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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

veegee, buy passu.... to bypassu! Edition

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
Know your moderators: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/Staff
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io
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4chan media browsers: https://thread-puller.party/ (Images) & https://www.4webm.org (Webms / [wsg])
Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/search?query=4chan+happenings
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79007439 >>79007439
I think moderation may have become too decentralized
Everyone's doing their thing without consulting the rest, the someone discovers it, disagrees with it and tries to shoot it down.

But well, something is better than nothing desu.
Even as we are approaching 2025 I fucking love this website and I'm glad it's still here working largely how it did in 2003 and I can post with an active userbase and talk about whatever I want and say almost whatever I want with zero repercussions to my online life, my personal life, or my professional life. As much (or as little) as it changes throughout the years, this is the best website on the net and I hope to be here 10 years down the road and I hope whoever reading this is too. God bless moot and the psychotic unpaid volunteer staff who maintain this chaotic shithole. For fucking real.
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did you hear that /gsg/ was kicked off of /vg/ forever!
posting one of my favorite /gsg/ memes in their memory
rip sweet prince
4chan is kill? Mods killing 4chan?
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shut up nigger
>You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original.
shinji is a faggot, like you and eva is overrated crap for entry-level pseuds to both anime and philosophy, also like you
It died with the ip counter
Rest in pass (20$)
MAJOR HAPPENINGS summary from the previous thread:
>mods implement the /biz/ filter on /vg/, requiring new users to wait 15 minutes, validate their emails, or buy a pass before they can post
>the nigger/faggot/tranny filter has been removed
necessary injection
newfag? but I can post on /vg/
mods generally do good work
stop with this retarded "mods suck" meme
you missed one
Oh yeah:
>there are at least 8 people who post on the happenings thread, but only 3 who post on /gsg/
Faggot faggot faggot faggot test.
Three years remaining.
>one guy going muh thread died oh noez for 5+ years straight
This is why /vg/ is not a fucking happening
What is this? >>>/vg/497902254
it's there to make a dumbass ask.
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Just saw this ad, it links to the /qst/ catalog
>tfw the mods practice engagement bait
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dodal happening rebord ob lasd thred :DDDD

>krabby paddy segred sauce is revealde to da world! (basigly thousand islande dresing) (blangtdon won?) (shid :DDDD)
>gaybop idoles not allowd to bost CB of dhildren on /mu/ !
>joger was rabed in the ass DDDD: ;D, /tv/ and /co/ lauf!
>diborce prosedings! DD:
>month delay on /an/ !
>red dext on /v/! (vurvag bdfo) (dat mod was nod remobed!)
>horsfugger stiggy on /mlp/!
>CB on /v/! and hapbening reborder god a berma! DDD: (nod posding id b/c i don't wanna berma eidder :DDDD) (see archibes!)
>/trash/ bergin has seggs :DDD dig in ass! fuggin top dog!
>/lit/ rebiews insel book!
>/g/ AI threds hid hard by a fuggin robod!
>FF:VIB in bergadory :DDD edernal dormend!
>goibumi to 13-sai no joyuu is da new kodomo no jigan :DDD bedofile vs doderwif burityfag cibbil war?! :DDD
>florida man galled mildon bisses off boseidon!
>gapja change!
>/cm/ /trash/ grossober!
>/gsg/ bolkganised into /vst/ ! gens allowde on all /v/borde! joins hall of (in)fame(y) of odder shiddy generales!
>trusd da siense! new shiddy 4chan /sci/ paper (nod rlyy a habbeind ;DD)
>argive dod org is down DDD: (ids ober...) (/g/ gomiserades, /pol/ sgitsos becas elegshuns)
>beng beng, wahoo!... shidd waid this isn't switch2! fugg! troled by japens agen!
>redard on /toy/ ! (nod a habeing but poind and laugh :DDDD)
>15 minudes to bost on /vg/, ids da /biz/ dreadmend :DD (buy a fuggin bass goy)
>word filder is remobed (fuggin neggar neggar neggar neggar nega-neggar :DD)

well fugg, resd is hisdory (an nod a haapbinging eider :DDDD)
grade reborting arounda offises guys, keeb up da gud werk ;DD

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
o fugg guess i'm a robod :DD
id was da lings (fuggin cidashuns)
wat da fuggg r u sayan :DDDDD
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no i'm suber sayan :DDDD
Get that mod dick out of your mouth first
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why u do dis
Mods can't stand behind or explain even a single decision they make for years now. They are some little bitches and it shouldnt be the users responsibility to constantly guess what posts qualify for the invisible janny in the sky melty. When's the last time you saw (user banned for this post) or any type of red mod comment on a post?
>When was the last three me you saw user was banned for this post or any red text
Last week. As our spurdo friend >>79083477 reported, there was an instance of somebody in /v/ making a thread about their favorite anthropomorphic vidya characters and was publicly banned for it. Further down the thread, somebody who I'm assuming was the same user claimed that the mod who banned furryshit on /v/ was removed and that post was publicly banned with the red text "No he was not"
I know I'm just bitching but man the /v/ catalog is filled with legitimate dogshit, why is a mod arguing with some random furry about being employed (especially by /v/ standards) do your job lil bro
mods aren't immune to roleplaying as /b/ posters circa 2007,up to and including looking the other way on rouge the bat and midna threads
>page 10
I don't think so
Unfortunately site is very boring friend.

Update from the front: To the shock of all , /vg/ spam thing was a nothing burger, still endless goocher game spam and all 10 of the shitty dead generals left on the board used the 'news' to page 10 bump (very unexpected). No one has been able to figure out the cause but the BBC spammer on lolg during a big tournament does seem plausible.

