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Holy Isle Arran lighthouse edition
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Nearly time 4 us 2 say goodbye while I sleep britfeel thread. Only ppl that understand my feelings. ***** certainly doesn't.
Tendies in the oven
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Friday isn't it?
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Didnt beat my emotional demons tonight. Actually they defeated me. Bt i always try again don't I? Seems am the sisyphus of this simulation. Alright tuen.
Called in sick, early weekend for me if that's alright with you
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No doubt i try again. They killed me bt I killed life already. Mother Mary protect me. They tortured me in hell I never lose my mirth. I hate this life bt inlove it. I was born onlt2suffer nd I love it. ***** knew me as the pumpkin king of Castlemilk. Bt that was a long time ago.
Tonight I failed, bt i try again. Thats my swag.
Sounds good to me desu.
Half day for me so all good there.
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Just ask ***** about my powers. Bt don't worry about it. God cursed me too. My eternal power is deepest sadness in this world. My super power is sadness. I might be rhe most sad in this whole world.
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Cor its proper cozy wozy rainy morning. I see the wagies starting their day. Well I guess it's my bed time. Night night
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I send particular well wishes nd prayers 2 haleylad my cat brother nd arbroathy poster lass my east coast sister. Hope they ok in life.Good night
***** knows Halloween is tje time my dark powers reach maximum. I feel my heart beating bc my diabolical occult energy field. Dint worry about it though. Bt my enemies might get a nasty fright on October 31. Hehehehe
I met few ppls that night. Maybe I am the baphomet. Then what?
Got a funny bug on my McDonalds App that's been giving me free hash browns over and over again.
Bt I only use my powers for good. Even though this world made me suffer a lot. I understand. Nd mummy birth me in this cosmic prison for a reason. I felt that moment was significant btnits passed now. A lot of sadness in my heart. I held the sadness of this whole world. Make me emotional. Bt u got 2 just get on with it. Well am an alchemist after all.
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Bc of mummy I gained faith in this human race. I met a lot of demons that confused me. I couldve wiped out this whole human race. Nd sometime I felt like maybe I should. Bt mummy teach me hown2 be nice 2 ppl. We can't just snuff them out. Bt more Halloween approaches my dark powers grow. I had mercy on every1 even d*llycel. Next time it's Christmas I love a Christmas time. Even tho I was alone last Christmas bc mummy go away for it bt mummy was happy so i was happy. This Christmas my sister coming over. I look forward. Bt for now i training my occult powers.
K night night
Both Shippy and Zimmy have sprogs which are not caucasian in ethnicity. I cannot stress enough just how belly-achingly hilarious this is.
Last 7 hours of the WFH week. Another day of doing bugger all. Not a single meeting in the diary. Inbox is empty. It's actually ridiculous at this point.
Mate in Bristol asked if i wanted to come down for the weekend impromptu like. 130 quid for a single from London on the train. How and why
That's mad. Even outside of peak hours though? Fuck trains in this country, you're better off flying.
Whats hilarious about it?
Granted that is peak. But still. Off peak is around 40 quid, which is much lower of course but still far too much. Gbp 14 on NX but that's like 3 hours.
40 quid is about what you'd pay in petrol for a return. Trains should be far cheaper than the cost of fueling your personal car. If you have mates scattered around the country it's honestly cheaper to agree to meet in, say, Krakow and fly there + hotels, than it is to take return trip on the train.
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>Both Shippy and Zimmy have sprogs which are not caucasian in ethnicity. I cannot stress enough just how belly-achingly hilarious this is.

o rly?
Wow it must be at least 8-10 years since I've seen that owl.
Quick morning update for dee lads

>part 1

Every day
Good morning, my fellow #whitebois.
He looks hilarious in low quality
In case you weren't up to speed after the first hour and half of repetitive drivel

Part 2 is lush

is The Riddler in the Penguin series? if not, what's the point? best part/whole point of the film.
like when they did The Dark Knight 2 and it didn't even have the Joker in it wtf
Dunno, not seen it mate sorry
"damn it these yazuka motherfuckers are sending messages in some sort of runes....."
"hey, paizone, cool it with the racism! we don't do the whole 4chan thing here, capiche?"
"no boss, it's like....a cipher....a riddle, almost........"

i don't want to watch The Sopranos except every so often someone gets tortured so i get to think i'm an adult watching a grown-up series, for proper adults. i'm 33. i want Batman baddies, actually doing their gimmicks.
"hey Penguin, should i waste this guy?"
"that would be extremely stupid. what a joke. you don't have a chance in hell."
"hey cueball, i thought you did egg puns, huh?"
then he EXPLODES the gunman's head, wordlessly, and you think, "oh i see, it's a bit like cracking open an egg" but he DOESN'T HAVE TO say it, now.

then he does anyway, because that'd be funny, and we could all use a good laugh in our lives.
Job centre related call today (more of an agency to help find work). Not done any prep as had a really shitty week (cancelled a call on Monday due to migraine, which lasted all week).
Also, somewhat related, (this will be the last time I bang on about the cat), cat had a seizure on tuesday (something neurological), and I had migraines all week. I wonder (in muh schizo way) was it the universe allowing me to feel how she felt? Today is the first day since Sunday I've not had a migraine.
Love you little Mrs.
>this will be the last time I bang on about the cat
makes sense, doesn't sound like your cat will be banging about much longer
>Both Shippy and Zimmy have sprogs which are not caucasian in ethnicity. I cannot stress enough just how belly-achingly hilarious this is.
>Quick morning update for dee lads
Good one, but she was put down yesterday, so you should have said she no longer bangs about.
Shows promise, but you need to put more effort in.
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Trains are so fucked in this country it's unreal. In most cases it's actually notably more expensive than using personal transport which sort of defeats the entire point. It's indicative of much wider systemic economic misalignment.

You're right lad if you have a bunch of mates around the country it's legit cheaper to all fly to some city in Europe somewhere and get cheap hotels for a weekend than get a return on the train.

I wfh currently but my company has an office in London. I could apply for a higher position in my company since I have the experience. The increase in pay would be around 5000 quid, but any positions more senior would require me to be in the office 4+ days a week and a season ticket between my station and the nearest in London costs 5880 quid per year. Trains are so dogshit that it's even incentivising people like myself to NOT go for higher paying jobs. This benefits precisely nobody - not me for obvious reasons, not the government because they get less tax from me and not the train company because I'm NOT going to buy their tickets.

this just makes me really aware that everyone i have had sex with is white.
and yes this does include a few men/males/blokes, but even then.
>this just makes me really aware that everyone i have had sex with is white.
>and yes this does include a few men/males/blokes, but even then.
oh right
bit gay ngl
Made an insightful post and cannot see it now
i think that's just throwing some (yeah admittedly a bit gay) spice into the mix like "even then"
like if Hitler was this huge genocidal antisemite and he met a really nice Jewish guy who saved his life, and EVEN THEN he stuck to the whole Holocaust project, imagine

so yeah i don't know. how do mixed race couples about? practically, the answer is obvious, but circumstantially? what's going on?
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Heading out in 30ish tops, aren't i

