What's pathetic in my eyes is bowing down to some religious leader who is lying to you.

The only way to escape religion's lies is to escape religion.
England 1815-1914
Worlds foremost superpower. Insane technological and economic development. Feared and envied by the world. Perfidious Albion.

England 1914-1945
Plucky warriors who stood up to Germany. Churchill admired and valorised by the whole western world. Our empire about to collapse but we are still admired.

England 1945-2007
The land of mother fucking rock and roll. Churns out some of the best music ever made. Makes England seem cool and sexy just from the music. Hooligans are hated but outshined by the music.

England 2007- present
Literally not economically fucking grown at all since 2007. Everyone poorer. Former colonies now have the internet and found out about anti-white woke culture so they spew bile about England. USA plastic paddies and mongs now think the English accent no longer sexy just retarded because they found out about our chav mong underclass.

Depressing lads.
We need to invent nuclear fusion and conquer the world again or go back to making good music.
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People say this, but they never think of the poor pole dancers. If we get rid of cash, what do we throw at them?
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I removed the filter lad. It's not looking good!
>white working class culture today is just roadman/drill, seems to have been like that since the early 2010s when chavs started getting phased out.

Totally 100%. The white working class worship the music of the black man. Hence, we have young retards trying to say wagwan and shite.

We need more white English rock.
>RSPB edition
Any posters here never gone abroad? There's clearly some social conditioning going on in this country where some people are just meant to live and die in the same town. It's partly why I wouldn't want to work in some shitty job. It would never be enough to enjoy life.
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I agree

And then pic related will happen to you
It wor the cheapest non chinky phone they had anon
Don't like iphones me
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>He isn't an RSPB lifetime member
There's no way I'm ever going to work. Working doesn't improve my life. I'd still be stuck coming home to mummy's for dinner every night.
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He got his wokey delivered
I live and work in Thailand. Love it here. Would never go back. I earn a nice salary here compared to the cost of living and have a sexy Thai gf (female and adult).

It is not so much social conditioning just lack of imagination, low intelligence and fear. A lot of people just cannot see anything that is not right in front of their face. They never think about anything outside their personal lives experience and what they see. Abstract things just do not exist to them.
I see it in low sets in schools when I used to teach. Just mongs who cannot imagine anything they have not personally experienced. Nasty to call them mongs I suppose. They are just sort of born to do basic menial jobs and I guess it is really good we have a portion of the population quite happy to do that and disdainful of anything more abstract.
Fuck off cunt you live in a bedsit in Widnes
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4 Custard tarts and a Subway with 4x extra GARLIC now that is LUSH. Little snack before dinner. He only have custard tarts rarely he cutting them back.
There is nothing in front of them because they have no money lad.
>Almost 2pm
>Sent no e-mails today
I'm actually stealing a living in this job.
Me? I just refuse to work if I can't have a good life. May as well keep it shit and not contribute. Couldn't even get a passport with that countersign bollocks.
picrel is the kind of mong who thinks giving states massive power by doing things like going cashless is a good idea
what do you mean I'm being sent to the killing fields for wearing glasses? but fukuyama told me I'd get to live in globohomo forever
I'll lose my cock in your arse, saar.
Yeah I've seen Walkabout good film that.
Not as pathetic as you bastard bitch.
You Pakistani bastard lie to make me look bad bloody bitch.
>I'm actually stealing a living in this job.
Same lad I've achieved at most an hour's work since Monday morning
Starting to feel the beginnings of actual guilt about it
The last thing that fat fuck needs is to be wolfing down tins of coke every day.
Live in a nice apartment in Bangkok lad. Not that wild an achievement for a middle class person tbqh. Most of my friends from uni earn more than me. I just have more fun than them I think now though.

Eh. got talking to a teacher who taught kids in different schools over a couple of decades. Said that some kids just cannot see anything that is not in front of them. Some kids from council estates see there is a world out there and that free education from the government is a way to get there so the knuckle down.
Most of them just piss about, wreck the lesson and try to wind up the teacher.
Ask them what their ambitions are and they just shrug and say work with their dad or something. The concept of a middle class life with a big house and trips to Italy or wherever every summer just does not exist because they have never seen it.
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Doesn't go hard enough. The election of Blair cemented the end to England. Since then the country has been nothing but a pitiful, self-hating, anti-meritocratic provincial socialist shithole that is both ashamed of it's past, convinced it has no present and denied, top-down, any hope for the future. Growth is intentionally stagnated. Building is by default banned and must be justified against an arbitrary bureaucracy. The civil service has grown to staggering size and scope but has become sclerotic and unable to provide the most basic functions of state. Rampant crime is now accepted as unstoppable by the majority of institutions including our own police. But don't worry because the courts have no interest in punishing criminals anyway. Native Brits are subject to a two-tier system where non-natives are prioritised and protected over them in every way. Innovation and entrepreneurship are actively suppressed. The state controls more aspects of our lives than the most despotic dictators in history could ever dream of and yet it's portrayed as a good thing, necessary even. Whereas England was the birthplace of liberty, today you can be arrested for naughty words on facebook and indeed we arrest and jail more people for such things than any of the official Bad Guys (TM) that the government says we should be glad we are not like. It's a country where things are so messed up it's actually become banal and cliche to cite 1984. Our government is determined to make us less independent in every manner. Exploiting natural resources is seen as immoral and rightly (nods) illegal. Sovereignty is a joke and the idea of it is a bad joke.