Play video games
Don't have ssx (it's gross)
sticky >>>/fit/75268135
Space weather happening
Get your phones out
I can barely see it with my eyes but it showed up on my phone camera
Citybros... I don't see anything...
>I found this little guy hanging around my yard. I have no idea what it is. It looks like a monkey or a raccoon, no fucking idea. I live relatively isolated, in the north of Spain, and I've never seen anything like this. It comes from France, maybe?
Before you check the thread guess the animal from the description!
I thought the increase in precision for filenames a few years made this sort of image swap basically impossible. Is this a different glitch?
Moved to /bant/. Also just a prank.
Now this is a happening.
Mods legitimately believe in revenge moderation.
anyone who refuses to take it like a little bitch and complains is singled out over the other retards even if it senselessly multiplies moderator workload
which why announcing a sage, a report or ban evasion have their own unique report forms that always get priority moderated (or get you punished for misreporting) even thought the act of "downvoting" on 4chan is no different when you scream "sage" than when you scream "kys nigger"
Apparently this choice of words is a brutal betrayal of 4chan etiquette and completely justifies the mod singling out this specific type of piss in the ocean of piss.

Sarcasm aside, it's genuinely a waste of moderator effort to single them out and their workload would be much better if they just these non-approved downvote forms be.
Any /an/ternational affairs experts around to explain the logic of this to me? "We're starving so we have no choice to kill these endangered animals" makes sense, and a straight out appeal for more international food aid would make sense, but this "we're gonna kill the elephants, unless you take them" is not computing. Are they asking for aid in exchange? Are they accusing the elephants of causing the famine in the first place? I'm missing something here.
That's not a "no ban reason", that's a GR6 ban, and you most likely were downvoting with kys nigger spam. Don't expect sympathy from me.
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>3 day
>censored the dates for some reason
From skimming it it seems like since ellies are endangered and they're one of the few non-shithole african nations and actually protect them, they have most of the elephants remaining, and just generally a lot of them. Western countries are bitching about how they can't kill some of them for practical reasons or whatever so he's like "fine then, put your money where your mouth is you faggot krauts and save these poor elephants :)"
If posting a version with the dates will make you happy I will do it.
electoral shitflinging most likely, botswana is well enough economically, mostly agrarian and definitely at no risk of famine.
pretty sure it was posted on one of the archived threads link yesterday and he's trying to pass it off as his ban
Why you trolling me
You're right, I knew I saw it somewhere before
I was just wondering why you censored the dates, and it's just because you immediately posted the ban and didn't want to admit to evading
Yeah and he instanuked the thread when I posted it at the bottom
Because you pretend you ban was unjustified right after we spent the last 6 hours discussing how gsg was raiding other generals.

Just became we have metadiscussions doesn't mean we like shitposters, i suggest you go to /trash/ for that.
I didn't make any post raiding anyone though and if I did why didn't they just link it in the ban.
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>>No ban reason given
>very obviously lists violation of "low quality posts" report option
Oh wow you sure showed him
/v/ is 100% getting the /vg/ and /biz/ treatment soon, the mods must be at their breaking point, too much bad stuff being spammed over there, the archive is a mess
Why did /vg/ even get the treatment? I feel like that board is barely talked about on this site whereas the low quality of /v/ comes up all the time (probably since it's a lot of people's entry point to the site)
somebody bought an ad for ecker >>>/g/102770908
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tl;dr they were throwing shit at deluded environmentalists
>we want to cull some elephants, they're annoying us
>noooo you can't do that also you can't sell your ivory reserves don't do that
>well, feel free to take these elephants yourselves, see how much of a nuisance they are, if you're going to lecture us without doing anything about it (also your wolf laws are more lenient than the elephant ones you've forced on us)
the catch 22 being that they're only a nuisance to begin with because they're fucking retards and set up farms along and blocking off elephant migration routes, which elephants will remember their entire lives even if they can't use them for a decade due to a drought, and will just trample over and snack on if there's a farm in the way and no defenses or reasonable way around it. the geniuses of the african world are using all their brainpower to plan ahead to grow crops as it is, elephant migration routes are just too much for them to grasp.

tl;tl;dr natshit african (literal) retards have the high ground over libshit german (sheltered, oversocialised) retards, but they're still both retards.
imo both sides should kill each other for our entertainment. there's your nonpartisan summary of the shituation.

fastest thread on /an/ right now according to 4stats btw
that's a tortoise you stupid fuck
/v/ has been this way for well over a decade. "/b/ without porn" has always been the MO. Whatever schizzos are shitting it up now, it's not worse than it was.
because if it's not linked, it's deleted and not on the public banlist.

furthermore, janny can't ban people, and mods are all 40 years olds who practically never post anymore. you are imagining persecution. chances are, the mod first banned you from the report queue, checked the thread you posted on and deleted the thread for being a known evader's
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Anon logs how often they masturbate in a spreadsheet.
>trample over and snack on if there's a farm in the way and no defenses or reasonable way around it. the geniuses of the african world are using all their brainpower to plan ahead to grow crops as it is, elephant migration routes are just too much for them to grasp.
that's historically what happened to migrating herds in europe, usa and india too.