Very important appointmentshire, is it not

Yes to both, me liddinghams. Yes to both indeed
That cat knows something we all don't.
>i'm saying this as someone who is no longer a vegan
Relevance to what I said?
She was an elderly cat I adopted, she had polyps growing in her ears (constant checks and RSPCA visits to see the vet and get her meds), she wasn't neglected, her condition worsened to a point where I had to hold her so she could do basic things (move/go to the toilet).
Did a leftypol raider find /britfeel/ and stay around?
ignore him lad he's just being a cunt
fuck it, posts deleted. no good will come of it.
so has anyone farted, recently? i have.
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A lot of SSM drivel to catch up on, It lush
Someone going on an absolute mental on in britpol spamming pegging gifs lol
very eager to hear about what's going on in britpol, leftypol, all the pols.
got any gaia online and reddit updates while we're on? i love these sites, i hope you don't contain yourself there and come here to let us know all about these communities!
Nah fuck you, you don't get to act like a cunt, then just pretend it didn't happen and you're not a cunt.
We all have a shit life, there's no need to take it out on somebody else.
Are you actually ok pal?
the pomposity here is off the scale
i think yous need to pay more attention to the second syllable of these threads.
anyone can fake positivity. everyone gets sad. what's wrong with being a bit cross? don't act like it's the 'forbidden' feeling, let people express themselves. genuinely causes more harm if we all have to put on a smile, or just cry sometimes (who even cries? not me).
in a 'mental health' way? yea.
i can see how you could read that as racist, or somethinig, but that's not how i'm personally coming at it.
Got a driving lesson in a bit, but I can't stop fucking farting
>Someone going on an absolute mental on in britpol spamming pegging gifs lol
>Got a driving lesson in a bit, but I can't stop fucking farting
>We all have a shit life, there's no need to take it out on somebody else.
i mostly agree with this, actually. it's wild that assisted suicide is still quite possibly generations off. i think even 'controlled' self harm (monitored, no permanent damage, doctors on standby, etc etc) could be useful if they were to research that. if someone has thought about it and consented they have every right to take things out on themselves - not necessarily/always others - as long as it's with capacity and a sound mind. like how people self medicate with drugs, or even booze. the latter isn't even a crime! it's just a social ill, or leads to other crimes. what's going on there? our morals and the laws they inform are so fucked, sometimes.
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>huge genocidal antisemite
i don't know enough about World War 2 history, really. i'm only in my 30s. that's like someone in their 30s in the 1970s knowing about some Victorian era dictator. while Z-Cars is on the telly and Queen is on the radio.
>i don't know enough about World War 2 history, really
the good guys lost, that's all you need to know
(as in, i can't confirm that, and i don't think it's a fair expectation. zoomers wouldn't know what Z-Cars or Queen is.)
yeah like i've pieced bits together, Neville Longbottom was on OUR side but he was a baddie. not even a murder style baddie, just not on our side AND wrong. he left Parliament out of being wrong, and then Winston Goodthrop took over? history is mental, man. not worth learning. you could learn MySQL, or a trade.
Shippy is sprogless, very difficult to attract a mate with a headshape like that.
Friday choon posting has begun.
Getting mine in early before all the choon posting lines become busy (Ye olde NYE style).
i'd compare it to 'cooking' vs 'recipes'. i can cook, well enough. i know all the techniques like how to dice an onion, for the sake of browning onions, in order to prepare food to eat. i wouldn't even call it a meal, really.
mealwhine, you have middle class people with all these books on their kitchen windowsills and it's like an artform. they're not in the kitchen turning foodstuffs into cooked items on a plate to eat to survive, factoring in the cost, effort and nutrition. to them it's like both watching a play and composing a sonnet. it's art.
Can you just fuck off back to whatever pol site you came from?
Every minute. Fucking hell.
There had to be one faggot with a completely needless take on a dead cat. Knows nothing about the situation but goes in guns blazing. Utter cretin.
Which one is it lad, brown sprog or sprogless?
>The British Indian Ocean Territory comprises over 1,000 islands in the centre of the Indian Ocean and has been controlled by the UK since 1810 when it was seized from the French. Prior to French-led settlement, the islands were uninhabited. The territory has hosted a strategic military base since the 1960s and constitutes one of the largest marine protected areas in the world. But on 3 October 2024, London ceded sovereignty over the islands to Mauritius. The move demonstrates worrying strategic ineptitude in a world that the UK government describes as being characterised by great power competition.

>The arguments about 'securing' the UK base are spurious because the base was secure prior to the ceding of sovereignty. Indeed, the proposition is audacious given that in fact the deal makes the base less secure in absolute terms, and diminishes part of its strategic value.

Do Brit deliberately sabotage themselves?
Sprogless is correct, I don't know where this brown sprog gimmick came from.
T. Lore master
remember earlier when i said that thing about others on pol, as a containment? i'm not being contained there because, well, it's an other. separate from me. not somewhere i'm versed in.

even wrote this whole thing about how i was just checking out the front page of eBaum's, and then i DID check out the front page of eBaum's. 1. that site has changed (it was always stolen content content-milling, but that's kind of normal now, it's strange) 2. i just found the style of content/humour they go for annoying. wasn't worth the screenshot for the bit.
i am actively suffering, so don't pretend like you're having a bad time just because someone is posting and you don't agree with them or their feelings. like i honestly think your posts are fine, i just don't get it. if you feel bad, i hope you feel better soon. i wish this of basically all humans, it'd just be nice, wouldn't it?

pick a topic if you want to discuss something specific. i'll be listening to anon's Friday choonz once i get my headphones on.
Dunno lad, haven't been to /brit/ in years
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>T. Lore master
i'm so good at sexual stamina the missus calls me the 'more laster'
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>Sprogless is correct, l don't know where this brown sprog gimmick came from.
>T. Lore master
>pick a topic
There is no specific topic with this general. That is a good thing, as the conversations vary, so there is no mundane feel (IMO). If you want to just talk about 1 thing, there are boards for that, lot's of specific threads, go find them if that's what you want.
If i was a woman i would unironically rather have a sprog with HHL than with shippy
i know but it seems like there's something you'd like to steer AWAY from, and frankly i fully support that. so if you'd like to pick something to steer TOWARDS (doesn't even have to be a specific subject like "early reggae") then by all means just say. it could feel a bit prescriptive, i fully understand that, but if you're having trouble with my tone then it's a win-win.

hell, what has vexed YOU lately? besides me. anything? something out and about? on the news? minor niggle at home?
Not saying you shouldn't, just curious as to why
>what has vexed YOU lately?
About a month ago, I bought the nicest sausage roll I've ever had, went back and bought another one and froze it, and have been defrosting it daily for 1 bite, but today was the last bite.
It might sound a ridiculous thing to say, but I'd say HHL is one of the more likely /britfeel/ers to have a sprog
HHL is a likeable mong, Shippy is just a mong
do you find the taste deteriorated over time? or was it always "as good"?
I'm not a good LARPer. I made it up.
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Some /britfeel/ers' feels are more important than others.
i'll admit i had technical questions about the mechanics of this, but i bought into it fully and now i'm sad
Unironically think HHL would make a decent father, he at least he would try. For Shippy a sprog would be just something to brag about.
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The Tories are going to make this sheboon their next leader kek
Some posters do try to make it just about them, but the majority don't.
Trip on HHL. You'd bang on about it constantly and samefag as always.
>Some posters do try to make it just about them
Name and shame them
>Name and shame them
Kinell they really don't want to be in power do they
Lunch time but no food, it not right.
Lunch time and have food, but no salt.. it not right either.
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New delivery. Aerisu (Smaller one)

ACTUAL white working-class music? the type the BBC Radio, Top-of-the-Pops Oasis-comeback mainstream is afraid of?

missed probably the only chance at seeing aurora in my life because "we didn't want to wake you". Sure love waking me when I'm "lying in" at midday. Get maybe 5-6 hours but normies don't really think like that do they. Story of my life really. Constantly got left out of things as a kid whenever it was convenient that way. Cream cakes came in packs of 4? Guess I don't have to know about it. It was like Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle except he at least gets to live in america at the end of it
Bit of cleaning this aft, then going to hit the rum again.
She'd still be better than (((Robert Jenrick)))
Time for a hotglue I reckon!
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>nigerian pro-immigration 85-IQ progressive woman
>closet gay zionist war hawk 85-IQ progressive man

Wow, what a choice!
>one politician better than another poitician
No, they are all the same. Untrustworthy cretins for sale to the highest bidder.
you should prop the little one on the big one, pretend they go for mad rides during the night.