We're just fucked.
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Women love it when you sexualise them.
Never had any career in mind. Know I definitely am not interested in low paid work. I'd rather be dead than work in low paid jobs with no progression.
>Doesn't go hard enough. The election of Blair cemented the end to England. Since then the country has been nothing but a pitiful, self-hating, anti-meritocratic provincial socialist shithole that is both ashamed of it's past, convinced it has no present and denied, top-down, any hope for the future. Growth is intentionally stagnated. Building is by default banned and must be justified against an arbitrary bureaucracy. The civil service has grown to staggering size and scope but has become sclerotic and unable to provide the most basic functions of state. Rampant crime is now accepted as unstoppable by the majority of institutions including our own police. But don't worry because the courts have no interest in punishing criminals anyway. Native Brits are subject to a two-tier system where non-natives are prioritised and protected over them in every way. Innovation and entrepreneurship are actively suppressed. The state controls more aspects of our lives than the most despotic dictators in history could ever dream of and yet it's portrayed as a good thing, necessary even. Whereas England was the birthplace of liberty, today you can be arrested for naughty words on facebook and indeed we arrest and jail more people for such things than any of the official Bad Guys (TM) that the government says we should be glad we are not like. It's a country where things are so messed up it's actually become banal and cliche to cite 1984. Our government is determined to make us less independent in every manner. Exploiting natural resources is seen as immoral and rightly (nods) illegal. Sovereignty is a joke and the idea of it is a bad joke.
haha yeah *turns around and walks away*
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What do you reckon his future ambitions are? I guess making it in a dinghy was his high point.
England, Scotland and Wales all have rainforests.


They're remnants of a pre-civilisational past and have shrunk from 20% of the landmass to 1%. They must be returned to their former glory.
midwits waxing lyrically over their hecking trad politics
>walk past a job centre
>snatch a glimpse of inside the doors
>dossers, government employees wrangling them and security guards
>not a white face among them

Foreigners being paid by the state to provide money and housing to foreigners paid for by the taxpayer and all presided over by foreigners in case someone kicks off.

G4S really are a joke, aren't they? Anytime I see then there's no inbetween; it's either a massive wog or a dyke woman.
>Women love it when you sexualise them.
Then why is it whenever I do it they immediately block me?
>Never had any career in mind

Interesting that. Wonder if it is a class thing. Remember everyone in the family kept asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Dad and me used to watch Time Team with Tony Robinson on TV as a kid so I said Archaeologist. Dad said I needed to go to uni to do that so I needed to pay attention and do well at school. So I did.

I literally think it is shit like that more than anything that actually helps middle class kids do so much fucking better than kids from council estates. Just having parents that present some kind of vision of a future and telling their kids that some good alevels and a good degree from a hood uni is a way to get there. Literally just that.

I worked with council estate kids back when I was teaching who had no idea what their parents did for a living or sometimes who their own fucking father was.
Sad that.
You literally said you want a totalitarian regime. You're not very bright are you
>it's either a massive wog or a dyke woman.
what colourful language, let me guess, you're a virgin?
Your anger about brown people won't get you laid
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Chug update

I have that Puma hoodie
Phwoar he's middle class in't e
Because you are going for super hot birds who have been getting sexualised from the first time they hit puberty lads. They have probably been followed home and leered at my adult men since they were teenagers. This shit happens to pretty girls. They learn to resent and fear men and use their sexual power to fuck with men.

If you want to get laid do the direct sexual flirting with fat and less attractive chicks. Like birds you would never look twice at. Ugly birds with double chins and say shit like PHWOAAR YOU MAKE ME FEEL SOMETHING STRANGE IN MY TROUSERS or some shit like that. They have rarely ever been approached by men so they will be so astonished and turned on by some bloke finding them sexy.

Any hole is a goal and the problem with lads is they are setting their sights too high on some pretty girls who get hit on all the fucking time. Be bold to the right kid of birds who never get it.