you get in the way you get the pointy stick
What was the bad stuff? It's been shitpost central forfuckingever
Seems sus more than anything
fewer posts = lower operating expenses
test on big board before activating on /pol/ for usa election
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>15 minutes put on /pol/ (+/bant/ +/news/) on election night because the apple servers can't handle their boomerisms for zion don
>passu to bypassu
>buy passu now!
>a portion of the proceeds will go to DUP's campaign! (0.01% rounded down)
>removed the day after so the feds can keep gathering their data and giving hiro the kickback (/pol/yps will forget about it after 2 weeks)
something about certain threads being made specifically for pedos to dogwhistle to other pedos to share pizza i think. i didn't check the archives to verify this for obvious reasons.
So the Marxists have infected this website
this 300lb bitch needs to get ip banned it's so tiresome
Is there anyway to encourage more /v/irgins to go to /vm/? I'm afraid it's dying. Even the mod doesn't post there anymore.
we need less boards. why do we still have /toy/ or /xs/
it is, because they've added four new videogame boards and further scattered any potential on topic posters
/xs/ is pretty cool, its only real fault is the slow speed
No fuck off /vm/ is FULL
do not endanger the /vm/ way of life
actually I forgot it exists. What are some nice threads there?
the roblox thread
For the love of God please leave the /v/alkans alone. A slow bumprate and obscure topics is a good thing; keeps the tourist goldfish away. I'm already concerned for /vmg/ getting a single gachashit reject from /vg/ and the entire board getting slid in under a week.
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>check /tv/ after 2 months
>fishtank generals still there

unironically depressing. the deah of /tv/
all the oldfags who were called schizos for saying how the mods want to replace /tv/ regulars with reddit/kiwifarm tourists were right
full of 3DPDos too, and I remember seeing someone post a screenshot of some site saying the most popular search term for 4chan in india is "4chan.org tv"
It would change nothing anon, people go where they want to go, not where they are told. If you game doesn't gather enough people there's little you can do

As an aside, you ARE setting up sensible timezones and planning ahead right?

you mean more.
my definition of a "/tv/ oldfag" where the pedophiles banned from /b/ who took over the nearly dead board.
sam hyde has been a 4chan staple for like a decade
"big brother" type threads are already popular on /tv/

mixing the two, this is what you get
the same kind of "drama" is in big brother, and that's partially why people like it so much, even normalfags love drama
it's just that the people on fishtank are also trying to ride their popularity and become e-celebs too
i cant give a shit to sit down and wait twenty minutes per reply. i need fast replies
like what? i dont want this website becoming more infested. kill all slow boards that take more than ten minutes per reply onaverage
I'm a slave to 4chan because I mainly use it as a news website
For example if it wasn't for /v/ I would literally never find out a new Tomb Raider trilogy remaster was announced
You don't have to sit at your computer and wait for replies...
You can... do other things...
>i dont want this website becoming more infested. kill all slow boards that take more than ten minutes per reply onaverage
you sound incoherent. how do these sentences related at all?

give me an argument that convinces me you don't just want a single line chatroom.
who gives a shit you fuckin degenerate
What do you think will be the next board to get the mail validation nonsense?
Hopefully /v/.
hopefully it's all of them
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>kill all slow boards that take more than ten minutes per reply onaverage
Including the one you're on right now?

/r9k/ would probably like male validation
i NEED it to be /pol/ so goddamn much. if they reacted so conspiratorially over things like the IP counter and the nignignignig filter, a change that actually targets them would make at least a few people go full bunkermode. really, i could only have hoped /pol/ had this verification first out first but oh well.
why are you so obsessed with a containment board
not him but i agree with him mainly because it would be really, really, really, really, really funny
Does anyone here NOT think /pol/ is gonna get the antispam shit for the election?
will i see pretty colors in the sky again tonight?
if you close your eyes and rub your eyelids, of course!
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How come this aurora didn't have any fanfare but the one back in May did?
containment boards need constant intervention to actually be contained
Furfag who was banned for talking about how to find content which violates GR1 makes a return on /trash/
How long until he gets banned again?
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I'm back too

Also lel
holy shit /v/ is awful today
Infinite zozzle
the guild wars 1 thread is nice
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All of the threads that regularly play together or post clips seem to be actually healthy communities that have a healthy stance on interacting and making OC inbetween themselves, especially if they take a hard stance against shitcord before the cancer sets in. I'd say the only "bad" regular threads on the board is the CSGO one (which is just a esports thread, and doesn't really belong, but isn't causing problems either) and the Sonic Kart thread (which is some shitcord's landing pad + severe autism + dramafaggotry).
Best thread imo for passers-by is just the permanent steam friends one if you want some "general socialising" (eg, just want some doods to hop on L4D on with or something), but most of the niche threads lay out step-by-step how to get into them if they do play together. If you want to actually play videogames with Anons, it otherwise (surprisingly) serves it's purpose. Just don't expect them to get back to you within a week if it's not one of the "actively and concurrently played" threads on the board which in no particular order includes Mabinogi, /doko/, Eternal Return, Smite, Bombergirl, Anon's Bizaare MMOventure, BallisticNG, Deep Rock Galactic, Risk of Rain, SCP Containment, EVE Online and Space Station 13 . Sometimes you do get a faster response if you're lucky, or if it's a FotM multiplayer game like Palwold or Amogus were; but aside from basically those, it's just /v/ if it was actually discussion about playing online /v/ideo games.

t. Titanfall 2 player
I find /pol/whiners more annoying than /pol/ at this point.
*It also goes without saying, but /vrpg/ and /vst/ also actually talk about games relating to their topic too.
It's not really a secret that the /v/alkans are where you go if you actually want to talk about videogames; because fast boards are just cancer.
i also sympathize with horse toothed russians, south american teenagers that roleplay as white supremacists, and actual confused white supremacists
Meanwhile on "MUH /POL/ WRYYYYYYYYYY":
The Swedish general on /int/ are having a fit after a single turbo-assburger (known for assaulting people that smoke and innocent bystanders) have gotten half the general banned by making false dmca reports on every image that somehow involves him