get this idea into your head until it goes from a daft joke to some of 'imagine it actually happened', during a more disconnected/dissociated state. then take some kind of drugs, hope/not-hope (it's possible to experience both, hard to explain) you'll shift them and forget. you will. then one day you'll wake up and they'll have ridden into your kitchen or summat. whole project worth it at that point. even if rationally you know what's happened, you can't certainly say you actually 100% know that for a fact.
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this is our current Prime Minister and what he pledged. whether you agree or disagree with these, i think he deserves at least a full government of chances so we can see if he delivers.
Nice one. For me? No deliveries until Monday. HMVberg were slow at getting my Arrow Video sale items out. Will be a big delivery though.
>pull down obstacles that limit opportunities and talent
so what is he planning to do about the fact that only 16% of white working class kids from disadvantaged backgrounds go to university compared to >50% of ethnic kids in the same economic class
why aren't they working Saturdays? why wouldn't Royal Mail deliver (a parcel) on a Sunday?
Royal Mail seem very slow nowadays. Even 48 hour services seem to take like 4 days for me.
i mean the 'obstacle' there would be university as any sort of necessity or requirement, rather than having jobs for those lads regardless. or, in line with the Universal Credit one, a fair social security system that means they aren't dependent on jobs for a reasonable standard of living.
fair enough, it's so mixed. sometimes i order something on a Saturday night Tracked24 there it is Sunday morning.
but by 'something' i mean drugs, and i expect there's all sorts of shady behind the scenes deals going on. Arrow Video are probably just a high quality company, few lads, trying to get your B-movie Blu-rays to you. you could also pop into HMV, think they do Arrow Video now? old-school it, go outside, cancel/return the order.
Why? It never happens, they promise to make changes, then don't. It is election trickery, appearing virtuous, empty promises that they all make.
How about something different. Stricter rules (no accepting of gifts/donations, do what you say, don't be at the behest of the financiers).
There are too many benefits for politicians, there is no reason for them to fear lying to the country, so why would they stop?
He's already turning on the NHS and blaming them for issues caused by governments and politicians, refusing to help until THEY sort out the issues.
Did you leave school this year?
Corbyn was probably principled on the left, not sure about the right. i'd say Farage but i really think he's the same sort of snake oil salesman just appealing to a different crowd. you'd need someone playing the game but not JUST playing the game. like Suella Braverman working her way to Home Secretary, but a leader of a party and a bit more clever. suppose Thatcher was the last she-one who got stuff done. Major just did some more train stuff and Blair just did a couple of wars/bad NHS moves.
Why do the britpollers insist on coming here? Why do the brit lot insist on coming here? Kinell innit.
i think you need to come to terms with the fact they don't have a monopoly on one subject or whatever it is you're implying. my barber was going on about Starmer the other day, i didn't think "oh yeah he's just wandered in from a /pol/ general."
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Yeah, lad. My order is from HMV. I buy off of them all the time as they have a lot of stuff in stock Amazon doesn't. I've ordered from Arrow directly before but they are even slower. My local HMV is like a half hour car ride away so cba with that, I don't even drive. Where you get your drugs from then? Darkweb?
i want to ask for recommendations on non alcoholic beers but i'm scared that's "a /ck/ thing".

can't even discuss literal feels, that's offended a few people. canal irrigation? how do yous feel about the irrigation of canals?
There are so much non-alcoholic beers now it'd be hard to go wrong to be honest, lad. I think the best is Guinness 0.0 but you have to like Guinness. Otherwise the Heineken one isn't bad.
thanks anon yeah i like thee texture of the Guinness one. might get that in.
sick of the fancy ones being expensive but i get it. Brooklyn lager is nice compared to the usual Heineken 0/Becks Blue/etc just wondering if there's some mad find either online or like in Home Bargains or somewhere, if any non alcoholic beer aficionados are currently hanging around.
but yeah will get some Guinness 0.0 in find it cheap somewhere cheers x
trolley.co.uk really is so shit mysupermarket was a great website we took for granted how lucky we had it there
any of yous know coding/web dev, i think there's still a market there just stick a Patreon on i'll chuck you the money i save (not bluffing)
in fact just email the mysupermarket guy ask for his codes and say you'll host it, then do
Not sure about you lads, but I'm thinking this lowercase lad is just trolling us.
It's a tough one. I've tried quite a lot over the years and they are better than they used to be but a lot of them still don't quite taste like beer, more of a fizzy malt drink. What normal beer would you usually drink?
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nope, quite literally going to walk to Aldi (nearest one is 1.2 miles away) with a big rucksack and get like 4-5 of these, however many i can carry. might as well have them in, sick of not having nice drinks.
Possible nonce violation spotted
I hate not having a passport.
nothing wrong with violating nonces (as long as they're over 15)
It's pretty easy to get one. Don't believe the memes.
Urgently need TaskManagerLad to load the countersignature routine.
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>1. Marxism
>2. Progressive blobism
>3. Global marxism
>4. Global marxism
>5. Marxism
>6. Infinity immigrants
>7. Marxism (now with MORE train strikes!)
>8. Marxism
>9. Marxism
>10. Political theatre LOL!
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Another 2 hours to go
It's not with the two mandatory signatories. So unless you're mr social and people like you, it's a nightmare.
Not for me, I'm already on my way.
>nice drinks
Where the FUCK is Taskmanagerlad.. we have routines coming out of are bleeding ears!
The Xbox One X will be going on shortly and will remain on for the next 12 hours.
seasideMARK Is having 2 bitter shandys with his dinner, im cutting it right down dee lads

what a life
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SSM's internet is shit
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>lighthouse edition
What you playing then?
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>Arran edition
not rite they haven't arrived yet lad, might order the conformist myself, heard its kino

i second guinness, i think it tastes similar to the alcoholic version
Just ain't feelin' right for some reason. Not sure what it is. Furthermore, I hate women.
I thought you claimed to be the lad that was after the chubby CEX and or costa employee's? Now you hate women?
Thinking of going to York. Probably coach as it's cheaper.
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I am after them. I love women.
Can't say but there were some good games on sale for a few quid lately.
Hope I won't get doxxed saying I play Destiny 2.
Wonder what happened to that lad who would take his laptop and mouse to coffee shops in the hope of attracting a female. Hopefully he found a gf
Arrested for being a creep probably.
imagine an awkward/lonely lad asking you to be his counter-signatory. your gut response would be why isn't he asking someone else? why me?
and then you'd, obviously, come to the realisation there IS no one else. you're the person he came to.
That's a popular game. I mostly play indie and older games.
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I'm outside! Let me in, I'm knocking on your door! Let me in!
Fuuuuck I knew I shouldn't have said anything!!!!
if there's a lad on a laptop in a coffee shop doesn't that mean he's working and you'd MORE want to leave him alone?
even if you thought he was impressive, cor look at him, probably doing a project, you'd want to leave him to it. surely.
Seething at others won't make you feel better about yourself.
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Lads, I found [insert britfeel personality here] on twitter lol!
Wife is currently out on a quick shopping trip while wearing a buttplug lmao
lack of imagination if you think that's the only reason people seethe. it's not even why i seethe. i don't even think i was seething there, i thought i was just saying something practical. trying to meet you at your line of thinking here, anon.

do i need to take a break from /britfeel/? do you? i'm just posting, lad. not trolling, or trying to rile you up, or fuming. i am now over-explaining because i hope you can come to some kind of understanding of where i'm coming from? i genuinely do not KNOW if you are projecting, i am not playing dumb, i have no clue what your deal is.

maybe we could both post about what we WANT to post about, instead of this? for me it was the counter-signatory thing, what is it for you? give it a go, as an exercise (but not because i told you to).
There was another guy doing that. I have also been doing that. Had very brief social interactions from going every day to Costa.