Fat ugly birds almost cry with joy if you wolf whistle and thrust your hips at them.
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Jobcentres are incredibly depressing to walk into. Just there for single mums, immigrants, alcoholics/low iq and white people who have no career interests. Even more depressing is the only role is to get you into any job, whether it's progress or not for you. The only jobs offered are pure shit. There's no programmes. If you want to learn they punish you and take away bennies.
9.60 for 25kg of plaster at B&Q
At most 20 quid at dulux for some shitey magnolia
waxing lyrical
i'm empirical
shag yer mum from behind leave her with a condition that's cervical
I really cannot understand what he says. I probably only glean about 10% of it.
This is how we all talk in Wisbech lad.
He fenman in life
>Fat ugly birds almost cry with joy if you wolf whistle and thrust your hips at them.
This is absolutely, categorically NOT true. It's the hot chicks who are more amenable to catcalling and things like that even if they don't openly admit it. The fat ugly frumpy blue haired whales are the ones who kick off about it and are likely to call the police on you.
Maybe he likes the 'grunge' book of his boxroom?
Sad she's dating a muslim and looks like this isn't her first time. Think it's best I unsubscribe. I let this get to me. All I see is someone taking advantage. She will know when she's older.
no I just want to see all the mongs who made it happen share in the suffering they forced on everyone else
fenman in life
i'll shag yer wife
hope i don't get caught or it will cause me some strife
Yeah it is because the perception is if you fucked up so badly you have to go to the fucking job centre to fucking sign on then they think you are not cut out for anything involving a significant amount of brains.

The issue is that white British parenting is so relaxed and shit and liberal these days that decent Iq lads never learn to buckle down and work. So they fuck up school mucking about and by 20 it fucking dawns on them that they actually have to work to survive and follow orders from bosses and shit. Realise that to get higher up they needed qualifications. Sadness.
People like you are just sad
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Who lad? Ruth? Laura? Laurel? Wops? Poundland lass?
If it's some white man it's usually some very old man or some ex-con with neck tattoos. Violent thugs who can't be in the police.
Haha you really are
Post hand (you won't)
Oh yeah not the blue haired woke chicks. In my experience tho the woke chicks at uni were not bad looking tho.

I mean like fat retarded council estate birds. Those sort. They will shag you if you say you like the smell of their minge or something like that.
Mad how there's so many of us doing this. I don't feel the guilt as I work for a large company that barely even knows I exist, so at least I'm not ripping off a family business or something.
You said you can't wait until totalitarianism, so you want it, and I'm pointing out that it won't go very well for you

As for cash, yeah we should make it a legal requirement that lots of (maybe not all) types of transaction must be done electronically, to prevent fraud, tax dodging, etc
Veli 420 is his new UKDC member to seethe at
No I said you're sad, and of course I'm not going to show my hand on 4chan, why on Earth would I do that
That's just fucking grim lad. Not EVERY hole has to be a goal.
Why don't they make these stand arounds do some work? Could have them clean the place. State of that dusty computer monitor. There's absolutely no need to have 8 G4S on shift at every Jobcentre. G4S must love draining the government pot. They are the worst and most corrupt security firm ever. Needs to be a Panorama on them.
>They have rarely ever been approached by men so they will be so astonished and turned on by some bloke finding them sexy.
lad are you posting from 2006?
As I said, people like you are just sad
Since when did this general become a bunch of wog lovers and simps?
They stole my car as well
When they were employed to do the exact opposite of that
Shippy and Zimmy set the standard
If not hating brown people makes you a simp then not hating white people also makes you a simp

So, you're a simp
Fuckers like you lot are the reason the Uk has such a shite productivity rate.

Honestly tho the blame lies with companies for not firing you fucks. Apparently there is some reason our economic system just creates bullshit jobs where people do fucking nothing for a salary. We just need it to be that way so unemployment is not too high.
Maybe AI will take it away.
Government should have you mongs cleaning gum off the street or something.

Mind you my gf is a research assistant at a lab and says that some days its just fucking about on her phone.
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>people Iike you are just sad
Name on Arbarothy
breaking out le soi images for teh epic twolling is it king?
His lift doesn't have floor numbers like a normal lift that go -1,-2,-3 for the basement, oh no, his lift says "2024,2023,2022,2021" as he goes ever deeper into the basement of the lorechives
>run that_is_personality_behind_that_post.exe
Forgot how nice white rum and cloudy lemonade is.
It's true though isn't it. And you're collecting those cartoons on your PC. Bit weird really.
Donning military uniform as he sits down at his computer and goes to war on /britfeel/
>someone who is against cashlessness will not enjoy living under totalitarianism
wow lad you're a bright one
I wasn't even the person you've been talking to about G4S and posting hands etc
Yeah you caught me wog lover
No, none of them. She is 23, bit chubby but looks quite young. Sadly she dropped out of uni due to anxiety yet somehow has boyfriends. Think she is from Yorkshire.
>l wasn't even the person you've been talking to about G4S and posting hands etc
Yeah that sounds like me. I never cared about anything other than video games from 16-24. Lads develop later so it's not right we are expected to keep up academically like girls.
>he wanted totalitarianism but claims he doesn't actually want it
Clearly not very bright are you