What's keeping /mu/ alive?
exclusively kept alive by kpop
Nah fuck off retard we're staying :) and it's CS2 now
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Mr. /co/ 2024 has started
Sounds epic. I'm not gonna go through the thread since I'm sure I'll be breaking into the thought mid-stream and it'll all be in Swedish, but I'll bet that's been a wild ride.
Kpop general is the only thing that's alive there
sometimes I find a reaction image on my hard drive that doesn't exist in any 4chan archive and I feel the need to post it so that it goes into one. does anybody else do that
>and the Sonic Kart thread (which is some shitcord's landing pad + severe autism + dramafaggotry).
didn't know they got exiled from the doom general
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It makes me wonder how many images in my reaction folder haven't been posted in years.
Looking through my old reaction folder makes me wish young me saved more ;_;
At least you still have your old reaction folder. I lost everything I saved from 2009 to about 2014; I think about that loss often.
jesus all those deleted posts are awful
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>only 17 articles
>longest one is about pedophilia and why it is "based"
>numerous mentions to kiwitrans, the sharty and some discord group
>click on know your moderators
>Look up modcat since I enjoyed him a lot on /a/
>Modcat has his staff privileges revoked for warning a girl on /soc/ and using the warning as a way to give her his contact info
Oh my fucking god what a loser. I wish I never knew this.
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kinda fucks me up looking at my old image folders. as far as I can tell this image was not archived. if I hadn't posted it it would be gone forever. it's OC and kinda funny. how many other images like it are erased from history. I don't like that
>I don't like that
Keep being the change you want to see in the world. Keep saving quality OC, keep good backups. We take today's archives for granted. They can disappear in the blink of an eye.
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every piece of OC calls up a kind of phantom audience that it's addressed to as well as a phantom tradition to belong to. sometimes the fun and mystery of 4chan is just the feeling of not being a part of the audience for a work, or not being able to imagine a context which would make it coherent
hot pocket status?
>hot pocket status?
What's going on with the /v/ mod's stance on furshit? One mod publicly banned some furfag anon, before that an anon was publicly banned for shitting on furfags.
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the mods are throwing poo at each other again
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Man fuck you /toy/ is my autism safespace
it's funny how the hated mods are the ones who can hide their skeletons but the relatively well-liked ones are the mods who die young. this happens on like every site with mods i'm aware of, regardless of how big they are.
It also happens with operating system distributions
i'm getting sick of ai on every board
You should do like most and watch eva for the girls you angry poster
My problem with vm is how everyone has moved to Discord. The threads are basically just advertisement for that. And any popular games with building or survival gets a server that just speedruns everything by the end of one week so you just miss out.
The only threads where you can unironically get random online rooms are for touhou or any cute-uwu games, like the recent bunny one. With maybe 2 or 3 more exceptions, like the tabletop thread.
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>everyone has moved to Discord
>tfw 4chan is old and uncool
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> interesting stuff happening on the boards you visit
> history of 4ch moderation

=> picrel.
/int/ (international cultures) has what we wall country "generals" (repetitive threads, that never die). Because it's /int/, speaking in non-english is tolerated.
But most country generals have become circlejirk shitshows. Would not recommend.

Guy in picrel has become powerful because he's french arab jewish, and hiroyuki obeys french law that bans (1) anti-genocide posting. (except if it's the Holocaust, talking about THIS is always welcome)
I for one am not certain he ever was a janny.
But he often threatens about pulling strings with higher ups, and mentions the IRC, and you quickly notice that when you confront him, you do quickly get banned. He reports everything.

/int/ "/fr/ francofil" used to be fun before him 5 years ago

(1) not officially
Is 4ch a gynocracy ? That rule is gynocracy level. Why the fuck couldn't a serious mod give his contact info through a warning? That is kinda poetic. (never happened to me btw)
Interdasting. I enjoyed this post. Upvoted.
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I started from this thread, and starting reading about the 2013 Naruto shitstorm on /a/.
This had followed a leak of mods identities.
Moot himself had come to the rescue of a mod who really was protecting the Naruto threads, BUT wasn't the mod behind all the bad things that had been leaked.

2013 - https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/91420362/#91420362
> As a reminder: All mods are global. There are two dozen mods, and dozens of janitors. Users have no way of knowing whether a posting was removed by the user themselves, or a team member -- much less *which* team member removed it.


I'm very surprised our beloved Moot was standing for that rule. This is the worst dictatorship-level stuff. This really causes a climate of fear. This is overused by some people who LARP as having the opinion they hate, and remove their own posts, to cause some Anons to think that opinion is b& on that board.
I know there is a URL with public bans, but when Anon does get banned, nobody can tell if he just went deleted a couple of his own posts and went to sleep, or was permabanned globally.
Of course, the goal is : if no one knows, then there won't be a protest movement against moderation.

I didn't know that Moot would condone the Pinochet level stuff.
I'm disappoint.
>Users have no way of knowing whether a posting was removed by the user themselves, or a team member
bs, if a post is deleted before the one minute cooldown, you know it wasn't deleted by the user.
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how to tell election season is going on on /v/
>I'm very surprised our beloved Moot was standing for that rule. This is the worst dictatorship-level stuff. This really causes a climate of fear.
>hey tell me what mod did it
>immediately have a hundred schizophrenic retards trying to dox him and blame every lego they step on on him

anonymous moderation is good, don't be stupid.
>This is overused by some people who LARP as having the opinion they hate, and remove their own posts, to cause some Anons to think that opinion is b& on that board.
Counterpoint: Deleting your post back then was instantaneous, had no time limit until the mid 2010s, and you could also delete threads.