Makes sense. But I got interrupted by an employee who said I must be freezing and smiled at me as she went to close the door coz people kept leaving it open.
I wouldn't ask anyone anyway. I should be able to get a passport as a British citizen without that shit.
just been for a haircut, classic anon style
>Had very brief social interactions from going every day to Costa.
i get it a bit, had an awkward encounter in Costa yesterday myself because the woman had a thick Eastern European accent and some posh types couldn't understand her. she played it off with good humour but then i was next in the queue, so i kept it terse, "medium mocha please. i've got the app? cheers."
think we could have had a bit chat on at least, it's clear that's what she was going for but the couple couldn't understand her. tbqh her English was perfectly clear, and she seemed genuinely friendly/interested in chatting to customers. oh well.

still glad those mochas are relatively low in calories, dunno how they do it!
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Join the BNWO
Yeah I am a fan of Bertolucci, The Sheltering Sky is also one of his. I only have a few of his films atm (The Last Emperor, 1900, Last Tango in Paris and The Dreamers).
Why can't you say? You're always like this.
>just been for a haircut
>Why can't you say? You're always like this.
he could be a civil servant or work for the army.
You'd just photoshop my head brown to make me seem Indian. I know your game, little lad.
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just called the Spanish 29 y/o escort, was nervous as hell
asked if she's still in my town, she said yeah, asked what her availability is, she asked what's good for me, said Wednesday next week, she said this is her last day here
struggled to find a day that works, said she's here every 3-4 weeks but I can call back next week to see if she's there, so I guess I'll do that
I'm a KHV and I can already tell this is gonna be hellish
also at the end of the call she said 'okay baby', not a fan of that but she sounded nice
had to ask the guy at the corner shop to counter-sign my passport thing as a reference. was a bit grim de lid
Just got back from Aldi. Can't say what I bought.
Just turned off the tv. Can't say what I watched.
i can only assume you are indian then rajesh
Saw a woman bending over to pick something up in the shops and she had a buttplug in. Approached her, put the rizz on and she was deepthroating my cock in the back of my care five mins later. Sending her back to her husband with her throat coated in my cum ropes lol.
Just went to the toilet. Can't say what I did.
Just went to a local nursery. Can't say why.
Just had sex. Can't say with whom.
Just went to the kitchen. Can't say what I ate.
Occasionally I go on /pol/, and have visited our /pol/ cousins general, and I have to say, I find it strange how we have a noisey thread shitter, the times their noisy thread shitter isn't posting on there.
And because I notice things as well, like he predominantly posts in lowercase, yet will change between typing using grammer and punctuation. Exactly the same as the shitter that posts in here.
Got some true sadsacks on this site.
Just made a sandwich. Can't say what was on it.
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This is most likely happening in this county too.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Ruthmong
You're quite queer mate
Just watched some porn. Can't say what kind.
i feel like the nice Indian man who doesn't judge me buying wine most mornings for years probably does know me on a more 'personal level' than say, my GP (don't even know who 'my' GP is just get a random name in a text)
You tricked me into watching gay shit
why is there a picture of a pond?
Just posted a comment. Can't say which one.
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If white men did this then lads in this thread would claim it was based or that she was lying.
what was gay about it?
Reckon I know though
Was it this one you just posted?
might be one of those to do with 'how they report' certain things, think when Marilyn Monroe committed suicide compared to Kurt Cobain
rape is pretty grim so here's a photo of a nice pond, take your mind off it a bit
Fuck sake fucking doxxed again. You've got to be so careful.
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>If white men did this then lads in this thread would claim it was based or that she was lying.
Anyone know what Stellaris is like on console? Is it as fucked as CK3?
Just did a daily word-based puzzle. The solution was GALES.
you just doxxed yourself confirming you're the porn watcher.
You can't doxx people on here anon, you're going to have to report yourself.
Time for another #whiteboimoment desu
have any of yous (genuinely) ever reported yourself to the police for something?
i expect if it was murder they'd take it seriously, but for petty crime they really do not give a fuck. some bloke literally just goes 'okay well, don't do that again.'
absolute joke.
why would anyone do that lad
why would you grass on yourself anyway though? coppers will probably just think youre a bellend
Wait so you're saying that if I nicked a KitKat from Morrisons, then walked into a police station and said 'look I just nicked this KitKat from Morrisons', nothing would be done?
sounds like a pretty stupid thing to do, no?
guilt, feeling like you might need to be locked up (danger to yourself or others).
like i don't mind admitting and take full responsibility that i have kissed someone who did not want me to kiss them. we were drunk and i misread the situation. they were uncomfortable, violated.

on paper that is objectively sexual assault. obviously it'd have to go to court etc etc and the victim might not want that. but PC Bill Plod? couldn't give a fuck apparently, probably just wasting his time with all this 'crime' business, the police have better things to do.

if you're a psychopath who just wants to get away with things power to you, please just don't harm others, if that's alright with you.
>accidentally drive 31mph in a 30 zone
>immediately drive to the nearest police station, holding back tears to await my fate
genuinely yes. i think there's even a price cap where they don't care up to that point, it's some kind of waste of time.
you are admitting to theft. pretty cut and dry case of doing a crime, isn't it?
the limits are there for a reason. but the REAL limit would be 40, they set it at 30, knowing you'll go 31. like how kitkats are priced taking into account how many kitkats get stolen. basically we're still doing the baker's dozen thing, but for crimes.
Mr. Mulvaney is that you?
anyway no they wouldn't do fuck all, likely just think you're making a joke and wasting their time. pretty sure they don't even come out to attend a robbery unless the value is over 200 quid
>go to the police station to grass myself up for stealing a feddo from the shop when i was 9
>they tell me im wasting police time and make me leave the station
>walk back in and report myself for wasting police time
>canal irrigation
keep that filth on /gif/ only
had a good chuckle at this one de lid
That is the Kollmann-Weiher pond where the girl was raped.
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>be me
>PC plod
>sat at the desk on a friday and somebody walks in talking about stealing a kitkat
>urgh, fuckpaperwork.jpeg
>tell him to take a seat
>take him a cup of tea
>he asks about biscuits, so I tell him I've logged the theft, and to just use the kitkat
>wait 5 min then go back and ask what he wanted
>he tells the story agin
>I ask where is said kitkat?
>kick him out and tell him to stop wasting police time
mong who sexually assaults others but thinks he's morally superior because he feels guilty afterwards
like one of those ex drinkers who thinks he's better than people who can moderate themselves because he doesn't touch that "poison"
>ignore crime that isn't your cup of tea
i genuinely don't understand tax avoision or what it is. someone could come in and go, 'i've done the worst tax avoision, it's the most, biggest in the history of the country, i'm the Top Offender' and i'd just say well, there was a murder case, can it at least wait?

and then maybe he'd change his mind. morally, it's a tricky one, on both ends.
i have been sexually assaulted TWICE so i think i get one go. that doesn't mean i don't feel guilty, or that it hasn't inspired me to not commit such crimes in the future. if you were born crimeless that's fine, but every criminal no matter how horrendous or how tame started out as a baby and then ended up doing a crime, some repeatedly, some once then felt regret/guilt or locked away and never did it again?

if you know a better system honestly please share.
clever psychological trick if someone on /britfeel/ is on a mad one having a go at you:

reverse the characters in your stories.
>i have been sexually assaulted TWICE so i think i get one go
if you think that then why waste police time reporting yourself
obviously some BPD weirdo who gets off on it. Leave normal people out of your cluster B episodes please
Got done in for possesion of class A with intent to distribute once
I can see the teams messages asking me about some work. I can see them right there. I'm online, not busy, not doing anything really. I have all the time and ability in the world to answer and resolve whatever it is exactly they want me to do. And yet... I'm just not doing it. I know I should be working and my work laptop is sitting right there. But I'm just not doing anything.