What I said still applies
>Maybe AI will take it away.
why would it? it's just going to make the problem worse. Instead of being paid to do makework people will be paid to babysit an AI that does makework for them. If companies/government actually cared about getting rid of unproductive workers bullshit jobs wouldn't exist in the first place
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But rich from someone who went to the desert and risked his life to fight for Arabs in Syria
For sure. Well for me my parents never done anything interesting. Just worked all their lives. They don't even go on holidays in retirement even though they have inheritance now. Always some excuse like their health. They only go out to the shops and are constantly doing some kind of house improvement to fill time.
Do you lads play male or female characters in games that let you make your character?
Tbqh plenty of lads do. Most people doing maths or engineering at Oxbridge are male.
You just need a good father that is supportive but tells you off and gives you a vision. That is it.
No offence but it seems like your parents were just a bit shit.
>i'm a double digit iq mong who got caught out failing to infer basic meaning from context
>i'll just pretend I'm pretending to be retarded so I don't look actually retarded
Usually female. Sometimes male. Depends on the game I guess. Most of my BG3 playthroughs have been as males.
Arbroathy was hoping to be captured as a war bride by ISIS. It wasn't to be. Now he's back in his pebbledash home being reluctantly fucked by a grim bloke on benefits
Female normally. Obvious reasons as well as the fact that female lead voice actors tend to have been better in RPGs lately
Mass Effect and Cyberpunk spring to mind
>Ctrl+Alt+Del > TaskManagerLad
Why male in BG3?
Cyberpunk male VA is total shit compared to the female.
Maybe they were. Anyway it's too late now. I'm not going to be in the right mind to succeed now at nearly 35. I'm just letting life play out and knowing I can kill myself someday gives me a bit of relief. It just wouldn't be right going to uni now and having to pay for college.
You have a low IQ? That was clear already
I've done a number on you
Yeah I prefer female V.
>Why male in BG3?
idk maybe self inserting romance with Shadowheart etc Just feels right. My girl playthrough was on the one where I romanced Karlach and I played as a halfling female rogue.
Corr, one more of those posts and you're a shoo-in for winning this thread.
>Cyberpunk male VA is total shit compared to the female.
Aye he's trying much too hard with the mafialite thing.
Meer is laughably bad as Shepard as well.
I truly believe depression isn't curable in some cases. Sadly I'm one of them. I know I can't get the things I want even if I tried. Basic romance is off limits, I'm not even sure what career I'd do. Depression mostly has a cause. I'm just nasty now.
Same for Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Mad some people replayed it with each character. Literally is the same dialogue and story.
I don't agree with that statement
>I know I can't
>is off limits
Ever heard the phrase 'self-fulfilling prophecy' lod?
Me? Love shagging black girls. Simple as.
I'm watching an item on Bargainfox and so far its price has dropped by 19p in the past week. Might hold on for a little longer.
You tried antidepressants? They can work
I have but what exactly is that supposed to mean?
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>Love shagging black girls
Nice digits lad
I mean the fact you've decided you can't do those things is the principal reason that you can't
I want to enjoy gooning still. No thanks. My depression would not go away with tablets. Just masked. I know the shit to make me better and it's out of reach in modern society.
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>Love shagging bIack girls
The duality of britfeelers.
I wish I could accept it. Sadly I can't.
Lowball offers on eBay? Yeah I love it.
Change or acceptance are your only two choices anon
Think of it this way
You've cited NEETdom and lack of gf as the reason for your depression, and cited depression as the reason for your NEETdom and lack of gf
The other does doesn't dislike shagging black girls, he gets upset when white men shag non-white women.
Change gets some men nowhere. Waste of energy and time. Earning money is not what life should solely be about.
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buh buh buh buuuuuuh
loved it when I was a little one firing up Halo on the original xbox
endless fun trying to get the warthogs into places on the map they shouldn't be
If you wake up on this stage you'll wish you'd never been born
Gets me a bit misty eyed does playing Halo nowadays
Hard drive full of theatre files playing with lads from school that have 2.5 kids and a mortgage now.
Still it would be fun to get some team games going if any cunt on here has it on ms store or xbone
1) Not all antidepressants cause sexual problems, and even those that do don't always do it
2) I mean fair enough but if there's a solution there then it seems strange to not use it
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>You tried antidepressants? They can work
>2) I mean fair enough but if there's a solution there then it seems strange to not use it
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I hope the lid whose gato was put down is doing okay
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>You just need a good father
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How many of these Jewish cartoons do you have saved on your computer lad?
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Just enough lid
How many Alizees in that folder
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Just two, this being the other one. Use to have one with a merchant sat at a computer too
REBD-876? Hmm, intriguing.
Is spending your life rotting away really better?