Early 2010s site culture was very different, and open rebellion was kinda a thing. Many people thought making the site unusable for everyone else was the peak of comedy.
>Many people thought making the site unusable for everyone else was the peak of comedy.
I mean... it IS funny. The peak of trolling. Like an ouroboros eating his own tail.
Discord is the best way to take things off of 4chan. Mods are able to ban trolls and schizos while we can be on topic
it's not unless you are like 12. you are shitting other's people's conversation just to get your kicks.
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>Discord is the best way to take things off of 4chan. Mods are able to ban trolls and schizos while we can be on topi-
Hi Anon, you don't have to make 3 posts, I get your point.
My point was in the worst dictatorships like Pinochet's Chile, or Argentina, families would talk about "the disappeared". Because there was no way to know if their loved one was dead or in prison (or maybe none of it).
In rule of law, you know when someone is arrested.

Like I said, I'm surprised Moot was standing for that. Maybe he felt weak, and was scared of rebellion. Maybe there are powerful State actors who abuse a website when they're too nice, idk. My pov is pretty balanced, once again, I respected Moot.
>anonymous posting has no downsides!
lol... lmao
>she (he) said on an anonymous website
>Why the fuck couldn't a serious mod give his contact info through a warning?
Because it's a blatant misuse of a feature, ridiculously unprofessional, creepy as fuck, and all 4chan staff with very few exceptions are expected to be anonymous in the sense that revealing you are staff is immediate removal.
I've been noticing some bait that is spammed on /pol/ and also /r9k/ word for word within the last week. The stuff about alien ant farm and some incelbait about women.
>ban evader ads
>ban evader link that is never filtered
bros. has moderation larked the shark?
they're whores now
mods kneel before ads and i mean that in total seriousness, they can't do shit about what gets put on as a self-serve ad
as long as the taxman gets his cut
a bump for the taxman
Why is 4chan obsessed with indians nowadays? I'm really curious. I know it's because of those scammer videos, but those came out years ago. Why now?
its funny to make fun of them it really is that simple
Because they are flooding in en masse to the western world and not integrating very well if at all. Even normies (meaning not terminally online or racist adjacent people) are noticing and speaking out about it. Indians tend to smell bad, look gross, and have a culture of scamming and cheating other people.
I'm from the western world and I see zero Indians.
It's not our problem if you angloids took the worst migrants. Stop bothering us with your boring-ass poo obsessed threads.
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- More jeets online (there's 2 billion of them, and they're all getting online now in a very small amount of time)
- Rise of AI imagery (extremely shilled by jeets) (if you think it's bad here, don't look at Faceberg) (le E = mc^2 + AI)
- Crypto still in the general chan conscious (scammed by jeets)
- The Thirsty Jeet is a very real thing, and women really don't like that, on-and-off site.
- Nepotism and incompetence in jobs is a real thing, which is pissing wagies off.
- Tech jeets are getting in high places (eg normalfgs are getting Bollywood ads in their Trending pages)
- Most of the West has had over a million jeets per country imported against their voters will in the space of less than a decade (both Anglosphere and Eurosphere, almost nowhere is without them), making them hard to ignore
- Easy to make fun of because of poo jokes / call shitskins, yet less controversial than calling a nigger a shitskin (and less automatic censorship), so normalfag tourists are more willing to join in


tl;dr skaven
>validate your fucking email
This is insane
insanely based you mean
Wait the fucking 15 minutes you /vg/ cretin
> you mean
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
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Jesus h christ are the 4troon jannies gonna be ok? How intense is the FBI backdoor that they put on your IP? Is it like screen share tier control they have to hand over before you post?
Don't worry, anon.
I'm sure it won't get any worse.
After all, slippery slope is just a fallacy, right?
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>Jesus h christ are the 4troon jannies gonna be ok? How intense is the FBI backdoor that they put on your IP? Is it like screen share tier control they have to hand over before you post?
sounds like a you problem
Fork up the cash and join the paypig club
The last time I got a scam call the voice on the other end sounded like Apu from the Simpsons, the last time I called the cable company the voice on the other end sounded like, ohh I can't remember the guy's name, he's one of the team leaders on Battlebots.
Indians were always a menace, but with satellite internet even the most dumbest Indian is capable of sending dick pics to women nowadays.
The problem isn't Indians, it's people with an IQ below 70. And unfortunately that includes most of India.
People like having a broad group of others to make fun of to distract from their otherwise lackluster life. This isn't just a 4chan thing either, I believe the YouTuber SomeOrdinaryGamers had to stop using twitter because of how much anti-Indian racism he saw.
Also, unlike other frequently insulted races or ethnicities (e.g. East Asian, Black African, or Italian/Irish in the 20s) Indians have almost nobody in popular homegrown western culture and Bollywood is generally seen as a joke, so normalfags are far more willing to fuck with them without any remorse, even relatively liberal people, no matter how racist it would be if they said the same about any other race.