Boggles the mind does it not?
cannabis gives me psychosis, ketamine literally cures my depression.
one gets you laughed off, 'on your way', with a warning, the other is a 'chemical' 'made in a lab' so it's more serious? despite the law saying otherwise.
we desperately need an AI to go through parliament.uk's law section and rewrite them all from scratch based on a system of logic, then expect humans to actually follow through.
Samefagging tactics
>change posting style
>add a reddit space or 2
Just to try and stir up some conflict, the majority of the time.
>grown man
>gets sexually assaulted
Sod it, it's rum time.
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White boys are called boys for a reason. Are they not?
Grown man. Doesn't have sex.
I'm in the process of getting an escort. using taxpayer money to get my dick sucked. it lush
Stay winning, champ
Yeah it's really obvious what he's doing.
i think it's different in certain environments. e.g. there could be a particular dynamic, an aspect about the identity of the men attending the venue, say, that makes you assume some advances are more welcome than they would be elsewhere.
if you use the trade buzzer, and i don't see a proper van outside, i'm not letting you in. delivery isn't a trade. you're not making your delivery.
How to cope with having an ugly gf?
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See the beauty in her?
make up minor lies about how a more attractive girl in Costa/at work/shopping at Aldi paid you a compliment. you were flattered but you weren't interested. she was pretty, had really nice hair - something subtle - so yeah of course, it was flattering. but a bit uncomfortable? that's why you're telling your ugly gf, she's there to support you. it was awkward, right, you have a girlfriend - her!

if you've ever had two girls fight over you, it's like that. except in this case one half of the fight doesn't even have to exist, you just still get all the benefits.
Wish I had a gf. One who plays drums would be cool. She could be my drummer.
here, stone roses, the drums aren't all she's banging

she's banging me. her bf.
My friend is currently in Boston and the rail fares there from London are so ridiculous (90 one way) that I've seriously considered cycling. Honestly I'd do it if there was any way to avoid the A1 and A15, always wanted to do a century ride.

The worst part is the 90 train is not even fast. it's 2 trains and a total of three hours. All for ninety fucking pounds. And don't get me started on the unreliability. When my friend lived in Great Missenden I actually did cycle it from London once because Chiltern Rail was forever on strike.
Jannies need to step up their game and get rid of these chatgpt bot posts
would you support bringing back pre-decimal currency if it was in use alongside current currency?
you're not allowed to mix-and-match so there's no need for conversion, it's just like how we currently have pounds AND kilograms. or cash AND card payments.
i had to look it up but Great Missenden is actually a real place, i think this is a genuine scenario. everything in/around London just sounds so made-up to me, it's attached enough that it's not a mad fictional fairtytale or so obscure it's a country in Central Africa where you just wouldn't know unless you had a reason to, but it's detached enough because it's London and not only do you 'hear' things you can go there and 'experience' them, so it's a mix.
Real story. I did it last year Easter up the A404 and some B road. Took around 3 hours. It's a nice town.
For what purpose?
Isn't digital currency similar to that? Some shops and websites accept bitcoin as well as cash/cards.
What is the difference between aristocrats and chavs?

>Gaz The Chav
>Lives on an estate
>Has never worked
>Drinks and gambles a lot
>Has 5 kids
>Can't afford rent so the government pays it

>Gascoigne the aristocrat
>Lives on an estate
>Has never worked
>Drinks and gambles a lot
>Has 5 kids
>Can't afford inheritance tax so the government pays it
more choice? don't see why you'd want less choice. in fact we created that exact situation, we can un-create it, ya know?
I was going to say bitcoin is decimal but I don't even know since it isn't made up of smaller denominations.
mad to think there are millions of grown adults who believe in shit like ghosts and poltergeists and haunted houses. Just imagine, being a grown middle age man/woman who thinks there's ghosts walking around your home at night. Probably half the population is like this.
the crimes they do. on some basic level, like flinching, you know Gaz chinning a cunt at the pub is a 'worse' crime than Gasco signing the legal forms required to impoverish some families after a shell company his father's multinational manages blahblahblah.

our brains really just can't encapsulate this stuff.
But what do you gain from the extra choice? at least cash and crypto are anonymous. Pre-decimal is just cash with extra steps. Like a meme-coin or something.
the aristocrat is more inbred
apply this to any scientific principle that was only believed by a select few, now you take for granted is 100% accurate scientifically-proven just how the world works.
dismissing a WIDELY held belief that transcends cultures and time periods is even more insane than 'photons' or something. it's nice that you feel smarter than everyone, but i don't actually know if there are ghosts and poltergeists. neither do you.
I don't believe in ghosts but I can't stand skeptics. They think they have an answer for everything and they go out of their way to laugh at others just to look clever. I really don't give a shit if someone believes in Bigfoot UFOs
you gain choices. i don't think you need to take this further than this, it's one of those things that just is itself.
Just out Tesco. Fuck me food has gotten expensive even the cheap shite.
Gasco chins plenty of cunts http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/oxfordshire/6987095.stm
for me it's the tins of stuff you'd joke is 'dog food' (tinned meats: stewed steak and the like)
that was the joke, but also it was 30p. obviously it's the worst stuff, in a can. now it's like some fucking premium item, chilli con carne, on special for just 1.59! get tae fuck
Okay well this is the definitive answer to your question https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gresham%27s_law
if ghosts exist then why have they still never been photographed? don't be a mong lad

bigfoot and UFOs are different, they very much could exist. There's parts of Siberia that humans have never set foot in. Millions of planets that could have alien life. I respect bigfoot believers and ufologists more than ghost believers
yeah but this is news, the expectations are different because they're part of different estates (in the Three Estates sense, not how you were using it which was pretty clever don't think i didn't appreciate that one anon <3)
Why are people always surprised by inflation? Yes, prices did jump suddenly after covid but Freddos weren't gonna stay 20p forever.
fuck this is actually a good point and fascinating. but the fact we even have digital money AND coin money, and have decided they're the same, why couldn't you do that with the two types of coinage? like i said you wouldn't mix and match, so you could have an app/website/live tracker making sure x old pounds are EXACTLY y new pounds. and then how many shillings to a pound would be the same, obviously, just like how there are always one hundred pence to a pound today.
chicken thighs are cheaper than buying canned slop
>if ghosts exist then why have they still never been photographed?
if you know so much about ghosts, what they AREN'T by NOT-EXISTING, you tell me. why are the nega-ghosts, in their absence of existence, avoiding cameras? do they not project visible light? are they shy? worried about the truth getting out?

again: i don't know. you do.
it's the different rates that's weirding me out. i feel like even with the standard rises, there were things you could take for granted, plus there are other dimensions like covid (as you say), shrinkflation, etc.

when i was a kid 20+ years ago a can of pop was 50p, or at least that was the 'standard' price (if it was price marked, newsagents or summat). you know what's strange? i can still get a can of pop for 50p. yeah on the whole they're more expensive, but if i wanted a can of Coca-Cola for specfiically 50p, and it's 330ml, i can go do that, within the next half an hour.

a packet of 500g mince going from 1.89 to 2.19 or something would be oh damn haha inflation! but a 30p tin of cheap shite becoming over a QUID is something else.
imagine telling someone you don't believe in poltergeists and they start showing you derek acorah clips on their phone "well how do you explain this one then?"
howling to think this is probably a real thing that happens in real life
Another example of horseshoe theory in action
>Go ride bike around central London every day because fuck else to do
>See Arab billionaire doing loops around Mayfair in his Lambo
>He passed me about three times
>Was kinda sad desu
>Burning all that petrol and paying ULEZ, CC, all to do 20mph in a circle.
>But I realised he's in the same boat; fuck else to do on a Tuesday afternoon.

cause inflation is much higher on than the officials figures. I have old grocery receipts going back years and the prices are exponentially higher.
have you looked at how inflation is calculated?
sounds like a religious thing, in your example. if you had access to loads of money and there wasn't some twist like "it's actually tied up in _____, it's not just pounds in an account somewhere" then you could sit in your nice London flat with sexy ladies doing a fuckton of cocaine. i suspect this is happening with a lot of rich people right now, and we're not seeing it, obviously.
like why aren't you with sexy ladies doing a fuckton of cocaine, right now? "you don't want to"? if you could wave a magic wand, of course you'd take that option. they, materially, HAVE that option. (fair play if they're religious, that's some strong fibre.)
Yeah, many such cases. This is it now for the foreseeable future. People I talk to about this always seem to brush it off like it's just 'how trains are', which tells me that they've obviously never been to a country with a functioning rail system. It's also only going to get worse and even I tell them that they brush it off even harder and take the non-sensical position of 'oh don't be dramatic there'll always be trains running!'. Like, mong, did you know that Zimbabwe used to have a very good rail system? They used to export dozens of fifty freezer-carriage trains packed to the brim with beef every month. Today? There hasn't been a single train, either commuter or commercial, running on tracks in Zimbabwe for years.