Crosslad, you're back
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14 images at the current count
Mould update
This cold spell has caused a new layer of white fluffy mould to grow out of the slimy black stuff. Kind of 3D init it's like little cauliflower heads of mould fluff
Tried breathing some of it but didn't even cough or smell anything so think we're sound lads
imagine daring one of your mates to eat a slug and he ends up dying
do you think they still lie awake at night thinking about it?
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I'm ok thanks lad, just having some rum and looking at pics of her, remembering the good times.
Wonder what happened to Snarf
I don't think slugs are poisonous lad
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Last known image of Snarf
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She's still going.She's spending more time inside, basically sleeps inside and goes out during the day, my fren said.
She loving being a part time indoor cat. Here with her little bro pedro.
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>tfw no catberg to post in /britfeel/
Cancel that, I've just read the story
That's mental
New York, New York on DVD new and sealed for a fiver. This is the one Scorsese film I've never seen next to After Hours.
Get one from the RSPCA lad. If you can have one where you are.
Based snarflad updating de lads
What breed of dog is that? Looks like it has some shitbull in it.
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So knives out
Catch the mouse
Don't look down
Shove it in your mouth
Why collect DVD's? Why not JAV? Anime figures? Hair from your victims? Video games?
Spanish mastiff. My fren got him from the canary islands I think. The rescue centre had named him dave originally, and my friend nearly didn't get him because "uh not having a dog with a normal human name", so being the shitjoke speshulist I am, I suggested pedro (knowing it was a normal spanish human name), and I'd been playing a game called my friend pedro, with my frens son, so his son liked the name. He didn't realise for 2 years, kek. Too late then.
Just like 'em. Can't explain why, maybe Autism. I do play games and that too I'm just not that fussed about physical versions.
Not him but it's a smart lad that buys physical media nowadays
Eventually they'll find some way of nerfing bittorrent for good, and the price of streaming services can only go up
There will come a time once again like the 90s where everyone knows a guy for copies
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Thinking of u haleylad
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>from the RSPCA
They did notning for me most recent time desu bt the time b4 that time they did........i think maybe other factors...........ill try them again sometime
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Saw a chad in a wheelchair yday lel
Will need to run it by my gf first, but yeah, it's certainly a possibility
Crosslad I missed you did you get banned?
Meeting a tranny later today.
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>Meeting a tranny
Funny thinf was id seen old lady in wheelchair in diff shop earlier that day being pushed around by the usual hench aunt jemima thar seems 2 do all those jobs now. Bt wheelchad had a literal qt girl assigned pusher kek. Literally even w no working legs(possibly dick) it still happens.
Most repulsive, repugnant, vile, abhorrent association of people there is in the UK. Utterly contemptable cretins.
Thanks lad. You back from your (forced) holiday?
My ex gf worked for the RSPCA
Lost my virginity to a tranny actually
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>worked for the RSPCA
VERY based that is, lad
Yep, they do help the animals, I know you have your reason for not liking them.
I've had 2 cats from them now, and thinking (thought about it before adopting this cat) of fostering for them, only cats though muh leg be fooked pal, but could do a number of animals (smol).
Should've pushed the chad over tbqhwy