Also also, India is generally a horrible country when compared to its importance in the world, so you can make fun of them easily while also being pretty much correct depending on what you aim for.
Ohh and also they were in the news a few yesrs ago because some phone provider said that they text "good morning sir" in the morning so much to the point that affects services.
Because those cockroaches are leaking into the real world.
Brazilians on the internet are fucking annoying but when I log out I don't have to deal with them anymore.
On the other hand Indians are fucking spamming my phone number up to 4 times a day with retarded scam calls. In my country those calls are technically legal so there's nothing I can fucking do about it. I thought about looking for the most hurtful shit I can say to an pajeet on the phone but frankly it isn't worth my time.
If mods had souls, your picrel would have been the /vmg/ sticky.
Just because the videos are a few years old doesn't mean they stopped scamming. Thankfully Google's botnet texting app has gotten really good at auto-filtering their texts.
Also if you work in almost any tech-related field you likely interact with Indians, which is why they're memed so much on /g/
brasil is beating the us with brics and is just the us who mad because the us cant puppet brasil anymore because china and russia hep brasil
Just want to clarify that I actually watch that YouTuber (he's funny and has good takes) and he said he stopped using Twitter because it wasn't fun anymore/didn't really help with engagement and made an joking offhand comment about having to scroll past a ton of pajeet memes. Some retard wrote an article and framed it as "INDIAN YOUTUBER FORCES OFF IF TWITTER DUE TO RACISM :C :C :C" which isn't true at all
>with brics
don't make me go full /pol/tard, my eslness isn't creative enough to explain all the problems with BRICS.
It used to be about making fun of actual Indians and their bad habits, and there were some funny memes as a result. But lately, it's starting to reach the point of "let's call everything I don't like Indian," which is retarded.
Stealth frog with associated /bant/ invasion thread.
Late happening but the British Indian Ocean Territory is being given to Mauritius. This means this flag >>>/int/202994425 will become impossible to obtain. I believe this will be the first time this has happened on 4chan since flags were added
>so normalfags are far more willing to fuck with them without any remorse, even relatively liberal people,
wonder if another 10 something years making fun indians will come back to bite the normalfags
just like how right now they have to apologise and pray not to get cancelled because they made trans jokes or said the word retard back in 2011
Judging by how much gen alpha and beta will consume AI images and such, it will happen.
I kind of doubt it. The issue with Indians is that they're just universally gross and stupid and pathetic by western standards. Minorities that society likes to be sensitive about usually only have one of these traits and they counteract it by being intelligent or attractive or violent or assertive.
Yeah that makes sense, I'd seen some of his stuff before and didn't think pajeet memes would get to him, but I assumed it was just that they're all the same jokes about smelling bad which gets boring very quickly.

Yeah, as more Indians and friends of Indians start using the internet in the future it'll look bad for them. Especially with just how common genuine anti-Indian racism is on normie places like reddit and twitter, and the absolute lack of pushback it gets on the whole.

Indian/South Asian immigrants are also by and large far richer than any other group of immigrant so you can expect more of them to start speaking out on a bigger stage, in fact people have already started looking back at the anti-Indian stuff people were saying during the whole Pewdiepie vs T-Series thing and that was only a few years ago oh fuck it's been 5 years since 2019
Skaven, you say?
(you) to a minor happening.
>tfw lost my flag collection folder
Why is /bant/ allowed to conduct intra-4chan raids completely unpunished?
Indian Space Program will get all the warpstone from the moon and crash it into China.
>fiercely race loyal but cutthroat amongst themselves
I thought those were the east Asians.
>captcha jumpscare
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You ever remember the Ukraine war is still on going, and there's still a daily nonstop stream of drone footage of people dying?
How can the shitty /a/ mods delete frogs so fast, but this stays up?
Somebody probably reported the frog thread but hasn't reported this yet, or it's on the report queue already and they're just on hot pocket break.
drone warfare is so boring we need to go back to sending armies of thousands of people to stab eachother to death with swords and shields while the archers take out more from the distance. all war footage now is just a guy walking or driving and then being blown up by a drone that casually approached them. fucking snoozefest.
Massive leak of Pokemon stuff. Allegedly.
Is this another episode of
>I have 1TB of HUGE leaks!
>Can you post it?
>No! Here is 1/1000th of it. Join my Discord :)
Probably worse.
Also, they may have also posted the account, including full name and email address, of the Nintendo employee they phished.
Forget I posted anything. Don't ever bother looking at the thread. Best wait a few days to see if something actually materializes
This seems to be true of anyone you might reasonably classify as "Asian."
>t. idiot talking out of his ass
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>they may have also posted the account, including full name and email address, of the Nintendo employee they phished
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>deranged /pol/tard schizo
>is an american
Every fucking time. Ameritards are by far the worst posters in the site. A shame it's not possible to rangeban them since 4chan is hosted in American't.
Read the thread, happening confirmed. I don't think this is fake but it's best to wait a few days and see. Tldr: Gamefreak guy gets phished and a lot of older classified stuff like beta sprites/concept art is leaked
The most common form of hacking. Be careful anons and warn your family and friends about phishing too. Not everyone is internet savvy.
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>potential """""leaks""""" of pokemon
idgaf, post fat Melony
no we are real men. we will rape your woman and shit and u can't stop us bc u don't believe in yourself.
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We aren't men. We are DEVO!
Is this a twist on some pasta the DBSpics have cooked up? I've never seen it before.
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>don't get 4-letter and 5-letter captchas anymore
it's over...
hiro live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrvJqFFSIu4
/djp/fags translate what is he talking about?
did he mention shi chaneru?
sticky on /sci/
I've been samefagging a lot recently
Really? I do it too.
It could be argued for actual identities, certainly not ever for actions
I have reason to believe that this is the same person
Yeah, US and Israel liquidated their country's population and looted billions in American tax money
I wound up hiding Americunts the more I used this website. Fuck their entire country. The only time my mum went there, she felt she was in danger because Americunts are dangerous cunts
America is gigantic
this is what i think too, especially when like a dozen of them are right there on irc where you need to know their names to get help with unban requests and rule clarifications.
ultimately there's not much reason to list the mods anyway, but this whole thing of witch-hunting and blame games is stupid when they could just use a random name they don't use anywhere else and remain unknown to even the most dedicated e-sleuths.
How do I know you 3 are not the same guy?
iOS 18.2 will have a built-in AI image generation app, so I wonder how many more such images will appear on 4chan.
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>I wanna watch another man play my videogame for me, then obsess over his dick
>I belong on the designated "actively play videogames with other Anons" board
You're a cuck among bulls. If /vm/ was the place memesports belonged, the Dota International sticky would be there instead of /vg/.
Check out how the new anti-spam measures have affected /vg/'s post rate
Holy shit, that's a lot of shitposting.
Is there historical data?
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doesn't look like it affected it too much
scrooll to the bottom
Reminder that the .io TLD is going to disappear soon
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>implement antispam boardwide
>ppd doesn't change
how the fuck is that possible
maybe the board wasn't full of spam and the posters there are actually just that terrible?
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Thanks for that, anon. Really appreciate it.
Relax, .su / Soviet Union is still up and running, and the .io domain is the most valuable thing that chain of islands in the middle of bumfuck nowhere has (and is probably what the gibsmedats wanted it for anyways). Quick reminder that most cryptobros run their shit through .io, there's literal billions / trillions in value passing through it yearly.