Things can ALWAYS get worse. There is no magical stop button to make civilisation work. You actually have to go out and do it.
those were loss leaders they decided isn't worth losing money on any more
cola is so cheap to make they can eat inflation forever and still make a big profit
Fucking hell the shitbergs are most certainly type 7 today innit
in gay relationships, who dictates when they get to have sex?
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Think I'll have a curry for din dins. Oh aye.
why should I care about this? I've never been on a train and I don't plan to. I don't whinge and demand the government spend hundreds of billions to put in 10gbps fibre when most of the population doesn't care about it.
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Imagine feeding anyone a burger from a can. Let alone your own child.
what's your curry of choice war lod?
there are all sorts of questionable burgers, from burger vans to fast food chains.
but these are the ones that make me question what even is a burger, at a minimum? HOW are these 'burgers'?
Corr US election soon, tempted to get a bag in HHL style and binge watch CNN on the 6th
Derek Acorah was a joker but after years of paranormal research there are a few that I've never seen a convincing debunk of 1) The Patterson-Gimlin film 2) The Levelland UFO 3) The Lonnie Zamora UFO. 4) Lakenheath-Bentwaters UFO I've never seen any convincing ghost case or film. I think Bigfoot is bullshit too but ironically it has the best footage of any paranormal entity. UFOs in the literal sense are totally legit, idk why more people don't take it seriously. Shame it's buried under alien abduction woo-woo.
i've bought too much sriracha. i know if you like sriracha you're thinking "haha no such thing as too much sriracha, i say!"

i've bought three bottles of sriracha.
I'm not surprised at the price hikes but I feel like certain items are gouging compared to actual inflation, lads. It's led me to seek out alternatives. Some lad on here recommended the Polish ketchup from Tesco and it's good shit. Also started cooking loose rice instead of buying those stupid microwave pouches. Saves money and the rice is way nicer.
it was good when MI5 (whoever it was) declassified all those UFO files. lots of letters from nutters. but also them, genuinely, hiding them. 'military intelligence'. what about the various NASA astronaut types who, in later life, went into the whole 'alien' thing?

atheist types like Dawkins are pretty clear that alien life of some form exists. drug nuts of the psychonaut variety agree. and you have a wide spectrum in between. it's the only the bizarre conspiracy cult of skepticism that rejects that type of thing outright, they all have autism or some condition like that.
someone express a negative opinion about cats.
This one's completely fucked but it was a good spaff nonetheless

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scouse guy just had a go at me for telling the guy at the corner shop about the brawl here last Sunday
he thought it was a stabbing involving Albanians, I said it was just a fist fight with drunken Slavs, and he already knew about it anyway
guess he's pissed off because the corner shop guy brought it up to him in front of a load of pisshead parents, but who gives a shit
seasideMARK out with Helen having fish and chips and some beers Dee lads

They have and continue to decimate the native bird population.
i said negative
have you ever seen someone slam their first on a desk/table, like in films?
seem like it'd be scary in real life
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Should he not avoid eating fish given his condition?
This is the problem. The government spent 50 years pushing cars on people now they are trying to force people out of cars and back onto trains but no-one cares about trains anymore so they can't find the funds.
someone in my block has been smoking weed. not even joking. i grew up in a rough area, so i know the smell of cannabis smoke when i see it.
Just smoked something. Can't say what it was.
did anyone else's grandmother have a book shelf they won, and one of the books was fake?
Just choked something. Can't say who it was.
anyone who eats over 3,000 calories in a typical day and doesn't have a medical exemption should be required to report both their food intake and their spending.
obviously they'll lie, but they'll get lazy, caught out. probably some overlap between people typings there.
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Hmm? me thinks a murder has occured.
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Yes, I have. Ack my peeb.
can't believe how long it took me to get "Majora's Mask". yeah the mask OF majora, but also is. right up there with Right Said Fred and The Be Sharps, basically.
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In vape shop rhe guy said something about next rims "next time you're in" sth like this once I left 4 some reason that moment it hit me how demonic this place was preying on my addictive compulsions,,that was few days ago,i won't go back,no nxt time. Am actually relatively off vaping now. I just bored of it suddenly. It's v pointless nd gay when u think about it at all. It took me 8 years 2 get here tho. I quit cig 2017. Then i became vape maniac. Bt am pretty much over it now. Thx
now that you have to OPT OUT of organ donation, do you have to report any organ failures to the NHS/gov?
i'm guessing they do tests i just have this horrifying paranoid thought of them putting my organs in someone else's body. i wouldn't harm a fly. but that's almost like being a serial killer, you get killed, oh good, he's gone, but then he also murders from beyond the grave.
>Unleashed by Boris Johnson


Any lads buying it?
Good one lad, you're hopefully close to stopping all nicotine.
he's definitely clocked your addiction, you should go in once more (go on) and when you go in say something like
"yeah, this is my last time, giving it up after this haha."
he'll cut you some amazing fucking deal or give you something class. i got a gram of ket for free this way, which tided me over until i could get some more ket in.
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Think the nicotine demon is less harmful than alcohol demon etc bt its all equally a waste of time
Probs will be v big discounts early nxt year before disposable ban. Its like April I fink
HHL losing his anal virginity within the next 48 hours
Tempted to make a new thread
318 posts in, only 50 image replies.
you're having a laff, aintcha???
Who is going to stop me though
who indeed anon
who indeed
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If theres more death than births Y is there loads of hospitals bt hardly any cemeteries,no new cemeteries get built do they? Same old 1s that always been there. Bt if u got all these gravestones even if you put several ppl from the same family on it u would run out of space eventually no why haven't they? Cremation? Does that really cover tbe whole thing tho. UK population is v big compared 2 when these cemeteries were first built nd some ppl don't get cremated for different reasons. Kinda spooky 2 think about no,?
"New cemetery" its not sth u ever see. I can't think of a single 1. They've just always been there. So where they stashing the bodies then. Nd why?
I think nicotine is less harmful, definitely, but the chemicals in cigs make it bad.
I do smoke, so am obviously a fool, but I'm aiming to stop, and a step will be moving onto vaping (methinks). Tried to stop a few times, and had success with patches, but then started again, and the 2nd time I used them, I kept having bad reacyions to them.
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Hmm, need a MILF gf.
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Ever notice how literally every woman in the entire world has a boyfrined? Pretty crazy!
SSM doesn't really have TMAU.