Holy based. What kind of tranny? Thai ladyboy? Shy boymoder? BBL latina tranny with a 10 incher? A big ugly hon that doesn't even try to pass?
Yeah, she got bit by a rabid dog and had to be put down. T'was a shame as she had a right pair on her.
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Thx,yes,bt I been rotmaxxing in bed tbe whole week anyway depressed can't mope forever tho
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That wasn't me but
>she had a right pair on her
is very accurate
>That wasn't me
Sorry, the urge to joke just took over.
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The tranny I lost my virginity to was a Pakistani lass. Nice little feminine penis on her
Hmm wonder who that could be then
>The tranny I lost my virginity to was a Pakistani lass. Nice little feminine penis on her
why is that lad
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Also i have 2 say the Korean asmr griller Lollers posted few days ago really stirred something in my heart,,,I felt like,this is something I always felt like jt existed bt I never knew how 2 find it,or like something I saw in a childhood lucid dream once I been searching 2 find all my life. V spiritual vibes. I felt a deep peace w this video. Nd she shows feet.
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Feel rough af me. Keeping off the wooze for a while now. Need a proper detox in life. It's wuppas only today, yeah it's wuppas only.today.
You're jealous of Shippy getting prime Pakistani bussy
>You're jealous of Shippy getting prime Pakistani bussy
It's ok to feel jealous lid
I would go for a tranny but I think as soon as the smell of shit from their arse hits I'd be put right off.
Grown spends all day in his room pretending to be other posters on an image board
been watching here aswell lad i was expecting some shit asmr but it's just her camping in the rain nature does the asmr. she cute too
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Need 2 be careful w that demon drink helper lad. It dont have ur best interests at heart. Feels like it does bt it don't
You fucked that up lid
Neck yourself you boring odious shut in x
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Mary Tyler Moore really gets my engine flowing (full of semen).
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Based, with all that insight can you offer a solution?
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Class innit. V relaxing on my telly
I bet none of you are having cream cakes on Thursday.
Today is Thursday, anon.
But you're not having cream cakes.
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Lush, is it not? x
Having some right fantasybergs today, am I not?
What does it matter if any of us has cake or not you grim childish shut in spamming spastic
I didn't know it was cream cake day.
t. has no cream cakes to eat on this dreary thursday
Lidl were doing 12 pack of tea cakes for 6.99. Ludicrous. All because they were in a fancy tin. Probably not even as nice as Tunnocks.
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Yea. Hope u OK. I know how empty nd cold it feels in house when pet isnt there anymore. Life is grim.
When a beloved pet dies all you can do is dream and dance.
Fuck being a wagie lads. Snakes and cunts the lot of them.
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>nearly 28 y/o KHV
>found an escort in my town
>7 or 8/10, Spanish, 29 y/o
>130 quid for an hour
>good reviews
lids... am I actually going to do it? or will I just bottle it like a coward like every other time?
Before you do it, google her name and find reviews of her elsewhere. Will help check that she is genuine.
>putting a chocolate eclair betwixt emily wops boobers and chowing down on it
Hope you enjoy HIV, lad. They've all got it now because it's so normalised.
>I know how empty nd cold it feels in house when pet isnt there anymore.
I know lad, experienced it a couple of times over the years in this house. I won't let it be grim for long, I do want to find out about fostering. I'm poor af, but can help the animals, and all bills covered (food and meds if needed).
Remembering the lad here who fucked his sister's dog to death one Christmas period and was subsequently shunned by his family. It not right.
>Remembering the lad here who fucked his sister's dog to death one Christmas period and was subsequently shunned by his family. It not right.
I'd love to unbox one of her The Simpsons Funko Pops and chain her to her bed, lube up her hairy arse and shove it right up there. Milhouse will be cumming up Emily. Oh, yes. Luvvvvverly.
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Never thought about that. That does sound like a nice idea. I volunteered for cats protection b4 bt it was like a standard cashier mong thing in a shop so U didn't really feel any connection 2 what it was all for if tjat makes sense. Was alright tho.
I take it Ruthmong is back then
Plenty of reasonable changes could be made very easily and result in markedly improved quality of life for almost everyone.
>actually limiting immigration
>repealing TACPA
>expansion of prison spaces and three strike sentencing, plus stop default release at half time served
>deporting foreign criminals (including illegal immigrants by default since it is a crime to enter illegally) and foreigners on welfare for 6 months+
>lifting arbitrary caps on domestic health care staff training numbers
>exploiting the north sea oil reserves and stopping government funding of insane net zero schemes
>dissolving local governments which are consistently showing they cannot govern and are going bankrupt in droves
>bring back meritocratic hiring procedures, especially in the military/police/civil service, no more promotions based on length of employment
>slashing taxes pro-rata with the money from trimming the useless departments which do nothing all day (how many of this kafkaesque list are essential to running a country? https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations)
etc. etc.
People have been duped on some level into thinking that running a country is hard, but it's really not for the most part.
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This is what they expect us to believe is an attractive woman.
>milton weakens to category one storm
what a big nothingburger
The regional branches do help animals. They are actually distinct charities separately registered, run and operated. 'THE' RSPCA', as in the national charity, exists solely to prosecute people. Many people unwittingly donate to 'the RPSCA' thinking it will go to their local branch and be used for good causes, when in fact anything being donated to the national charity just gets spent on solicitors
I need to get in even better shape so I have the confidence to get pegged by prostitutes again.
>Milhouse will be cumming up Emily
howled at this
I was hoping to see some Wizard of Oz level destruction. It wasn't even as bad as the one a few weeks ago. Are Meteorologists hacks?
Back in my day pegging meant when a woman would peg your ball sacks to a washing line and let you hang there until you cum.
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Who exactly are 'they'
You know who I mean, little lad.
the big bad jews?
If the nose fits...
Ah just in 1 of their charity shop things, not where the animals were. Still helping them in a way, so it's good.
I heard it can be quite hard (emotionally) on fosterers, but I'm used to a bit of an emotional kicking, so It's ok.
I'd suggest 30 mins instead of an hour and if you're a major gooner then just forget it and save your money
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1 of my fav kinos u got other day dvdlad
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Lovely chinky feet there
Yeah, I got it based off of your recommendation a while back since it was on sale de liiiid.
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That wasn't him. Wops isn't his type.
Executing 2% of the population each year would be good. Ed Dutton did a video on this. Seems pretty extreme but it was essentially slow burn eugenics
Is she your type?
Oy vey, schlomo quite rattled
Do you mean 'shlomo' ?
You simply need to listen to the first 4 seconds of this video

>Wops's dad lives elsewhere
It sad
You need to lose your virginity
>You need to lose your virginity
Stop seething moshe, I've shagged 4 (FOUR) women
>I've shagged 4 (FOUR) women
Of course you have little lid
>The numbers have been exaggerated in my view
What did he mean by this?
Re-appeared last night, straight back to his normal routines.
No she's not attractive to me.
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>straight back to his normal routines.
Indeed, my foreskin is in tact too
Yeah not personally against this. The fact that we don't execute violent criminals, rapists, paedophiles and habitual chronic offenders is just crazy to me desu.
>my foreskin is in tact too