Because the spammers on /vg/ aren't 1PPID, they're the nolife regulars.
>implement experimental anti-spam on a board that isn't spammed in the traditional sense
lol... lmao...
personally I think that /trash/ should've been a literal trash board where the only threads that appear there are transferred from other boards, not some den of furfaggotry.
iirc that was the intention but it was all over the instant you could make your own threads there (read: always) on top of moderation being so lax that le heckin' furfag hate doesn't exist there and you can have fifty fatfur generals up at once
It's not even for the benefit of the coomers either, outside of the specific ones that post there (a large chunk of which are newfags). It's like /vg/ for porn, and /trash/posters are about as obnoxious as /vg/fags are when they show up in discussions about their respective fetishes on other boards, often importing their retarded and oftentimes made-up drama from their home threads to try and "spread the word" about whoever they're mad at. I've seen it happen a few times.
Can you no longer do a tripcode+secure tripcode combo? When did that get removed
/nah/: poster in /a/'s secret Santa thread asks about sending pagpag along with their gift, claiming it to be a delicacy in their country.

"Pagpag is the Tagalog term for leftover food from restaurants scavenged from garbage sites and dumps. Pagpag food can also be expired frozen meat, fish, or vegetables discarded by supermarkets and scavenged in garbage trucks where this expired food is collected."

Mostly kpop and metal threads
pagpag is a meme in a lot of 4chan subcommunities that intersect with southeast asians. for example /gig/ really likes saying pag instead of fag, eg "characterpags in shambles"
/vp/ is one of the most active boards atm
The children flooding into it for the leaks will start to post in other boards that you actually like, soon.
i live for regional variations of "4chan acceptable" lingo
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the current users stats are pretty much the same, i doubt much newfags flooded in.
the increase is from crossboard shitposing about the beta lore about human on pokemon sex rather than off-site tourists wanting leaks
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>Pokefucking confirmed canon
>Typhlosions of all things are the confirmed child rapists of the Pokemon world
>Arceus is a confirmed female, and a slut at that.
>Some dude canonically stuck his dick in an Octillery's mouth-pipe
>Hypno finally beat the allegations
>Pokemon Theology Triumvirate and in-universe religions confirmed
>Source Code leak for Emerald, HGSS, and BW2 (+ a ton of stuff for Platinum) - huge for datamining and ROMhacks
>Stuff about all of GameFreaks' other games before they went pure-pokemon.
>All of GF's internal communications, including game codenames and memos of GF shitting on American audiences and being ashamed of having to cater to them + furries
>Concept art for designs that didn't make it; now added onto the ones from Gen 1
>Black/White 2 was confirmed to have been getting a ton of extra shit, from the early form of Mega Evolution, to various Mons that were later added in XY - but was shitcanned specifically because of the backlash from Kantofags and the loud minority that "hated" BW and genwarred agaisnt it
>Gym leader ages and races confirmed (including a lot of "adult" designs being underage) (also, racewars are ongoing - Iris is confirmed as a Middle Eastern not Black, while Skyla is confirmed Latina not White)
>Movies, Anime and other media concept art and plans
>Pokemon Bank Source code, so now all hacked mons can be modified to appear legal for tournament use (the next generation of flawless IV-EV-Nature Lando-T's have been born)
>All of GF's online and networking too, so reverse-engineering and re-establishing the network for the old games is now possible
>And more.
I mean, I can see why. It reads like a bad /vp/ shitpost, except it's actually real. Over a decade of shitposting has led up to this very point.