He's faking it for bennies.
population figures are fake lad. They say there's 15 million people living in london. If that were true wouldn't it be way more crowded? Imagine 15 million people all going to work at the same time criss crossing each other. There would be deadly crushes every day. Imagine how many millions supposedly cross london bridge, yet only one car can pass at a time. Even if one passes every second that's 86400 a day. Just doesn't add up.
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btw incase you weren't aware, it is Misato Friday.
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This is true. Also consider the fact that every woman has a boyfriend pretty much, and yet there's many single men. Population is clearly not roughly split 50/50 between men and women like we're told. Clearly there's way less women than men. Granted, some of them are basically just in a chads harem where they share a chad, but there aren't THAT many chads and harems.
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Odds for Town, Evens for City
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If u become a non-smoker like I did then smoke again u really feel how bad it is in the morning especially. Few times I fall back on it. Coffee is the same desu. Used 2 drink coffee all day. Quit now 1 cup destroys my tummy. The patch is decent desu. Might be different brands that dint rub u the wrong way like some nicotine gum made me vomit before then the 1 I settled on I could be on all day no probs. Good luck. Not like im a puritan I love cigs in particular desu I feel jealous seeing ppl with them still nd life is v boring nd sad so it's hard. But u feel better for it over time.
Anyone played Stellaris on console?
Population figures are bullshit in that they VASTLY underestimate the actual number of people in the country. We're supposed to believe there are around 66 million people in the UK in 2022?
Actually fuck off. Every single estimate that uses methodologies other than the official census puts it way higher, often in the region of 80 million or more.
honestly it was a daft red letter media they were talking about this as some 'old fashioned' 'back in the day' thing that needed explaining to gen z, along the lines of 'you couldn't use the internet if you were on the phone', that sort of thing
and after a brief stint of confusion then some genuine dread (coupled with embarrassment that it was brought about by a goofy youtube video), i kind of got it, and accepted it was real and not just a joke

churchyards are where we used to bury old people when they died, for a bunch of reasons, now we skew more towards when you die you stop being and there remains a corpse. if you want a grim example of how this exists, in your brain right now, is necrophilia rape? of course not. it's not a person, it's a body. an object. whether you adhere to a religion or look at it completely secularly, it's quickly becoming some mad voodoo thing like 'ha ha they used to eat their enemies' hearts'! in fucking ENGLAND, we used to BURY BODIES in WOODEN BOXES. why? so the alive people could go stand over them, or something? not even mental people who were convinced they could talk to the dead. normal people. everyone. and this was just WHAT WE DID with bodies, when GETTING RID OF A BODY IS SO EASY. we have whole industries dedicated to destroying/compacting/transporting/removing waste. body is just waste.

mental when you think about it, but also completely sane. the most sane change of recent times.
>population figures are fake lad
Am inclined 2 believe that desu
And this a wee bit less actually not really whenever I go outside its pretty much 50/50 or actually more women it feels like bt maybe I just notice the women more since am not a ghay
Decided against making a new thread
our island is relatively small i don't see how you could get it wrong. just take how many people live in say, a hectare, then multiply it to be the number of hectares in the UK.
or do it by food: average human eating say, 1,800 calories? look at all the food production, subtract food waste, divide what's left by 1,800 calories = no. of humans. you can't fake that one unless there was a mass conspiracy to buy and bin food (there isn't.)
Stellantis stock is down nearly 50% since march
The pasta bake is in the oven. I repeat, the pasta bake is in the oven.
Generally people in industry (sewage etc) all think the population is definitely over 70 million
Ye id say it feels more underesrimate than over. Everywhere is crowded. If I look @livestream of different places too its all crowded. Idk if it's millions of ppl crowded tho. Bt then when I think about it. Millions of ppl in 1 city. It kinda doesn't make sense either. If u actually think about that in real terms. Yeah undecided really
there's also the very incredibly obvious solution that instead of making new churchyards, they could dig up the bodies of the old ones and repurpose them for new generations of the dead.

why wouldn't they? because it gives people the ick.
my favourite person hasn't responded to my texts in over an hour.
crosslad, you're my new FP until he gets back to me, ok?
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Just seen the videos of the new Tesla robots corr. iRobot vibes. I get that these are just fancy toys for the super rich but it's still cool to see technological progress.
Because the official census has more holes than swiss cheese, plenty of people simply don't bother filling it out, not to mention the number of people who can't read english just putting mail in the bin whenever it comes through. On top of that do you want to know the official means of tracking how many people enter the country? The Home Office gets a bunch of mongs in hi-vis jackets to stand in airports with clipboards and then randomly ask an assortment of people 'where are you from? how long you staying? what are you doing? etc.' and then extrapolate the figs out from that random sampling. That's why when you look at the figs of foreign citizens in the UK it's always some range of values rather than an objective recorded number that we track.

Water usage, GP registrations, SIM cards, food purchasing etc. all put the population much closer to around 80 million. The dark heart of the british state is that not even the government knows exactly how many people from where are in the country. They lost the ability to actually track that ages ago and aren't doing anything to move back to being able to.
get that muck away from me. taking jobs away from non-robots (us). we need those to afford things we want (which INCLUDES robots, so take a good hard look at your personal values).

Who cares about that fat grifter. The entire Tory party is a bunch of a scammers and snake oil salesmen.
i think the census thing that really does just feel off to me is how many not-straight people there are. in popular culture and news it's overstated, i think that's probably not too absurd to just say.
in statistics people are often honest about the grimmest shit, happens all the time in studies. 'yeah i'd murder/rape/eat someone, why not' 'shocking twist as NUMBER is HIGH!' not shocking at all, just honest.

but then only 4% of people would take it up the arse, are they lying to themselves? is it too low or too high? i don't know. i just know it's incorrect. like how i know ghosts aren't real.
I noticed I was coughing more in the mornings. I need to put effort in and get a proper vape (I have 1, but it is a bit dodgy [keeps upping to max power]).
Not overly confident walking into shops and asking about this kind of thing. When I was a wagie, I worked with a guy that owned a vape shop, so got to talk about it at work. He even had some guy in murrica and got legit THC vape stuff sent over (properly legit, 4 blasts and it was like having a spliff). Lost contact when I left the job.

Pajeets have been taking your jobs for years now lmfao. Why are you bothered about robots?
I will wank you off this weekend and end your NNO streak
Census faults combined with relative agreement of other, non-census means of evaluating the population all indicate that the population is much higher than officially stated.
it's not a competition. i don't want anyone or anything to take the jobs. in fact there are completely gone jobs that 1. should not have been removed and 2. i would advocate for resurrecting them.
#2 sounds insane but look at all the twee gentrified shit people lap up. do something the 'old fashioned' way and it's novel. in old fashioned times, that's just how they did it, because they had to. kneading bread because you couldn't get a breadmaker off Amazon.

imagine inventing cinemas today. "you all come round my house, and watch MY Netflix! but i get to decide what we watch. oh, but my screen/sound system is better than yours. guys? why aren't you queueing round the block???"
mental. but cinemas, cinema ushers, projectionists, and cinema security guards, and the cinema food people, also the cleaners, all of them SHOULD exist. you're evil if you don't want them to, just because of the pragmatism of technological progress.
Why is he fat? He rides a bike everywhere.
could be an automated bike on the inside, the pedals are moving his feet/legs and not the other way around. (there was an old Derren Brown bit showed how they do this.)
>supposedly 15.5 million of britain's 66.9 million population is non-white british
>it's probably actually closer to 30 million out of 80 million
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found a place on spareroom that looks decent
live-in landlord, British English guy, professional, mid thirties
top floor room with an en-suite, 700 a month all bills included, looks like there are only 2 rooms total, doesn't care about references or occupation
called but he didn't fucking answer, FUCK
move to a white area. look at what kinds of places they are. do you want to move there? come on anon, they're white! nary a non-white face to be seeeen~
i already live in one lad
>wanting to live with your landlord
>he knows when you wank and/what drugs do you
you wouldn't even want that with close mates unless you have some sort of kink or ulterior motive, why the fuck would you want with a landlord? did you omit that he's your boyfriend or something?
But youre a german and live in germany
same. happy about the cheap rent but how the fuck do i move? not London or Birmingham or somewhere obviously, maybe like a suburb of Manchester. one of those towns where it's not a city, but you can still go to a big supermarket at midnight.
Over 60% of social housing in the London is occupied by people born outside the country. Not only are we importing eye-watering numbers of people, but we're effectively PAYING THEM to come here LOL!
are you some paki/indian? the "white" people don't typically give a shit to advertise how heckin' white their environment is. places like that usually aren't fun to go outside for anyone.
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Ye thats fine
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Necking that chicken curry. It's a lush andI mean LUSH x
Obsessed with cow print lingerie, lads. Thinking of getting the gf this set:

I wouldn't have thought you were someone who liked spicy food
We must be mad, literally mad
my problem is it's full of smackheads. maybe ____ people (not just race, fill in the blank with all sorts of shite) have some other problem. i'm currently scared every single day of getting my head kicked in or having my window put through. but i'm serious when i say every single person i see is light-skinned. there's no reason to move here.
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I live in a fucking bedsit at the moment for 350 a month and it's a nightmare. the landlord is about 2 hours away
if the landlord lived here it might actually make him pull his finger out and run this place properly. either way, it can't be much worse than living here
last week there was a brawl with Eastern Europeans in the room below me that coated the walls in blood, police were here for hours. I've got to listen to a drunk black guy coughing his guts up every night, doors slamming constantly, there's a fucking Albanian drug gang constantly rotating who's in their room, a schizophrenic black bitch downstairs and so on
I know this is a dumb question to ask on nazichan.org but why do you care so much? White, black or brown none of these 80 million give a fuck about you or aid your life in any way. I just want less people in the country. More people = more competition, this is still true even if immigrants are replaced by white babies.
V kawaii indeed
thanks. if our paths ever cross i'll buy you a disposable vape. even if they're outlawed, i'll do it man. i'll fucking ring up a dealer and hook you up. we're tight like that. for now. we won't be in the future, obviously, but i'll still do this for you, just owe you one. you're special.
just think england should stay majority english
White people sold theirs and left.
Not him, but not all people are the same. Not all ethnicities, cultures, religions are equal and interchangeable. I want to live in England which necessitates the supermajority of people being English. I also agree that the population definitely needs to come drastically down, but if the population comes down to 30 million and it's 95% Indian, what the fuck is the point of anything?
Bro why tho are you a Racist or something??? (EDIT: /S REDDIT!)
t. nigel o'sullivan
>we don't know if we are like 69 million or 80 million people it's whatever though
i keep saying this in these threads but you're getting your population wish, it's happening.
on the real life racial/multicultural fronts there are all sorts of people i find less desirable. as always, class is the far more prevailing issue and we either take it for granted or ignore it. i don't just mean posho estate Gascoigne types, if you're some Guardian homeowner with a herb garden, you're in a different world. i honestly think, culturally, you should be stripped of your Englishness, and ideally shipped to your own private island since you're not helping out your countrymen (just yourself and YOUR family).
me? I share the dalai lama's views on immigration
>feel like a minority/alien in your own country
good. maybe then you'll know what it's like, neurotypicals.
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>white babies

I love spicy food. Posted about necking spicy wizzas loads of times. You must be a newfag.
i also share the dally lama's view on immigration.
let's say what it is. starting with you. i know, i'm testing to see if YOU know.
Gascoigne has done a number on this thread
that was a very silly post of him to make. i am baffled he came to that conclusion.

but you still haven't answered what kind of curry it is. so i'm actually taking his side.
The odd thing is their culture is actually quite compatible with the average British rightoid
Ironically it is leftists who should be opposing this cultural replacement.
i live around smackheads, constant fear of getting my windows put through.
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England for the EngIish
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Don't get it. All I want is a perfect 10/10 goddess gf who loves me unconditionally and we do a femdom themed onlyfans together and make millions and millions of pounds and she genuinely enjoys being dominant with me and will never leave me. She LOVES pegging. None of the femdom stuff ever gives her the ick. Also we lost our virginity together.

Is that really so much to ask? I don't think so.
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I literally said it was a chicken curry in my other post. Christ, is britfeel being intentionally stupid today or something.
>Chad at work dumped this cute co-worker
>3 months down the line, she is STILL hysterical about the break up
>Meanwhile chad has since been in 2 other relationships
How can one compete with this?
This bird has literally been mind broken by Chad's cock, and refuses to move on.
Its insane.
So 2012 in here
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Me and Helper fight for England. It's the way it should be x
that Nothing Compares 2 U lass was actually really smart about all this, i know she's a celebrity and who the fuck cares, but read some of what she said about going Muslim.

of course all you hear is that a pop singer died, or you hear it and ignore everything else because you're not bothered that 'a pop singer died'.
Why not pay them a majority fee of your income for protection?
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In future Britain, people having bars on their windows will become the norm for anyone who doesn't want to get home invaded.
what kind of CURRY, not what's in it? like korma, madras? hell, English, Indian, Chinese?

i think i'm intentionally smart, just not in these threads. i'd compare it to how you have to wear less comfortable clothes going outside. i could easily be a scientist. it's a choice.
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I wonder what's going on in the 2nd city
they do this in Boro, it's like Nightmare on Elm St.
but it's daft because youcan just throw stones/bricks through the bars. jump people as they're coming out those metal doors they have, if the goal is to get inside to get their stuff. (if they're going outside and yur goal is to kick their head in, you can do that at any being-outside point, no need to get tactical.)
Not to be a dick but this lad doesn't ever cook anything. Unlikely he has a clue.
True, but at least you are safe while inside your home, and it's way way harder for people to get in which makes you less of a viable target.
i feel like HHL knows his takeaways.
Pro immigration arguments:
>The English are lazy
>And not having kids
>Asian food is better
>What did you expect colonising them and teaching them English?

Anti-immigration arguments
>??? brown people bad???
you know, this is a fair point, actually. but i think the fear is still there even if it's less rational, and those circumstances that led to it are still in place. like being scared of the dark because of imaginary monsters, vs being scared of the dark because there are actually lyme disease insects on your carpet and you've taken care of them with a spray.
nice try yankee troll but we say
>??? brown people bad???
This is sort of the jeet of it
it's mad that you can't just find things bad. something about the internet and phones and the whole self-centred individualism of it all has led to a degree of overthinking everyone applies to others.

>i don't like broccoli.
New thread lads. Chop chop I'm waiting.
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I don't like black people, or as I like to call them, NIGGERS.
i hope Classic Sonic shows up Sonic the Hedgehog 4, and they all go to Mobius, and all the human characters die because the air there is poison to humans.
except for Robotnik, who's recast as someone actually fat and they're dubbed by an accurate AI of John Long Baldrey (the 90s cartoon).

Individualism is toxic to the nation.
>Muh food
>Muh colonising
Fuck off
he doesn't understand comedy and people, that's an autistic thing, right?
the Riddler was also super into puzzles and had a meltdown bashing his head against things.

all these '___ are stereotypically portrayed as villains' in pop culture, yet autistics are still fair game lol
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Think the Three jeet mum spoke 2 on phone few months ago gave me unlimited data 4 free. I wanted it for a month back then which I paid for bt it's been unlimited ever since July nd the bill hasn't gone up. I guess that's fine.
Someone not liking broccoli doesn't affect anyone. Someone not liking say cash affects me and I tell them they're a fucking idiot every time I hear that opinion.
>I don't like cash
>Because idk it's too much hassle
>But don't you realise that without cash the government will control everything we do?
And this my friend is why the world burns.
this is why it's good that you live in a care home. to some, that would be a care house. (look at how many anons are talking about where they live or the ideal life, and have Freudian slip wrote 'house', like if you said 'tennis courts at my school grounds' in a casual convo)
Yet they aren't and we on the right aren't in favour of them, because subconsciously most people understand that biological substrate is more important.
i used to really like cash but then contactless came in and i just accepted it. it's pretty handy and quick. you have to socially interact with people less. now all that's left is barbers and GPs.
>New thread lads. Chop chop I'm waiting.

Early but here you go

Individualism is what made England the greatest nation in history. We are a thoroughly communitarian nation now and reaping the consequences.

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