Yeah, life's better without the wooze, will be having a sober weekend. Having a cheeky fry up now waheyy.
A certain section of society does NOT like comrade Corbyn
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More Wops for me then
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That M.2 SSD arrived early so get in there. Just hope I don't fuck up installing it.
Yeah very sad. No wonder her brother is unstable and starts smashing stuff up. No proper father figure.
>Just hope I don't fuck up installing it.
I'm guessing you will
Need a poll. Will HHL fuck up installing his M.2 SSD
I could be Wop's new daddy
>re-watching my favourite TV show after a few years
>once again become fixated on shagging the milfy side character in her mouth
I am a grim and predictable little orc of a man
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She's not for me. My ideal gf is 24-26, slim and introverted.
>He owns a hidden disability lanyard
>if you're a major gooner then just forget it and save your money
why's that? I do like a bit of porn de lid. I'm thinking of going for it, for next week or something so I have a bit of time to ween myself off at least
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Yes lad how new are you
I use my smaller PS3 drive in my 2006 laptop. Had to swap them as I needed more storage on the PS3 at the time. Couldn't be asked swapping shit around now and having to redownload firmware to a flash drive.
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I chuckle every time I see this
wops has a better life than you.
>Lives with her mum
>Works in a shop selling cheap tat
>Only hobby is collecting old video games
My life isn't THAT grim
>Doesn't pay rent
>Gets homecooked meals every day
>Earns an honest living
>Has a fulfilling hobby

How is it grim?
She goes to Barcelona a few times a year and she seems happy enough. She didn't get to fully enjoy Xbox 360 and PS3 like us older lads so it's all a better dopamine rush for her. You were probably more optimistic and materialistic at her age.
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about 2 weeks ago I went in a Heron Foods with me da'. there was this slightly overweight femoid, wearing glasses, had some acne, about mid-twenties, a bit of a speech impediment too
felt bad for her. I didn't think women could really be like us. that said I'm sure she'll still find someone, if she hasn't already
>Doesn't pay rent
>Gets homecooked meals every day

Is that true? Need a Wops loremaster to confirm. I'm not THAT invested in her
That gets depressing once you pass 25. Especially past 30 and you're still doing that. She should go to university instead of using her free time on vidya (she's a part time worker due to her hidden disabilities).
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O I forget mentioning it here. Based, hope u like it
depends on how excessively you've been watching porn over the years. Worse case you have porn induced erectile dysfunction which means you won't achieve or will find it hard maintain an erection, even with a naked woman in front due desensitization of your brain.
>That gets depressing once you pass 25. Especially past 30 and you're still doing that. She should go to university instead of using her free time on vidya (she's a part time worker due to her hidden disabilities).
I don't want to work. I am planning to die when the parents die anyway. Just don't see the point in working for low wages and then feeling exhausted/lonely all the time.
>her hidden disabilities
Would that be her social anxiety then? Some fan spotted her in McDonalds and approached her to say hello. She did not like that one bit
>I don't want to work
None of us do. But sometimes you have no choice, unless you want to waste your life away in a care home like HelperLad.
Wops is a lesbian anyway. She wouldn't be interested in us lads.
Homeless is more appealing to me. Just waste time in the day at the town centre like them druggies do.
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Can't imagine how grim it must be working in a place like this.
Well he is a bit fucked for approaching her. Very stalkerish.
When I was temporarily homeless in 2017, I spent much of my time in various bookies. Didn't even bet. It was just somewhere to stay safe and warm
Working in Home Bargains may be for you, bu it's not for me
If you aren't regularly banging proper fit sexy women with little effort, with a career that you love, or that is very low effort but high reward somehow, then life is kind of shit and you would be better of just laying down and getting bennies. Otherwise you're just working for a pittance to scrape by, giving up all yoru time and energy, and MAYBE getting some roastie who chad discarded after she hit the wall.
What else is there really? It was probably just something available at the right time for her. I have never been in one as it's for working class brexit embracing families.
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Look at this. Smelly black groid gets this throat goat white woman to go balls deep on him. What do you get? Fuck all probably. If you don't have this kind of thing already, then you never will. You're mid 20's or above and never had a gf? Then you never will. It's all genetics. Self improvement is a cope.

You're working hard at your shitty job so you can scrape by. Meanwhile girls regularly go for guys who beat them up who are unemployed losers, but they're hot, or the girls like that they beat them up and stuff.
I hate their fucking logo. It reminds me of them old national insurance cards.
She seems intelligent. She should have went to uni like that other lad said.