For everybody who hates 3D Pokemon and only plays 2D; the entire franchise essentially has just gone open source.
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>>Typhlosions of all things are the confirmed child rapists of the Pokemon world
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>deranged /pol/tard schizo
>is an american
>Every fucking time.
unironically this
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holy fuck what did i miss guys
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This new spam rule will save /vg/station. This will kill the AI slop spammer.
>Pokefucking confirmed canon
>Typhlosions of all things are the confirmed child rapists of the Pokemon world
>Arceus is a confirmed female, and a slut at that.
>Some dude canonically stuck his dick in an Octillery's mouth-pipe
>Hypno finally beat the allegations
>Pokemon Theology Triumvirate and in-universe religions confirmed
>Black/White 2 was confirmed to have been getting a ton of extra shit, from the early form of Mega Evolution, to various Mons that were later added in XY - but was shitcanned specifically because of the backlash from Kantofags and the loud minority that "hated" BW and genwarred agaisnt it
>Gym leader ages and races confirmed (including a lot of "adult" designs being underage) (also, racewars are ongoing - Iris is confirmed as a Middle Eastern not Black, while Skyla is confirmed Latina not White)
I need proofs of these. They sound too much like a troll copypasta to be real.
If the email-verification gets added to /pol/ it WILL trigger /pol/ Harbor 2. Expect to see a new altchan for glowies to prowl.
I believe like 35% of what's posted.
They are all over /v/ and /vp/. I'd imagine some pokemon focused content creators will report on it very soon while others will be smart and not talk about it at all due to very possible legal ramifications.
>confirmed canon
Why do secondaries keep repeating this, cut content is not "canon" meanwhile there's stuff that IS canon that's been in the series for years that already heavily implies the idea better than dubious old fables would anyway.
>/pol/ Harbor
It'll be 10 years since this in December, we really need another one. It'd be the biggest schizo meltdown in 4chan history, guaranteed.
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It's all over the entire /vp/ catalog right now.
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* rentry.org/freakleak
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Kike status: detected
>>All of GF's internal communications, including game codenames and memos of GF shitting on American audiences and being ashamed of having to cater to them + furries
LOL, any pics?
I can't believe this actually wasn't a nothing-burger. This has got to be one of the worst corporate data breaches of all time, at least in terms of sheer amounts of sensitive (either embarrassing or business-critical) info dumped for anyone to enjoy, right?
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>>Typhlosions of all things are the confirmed child rapists of the Pokemon world
>>Arceus is a confirmed female, and a slut at that
These I expect to have noticeable impact on porn, but I wonder if we'll see a drop-off in Hypno-related stuff? Curious if the hypnotism fetish is enough to overcome apparent canonical rebuttal.
which leaders are confirmed kids though? the only age stuff i've seen is people celebrating hex maniac being 28 all along
Not even fucking close, what? Ashley Madison is the first one that came to mind and it's already a way worse example.
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It was over 1TB, it's taken over a day so far just to parse the juicy shit from BW2 and I've already seen early hints at partially modelled poke-dongs and poke-muff as XY is starting to get torn open at a slower pace because 3D + 3DS code.
I'm only one person, so I can't keep tabs on everything as it's all ongoing (right now I've been checking out the Gen 3 leaks, picrel was an early rendition of Manectric, since they went full-edge to start with for a ton of them, then walked it back); but I can easily see this taking a week to get through the main stuff, and you'll definitely see jewtube shit with "NEW INFORMATION FOUND?!" late into next year. The /ppg/ is still digging up new protomons as we speak (eg Karablast was originally supposed to have a disco-haired alt-evo if it evolved without stealing the shell into Escavalier), skim there if you want to try to keep up.

The big thing now is that the leaker definitely has an early build of ZA; and everybody knows they're on Nintendo's hit-list, so it's whether they go full firebrand now, or if the corpo bitcoin assassin runs him over in a mobility scooter first. Don't know why they've not dropped it yet (whether it's attentionwhoring, or thinking that it's going to make them any less un-fucked if they ever get caught), but if it does drop, /vp/ is going to absolutely explode. Literally the sourcecode to an unreleased, anticipated title. Consequences would never be the same.

IIRC, the Unova Electric gym leader is 15 (and French) when most people treat her in her mid/late-20's American, and her prototype pose had her splayed out on her side in an obviously evocative pose. Pretty sure the Grass one from Sinnoh that looks like a mid30's mother is also way younger.
Oh, and the Black Normal type gym leader that mans the Unova Museum is confirmed for having a fat ass.
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* actually, may as well post it, before I head back to the mines
Qualifier Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iF9sSFtMQRQV_zmrAiC8KJ_ZCem4CcbkStOWbqPnK0U/edit?usp=sharing
Bracket: https://challonge.com/mrco2024
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and also one more proto-gen 3 (something related to the Unknowns), and the Octillery fucking lore in one image

in a bit /hap/fags
>For everybody who hates 3D Pokemon and only plays 2D; the entire franchise essentially has just gone open source.
This is fantastic news if true
why is no one talking about how uboachan is best altchan?
Lapras sex.
essentially gone open-source if you want to get the living absolute dogshit sued out of anything you produce with it, yeah
/qst/ exists
I often imagine /qst/ being slow and dead because most people who are terminally online like 4chan users have short attention spans and aren't willing to sit down and read a thread so they don't go, making artists and storytellers not want to make/contact or threads.
>people freaking out about pokesex
it's just old creation myths but with pokemon swapped in, in-game lore already hints at ancient human-pokemon relations so it's not even that surprising
you're supposed to read them the way you would shinto/greek mythology which was full of interspecies sex
/qa2/ won, we're a month away from the election and Trump will be the first president to win three times.
Gm everyone and thanks for the headsup
Speaking of happenings, does anyone know if there are plans to split up /vg/ or complaints/protests of that nature? There are literally 50+ gachashit and MMO threads on the catalog at any given moment and threads fall off the board in under three hours; it's functionally unusable for slower topics but many of them can't exist anywhere else.
What kind of games were you thinking about?
I interpreted lifting the "no generals" rule on the /v*/ boards was the mods' way of saying the slower threads can now head over there without fear of being arbitrarily deleted

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