That lass even has the same hairstyle as Wops. Weird.
>Look at this. Smelly black groid gets this throat goat white woman to go balls deep on him. What do you get? Fuck all probably. If you don't have this kind of thing already, then you never will. You're mid 20's or above and never had a gf? Then you never will. It's all genetics. Self improvement is a cope.
were you beating off when you wrote this? be honest
>balls deep
wife material
No but I did feel a stirring in me loins and I knew then that I would be wanking my cock off later tonight.
Mum chucked me out once and got the police to take me away. Never again would I come crawling back if she did that. In fact I call the police on her more now.
Shagging ghetto jungle whores
This is Ruthmong, isn't it?
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guys what are your thoughts on hamza aka adonis?!
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dunno lad need QRD on this lad
Nubs and Congo
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Not like those middle class nouveau riche families that somehow never took their sprog on a holiday abroad @ any point in his life right
Nubs isn't that hot.
Having some Iceland frozen chicken tenders for lunch. One of those CBA nights isn't it?
It's my last supper
He isn't here anymore.
Press the button wagie
I'd rather work at McDonald's than Home Bargains. Least you can have some fries and a milkshake on your break.
I feel like working at a city centre one would be hell. 15 shitfaced people staring at you with nothing but drunken hunger and impatience in their eyes while they wait for their number to come up. Fights breaking out etc.
but at leats you are working and thats a privilege in itself aint it
a true virtue that
good on you

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I got rejected for job from mcdonalds & KFC
Probably for the best to be honest
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Working? It may be for you, but it's not for me
This is definitely true. Mcdonald's at 2am is a cesspit.
>dancing wagie 27.webm
I wonder what on earth compels someone to save 27 videos of people dancing at work
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Check it out I got this thing that projects pretty lights into my room. Looks better in person. Shitty phone camera loses a lot of the atmosphere you know.

Me too, long time ago when I was like 17 or 18. Multiple times each infact.
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Makes him feel better I suppose. I will admit that as a wagie myself it is concerning that there are at least 27 webms of it happening.
U should be asking Y wagies love dancing so much
v cute webm this
Dibs on the nigress
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>random message from ****
Its never what I want 2 see. All business as usual.
i fucked f1nnster and i feel regret
Did you really? Any more info? How did you meet and stuff? I assume it's a larp but I'm happy to play along.
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Lucky bugger. Did you pay? Why do you have regret
State of this council house. Policeman just casually sitting on her steps.

Grown woman letting 15yo boys in her house. Don't know why the police would care about that.
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There's something about mean looking slags
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Sick of being scum class. 1 day u might find me ascending in life classic britnormie style. I want john lewis points card. Then again might just get drunk 1 night nd stick bottle in my neck.
Do you think they are grafters keeping the country going strong?
In a proper miserable incelly mood tonight.
Yeah they're both mechanical engineers
Soapy paizuri from the one on the left desu phwoar woof
Don't see Home Bargains as just for working class brexiteers. It sells same stuff cheaper than big supermarkets so you're a retard if you avoid it.
Found out which spacker home HHL resides in. Compared a picture he posted of his boxroom with pictures on the official website of said spacker home. I'm 95% certain.
True Brexit geezers stay away from Lidl and Aldi since they're German.
I shop a mix of Lidl, Iceland, Poundland and Home Bargains tbqh.
Not very professional at all
Who is the real spacker? The guy who lives in a spacker home, or the guy who is allegedly not a spacker but sits up into the evening trying to dox strangers on a 4chan board.
They are both different flavours of spacker
>who is the spacker
>the spacker
>or the non spacker
You're a spacker lad
wheres my new thread, chop chop
we all a bit spaccy in life
Had one of these. Was a bit loud though. Took away the vibe.
Dancing is a social thing. Modern day mating call depending on the situation.
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Mum said w/e standard grades i got 1 in which is e.g. A in GCSE she would give me 100 quid each. I thought that was mental bt I said ok anyway obviously. So I got 600 quid after those exams i got that for 6 out of 8,,2 of them i didn't turn up at all too anxious those days. So between that nd it was a year or 2 b4 i cut off my dad forever i had decent bank. Plus i was good @ saving money in those days.........unlike now.Neway just saying that 2 say on ***** birthday that year I buy her this ring & necklace from beaverbrooks was just under 500 quid. I showed the ring 2 ms. M maths teacher I had decent friendship with was a silver amethyst ring am like does itnlook ok?she said "wow congratulations" am like what? Shed assumed it was for engagement,,which was a common thing in my school year @ the time. Just a present. Then ***** did have it on like an engagement ring for like 2 years bt it was just a present. In my darkest nights I like 2 imagine she still has it in a drawer somewhere bt probly binned moons ago.
Feel like crossmong deliberately makes his posts annoying to read
Getting in my fucking feelings. It Thursday
Hong Kong themed edition

Get it out lad, it's good to vent.
the real problem with going cashless is also the sole reason why its being pushed, corporate greed
massive corporations are nickel-and-diming purely for more profit, forcing people to rely on fewer and fewer options that are become less and less reliable at the same time because those options are also being nickel-and-dimed

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